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急啊~~~~~~~~~~ 帮忙翻译一段话 中译英

2023-05-19 22:28:13
TAG: 翻译






This is an excerpt from a classic Russian song. The song title is "Who will respond", it"s a collective memory of soldiers who sacrificed their lives during world war 2. This is my favourite song, and I feel like to share it with you all.

你为什么难以入眠 亲爱的妈妈

Why you"re still awake late at night, my dear mother,

你的睫毛为何颤动 亲爱的妈妈

Why does your eyelash tremble, my dear mother


Twilight clouds of sadness scattered over the hills


Where the children died in wars rest in peace

唉 不会有奇迹 人死不能复活

Alas, there"ll be no miracle, the dead can"t be brought back to life

唉 命运不能忏悔不会请求宽恕

Alas, we can"t beg for mercy from goddess of destiny



Telltale wrinkles rooted on her aged faces


Only fatigue and coldness are seen in her eyes


还在等待亲人 但他们不再归

She"s still waiting for her loved ones --who will never return

谁来回答她啊 有谁来回应?

Who will answer her callings, who will respond to her?




This is a segmentone of an old Russian song


The song is called "who respond to"


Designed to commemorate the soldiers who died in World War II.


I like this song,

So I would like to share with you ~ ~ ~


Why do you hardly sleep Dear Mama

你为什么难以入眠 亲爱的妈妈

Why do you tremble eyelashes Dear Mama

你的睫毛为何颤动 亲爱的妈妈

Sadness sunlow hung over the hills


Children who died there are buried underground


alas, there will be no wonder . The dead can not be recalled to life

唉 不会有奇迹 人死不能复活

Alas, the fate doesn"t confess can not appeal for mercy

唉 命运不能忏悔不会请求宽恕

The old cheeks charactered with wrinkl


Only left those tired and cold

Still waiting for their loved ones but they are no longer come back


还在等待亲人 但他们不再归

Who will answer her? Who will response ?

谁来回答她啊 有谁来回应?





This segment is intercept from one old Russia song whose name is 《who will give the response》by me ,aimming to remember those warriors died during the second world war.I love this song very much,and I want to share the song with you evrybody.

你为什么难以入眠 亲爱的妈妈

Why is it so hard for you to fall asleep ,my dear mom

你的睫毛为何颤动 亲爱的妈妈

Why are your eyelashes atremble,my dear mom


Beside the hill ,hanging the distressed sunglow


There are chirldren died in the war are sleeping under earth

唉 不会有奇迹 人死不能复活

Alas there will be not wonder,as the dead people can"t relive

唉 命运不能忏悔不会请求宽恕

Alas the fate can"t be confessed and will not allowed to be forgived


Aged face is full of wrinkle


What left are those tiredness and coldness

还在等待亲人 但他们不再归

I am waitting for my relatives,but they will not be back

谁来回答她啊 有谁来回应?

And who will answer her ,who?




你为什么难以入眠 亲爱的妈妈

你的睫毛为何颤动 亲爱的妈妈



唉 不会有奇迹 人死不能复活

唉 命运不能忏悔不会请求宽恕



还在等待亲人 但他们不再归

谁来回答她啊 有谁来回应?


Why do you hardly sleep Dear Mama

Why do you tremble eyelashes Dear Mama

Sadness hung over the hills of the sunset

Children who died there are buried underground

Alas, there will be no resurrection miracle is not dead

Alas, the fate of the request can not repent will not forgive

Old on the cheek was covered with wrinkles

Leaving only those tired and cold

Still waiting for their loved ones but they are no longer under the

Who will answer her response ah Who?







This is an excerpt from a classic Russian song. The song title is "Who will respond", it"s a collective memory of soldiers who sacrificed their lives during world war 2. This is my favourite song, and I feel like to share it with you all.

你为什么难以入眠 亲爱的妈妈

Why you"re still awake late at night, my dear mother,

你的睫毛为何颤动 亲爱的妈妈

Why does your eyelash tremble, my dear mother


Twilight clouds of sadness scattered over the hills


Where the children died in wars rest in peace

唉 不会有奇迹 人死不能复活

Alas, there"ll be no miracle, the dead can"t be brought back to life

唉 命运不能忏悔不会请求宽恕

Alas, we can"t beg for mercy from goddess of destiny



Telltale wrinkles rooted on her aged faces


Only fatigue and coldness are seen in her eyes


还在等待亲人 但他们不再归

She"s still waiting for her loved ones --who will never return

谁来回答她啊 有谁来回应?

Who will answer her callings, who will respond to her?




2023-01-11 09:17:282


[�0�5"l�0�3s] 读作额咧斯
2023-01-11 09:17:363


Alas[地名] [印度尼西亚] 阿拉斯希望对你有帮助!
2023-01-11 09:17:481


含有als的单词如下:1、alas:[əˈlæs]释义:int. 唉,哎呀(表示悲伤、怜悯等)。例句:Alas, my love, I must leave now.  哎呀,天哪,我得走了。2、alcoholism:[ˈælkəhɔ:ˌlɪzəm, -hɔ-]释义:n.酒精中毒;酗酒。例句:Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.  酗酒常常导致家庭和朋友间的疏远。3、alias:[ˈeɪli:əs, ˈeɪljəs]释义:n. 化名,别名。例句:John Lord, alias Peter Lewis, was convicted of murder.  约翰·洛得,别名彼得·刘易斯,被判犯有谋杀罪。4、alabaster:[ˈæləˌbæstə]释义:adj. 雪白的。例句:The floor was marble tile, and the columns alabaster.  地板是由大理石铺成的,柱子则是雪花石膏打造而成。5、allusion:[əˈlu:ʒən]释义:n. 暗示,间接提示。例句:He made an allusion to a secret plan in his speech.  在讲话中他暗示有一项秘密计划。
2023-01-11 09:17:531

alas,lie groove 什么意思

alas,lie groove唉,卧槽
2023-01-11 09:18:002


有可能是 american sign language 美国手语
2023-01-11 09:18:083


2023-01-11 09:18:202


2023-01-11 09:18:311


2023-01-11 09:18:3713


2023-01-11 09:20:051


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2023-01-11 09:20:234


sigh, we have to have lessons again tomorrow!
2023-01-11 09:20:414


  我家的狗狗卷毛  我在很久以前就想养一只小狗,因为小狗很可爱,小狗也是人类身边最忠实的动物,非常受人类欢迎,可惜我家一直都没有一只小狗,虽然妈妈和爸爸也很喜欢小狗,但是妈妈总说小狗太脏了不能养。今年事情终于有了转变妈妈同意养狗了!这可把我和爸爸乐开了花。  这只小狗是一只泰迪玩具犬,身上的毛卷卷的,短短的尾巴摇来摇去的,真是可爱极了!我们绞尽脑汁的给这只可爱的小狗取名字,我取了很多外国名字,可妈妈总觉得叫的不顺口,最终妈妈说:“你看它身上的毛卷卷的,起简单点就叫卷毛算了。”爸爸听了也非常赞同,唉,既然大家都同意了,那我也没办法反抗呀,好吧这次就依他们了。就这样我们家和卷毛的开心生活就此开始了。  别看卷毛长得小小的,就像一只玩具狗一样,可它食量可不小哇。瞧,才摆得一盆狗粮,它就以“迅雷不及掩耳之势”的速度吃完了,把我和爸爸妈妈都吓了一跳,妈妈很是惊讶,她不敢相信这么小的狗竟然吃东西的速度会这么快,卷毛吃完以后竟然站了起来,后腿支撑在后面使自己站起来,在用前面的两只爪子抓住妈妈的腿,还要吃。“这么小的狗,哪能吃啦?再吃就把胃吃坏了,卷毛自己玩去吧。”可是卷毛还是继续要吃的,急的竟然叫出了声来,妈妈只好又给它吃了点饼干。喂完卷毛后,我们全家便坐在沙发上看电视,没想到卷毛先向后退了几步,活像赛场上将要百米冲刺的运动员在摆预备的动作,果然卷毛快速的冲上了沙发,这可让融入到电视的紧张情节里的爸爸妈妈感到格外的惊喜,这么小的狗就能跳上沙发。卷毛爬过每个人身上,最终坐到了爸爸腿上,爸爸抚摸着卷毛的身体,看着精彩的电视。“呵,狗还看电视呢?”妈妈笑着说。我和爸爸马上观察起卷毛,嘿!卷毛两只圆溜溜的眼睛正在目不转睛的看着电视呢,这是我人生中第一次见到狗在看电视,还看得这么入神,真是有趣啊!  My home haired dog     A long time ago I wanted to raise a puppy, because puppies are cute, puppies are also the most loyal human beings around the animals, very welcomed by human, but my family has never had a dog, although the mother and father are puppy love, but my mother always said not raising the dirty dog. Things have changed this year, her mother finally agreed to the dogs! This is me and my father feminine.     This puppy is a toy dog Teddy, his curly hair and a short tail swaying, and is very cute! We are the brains to get this cute little dog names, I get a lot of foreign names can be called the mother does not always feel that comes to people"s mind and eventually his mother said: "You see his curly hair and a simple starting point Curly just called. "listening to great support of my father, alas, since we all agreed, then I have no means to resist it, well in accordance with the on them. In this way, our family and the happy life woolpack this started.     Although haired little longer, just like a toy dog can eat it from time to time small wow. Look, it was a bowl of dog food before it to "the suddenness of a thunderbolt," the speed of eating, and my mother and father were shocked, my mother was very surprised, she could not believe such a small the dog has to eat so fast the speed will be, even after eating Curly stood up, back support in the back of their stand up in front with two claws to seize the mother"s legs, but also to eat. "Such a small dog, how can吃啦? Eat they eat bad stomach, and Curly go their own play." But still continue to eat Curly, and anxious to call the sound of surprise, the mother had given It points to eat a biscuit. Curly feed, we have the whole family sofa TV, Curly did not expect the first few steps back like a 100 meters sprint game will have to put the athletes in the preparation of the action, was washed up on fast Curly a sofa, which allows the tension into the circumstances of the television in the parents was particularly surprising, such a small dog will be able to jump onto the sofa. Curly climb over each person, the final leg to come to the father, father woolpack touched the body, looked good on television. "Oh, the dog can also watch television?" Her mother said with a smile. My Father and I immediately observed from Curly, Hey! Curly two round eyes yo eyes are watching the television, this was the first time in my life to see the dog watching TV, but also to see so入神really interesting ah!别的不说,小狗在家里随地大小便可是不好的行为哦。所以妈妈现在开始培训卷毛自己去上卫生间了,“卷毛,不可以随地大小便哦,不然家里会很臭的,一定要去卫生间。”妈妈蹲下来嘱咐着卷毛。我心里想:“跟狗说话它能听懂吗?”后来我才想起来,妈妈曾经说过狗有三岁小孩的智商,一些简单常用的语言,小狗能听懂的。可是,这有什么用啊?我们家卷毛还是天天在家中随地大小便,害的我们家天天都要开窗子通风,空调开几个小时就要关一次,但是有什么办法呢?既然要了这只狗,总不能再扔了,再还给人家吧?唉,我们还是认命吧。以后,妈妈想出了个办法就是每天每隔三四个小时就带卷毛去卫生间,这样卷毛就会在卫生间里大小便了。  清晨,卷毛的早餐十分丰盛,有鸡蛋和狗粮。换了是别的狗看了肯定是非常非常羡慕的,我想卷毛到我们这个家庭里肯定会感到很开心吧!  这就是我们家里与宠物狗卷毛的快乐生活,我们都要爱护小动物,它们都是我们人类的朋友哦!它们个个都很可爱呢!  To say the least, dog urine in the home place of the act but oh well. So start training now haired mother to go to the bathroom, "said Curly, can not relieve themselves anywhere Oh, not at home would be a bad one, we go to the bathroom." Asked the mother to squat Curly. I said to myself: "it can speak with the dog to understand it?" Later, I came to think of it, my mother once said that dogs have a three-year-old child"s IQ, a number of commonly used simple language, the dog can understand. However, what use is it ah? Curly every day in our home or anywhere toilet at home, victims of our family have to open the window every day, ventilation and air conditioning, open a few hours will be related, but what solutions? As to the dog, can not throw it away again, and then returned home, right? Alas, we now accept its fate. After her mother came up with a way every day with 34 hours on the toilet to Curly, Curly would do in the bathroom the toilet.     Early in the morning, breakfast is very rich Curly, there are eggs and dog food. Change is certainly seen other dog is very, very envious of, I would like to Curly to our family will certainly feel very happy now!     This is what we haired dog at home with the happy life, we have to care for small animals, they are our friends Oh mankind! They are all so cute!
2023-01-11 09:20:556


2023-01-11 09:21:351


呃: 1. hiccough 2. HAW 3. Ur 4. eh Examples: 他说:"老兄,原来你在这里,你还活着吗,呃?" "So there you are, old chap, still in the land of the living, eh? " he said. 啊: 1. ah 2. (interj.) Relative explainations: <ugh> <whee> <jiminy> <Oh my!> <dear> <That accounts for the milk in the cocoanut> <That accounts for the milk in the coconut.> Examples: 1. 啊,你在这里呀! Ah, there you are! 2. 哦!天啊!我英文没有考及格! Oh, dear! I failed in the English examination! 3. 啊,好啦,一样白米养百样人嘛。 Ah, well, it take all kinds! 4. 啊,我真喜欢这首歌!好高兴! Ah, I really love this song! I am so glad! 5. 多可爱的婴儿啊! Isn"t that baby a dear?
2023-01-11 09:21:414

but alas 什么意思?

是but also吧?Not only .....but also 不但、、、而且
2023-01-11 09:21:542


塞韦罗·奥乔亚(1959年诺贝尔医学奖得主)霍维利亚诺斯(Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos) (1744-1811)雷欧博尔多·阿拉斯(Leopoldo Alas)(1851-1901)剧作家卡索纳(Alejandro Casona) (1903-1965)足球运动员兰加拉(Isidro Lángara) (1912-1992)一级方程式赛车车手费尔南多·阿隆索(Fernando Alonso)足球运动员比利亚(David Villa)足球运动员、教练路易斯.恩里克足球运动员马塔(Juan Mata)足球运动员,“双脚魔幻小精灵”,桑蒂·卡索拉(Santiago Cazorla González)
2023-01-11 09:22:061


2023-01-11 09:22:163


2023-01-11 09:22:272


alas 哎呀alias 别名alms 救济Alpa 阿尔卑斯山脉alumnus 男校友alveolus 小孔always 总是
2023-01-11 09:22:351


◎ 【唉】 【āi】〈叹〉(1) (形声。从口,矣声。本义:表示答应)(2) 同本义 [yes;well]唉,应也。——《说文》唉,予知之。——《庄子·知北游》。释文:“应声。”勤唉厥生。——《韦贤讽谏诗》(3) 又如:“你一定要去呀!”“唉,我是要去的。”(4) 假借为诶。表示叹息 [alas]亚父受玉斗,置之地,拔剑撞而破之,曰:“唉!竖子不足与谋”。——《史记·项羽本纪》。(5) 又如:“唉!”他又长长地叹了口气;唉!管不了他!◎ 【唉】 【ài】〈叹〉(1) 表示伤感或惋惜 [oh,well]。如:唉!他不小心摔伤了(2) 表示同情 [alas]。如:唉,他病得怪可怜的!◎ 【唉】常用词语唉唉;唉声叹气;唉姐;讯唉
2023-01-11 09:22:415


□ □... □□□□□□ □□□ □□Beta □□6. □. □□□Beta □□ □□K Upsilon □□□□□Beta □ □ Gamma □ □□ ю □ □□ □□. □□ □. □ □□ □□□ □ □K. □. □Beta □□ □□□. □□ □□□□□ □ □ □Beta □□□□ □□□□Xi □ * □□□□□ イ K □ □□□□.. □..
2023-01-11 09:23:063

英语单词 Alaska汉语是什么意思?

2023-01-11 09:23:174


身上没有彩凤那双可以飞翔的翅膀,心灵却像犀牛角一样,有一点白线可以相通。 爱情诗哦!
2023-01-11 09:23:313


汉字:唉 唉 拼音: ài,āi, 笔划: 10 部首: 口 五笔输入法: kctd 基本解释: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 唉 āi 叹词,应人声. 叹息的声音:唉声叹气. 唉 ài 叹词,表示伤感或惋惜:唉,病了几天,把事都耽误了. 笔画数:10; 部首:口; 笔顺编号:2515431134 详细解释: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 唉 āi 【叹】 (形声.从口,矣声.本义:表示答应) 同本义〖yes;well〗 唉,应也.——《说文》 唉,予知之.——《庄子·知北游》.释文:“应声.” 勤唉厥生.——《韦贤讽谏诗》 又如:“你一定要去呀!”“唉,我是要去的.” 假借为诶.表示叹息〖alas〗 亚父受玉斗,置之地,拔剑撞而破之,曰:“唉!竖子不足与谋”.——《史记·项羽本纪》. 又如:“唉!”他又长长地叹了口气;唉!管不了他! 另见ài 唉 ài 【叹】 表示伤感或惋惜〖oh,well〗.如:唉!他不小心摔伤了 表示同情〖alas〗.如:唉,他病得怪可怜的! 另见āi 相关词语: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 唉唉 唉姐 唉声叹气 讯唉
2023-01-11 09:24:101


2023-01-11 09:24:162

alas my love, you do me wrong ,to cast me off disgourteously 是那首歌的歌词

袖底风· 绿袖
2023-01-11 09:24:252


2023-01-11 09:24:336


2023-01-11 09:24:5911

“Time goes,you say?Ah no! / Alas,Time stays, we go.”是谁的诗?

英国诗人Henry Austin Dobson这几句是关于时间哲学的。一般看来,时间动态的,即time goes。但其实时间是静止的,在变化的是世界(人类,植物,动物都经由生长到死去)。即我们生活在静止的时间里。貌似文学课上教授是这么说的,嘿,希望对你有帮助。
2023-01-11 09:25:401


  唉的组词:   唉唉、唉姐、唉呀、讯唉   英文解释   1.唉 [āi]2.唉 [ài]   唉 [āi]   <叹>yes;right;well;alas;   唉 [ài]   <叹>(表示伤感或惋惜) oh;ah;well ;    中文解释   唉 [āi]   叹词,应人声。   叹息的声音:~声叹气。   唉 [ài]   叹词,表示伤感或惋惜:~,病了几天,把事都耽误了。   详细解释   1. 唉 [ài]2. 唉 [āi]   唉 [ài]   〈叹〉   表示伤感或惋惜 [oh,well]。如:唉!他不小心摔伤了   表示同情 [alas]。如:唉,他病得怪可怜的!   另见 āi   唉 [āi]   〈叹〉   (形声。从口,矣声。本义:表示答应)   同本义 [yes;well]   唉,应也。——《说文》   唉,予知之。——《庄子·知北游》。释文:“应声。”   勤唉厥生。——《韦贤讽谏诗》   又如:“你一定要去呀!”“唉,我是要去的。”   假借为诶。表示叹息 [alas]   亚父受玉斗,置之地,拔剑撞而破之,曰:“唉!竖子不足与谋”。——《史记·项羽本纪》。   又如:“唉!”他又长长地叹了口气;唉!管不了他!   另见 ài   中英例句   唉,英国家庭净储蓄水平极低。   Alas, the uk"s net household savings are exceptionally low.   唉,这不是一头真的牛。   Well, this isn"t a real cow.   唉,我又得去一次黑人区。   Oh, I get to go to harlem again.   唉!,真聪明。是的,不是吗?   Gosh, that was really was, wasn"t it?   唉受伤害的小可怜!   Alas, poor hurt fowl!
2023-01-11 09:25:582


汉字:唉 唉 拼音: ài,āi, 笔划: 10 部首: 口 五笔输入法: kctd 基本解释: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 唉 āi 叹词,应人声. 叹息的声音:唉声叹气. 唉 ài 叹词,表示伤感或惋惜:唉,病了几天,把事都耽误了. 笔画数:10; 部首:口; 笔顺编号:2515431134 详细解释: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 唉 āi 【叹】 (形声.从口,矣声.本义:表示答应) 同本义〖yes;well〗 唉,应也.——《说文》 唉,予知之.——《庄子·知北游》.释文:“应声.” 勤唉厥生.——《韦贤讽谏诗》 又如:“你一定要去呀!”“唉,我是要去的.” 假借为诶.表示叹息〖alas〗 亚父受玉斗,置之地,拔剑撞而破之,曰:“唉!竖子不足与谋”.——《史记·项羽本纪》. 又如:“唉!”他又长长地叹了口气;唉!管不了他! 另见ài 唉 ài 【叹】 表示伤感或惋惜〖oh,well〗.如:唉!他不小心摔伤了 表示同情〖alas〗.如:唉,他病得怪可怜的! 另见āi 相关词语: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 唉唉 唉姐 唉声叹气 讯唉
2023-01-11 09:26:091


唉[ ābaii ] 1.叹词,应人声。 2.叹息的声音du:唉声叹气。唉zhi呀,唉 [ ài ] 叹词,dao表示zhuan伤感或惋惜:~shu,病了几天,把事都耽误了。〈叹〉表示伤感或惋惜。如:唉!他不小心摔伤了表示同情。如:唉,他病得怪可怜的!另见āi唉〈叹〉(形声。从口,矣声。本义:表示答应)同本义唉,应也。——《说文》唉,予知之。——《庄子·知北游》。释文:“应声。”勤唉厥生。——《韦贤讽谏诗》又如:“你一定要去呀!”“唉,我是要去的。”假借为诶。表示叹息唉组词:bai唉姐、唉呀、讯唉du、唉唉、唉声zhi叹气dao唉声叹气[āishēngtànqìzhuan]生词本基本释义因伤shu感郁闷或悲痛而发出叹息的声音。贬义出处明·凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》第三十八卷:“终日价没心没想;哀声叹气。”例句他一边无精打采地踱步,一边~。唉】bai【āi】〈叹〉(1)(形声。du从口,矣声。本义:表示答应zhi)(2)同本义[yes;well]唉dao,应也zhuan。——《说文》唉,予知之。——《庄子·知北游shu》。释文:“应声。”勤唉厥生。——《韦贤讽谏诗》(3)又如:“你一定要去呀!”“唉,我是要去的。”(4)假借为诶。表示叹息[alas]亚父受玉斗,置之地,拔剑撞而破之,曰:“唉!竖子不足与谋”。——《史记·项羽本纪》。(5)又如:“唉!”他又长长地叹了口气;唉!管不了他!◎【唉】【ài】〈叹〉(1)表示伤感或惋惜[oh,well]。如:唉!他不小心摔伤了(2)表示同情[alas]。如:唉,他病得怪可怜的!◎【唉】常用词语唉唉;唉声叹气;唉姐;讯唉
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2023-01-11 09:27:441


hahaha~哈哈哈(笑声)oh!噢(惊叹)an,hum嗯(点头..)Oh, it"s you.Heavens! How dull you are!常用的感叹词有:ah 啊(表示惊奇,高兴,同意,注意,h出现在元音字母后面是不发音的)aha 啊哈(表示得意,高兴)alas 哎呀(表示痛苦,焦急)bravo 好样的(表示欢呼鼓劲)o 哦(表示惊奇、恐惧、痛苦或高兴)(后面有逗点或感叹号时,写成oh)bah 哔(表示鄙视)fie 表示轻蔑hurrah 乌拉(表示欢呼)bosh 胡说ha ha 哈哈heigh-ho 呵呵hem 哼hey 嗨hum 哼pish 呸pooh-pooh 呸呸pshaw 哼so 就这样tush 哔tut-tut 啧ugh 咄wow 哇又如:Lo and behold.Hello, Julia!有一种词类叫做拟声词,摹仿自然的声音,自然界的声音无限,通过我们耳朵和大脑的诠释,主观音感的辨别,再由自己语言的音位系统模拟,一个个音节表示声音,是纯表音的,也可以归到感叹词一类,也是一种虚词,如:baa 咩bang 撞击,砰pop 跳出whiz 飕mew 喵crack 爆裂声crash 碎裂声splash 溅swish 沙tick-tock 滴答ding-dong 叮咚
2023-01-11 09:28:161

卖火柴的小女孩 英文名

A girl who sells match
2023-01-11 09:28:226


当唉ài是第四声的时候,没有组词,是个叹词而已,表示伤感或惋惜:例如:唉,这事又泡汤了。当它是第一声的时候有组词,比如唉声叹气。“唉”具体解释如下:[ āi ]1、表示应答:唉,我在这儿。2、表示叹息:唉,有什么办法呢。[ ài ]表示伤感或惋惜:唉,病了几天,把工作都耽误了。扩展资料唉笔画部分词语解释:1、唉声叹气:[āi shēng tàn qì] 因伤感、烦闷或痛苦而发出叹息的声音。2、唉姐:[āi jiě] 方言。祖母。3、讯唉:[xùn āi] 问答。
2023-01-11 09:28:446

新疆的阿拉山口 用英语如何表示

Alascal Port
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唉呀 唉声叹气
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2023-01-11 09:29:516


my darling
2023-01-11 09:30:149


木兰是中国人民最喜欢的古代女性之一,我们认识木兰是从初中课本上的《木兰辞》而来。下面是木兰辞的俩种不同英文翻译,请大家收藏! 1 木兰辞 The Mulan Ballad 翻译:汪榕培唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。不闻机杼声,唯闻女叹息。问女何所思?问女何所忆?女亦无所思,女亦无所忆。昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵,军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄,愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。Alas oh alas! Alas oh alas!Mulan is weaving cloth of topmost class.Listen and you don"t hear the spinning drone;You only hear the maiden sigh and moan."Good lass, what thought has occupied your mind?Good lass, what thought can you not leave behind?""I"ve nothing that has occupied my mind;I"ve nothing that I cannot leave behind.I saw the new recruiting lists last night;The Khan is summoning the men to fight.The twelve lists are literally the same;In every list there is my father"s name.My dad does not have any grown-up son;I have no elder brother to carry the gun.I"ll go and buy a stalwart horse and padSo as to go to battle for my dad."东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。朝辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边。不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。旦辞黄河去,暮至黑山头。不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻燕山胡骑声啾啾。万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。将军百战死,壮士十年归。She buys a strong steed in the eastern market;She buys a saddle in the western market;She buys a bridle in the southern market;She buys a long whip in the northern market.She leaves her dearest parents by daylight,And stays by the Yellow River for the night.She can no longer hear her parents" sound,But only hears the rushing flood around.She leaves the Yellow River by daylight.Arrives at Mount Heishan at early night.She can no longer hear her parents" sound;She only hears the Tartar steeds around.She goes for miles and miles to join the war,And crosses hills and valleys with the crops.The northern wind resounds the watchmen"s hail;The chilly moon shines on their coats of mail.Countless men die on the battlefields.While other men return with swords and shileds.归来见天子,天子坐明堂。策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。可汗问所欲,“木兰不用尚书郎,愿借明驼千里足,送儿还故乡。”爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将。阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆。小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。Mulan receives an audience from the Khan,Who makes a huge grant to the valiant “man.”Mulan is praised and offered the highest post,And given piles of treasures she can boast.She says when asked what she would like to do,“High posts at court are not what I pursue.All I want is a camel with its crewTo send me home to start my life anew.”On hearing that Mulan will soon be home,Her parents leave the courtyard arm in arm.On hearing that Mulan will soon be home,Her younger sister makes up to add charm.On hearing that Mulan will soon be home,Her younger brother butches pigs on the farm.开我东阁门,坐我西阁床。脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳。当窗理云鬓,对镜贴花黄。出门看火伴,火伴皆惊惶。同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。“雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离;两兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌!”She opens doors of chambers east and westAnd sits upon her bed to take a rest.She first takes off her warrior"s coat of mailAnd then puts on her female dress and veil.She stands by windows doing her long hairAnd faces mirrors painting her brows fair.When she meets her mates in female array,They stare at her in great surprise and say,“We fought for twelve years in the same brigade,But never knew that Mulan was a maid!”“The male rabbit hops and skips on the ground;The female rabbit winks and blinks around.When two rabbits scurry to and fro,Who knows which is the buck and which the doe?”2 木兰辞 Song of Mulan 翻译: 许渊冲唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。不闻机杼声,唯闻女叹息。问女何所思?问女何所忆?女亦无所思,女亦无所忆。昨夜见军帖,可汗大点兵,军书十二卷,卷卷有爷名。阿爷无大儿,木兰无长兄,愿为市鞍马,从此替爷征。Alack,alas! Alack, alas!She weaves and sees the shuttle pass.You cannot hear the shuttle, why?Its whir is drowned in her deep sigh."Oh, what are you thinking about?Will you tell us? Will you speak out?""I have no worry on my mind,Nor have I grief of any kind.I read the battle roll last night;The Khan has ordered men to fight.The roll was written in twelve books;My father"s name was in twelve nooks.My father has no grown-up son,For elder brother I have none.I"ll get a horse of hardy raceAnd serve in my father"s place."东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。朝辞爷娘去,暮宿黄河边。不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅。旦辞黄河去,暮至黑山头。不闻爷娘唤女声,但闻燕山胡骑声啾啾。万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。将军百战死,壮士十年归。She buys a steed at eastern fair,A whip and saddle here and there.She buys a bridle at the southAnd metal bit for the horse"s mouth.At dawn she leaves her parents by the city wall;At dusk she reaches Yellow River shore.All night she listens for old folk"s familiar call,But only hears the Yellow River"s roar.At dawn she leaves the Yellow River shore;To mountains Black she goes her way.At night she hears old folk"s familiar voice no more,But only on north mountains Tartar horses neighs.For miles and miles the army march alongAnd cross the mountain barriers as in flight.The northern wind has chilled the watchman"s gong,Their coat of mail glistens in wintry light.In ten years they"ve lost many captains strong,But battle-hardened warriors come back in delight.归来见天子,天子坐明堂。策勋十二转,赏赐百千强。可汗问所欲,“木兰不用尚书郎,愿借明驼千里足,送儿还故乡。”爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将。阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆。小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。Back they have their audience with the Khan in the hall,Honors and gifts are lavished on warriors all.The Khan asks her what she wants as a grace."A camel fleet to carry me to my native place."Hearing that she has come,Her parents hurry to meet her at city gate.Her sister rouges her face at home,Her younger brother kills pig and sheep to celebrate.开我东阁门,坐我西阁床。脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳。当窗理云鬓,对镜贴花黄。出门看火伴,火伴皆惊惶。同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。“雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离;两兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌!”She opens the doors east and westAnd sits on her bed for a rest.She doffs her garb wore under fireAnd wears again female attire.Before the window she arranges her hairAnd in the mirror sees her image fair.Then she comes out to see her former mate,Who stares at her in amazement great:"We have marched together for twelve years,We did not know there was a lass" mid our compeers!""Both buck and doe have lilting gaitAnd both their eyelids palpitate.When side by side two rabbits go,Who can tell the buck from the doe?"
2023-01-11 09:30:441


砷化镓(英文名称为Gallium arsenide,化学式为GaAs)是镓和砷两种元素所合成的化合物。也是很重要的半导体材料,被用来制作像微波集成电路(例如单晶微波集成电路 MMIC)、红外线发光二极管、雷射二极管和太阳电池等元件。砷化镓的优点GaAs拥有一些比Si还要好的电子特性,如高的饱和电子速率及高的电子移动率,使得GaAs可以用在高于250 GHz的场合。如果等效的GaAs和Si元件同时都操作在高频时,GaAs会拥有较少的噪声。也因为GaAs有较高的崩溃电压,所以GaAs比同样的Si元件更适合操作在高功率的场合。因为这些特性,GaAs电路可以运用在移动电话、卫星通讯、微波点对点连线、雷达系统等地方。GaAs曾用来做成Gunn diode (中文翻做甘恩二极管或微波二极管) 以发射微波。GaAs的的另一个优点:它是直接能隙的材料,所以可以用来发光。而Si是间接能隙的材料,只能发射非常微弱的光。(但是,最近的技术已经可以用Si做成LED和运用在雷射。)因为GaAs的切换速度很快,所以GaAs被认为是电脑应用的理想材料。1980年代时,大家都认为微电子市场的主力将从Si换成GaAs。首先试着要去改变的有超级电脑的供应商Cray电脑公司、Convex电脑公司,Alliant电脑系统公司,这些公司都试着要抢下CMOS微处理器技术的领导地位。Cray公司最后终于在1990年代早期建造了一台GaAs为基础的机器,叫Cray-3。但这项成就还没有被充分地运用,公司就在1995年破产了。硅的优点Si比GaAs好,有三个主要理由。第一,Si制程是大量生产且便宜的制程。且Si有较好的物理应力,所以可做成大尺寸的晶圆(现今,Si晶圆直径约为300 mm,而GaAs晶圆最大直径约只有150 mm)。在地球表面上有大量Si的原料:硅酸盐矿。硅工业已发展到规模经济(透过高的产能以降低单位产品的成本)的情形了,更降低了工业界使用GaAs的意愿。第二个主要的优点是,Si很容易就会变成二氧化硅(在电子元件中,这是一种很好的绝缘体)。二氧化硅可以轻易地被整合到Si电路中,且二氧化硅和Si拥有很好的界面特性。反观,GaAs不能产生一层稳定且附着在GaAs上的绝缘层。第三,大概也是最重要的Si的优点,是Si拥有高很多的电洞移动率。在需要CMOS逻辑时,高的电洞率可以做成高速的P-通道场效应晶体管。如果需要快速的CMOS结构时,虽然GaAs的电子移动率快,但因为它的功率消耗高,所以使的GaAs电路无法被整合到Si逻辑电路中。砷化镓的异质结构因为GaAs和AlAs的晶格常数几乎是一样的,所以可以利用分子束磊晶(molecular beam epitaxy, MBE)或有机金属气相磊晶 (metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy,MOVPE,也称做有机金属化学气相沉积法),在GaAs上轻易地形成异质的结构,如成长砷化铝(AlAs)或砷化铝镓(AlxGa1-xAs)合金。且因为成长出来的层应力很小,所以几乎可以成长任意的厚度。GaAs的另一个很重要的应用是高效率的太阳电池。1970年时,Zhores Alferov和他的团队在苏联做出第一个GaAs异质结构的太阳电池。 用GaAs、Ge和InGaP三种材料做成的三接面太阳电池,有32%以上的效率,且可以操作在2,000 suns下的光。这种太阳电池曾运用在探测火星表面的机器人:精神号漫游者 (spirit rover) 和机会号漫游者 (opportunity rover)。而且很多太阳电池都是用GaAs来做电池阵列的。利用Bridgeman技术可以制造出GaAs的单晶,因为GaAs的力学特性,所以用Czochralski法是很难运用在GaAs材料的。但,曾经有人有Czochralski法做出超高纯度的GaAs当做半绝缘体。安全GaAs的毒性至今仍没有被很完整的研究。因为它含有As,经研究指出,As是有毒的,As也是一种致癌物质。但,因为GaAs的晶体很稳定,所以如果身体吸收了少量的GaAs,其实是可以忽略的。当要做晶圆抛光制程(磨GaAs晶圆使表面微粒变小)时,表面的区域会和水起反应,释放或分解出少许的As。就环境、健康和安全等方面来看GaAs(就像是三甲基镓 trimethylgallium和As)时,及有机金属前驱物的工业卫生监控研究,都最近指出以上的观点。
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2023-01-11 09:30:569


咦 yí【叹词】解释1:表示感叹,相当于“啊”〖alas〗出处:咦!正是:…,英雄气概等时休。——《西游记》解释2:表示嘲讽、鄙夷出处:咦!不害臊!要是让你回去,只怕连你还烧在里头呢!——《老残游记》解释3:表示惊讶〖well〗。如:咦!你怎么没去呀?组词:咦呀、咦哟、咦呦
2023-01-11 09:31:262


(1)核电荷数比As小4的原子为Cu,其基态的电子排布式为1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1或[Ar]3d104s1;故答案为:1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1或[Ar]3d104s1;(2)前四周期元素中,基态原子中未成对电子与其所在周期数相同的元素和价电子构型分别是:氢(1s1)、碳(2s22p2)、氧(2s22p4)、磷(3s23p3)、铁(3d64s2共5种元素;故答案为:5;(3)类比NH3可推知NCl3中心原子杂化方式为sp3杂化,NCl3的空间构型为三角锥形;故答案为:sp3杂化;三角锥形;(4)依据题干信息“它们的晶体结构与单晶硅相似”,通过硅类推AlN的晶体类型为原子晶体,每个Al原子与4个N原子相连;故答案为:4;原子;(5)据图知a位置上的Cl原子形成了2个σ键,同时还有2个孤电子对,其杂化轨道类型为sp3杂化;由于铜的化合价有+1、+2,已知KCuCl3中铜为+2价,则+1价的铜形成化合物的化学式为K2CuCl3;故答案为:sp3杂化;K2CuCl3;(6)根据铜晶胞为面心立方最密堆积,由边长可计算出晶胞的体积V=(361 pm)3≈4.70×10-23 cm3;根据m=ρ×V=9.00 g?cm-3×4.70×10-23cm3=4.23×10-22g;由于一个铜晶胞中含有的铜原子数为8×18+6×12=4(个),则NA=63.6g?mol?114×4.23×10?22g≈6.01×1023mol-1.故答案为:4.70×10-23;4.23×10-22;6.01×10-23.
2023-01-11 09:31:381

“Time goes,you say?Ah no!/ Alas,Time stays,we go.”是谁的诗?

英国诗人Henry Austin Dobson 这几句是关于时间哲学的. 一般看来,时间动态的,即time goes.但其实时间是静止的,在变化的是世界(人类,植物,动物都经由生长到死去).即我们生活在静止的时间里. 貌似文学课上教授是这么说的,嘿,希望对你有帮助.
2023-01-11 09:31:441


The Goose-Girl THERE was once upon a time an old Queen whose husband had been dead for many years, and she had a beautiful daughter. When the princess grew up she was betrothed to a prince who lived at a great distance. When the time came for her to be married, and she had to journey forth into the distant kingdom, the aged Queen packed up for her many costly vessels of silver and gold, and trinkets also of gold and silver; and cups and jewels, in short, everything which appertained to a royal dowry, for she loved her child with all her heart. She likewise sent her maid in waiting, who was to ride with her, and hand her over to the bridegroom, and each had a horse for the journey, but the horse of the King"s daughter was called Falada, and could speak. So when the hour of parting had come, the aged mother went into her bedroom, took a small knife and cut her finger with it until it bled, then she held a white handkerchief to it into which she let three drops of blood fall, gave it to her daughter and said, "Dear child, preserve this carefully, it will be of service to you on your way." So they took a sorrowful leave of each other; the princess put the piece of cloth in her bosom, mounted her horse, and then went away to her bridegroom. After she had ridden for a while she felt a burning thirst, and said to her waiting-maid, "Dismount, and take my cup which thou hast brought with thee for me, and get me some water from the stream, for I should like to drink." "If you are thirsty," said the waiting-maid, "get off your horse yourself, and lie down and drink out of the water, I don"t choose to be your servant." So in her great thirst the princess alighted, bent down over the water in the stream and drank, and was not allowed to drink out of the golden cup. Then she said, "Ah, Heaven!" and the three drops of blood answered, "If thy mother knew, her heart would break." But the King"s daughter was humble, said nothing, and mounted her horse again. She rode some miles further, but the day was warm, the sun scorched her, and she was thirsty once more, and when they came to a stream of water, she again cried to her waiting-maid, "Dismount, and give me some water in my golden cup," for she had long ago forgotten the girl"s ill words. But the waiting-maid said still more haughtily, "If you wish to drink, drink as you can, I don"t choose to be your maid." Then in her great thirst the King"s daughter alighted, bent over the flowing stream, wept and said, "Ah, Heaven!" and the drops of blood again replied, "If thy mother knew this, her heart would break." And as she was thus drinking and leaning right over the stream, the handkerchief with the three drops of blood fell out of her bosom, and floated away with the water without her observing it, so great was her trouble. The waiting-maid, however, had seen it, and she rejoiced to think that she had now power over the bride, for since the princess had lost the drops of blood, she had become weak and powerless. So now when she wanted to mount her horse again, the one that was called Falada, the waiting-maid said, "Falada is more suitable for me, and my nag will do for thee" and the princess had to be content with that. Then the waiting-maid, with many hard words, bade the princess exchange her royal apparel for her own shabby clothes; and at length she was compelled to swear by the clear sky above her, that she would not say one word of this to any one at the royal court, and if she had not taken this oath she would have been killed on the spot. But Falada saw all this, and observed it well. The waiting-maid now mounted Falada, and the true bride the bad horse, and thus they traveled onwards, until at length they entered the royal palace. There were great rejoicings over her arrival, and the prince sprang forward to meet her, lifted the waiting-maid from her horse, and thought she was his consort. She was conducted upstairs, but the real princess was left standing below. Then the old King looked out of the window and saw her standing in the courtyard, and how dainty and delicate and beautiful she was, and instantly went to the royal apartment, and asked the bride about the girl she had with her who was standing down below in the courtyard, and who she was? "I picked her up on my way for a companion; give the girl something to work at, that she may not stand idle." But the old King had no work for her, and knew of none, so he said, "I have a little boy who tends the geese, she may help him." The boy was called Conrad, and the true bride had to help him to tend the geese. Soon afterwards the false bride said to the young King, "Dearest husband, I beg you to do me a favour." He answered, "I will do so most willingly." "Then send for the knacker, and have the head of the horse on which I rode here cut off, for it vexed me on the way." In reality, she was afraid that the horse might tell how she had behaved to the King"s daughter. Then she succeeded in making the King promise that it should be done, and the faithful Falada was to die; this came to the ears of the real princess, and she secretly promised to pay the knacker a piece of gold if he would perform a small service for her. There was a great dark-looking gateway in the town, through which morning and evening she had to pass with the geese: would he be so goood as to nail up Falada"s head on it, so that she might see him again, more than once. The knacker"s man promised to do that, and cut off the head, and nailed it fast beneath the dark gateway. Early in the morning, when she and Conrad drove out their flock beneath this gateway, she said in passing, "Alas, Falada, hanging there!" Then the head answered, "Alas, young Queen, how ill you fare! If this your tender mother knew, Her heart would surely break in two." Then they went still further out of the town, and drove their geese into the country. And when they had come to the meadow, she sat down and unbound her hair which was like pure gold, and Conrad saw it and delighted in its brightness, and wanted to pluck out a few hairs. Then she said, "Blow, blow, thou gentle wind, I say, Blow Conrad"s little hat away, And make him chase it here and there, Until I have braided all my hair, And bound it up again." And there came such a violent wind that it blew Conrad"s hat far away across country, and he was forced to run after it. When he came back she had finished combing her hair and was putting it up again, and he could not get any of it. Then Conrad was angry, and would not speak to her, and thus they watched the geese until the evening, and then they went home. Next day when they were driving the geese out through the dark gateway, the maiden said, "Alas, Falada, hanging there!" Falada answered, "Alas, young Queen, how ill you fare! If this your tender mother knew, Her heart would surely break in two." And she sat down again in the field and began to comb out her hair, and Conrad ran and tried to clutch it, so she said in haste, "Blow, blow, thou gentle wind, I say, Blow Conrad"s little hat away, And make him chase it here and there, Until I have braided all my hair, And bound it up again." Then the wind blew, and blew his little hat off his head and far away, and Conrad was forced to run after it, and when he came back, her hair had been put up a long time, and he could get none of it, and so they looked after their geese till evening came. But in the evening after they had got home, Conrad went to the old King, and said, "I won"t tend the geese with that girl any longer!" "Why not?" inquired the aged King. "Oh, because she vexes me the whole day long." Then the aged King commanded him to relate what it was that she did to him. And Conrad said, "In the morning when we pass beneath the dark gateway with the flock, there is a sorry horse"s head on the wall, and she says to it, "Alas, Falada, hanging there!" And the head replies, "Alas, young Queen how ill you fare! If this your tender mother knew, Her heart would surely break in two." And Conrad went on to relate what happened on the goose pasture, and how when there he had to chase his hat. The aged King commanded him to drive his flock out again next day, and as soon as morning came, he placed himself behind the dark gateway, and heard how the maiden spoke to the head of Falada, and then he too went into the country, and hid himself in the thicket in the meadow. There he soon saw with his own eyes the goose-girl and the goose-boy bringing their flock, and how after a while she sat down and unplaited her hair, which shone with radiance. And soon she said, "Blow, blow, thou gentle wind, I say, Blow Conrad"s little hat away, And make him chase it here and there, Until I have braided all my hair, And bound it up again." Then came a blast of wind and carried off Conrad"s hat, so that he had to run far away, while the maiden quietly went on combing and plaiting her hair, all of which the King observed. Then, quite unseen, he went away, and when the goose-girl came home in the evening, he called her aside, and asked why she did all these things. "I may not tell you that, and I dare not lament my sorrows to any human being, for I have sworn not to do so by the heaven which is above me; if I had not done that, I should have lost my life." He urged her and left her no peace, but he could draw nothing from her. Then said he, "If thou wilt not tell me anything, tell thy sorrows to the iron-stove there," and he went away. Then she crept into the iron-stove, and began to weep and lament, and emptied her whole heart, and said, "Here am I deserted by the whole world, and yet I am a King"s daughter, and a false waiting-maid has by force brought me to such a pass that I have been compelled to put off my royal apparel, and she has taken my place with my bridegroom, and I have to perform menial service as a goose-girl. If my mother did but know that, her heart would break." The aged King, however, was standing outside by the pipe of the stove, and was listening to what she said, and heard it. Then he came back again, and bade her come out of the stove. And royal garments were placed on her, and it was marvellous how beautiful she was! The aged King summoned his son, and revealed to him that he had got the false bride who was only a waiting-maid, but that the true one was standing there, as the sometime goose-girl. The young King rejoiced with all his heart when he saw her beauty and youth, and a great feast was made ready to which all the people and all good friends were invited. At the head of the table sat the bridegroom with the King"s daughter at one side of him, and the waiting-maid on the other, but the waiting-maid was blinded, and did not recognize the princess in her dazzling array. When they had eaten and drunk, and were merry, the aged King asked the waiting-maid as a riddle, what a person deserved who had behaved in such and such a way to her master, and at the same time related the whole story, and asked what sentence such an one merited? Then the false bride said, "She deserves no better fate than to be stripped entirely naked, and put in a barrel which is studded inside with pointed nails, and two white horses should be harnessed to it, which will drag her along through one street after another, till she is dead." "It is thou," said the aged King, "and thou hast pronounced thine own sentence, and thus shall it be done unto thee." And when the sentence had been carried out, the young King married his true bride, and both of them reigned over their kingdom in peace and happiness. From Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Household Tales, trans. Margaret Hunt
2023-01-11 09:32:452