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2023-05-19 22:26:46
TAG: 组词 拼音








chariot 英[ˈtʃæriət] 美[ˈtʃæriət] n. 敞篷双轮马车(古代用于战争或竞赛),战车; vt. 驾驭; [例句]The bronze chariot proved to be a valuable find.那辆青铜战车证明是有价值的发现。[其他] 第三人称单数:chariots 复数:chariots 现在分词:charioting过去式:charioted 过去分词:charioted
2023-01-11 08:41:111

chariot 怎么读

chariot 英["tʃærɪət] 美[ˈtʃæriət] n. 敞篷双轮马车(古代用于战争或竞赛),战车 vt. 驾驭 第三人称单数:chariots;过去分词:charioted;名词复数:chariots;现... [例句]Unfortunately , india "s free-trade chariot seems stuck somewhere between singapore and switzerland.不幸的是,印度的自由贸易战车在新加坡和瑞士之间的某个地方抛锚了。
2023-01-11 08:41:181

chariot是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

2023-01-11 08:41:252


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2023-01-11 08:41:451


只给你找到歌词了。Chariot, Chariot, si tu veux de moiPour t"accompagner au bout des joursLaisse moi venir près de toiSur le grand chariot de bois et de toileNous nous en ironsDu côté où l"on verra le jourDans les premiers reflets du cielAvant la chaleur du soleilSous la dernière étoileLa plaine, la plaine, la plaineN"aura plus de frontièreLa terre, la terre, sera notre domaineQue j"aime, que j"aime,Ce vieux chariot qui tangue,Qui tangue, qui tangueSi tu veux de moiPour dormir à ton côté toujoursL"été sous la lune d"argentL"hiver dans la neige et le ventAlors dis-le moi, je pars avec toiLa plaine, la plaine, la plaineN"aura plus de frontièreLa terre, la terre, verra notre domaineQue j"aime, que j"aime,Ce vieux chariot qui trembleQui tremble, qui trembleSi tu veux de moiDe ma vie et de mon fol amourLe long des torrents et des boisAu cœur des dangers et des joiesAlors dis-le moi, je pars avec toi
2023-01-11 08:41:521


象棋中 车ju 平常 che 都是一声
2023-01-11 08:41:582

跪求Emily Dickinson的chariot这首诗,英文的,如果有中文翻译更好。

The Chariot by: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)Because I could not stop for Death,He kindly stopped for me;The carriage held but just ourselvesAnd Immortality.We slowly drove, he knew no haste,And I had put awayMy labor, and my leisure too,For his civility.We passed the school where children played,Their lessons scarcely done;We passed the fields of gazing grain,We passed the setting sun.We paused before a house that seemedA swelling of the ground;The roof was scarcely visible,The cornice but a mound.Since then "t is centuries; but eachFeels shorter than the dayI first surmised the horses" headsWere toward eternity.
2023-01-11 08:42:072


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2023-01-11 08:43:102


传统的塔罗牌把七十八张牌分为二十二张主牌大阿卡纳牌(从0到21),十六张宫廷牌和四十张副牌小阿卡纳牌。大阿卡纳牌(major arcana):给我们的答案或讯息是关于手上比较大的问题或主要情况。同时,为我们提供高层次的宇宙教诲。这些教诲为我们解答面对当前重要问题的答案。 宫廷牌(court cards):一般来说这些牌跟我们生活上一些重要的人物有关。它不仅告诉我们什么是我们必须去学习的、想去精通的,更有些特殊的智慧是我们应该具有的。 小阿卡纳牌(minor arcana):属于手上那些比较小的答案和次要问题,它通常语更直接的日常生活有关。它被分为四组,每组十四张牌,它们分别是: 1、权杖,受火元素所支配。这些牌表示能量普遍性,特别是本性力量(阳刚或者是雄性的一面),与知觉、直觉、洞察、行动有关。 2、宝剑,受气元素所支配。这一组通常反映出我们精神上或心灵上的状态,包括可能的、沉思的过程。我们的这一层次是最容易被外界打动的。这组也告诉我们什么样的能量可以用来塑造我们的生活。 3、圣杯,受水元素所支配。它们反映了我们内在的情绪上的真实。它们的领域包括了爱、感觉、关系的交流和本性能量(阴柔或者是雌性的一面)。 4、星币,受土元素所支配。这些牌指出我们外在、物质、物理上的真实。这些外在反映内在。与土元素相关的包括健康、身体、营养、衣着、财产、贫穷和富裕。 每一张塔罗牌都有一个象征,指出你的内在思想、潜意识动机、隐藏的恐惧和渴望,以及你的个性、长远运程和弱点。 每一张塔罗牌也代表一个历程,有欢乐、痛苦、希望、改变和重生,是人们生活的再现,不论是在肉体上、心智上或情感上。每一张塔罗牌代表一种人物,有温暖慈爱的母亲、传统正派的宗教领袖、不屈不挠的勇士,也有充满智慧的隐士。它们既是真实人物的化身,也是你自己的一部分。每一张塔罗牌都有多重意义。比如恋人(the lovers)既代表罗曼蒂克,又代表面临爱情的抉择;既代表实质的爱,也可代表精神上的爱,又如战车(the chariot)既代表胜利、征服,也代表势力、冲突。同时,每一张塔罗牌也隐含正、反两面不同的含意,这要取决于牌摆设的位置是正向或颠倒的。比如月亮(the moon)正向代表理想,反向代表迷惑、恶魔(the devil)正向代表诱惑、堕落、反向则代表挣脱束缚。二十二张大阿卡那主牌代表人生不同的阶段会经历不同的状况,这些阶段包括:0、(the fool)愚人:满怀天真、单纯没有恐惊的迈向人生旅途。1、(the magician)魔术师:学习沟通的艺术。2、(the high priestress)女祭司:充满自信和洞察力。3、(the mepress)皇后:发展爱和智慧。4、(the emperor)皇帝:发挥领导力、智慧别人。5、(the hierophant)教皇:追求人生信仰。6、(the lovers)恋人:发展不同关系。7、(the chariot)战车:克服困难、获得胜利。8、(justice)正义:公平公正的待人处事。9、(the hermit)隐士:自我反省、沉思。10、(the wheel of fortune)命运之轮:改变命运努力向上。11、(strength)力量:不屈不挠、发挥力量。12、(the hanged man)倒吊人:自我牺牲奉献。13、(death)死神:事物的结局或一段经历的结束。14、(themperance)节制:结束过去、保持均衡。15、(the devil)恶魔:事物的凶险一面或内心的阴暗面。16、(the tower)塔:挣脱束缚、获得欢笑。17、(the star)星星:点燃之火。18、(the moon)月亮:追求梦想。19、(the sun)太阳:达到成功。20、(judgement)审判:运用明智判断。21、(the world)世界:建立美丽新世界。
2023-01-11 08:43:231


安装Endpoint和 console端的IxChariot 在机器A,另机器B安装Endpoint安装好了之后,看是否有防火墙或安全软件拦截Likely CausesThe network address doesn"t exist. You may have entered the wrong letters or digits in the network address.The target computer is not active.The protocol stack on the target computer is not active.There is no active route to or from the target computer.The network or partner computer is too busy to reply within the timeout period.No cable is attached to the network adapter or NIC.A firewall is active between the Console and the endpoints, or between the endpoints you selected.If you entered a separate address to use for pair setup, the problem may be with the network adapter for either endpoint address.
2023-01-11 08:43:571


是Hayley willams 。她是Acoustic吉他&键盘手&主唱生日:12/27/88  出生地:Meridian,MS  喜爱的乐队:Jimmy Eat World、Underoath、Kent、  Mewithoutyou、The Chariot  昵称:Hbomb, Hayleyball, Hayles  星座:摩羯座  成长地:美国田纳西州富兰克林市(13岁时搬去富兰克林)  现居地:美国田纳西州纳什维尔市  身高:5" 2" (157 cm)  眼睛颜色:绿色  发色:红色  最喜欢的乐队:Saves The Day, mewithoutYou, Slick Shoes, The Chariot, Now Now Every Children, No Doubt, Fireworks, Set Your Goals, Tegan and Sara, New Found Glory, H2O, Lemuria, The Swellers  最喜欢的电影:Wayne"s World, Son In Law, Pet Sematary, True Romance  编辑本段生平  2002年,13岁的海莉自 Meridian 搬至 Franklin,在学校认识了后来的团员乔什·法洛(Josh Farro)与扎克·法洛(Zac Farro)。 海莉在搬家后开始上布雷特·曼宁(Brett Manning)的歌唱课程。在校时,她认识了当地放克翻唱乐团 The Factory 的杰瑞米·戴维斯(Jeremy Davis)。2005年,“Fueled by Ramen”唱片公司的创立者 John Janick 与他们签下合约。  海莉曾客串演唱 Death In the Park 的《Fallen》、The Chariot 的《Then Came to Kill》、October Fall的《Keep Dreaming Upside Down》、光宗耀祖(New Found Glory)的《Tangled Up》、畅所欲言(Say Anything)的《The Church Channel》与《Plea》、Set Your Goals 的《The Few That Remain》,并参与光宗耀祖的《Kiss Me》音乐录像带演出。[2] 2007年《Kerrang!》的杂志票选中,海莉在“最性感女性”中拿下第二名,仅次于伊凡塞斯的埃米·李。 隔年,海莉顺利拿下“最性感女性”冠军。 她也在电玩游戏《Guitar Hero World Tour》中担任可操作角色。
2023-01-11 08:44:021

看Chariot 怎么颠覆公交系统

有些东西你也不知该怎么分类,但就是觉得“狠酷”。我注意到 Chariot,是因为它允许我自己设计交通路线,真好玩,就像小时候搭积木。但找来它 App,没看懂;又找来网站,搞懂一些;最后,一头撞到它天使投资人,挖了些目前 Chariot 还没全局展现的东西。有个背景是:先不讲美国公共交通,远未和诸如 Apple Pay 等高科技结合,单从路线看,已存在上百年的 Bart Route,不少设计也已经很不合理。比如旧金山某路公车,从“渔人码头”开始,这段著名的“吃喝玩乐”路线,经常性人爆多;而有些路线完全相反,某些时间段,一个人也没有。我相信这个问题,中国也有。来看看 Chariot 是怎么解决的。1,我在哪先给大家一个概念:我在哪。看下图,我在右下角,City 名叫“Fremont”,如果我要去旧金山看望各大科技公司好友,考虑到三番 Parking 实在恐怖,而且经常性一不小心就被罚款,加州目前穷疯,警察埋伏在各个你想也想不到的地方,我的最佳方案是:不开车,改坐 Bart,因为打 Uber 也不省事,它太贵,来回要 100 美金呢。
2023-01-11 08:44:081


你是不是打错了 应该是Charlotte 夏绿蒂·科黛(Charlotte Corday,1768年7月27日~1793年7月17日),是。法国大革命恐怖统治时期的重要人物。 中文名: 夏绿蒂·科黛 外文名: Charlotte Corday 国籍: 法兰西王国 民族: 法兰西人 出生地: 巴黎 出生日期: 1768年7月27日 逝世日期: 1793年7月17日 职业: 女贵族 毕业院校: 女修道院 信仰: 天主教 主要成就: 刺杀“人民之友”马拉 夏绿蒂·科黛夏绿蒂·科黛(Charlotte Corday,1768年7月27日~1793年7月17日),是恐怖统治时期的重要人物。出身破落贵族家庭,她是温和共和派支持者,反对罗伯斯比尔的激进派独裁专政。后策划并刺杀了激进派领导人马拉,被逮捕并杀害。编辑本段生平  科黛出身于没落贵族家庭,在修道院里长大,性格有些孤僻,没有男朋友,只喜欢看书。1791年女修道院被关闭了。法国大革命期间,她向往自由、平等、博爱。吉伦特被驱离国民公会,一些支持吉伦特的议员随着来到康恩。科黛时常用心的聆听吉伦特的演讲,她开始痛恨暴君马拉。1793年7月7日吉伦特聚集了17名志愿兵,科黛来到现场,决定前往巴黎刺杀马拉。编辑本段刺杀   夏绿蒂·科黛刺杀马拉图,1860年描绘7月11日夏绿蒂·科黛开始她的暗杀计划,四处打听马拉的下落,7月13日早晨夏绿蒂·科黛穿戴整齐走出旅馆,在商店里买了一把小刀,藏在披风下,租一辆马车来到马拉家门口,计划暗杀正在进行保健浴的马拉。马拉晚年饱受皮肤病的困扰,全身溃疡,必须以冷水泡澡,整天坐在浸泡了药草的浴缸。夏绿蒂前二次敲门被马拉的情妇西蒙妮挡在门外,眼看着天色渐暗,于是她又进行第三次拜访,仍被西蒙妮拒绝,双方起了争执,马拉听到外面有吵嚷声,问西蒙妮是怎么回事,西蒙妮说有一位女孩要来告发吉伦特的阴谋,马拉说:“让她进来。”于是夏绿蒂获准进入浴室拜见马拉,马拉回她有什么重要情报,科黛说:“支持吉伦特的议员来到康恩,正在到处煽动群众,打算造反……”马拉问她共有多少人,科黛说有18人,马拉说他需要更详细的名单。科黛逐一报告每一位成员的名字,马拉用笔一一记录,并露出得意笑容。这时她以小刀刺向马拉的胸口,刺穿肺部、主动脉和左心室,鲜血四处喷溅。马拉发出惨叫声,当场死亡,科黛走到隔壁房间,等待警察的逮捕,警察将她送进亚贝监狱。科黛被搜出旅行证、出生证,还有针线,此外并无其它文件。一位议员认为夏绿蒂的胸部有文件,执意搜查,夏绿蒂激烈抵抗,最后摔倒在地,胸部敞露在外,一些议员看不下去,进行松绑,让她整理衣服,夏绿蒂的双手伤痕累累。马拉死后被国民公会授以烈士葬礼,遗体被送进先贤祠,但不久又迁出先贤祠。编辑本段行刑  夏绿蒂·科黛的谋杀罪行遭到普遍的谴责,她在监狱里已经写好遗书,7月17日被判死刑,当天下午5点在革命广场的断头台执行,一位画家为科黛画了最后的画像,科黛临刑前将长长的金发剪下,并拾起其中的一束送给画家。科黛穿着红色长裙,全身湿透,桑松带领她走向刑场,沿途市民叫骂声不断;也有不少市民惊艳于她的美貌,他们简直无法相信,眼前这位柔弱文静的女孩竟是一名杀人凶手。科黛被斩首后,有崇拜马拉的木匠勒格罗(Legros)将首级提起示众,并掌掴她的面颊。据当时的目击者回忆,这时尸首的脸上竟显现出“明显愤怒的表情”。勒格罗的举动招致了围观市民的不耻,他因此被判入狱3个月。科黛死后被进行尸检,检查人员宣布她仍是处女。尸体被弃置在一个战壕旁边,紧临着路易十六,头颅则下落不明。
2023-01-11 08:44:131


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秘鲁马尔科纳(Marcona)铜矿位于秘鲁-智利铜矿带北部,为IOCG型铜矿(铁氧化物的铜金矿床),是秘鲁-智利铜矿带上,排在斑岩铜矿之后的重要矿床类型,和智利的Mantos Blancos等大型铜矿属同一类型。1992年,首都钢铁公司以1.2亿美元的价格,从原秘鲁铁矿公司购买了马尔科纳铁矿,包括680平方千米的永久矿权和矿山、数百套公寓的生活区、20万吨深水码头、机场等。其成为我国矿产资源开发“走出去”的先行。秘鲁马尔科纳铜矿区位于这680平方千米的永久矿权区内。1996年,首钢秘鲁铁矿公司出资15万美元,在马尔科纳铜矿区胡斯塔(Justa)矿段开展普查,由首钢地质勘查院承包。1996~1997年开展了矿区地质测量、岩石地球化学测量和电法测量,4 700立方米槽探和老窿编录,显示了很好的找矿潜力。原首钢地质勘查院总工程师卢民杰预测,胡斯塔矿区有找到120万吨铜的前景。由于未能申请到国家的普查项目,当时首钢秘鲁铁矿公司处在亏损的边缘,就决定和力拓公司合资勘查。力拓公司的纳斯卡铜矿探矿权区,与马尔科纳矿权区相邻。1999年签订合资协议。力拓公司作为进入方,投入500万美元,挣得57.5%的权益,挣股期为3年,冲稀底线为15%。2000~2003年,力拓公司开展了航空电磁测量、地球化学测量、地质填图、空气反循环和金刚石取心钻探和初步选冶试验。共施工103个孔,30 971米。控制了2个矿化带,主矿体长1 700米,延深500米,向深部尚未尖灭。由于胡斯塔铜矿还未达到力拓公司的开发标准,力拓公司和首钢秘鲁铁矿公司决定转让。2004年,加拿大Chariot资源公司(Chariot Resources Ltd)请独立勘查地质学家别列左夫斯基(Miron Blezovsky)评估马尔科纳的胡斯塔铜矿,按NI43-101的标准,提交了评估报告。Chariot资源公司与韩国大韩矿业振兴公社、韩国LG日高铜业公司合资,成立了Marcobre公司,从力拓公司和首钢秘鲁铁矿公司收购了马尔科纳的胡斯塔铜矿矿权。以4 350万美元买断,先付3 350万美元。按权益比例,向力拓公司和首钢秘鲁铁矿公司双方付款。待买方通过进一步勘查工作证实,矿区的推测铜资源量,大于卖方提供的推测铜资源量时,再付所余的1 000万美元。马尔科纳的胡斯塔铜矿的露采氧化矿,控制推测资源量,铜126.8万吨,含铜0.68%;坑采原生矿,控制推测资源量,铜47.8万吨,含铜1.51%。矿床规模还可进一步扩大。从这个商业性矿产勘查的案例可以看出,首钢秘鲁铁矿公司投资15万美元开展马尔科纳的胡斯塔铜矿普查,然后出让57.5%的权益,和力拓公司开展合资勘查,找到了胡斯塔这个大型铜矿。最后将胡斯塔铜矿的矿权全部转让,首钢秘鲁铁矿公司按份额得到1 828万美元,投入升值123倍,实现了投资商业性矿产勘查赢利的目的。遗憾的是,胡斯塔铜矿的矿权,现在主要转到了韩国最大的铜冶炼加工企业——LG日高铜业公司的手中。中国作为铜的消费大国,铜资源并不丰富,马尔科纳的胡斯塔铜矿,距正在生产的首钢秘鲁铁矿公司马尔科纳铁矿仅15千米,生产的基础设施齐全,但中国企业却未能成为胡斯塔铜矿的矿主。胡斯塔铜矿与中国企业擦肩而过。
2023-01-11 08:44:271

swing low sweet chariot coming for to carry me home是什么意思

2023-01-11 08:44:333

jeep chariot和afs jeep是一个品牌吗?

2023-01-11 08:44:441


2023-01-11 08:44:502

chariot of fire是什么意思

Chariots of Fire [释义] 火的战车; [电影] 火战车; [网络] 烈火战车; [例句]Film director Hugh Hudson,( Chariots of Fire, Greystoke, Revolution) also restricts his short sleeves to a specific context.电影导演休•赫德森(作品有火战车(Chariots of Fire),泰山王子(Greystoke),革命(Revolution))的短袖也是限于特定背景。
2023-01-11 08:44:581


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2023-01-11 08:45:303


歌词如下:FireKasabianShake me into the night轻摇着让我入睡And I"m an easy lover我只需要简单的爱Take me into the fight让我投身于战斗And I"m an easy brother我只是普通的兄弟And I"m on fire我置身于火焰Burn my sweet effigy焚烧我那甜美的雕像I"m a road runner我只是在随波逐流Spill my guts on a wheelI让车轮碾压我的身体wanna taste uh-huh我想品尝这味道And I"m on fire我置身于火焰And I"m on fire我置身于火焰And I"m on fire我置身于火焰扩展资料:《fire》是kasabian演唱的歌曲,为2010-2011赛季英超联赛主题曲。kasabian简介:卡萨比恩(Kasabian) 是英国的一个独立摇滚乐队,于1999年在莱斯特郡康帖斯特霍普组建。乐队一开始的成员有主唱汤姆·梅冈、吉他和键盘手克里斯多弗·卡洛夫、吉他手瑟吉欧·皮佐诺、贝斯手库里斯·爱德华兹和鼓手艾许·汉尼斯。 乐队已经发行了三张录音室专辑,分别是《Kasabian》(2004)、《Empire》(2006)和《West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum》(2009)。2004年,伊恩·麦修斯加入乐队,替代汉尼斯担当鼓手,巡回表演吉他手杰·梅勒在2010年底成为固定成员。乐队的首张专辑即在世界范围内引起热烈的反响,《Empire》和《West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum》两张专辑也都登上了英国专辑排行榜的第一位。
2023-01-11 08:45:466


白stength绿dead master红Gold Saw黄Chariot百度百科里不是有吗
2023-01-11 08:46:554


2023-01-11 08:47:093

安装 NetIQChariot V5.4 之后 桌面上没有快捷方式,开始菜单也没有。点IxChariot_540.exe时出错

2023-01-11 08:47:303


怎么轻松测试局域网网速   在对局域网的速度进行管理中,我们不难发现一些问题。有人反应网速慢,访问外网慢不说,访问文件服务器上的资料速度也慢。这时就会影响工作,如果而不解决问题,最终的责任势必会落到我们的头上,因此解决问题是首先任务。   一、排除干扰,是真慢还是假慢   很多时候如果进行了太多的操作,CPU非常繁忙或者可用物理内存非常低的时候,都会影响整个电脑的工作效率,因此在有人反应网速慢的时候,第一件要做的事就是排除一切存在的干扰因素,然后重新访问文件服务器,确认“慢”的症状是否依然存在。   如何排除干扰呢?个人建议将当前不需要使用的进程全部结束,然后再访问文件服务器,如果没有好转,则需要重新启动机器,在未进行任何其他操作的情况下,直接访问文件服务器,如果速度有明显提升,则说明并不是真正的网速慢,而是其他因素干扰。这时只能建议操作人员在访问文件服务器时,尽量减少其他操作,从而保证计算机有足够的.系统资源来进行对文件服务器的操作。   二、建立FTP服务器测网速   上面排除干扰的方法是最基本的也是在任何情况下都应该尝试的方法,毕竟方便,不需动什么大的“刀子”,就是试一下也费不了几分钟时间。但是如果上述方法不能解决问题怎么办呢?这时可以尝试一下在服务器端发布一个FTP服务器,然后在客户端使用FTP软件访问FTP服务器,或者直接使用网际快车一类的下载软件从FTP服务器上下载文件,观察下载的速度,如果接近局域网的网速(如百兆局域网下载速度应该在10MB/S左右)则说明没有问题。   在服务器端添加/删除程序,在IIS服务的详细信息中,勾选 “文件传输协议(FTP)服务”项,然后一直单击“确定”按钮安装FTP服务(如图1)。   图 1   FTP服务安装成功后,在IIS中发布FTP服务器即可,然后就可以在客户端访问FTP服务器了,具体过程比较简单,这里就不多说了。   三、用事实说话,charIOT   charIOT是一款专业的局域网测速工具软件(如果你想进行实际的局域网网速控制而不只是进行网络测速,则推荐使用专业的网速限制软件——“聚生网管”,百度搜索“聚生网管”,随便一个地址下载就可以了),并且是目前世界上唯一认可的应用层IP网络及网络设备的测试软件,可以提供端到端,多操作系统,多协议测试,多应用模拟测试,其应用范围包括有线,无线,局域,广域网络及网络设备,从用户的角度测试网络和网络参数(吞吐量、反应时间、延时、丢包等)。   charIOT通过产生模拟真实的流量,采用End to End的方法测试网络设备或网络系统在真实环境中的性能。使用charIOT这样专业的工具,将测试的结果拿给用户,则更有说服力。   在需要测试的两台机器上安装charIOT的Endpoint程序并运行它,在另一台机器上安装charIOT的控制台程序。   第一步:运行charIOT控制台程序,单击“New”按钮新建测试窗口,在打开的窗口中单击“Add Pair”按钮,打开“Add an Endpoint Pair”对话框,为新的测试取一个名称,并且输入需要测试双方的IP地址,选择一个测试脚本,然后单击“Ok”按钮(如图2)。   图 2   小提示:charIOT可以测量TCP、UDP、SPX等多种网络传输层协议,我们在测量带宽时选择默认的TCP即可,脚本选择“Throughput.scr”即可。   第二步:单击工具栏上的“RUN”(小人形状)按钮启动测试进程。   第三步:这时软件会自动测试100个数据包从A计算机发送到B计算机的情况。由于发送的数据包很小,所以测试很快就结束了,结束后会以图表的形式返回测试的速率(如图3)。   图 3   我的为千兆内网环境,测试结果峰值可达410Mbps,最低也有110Mbps,除去网线等耗损,可以看出,这样的速度应该是正常的。   上面只是一个简单的测试内网两台计算机之间速率的例子,其实charIOT可以进行很详细的测试,不仅可以进行单向测试还可以进行双向测试,即测试网卡在双工模式下的传输速率,测试的方法也很简单,只要添加两次“Add pair”,将两次的“源IP”和“目标IP”交换一下就可以了。   其实charIOT不仅可以帮我们测两个端点之间的速率,对于一些新购入的设备,我们也可以通过将两台电脑通过新购入的设置相连,然后利用charIOT来测试两台电脑之间的传输速率,从而测试设备的传输速率,这样还可以防止JS以次充好。 ;
2023-01-11 08:47:411


(下面内容是NASA提供的该月球车资料数据。)In preparation for the US led effort to build a lunar outpost, NASA has completed the first lunar truck prototype, named Chariot. Realizing the importance of crew and payload mobility on the lunar surface, the Exploration Technology Development Program"s Human-Robotics Systems Project set out, in Apollo-like style, to build a lunar truck and the team that could shepherd future lunar truck efforts. With only one year to design, manufacture, and assemble Chariot, NASA, teamed with companies from all across America, conquered the challenge.Chariot was operational and unveiled to the entire agency only eleven months after the beginning of the project. The vehicle is designed to meet the payload transport, range, terrain and speed specifications defined by NASA"s Lunar Architecture Team. Chariot will serve as a 1g-scaled system for technology evaluation and EVA/Ops field testing. It"s design incorporates many of the lessons learned from the Apollo rovers, as well as trucks that we drive every day. However, the team also needed to challenge many basic assumptions about what a lunar truck might be - Should it have four wheels? Should people sit on seats? Should it have passive suspension? Should it steer like a car?These challenges pressed the Chariot engineering team into the design and development of prototypes to answer these and other questions. The Lunar Architecture Team reviewed numerous design options, evaluating vehicle types and scales against mission requirements, launch limits and cost constraints. The Chariot was designed as a 1g (Earth) version of a Lunar Truck, able to work around a construction site like a utility vehicle. The system is sized to be able to carry a mixed suited crew, or combinations of crew and surface payloads such as tools, science equipment, and samples. Chariot"s chassis can be reconfigured to serve as an unpressurized lunar truck, with crew riding onboard in suits, or as a pressurized rover when it is outfitted with a small cabin. Pairs of Chariots can be used to extend crew surface ranges beyond walking distances, expanding the exploration horizon beyond the limits accepted by Apollo crews.The development of Chariot and, more importantly, the lunar truck team has positioned America in an excellent position to develop a very robust and useful truck to be transported hundreds of thousands of miles away to become the workhorse of the lunar surface. The Chariot project positions NASA as a “smart buyer” of surface vehicles in advance of the System Requirement Review (SRR) and Preliminary Design Review (PDR) dates for Lunar Surface Systems.Key Design SpecificationsChariot Spec Earth Prototype (1g) Lunar System (1/6g)Payload 1000 kg 3000-6000 kgVehicle Mass 2000 kg 1000 kgTop Speed 20 KPH 20 KPHSlope Climbing 15 Deg 25 degRange 25 Km 100 Km
2023-01-11 08:47:531


一, chē 【名】 (象形.甲骨文有多种写法.象车形.本义:车子,陆地上有轮子的运输工具) 同本义〖vehicle〗 车,舆论之总名.夏后时奚仲所造.象形.——《说文》.按,横视之肖,或云车少昊时驾牛,奚仲始驾马. 为车.大车、柏车、羊车,皆两辕,驾牛;田车、兵车、乘车,皆一辀,驾马.大车,平地任载车,柏车、山车,羊车、善车也;田车、兵车,乘车,通谓之小车.——《考工记·舆人》 车从马.——《左传·闵公元年》 车斑内外.——《国语·晋语》.注:“车雷也.” 车同轨,书同文字.——《史记·秦始皇本纪》 晓驾炭车辗冰辙.——唐·白居易《卖炭翁》 又如:开车;安步当车;杯水车薪;闭门造车;螳臂当车;车两(古谓车一乘为一两);车盖(古代车上的伞形车篷.亦指具有此种车篷的车辆);车辐(连接车轮的边缘和车轮中心的直木条);车马辐辏(形容车马拥挤的情况) 特指战车,兵车〖chariot〗 比至陈,车六七百乘,骑千余,卒数万人.——《史记·陈涉世家》 车辚辚,马萧萧,行人弓箭各在腰.——唐·杜甫《兵车行》 利用轮轴旋转的工具〖wheeledinstrument〗.如:水车;纺车 牙床〖gum〗.如:车辅相依(牙床和颊骨互相依存,比喻事物互相依存) 姓 chē 【动】 乘车〖ride〗 济济群英,车的车,步的步,陆续来了.——清·心青《女界文明灯弹词》 用车床切削或使之成形〖lathe〗.如:车零件;车出一副桌子的腿 用水车升高水位〖usewaterwheeltoliftwater〗.如:车水(用水车排灌) 转动(多指身体)〖turnoneself〗.如:他又车过来对我说,他的背痛 chē 【量】 计算一车所载的容量单位.如:两车干柴 二,jū 【名】 国际象棋中的一种棋子,它可以顺着平行于棋盘边的路随便走多少方格,假如没有其它棋子阻挡的话〖rook〗 中国象棋棋子的一种〖chariot〗.如:舍车保帅
2023-01-11 08:48:101

秘鲁Justa 铜矿

秘鲁 Justa 铜矿位于秘鲁-智利铜矿带北部,为铁氧化物型的铜金矿床 (IOCG) ,其是秘鲁-智利铜矿带上排在斑岩铜矿之后的重要矿床类型,和智利的 Mantos Blancos 等巨型铜矿属同一类型。1992 年,首都钢铁公司以 1. 2 亿美元的价格,从原秘鲁铁矿公司,购买了马尔科纳铁矿,包括 680 平方千米的永久矿权和矿山、数百套公寓的生活区、20 万吨深水码头、机场等。这成为我国矿产资源开发 “走出去”的先行。秘鲁 Justa 铜矿区位于这 680 平方千米的永久矿权区内。1996 年,首钢秘鲁铁矿公司出资 15 万美元,在马尔科纳矿权区内 Justa 矿段开展铜矿普查,由首钢地质勘查院承包。1996 ~1997 年开展了矿区 1∶ 1 万地质测量、1∶ 2 000 岩石地球化学测量和电法测量、4 700 立方米槽探和老窿编录,显示了很好的找矿潜力。当时,地勘费不能用于境外矿产勘查,因此首钢地质勘查院未能申请到国家的铜矿普查项目。首钢秘鲁铁矿公司也不愿做进一步投入,就决定和力拓公司合资勘查。1999 年签订合资协议。力拓公司的纳斯卡铜矿探矿权区与马尔科纳矿权区相邻。首钢秘鲁铁矿公司决定,将马尔科纳铁矿矿权区东北角,转到合资公司。力拓公司作为进入方,投入 500 万美元,挣得 57. 5% 的权益。挣股期为 3年,冲稀底线为 15%。2000 ~2003 年,力拓公司开展了航空电磁测量、地球化学测量、地质填图、空气反循环和金刚石取心钻探和初步选冶试验。共施工 103 个孔,30 971 米。控制了两个矿化带,主矿体长 1 700 米,延深 500 米,向深部尚未尖灭。由于 Justa 铜矿还未达到力拓公司的开发标准,力拓公司和首钢秘鲁铁矿公司决定将其转让。加拿大 Chariot 资源公司 (ChariotResources Ltd. ) 与韩国大韩矿业振兴公社、韩国 LG 日高铜业公司合资,成立了 Marcobre 公司,从力拓公司和首钢秘鲁铁矿公司收购了马尔科纳的 Justa 铜矿矿权。以 4 350 万美元买断,先付 3 350 万美元。按权益比例,向力拓公司和首钢秘鲁铁矿公司双方付款。待买方通过进一步勘查工作证实,矿区的推测铜资源量,大于卖方提供的推测铜资源量时,再付所余的 1 000 万美元。加拿大 Chariot 资源公司聘请独立勘查地质学家 Miron Blezovsky,按 NI43-101 的标准,评估马尔科纳的 Justa 铜矿资源量,提交了评估报告。Justa 铜矿是近年来国际上关注的铜矿区。该矿曾 100% 掌握在中资公司的手中。由于缺乏掌控资源的长远战略观念,为眼前利益所吸引,就将这个探矿权全部出让了,低价卖出了这块 “赌石”。这块 “赌石”被加拿大 Chariot 资源公司用 46 500 米钻探 “切开”。2009 年 5 月 19 日的 《北方矿工报》 报道,Justa 铜矿已完成了可行性研究,资源量已经变成可以开采赢利的储量。提交确定储量: 铜256 万 吨, 铜 含 量 0. 76% ; 可 能 储 量: 铜 130 万 吨, 铜 含 量0. 80% ; 推测储量: 铜 52 万吨,铜含量 0. 82% 。Justa 铜矿各类储量,为铜金属 438 万吨。可行性研究结果,铜的生产成本为 0. 88 美元/磅。NPV 为 2. 8 亿美元,IRR 为 15%。Chariot 资源公司引进韩国日高公司和韩国大韩矿业振兴公社作为合作伙伴,已开始矿山建设。从这个境外矿产勘查的案例可以看出,首钢秘鲁铁矿公司投资15 万美元开展马尔科纳的 Justa 铜矿普查,然后出让 57. 5% 的权益,和力拓公司开展合资勘查。最后将 Justa 铜矿的矿权全部转让,首钢秘鲁铁矿公司按份额,得到 1 828 万美元,投入升值 123 倍,实现了投资商业性矿产勘查赢利的目的。遗憾的是,Justa 铜矿的矿权,现在主要转到了韩国最大的铜冶炼加工企业——LG 日高铜业公司的手中。中国作为铜的消费大国,铜资源并不丰富,马尔科纳的Justa 铜矿距正在生产的首钢秘鲁铁矿公司马尔科纳铁矿仅 15 千米,生产的基础设施齐全,但中国企业却未能成为铜矿的矿主。Justa 铜矿与中国企业擦肩而过。缺铜的中国这次又只能当 “看客”,令人扼腕。为了参与 Justa 铜矿的开发,2010 年 3 月,中科矿业集团有限公司 (CST) 投资 2. 445 亿加元,再买回了 Justa 铜矿项目股东之一——Chariot 资源公司的 70%的权益,这是后话。
2023-01-11 08:48:281

time"s winged chariot什么意思

2023-01-11 08:48:342


ju che
2023-01-11 08:48:424


black rock shooter 黑岩射手「BRS」 dead master 死亡主宰「DM」 Chariot 战轮妖精「CHA」 strength力量「STR」 BLACK Golden Saw 黑金锯子「BGS」 Insane BLACK ROCK SHOOTER 狂化的黑岩「IBRS」
2023-01-11 08:48:563

chariot Throughput脚本单次测试时间怎么调整到60秒

2023-01-11 08:49:191

ixchariot 中的文件大小是怎么计算的

File file = new File("文件路径");System.out.println(file.length());//输出的是文件的字节数这样就可以获得文件的长度了
2023-01-11 08:49:241


2023-01-11 08:49:303


2023-01-11 08:49:413


2023-01-11 08:49:523


开心少女组《再不易忘记》这首歌,是寄调一首脍炙人口的外语歌曲旋律填上粤语歌词。原曲是六零年代一首叫《Chariot》的纯音乐,由Franck Pourcel及Paul Mauriat所作,分别于1962年改编成同名法语歌《Chariot》由Petula Clark主唱,及1963年改编成英语歌《I Will Follow Him》,现在一般认得此旋律的人都会称之《I Will Follow Him》。1992年美国经典电影《Sister Act》(修女也疯狂)使用了《I Will Follow Him》,让此歌更加有名,但这已是《再不易忘记》之后的事。至于历年来还有没有其他华语版本我就不清楚了。
2023-01-11 08:50:111


2023-01-11 08:50:177


英语导游词作文   一篇完整的`导游词,其结构一般包括习惯用语、概括介绍、重点讲解三个部分。那大家会用英语写一份导游词吗?下面是我为大家整理的英语导游词作文,供大家参考。    英语导游词作文   Emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. He name to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal empire in China"s history.   In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Ying Zheng styled himself emperor. He named himself Shihuang Di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. Since then, the supreme feudal rulers of China"s dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor.   After he had annexed the other six states, Emperor Qin Shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. He standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the Great Wall be built. All these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. They had a great and deep influence upon China"s 2,000 year old feudal society.   Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the Qin dynasty"s history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. As a result, China"s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. Moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. Those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of Confucian scholars.”   Emperor Qin Shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the Guanzhong Plain. These palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. Often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.   Emperor Qin Shihuang"s Mausoleum has not yet been excavated. What looks like inside could noly be known when it is opened. However, the three pits of the terra-cotta warriot excavated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of Emperor Qin Shihuang"s Mausoleum was.   No.1 Pit was stumbled upon in March 1974 when villagers of Xiyang Village of Yanzhai township, Lintong County, sank a well 1.5km east of the mausoleum. In 1976, No.2 and 3 Pits were found 20m north of No.1 Pit respectively after the drilling survey. The terra-cotta warriors and horses are arrayed according to the Qin dynasty battle formation, symbolizing the troops keeping vigil beside the mausoleum. This discovery aroused much interest both at home and abroad. In 1975, a museum, housing the site of No.1 and covering an area of 16,300 square meters was built with the permission of the State Council. The museum was formally opened to public on Oct.1, the National Day, 1979.   No.1 Pit is 230 meters long from east to west, 62m wide from north to south and 5m deep , covering a total area of 14,260 square meters. It is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. There are five sloping entrances on the eastern and western sides of the pit respectively. The pit is divided into eleven corridors by ten earthen partition walls, and the floors are paved with bricks. Thick rafters were placed onto the walls (but now one can only see their remains), which were covered with mats and then fine soil and earth. The battle formation of the Qin dynasty, facing east. In the east end are arrayed three lines of terra-cotta warriors, 70 pieces in each, totaling 210 pieces. They are supposed to be the van of the formation. Immediately behind them are 38 columns of infantrymen alternating with war chariots in the corridors, each being 180m long. They are probably the main body of the formation. There is one line of warriors in the left, right and west ends respectively, facing outwards. They are probably the flanks and the rear. There are altogether 27 trial trench, it is assumed that more than 6,000 clay warriors and horses could be unearthed from No.1 Pit.   No.2 Pit sis about half the size of No.1 Pit, covering about 6,000 square meters Trail diggings show this is a composite formation of infantry, cavalry and chariot soldiers, from which roughly over 1,000 clay warriors, and 500 chariots and saddled horses could be unearthed. The 2,000-year-old wooden chariots are already rotten. But their shafts, cross yokes, and wheels, etc. left clear impressions on the earth bed. The copper parts of the chariots still remain. Each chariot is pulled by four horses which are one and half meters high and two metres long. According to textual research, these clay horses were sculptures after the breed in the area of Hexi Corridor. The horses for the cavalrymen were already saddled, but with no stirups.   No.3 Pit covers an area of 520m2 with only four horses, one chariot and 68 warriors, supposed to be the command post of the battle formation. Now, No.2 and 3 Pits have been refilled, but visitors can see some clay figures and weapons displayed in the exhibition halls in the museum that had been unearthed from these two pits. The floors of both No.1 and 2 Pits were covered with a layer of silt of 15 to 20cm thick. In these pits, one can see traces of burnt beams everywhere, some relics which were mostly broken. Analysis shows that the pits were burned down by Xiang Yu, leader of a peasant army. All of the clay warriors in the three pits held real weapons in their hands and face east, showing Emperor Qin Shihuang"s strong determination of wiping out the six states and unifying the whole country.   The height of the terra-cotta warriors varies from 1.78m, the shortest, to 1.97m, the tallest. They look healthy and strong and have different facial expressions. Probably they were sculpted by craftsmen according to real soldiers of the Qin dynasy. They organically combined the skills of round engraving, bas-relief and linear engraving, and utilized the six traditional folk crafts of sculpturing, such as hand-moulding, sticking, cutting, painting and so on. The clay models were then put in kilns, baked and colour-painted. As the terra-cotta figures have beeb burnt and have gone through the natural process of decay, we can"t see their original gorgeous colours. However, most of the terra-cotta figures bear the trace of the original colours, and few of them are still as bright as new. They are found to be painted by mineral dyestuffs of vermilion, bright red, pink dark green, powder green, purple, blue, orange, black and white colours.   Thousands of real weapons were unearthed from these terra-cotta army pits, including broad knives, swords, spears, dagger-axes, halberds, bows, crossbows and arrowheads. These weapons were exquisitely made. Some of theme are still very sharp, analyses show that they are made of alloys of copper and tin, containing more than ten kinds of other metals. Since their surfaces were treated with chromium, they are as bright as new, though buried underground for more than 2,000 years. This indicates that Qin dynasty"s metallurgical technology and weapon-manufacturing technique already reached quite a high level.In December 1980, two teams of large painted bronze chariots and horses were unearthed 20 metres west of the mound of Emperor Qin Shihuang"s Mausoleum. These single shaft four-horse chariots each comprises 3,462 spare parts, and has a body with two compartments, one behind the other, and an elliptical umbrella like canopy. The four horses harnessed to the chariot are 65-67 centimeters tall. The restored bronze chariots and horses are exact imitations of true chariot, horse and driver in half life-size.   The chariots and horses are decorated with coloured drawings against white background. They have been fitted with more than 1,500 piecese of gold and silvers and decorations, looking luxurious, splendid and graceful. Probably they were meant for the use of Emperor Qin Shihuang"s soul to go on inspection. The bronze chariots and horses were made by lost wax casting, which shows a high level of technology. For instance, the tortoise-shell-like canopy is about 4mm thick, and the window is only 1mm thick on which are many small holes for ventilation. According to a preliminary study, the technology of manufacturing the bronze chariots and horses has involved casting, welding, reveting, inlaying embedding and chiseling. The excavation of the bronze chariots and horses provides extremely valuable material and data for the textual research of the metallurgical technique, the mechanism of the chariot and technological modeling of the Qin dynasty.   No.2 bronze chariot and horses now on display were found broken into 1,555 pieces when excavated. After two-and-half years" careful and painstaking restoration by archaeologists and various specialists, they were formally exhibited in the museum on October 1, 1983. No.1 bronze chariot hand horses are on display from 1988. ;
2023-01-11 08:50:411


选择IPTV等视频类测试脚本测试UDP协议,有lost data(丢失率)数据,
2023-01-11 08:51:202


2023-01-11 08:51:356

ixchariot 设置MTU为256,限速为500M,为什么4条并发只能达到80M左右?

2023-01-11 08:52:061

塔罗牌 算感情 抽到第一张牌战车 THE CHARIOT (逆位)第2张魔术师 THE MAGICIAN (正位)怎么解释第3死神

2023-01-11 08:52:202

为什么我在装NetIQ Chariot 5.4-Client软件的时候会出现error 1920呢?有什么办法能解决呢?

2023-01-11 08:52:284

路由器 测试吞吐量 用IxChariot5.4版本 怎么实现同时测试Rx/Tx,问题解决后给好评!

跑多条线,IP 设置 互换位置,就可以了。比如说一条线设置成 到192.168.0.2别一条线设置成 到
2023-01-11 08:52:431