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英语His unfortunate appearance怎么翻译?

2023-05-19 13:12:08
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His unfortunate appearance.(英语句子翻译)


His unfortunate appearance was offset by an attractive personality.













arise vi. (问题、难题等)出现如:The question will arise if you do it like that.如果你那样做,会出现问题。The oppotunity will arise . 机会会出现的。vi.产生于,起因于常用于搭配arise from如:The accidents arise from carelessness.事故起因于粗心大意。vi.起身arise to do 起身做某事如:He arose to greet her. 他起身迎接她。vi.上升(多指无形的东西,如难度等)---------------------------------appearance[英][əˈpɪərəns][美][əˈpɪrəns]n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象; 复数:appearances例:The analysis of women"s enslavement to appearance有关女人为外貌而苦恼的分析
2022-12-31 05:24:542


有复数形式,真希望能帮到你!appearancen. 外貌,外观;出现,露面复数 appearances
2022-12-31 05:25:021


2022-12-31 05:25:088

英语中apparent 、appearance 分别怎么念?

apparent 英 [əˈpærənt] 美 [əˈpærənt] 额拍瑞特adj.显而易见;明白易懂;显然;貌似的;表面上的;未必真实的记忆技巧:ap 表加强 + par 出现,看见 + ent 具有…性质的 → 一再能看见 → 显而易见的appearance 英 [əˈpɪərəns] 美 [əˈpɪrəns] 谐音:额皮也润思n.外貌;外观;外表;(尤指突然的)抵达,到来;起源;出现;首次使用复数: appearances记忆技巧:appear 出现 + ance 状态,性质,状况 → 出现;外表noun外观 way sth looks/seems1[C, U] 外貌;外观;外表 the way that sb/sth looks on the outside; what sb/sth seems to bethe physical/outward/external appearance of sth某物的外观She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.她从来不怎么注重外貌。The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel.这条狗总的来看像西班牙猎狗。He gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be ) enjoying himself.他处处表现得很快活。Judging by appearances can be misleading.单凭外表判断可能出错。To all appearances (= as far as people could tell) he was dead.从一切迹象来看,他已经死了。
2022-12-31 05:25:422


2022-12-31 05:25:561

appearance-oriented 什么意思

2022-12-31 05:26:024

appearance; deliberate ; substitution 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法。。

appearance 英[əˈpɪərəns] 美[əˈpɪrəns] n. 外貌; 外观; 外表; (尤指突然的) 抵达,到来; 起源; 出现; 首次使用; [例句]It was the president"s second public appearance to date这是总统到那时为止的第二次公开露面。[其他] 复数:appearances deliberate 英[dɪˈlɪbərət , dɪˈlɪbəreɪt] 美[dɪˈlɪbərət , dɪˈlɪbəreɪt] adj. 故意的; 蓄意的; 存心的; 不慌不忙的; 小心翼翼的; 从容不迫的; v. 仔细考虑; 深思熟虑; 反复思考; [例句]It has a deliberate policy to introduce world art to Britain它在政策上有意识地将世界艺术介绍给英国。[其他] 第三人称单数:deliberates 现在分词:deliberating 过去式:deliberated 过去分词:deliberated substitution 英[ˌsʌbstɪ"tjuːʃ(ə)n] 美[ˌsʌbstɪ"tuʃ(ə)n] n. 置换; 取代; 代换; 代入; [例句]Substitution: Player No. 4 for No. 3.换人:3号下,4号上。[其他] 复数:substitutions
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2022-12-31 05:26:466


2022-12-31 05:27:072


Beauty does not only come from appearanceWhen we say someone is beautiful, it always means that he or she is good-looking. But there is another kind of beauty which doesn"t come from appearance, but from heart.A young lady is walking on the road, eating a banana, she is tall, slim, well dressed and beautiful. But look, what"s she doing? She throws the banana skins on the road, instead of into the dustbin, though the dustbin is just beside her. She is beautiful in appearance, but not in heart.Afterwards, a disabled man comes. He picks up the banana skins and throws them into the dustbin. Although the girl is beautiful and fashionate, I don"t think she is beautiful.Beauty doesn"t only come from appearance. It also comes from your heart, your action and your good qualities. Good appearance makes you beautiful, but not in mind. Having a heart with kindness, selflessness and helpfulness makes you the most beautiful person in the world.
2022-12-31 05:27:151


appearance意思是外表。appearance外表,音标:英[əˈpɪərəns]。n.出现;显现;形成;产生;发生;出场;露面;出版;发行;面世;样子;假象;佯装;(据以评估人或物的)表象;出庭;到案;应诉通知书;现象;外观;现象(相对于实在,是知觉的对象)。造句:1.Don"t be fooled by his appearance.别被他的外表蒙骗了。2.I had ceased to worry about my appearance.我不再为自己的外貌烦恼了。3.His appearance was unaltered.他的样子没有改变。4.It is the president"s first public appearance.这是总统的第一次公开露面。5.Tonight"s episode features a guest appearance by Shari Lewis.今晚这一期有莎莉·刘易斯客串出演。
2022-12-31 05:27:241


appearance意思是外表。appearance外表,音标:英[əˈpɪərəns]。n.出现;显现;形成;产生;发生;出场;露面;出版;发行;面世;样子;假象;佯装;(据以评估人或物的)表象;出庭;到案;应诉通知书;现象;外观;现象(相对于实在,是知觉的对象)。造句:1.Don"t be fooled by his appearance.别被他的外表蒙骗了。2.I had ceased to worry about my appearance.我不再为自己的外貌烦恼了。3.His appearance was unaltered.他的样子没有改变。4.It is the president"s first public appearance.这是总统的第一次公开露面。5.Tonight"s episode features a guest appearance by Shari Lewis.今晚这一期有莎莉·刘易斯客串出演。
2022-12-31 05:27:321


appearance意思是外表。appearance外表,音标:英[əˈpɪərəns]。n.出现;显现;形成;产生;发生;出场;露面;出版;发行;面世;样子;假象;佯装;(据以评估人或物的)表象;出庭;到案;应诉通知书;现象;外观;现象(相对于实在,是知觉的对象)。造句:1.Don"t be fooled by his appearance.别被他的外表蒙骗了。2.I had ceased to worry about my appearance.我不再为自己的外貌烦恼了。3.His appearance was unaltered.他的样子没有改变。4.It is the president"s first public appearance.这是总统的第一次公开露面。5.Tonight"s episode features a guest appearance by Shari Lewis.今晚这一期有莎莉·刘易斯客串出演。
2022-12-31 05:27:421


appearance作名词意思是“外貌”、“外观”、“外表”、“(尤指突然的)抵达,到来”、“ 起源”、“出现”、“首次使用”等意思。其复数形式为appearances。appearance的用法:1、基本意思是“出现”,常与动词make、put搭配使用。也可作“外表”使用,用作此意思时即可用单数形式也可用复数形式。2、appearance作“种种迹象”使用时,一般用复数形式。扩展资料appearance的固定搭配1、plate appearance打席数2、FINAL APPEARANCE最终外观 ; 终极外不雅 ; 终极外观 ; 末极里没有俗3、attractive appearance造型美观 ; 外形美观 ; 魅姿 ; 吸引人的外观4、Appearance money出场费5、APPEARANCE RETENTION外观持久性 ; 外观稳定性 ; 外观保持性 ; 中观速决性6、general appearance一般外形 ; 一般外貌 ; 一般状况或全身状况 ; 一般外观7、tension appearance外形拉紧 ; 形状拉紧8、appearance inspection外观检查 ; 外观检验 ; 外观验收 ; 外观检测9、Product appearance产品外形 ; 产品外观 ; 产品外形图 ; 产品外观尺寸
2022-12-31 05:27:501


appearance 英[əˈpɪərəns]美[əˈpɪrəns]n. 外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲] 现象;[网络] 人的外表; 表象; 显示;[例句]It was the president"s second public appearance to date.这是总统到那时为止的第二次公开露面。[其他] 复数:appearances
2022-12-31 05:28:132


2022-12-31 05:28:323


appearance[英][əˈpɪərəns][美][əˈpɪrəns]n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象; 复数:appearances以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How would you rate your appearance? 你如何评价你的外表?
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2022-12-31 05:28:484


n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面
2022-12-31 05:29:053

Appearance 是什么意思?

APPEARANCE n.出现,露面,外貌,外表,出场 1.We should not judge a person by his appearance. 我们不应该以貌取人. 2.I don"t want to go to the party but I"d better put in an appearance,I suppose. 我不想参加那个聚会,可是我最好还是要露一下面. 3.The journal makes its appearance once two months. 这本刊物两个月出版一次. 4.At the sight of his appearance on the stage,the hall rang with thunderous applause. 他一出场,礼堂里就掌声雷动. 5.Something in his appearance riveted our attention. 他外表的某些特徵吸引了我们的注意力.,3,外在表现,外表,出现等之意。,1,The singer made her first appearance in a concert in Boston. 这位歌唱家第一次演出是在波士顿的一个音乐会上。 She"s made a number of television,0,出现吧,0,
2022-12-31 05:29:171


appearance英音:[ə"pirəns]美音:[ə"pɪrəns]名词n.1.出现;显露[C]John"sappearancein the doorway was welcomed with shouts.约翰出现在门口时,大家高喊着欢迎他。2.露面;来到;演出[C]The singer made her firstappearancein a concert in Boston.这位歌唱家第一次演出是在波士顿的一个音乐会上。She"s made a number of televisionappearances.她已在电视上好几次亮相。3.出版[C]4.出庭,到案[C]5.外貌,外观;外表[U][C]Theappearanceof the old house completely changed.那所旧房子的外观全变了。6.景象,现象[C]7.表面迹象[P]
2022-12-31 05:29:221

appearance of是短语吗

appearance of是短语,意为“……的外表/……的露面”。相关用法有:retain an appearance of youth 看上去依旧年轻appearance of fatigue 疲劳现象The appearance of witnesses 证人出庭例句:At the appearance of the enemy, we attacked.敌人一出现,我们就发起了攻击。appearance用法:appearance的基本意思是“出现”,可指人的突然出现或出席某宴会,也可指演员等登台亮相或在电视、电影中露面,还可指疾病等到了最后阶段所显现出的一些症状,常与动词make,put搭配。也可作“外表”“外观”解,常指经常性的总体印象,指人时,可指人的容貌或着装,既可用单数形式也可用复数形式;指物时,可指建筑物的整体外观。appearance作“种种迹象”解时,一般用复数形式。用appearance指“表面情形”时,要用其复数形式appearances。
2022-12-31 05:29:271


appearance意思是外表。appearance外表,音标:英[əˈpɪərəns]。n.出现;显现;形成;产生;发生;出场;露面;出版;发行;面世;样子;假象;佯装;(据以评估人或物的)表象;出庭;到案;应诉通知书;现象;外观;现象(相对于实在,是知觉的对象)。造句:1.Don"t be fooled by his appearance.别被他的外表蒙骗了。2.I had ceased to worry about my appearance.我不再为自己的外貌烦恼了。3.His appearance was unaltered.他的样子没有改变。4.It is the president"s first public appearance.这是总统的第一次公开露面。5.Tonight"s episode features a guest appearance by Shari Lewis.今晚这一期有莎莉·刘易斯客串出演。
2022-12-31 05:29:391


appear英 [ə"pɪə(r)];美 [ə"pɪr]    vi. 出现;出版;显得;好像;登场appear的基本含义有二:一是“出现”“到达”,指出席或在公共场所露面,也指可以看见或变得清晰起来,较少意味着具有确切地具体的背景或出处。引申为“出演”“出版”“面世”。appear作此解时,是不及物动词,其后常有时间、地点等状语。appear的另一个意思是“似乎”“显得”“看起来好像”,含有因视觉误差、观点限制或他人掩饰而得到的印象与事实并不一定相符的味道。appear作此解时,主要用作系动词,也可用作不及物动词。扩展资料:appear,emerge,loom这三个词的共同意思是“出现”,其区别是:1、appear强调的是公开露面;2、emerge指从某个掩蔽处出现或摆脱遮挡物而被看见,强调“缓缓出现”;3、loom则强调眼前出现的物体好像从云雾中发出,无明显轮廓,即“朦胧出现”。
2022-12-31 05:29:473


n.外貌,外观;出现,露面由v. appear变形而成disapear v. 消失;失踪;离开;绝迹dis为动词否定前缀,ed:dislike
2022-12-31 05:30:101

appearance怎么读 英语appearance怎么读

1、appearance英[əˈpɪərəns]美[əˈpɪrəns]n.外貌; 外观; 外表; (尤指突然的)抵达,到来; 起源; 出现; 首次使用; 公开露面; 出版。 2、[例句]She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.她从来不怎么注重外貌。
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2022-12-31 05:30:201


appearance外观双语对照词典结果:appearance[英][əˈpɪərəns][美][əˈpɪrəns]n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象; 复数:appearances以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The changes did nothing to improve its appearance. 但这些变化并没有改善它的外观。
2022-12-31 05:30:261


appearance [ap·pear·ance || ə"pɪərəns]n. 外表, 出现, 登台
2022-12-31 05:30:372


2022-12-31 05:30:453


n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面
2022-12-31 05:30:562


2022-12-31 05:31:046

feature aspect appearance三个词用法上的区别

feature 偏向于 脸部,面貌 它还有 “特征,特点;特写,特辑;故事片”的意思,还看、可以当动词使用aspect 外观,样子(通常指物体的外观样式) 还有 方面,形态 的意思appearance 这个就可以指 人的外貌长相了 ,还可以表示 出现、来到,出场
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2022-12-31 05:31:361


appearance[英][əˈpɪərəns][美][əˈpɪrəns]n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象; 复数:appearances例句:1.Critics were equally focused on the boy"s appearance. 网上的评论同样也关注黄艺博的外表。
2022-12-31 05:31:411


2022-12-31 05:31:462


appearance[英][əˈpɪərəns][美][əˈpɪrəns]n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象; 复数:appearances例句:1.How would you rate your appearance? 你如何评价你的外表?
2022-12-31 05:31:541

新东方英语900句 Lesson 7: Appearance

新东方英语900句 Lesson 7: Appearance ,Core Sentences,1. What does Sandy look like? 2. She has big blue eyes and brown hair. 3. What is Phillipes? 4. He is a big guy. 5. Voll is tall and quite lank. From her appearane, I would she is Asian. 6. She takes after her mother. 7. Voll looks exactly like his father. He has his father"s blue eyes and his mother"s round face. 8. Tracy is a typical with her high cheek bones. 9. Ray is popular with parents because he is very polite. 10. Tom is quiet man, but his wife is extremy talk to him. 11. My brother has good personality. 12. Trim always wears a brown overcoat these days. 13. The short and gentelman over there is a new director.,Dialog Exerciese,Number one My idea hu *** and A. I dreamed my idea hu *** and again last night. It"s so exciting. B. What does your idea hu *** and look like? Jane. A. He is a typical Asian with black hair, yellow skin and dark eyes. B. What sort of does he? A. He is lanky. B. And how is his personality? A. Right, he is quite polite. So much shine, glasses and a suit. B. Don"t you think you are describing our boss, Jane. No wonder you are so late these days.,Number Two Talking about a girl A. See the girl in the blue over there, I keep catch her at school. She is really sharp. B. Which one? They are all in the blue uniforms. A. The one wearing a polling tail. From her appearance, I would guss she is from China. B. Right, she has yellow skin and black hair. A. And she is always *** iling, so I guess she has a good personality. B. Come on, Daniel, are you falling in love with her? A. Get out here, I just think she looks a lot like my grandma, you know when she was young.
2022-12-31 05:32:031


appearance[英][əˈpɪərəns][美][əˈpɪrəns]n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象; 复数:appearances例句:1.How would you rate your appearance? 你如何评价你的外表?2.His appearance on wednesday comes at a critical moment. 周三乔布斯的出现是在一个非常重要的时刻。
2022-12-31 05:32:091


appearance是可数的如他们的外貌their appearances
2022-12-31 05:32:142

Appearance 是什么意思

2022-12-31 05:32:233


n.外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲]现象
2022-12-31 05:32:342


appear的名词是appearance一、appearance英[əˈpɪərəns]  美[əˈpɪrəns]  n.外貌,外观;出现,露面;[哲]现象1、出席;参加;露面 Itwasthepresident"ssecondpublicappearancetodate...这是总统到那时为止的第二次公开露面。2、外貌;外表;外观 Sheusedtobesofussyaboutherappearance...她过去非常在意自己的容貌。二、appear英[əˈpɪə(r)]  美[əˈpɪr]  vi.发表;出现,显现;出庭,出场;演出Shedidherbesttoappearmoreself-assuredthanshefelt...她竭力让自己表现得比实际更自信。扩展资料同义词辨析:look、appearance、aspect 1、lookn.外表,外貌最普通用词,指人或事物的外表,较口语化,用于复数时可指美貌。Theareahasaverydirtylooktoit.这个地区看上去肮脏不堪。2、appearancen.外貌,外表普通用词,指相对内在而言,某人或某物给人的印象。Therewasanoticeabletransformationinhisappearance.他的容貌有了明显的变化。3、aspect 侧重指人或事物在某一时间呈现的样子。Heraspectwasfrightening.她当时的样子很可怕。
2022-12-31 05:32:431


有它的动词原形appear vi.发表; 出现,显现; 出庭,出场; 演出appearance是appear的名词形式
2022-12-31 05:32:532


2022-12-31 05:33:011


应该是appearance 英[əˈpɪərəns] 美[əˈpɪrəns] n. 外貌,外观; 出现,露面; [哲] 现象
2022-12-31 05:33:073


appearances 英[ə"pɪərənsɪz] 美[ə"pɪərənsɪz] n. 外观; 出现( appearance的名词复数 ); [复数] (事物的) 表面; [哲学] 现象; [例句]His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances.他的工作日程表上还包括演讲安排和在其他公开场合的露面。
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n. advent1. 出现, 到来2. 将临期,基督降临(圣诞节前的四个星期)advent的用法例句1. Increasing demands for insurance of traditionally uninsurable risks triggered the advent of "alternative risk transfer" (ART).随着人们对传统“不可保”风险的保险需求的加大,“非传统风险转移”市场即ART应运而生。2. Digital epoch in process of advent, We shall allow using network process study of student be capable of mathematics telematic, gradually implement for life mathematics education .远距离教育正向国际化、全球化方向发展。数字化时代正在到来,我们将让学生能够利用互联网进行远距离学习数学,逐步实现学生的数学终身教育。3. The advent of the Age of Information brings about bright prospects to TEFL.信息时代的到来为英语教学的发展带来新的契机。4. With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.随著新主席的到来,公司也开始有了起色。5. Each of the successive periods of100 years before or since the advent of the Christian era.世纪基督教纪元以前或以后的相连续的每个百年的时间段6. Since the advent of atomic power, there have been great changes in industry.自从原子动力问世以后,工业发生了巨大的变化。n. appearance1. 出现, 显露, 露面, 演出, 出庭2. 外观, 外貌, 外表3. (尤指突然的)抵达,到来4. 起源;出现;首次使用5. 出版;广播6. [复数](事物的)表面,表面迹象7. [复数]门面,浮浅的外表,外表的虚饰,矫饰;假装;做作;体面8. 景象,现象9. 出现物,可见物10. 【哲学】现象;(现象等的)显现appearance的用法例句1. Any of several copper and zinc or tin alloys resembling gold in appearance and used to ornament furniture, moldings, architectural details, and jewelry.铜锌锡合金外表看来象金的、由铜、锌或锡组成的合金,用于装饰家具、模具、建筑配件和珠宝。2. Having a fluffy or woolly appearance.絮状的有绒毛状或羊毛状外表的3. Pleasing and wholesome in appearance; attractive.秀丽的,漂亮的可爱的和有生气的外貌; 有吸引力的4. Appearance to the eye, especially from a specific vantage point.观点出现于眼睛里尤指从一具体的有利点5. At this first appearance in a starring role, he was hissed off by an unsympathetic audience.他第一次以主角身分出现时就被没有共鸣的观众嘘下了台。6. The rows of houses were uniform in appearance.这一排排的房屋外表都是一样的。
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