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2023-05-19 22:13:21

拼音gōng ~给。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。

拼音gòng ~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。 ~桌。~品。~果。上~。


叉chā chá chǎ chà

中文解释 - 英文翻译



叉 chā


部首:又 部外笔画:1 总笔画:3

五笔86:CYI 五笔98:CYI 仓颉:EI

笔顺编号:544 四角号码:77403 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+53C9











手指相交错.也泛指一般的交错、交叉 [cross]






刺;扎取 [stick;work with a fork;fork].如:叉了一槽干草;叉鱼



古代的一种兵器,头有分杈 [cha,a weapon in anciant China,which the end is forked]

红漆了叉.——元· 睢景臣《[般涉调]哨遍·高祖还乡》


叉子 [fork]

挺叉来往.——《文选 ·潘岳·西征赋》.注:“叉,取鱼叉也.”




两短直线相交所成的图形 [cross].如:打个叉


另见 chá;chǎ;chà



叉车 chāchē

[forklift;forklift truck] 搬运货物的铲车


叉锄 chāchú

[prong hoe] 有两个或更多叉齿,用于园中锄土或耕种的手持工具


叉手 chāshǒu


[cup one hand in the other before the chest]∶一种礼节.两手交叉齐胸,俯首到手,犹如后世之作揖.又作“抄手”



[put the palms together]∶合十


叉腰 chāyāo

[akimbo] 大指与其余四指分开,按在腰旁


叉鱼 chāyú

[spear fish] 用叉子捕鱼

叉 chá







挡住,卡住 [block up;jam]



另见 chā;chǎ,chà

叉 chǎ







分开,成叉形 [fork].如:叉着腿站着;拇指和食指叉成个“八”字


另见 chā;chá;chà

叉 chà




用同“岔”.分岔 [fork].如:劈叉;叉路(岔道);叉港(与大河相通的小河)


使前进、谈话的方向偏向另一边 [parry].如:急忙叉开说;路没选中,一下叉到别地方去了


另见 chā;chá;chǎ




汉字首尾分解:又丶 汉字部件分解:又丶




chā ㄔㄚˉ

 1. 交错:~腰。

 2. 一头分歧便于扎取的器具:~子。

chá ㄔㄚˊ

 ◎ 挡住,堵塞住,互相卡住:一辆车~在路口。

chǎ ㄔㄚˇ

 ◎ 分开张开:~开两腿。

gōng ㄍㄨㄥˉ

 ◎ 准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。

gòng ㄍㄨㄥˋ

 1. 奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。

 2. 祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。

 3. 被审问时在法庭上述说事实:招~。口~。~状。~认。~词。



2023-01-11 04:36:531


没有这个单词,根据您的拼写来看,考虑应是:akimboakimbo英 [ə"kɪmbəʊ]  美 [ə"kɪmbo] adv. 两手叉腰adj. 两手叉腰的[例句]She stood with arms akimbo.她双手叉腰站着。
2023-01-11 04:37:031

AKIMBO CAFE有那么点意思的咖啡

!Akimbo cafe是名副其实的网红店,我和朋友去的时候已经晚上八点多了,店内依然人头攒动。临街的高吧台上坐满了打卡的网红小姐姐,我和朋友只能遗憾地对着夜色拍照。!店内的装修风格有点儿像九十年代礼堂和电影院的风格,裸露的墙体,硬朗帅气,悬挂在天花板上的一排射灯增添了几分时尚感。!机器是我喜欢的la marzocco,他们是定制版,机体没有完全被金属外层覆盖,可以清楚地看到咖啡机内的铜锅炉和缠绕的电路线,很蒸汽朋克啊!!冰滴壶出乎我意料的好看,不过就是加了一个金属架子,却营造出蒸汽朋克风格,完全对我胃口。!喝的时候是挺纠结的,最后喝了小姐姐推荐的氮气咖啡,朋友喝的是创意咖啡。!氮气咖啡的味道有点像豆浆的口感,果然如她所说,绵密的泡泡在口舌之间流动,倒是奶油这个形容有点过,毕竟这款咖啡不腻,相反,还很清爽。咖啡味倒是没有多少,但作为创意咖啡是有趣的。!朋友的是鲜橙味咖啡,好喝。说一句有用的话:其实你可以把你喜欢的果汁放进咖啡里,你会发现,他俩的搭配简直妙极了!!网红的代价是贵、贵、贵!价格请自行看菜单。
2023-01-11 04:37:081


1、Akimbo 1887散弹枪,它的威力和伤害范围足以在地图上狙击玩家,即使在伤害范围被削弱后,这些霰弹枪仍然是一种威力过大的威胁,需要玩家保持距离。2、M16A4连发突击步枪,因为该枪具有几乎没有后坐力和令人印象深刻的伤害范围。即使在2016年重制《现代战争》时,M16A4在多人游戏中也是绝对的禁忌存在。3、ACR最受欢迎的突击步枪,这主要是由于该武器的有效伤害范围和后坐力较小。这是一支易于操作的突击步枪,当与红点附件搭配使用时,玩家们可以用ACR在地图上互相打招呼。这也是是使命召唤有史以来使用最轻松的突击步枪之一。4、MP40MP40拥有冲锋枪类别里最大的威力表现,近距离最大伤害可以3枪毙命,而后续伤害最低也能保证4枪毙命。5、205 Brecci半自动霰弹枪,它可以保证玩家的两次击杀,无论枪是臀部射击还是瞄准瞄准器,射击都是一致的。205 Brecci 也有一个相当大的弹匣,这使得霰弹枪成为一种非常威力巨大的武器。6、BAL-27BAL-27 突击步枪在《高级战争》多人游戏中是一个让人厌烦的存在。该武器的基础版本非常强大,具有高射速和快速击杀时间。7、NV4NV4突击步枪是无限战争中最常用的武器之一,正得益于这枪的用途广泛且易于操作。玩家可以在重生点躺下,并以激光束的精确度在地图上杀死他们的对手。8、S6 StingrayS6 Stingray是一种两发连发战术步枪,具有高伤害和快速击杀时间。该枪还拥有极高的准确性和操控性,可以很轻松的使用。9、MP7MP7是用途最广泛的枪支,拥有很高的射速和极小的后坐力,它可以在比任何冲锋枪都能更远的范围内挑战敌人。10、Famas全自动 突击步枪,这把武器以极快地杀伤时间而自豪,在所有范围内都是致命的。
2023-01-11 04:37:141


  功夫是在中国清末关于“ 武术 ”的别称,主要体现在个人在武术上的应用和造诣,以“制止侵袭”为技术导向、进入认识人与自然、社会客观规律的传统教化方式和个人修为。中国功夫在世界上影响广泛,不仅出现了大量中国功夫题材的中外影视作品,更有少林、太极、咏春拳等中国功夫在全球广泛传扬。目前,在全国得到较全面保留与发扬的中国传统功夫。那么你知道功夫用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    功夫英语说法:   kongfu    功夫相关英语表达:   功夫熊猫 Kung Fu Panda ;   功夫 足球 Kung Fu Soccer ; Sensible Soccer ; Kung Fu Football   中国功夫 Kung fu ; chinese kungfu ; Kung Fu Fighting ; Kongfu   功夫小子 The Karate Kid ; KK ; Kung Fu Kid ; Tekken Chinmi   功夫片 CHOPSOCKY ; kungfu film ; Kung Fu movie ; Martial arts film   功夫战士 KungFu Warrior ; KungFu Warrior for LGGW ; KungFu Warrior for HTCG ; KungFu Warrior for AcerE   功夫大师 Kung-Fu master ; Master of Kung Fu ; iKungFu Master ; Master Shifu   功夫英雄 KUNGFU HERO ; Akimbo Kung Fu Hero ; Heroes of Kung Fu    功夫的英语例句:   1. He decides to study kung fu.   他决定学习中国功夫。   2. He performed a sensational acrobatic feat.   他表演了一套惊人的杂技功夫。   3. We spent days going through all related reference material.   我们花了好多天功夫查阅所有有关的参考资料.   4. It took him only three days to learn to skate.   他三天功夫就学会了滑冰.   5. He has put a lot of effort into his study of English.   他在英语上面下了很多功夫.   6. She grinds away at history studies.   她在历史学习上下了很多功夫.   7. He gave us a taste of his skill.   他让我们领略了他的功夫.   8. That was all wrist.   这全凭手腕功夫.   9. In a short time she was busy eating.   一小会儿功夫之后她便忙着吃起来了.   10. We really went to town on it, turning it into a full, three-day show.   我们下了真功夫,把它办成了一场内容丰富、为时三天的展览。   11. If my plan isn"t approved of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted.   如果我的计划得不到委员会的批准, 我的功夫就白费了.   12. His Chinese kung fu is peerless.   他的中国功夫是无敌的。   13. I"ll tell you about it while Frank saddles the horse.   趁弗兰克给我备马的这会儿功夫,我把事情讲给你听吧.   14. He has been creeping about with her all the spring.   他跟她几经磨了一春的功夫了.   15. He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.   他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了.
2023-01-11 04:38:001


2023-01-11 04:38:051

两手叉腰 英文怎么说

with hands on the hip
2023-01-11 04:38:116


1.叉车 chāchē   [forklift;forklift truck] 搬运货物的铲车   2.叉锄 chāchú   [prong hoe] 有两个或更多叉齿,用于园中锄土或耕种的手持工具   3.叉手 chāshǒu   (1) [cup one hand in the other before the chest]∶一种礼节.两手交叉齐胸,俯首到手,犹如后世之作揖.又作“抄手”   叉手施礼   (2) [put the palms together]∶合十   4.叉腰 chāyāo   [akimbo] 大指与其余四指分开,按在腰旁   5.叉鱼 chāyú   [spear fish] 用叉子捕鱼
2023-01-11 04:38:341


  五行中属金的汉字有很多,那么3画属金的字有哪些呢?下面我为你整理了笔画3画五行属金的字,希望对你有所帮助!   3笔画的五行属金的字   刃 小 寸 三 上 才 川 亍 夕 千 叉 士   3笔画的五行属金的字——川   川读音:[chuān]   基本解释   河流:名山大~。~流不息。   平原,平地:平~。米粮~。   〔~资〕旅费。   特指中国四川省:~剧。~菜。~贝。   详细解释   〈名〉   (象形。甲骨文字形,左右是岸,中间是流水,正像河流形。本义:河流)   同本义 [river]   川,贯川通流水也。——《说文》。按,象水直达之形。   水之出于他水,沟流于大水及海者,命曰川水。——《管子·度地》   有川衡。——《周礼·地官》   利涉大川。——《易·需》   百川沸腾。——《诗·小雅·十月之交》   如川之方至。——《诗·小雅·天保》   川壅为泽。——《左传·宣公十二年》   晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。——崔颢《黄鹤楼》   又如:川源(河川的源头);顺尊(取自河川的祭品);川游(游泳渡河);川口(河口);川水(江河之水);川防(河堤);川谷(河谷);川坻(河岸);川岗(河畔的山岗)   平地;平野 [plain]   敕勒川,阴山下。——北朝乐府《敕勒川》   又如:平川;米粮川;川境(地域);川地(平旷的地带)   四川省的简称 [Sichuan province]。如:川盐;川墨;川货;川蜀(四川省)   旅途 [journey]。如:川费(旅费);川程(旅途)   〈形〉   把食物放到沸水里稍微一煮。通“氽” [quick-boil]。如:川丸子   常用词组   川贝 chuān bèi   [tendrilleaf fritillary bulb] 中药川贝母的简称   川菜 chuān cài   [Sichuan flavor] 以麻辣为主的四川特色菜肴,为中国名菜派之一   川菜名厨   川剧 chuān jù   [Sichuan opera] 中国戏曲剧种之一,流行于四川全省及贵州、云南部分地区   川军 chuān jūn   [rhubarb] 即大黄,是猛烈的泻药。旧称将军,四川省出产的最好,所以叫川军   川流不息 chuān liú bù xī   川:河流。形容行人、车马等象水流一样连续不断。   川资 chuān zī   [travelling expenses] 盘缠,旅费   部首笔画   部首: 川   部外笔画: 0   总笔画: 3   五笔86: kthh   五笔98: kthh   仓颉: lll   笔顺编号: 322   四角号码: 22000   郑码: nd   Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+5DDD   字形结构   汉字首尾分解: 丿丨   汉字部件分解: 川   笔顺编号: 322   笔顺读写: 撇竖竖   3笔画的五行属金的字——叉   叉读音:[chā],[chá],[chǎ],[chà]   基本解释   1. 叉 [chā]2. 叉 [chá]3. 叉 [chǎ]   叉 [chā]   交错:~腰。   一头分歧便于扎取的器具:~子。   叉 [chá]   挡住,堵塞住,互相卡住:一辆车~在路口。   叉 [chǎ]   分开张开:~开两腿。   详细解释   1. 叉 [chā]2. 叉 [chá]3. 叉 [chǎ]4. 叉 [chà]   叉 [chā]   〈动〉   用同“岔”。分岔 [fork]。如:劈叉;叉路(岔道);叉港(与大河相通的小河)   使前进、谈话的方向偏向另一边 [parry]。如:急忙叉开说;路没选中,一下叉到别地方去了   另见 chā;chá;chǎ   叉 [chá]   〈动〉   挡住,卡住 [block up;jam]   那大师傅就叉着门,不叫我们走。——《儿女英雄传》   另见 chā;chǎ,chà   叉 [chǎ]   〈动〉   (指事。小篆为“又”(即手)上加一点,指出叉手的动向。本义:交错,交叉)   手指相交错。也泛指一般的交错、交叉 [cross]   叉,手指相错也。——《说文》。段注:“谓手指与物相错也。凡布指错物间而取之曰叉,因之凡岐头皆曰叉。”   凡八叉手而八韵成。——《全唐诗话》   又如:叉手   刺;扎取 [stick;work with a fork;fork]。如:叉了一槽干草;叉鱼   〈名〉   古代的一种兵器,头有分杈 [cha,a weapon in anciant China,which the end is forked]   红漆了叉。——元· 睢景臣《[般涉调]哨遍·高祖还乡》   叉子 [fork]   挺叉来往。——《文选 ·潘岳·西征赋》。注:“叉,取鱼叉也。”   又如:鱼叉;粪叉;叉竿(带叉头的竿)   两短直线相交所成的图形 [cross]。如:打个叉   另见 chá;chǎ;chà   叉 [chà]   〈动〉   分开,成叉形 [fork]。如:叉着腿站着;拇指和食指叉成个“八”字   另见 chā;chá;chà   常用词组   1. 叉 [chā]   叉 [chā]   叉车 chā chē   [forklift;forklift truck] 搬运货物的铲车   叉锄 chā chú   [prong hoe] 有两个或更多叉齿,用于园中锄土或耕种的手持工具   叉手 chā shǒu   [cup one hand in the other before the chest]∶一种礼节。两手交叉齐胸,俯首到手,犹如后世之作揖。又作抄手   叉手施礼   叉腰 chā yāo   [akimbo] 大指与其余四指分开,按在腰旁   叉鱼 chā yú   [spear fish] 用叉子捕鱼   部首笔画   部首: 又   部外笔画: 1   总笔画: 3   五笔86: cyi   五笔98: cyi   仓颉: ei   笔顺编号: 544   四角号码: 77403   郑码: xss   Unicode: CJK 统一汉字 U+53C9   字形结构   汉字首尾分解: 又丶   汉字部件分解: 叉   笔顺编号: 544   笔顺读写: 折捺捺  
2023-01-11 04:38:391


精选英语幽默笑话   写给上帝的信   A little boy needed $50 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $50. When the post office received the letter to God, USA, they decided to send it to the president. The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the boy a $5 bill. The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy. The little boy was delighted with the $5 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read: Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington, D.C., and, as usual, those turkeys kept $45 in taxes.   有个小男孩非常需要50美元,他为此祷告了数周但是什么也没发生。后来,他决定写封信向上帝索要这50美元。邮局接到这封信,想了想觉得还是应该交给总统比较好。总统被逗笑了,于是指示秘书寄给小男孩5美元,因为他觉得5美元对于一个小孩来讲已经是不少了。小男孩收到了钱很高兴,给上帝回了一封感谢信,信里写道:尊敬的上帝,非常感谢你把钱寄给我。然而,我发现这些钱是通过白宫寄出的,因此,和往常一样,那帮家伙收了我45美元的税。   Akimbo (叉腰)   Just like most of other kids, aged two Emilia didn" t like washing hands──she" s always wiping the dirt off hands on her clothes. One day I accompanied her to have fried cicadae(蝉). Habitually she rubbed her grease fingers on her real silk short gown. I held back (阻挡) her from doing it: " What do you want to do?" She was immediately on to (意识)her blame, replied at ease(从容): " I" m akimbo."   像大多数别的小孩一样,两岁艾咪丽雅不爱洗手,吃东西弄脏手,随便在身上一抹就得了。一天我正陪她吃炸知了,她手上的油多了,便习惯地往真丝小褂子上蹭,我阻止道:“你想干什么?”她马上意识到问题所在,从容答道:“我叉腰。”   年少无知   Jimmy is three years old.   吉米3岁了。   One day, he was gazing out of the window when the night fell. He suddenly shouted, "Mum, mum, come close the window!"   一天,他正在窗口观望,夜幕降临。他突然喊道:“妈妈,妈妈,快来关窗!”   "Why? It"s not cold, sonny."   “为什么?天不冷呀,宝贝。”   "Yes, mum, but the night will come inside."   “是的,妈妈,可黑夜会进来。”   I don"t think I know   Teacher: "John, what is the past participle of the verb to ring?"   John: "What do you think it is, sir?"   Teacher: "I don"t think, I KNOW!"   John: "I don"t think I know either, sir!"   老师:“John,动词ring的过去分词是什么?”。   约翰:“你想它是什么呢”?   老师:“我不用想,我知道!”。   约翰:“我想我不知道”。   香蕉用英语怎么说?   “闺女,香蕉用英语怎么说?”“banana!”“苹果呢?”“iPhone!”“那大苹果呢?”“iPad!”   Mushroom and Toadstool 蘑菇与毒蕈   Younger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool(毒菌) ?Older Scout: Just eat one before you go to bed. If you wake up the next morning, it was a mushroom.   年少的童子军:我怎样才能把蘑菇和毒蕈区别开呢?年长的童子军:上床前吃一个。如果你第二天早上醒来,那就是蘑菇。   我没有看到另外一块   Mother: I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, Johnny, and now there is only one piece left. Can you explain that?Johnny: Well, I suppose it was so dark that I didn"t notice the other.   妈妈:约翰尼,我今天早上在橱子里放了两块点心。现在就剩下一块了。你能解释一下吗?约翰尼:嗯,我想是因为里面太黑我没看到另外那块。   魔鬼的妹夫   A woman whose husband often came home drunk decided to cure him of the habit. One Halloween night, she put on a devil suit and hid behind a tree to intercept him on the way home.   一位妇人发现丈夫回家的时候总是烂醉如泥,她决定为丈夫治好这个毛病。一个万圣节夜里,她穿上一套魔鬼戏服,躲在树后,准备在丈夫返家时拦截他的去路。   When her husband came by, she jumped out and stood before him with her red horns, long tail, and pitchfork.   当丈夫走近时,她从树后跳出来,站到他面前,头上带着红色的羊角、身后有长长的尾巴,手中握着钢叉。   "Who are you?" he asked.   “你是谁?”丈夫问到。   "I"m the Devil!" she responded.   “我是魔鬼!”她回答到。   "Well, come on home with me," he said, "I married your sister!"   “噢,那你跟我一起回家吧,”丈夫说,“我娶了你的姐妹!”   最丑的孩子?   A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The driver says: "Ugh, that"s the ugliest baby I"ve ever seen."   一位女士抱着她的宝宝上公交车,司机看到后说:“额,那是我这辈子见过的"最丑的小孩。”   The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me." The man says: "You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I"ll hold your monkey for you."   女士走到车厢后面坐下,感到很愤怒。她对旁边的男士说:“司机刚刚羞辱了我。”男士回应说:“你快上去斥责他。去吧,我替你抱着你的猴子。”   A Man of Actions   A crowd of student was gathered on the campus of Oxford University. “You can have no doubt,” shouted a young man excitedly, “that if the Dean does not take back what he said to me this morning, I"ll leave Oxford this very evening!”   A buzzing noise followed. “What a man of actions!” one said in admiration. “How should we support him and learn from him!” said another.   Suddenly, a girl asked, “What did the Dean say to you, Hob?”   He bent and whispered to her, “Well,er???er???Miss Rose, er???he told me to get clean away from   Oxford this very evening!”   一群学生聚在牛津的校园里,一个年轻人情绪激动地叫道:“毋庸置疑,如果那个家伙不收回他今早  对我说的话,我今晚就离开牛津。”   下面一片喧哗。“真是个言出必行的人。”一个人艳羡地说。另一个说:“我们要支持他、学习他。”   突然,一个女孩问道:“那家伙对你说什么了,霍波?”   他弯下腰小声说:“哦,呃…呃…,罗斯小姐,呃…他说要我今晚从牛津滚出去。”   If I Am a Manager   One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition – if I Am a Manager.   All the students began to write except a boy. The teacher went to him and asked the reason.   “I am waiting for my secretary,” was the boy"s answer.   一天课上,老师要同学们以“如果我是一个经理”为题写一篇作文。   所有的学生都在动笔写了,只有一个男生例外。老师走过去问他为什么不写。   “我在等我的秘书”。那孩子答道。   Isn"t it wonderful?   "What are you so happy about?"a woman asked the 98-year-old man.   "I broke a mirror," he replied.   "But that means seven years of bad luck."   "I know." he said, beaming,"Isn"t it wonderful?"   这难道不好吗?   “你高兴什么?”一个女士问一个98岁的老人。   “我打碎了一个镜子。”他回答。   “但那预示着7年的坏运气。”   “我知道。”他高兴地说,“这难道不好吗?” ;
2023-01-11 04:38:451


主武器注意:可装备2个配件,额外配件技能3个,盾只能带1个 突击步枪秘鲁 SC-2010突击步枪捷克 SA-805突击步枪(现实中叫CZ-805,其实也可以叫SA-805 不过官方昵称为CZ)俄罗斯 AK-12突击步枪秘鲁 FAD突击步枪美国 Remington R5突击步枪波兰 MSBS突击步枪(默认三连发)美国 Honey Badger突击步枪(现实中为冲锋枪,游戏里被归类为突击步枪,自带消音器)意大利 ARX-160突击步枪(单人剧情模式为二连发,多人联机模式自带激光指示器,该作里的ARX-160是白色枪身的太空版,枪管较短)苏/俄 APS 水下突击步枪(仅出现在单机水下情节)美国 Maverick 小牛步枪(DLC武器,自带超音速子弹,是所有突击步枪里换弹匣速度最快的,配合快手技能换弹速度逆天) 轻机枪西班牙 Ameli 阿梅利通用机枪美国 赫克勒-科赫 M27-IAR轻机枪美国LSAT通用机枪美国 KAC Chain SAW 链锯机枪(自带镭射激光指示,不可抬枪瞄准,移动速度提升至突击步枪水平,腰射准度提升到冲锋枪水平) 冲锋枪俄罗斯 PP19 Bizon野牛冲锋枪瑞典 CBJ-MS冲锋枪(自带穿甲弹)美国 Vector CRB 短剑冲锋枪乌克兰 Vepr 野猪冲锋枪(现实中为突击步枪,该作里被归类为冲锋枪,从外形上看就是无托版AK-74M)韩国 大宇 K7消音冲锋枪(自带消音器)以色列 MTAR-X冲锋枪(现实中为突击步枪,该作将其归类为冲锋枪)以色列 MTAR-X2冲锋枪(白色枪身的太空版,仅出现在单人剧情模式第一关,仅有三连发射击模式) 霰弹枪澳大利亚 Bulldog 斗牛犬枪械附挂散弹枪意大利 FP6 泵动式霰弹枪俄罗斯 MTS-255 转轮霰弹枪土耳其Tac -12泵动式散弹枪(现实中名为UTS-15,自带智能喉缩,瞄准时散布减少) 狙击步枪美国 USR狙击步枪(自带后座补偿器,每杀一个人获得一个骷髅标记在弹道CPU上,减少后坐力,最多4个)英国 L115A3狙击步枪(同上)匈牙利 Lynx 山猫大口径狙击步枪(移动速度降低至轻机枪水平)俄罗斯 VKS消音大口径狙击步枪(自带消音器)美国 Maverick A2 小牛步枪A2(DLC武器,自带追踪器狙击镜,小牛步枪的狙击版) 精确射手步枪美国 Mk14 EBR精准步枪巴西 IA-2精准步枪俄罗斯 SVU精准步枪(无托版的德拉贡诺夫步枪)美国MR-28精准步枪(自带前握把) 副武器注意:手枪可携带1个配件,额外配件技能2个 手枪:意大利伯莱塔 M9A1俄罗斯 MP443-Grach 乌鸦美国 .44 Magnum Raging Bull 愤怒公牛转轮手枪(游戏里枪上的铭文则是“Roaring Wolf”,意为“咆哮野狼”,单动转轮手枪)德国 西格 P226PDW(单机为全自动,联机为三连发) 发射器:俄罗斯 Kastet(单发榴弹发射器)德国 铁拳3(Panzerfaust Ⅲ,火箭筒)美国 MK32(联机为二连发定时粘弹发射器)美国 MAAWS(拥有红外指引制导,以拖式飞弹的基础) 特殊情况战斗刀(Combat Knife) 默认携带,亦是联机的缺省武器迷你炮(Minigun) 连杀奖励MAAWS 连杀奖励,二连发激光制导导弹斧头(Axe) DLC地图Fog战场任务奖励Venon-X DLC灭绝模式地图武器,以异型的卵为弹药,并且该武器还能打断关底BOSS的回血技能 武器附件注意:同部位不能重复 枪管下方FN-40GL 下挂榴弹发射器(取代杀伤性投掷武器,突击步枪、轻机枪可以使用)Bulldog 下挂金属风暴斗牛犬霰弹枪(取代杀伤性投掷武器,突击步枪、除Chain SAW外的轻机枪可以使用)前握把(Foregrip,除Chain SAW、精确射手步枪、狙击枪外的主武器可以使用)双持(Akimbo,手枪可用)战术刀(Tactical Knife,手枪可用) 瞄具机械瞄准具(Iron Sight)——除Chain SAW和狙击步枪、精确射手步枪外武器的默认配备,狙击枪和精确射手步枪可选配件红点瞄准镜(Red Dot Sight)——标准清晰无倍数快速瞄准用红点,除Chain SAW和狙击步枪外的主武器和PDW可使用。图案可选择。全息瞄准镜(Holographic Sight)——适合中近距离使用,附带威力衰减计算功能,其他同上ACOG光学瞄准镜(ACOG Scope)——适合中远距离使用,倍数放大。除霰弹枪和Chain SAW外的主武器和.44马格南和PDW可使用。图案可选择。热成像混合瞄准镜(Thermal Hybrid Scope)——瞄准时按近身攻击键可从反射式瞄准镜和热成像镜中切换。除霰弹枪、Chain SAW和狙击枪外的主武器可使用。可变焦镜组(Variable Zoom Lens)——瞄准时可按近身攻击键可在2.4x、4.8x、9.6x之前切换。狙击步枪可用。热成像瞄准镜(Thermal Scope)——热成像视野,狙击步枪可用。可变倍红点瞄准镜(VMR Sight)——瞄准时可按近身攻击键可在红点镜、4倍镜之间切换。突击步枪、除Chain SAW外的轻机枪、冲锋枪可以使用。追踪器瞄准镜(Tracker Sight)——瞄准时可按近身攻击键可在机瞄、追踪器瞄准镜中切换。追踪器状态下视野变得比较狭窄,但可探测附近敌军。除霰弹枪、Chain SAW、SVU、狙击步枪外的主武器可以使用。 枪管消音器(Silencer)——Honey Badger、K7、VKS自带。其他子弹类武器全部可用。消声消焰,减少射程。制退器(Muzzle Break)——除狙击枪外的子弹类武器可用。增加射程。消焰器(Flash Suppressor)——除狙击枪、霰弹枪外的子弹类武器可用。消焰。镀铬枪管(Chrome Lined)——除VKS外的狙击枪可用。增加威力。手枪方舟(Pistol Ark)——灭绝模式DLC附件,需要购买复仇DLC并花费125颗牙齿来解锁灭绝模式的Pistol Ark,并且在游戏中手枪+1后可在手枪枪口上安装一个方舟,可大幅度提高手枪对异形的杀伤力,并且击杀异形后会使其融化方舟(Ark attachment)——灭绝模式DLC附件,需要购买复仇DLC并花费200颗牙齿解锁Master Scavenger技能,解锁该技能的玩家可以在灭绝模式地图上搜索到该附件并可以安装在主武器上,该附件可大幅度提高主武器杀伤力,并且击杀异形后会使其融化 模组加大弹匣(Extended Mags)——除FP6、.44马格南、MTS-225可使用。增加50%弹匣容量。另外购买了复仇DLC并且解锁了Mster Scavenger技能的玩家也能在灭绝模式的地图里搜索到该附件,和速射(Rapid Fire)互换。穿甲弹(Armor-Piercing)——CBJ-MS自带,其他所有武器可用。增加穿透力,无视防弹衣(连杀奖励)半自动(Semi-Automatic)——突击步枪可用。增加杀伤力、准度,降低射速,变为单发。三连发(Burst Fire)——除MSBS外的突击步枪与精确射手步枪可用。降低射速,变为三连发。全自动(Automatic Fire)——MSBS可用。变为全自动,降低精度。速射(Rapid Fire)——冲锋枪、轻机枪可用。提升射速。独头弹(Slug Rounds)——霰弹枪可用。弹种转化为高杀伤、远射程、单发的独头弹。雷达(Radar)——盾牌可用。以自身为圆心一定范围内的敌人显示在雷达上干扰器(Scrambler)——盾牌可用。以自身为圆心一定范围内的敌人雷达被屏蔽。钛合金框架(Titanium Frame)——盾牌可用。盾牌近身攻击加快。 杀伤性投掷武器系列C4碳罐手雷(Canister Bomb)粘性手雷(Semtex)简易炸弹(I.E.D.)飞刀(Throwing Knife)破片手雷(Frag Grenade)温压地雷(Thermobaric Mine,仅在Clockwork关卡)冲击波阔剑地雷(Shockwave Claymore,仅在Clockwork关卡可以使用)阔剑地雷(Claymore,灭绝模式)弹跳贝蒂(Bouncing Betty,灭绝模式)催眠飞刀(Hypno Knife,灭绝模式,可催眠一只异形帮你战斗)犀牛催眠飞刀(Hypno Knife a Rhino,灭绝模式,可催眠一只犀牛帮你战斗,需要50颗牙齿来解锁Hypno Knife a Rhino技能) 非致命战术武器系列9连闪(9-Bang)震撼弹(Concussion)动作感应器(Motion Sensor)烟雾弹(Smoke)温压炸弹(Thermobaric Grenade)飞弹拦截系统(Trophy System)战术插入点(Tactical Insertion,感染模式) 单机、灭绝杂项破门炸药钻孔机激光钻孔机弹药包MK47 MOD 0自动榴弹发射器(架设在吉普和M1A2坦克上)手表式心跳检测仪M61多管机炮(直升飞机)GAU-8多管机炮(A10)智能机枪塔(Clockwork中为便携型,架设两把P90)遥控狙击枪(架设改装的.50口径SVD)煤气罐普罗特斯水下导弹夜视仪热成像仪SOFLAM战术镭射望远镜频闪灯爱国者XM11导弹(M1A2)M256 120mm滑膛炮(M1A2)M240同轴机枪(M1A2)M203链炮(AH64)跟踪火箭(AH64) 1、人类的好朋友据我们所知,玩家们将会拥有一个四条腿的伙伴,至少可以参与控制这只犬型机器。这条机械犬可以丰富单机模式下的战术,希望也会在多人模式中出现。这只可爱但是致命的攻击性强的狗狗将会为玩家们赢得不少杀伤奖励。2、动态地图其实动态地图不是什么新鲜玩意,《战地3》就曾拿动态地图当做噱头,但是Infinity Ward显然要比他们的竞争对手做得更好。在多人地图中,当玩家们作战的时候,附近的建筑随时可能倒塌,《幽灵》的玩法将会是这个系列的一大革新。这样,每一场动态地图的战斗都是特殊的。这倒不是一件坏事,战场就应该有更多的喧嚣,更多的未知性。动态地图,Infinity Ward走出了非常漂亮的一招。3、高智能A.I.《幽灵》中的A.I.智能有所提高,也就是说更加敏捷的队友,还有更致命的敌人。以前的队友只会冲着你大喊大叫,让你干这个干那个,希望现在能够明白什么叫配合。在潜水那一幕中,可以看出,即使是鱼类也应用了基本的A.I.控制。当你的机械狗在敌人中间厮杀的时候,你可以观察敌人的战术布置。。4、升级后的引擎Infinity Ward将会应用下一代游戏引擎,承诺游戏机网速将会达到60FPS。通过新的引擎,老旧的游戏机可以焕发出新的活力。这对于PC玩家们来说倒不成问题,游戏机玩家们就不同了。游戏机运行速度会更快,画面也更加养眼。5、失败者在游戏中,玩家们通常以胜利者的身份出现,通常是美军,要么是英军,再差了也是俄军。现在我们有机会扮演那些被人欺负的一方。不过作为玩家,不管扮演那一方,总会有自己辉煌的那一刻。现在,游戏的剧情还没有透露,不过Infinity Ward宣称,美国一如既往地被人攻击了,然后作为幽灵,任务就是保护幸存者。根据预告片中的环境细节,可以看出这将会是一次激烈的战役。6、侧身侧身,这个看似简单的技能,在战斗中实际作用重大,可以改变战术的选择,在提高隐蔽性和生存几率的同时,还可以增加杀伤能力。这一能力对于战斗方式的改变,有待玩家们在实战中检验其实用性。不管是什么平台的玩家,都将收益于这一战斗技能。7、角色定制在《幽灵》中,玩家们可以对角色形象更加详细的定制。之前的作品也可以定制角色,不过更多的是皮肤和装备。这一次我们可以做更多的事情,比如调整体型,和更细节化的内容,比如头发,眼睛,肤色等等,玩家们的角色将会更加个性化。8、滑步《使命召唤》是一部快节奏的游戏,即使在二战背景下的系列也是如此。现在这个系列竟然意外的加入了滑步的技能。滑步进入隐蔽大大地改变了近战方式,再加上侧身,战机瞬间即逝。这在一定程度上偏离了《使命召唤》原有的模式,近战和隐蔽将会成为战术的主流。玩家们的战术选择更加多样化,无论从哪方面看,都是一件好事。9、副屏幕现在,Infinity Ward的游戏需要副屏幕的支持,部分游戏将会在辅助设备上运行。关于副屏幕的细节问题还不清楚,比如什么设备能够支持,什么平台运行。如果比《CoD:精英》的运行效果还要好,那么Infinity Ward的员工们确实值得嘉奖。10、免费地图精打细算的开发商,这次还是大方地放出了一张免费地图,围绕着一座即将倒塌的大楼展开。当摩天大楼倒塌的时候,原来的路径覆盖,一片新的战场取而代之。看来Infinity Ward还真是放了一次血。如果你不打算预订的话,这张地图可能会被扔进压缩包。
2023-01-11 04:38:581


1.the right hand hand a bit, raise2 with his fist clenched his fist and loosen3 to starboard head, head backward4 expression serious, expression easier5 eyes, look ahead, bosseyed above6 back straight, hand akimbo
2023-01-11 04:39:074


noob(发音是[n(j)u:b],中文网络新手)是一个初学者或新入教者。对任何的特别类型的努力行为,像是一项运动或一种技术是新来者的任何人。这个术语被普遍适用于个人计算机的新使用者和英特网的新使用者。依照艾力克雷蒙德《新电脑黑客词典》,网络新手是英国的公立学校术语新学生的一个变体,新学生是指在学校的第一年或第一学期的人。这个术语比网络早并且已经在Usenet新闻组里被使用一段时间。Glenn Connery报告说他在1990 年使用这个术语作为因特网聊天组的一个参加者。Newb ,noob 和 n00b,(后面的术语的重要特征是两个零,在视觉上世人联想起一双眼睛)是普遍使用的缩写形式。Noob 和 n00b 有时用来象征一个拥有对他们的知识及/或能力的无根据的信心的网络新手。扩展资料在使命召唤:现代战争2网络对战中,喜好使用榴弹的玩家被称作 noob tuber。原因为榴弹瞄准简单,高伤害输出。因此noob tuber受到许多技术型玩家的鄙视。该noob tuber为贬义词。使命召唤:现代战争3由于现代战争3里面副武器的akimbo能力和MP7的弹着点密集,造成了只要会开枪就能轻易地杀人的现象,所以使用这2类枪的人会被鄙视为akimbo noob/bitch和MP7 noob。
2023-01-11 04:39:211

收获日2双枪猎人怎么用 双枪猎人玩法攻略

 首先AR可以有两个不同的分支 一个是9s流,一个是消音加伤流 个人更喜欢消音加伤√因为9s划水卖屁股的时代已经过去了自己带不起医疗包就要尽量少倒地,首先是消音AR。 首先AR可以有两个不同的分支 一个是9s流,一个是消音加伤流 个人更喜欢消音加伤√因为9s划水卖屁股的时代已经过去了自己带不起医疗包就要尽量少倒地,首先是消音AR。
2023-01-11 04:39:362


1.叉车chāchē  [forklift;forklifttruck]搬运货物的铲车  2.叉锄chāchú  [pronghoe]有两个或更多叉齿,用于园中锄土或耕种的手持工具  3.叉手chāshǒu  (1)[cuponehandintheotherbeforethechest]∶一种礼节。两手交叉齐胸,俯首到手,犹如后世之作揖。又作“抄手”  叉手施礼  (2)[putthepalmstogether]∶合十  4.叉腰chāyāo  [akimbo]大指与其余四指分开,按在腰旁  5.叉鱼chāyú  [spearfish]用叉子捕鱼
2023-01-11 04:39:441


noob(发音是[n(j)u:b],中文网络新手)是一个初学者或新入教者。对任何的特别类型的努力行为,像是一项运动或一种技术是新来者的任何人。这个术语被普遍适用于个人计算机的新使用者和英特网的新使用者。依照艾力克雷蒙德《新电脑黑客词典》,网络新手是英国的公立学校术语新学生的一个变体,新学生是指在学校的第一年或第一学期的人。这个术语比网络早并且已经在Usenet新闻组里被使用一段时间。Glenn Connery报告说他在1990 年使用这个术语作为因特网聊天组的一个参加者。Newb ,noob 和 n00b,(后面的术语的重要特征是两个零,在视觉上世人联想起一双眼睛)是普遍使用的缩写形式。Noob 和 n00b 有时用来象征一个拥有对他们的知识及/或能力的无根据的信心的网络新手。扩展资料在使命召唤:现代战争2网络对战中,喜好使用榴弹的玩家被称作 noob tuber。原因为榴弹瞄准简单,高伤害输出。因此noob tuber受到许多技术型玩家的鄙视。该noob tuber为贬义词。使命召唤:现代战争3由于现代战争3里面副武器的akimbo能力和MP7的弹着点密集,造成了只要会开枪就能轻易地杀人的现象,所以使用这2类枪的人会被鄙视为akimbo noob/bitch和MP7 noob。
2023-01-11 04:39:505


2023-01-11 04:40:313


2023-01-11 04:40:461


我是上面那人《lamb扬》,怕你看不懂,自己翻译有太多了,暂且那翻译机给你整篇翻译一下,因为加一起超过1000字了,所以我匿名发的可爱和明亮在5月份时,水稻种植,是这一天男爵长腿被告知他的张伯伦,跳一跳,这对明天他的贵族身份的随从将愿意陪伴他们的硕士 , 他worshipful旅程Yedo 。 This Lord Long-legs was a noble who ruled over four acres of rice-field and whose revenue was ten thousand rice-stalks. 这主长的腿是一项崇高谁统治4英亩的稻田 , 其营业收入为 1.0 万水稻秸秆。 His personal retinue, who were all Grasshoppers, like himself, numbered over six thousand, while his court consisted of many nobles, such as Mantis, Beetle, and Pinching-bug. 他的个人随从,谁都是蝗虫,像他自己,人数超过6000 ,而他的法院包括许多贵族,如螳螂,甲虫,和拼挤,臭虫。 The maids of honor who waited on his Queen Katydid, were Lady-bugs, Butterflies, and Goldsmiths, and his messengers were Fire-flies and Dragon-flies. 女仆的荣誉谁等待他的皇后蚂,是圣母错误,蝴蝶,和哥德史密斯,和他的使者被消防苍蝇和龙苍蝇。 Once in a while the Beetle was sent on an errand; but the stupid fellow had a habit of running plump into things, and bumping his head so badly that he always forgot what he was sent for. 偶尔甲虫发出办事;但愚蠢的研究员已经习惯运行丰满到的事情,他的头撞很大 , 他总是忘了他发出的。 Besides these, Lord Long-legs had a great many servants in the kitchen —such as Grubs, Spiders, Toads, and Worms. 除了这些,主长脚了许许多多的仆人在厨房里,如蛴螬,蜘蛛,蟾蜍,和蠕虫。 The entire population of his dominion, including the common folks, numbered several millions, and ranked all the way from Horse-flies down to Ants, Mosquitoes, and Ticks. 全体人民的统治,其中包括共同朋友,有几百万美元,排名一路从马蝇 , 以蚂蚁,蚊子和扁虱。 Many of his subjects were very industrious and produced fine fabrics, which, however, were seized and made use of by great monsters, called Men. 他的许多议题都非常勤劳 , 制作精细织物,然而,被没收和利用的巨大怪物,要求男性。 The silver-gray worms kept spinning-wheels in their heads. They had a fashion of eating mulberry leaves, and changing them into fine threads, called silk. 在银灰色的蠕虫不断旋转车轮在他们的头上。他们有一个时尚的饮食桑叶,并改变它们纳入罚款线程,称为丝绸。 The Wasps made paper, and the Bees distilled honey. There was another insect which spread white wax on the trees. 黄蜂纸,和蜜蜂蒸馏水蜂蜜。另有昆虫传播的白蜡树。 These were all retainers or friendly vassals of the Baron in the Castle. 所有这些都是家臣或友好奴仆的男爵的城堡。 Now it was Lord Long-legs" duty once a year to go up to Yedo to pay his respects to the great Tycoon and to spend several weeks in the Eastern metropolis. 现在这是上帝长脚的责任每年一次 , 以达到Yedo以敬意的伟大大亨和花几个星期在东部大都市。 I shall not take the time nor tax the patience of my readers in telling about all the bustle and preparation that went on in the mansion of the Baron for a whole week previous to starting. Suffice it to say that clothes were washed and starched, and dried on a board, to keep them from shrinking; trunks and baskets were packed; banners and umbrellas put in order; the lacquered boxes and the brass ornaments dusted off; and swords and spears polished. 我将不花时间 , 也没有纳税的耐心告诉我的读者在所有的喧闹和制剂 , 接着在大厦的男爵了整整一周前开始。我只想说 , 衣服洗和浆洗,和干燥的董事会,使他们从日益缩小;树干和篮子包装;横幅和雨伞放在秩序;的漆箱和黄铜饰品现身;和刀剑和长矛抛光。 Every little item was personally examined by the chief inspector. 每一个小项目 , 亲自审查了总督察。 This functionary was a black-and-white-legged Mosquito, who, on account of his long nose, could pry into a thing further than any other of his lordship"s officers; and, if anything went wrong, he could make more noise over it than any one else. 这个职务是一个黑白腿蚊子,谁,就到他的长鼻子,可以窥探到事情比其他任何进一步的贵族身份的人员,以及是否有错,他可以使更多的噪音权比任何其他人。 As for the retainers, down to the very last lackey and coolie, each one tried to outshine the other in cleanliness and smart attire. 至于家臣,下降到最后奴才和苦力,每一个试图脱颖而出 , 在清洁及智能服装。 The Bumble-bee brushed off the pollen from his legs; and the humbler Honey-bee, after allowing his children to suck his paws, to get the honey sticking to them, spruced up and listened attentively to the orders read to him by the train-leader, Sir Locust, who prided himself on being seventeen years old, and looked on all the others as children. He read from a piece of wasp-nest paper: "No leaving the line to suck flowers, except at halting-time." 的大黄蜂,蜜蜂理睬花粉从他的双腿和humbler蜂蜜,蜂后,让他的孩子吸吮他的爪子,让蜂蜜坚持他们spruced和认真地听取读的命令他的火车领导,主席先生蝗虫,谁自豪自己正在十七年岁,并期待所有其他儿童。他宣读了一块蜂巢文件: “没有离开线吸鲜花,除停止时间。 “ The Blue-tailed Fly washed his hands and face over and over again. 蓝尾粉煤灰洗他的双手和脸部一遍又一遍。 The Lady-bugs wept many tears, because they could not go with the company; the Crickets chirped rather gloomily, because none with short limbs could go on the journey; while old Daddy Long-legs almost turned a somersault for joy when told he might carry a bundle in the train. 夫人,许多错误哭泣的眼泪,因为他们不能与该公司的蟋蟀啁啾而阴沉,因为没有一个短肢可以去的征途上,而老爸爸长的腿几乎翻开了翻腾的喜悦时 , 告诉他可能进行捆绑在火车。 All being in readiness, the procession was to start at six o"clock in the morning. 一切都在准备,游行开始时是早上六点。 The exact minute was to be announced by the timekeeper of the mansion, Mr. Flea, whose house was on the back of Neko, a great black cat, who lived in the porter"s lodge of the castle, near by. 确切分钟将被宣布计时器大厦先生,跳蚤,其房子的背面猫,大黑猫,谁住在门房的城堡附近。 Mr. Flea was to notice the opening or slits in the monster"s moony-green eyes, which, when closed to a certain width, would indicate six o"clock. 跳蚤市场先生是开放的通知或缝在Monster的发呆的绿色眼睛,其中,当关闭到一定宽度,将表明六点。 Then with a few jumps he was to announce it to a Mosquito friend of his, who would fly with the news to the gatekeeper of the mansion, one Whirligig by name. 然后几个跳跃 , 他宣布了他的蚊子的朋友,谁飞的消息 , 看门的大厦,一个轮回的名字。 So, punctually to the hour, the great double gate swung wide open, and the procession passed out and marched on over the hill. All the servants of Lord Long-legs were out, to see the grand sight. 因此,准时向小时,大双门敞开扭亏为盈,并通过了游行 , 并举行示威游行 , 在山上。所有的仆人勋爵长的腿时,看到大在望。 They were down on their knees, saying: "Please go slowly." 他们对自己的膝盖,他说: “请慢慢来。 ” When their master"s palanquin passed, they bowed their heads to the dust, as was proper. 当他们的主人的轿过去了,他们低头的灰尘,作为是正确的。 The ladies, who were left behind, cried bitterly, and soaked their paper handkerchiefs with tears, especially one fair brown creature, who was next of kin to Lord Long-legs, being an Ant on his mother"s side. 女士们,谁落后,痛苦地哭,并浸湿了他们的论文与眼泪的手帕,尤其是公平布朗动物,谁是近亲勋爵长的双腿,被蚂蚁在他母亲的身边。 The procession was closed by six old Spider daddies marching two by two, who were a little stupid and groggy, having had a late supper, and a jolly feast the night before. 游行被关闭的6岁蜘蛛爸爸行军两个两个,谁有点愚蠢和糊里糊涂的,有过晚晚饭,和热闹的节日的前一天晚上。 When the great gate slammed shut, one of them caught the end of his foot in it, and was lamed for the rest of the journey. 当关闭大门抨击,其中一人被结束的时候 , 他涉足,并lamed , 在余下的旅程。 He was ordered to walk alongside of old Daddy Long-legs, who hobbled along, with a bundle on his back. 他被命令一起步行的老爸爸长的腿,谁阻碍沿,以捆绑在他的背后。 These two were the only funny fellows in the procession, and made much talk among bystanders on the road. 这两个是唯一有趣研究员在游行,并取得了很大的交谈旁观者之间的公路上。 This is the order and the way they looked. 这是为了和他们期待的方式。 First there went out, far ahead, a plump, tall Mantis, with a great long baton of grass, which he swung to and fro before him, from right to left, like a drum-major, crying out: "Down on your knees! Get down with you!" Whereat all the Ants, Bugs and Lizards at once bent their forelegs, and the Toads, which were already squatting, bobbed their noses in the dust. Even the Mud-turtles poked their heads out of the water to see what was going on. 首先走了出去,遥遥领先,一个胖胖的,身高螳螂,与一个伟大的接力棒基层,他宣布 , 来回在他面前,由右至左,如鼓大,哭了起来: “你的膝盖上!开始与你! “ Whereat所有的蚂蚁,臭虫和蜥蜴一次弯曲的前腿和蟾蜍,它已经蹲, bobbed鼻子中的灰尘。即使是泥头海龟戳了水看到发生了什么事情。 It was forbidden to any insect to remain on a tall stalk of grass, lest he might look down on His Highness. 这是禁止任何昆虫留在一个高大莛,否则他可能会看不起殿下。 So all the Worms and Grubs that lived up in trees or high bushes had to come down to the ground. Even the Inch-worm had to wind himself up and stop measuring his length, while the line was passing. 因此 , 所有的蠕虫和蛴螬生活在树上或高灌木丛不得不下降到地面。即使英寸蠕虫风身上 , 并停止他的长度测量,而线经过。 And in case of Grubs in the nest or Moths in the cocoon, too young to crawl out, the law compelled their parents to cover them over with a leaf. 如果发生蛴螬在巢或蛾在茧,太年轻 , 爬出来,法律迫使他们的父母 , 以支付他们的叶片。 It would be an insult to Lord Long-legs to have any one look down on him. 这将是一种侮辱上帝长的腿有任何一个看不起他。 Next followed two lantern-bearers, holding Glow-worms for lanterns in their fore-paws. 下一步遵循两个彩灯承担,持有辉光蠕虫的灯笼在其前脚爪。 These were wrapped in cases made of leaves, which they took off at night. 这些包裹的情况下取得的叶子,他们在夜间起飞。 Behind were six Fire-flies, well supplied with self-acting lamps, which they kept hidden somewhere under their wings. Next marched four abreast the band of little Weevils, carrying the umbrellas of state, which were morning-glories—some open, some shut. 后面六个消防苍蝇,以及提供自我代理灯,他们一直隐藏的地方根据自己的翅膀。下一步游行乐队四个跟上的小象甲,携带雨伞的国家,这是今天上午,辉煌,一些开放的,有些关闭。 Behind them strutted four green Grass-hoppers, spear-bearers, carrying pink blossoms. 他们背后strutted四个绿草,料斗,鱼叉式旗手,携带粉红色花朵。 Just before the palanquin were two tall dandies, each of them a Mantis. 就在轿有两个高大dandies ,每个人是螳螂。 High lords themselves and of gigantic stature with arms akimbo and feelers far up in the air, they bore aloft the insignia of their Lord Long-legs. 高级上议院本身的地位和巨大的武器Akimbo和触角远在空中,它们承担的徽章高举其主长的腿。 These fellows strutted along on their hind legs, their backs as stiff as hemp stalks, their noses pointing to the stars, and their legs striding like stilts. 这些家伙strutted沿其后腿,他们的背上的僵硬的大麻秸秆,鼻子指着星,它们的腿像高跷大步。 The priest in his robes, a Praying Beetle, who was chaplain, walked on solemnly. 神父在他的长袍,祈祷甲壳虫,谁是牧师,走在庄严。 Meanwhile a great crowd of spectators lined the path; but all were on their knees. 与此同时 , 巨大的观众排队的道路,但都被他们的膝盖。 Frogs and Toads blinked out of the sides of their heads. 青蛙和蟾蜍闪烁出双方的负责人。 The pretty red Lizards glided out, to see the splendid show; Worms stopped crawling; and all kinds of Bugs ceased climbing, and came down from the grass and flower-stalks, to bow humbly before the train of Lord Long-legs. 美丽的红蜥蜴滑翔时,看到了灿烂的显示;百战天虫停止检索;和各种错误停止攀登,来到从基层和花卉秸秆,鞠躬虚心火车前勋爵长的腿。 Bug mothers hastened, with their bug babies on their backs, down to the road, and, squatting down, taught their little ones to put their fore-paws politely together and bow down on their front knees. No one dared to speak out loud; but the Mole-cricket, nudging his fellow under the wing, said: "Just look at that green Mantis! He looks as though he would " rush out with a battle-ax on his shoulder to meet a chariot." 错误母亲急忙,其缺陷婴儿的背上,到道路,并蹲在了,教他们的孩子们把他们的前熊掌礼貌一起低头弯腰跪在他们面前。没有人敢站出来说话大声;但鼹鼠,板球,轻推他的同胞的翅膀,说: “你看 , 绿色螳螂!他看来 , 他将"冲出了战斗斧对他的肩膀 , 以满足战车。 See how he ogles his fellow!" 看他如何ogles他的同胞! “ "Yes; and just behold that bandy-legged Hopper, will you? I could walk better than that myself," said the other. “是的 , 公正的瞧这圈腿霍珀,你愿意吗?我可以步行优于自己, ”另一个说。 "Sh!" “嘘! ” said the Mole-cricket. 摩尔说,板球。 "Here comes the lordly palanquin." “这里来了气派轿。 ” Everybody now cast a squint up under their eyebrows, and watched the palanquin go by. 现在每个人都投了斜视根据其眉毛,并观看了轿子去的。 It was made of delicately-woven striped grass, bound with bamboo threads, lacquered, and finished with curtains of gauze, made of dragon-fly wings, through which Lord Long-legs could peep. 有人提出的微妙编织带基层,约束与竹线程,漆,以及完成的纱窗帘,取得龙飞行的翅膀,通过主长的腿可以窥视。 It was borne on the shoulders of four stalwart Hoppers, who, carrying rest-poles of grass, trudged along, with much sweat and fuss and wiping of their foreheads, stopping occasionally to change shoulders. 这是承担的肩膀上四个坚定料斗,谁,携带其余极基层,艰难跋涉沿线,很多汗水和大惊小怪并消灭他们的额头,停止偶尔改变肩上。 At their side walked a body-guard of eight Hoppers, armed with pistils, and having side-arms of sword-grass. 站在他们一边走了身体卫队8料斗,武装与雌蕊,并侧武器的剑草。 They were also provided with poison-shoots, in case of trouble. 他们还提供了毒药,竹笋,在案件的麻烦。 Other bearers followed, keeping step and carrying the regalia, consisting of chrysanthemum stalks and blossoms. 其他承担其次,维持和实施步骤的雷加里亚,包括菊花茎和花。 Then followed, in double rank, a long string of Wasps, who were for show and nothing more. 随后,在双排名,一长串黄蜂,谁是为显示 , 仅此而已。 Between them, inside, carefully saddled, bridled, and in full housings, was a Horse-fly, led by a Snail, to keep the restive animal from going at a too rapid pace. 它们之间的内部,仔细背负, bridled ,并充分外壳,是一个马禁飞区,由蜗牛,使动荡不安的动物去在过快的速度。 Three big, gawky helmet-headed Beetles next followed, bearing rice-sprouts, with full heads of rice. 3个大,笨拙头盔户主甲虫明年其次,同时稻谷发芽,充分元首大米。 "Oh! oh! look there!" “噢 , 噢!看看那里! ” cried a little Grub at the side of the road. 哭了小蛴螬在路边。 "See the little Grasshopper riding on his father"s back!" “见小蝗虫乘坐父亲的回来了! ” ""Sh," said Madam Butterfly, putting one paw on her baby"s neck, for fear of being arrested for making a noise. “嘘, ”蝴蝶夫人说,把一个爪子对她的孩子的脖子,因为他们害怕被逮捕制造噪音。 It was so. 就这样。 The little Hopper, tired of long walking, had climbed on his father"s back for a ride, holding on by the feelers and seeing everything. 小漏斗,厌倦了长期散步,已经爬上了父亲的回兜风,举行了触角 , 看到的一切。 Finally, toward the end of the procession, was a great crowd of common Hoppers, Beetles, and Bugs of all sorts, carrying the presents to be given in Yedo, and the clothing, food, and utensils for the use of Lord Long-legs on the journey; for the hotels were sometimes very poor on the high road, and the Baron liked his comforts. 最后,即将走到尽头时 , 游行队伍,是一个伟大的人群共同料斗,甲虫和臭虫各类携带礼物给予Yedo ,以及服装,食品和餐具的使用主长的腿的征途上;为酒店 , 有时很差的高路和拜伦喜欢他的舒适。 Besides, it was necessary for Lord Long-legs to travel with proper dignity. 此外,有必要对主长腿旅行适当的尊严。 His messengers always went before and engaged lodging-places, as the Fleas, Spiders and Mosquitoes from other localities, that traveled up and down the great high road, sometimes occupied the places first. 他总是去送信之前和从事住宿地方,因为跳蚤,蜘蛛和蚊子来自其他地方,即前往向上和向下的伟大公路,有时被占领的地方第一次。 The procession wound up with the rear-guard of Daddy Long-legs, and the limping Spider. These prevented any insult or disrespect from the rabble. 游行结束后与后卫的爸爸长的腿,和瘸着蜘蛛。这些阻止任何侮辱或蔑视的乌合之众。 After the line had passed, insects could cross the road, traffic and travel were resumed, and the road was cleared, while the procession faded from view in the distance. 在网上已经过去了,昆虫可以过马路,交通和旅游的恢复,道路已清除,但游行队伍从视图中消失的距离。 "Mother, what did the worshipful Lord Long-legs look like? I couldn"t see him," said little Grub. “妈妈,什么worshipful主长腿样子?我无法看到他说, ”小蛴螬。 "I don"t know," replied Madam Butterfly; "I never saw him either, and I don"t thin
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2023-01-11 04:41:324

her hands rest on her hips 到底是 双手叉腰 还是 手放在屁股上 这两种意思分别该怎么表达?

Rest on hips 是把手插在腰上。Hands 中的S 指的是复数,所以是双手。希望能帮助你(*^__^*) 互相帮助,互相学习。助人为乐为快乐之本。本人小喵,回答适当的话。请楼主尽快选择采纳~
2023-01-11 04:41:556


  排名第一的的是文艺复兴三杰拉斐尔的纸面素描作品《缪思肖像》(Raphael “Head of a Muse”)。这份看起来不太起眼的作品在伦敦佳士得拍出了4800万美元的全年艺术品最高价。文艺复兴时期名家的作品似乎是艺术品市场能够永远带来惊喜的宝藏。  《蓝地毯和粉杜鹃》  Henri Matisse “Les coucous tapis bleu et rose”:4650万美元  排名第二的是野兽派创始人法国画家亨利·马蒂斯在1911年创作的《蓝地毯和粉杜鹃》(Henri Matisse “Les coucous tapis bleu et rose”) 。这幅作品拍出了4650万美元的高价。值得注意的是,该作品的前收藏者是时尚大师伊夫圣罗兰旧藏。巴黎佳士得为伊夫圣罗兰办的专场拍卖以超过4亿美元的成交额成为去年艺术品市场最让人津津乐道的一场拍卖会。  《200张一元钞票》  Andy Warhol"s “200 one Dollar Bills”:4380万美元  排名第三的是1962年由美国艺术家安迪·沃霍尔创作的《200张一元钞票》(Andy Warhol"s “200 one Dollar Bills”)。该作品是波普艺术的代表作。由苏富比拍出了4380万美元。  《L.R 夫人肖像》  Constantin Brancusl “Portrait de Mme.L.R.”:3760万美元  排名第四的仍然是伊夫圣罗兰旧藏。看似冷门的罗马尼亚艺术家康斯坦丁·布朗库西木制图腾雕塑《L.R 夫人肖像》(Constantin Brancusl “Portrait de Mme.L.R.”)最终由巴黎佳士得拍出了3760万美元。  《两手叉腰的男人肖像》  Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn “Portrait of a Man with Arms Akimbo”:3320万美元  大师伦勃朗的文艺复兴时期的创作排名第五。这幅名叫《两手叉腰的男人肖像》(Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn “Portrait of a Man with Arms Akimbo”)的画作被伦敦佳士得拍出3320万美元的高价。  《“龙”扶手椅》  Eileen Gray “Dragons”armchair:2830万美元  另一个伊夫圣罗兰的冷门收藏排在第六名。爱尔兰艺术家艾琳格雷1917年至1919年创作的作品《“龙”扶手椅》(Eileen Gray “Dragons”armchair)在巴黎佳士得拍得2830万美元。  《蓝色 红色 黄色 黑色 组合》  Piet Mondrian “Composition avec bleu, rouge, jaune et noir”:2800万美元  冷抽象大师荷兰人蒙德里安的作品排名第七。这幅格子绘画作品《蓝色 红色 黄色 黑色 组合》(Piet Mondrian “Composition avec bleu, rouge, jaune et noir”)仍然是巴黎佳士得以2800万美元排出伊夫圣罗兰旧藏。  《男人Qui Chavire 》  Alberto Giacomettl “L" Homme Qui Chavire”:1930万美元  第八名是瑞士人阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂 1950年创作的青铜雕塑作品《男人Qui Chavire 》(Alberto Giacomettl “L" Homme Qui Chavire”。苏富比为其拍出1930万美元高价。  《14岁的小舞者》  Edgar Degas “Petite danseuse de quatorze ans”:1900万美元  法国人埃德加·德加罕有雕塑作品。青铜雕塑《14岁的小舞者》(Edgar Degas “Petite danseuse de quatorze ans”)在伦敦苏富比拍出1900万美元。排名第九。  《网格》  Plet Mondrian"s “Composition avec grille 2”:1860万美元  第十名仍然属于蒙德里安。他两度上榜,冷抽象博得热拍卖。他的作品《网格》(Plet Mondrian"s “Composition avec grille 2”)作为伊夫圣罗兰旧藏在巴黎佳士得拍出1860万美元。  从上述去年市场上最贵的十大艺术品不难看出,艺术品本身的艺术性和时代特色固然重要,艺术品的原收藏者也对艺术品热门程度产生影响。伊夫圣罗兰旧藏占据榜单多个位置就是证明。  遗憾的是,海外艺术品排名似乎习惯性忽略中国诞生的“天价古代书画作品”。按照数面成交价格排序,去年国内拍出的《十八应真图卷》与《平定西域献俘礼图》两件书画作品均可入选全球十大,分别以2470万美元与1960万美元位列第八位与第九位。
2023-01-11 04:42:241


链接: 提取码: jdg5 《腰间持枪 Guns Akimbo 2019 》百度网盘资源在线播放导演: 杰森·李·豪顿编剧: 杰森·李·豪顿主演: 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫、萨玛拉·维文、瑞斯·达比、刘承羽、奈德·丹内利、马克·罗利、哈娜可·福特曼、格兰特·鲍尔、米洛·考索恩、乔希·罗伯特·汤普森、科林·莫伊、安龙·杰克森、贝拉·帕登、托马斯·萨恩斯伯里、蒂姆·弗莱、肯·托马斯、Jacqueline Lee Geurts、Set Sjöstrand、Edwin Wright、Racheal Ofori、杰克·里德福德类型: 喜剧、动作制片国家/地区: 英国、德国、新西兰语言: 英语上映日期: 2019-09-09(多伦多电影节)、2020-03-05(新西兰)片长: 95分钟又名: 玩命Online:双枪对决(台)、半路枪手、手枪双持(豆友译名)故事讲述迈尔斯把生命耗在了毫无前途的工作上,然而他的生活却因意外发现的黑暗网站而有所改变。    
2023-01-11 04:42:302


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2023-01-11 04:43:521


2023-01-11 04:43:584

使命的召唤6 现代战争2 武器?

.这个估计不没有了 最好的就是打网战了!网战 武器多 自己随便选..COD网战 比单机更爽.
2023-01-11 04:45:083

with legs akimbo什么意思哦

2023-01-11 04:45:352


貌似是“如果感到幸福 你就……”这个歌里的?
2023-01-11 04:46:112


2023-01-11 04:46:203


One day, Anna"s father took Anna to a sculpture exhibition. Her father wanted to find out whether Anna understood these sculpture or not, so he asked, "Anna, what are the meanings of these sculptures ?""That"s easy! You underestimated me!" Anna answered with her head held up high and her arms akimboed. "The meanings of these sculptures are: Who"s fart is it?It"s so smelly!(The first one); It"s you!(The second one); Not me! (The third one); It"s me! the (fourth one)Anna was so loud that everyone turned to look in surprise.
2023-01-11 04:46:313


没有这个单词,根据您的拼写来看,考虑应是:akimbo akimbo 英 [?"k?mb??] 美 [?"k?mbo] adv. 两手叉腰 adj. 两手叉腰的 [例句]She stood with arms akimbo. 她双手叉腰站着。
2023-01-11 04:46:431


2023-01-11 04:46:532


1. 动作幅度大一点 move more / more exaggreated pose2. 表情更丰富些 more face express3. 把肚子收起来 suck in your belly4. 向前走几步 few steps forward5. 用手撑着头并且把胳膊伸直,put a hand aside head and 6. 眼神不要太凶要柔和些 give a more gentle look7. 不要用手拨流苏 keep your hand away from fringe8. 不要翘屁股 dont warp your butt9. 不要左扭右扭 dont twist10. 表情更夸张些 more exaggerated face express 11. 把头低一点 lower your head12. 不要皱眉毛 don"t frown13. 退后一点 step back14. 表现的更有个性些 present more individuation15. 把步子小一点 make smaller steps16. 眼神不要太空洞盯着一个地方 don"t staring at one place, don"t look hollow17. 注意45度走过来 walking over with looking at the side of 45 degree18. 把头发披下来 let down your hair19. 一只手不要搭在腰上 put down one hand from your waist20. 不要把包包放在前面 put away the bag in front of you21. 让包包拿的更随意些 take the back randomly22. 注意走心 pay more attention23. 头向前倾 tilt your head forward24. 反方向走过来 come over in the reverse way25. 这组照片按上组最后一类拍摄 this serie of photos go with last one26. 不要叉腰 don"t akimbo27. 把一只手放在包包链子的前面 put one hand in front of the bag"s zipper28. 身体正直straight your body
2023-01-11 04:47:021


句子应该没有问题。第二个用定语从句修饰的famers是前句中famers的同位语,对其进行进一步的解释说明。如果将第二个famers改成those也可以,这样也比较容易理解。再如:I like to make friends with friendly people, people who are willing to help others.
2023-01-11 04:47:081


童星出身,成年后一直尝试不同类型,冲着这股子自我追求的劲头,实力演员还是算得上的。1989年出生的丹尼尔,十年演了八部哈利·波特系列电影,在2011年的《哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下)》之后开始疯狂转型的探索之旅。时年23岁就在恐怖片里演父亲(《黑衣女人》)。在同性片里演青年文豪(《杀死汝爱》)。在传记片里演总裁(《游戏改变者》)。在爱情片里演男小三(《如果的事》)。在奇幻片里演尸体(《瑞士军刀男》)。在悬疑片里演大反派(《惊天魔盗团2》)。也尝试过犯罪片(《困兽之斗》)、冒险片(《丛林》)、政治惊悚片(《绝对统治》)。丹尼尔经常胡子拉碴、不顾形象就出镜,本就个子不够高、脸蛋不够俊美,几乎可以排进“那些日后长残了的童星”榜单,为求转型也真是苦心孤诣。在《爱你,西蒙》里哈利波特时期的丹尼尔·雷德克里夫是男主青春期的性幻想对象,如今丹尼尔在影片里露面常常引发观众纳闷:这个胡子男真是演过哈利波特的?推荐看一下他新进一部爽片,《半路枪手》(Guns Akimbo)。一部电玩风格的爽片。杀戮、血浆、癫狂,屌丝逆袭的故事线,揭示了互联网的阴暗面。丹尼尔·雷德克里夫这次依然是胡子茂盛,还穿着内裤睡袍就在大街上奔走,被揍得鼻青脸肿一身血,掉在地上的过期热狗照吃不误,没有形象包袱,演得也很卖力。
2023-01-11 04:47:136


good,glad,greatkitten, kite, killduck,desk,dustant, australia, augustnormal, noise, northrate, rat, red
2023-01-11 04:48:002


2023-01-11 04:48:098


2023-01-11 04:48:372


2023-01-11 04:49:177


Ladies and Gentlemen:Hello everybody, I am from xxx tour xxx, you can call me small x. Today I will guide you to visit the famous Zhongshan Memorial HallChinese around the world to our great forerunner of democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen, it was something no one I do not know, something well-known of the. In China, many parts of the buildings built to commemorate Sun Yat-sen. For example, Sun Tsui Hang Village, Zhongshan City, former residence of Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing and Taiwan"s Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and so on. Guangzhou Zhongshan Memorial Hall, was 60 years ago, the people and overseas Chinese in Guangdong on the Sun Yat-sen to express the admiration and donations built.Sun Yat-sen"s name is not called "Zhong Shan", he was named "Sun" name "text" number "Yat-sen", his nickname is the "Zhongshan." Sun Yat-sen was born November 12, 1866, when he was young medical student in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Macau after saving lives. During this period, he was thinking of the bourgeois revolution, began to join the revolution. He established the Revive China Society and the Chinese Alliance. Alliance has put forward the "drive out the Manchus and restore the Chinese, the creation of the Republic of China, the average land ownership" of the political program and the "nation, civil rights, people"s livelihood," Three People"s Principles. 1911, Sun made the greatest impact of his life one of the thingsRevolution is leading to more than 2,000 years of feudal rule in China to overthrow the monarchy.Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou has set up a state three times: the first was in 1917, is the Congress held in Guangzhou, the establishment of a "Custodian of the military government," any Generalissimo Sun Yat-sen, pledging the Northern Expedition; second time was in 1921, took office in Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen great President, the Presidential Palace, Zhongshan Memorial Hall on the place now; the third time was in 1923, Sun Yat-sen after the expulsion of the Chen in Guangzhou, the government has rebuilt the generalissimo.In 1924, the Chinese revolution painstaking Sun ill, he is suffering from liver cancer, but he is still in the future of the Chinese revolution behalf. March 12, 1925, Sun Yat-sen in Beijing died of disease, aged 59 years. Birth and death of Sun Yat-sen were on the 12th. As the Sun Yat-sen during his lifetime like the trees, put before the 12 March each year on this day as "Arbor Day in China."Sun Yat-sen"s death in the second year is 1926, when the Nationalist government of Guangdong to commemorate his achievements, on the funding the construction of one million taels of silver in Guangzhou Zhongshan Memorial Hall location to choose the presidential palace in the southern foot of Yuexiu Hill site . The Office of the President, during the Qing Dynasty was originally ask standard Arrow Road, later converted into army training hall. Long after the Revolution was the economic light warlords occupied. 1921, Sun is very big here as president, became the Presidential Palace here. In 1922, rebel troops used artillery to Chen"s presidential palace to the flattened. Sun Yat-sen and his family were all jump off the wall to escape only avoid disaster of. Later,Guangzhou people and heard some of the patriotic overseas Chinese to build the Zhongshan Memorial Hall, all have generously donated. Memorial designer is famous designers Lu Yan straight. Shandong Lu Yan straight, he"s building industry in the country very well known, Nanjing, Sun Yat-sen is his design. Unfortunately, he died young, 35-year-old died, not personally see the Memorial Hall was built. Memorial Foundation in January 1929, completed in October 1931, lasted 3 years. After liberation, the Government has repeatedly Bo Jukuan of the Memorial Hall renovations. Now, the Memorial Hall of the equipment is very advanced, with central air conditioning, advanced stage, sound, light control system, fire control center, as well as the VIP reception hall is really beautiful year after year.Memorial Hall plaza in front is divided into East and West parts. Things have a flagpole and a square Yunhe Chinese table, which is Memorial North-South axis symmetry axis, respectively. The plaza is planted kapok, Prynne, osmanthus, together laughing and so were more than 70 kinds of flowers and trees, their different flowering season, so flowers all the year round. This betel is kapok tree, also known as a hero tree. Kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou. The square of the north gate, there is a 300-year history of the kapok tree, is in Guangzhou, "Kapok King."In front stands a bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen Memorial. Before 1945, Memorial Hall just built the base and not the statue. In the spring of 1945, the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen to lend Memorial Hall Sun Yat-sen school placed here. Until 1956, the sculptor Yin Chang, who created the product Sun Yat-sen"s statue on the body here, only to return the original bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen. Chang Yin product made of bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen, a total of four, including three in Guangdong. In addition to this, the one in the Whampoa Military Academy, one in Zhongshan Medical University, another of Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing.This statue is a luxurious style - Sun left hand with three fingers akimbo, on behalf of the "nation, civil rights, people"s livelihood," Three People"s Principles, the right hand a cane with five fingers, representing the five-power constitution. Statue pregnant with meaning, we can see the creator"s mind is very detailed. The founding of the Nationalist government base inscribed with the outline. Marked with Three People"s Principles, Five-Power Constitution and the founding program details.Memorial Hall"s main building is a palace octagonal open architecture, construction area of 12,000 square meters. Its top is octagonal hall, covered with navy blue glazed tiles, divided into high and low 4 layers. Sun hanging front lobby handwritten gold plaque - "the whole world"; hall and around the base of the ladder are the granite, both solemn and elegant. From the construction point of view, full of very strong national style and artistic characteristics of traditional Chinese architecture, Chinese architecture is indeed a classic.Memorial building structure is very clever, a lot of people think Memorial Hall is all wood structure, in fact, it is a form of reinforced concrete. Ground to the top of the high court 58 meters, 71 meters wide north and south. Upstairs downstairs auditorium two hours, with eight staircases, 11 import and export, a total of 5,000 seats. So you may be surprised, such a big hall, how could not see a column supporting roof then? Here a total of eight original post, but are hidden in the surrounding walls, the roof supports 8 angle. This top cover 3 layers, the upper arc of a cream dome, the middle to open the glass skylight, the lower is decorative color oblique moire grid.We look, we do not have lights, but the Memorial Hall are all very bright. Light is launched into hall by a glass roof, lighting is also not the whole hall lit. As the columns are hidden in the wall, sitting in the audience no matter what position, watching the stage will not be obstructed line of sight; and hall no response, even if you sit in the farthest corner of the stage can clearly hear the sound, these are the Memorial design trick.Hall stage, 19 meters wide, 15 meters deep. This piece is the famous "prime minister will", written by Wang Jingwei. Testament has a "revolution is not successful, comrades must struggle" is we are all familiar with the famous.The construction of the Zhongshan Memorial Hall, with Sun Yue Xiu Peak of the monument, the cost of the total cost of more than 3 million silver dollars. Maybe living in our times people know little about the value of silver, but at that time, a silver dollar could buy 40 kilograms of rice, and we now buy 40 kilograms of rice takes about 60 yuan RMB, converted about a silver dollar is equal to 60 yuan, that three million silver dollars is 180 million yuan. Can be seen, which was also a very high cost.Dear friends: Happy time is always fleeting, and soon, our trip would end the Songshan Mountain. . . Very pleased with everyone through this beautiful and short time! Hope that the next opportunity and you have talked! Thank you. . .
2023-01-11 04:49:562

WOW 影牙城堡怎么去

2023-01-11 04:50:296

工艺品介绍 九年级英语作文

There is a little bear on my desk. This bear is my father play set crafts circle in the park when the game set to the masses, it is made of plaster. It has two obedience, one is used to when the arrangement, the two is used to save money.The crafts tilted his head, hand akimbo, Zhang splayleg standing. All of its shape lifelike, hit off. It"s head wearing a green hat, two eyes wide open eyes, a small mouth, as if in the activity, as if in a nod. Hong Tao was dressed in a vest, chest was wearing a green tie, look look. The foot and the bottom plate are connected. There was a flat hole in its back, and the money came out of the hole. Whenever I get the money, I always put it on my back.This is the bear crafts.
2023-01-11 04:51:461


r89efjhielnb fgsods;.peunekdgrfhvxp
2023-01-11 04:51:584


谁是你的守护天使 的翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!你知道吗?????????????????????????
2023-01-11 04:52:133


举报| 2011-01-02 17:28 网友采纳  排名第一的的是文艺复兴三杰拉斐尔的纸面素描作品《缪思肖像》(Raphael “Head of a Muse”)。这份看起来不太起眼的作品在伦敦佳士得拍出了4800万美元的全年艺术品最高价。文艺复兴时期名家的作品似乎是艺术品市场能够永远带来惊喜的宝藏。  《蓝地毯和粉杜鹃》  Henri Matisse “Les coucous tapis bleu et rose”:4650万美元  排名第二的是野兽派创始人法国画家亨利·马蒂斯在1911年创作的《蓝地毯和粉杜鹃》(Henri Matisse “Les coucous tapis bleu et rose”) 。这幅作品拍出了4650万美元的高价。值得注意的是,该作品的前收藏者是时尚大师伊夫圣罗兰旧藏。巴黎佳士得为伊夫圣罗兰办的专场拍卖以超过4亿美元的成交额成为去年艺术品市场最让人津津乐道的一场拍卖会。  《200张一元钞票》  Andy Warhol"s “200 one Dollar Bills”:4380万美元  排名第三的是1962年由美国艺术家安迪·沃霍尔创作的《200张一元钞票》(Andy Warhol"s “200 one Dollar Bills”)。该作品是波普艺术的代表作。由苏富比拍出了4380万美元。  《L.R 夫人肖像》  Constantin Brancusl “Portrait de Mme.L.R.”:3760万美元  排名第四的仍然是伊夫圣罗兰旧藏。看似冷门的罗马尼亚艺术家康斯坦丁·布朗库西木制图腾雕塑《L.R 夫人肖像》(Constantin Brancusl “Portrait de Mme.L.R.”)最终由巴黎佳士得拍出了3760万美元。  《两手叉腰的男人肖像》  Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn “Portrait of a Man with Arms Akimbo”:3320万美元  大师伦勃朗的文艺复兴时期的创作排名第五。这幅名叫《两手叉腰的男人肖像》(Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn “Portrait of a Man with Arms Akimbo”)的画作被伦敦佳士得拍出3320万美元的高价。  《“龙”扶手椅》  Eileen Gray “Dragons”armchair:2830万美元  另一个伊夫圣罗兰的冷门收藏排在第六名。爱尔兰艺术家艾琳格雷1917年至1919年创作的作品《“龙”扶手椅》(Eileen Gray “Dragons”armchair)在巴黎佳士得拍得2830万美元。  《蓝色 红色 黄色 黑色 组合》  Piet Mondrian “Composition avec bleu, rouge, jaune et noir”:2800万美元  冷抽象大师荷兰人蒙德里安的作品排名第七。这幅格子绘画作品《蓝色 红色 黄色 黑色 组合》(Piet Mondrian “Composition avec bleu, rouge, jaune et noir”)仍然是巴黎佳士得以2800万美元排出伊夫圣罗兰旧藏。  《男人Qui Chavire 》  Alberto Giacomettl “L" Homme Qui Chavire”:1930万美元  第八名是瑞士人阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂 1950年创作的青铜雕塑作品《男人Qui Chavire 》(Alberto Giacomettl “L" Homme Qui Chavire”。苏富比为其拍出1930万美元高价。  《14岁的小舞者》  Edgar Degas “Petite danseuse de quatorze ans”:1900万美元  法国人埃德加·德加罕有雕塑作品。青铜雕塑《14岁的小舞者》(Edgar Degas “Petite danseuse de quatorze ans”)在伦敦苏富比拍出1900万美元。排名第九。  《网格》  Plet Mondrian"s “Composition avec grille 2”:1860万美元  第十名仍然属于蒙德里安。他两度上榜,冷抽象博得热拍卖。他的作品《网格》(Plet Mondrian"s “Composition avec grille 2”)作为伊夫圣罗兰旧藏在巴黎佳士得拍出1860万美元。  从上述去年市场上最贵的十大艺术品不难看出,艺术品本身的艺术性和时代特色固然重要,艺术品的原收藏者也对艺术品热门程度产生影响。伊夫圣罗兰旧藏占据榜单多个位置就是证明。  遗憾的是,海外艺术品排名似乎习惯性忽略中国诞生的“天价古代书画作品”。按照数面成交价格排序,去年国内拍出的《十八应真图卷》与《平定西域献俘礼图》两件书画作品均可入选全球十大,分别以2470万美元与1960万美元位列第八位与第九位。
2023-01-11 04:52:251


2023-01-11 04:52:353

你永远是紫米们的傻坤儿 用英语怎么说

2023-01-11 04:53:137


2023-01-11 04:53:422