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2023-05-19 22:12:05

thirst‧y / "θɜːsti ; ˋθɝstɪ /

英 / "θɜːsti /

( comparative thirstier , superlative thirstiest )

thirsty 是形容词。例如:

feeling that you want or need a drink 渴的,口渴的

Can I have a glass of water? I"m really thirsty.

我能喝一杯水吗? 我太渴了。


thirsty 是什么意思

形容词 a. 1.口干的,渴的Salty food makes you thirsty. 吃咸的食品会令你口渴。 2.干旱的,缺水的;吸水性强的3.【口】使人口渴的[B]4.渴望的,渴求的[F][(+for)]She was thirsty for power. 她渴望权力。
2023-01-11 04:18:117


ir eje he h b
2023-01-11 04:18:194


thirsty 基本解释形容词口渴的; 渴望(求)…的; 干旱的,缺水的; 耗油的thirsty 相关例句形容词1. thirsty的意思1. Salty food makes you thirsty.吃咸的食品会令你口渴。2. She was thirsty for power.她渴望权力。3. thirsty3. They were all thirsty.他们都渴了。4. I often feel thirsty when it"s very hot.天热时我常感到口渴。5.5. He is thirsty for power.他渴望掌权。1. 渴望:3 C 逻辑推理词义比较 但是,我到了比赛场地,没有迟到(late),但并非热切(eager),渴望(thirsty)地准备(ready)参加3000米跑步. 5 A 逻辑推理词义比较 作者越来越落后,作者不会感到惊讶(astonished),也激动(excited)不起来,2. 渴:句型询问他人的爱好,且学生也乐于这么做;4A Unit 9时,可让学生通过真实感受,天气冷(cold)→ 跑步后热(hot)渴(thirsty)累(tired) → 重复多次询问What is the matter?3. 渴吗:Terrible!-好可怕! | Thirsty?-渴吗! | Toast!-干杯!thirsty 双语例句1. No, I"m not thirsty.不,我不渴。2. B:No, I"m not thirsty.不,我不渴。
2023-01-11 04:18:291

thirsty怎么读英语 单词thirsty怎么读

1、thirsty英[ˈθɜːsti]美[ˈθɜːrsti],adj.渴的; 口渴的; 渴望; 渴求; 热望; 干旱的; 缺水的。 2、[例句]When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often.婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。
2023-01-11 04:18:421


美式读音:ˈθɜːrsti英式读音:ˈθɜːstiadj.口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的比较级:thirstier最高级:thirstiest例句:1、These thirsty soldiers had to find water in the desert.这些口渴的士兵不得不在荒漠中寻找水源。2、There was no rain for three months, so the land was dry and thirsty.三个月没有下雨了,所以土地干旱缺水。3、A high-ranking official is thirsty for money and a higher position.某个身居高位的官员渴求金钱和更高的职位。4、After three hours" walk in the heat, we were extremely thirsty.在高温下走了三个小时 我们非常口渴。
2023-01-11 04:18:451


美式读音:ˈθɜːrsti英式读音:ˈθɜːstiadj.口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的比较级:thirstier最高级:thirstiest例句:1、These thirsty soldiers had to find water in the desert.这些口渴的士兵不得不在荒漠中寻找水源。2、There was no rain for three months, so the land was dry and thirsty.三个月没有下雨了,所以土地干旱缺水。3、A high-ranking official is thirsty for money and a higher position.某个身居高位的官员渴求金钱和更高的职位。4、After three hours" walk in the heat, we were extremely thirsty.在高温下走了三个小时 我们非常口渴。
2023-01-11 04:18:511


1.thirsty英[?θ??sti]美[?θ??rsti],adj.渴的;口渴的;渴望;渴求;热望;干旱的;缺水的。 2. 双语例句Digging is thirsty work. 挖地是个使人口渴的活。 3.When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often 婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。
2023-01-11 04:19:031


thirsty的比较级: thirstier ;最高级:thirstiest。thirsty:adj.口渴的;渴望的。词汇搭配:+名词:thirsty fields。干旱的土地。 扩展资料 比较级就是将二者进行比较产生的"词形,是由形容词或副词原级转化而来;最高级表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级。
2023-01-11 04:19:061

thirsty怎么读 英语thirsty怎么读

1、thirsty英[ˈθɜːsti]美[ˈθɜːrsti],adj.渴的;口渴的;渴望;渴求;热望;干旱的;缺水的。 2、双语例句 Digging is thirsty work. 挖地是个使人口渴的活。 When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often 婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。
2023-01-11 04:19:091


thirstyx09英["θɜ:stɪ] 美[ˈθɚsti] adj.x09口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的 最高级:thirstiest;比较级:thirstier 1.They all listened to the storyteller with thirsty ears. 他们津津有味地听说书人讲故事. 2.She was so thirsty that she drank a carton of orange juice. 她渴极了,喝了一纸杯桔汁. 3.Here"s some boiled water.Have a drink whenever you"re thirsty. 这里有开水,渴了请随便喝. 4.Don"t wait till you are thirsty to dig a well. 毋临渴而掘井.
2023-01-11 04:19:121


thirsty [ "e?rst?] adj. 口渴的, 干燥的, 渴望的
2023-01-11 04:19:152


2023-01-11 04:19:171


实词是指具有一定的词汇意义,在句中可独立担任句子成分。这类词包括:名词、代词、形容词、动词、数词、副词等。而thirsty属于adj. 综上,thirsty是实词。
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2023-01-11 04:19:334


count是不同类别的。这三个词中count是不同类的一项。v.计数; (按顺序)数数; 计算(或清点)总数; 把算入; 包括; 重要; (被)正式接纳,正式认可; 认为;n.总数; 数出总数; (按顺序的)数数,点数; (某物质在某物或面积中)量的计数; 伯爵(欧洲一些国家相当于英国earl的贵族封号; (被指控的)罪状,事项; (讨论或争论的)论点,观点,问题,事项; 伯爵;。而thirsty和happy都是形容词,分别表示“口渴的”与“高兴的,幸福的”之意。
2023-01-11 04:19:361


thirsty [英]["θɜ:stɪ][美][ˈθɚsti] adj. 口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的 比较级: thirstier 最高级: thirstiest 双语例句 1. We were hungry and thirsty. 我们又饥又渴. 2. They all listened to the storyteller with thirsty ears. 他们津津有味地听说书人讲故事. 3. She was so thirsty that she drank a carton of orange juice. 她渴极了,喝了一纸杯桔汁. 4. Here"s some boiled water. Have a drink whenever you"re thirsty. 这里有开水,渴了请随便喝. 5. Don"t wait till you are thirsty to dig a well. 毋临渴而掘井.
2023-01-11 04:19:391

thirsty ty

这个似乎没有什么特定的规律. 试着多联系发音,多看多读,渐渐的有了语感的话,这方面的问题会迎刃而解.
2023-01-11 04:19:451


thirsty[英]["θɜ:stɪ] [美][ˈθɚsti] 生词本 简明释义 adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的 比较级:thirstier最高级:thirstiest 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词 1.ADJ-GRADED渴的;干渴的If you are thirsty, you feel a need to drink something. If a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often... 婴儿要是渴了,就会吃得更频繁. Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise. 运动过程中渴了就喝点水.
2023-01-11 04:19:481


英["θɜ:stɪ] 美[ˈθɚsti] adj. 口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的 最高级:thirstiest;比较级:thirstier [例句]If you "re thirsty , you "re already dehydrated.如果口渴了,你就已经脱水了。
2023-01-11 04:19:512

thirsty 的全部用法及反义词

thirsty的音标: 英音 [ "θə:sti ] ; 美音 [ "θə:sti ] 反义词为: humid或者moist 意为潮湿的。thirsty的中文翻译:副词 1.口渴的,口干的2.(土地等)干旱的,缺水的3.能大量吸收液体(或水分)的,有高度吸水性的4.(汽车、发动机等)耗油的5.【口】使人口渴的6.渴望的,渴求的词形变化:形容词比较级:thirstier,thirstiest;副词:thirstily;名词:thirstiness。thirsty的英语解释:needing moistureable to take in large quantities of moisture(usually followed by for") extremely desirousfeeling a need or desire to drink相关短语:thirsty soil 干燥土thirsty的例句:The thirsty man craved for water.那个口渴的人渴望喝水。"I give my whole water in joy," sings the waterfall, though little of it is enough for the thirsty瀑布歌唱道:“虽然渴者只要少许的水便够了,我却很快活地给与了我的全部的水。thirsty fields干旱的田地They watered the thirsty fields.他们给干旱的土地灌水。She was thirsty for power.她渴望权力。If ye are thirsty,drink.汝等若口渴,就喝。(出自《圣经》)②[古、方](=you)你Digging is thirsty work挖地是一项使人发渴的活。The fields are thirsty for rain.田地干旱,需要雨水。Tennis is a thirsty game on a hot day.热天打网球是一种易使人口渴的运动。Blood thirsty has become a fixed habit嗜杀成性
2023-01-11 04:19:541


thirteen thirsty
2023-01-11 04:19:576


2023-01-11 04:20:032


2023-01-11 04:20:063


答案:if the children who were thirsty for knowledge had received the books (that/which) we sent.需要翻译的部分是作为wondered的宾语从句,主句是一般过去时,从句也要用过去时,连接词是if表示是否,后加陈述语序,也就是主语+谓语,主语是那些渴求知识的孩子们,我们用定语从句来呈现,先行词是那些孩子们the children是复数,选择指代人的关系词who作为定语从句的主语不可省略,渴求…用短语be thirsty for,先行词the children是复数,这里定语从句的谓语需与其一致,故用过去式were,加上宾语knowledge知识,故if the children who were thirsty for knowledge,是否收到这个动作是发生在主句wondered之前,故过去的过去,用过去完成时had+过去分词,故had received,receive的宾语是我们寄去的书,我们也用定语从句来表达,先行词是the books书,关系词选择which或者that,我们寄去的用过去时we sent(send的过去式),which或者that在这个定语从句中是做宾语,可以省略,故答案是if the children who were thirsty for knowledge had received the books (that/which) we sent.
2023-01-11 04:20:091


thirsty的读音为英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti] 。具体释义如下:thirsty  英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti]  adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的比较级: thirstier   最高级: thirstiest    派生词: thirstilythirsty用作形容词的基本意思是“口渴的”。修饰人时,在句中常用作表语; 修饰物时,意为“干旱的”或“令人口渴的”,在句中通常用作定语。thirsty还可作“渴望的,渴求的”解,在句中多用作表语,常与介词for连用。扩展资料一、常见句型1、用作定语~+ n.Tennis is a thirsty game on a hot day.热天打网球是一项使人口渴的运动。2、用作表语S+be+~I"m thirsty; I would do with a drink.我渴死了,该喝口水了。3、用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~He said he talked himself thirsty and asked for a glass of water.他说他讲话讲得口干了,所以要了一杯水喝。二、常用短语1、~+名词thirsty fields 干旱的土地thirsty food 令人口渴的食物2、副词+~more or less thirsty 有些口渴terribly thirsty 非常口渴3、~+介词thirsty after fame 渴望成名thirsty for contact 渴望联系
2023-01-11 04:20:181


英 ['θɜ:sti]释义:adj 口渴的,口干的;渴望的,热望的[ 比较级 thirstier 最高级 thirstiest ]短语:be thirsty for 渴望 ; 渴望得到 ; 翻译 ; 对…渴望的重点词汇用法:thirstyadj (形容词)1、thirsty用作形容词的基本意思是“口渴的”。修饰人时,在句中常用作表语; 修饰物时,意为“干旱的”或“令人口渴的”,在句中通常用作定语。2、thirsty还可作“渴望的,渴求的”解,在句中多用作表语,常与介词for连用。扩展资料:近义词:dry英 [draɪ]释义:adj 干的;口渴的;枯燥无味的;禁酒的vt 把…弄干vi 变干n 干涸n (Dry)人名;(法)德里[ 复数 drys或dries 比较级 drier 最高级 driest 过去式 dried 过去分词 dried 现在分词 drying ]短语:dry ice 固体二氧化碳 ; 二氧化碳雪 ; 干冰浴
2023-01-11 04:20:231


thirsty的读音为英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti] 。具体释义如下:thirsty  英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti]  adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的比较级: thirstier   最高级: thirstiest    派生词: thirstilythirsty用作形容词的基本意思是“口渴的”。修饰人时,在句中常用作表语; 修饰物时,意为“干旱的”或“令人口渴的”,在句中通常用作定语。thirsty还可作“渴望的,渴求的”解,在句中多用作表语,常与介词for连用。扩展资料一、常见句型1、用作定语~+ n.Tennis is a thirsty game on a hot day.热天打网球是一项使人口渴的运动。2、用作表语S+be+~I"m thirsty; I would do with a drink.我渴死了,该喝口水了。3、用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~He said he talked himself thirsty and asked for a glass of water.他说他讲话讲得口干了,所以要了一杯水喝。二、常用短语1、~+名词thirsty fields 干旱的土地thirsty food 令人口渴的食物2、副词+~more or less thirsty 有些口渴terribly thirsty 非常口渴3、~+介词thirsty after fame 渴望成名thirsty for contact 渴望联系
2023-01-11 04:20:361


  thirsty英[ˈθɜ:sti]美[ˈθɜ:rsti]  adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的  例句:  Shewassuddenlythirstyanddry.  她突然口渴了。
2023-01-11 04:20:422


thirsty的读音["θɜːsti] 。1、释义口渴的;渴望的2、例句He was thirsty for power.他渴望拥有权力。3、短语thirsty fields干旱的土地thirsty food令人口渴的食物thirsty game令人口渴的运动thirsty soil干涸的土地特殊用法1、thirsty用作形容词的基本意思是“口渴的”。修饰人时,在句中常用作表语;修饰物时,意为“干旱的”或“令人口渴的”,在句中通常用作定语。2、thirsty还可作“渴望的,渴求的”解,在句中多用作表语,常与介词for连用。
2023-01-11 04:20:451


英 [ˈθɜːstɪ]  adj.口渴的;干渴的;干旱的;缺水的;渴望的;引起口渴的;同义词:eager搭配词person / animal / soil / plant补充『短语』thirsty work 令人口渴的工作例句1. Feeling thirsty, he gulped a milkshake.他觉得口渴,一下喝了一杯奶昔。2. When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often.婴儿口渴时吃奶会更多。3. She was suddenly thirsty and dry.她突然口渴了。4. I"m thirsty. Pull over to that store, I"ll buy some drinks.我渴了,停到那家商店门前吧,我要买些喝的。
2023-01-11 04:20:531


1、thirsty英[ˈθɜːsti]美[ˈθɜːrsti],adj.渴的;口渴的;渴望;渴求;热望;干旱的;缺水的。2、双语例句Digging is thirsty work. 挖地是个使人口渴的活。When a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often 婴儿渴的时候,吃奶就会更频繁。
2023-01-11 04:21:092


2023-01-11 04:21:284


thirsty的读音是:["θɜːsti]。adj. 口渴的,渴望的例句:The thirsty man craved for water.翻译:那个囗渴的人渴喝水。短语:thirsty soil 干涸的土地用法1、thirsty用作形容词的基本意思是“口渴的”。修饰人时,在句中常用作表语;修饰物时,意为“干旱的”或“令人口渴的”,在句中通常用作定语。2、thirsty还可作“渴望的,渴求的”解,在句中多用作表语,常与介词for连用。
2023-01-11 04:21:321


thirsty的读音为英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti] 。具体释义如下:thirsty  英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti]  adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的比较级: thirstier   最高级: thirstiest    派生词: thirstilythirsty用作形容词的基本意思是“口渴的”。修饰人时,在句中常用作表语; 修饰物时,意为“干旱的”或“令人口渴的”,在句中通常用作定语。thirsty还可作“渴望的,渴求的”解,在句中多用作表语,常与介词for连用。扩展资料一、常见句型1、用作定语~+ n.Tennis is a thirsty game on a hot day.热天打网球是一项使人口渴的运动。2、用作表语S+be+~I"m thirsty; I would do with a drink.我渴死了,该喝口水了。3、用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~He said he talked himself thirsty and asked for a glass of water.他说他讲话讲得口干了,所以要了一杯水喝。二、常用短语1、~+名词thirsty fields 干旱的土地thirsty food 令人口渴的食物2、副词+~more or less thirsty 有些口渴terribly thirsty 非常口渴3、~+介词thirsty after fame 渴望成名thirsty for contact 渴望联系
2023-01-11 04:21:392


2023-01-11 04:21:451


you feel thirsty?come on suck my cock
2023-01-11 04:21:484


thirsty意为口渴的,干燥的 反义词为: humid或者moist 意为潮湿的.
2023-01-11 04:21:511


thirsty的读音为英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti] 。具体释义如下:thirsty  英 [ˈθɜ:sti]   美 [ˈθɜ:rsti]  adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的比较级: thirstier   最高级: thirstiest    派生词: thirstilythirsty用作形容词的基本意思是“口渴的”。修饰人时,在句中常用作表语; 修饰物时,意为“干旱的”或“令人口渴的”,在句中通常用作定语。thirsty还可作“渴望的,渴求的”解,在句中多用作表语,常与介词for连用。扩展资料一、常见句型1、用作定语~+ n.Tennis is a thirsty game on a hot day.热天打网球是一项使人口渴的运动。2、用作表语S+be+~I"m thirsty; I would do with a drink.我渴死了,该喝口水了。3、用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~He said he talked himself thirsty and asked for a glass of water.他说他讲话讲得口干了,所以要了一杯水喝。二、常用短语1、~+名词thirsty fields 干旱的土地thirsty food 令人口渴的食物2、副词+~more or less thirsty 有些口渴terribly thirsty 非常口渴3、~+介词thirsty after fame 渴望成名thirsty for contact 渴望联系
2023-01-11 04:22:021


2023-01-11 04:22:081


“thirsty”的副词形式是:thirstily。具体说明如下:thirstily英 [ˈθɜːstili] 例句:He read through the newspaper thirstily. 他如饥似渴地读着报纸.adv. 如饥似渴地;[例句]He drank thirstily from the pool under the rock.他饥渴地喝着岩石下水潭中的水。
2023-01-11 04:22:201


more relaxing,most relaxingcurlier,curliest less,leastfather&further;further&furthestmore funny,most funnyricher,richestmore unusual,most unusualmore friendly,most friendlyworse,worst calmer,clamestmore creative,most creativebetter,bestworse, worst more worried,most worriedmore important ,most important cleverer ,cleverest&more clever,most clever.thirstier ,thirstiest
2023-01-11 04:22:232


Thirsty ,口渴
2023-01-11 04:22:377


2023-01-11 04:22:546

i am thirsty.(用助动词提问)问thirsty 划线提问

How are you ?
2023-01-11 04:23:142


thirsty[英]["θɜ:stɪ] [美][ˈθɚsti] 生词本 简明释义 adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的 比较级:thirstier最高级:thirstiest 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词 1.ADJ-GRADED渴的;干渴的If you are thirsty,you feel a need to drink something. If a baby is thirsty,it feeds more often... 婴儿要是渴了,就会吃得更频繁. Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise. 运动过程中渴了就喝点水.
2023-01-11 04:23:211


"so easy 回答完毕,希望对你的提问有帮助,如果满意请采纳o(∩_∩)o...哈哈 麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-11 04:23:242


thirsty[英]["θɜ:stɪ] [美][ˈθɚsti] 生词本简明释义adj.口渴的;渴望(求)…的;干旱的,缺水的;耗油的比较级:thirstier最高级:thirstiest以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED渴的;干渴的If you are thirsty, you feel a need to drink something. If a baby is thirsty, it feeds more often...婴儿要是渴了,就会吃得更频繁。Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise.运动过程中渴了就喝点水。
2023-01-11 04:23:271


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2023-01-11 04:23:364