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麻烦翻译 中------英

2023-05-19 13:09:41
TAG: 翻译

First of all

I must appreciate my supervisor to give me the acces *** ent report of the year

let me understand that I must improve myself in certain failure. In future

I will be more initiative to participate in activities anized by the pany

have better munication with colleagues and supervisors. I promise that I must pay more attention in learning to improve myself in order to cope with mission of the pany.

参考: myself

First of all

I am very grateful to the boss to give it the annual asses *** ent

as soon as possible so that I can improve on their own can be remedied. In the future I will actively participate in the program"s activities

and take the initiative to colleagues and supervisors to municate

learn Jiapei intentions

so that they can To do a hundred hours to meet the requirements of the pany. 2008-10-21 13:27:35 补充: am820抄我

Therefore first very thanks the boss to give my year to ment

enables me to improve itself early in the work insufficiency. I will participate in pany"s curriculum activity positively in the future

initiative and the colleague and the boss will municate

Canada will cultivate the study attentively

can achieve a percentage oneself

will coordinate pany"s request.

Hi dude

Here it is: First of all

I would like to thank my boss for giving me my annual asses *** ent report .This report will surely help me improve myself for my job. In the near future

I will participate in the activities that my pany provides with my full heart

take the initiative to municate more with my co-workers and study harder in order to be the best to meet my pany"s requirements and needs. _____The end_____ :) See you!


I"m really appreciated to give me a change to join the year end assess

it can let me clear and to improve myself in the pany. In the future

I will very zealous to join the programme activities. I promised will more active to municate with colleague and boss

study diligent and to make myself upgrade in order to match up pany requests.



initiative的意思是倡议。initiative,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“主动权;首创精神;新方案;倡议”,作形容词时意思是“主动的;自发的;起始的”。短语搭配:Dharma Initiative达摩计划Sunshot Initiative太阳计划;射日计划;新能源计划;Improved Initiative精通先攻;优先改善;强化先攻;改善优先权。initiative双语例句1、How to take initiative at work?如何在工作中采取主动?2、Take the initiative ask him if you can train with him.采取主动性:询问他,你是否可以和他一起运动。3、On their own initiative, they chose to do these things that you see depicted in the photographs.他们自己的主动性,他们选择了做这些事情,您会看到所描绘的照片。
2022-12-31 03:29:111


initiative作名词时意思为倡议,新方案,主动性,积极性,自发性,掌握有利条件的能力(或机会),主动权,(美国某些州的)公民立法提案程序;作形容词时意思是主动的,自发的,起始的。Initiatives是initiative的复数形式。双语例句:1、The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%.倡议将强制规定把二氧化碳排放量降低40%。2、He is pushing a new initiative to change that this fall.他正在推进新方案在今年秋天改变这种情况。3、He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.他认为应给员工提供发挥主动性的机会。4、In this way they brought into full play the initiative, wisdom and power of the masses.这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。initiative记忆方式:单词:initiative=in+it+i+ative.前缀:in=进入。词根:it=to go=走。链接:i=无意义。后缀:ative=ate+ive合成。本义:走进去的地方,就是一个类似于“入口”的地方,喻为“开始,最初”。即进入的那个位置,就是开始,开端。引申:由“开端”,引申为“起始的”,其他意思均由这层本义引申而来。
2022-12-31 03:29:231


2022-12-31 03:29:446


take the initiative带头,倡导,发起(请注意,这里更加注重带头和倡导,远远大于那个和被动相对的主动)initiativeadj.自发的n.首创精神;主动权;第一步;倡议;项目例句:1.Take the initiative to lead those you love to better health.主动行动去帮助你所爱的人有更好的健康水平.2.And,after years of merely reacting to populists,the two large parties have found that voters prefer them to take the initiative.在多年来只是应对民粹主义者之后,两个大党发觉,选民们更喜欢他们采取主动.3.Neither does she appreciate any act nor does she take the initiative to tell me in case I am going wrong.她从来没表示过喜欢我怎么做,也不会主动告诉我我哪里做得不好.然后我们从第3例句来看,楼主的“她主动跟我讲话 she took the Ini tiative to talk to me. ”是正确的。
2022-12-31 03:30:091


initiative:英【ɪnˈɪʃətɪv】。释义:n:行动计划;措施;倡议;首创性;主动性;进取心;公民立法提案程序。adj:开始的;初步的;主动的。同义词:idea; measure; resourcefulness。补充:to have the initiative占据上风;处于有利地位。to take the initiative带头;发起;主动。双语例句:1、She"s got initiative.她有进取心。2、He"s got no initiative.他没有任何进取心。3、The initiative is of immeasurable importance.这种积极主动性至关重要。4、The government now hopes to seize the initiative on education.如今政府希望抓住教育上的主动权。5、an initiative to help promote tolerance between different ethnic groups增强各民族间宽容度的倡议。造句:1、Amorous initiative is firmly reserved to the man,who sets about courtship with a club.多情的主动权牢牢地保留给这个男人,他开始奉承俱乐部。2、In this way they brought into full play the initiative,wisdom and power of the masses.这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。3、l told the German official at the time that l was sure the initiative would fail.我当时告诉德国官员,我确信这一新方案将会失败。4、Hagel says we have designed jobs in the U.S. that tend to be "tightly scripted"and“highly standardized”ones that leave no room for "individual initiative or creativity".哈格尔说,在美国我们往往把工作设计成"照本宣科"和"高度标准化"”的模式,没有给人们留下一丁点发挥“个人主动性和创新”的空间。5、The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%.这个倡议将把二氧化碳排放量强制降低40%。6、The middle child is influenced by many variables; however,middles are less likely totake initiative and more anxious and self-critical than others.中间的孩子受很多因素的影响:然而,中间的孩子不太可能主动,也比其他人更焦虑、更易自我批判。7、Britain is expected to put forward a fresh initiative on reducing the debts of the poorestcountries.预计英国将提出一项减少最贫穷国家债务的新倡议。8、He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.他赞成给他的员工主动的机会。9、The community centre was set up under the auspices of a government initiative.在政府的大力支持下社区中心建成了。10、He displays great initiative in his work.他工作很主动。
2022-12-31 03:30:141


initiative[英][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n.倡议; 主动性; 主动权; 主动精神; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; 复数:initiatives以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Ownership encourages responsibility and initiative. 所有权会激发责任心和主动性。
2022-12-31 03:30:501


initiative英 [ɪ"nɪʃɪətɪv; -ʃə-]美 [ɪ"nɪʃətɪv]n. 主动权;首创精神adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的[网络短语]Initiative 主动,主动性,首创精神Dharma Initiative 达摩计划,达摩计划,达摩组织Avengers Initiative 复仇者行动,复仇者联盟希望我的回答能帮助到你。
2022-12-31 03:31:001


牛津高阶英汉双解词典插图修订版action/ ˈækʃn; `ækʃən/ n [U] (a) process of doing sth; using energy or influence; activity 行动; 作用; 活动:         I only like films that have got plenty of action. 我只喜欢有很多惊险动作的电影.         The time has come for action. 行动的时候到了.         a man of action, ie one who achieves much by being decisive and energetic 实干家(靠果敢和干劲而取得成就的人). (b) [C]thing done; deed; act 所作之事; 行为; 行动:         Her quick action saved his life. 她动作迅速因而救了他一命.         You must judge a person by his actions, not by what he says. 判断一个人, 要看他的所作所为, 而不是看他所说的话. ☞Usage at act1 用法见act1. [U] events in a story or play (故事或戏剧中的)情节:         The action is set in France. 事情发生在法国. [sing] ~ on sth effect that one substance has on another (一物质对另一物质所起的)作用:         The action of salt on ice causes it to melt. 盐作用於冰而使其融化. [U] fighting in battle between troops, warships, etc (军队﹑ 军舰等之间的)战斗, 战事:         killed in action 阵亡         the destruction caused by enemy action 敌军在战斗中造成的破坏         He saw (ie was involved in) action in North Africa. 他曾经历了北非的战事. [C] legal process; lawsuit 诉讼:         He brought an action against her, ie sought judgement against her in a lawcourt. 他起诉她了. [C] (a) way of functioning, esp of a part of the body 功能(尤指身体某部的):         study the action of the liver 研究肝功能. (b) way of moving, eg of an athlete, or of a horse when jumping 动作的姿势(如运动员或马跳时):         a fast bowler with a fine action 姿势优美而动作敏捷的滚木球运动员. (c) mechanism of an instrument, esp of a gun, piano or clock 机械装置(尤指枪炮﹑ 钢琴﹑ 钟表等者). (idm 习语) ˌactions speak ,louder than `words (saying 谚) what a person actually does means more than what he says he will do 行动胜於语言. ■ course of action ☞ course. ■ in `action in operation or engaging in a typical activity 在运转; 在操作; 在某项活动中:         I"ve heard she"s a marvellous player but I"ve never seen her in action. 我听说她是位高手, 但是我从未实地见过. ■ into `action into operation or a typical activity 实施; 进行其活动:        put a plan into action 将计划付诸实施         At daybreak the troops
2022-12-31 03:31:062


initiative[英][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n.主动性; 主动精神; 倡议; 主动权; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; 复数:initiatives例句:1.Ownership encourages responsibility and initiative. 所有权会激发责任心和主动性.——————————————很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2022-12-31 03:31:151


initiative英音:[i"niʃətiv]美音:[ɪ"nɪʃətɪv] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.主动的行动;倡议[C]Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances. 查尔斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友。 2.首创精神;进取心[U]He did not have the initiative to start his own business. 他没有自行开业的积极性。 3.主动权[the S]It was evident that they had lost the initiative. 显然他们已丧失了主动权。 4.【律】创制权,提议权[the S]形容词 a. 1.开始的;初步的;创始的initiative prosperity 初步繁荣
2022-12-31 03:31:243


2022-12-31 03:31:362


initiative [i"niʃiətiv; -ʃətiv] n.1. 初步;创始2. 主动的行动;倡议3. 主动的精神;首创精神;创始力4. 积极性;进取心5. 主动权;决断6. [the initiative]公民立法提案权,创制权(公民在州议会外通过投票或请愿提出或制订新法律的权利)公民立法提案程序[参较 referendum]adj.1. 开始的;初步的2. 主动的;进取的3. 入门的;介绍的短语1. have the initiativea. 掌握主动权b. 有立法案权2. on one"s own initiative 主动地3. take the initiative 采取主动;首先采取行动;带头
2022-12-31 03:31:442


initiatives n. 积极性;主动权(initiative的复数);创始Economic policy is liberalized to encourage initiatives in production. 放宽经济政策以鼓励生产的积极性。
2022-12-31 03:31:531


initiative[英][ɪ"nɪʃətɪv] [美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv] 生词本简明释义n.主动性;主动精神;倡议;主动权adj.自发的;创始的;初步的复数:initiatives以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT积极的行动;倡议An initiative is an important act or statement that is intended to solve a problem. Government initiatives to help young people have been inadequate...政府在积极帮助年轻人方面做得还不够。
2022-12-31 03:31:581


2022-12-31 03:32:046


个人主动性, 艾滋病预防举措initiate 代表主动, 带动的意思 initiative 就等于主动性的一个举动或措施1. He initiates to go into the woods to investigate the case. 他主动进深林探查这案子.2. The new law implemented is the new peace initiative. 新实施的法律是新的和平倡议。
2022-12-31 03:32:311

take initiative是什么意思

2022-12-31 03:32:363


答: initiative [i"niʃiətiv] n.1. 初步;创始2. 主动的行动;倡议3. 进取精神;创始力;实行力4. 积极性;进取心5. 主动权;决断6. [the initiative]公民立法提案权,创制权(公民在州议会外通过投票或请愿提出或制订新法律的权利)公民立法提案程序adj.1. 开始的;初步的2. 主动的;进取的3. 入门的;介绍的例如:He took the initiative to solve the problem.  他主动解决这个问题。He is a man of great initiative.  他是个富有进取心的人。
2022-12-31 03:32:482

take the initiative是什么意思

take the initiative英 [teik ðə iˈniʃiətiv] 美 [tek ði ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]带头, 倡导, 发起主动;倡导;积极主动;带头双语例句1. We must take the initiative in the struggle to end the war. 为尽早结束战争,我们必须抢先行动。2. She knew she had to take the initiative and maintain an aggressive game throughout. 她知道自己必须采取主动,并且始终保持咄咄逼人的态势。3. It"s up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons. 这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器.4. Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in make acquaintance. 查理斯怕羞,不会主动结交朋友.5. Unless we act now, Europe and the U.S. will take the initiative. 如果我们现在不采取行动的话, 欧美就会捷足先登.
2022-12-31 03:33:171

take the initiative是什么意思

take the initiative[英][teik ðə iˈniʃiətiv][美][tek ði ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]带头, 倡导, 发起; 例句:1.The president has to take the initiative. 奥巴马总统必须采取主动。2.Take the initiative to change. 主动采取行动改善你们的关系
2022-12-31 03:33:261

take the initiative是什么意思

take the initiative采取主动双语对照词典结果:take the initiative[英][teik ðə iˈniʃiətiv][美][tek ði ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]带头, 倡导, 发起; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Take the initiative to lead those you love to better health. 主动行动去帮助你所爱的人有更好的健康水平。
2022-12-31 03:33:311

主动的 被动的 ------用英语怎么说

2022-12-31 03:33:378


2022-12-31 03:34:081

initiative 和scheme 的区别

scheme是方案的意思,而initiative则是倡议的意思。区别可以从以下例子看出:We have not make final scheme yet, all we have received is initiative, next step is discuss them, hopefully we can reach some agreement. 我们没有最终方案,我们收到的只是倡议,下一步是讨论它们,希望我们能达成一些协议。nitiative的意思、解释复数形式:initiatives;initiative 基本解释名词倡议; 主动性; 主动权; 主动精神形容词自发的; 创始的; 初步的initiative 相关词组1. take the initiative : 带头;2. have the initiative : 掌握主动;3. on ones own initiative : 主动地;
2022-12-31 03:34:131


有复数形式:initiatives n. 主动性( initiative的名词复数 ); 主动的行动; 初步; 主动权
2022-12-31 03:34:191


2022-12-31 03:34:244


initiative英 [ɪ"nɪʃɪətɪv; -ʃə-]美 [ɪ"nɪʃətɪv]n. 主动权;首创精神adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的更多释义>>[网络短语]Initiative 主动,主动性,首创精神Dharma Initiative 达摩计划,达摩计划,达摩组织Avengers Initiative 复仇者行动,复仇者联盟
2022-12-31 03:34:381

请帮忙看下 下面 怎么翻译 。 initiative 的意思。

2022-12-31 03:34:432

川田まみ的《INITIATIVE》 歌词

歌曲名:INITIATIVE歌手:川田まみ专辑:Love, Election & Chocolate × I"ve Maxi Single CDINITIATIVEPC GAME「恋爱与选举与巧克力」OP作词:川田まみ/作曲/编曲:中沢伴行歌:川田まみ手を挙げても言叶にできない伝えたい、でも怖い震えた指先から决意と迷い恋してる「伤つきたくはないけど、伤つけたくない…」甘いだけじゃ恋は前に进まないの臆病なこの愿いでも谁かに届けられたならまた一つ叶えられる一歩になれる求めてもずっと戸惑った梦に信じる力をくれた君の手をとり歩き出すよ今知りたい、こたえを待てないもどかしい瞬间を超えたいすぐ立たなきゃ気持ちは巡る恋すると选び続けてきたけど、选ばれてみたい…ほろ苦い恋ばかりでも进めないの大きな愿いだとしても谁かに支えられたなら少しずつだけどまたい一歩踏み出す勇気へと変えて时に駆け引きするように楽しむくらいで恋はすぐに溶けちゃうから止まれないの本当の幸せの形君は何を望んでるの?同じ答えは出せなくてもそれ以上の喜びを臆病なこの愿いでも谁かに届けられたならまた一つ叶えられる一歩になれる求めてもずっと戸惑った梦に信じる力をくれた君の手をとり歩き出すよ终わり
2022-12-31 03:34:521

有 take the initiative in doing 这个词组吗

take the initiative in doing 主动去做,率先去做They are prepared to take the initiative , even when there is a risk in doing so . 他们做事会采取主动,即使这样做要冒风险,也在所不辞。
2022-12-31 03:35:011


2022-12-31 03:35:062

on one"s own initiative是什么意思

2022-12-31 03:35:151


”initiative“的词根词缀: in- 向内 + -it- 行 , 走 + -i- + -ative 。”initiative“的意思是 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性;主动权;(美国某些州的)公民立法提案程序。可组成相关短语如下:Strategic Defense Initiative 星球大战计划 ; 战略防御计划。take the initiative 主动 ; 积极主动 ; 带头。Dharma Initiative 达摩计划。Chiang Mai initiative 清迈协议。subjective initiative 主观能动。Clinton Global Initiative 克林顿全球倡议。造句如下:1、We have the initiative; we intend to keep it. 我们拥有主动权;我们想要保持主动权。2、She was disappointed by his lack of initiative. 她对他缺乏主动性感到失望。3、He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative. 他赞成给他的员工主动的机会。
2022-12-31 03:35:451


initiative [i"niʃiətiv,-ʃətiv] n.主动权;首创精神 adj.主动的;自发的;起始的 整体翻译为: 亚洲环境研究计划
2022-12-31 03:36:011

initiative 什么意思

您好:倡议双语对照词典结果:initiative[英][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n.主动性; 主动精神; 倡议; 主动权; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; 复数:initiatives以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In ballmer"s memo, he said "every major initiative" will have a "champion." 鲍尔默在备忘录中表示:“每一个重大倡议”都将有一位“领头人”。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2022-12-31 03:36:081

hr initiative什么意思

hr initiative人力资源计划initiative[英][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n.倡议; 主动性; 主动权; 主动精神; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; 复数:initiatives以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Ownership encourages responsibility and initiative. 所有权会激发责任心和主动性
2022-12-31 03:36:142

take the initiative什么意思?

take the initiative带头,倡导,发起(请注意,这里更加注重带头和倡导,远远大于那个和被动相对的主动)initiativeadj.自发的n.首创精神;主动权;第一步;倡议;项目例句:1.Take the initiative to lead those you love to better health.主动行动去帮助你所爱的人有更好的健康水平.2.And,after years of merely reacting to populists,the two large parties have found that voters prefer them to take the initiative.在多年来只是应对民粹主义者之后,两个大党发觉,选民们更喜欢他们采取主动.3.Neither does she appreciate any act nor does she take the initiative to tell me in case I am going wrong.她从来没表示过喜欢我怎么做,也不会主动告诉我我哪里做得不好.然后我们从第3例句来看,楼主的“她主动跟我讲话 she took the Ini tiative to talk to me. ”是正确的。
2022-12-31 03:36:242


2022-12-31 03:36:3414

take the initiative是什么意思

take the initiative[英][teik ðə iˈniʃiətiv][美][tek ði ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]带头, 倡导, 发起; Take the initiative to lead those you love to better health. 主动行动去帮助你所爱的人有更好的健康水平。
2022-12-31 03:37:432


initiate及物动词 vt. 1.开始;创始;开始实施initiate a new course of studies 开设一门新课程 2.把初步知识传授给;使初步了解[(+in/into)]He initiated his son into the game of chess. 他把下棋的初步知识教给儿子。 3.(通过正式或秘密仪式)接纳(新成员)[(+into)]
2022-12-31 03:37:531

have the initiative to pursue the initiative什么意思

have the initiative to pursue the initiative有倡议追求主动的。。。。。initiative[英][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n.倡议; 主动性; 主动权; 主动精神; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; 复数:initiatives例句:1.Take the initiative to change. 主动采取行动改善你们的关系。2.The initiative has already generated criticism of the government. 这一活动已引发了一些对中国政府的批评。
2022-12-31 03:37:581

take the initiative是什么意思

take the initiative英[teik ðə iˈniʃiətiv]美[tek ði ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]带头, 倡导, 发起
2022-12-31 03:38:052

marketing initiative是什么意思

营销计划 营销主动权
2022-12-31 03:38:187

主动做某事 sb. take the initiative to do sth.

主动做某事 Take the initiative to do sth
2022-12-31 03:38:462

take the initiative是什么意思

2022-12-31 03:38:564


initiative D.J.[iˈniʃiətiv] K.K.[ɪˈnɪʃətɪv] n.主动性, 首创精神主动的行动, 倡议主动权
2022-12-31 03:39:132

take the initiative是什么意思

take the initiative主动双语对照词典结果:take the initiative[英][teik ðə iˈniʃiətiv][美][tek ði ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]带头, 倡导, 发起; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Take the initiative to lead those you love to better health. 主动行动去帮助你所爱的人有更好的健康水平。
2022-12-31 03:39:226

initial 和 initiative 的区别

initial [形] initiative [名] [形][initial]: 开始的, 起初的.[initiative]:初步的, 初步行动.例句 (1) the initial stages of an undertaking. 一事业的初始阶段 . (2) A statesman must have /show/display initiative 政治家必须有(表现)开创精神 .
2022-12-31 03:39:531


词典结果:proactive[英][ˌprəʊˈæktɪv][美][ˌproʊˈæktɪv]adj.积极主动的; 前摄的; 主动出击的; 先发制人的; 以上结果来自金山词霸词典结果:initiative[英][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n.倡议; 主动性; 主动权; 主动精神; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; 复数:initiatives以上结果来自金山词霸
2022-12-31 03:40:001

roll for initiative什么意思

take initiative主动词典结果:initiative[英][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv][美][ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]n.倡议; 主动性; 主动权; 主动精神; adj.自发的; 创始的; 初步的; 复数:initiatives例句:1.Take the initiative to change. 主动采取行动改善你们的关系。2.The initiative has already generated criticism of the government. 这一活动已引发了一些对中国政府的批评。
2022-12-31 03:40:061