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ja rule 的 dawn 4 u里面 女声说唱是谁?

2023-05-19 21:43:55

土豆上有视频 !麻烦各位大虾们了!

TAG: rule


"Down 4 U" 

(feat. Vita, Ashanti, Charlie Baltimore) 


I wanna be your chick 

I wanna be down 4 u 

(Do ya trust me?) Yeah 

(Love me?) Yeah 

(You"re puttin" it on me Ya must be) 

Ya down ass bitch 

I wanna be your chick 

(It only for the RULE baby) 

I ride 4 u, Die 4 u 

Do anything ya want me to 

I be ya down ass bitch 

[Ja Rule:] 

This is no intentions of bein" offensive 

The women by callin ya"ll bitches 

My down ass bitches 

Still my queen bitch"s cut look clean 

On ya finger next to the finger ya flipped at me 

And this no in between me and you 

Only me and you 

Who else gon" put it on me like the RULE 

God only looks after children and foo"s 

And you not so who gon" look after you 

It"s RULE baby 


True baby 

It"s only for you baby 

Vita thighs only divide if you inside 

Cuz I love the way you touch me 

Nobody can get it 

And if it"s comin" and gunnin" 

Just come in it and spit it 

So when ya gone for a minute 

I just fantasize like if it"s you It"s all in it 

Then I"m satisfied til" you come back to me 

Holdin stack and jewels 

V-i-t-a and my nigga J-a RULE baby 



I"m gonna be here when ya need 

RULE baby can always count on me 

No you don"t ever have to worry 

You know I"ll make it in a hurry 

I"m here for ya 

And I wont never leave shed, tears for ya 

Cuz boy ya got to me 

There will never be another for me 

You"ll always be my one and only 

[Ja Rule (Ashanti):] 

Babygirl would ya bust ya gun with me? (Yeah yeah) 

Lie to the feds to come get me? (Yeah Yeah) 

And if I died Kill for me? (Yeah Yeah) 

Are you trustin me? (Yeah Yeah) 

Are you lovin me? (Yeah Yeah Yeah) 

Yeah let"s get it grinnin 

Like we Ashford and ons or Ike and Anna Mae 

On one their good days 

You smile like sun rays 5"5 with brown eyes and thick legs 

Only for the RULE baby 


[Charlie Baltimore:] 

Now baby I told you I can show you better than I can tell you 

Don"t try to bring conversey and mail 

Just sweet words and naked photos 

I"m still that pretty down down ass 2 cars behind ya 6 

And I diss any clown ass rockin my round ass only a down ass 

And it"s all for u 

I"ve grown a tad bit since we been at like rabbits 

To move a little bumper and it"s 


Shit Who gon" love you like that? 

Thug with you wit a stack to the ceilin 

And spilt in the dub with you 

Cuz I played my position with KO-D"s, O G"s 

Until that blood shed blood red and we O-Ded 

Remember every word that ya told me 


All you need in your life is Chuck, drugs, and dubs on 22"s 

Now tell me who the hunny for you 


[Chorus x2]






hunny和honey区别如下:意思是差不多的,都有“亲爱的,宝贝”的意思,honey是常用词,Hunny是它的另外一种表达。“honey”是亲爱的意思,情侣或夫妻之间多称呼对方为honey;honey也可以用来称呼关系亲密的朋友;还可以表示“可爱的人”,指某人特别讨喜。 “honey”其实是一个很简单的词汇,在口语中会经常用到,尤其是情侣之间。美剧中,我们常听到情侣或夫妻之间称呼对方为honey,这个时候多意为“亲爱的,宝贝”,除了表示感情稳定,honey叫起来也很顺口。另外,honey也可以用来称呼关系亲密的朋友。此外,honey还可以表示“可爱的人”,指某人特别讨喜。关于“亲爱的”的几种不同说法:Dear使用的范围比较广。可以用来称呼朋友,也可以用来称呼亲密爱人,也有可能是长辈称呼小辈。另外英语日记通常会用 dear 开头。写信时通常的称呼也是 Dear XX。Honey 也会写成 hunny 或者 hunnie,表示的都是亲爱的。Sweetheart亲爱的、可爱的、喜欢的都可以成为sweetheart,另外口语上表示友善的称呼也可以用sweetheart。就像现在很多女生之间喜欢互称亲爱的。
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hunny全部释义和例句>> 宝贝
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1、dear:亲爱的某某某;honey:宝贝儿(说甜言蜜语的时候);Darling:亲爱的,心爱的人。2、dear:简单地告诉你,就是在写信这种正式场合用的,通常是对长辈和值得尊敬的人用,就像敬语一样。多用于书面陈述!3、honey:简单的告诉你,这种是极不正规的,很口语话的。多在亲密情侣之间使用。4、darling:相比honey要正式一些,对谁都能用哦!但是一般是指认识的人!扩展资料:01,DearDear使用的范围比较广。可以用来称呼朋友,也可以用来称呼亲密爱人,也有可能是长辈称呼小辈。另外英语日记通常会用 dear 开头。写信时通常的称呼也是 Dear XX。经典美剧老友记第一季第8集中,Ross和Monica的奶奶去世后,Ross在家里收拾东西,他和他妈妈有这么一段对话,Ross就被妈妈叫做dear:Ross: Oh my God...Mrs. Geller: Is everything all right, dear?Ross: Yeah, just... just Nana stuff.02,Honey、 Darling、Baby这3个都是“亲爱的”比较常见的表达。e.g. I love you, honey.e.g. Darling, would you please wait a second.e.g. When my girlfriend started calling my best friend "baby", I knew it was over.Honey 也会写成 hunny 或者 hunnie,表示的都是“亲爱的”。说到这里就想到《海角七号》的插曲《爱你爱到不怕死》:“Honey darling baby,或是叫我的小亲亲,只要哄我高兴,冥王星都陪你去。”03,Sweetheart亲爱的、可爱的、喜欢的都可以成为sweetheart,另外口语上表示友善的称呼也可以用sweetheart。就像现在很多女生之间喜欢互称“亲爱的”。e.g. I like Joaquin, he"s a real sweetheart.我喜欢杰昆,他真是个甜心。e.g. What can I get you, sweetheart?甜心,我能为你拿点什么?《老友记》第一季感恩节篇:Terry: Rachel, Rachel, sweetheart. You"re a terrible, terrible waitress. Really, really awful.04,Sweetiesweetie可以称呼亲密爱人也可以称呼亲密友人,也可用于长辈称呼晚辈的情况。e.g. Good night now sweetie, I"ll miss you so much but I"ll see you next week!亲爱的,晚安了,我会非常想你的不过要到下周才能见到你!05,Sweetumse.g. I love talking to my sweetums. He rocks my face off.我喜欢和亲爱的他聊天,他让我开心极了。《哈利波特与密室》:"I want more bacon." "There"s more in the frying pan, sweetums," said Aunt Petunia.06,Pumpkin老外好像对南瓜有种特别的感情,这个词也可以表示亲爱的,宝贝儿这样的含义。《成长的烦恼》第三季第10集:Maggie: Pumpkin, you just had your tonsils out!New Ben: But...Maggie: For me?Pumpkin 在口语里也可以说成 Pumkin。e.g. Me and my Pumkin are heading to a movie, wanna come?我和我男(女)朋友要去看电影,一起来吗?07,Boo据说是黑人圈的俚语用法,可以用做男朋友或者女朋友的称呼,也可以表示亲爱的。e.g. Can you handle me? If you can"t you ain"t gonna be my 
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这几天在地铁东直门站倒车时,看到了新张贴的巨幅广告,汇源果汁的。画面设计的非常美观,Disney的几个明星动物们都在大森林里开心的嬉戏,画面的左面画了一个桶,桶里承满了蜂蜜,桶的上半部写着“蜂蜜”两字,下半部则写着“hunny”。 从我第一天看到这个广告时就产生了疑问:这个hunny到底是什么意思?如果从英文的读音规则上来看,其音与“honey”极为相近,而“honey”这个词正是“蜂蜜”的英文。那么这个“hunny”是什么意思呢?由于读音的关系,我认为这个词就是想写成蜂蜜的英文,那么这个词到底是不是蜂蜜的意思呢?当时我不敢肯定,后来有一天,我终于想起来这事,打开“金山词霸”查了查,结果是“hunny”这个词根本不存在;我又进一步找我在国外读书的同学问了问,得到的答案是“没这个词吧?” 我不知道此“hunny”是不是彼“honey”,难道说汇源的广告里写这个词是有别的用意?如果有,到底是什么呢?如果没有,这个错误未免太低级了。而且从市面上卖的该款饮料的包装上也是同样的图样。作为一个知名的大饮料企业,犯这种错误,实在有些说不过去;而作为一款以Disney动物为卖点的饮料,小朋友也很容易被其吸引,那么这个词会不会让小朋友们以为“hunny”就是蜂蜜的意思?而且广告招贴在最为繁忙的东直门地铁站,来往的外国人颇多,他们看到了会做何感想?
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sweetlove 是:甜蜜的爱!
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Po Bay would you like to marry to me?
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我女女叫pang xiao nan,我想帮她改个HU开头的英文名.可以帮帮我吗?谢谢!

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2023-01-10 21:25:303

lana del rey为啥叫殡仪馆天后

不要黑她好的么(其实她还叫丧曲皇后 笑)他唱的歌虽然半死不活 ,却有种让人舒服让人沉醉的感觉,很懒散很悠闲又很有意义,我会她每首歌~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023-01-10 21:25:333


  歌名:《tarzanand jane》  歌手:TOY-BOX  所属专辑:《Fantastic》  发行时间:1999年  歌词:  oo-ee-oo-ee  deep in the jungle  in the land of adventure, lives tarzan  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am jane and i love to ride an elephant  my name is tarzan, i am jungle-man  the tree-top swinger from jungle-land  come, baby come, i will take you for a swing  let"s go, honey, i"m tinkoling  tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong  he is really cute, and his hair is long  tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong  so listen to the jungle-song:  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am tarzan from jungle  you can be my friend  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am jane and i love to ride an elephant  when you touch me i feel funny  i feel is too when you are touching me  come to my tree-house to my party  yes i"ll go if you carry me  tarzan is hansome, full of surprise  he is really cute and his hair is nice  tarzan is hansome, tarza is strong  so listen to the jungle-song:  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am tarzan from jungle  you can be my friend  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am jane and i love to ride an elephant  yeah  go cheetah, get banana  hey monkey, get funky  go cheetah, get banana  hey monkey, get funky  when i am dancing, i feel funky  why do you keep ignoring me?  tarza is here, come, kiss me, baby  coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (yes)  tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong (me tarzan)  he is really cute, and his hair is long (long hair)  tarzan is handsome, tarzan is strong  so listn to the jungle-song:  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am tarzan from jungle  you can be my friend  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am jane and i love to ride an elephant  oo-ee-oo-ee  go cheetah, get banana  hey monkey, get funky  oo-ee-oo-ee  i am jane and i love to ride an elephant  and so they got funky?  but will tarzan and jane?  stay tuned!  TOY-BOX是丹麦国宝级组合,1999年他们的首张专辑《Fantastic》一经推出就在欧洲和亚洲创下了100万张的销量。1999年乐队推出单曲"Tarzan and Jane",并迅速成为丹麦,瑞典和挪威排行榜上的冠军曲!同时打进了Billboard的前五名!
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zhutou HU
2023-01-10 21:25:584

帮我起英文名字,结尾和sunny,funny 差不多的!

2023-01-10 21:26:084


有一只很笨的恶鬼,它叫饿鬼搀。有 一日,它被一只比他更恶的 恶鬼打中头, 搞到饿鬼搀疯了!他又飞来飞去, 最 后又飞到了一个奇怪的“山洞”中,“山 洞”中又有一位超人,叫hunny superman! 饿鬼搀又乱七八糟的在一瞬间内说了亿万 句脏话(靠,这么强!),hunny superman 被气疯了(被赃话说得太没水准气疯的), hunny superman 又冲着饿鬼搀飞去 用了龙爪手对着饿鬼搀打去。饿鬼搀 也用了十成功力用了九阴白骨爪。 双方打的 非常激烈,还把那整座山打爆了!最 后,hunny superman 因体力不够而战死 了!饿鬼搀也被打得很惨 后来,hunny supe rman 的骨肉化成了大便,而饿鬼搀也因 太饿而吃了 hunny superman(大便)! 由于大便 太臭了,又搞到饿鬼搀醒了,而且还 和hunny superman “合体”了! 它变成了大便饿鬼搀! (它只要喷出一口气!顿时臭气熏 天,在它那方圆外十万八千里立刻出 现了一个比核弹爆发还强的毒气,也 会出现一朵超大的蘑菇云!地球上至少有一半 生物立刻死亡!)他也变得更邪恶了! 他又去了一间学校,准备大肆破坏、 到处杀生! 谁知,那间学校卧龙藏虎,里面的5个 恶人就能摧毁整个银河系,大便饿鬼搀 不知道,就飞去了。刚好见到了一个善人, 马上就使出龙爪手,爪了那个人半死,又用 了九阴白骨爪爪得善人昏过去了正当它洋洋 得意的以为这的人很弱的时候可又被10个恶 人发现了,那10个恶人立马冲上去,把大便 饿鬼搀打得惨不忍睹、惨无人道,可怜的大 便饿鬼搀还没吐出一口气就客死他乡了。 毕业完毕。 噢 毕业咯/~~~~嘿嘿~~`
2023-01-10 21:26:111

求suga suga的中文歌词

太紧了,所以飞 你把我举起,你把我举起 你把我举起转移高于天花板 喔,这绝对是凌晨的感觉 你把我举起感到很有天赋 你如何得到Suga飞翔 你如何得到Suga Suga飞 你如何得到Suga Suga飞 你如何得到Suga Suga飞 你如何得到Suga Suga飞 你知道它的皮,当我们骑 木纹和原始躲起来 做我们所做的,看屏幕越来越高 女孩,你那么飞与你在一起时的hunnybuns甜蜜 你在那里当莫
2023-01-10 21:26:152

求助翻译Change In My Condition歌词

在医院路上你丢一些头发回你的肩膀在你的微笑中,当你看我在医院的途中好了,我没有什么可担心; 日子长和夜是马刺更冷, 因为这个我得设法招待你闪失宝宝,我从来没有想为改变我的状态, 我并不富裕,但我知道太阳会照耀我. 整记得昨天你正在跳舞像图画在我的心目中, 但只有傻瓜说,爱情是难求, 也许我是盲人,为你夫人但是这一次是不是没有果岭, 在一起,我们都疯了一样,雨水落在我们我们要走出工地才行宝宝,我从来没有想为改变我的状态, 我并不富裕,但我知道太阳会照耀我孩子,我总是选择住每一个时刻,以最好的姿态面对你忘记来休息拆除围墙举行,你在一边, 计数的各种方式,它可以发生在今晚你和我也是一样,它的真实. 宝宝我从来没想过要为改变我的状态我并不富裕,但我知道太阳会照耀我孩子,我总是选择住每一个时刻,以最好的姿态面对你忘记来休息宝宝我从来没想过要远远离开你由我决定我感觉这项工作,我知道这是坐我的孩子时,我总是希望这一刻现在并乘坐我
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2023-01-10 21:26:411

女生唱的一首快歌,副歌部分是xxxx funny xxxx money xxxx honey

是不是橙子焦糖的,Funny Hunny
2023-01-10 21:26:441

he is funny改成一般疑问句

Is he funny
2023-01-10 21:26:474


特效激活方法:需要开发三种属性的药水才可以发寄生虫战衣的特效,分别是迷雾(救米勒和hunnybee任务抓骷髅兵)、隐形(code talker营救老头任务一开始抓女骷髅兵狙击手)、硬化(就老头出来坠机之后的任务抓铠甲骷髅兵),抓完了就可以开发这三种属性的药水了。
2023-01-10 21:26:502

求Ke$ha的Woo Hoo的歌词中文翻译

2023-01-10 21:26:592

求hollywood whore 的歌词

hollywood whore, passed out on the floori"m sorry but the partys overcocaine nose and trendy clothesgotta send her to rehabshe found out she"s got no soul,but it really doesn"t bother herwhite trash queen, american dreamoh what a role modelthrowing a fit, making a scenelike no tomorrowhollywood whorepassed out on the floorcan"t take it no morei"m sorry but the party"s overthe talk of the townis she"s going downi"m sorry but the party"s over nowawake by noon, drunk by foursucked up in the showbizyour so lame, you"re such a borei wanna kick your teeth inplastic smile to match your stylewe can tell you got a face liftyou"re so vein, oh so vileyou"re a number one hitthe talk of the town,the cameras are goneand nobody screamsshe couldn"t survive her fifteen minutes of fameher friends are all gone,she"s going insaneshe"ll never survive without the money and fameit"s all going down the drain..i"m sorry but that party"s overwake up, the party"s overwake up, the party"s over now(hahaha) don"t let the doorhit ya where the good lord split ya hunny
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链接:提取码: 396f《世界之战 War of the Worlds(2005)》导演: 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格编剧: 乔什·弗莱德曼、大卫·凯普、赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯主演:  汤姆·克鲁斯、达科塔·范宁、米兰达·奥图、贾斯汀·查特文、蒂姆·罗宾斯、瑞克·冈萨雷斯、尤尔·瓦斯克斯、莱尼·维尼托、丽萨·安·沃尔特、安·鲁滨逊、吉恩·巴瑞、大卫·阿伦·伯施理、罗兹·亚布拉姆斯、迈克尔·布朗李、卡米莉亚·莫内特、艾米·莱安、丹尼·霍奇类型: 科幻、惊悚、冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2005-08-25(中国大陆)、2005-06-29(美国)片长: 116分钟又名: 强战世界(港)、世界大战、宇宙战争、星际战争雷•费瑞尔(汤姆•克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)和妻子离婚了,一儿一女都跟母亲生活——因为他的的贪玩懒散,疏忽责任,这个家庭才如此支离破碎。一场外星人入侵的灾难却让他们重新建立起亲密的的关系。这天妻子繁忙,只好把儿女交给雷照顾。电闪雷鸣天色灰暗,一切好像有些异样。  果然,马路上赫然一个庞大的三脚飞行器掘地而起,邪恶的火星人光顾了这个本来平静的小镇。人们四处逃亡,雷也带着女儿奔走逃命,开始了生死历险。当局想尽办法对付外星人,却屡屡失败,整个世界都陷入了恐慌当中。有了父爱的本能,平日吊儿郎当的父亲变得英勇顽强,保护儿女成了他支撑他的动力和信念。    
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01 “honey”是亲爱的意思,情侣或夫妻之间多称呼对方为honey;honey也可以用来称呼关系亲密的朋友;还可以表示“可爱的人”,指某人特别讨喜。  “honey”其实是一个很简单的词汇,在口语中会经常用到,尤其是情侣之间。美剧中,我们常听到情侣或夫妻之间称呼对方为honey,这个时候多意为“亲爱的,宝贝”,除了表示感情稳定,honey叫起来也很顺口。另外,honey也可以用来称呼关系亲密的朋友。此外,honey还可以表示“可爱的人”,指某人特别讨喜。 关于“亲爱的”的几种不同说法: Dear 使用的范围比较广。可以用来称呼朋友,也可以用来称呼亲密爱人,也有可能是长辈称呼小辈。另外英语日记通常会用 dear 开头。写信时通常的称呼也是 Dear XX。 Honey  也会写成 hunny 或者 hunnie,表示的都是亲爱的。 Sweetheart 亲爱的、可爱的、喜欢的都可以成为sweetheart,另外口语上表示友善的称呼也可以用sweetheart。就像现在很多女生之间喜欢互称亲爱的。 Sweetie sweetie可以称呼亲密爱人也可以称呼亲密友人,也可用于长辈称呼晚辈的情况。 Pumpkin 老外好像对南瓜有种特别的感情,这个词也可以表示亲爱的,宝贝儿这样的含义。 Boo 据说是黑人圈的俚语用法,可以用做男朋友或者女朋友的称呼,也可以表示亲爱的。
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2023-01-10 21:31:589


这几天在地铁东直门站倒车时,看到了新张贴的巨幅广告,汇源果汁的。画面设计的非常美观,Disney的几个明星动物们都在大森林里开心的嬉戏,画面的左面画了一个桶,桶里承满了蜂蜜,桶的上半部写着“蜂蜜”两字,下半部则写着“hunny”。 从我第一天看到这个广告时就产生了疑问:这个hunny到底是什么意思?如果从英文的读音规则上来看,其音与“honey”极为相近,而“honey”这个词正是“蜂蜜”的英文。那么这个“hunny”是什么意思呢?由于读音的关系,我认为这个词就是想写成蜂蜜的英文,那么这个词到底是不是蜂蜜的意思呢?当时我不敢肯定,后来有一天,我终于想起来这事,打开“金山词霸”查了查,结果是“hunny”这个词根本不存在;我又进一步找我在国外读书的同学问了问,得到的答案是“没这个词吧?” 我不知道此“hunny”是不是彼“honey”,难道说汇源的广告里写这个词是有别的用意?如果有,到底是什么呢?如果没有,这个错误未免太低级了。而且从市面上卖的该款饮料的包装上也是同样的图样。作为一个知名的大饮料企业,犯这种错误,实在有些说不过去;而作为一款以Disney动物为卖点的饮料,小朋友也很容易被其吸引,那么这个词会不会让小朋友们以为“hunny”就是蜂蜜的意思?而且广告招贴在最为繁忙的东直门地铁站,来往的外国人颇多,他们看到了会做何感想?
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2023-01-10 21:32:313

第一句歌词是oh hunny歌曲《午夜邂逅》中的

中文歌词I can"t let you go一颗心 有些颤抖说不出挽留Oh 若你此刻回头那么我会接受来自于 你的温柔Baby I just called to sayI love you tonight心脏扑通扑通终于 我承认自己被你打动像场梦 像场梦My funny hunny I love you望着你深情眼眸My funny hunny I need you这一切并非虚构Funny hunnyBaby I love you need youFunny hunny守候在彼此左右Funny hunny一起走 Baby come tonightI can"t let you go一个字 压在胸口隐藏了好久Oh 感谢那个深秋使得我们邂逅我的心 被你偷走Baby I just called to sayI love you tonight装作不懂不懂其实 我的爱早已被你消融不是梦 不是梦My funny hunny I love you十指紧紧地相扣My funny hunny I need you让悲伤化为乌有Listen boy我要倾听爱的节奏永远不放开牵着的手一直走到时光尽头1,2,3,4My funny hunny I love you望着你深情眼眸My funny hunny I need you这一切并非虚构My funny hunny I love you十指紧紧地相扣My funny hunny I need you让悲伤化为乌有Funny hunnyBaby I love you need youFunny hunny对你我毫无保留Funny hunny似魔咒 Baby come tonightFunny hunny
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中文歌词I can"t let you go一颗心 有些颤抖说不出挽留Oh 若你此刻回头那么我会接受来自于 你的温柔Baby I just called to sayI love you tonight心脏扑通扑通终于 我承认自己被你打动像场梦 像场梦My funny hunny I love you望着你深情眼眸My funny hunny I need you这一切并非虚构Funny hunnyBaby I love you need youFunny hunny守候在彼此左右Funny hunny一起走 Baby come tonightI can"t let you go一个字 压在胸口隐藏了好久Oh 感谢那个深秋使得我们邂逅我的心 被你偷走Baby I just called to sayI love you tonight装作不懂不懂其实 我的爱早已被你消融不是梦 不是梦My funny hunny I love you十指紧紧地相扣My funny hunny I need you让悲伤化为乌有Listen boy我要倾听爱的节奏永远不放开牵着的手一直走到时光尽头1,2,3,4My funny hunny I love you望着你深情眼眸My funny hunny I need you这一切并非虚构My funny hunny I love you十指紧紧地相扣My funny hunny I need you让悲伤化为乌有Funny hunnyBaby I love you need youFunny hunny对你我毫无保留Funny hunny似魔咒 Baby come tonightFunny hunny。
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宝贝儿 hunny 小傻瓜
2023-01-10 21:32:403

sweet hunny bunny什么意思

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2023-01-10 21:32:552


这个我觉得蛮恐怖的 Hey everyone. It"s Stacie. Sorry I haven"t been on in a while, but I"ve been preoccupied with some pretty creepy shit. For the past three weeks, the police have been scouting my property, escorting me to where ever I have to go, and, as childish as this may seem, looking under my bed. Trust me. There"s a reason.Three weeks ago, my dog Buddy went missing. Normally, this wouldn"t be much of problem. Buddy generally ran off down the street chasing cars, harassing cats - you know, all the annoying, cliche things a dog could possibly do. Believe me - I"ve tried training him, but he"s impossible. He"s like a child. But he"s my child, as weird as that sounds. My big dog who"s just a little puppy at heart. Anyway, he"d be gone for about two hours, then come strait home. However, after the fourth hour, Buddy didn"t come tearing through the doggy door. I started to worry a little bit. What could"ve happened to him?My mind filled with each possible visionary tale, showing me what could"ve happened to him. My heart started to race. Then I remembered something. On rare occasions, Buddy would go to visit my father on the other end of town. I took a sigh of relief, picked up the phone, and proceeded to call my dad. As the phone rang, I stepped out onto the porch. I had a rather uneasy feeling.Like someone was watching me. I looked up and down the street, around the corner of my house, over in my neighbors" yards. I couldn"t see anyone. I shook my head, realizing how childish I was being. Getting scared for no reason. I heard my dad pick up his phone. He let out a cough to clear his throat."Y"ello?""Hey dad, it"s Stacie.""Oh, hey hun, how are ya?" He started to yammer on about his day, but I intervened."Buddy"s missing - he"s not with you is he?""Why would he be with me? He"s your dog." I was silent for a while. Now I was really worried. Again, I got lost in all the possible thoughts of what could"ve happened to my friend. I was on the verge of tears."Stacie? You okay hunny?" My fathers voice snapped me out of it. I didn"t want him to hear me cry - so I gave him a response that didn"t require me to open my mouth."Mm hm." I responded. Even then, you could tell I was about to have a breakdown. "Are you sure?""Yeah, yeah, I"m fine." I said - my voice cracking as I said it. I covered the mouth piece on my phone and swallowed the lump in the back of my throat. I composed myself, then started talking again. "Could you do me a favour and just call me if he shows up there?""Sure thing sweety, I"ll let you know." With that, we hung up and I went back inside. Still with that feeling. That feeling like someone was staring at the back of head. I tried to dismiss it from my mind with optimistic thoughts of being reunited with my Buddy again. It seemed to be working for the most part. I looked at the time, remembering that I had to wake up for the early shift tomorrow. So I turned off all the lights downstairs. Then I made my way upstairs to the bathroom to take a quick bath and brush my teeth. Finally, I closed the bathroom window and made my way to bed.At about 3:30am, I heard some noises coming from the bathroom. I wasn"t entirely awake, and I didn"t exactly feel like investigating. I rubbed my eyes, which actually made my vision more blurred than it already was. I propped myself up on my elbows and caught a glimpse of a dark figure making its way under my bed. I was now fully awake and in panic mode. Suddenly I remembered Buddy. Every night, he would always sleep underneath my bed. I guess he liked the cool atmosphere."Buddy?" I asked as I flopped my hand over the side of the bed. I let my fingers dangle down in the darkness to show him it was me. So he could smell them or something. Nothing happened. My heart started to race again. "You okay Bud?" I asked with a somewhat shaky voice. I slowly laid my head back down on the pillow to help lower my hand further into the abyss.Then, I felt Buddy"s smiley tongue lick my fingers. I let out a sigh of relief."You silly dog," I said as I raised my hand and closed my eyes, "I thought I was gonna have a heart attack." With that, I proceeded to fall back to sleep.Although, I couldn"t help but query about something. When he made his way under the bed, he sounded... Different. As if his steps were heavier or something. I started to feel uneasy. I felt the same way then as I did when I was talking to my dad on the porch. But I had to wake up early, so I let it go.About half an hour later I awoke with a chill, accompanied by a noise. Again, it came from the bathroom. It was a dripping noise. Slow, but nonetheless a noise that woke me for the second time. "Must be the tap." I said to myself. I fought myself to get out of bed and fix the problem. When my feet hit the floor, Buddy started licking my ankle. I jerked away from his tongue."Eeeeewww, Buddy, no." I said as I walked to the bathroom. I closed the window with slight confusion. Didn"t I already close the window before bed? I asked myself. I just shrugged it off and tightened the taps at the sink. I made my way back to my bed, again, slinging my arm over the side of the bed. I felt a heavy breathing on my hand followed by a quick, but deep bite.I jerked my hand away."Ow! Buddy!" I yelled at him, in a somewhat scolding manner."Go away - lay down somewhere else."With that, he made his way to the bathroom. Buddy was acting so strange. I had known him to nibble on my fingers, but not full on bite my damn hand. I felt a warm liquid drip down my hand. I grabbed a couple of Kleenex, and made a temporary band - aid. I was too tired to get up and put an actual band - aid on. I tried to get back to sleep, but Buddy was making even more noise in the bathroom. It sounded like he was chewing on something. Something tough - something he was trying to tear apart."Good God - Buddy shut up!" His chewing ceased. I closed my eyes and started to drift away.Not long after, I was woken up yet again when Buddy decided to jump on the bed. Something struck me as odd though. The side he was on sunk down more than it should"ve. I was a little freaked out at this point. But, again, I focused on how I had to wake up early, so I brushed it off. Then, I felt him lick my face. I was really close to locking Buddy out of my room."Buddy, enou -" suddenly, he was nibbling my ear. It dawned on me. This wasn"t Buddy. I felt a shiver go down my spine. My heart felt like it was going to jump into my throat... Then... I heard someone chuckle."You"re delicious." said a psychotic whisper from behind me.My eyes widened. I panicked. I let out a deafening scream as I rolled myself to punch him in the face. The stranger fell off the other side of the bed and made a loud "thud" on the floor. I jolted out of bed, and ran towards the baseball bat that I keep by the door. I turned around and caught a glimpse of him running into the bathroom. I slowly crept towards the bathroom, ready to swing. I could hear nothing but my own heartbeat getting louder and faster with each step I took. I was at the doorway. I saw nothing but the open window. I hurried in and closed it.Then I heard the dripping noise again. I swung at the shower curtain, taking it off its hooks. He was in the shower - I swung again. When my bat made contact with the torso, blood splattered all over me. I took and second look and saw the most horrible sight. It finally made sense. What that dripping noise was. Buddy. Mutilated. Hanging in the shower by his own intestines.That sick bastard designed a pulley system made from my dog. I dropped the bat and sunk to my knees. I felt my dinner starting to rise back into my throat. I pulled myself towards the toilet, and vomited at the grotesque sight. I couldn"t get his voice out of my head. I couldn"t stop shaking. Tears were running down my face by this point. I had never been more scared about who or what could be underneath my bed.Luckily, one of my neighbours heard the commotion and called the police. They said I was lucky. Turns out, this guy"s a rather unstable individual. Apparently, he had been locked away since he was 12 for murdering and... Devouring everyone in his family. Including his pets. Just recently, this crazed cannibal slaughtered his way out of the mental institution that he had been kept in.Considering what could"ve happened, I am rather lucky. So, after three weeks of being couped up in a hotel room with a certified psychologist, the police have assured me that he is long gone. Now I"m home. Updating everyone - assuring them I haven"t walked off the face of the earth... Although. I"m not gonna lie, every now and then I still feel like he"s watching me. Like he"s right behind me - waiting to get another taste. But he"s gone now - so there"s nothing to worry about, right?It"s kinda chilly in here. I"ll be right back. I just have to close the window.
2023-01-10 21:32:581

weak in the knees 的歌词。谁知道

Would you mind if I pretended we were somewhere else,doing something we wanted to,"Cause all this living makes me wanna do,is die because I can"t live with you,and you don"t even care.Would you mind if I pretended I was someone else,with courage in love and war.I use to think that"s what I was,but now this lying hurts to much,and I don"t know what for.I"m weak in the knees for you,but I"ll stand if you want me to.My legs are strong and I"ll move on,but hunny I"m weak, in the knees.ooooh,ooooohhh,Would you mind if I walked over and I kissed your face,infront of all your friends.Would you mind if I got drunk and said,I wanna take you home to bed,Oh would you change your mind?I"m weak in the knees for you,but I"ll stand if you want me to.My legs are strong, and I"ll move on,but hunny I"m weak, in the knees, for youOoooh for you,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for youI"m weak in the knees for you,but I"ll stand if you want me to.OooohhhhMy legs are strong and I"ll move on,hunny I"m weak in the kneesI"m weak in the knees for you,But I"ll stand if you want me to.My legs are strong and I"ll move on,But hunny I"m weakOoooh,Hunny I"m weak,Oooohh,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for you,Ooooh for you
2023-01-10 21:33:011

小熊winnie TV版主题曲

2023-01-10 21:33:042

求翻译 。

2023-01-10 21:33:073

【!人工加亮!】Teen top成员L.Joe的站子

我只知道这些韩站名HERMES24-7all about L.joe! HONEYFLOWHONEY-JOEHONEY HONEYwe-hunnyL.JOEYFULDearest@destinyljoe37secondsL.JOE7Dljoe1123-L.JoeBOYS BE HAPPY♡(主L.Joe+Niel+Ricky)HONEYFARMl.joe talkRINGO@RB_JAM@sweeter_JOE主L.Joe中站我只知道这个BestLoverLJoe爱恋站
2023-01-10 21:33:111