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2023-05-19 21:34:20



  Binge-watching is associated with loneliness and depression, a recent study has shown.


  Those who spend hours immersed in back-to-back episodes of their favourite TV series really are likely to be sad, according to the findings.

  US scientists at the University of Texas, Austin, asked 316 young people aged 18 to 29 how often they indulged in TV marathons and how frequently they felt lonely or depressed.

  They found that the more lonely or depressed the participants were, the more likely they were to binge TV-watching in order to escape feeling low.






  文中的binge-watching就是“追剧”的意思,也可以称为“binge-viewing”,其中binge既可以做名词,也可以作动词,意为“沉溺,放纵;大吃大喝”,如:She went on occasional drinking binges.(她偶尔会狂饮一通。)和追剧相关的词汇还有:episode(剧集),plot(情节),airtime(开播时间)等。

  第二段中的immerse是动词,意为“专注,沉浸于”,常与介词in搭配使用,如:I"m immersed in writing.(我正专心写作。)



2023-01-10 18:59:591


  影视,是电影和电视的合称,是一个新技术带来的新领域,新媒体将传播载体从广播电视扩大到电脑、手机,将传播渠道从无线、有线网扩大到卫星、互联网,并呈现与广播电视有很大不同的传播方式,更好地满足受众多层次、多样化、专业化、个性化的需求。其实,影视的范围很广,影视行业涉及的也是方方面面。下面,我们会来看一些影视类的英语单词。   1).television n.电视   I spent a whole day in watching television at home yesterday   我昨天花了一整天在家看电视。   2).broadcast v.播送(电视或广播节目)   The newsman will broadcast the news in a special way   记者将以一种特别的方式播报这一新闻。   3).airtime n.广播时间   She complained that the airtime of advertisement was too long   她抱怨说广告播放时间太长了。   4).televise v.用电视播送   It is estimated that the debate will be televised live this weekend.   据估计这个辩论赛将会在周末现场直播。   5).show n.(电视或广播)节目   Please don"t leave until the end Of the show   节目结束前请不要离开。   6).showman n.演出主持人   He is such a talented man that he is invited to be a showman   他如此有才华以至于被邀请做一个演出主持人。   7).act v.扮演   When we have the game of“play house“,1 0ften act as the mother to take care of others   当我们玩过家家游戏时,我经常扮演妈妈去照顾其他人。   8).artiste n.专业演员,艺人   As far as I know, she admires the life Of artistes very much.   据我所知,她非常羡慕艺人们的生活。   9).role n.(演员的角色)   Who will play the leading role in our drama play?   谁将演我们话剧里的主角昵?   10).impersonate v.扮演   He has a special talent that he is able to impersonate different types of people   他有种特别的才能,能饰演不同类型的人。   11).render v.表演   l am afraid that he is not competent to render Othello   我害怕他演不了奥赛罗。   12).star n.明星,主角   In fact, being a film star is not as easy as you have imagined   其实,做电影明星并非你想的那么容易。   13).entertainer n.演员,艺人   What do you think of the occupation of being an entertainer?   你认为演员这一职业怎么样?   14).famous adj.著名的   He likes to collect some anecdotes Of famous people   他喜欢收集一些名人逸事。   15).popular adj.受欢迎的,当红的   This teacher is popular with students   这位老师很受学生们喜欢。   16).direct v.导演(戏剧或电影)   We must select a person to direct the play   我们必须选出一个人来导演这个话剧。   17).screen n.银幕   She had never expected that she would appear on the screen one day   她从没想到过她有一天会出现在银幕上。   18).premiere n.首映式   me premiere of this new play is proved to be successful   这个新剧的首映式证明是成功的。   19).screen n.(统称)电影,电视   In my opinion, the screen plays an important part in enriching cultural life of citizen   在我看来,影视在丰富人们精神文化生活方向起着重要的作用。   20).phonofilm n.有声电影   Phonofilm brings sound into our screen life and enriches our life.   有声电影把声音带到了我们的屏幕生活中,并丰富了我们的生活。   21).cine adj.电影的,电影业的,n.电影   It is no doubt that this cine is instructive   毫无疑问,这个电影具有教育意义。   22).film n.电影;v.拍摄电影   His life goal is to make as many perfect films as possible in his life   他的生活目标就是在一生中中能拍尽可能多的好电影。   23).scriptwriter n.剧作家   He is a good scriptwriter with keen observation and rich knowledge   他是一位优秀的剧作家,有着敏锐的观察力和丰富的知识。   24).serial n.电视连续剧;adj.连载的,连播的   He seems to lose his interest in watching serials   他似乎对看连续剧失去了兴趣。   25).censor n.(书籍、电影的)审查员   The censor decided to cut several scenes from the film.   电影审查员决定从电影里剪去几个镜头。   26).cast v.分配角色;n.(一部电影的)全部演员   Thanks to the wonderful performance of the cast. our film got the Golden Horse Prize.   多亏了全体演员的精彩表演,我们的电影才获得了金马奖。   27).amateur adj.业余的,外行的   You shouldn"t let an amateur actor play such an important role   你不应该让-个业余演员来扮演这样一个重要角色。   28).costume n.戏装   l want you to help me choose a costume, because I have a masquerade tonight   我想要你帮我选件戏装,因为我今晚有个化妆舞会。   29).comedy n.喜剧,喜剧片   This comedy made all of us burst into laughter.   这出喜剧使我们所有人都大笑起来。   30).tragedy n.悲剧,悲剧作品   As far as l know, Hamlet is one of Shakespeare"s famous tragedies   据我所知,《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚著名的悲剧之一。   31).cliffhanger n.悬念   He seems to be attracted by the cliffhanger of this novel.   他似乎被这本小说的悬念所吸引。   32).docudrama n.纪实电影   There is only a little false composition in docudrama   纪实电影里只有少许的虚假成分。   33).feature film 故事片   Feature film is my favorite among all the films   在所有电影里,故事片是我最喜欢的。   34).soap opera 肥皂剧   Please keep yourself away from the soap opera   请远离肥皂剧。   35).model n.模特儿   It is a common phenomenon that almost all models is tall and slim   几乎所有的模特都是长的既高又瘦——这是个普遍现象。   36).stylish adj.时髦的,新潮的   Although my grandmother is 70, she is still a stylish woman   虽然我奶奶已经70了,但是她还是很赶时髦。   37).fashion   I would like to do any kind of job related to fashion   我愿意做任何和时尚有关的工作。   38).outdated adj.过时的   My computer in the office is outdated, and l think you should change one for me   办公室里我的那台电脑早就过时了,我觉得你该为我换一台。   【拓展】 影视英语学习   到考完口译之后(这时候除了简单的疯狂主妇之外其它的绝大部分节目尚不能看懂),我开始正式向英语电视发起进攻,力求不看字幕地听懂(破釜沉舟),从此展开了一段曲折而妙趣横生的道路,不想长篇大论地阐述,这里归纳成几个关键事件:   1)精练音调 Friends不战而胜:   刚开始“破釜沉舟”的时候,大脑听的很累很惨烈,每次都是高速运转,听懂的部分听的很辛苦,听不懂的部分完全抓不住,而且越想听懂越听不懂,疲惫不堪。后来有一个事件令我改变了对“听电视”的看法。   听得英语电视多了,我一直很想尝试一下象他们说的那么快(但又很清晰),于是花了三个月时间练习快速发音(整体音调,不是个别发音),对着录音笔一遍遍地朗读,然后播出来看效果,再按照自己的“音感”修正(我不喜欢模仿任何人的口音,全凭自己的"感觉),力图说的又溜又快又清晰。一次次的录音、修改,为了琢磨一个小音常常要重录好多次。这三个月内我的嘴经常都是麻的。   真正练下去就发现想说的快且溜,就必须掌握很多含糊音的技巧,不能每一个音都字正腔圆,这样反而重点不突出;很多不重要的小词应该是弱发音,不用完整地发出来。其实真正要达到英美人说的如此之快是非常难的,但这个体会的过程是很重要的。   三个月之后的有一晚我刚朗读完,这是英语电视上正在放《24小时》,突然间发现声音自动进入我脑海中,我完全不用主动去听就懂了。后来上了电脑,找到硬盘里放着以前的Friends一听,发现也是一样,每一句话都很清晰,自动入耳即懂,一点也不觉得速度快。这是我第一次体会到轻松地听懂(不感觉到大脑累)美剧。当然这两个剧比较简单,70%的电视剧都比这两部要难的多,但是给我的一个启示:   把基本的发音和音调搞清楚,象24小时、Friends这样简单(以短句为主,情节简单)的剧自然就能懂,根本不需要辩音。   后来有一次我去电影院看《国家宝藏2》,听的每一句话我心里暗暗跟读一次,就自然懂了,完全不需要辩音,除了个别几个单词不懂,这个剧我能听懂98%以上,而且全都能复述出来,其实大部分都是常用口语。   2)从被动听到主动听 超越声音融入画面   听懂Friends之后我进入了一个很长困惑期, 一方面简单的节目轻易能听懂;另一方面难的剧如prison break,Ugly betty,Las Vegas还是困难重重,尤其是Las Vegas这么听也跟不上速度,一季过了又一季,还是听不懂,无计可施;后来我做了一个大胆的尝试,不认真听了,重点分析图像,观察主角的动作、表情和故事发展,预测会说什么(用英语想)。这样一来竟然能听懂大概了,虽然很多音漏了,但故事发展至少能跟上了。   从前看英语影视节目,思维都是跟在声音屁股后面走,对画面缺少分析,穷于招架。而主动去分析剧情,就也是一种交互,而且有了参与感,结果牺牲了部分细节,但保证了整体剧情和娱乐性。   其实按照打乒乓球的原理,接球的时候我们并不是眼紧盯着球的线路,这样多半会来不及反应,而应该是看着对手的动作方位预测球的来路,对球的线路大概看一下就可以了。听英语就如同接球,应该重点放在剧情和画面,对声音泛听才是能欣赏全剧的正确办法。   对声音泛听,开始的时候确实会漏掉很多细节,这是必要的牺牲;等到英语思维提升了,口语提升了,细节的部分就慢慢浮出水面。   3)提升英语思维 用口语发展潜意识   欲速则不达,既然我的口语没达到那个水平,就自然听不懂比较难的剧,所以我不会强求听懂多少,关键是在过程中提升自己的英语思维。一方面不断地把听到的一些英语表示法应用到自己的口语当中。另一方面加强对画面的融入,把自己想象进画面,就在主角的身边向他说话,对他提醒,反驳,甚至谴责,关键是能把自己融入进剧情。有时候也可以跟读。   其实听多了很多常用的口头禅会不直觉地说出来,而且自然模仿了音和调,自己会说了当然心不在焉也能听懂。到常用的词句掌握越来越多的时候,很多都可以潜意思的听懂,思维也越来越有时间去关注比较难的词,进入一个良性循环。水平也自然慢慢提升了。   学习者家园后来出国出差的时候,酒店的电视几个台的英语电影多数对话我都能心不在焉地听懂;前一段时间去电影院看《水啸雾都》,基本上是和看母语的状态是一样,大脑很悠闲,竟然有不想去看字幕的感觉。当然有个别字听不懂,但能感觉到大概的意思,对整体剧情的欣赏影响不大。   当然我现在还是有很多听不懂的地方,这个是不可避免的;我曾经问过在外国生活多年的华人,他们一样不能完全听懂。关键是能要听懂常见的主流剧比如: 越狱,丑女贝蒂,绯闻女孩,绝望主妇,欲望都市等等,另外其实电影整体比电视要简单,熟悉了电视节目,很多电影其实并不难。
2023-01-10 19:00:061


不会 你是不是用NOKIA 的手机阿 登陆的时候它会询问你的!
2023-01-10 19:00:193

使用手机上飞信时出现:可以使用Air time吗?该提示大神们帮帮忙

疯掉了,我也是为了这个问题过来的~~~我手机也是OPPO A103,也是刚刚下了飞信通用版,结果要什么airtime,我不大放心,所以就上网查查!!!!⊙﹏⊙b汗麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-10 19:00:301


2023-01-10 19:01:191


首先要说明一点 成都欢乐谷的是Mega-Lite 并不是Mega Mega-Lite其实简单的说就是Mega的精简版 Mega指的是百兆级过山车 全程体验的是极致的高速上升与下滑 在过山车爱好者的口中就是体验过山车的Airtime Mega过山车通常指最高垂直下滑达到60米高的过山车 全程没有任何360度的翻滚 由多个山坡配合高速呈现出完美的Airtime 而成都欢乐谷的Mega-Lite是由Intamin公司制造的轻量百兆级过山车 这种过山车相对Mega的特点是,占地面积小 最高垂直落差仅有30米以下 造价便宜,保留Mega过山车对体验Airtime的精华 仅仅是游乐设施对商业用途的一种设计 在实际上,远远比不上Mega希望我的回答能给你提供帮助
2023-01-10 19:01:242


2023-01-10 19:01:363

with purchase of $45 Airtime翻译一下最后一个单词

airtime[英][ˈeətaɪm][美][ˈertaɪm]n.电影或电视节目开始的时间; 网络广播时间; 通话时间; 播出时间;
2023-01-10 19:01:471


男儿当入樽 Let"s Go Slam Dunk 其它译名: Let"s Go Slam Dunk 类 型: 剧情 / 喜剧 导 演: - 编 剧: - 主要演员: 麦家琪 Teresa MakMichael Lam郭蔼明 Amy Kwok古天乐 Louis KooShung Tak CheungShung Gei Cheung郑则仕 Kent Cheng郑伊健 Ekin Cheng 上映日期: 1994-7-16 国家地区: 中国香港 影片相关信息 对 白: 粤语 颜 色: 彩色 音 效: - 片 长: - -------------------------------------级 别: - 首映票房: - OST连接: - IMDB评分: 7.2/10 IMDB编号:0110624 -------------------------------------官方网址: - 出品公司:- 发行公司:- -------------------------------------在线看预告片: 视频 BT搜索: 查看 电驴搜索: 查看迅雷搜索: 查看 字幕下载: 查看 篮球健儿灌男(吴大维)酷爱篮球运动,在球场上以波牛见称,因爱慕琪琪(麦家琪)而加入其父(郑则士)的篮球队。集训期间结识同道好友阿基、阿德及波神高秋(郑伊健)等。琪父的篮球队夺得了香港冠军,即将与美国巨人队对抗,当队里的球员却乘机要求加薪,琪父不允,球员纷纷离开,万般无奈之下,琪父只好找来一帮乌合之众,准备进行魔鬼式的训练来使他们有对抗美国巨人队的能力,这些秋员中就包括了灌男等人。琪琪的哥哥KING KONG在日本打职业联赛,他对父亲这种宁愿派菜鸟球队去比赛也不接受他的行为感到非常的不满,他公然向灌男等人挑战,要求与他们比赛一场,胜者代表香港与美国巨人队比赛,灌男这些路边球员能与职业球队对抗吗?
2023-01-10 19:01:524


手机到国外漫游使用首先需要到营业厅办理开通国际漫游业务,预存一定话费保证金,才可以到国外使用国际漫游业务,使用手机接打电话,收发短信。  国际漫游时根据漫游所在国家不同、发送短信时接收短信号码国家不同,而资费有所不同。国际漫游时,接收短信免费(不包含彩信)。  国内手机发送短信给处于国际漫游状态的国内手机号码正常根据自身套餐收取0.1元/条,或按条扣除套餐包含短信数。资料扩展:移动收费标准: 国内用户在国内发往国外用户:1元/条 ; 漫游至国外发往国内移动用户:短信漫游出访资费标准×115%+0.10”元; 漫游至国外发往国内联通用户:短信漫游出访资费标准×115%+0.15”元; 漫游至国外发往国外用户:短信漫游出访资费标准×115%+1.00”元 ; 国际来访用户在国内产生的短信费用: 2元/条 。天翼国际卡用户产生的国际漫游、国际长途费将按中国电信移动业务国际及台港澳漫游指导资费标准执行。具体国际漫游资费标准请咨询中国电信客户服务中心10000或到中国电信网站查询。其中部分项目的资费标准和收取方式说明如下:1、国际漫游业务采取双向计费的原则,通话费由国际漫游通话费(AirtimeCharge)和国际长途通话费(IDD)两部分构成。2、同一国家或地区的不同运营商可能在计费标准上有所不同,并且部分运营商可能在一天内分繁忙时间和非繁忙时间,计费标准不同,在非繁忙时间拨打电话时可获得一定的优惠。您可登陆中国电信网站查询相关信息。3、短消息收费:在国际漫游状态下向国内用户发送短消息,资费标准不区分网内和网间按照同一个标准收取。在国际漫游状态下接收短信免费
2023-01-10 19:02:0711


  一年四季,春夏秋冬,它们各有各的特色。不同的人喜欢的季节也不一样,在英语中也有写春夏秋冬的作文题材,那你想知道写春夏秋冬的英语作文怎么写吗?下面和我一起来看看吧!   写春夏秋冬的英语作文篇一:   In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn. At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.   中国一年又四个季节,春、夏、秋、冬。夏天很热,冬天很冷,春天和秋天最舒适。春天从三月开始,持续到五月。夏天是从六月到八月。九月到十一月是秋天。最后是冬天,从十二月到二月。这四个季节当中,我最喜欢的是冬天。   写春夏秋冬的英语作文篇二:   A year the four seasons, spring, all things recovery; In the summer, the scorching sun; Winter, snow. But I love the beauty of autumn that mature alone.   The color of autumn is golden. Pieces of yellow leaves, like the beautiful butterflies dancing in the autumn wind; Layers of golden rice waves, like a golden sea; Sorghum red face a stretch in the autumn wind, it is golden dress hopping the cheerful dance while singing...   Autumn is a wonderful sound. Underground, the autumn rain dripping like a musical performance; Autumn breezes blowing, just like beautiful music; From the tree, constantly in the field, came the sound of the cheerful symphony played to harvest...   The taste of autumn is sweet. The orchard, each pears like YiZhanZhan small lanterns, hanging in a tree. A grape, these grapes as each big, round black pearl, shining, a refreshing fragrance... The autumn wind the chrysanthemum is open to romance. Red, white, yellow, purple, airtime, sending out the intoxicating scent in the air.   The autumn sky is high. There are some light in the blue sky white clouds, white clouds is line after line of fly south wild goose, under them for a while adult word, a word from time to time, added wipes his life for the beauty of the sky...   Ah, autumn, how beautiful you are, I love you!   一年四季中,春,万物复苏;夏,骄阳似火;冬,白雪皑皑。可是我独爱秋那成熟的美。   秋天的颜色是金色的。一片片金黄的落叶,好像一只只美丽的蝴蝶在秋风中翩翩起舞;一层层金黄的稻浪,好像一片金色的海洋;高粱红着脸在秋风中伸着懒腰,它金色的衣裙一边唱歌一边跳着欢快的舞蹈……   秋天的声音是美妙的。秋雨滴滴答答地下着,宛如悦耳的琴声;秋风徐徐的吹着,宛如动听的乐曲;从树底下,田野里不断传来的欢快的虫鸣,奏响了丰收的交响曲……   秋天的味道是香甜的。果园里,一只只的鸭梨像一盏盏小灯笼,挂在树上;葡萄架上,一串串葡萄像一颗颗又大又圆黑珍珠,闪闪发亮,发出沁人心脾的芳香……秋风中的菊花正开得烂漫。红的、白的、黄的、紫的,争奇斗艳,空气中散发着醉人清香。   秋天的天空是高远的。那蓝蓝的天空中飘着几朵淡淡的白云,白云下是一行行南飞的归雁,它们一会排成人字,一会排成一字,为美丽的天空增添了抹抹生机……   啊,秋天,你是多么美好,我爱你!   写春夏秋冬的英语作文篇三:   What is my favorite season? Is spring? In the summer? Autumn? Or winter? What point by the way, is the summer, I like summer? Please read on! Summer is very hot, even the door also dare not out, there is only one way to go swimming, can go swimming, also can swim to the sun, still can exercise, can also play in the swimming pool, a water fight, water has a boat... Water vessel is invented games with my friends and I, is playing like this: there was a man sitting in the swim ring, one sent another person to destination, send the man to later, took the other one.   More than swimming in summer, you can also go to the park to enjoy the park will sell some ice cream, and some old man holding a fan fan fan, there are some young people under the sun umbrellas, and some rest at home, have the somebody else all enjoy cool air in the balcony of the balcony!   This season in summer is a season, I most like every time in summer, mom and dad took me to swim, I will be unhappy, so my hobby can"t without summer.   我最喜欢的季节是什么呢?是春天?夏天?秋天?还是冬天?对了,是夏天,我哪一点喜欢夏天呢?请往下看吧!夏天非常炎热,连家门也不敢出,只有一个办法,去游泳,去游泳可以避暑,也可以游到太阳下山,还可以健身,在游泳池里还可以玩打水仗,水上有船……水上有船是我和朋友一起发明的游戏,是这样玩的:有一个人坐在游泳圈里,一个人把另一个人送到目的地,把那个人送到之后,就接另一个人。   夏天不止游泳,还可以去公园乘凉,公园里会卖一些雪糕,还有一些老人拿着扇子扇啊扇,还有一些年轻人打着太阳伞,还有一些人在家里休息,有阳台的人家都在阳台上乘凉呢!   夏天这个季节是我最最喜欢的一个季节,每次到夏天,爸爸妈妈不带我去游泳,我都会闷闷不乐的,所以我的爱好不能没有夏天。   写春夏秋冬的英语作文篇四:   In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are comfortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn. At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.   中国一年又四个季节,春、夏、秋、冬。夏天很热,冬天很冷,春天和秋天最舒适。春天从三月开始,持续到五月。夏天是从六月到八月。九月到十一月是秋天。最后是冬天,从十二月到二月。这四个季节当中,我最喜欢的是冬天。   写春夏秋冬的英语作文篇五:   There are four seasons in a year.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.Every season has three months and each month has about thirty days.   The first season is spring.In spring time we have warm weather and sunny days.There are many beautiful flowers in the gardens and in the fields.The birds begin to sing their songs.Everything comes to life again.   The second season we call summer.In summer the weather is very hot and it rains a lot.All trees are beautiful with their green leaves.The sky is very clear and blue,and the sunshine is much stronger than that in other seasons,so many people go to the seaside or the mountains to avoid the heat.   Autumn is the third season of the year.In autumn the weather becomes cooler day by day.It is the best season we have.So many people like it very much,especially the farmers.They are very busy with their harvest.   The last season is winter.It comes with frost and snow.The weather grows colder and colder,and much snow falls.But winter is not very long with us,for spring comes again soon.   一年有四个季节。它们是春天,夏天,秋天和冬天。每个季节有三个月,每个月有三十天左右。   第一个季节是春天。在春天我们有温暖的天气和阳光明媚的日子。在花园里有许多美丽的花朵和字段。鸟儿开始唱他们的歌。万物复苏了。   第二季我们叫夏天。在夏天天气很热,下雨lot.All树是美丽的绿叶。天空是非常清楚的,蓝色的,阳光是远高于其他季节,很多人去海边或山上,以避免热量。   秋天是第三个季节。在秋天,天气变得凉爽。它是我们最好的季节。很多人非常喜欢,尤其是农民。他们非常忙着收割。   最后一个季节是冬季。它有霜冻和雪。天气变得越来越冷,下雪。但冬天不是很长,因为春天很快就来临了。
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航空公司名称 航班号 机型 班期 起飞机场 起飞时间 降落时间 降落机场 中国国际航空公司 CA1343 B737-300 1234567 北京/首都国际 15:55 18:10 长沙/黄花国际 中国南方航空公司 CZ3124 B737-500 1234567 北京/首都国际 11:25 13:30 长沙/黄花国际 中国南方航空公司 CZ3142 B737-500 1234567 北京/首都国际 15:15 17:15 长沙/黄花国际 中国西南航空公司 SZ4734 B737 ..3..6. 北京/首都国际 16:05 18:20 长沙/黄花国际 中国北方航空公司 CJ6712 MD82 ..3.... 北京/首都国际 17:50 19:50 长沙/黄花国际 中国新华航空公司 X2-135 B737 北京/首都国际 8:05 10:30 长沙/黄花国际
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2023-01-10 19:05:371

recharge your airtime含义

2023-01-10 19:06:133

airtime credit 是啥

phone credit 电话费
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2023-01-10 19:06:441

路由器需要开airtime fairness 吗

2023-01-10 19:07:292


  春天是一道美丽的风景线,是一个生机勃勃的季节,是一个五彩斑斓的世界。下面我为大家带来有关spring 英语 作文 带翻译,欢迎大家学习!    有关spring英语作文1:   Connect with lightsome pace came to our side, took off his thick cotton-padded clothes, put on a charming spring, connect sprinkle the breath of spring to the every corner of the earth.   Look! River ice melted quietly, is open to greet the arrival of spring, the clear river is like a mirror, quietly at first glance to see small fish, shrimp in the water swimming in beautiful posture. Occasionally, a naughty little fish leap, let the river quietly opened a kaleidoscope of colors.   She fell asleep for a winter frog opened my dim eyes, from the mud out of the hole, yawning, stretched himself said: "ah, spring is finally here." Chirp the swallow flew back from the south. The cuckoo standing in the branches sang the rhyme of spring.   Park, the flowers in full bloom, airtime, attracted hordes of bee honey, wearing a long robe butterflies are not to be outdone in fragrant flowers chase, immersed in a sea of flowers.   Look, especially in the field of a busy spring planting, the farmer uncle is busy farming, planting, turn over the earth...   Ah! Spring is a colourful season, I like the season of hope.   春姑娘迈着轻盈地脚步来到了我们身边,人们把厚厚的棉衣脱了下来,换上了迷人的春装,春姑娘把春的气息洒向了地球的每个角落。   瞧!小河的冰悄悄地融化了,正敞开胸怀迎接春天的到来,清澈的河水平静地犹如一面镜子,一眼就能看清小鱼,小虾在水中游动的优美姿势。偶尔,一条调皮的小鱼跃出水面,让平静地河面绽开了一朵五彩的浪花。   沉睡了一个冬天的青蛙睁开了朦胧的双眼,从泥洞里钻了出来,打着呵欠,伸了个懒腰说:“啊,春天终于来了。”小燕子叽叽喳喳地从南方飞回来了;布谷鸟也站在了枝头唱起了春天的 童谣 。   公园里,百花盛开,争奇斗艳,引来了成群结队的小蜜蜂来采蜜,穿着彩衣的蝴蝶也不甘示弱穿梭于芳香的花丛中追逐嬉戏,沉浸在花的海洋里。   放眼望去,田野里更是一片繁忙的春耕景象,农民伯伯们正忙着耕田,插秧,翻土……   啊!春天真是一个多姿多彩的季节,我喜欢这充满希望的季节。   有关spring英语作文2:   Spring is coming, everywhere filled with spring in the air, that is how a breath!   The day before yesterday night, the little spring rain began to fall, gently, can"t hear the sound of the rain, like a wet smoke, gently moistens the earth. The rain stopped in the morning, the sun came out, and a fine. The whole world like a freshly washed zao, especially relaxed, the air was fresh, breath, my sweetie, like drink the honey. Oh, this is the breath of spring, it is very sweet.   Walk on the road home, I suddenly realized that the road wet soil, several strains of flowers are just come up to a week star who also didn"t aware of the tender small bud! They strut his belly and delicate body, swing gently with the wind of spring, it"s so cute! They were, after a spring rain, wash clean, emitting a kind of unique flowers fresh fragrance! Oh, this is the breath of spring, it is pure and fresh.   Beside the house, the first batch of small unknown flowers open. Myriads of crowded together, eyeful is the colour of them. Some flowers from the branches, show tender bud; Some flowers have a lot of time; Some flowers in bud, it seems that is about to burst. So many flower, a flower with a gesture. Look at this flower, very beautiful; Look at that one, also is very beautiful. A breeze blowing, the primrose, little flower emitting fragrance of the breath, in to the sight at once. Ah, this is the breath of spring, is fragrant.   In the air, everywhere filled with the smell of spring! It is very sweet, pure and fresh, fragrant breath!   春天来了,到处弥漫着春天的气息,那是怎样的一种气息啊!   前天夜里,下起了小小春雨,轻轻的,听不见雨的响声,像一种湿漉漉的烟雾,轻柔地滋润着大地。早晨雨停了,太阳出来了,一片晴朗。整个世界像刚洗过澡似的,特别清爽,空气十分新鲜,呼吸一口,甜丝丝的,像喝了蜜一样。噢,这就是春天的气息,是甜甜的。   走在回家的道路上,我突然发现路边湿润的泥土中,几株小花正刚刚冒出一星星儿谁也没觉察到的嫩嫩的小芽!它们昂首挺胸地挺着自己娇嫩的身体,随着春天的风儿轻轻摆动,真是太可爱了!一场春雨过后,它们被洗刷得干干净净,散发出一种花儿特有的清新的芳香!哦,这就是春天的气息,是清新的。   家旁边,第一批小小的不知名的小花开了。它们密密麻麻地挤在一起,满眼都是它们的色彩。有的花从枝丫中抽出,露出柔弱的花蕊来;有的花却已经开放不少时间了;有的花含苞欲放,看起来马上要胀破似的。这么多的小花,一朵有一朵的姿势。看看这一朵,很美;看看那一朵,也很美。一阵微风吹来,迎春花那小小的花蕊里散发出的芬芳的气息,立刻扑鼻而来。啊,这就是春天的气息,是芬芳的。   空气中,到处弥漫着春天的气味!那是甜甜的、清新的、芬芳的气息!   以上就是我为大家带来的有关spring英语作文带翻译,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 有关spring英语作文带翻译相关 文章 : 1. 春天的英语作文带翻译 2.英语 春节 作文带翻译3篇 3. 初中英语作文大全带翻译 4. 春节英语作文3篇
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一定要清楚的会议常用的礼仪英语   在会议中我们不清楚一些必要的礼仪有可能贻笑大方或者给对方留下不好的印象。下面是我搜集整理的一定要清楚的会议常用的礼仪英语,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!   会议常用礼仪英语   1. dinner jacket or dinner on your jacket   first decide on how formal your meeting will be. advance warn attendees about special requirements, for example dress code, to ensure people understand what"s expected and can prepare accordingly.   2. too many cooks … and not enough bottle washers   there is a skill in inviting the right people to a meeting. only invite bosses, and the work will never be done, so make sure you invite the right mix of decision makers, experts, implementers and stakeholders to enable post meeting action.   3. … but too many cooks spoil the broth   the flip side to inviting the right mix of people is that you may end up with an overflowing meeting room. as long as you get about 80% of who you need, you"re doing well.   4. the 37 minute meeting agenda   prepare a meeting agenda in advance and circulate this to your attendees - remember that meetings can come in all different durations, so get people"s attention by having weird duration meetings. meetings that start and finish on time (or even early!), and achieve all objectives outlined in the agenda will be appreciated by all, and will increase your chance of a better meeting next time.   5. empty barrels make the most noise   good facilitation skills are important when you have people fond of their own voice. use meeting ground-rules to help avoid speaking for the sake of speaking. or maybe don"t invite them in the first place! how about introducing stand-up meetings? brilliant for daily catch-up or review meetings, as conversations shorten when legs tire.   6. stop violent agreement   and here"s another reason why this is a great idea…… and another… and another. do you really need to waste time violently agreeing with each other? it might be fun, but get consensus and move on.   7. aob   let"s be blunt - any other business can also mean any old bull unless you keep tight hold of the halter. ask for aob points at the start of the meeting and only give them airtime if there is time. check if any points have already been covered, then get the group to prioritise each aob point and put a time limit on them.   use these 7 business meeting etiquette tips and have more productive meetings, lasting minutes and not hours.   拓展阅读:会议常用礼仪中文    (一) 主持人的礼仪   各种会议的主持人,一般由具有一定职位的人来担任,其礼仪表现对会议能否圆满成功有着重要的影响。   1.主持人应衣着整洁,大方庄重,精神饱满,切忌不修边幅,邋里邋遢。   2.走上主席台应步代稳健有力,行走的`速度因会议的性质而定,一般地说,对快、热烈的会议步频应较慢。   3.入席后,如果是站立主持,应双腿并拢,腰背挺直。持稿时,右手持稿的底中部,左手五指并拢自然下垂。双手持稿时,应与胸齐高。坐姿主持时,应身体挺直,双臂前伸。两手轻按于桌沿,主持过程中,切忌出现搔头、揉眼、拦腿等不雅动作。   4.主持人言谈应口齿清楚,思维敏捷,简明扼要。   5.主持人应根据会议性质调节会议气氛,或庄重,或幽默,或沉稳,或活泼。   6.主持人对会场上的熟人不能打招呼,更不能寒暄闲谈,会议开始前,或会议休息时间可点头、微笑致意。   (二) 会议发言人的礼仪   会议发言有正式发言和自由发言两种,前者一般是领导报告,后者一般是讨论发言。正式发言者,应衣冠整齐,走上主席台应步态自然,刚劲有力,体现一种成竹在胸、自信自强的风度与气质。发言时应口齿清晰,讲究逻辑,简明扼要。如果是书面发言,要时常抬头扫视一下会场,不能低头读稿。旁若无人。发言完毕,应对听众的倾听表示谢意。   自由发言则较随意,应要注意,发言应讲究顺序和秩序,不能争抢发言;发言应简短,观点应明确;与他人有分歧,应以理服人,态度平和,听从主持人的指挥,不能只顾自己。   如果有会议参加者对发言人提问,应礼貌作答,对不能回答的问题,应机智而礼貌地说明理由,对提问人的批评和意见应认真听取,即使提问者的批评是错误的,也不应失态。   (三) 会议参加者礼仪   会议参加者应衣着整洁,仪表大方,准时入场,进出有序,依会议安排落座,开会时应认真听讲,不要私下小声说话或交头接耳,发言人发言结束时,应鼓掌致意,中途退场应轻手轻脚,不影响他人。 ;
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  春天来了,带着它特有的声音,轻迈碎步,缓缓而来,为了加深同学们对春天的印象,下面为大家分享了春天来了英文手抄报,一起来看看吧!   春天来了手抄报图片1   春天来了手抄报图片2   春天来了手抄报图片3   春天来了手抄报图片4   春天来了手抄报图片5   春天来了手抄报图片6   春天来了手抄报图片7   春天来了手抄报图片8    春天英语作文1   In spring, it"s a charactizing a fine spring day, a season for revival. Winter in the past, connect with the footsteps of light spirit, quietly coming to us.   Listen! Who is playing the music f "sand, sand"? Who is in the "call - call" sound? Turned out to be a voice! The book the bird why so happy? Why is the fish in the water is so lively? Must be because spring is coming, they are to celebrate it.   In the spring, let me intoxicated. The mountain flowers airtime, butterflies attracted, as if to give the flowers put on colorful clothes; The grass of the earth is really naughty, could not help but put his head out, just like play games, when the scouts.   My hometown is a piece of the awaken of spring is abundant, full of vitality, peach trees grew up, the pink flowers, just want to children that red face: cascade mountains green jade, green at the moment. At this moment, I really want to take camera filmed these beautiful scenery.   In the spring, let me unforgettable. It is the most beautiful and the most beautiful in my mind! Because it always can touch my heart, let me in the future is full of wing.   在春天,它是一个鸟语花香的春天,万物复苏的季节。冬天过去,与轻灵的脚步,悄悄地向我们走来。   听!是谁玩的音乐“沙、沙”?是谁在叫,叫“声音?原来是一个声音!这本书这只鸟为什么这么快乐吗?鱼为什么在水里很活泼吗?一定是因为春天来了,他们来庆祝它。   在春天,让我陶醉。山上的花争奇斗艳,蝴蝶吸引,仿佛给花儿穿上五颜六色的衣服,地上的青草很顽皮,不禁把他的头,就像玩游戏一样,当巡防队。   我的家乡是一片春意盎然,充满活力,桃子树长大了,粉红色的.花朵,只是想孩子脸红:喀斯喀特山脉绿玉、绿。此时此刻,我真的很想拿相机拍下这些美丽的风景。   在春天,让我难忘。它是最美丽的和最美丽的在我的脑海里!因为它总能触摸我的心,让我在未来充满了翅膀。    描写春天的唯美英文句子   "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." ——William Shakespeare   四月将勃勃生机注入万物。——莎士比亚   "In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing ... sweet lovers love the spring." ——William Shakespeare   在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着...甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。——莎士比亚   "Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." ——Doug Larson   所谓春天,就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴,仍然想吹口哨。——道格.拉森   "Spring is when life"s alive in everything." -Christina Rossetti   春天是万物复苏的时节。——英国女诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂   "An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette   乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J.比索内特   "Spring is nature"s way of saying, "Let"s party!"" ——Robin Williams   春天代表自然发话了:“嗨起来吧!”——罗宾·威廉斯   "Spring -- an experience in immortality." ——Henry D. Thoreau   春天是一种永生的经历。——亨利·D·梭罗   "You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming" ——Pablo Neruda   你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来。——巴勃罗·聂鲁达   "No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb   不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来。——谚语
2023-01-10 19:08:391


360安全路由2t3。360安全路由2 T3是一款全千兆大户型智能路由器,搭载众多黑科技,曾获中国电信天翼展“2018ICT风云榜”最佳智能路由器大奖。性能上,360安全路由2 T3搭载一个千兆WAN口和三个千兆LAN口,2.4GHz和5GHz双频并发,无线速率高达1167Mbps。芯片采用瑞昱RTL-8197FS,主频1GHz,支持150台设备同时畅玩。360安全路由2 T3拥有四根全向性高增益超长天线,信号可覆盖200平米。支持先进的2*2 Wave2 MU-MIMO和Airtime时间公平技术技术,成倍增加数据传输通道,保障多设备同步、稳定收发信息流,海量设备同时上网更畅快,看剧玩游戏两不误。创新P+内核,可自动判断与连网设备的距离,智能调节信号发射功率,确保上网稳定的同时,控制能量消耗和辐射量。专为手机、Pad等移动设备开发信号优化技术,能够大幅减少在复杂环境中因设备快速移动而出现的WiFi掉线、卡顿等问题。
2023-01-10 19:08:451


  巴基斯坦运营商  巴基斯坦 WARID Telecom  运营商:WARID Telecom  网络类型:GSM 900  开通时间:2007年5月25日0时0分(北京时间)  移动国家代码(MCC):410  移动网络代码(MNC):07  资费:  (1)计费货币单位:巴基斯坦 卢比 (PKR) (以下所示资费如无特别说明均为PKR费用)  (2)计费单元:国际漫游通话费(Airtime Charge)按分钟计费,国际长途通话费(IDD)按分钟计费,呼叫不足一分钟按一分钟计算。  (3)具体资费:  项目/时段  费用  高峰时段08:00 AM–08:00 PM 非高峰时段08:00 PM–08:00 AM  主叫 拨打境内电话 (20.7*115%)/分钟 (15.3*115%)/分钟  拨打中国 (47.7*115%)/分钟 (36*115%)/分钟  拨打其他国家和地区 拨打其他国家和地区除收取境内话费,还收取国际通话费用,不同国家费率不同  被叫 (每分钟通话费) (16*115%)/分钟  短信 发短信:(13.5*115%)/条 收短信:免费  附注:  1、以上资费仅供参考,实际费用以用户话单为准。  2、用户拨打特殊号码(客服,特服号码不收取费用)。  3、巴基斯坦税率为15%  客服电话(24小时):  移动电话(国内) :321  市话(国内):042-111-111-321  国际:+92-42-111-111-321  传真:+92-42-111-111-322  特服号码  求助321*  机场 114  铁路 城市号码+117  警署 15*  PTCL 查询 17  福利署 城市号码+115  紧急服务城市号码+1122  拨号方式:国际接入码为“+”。
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查了一些英文网站acorn=oak nut, nut of the oaks. 橡树栎树这一类的属于同一科(Fagaceae山毛榉科)的植物的果实是可以吃的,是人类早期最主要的食物之一。那时候没那么复杂的烹饪技巧吧。所以应该是生吃的。不过现在人们很少食用了。只有美洲当地人和韩国饮食文化中有出现。韩国有种果冻dotorimuk还有一种面dotori guksu,就是用acorn做原料。(但是应该是碾碎之类的处理之后才用,不是整颗丢进去)。另外烘烤(roasted)的acorn也是一种零食。(我觉得应该就跟榛子差不多)。橡果只有长在长大的大树上。所以象征耐心,作为长期努力的结果。acorn算常用词,应该都认识。挪威神话中北欧雷神Thor据说躲在一棵橡树下避雷。所以百叶窗上通常画上橡果做装饰,象征能避雷。
2023-01-10 19:09:212


在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是我精心整理的五年级英语作文9篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 五年级英语作文 篇1 In order to make my summer vacation full and happy, I set myself a summer vacation plan. Every day, I will go to exercise for an hour, which can make me have a strong and healthy body. I will arrange two hours to do the teacher layout of the job. Reading an hour, reading can let me know a lot of extracurricular knowledge, to the overall development. Reading will be accumulated when some good words, improve my writing level. In addition, I will let parents give me some interest groups, let me "charge". Learn to swim, encounter floods and other disasters can save themselves. Learn piano, can develop left and right brain, let your fingers flexible. Learn to dance, make the body soft and practice high school your temperament. Learn pen calligraphy, for my third grade pen with a pen to write a good foundation. "This summer, my father and mother will take me to a different place, let me open eyes." We intend to go to Britain, Beijing, Xinjiang, Taiwan, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan. Because there are a lot of places to go, so I have to work hard to complete the homework as soon as possible. I will develop a schedule, so I have a good habit, reasonable arrangements to master the time. The next semester I rose third grade, and grew up one year old. I want to learn to Thanksgiving parents, understanding parents, more parents to help share the housework, to be a sensible good boy. I will do a score of the table, if the day when the performance of a good smile, when I took a smiling face of the table, parents and teachers will praise me. Guoxue, my summer vacation plan is not rich and colorful? 五年级英语作文 篇2 Thespring comes and the scenery is beautiful. Therefore, I make plan to enjoy the vernalsunshine and fresh air with my parents. We will climb the Qing Shan Mountain onSaturday. The scenery there is beautiful. There are green trees and colorful flowers.There is a peach forest there and now they all blossom. I see many photos takingthere. They are so beautiful that I want to see them personally. We will almosta day in Qing Shan Park. This is the most important thing this weekend. 参考译文 春天来了,景色变美了,所以这个周末我打算和我的爸爸妈妈一起去享受和煦的阳光和清新的空气。我们计划星期六去爬青山,那儿的风景很美,有许多翠绿的数目和颜色亮丽的花朵。那里还有一片桃树林,现在正值花期。我看许多在那儿拍的照片,非常漂亮,很想亲眼看看。我们大概会在青山待一整天。这就是我们这个周末最重要的事情。 五年级英语作文 篇3 my english friend name is jim. he is ten, his family in london,he and his family member comes our china to play.he has a cosin,he name is qianyu hi is oniy four years old,but he has a lot of qu... 五年级英语作文 篇4 In spring, it"s a charactizing a fine spring day, a season for revival. Winter in the past, connect with the footsteps of light spirit, quietly coming to us. Listen! Who is playing the music of "sand, sand"? Who is in the "call - call" sound? Turned out to be a voice! The book the bird why so happy? Why is the fish in the water is so lively? Must be because spring is coming, they are to celebrate it. In the spring, let me intoxicated. The mountain flowers airtime, butterflies attracted, as if to give the flowers put on colorful clothes; The grass of the earth is really naughty, could not help but put his head out, just like play games, when the scouts. My hometown is a piece of the awaken of spring is abundant, full of vitality, peach trees grew up, the pink flowers, just want to children that red face: cascade mountains green jade, green at the moment. At this moment, I really want to take camera filmed these beautiful scenery. In the spring, let me unforgettable. It is the most beautiful and the most beautiful in my mind! Because it always can touch my heart, let me in the future is full of wing. 在春天,它是一个鸟语花香,万物复苏的时节。冬天过去了,连接着脚步的光的精灵,悄悄地来到我们身边。 听!谁在演奏“沙,沙”的音乐?谁在“呼召”声中?原来是个声音!书上的鸟为什么这么高兴?为什么水中的鱼那么活泼?一定是因为春天来了,他们要庆祝一下。 在春天,让我陶醉。山上花时间,蝴蝶吸引,犹如给花儿穿上五颜六色的衣服;地上的草真是顽皮,忍不住把他的头,就像玩游戏,当童子军。 我的家乡是一片春意盎然的春天,充满生机,桃树长了起来,粉红色的花儿,只想给孩子那红红的脸:山上青山绿,眼前绿了。此时此刻,我真想带着相机拍下这些美丽的风景。 在春天,让我难忘。它是我心中最美最美丽的!因为它总能触动我的心,让我在未来充满翅膀。 五年级英语作文 篇5 美丽的街道Beautiful Street Today, when I walk on the street, I find the street is so beautiful. There is some lovely pictures on the sidewalk, the picture of giraffe, panda and monkey. When people see these lovely animals, they feel so good. I think it is such a nice act to paint these pictures on the street, it makes this city look beautiful. 五年级英语作文 篇6 老师: 您好! 您最近还好吗?我已经转校很久了。 在我六年级刚学英语的时候,笨笨的,什么都不知道,但是英语老师,依然耐心的给我讲课,给我复习,不断的给我鼓励。 你对我说:“雨烟,我对你很有信心,我特别努力,对待英语,你是第一个那么认真学习英语的!比那些早学的聪明很多!一定要好好学,我看重你!”我点点头,信誓旦旦的跟您说:“老师,我一定不会辜负您的期望的!” 在期中考试下来后,我并没有考及格,你找我私人谈话,我们站在教室门口,你说:“雨烟,我很想不通,为什么你这么努力,那么认真的孩子,为什么没有考及格呢?你大意了!加油!老师相信你!”我点点头颓丧的说:“老师,对不起!我让您失望了!”您只拍拍我的肩,我瞬间有了信心,斗志昂扬的抬起头,再一次信誓旦旦地说:“老师,请您再相信我一次吧!我一定会好好学的,这一次,我一定会好好学的!”“嗯!加油!” 之后,我发奋学习,你每次都在课堂上鼓励我,让我带大家早读,教大家读句子,我内心信心满满。 考试以后,我的成绩果然不负您的期望,从不及格到距离满分只差五分,也就是九十五分,我知道这个成绩的时候,我特别开心。 但是,在爸爸妈妈的`一再坚持下,我不得不被转到了贵族学校,我就再也没有见过你,听我以前的同学说,学校里,还流传着我们的这个故事。 我的印象里,你是十分和谐、慈祥的,但是,那次,我却看到您发火,是对一届新的学生,我站在门外,亲眼目睹了您的发火,我从未看到您发火,继而,我听到你再次讲起我的故事,我眼里泛起泪花,你看到了门前的我,一把拍在我的肩上,说道:“加油!”我甜甜的笑笑。 我的英语老师,谢谢您! 您的学生:叶XX 五年级英语作文 篇7 我的英语老师颜老师是一个另类的老师,像课文里的怀特森老师一样,性格独特。 颜老师个子中等,戴着个黑框眼镜,样子很文艺。他常穿着一件皮夹克,最近有些发福,啤酒肚微微突出。 他从来都是一个有趣的老师,从头到脚都洋溢着搞笑的气息。要是演技好一点,说不定是一个喜剧明星。他的课上我们都不会无精打采地趴在桌上沉默不语,因为他上课方式很有趣。大前天下午,我们刚从体育课上回来,个个都有气无力地趴在桌上,老师见我们精神不好,一上课就来了开头彩。他对着一个同学说:“这位先生你的发型看起来像只炸毛的猫的毛。”我们齐刷刷地看向那个同学,还真挺像的,如同刺一样,根根竖向了空中,我们都情不自禁地笑了起来。这一笑,仿佛驱走了疲惫,上课的状态也好多了。 上着上着,有一个关于四季的单词很是绕口,老师怕我们记不住,就说:“我们的班级是一个神奇的班级,有来自不同季节的人。”于是他找出了一个只穿着一件汉衫的同学说:“这是夏天的代表。”接着他又找出了三个季节代表,将他们统称为“四季组合“,逗得我们哈哈大笑,我们很快记住了这个单词。 在这一课里还有“吐鲁番”和“葡萄干”两个长而难记的单词,老师又很快想出了法子,他让我们记下他们的中文谐音,这下好读多了,将单词和谐音对比起来,就不难记了。他叫一个同学站起来读一下句子,但那个同学不自信,于是老师用搞笑的方式鼓励了他,他充满自信,大声读了出来。 我的英语老师就是这么一个个性独特,风趣幽默的老师。 五年级英语作文 篇8 A little boy took part in the TV show when he was two years old. As a celebrity, people watched all his movements. Sometimes when this boy was crying, the audience said he was spoiled by his parents. But when they saw more, they thought this boy was so lovely, because he was kind and very polite. We can"t judge a person by the first impression. 一个两岁的小男孩参加了电视节目上。作为一个名人,人蜜察着他的一举一动,有时候这个小男孩哭泣时,观众就说,他被他的父母宠坏了。但当他们看到更多信息时,他们又觉得这个男孩是那么的可爱,因为他很善良也很有礼貌。我们不能根据第一印象就去判定一个人的好坏。 五年级英语作文 篇9 There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often go to my dancing class in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon, and I often help my mother do some cleaning. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something happily. We often have a good time. 周末有两天,周六和周日。星期六,我经常早上去舞蹈课,下午做家庭作业,我经常帮助我的妈妈做一些清洁。周日,早上我经常拜访我的祖父母,下午阅读。晚饭后,我经常和我的父母看电视。在那个时候,我们可以彼此交谈,高兴地说些什么。我们经常玩得很开心。
2023-01-10 19:09:481

by plane怎么读啊?

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2023-01-10 19:10:564


日本运营商 日本 SoftBank. 运营商:日本SoftBank 开通时间:2007年5月31日0时0分(北京时间) 移动国家代码(MCC):442 移动网络代码(MNC):20 开通范围:北京、上海和广东(广州、深圳、珠海、东莞) GPRS国际漫游来访 资费: (1)计费货币单位:日元(Yen)(以下所示资费如无特别说明均为日元费用) (2)计费单元:国际漫游费(Airtime)第1分钟按30秒计费,之后按分钟计费 国际长途费(IDD)按30秒计费 (3)具体资费: 项目 普通时段:周一至周五8:00-19:00 优惠时段:除普通时段外的其他时段 主叫 拨打日本境内电话 (52*115%)/分钟 拨打回国内(港澳台地区除外) (170*115%)/分钟 (94*115%)/分钟 拨打其他国家和地区 根据拨打国家和地区的不同及时段不同,费用不同。 被叫 (每分钟通话费) 5.88元/分钟 短信 发短信:(30*115%)/条 收短信:免费 注意:根据日本政府规定,日本电信运营商将对用户的通信费征收5%的消费税,以上资费未包含税费。 附注: 1、以上资费仅供参考,实际费用以用户话单为准. 2、表内所示费用不包括用户拨打一些特殊号码(如紧急电话、信息台等)的费用。 3、表内所示时段为当地时间。 客服号码:03 5351 3491(境内拨打) +81 3 5351 3491(境外拨打) 特服号码:火警:119 匪警:110 急救:119 查号台:104(境内) 海事救援:118 拨号方式:国际接入码为+。 特别提示:因日本SoftBank网络采用的是第三代GSM(WCDMA)技术,与我们现在的GSM有所不同,因此用户不能携带现有的GSM手机到日本自动漫游。用户要实现漫游,必须在SoftBank指定的手机租赁代理商处租用Nokia6650或Nokia7600手机。用户可以将自己的SIM卡插入以上两款手机后使用漫游服务。
2023-01-10 19:11:111

Nokia7610新买的 需要装工具(30分)

2023-01-10 19:11:443


在学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是我整理的五年级英语作文8篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 五年级英语作文 篇1 在我们班里有一个优秀的老师,他工作细心认真,从不粗心大意。 虽然这学期上对我们很严格,但是她也有能让我们快乐的学习方式。这些都是我们班的英语成绩大大提高,而她就是我们班的英语老师——田老师。 现在我们上英语课已经不会有不专心的学生了。但是,过去有,而且有好多“热爱祖国语言人士”根本就不学英语。现在这些“人士”,根本就不敢在英语课上“热爱祖国语言”了。如果人士们要一意孤行,那是要付出代价的。 上课的铃声一响,英语老师的神情就与平常时判若两人,她的眼神马上就变成了利剑。老师如炬的目光像探照灯一样,扫视着每一个角落。同学们的小动作在这样的目光里无处遁形。如某处有风吹草动,英语老师会用犀利的目光紧紧的盯着。随后,一声霹雳似的批评,会让分心的同学认真起来。接着,那倒霉的孩子就会乖乖的捧着课本,站到讲台前。更重要的是下课以后,那倒霉的孩子还要忍受英语老师长篇的思想教育。 几个回合的较量,我们班级里的所有抱有某种幻想的顽皮男都--败下阵来。过去曾耀武扬威的风云人物在英语课上统统变成了温顺的绵羊。虽然他们在背地里有过种种密谋,但是一到了英语老师的面前立刻就变成了乖孩子。 如今,田老师已经成为了我们学习生活中不可或缺的人物,就是在教授让我们受益匪浅。她每天都有认真的工作态度,详细的工作计划,优秀的工作能力。 这就是我们的英语老师——田老师。 五年级英语作文 篇2 Mrs White has two children. John is seven. Ann is only three. John is a good brother. He is always very nice to his sister. One day in the afternoon, Mrs White was cooking dinner in the kitchen, and the two children were playing games in the garden. Suddenly, Ann began to cry and she ran to her mum in the kitchen. Mrs White asked, “What"s wrong with you, Ann?” “John broke(弄坏了)my toy bear,” Ann answered sadly. “How did he do it?” mum asked. Ann stopped crying, and said, “I hit(打)his head with it.” 五年级英语作文 篇3 In spring, it"s a charactizing a fine spring day, a season for revival. Winter in the past, connect with the footsteps of light spirit, quietly coming to us. Listen! Who is playing the music of "sand, sand"? Who is in the "call - call" sound? Turned out to be a voice! The book the bird why so happy? Why is the fish in the water is so lively? Must be because spring is coming, they are to celebrate it. In the spring, let me intoxicated. The mountain flowers airtime, butterflies attracted, as if to give the flowers put on colorful clothes; The grass of the earth is really naughty, could not help but put his head out, just like play games, when the scouts. My hometown is a piece of the awaken of spring is abundant, full of vitality, peach trees grew up, the pink flowers, just want to children that red face: cascade mountains green jade, green at the moment. At this moment, I really want to take camera filmed these beautiful scenery. In the spring, let me unforgettable. It is the most beautiful and the most beautiful in my mind! Because it always can touch my heart, let me in the future is full of wing. 在春天,它是一个鸟语花香,万物复苏的时节。冬天过去了,连接着脚步的光的精灵,悄悄地来到我们身边。 听!谁在演奏“沙,沙”的音乐?谁在“呼召”声中?原来是个声音!书上的鸟为什么这么高兴?为什么水中的鱼那么活泼?一定是因为春天来了,他们要庆祝一下。 在春天,让我陶醉。山上花时间,蝴蝶吸引,犹如给花儿穿上五颜六色的衣服;地上的草真是顽皮,忍不住把他的头,就像玩游戏,当童子军。 我的家乡是一片春意盎然的春天,充满生机,桃树长了起来,粉红色的花儿,只想给孩子那红红的"脸:山上青山绿,眼前绿了。此时此刻,我真想带着相机拍下这些美丽的风景。 在春天,让我难忘。它是我心中最美最美丽的!因为它总能触动我的心,让我在未来充满翅膀。 五年级英语作文 篇4 Canada Canada is green country on the map. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. Danny and tenny live in Canada. They speak English and French.The U.S. is south of Canada. Canada"s flag is red and white. It has a leaf. Niagara Falls and Rocky Mountain in Canada. 五年级英语作文 篇5 中国的传统文化像天上的星星数也数不清,有过年的倒福、中秋节、还有端午节,现在我就给你介绍一下端午节。 China traditional culture such as the number of stars in the sky are innumerable, but there have the Spring Festival Fu, the Mid Autumn Festival, there are Dragon Boat Festival, now I will introduce you to the Dragon Boat festival. 传说楚国的皇上是一个昏君,只顾吃喝玩乐,屈原却说无效就投江自尽了,他投江时候还抱着一块巨大的石头,因为这样他一下江就沉下去,在也上不来了。 The legend of Chu"s emperor is a king, just idle away in seeking pleasure, Qu Yuan said not drowned himself in the river, when he threw jiang also hold a large stone, because of this he Jiang on the sink, in has not. 屈原投江以后两岸的老百姓划龙舟去救屈原,人们把江都找遍了,但是还是没有找到屈原的尸体。在这个紧张危险的时候,突然有一位百姓站出来,他说我们就不了屈原不要紧张,我们可以丢鱼和虾爱吃的东西比如:粽子、雄黄酒、蛋等东西去江里...... Qu Yuan after the two sides of the river dragon boat people to save Qu Yuan, Jiangdu people have searched, but did not find the body of Qu Yuan. In this tense and dangerous when, suddenly there is a people stand out, he said we can"t Qu Yuan do not be nervous, we can throw the fish and shrimp to eat things such as: zongzi, eggs, the male Yellow Wine things to the river...... 从此,人们把这一天作为端午节,人们一到端午节就划龙舟、吃粽子、喝雄黄酒等...... From then on, people regard this day as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival is for people to eat dumplings, dragon boat racing, drinking realgar Yellow Wine etc....... 时间慢慢长久了,传统文化也慢慢流传下来。 Time for a long time, the traditional culture is handed down slowly. 五年级英语作文 篇6 There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often go to my dancing class in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon, and I often help my mother do some cleaning. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something happily. We often have a good time. 五年级英语作文 篇7 In my hometown every New Year festival is very grand. Today I want to talk about the New Year of my hometown. During the month of the twelfth month, my hometown is beginning to smell the Spring Festival. The things that are used for Chinese New Year, the simple thing is the annual goods. The children prepare for the New Year, mainly firecrackers and firecrackers, with two feet kicking, wrestling, black spiders... The firecrackers were in their pockets as if they could explode at any moment. But it was fun, and the fire was the cannon that crashed to the ground, and all kinds of firecrackers I stopped introducing. The children were glad and the adults were busy. They must prepare for the New Year, which they will eat, drink, wear and use. On the 23rd day of the twelfth month, my family is going to clean up, the adults are cleaning out at home, our children play firecrackers outside, but I sometimes go to help. The twelfth month, immediately to the New Year;s eve, New Year;s eve is busy, we all begin to do dinner, family reunion dinner, in chaozhou we have a custom, before the reunion dinner, will be god, after god, began to eat. That should be: 4:30. We had received the red envelopes before we had a meal in my hometown. We finish the meal, the children go to play, the adults clean up. The night of the New Year;s eve is the most busy time, there are some boxes of fireworks, the door of the house under a after a put, no gap, after, after nearly twelve o ;clock. Then he went to bed. On the first day of the New Year, everyone was visiting relatives and friends. Children to play. Until the Lantern Festival began on the 15th day of the first lunar month, the Spring Festival was another climax. On the fifteenth day of the first month, there was a custom in my hometown: carrying the deities on the street, and swimming the whole village three times. Every family came to the door to worship god, and every one of the household was stopped and waited until the house was finished. On this day, you must also eat dumplings. Represents the circle round. It;s really a happy day. This is what my hometown must do in the Spring Festival! New Year;s day good! 五年级英语作文 篇8 Who is your favorite person? My favorite person is my mother. She is beautiful. She is 38 years old. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and long hair. She likes cooking. She cooks good meals for us every day. And she always does all the housework. She looks after my father and me. I love my mother very much. 谁是你最喜欢的人?我最喜欢的人是我的母亲。她很美丽。她38岁了。她又高又瘦。她有一双大大的眼睛和长长的头发。她喜欢做饭。她每天都为我们烹饪好吃的食物。她总是做所有的家务。她照顾我的父亲和我。我非常爱我的母亲。
2023-01-10 19:11:561

by plane怎么读啊?

英 [bai plein]by  plane意思:乘飞机短语:1.leave by next plane   搭下一班飞机去2.rescue by sea plane  海上飞机救护 aerospace plane  乘坐航天飞机 airby plane  坐飞机5.Photo Flight By Sea Plane  水上飞机拍摄 | 水上飞机航拍6.Total price by plane  总价格的飞机 | 坐飞机的总价格7.Express delivery by plane  搭乘飞机快递送货8.Delivery by plane  乘飞机送货 airplane by plane  搭飞机同近义词:乘飞机     by air造句:The next day the duck was to be transported to California by plane to amaze them either.次日,这只“大鸭子”将被飞机运往加州。 加州人准备接受视觉挑战吧!2.For most of these towns, the only way to travel or receive mail and supplies is by plane, called “bush planes”.在大多数内陆城镇,唯一的旅行,接收邮件和运送供给品的方式是飞机,即所谓的“丛林飞机”。3.John used to travel by plane at least once a month on business. But since he survived that plane crash last year, he"s become gunshy about boarding a plane. He"d rather drive whenever possible.这人说:“约翰过去为了他的生意至少一个月得乘一次飞机。但是,自从他去年经历了那次飞机事故以后,他已经变得不愿意再乘飞机了。只要可能,他宁可开汽车。”4.These huge sums of money are spent in traveling across a large country by plane, paying top advisers and other staff, and buying airtime for television commercials.两位总统候选人资金主要用于乘坐飞机四处为竞选活动奔走、为顾问和工作人员支付薪酬、购买电视广告时间等。5.By plane and train I made my way to the lakeside town of Morges, near Lausanne, while Galaxy freewheeled down from his lair to meet me.我乘飞机换火车来到洛桑附近的湖边小镇莫尔日,盖勒柯斯从他的巢穴轻松骑车来会我。
2023-01-10 19:12:021


My home town Lijiang,is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up.Lijiang each season is like a picture,is so beautiful and unique.In the early spring,all things recovery,the roadside farmland green up gradually,rape also quietly out of head,peach blossom pear flower can"t wait to show their beauty,the breath of spring overflow in warm in lijiang city Willow trees by the river slowly pours out new bud,the cherry blossom is busy airtime,grass small wildflowers are crazy dance,catkin is flying in the air,is full of thick the awaken of spring.
2023-01-10 19:12:081

O2 giffgaff流量用的多

giffgaff流量用的多,更划算。giffgaff:1)国际通话nternational calls打回国只需2p/分钟。2)使用O2的网络,信号有保障。3)最便宜的套餐每月只有5镑,白菜价人见人爱。4)流量党的福音,10镑起的套餐流量都是免费,而且短信随便发。O2:1)信号非常好。2)提供International Sim,或者Airtime Bolt On打国内很方便便宜。打手机和座机都是1.5p/分钟。每月充值£10还能获得3000条短信和50MB流量;£15以上获得3000条短信,3000分钟英国国内通话和100MB流量。3)用户福利很好,比如O2 Wifi,下载O2手机App以后,系统就会自动连接到O2在全英的热点以及伦敦地铁内的Wifi;World Chat App,无论是不是O2的卡,注册这个App后,就可以获得5分钟免费通话,之后每分钟打国际电话也只要1p;另外,免费加入O2 Reward,每次充值都会有10%的返现,省钱妥妥的。4)10镑的Pay As You Go月套餐包括250分钟通话和500M流量,不过短信并不无限免费,而是限定在了1000条的范围里;10镑还有另一种流量套餐,包括1G的流量,100分钟,1000条短信,如果打电话少的话,这个套餐非常合适。
2023-01-10 19:12:141

急求!!!谁能帮我翻译下这一段 非常感谢!

2023-01-10 19:12:203

新加坡 Singtel 的 Free IDD Call 是什么意思

就是你讲的这个意思,前面加拨019+国家代码+电话号码只收本地通话费,正常时段(周一到周五早八点到晚7:59)每分钟一毛六,此外皆为优惠时段,每分钟八分。我用的就是Singtel Prepaid Card,的确这样收费。补充问题回答:是所有Singtel的用户都享受的,不需要申请。我也用的28元含100元的电话卡,100元中含28元国际长途,72元本地通话,对吧。我打到中国的确只扣了国际长途部分的话费。不知道你的电话出什么问题了,你可以打客服电话试一下,免费的:96767777。如果英语沟通困难(额。。。他们客服有很多说的都是东南亚英语,很难听懂),你可以要求找一个会说普通话的客户服务人员,接通电话的会说就会跟你讲普通话,不会说普通话的人也会帮你转到会说的人那里。
2023-01-10 19:12:321


为了实现无线局域网性能优化,网络经理和管理员必须使用新的无线局域网测量和测试工具,它们能够根据网络中运行的应用程序类型来检查网络性能。寻找这些工具会迫使网络管理员寻找目前的供应商以及测试方法之外的更多创新产品。由于这些工具可能很昂贵,因此它们的价格可能会高出几倍。早期的无线局域网通常是根据经验设计的,即采用一个AP覆盖范围圆周表示,其中半径范围代表最小的信号强度。然后,使用站点扫描来绘制实际的信号强度,并以被动(扫描)或主动(关联)的方法来测量。用于执行扫描的工具是手动的且劳动密集型的;例如,有一种方法要求测试员在实地进行两次测量来收集被动和主动的测量结果。很明显,这些方法在更大的无线局域网上无法很好地进行。更重要的是,它们并不能反映802.11n以及越来越多的各类依赖高带宽和低延迟的应用程序的实际功能。通过使用802.11n,不同方向的传输速率可以进行控制,而且信号强并不一定是应用程序性能的一个可接受指标。无线局域网性能测量工具可测定应用程序需求这正是专门针对802.11n和重要移动业务应用程序设计的新型性能测量工具可以发挥重大作用的地方。例如,AirMagnet Survey不仅使用iPerf 来测量上行和下行链路性能,而且它可以用来分析提供802.11n推荐设置和快速语音评估。Veriwave WaveDeploy是一个基于代理的站点评估工具,它可以生成测试流,发到真实客户端设备后不仅能够测量TCP吞吐量,还能够测量Web、语音和视频的“体验质量”。通过测试一个采用WaveDeploy的设备,测试者可以生成满足应用程序要求的区域的覆盖图。这由每个应用程序的测量指标(例如,MOS和声音抖动)测定。无线局域网性能优化:持续的客户端测试优化无线局域网性能是一件复杂的事情。在无线局域网部署之后,这些新的扫描工具仍然要继续使用,以便验证性能目标一直是满足的,以及评估规划调整和更新带来的影响。随着时间的推移,您可能会发现不同的客户端会有截然不同的数据率和吞吐量,即使是从几乎相同的位置发送相同类型的流量也会这样。例如,在可能的情况下,遇到不正常的低数据速率的客户端可能会拒绝漫游到一个更好的AP。这些“难缠的”客户端不仅吞吐量低,而且它们需要更多带宽占用时间来发送相同大小的数据。当带宽占用时间竞争很激烈时,每个客户端都会因为这个难缠的客户端而受到影响。这时就需要使用一个诸如AirMagnet WiFi Analyzer的移动工具,它可以分析客户端漫游活动,识别难缠客户端以及它们对应用程序性能(如,MOS分)的实际影响。使用通话时间公平算法进行RF测量 定期测试结果对于微调过程是非常有用的,例如禁用所发现的、会导致问题发生的低数据速率客户端,或者启用客户端上有用的802.11n选项。然而,有些性能问题是暂时的,而且对客户端组合和位置是很敏感的。如果有一个访客将有问题的设备带到办公室,或者只是在较远位置尝试使用无线局域网,就会出现一个拖累其他客户端的慢客户端。处理这类问题的唯一有效方法是不断地通过实时响应进行测量。有些无线局域网供应商目前提供了“通话时间公平”算法,能够执行实时RF测试,并使用它们自动地调整客户端传输机会。例如,当启用Aerohive的Dynamic Airtime Scheduling时,传输机会是根据每个客户端实际所占用的带宽时间来分配的。当客户端的数据率开始下降时,更快的客户端可以获得更多的传输机会,从而优化整体吞吐量。然后,Aerohive的Performance Sentinel会将这些实时测量结果与每个用户的需要和实际吞吐量目标紧密关联在一起。如果SLA无法满足大流量负载客户端的要求,NOC操作人员就会收到服从性警报。整合自动化和细分化的无线局域网测试工具最后,大多数企业都整合使用自动化/集中化和移动/细分测试工具和方法。对于一些任务而言,利用无线局域网和WIPS基础架构进行不间断测试以及接近实时的调整是很有意义的。在一些无法进行定期测试的大型分布式网络中,这个方法是非常有效的。
2023-01-10 19:12:392

手机QQ登入出现一串英文 send message cost your money

2023-01-10 19:12:494


2023-01-10 19:13:042


职场规则:教你三步成功修复破裂的同事关系   If youve spent enough time in the workforce, you almost certainly have a trail of damaged professional relationships behind you. That doesnt mean youre a bad manager or employee; its simply a fact that some people dont get along, and when we have to rely on each other (to finish the report, to execute the campaign, to close the deal), there are bound to be crossed wires and disappointments.   作为一位上司,如果你只专注于员工的工作效率,那就意味着你很有可能影响到与同事之间的关系。但是这并不等于你就是一位坏的上司,只能说你不适合与某些人相处,并且在需要对方的时候(完成报告,执行计划,签订协议等),就一定会导致理解上的缺失。   Heres how to buck up and repair a professional relationship thats gone off the rails.   下面我们看看有哪些方法可以改善偏离了的职业关系吧。   First, its important to recognize that making the effort is worthwhile. Obviously itll ratchet tension down at the office if youre not glaring at your colleague every time they enter the room. But resolving this tension will actually aid your own productivity. You can eliminate unresolved matters that nag at your mind.   首先,你得意识到努力的重要性。很明显,只要你不是每次在同事们进入办公室的时候盯着他们的话,气氛就不会这么紧张。不过,若你能够解决这种紧张气氛,这的确能够大大提高自己的创造力。甚至还可以解决让你纠结已久的工作。   Next, recognize your own culpability. Its easy to demonize your colleague. But youre almost certainly contributing to the dynamic in some way, as well. If you think your colleague is too quiet, you may be filling up the airtime in meetings, which encourages them to become even quieter. If you think hes too lax with details, you may start micromanaging him so much. To get anywhere, you have to understand your role in the situation.   接着是,承认自己的过失。把责任归咎于同事们很容易,但是你也很大程度上促使了这件事的发生。如果你觉得同事们太安静,你还在会议期间把行程排得满满的,这样只会让他们更沉默。如果你认为同事们不注重细节,你就会开始对他们吹毛求疵。不管怎样,你应该了解自己在不同情况下的角色和作用。   Now its time to press reset. If you unilaterally "decide" youre going to improve your relationship with your colleague, youre likely to be disappointed quickly. The moment they fail to respond to a positive overture or display an irritating behavior, you may conclude that your effort was wasted. Instead, try to make them a partner in your effort.   然后便是重置规则。如果你只是单方面"决定"要修补与同事之间的关系,也许你会更失望。当你发现他们并没有积极地回应你或者表现出不耐烦的态度,你就有可能草率地认为自己的努力白费了。相反,你应该通过努力让他们成为自己的伙伴,这样紧张的工作关系才得以缓解。   Finally, you need to change the dynamic. Even the best of intentions – including an agreement with your colleague to turn over a new leaf – can quickly disintegrate if you fall back into your old patterns. To write down a transcript of what was said by each party, so you can begin to see patterns – where you were pushing and she was pulling. Over time, its likely that youll be able to better grasp the big picture of how youre relating to each other and areas where you can try something different.   最后,你还得改变动力的方向。即使是最好的意图——包括与同事执行协议的"下一步,如果你重蹈覆辙的话,之前的努力还只是无用功。记下每一个小组的发言,你就可以了解他们的思维模式——你就知道该从何下手。久而久之,你就能形成一个与大部分人相处的画面,并且你想尝试的方向也会有所不同。   We often imagine that our relationships are permanent and fixed – I dont get along with him because hes a control freak, and thats not likely to change. But we underestimate ourselves, and each other. Its true that you cant give your colleagues a personality transplant and turn them into entirely different people; we all have natural tendencies that emerge. But clearly understanding the dynamics of the relationship – and making changes to whats not working – can lead to markedly more positive results.   我们常常都会想当然的认为人际关系是永久固定的——我不与他打交道是因为他是一个控制狂,并且很难改变。但是我们低估了自己的能力,还有别人的能力。没错,你不能改变同事的个性,但是我们可以有这种努力的意愿。要清楚了解关系的动态发展,并且尝试解决无法改变的情况,这样才会得到比较满意的效果。 ;
2023-01-10 19:13:451

+1 866.815.8601是美国的电话吗

2023-01-10 19:13:562


2023-01-10 19:14:064


Cue sports (sometimes spelled cuesports), also known as billiard sports, are a wide variety of games of skill generally played with a cue stick which is used to strike billiard balls, moving them around a cloth-covered billiards table bounded by rubber cushionsAll cue sports are generally regarded to have evolved into indoor games from outdoor stick-and-ball lawn games (retroactively termed ground billiards) , and as such to be related to trucco, croquet and golf, and more distantly to the stickless bocce and bowls.The word "billiard" may have evolved from the French word billart or billette, meaning "stick", in reference to the mace, an implement similar to a golf club, which was the forerunner to the modern cue; the term"s origin may have also been from French bille, meaning "ball". The modern term "cue sports" can be used to encompass the ancestral mace games, and even the modern cueless variants, such as finger billiards, for historical reasons. "Cue" itself came from queue, the French word for a tail. This refers to the early practice of using the tail of the mace to strike the ball when it lay against a rail cushion.A recognizable form of billiards was played outdoors in the 1340s, and was reminiscent of croquet. King Louis XI of France (1461–1483) had the first known indoor billiard table. Louis XIV further refined and popularized the game, and it swiftly spread amongst the French nobility. While the game had long been played on the ground, this version appears to have died out in the 1600s, in favor of croquet, golf and bowling games, while table billiards had grown in popularity as an indoor activity. Mary, Queen of Scots, claimed that her "table de billiard" had been taken away by what would eventually become her executioners (who covered her body with the table"s cloth).[5] In 1588, the Duke of Norfolk, owned a "billyard bord coered with a greene cloth... three billyard sticks and 11 balls of yvery". Billiards grew to the extent that by 1727, it was being played in almost every Paris cafe. In England, the game was developing into a very popular activity for members of the gentry.By 1670, the thin butt end of the mace began to be used not only for shots under the cushion (which itself was originally only there as a preventative method to stop balls from rolling off), but players increasingly preferred it for other shots as well. The cue as it is known today was finally developed by about 1800.Initially, the mace was used to push the balls, rather than strike them. The newly developed striking cue provided a new challenge. Cushions began to be stuffed with substances to allow the balls to rebound, in order to enhance the appeal of the game. After a transitional period where only the better players would use cues, the cue came to be the first choice of equipment.The demand for tables and other equipment was initially met in Europe by John Thurston and other furniture makers of the era. The early balls were made from wood and clay, but the rich preferred to use ivory.Early billiard games involved various pieces of additional equipment, including the "arch" (related to the croquet hoop), "port" (a different hoop) and "king" (a pin or skittle near the arch) in the 1770s, but other game variants, relying on the cushions (and eventually on pockets cut into them), were being formed that would go on to play fundamental roles in the development of modern billiards.Illustration of a three ball pocket billiards game in early 19th century Tübingen, Germany, using a table much longer than the modern type.The early croquet-like games eventually led to the development of the carom or carambole billiards category – what most non-US and non-UK speakers mean by the word "billiards". These games, which once completely dominated the cue sports world but have declined markedly in many areas over the last few generations, are games played with three or sometimes four balls, on a table without holes (and without obstructions or targets in most cases), in which the goal is generally to strike one object ball with a cue ball, then have the cue ball rebound off of one or more of the cushions and strike a second object ball. Variations include three-cushion, straight rail and the balkline variants, cushion caroms, five-pins, and four-ball, among others.Over time, a type of obstacle returned, originally as a hazard and later as a target, in the form of pockets, or holes partly cut into the table bed and partly into the cushions, leading to the rise of pocket billiards, especially "pool" games, popular around the world in forms such as eight-ball, nine-ball, straight pool and one-pocket amongst numerous others. The terms "pool" and "pocket billiards" are now virtually interchangeable, especially in the US. English billiards (what UK speakers almost invariably mean by the word "billiards") is a hybrid carom/pocket game, and as such is likely fairly close to the ancestral original pocket billiards outgrowth from 18th to early 19th century carom games.
2023-01-10 19:14:502


游戏中除了开场曲外,只有“旋转木马”会播放乐曲,曲目如下: March - Children of the Regiment:(Fucik)无版权 Heyken"s Serenade: (John Heyken)Birtish Standard Music Coy; GEMA, BRITICO In Continental Mood:(创作人不详)Copyright Control Wedding Journey:传统曲目 Tales from the Vienna Woods:(小约翰·施特劳斯)无版权 Slavonic Dance:传统曲目 Das Alpenhorn:传统曲目 The Blond Sailor:传统曲目 Overture - Poet and Peasant:(suppe)无版权 华尔兹舞曲:(小约翰·施特劳斯)无版权  其中华尔兹舞曲串烧曲目内容如下:  00:00~00:53  Johann Strauss II -Morgenblätter (Op.279) - 晨报圆舞曲  00:54~01:22  Johann Strauss II - Die Fledermaus, Overtüre - 蝙蝠序曲  01:23~02:08  Johann Strauss II - Künstlerleben (Walzer, op. 316) - 艺术家的生活圆舞曲  02:09~03:04  Johann Strauss II -Wiener Blut (Walzer, op.354) - 维也纳人的气质圆舞曲  03:05~结束  Johann Strauss II - An der schönen blauen Donau (Walzer, op.314) - 蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲 经允许使用C.J. Mears Dranisation 1976年的原版录音 过山车大亨主题音乐:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer (Samples courtesy of Miroslav Vitous Symphonic Orchestra) Dodgems Beat:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Mid Summer"s Heat:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Dodgemes Tomb:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Caesar"s March(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Drifting To Heaven:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Invaders:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Eternal Toybox:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Jungle Juice:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Ninja"s Noodles(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Voyage to Andromeda:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Brimble"s Beat:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Atlantis:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Wild West Kid:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Vampire"s Lair(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Blockbuster:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Airtime Rock:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Searchlight Rag:(Scott Joplin/Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Flight of Fantasy:(Steve Blenkinsopp)copyright © Chris Sawyer Big Rock:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Hypothermia:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer (Samples courtesy of Spectrasonics Liquid Grooves) Last Sleigh Ride:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Pipes of Glencairn:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer Traffic Jam:(Allister Brimble)copyright © Chris Sawyer
2023-01-10 19:15:231