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2023-05-19 21:27:32










  airplanes  n.<美>飞机; ( airplane的名词复数 )  [网络]航空区; 各类飞机; 飞机介绍;  [例句]China will use domestically-made “ black boxes ” flight data recorders in its airplanes.  中国飞机将采用国产飞行资料记录仪“黑匣子”。  [其他]形近词: biplanes emplanes warplanes
2023-01-10 17:04:261

Airplanes 歌词翻译

Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机)In the night sky(在夜晚星空中)Are like shooting stars(就像那流星)I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在)Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机)In the night sky(在夜晚星空中)Are like shooting stars(就像那流星)I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Yeah(‘这你也懂")I could use a dream or a genie or a wish(我可以用一个梦,一个神怪或一个希望)To go back to a place much simpler than this(去回到一个比这更单纯的地方)Cause after all the partyin" and smashin" and crashin"(但是在所有的派对&欢笑&吵闹后)And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion(和所有的浮华&嘈杂&花样)And all the pandemonium and all the madness(还有所有的混乱&疯狂)There comes a time where you fade to the blackness(总有一次你会消失在那漆黑之中)And when you"re staring at that phone in your lap(当你凝视着你手中的手机)And you hoping but them people never call you back(盼望着回电可却没人回你电话时)But that"s just how the story unfolds(这也正是故事情节展开的时候)You get another hand soon after you fold(不久之后你换了只手拿手机)And when your plans unravel(当你想要闭合翻盖手机时)And they sayin" what would you wish for(他们却如你所愿回复了你的电话)If you had one chance(如果你遇到一次意外)So airplane airplane sorry I"m late(那么飞机会对给你造成的迟到表示抱歉)I"m on my way so don"t close that gate(我马上就到 请不要关上舱门)If I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flight(如果我赶上我的航班我将不会这么做)And I"ll be right back at it by the end of the night(我将肯定在深夜里回到这里) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机)In the night sky(在夜晚星空中)Are like shooting stars(就像那流星)I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在)Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机)In the night sky(在夜晚星空中)Are like shooting stars(就像那流星)I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Somebody take me back to the days(有人把我带回了从前的时光)Before this was a job, before I got paid(在我拿到这份工作的工资之前)Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank(常常在我把钱存进银行前)Yeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subway(当我试着走出地下人行道)And back when I was rappin" for the hell of it(就TM在我走在人行道中时)But now a days we rappin" to stay relevant(===不会===)I"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanes(我猜想如果我们能够不在飞机上许些愿望)Then maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the days(也许我将回到我的从前)Before the politics that we call the rap game(在这政论之前 我们称之为饶舌游戏)And back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tape(在没人听我的录音带之前)And back before I tried to cover up my slang(在我试着掩盖自己的脏话之前)But this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby Ray(但这是什么,什么Cada的光线)So can I get a wish to end the politics(所以我许下愿望结束这些政治)And get back to the music that started this sh-t(然后回到音乐当中开始骂人)So here I stand and then again I say(所以我就在这里站着然后我又说)I"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanes(我期待我们能创造出希望的飞机) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机)In the night sky(在夜晚星空中)Are like shooting stars(就像那流星)I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在)Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机)In the night sky(在夜晚星空中)Are like shooting stars(就像那流星)I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在)
2023-01-10 17:04:362


问题一:纸飞机用英语怎么说啊? paper plane plane made of paper 求采纳 问题二:一个纸飞机用英语怎么说 a paper plane 问题三:纸飞机的英文怎么写 纸飞机 [释义] Paper Airplanes; [网络] Paper Plane; [例句]从学习飞行专家为建设纸飞机纸飞机提示在这个自由的孩子工艺品视频。 Learn flying tips for paper airplanes in this free kids crafts video from an expert on building paper airplanes. 问题四:都知道纸飞机用英文怎么说 paper-plane 问题五:我想学做纸飞机.用英语怎么说I want to 翻译结果: I want to learn to do paper airplanes. 问题六:一个纸飞机用英文怎么说? a paper plane(正常说法) a plane which is made of pa订er(定语从句) a plane made of paper(非谓语动词作定语)
2023-01-10 17:04:531


      复仇者纸飞机,飞行距离可超过30米,滞空时间在20秒左右,容易制作。DC-03纸飞机,拥有巨大的滑翔翼和和独特的尾翼。“空中之王”纸飞机,飞行时间27.9秒,折叠过程未使用胶水和剪子。Paperang(网站)纸飞机,具有可以准确控制的翼剖面。世界四大纸飞机      纸飞机的升力原理是三角翼的升力原理,掷出时的动力与有攻角的机翼产生环量。      使得机翼下面的流体的速度低于上表面流体的速度,机翼下表面的压力高于上表面的压力。
2023-01-10 17:04:592


2023-01-10 17:05:117

airplanes part 2歌词?

(Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin)  梦见我在坠落 梦见我在坠落  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Let‘s pretend like it"s 98  让我们假设现在是98年  like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys  我正吃着纸饭盒里的午饭  Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A  努力能成为出自亚特兰大市的下一个说唱歌手  Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain  渴望得到唱片签约,就可以淡忘曾经的痛苦  Now let‘s pretend like I"m on the stage  现在让我们假设我在舞台上  And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)  当我的歌的节奏响起,所有人都为之疯狂(好吧)  And everybody know my name (B.o.B)  所有人都知道我的名字(B.o.B)  And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing  我走到哪里人们都想听我说唱  Oh yeah and I just dropped my new album  我的新专辑刚刚发行  On the first week I did 500 thousand  第一周就卖了50万张  Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall  从春天的金唱片到秋天的钻石唱片(=销量过一千万)  And then a world tour just to top it all off  再加上锦上添花的全球巡演  And let"s pretend like they call me the greatest  让我们假设他们称我为最伟大的艺人  Selling out arenas with big ass stages  场场演唱会门票售光,场馆里超大号的舞台  And everybody loved me and no one ever hated  所有人都喜欢我,没有谁讨厌我  Let‘s try to use imagination  让我们尽情想象  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  (B.o.B - Verse 2)  Ok, let"s pretend like this"s never happened  好吧,让我们假设这一切都从没发生过  Like I never had dreams of being a rapper  就好像我从为梦想过成为饶舌歌手  Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes  就好像我没有在学校的每堂课都在写歌词  Like I never used to runaway into the blackness  就好像我从未躲到黑暗处  Now let‘s pretend like it was all-good  现在让我们假设一切都好好的  Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook  假设我从未活在的笔记本里做主角  Like I did the things I probably knew I should  假设我循规蹈矩地做了或许我知道我该做的事  But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood  可我生活的地方没有邻居(只有敌人)  Now let"s pretend like I ain‘t got a name  现在让我们假设我没有名气  Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray  在他们叫我B.o.B.或是Bobby Ray之前  I"m talking back before the mixtapes  我是在说我和别的歌手出合集之前  Before the videos and the deals and the fame  再拍音乐录影带,和唱片公司签约,出名之前  Before they ever once compared me to Andre  在他们把我和Andre 3000相比之前  Before I ever got Myspace  在我上Myspace建自己的空间之前  Before they ever noticed my face  在他们注意到我的脸之前  So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes  让我们假设飞机是流星然后用飞机来许愿  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream  昨天仿佛是梦一场  But those days are gone and just memories)  那些日子已经过去只留下些许回忆  (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream  昨天仿佛是梦一场  But those days are gone)  那些日子已经过去不复返  (Eminem - Verse 3)  Alright.Let"s pretend Marshall Mathers"s never picked up a pen(Marshall Mathers是Eminem本名)  好吧,现在让我们假设Marshall Mathers从没拿起过笔  Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different  让我们假设事情都毫无差异  Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation  假设他没什么动力一直拖延事业的发展  Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind  假设他给自己找尽借口甚至是那种轻薄如纸片随时会被风吹飞的无聊借口  Marshall you never gone make it  Marshall你永远不会出名的  Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win  去玩这个游戏毫无意义因为你没可能赢  Pretend he just stand outside all day and play with his friends  假设他总是呆在外面和她的朋友们混在一起玩  Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend  假设他真的有一个能称得上是朋友的朋友  And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again  假设他没有经常搬家转学  He wasn"t socially awakard and just strange as a kid  假设他没有社交障碍,就像个孩子一样奇怪  He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as shit  假设他父亲一直都在,他的母亲也不是个疯子  And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums,he just lazy as shit  假设他从来没有梦想过让整个演出场馆为他疯狂,一直都懒得像泥一样  Fuck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch  去TM的体育馆里的天才秀  You won"t amount to shit quit day dreaming kid  你不能成什么器的,停止白日梦吧,孩子  You need to get ya cranium check  你该去检查一下大脑  Your thinking like an alien just ain"t realistic  你的思维方式和外星人一般完全不现实  Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this shit  现在假设他们没有用这些讽刺他激怒他  And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed it  假设他发怒的时候连个攻击的对象都不存在  And his alarm went off to wake him  假设他的闹钟响起把他从梦中叫醒  but he didn‘t make it to the rap Olympics  可他还是没能赶上参加奥林匹克说唱赛  Left to his plane and he missed it  假设他在飞机上睡过头错过了赛事  He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Hallie and Laney  他将需要很艰难的跟Hallie和Laney(女儿和侄女)解释  these food stamps and WIC shit  家里的贫民食物券和奶票是怎么回事  Cause he never risked shit he hoped and he wished it  因为他从没冒过风险,他曾希望着,也曾经期待着  But it didn"t fall in his lap  可惜好运并没有落到他身上  So he ain"t even here  所以他甚至根本不会站在这里  he pretends that  他假设  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  airplanes In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿
2023-01-10 17:05:371

airplanes bob歌词

B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes(Lyrics by MaxRNB)-->>>Maximal R&B - Your first R&B/Hip-Hop source<<<--Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)YeahI could use a dream or a genie or a wishTo go back to a place much simpler than thisCause after all the partyin and smashin and crashinAnd all the glitz and the glam and the fashionAnd all the pandemonium and all the madnessThere comes a time where you fade to the blacknessAnd when you"re staring at that phone in your lapAnd you hoping but them people never call you backBut that"s just how the story unfoldsYou get another hand soon after you foldAnd when your plans unravelAnd they sayin what would you wish forIf you had one chanceSo airplane airplane sorry I"m lateI"m on my way so don"t close that gateIf I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flightAnd I"ll be right back at it by the end of the nightCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Somebody take me back to the daysBefore this was a job, before I got paidBefore it ever mattered what I had in my bankYeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subwayAnd back when I was rappin" for the hell of itBut now a days we rappin" to stay relevantI"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanesThen maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the daysBefore the politics that we call the rap gameAnd back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tapeAnd back before I tried to cover up my slangBut this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby RaySo can I get a wish to end the politicsAnd get back to the music that started this shitSo here I stand and then again I sayI"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanes?Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)I could really use a wish right now I-I-I could really use a wish right now Like Like shooting starsI-I-I could really use a wish right now A wish a wish right now
2023-01-10 17:05:424

开飞机的英语是fly plane还是fly planes?

准确的说法是fly a plane
2023-01-10 17:06:014

airplanes , space bound 全英文歌词

第一首 AirplanesCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)YeahI could use a dream or a genie or a wishTo go back to a place much simpler than thisCause after all the partyin" and smashin" and crashin"And all the glitz and the glam and the fashionAnd all the pandemonium and all the madnessThere comes a time where you fade to the blacknessAnd when you"re staring at that phone in your lapAnd you hoping but them people never call you backBut that"s just how the story unfoldsYou get another hand soon after you foldAnd when your plans unravelAnd they sayin" what would you wish forIf you had one chanceSo airplane airplane sorry I"m lateI"m on my way so don"t close that gateIf I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flightAnd I"ll be right back at it by the end of the nightCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsB.o.b. Airplanes lyrics found on I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Somebody take me back to the daysBefore this was a job, before I got paidBefore it ever mattered what I had in my bankYeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subwayAnd back when I was rappin" for the hell of itBut now a days we rappin" to stay relevantI"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanesThen maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the daysBefore the politics that we call the rap gameAnd back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tapeAnd back before I tried to cover up my slangBut this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby RaySo can I get a wish to end the politicsAnd get back to the music that started this sh-tSo here I stand and then again I sayI"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanesCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)第二首Space Bound[Verse 1]We touch I feel a rushWe clutch it isnt muchBut its enough to make me wonder whats in store for usIt"s lust its torcherousYou must be a socerous cause you justDid the impossibleGained my trust dont play games it"ll be dangerousIf you fuck me overCause if I get burnt imma show you what its like to hurtCause I been treated like dirt before yaAnd love is evilSpell it backwards i"ll show yaNobody knows me im coldWalk down this road all aloneIts no ones fault but my ownIt"s the path ive chosen to goFrozen as snow I show no emotion whatsoever soDon"t ask me why I have no love for these mufuckin hosBloodsuckin" suckubusses what the fuck is up with thisIve tried in this department but I aint had no luck with thisIts sucks but its exactly what I thought it would beLike tryin to start overI gotta hole in my heart im some kind of emotional roller-coasterSomethin I won"t go on til you toy with my emotion so its overIts like an explosion everytime I hold ya wasnt jokin when I told yaYa take my breathe awayYou"re a supernova.. and im a[Chorus]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s to the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250, 000 miles on a clear night in JuneAnd I aim it right at youRight at youRight at you[Verse 2]I do whatever it takesWhen im with you I get the shakesMy body aches when I aintWith you I have zero strengthTheres no limit on how far I would goNo boundries no lengthsWhy do we say that until we get that person that we thinksGonna be that one and then once we get em its never the sameYou want them when they dont want youSoon as they do feelings changeIts not a contest and I aint on no conquest for no mateI wasnt lookin but I stumbled onto you mustve been fateBut so much is at stake what the fuck does it takeLets cut to the chaseBut a door shuts in your facePromise me if I cave in and break and leave myself openThat I wont be makin a mistake[Chorus]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s to the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250, 000 miles on a clear night in JuneAnd I aim it right at youRight at youRight at you[Verse 3]So after a year and 6 months its no longer me that you wantBut I love you so much it hurtsNever mistreated you onceI poured my heart out to youLet down my guard swear to godI"ll blow my brains in your lapLay here and die in your armsUp to my knees and im bleedinI"m tryin to stop you from leavinYou wont even listen so fuck itI"m tryin to stop you from breathinI put both hands on your throatI sit on top of you squeezinTill I snap ya neck like a popsicle stickAint no possible reason I could think ofTo let you walk up out this house and let you liveTears streamed down both of my cheeksThen I let you just go and just giveAnd before I put that gun to my templeI told you this:And I would do anything for youTo show you how much I adored youBut its over nowIts too late to save our loveJust promise me youll think of me everytime you look up in the sky and see a star cause imma[Chorus]I"m a space bound rocket ship and your heart"s to the moonAnd I"m aiming right at youRight at you250 thousand miles on a clear night in JuneAnd im so lost without youSo lost without youWithout youWithout you第三首No Love Young moneyThrow dirt on me, and grow a wild flower,But it"s fuck the world, get a child out her,yeah my life a bitch, but u know nothing bout her,Been to hell and back, I can show you vouchers,I"m rollin" sweets, I"m smoking sour,Married to the game, but she broke her vows,Thats why my bars, are full of broken bottles,And my night stands are full of open bibles,Ugh I think about more then I forget,But I dont go around fire expectin" not to sweat,And these niggas know I lay em down make your bed,Bitches try to kick me, while im down I break your leg,Money out weighin" problems on the triple-beam,I"m sticking to the script, you niggas skipping scenes,Ugh be good or be good at it, fucking right I got my gun semi carter-matic.Yeah put they dick in they mouth, so I guess its fuck with they say,I"m high as a bitch, up up and away, man I come down in a couple of days,Okay you want me up in the cage, then I"ll come out in beast mode,I got this world stuck in a safe, cominbation is the G code,Its weezy motha fucka blood gang and im in bleed mode, all about my do" but I dont even check the peep hole,so you can keep knocking, but wont knock me down, no love lost, no love found.Its a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down, but what you say just dont hurt me (Thats right, and I dont need you, dont wanan see you, bitch you get no love)You showed me nothing but hate, you ran me into the ground but what comes around goes around, and you don"t hurt me (that"s right, and I don"t need you, don"t wanna see you, bitch you get no love)Bitch you get no love. No love x 7I"m live again, more alive then I"ve been in my whole entire life,I can see these people ears perk up as I begin, a spaz with a pin I"m a little bit sicker then most,Shits gonna get thick again, they say the competition is stiff but I get a hard dick from this shit now stick it in,I aint ever given in again, caution to the win complete freedom look at these rappers how I treat them so why the fuck would I join them, when I beat them,They call me a freak cuz I like to spit on these pussy"s before I eat them, man get these whack cock suckers stage where the fuck is Kanye when you need him,Snatch the mic from them bitch ima let you finish in a minute yeah the rap was tight but ummm, Ruckus got the greatest verse of all time so you might wanna go back to the lab tonight,And um scribble out them rhymes you was gonna spit an start over from scratch and write new ones, but im afraid it aint gonna make no difference when i rip the shades and tear it in half tonight,Its an adrenaline rush you feel the bass thump all the way to the parking lot fellow, set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd you can see the sparks from hot metal,Cold hearted from the day I bogaurded the game I soul started, a rock fellow and I"m not even in my harshest you can see can get roasted, cuz marshal not mellow,So on top, fill it from the top, I"m not gonna stop em, standing on my monopoly board, that"s means I"m on top of my game, and it don"t stop, till my hip don"t hop anymore,When you so good, that you cant say it cuz it aint even cool for you to sound cocky anymore,People just get sick cuz you spit these fools drool & dribble a drop anymore, and you cant ever break my stride, you never slowed the momentum and at any minute im about to blow you never take my pride,im killing the flow slow and venom, pwn niggers, no mercy mark my words, and let enough relentless I smell blood, I don"t give a fuck keep given them hell, where was you when I fell and needed help up, you get no love,Its a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down, but what you say just don"t hurt me (That"s right, and I don"t need you, don"t wanna see you, bitch you get no love)You showed me nothing but hate, you ran me into the ground but what comes around goes around, and you don"t hurt me (That"s right, and I don"t need you, don"t wanna see you, bitch you get no love)Bitch you get no love. No love x 7
2023-01-10 17:06:151

财务英语中 看到这个词 executive airplanes 是什么意思

2023-01-10 17:06:202


楼主你好,以下是Airplanes中文歌词因为我用手机找的所以没排版 请见谅我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )是啊 我可以使用一个梦想或精灵,或希望 要返回到一个地方比这个更简单 原因毕竟partyin和smashin和crashin 和所有的浮华和魅力和时尚 和所有的混乱和所有的疯狂 有这样的时刻,你消失在黑暗 当你盯着你的腿上,在手机 而你抱有希望,但他们从来没有人叫你回来 但是,这只是故事的展开 你另一只手折后不久,你 当你的计划解开 而且它们在说什么,你会想为 如果你有一个机会 因此,飞机飞机对不起,我迟到了 我对我的方式,所以不要关闭该门 如果我不作出这样的话,我会转向我的航班 而且我马上回来参加由晚上结束 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )有人带我回天 在此之前是一个工作之前,我拿工资 在此之前曾经要紧我在银行有 是啊,当我试着回"进入地铁 而当我还是说唱"为它的地狱 但现在是一个天,我们还有说唱"留有关 我guessin,如果我们希望能作出一些失控的 飞机然后或许溜溜也许我会回去的日子 之前我们称之为政治的说唱游戏 而背面是什么时候没人听我的混合磁带 和背部之前,我试图掩盖我的俚语 但是,这是为卡达,这是怎么回事博比雷 所以我可以得到一个愿望,结束政治 并取回的音乐,开始这个狗屎 所以我站在这里,然后我再一次说 我hopin",我们可以作出一些愿望失控飞机 ?我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在 )我真的希望现在使用 我,我,我真的希望现在使用 像流星一样 我,我,我真的希望现在使用 阿想一想现在
2023-01-10 17:06:342


飞机是我们常坐的交通工具,但是它起飞的声音影响人们的生活Airplanes are the means of transportation we often take, but the sound of it taking off affects people"s lives
2023-01-10 17:06:461

求 all she wrote 阿姆SOLO的歌词和 airplanes part2 中文歌词

Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin)  梦见我在坠落 梦见我在坠落  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Let‘s pretend like it"s 98  让我们假设现在是98年  like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys  我正吃着纸饭盒里的午饭  Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A  努力能成为出自亚特兰大市的下一个说唱歌手  Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain  渴望得到唱片签约,就可以淡忘曾经的痛苦  Now let‘s pretend like I"m on the stage  现在让我们假设我在舞台上  And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)  当我的歌的节奏响起,所有人都为之疯狂(好吧)  And everybody know my name (B.o.B)  所有人都知道我的名字(B.o.B)  And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing  我走到哪里人们都想听我说唱  Oh yeah and I just dropped my new album  我的新专辑刚刚发行  On the first week I did 500 thousand  第一周就卖了50万张  Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall  从春天的金唱片到秋天的钻石唱片(=销量过一千万)  And then a world tour just to top it all off  再加上锦上添花的全球巡演  And let"s pretend like they call me the greatest  让我们假设他们称我为最伟大的艺人  Selling out arenas with big ass stages  场场演唱会门票售光,场馆里超大号的舞台  And everybody loved me and no one ever hated  所有人都喜欢我,没有谁讨厌我  Let‘s try to use imagination  让我们尽情想象  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  (B.o.B - Verse 2)  Ok, let"s pretend like this"s never happened  好吧,让我们假设这一切都从没发生过  Like I never had dreams of being a rapper  就好像我从为梦想过成为饶舌歌手  Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes  就好像我没有在学校的每堂课都在写歌词  Like I never used to runaway into the blackness  就好像我从未躲到黑暗处  Now let‘s pretend like it was all-good  现在让我们假设一切都好好的  Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook  假设我从未活在的笔记本里做主角  Like I did the things I probably knew I should  假设我循规蹈矩地做了或许我知道我该做的事  But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood  可我生活的地方没有邻居(只有敌人)  Now let"s pretend like I ain‘t got a name  现在让我们假设我没有名气  Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray  在他们叫我B.o.B.或是Bobby Ray之前  I"m talking back before the mixtapes  我是在说我和别的歌手出合集之前  Before the videos and the deals and the fame  再拍音乐录影带,和唱片公司签约,出名之前  Before they ever once compared me to Andre  在他们把我和Andre 3000相比之前  Before I ever got Myspace  在我上Myspace建自己的空间之前  Before they ever noticed my face  在他们注意到我的脸之前  So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes  让我们假设飞机是流星然后用飞机来许愿  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream  昨天仿佛是梦一场  But those days are gone and just memories)  那些日子已经过去只留下些许回忆  (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream  昨天仿佛是梦一场  But those days are gone)  那些日子已经过去不复返  (Eminem - Verse 3)  Alright.Let"s pretend Marshall Mathers"s never picked up a pen(Marshall Mathers是Eminem本名)  好吧,现在让我们假设Marshall Mathers从没拿起过笔  Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different  让我们假设事情都毫无差异  Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation  假设他没什么动力一直拖延事业的发展  Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind  假设他给自己找尽借口甚至是那种轻薄如纸片随时会被风吹飞的无聊借口  Marshall you never gone make it  Marshall你永远不会出名的  Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win  去玩这个游戏毫无意义因为你没可能赢  Pretend he just stand outside all day and play with his friends  假设他总是呆在外面和她的朋友们混在一起玩  Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend  假设他真的有一个能称得上是朋友的朋友  And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again  假设他没有经常搬家转学  He wasn"t socially awakard and just strange as a kid  假设他没有社交障碍,就像个孩子一样奇怪  He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as shit  假设他父亲一直都在,他的母亲也不是个疯子  And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums,he just lazy as shit  假设他从来没有梦想过让整个演出场馆为他疯狂,一直都懒得像泥一样  Fuck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch  去TM的体育馆里的天才秀  You won"t amount to shit quit day dreaming kid  你不能成什么器的,停止白日梦吧,孩子  You need to get ya cranium check  你该去检查一下大脑  Your thinking like an alien just ain"t realistic  你的思维方式和外星人一般完全不现实  Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this shit  现在假设他们没有用这些讽刺他激怒他  And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed it  假设他发怒的时候连个攻击的对象都不存在  And his alarm went off to wake him  假设他的闹钟响起把他从梦中叫醒  but he didn‘t make it to the rap Olympics  可他还是没能赶上参加奥林匹克说唱赛  Left to his plane and he missed it  假设他在飞机上睡过头错过了赛事  He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Hallie and Laney  他将需要很艰难的跟Hallie和Laney(女儿和侄女)解释  these food stamps and WIC shit  家里的贫民食物券和奶票是怎么回事  Cause he never risked shit he hoped and he wished it  因为他从没冒过风险,他曾希望着,也曾经期待着  But it didn"t fall in his lap  可惜好运并没有落到他身上  So he ain"t even here  所以他甚至根本不会站在这里  he pretends that  他假设  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  airplanes In the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿  Can we pretend that airplanes  我们能不能假设  in the night sky  夜空中飞行的飞机  are like shooting stars  就像是流星  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的好想许一个愿
2023-01-10 17:06:511

airplane这首歌里那架飞机为什么用that airplanes

你的断句有问题噢~ Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars. 这是一个定语从句,意思等同于 Can we pretend (that) airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars 我们是否能假装夜空中的飞机只是对星星开火
2023-01-10 17:06:571

跪求B.o.B的Airplane Part 2的歌词!

B.o.B. Ft. Eminem & Hayley Williams Of Paramore - Airplanes (Part II) (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin) (B.o.B - Verse 1) Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain Now lets pretend like I"m on the stage And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok) And everybody know my name (B.o.B) And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing Oh yea and I just dropped my new album On the first week I did 500 thousand Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall And then a world tour just to top it all off And lets pretend like they call me the greatest Selling out arenas with big ass stages And everybody loved me and no one ever hated Lets try to use imagination (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) (B.o.B - Verse 1) Ok, let"s pretend like this never happened Like I never had dreams of being a rapper Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes Like I never used to runaway into the blackness Now lets pretend like it was all-good Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook Like I did the things I probably knew I should But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood Now lets pretend like I aint got a name Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray I"m talking back before the mixtapes Before the videos and the deals and the fame Before they ever once compared me to Andre Before I ever got Myspace Before they ever noticed my face So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories) (Eminem - Verse 3) Let"s Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind Marshall you never gone make it Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again He wasn"t socially awakard and just strange as a kid He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as sh-t And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch You won"t amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien It just ain"t realistic Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this sh-t And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed with And his alarm went off to wake him but he did"nt make it to the rap Olympics Left to his plane and he missed it He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it But it didn"t fall in his lap so he ain"t even hear it he pretends that (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)
2023-01-10 17:07:031


Bicycles, airplanes, trains, jeeps, motor car, steamboat. 同学你好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦
2023-01-10 17:07:091


2023-01-10 17:07:152


Nowadays, there are many means of transportation in China, such as cars, bicycles, trains, subways and airplanes。
2023-01-10 17:07:364


问题一:飞机的英文怎么写 plane: [ plein ] a. 平的 n. 飞机,平面,刨子 v. 刨 [ 名词planeness ] [ 过去式planed 过去分词planed 现在分词planing 第三人称单数planes ] 例句与用法 1. Let"s keep the conversation on a friendly plane. 让我们友好地谈话。 2. He has planed the plank *** ooth. 他已把木板刨平。 3. Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? 4. The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。 5. The plane circled the airport before landing. 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。 6. The plane flew high above. 飞机高高地在上空飞。 问题二:飞机的英语单词怎么读 plane 英 [ple?n] 谐音 puleiyin 美 [plen] 谐音pulen 问题三:飞机的英语单词怎么读 飞机的英美发音: plane 英 [ple?n] 美 [plen] n. 飞机;平面;程度,水平 问题四:做飞机的英语单词怎么写 做飞机的英语单词 make air-plane 问题五:飞机的英文,是什么。 飞机[fēi jī] 词典 aircraft;?plane; airplane;?aeroplane 网络 Jet;?take off;?Airplanes 1 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。 A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 2 现在,这架飞机的燃料快用完了。 By now the plane was running out of fuel. 3 看到你照片中的模特戴着一个顶上立着一架玩具飞机的帽子,我真是目瞪口呆。 I was really gob *** acked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it.
2023-01-10 17:07:581


问题一:飞机的英文怎么写 plane: [ plein ] a. 平的 n. 飞机,平面,刨子 v. 刨 [ 名词planeness ] [ 过去式planed 过去分词planed 现在分词planing 第三人称单数planes ] 例句与用法 1. Let"s keep the conversation on a friendly plane. 让我们友好地谈话。 2. He has planed the plank *** ooth. 他已把木板刨平。 3. Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? 4. The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。 5. The plane circled the airport before landing. 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。 6. The plane flew high above. 飞机高高地在上空飞。 问题二:飞机的英语单词怎么读 plane 英 [ple?n] 谐音 puleiyin 美 [plen] 谐音pulen 问题三:飞机的英语单词怎么读 飞机的英美发音: plane 英 [ple?n] 美 [plen] n. 飞机;平面;程度,水平 问题四:做飞机的英语单词怎么写 做飞机的英语单词 make air-plane 问题五:飞机的英文,是什么。 飞机[fēi jī] 词典 aircraft;?plane; airplane;?aeroplane 网络 Jet;?take off;?Airplanes 1 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。 A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 2 现在,这架飞机的燃料快用完了。 By now the plane was running out of fuel. 3 看到你照片中的模特戴着一个顶上立着一架玩具飞机的帽子,我真是目瞪口呆。 I was really gob *** acked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it.
2023-01-10 17:08:041

B.O.B. airplanes 中英对照歌词

  Airplanes --B.o.B&Eminem&Hayley WilliamsB.O.B  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin)  幻想着 然后我跌落 幻想着 然后我跌落  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys  让我们假装已经98岁 就像我正在吃着泡沫塑料玩着纸牌  Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A  努力成为下一个优秀的rap说唱歌手  Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain  期待着再一个榜单记录来重新认识我的疼痛  Now lets pretend like I"m on the stage  现在让我们假装我就站在舞台上  And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)  当我鼓点落下每个人都为之疯狂  And everybody know my name (B.o.B)  每个人都知道我的名字  And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing  而且我所到之处人们都想听我说唱  Oh yea and I just dropped my new album  欧耶 我刚刚发行了我的新专辑  On the first week I did 500 thousand  在第一周就破了50万  Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall  春天获得金奖 秋天就被封钻石终身成就奖  And then a world tour just to top it all off  然后一个环球巡回现出把一切推向顶峰  And lets pretend like they call me the greatest  让我们假装他们在叫我最伟大的人  Selling out arenas with big ass stages  演唱门票出售一空 场场爆满  And everybody loved me and no one ever hated  每个人都喜欢我 没有人讨厌我  Lets try to use imagination  然我们用一用想象力  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (B.o.B - Verse 1)  Ok, let"s pretend like this never happened  让我们假装就像这一切都没有发生过  Like I never had dreams of being a rapper  就像我从来没有想着成为各rap说唱歌手  Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes  就像我从没在人生的各个阶段写过rap段子  Like I never used to runaway into the blackness  就像我从来没有逃避堕入黑暗中  Now lets pretend like it was all-good  现在 让我们假装好像一切都好  Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook  就像我从来没有盯着笔记本发呆  Like I did the things I probably knew I should  就像我过去做我应该完成的事  But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood  但是我没有邻居这就是为什么他们叫我作穿兜帽的小子  Now lets pretend like I aint got a name  现在 让我们假装就像我没有我的名字  Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray  在他们叫我 B.o.B(现在的名字) 或是 a.k.a Bobby Ray(原名)  I"m talking back before the mixtapes  我总是顶嘴 在这张混音专辑前(状语后置,后面很长的都是状语)  Before the videos and the deals and the fame  在录影采访和出名前  Before they ever once compared me to Andre  在他们参加拿我和Andre比较前  Before I ever got Myspace  在我还没拥有我的一席之地前  Before they ever noticed my face  在他们还没注意过我的脸前  So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes  所以 让我们就这样假装并且向飞机许愿  Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories)  昨日重现 但它只是一个梦 只是一段记忆  (Eminem - Verse 3)  Let"s Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen  让我们假装Marshall Mathers(eminem的原名)从没捡起过一只笔  Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different  让我们假装一切都没有变化  Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation  假装人们停滞不前毫无动力  Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind  假装他编造的借口是那样单薄如同一张纸 风可以轻易吹走智慧  Marshall you never gone make it  Marshall你从没这样做  Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win  无意义的玩着游戏 但你要赢也不是没有办法  Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends  假装始终站在局外整天和他的朋友玩耍  Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend  假装他从没有一个朋友说他(eminem)是朋友  And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again  而且现在不是上学的时候一切又都没有变化  He wasn"t socially awkard and just strange as a kid  他不是难以应付社会知识向一个孩童般奇怪  He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as sh-t  他有个爸爸 还有他妈妈不会鬼扯一样的疯狂  And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit  他从未梦想过他能撕开体育场因为他像xx一样懒  F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch  在体育馆里该死的才能演出  You won"t amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid  想逃避一切变回个小孩的日子数不胜数  You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien  你需要去检查一下头颅来看看你是不是向一个外星人一样思考  It just ain"t realistic  这一切只是不切实际  Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this sh-t  现在他们没有让他因这该死的事而恼怒  And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed with  现在没有人可以成为他的目标让他撒尿的时候瞄准  And his alarm went off to wake him but he did"nt make it to the rap Olympics  当恐慌来唤醒他时他却没能成功得到说唱的奥林匹克金牌  Left to his plane and he missed it  离开并奔向他的飞机空却错过了  He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit  他将经历一段艰难时期 向Haley和Laney解释这些食物邮票和该死的冲突世界(一种游戏)  Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it  因为他从未冒过险 他希望 他期盼  But it didn"t fall in his lap so he ain"t even hear it he pretends that  但是那些没有掉落在他的膝盖上所以他从未听到他在假装那些  (Chorus - Hayley Williams)  Can we pretend that airplanes  In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望  Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky  我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机  Are like shooting stars  就像发射的明星一样  I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)  我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望)  -----(其上sh-t f-ck bitch 意思不用说你也晓得,就跳过或意译了一下 没办法eminem唱歌比较豪放叛逆嘛)
2023-01-10 17:08:091

airplanes bob eminem 歌词

Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Yeah(‘这你也懂") I could use a dream or a genie or a wish(我可以用一个梦,一个神怪或一个希望) To go back to a place much simpler than this(去回到一个比这更单纯的地方) Cause after all the partyin" and smashin" and crashin"(但是在所有的派对&欢笑&吵闹后) And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion(和所有的浮华&嘈杂&花样) And all the pandemonium and all the madness(还有所有的混乱&疯狂) There comes a time where you fade to the blackness(总有一次你会消失在那漆黑之中) And when you"re staring at that phone in your lap(当你凝视着你手中的手机) And you hoping but them people never call you back(盼望着回电可却没人回你电话时) But that"s just how the story unfolds(这也正是故事情节展开的时候) You get another hand soon after you fold(不久之后你换了只手拿手机) And when your plans unravel(当你想要闭合翻盖手机时) And they sayin" what would you wish for(他们却如你所愿回复了你的电话) If you had one chance(如果你遇到一次意外) So airplane airplane sorry I"m late(那么飞机会对给你造成的迟到表示抱歉) I"m on my way so don"t close that gate(我马上就到 请不要关上舱门) If I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flight(如果我赶上我的航班我将不会这么做) And I"ll be right back at it by the end of the night(我将肯定在深夜里回到这里) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Somebody take me back to the days(有人把我带回了从前的时光) Before this was a job, before I got paid(在我拿到这份工作的工资之前) Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank(常常在我把钱存进银行前) Yeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subway(当我试着走出地下人行道) And back when I was rappin" for the hell of it(就TM在我走在人行道中时) But now a days we rappin" to stay relevant(===不会===) I"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanes(我猜想如果我们能够不在飞机上许些愿望) Then maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the days(也许我将回到我的从前) Before the politics that we call the rap game(在这政论之前 我们称之为饶舌游戏) And back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tape(在没人听我的录音带之前) And back before I tried to cover up my slang(在我试着掩盖自己的脏话之前) But this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby Ray(但这是什么,什么Cada的光线) So can I get a wish to end the politics(所以我许下愿望结束这些政治) And get back to the music that started this sh-t(然后回到音乐当中开始骂人) So here I stand and then again I say(所以我就在这里站着然后我又说) I"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanes(我期待我们能创造出希望的飞机) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在) Can we pretend that airplanes(我们能够假装成飞机) In the night sky(在夜晚星空中) Are like shooting stars(就像那流星) I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(我可以在那一刻许下愿望)(希望现在,希望就是现在)
2023-01-10 17:08:152

B.o.B Airplanes歌词

B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes(Lyrics by MaxRNB)-->>>Maximal R&B - Your first R&B/Hip-Hop source<<<--Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)YeahI could use a dream or a genie or a wishTo go back to a place much simpler than thisCause after all the partyin and smashin and crashinAnd all the glitz and the glam and the fashionAnd all the pandemonium and all the madnessThere comes a time where you fade to the blacknessAnd when you"re staring at that phone in your lapAnd you hoping but them people never call you backBut that"s just how the story unfoldsYou get another hand soon after you foldAnd when your plans unravelAnd they sayin what would you wish forIf you had one chanceSo airplane airplane sorry I"m lateI"m on my way so don"t close that gateIf I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flightAnd I"ll be right back at it by the end of the nightCan we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Somebody take me back to the daysBefore this was a job, before I got paidBefore it ever mattered what I had in my bankYeah back when I was tryin" to get into the subwayAnd back when I was rappin" for the hell of itBut now a days we rappin" to stay relevantI"m guessin that if we can make some wishes outta airplanesThen maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the daysBefore the politics that we call the rap gameAnd back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tapeAnd back before I tried to cover up my slangBut this is for the Cada, what"s up Bobby RaySo can I get a wish to end the politicsAnd get back to the music that started this shitSo here I stand and then again I sayI"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanes?Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)I could really use a wish right now I-I-I could really use a wish right now Like Like shooting starsI-I-I could really use a wish right now A wish a wish right now
2023-01-10 17:08:242

飞机用英语怎么说 飞机用英语如何说

1、airplane:英[ˈeəpleɪn]、美[ˈerpleɪn] 2、n.飞机; 3、[例句]The insured value of the airplane was greater than its book value.该飞机的投保价值高于它的实际账面价值。 4、[其他]复数:airplanes
2023-01-10 17:08:351


airplane英 [ˈeəpleɪn]   美 [ˈerpleɪn]  n.<美>飞机复数: airplanes双语例句1The airplane crashed on a hillside. 飞机在山坡上坠毁。2The airplane lifted from the aircraft carrier. 飞机从航空母舰上起飞。3The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound. 这架新式飞机以两倍于音速的速度飞行。4He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled 在摄像时他不慎滑倒在飞机座位间的通道上。5I was really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it. 看到你照片中的模特戴着一个顶上立着一架玩具飞机的帽子,我真是目瞪口呆。
2023-01-10 17:08:491


Airplanes by:B.o.B(Ft. Hayley Williams)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting stars(我们能否假装夜空中的飞机其实是一颗流星)I could really use a wish right now,wish right now,wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿,许一个愿,许一个愿)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting stars(我们能否假装夜空中的飞机其实是一颗流星)I could really use a wish right now,wish right now,wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿,许一个愿,许一个愿)Yeah,I could use a dream or a genie or a wish(哟,我有个一梦想,一个精灵,一个愿望)To go back to a place much simpler than this(让我回到从前,与世无争)Cause after all the partying and smashing and crashing(因为在这所有的派对,荣华和富贵背后)And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion(还有这炫目的闪光,时尚的流行背后)And all the pandemonium and all the madness(还有这所有的喧嚣和所有的疯狂背后)There comes a time where you fade to the darkness(曾有一段时期你堕入黑暗之中)And when you staring at that phone in your lap(那时你目不转睛的盯着你大腿上的电话)And you hoping,but them people never call you back(你在祈祷,但唱片公司从没回过你的电话)But that"s just how the story unfolds(但那只是故事的开始)You get another hand soon after you fold(一个机遇消失一个机遇又到来)And when your planes unravel and descend(当你的计划被全盘否定时)What would you wish for if you had one chance(如果你只有一次机会你会如何许愿)So airplane,airplane sorry I"m late(飞机,飞机,抱歉我来的太迟)I"m on my way so don"t close that gate(我马上就到请不要关闭机舱)If I don"t make that then I"ll switch my flight(如果没有赶到我会换下一个航班)And I"ll be right back at it by the end of the night(在黑夜的终末我会再度回来)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting stars(我们能否假装夜空中的飞机其实是一颗流星)I could really use a wish right now,wish right now,wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿,许一个愿,许一个愿)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting stars(我们能否假装夜空中的飞机其实是一颗流星)I could really use a wish right now,wish right now,wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿,许一个愿,许一个愿)Somebody take me back to the days(请让我回到过去那段日子)Before this was a job,before i get paid(那时饶舌还不是我的工作,我还没拿到薪水)Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank(那时我在银行里还没有存过钱)Yeah back when I was trying to get into the subway(那时我还在地铁里卖唱)Back when I was rapping for the hell of it(那时我可以随心所欲的饶舌)But nowdays we rapping to stay relevant(但现在却为了引领潮流而饶舌)I"m guessing that if we can make some wishes out of airplanes(我猜如果我们能把飞机当成流行来许愿)Then maybe oh maybe I"ll go back to the days(那也许说不定我就能回到从前)Before the politics that we call the rap game(那时饶舌游戏还不像争权斗势)And back when ain"t nobody listened to my mixtape(那时没有一个人听过我的样带)And back before I tried to cover up my slang(那时我努力想掩盖我的口音)But this is for Decatur what"s up Boddy Ray(这首歌是为了我的家乡Decatur,那时我名叫Boddy Ray)So can I get a wish to end the politics(所以我能否许个愿来结束这斗争)And get back to the music that started this shit(回到音乐的本源,回到我开始的地方)So here I stand and then again I say(所以现在我在这里,我还要再说一遍)I"m hoping we can make some wishes out of airplanes(我希望我们能通过飞机来许一些愿)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting stars(我们能否假装夜空中的飞机其实是一颗流星)I could really use a wish right now,wish right now,wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿,许一个愿,许一个愿)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting stars(我们能否假装夜空中的飞机其实是一颗流星)I could really use a wish right now,wish right now,wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿,许一个愿,许一个愿)I could really use a wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿望)I-I-I could really use a wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿望)Like like like shooting stars(就像是,就像是,就像是流星)I-I-I could really use a wish right now(这样我就能许一个愿望)A wish,a wish right now(许一个,许一个愿望)
2023-01-10 17:08:541


Airplanes --B.o.B&Eminem&Hayley WilliamsB.O.B Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin) 幻想着 然后我跌落 幻想着 然后我跌落 (B.o.B - Verse 1) Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys 让我们假装已经98岁 就像我正在吃着泡沫塑料玩着纸牌 Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A 努力成为下一个优秀的rap说唱歌手 Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain 期待着再一个榜单记录来重新认识我的疼痛 Now lets pretend like I"m on the stage 现在让我们假装我就站在舞台上 And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok) 当我鼓点落下每个人都为之疯狂 And everybody know my name (B.o.B) 每个人都知道我的名字 And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing 而且我所到之处人们都想听我说唱 Oh yea and I just dropped my new album 欧耶 我刚刚发行了我的新专辑 On the first week I did 500 thousand 在第一周就破了50万 Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall 春天获得金奖 秋天就被封钻石终身成就奖 And then a world tour just to top it all off 然后一个环球巡回现出把一切推向顶峰 And lets pretend like they call me the greatest 让我们假装他们在叫我最伟大的人 Selling out arenas with big ass stages 演唱门票出售一空 场场爆满 And everybody loved me and no one ever hated 每个人都喜欢我 没有人讨厌我 Lets try to use imagination 然我们用一用想象力 Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 (B.o.B - Verse 1) Ok, let"s pretend like this never happened 让我们假装就像这一切都没有发生过 Like I never had dreams of being a rapper 就像我从来没有想着成为各rap说唱歌手 Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes 就像我从没在人生的各个阶段写过rap段子 Like I never used to runaway into the blackness 就像我从来没有逃避堕入黑暗中 Now lets pretend like it was all-good 现在 让我们假装好像一切都好 Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook 就像我从来没有盯着笔记本发呆 Like I did the things I probably knew I should 就像我过去做我应该完成的事 But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood 但是我没有邻居这就是为什么他们叫我作穿兜帽的小子 Now lets pretend like I aint got a name 现在 让我们假装就像我没有我的名字 Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray 在他们叫我 B.o.B(现在的名字) 或是 a.k.a Bobby Ray(原名) I"m talking back before the mixtapes 我总是顶嘴 在这张混音专辑前(状语后置,后面很长的都是状语) Before the videos and the deals and the fame 在录影采访和出名前 Before they ever once compared me to Andre 在他们参加拿我和Andre比较前 Before I ever got Myspace 在我还没拥有我的一席之地前 Before they ever noticed my face 在他们还没注意过我的脸前 So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes 所以 让我们就这样假装并且向飞机许愿 Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories) 昨日重现 但它只是一个梦 只是一段记忆 (Eminem - Verse 3) Let"s Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen 让我们假装Marshall Mathers(eminem的原名)从没捡起过一只笔 Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different 让我们假装一切都没有变化 Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation 假装人们停滞不前毫无动力 Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind 假装他编造的借口是那样单薄如同一张纸 风可以轻易吹走智慧 Marshall you never gone make it Marshall你从没这样做 Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win 无意义的玩着游戏 但你要赢也不是没有办法 Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends 假装始终站在局外整天和他的朋友玩耍 Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend 假装他从没有一个朋友说他(eminem)是朋友 And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again 而且现在不是上学的时候一切又都没有变化 He wasn"t socially awkard and just strange as a kid 他不是难以应付社会知识向一个孩童般奇怪 He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as sh-t 他有个爸爸 还有他妈妈不会鬼扯一样的疯狂 And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit 他从未梦想过他能撕开体育场因为他像xx一样懒 F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch 在体育馆里该死的才能演出 You won"t amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid 想逃避一切变回个小孩的日子数不胜数 You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien 你需要去检查一下头颅来看看你是不是向一个外星人一样思考 It just ain"t realistic 这一切只是不切实际 Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this sh-t 现在他们没有让他因这该死的事而恼怒 And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed with 现在没有人可以成为他的目标让他撒尿的时候瞄准 And his alarm went off to wake him but he did"nt make it to the rap Olympics 当恐慌来唤醒他时他却没能成功得到说唱的奥林匹克金牌 Left to his plane and he missed it 离开并奔向他的飞机空却错过了 He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit 他将经历一段艰难时期 向Haley和Laney解释这些食物邮票和该死的冲突世界(一种游戏) Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it 因为他从未冒过险 他希望 他期盼 But it didn"t fall in his lap so he ain"t even hear it he pretends that 但是那些没有掉落在他的膝盖上所以他从未听到他在假装那些 (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望)
2023-01-10 17:09:001

B.o.B 的 Airplanes的中文歌词

B.o.B壮举。海利威廉姆斯 - 飞机 (由MaxRNB歌词) -->>>最大的的R&B - 你的第一的的R&B /嘻哈源<<<-- 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在) 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在) 是啊 我可以使用一个梦想或精灵,或希望 要返回到一个地方比这个更简单 原因毕竟partyin和smashin和crashin 和所有的浮华和魅力和时尚 和所有的混乱和所有的疯狂 有这样的时刻,你消失在黑暗 当你盯着你的腿上,在手机 而你抱有希望,但他们从来没有人叫你回来 但是,这只是故事的展开 你另一只手折后不久,你 当你的计划解开 而且它们在说什么,你会想为 如果你有一个机会 因此,飞机飞机对不起,我迟到了 我对我的方式,所以不要关闭该门 如果我不作出这样的话,我会转向我的航班 而且我马上回来参加由晚上结束 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在) 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在) 有人带我回天 在此之前是一个工作之前,我拿工资 在此之前曾经要紧我在银行有 是啊,当我试着回"进入地铁 而当我还是说唱"为它的地狱 但现在是一个天,我们还有说唱"留有关 我guessin,如果我们希望能作出一些失控的飞机 然后或许溜溜也许我会回去的日子 之前我们称之为政治的说唱游戏 而背面是什么时候没人听我的混合磁带 和背部之前,我试图掩盖我的俚语 但是,这是为卡达,这是怎么回事博比雷 所以我可以得到一个愿望,结束政治 并取回的音乐,开始这个狗屎 所以我站在这里,然后我再一次说 我hopin",我们可以作出一些愿望失控飞机? 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在) 我们可以假装飞机 夜空中 像流星 我真的希望现在使用(希望现在)(想现在) 我真的希望现在使用 我,我,我真的希望现在使用 像流星一样 我,我,我真的希望现在使用 阿想一想现在
2023-01-10 17:09:061


Sleeps With Butterflies 和蝴蝶同眠Airplanes take you away again飞机再一次将你带走Are you flying above where we live你在我们住处的上空飞行么Then I look up, a glare in my eyes我抬起头 眼中闪烁Are you having regrets about last night你对昨夜后悔么I"m not, but I like rivers that rush in我没有 但我喜欢急流的河水So then I dove in所以我跳入Is there trouble ahead for you, the acrobat特技飞行员 你面前有麻烦么I won"t push you unless you have a net如果你陷入网中我会将你推开You say the word you know I will find you你说过你知道我会找到你Or if you need some time I don"t mind或许你需要时间 我不在意I don"t hold onto the tail of your kite我不会紧抓你风筝的尾巴不放I"m not like the girls that you"ve known我不像你了解的其他女孩一样But I believe I"m worth coming home to kiss away night但我相信我有价值回家通宵热吻This girl only sleeps with butterflies这个女孩只和蝴蝶同眠So go on and fly then, boy所以走吧 飞走吧 小伙子Balloons look good from on the ground在地面上看气球很不错I fear with pins and needles around我担心周围会有别针和尖针We may fall then stumble upon a carousel我们可能会坠落 然后蹒跚地爬上旋转木马It could take us anywhere它可以带我们去任何地方Kiss her, waiting by this girl亲吻她 这个女孩在等待着
2023-01-10 17:09:116

airplanes bob eminem 歌词

2023-01-10 17:09:582

travis garland的airplanes歌词

Could we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now(Wish right now, wish right now)I"m praying that this stairwayLeads somewhere like heavens doorAnd when you get there don"t look down(Don"t look down, don"t look down)And I remember the first day of schoolWhen you walked right next to meYou taught me everything that I knowAnd you always knew what to sayTime goes onNow every word in every damn songReminds me of your face(You were part of me, You were part of me)I didn"t know everything I gotNow I know that you are goneFeel you right here next to meThough I know that you"ve moved onBut the hardest thing of all is knowingI didn"t get to say(You Were everything, You were everything)Could we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now(Wish right now, wish right now)I"m praying that this stairwayLeads somewhere like heavens doorAnd when you get there don"t look down(Don"t look down, don"t look down)And all the people sayAnd all the people say(Ah Listen)(Oh)People kill what they don"t understandAll the legends they die in the hands of lesser menJesus and JFK and marvin and biggie manI wonder if life after death was ever fair for themLive in the moment, I was never really one planSo many things I wasn"t meant ever to understandWhat if alice imagined her trip to wonderlandAnd why didn"t Paul have shoes like the rest of them didSo many memories are passed up when I was awayAnd all the experiences I couldn"t ever replaceAll the million times my heart, a part of it brakeI guess I"m harder for the hardships I had to faceBefore every singel show I pray til I sweatI give my heart to a thousend people, I have never metAnd then I let it all go, all the pain and regretHope God forgive me for the sins that I"m about to commitDon"t wanna get by, I wanna excelI know life is like the crossroad for heaven and hellRight and wrong, somethimes it"s just so hard to tellBut at least I"m saving others if I"m losing myselfCould we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now(Wish right now, wish right now)I"m prayin" that this stairwayLeads somewhere like heavens doorAnd when you get there don"t look down(Don"t look down, don"t look down)Airplanes in the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now
2023-01-10 17:10:071

airplanes part 2歌词?

Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin)(B.o.B - Verse 1)Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treysTrying to be the next rapper coming out the AHoping for a record deal, to re-know my painNow lets pretend like I"m on the stageAnd when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)And everybody know my name (B.o.B)And everywhere I go people wanna hear me singOh yea and I just dropped my new albumOn the first week I did 500 thousandGold in the spring and diamond in the fallAnd then a world tour just to top it all offAnd lets pretend like they call me the greatestSelling out arenas with big ass stagesAnd everybody loved me and no one ever hatedLets try to use imagination(Chorus - Hayley Williams)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(B.o.B - Verse 1)Ok, let"s pretend like this never happenedLike I never had dreams of being a rapperLike I didn"t write raps in all of my classesLike I never used to runaway into the blacknessNow lets pretend like it was all-goodLike I didn"t live starring in a notebookLike I did the things I probably knew I shouldBut I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hoodNow lets pretend like I aint got a nameBefore they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby RayI"m talking back before the mixtapesBefore the videos and the deals and the fameBefore they ever once compared me to AndreBefore I ever got MyspaceBefore they Airplanes-B.o.B. Featuring Hayley Williams of Paramore文本歌词[下载] (Hayley: Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now )B.o.B: Yeah, I could use a dream or a genie or a wish To go back to a place much simpler than this Cause after all the partying, the smashin" and crashin" And all the glips and the glam and the fashion And all the pandemonium and all the madness There comes a time where you fade to the blackness And when you starin" at that phone in your lap And you hopin" but them people never call you back But that"s just how the story unfolds You get another hand soon after you fold And when your plans unravel in the sand What would you wish for if you had one chance So airplane, airplane sorry I"m late I"m on my way so don"t close that gate If I don"t make that, then I switch my flight And I"ll be right back at it by the end of the night (repeat)B.o.B: Yeah, yeah Somebody take me back to the days Before this was a job Before I got payed Before it ever matter what I had in my bank Yeah, back when I was tryin" to get a tip at Subway And back when I was rappin" for the hell of it But now a days we rappin" in state relevant I"m guessin" that if we can make some wishes outta airplanes, then maybe oh maybe I"d go back to the days Before the politics that we called a rap game And back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tape And back before I tried to cover up my slang But this is for Decatur what"s up Bobby Ray So can I get a wish, to end the politics And get back to the music that started this shit So here I stand and then again I say I"m hopin" we can make some wishes outta airplanes (repeat)B.o.B I could really use a wish right now (Hayley: Oh oh oh oh oh) I, I, I could really use a wish right now Like, like Airplanes-B o B Feat Hayley Williams文本歌词[下载] B.o.B. Ft. Eminem & Hayley Williams Of Paramore - Airplanes (Part II)(Chorus - Hayley Williams)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin)(B.o.B - Verse 1)Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treysTrying to be the next rapper coming out the AHoping for a record deal, to re-know my painNow lets pretend like I"m on the stageAnd when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)And everybody know my name (B.o.B)And everywhere I go people wanna hear me singOh yea and I just dropped my new albumOn the first week I did 500 thousandGold in the spring and diamond in the fallAnd then a world tour just to top it all offAnd lets pretend like they call me the greatestSelling out arenas with big ass stagesAnd everybody loved me and no one ever hatedLets try to use imagination(Chorus - Hayley Williams)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)(B.o.B - Verse 1)Ok, let"s pretend like this never happenedLike I never had dreams of being a rapperLike I didn"t write raps in all of my classesLike I never used to runaway into the blacknessNow lets pretend like it was all-goodLike I didn"t live starring in a notebookLike I did the things I probably knew I shouldBut I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hoodNow lets pretend like I aint got a nameBefore they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby RayI"m talking back before the mixtapesBefore the videos and the
2023-01-10 17:10:132

英文歌 大概歌词是 b o b o b o no b o b o no

2023-01-10 17:10:222

一首英文歌,女声的。就记得里面有有句歌词是wake up wake up lazy bird。挺舒缓的曲调。

2023-01-10 17:10:362

跪求B.o.B的Airplane Part 2的歌词!

女声:Can we pretend that airplanes in the night skyAre like shooting starsI could really use a Wish right now(wish right now,~~~~)女生重唱Yeah,I could use a dream or a genie or a WishTo go back to a place much simpler than this Cause after all the partyin and smashin and crashinAnd all the Glitz and the glam and the fashionAnd all the pandemonium and all the madnessThere comes a time where you fade the blacknessAnd when you"re starting at that phone in your lapAnd you hoping but them people never call you backBut that"s just how the story unfolds You get another hand soon after you foldAnd when you plans unravelAnd they sayin what would you wish forIf you had one chanceSo airplane airplane sorry I"m lateI"m on my way so don"t close that gateIf I"ll make that then I"ll switch my flight And I"ll right back at it by the end of the night 女生重唱Somebody take me back to the daysBefore this was a job, Before I got paid Before it ever mattered what I had in my bankYeah back when I was tryin to get into the subwayand back when I was reppin for the hell of it But now a days we rappin" to stay relevantI"m gusing that if we can make some wishes outta airpanesThe maybe yo maybe I"ll go back to the daysBefore the politics that we call the rap game And back when ain"t nobody listened to my mix tapeAnd back before I tried to cover up my slangBut this is for the cada, what"s up Bobby RaySo can I get a whis to end the politicsAnd get back to the music that started this shitSo I here stand and then again I sayI"m hopin" we can make some whishes outta airpanes?女生重唱I could really use a whish right nowI-I-I could really use a whish right now whish right nowLike like shooting starsI-I-I could really use a whish right now A whish a whish right now
2023-01-10 17:10:442


2023-01-10 17:10:565

airplanes enable people to travel through the air...through是什么意思

本来是通过,through the air 就可以理解成 在空中,
2023-01-10 17:11:193

跪求B.o.B的Airplane Part 2的歌词!

B.o.B. Ft. Eminem & Hayley Williams Of Paramore - Airplanes (Part II) (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin) (B.o.B - Verse 1) Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain Now lets pretend like I"m on the stage And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok) And everybody know my name (B.o.B) And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing Oh yea and I just dropped my new album On the first week I did 500 thousand Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall And then a world tour just to top it all off And lets pretend like they call me the greatest Selling out arenas with big ass stages And everybody loved me and no one ever hated Lets try to use imagination (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) (B.o.B - Verse 1) Ok, let"s pretend like this never happened Like I never had dreams of being a rapper Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes Like I never used to runaway into the blackness Now lets pretend like it was all-good Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook Like I did the things I probably knew I should But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood Now lets pretend like I aint got a name Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray I"m talking back before the mixtapes Before the videos and the deals and the fame Before they ever once compared me to Andre Before I ever got Myspace Before they ever noticed my face So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories) (Eminem - Verse 3) Let"s Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind Marshall you never gone make it Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again He wasn"t socially awakard and just strange as a kid He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as sh-t And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch You won"t amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien It just ain"t realistic Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this sh-t And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed with And his alarm went off to wake him but he did"nt make it to the rap Olympics Left to his plane and he missed it He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it But it didn"t fall in his lap so he ain"t even hear it he pretends that (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)
2023-01-10 17:11:301


Larry (拉里) 想成为一名飞行员.他想拥有一架飞机.但是,他没有钱.他不能够拥有飞机.他只有一把躺椅.拉里将45个气球系在他的躺椅上,然后坐在椅子上.躺椅在上升.过了几分钟,一切顺利.从躺椅上看风景非常漂亮.拉里可以看到他下面的许多房子,还有很多的树.他很开心.他正在飞.但过了一会儿,躺椅升的很高.他并不想上升的这么高.他有些害怕.他想下降一些.他用随身带的那把枪射10个气球.之后,糟糕的事情发生了.枪掉在地上.他不能用枪射气球了.然后,躺椅上升的越来越高.拉里已经离地面有三英里高了.他现在非常危险.因为飞机在他的头上以及他身下飞(Because airplanes are flying over his hand and under him这句中的hand是不是应该为head).他带了一个小的无线电通讯器,他大声对着通讯器喊 "救命!救命!我正坐在躺椅上飞,我想下来!"但是人们帮不了他.拉里坐在躺椅上飞了45分钟.然后,气球开始漏气.慢慢地躺椅落了下来,拉里有回到地面上.他没事了.拉里说 "我当了45分钟的躺椅飞行员".
2023-01-10 17:11:352


Who invented airplanes?Who was/were the inventor/inventors of airplanes?the Wright brothers
2023-01-10 17:11:435


There are five airplanes in the sky.
2023-01-10 17:12:212

drop money out of airplanes是什么意思

2023-01-10 17:12:302


飞机 ( An Introduction to Aeroplane)Airplanes come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the mission of the aircraft, but all modern airplanes have certain components in common. These are the fuselage, wing, tail assembly and control surfaces, landing gear, and powerplant(s).For any airplane to fly, it must be able to lift the weight of the airplane, its fuel, the passengers, and the cargo. The wings generate most of the lift to hold the plane in the air. To generate lift, the airplane must be pushed through the air. The engines, which are usually located beneath the wings, provide the thrust to push the airplane forward through the air.The fuselage is the body of the airplane that holds all the pieces of the aircraft together and many of the other large components are attached to it. The fuselage is generally streamlined as much as possible to reduce drag. Designs for fuselages vary widely. The fuselage houses the cockpit where the pilot and flight crew sit and it provides areas for passengers and cargo. It may also carry armaments of various sorts. Some aircraft carry fuel in the fuselage; others carry the fuel in the wings. In addition, an engine may be housed in the fuselage.The wing provides the principal lifting force of an airplane. Lift is obtained from the dynamic action of the wing with respect to the air. The cross-sectional shape of the wing as viewed from the side is known as the airfoil section. The planform shape of the wing (the shape of the wing as viewed from above) and placement of the wing on the fuselage (including the angle of incidence), as well as the airfoil section shape, depend upon the airplane mission and the best compromise necessary in the overall airplane design.The control surfaces include all those moving surfaces of an airplane used for attitude, lift, and drag control. They include the tail assembly, the structures at the rear of the airplane that serve to control and maneuver the aircraft and structures forming part of and attached to the wing.The tail usually has a fixed horizontal piece (called the horizontal stabilizer) and a fixed vertical piece (called the vertical stabilizer). The stabilizers provide stability for the aircraft—they keep it flying straight. The vertical stabilizer keeps the nose of the plane from swinging from side to side (called yaw), while the horizontal stabilizer prevents an up-and-down motion of the nose (called pitch). (On the Wright brothers" first successful aircraft, the horizontal stabilizer was placed in front of the wings. Such a configuration is called a canard after the French word for "duck").The hinged part found on the trailing edge of the wing is called the aileron. It is used to roll the wings from side to side. Flaps are hinged or pivoted parts of the leading and/or trailing edges of the wing used to increase lift at reduced airspeeds, primarily at landing and takeoff. Spoilers are devices used to disrupt the airflow over the wing so as to reduce the lift on an airplane wing quickly. By operating independently on each wing, they may provide an alternate form of roll control. Slats at the front part of the wing are used at takeoff and landing to produce additional lift.At the rear of both the aileron surfaces and elevators and rudders are small moving sections called trim tabs that are attached by hinges. Their function is to (1) balance the airplane if it is too nose heavy, tail heavy, or wing heavy to fly in a stable cruise condition; (2) maintain the elevator, rudder, and ailerons at whatever setting the pilot wishes without the pilot maintaining pressure on the controls; and (3) help move the elevators, rudder, and ailerons and thus relieve the pilot of the effort necessary to move the surfaces.The landing gear, or undercarriage, supports the airplane when it is resting on the ground or in water and during the takeoff and landing. The gear may be fixed or retractable. The wheels of most airplanes are attached to shock-absorbing struts that use oil or air to cushion the blow of landing. Special types of landing gear include skis for snow and floats for water. For carrier landings, arrester hooks are used.Forward motion, or thrust, is generated by a thrust-producing device or powerplant to sustain flight. The powerplant consists of the engine (and propeller, if present) and the related accessories. The main engine types are the reciprocating (or piston type), and the reaction, or jet, engine such as the ram jet, pulse jet, turbojet, turboprop, and rocket engine. The propeller converts the energy of a reciprocating engine"s rotating crankshaft into a thrust force. Usually the engines are located in cowled pods hung beneath the wings, but some aircraft, like fighter aircraft, will have the engines buried in the fuselage.Other configurations have sometime been used. For instance, the Wright brothers" 1903 Flyer had pusher propellers (propellers at the rear of the plane) and the elevators at the front of the aircraft. Many fighter aircraft also combine the horizontal stabilizer and elevator into a single stabilator surface. There are many possible aircraft configurations, but any configuration must provide for the four forces needed for flight.转的,希望帮助你,谢谢
2023-01-10 17:12:391


天空中有两架飞机 There are two planes in the sky
2023-01-10 17:12:472


There are five airplanes in the sky.
2023-01-10 17:12:562


There are some airplanes in the sky.
2023-01-10 17:13:063


飞机 ( An Introduction to Aeroplane) Airplanes come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the mission of the aircraft, but all modern airplanes have certain components in common. These are the fuselage, wing, tail assembly and control surfaces, landing gear, and powerplant(s). For any airplane to fly, it must be able to lift the weight of the airplane, its fuel, the passengers, and the cargo. The wings generate most of the lift to hold the plane in the air. To generate lift, the airplane must be pushed through the air. The engines, which are usually located beneath the wings, provide the thrust to push the airplane forward through the air. The fuselage is the body of the airplane that holds all the pieces of the aircraft together and many of the other large components are attached to it. The fuselage is generally streamlined as much as possible to reduce drag. Designs for fuselages vary widely. The fuselage houses the cockpit where the pilot and flight crew sit and it provides areas for passengers and cargo. It may also carry armaments of various sorts. Some aircraft carry fuel in the fuselage; others carry the fuel in the wings. In addition, an engine may be housed in the fuselage. The wing provides the principal lifting force of an airplane. Lift is obtained from the dynamic action of the wing with respect to the air. The cross-sectional shape of the wing as viewed from the side is known as the airfoil section. The planform shape of the wing (the shape of the wing as viewed from above) and placement of the wing on the fuselage (including the angle of incidence), as well as the airfoil section shape, depend upon the airplane mission and the best compromise necessary in the overall airplane design. The control surfaces include all those moving surfaces of an airplane used for attitude, lift, and drag control. They include the tail assembly, the structures at the rear of the airplane that serve to control and maneuver the aircraft and structures forming part of and attached to the wing. The tail usually has a fixed horizontal piece (called the horizontal stabilizer) and a fixed vertical piece (called the vertical stabilizer). The stabilizers provide stability for the aircraft—they keep it flying straight. The vertical stabilizer keeps the nose of the plane from swinging from side to side (called yaw), while the horizontal stabilizer prevents an up-and-down motion of the nose (called pitch). (On the Wright brothers" first successful aircraft, the horizontal stabilizer was placed in front of the wings. Such a configuration is called a canard after the French word for "duck"). The hinged part found on the trailing edge of the wing is called the aileron. It is used to roll the wings from side to side. Flaps are hinged or pivoted parts of the leading and/or trailing edges of the wing used to increase lift at reduced airspeeds, primarily at landing and takeoff. Spoilers are devices used to disrupt the airflow over the wing so as to reduce the lift on an airplane wing quickly. By operating independently on each wing, they may provide an alternate form of roll control. Slats at the front part of the wing are used at takeoff and landing to produce additional lift. At the rear of both the aileron surfaces and elevators and rudders are small moving sections called trim tabs that are attached by hinges. Their function is to (1) balance the airplane if it is too nose heavy, tail heavy, or wing heavy to fly in a stable cruise condition; (2) maintain the elevator, rudder, and ailerons at whatever setting the pilot wishes without the pilot maintaining pressure on the controls; and (3) help move the elevators, rudder, and ailerons and thus relieve the pilot of the effort necessary to move the surfaces. The landing gear, or undercarriage, supports the airplane when it is resting on the ground or in water and during the takeoff and landing. The gear may be fixed or retractable. The wheels of most airplanes are attached to shock-absorbing struts that use oil or air to cushion the blow of landing. Special types of landing gear include skis for snow and floats for water. For carrier landings, arrester hooks are used. Forward motion, or thrust, is generated by a thrust-producing device or powerplant to sustain flight. The powerplant consists of the engine (and propeller, if present) and the related accessories. The main engine types are the reciprocating (or piston type), and the reaction, or jet, engine such as the ram jet, pulse jet, turbojet, turboprop, and rocket engine. The propeller converts the energy of a reciprocating engine"s rotating crankshaft into a thrust force. Usually the engines are located in cowled pods hung beneath the wings, but some aircraft, like fighter aircraft, will have the engines buried in the fuselage. Other configurations have sometime been used. For instance, the Wright brothers" 1903 Flyer had pusher propellers (propellers at the rear of the plane) and the elevators at the front of the aircraft. Many fighter aircraft also combine the horizontal stabilizer and elevator into a single stabilator surface. There are many possible aircraft configurations, but any configuration must provide for the four forces needed for flight.
2023-01-10 17:13:181


民航飞行学院Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) is the only full-time regular institution of higher education for civil aviation pilots, as well as technicians of other civil aviation specialties and high-quality applied professionals in engineering, management and arts required by national economy, under the direct jurisdiction of CAAC. With its headquarter in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, CAFUC, covering a total area of over 15500mu, has four flight training sub-colleges in Xinjin, Guanghan, Luoyang and Mianyang and two air terminals in Luoyang and Suining. It has set up 7 colleges, including College of Flight Technology, College of Air Traffic Control, College of Aviation Engineering, College of Air Transport Management, College of Computer Science, College of Foreign Languages, and College of Cabin Attendants, Sports Department, Simulator Training Center, Aero Engine Maintenance Training Center, Aircraft Repair Plant, Sanxing General Airline Co., Ltd., and Chinese Civil Aviation Scientific Research Base. Now CAFUC has more than 8000 full-time students. It has formed an educational pattern of “flight orientation and comprehensive development” and become the largest “university of civil aviation” in Asia with world reputation.In the past 50 years CAFUC accumulates abundant experiences and possesses over 500 flight or other specialty teachers with precise teaching style and exquisite technology, among which those with senior professional title account for about 30%. Of flight instructors 59 are granted the Meritorious Pilot title and some 100 are awarded golden, silver or copper medals of safe flying, accounting for 26% and 44% of the total respectively, and those whose safe flying hours is above 4000 account for 80%. Nowadays CAFUC has 5 well-equipped flight-training airports in Xinjin, Guanghan, Mianyang and Suining of Sichuan and Luoyang of Henan, 166 airplanes of 14 types for Instructional Training use and 30 supporting simulators and exercisers. In recent years CAFUC has made extraordinary achievements in aviation safety. It has won the highest award for general aviation—“Golden Seagull Cup” granted by CAAC for six times and been successively granted the honorable titles of “National Advanced Primary Party Organization”, “National Model Unit of Safe Flying”, “National Model Unit in Taking Comprehensive Measures to Maintain Public Order”, “National Civil Aviation Advanced Unit of Safe Flying”, “Sichuan Model Unit”, “Sichuan Advanced Unit in Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities”, “Excellent Higher Education Institution of Carrying out School Sports Work Regulations”, etc.At present CAFUC offer 20 specialties for undergraduates, including flight technology (cargo transport aircraft pilot, general aircraft pilot, helicopter pilot), transport and communication (air traffic control, flight dispatch, aeronautical information and airfield control), English, computer science and technology, business administration, heat energy and power engineering, electronic information engineering, safety engineering, traffic engineering, logistic management, marketing, cabin attendant and tourist management, business management and air service. Since its foundation CAFUC has been responsible for high-quality flight technical talent cultivation for CAAC. According to development requirements of civil aviation and higher education, it works hard and innovates to have established a complete talent cultivation system for civil aviation of China and formed distinct educational characteristics. During the 50 years CAFUC has cultivated over 10000 pilots and 5000 ground technical professionals for Chinese civil aviation and done the transition training of about 7000 (person-times) pilots and continuing education of 8000 (person-times) professionals of civil aviation. It also has cultivated a large number of pilots for such countries and regions as Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Mongolia, Cambodia, Hong Kong and Macao. Its adult education and private pilot certificate training has begun to take shape.
2023-01-10 17:13:251


空客公司制作了一个系列的航空知识科普动画,内容生动有趣,航空知识讲解得浅显易懂,实为佳品,值得一观。此为第一章第三个动画“How do airplanes fly?”,介绍了飞机飞行的原理。视频源于空客官网。
2023-01-10 17:13:312


从周一至周五大多数人都忙于工作或学习,但在晚上和周末,他们可以随意地舒展身心,享受生活。有人会看电视或看电影,亦有些人会参加体育活动。这取决于个人的兴趣,这有许多不同的方式来度过课余时间。 几乎每个人都会有些爱好,从集邮到制作模型飞机。有些爱好是非常昂贵的,但亦有些爱好不用花费。有些收藏品很有价值,有一些则只对它们的主人有价值。 我认识一个爱好收集钱币的人,他的收藏品价值几千元。不久之前,他买了一个难得的面值五毛的钱币,做价250美元!他对自己的购来的很高兴,并认为价格合理。在另一方面,我最小的弟弟喜欢收集火柴盒,他有大约600个,但我怀疑是否有任何价值。然而,我弟弟就觉得它们非常珍贵,没什么比找到一个新火柴盒能令他更快乐。我猜这就是爱的意义,只是我们喜欢在闲暇时间喜爱做的事,只是为了兴趣。金钱的价值并不重要,但它们能带给我们的乐趣。
2023-01-10 17:13:531