barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 21:26:32

airport n.

1. 航空站, 航空港, 机场

They landed at a small airport.


2. 风孔, 空气孔

airplane n. 飞机






airplane的读音:英[ˈeəpleɪn] 美[ˈerpleɪn] 意思:飞机。例句:The airplane crashed on a hillside. 飞机在山坡上坠毁。复数:airplanes
2023-01-10 16:51:501


一、意思不同airplane:n. 飞机baiplane:1、n. 飞机;平面;du程度,水平2、vi. 刨;乘zhi飞机旅行;翱翔3、vt. 刨平;用刨子dao刨;掠过水面4、adj. 平的;平面的5、n. (Plane)人名;(塞、瑞典、法)普拉内二、词性不同airplane:只可作名词表示飞机。plane:既可作名词,也可作动词和形容词。三、用法不同1、airplane:通常用于表示常见的机械类的飞机。例句:Later I realized that it is not so easy to make an flying airplane without properengine and precisedesign. 译文:后来我意识到,这不是那么容易让没有适当的引擎和精确的设计一个飞行的飞机。2、plane:既可用于机械类的飞机,也可表示纸飞机等。例句:And maybe a plane or a bird up there, but otherwise ... nothing. 译文:也许是一架纸飞机或者一只鸟在飞翔,其他的? ...没有了。
2023-01-10 16:51:566


airplane。1、读音:英 ["eəpleɪn];美 ["erpleɪn]。2、释义:飞机。3、用法:airplane专指普通飞机,不包括helicopter(直升飞机);airplane为美国英语的用词。4、词汇搭配:airplane spray 飞机喷洒;airplane structure 飞机结构。5、例句:The boom of the airplane was damaged。飞机的尾桁受到损害。近义词:plane1、读音:英 [pleɪn];美 [pleɪn]。2、释义:飞机;水平;平面;刨子;悬铃木。3、用法:plane的基本意思是“水平,程度;标准,可指在思想、存在或发展各方面的水平,程度。plane也可作“平面”解,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。4、词汇搭配:board plane 上飞机;fly plane 开飞机;fuel plane 给飞机加油。5、例句:The plane flew high above。飞机高高地在上空飞。
2023-01-10 16:52:221


2023-01-10 16:52:361

plane 与airplane有何区别?

2023-01-10 16:52:425


2023-01-10 16:53:052

airplane 什么意思?

2023-01-10 16:53:198


2023-01-10 16:53:455


歌手:B.O.B(ft.Paramore里的主唱Hayley Williams),加上阿姆客串!歌词: Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanesIn the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 (Dreamin", I"m fallin, Dreamin", I"m fallin) 幻想着 然后我跌落 幻想着 然后我跌落 (B.o.B - Verse 1) Lets pretend like its 98, like I"m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys 让我们假装已经98岁 就像我正在吃着泡沫塑料玩着纸牌 Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A 努力成为下一个优秀的rap说唱歌手 Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain 期待着再一个榜单记录来重新认识我的疼痛 Now lets pretend like I"m on the stage 现在让我们假装我就站在舞台上 And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok) 当我鼓点落下每个人都为之疯狂 And everybody know my name (B.o.B) 每个人都知道我的名字 And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing 而且我所到之处人们都想听我说唱 Oh yea and I just dropped my new album 欧耶 我刚刚发行了我的新专辑 On the first week I did 500 thousand 在第一周就破了50万 Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall 春天获得金奖 秋天就被封钻石终身成就奖 And then a world tour just to top it all off 然后一个环球巡回现出把一切推向顶峰 And lets pretend like they call me the greatest 让我们假装他们在叫我最伟大的人 Selling out arenas with big ass stages 演唱门票出售一空 场场爆满 And everybody loved me and no one ever hated 每个人都喜欢我 没有人讨厌我 Lets try to use imagination 然我们用一用想象力 Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 (B.o.B - Verse 1) Ok, let"s pretend like this never happened 让我们假装就像这一切都没有发生过 Like I never had dreams of being a rapper 就像我从来没有想着成为各rap说唱歌手 Like I didn"t write raps in all of my classes 就像我从没在人生的各个阶段写过rap段子 Like I never used to runaway into the blackness 就像我从来没有逃避堕入黑暗中 Now lets pretend like it was all-good 现在 让我们假装好像一切都好 Like I didn"t live starring in a notebook 就像我从来没有盯着笔记本发呆 Like I did the things I probably knew I should 就像我过去做我应该完成的事 But I didn"t have neighbours that"s why they call it hood 但是我没有邻居这就是为什么他们叫我作穿兜帽的小子 Now lets pretend like I aint got a name 现在 让我们假装就像我没有我的名字 Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray 在他们叫我 B.o.B(现在的名字) 或是 a.k.a Bobby Ray(原名) I"m talking back before the mixtapes 我总是顶嘴 在这张混音专辑前(状语后置,后面很长的都是状语) Before the videos and the deals and the fame 在录影采访和出名前 Before they ever once compared me to Andre 在他们参加拿我和Andre比较前 Before I ever got Myspace 在我还没拥有我的一席之地前 Before they ever noticed my face 在他们还没注意过我的脸前 So let"s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes 所以 让我们就这样假装并且向飞机许愿 Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 (And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories) 昨日重现 但它只是一个梦 只是一段记忆 (Eminem - Verse 3) Let"s Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen 让我们假装Marshall Mathers(eminem的原名)从没捡起过一只笔 Let"s pretend things would"ve been no different 让我们假装一切都没有变化 Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation 假装人们停滞不前毫无动力 Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind 假装他编造的借口是那样单薄如同一张纸 风可以轻易吹走智慧 Marshall you never gone make it Marshall你从没这样做 Makes no sense to play the game it ain"t no way that"ll you win 无意义的玩着游戏 但你要赢也不是没有办法 Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends 假装始终站在局外整天和他的朋友玩耍 Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend 假装他从没有一个朋友说他(eminem)是朋友 And it wasn"t time to move in school no changing again 而且现在不是上学的时候一切又都没有变化 He wasn"t socially awkard and just strange as a kid 他不是难以应付社会知识向一个孩童般奇怪 He had a father and his mother wasn"t crazy as sh-t 他有个爸爸 还有他妈妈不会鬼扯一样的疯狂 And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit 他从未梦想过他能撕开体育场因为他像xx一样懒 F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch 在体育馆里该死的才能演出 You won"t amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid 想逃避一切变回个小孩的日子数不胜数 You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien 你需要去检查一下头颅来看看你是不是向一个外星人一样思考 It just ain"t realistic 这一切只是不切实际 Now pretend they ain"t just make him angry with this sh-t 现在他们没有让他因这该死的事而恼怒 And there was no one he could even aim when he"s pissed with 现在没有人可以成为他的目标让他撒尿的时候瞄准 And his alarm went off to wake him but he did"nt make it to the rap Olympics 当恐慌来唤醒他时他却没能成功得到说唱的奥林匹克金牌 Left to his plane and he missed it 离开并奔向他的飞机空却错过了 He"s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit 他将经历一段艰难时期 向Haley和Laney解释这些食物邮票和该死的冲突世界(一种游戏) Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it 因为他从未冒过险 他希望 他期盼 But it didn"t fall in his lap so he ain"t even hear it he pretends that 但是那些没有掉落在他的膝盖上所以他从未听到他在假装那些 (Chorus - Hayley Williams) Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望 Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky 我们能不能假装是那夜空中的飞机 Are like shooting stars 就像发射的明星一样 I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now) 我现在真的只能抱有这样一个希望)获奖情况:《Airplanes》首周上榜就成功打入第1位,也成为该周的“最热新曲”。包揽最新一期itunes下载排行榜的冠亚军
2023-01-10 16:54:071


飞机的英文是airplane。 airplane: n.飞机; 复数: airplanes 扩展资料   A team of experts were sent to examine the wreckage of the airplane.   一队专家被派去检查飞机的残骸。   The first airplane timetable was published by Pan-American Airways in 1928.   第一份航空时刻表是在1928年由泛美航空公司刊印的。   The visitors alighted from the airplane.   游客们下了飞机。   The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound.   这架新式飞机以两倍于音速的速度飞行。
2023-01-10 16:54:121


2023-01-10 16:54:215


[ˈɛrˌpleɪn] 如图
2023-01-10 16:54:392


没有反义词airplane 英[ˈeəpleɪn] 美[ˈerpleɪn] n. <美>飞机; [例句]The airplane crashed on a hillside.飞机在山坡上坠毁。[其他] 复数:airplanes
2023-01-10 16:55:091


一个人天天工作忙。飞飞机是指一个人天天工作忙 大多数时间交通工具是坐飞机 无休息时间。飞机(aeroplane,airplane)是指具有一具或多具发动机的动力装置产生前进的推力或拉力,由机身的固定机翼产生升力,在大气层上、中、下飞行的重于空气的航空器。
2023-01-10 16:55:141


an airplane 一架飞机the airplane 那架飞机airplane /ˈeəpleɪn/ 是以元音音标开头的,所以要用不定冠词an, 而不用a,
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2023-01-10 16:55:446


2023-01-10 16:56:069


飞机的英语:airplane。airplane英 ["eəpleɪn]美 ["erpleɪn]    n.飞机=aeroplane(英)。The boom of the airplane was damaged.飞机的尾桁受到损害。An airplane engine is a complex mechanism.飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。辨析:aeroplane,airplane,aircraft,plane,jet,helicopter这些名词均有飞机之意。aeroplane和airplane专指普通飞机,不包括helicopter(直升飞机)。aeroplane为英国英语的拼法。airplane为美国英语的用词。aircraft常用作集体名词,也可指一架飞机,其含义包括直升飞机和飞艇等。plane本义为平面,在航空专业里通常用aeroplane。plane较通俗用词。jet指喷气式飞机,也用jet plane。helicopter指直升飞机。
2023-01-10 16:56:521


airplane是可数名词。 airplane: n.飞机; 复数: airplanes 扩展资料   The visitors alighted from the airplane.   游客们下了飞机。   The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound.   这架新式飞机以两倍于音速的速度飞行。   We watched the airplane ascend higher and higher.   我们看着飞机逐渐升高。   The airplane fell towards the earth.   飞机向地面坠落。
2023-01-10 16:57:031

飞机是什么意思 飞机简单介绍

1、飞机(aeroplane,airplane)是指具有一具或多具发动机的动力装置产生前进的推力或拉力,由机身的固定机翼产生升力,在大气层上、中、下飞行的重于空气的航空器。飞机是20世纪初最重大的发明之一,公认由美国人莱特兄弟发明。他们在1903年12月17日进行的飞行作为“第一次重于空气的航空器进行的受控的持续动力飞行”被国际航空联合会(FAI)所认可,同年他们创办了“莱特飞机公司”。自从飞机发明以后,飞机日益成为现代文明不可缺少的工具。它深刻的改变和影响了人们的生活,开启了人们征服蓝天历史。 2、网络语飞机的意思,是指你原本在微信或者QQ群里,踢你出群的意思。如果你老是不说话或者没有参加什么群里组织的活动的话,群主就会把你T出去了。
2023-01-10 16:57:091


The plane
2023-01-10 16:57:1615


2023-01-10 16:58:221


飞机用英语plane读:[plein]。plane的基本意思是“水平,程度; 标准”,可指在思想、存在或发展各方面的水平,程度。plane也可作“平面”解,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。plane作“飞机”解时是aeroplane的缩写形式,但现在人们更习惯用plane。近义词:airplane英 ["eəpleɪn]     美 ["erpleɪn]    n. 飞机=aeroplane(英)。The boom of the airplane was damaged.飞机的尾桁受到损害。An airplane engine is a complex mechanism.飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。
2023-01-10 16:58:321


2023-01-10 16:58:424


谐音是 :A啊P泪n
2023-01-10 16:58:572


airplane是飞机的意思,同义词是 aircraft
2023-01-10 16:59:212


飞机的英文有aeroplane、airplane、aircraft、plane、jet、helicopter。airplane,英语单词,名词,意为“飞机”。英[ˈeəpleɪn]美[ˈɛrplen]例句:Jump from an Airplane?Who, me?从飞机上跳伞?谁,我吗?She fell out of my airplane.她从我的飞机上掉了出去。He pilots his airplane .他驾驶他的飞机。
2023-01-10 16:59:301


airplane[英][ˈeəpleɪn] [美][ˈɛrˌplen] 生词本简明释义n.<美>飞机复数:airplanes
2023-01-10 16:59:431


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2023-01-10 17:00:131


airplane[英][ˈeəpleɪn] [美][ˈɛrˌplen] 生词本 简明释义 n.飞机 复数:airplanes
2023-01-10 17:00:231


英 [pleɪn],美 [pleɪn]。英语单词,词性为名词为主,大多数时候被译为“飞机”,是英语单词中较为常见的单词之一,中,小学英语课本都出现过。飞机(aeroplane,airplane)是指具有一具或多具发动机的动力装置产生前进的推力或拉力,由机身的固定机翼产生升力,在大气层内飞行的重于空气的航空器。相关信息:飞机起飞靠的是与空气的相对运动产生的升力,升力的大小取决于飞机与空气的相对速度,而不是飞机与地面的相对速度。如果在逆风下起飞,飞机滑跑速度与风速的方向相反,飞机与空气的相对速度等于二者之和。此时,飞机只需较小的滑跑速度就可以获得离地所需的升力。所以,与在无风下起飞相比,逆风起飞所需滑跑的距离会更短。相反,如果在顺风下起飞,飞机要达到较大的滑行速度才能获得离地所需的升力,滑跑距离相对要长一些。
2023-01-10 17:00:302

飞机 的英文

plane; 还有三个不常见的1aeroplane;2 aircraft; 3airplane;你的采纳我的动力很高兴能够帮助你
2023-01-10 17:00:501


飞机[fēi jī][航] aircraft[航] airplane[航] aeroplane[航] plane
2023-01-10 17:00:571

plane 与airplane有何区别?

一、意思不一样airplane:名词飞机plane:1、名词飞机;平面;程度,水平2、不及物动词刨;乘飞机旅行;翱翔3、动词刨平;用刨子刨;掠过水面4、形容词平的;平面的5、名词(Plane)人名;(塞、瑞典、法)普拉内二、词性一样airplane:只可作名词表示飞机。plane:既可作名词,也可作动词和形容词。三、用法不一样1、airplane:通常用于表示常见的机械类的飞机。例句:The airplane lifted from the aircraft carrier.      飞机从航空母舰上起飞。  2、plane:既可用于机械类的飞机,也可表示纸飞机等。例句:She watches him plane the surface of a walnut board      她看着他刨平一块胡桃木板。 
2023-01-10 17:01:031


2023-01-10 17:01:306


飞机的英语用The plane或是airplane表达,读音为[ðə; ði; ðiː] [pleɪn],[ˈerpleɪn]。重点词汇解释:planen. 飞机;平面;程度,水平vi. 刨;乘飞机旅行;翱翔vt. 刨平;用刨子刨;掠过水面adj. 平的;平面的双语例句:The plane flipped and crashed. 飞机猛地翻转,撞毁了。扩展资料:plane的用法:plane的基本意思是水平,程度,标准,可指在思想,存在或发展各方面的水平,程度。plane也可作平面的意思,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。plane作飞机的意思时是aeroplane的缩写形式,但现在人们更习惯用plane。plane既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义。
2023-01-10 17:01:511


airplane开头是元音 元音开头的词用an,第二个是正确的. 多谢!
2023-01-10 17:02:001


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airplane英 [ˈeəpleɪn]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          美 [ˈerpleɪn]                                                                            双语例句:1. The insured value of the airplane was greater than its book value.                   该飞机的投保价值高于它的实际账面价值。 2. He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled.                  在摄像时他不慎滑倒在飞机座位间的通道上。 3. They arrived in Belgium by airplane .                  他们乘飞机到达比利时。 4.  The ailerons on an airplane are hinged to the wing.                  飞机的副翼是用铰链装在机翼上的. 5. Flying in an airplane was a new experience for her.                  坐飞机对她来说是件新鲜事. 6.  The children were asked to model an airplane out of balsa - wood.                  孩子们被要求用轻木做模型飞机. 7. The pilot of the airplane gunned his engine for a sharp climb.                  飞行员加大油门使飞机急剧爬升. 8. Lifeless bodies from the airplane crash lay on the ground.                  空难者的尸体躺在地上. 9. He looked in that direction and saw an airplane.                  他朝那个方向看,看见了一架飞机. 10.  The loudspeaker announced each airplane as it landed at the airport.                  每架飞机在机场一着陆,扩音器就发出通告.
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2023-01-10 17:02:421

plane airplane 有区别吗

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1、plane 英[pleɪn] 美[plen] n. 平面; 飞机; 水平; 木工刨; adj. 平的,平坦的; vt. 用刨刨平; 小船等擦着水面疾驶; [例句]He had plenty of time to catch his plane他有足够的时间赶飞机。2、airplane 英[ˈeəpleɪn] 美[ˈerpleɪn] n. <美>飞机; [例句]The airplane crashed on a hillside.飞机在山坡上坠毁。[其他] 复数:airplanes 3、aeroplane 英[ˈeərəpleɪn] 美[ˈerəpleɪn] n. 飞机; [例句]The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot游击队击落了一架飞机,并俘获了飞行员。[其他] 复数:aeroplanes
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1.形容冬天阳光温暖的句子唯美 1、太阳越升越高,阳光越来越暖,生机越来越多。在阳光的照耀下,羽禽起飞觅食,生灵跑跳奔忙,人们开窗纳光,走出家门锻炼,迈出温馨厅堂。阳光抚摸着万物,万物享受着阳光,沐浴着太阳的温暖,忙碌着自己的希望。 2、冬天泡一杯淡茶,坐在院子里细细品味。温暖的阳光轻轻地射在大地上,坐一会儿真是人生的一大快事! 3、寒冷的冬天,在阳光的照耀下,他们嬉戏着、追逐着、吹着泡泡,阳光下的泡泡五彩缤纷,不停得变换颜色,泡泡里仿佛装着一个个五彩的梦。坐在软绵绵的草地上,映着阳光,望着天空,我们向美丽的希望和未来招手,阳光——是给我们最好的礼物,为我们驱追乌云,让我们的脸庞挂上有弧度的微笑。 4、冬天的阳光是伟大的,尽管它的温暖很有限,但它总是不遗余力地驱赶着严寒。我相信,冬天的阳光是上天的恩赐。 5、冬日的太阳,总是这么温暖。告别了昨夜的悲伤,卸下满身的疲惫,匍匐在电脑前方,用阳光的温暖为你抒写着一篇这样的文章,希望在这个没有我的冬天,能给你一缕心底的暖阳。 2.描写冬天暖阳的唯美句子 1、在严寒的冬日里,我最爱那冬日早上的一抹阳光。 早晨,推开窗子,尽管寒气逼人,但是在东方却露出了那一丝丝暖暖的阳光。看,阳光洒在小草上,为小草披上了一件金色的外衣,阳光洒在湖面上,湖上泛起点点金光,为这冬日的湖增添了几分妩媚。 阳光洒在我心里,让我感觉暖洋洋的,不再惧怕冬日的寒气。2、忽然,迎面升起一轮红日,洒下的道道金光,就像条条金鞭,驱赶着飞云流雾。 3、金色的阳光透过缝隙,洒在褐色土地滋生的小草上。4、秋天的阳光是调皮的,它吹落树爷爷的叶子,吹黄柔柔的小草,给人们带来丰收的喜悦。 它给我们的是金色的世界。5、阳光被层层叠叠的树叶过滤,漏到他身上变成了淡淡的圆圆的轻轻摇曳的光晕。 6、阳光给人们的一种感觉是温暖的,冬日的阳光也不例外,它给人们的第一种感觉是温暖,在寒冷的冬天里,早晨太阳升了起来,把金色的光辉洒在大地上,大地妈妈苏醒了,不再那么寒冷。7、海面上跃出一轮红日,鲜艳夺目,海空顿时洒满了金辉,海面由墨蓝一变而为湛蓝。 8、太阳在朝霞的迎接中,露出了红彤彤的面庞,霎时,万道金光透过树梢给水面染上了一层胭脂红。9、一缕阳光直射进我的房间里,像一束亮闪闪的金线,不仅照亮了房间,也照亮了我的心田。 10、太阳一年操劳到头,忙到冬天,就筋疲力尽,几乎放不出热力来了。11、大自然的每一个角落都是亦真亦幻的诗,冬日里的阳光就是那最美的诗篇。 12、天空一碧如洗,灿烂的阳光正从密密的松针的缝隙间射下来,形成一束束粗粗细细的光柱,把飘荡着轻纱般薄雾的林荫照得通亮。13、美国诗人勃莱说:“贫穷而听着风声也是好的。” 躺在这郊外的长椅上,我看着天空,领略这天空的博大,静听这天籁的呼吸,让性情得以豁达高矿,让心灵得以清澈明净。只是,依依古道,已觅不见古人飘袂的衣襟。 唯有冬日的暖阳,随着清凉明澈的风,洗去岁月的尘埃,微风拂水,荡涤人世的苍凉。14、远处巍峨的群山,在阳光照映下,披上了金黄色的外衣,显得格外美丽。 15、乡间小路上,开始热闹了,大人小孩开始出门;空气中,机器的轰鸣声嘹亮激越,叫卖声此起彼伏抑扬顿挫;那阡陌纵横的田间菜地,勤劳的人们开始了辛苦的劳作,鸡鸭牛羊也赶来凑热闹,四处蹦跳扑腾;街道上,车流开始拥挤了,人群开始喧闹了,许是都不想错过这难得的冬日暖阳吧16、冬天的早上,阳光明媚,给大地披上一层光辉,它是美丽的;忙碌的人们在早上尽情享受那温暖的阳光,在冬天里感受到阳光对人类有多么大用途,在冬天里它是人类的“温暖符”,你们赶快去享受冬日的阳光吧!17、刚刚起身的太阳呵,精神抖擞,红光四溢,把整个世界照得通亮。18、冬日,添了些沉静与苍凉,那是生命的隐忍与退让,希望的沉淀与积蓄,从容,淡泊,静谧,安祥,适合指尖轻触的时光静静流淌。 19、让我们抛开思维,远离喧嚣。在这温暖的阳光里,独自享受大自然给予的宁静。 20、虽然已经立冬,但其实树叶还没落净,大雁还在天空嘎嘎叫着往南飞。时下的冬天不一样,时令月约定俗成的节气总是有一些偏差。 空气很干燥,只有下雾的清晨有些潮湿。雾气氤氲的满月,是一颗硕大的蚌珠,朦朦胧胧,显得越发动人。 天气在早晚变得有些冷,冬天还是到了。21、漫步在园中小道上,一缕明亮的阳光从树丛中映照在我的脸庞。 接着迎面拂来几丝微风,我展开双臂,享受着阳光的温暖。我情不自禁朝着阳光的方向走去,闭上双眼,感到冬日里的阳光的美丽慈祥。 22、冬天泡一杯淡茶,坐在院子里细细品味。温暖的阳光轻轻地射在大地上,坐一会儿真是人生的一大快事。 3.几句描写冬日里的阳光的句子 阴冷的天空泛着丝丝红霞,霜雪弥漫的大地沉浸着缕缕寒气,透过迷雾的 间隙,千丝万缕般的光影洒落人间。 我幻想着伸出手去想抓住那一缕冬日的阳 光,却总是从我指缝中溜走,无影无踪。 难得寒假清闲的阳光午后,捧一杯没有加糖的咖啡,斜靠着窗边的椅子, 让那久违的冬日阳光铺洒在我身上,感受着冬日阳光格外的珍贵与温暖。 一缕缕 阳光懒懒的撒在我的肩头,犹如冬日里的一条围巾,一股暖融融的感觉涌上心头。 冬日的阳光如此灿烂,给了我温暖,给了我力量,让我冬日沉寂的生命有了春意盎 然的姹紫嫣红,给我曾经蒙尘的心灵吹落了尘埃,让我几近冰封的世界从此冰雪消融。 4.求优美的描写阳光和冬日的句子 淡绿色的春天的蝴蝶 艳金色的夏天的昆虫 明黄色的秋天的归雁 和洁白的冬天的独角兽 他们都能记得 我是这样的想念你 冬天早上,树叶的颜色像哀愁,海洋绿,SeaGreen. 新生的一日里,左右着人的感情,开始了它的漫步。 最初的照面,你把手袖进衣服,瞳孔微微发蓝。我还记得那个冬天的早上,树叶的颜色像哀愁一样,海洋绿,英语里讲它是SeaGreen. 多么美丽的比喻。 《当绿》 北国绽春枝,雪色虚空。 故乡近低檐,梦中虚空。 星影袭墨砚,诗句虚空。 潮浪逐寰宇,露香虚空。 蓟马无望欲捕风,世界虚空。 ——《捕风》 总是没有风,阳光变着角度切在玻璃窗上,在眼里凿开一个刺目的小孔。路上没什么人,能在太阳下做各种姿势,看影子搞怪。有时经过一杆钢制旗杆,瞥到自己的脸在圆柱上变形——长圆状的女生。刘海湿透露出额头。一黑一白,却并不对比。而此刻,天空青蓝湿润,哪里有云,哪里都没有。 5.形容冬日暖阳的优美句子 答:形容冬日暖阳的优美句子 1、柔暖的阳光透过树木,斑驳地洒在我的身上,也将周边的景色在阳光中弥漫,幻化成一幅静美的画卷,我就徜徉在这美丽优雅的画卷里,沐浴着冬日的暖阳…思念着我的…… 2、冬日,搬出躺椅,半躺在椅子上,捧一杯清茶,拿着一本闲书,抛开生活的琐屑,尽情地享受着冬日暖阳带来的惬意,这样的生活真是羡煞旁人。 3、冬日,穿着一身厚厚的衣服,人也显得格外的笨重。多日来的阴雨天气,让人压抑了很久,今天终于放晴了,太阳从厚厚的云层里穿了出来,露出了久违的笑脸,将温暖洒向大地。 4、一股细长的暖流流进冻僵的心,一根细长的线将心包裹。 5、过年的时候,我特别喜欢一家人围在院子里吃着瓜子糖果,聊七聊八。 看着小孩子们在院子里跑来跑去,享受着冬日里的阳光,格外的显得温馨。 6、距离对我来说并不是一种美,它只代表孤单时难过的怀念和见面时的沉默无言。 我想念曾经的时光,曾经的故事,曾经的花开花落和所有熟悉亲切的名字。看到它们让我感到阵阵的温暖,就好像冬天里的太阳。 7、感觉冬天似乎只给人带来了单调与寂寞,但是,冬天也会有阳光,也会有关爱!若问我什么时候的阳光最灿烂?那莫过于是冬日的阳光了,一种雪中送炭的温暖从心外流入心内,又从心内洋溢到心外。 8、大雪之后,太阳从云从里钻了出来,把温暖的阳光洒向了大地。 在阳光的照射下,雪开始慢慢的融合。地里的绿芽开始从寒冷的地里钻出来了,这是寒冷将尽的表现,春天的脚步越来越近了。 9、冬日的太阳,总是这么温暖。告别了昨夜的悲伤,卸下满身的疲惫,匍匐在电脑前方,用阳光的温暖为你抒写着一篇这样的文章,希望在这个没有我的冬天,能给你一缕心底的暖阳。 10、就在这样的日子里,我站在铺满亮斑的安静长街上,想起了那些已经流走的日子。想着想着,就开始难过起来,难过的说不出话,。 6.求优美的描写阳光和冬日的句子 太阳一年操劳到头,忙到冬天,就筋疲力尽,几乎放不出热力来了。 和煦的阳光,透过稠密的树叶洒落下来,成了点点金色的光斑。 远处巍峨的群山,在阳光照映下,披上了金黄色的外衣,显得格外美丽。 阳光被层层叠叠的树叶过滤,漏到他身上变成了淡淡的圆圆的轻轻摇曳的光晕。 这时候正是早上八九点钟,明亮的阳光在树叶上涂了一圈又一圈金色银色的光环。 阳光透过淡薄的云层,照耀着白茫茫的大地,反射出银色的光芒,耀得人眼睛发花。 金灿灿的阳光倾泻下来,注进万顷碧波,使单调而平静的海面而变得有些色彩了。 红艳艳的太阳光在山尖上时,雾气像幕布一样拉开了,城市渐渐地显现在金色的阳光里。 那刺穿云块的阳光就像根根金线,纵横交错,把浅灰、蓝灰的云朵缝缀成一幅美丽无比的图案。 太阳刚刚升上山头,被鲜红的朝霞掩映着,阳光从云缝里照射下来,像无数条巨龙喷吐着金色的瀑布。 金色的阳光透过缝隙,洒在褐色土地滋生的小草上。 天空一碧如洗,灿烂的阳光正从密密的松针的缝隙间射下来,形成一束束粗粗细细的光柱,把飘荡着轻纱般薄雾的林荫照得通亮。 太阳泛起火红的笑脸,使朦胧的校园豁然揭去纱帐。 天际出现了一抹紫红色的朝晖,像绽开的红玫瑰。 刚刚起身的太阳呵,精神抖擞,红光四溢,把整个世界照得通亮。 火红的旭日刚刚透出海平面,给美丽恬静的大海抹上一层玫瑰色。 朝阳把它的光芒射向湖面,微风乍起,细浪跳跃,搅起满湖碎金。 忽然,迎面升起一轮红日,洒下的道道金光,就像条条金鞭,驱赶着飞云流雾。 海面上跃出一轮红日,鲜艳夺目,海空顿时洒满了金辉,海面由墨蓝一变而为湛蓝。 金灿灿的朝晖,渐渐染红了东方的天际,高高的黄山主峰被灿烂的云霞染成一片绯红。 太阳在朝霞的迎接中,露出了红彤彤的面庞,霎时,万道金光透过树梢给水面染上了一层胭脂红。 朝阳开始像一盏扁圆的宫灯冉冉升到空中,霎时,便形成滚圆的火轮,高高升起,喷射出万道金幅,给万物罩上一层灿烂的霞辉。 早晨的太阳,像牛车的轱辘那么大,像熔化的铁水一样艳红,带着喷薄四射的光芒,坐在东方的岭脊上,用手撩开了轻纱似的薄雾。 7.几句描写冬日里的阳光的句子 阴冷的天空泛着丝丝红霞,霜雪弥漫的大地沉浸着缕缕寒气,透过迷雾的 间隙,千丝万缕般的光影洒落人间。 我幻想着伸出手去想抓住那一缕冬日的阳 光,却总是从我指缝中溜走,无影无踪。难得寒假清闲的阳光午后,捧一杯没有加糖的咖啡,斜靠着窗边的椅子, 让那久违的冬日阳光铺洒在我身上,感受着冬日阳光格外的珍贵与温暖。 一缕缕 阳光懒懒的撒在我的肩头,犹如冬日里的一条围巾,一股暖融融的感觉涌上心头。 冬日的阳光如此灿烂,给了我温暖,给了我力量,让我冬日沉寂的生命有了春意盎 然的姹紫嫣红,给我曾经蒙尘的心灵吹落了尘埃,让我几近冰封的世界从此冰雪消融。 8.冬天阳光明媚的句子唯美 1) 哦!冬日的阳光是温柔的,是无私的,是欢快的,是妖媚的,是变化多端的。 2) 冬日的阳光是让人感到温暖的。 3) 阳光从我的对面照过来,用母亲怀抱般的温暖将我层层包裹,一寸寸切进我的肌体,正如寒风侵入我的血液那样,向我的四肢百骸蔓延。 4) 冬日的阳光是温暖的;冬日的阳光是舒服的;冬日的阳光是妩媚的;冬日的阳光是…… 5) 暖暖的阳光隔着窗玻照射进来。光与能量洒在屋内的地板上,屋里暖了,室内亮了,就连窗帘儿的花纹都印在了地板上。 窗玻楞框的影子,不容置疑的重新划分着地板的结构,方的,长的,菱形的,斜方的,大手笔加大写意还有大夸张,真得很神奇。 6) 冬日的阳光是温暖的;冬日的阳光是舒服的;冬日的阳光是妩媚的; 7) 在严寒的冬日里,我最爱那冬日早上的一抹阳光。 早晨,推开窗子,尽管寒气逼人,但是在东方却露出了那一丝丝暖暖的阳光。看,阳光洒在小草上,为小草披上了一件金色的外衣,阳光洒在湖面上,湖上泛起点点金光,为这冬日的湖增添了几分妩媚。 阳光洒在我心里,让我感觉暖洋洋的,不再惧怕冬日的寒气。 8) 冬日的阳光是让人感到温暖的。 9) 冬天泡一杯淡茶,坐在院子里细细品味。温暖的阳光轻轻地射在大地上,坐一会儿真是人生的一大快事。
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chad michael murrayDate of Birth24 August 1981, Buffalo, New York, USA Birth NameChad Michael Murray NicknameCMM Height6" (1.83 m) Mini BiographyBorn in Buffalo, New York, Chad found a ready audience early on. When he was four or five years old, the young ham performed skits and sang made-up songs for his large family which includes three brothers, a half-brother and a sister. At age fifteen, an injury landed him in a hospital where a nurse encouraged him to pursue a modeling career.Two years later, Chad won a scholarship from a modeling agency in Buffalo to attend a modeling convention in Orlando. There he met his destiny when an agent from Los Angeles spotted him and persuaded the seventeen-year-old to pursue his dream of acting upon graduation from high school.In 1999, the aspiring actor headed for Hollywood where he supported himself modeling for such clients as Sketchers, Tommy Hilfiger and Gucci while looking for a break. Soon after he arrived, Chad appeared in several guest-starring television roles including an episode of "Diagnosis Murder" (1993). Then he got the call he"d been hoping for. The WB"s "Gilmore Girls" (2000) was casting for the role of Tristan DuGrey. They were looking for someone who was likable and charismatic but with an edgy side, and someone who had that certain "IT" quality. Chad was all that plus he had the perfect physical characteristics that the show"s writers had in mind. The teenager won the role and has since made the character his own.He admires the talents of actors Edward Norton, Leonardo DiCaprio, Al Pacino Robert De Niro and Sean Penn and uses their influences in his work. Always a firm believer in clean living, Chad is a natural athlete. He played his favorite sport, football, in high school and keeps fit by working out at the gym, in-line skating, playing soccer, volleyball and basketball as well as football pick-up games. He is an anti-drug role model for kids and is active in charities for children and teens during his spare time. Before he married Sophia Bush on April 16th, 2005, Chad had set up house with a pug named Gus and a unique boisterous cat named Jack, who kept him from missing his large family too much.IMDb Mini Biography By: Anonymous Mini BiographyChad Michael Murray was born on the 24th of August 1981 in Buffalo, New York. The 6-foot tall star who resides in Wilmington, North Carolina is more known to audiences of "One Tree Hill" (2003) where he plays the good son, Lucas Scott.Growing up, his mother left his family at a young age and since then he had to help take care of his younger siblings together with his dad and brother. While working his way through adolescence, he learned a lot about work ethic which eventually builds his character. Because he only grew up with a father, his biggest idol is his father. Chad once said in an interview that he could call his father anytime of the day whenever he needs help as his father is his rock.The "One Tree Hill" (2003) star started his life as a paper boy where he would deliver newspapers around the neighborhood before working as a janitor at Donut World. Chad was only working there for a few days when he lost his job because he was shooting Skittles into the deep-fryer. Sure enough, one of the Skittles got caught in the machine and Chad got fired. Chad has also worked as a receptionist at a limousine company.When he was 15, he had a resection of his small intestines. His intestines were so twisted they had to be cut out, but there were some complications causing him to not be able to eat for three months. Chad had also broken his nose when he was jumped at a Burger King outlet which then got him into the hospital. It was there where he met the person who inspired him, his nurse. His nurse was a model and she told Chad to start modeling, but Chad only wanted to act. Chad then took a chance and went to a convention in Buffalo and they wanted him to go to another convention in Biloxi, Mississipi. Chad then met a man named Eddie Winkler who offered Chad a place to stay in Los Angeles to kick-start his career.Not long afterward, Chad got a Tommy Hilfiger campaign which paid his bills and that was when he thought he could really focus on acting. He started out on "Dawson"s Creek" (1998) with his two "One Tree Hill" (2003) co-stars, Hilarie Burton and Lee Norris. After that, he got a role as rich brat Tristian DuGrey on "Gilmore Girls" (2000) before turning into Lucas Scott as one half of the brothers in popular teen drama "One Tree Hill" (2003) where he met best friends James Lafferty and Tyler Hilton. Chad also starred in a B-grade horror flick called House of Wax (2005).The blonde-haired, blue-eyed star finally decided to get married when he was 23 years old to his "One Tree Hill" (2003) co-star, Sophia Bush. Chad actually cried on his wedding day, the 16th of April, 2005. In less than a year of marriage the couple signed for an annulment. Chad is engaged to another "One Tree Hill" (2003) co-star, Kenzie Dalton. The couple got engaged on April 4th, 2006. Despite their age gap, Chad is very protective of her and even mentioned in an interview that Kenzie is somewhat like a diamond. The couple has been seen attending red carpet events and going around Los Angeles together.Chad played football growing up and the love of that sport was re-directed into a charity game where he would help underprivileged kids with the money he gains from the audience. A fan of philosophy himself, Chad"s favorite book is "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. He enjoys listening to music from Incubus, Frank Sinatra, James Brown and watching shows like "The Simpsons" (1989) and "Fear Factor" (2001). As for movies, Chad has given credit to Gladiator (2000), Fight Club (1999), Varsity Blues (1999) & Any Given Sunday (1999) as his favorites.This model turned actor has serenaded Jamie Lee Curtis with Britney Spears" "Baby One More Time" on _"Freaky Friday" (2000)_, became Hilary Duff"s Prince Charming and even watched Paris Hilton die in a violent on-screen death. With all these acting
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