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e l e t e h p n o可以组成什么英语单词?

2023-05-19 21:15:05
TAG: 英语 单词

telephone 希望可以帮到你 是电话的意思














elephone 电话telephone n. (美)电话;电话机;
2023-01-10 12:18:152


2023-01-10 12:18:244


没有这么个单词。telephone 电话elephant 大象
2023-01-10 12:18:391


以我个人认为,elephone手机中,数elephone upro这款机型吧,该款拥有国内首款柔性全面屏的手机称号,使用了目前高端的AMOLED柔性屏,屏幕采用大猩猩5代,该显示屏是真正柔性的的,可以来回弯曲变形,以下这张图片可就是该款机采用的柔性显示屏。elephone upro还采用目主流的处理器,高通骁龙660处理器,内存也相对大,6G+128G,完全满足目前日常使用,机身双面大的流畅身躯,双3D曲面玻璃,外观是否出色得体,系统搭载Android 8.0系统,超悍2.5G主频配置。拍照采用后置双摄1300万像素,前置拍照加入美颜功能,还加入人脸识别解锁,支持高通3.0快充,Elephone U Pro,为18:9全面屏、四曲面玻璃机身+金属中框设计,有黑灰色、深蓝色、红色等不同风格,机身外观直观看上去流光溢彩。非常招惹眼球。
2023-01-10 12:18:462


2023-01-10 12:19:236


2023-01-10 12:19:474

elephone 大象s7是安卓系统吗

2023-01-10 12:20:021

2023-01-10 12:20:123

says the elephone 和the elephant says 有什么区别?

2023-01-10 12:20:303

elephone s7手机怎么英文切换成中文

简体中文安卓6.0自带多语言的(Settings)- (Language&Keyboard) -Select Language-中文Elephone是不做国内市场的,所以S7在设计当初并没有考虑中国移动的特有B39频段,造成了4G信号不稳定的情况,在城郊或城镇地方更为严重,但是3G信号、通话、短信一切正常,也因为4G信号不稳定所以手机会频繁在4G/3G网络中切换,造成了耗电量的提升,如果能够接受4G信号不稳定又一定要使用移动SIM卡上网的朋友请根据自身情况在首选网络类型中设置为3G!或者使用联通卡作为网络数据卡,移动作为通话卡!联通4G使用中一切正常,如果需要购买请慎重考虑!
2023-01-10 12:20:461


elephonesn.电话机; 电话( telephone的名词复数 ); (电话机的)话筒; 受话器; 示例: In many of these neighborhoods a lot of people don"t have telephones.在邻近的许多地区,很多人还没有电话.v.以电话传送(消息),给(某人)打电话( telephone的第三人称单数 ); 示例:Telephones aren"t familiar to you?你连打个电话都不会?
2023-01-10 12:20:523


the love of ease. This often exists in
2023-01-10 12:21:042


2023-01-10 12:21:121


木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake
2023-01-10 12:21:311


eggplant 茄子记忆方法:茄子就是长得像鸡蛋的植物,egg+plant
2023-01-10 12:21:376

This is a white elephone 翻译

2023-01-10 12:21:594


2023-01-10 12:22:142


是(大象手机)Elephone P9000大象手机是公司在深圳的国产手机公司,注要在海外发售。手机参数产品名称:Elephone P9000(升级版edge) 屏幕尺寸:5.5英寸屏幕分辨率:1920*1080CPU型号:联发科Helio X20处理器核心:十核处理器系统版本:Android 6.0内存:4G RAM + 32G ROM电池容量:3100mAh ?摄像头:后置 2070万 前置800万蓝牙通信:支持WIFI功能:支持 
2023-01-10 12:22:231


2023-01-10 12:22:344


2023-01-10 12:22:4915


第三个是把went改成go就可以了,不能去掉went to
2023-01-10 12:23:454


the voice of elephent is so loud
2023-01-10 12:23:594


2023-01-10 12:24:155


telephone 电话例:telephone station 公用电话亭
2023-01-10 12:25:242


2023-01-10 12:25:331


2023-01-10 12:25:393

yelephone number的意思

2023-01-10 12:25:501


the elephone man:the story was written by Vicry in"s about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked.He had works in a freak show,but he"s a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human.Although,the nomal human were all hate him ,laughing at him,beating him up,and kicking him down.Unbeliveable,yah had thought he should slaied everybody in this story for revenge,and became a powerful demon.____________________________ the tale of two Cities the story is about a pair of young twins brothers:their parents had killed by evil man when they were litter boys,and they lost each other,until they fell in love with the same girl.And the one who the girl hated ,get into jail and changed places with his twin brother who will be execute by their evil enemy who had killed their parents and tried to killed them too.At last,the twin who the girl loved married with the girl,and the other twin had killed by their wicked eneymy.the silly story was writed by Charles Dickens,and expressed the sentimen——If a guy fall in love with a silly slut,he have to allow the birch loved anyone else,and bless them like a stupid coward ,and the weak idior guy have to ready to die for their happy ending and their happy honey moon.Yes,of course he"s silly,might be the Queen Vidolia pushed them to do this.If they didn"t obey,Queen Vidolia will execute them.________________________________________________ La dame aux Camélias The story was about a Franch whore who named Magorite.Magorite was some rich old guy "s consort .she treated everybody ,and traded everybody ,for earn the money.but somehow,the silly girl fell in love with a silly young rich guy who named Amen,he loved her,and so did she.he persuaded her to leave Paris and merry with him.she obey,promised and swore.but Amen"s evil father didn"t allow.So,he gave Magorite lots of money and lots of tears and order her left.Magorite took the money ,obey the evil father-in-law in Amen hate her ,and din"t not touch her or crush her again when he met her in Paris last,Magorite dead,her money was taken by some evil man.and Amen know the truth at length,he hate his father,and sad forever.———————————————————————————— The King Arthur In Scotland ,there was a lord"s sideslip,he was King Arthur.he had raised a sword which no one could raise,he has 12 brave knights,they lead the army to destroy his enemy"s contries.He had a wizard friend——old Merlin .And the lady from lake bless him.Then King Arthur killed his step brother,became a king,and rape his step sister Mogena,he said she was a witch ,and her servents girl were witch too,the son of he and Mogena was one of the 12 knights.And in the 12 knights,there was a handsome guy who named Sir Lancelote,Lancelote had raped Mogena and King Arthur"s wife Gevinia.Mogena was raped by the dark knight,when Sir Lancelote kicked her ass.Then,Mogena sent the most beautiful witch of her :Vivian,she had killed wizard Merlin on bed.King Arthur was very angry for his dirty wife,so he tried to killed the slut and Sir Lancelote,Sir Lancelote eloped with the slut,at length,Sir Lancelote killed her and surrendered.King Arthur forgived him,and allowed him joined his army again._______________________ The fall of the Uther"s Heights it"s a scary story that was written by the greatest American man Edgar.Ellen.Pot .Well,once upon time,there was a man,he came to visit his best friend Uthe.Uthe"s own sister was a strange werid lady,so,their family buried her when she was still alive.The wicked house keeper and the evil doctor was very pleasure to see their mistrss had gone.but lady Uthe didn"t like to be treated like that,she crushed her own coffin ,left her grave ,and walked into her house ,at last,she killed her own brother Uthe,and burned down their own house.
2023-01-10 12:25:561


配置骁龙625机型Moto P30 Play(全网通)小米红米6 Pro(4GB RAM小米红米6 Pro(3GB RAM/小米红米S2(4GB RAM/全网小米红米S2(3GB RAM/全网锤子科技坚果3(全网通)联想S5(4GB RAM/全网通)努比亚V18(全网通)努比亚N3(全网通)联想S5(3GB RAM/全网通)红鸟健康云手机H1黑莓KEYone(4GB RAM/精英YotaPhone YOTA3(精钢YotaPhone YOTA3(墨知版/海信S9至尊版(全网通)小米红米5 Plus(4GB RAM/vivo Y79(移动全网通)vivo Y79(全网通)OPPO A77(3GB RAM/全网通小米红米5 Plus(3GB RAM/华为nova(标配版/移动全保千里打令V10S(全网通)魅族魅蓝Note 6(4GB RAM/联发科P20机型魅族魅蓝X魅蓝E2Elephone P20优米UMI Plus E
2023-01-10 12:26:041


木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake 石狗公 sting fish
2023-01-10 12:26:221

海洋动物的英文介绍 急~~快呀

中文名称 英文名称 木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake 石狗公 sting fish 岩石峭壁 rocky cliff 蝶鱼 (BUTTERFLY FISH) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Sea Snakes ~ NAME: Sea snake is the common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes. HABITAT: Sea snakes inhabit tropical waters from the Indian ocean to the Pacific ocean. Sea snakes are particularly abundant in the Persian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal. SIZE: Most sea snakes are not large, ranging from about 1.6 to 3.3 feet in length, although Stokes"s sea snake can reach nearly 6 and a half feet. REPRODUCTION: One group of sea snakes, sometimes called the true sea snakes, give birth to live young and lack the enlarged ventral scales typical of most terrestrial snakes. The other group, sometimes referred to as seakraits, lay eggs; because they must leave the water to deposit their eggs, they retain straplike ventral scales, although these may be smaller than those of terrestrial snakes. SWIMMING: The paddlelike tail of sea snakes is wide and compressed and makes an effective swimming organ. BREATHING: Unlike eels, sea snakes have no gills and must rise to the surface of the water for air, but they can remain underwater for several hours, obtaining dissolved oxygen from water that they swallow and eject. FEEDING: Many species feed on elongate fishes, such as eels, which they paralyze with their venom. BEHAVIOR: Sea snakes are generally not aggressive and usually will not bite humans unless handled roughly or forcibly restrained. VENOM: Sea snakes are highly venomous, and bites, though rare, are fatal. COMMON SPECIES: The yellow-bellied sea snake, one of the most common sea snakes, ranges along the Pacific coast from southern California to northern South America. It is less than 3 and a quarter feet long and is black or dark brown with a bright yellow belly. SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION: Sea snakes are usually classified in two subfamilies, the Hydrophiinae and the Laticaudinae, both in the family Elapidae. Some taxonomists classify them instead in two families, the Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae, separate from the family Elapidae. Stokes"s sea snake is classified as Astrotia stokesii. The yellow-bellied sea snake is classified as Pelamus platurus. 海蛇长了一口毒牙。其喷射的毒液,比陆地上最毒的眼镜蛇的毒液的毒性还要大50倍。海蛇的毒液属于神经毒素。人被海蛇咬伤后,从毒液进入人体到出现症状,一般要经过4个小时才发病。在此之前,没有什么明显症状,只有一点麻木和刺痛的感觉。4个小时后,毒素一旦发作,患者就会出现全身肌肉酸痛、眼睑下垂、颈部强直、心脏和肾脏受损。如果抢救无效,患者最终将死于心脏衰竭。海蛇可以制药。蛇毒可以用来制成各种单价或多价抗毒血清。用这种抗毒血清,可以治疗毒蛇咬伤。海蛇毒可以提取多种活性酶。这些活性酶可以在医药和科研中使用。使用海蛇毒素研制成的新型镇痛药,对三叉神经痛、坐骨神经痛等顽固性神经疼痛具有良好的镇痛效果。此外,对恶性肿瘤引起的剧痛,也有明显的镇痛效果。用海蛇毒制作的镇痛药,和镇痛药物吗啡相比,虽然起效稍慢,但是镇痛时间长,不会成瘾,所以很受欢迎。我国用海蛇治疗风湿性关节炎、腰背痛、肌肉麻木等疾病的传统方法是,活蛇入酒,浸死,然后取出来,洗干净,封存在60度的酒中半年以上,每次服用少量,同时用酒擦身。海蛇肉和蛋都有良好的补益作用。将海蛇肉或者海蛇蛋炖食,可以治疗营养不良,并且有强身壮体的功效。海蛇胆可以驱风活血,蛇油还可以养护肌肤,是良好的护肤佳品。
2023-01-10 12:26:282


  中文名称 英文名称 木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake 石狗公 sting fish 岩石峭壁 rocky cliff  蝶鱼 (BUTTERFLY FISH)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ~ Sea Snakes ~  NAME: Sea snake is the common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes.  HABITAT: Sea snakes inhabit tropical waters from the Indian ocean to the Pacific ocean. Sea snakes are particularly abundant in the Persian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal.  SIZE: Most sea snakes are not large, ranging from about 1.6 to 3.3 feet in length, although Stokes"s sea snake can reach nearly 6 and a half feet.  REPRODUCTION: One group of sea snakes, sometimes called the true sea snakes, give birth to live young and lack the enlarged ventral scales typical of most terrestrial snakes. The other group, sometimes referred to as seakraits, lay eggs; because they must leave the water to deposit their eggs, they retain straplike ventral scales, although these may be smaller than those of terrestrial snakes.  SWIMMING: The paddlelike tail of sea snakes is wide and compressed and makes an effective swimming organ.  BREATHING: Unlike eels, sea snakes have no gills and must rise to the surface of the water for air, but they can remain underwater for several hours, obtaining dissolved oxygen from water that they swallow and eject.  FEEDING: Many species feed on elongate fishes, such as eels, which they paralyze with their venom.  BEHAVIOR: Sea snakes are generally not aggressive and usually will not bite humans unless handled roughly or forcibly restrained.  VENOM: Sea snakes are highly venomous, and bites, though rare, are fatal.  COMMON SPECIES: The yellow-bellied sea snake, one of the most common sea snakes, ranges along the Pacific coast from southern California to northern South America. It is less than 3 and a quarter feet long and is black or dark brown with a bright yellow belly.  SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION: Sea snakes are usually classified in two subfamilies, the Hydrophiinae and the Laticaudinae, both in the family Elapidae. Some taxonomists classify them instead in two families, the Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae, separate from the family Elapidae. Stokes"s sea snake is classified as Astrotia stokesii. The yellow-bellied sea snake is classified as Pelamus platurus.  海蛇长了一口毒牙。其喷射的毒液,比陆地上最毒的眼镜蛇的毒液的毒性还要大50倍。海蛇的毒液属于神经毒素。人被海蛇咬伤后,从毒液进入人体到出现症状,一般要经过4个小时才发病。在此之前,没有什么明显症状,只有一点麻木和刺痛的感觉。4个小时后,毒素一旦发作,患者就会出现全身肌肉酸痛、眼睑下垂、颈部强直、心脏和肾脏受损。如果抢救无效,患者最终将死于心脏衰竭。海蛇可以制药。蛇毒可以用来制成各种单价或多价抗毒血清。用这种抗毒血清,可以治疗毒蛇咬伤。海蛇毒可以提取多种活性酶。这些活性酶可以在医药和科研中使用。使用海蛇毒素研制成的新型镇痛药,对三叉神经痛、坐骨神经痛等顽固性神经疼痛具有良好的镇痛效果。此外,对恶性肿瘤引起的剧痛,也有明显的镇痛效果。用海蛇毒制作的镇痛药,和镇痛药物吗啡相比,虽然起效稍慢,但是镇痛时间长,不会成瘾,所以很受欢迎。我国用海蛇治疗风湿性关节炎、腰背痛、肌肉麻木等疾病的传统方法是,活蛇入酒,浸死,然后取出来,洗干净,封存在60度的酒中半年以上,每次服用少量,同时用酒擦身。海蛇肉和蛋都有良好的补益作用。将海蛇肉或者海蛇蛋炖食,可以治疗营养不良,并且有强身壮体的功效。海蛇胆可以驱风活血,蛇油还可以养护肌肤,是良好的护肤佳品。
2023-01-10 12:26:381


中文名称 英文名称 木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake 石狗公 sting fish 岩石峭壁 rocky cliff 蝶鱼 (BUTTERFLY FISH) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Sea Snakes ~ NAME: Sea snake is the common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes. HABITAT: Sea snakes inhabit tropical waters from the Indian ocean to the Pacific ocean. Sea snakes are particularly abundant in the Persian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal. SIZE: Most sea snakes are not large, ranging from about 1.6 to 3.3 feet in length, although Stokes"s sea snake can reach nearly 6 and a half feet. REPRODUCTION: One group of sea snakes, sometimes called the true sea snakes, give birth to live young and lack the enlarged ventral scales typical of most terrestrial snakes. The other group, sometimes referred to as seakraits, lay eggs; because they must leave the water to deposit their eggs, they retain straplike ventral scales, although these may be smaller than those of terrestrial snakes. SWIMMING: The paddlelike tail of sea snakes is wide and compressed and makes an effective swimming organ. BREATHING: Unlike eels, sea snakes have no gills and must rise to the surface of the water for air, but they can remain underwater for several hours, obtaining dissolved oxygen from water that they swallow and eject. FEEDING: Many species feed on elongate fishes, such as eels, which they paralyze with their venom. BEHAVIOR: Sea snakes are generally not aggressive and usually will not bite humans unless handled roughly or forcibly restrained. VENOM: Sea snakes are highly venomous, and bites, though rare, are fatal. COMMON SPECIES: The yellow-bellied sea snake, one of the most common sea snakes, ranges along the Pacific coast from southern California to northern South America. It is less than 3 and a quarter feet long and is black or dark brown with a bright yellow belly. SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION: Sea snakes are usually classified in two subfamilies, the Hydrophiinae and the Laticaudinae, both in the family Elapidae. Some taxonomists classify them instead in two families, the Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae, separate from the family Elapidae. Stokes"s sea snake is classified as Astrotia stokesii. The yellow-bellied sea snake is classified as Pelamus platurus.
2023-01-10 12:26:441

( ) 1. A. _ l _ phant ( &nbs...

1-B pig    2-C mouse   3-A elephone   4-E bear   5-F bird   6-D squirrel
2023-01-10 12:26:571

刚出生1个婴儿大约重2 .5到四千克英语

how much does a panda? my baby about 5 kilogram at april. they catch elephone because they want their ivories. the giant pandas are catch bacause of their fur.
2023-01-10 12:27:041


中文名称 英文名称 木瓜鱼 trunk fish 石斑鱼 grouper 鹦哥鱼 parrotfish 海星 sea star 六线笛鲷 grunt 六间雀鲷 sergeant major 神仙鱼 angel fish 蝶鱼 butterfly fish 中国鲎(马蹄蟹) horse foot king crab horse shoe 刺河豚 balloon fish 乌贼 squid 螺 cone 珊瑚 coral 海鸥 gull 羊鱼 goatfish 水母 jellyfish 龙虾 lobster 水蛭 leech 狮子鱼 lion fish 鳐鱼 manta 蚝 oyster 海豚 dolphin 大象耳海棉 elephone ear sponge 海鳗 eel 海水 salt water 淡水 fresh water 巨浪 surge surf 海扇 sea fan 海参 sea cucumber 海胆 sea urchin 千手海葵 sea anemone 海蛇 sea snake 石狗公 sting fish 岩石峭壁 rocky cliff 蝶鱼 (BUTTERFLY FISH) Sea Snakes ~ NAME: Sea snake is the common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes. HABITAT: Sea snakes inhabit tropical waters from the Indian ocean to the Pacific ocean. Sea snakes are particularly abundant in the Persian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal. SIZE: Most sea snakes are not large, ranging from about 1.6 to 3.3 feet in length, although Stokes"s sea snake can reach nearly 6 and a half feet. REPRODUCTION: One group of sea snakes, sometimes called the true sea snakes, give birth to live young and lack the enlarged ventral scales typical of most terrestrial snakes. The other group, sometimes referred to as seakraits, lay eggs; because they must leave the water to deposit their eggs, they retain straplike ventral scales, although these may be smaller than those of terrestrial snakes. SWIMMING: The paddlelike tail of sea snakes is wide and compressed and makes an effective swimming organ. BREATHING: Unlike eels, sea snakes have no gills and must rise to the surface of the water for air, but they can remain underwater for several hours, obtaining dissolved oxygen from water that they swallow and eject. FEEDING: Many species feed on elongate fishes, such as eels, which they paralyze with their venom. BEHAVIOR: Sea snakes are generally not aggressive and usually will not bite humans unless handled roughly or forcibly restrained. VENOM: Sea snakes are highly venomous, and bites, though rare, are fatal. COMMON SPECIES: The yellow-bellied sea snake, one of the most common sea snakes, ranges along the Pacific coast from southern California to northern South America. It is less than 3 and a quarter feet long and is black or dark brown with a bright yellow belly. SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION: Sea snakes are usually classified in two subfamilies, the Hydrophiinae and the Laticaudinae, both in the family Elapidae. Some taxonomists classify them instead in two families, the Hydrophiidae and Laticaudidae, separate from the family Elapidae. Stokes"s sea snake is classified as Astrotia stokesii. The yellow-bellied sea snake is classified as Pelamus platurus. 海蛇长了一口毒牙。其喷射的毒液,比陆地上最毒的眼镜蛇的毒液的毒性还要大50倍。海蛇的毒液属于神经毒素。人被海蛇咬伤后,从毒液进入人体到出现症状,一般要经过4个小时才发病。在此之前,没有什么明显症状,只有一点麻木和刺痛的感觉。4个小时后,毒素一旦发作,患者就会出现全身肌肉酸痛、眼睑下垂、颈部强直、心脏和肾脏受损。如果抢救无效,患者最终将死于心脏衰竭。海蛇可以制药。蛇毒可以用来制成各种单价或多价抗毒血清。用这种抗毒血清,可以治疗毒蛇咬伤。海蛇毒可以提取多种活性酶。这些活性酶可以在医药和科研中使用。使用海蛇毒素研制成的新型镇痛药,对三叉神经痛、坐骨神经痛等顽固性神经疼痛具有良好的镇痛效果。此外,对恶性肿瘤引起的剧痛,也有明显的镇痛效果。用海蛇毒制作的镇痛药,和镇痛药物吗啡相比,虽然起效稍慢,但是镇痛时间长,不会成瘾,所以很受欢迎。我国用海蛇治疗风湿性关节炎、腰背痛、肌肉麻木等疾病的传统方法是,活蛇入酒,浸死,然后取出来,洗干净,封存在60度的酒中半年以上,每次服用少量,同时用酒擦身。海蛇肉和蛋都有良好的补益作用。将海蛇肉或者海蛇蛋炖食,可以治疗营养不良,并且有强身壮体的功效。海蛇胆可以驱风活血,蛇油还可以养护肌肤,是良好的护肤佳品。
2023-01-10 12:27:101


目前手机品类繁多,国产机阵营就有华为(荣耀),小米(红米),魅族(魅蓝),OPPO,vivo,中兴(努比亚),联想(zuk、MOTO),乐视,酷派,一加,锤子,美图,360(奇酷),tcl(黑莓),金立,格力,华硕,PPTV,HTC,8848,朵唯,以及出口的elephone、传音等等;此外还有国际品牌三星,苹果,谷歌,LG,索尼,夏普等。就来说其中主流的吧。除了苹果使用iOS系统之外,其外都是安卓机。Windows系统已经很少了。iOS最大的优势就是封闭性,而安卓是开放的系统。这也是如今苹果啃老本最大的卖点。韩国三星,硬件实力雄厚,即便不卖手机,只卖配件,也能相当赚钱。三星不只卖手机,还有屏幕、摄像头、内存等,也难怪三星效益是韩国1/5。LG就差远了。现在由于时势,最好不要买韩货了。索尼大法好,买的是信仰。谷歌、夏普等在中国也比较失利。还是要支持国产。“爱国品牌”华为,子品牌荣耀,是中国最大的手机品牌,当然华为不只是做手机的,华为与中兴一样是通信公司,手机只是副业。但是作为曾经“中华酷联”的一员,只有华为发展得好。华为被称作世界第三手机品牌,虽同苹果三星有差距,但是好的产品肯定会畅销。华为有“质价比”,国际品牌,品质保证。荣耀为互联网品牌,也做得相当不错,口碑甚好。中华有为,国之荣耀。所以华为手机贵在质量。系统EMUI5.0做得也不错。小米是一家了不起的公司。也是成立时间不长,成果出色的公司。继苹果、三星、华为之后第四家自主研发芯片的厂商。miui功能丰富,是系统优化很好的厂商。产品主打性价比,但是有些产品不太美观。重视性能的可以考虑小米。魅族是做MP3起家的手机厂商,重视创新。是中国第一家做智能手机的厂商,经典机型也有很多。囿于去年与高通交恶,只得用联发科和三星处理器,可能今年年底才能用得上高通中端处理器。其flyme系统流畅度非常好,mback按键的交互方式也广受好评。miui和flyme是国产安卓机型系统优化第一阵营,而且是最良心的。魅族的创新总被友商借鉴,可怜的珠海小厂。OPPO和vivo兄弟都出自步步高,主打拍照、音质,机子质量不错,售后也到位,专耕线下已硕果累累。营销方式也就是广告轰炸、门店遍地、疯狂冠名,虽诟病低配高价,到处抄袭,应用界面都和苹果一样,但是销量确实可观,甚至去年都跻身于国产手机销量前三甲, 取得巨大成功。特别不推荐购买蓝绿机。而且系统万年不升级,这点也快赶超华为了。垃圾不分蓝绿。金华OV都是低配高价。美图也走OV路线,长得就奇葩。中兴,和华为一样,是通信公司。手机做得太平庸,所以手机这块是很失败的。作为当年“中华酷联”之首,却不像华为一样成功,实在可惜。子品牌努比亚,特色是无边框、拍照好。但Nubia UI不太好。联想手机啊,好牌打烂了。砍掉乐檬,保留MOTO,据说还要砍掉zuk。其实zuk做得不错,就是联想名声扫地。所以,销量也比较可怜。MOTO模块化手机,美帝良心。可能联想还要恢复Motorola品牌。联想本是电脑品牌,电脑做得还行,做手机就平平淡淡了,还落下了个不好的名声。乐视和360是千元机的搅局者。小米性价比高,乐视和360根本就是性价比屠夫。感觉赔钱做手机一样。然而乐视EUI和360全家桶很让人头疼。乐视本是视频网站,贾跃亭野心勃勃,非要什么都做,手机没能复制电视的成功。PPTV视频网站也来做手机,也不温不火。酷派是曾经“中华酷联”里发展得最糟糕的了。先是360,又是乐视。曾经有奇酷,现在又改回酷派了。乐视入股酷派后,酷派还好吗?酷派也跟着乐视走起了性价比路线。发了几款cool changer也没很火。砍掉大神品牌的酷派不是以前的酷派的。一加,是原OPPO的设计师刘作虎创办的,口号“不将就”,只出旗舰机,比较小众,但是手机做得相当不错。而且国外卖的更好。锤子,老罗(罗永浩)创立,拥有很多粉丝,买锤子就是买情怀,主打工匠精神。锤子的系统Smartisan OS做得也不错。金立,学习OV走线下,但是依然很山寨。高价低配,针对商务人士M2017号称“成功的标配”。8848也打商务,没什么特色,貌似很有逼格,价格直逼三星W系列,但是有三星知名度高吗?也就是买来装逼用的,不建议买。格力,董大姐不知怎么心血来潮,要做手机。开机动画美爆了,不知如何评价。格力手机销量很惨淡。还是好好买空调吧,掌握核心科技的大厂。tcl实在不咋样,还收购了黑莓。HTC也日薄西山了,大陆售价不能再高,不得人心。还有首发联发科X30的不知名厂商vernee。当然,买手机还是要买品牌的。另外还有一些主营外国的手机,不像华为、小米、一加,它们不在国内卖。如elephone,靓丽的外观,很低的价格,最美的山寨机。还有主销非洲的传音。等等。就介绍这些吧,根据你的实际需要选择适合的手机,毕竟没有十全十美的,又不能求全责备。谢谢邀请。龘䶮翾穹450粉丝 · 2914赞搜索2020双12京东手机活动二手手机货到付款荣耀v30pro骁龙888手机价位2020建议买手机排行榜手机哪个品牌最好查询
2023-01-10 12:27:1711


连续整理了两天三夜,笨猫把Tyger新二的学习框架整理出来了。由于老师讲得比较零碎,花费的时间比较多,亲爱的小伙伴们等急了吧?笨猫按每课编排知识点。先写框架,以后逐渐形成体系。(笨猫辛苦整理,请尊重版权喔) Lesson 1 A private coversation 1.Last week  I went to the theatre. 2.I had a very good seat. 3.The play was very interesting. 4.I did not enjoy it. 5.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. 6.They were talking loudly. 7.I got very angry. 8.I could not hear the actors. I turned round. .I looked at the man and the woman angrily. 10.They did not pay any attention. 11.In the end,I could not bear it. 12.I turned round again. 13.I can"t hear a word!" 14.I said angrily. 15."It"s none of your business." 16.the young man said rudely. 17."This is a private conversation!" 板块一:切分单词 thea/tre    "ea"发什么音 in/teres/ting  哪个字母不发音, t e res en/joy    o发什么音 be/hind    loud/ly    angri/ly  rude/ly  an/gry  pri/vate co/ver/sa/tion  重音音节sa,重音不在第一个音节上面时,Tyger会提问。 板块二:句子结构  I  Love  You 对应文章“Love"画时态简图板块三:标题的理解 文章中的两句话: 8.I could not hear the actors. 13.I can"t hear a word!" 包含两个层面:演员的话,两个人的悄悄话 从作者角度表达的是听不到演员的话,从年青男子的角度,是两个人之间的悄悄话。因此文章标题立意,年青男子的立场展开故事情节。 板块四:“the"的用法 the word, the actors,在此强调。一个字也不听到,强调作者非常生气。 板块五:love后部的介词 8..I looked at the man and the woman angrily.中Love结构,looked at 介词:空间定位器 LOVE结构:助词+动词+介词(构成英语谓语) 中文谓语:动词Lesson 2 Breakfast or Lunch 1. It  was Sunday. 2.I never get up early on Sundays. 3.I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 4.Last Sunday I got up very late. 5.I looked out of the window. 6.It was dark  outside. 7."What a day!"I thought. 8."It"s raining again." 9.Just then,the telephone rang. 10.It was my aunt Lucy. 11."I"ve just arrived by train?" she said,"I"m coming to see you." 12."But I"m still having breakfast."I said. 13."What are you doing?"she asked. 14"I"m having breakfast."I repeated. 15"Dear me,"she said. 16."Do you always get up so late?" 17."It"s one o"clock!" 板块一:单词切分,先关后切 break/fast    "ea"哪个字母不发音  fast中a漂移到哪里了。 some/time  al/ways  tele/phone    thou/ght  "gh"不发音。 ar/riv(ed)  re/peat(ed)  ask(ed) 板块二:难点:代词 It 的运用,不要等同于“它”。 例:1.今天天很热。 hot    It"s  hot. 2.今天晴天。 sunny            It"s  sunny. 3.原来是你。 you                It"s  you. 4.外面很冷。 cold                It"s cold. 中文里没有it.,称为形式主语。记得千万不能翻译为“它”。 文章中 It   was Sunday.那是个星期天。 再如,6. It was dark  outside.外面很暗。           10 .It was my aunt Lucy.原来是我姑姑。             17." It"s one o"clock!" 这里的"it"均没有含义,Tyger归为傀儡名词。 延伸:傀儡动词is Tyger is bad. 解析:is无含义。 板块三:标题理解 Breakfast or Lunch 下午一点吃饭,是早餐还是午餐? Lesson 3 Please  send me a card 1.Postcards always spoil my holidays. 2.Last summer,I went to Italy. 3.I visited museums and sat in public gardens. 4.A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. 5.Then he lent me a book. 6.I read a few lines. but I did not understand a word. 7.Every day, I thought about postcards. 8.My holidays passed quickly.but I did not send cards to my friends. 9.On the last day I made a big decision. 10.I got up early.and bought thirty-seven cards. 11.I spent the whole day in my room.but I did not write a single card! 板块一:单词切分,先关后切 post/card(s)  "o"发长音 ho/li/day(s)      切2下 al/ways            切1下 vis/it(ed)          "s"漂移到z上。“ed”发"id" mu/seum          "eu"发什么音 pub/lic      wai/ter      un/der/stand  gar/den(s)    friend/ly    "i"字母不发音。 de/ci/sion  重音的音节在“ci"上,用手势解读:"de"时手放平,“ci”时手上提。 pass(ed)    "ed"中的“d"发"t". 小结:先关的有s,ed,ing等,拼读的本质“音形对应”。 板块二:Love结构对应时态简图 板块三:动词 第一类动词 1.went to Italy 2.sat in public gardens 3.thought about postcards 4.send cards    to my friends 5. spent the whole day   in my room 特点:将动词和介词切开。 第二类动词 spoil my holidays visited museums taught me a few words of Italian lent me a book understand a word made a big decision bought thirty-seven cards 特点:无介词 第三类动词 passed quickly got up early 特点:动词后加副词 详解up.有时作介词,有时可作副词。在第一类动词中,up后有宾语时,作介词。                                                                 在第三类动词中,up后无宾语时,作副词。 板块四:代词有门道 代词分主格、宾格两大类。 代词的运用:he/him,she/her 处在 I 结构时,主格代词he,she 处在“You”结构时,宾格代词him,her 练习:用1.My father"s(his)                 2. He                   3.Him 替代文章句子。 文章1.Postcards always spoil my father"s holidays.. 2.Last summer, He went to Italy. 3 .He visited museums and sat in public gardens. 4.A friendly waiter taught him a few words of Italian. 5.Then he lent him a book. 6. My father read a few lines. but he did not understand a word. 7.Every day, he thought about postcards. 8. My father"s holidays passed quickly.but I did not send cards to my friends. 9.On the last day he made a big decision. 10. He got up early.and bought thirty-seven cards. 11. He spent the whole day in his room.but he did not write a single card! 练习2 用    1.My mother"s(she)                     2.she                     3.her 替代文章句子。 文章1.Postcards always spoil my mother"s holidays.. 2.Last summer, She went to Italy. 3 .She visited museums and sat in public gardens. 4.A friendly waiter taught her a few words of Italian. 5.Then he lent her a book. 6. My mother read a few lines. but she did not understand a word. 7.Every day, she thought about postcards. 8. My mother"s holidays passed quickly.but I did not send cards to my friends. 9.On the last day she made a big decision. 10. She got up early.and bought thirty-seven cards. 11. She spent the whole day in her room.but she did not write a single card! 板块五:标题理解 Please send me a card 在作者的角度,答应朋友的请求,给朋友寄卡片,但从未寄出过。(和Tyger一样)未完,待续。。。 祝大朋友,小朋友们。六一节日快乐! 六一,我们带孩子来了一场说走就走的旅行。小聪爸和我想的一样,没有精力做的事就选择放下,换种方式。陪我一起玩,一起累,到Bar里畅饮,喝个痛快。告诉小聪,生活中会有许多牵绊,要学会如何掌控它。以后的事才会不偏离轨道。 板块六:名词复数 1. Postcard s always spoil my holiday s. 2 .I visited museum s. 4. I sat in public garden s. 6. I read a few line s. 7 .Everyday I  thought about postcard s. 8. My holiday s passed quickly.but I did not send card s to my friend s. 11. I spent the whole day in her room.but she did not write a single card ! 前穿后戴 postcards,my holidays,museums,gardens,a few lines,a word,postcards,holidays,cards,the whole day,a single card 前穿着my ,a ,the .. 后戴着“复数” my比the更具体。 板块七:中英文思维差异---名词 1.中文思维---男孩 英文思维boys, a boy, the boy, the boys 2.中文思维---明信片 英文思维postcards, a postcard, the postcard,the postcards 3.中文思维----假期 英文思维 holidays, a holiday, the holiday, the holidays 板块八:名词的单复数 apples的单数,单词的表现形式apple                           句子中的表现形式an apple bananas的单数,单词的表现形式banana                           句子中的表现形式a banana 重新理解句子中名词的单复数表现形式 apples是an apple的复数 the apple的复数the apples 板块九:名词绝不裸奔 apples的单数,在句子中的表现形式an apple,泛指 the apples的单数,在句子中的表现形式the apple特指 实例拓展: 1.我在水果店看到了苹果apples,我指着红富士,告诉妈妈想吃这种苹果the apples,然后我拿了一个又大又红的苹果,The apple is mine. 2.老虎是森林之王。 解析:这里的“老虎”只能是泛指。 Tigers are the king of the forests. 或者  A  tiger is the king of the forests. 解析:这里的“A”没有意义。 3.the +名词复数的用法 (1)the指功能,特指 (2)the=this+that+these+those 4.好语感,从精准发音开始。读英语时,一定认真读,把前后读明白。 文中2.Last Summer, I went to Italy. 解析:Italy,不特指,也不泛指。所以不加the.这里Tyger冠名”裸奔”,必考知识点。 名词绝不裸奔,前或后加东西。 Lesson 4  An exciting  trip 1.I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim. 2.He is in Australia. 3.He has been there for six months. 4.Tim is an engineer. 5.He is working for a big firm. and he has already visited a great mumber of different places in Australia. 6.He has just bought an Australian car. and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australis. 7.He will soon visit Darwin . 8.From there ,he will fly to Perth. 9 .My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. 板块一:名词绝不裸奔,裸奔必考点 1. a letter brother my 比the更加具体, 考点Australia 3.six months,an engineer engineer 5.a big firm/ a great number/different places Australia car 考点Alice Spring a small town 考点Autralia,Darwin,Perth 9.My brother/this trip 小结:见裸奔,找考点。 板块二:切分单词,先关后切 板块三:Love 前部的助词 Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 1.Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. 2.Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury. but Mr.Scott cannot get a gelephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigenons. 3.Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. 4.The bird covered the distance in three minutes. 5.Up to now ,Mr .Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. 6.In this way,he has begun his own private "telephone"service. 板块一:单词切分,先关后切 co/ver/(ed)  漂移“o” dis/tance      mi/nute(s)    re/quest    重音在哪里呀,重音在哪里? 板块二:名词不裸奔,裸奔必考点 1. 考点Mr.James  Silbury 解析:地名、人名前不加the 2.a garage,another garage, 3.five miles 4.a telephone 5.twelve pigeons 6.a pigeons the first message/tje bird/the distance/three minutes 7.a great many requests/spare parts/other urgent messages garage/the other Lesson 6  Percy Buttons 课文略 板块:单词切分,先关后切 板块二:名词不裸奔 板块三:完过一将进is has will
2023-01-10 12:28:051

七年级上寒假作业答案 接力出版社的

P11.(1)× (2)√ (3)×2.⑤②⑧③⑦①⑥④3.(1)今天活动,我们班的同学只有林平没有来。 (2)勤奋刻苦的学习态度,是搞好学习的关键。 (3)母亲具有的优良品德,让我在成长过程中受益颇深。 (4)改革开放,人们的生活水平有了很大提高。4.秋山人在画中行5.略P21-5 ACCAB6.A What color7.D 8.B a student9.D it is10.B spell11.What orange13. color14.My favorite color15.WhatP31-5 ADDCA(第4题多了一个括号)6-10 BCBBA(第7题没括号)P41.A2.B3.首段:圆圆的黑眸子泛起一层雾水尾段:如桃核一般的……两滴晶莹的泪珠滑落下来4.一是父亲的(头发)由(乌发)变为(银丝)二是父亲的(背)由(挺直的)变为(驼了)5.C6.体现了怨恨和后悔,表现了娟子对父亲浓厚的感情P51-4 is9.favorite10----C11——E12——B13——A14------D15.Four16.red17.black18.light blue19.whiteP61-6BCADBB7-12 CCDCDCP71A好像没错 B第二个划线 改为(bó) C第三个画线 改为(xù)2.(1)荣 (2)返 (3)珑 (4)挫 (5)注 (6)执 (7)彩 (8)挠3.D4略5.以前做过练习P81.I"m name is4.what"s5.Hello6.Smith7.nine8.Wang9.his10.she11-17 DDACABBP9 略 P101-4 AACB5.A6.A 7.A项重点突出了“有的”,形容数量多。B则着重描写“是”,给人一种满的感觉,形容工夫和希望多。8.B9.不可以。从“娃娃”到“小姑娘”到“青年”,力量从小到大,时间从先到后,形象地点明了春天的生长过程10.A11.突出春天的健壮身姿美P111-3 ABA4.your 5.is6.How7.I"m8.please9.spell10.Yes11.are12.twelve 13.too14-15 CACBA P121-8 DBACBABCP131-6 CCDCBC7.我早就要灭吴了,今日终遂了心愿8.(1)爸爸,我已初三了,马上要面临中考了,我想有个安静的环境复习功课,你们不要在家里打麻将好吗? (2)这次就算了吧,孩子要中考了,给他点空间,让他好好复习,下次再来吧。P141.ister 2.hoto 3.hanks 4.riend 5.nut 6.ncle 7.hey 8.uch 9.he 10.aughter11-16DBBCBBP151-10 ABD ABC ABCD ABC AC BCD AD CD ACD BCP161.D2.①只需浇足两次清水 ②一天开的朵数从不爽约 ③与光明同在,与黑暗同去 ④牵牛花平凡而不矫饰3.DEF4.A5.赞美了为迎接光明而生、为送黑暗而死的牵牛花P171-4 ABAA5.C his6.B he 7.A How 8.C first 9.D it is 10.B in 11.D aunt 12.D sisters 13.C she 14.B are P181.①——C ——b ②——A——c ③——B——a2.①——C ②——A ③——B3.儒家:孟子,荀子 道家:老子 墨家:墨子 法家:韩非4.①创办私学 ②方法:a.因材施教 b.启发引导 c.经常复习 d.相互学习 e."知之为知之,不知为不知”的学习态度 5.(1)"炮烙"之刑 (2)纣王 (3)商朝灭亡的后果P191.顽固 沁人心脾2.开始,“我”眼中的洋槐“光秃秃灰蒙蒙一副冬天的面孔,几根枯枝很顽固地向上张扬着”3.开始,“我”对洋槐十分憎恶,心里诅咒它快点死掉4.具体表现在它的花香和沾满晨露的花。5.“我”对洋槐由厌恶变成喜爱,对它产生了由衷的赞美之情。 2.her 3.his 4.girl"s 5.your 6.them 7.parents 9.friends 10.brothers 11-15 BEACD16-25 BACDAACBCCP211-8 CDBCBCAC P22略P231-10 AACDCCACDB11-20 CAGBDEFJIHP241.(1)启 (2)王位世袭制2.(1)李冰。战国时期的秦国人。 (2)主持修筑了闻名世界的防洪灌溉工程,叫都江堰。 (3)伯禹是指传说中的大禹,因为他治水有功。3.(1)商鞅。在公元前356年。 (2)变法。法家学派。地主阶级的利益。P251.(1)-(5)BAABB2.(1)-(5)AABBA3.(1)可望而不可及 (2)斗转星移 (3)海枯石烂 (4) 风平浪静 (5) 囫囵吞枣4.(1)A.欺负人的事 B.不公平 C.因事而激动,不满或愤怒 (2)A.聚集 B.将就 C.拼凑 (3)A. 派遣 B.消磨 C.安排 (4)A.事物之间的关系 B.泛指原因、条件 C.牵涉5.(1)这是划船比赛项目的会标,设计者巧妙地将两个划船人正在进行比赛的姿态设计成一个“比”字,既形象地表明了体育项目的内容,又突出了“比赛”的意思。 (2)谜底:木 谜面:桃李梅杏样样都有 2.under 3.on 4.near 5.behind 6.between 7-11 ADCEB12.game13. table 14.are 15.bookcase 16.pencil case 19.keys 20.on P271.BCD 2.ABD 3.AB 4.AC 5.ABCD6.换位思考,想想父母的苦衷。 7.因为懂得礼貌可使我们在人际交往方面上迈步。P281.①A ②B2.①昔日盈门的宾客却纷纷离散。 ②花儿来了,为大地披红戴绿。 ③杨柳枯了,洒给大地一片片冷漠。3.“如果那样,我不也变得一样薄情了吗?” 4.CP291-5 ABBBC 6-15 BAAADBACDCP301.①——A ②——B ③——C ④——D2.①——B ②——A ③——D ④——C3.①——AC ②——BD4.犁壁 耧车 牛耕 5.卫青 霍去病 窦固 窦宪6. 四面楚歌 揭竿而起 焚书坑儒 指鹿为马 破釜沉舟7.西汉《九章算术》 张衡发明的地动仪 华佗制成“麻沸散” P311.A 2.A 3.前方弯道有学校,请减速!4.①张伟上学忽然肚子剧痛,我和同学将他送到医院,得知是急性阑尾炎,请您务必来市中心医院。 ②我同学张伟得了急性阑尾炎,我现在医院陪着他,不用担心我。P321-10 DCDBBDABCD 11.don"t have12.Does have13.they do14.NO,doesn"t15.can"t findP33 1.(1)不正确,因为我们是为自己而学习,应当履行中小学生义务,学习不是为了爸妈争光,而是为了自己将来的生存。 (2)学习是一种乐趣,只是我们没有正确的看待它,发掘它。2.(1)养成良好的学习习惯是取得事半功倍的学习效果的途径。 (2)课后认真复习。这些习惯对我的学习有促进作用。3.有矛盾。学习不能总读死书。劳逸结合,才能对学习感到身心愉悦。P341.表现了老人家对“锅里的蛋”的在意,是对购买者的责任表达,也是对生活来源的珍惜。2.动作 反衬老妪的高尚人品3.和老妪相比,对于生活的认真态度,对于老人的真诚劳动,“我”为自己的行动感到自责。P351-5 TFTTF6-15 BDBDCCBDAAP361.(1)2/3 (2)-20/3 (3)3 (4)9/112.(1)8 (2)-15 (3)0 (4)7/6 (5)10/3 (6)-2/93.不等于04.(1)< (2)<5.<6.-37-10 DACD11.(1)-7/4 (2)0.11(有可能是我算错了,所以答案不一样可能是我错了)P371.(1)A.亚洲 B.北美洲 C.非洲 D.南美洲(2)①太平洋 ②大西洋 ③印度洋 ④北冰洋2.(1)ACDB (2)赤道 20°W,160°E (3)东半球 南半球 (4)3:7 (5)陆地 海洋P38 1-5 CBCDB6. 27. 08. 09. 4510. 34311.(1)-80 (2)-1/10 (3)-5 (4)0(有可能是我算错了,所以答案不一样可能是我错了)P391.根 茎 叶 花 果实 种子 根 茎 叶 (不会)营养 花 果实 种子 繁殖 生殖2.保护 分生 输导 营养3.多 1 肌肉组织 血液循环4.受精卵 组织 器官 系统 5.神经组织 支配6.它们的身体只有一个细胞 衣藻7.根冠 分生区 伸长区 成熟区8.分生9.(1)甲← 乙→ (2)草履虫是一个生物体,能对外界的刺激作出反映P401.不会2.全都是">",规律不会3.不会P411-10 DBADCBDADBP421. -xy^4 -x^4y -x²y³ -x³y²2.(1)40t。次数1 (2)πR²。次数3 (3)a+10b。次数1。项是a,10b (4)体积:a³-b²a,次数3。项是a³和-b²a 表面积:6a²-2b²。次数2。项是6a²和-2b²3. 13a 14a 后面两个不会4. 由题意得:p-3不等于零,所以p不能等于3p-3q+8=5 p=3q-3 p,q为正整数,当q=1时,p=0不符合要求当q=2时,p=3x2-3=3 不符合要求当q=3时,p=3*3-3=6符合要求所以q=3,p=6原式=(6-3)x³+(6-3×3+8)x² +3×6x+8×3 =3x³+5x²+18x+24P431-11 DBBDACBDCBB12.(1)-(5)CDFAB13-14 BBP441.(1)-3a (2)-a (3)x²y-xy² (4)-2a+b (5)0 (6)3/2a²+b2.(1)-6(x+y)² -13(x-y) (2)7(a-b)+4(a+b) (3)-1/4(a+b)² -4(a+b) -9 (有可能是我算错了,所以答案不一样可能是我错了) P451.北半球,往南气温高,南方为低纬;往北气温低,北方为高纬2.①热带雨林气候 ②热带草原气候 ③热带沙漠气候 ④地中海气候 ⑤温带海洋性气候 ⑥寒带气候3.我国南方地区是农业发达、人口稠密的地区,夏季如果有一个月不下雨,就会严重影响农业的生产,发生旱灾。沙漠地区人口稀疏,经济落后,很多地区荒芜人烟,一年不下雨是常有的自然现象,成不了灾害。4.⑥ ⑦ ④ ⑤ ③P461.(1)-7x²-y²+12y (2)15/2x+5 (3)3a²-2b² (4)-4x²+6x+6 (5)8x²-2x+1 (6)a+4b (7)a²-4a (8)x-22.153.2x²y+2xy² 4 (有可能是我算错了,所以答案不一样可能是我错了)P471-4 BCCB5.带 叶绿体6.光合自养 光合色素 光合7.(1)细胞壁 叶绿体 细胞质 细胞核 液泡 (2)B D A (3)生活在水中,全身都能从环境中吸收水分和无机盐,能进行光合作用,不需要专门的吸收养料、运输或进行光合作用的器官 8.短而细的假根 茎 叶 扁平的叶状体 背阴潮湿 孢子9.自然环境 煤 10.E-c B-a11.从水中吸收水分和养料12. 茎 叶 根 阴暗潮湿的环境中 13.苔藓 14.根 茎 叶 输导15.藻类 衣藻 绿眼虫16. 藻类。因为它们的结构简单,生活在水中。 由水生到陆生,因为低等的生物大都没有输导组织,体表的保水能力较差。而陆生生物则与之不同,它们大都有输导组织,体表有角质层,能保持水分。 P481.(1)-(6)是 不是 不是 不是 是 不是2.(1)2x+2(x-2)=2x+2x+4=4x-4 (2)2x+2(x+2)=2x+2x+4=4x+43.12年4.黑12 白205.22只P501-5 ADCCC5.根茎 果实 种子 孢子 阴暗环境 水 潮湿6.茎 叶 茎 假根 潮湿 孢子7.海带 紫菜 衣藻 水绵8.单 多 根 茎 叶 水 孢子9.不会P51 1.内部条件 外部条件 种子必须都是活的 适宜的温度、充足的水分、足量的空气2.在探究某种条件对研究对象的影响时,对研究对象进行的除了该条件不同以外,其他条件都相同的实验3.前者是从胚乳中吸收养料供给胚的发育,后者直接为胚的发育提供养料4-6 CBA7.②取适量小麦种子均匀置于培养器中(且统计种子数,记为M),把它放在条件适宜的地方 ③适时洒水、观察,做好记录,数天后统计,发芽的种子数为N ④MN×100%8.(1)3 2和1,2和3,2和4 (2)对照作用 具备种子萌发所需的外界条件 (3)有。9.一定能萌发,因为具备了种子萌发的条件。P521.解:设当时存入人民币x元,税后利息则为(14504-x)元 14504-x=0.025x×2×(1-0.2)解得:x=140002.解:(1)设羽绒服的标价X元5折将赚50元,成本=0.5X-506折销售将赚80元,成本=0.6X-800.5X-50=0.6X-80解得X=300成本0.5X-50=100 (2)设最多能便宜到Y% 300Y%-100=20解得Y=40也就是说最多能打4折 3.解:设原来进价是单位“1”,利润率是:M%,那么销售价是:1+M%现在的进价是:1-5%=0。95,利润率是:(M+6)%,销售价还是:1+M%0.95×[1+(M+6)%]=1+M%0.95+0.95×M%+0.95×6%=1+M%M%=0.14=14%M=144.230元P531-6 BDABAC7.基督教——欧洲——教堂佛教——东南亚——庙宇伊斯兰教——西亚——清真寺8.(1)伊斯兰  基督  佛 (2)基督教 欧 美 大洋 (3)伊斯兰 穆斯林 (4)伊斯兰 佛P541. x-1 十位+个位上的数字=这个两位数×1/6 x+x-1=1/6(10x+x-1) 5 542.C 3.724.1485.设十位X,个位X-2,10*X+(X-2)=10*(X-2)+X+18 说明从X=2到X=9的八个两位数都是满足的他们是20,31,42,53,64,75,86,97.6.192P551.被子 多 密切2.绿色开花 根 茎 叶 花 果实 种子 种子 果皮3.根 茎 叶 裸露 果皮4.裸子植物故乡P491.602.出生率 死亡率 出生率 死亡率3.慢 快4.单位面积土地上居住的人口数 世界各地人口5.亚洲东部和南部 北美洲东部 西欧6.近海 暖和湿润7.苔原 冰原 针叶林 热带雨林 沙漠 高原 山地8.计划 社会 经济 环境 资源 素质9.黄色人种 白色人种 黑色人种10-15 ADAADB(12题没括号)P56①去分母 ②去括号 ③ 移项 ④ 合并同类项 ⑤系数化为12. -53. 3/54. 1.176x5. -2 x=5/46.-1/47.2(x+x-0.6)=5.28.1/97-14 DBCBBB P571.乡村 城市 2.气候 资源 3.渔村 林场 4.平原 工农业 5.人类活动 自然环境 民族特色6. 稀疏 矮 稀疏 少 少 少 有 有 有 人口稀疏 小 密集 高 密集 多 多 多 无 无 无 人口密集 大7-8 BC9.不会P581.线 面 体2. 2 4 2n3.五棱柱 六棱锥4. 8 6 六5.圆形6.14、13、12或157.圆柱体 体8-10 CBB11. 90cm²P591.90% 80% 50% 植物体的重要组成成分2.①使植物叶硬挺,保持直立姿态 ②降低叶面温度 ③促进无机盐的运输3.不均匀的 终年少雨 稀少 充足 很多4.上海水资源总量充沛,但水污染严重,属于水质性缺城市. 保护水资源,防止水污染;科学用水,节约用水.5.①为了确定小麦种子确实已无水分。②最后重量稳定值。 ③一般来说,种子含水量越低,对储藏越有利。因为水会使种子萌发。P601-6 CCCCCC7.(1)AP PQ QB AQ QB AP PB (2)QB  AP  AP  QB(3)PQ8.BC  AB 2/3AC9.(1)CD(2)AC BD (3)AB CD
2023-01-10 12:28:113

用英语介绍一下自己的新朋友 NAME:lucy smith AGE(年龄)13 SCHOLL:n

2023-01-10 12:28:245


目前手机品类繁多,国产机阵营就有华为(荣耀),小米(红米),魅族(魅蓝),OPPO,vivo,中兴(努比亚),联想(zuk、MOTO),乐视,酷派,一加,锤子,美图,360(奇酷),tcl(黑莓),金立,格力,华硕,PPTV,HTC,8848,朵唯,以及出口的elephone、传音等等;此外还有国际品牌三星,苹果,谷歌,LG,索尼,夏普等。就来说其中主流的吧。除了苹果使用iOS系统之外,其外都是安卓机。Windows系统已经很少了。iOS最大的优势就是封闭性,而安卓是开放的系统。这也是如今苹果啃老本最大的卖点。韩国三星,硬件实力雄厚,即便不卖手机,只卖配件,也能相当赚钱。三星不只卖手机,还有屏幕、摄像头、内存等,也难怪三星效益是韩国1/5。LG就差远了。现在由于时势,最好不要买韩货了。索尼大法好,买的是信仰。谷歌、夏普等在中国也比较失利。还是要支持国产。“爱国品牌”华为,子品牌荣耀,是中国最大的手机品牌,当然华为不只是做手机的,华为与中兴一样是通信公司,手机只是副业。但是作为曾经“中华酷联”的一员,只有华为发展得好。华为被称作世界第三手机品牌,虽同苹果三星有差距,但是好的产品肯定会畅销。华为有“质价比”,国际品牌,品质保证。荣耀为互联网品牌,也做得相当不错,口碑甚好。中华有为,国之荣耀。所以华为手机贵在质量。系统EMUI5.0做得也不错。小米是一家了不起的公司。也是成立时间不长,成果出色的公司。继苹果、三星、华为之后第四家自主研发芯片的厂商。miui功能丰富,是系统优化很好的厂商。产品主打性价比,但是有些产品不太美观。重视性能的可以考虑小米。魅族是做MP3起家的手机厂商,重视创新。是中国第一家做智能手机的厂商,经典机型也有很多。囿于去年与高通交恶,只得用联发科和三星处理器,可能今年年底才能用得上高通中端处理器。其flyme系统流畅度非常好,mback按键的交互方式也广受好评。miui和flyme是国产安卓机型系统优化第一阵营,而且是最良心的。魅族的创新总被友商借鉴,可怜的珠海小厂。OPPO和vivo兄弟都出自步步高,主打拍照、音质,机子质量不错,售后也到位,专耕线下已硕果累累。营销方式也就是广告轰炸、门店遍地、疯狂冠名,虽诟病低配高价,到处抄袭,应用界面都和苹果一样,但是销量确实可观,甚至去年都跻身于国产手机销量前三甲, 取得巨大成功。特别不推荐购买蓝绿机。而且系统万年不升级,这点也快赶超华为了。垃圾不分蓝绿。金华OV都是低配高价。美图也走OV路线,长得就奇葩。中兴,和华为一样,是通信公司。手机做得太平庸,所以手机这块是很失败的。作为当年“中华酷联”之首,却不像华为一样成功,实在可惜。子品牌努比亚,特色是无边框、拍照好。但Nubia UI不太好。联想手机啊,好牌打烂了。砍掉乐檬,保留MOTO,据说还要砍掉zuk。其实zuk做得不错,就是联想名声扫地。所以,销量也比较可怜。MOTO模块化手机,美帝良心。可能联想还要恢复Motorola品牌。联想本是电脑品牌,电脑做得还行,做手机就平平淡淡了,还落下了个不好的名声。乐视和360是千元机的搅局者。小米性价比高,乐视和360根本就是性价比屠夫。感觉赔钱做手机一样。然而乐视EUI和360全家桶很让人头疼。乐视本是视频网站,贾跃亭野心勃勃,非要什么都做,手机没能复制电视的成功。PPTV视频网站也来做手机,也不温不火。酷派是曾经“中华酷联”里发展得最糟糕的了。先是360,又是乐视。曾经有奇酷,现在又改回酷派了。乐视入股酷派后,酷派还好吗?酷派也跟着乐视走起了性价比路线。发了几款cool changer也没很火。砍掉大神品牌的酷派不是以前的酷派的。一加,是原OPPO的设计师刘作虎创办的,口号“不将就”,只出旗舰机,比较小众,但是手机做得相当不错。而且国外卖的更好。锤子,老罗(罗永浩)创立,拥有很多粉丝,买锤子就是买情怀,主打工匠精神。锤子的系统Smartisan OS做得也不错。金立,学习OV走线下,但是依然很山寨。高价低配,针对商务人士M2017号称“成功的标配”。8848也打商务,没什么特色,貌似很有逼格,价格直逼三星W系列,但是有三星知名度高吗?也就是买来装逼用的,不建议买。格力,董大姐不知怎么心血来潮,要做手机。开机动画美爆了,不知如何评价。格力手机销量很惨淡。还是好好买空调吧,掌握核心科技的大厂。tcl实在不咋样,还收购了黑莓。HTC也日薄西山了,大陆售价不能再高,不得人心。还有首发联发科X30的不知名厂商vernee。当然,买手机还是要买品牌的。另外还有一些主营外国的手机,不像华为、小米、一加,它们不在国内卖。如elephone,靓丽的外观,很低的价格,最美的山寨机。还有主销非洲的传音。等等。就介绍这些吧,根据你的实际需要选择适合的手机,毕竟没有十全十美的,又不能求全责备。谢谢邀请。
2023-01-10 12:28:477


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2023-01-10 12:30:252


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2023-01-10 12:31:281

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