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despite , whereas , while , even if , even though , even so的区别`~`最好有例句

2023-05-19 21:12:10

Despite all our efforts we still lost the game. 尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛.His children are well bred, whereas those of his sister are naughty. 他的孩子很有教养,但他姐姐的孩子却调皮得很。While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside. 玛丽写信时,孩子们在外面玩耍.Even if I fail this time, I would try again. 即使我这次失败了,我还要再试试。He never apologizes, even though he knows that he is in the wrong. 他从不道歉, 即使他自知错了。There are many spelling mistakes; even so it"s quite a good essay. 这篇文章有许多拼写错误, 然而仍不失之为好文章.


while然而,表转折。even though即使,尽管,虽然的意思。如果你想知道的更详细,就去谷歌查吧!


even so中文是什么意思

2023-01-10 11:15:142

even so与even though区别及用法?

even so只是一个短语,不能引导句子. even though 可以引导让步状语从句.
2023-01-10 11:15:234

[紧急求助]even so是什么意思?

2023-01-10 11:15:464

even so,even though 有何用法区别???"tbelieveinghosts.Evenso,iwouldn"tliketobealonginthatroomatnight.evenso是尽管如此的意思。(表示所说所做的前后矛盾)(我觉得这个是”转折)eventhough:usedtoemphasizethatalthoughsomethinghappensoristrue,,hehelpedmewithmywork.尽管他累了,还帮我干活。eventhough也是尽管如此的意思。(表示尽管某件事发生或是真的,另外的事情还是发生或是真的)(我觉得这个是”递进“)看中文解释是一样的,但是看英文就不一样了。
2023-01-10 11:16:021

even if和even so区别

even so :其中,so是副词(也可单独用作连词),指代前面所叙述的情况或事实等。 1. 虽然如此,即使这样 2. 正是如此 even so adv. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession) Even so, stocks marched higher in the last hour of trading to finish with solid gains. Even so, most women will not get breast cancer by taking the pills short-term. even if:if 是连词(也可作名词用),用于引导从句。 即使,纵然,尽管,虽然,甚至 even if/though即使;甚至;尽快;尽管 Even if you have never bought travel insurance, this would be the trip to start. Anyone is welcome to stay, even if a bed is not available, they just share one. Even if he has committed crimes, how can there be a kidnapping-style "human disappearance"? ________________________ 完美的分割线 新生命语言团倾情为您解答~~~
2023-01-10 11:16:092

even so用在句首还是句尾

Even so, I enjoy it. 即使如此,我也很喜欢。article.yeeyan.orgEven so, what they do is bad for America. 虽然如此,他们的行为对美国也是不利的。article.yeeyan.orgIt has many omissions; even so, it is quite a useful reference book. 那本书有许多遗漏之处,即使如此, 尚不失为一本有用的参考书
2023-01-10 11:16:171

even so啥意思

2023-01-10 11:16:233

even if和even so有什么区别如题 谢谢了

even if一般引导的是把握不大或假设的事情 如:Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be proud. 即使我们在工作中取得了巨大成绩,也不应该自满。 even so: (used as a conj 用作连词)in spite of that,nevertheless尽管如此,然而,不过:There are many spelling mistakes ;even so it"s quite a good essay. even though/if: (used as conj用作连词)in spite of the fact or belief that;no matter whether: 即使,纵然 这句话的意思:叔叔是一个很好的司机,尽管如此我还是不会做他的车 所以应该用even so
2023-01-10 11:16:381

用even so 造句

知道even造句、even if造句、even though造句even so造句不知道
2023-01-10 11:16:432

even so 和 even though 哪个后面可加逗号,再加句子?

even so
2023-01-10 11:16:522

even so能不能和but连用

可以 的表让步 可配合转折词使用 BUT例如 That may be true, but, even so, we will investigate further.= though/although
2023-01-10 11:17:064


2023-01-10 11:17:211

一到英语单选,关于even so & even though

其实呢这两个答案要是用汉语来回答都是可以的,从句意上分别是即使这样;虽然。这句话的意思是“你叔叔似乎是个好司机,尽管这样,我还是不敢坐他的车”even so,意思是尽管这样,功能是对上述句子进行概括转折,even so可以单独使用。而even though则没有这个功能,它要放在句首使用,例如“ even though Your uncle seems to be a good driver; I wouldn"t dare to travel in his car."
2023-01-10 11:17:383

even so,i still don"t have the heart to hurt you什么意思

2023-01-10 11:17:504

为什么A是没有连词的?难道说even so不算连词吗?

2023-01-10 11:18:044


1even so和even then都有这个意思,即使如此。you have to wear a live jacket when you"re on a boat. Even so, you still have to be very careful.坐船时候得穿救生衣,而且穿着,也得特别小心。即便如此的意思。even then还有甚至那时的意思Even then, he"s not worried.都那时候了(形容火烧眉毛了)他还不急。————————————even if就算 和 even though尽管 这一对 给你举个很有意思的例子一下就记住了。Even if I love you, I can not marry you.就算是我爱你,也不会嫁给你的。那就意思是我不爱你呗。Even though I love you, I can not marry you.尽管我爱你,但没法嫁给你。 那就意思是,我爱你呢,但是怎么怎么怎么。他的意思都隐含在if 和 though俩字里。你就记住,if是假设的,所以是就算,其实事实没这样。而though呢,是尽管但是,事实如此了,虽然事实如此,但是怎么怎么。你体会一下他们俩的意思。————————————————2意思是咱们开始时候要不要来点什么?不用,就这样吧。虽然的确挺想尝尝你们家的好茶。start with是以什么开始。这个地方呢,就是为了陪衬谈话,或者出于礼貌,谈事之前给客人倒杯茶的客套用语。do是强调。确实 的确可怜乎乎的大过年也没人给解决。。交给达奚老师吧。哈哈。
2023-01-10 11:18:221

even so,people are going to find it

即使如此,人们将会发现工作很困难. be going to 是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测将要或肯定会发生的动作,有“准备;打算”的意思.含有be going to 结构的句子中往往有表示将来的时间状语.
2023-01-10 11:18:271

even though与even so区别,一道单选(解答清晰加分)

Even so是但是,even through是虽然。_______, 我不会原谅他···明白了不??
2023-01-10 11:18:332


2023-01-10 11:18:421

but; however; nevertheless; yet; even so; at the same time; none the less这些有什么区别吗?

2023-01-10 11:18:501

为什么A是没有连词的?难道说even so不算连词吗?

这里so的用法和it 一样是代词 代指了 美国赢取了金牌这件事,这一整个事件可以当做一个整体都的名词
2023-01-10 11:18:562

but; however; nevertheless; yet; even so; at the same time; none the less这些有什么区别吗?

2023-01-10 11:19:042


相信各位都见过even这个单词,even有甚至、正当、更和恰好等意思,那么你知道even的用法吗?下面是我给大家带来的even的用法 总结 _even的用法例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! even的用法总结 ● adv.(副词) even作“确实是”“甚至是”解时主要用在表示意外的词语前加强语气,可用来修饰动词或名词。 even也可放在形容词或副词的比较级前加强语气,意思是“更加”“愈加”“还”。 even的位置应靠近它所强调的词或 短语 。一般须置于系动词be或助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前。在句中位置的不同影响整个 句子 的意思。 not even表示一种反面的意外事情,指连最低级限度的情况或最小的事物都不存在。 在下面的用法中, even可作“甚至可以说”解。例如:He is willing, even eager, to do it.他很乐意,甚至可以说迫不及待地想做这件事。 在表达让步的最高级结构中,由于句中含有“虽则”的意味,所以不再用even。但在比较级结构中则可以用even。试比较: In the coldest day he will go skiing.即使在最冷的日子,他仍要去滑雪。It was cold yesterday, but it"s even colder today.昨天冷,今天更冷了。 even有时可插在动词不定式符号to和动词原形中间,即所谓分裂不定式。例如:It is too heavy for me to even lift.它很重,我都掀不动它。 ● v.(动词) even用作形容词意思是“平坦的”,转化为动词意思是“使变平”,引申可作“使相等,使平衡”解。 even是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 even out的意思是“(使)平稳〔衡〕,压平”; even up的意思是“拉平,使相抵,使相等,使平衡”; even up on sb 的意思是“向某人报答”。 ● adj.(形容词) even的基本含义是“平的”,指物体在同一平面上或同一线上的各点保持均匀,即表面平整,水平线平直。even作“均匀的,有规律的,稳定的”解时既可指事物的运动,也可指人的性格毫无变化。even作“相等的,均衡的”解时指质量、距离、价值等,也可指人或事物的不相上下。even还可作“双数的,偶数的”解,通常用于数学方面。 even在句中可用作定语,表语或补语。其比较级和最高级有evener, evenest和more even, most even两种形式。 even的英语例句 1. Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting.It means the memories last, even if contact is lost. 友情是理解,不是妥协;是原谅,不是遗忘。即使不联系,感情依然在。 2. He once told an interviewer that he didn"t even like rock music. 他曾告诉一位采访者,他甚至都不喜欢摇滚乐。 3. Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate. 一些女孩的第一次排卵甚至可能出现在初潮之前。 4. His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army. 他想开飞机的念头在参军之前就有了。 5. I even began to exploit him in subtle ways. 我甚至开始巧妙地利用他。 6. They can"t believe you can even hold a conversation. 他们不敢相信你竟然能够把一场对话进行下去。 7. This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths. 这种外科手术甚至可以用来切除癌性肿瘤。 8. I still love you even though I"d like to wring your neck. 虽然我想掐死你,但我还是爱你的。 9. He went even further in his speech to the conference. 他在大会发言中作了更进一步的阐述。 10. She took advantage of him even after they were divorced. 甚至在他们离婚后,她还在占他的便宜。 11. My voice surprised me; it was even and emotionless. 我的声音听起来心平气和、不露一丝感情,这让我自己颇感惊讶。 12. It was even marked on the map as a scenic route. 它甚至还作为观光路线标在了地图上。 13. Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually. 特德讨厌各种派对,即便是他自己喜欢的人的聚会也不例外。 14. The drama takes an idealistic, even a naive view of the subject. 这部戏在对待这一主题上有些理想化,甚至是天真。 15. Even quite big companies are going to the wall these days. 现如今甚至有些大公司也濒临破产。 even的短语搭配 even if 即使, 纵然, 尽管, 虽然 not even 即便…也没有 even as 正当, 恰好在…时候 even so 尽管如此, 即使那样 be even 了账, 扯平, 两清, 两抵 break even 收支平衡, 不赔不赚 on an even keel (生活、工作等经历困难后)平稳下来, 顺顺当当 even the score 结清宿怨;摆平 even though 即使, 虽然 even now 甚至到现在 even then 甚至到现在 get even 摆平;扯平;进行报复;算账 even money 等额投注;各半的;对等的 an even break 公平的机会 even a worm will turn 逼人太甚;必有反抗 of even date 同一天的;当天的 and even 甚至;乃至;即使 even more 甚至 even when 即使当;甚至当;即使 even better 甚至更好;甚至好 even用法相关 文章 : ★ once的用法总结 ★ awful的用法总结大全 ★ seldom的用法和短语例句 ★ 英语连词的用法总结详解 ★ if句型的用法总结英语用法 ★ barely的用法总结大全 ★ as的用法总结大全 ★ with的用法总结 ★ 形容词比较级和最高级的用法总结 ★ 初中英语词汇tie用法总结 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-10 11:19:131

and even so意思

2023-01-10 11:19:191


不完整:If the weather was fine. despite, yet, instead, while, whereas, however, nevertheless, although, even though, conversely, different ...的最大区别。所以段落的发展采用了定义法、比较法和举例法三种方法。(even) though, while, whereas, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, ...不加区别的,混杂的,不分清红皂白的 speculative: 1. 思索的 2(哲学)思辩的,...if, thus, hence, so that, so...that..., to...易直译为if you are convenient或if you feel convenient...形容词的各种变化形式以及与副词的区别等。 2、关注...while, whereas, otherwise, in spite of, despite, even though, although, though, unlike, instead(of),rather... 对照反义(有的时候仅仅表示对照)whereas/while 3.转折反义 nonethless/neverthless despite in spite of though/ to given lead to be due to in the sense... so they can be categorized into different types for better understanding. 副词子句阐明不同的状况,所以它们可被...whereas, while, although, though, even though, even if, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that... though, otherwise, rather, despite, in spite of, whereas, even if, while. 常见的负面语气词包括:curiously, much……as…. 与其说是,不如说是。这个短语表示从不同的角度来看待同...区别性的,鉴别性的 2.有特色的.
2023-01-10 11:19:261

even though even so even if

Even so 和 Even though相当于副词,多作插入语. Even if是作连接副词,引导条件状语.
2023-01-10 11:19:371


even as 正当;正如 even though 尽管even number 双数(2,4, 6, 8, 10)
2023-01-10 11:19:433

despite , whereas , while , even if , even though , even so的区别`~`最好有例句

even though和even if的用法区别:两者均可用于引导让步状语从句,其细微区别是:1. even if 引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”。如:They"ll stand by you even if you don"t succeed. 即使你不成功,他们也会支持你。Even if I have to walk all the way I"ll get there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要走到那里。Even if it rains tomorrow, we won"t change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。For my part, I plan to go to the party even if you decide not to go. 至于我,即使你决定不去参加晚会我也会去的。Even if you saw him pick up the money, you can"t be sure he stole it. 就算你看见是他拾起的钱,你也不能肯定钱就是他偷的。正因为even if从句的内容通常是假设性的,所以有时还可用于虚拟语气;这样用的even if 与单独使用的if比较接近。如:Even if he had the money, he wouldn"t buy it. 他即使有钱也不会买它。I would have married her even if she had been penniless. 即使她身无分文,我也会和她结婚。2. even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”。如:He went out even though it was raining. 尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。Even though it"s hard work, I enjoy it. 虽然工作艰苦,我还是很喜欢。He"s the best teacher even though he has the least experience. 他尽管经验最少,但教得最好。Even though I didn"t know anybody at the party, I had a nice time. 尽管这次聚会上我谁也不认识,我也玩得挺痛快。这样用的even though与though或although的意思比较接近,许多时候可以互换(注意:英语可以说though和even though,但不能说even although)。如:Even though [Thought, Although] I felt sorry for him, l was secretly pleased tha t he was having difficulties. 虽然我为他感到惋惜,但对他的困难却暗自高兴。Even though [Thought, Although] we all tried our best, we lost the game. 虽然我们已尽了最大的力量,但还是输了。3. 不过,在实际语言运用中,even if与even though有时也可不加区别地混用。如:Even if [Even though] she laughs at him, he likes her. 尽管她嘲笑他,他还是很喜欢她。We thoroughly understand each other, even if [even though] we don"t always agree. 我们彼此非常了解,虽然有时候也有一些分歧。
2023-01-10 11:20:171

词义辨析 despite ,whereas ,while ,even if ,even though ,even so的区别`~`最好有例句

不完整:If the weather was despite,yet,instead,while,whereas,however,nevertheless,although,even though,conversely,different ...的最大区别.所以段落的发展采用了定义法、比较法和举例法三种方法.(even) though,while,whereas,notwithstanding,despite,in spite of,...不加区别的,混杂的,不分清红皂白的 speculative:1.思索的 2(哲学)思辩的,...if,thus,hence,so that,so...that..., to...易直译为if you are convenient或if you feel convenient...形容词的各种变化形式以及与副词的区别等.2、关注...while,whereas,otherwise,in spite of,despite,even though,although,though,unlike,instead(of),rather... 对照反义(有的时候仅仅表示对照)whereas/while 3.转折反义 nonethless/neverthless despite in spite of though/ to given lead to be due to in the they can be categorized into different types for better understanding.副词子句阐明不同的状况,所以它们可被...whereas,while,although,though,even though,even if,in spite of the fact that,despite the fact that... though,otherwise,rather,despite,in spite of,whereas,even if,while.常见的负面语气词包括:curiously, much……as….与其说是,不如说是.这个短语表示从不同的角度来看待同...区别性的,鉴别性的 2.有特色的.
2023-01-10 11:20:231


even中第一个e的音标是[iː],第二个e不发音,完整音标是[ˈiːvn]。释义:adj. 平坦的;平和的;偶数的;相等的adv. 甚至;正当;更;恰好v. 使平坦;相等短语:even as 正如;正巧在…的时候even so 虽然如此,即使如此even worse 更糟的是例句:Even friends disagree sometimes.即便是朋友有时也有分歧。词语辨析:smooth,level,flat,even这组词都有“平的,平坦的”的意思,其区别是:smooth侧重指表面十分平滑,无任何粗糙的感觉。引申作圆滑解。level强调没有高低之处,且在同一水平面,可引申指才能相等或与相邻某物平行。flat指光滑平整的表面,但不一定是水平的。even通常指平面上的各点或一条直线的各点处在同一平面或直线上。
2023-01-10 11:20:291

even if和even so区别

even if 后面还要加句子,而even so 中的so指代前文中的内容,即省略句 例如1、Even if you regret doing it ,nothing will change. 2、-You will regret for what you do. -Even so ,I won"t change my mind(so指代You will regret for what you do)
2023-01-10 11:20:441

约翰看起来是个好人,即便如此,我还是不信任他.even so英语翻译

John seems to be a nice guy. But even so, I do not trust him.
2023-01-10 11:20:512


二、even的用法 1. 作副词表示“甚至;连;都”之意时,其位置应靠近所强调的词或短语,位置放错会影响整个句子的意思。试比较: Even he helped me. 甚至他都帮我。(强调he) He even helped me. 他甚至帮助我。(强调helped) He helped even me. 他连我都帮助。(强调me) 2. even构成的短语有:even if/though(即使); even so(虽然如此); even as(恰好在……时候)等。如: Even if we achieve great success, we should not be conceited. 即使我们取得了很大的成绩, 也不应该骄傲。 The new method is not perfect; even so, it"s much better than the old one. 新方法并不完善,虽然如此,它比老方法好得多。 Even as we gathered in the last bundles of wheat, it began to rain. 我们刚把最后几捆麦子收进来,天就开始下雨了。
2023-01-10 11:20:591

even so和despite有什么区别?

even so指既然如此,despite指恶意(n.)不管(prep.).好像是,我英语水平不咋地
2023-01-10 11:21:061


even的用法 1.作副词表示“甚至;连;都”之意时,其位置应靠近所强调的词或短语,位置放错会影响整个句子的意思.试比较:Even he helped me.甚至他都帮我.(强调he) He even helped me.他甚至帮助我.(强调helped) He helped even me.他连我都帮助.(强调me) 2.even构成的短语有:even if/though(即使); even so(虽然如此); even as(恰好在……时候)等.如:Even if we achieve great success,we should not be conceited.即使我们取得了很大的成绩,也不应该骄傲.The new method is not perfect; even so,it"s much better than the old one.新方法并不完善,虽然如此,它比老方法好得多.Even as we gathered in the last bundles of wheat,it began to rain.我们刚把最后几捆麦子收进来,天就开始下雨了.像a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even这类词语后面可以加副词的比较级当even做形容词用的时候后面加名词或名词从句当even做副词用时加形容词综上even后是可以跟比较级,也可以跟名词,动词,副词,或者从句等。 My daughter is even taller than me. Even a child can understand the book. Even Bob was there. I often lend her money even now. He even helped me. She likes him even when she is quarrelling with him.
2023-01-10 11:21:112

even 的用法,even的用法及短语

1.一?用在比较级前,加强语气,表示程度?汉语意思为“(比……)更,还要”如:Thisdictionaryisevenmoreusefulthanthatone.这本词典比那本更为有用?Thistimehediditevenbetter?这次他做得还要好?二?放在它所强调的词?短语或从句前,用来加强语气,表示“即使,甚至连……都”之意强调名词?Evenachildcanunderstandthebook.即使小孩也能看懂那本书?强调形容词?Bambooissostrongthatpeopleuseittobuildhousesandevenhighbridgesoverrivers?作副词表示“甚至。 2.连。 3.都”之意时,其位置应靠近所强调的词或短语,位置放错会影响整个句子的意思。 4.试比较:Evenhehelpedme.甚至他都帮我。 5.(强调he)Heevenhelpedme.他甚至帮助我。 6.(强调helped)Hehelpedevenme.他连我都帮助。 7.(强调me)even构成的短语有:evenif/though(即使)。 8.evenso(虽然如此)。 9.evenas(恰好在……时候)等。 10.如:Evenifweachievegreatsuccess,weshouldnotbeconceited.即使我们取得了很大的成绩,也不应该骄傲。 11.Thenewmethodisnotperfect。 12.evenso,it&amp。 13.#39。 14.smuchbetterthantheoldone.新方法并不完善,虽然如此,它比老方法好得多。 15.Evenaswegatheredinthelastbundlesofwheat,itbegantorain.我们刚把第三几捆麦子收进来,天就开始下雨了。
2023-01-10 11:21:211

even so 和 even though 哪个后面可加逗号,再加句子?

even so
2023-01-10 11:21:301


不能,它表示非常怎样.也就是说如果是——非常大,就是:so big even后则是接形容词的比较级,比如:even bigger! 就这样了.嘿嘿·····
2023-01-10 11:21:361

急!寻求despite,whereas,while,even if,even though,even so的区别和用法

Despite all our efforts we still lost the game. 尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛.His children are well bred, whereas those of his sister are naughty. 他的孩子很有教养,但他姐姐的孩子却调皮得很。While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside. 玛丽写信时,孩子们在外面玩耍.Even if I fail this time, I would try again. 即使我这次失败了,我还要再试试。He never apologizes, even though he knows that he is in the wrong. 他从不道歉, 即使他自知错了。There are many spelling mistakes; even so it"s quite a good essay. 这篇文章有许多拼写错误, 然而仍不失之为好文章.查查字典中英英对应意思。
2023-01-10 11:21:421

even so 和 even though 哪个后面可加逗号,再加句子?

even so
2023-01-10 11:21:471

how is that even possible?这句话中为什么用even?

2023-01-10 11:21:536

even so my wife could not make free from fear 怎么翻译

2023-01-10 11:22:183


不能,它表示非常怎样.也就是说如果是——非常大,就是:so big even后则是接形容词的比较级,比如:even bigger! 就这样了.嘿嘿·····
2023-01-10 11:22:301


不能 so修饰的是形容词原级 even修饰的是形容词比较级
2023-01-10 11:22:362

even so much

就算是奢侈如影子,我们也不想要拥有. 额 抛砖引玉.
2023-01-10 11:22:581


get even with是报复的意思 固定词组
2023-01-10 11:23:112

英语7.Your uncle seems to be a good drivers; ______, I wouldn"t dare to travel in his car.

2023-01-10 11:23:268


2023-01-10 11:23:5615

or even和even的区别?

2023-01-10 11:24:533

Your uncle seems to be a good driver;____,I wouldn"t dare to travel in his car.

A 即使这样
2023-01-10 11:25:144