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2023-05-19 13:04:44

appreciate (adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciation appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语: 正:I"d appreciate some help. 误:I"d appreciate you for some help. appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如: In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language. 此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;

如: We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice. 在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。 appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如 I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help. appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如: Their investments have appreciated over the years. 大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?

grateful (反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude) grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如: I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all. He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident. 另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如: I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.

除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别: "When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。 而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。



(adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciation

appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语:

正:I"d appreciate some help.

误:I"d appreciate you for some help.


In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.


We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.

在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。


I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.


Their investments have appreciated over the years.



(反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude)

grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:

I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.

She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all.

He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident.


I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.

除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别:

"When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。

而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。



意思:adj. 感激的;令人愉快的读音:英["ɡreɪtfl]、美["ɡreɪtfl]  副词:gratefully 名词:gratefulness 来源:16世纪50年代进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的gratus,意为令人高兴的。例句:I can"t express how grateful I am.我说不出我有多么感激。扩展资料近义词:1、thankful读音:英["θæŋkfl]、美["θæŋkfl]  意思:adj. 感谢的;感激的例句:Oh, we have a lot to be thankful for.啊,我们有很多需要感谢的事情。 2、beholden读音:英[bɪ"həʊldən]、美[bɪ"hoʊldən]  意思:adj. 蒙恩的;有义务的例句:We were much beholden to him for his kindness.我们对他的好意感激万分。
2022-12-31 00:21:126


grateful 形容词 I"m very grateful that you help me.
2022-12-31 00:21:477


grateful意思是“感谢的,令人愉快的,宜人的”。读音:英 ["ɡreɪtfəlɪ],美 [ˈɡretfəlɪ]。短语搭配:feel grateful. 感激,感谢,感激涕零。be grateful. 学会感恩,感恩生活。grateful to. 感激,感谢的,感激的。双语例句:1、All contributions will be gratefully received. 我们对所有捐资表示感谢。2、All donations will be gratefully received. 如蒙捐助,定将报以衷心的感谢。3、They looked at him gratefully, though no one moved. 她们感激地看着他,却没有人离开。
2022-12-31 00:22:161


grateful的意思是感谢的;感激的。感谢,汉语词汇,拼音是gǎn xiè,释义为因对方之好意或帮助而表示谢意。词性动词,名词。例句感谢她叔叔送来的生日礼物。出处明施耐庵《水浒传》第四一回:感谢诸位豪杰不避凶险,来虎穴龙潭,力救残生。感谢,是一个人在获得他人的帮助、接受他人给予的鼓励或他人提供的方便、恩惠、利益,使自己得到提高、进步、完善、圆满、成功之后,出于内心的感激之情,用言行向对方表达谢意的行为。一句话,得到别人的好处才能表示感谢。滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。这是教导我们做人的准则,也是我们民族的传统美德。当然,帮助别人并不是想得到回报,是出于做人的本能和德性。但是作为需要帮助又得到了帮助的人,千万不能忘恩负义。你没有能力涌泉相报不是你的错,但你必须要做到两点,一要铭记心间,作为你今后做人的准则,有能力的时候要主动的去帮助别人。二要做到感恩,最起码要在口头上去感谢别人,要让帮助过你的人觉得他是做了一件善事;值得。这也会更加激励他去做更多的善事。当你在生活中遇到麻烦、困难或者不幸时,兴许很快能得到他人热心的帮助。得到他人帮助之后,你自然会想到感谢。对他人的帮助表示由衷的感谢,这是完全应该的,也是人之常情。但是,你得知道,如何感谢,这里也是有点讲究的。
2022-12-31 00:22:331


意思:adj. 感激的;令人愉快的读音:英["ɡreɪtfl]、美["ɡreɪtfl]  副词:gratefully 名词:gratefulness 来源:16世纪50年代进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的gratus,意为令人高兴的。例句:I can"t express how grateful I am.我说不出我有多么感激。辅音(注:多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体,这里我们主要是针对/θ ð ʃ ʒ/这四个辅音)其中,/θ/和/ð/这两个音标,它们并没有相近似的拼音来对应,主要是靠嘴形来记忆。/θ/――上下牙齿咬着舌头尖,发“斯"的音;/ð/――舌头顶上牙堂发拼音z一声;/ʃ/――师;/ʒ/――牙齿闭合,舌头虚碰牙齿发拼音r一声。
2022-12-31 00:22:481

grateful是什么意思及反义词 翻译grateful的意思

英音 ["greitfʊl] ;,美音 ["greitfʊl] ;,副词 1.感激的,表示感激的 2.令人快意的,令人舒适的,受欢迎的;使人感激的,副词 gratefully,名称 gratefulness,affording fort or pleasure,feeling or showing gratitude,grateful for 为...而感谢 ,be grateful for vt. 因...感激 ,grateful to vt.感谢 ,be grateful of 感谢 ,be grateful to (for ) 感激某人因某事 ,feel grateful 感恩 ,be grateful to *** . for sth 因…感谢某人 ,grateful a. 1.感激的,表示感激的2.令人快意的,令人舒适的,受欢迎的;使人感激的
2022-12-31 00:23:021


  grateful表感激的,感谢的意思,那么你知道grateful的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了grateful的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   grateful的短语:   副词+~   deeply grateful 深深感谢   heartily grateful 衷心感谢   ~+介词   be grateful for 为…而感谢   grateful towards 对…很感谢   同义词辨析:   grateful, appreciative   这两个形容词均有"感谢的,感激的"之意。   grateful : 普通用词,侧重因对方的恩惠、好意或帮助,从内心产生的感激之情。   appreciative与greatful基本同义,但语气较强,侧重以行动或言语来感谢。   grateful的短语例句:   1. Instead of complaining about what"s wrong, be grateful for what"s right.   别抱怨不好的事,要对好的事心存感恩。   2. We are grateful to you for permission to reproduce this article.   非常感谢您允许我们复印这篇文章。   3. He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts.   他很庆幸有机会放松放松,整理一下自己的思绪。   4. I will always feel grateful to that little guy.   我会永远感激那个小伙子。   5. She is eternally grateful to her family for their support.   她永远感激家人们给予她的支持。   6. She would be grateful for their company on the drive back.   有他们做伴开车陪她回去,她会很感激的。   7. They were very grateful to be put right and thanked me profusely.   他们非常感谢我纠正了他们的错误,一再地向我道谢。   8. I"m ever so grateful.   我太感激了。   9. Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint.   为获准重印致以深切感谢。   10. Meg flashed Cissie a grateful smile.   梅格冲茜茜感激地笑了一笑。   11. I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.   我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。   12. I"m eternally grateful that we managed to go there before the war.   我们设法在战争爆发前到了那里,我对此永生感恩.   13. I was grateful for the old man"s sage advice.   我很感激那位老人贤明的忠告.   14. He believes in that children should be grateful and accept the fact.   他主张孩子们应感谢并接受这一事实.   15. When Tom gave him the money, the panhandler was surprised and seemedgrateful.   当汤姆给他钱时, 这名乞丐很惊奇而且好像很感激.
2022-12-31 00:23:081


2022-12-31 00:23:183


2022-12-31 00:23:294


gratefuladj. 感激的,感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的没有greatful
2022-12-31 00:23:522


gratefulness是grateful的名词形式这两个词的意思差不多一样,主要是用的地方稍微有点不同,前者一般都是比较笼统广义的表达中用,后者一般用在个人感情表达中。grateful:英 ["ɡreɪtfl] ; 美 ["ɡreɪtfl] ;adj. 感激的;令人愉快的gratefulness:英 ["ɡreɪtfl]  美 ["ɡreɪtfl] ;adj. 感激的;令人愉快的副词: gratefully 名词: gratefulness用作形容词 (adj.)I can"t express how grateful I am.我说不出我有多么感激。These refugees are very grateful to the government"s succor.这些难民非常感激政府的救援。I am grateful for all your past kindness.多蒙关照,万分感激。I"d be grateful if you should let me know as soon as possible.你若能让我尽快知道,我会很感激的。
2022-12-31 00:24:001


Thank you./Thanks for helping me.(动词、名词)I appreciate your help./Your help is highly appreciated.(动词)It is grateful to have you here.(形容词)
2022-12-31 00:24:063

grateful 怎样联想记忆

使用联想记忆法,grateful 感激,令人愉快的意思。 首先进行拆解,gr= 跟人 ate=吃(是eat的过去式) ful=茯苓糕 联想记忆 我跟人吃茯苓糕心理充满了感激,并且感到非常的愉快。 这可以就记下来了,楼主可以试一下,解决请采纳,有问题可以继续问解决。
2022-12-31 00:24:171

固定词组是“ be grateful for?”“be grateful to? ”各是什么意思?

be grateful for的意思是对……心存感激,be grateful to的意思是感谢,感激be grateful for的相关词组:1、be deeply grateful for 感激别人所给的恩德2、be sincerely grateful for 感激爱戴3、Be grateful for friends 感谢朋友4、be grateful for sth 感激某人某事5、Be Grateful For The Good 时刻感谢身边的一切be grateful fo的相关句子:1、Be grateful for what you do have. 感激你所拥有的。2、We can lose our jobs,but be grateful for our spouses. 我们可以失去工作,但会为拥有爱人而感恩不已。3、We all have something to be grateful for but we don"t realize it. 我们都拥有值得感激的东西,但我们没有认识到这一点。be grateful to的相关词组:1、be really grateful to you 真的很感激你2、Be Grateful to Life 感恩生活 3、Be Grateful To Road 感谢道路be grateful to的相关句子:1、I will always be grateful to the good people of my state. 我感谢优秀的竞选团,感谢你们所有人付出的努力。2、And every American can be grateful to Admiral Mullen -- as am I -- for his critical role in each of these achievements, which will enhance our national security for decades to come. 每一个美国人都如我一样对马伦上将在所有这些成果中发挥的作用心怀感激,这些成果将在未来几十年中加强我国的安全保障。3、But we should be grateful to this Carmarthen courthouse campaign. 但我们应当对喀麦登法院的这一活动心存感激。
2022-12-31 00:24:232


三者的搭配分别如下1 thank 是及物动词,后加 sb 为直接宾语:thank sb for (doing) sth2 appreciate 也是及物动词,但是后面加 sth 为直接宾语:appreciate sthappreciate doing sthappreciate sb/one"s doing sthappreciate it if从句3 grateful 是形容词,类似于 thankful:be grateful/thankful to sb for (doing) sth
2022-12-31 00:24:372


appreciate  (adj.) appreciative(inappreciative); (n.) appreciation  appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语:  正:I"d appreciate some help.  误:I"d appreciate you for some help.  appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如:  In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtletyof this language.  此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;如:  We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.  在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。  appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如  I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.  appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如:  Their investments have appreciated over the years.  大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的? grateful  (反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude(ingratitude)  grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:  I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.  She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all.  He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident.  另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:  I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.  除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别:  "When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden"to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。  而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。  另外,oblige(vt.) 一词也有“使感激”的意思,如:  I"m much obliged to you. 我非常感谢你。  不过oblige更常见的含义是“迫使”,如:  Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.
2022-12-31 00:24:464


应该是grateful 吧,感激的
2022-12-31 00:25:025

一个固定词组 是 be grateful for 还是 be grateful to

优择雅思为您解答:be grateful for对……心存感激[短语]be grateful for 感谢,感激,对…心存感激be deeply grateful for 感激别人所给的恩德be sincerely grateful for 感激爱戴be grateful to感谢,感激[短语]be grateful to sb.感谢,感激,对某人心存感激be really grateful to you 真的很感激你Be Grateful to Life 感恩生活
2022-12-31 00:25:222


appreciate[英] [əˈpri:ʃieit] [美] [əˈpriʃiˌet] vt. 感激;欣赏;领会;鉴别; vi. (使)增值,涨价;grateful[英] [ˈɡreitful] [美] [ˈɡretfəl] adj. 感激的,感谢的;令人愉快的;宜人的;荷;
2022-12-31 00:25:391


2022-12-31 00:25:454


thank,appreciate两者均可表示“感激”,但有区别:即 appreciate 的宾语是事或事物,而 thank 的宾语必须是人.如:我们对他道谢后就离开了.误:We appreciated him and left.正:We thanked him and left.我们感谢你的好意.误:We thank your kindness.正:We appreciate your kindness.(比较:Thank you for your kindness.)而grateful的基本含义adj.感谢的,感激的;表示感谢的致谢意的,出于感激的令人感激的;使人欣慰的;令人舒适的;受欢迎的;讨人喜欢的;可爱的grateful的用法例句When we stop and tell our partners what we aregratefulfor, we are also telling the Universe.当我们停下来,告诉我们的伴侣我们想要感谢的事,我们也是在告诉整个宇宙。
2022-12-31 00:25:591


2022-12-31 00:26:054


没什么联系吧,如果硬要关联的话 可以吧grate当做词根, grate 通常做表语;grateful 用来修饰名词。其他就不清楚了
2022-12-31 00:26:192


grateful英[ˈgreɪtfl] 美[ˈɡretfəl]adj. 感激的,感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的;[例句]She was grateful to him for being so good to her他对她这么好,令她很感激。adj.感激的,感谢的;令人愉快的;宜人的;荷双语释义adj.(形容词)感激的,感谢的 feeling or showing appreciation for sth good done to one, for sth fortunate that happens, etc.; thankful英英释义grateful[ "ɡreitful ]adj.feeling or showing gratitude"a grateful heart"; "grateful for the tree"s shade"同义词:thankfulaffording comfort or pleasure"the grateful warmth of the fire"学习怎么用词汇搭配用作形容词 (adj.)副词+~deeply grateful深深感谢heartily grateful衷心感谢~+介词be grateful for为…而感谢grateful towards对…很感谢词组短语grateful for为…而感谢同近义词辨析appreciative, grateful这组词都有“感谢的、感激的”的意思,其区别是:appreciative与greatful基本同义,但语气较强,侧重以行动或言语来感谢。grateful普通用词,侧重因对方的恩惠、好意或帮助,从内心产生的感激之情。双语例句用作形容词(adj.)I can"t express how grateful I am.我说不出我有多么感激。These refugees are very grateful to the government"s succor.这些难民非常感激政府的救援。I am grateful for all your past kindness.多蒙关照,万分感激。I"d be grateful if you should let me know as soon as possible.你若能让我尽快知道,我会很感激的。The trees afford grateful shade.这些树能为(行人)提供纳凉之所。权威例句The grateful disposition: A conceptual and empirical topography.Meritocracy Is DeadIs gratitude a moral affect?Approximation of functions of several variables and imbedding theoremsThe Relationship of Gratitude and Well-being, Anxiety-depression for Vocational College StudentsPhase annealing in SHELX -90: direct methods for larger structuresNumerical integration of the cartesian equations of motion of a system with constraints: molecular dynamics of n -alkanesCanada Institute for Scientific and Technical InformationmiRNPs: a novel class of ribonucleoproteins containing numerous microRNAsEconomic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries
2022-12-31 00:26:281


gratefulness n.感激,感恩
2022-12-31 00:26:333


 副词1.感激的,表示感激的2.令人快意的,令人舒适的,受欢迎的;使人感激的词形变化副词 gratefully名称 gratefulness英语解释affording comfort or pleasurefeeling or showing gratitude相似短语grateful for 为...而感谢be grateful for vt. 因...感激grateful to vt.感谢be grateful of 感谢be grateful to (for ) 感激某人因某事feel grateful 感恩be grateful to sb. for sth 因…感谢某人相似单词grateful a. 1.感激的,表示感激的 2.令人快意的,令人舒适的,受欢迎的;使人感激的
2022-12-31 00:27:261

grateful是什么意思 grateful解释

1、grateful意思是感激的;表示感谢的;(尤用于书信或正式场合提出请求)感激不尽。 2、例句:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。
2022-12-31 00:27:381


grateful 英[ˈgreɪtfl]美[ˈɡretfəl]adj. 感激的,感谢的;令人愉快的;宜人的;荷[例句]It ushers us into grateful living.它引领我们进入值得感激的生活之中。
2022-12-31 00:27:451


2022-12-31 00:27:514

Grateful 解释一定要英文的

gratefulAdjective 1.feeling or showing gratitude; "a grateful heart"; "grateful for the tree"s shade"; "a thankful smile" (synonym) thankful (antonym) ungrateful ,thankless ,unthankful (similar) appreciative 2.affording comfort or pleasure; "the grateful warmth of the fire" (similar) pleasant
2022-12-31 00:28:061


grateful用法:1. 表示对某人感谢,后接介词to。如:She is grateful to you for what you"ve done. 她感激你所做的一切。表示因某事感谢某人,后接介词for。如:I was most grateful to John for bringing the books. 我很感激约翰把书带来了。2. 有时可后接that从句。如:I was grateful that they didn"t ask me. 我感到庆幸的是他们没有问我。3. grateful与thankful有区别:前者含义较具体,通常用于人们在得到好处、恩惠、善待等情况下表达的感激之情;后者含义较抽象,含有感谢上帝、运气、命运等意味,有类似于汉语的“谢天谢地”之意,主要用于表示人们因避开了危险或结束了不愉快的经历等的宽慰心情。如:I"m very grateful (to you) for all your help. 非常感谢你的一切帮助。
2022-12-31 00:28:121


grateful 英[ˈgreɪtfl] 美[ˈɡretfəl] adj. 感激的,感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的; [例句]She was grateful to him for being so good to her.他对她这么好,令她很感激。
2022-12-31 00:28:191


Sb would be grateful if sb could do sth
2022-12-31 00:28:252


感谢的英语:thanks/grateful/gratitude/cheers/appreciate/(be) much obliged。例句:I deeply appreciate your concern.我非常感激你的关心。1. many thanks 不说thanks a lot,就说many thanks吧。它们两个都是“多谢”的意思哦。Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me.非常感谢你对我的款待。2. thanks a million 这句话和thank you very much的意思一样,表示非常感谢。"I"ve done what you asked." "Thanks a million!"“你要我做的事我已经做完了。”“非常感谢!”在口语里,a million是很常用的夸张表达。①be one in a million 是千里挑一的人,是无与伦比的人Thanks again - you"re one in a million!再次感谢——你真是个难得的好人!②one in a million 可能性极小的Don"t worry - the chances of anything going wrong are one in a million.别担心——出问题的可能性极小。③look/feel like a million dollars(通常指享受奢侈品时)看上去/感觉非常好"You look like a million dollars in that dress, honey!"“你穿那件衣服真棒,亲爱的!”3. grateful这个形容词很常见,意思是感激的,表示感谢的。I"m so grateful (to you) for all that you"ve done.你为我做了这一切,我(对你)真是感激不尽。4. gratitudegratitude是感激之情,感谢的意思,表达感谢就是display/show/express one"s gratitude。She showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner.她邀请我吃饭以表示她的感激。5. cheers想不到吧,cheers也有“thank you”的意思,不过多用于英式口语里。"I"ve bought you a drink." "Cheers, mate."“我给你买了杯酒。”“谢谢,老兄。”6. I owe you (one)大家都知道,owe的意思是欠债;欠账,这句话的意思不是欠钱,而是欠人情。Thanks for the help, Bill - I owe you one.谢谢你的帮助,比尔——我欠你个人情。7. you shouldn"t have当别人送你礼物的时候,你总得客套一下吧,比如:Flowers! You shouldn"t have!“给我的鲜花!你不必送的!”所以说,这是一种表示感谢的特殊方式。8. appreciate除了欣赏;赏识,appreciate也有感激的意思。要表示感谢,就可以说I/we appreciate...,意思是我/我们对…非常感谢。We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend.你们上周末给予我们大力帮助,我们非常感谢。I deeply appreciate your concern.我非常感激你的关心。
2022-12-31 00:28:341


gratefulness 核心词汇 英 ["ɡreɪtfl]     美 ["ɡreɪtfl]    adj. 感激的;令人愉快的;感恩的。I can"t express how grateful I am.我说不出我有多么感激。These refugees are very grateful to the government"s succor.这些难民非常感激政府的救援。词义辨析: grateful, appreciative, thankful这三个词均可表示“感激的”。grateful属于一般用语,指因对方的好意而表示“感谢”; thankful主要指因天意、命运或客观因素所带来的好意而怀有感激之情,也可用于因别人帮忙而感激; appreciative比grateful语气更重,用行动或语言来表示感激。
2022-12-31 00:28:451


都是形容词,都是感谢的意思,grateful感激的,感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的。
2022-12-31 00:29:002


gratitude的形容词是grateful。grateful读音:英[ˈɡreɪtfl],美[ˈɡreɪtfl]。释义:adj. 感激的;表示感谢的;(尤用于书信或正式场合提出请求)感激不尽,请。副词:gratefully。名词:gratefulness。词汇搭配:heartily grateful衷心感谢。be grateful for为…而感谢。grateful towards对…很感谢。近义词thankful读音:英[ˈθæŋkfl],美[ˈθæŋkfl]。释义:adj. 感激的;感谢;欣慰。例句:I could see him standing there with a thankful smile.我能看到他站在那里,带着感激的微笑。副词:thankfully。名词:thankfulness。词汇搭配:very thankful非常感恩。thankful love感激之情。Humbly Thankful虚心地感谢。
2022-12-31 00:29:092


thank(adj.) thankful (unthankful); (n.) thankfulnessthank作为及物动词,常用搭配是thank sb (for sth / for doing sth),如:She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.thank表示“感谢”,习惯上只接“人”作宾语,而不能接“事”作宾语:正:Thank you for your help.误:Thank your help.另外的用法:1. have sb to thank for (doing) sth 归功于,如:I have my parents to thank for my success.2. thank your lucky stars 感谢你的幸运之星,口语中用于表达幸运,尤其是躲过了不愉快或危险的事。如:Just thank your lucky stars you weren"t in the house at the time.appreciate(adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciationappreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语:正:I"d appreciate some help.误:I"d appreciate you for some help.appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如:In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;如:We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如:Their investments have appreciated over the years.大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?grateful(反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude)grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all.He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident.另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.
2022-12-31 00:29:432

一年级英语作文:Be Grateful_300字

  I am so grateful about the things I have, such as the love from my parents and my friends. They always stand by my side when I have troubles. So I can grow up as a strong and positive girl. Some children take what they own as the certain thing, but I think we should be grateful to life and return something to those who love us.   
2022-12-31 00:29:531


appreciate (adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciation appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语: 正:I"d appreciate some help. 误:I"d appreciate you for some help. appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如: In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language. 此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;x0dx0a如: We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice. 在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。 appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如 I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help. appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如: Their investments have appreciated over the years. 大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?x0dx0a x0dx0agrateful (反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude) grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如: I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all. He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident. 另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如: I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible. x0dx0a除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别: "When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。 而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。
2022-12-31 00:29:591


是的. grateful adj.感激的;令人快意的 名词形式是:gratitude n.感激,
2022-12-31 00:30:051


感激的英语单词有:gratitude、thankful、benedictory、thank、grateful。1、gratitude【发音】英音[ˈɡrætɪtjuːd],美音[ˈɡrætɪtuːd]【释义】名词n:感激之情;感谢。【例句】I cherish for you the liveliest feeling of affection and gratitude. 我对你怀有最强烈的爱和感激之情。2、thankful【发音】英音[ˈθæŋkfl],美音[ˈθæŋkfl]  【释义】形容词adj:感谢;感激;欣慰。【固定词组】be grateful/thankful for small mercies 为情况不太坏而庆幸 【例句】I was so thankful for his support 我对他的支持非常感激。3、benedictory【发音】英音[,beni"diktəri],美音[,bɛnɪ"dɪktərɪ] 【释义】形容词adj:祝福的;感谢的。【例句】So I am now should benedictory, although probably they cannot see. 所以现在我是应该感谢的,尽管或许他们看不到。4、thank【发音】英音[θæŋk],美音[θæŋk]  【释义】动词v:谢谢,感谢(某人);(为某事)道谢。名词n:感谢;谢谢;道谢的话。【固定词组】thank sb (for sth/for doing sth) 谢谢,感谢(某人);(为某事)道谢;have sb to thank (for sth) 责怪;由…负责;多亏;归功于。 【例句】Thank you very much for your call. 非常感谢您的来电。5、grateful【释义】英音[ˈɡreɪtfl],美音[ˈɡreɪtfl]  【注释】形容词adj:感激的;表示感谢的;(尤用于书信或正式场合提出请求)感激不尽,请。【例句】I should like to extend my grateful thanks to all the volunteers. 我想对所有的志愿者致以衷心的谢意。
2022-12-31 00:30:121


2022-12-31 00:30:244

一个固定词组 是 be grateful for 还是 be grateful to 呢? 要是都有分别代表什么意思呢?

两者都有。be grateful for sth 后面跟事物。意思:感激。读音:英 [bi ˈɡreɪtfl fɔː(r)]。be grateful to sb 后面跟人。意思:感激。读音: [bi ˈɡreɪtfl tu]。grateful的语法:1、grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.我非常感谢所有老师的帮助。2、grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.如果你能尽快寄回填妥的表格,我将不胜感激。扩展资料:近义词:1、Appreciate意思:感激。读音:英 [əˈpriːʃieɪt],美 [əˈpriːʃieɪt]。造句:我谨以此书献给我的父亲,以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。To my father I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.2、feel grateful意思:心存感激。读音:英 [fiːl ˈɡreɪtfl],美 [fiːl ˈɡreɪtfl]。造句:I will always feel grateful to that little guy.我会永远感激那个小伙子。3、thank意思:感谢。读音:英 [θæŋk],美 [θæŋk]。造句:我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help.
2022-12-31 00:30:536


appreciate (adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciation appreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语: 正:I"d appreciate some help. 误:I"d appreciate you for some help. appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如: In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language. 此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;如: We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice. 在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。 appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如 I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help. appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如: Their investments have appreciated over the years. 大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?grateful (反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude) grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如: I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all. He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident. 另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如: I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible. 除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别: "When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。 而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。
2022-12-31 00:31:281

感恩 英语单词怎么写

感恩的英文:be thankfulthankful 读法 英 ["θæŋkfʊl; -f(ə)l]  美 ["θæŋkfl] adj. 感谢的;欣慰的一、短语:be thankful for 感谢…;对…感激二、例句:To be thankful with what we have as we might lose them one day. 感谢我们现在所拥有的哪怕我们有可能会有失去他们的一天。扩展资料thankful近义词:gratefulgrateful 读法 英 ["greɪtfʊl; -f(ə)l]  美 ["ɡretfl] adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的一、短语:grateful for 为…而感谢二、grateful的用法:grateful, appreciative, thankful这三个词均可表示“感激的”。grateful属于一般用语,指因对方的好意而表示“感谢”;thankful主要指因天意、命运或客观因素所带来的好意而怀有感激之情,也可用于因别人帮忙而感激; appreciative比grateful语气更重,用行动或语言来表示感激。三、例句:Be grateful to someone or for something every day . 让我们每一天都为某人或某事而感激。
2022-12-31 00:31:396


是的. grateful adj.感激的;令人快意的 名词形式是:gratitude n.感激,
2022-12-31 00:32:131


grateful ["greɪtfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的gratefulness n. 感激,感恩gratefulness是grateful的名词形式
2022-12-31 00:32:203


thank(adj.) thankful (unthankful); (n.) thankfulnessthank作为及物动词,常用搭配是thank sb (for sth / for doing sth),如:She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.thank表示“感谢”,习惯上只接“人”作宾语,而不能接“事”作宾语:正:Thank you for your help.误:Thank your help.另外的用法:1. have sb to thank for (doing) sth 归功于,如:I have my parents to thank for my success.2. thank your lucky stars 感谢你的幸运之星,口语中用于表达幸运,尤其是躲过了不愉快或危险的事。如:Just thank your lucky stars you weren"t in the house at the time.appreciate(adj.) appreciative (inappreciative); (n.) appreciationappreciate作为“感激”解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate doing sth,后跟动名词或代词it代指的事情。习惯上只能接“事”作宾语(object),而不能接“人”作宾语:正:I"d appreciate some help.误:I"d appreciate you for some help.appreciate也指“欣赏”,有“对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识”的含义,如:In time you"ll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.此外,在商业书信来往中,appreciate一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的“欣赏”音乐有所不同;如:We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。appreciate的第三个意思是“(对一种情况或问题的)理解”,如I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.appreciate的另一用法是指某东西“增值”,是不及物动词,如:Their investments have appreciated over the years.大家有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?grateful(反)ungrateful; (n.) gratitude (ingratitude)grateful没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或that从句,如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all.He was grateful that she didn"t tell his parents about the incident.另外,grateful也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate和grateful在表达情感上也有略微的区别:"When you are "grateful" to someone, you can sometimes feel a little "beholden" to them. It creates a feeling of "owingness"." 也就是说grateful带有一点“义务”的性质。而另一方面,"When we appreciate someone or something there is a feeling of ending. There is a feeling of finality. We do not feel the need to pay this person back." 当我们用appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。另外,oblige (vt.) 一词也有“使感激”的意思,如:I"m much obliged to you. 我非常感谢你。不过oblige更常见的含义是“迫使”,如:Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.
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grateful 造句 用grateful造句,是形容词,意思是感激的,

I am grateful to have you help me repair the house. 承你帮忙修缮房子,我十分感激. She was grateful to George for all that he had done. 她感激乔治所做的一切.
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