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2023-05-19 20:53:56




China, my motherland, is really a great country.

It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.

As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.

China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.

Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 




Long live China

China, are you going to be 60? Wow! Look at you! You are so young

that has countless achiements already. You are just like mom

nourishing us. We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that you were born in 1949, you were so poor to

make us have food to eat, have clothing to wear. But you were so

strong to hold and open a bright sky for all of your children. We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that we have a close friend called "north Korea". Some thug bullied him, you were not strong at the time, but you showed your courage and bravery to give him your hand without hesitation. I like to shout to everyone around the world "mom you are always strong in my heart". We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that we eargently needed a constitution.

Without a constitution your children would feel unfair with each other, you were so considerate. We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that a flock of hungry wolves are staring at your

children. In order not to get us hurt, you invented a super-power weapon call "Neuclear Bomb" . The hungry wolves were fearful and we felt safe from then on. We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that everyone had flaws, since we realized where we had something wrong with us and actively correct it, we were still good children. We did and we made it. Thanks Mom. We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that we should be open to everyone, even they dislike us. We should show them our pure heart. You opened your arms to embrace all your friends aournd to come to you setting up factories and making money in our place. We all benefit from one another. We indeed felt how virtuous you are. We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that two of you beloved children were missing. You were struggling to find them back in the end. We are so proud of you.

China, you told us that everything was not certain, sometimes we could encounter big difficulties and even lost our lives. But whenever we met problems you, like a wise man, helped us and tighten us together to get through it. We are so proud of you.

Now, under your caring love, your enlightenment and your great efforts, we grow up, we are strong, we are heading for a better and brighter future.

Thanks, mom, we will love you forever......


Enter at the wheel of history rolls on and enter in 2009 has sounded the bell.

Security growth, expanding domestic demand, transfer the structure and development, we see hope, with盼头, China Education firmly believes that the total Net Channel documents the development of China will not reverse the global financial crisis, China"s economy continues to just not ship the wheel back to GU to brave the wind and waves, move forward toward the other side! Reform not poor, we are still on the road. The way forward will be at risk, there will be difficult. "Do not take refuge hard to know."

Above all the difficulties and risks to accurately judge the situation, challenges and tests in a clear grasp of the direction of, and enhance a sense of crisis, fully aware of the grim international economic environment and complex nature; to enhance awareness of opportunities, good at changing development opportunities to capture In the face of adversity in fostering positive factor. All this, years ago, the central economic work meeting has been meeting with a clear answer and deployment. The new year, hopes are also difficult, are a challenge and an opportunity, are looking forward to is to pay, are also given harvest, the blood contributing to society,洒满sweat put the land to bring human warmth.

The global economy from the financial turmoil has yet to wake up in the throes of winter and usher in 2009, this is the new century, mankind has entered the first "9", the People"s Republic of past 60 years indicates that 2009 will is a very unusual year, is a change and reconstruction are intertwined, the sea mingled with the flame of the year, has a lot of us are looking forward to the year, the world looks forward to a new Chinese economic miracle year. 2009 will be a challenging year, the global precarious, and China is no calm, the economic development of our country is facing serious difficulties, but also contains significant opportunities.

Let us at the party"s 17 under the guidance of spirit, earnestly implement the Central Economic Work Conference, in building socialism with Chinese characteristics on the road, down the tracks yesterday, out of the new heaven and earth, so that the Chinese in 2009 to brilliant colorful and always go down in the world to meet the more brilliant achievements and to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People"s Republic.



China, my motherland, is really a great country.

It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.

As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.

China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.

Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future.


oppositely ,conversely ,in contrast区别

oppositely 是副词,表示相对的,对立的 conversely 是副词 表示相反的 in contrast 是形容词,表示相比之下的
2023-01-10 04:32:421

just the opposite ,oppositely 区别是什么?

1. The facts are just the opposite. 事实恰恰相反.来自《现代汉英综合大词典》2. The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish. 其结果必然不会像他们所一厢情愿的那样,而只能适得其反.来自《现代汉英综合大词典》3. Their greatest risk came afterwards. Tigress was just the opposite. 她们的危险是在产后的失调,而虎妞却与她们正相反.来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子4. People who are farsighted suffer from just the opposite problem. 远视者的苦恼则起因于正好相反的问题.来自辞典例句5. My heart went out to her, even though my problem is just the opposite. 我真同情她, 虽然我的毛病和她恰恰相反.
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2023-01-10 04:32:566

相反地 的英语短语都有哪些

on the contrary 相反地au contraire:反之,相反地contrarily:反之, 相反地, 反对地inversely:相反地oppositely:相反地, 相对地
2023-01-10 04:33:183


相对地 relativelyoppositelycorrespondinglyresponsibly相对地说comparatively speaking相对地说,今天是个寒冷的日子。Relatively it"s a cold day today.
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except oppositely什么意思

except oppositely但相反
2023-01-10 04:33:532

opposed,opposite区别 哪个是形容人的,哪个是形容物的

2023-01-10 04:34:023


  你知道叠被子的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   叠被子的英文释义:   fold up a quit   叠被子的英文例句:   打开附件,我看到了一篇讨论为什么睡在没叠被子的床上比睡在叠好了的床上更健康。   Opening the attached document, I found an article discussing why sleeping in anunmade bed was healthier than sleeping in a made one.   可是,英国大多数住宅的湿度对于螨虫大量滋生来说已经足够,所以我很难相信简单的不叠被子在整个潮湿的环境里对减少螨虫能起任何作用。   However, most homes in the UK are sufficiently humid for the mites to do well andI find it hard to believe that simply not making your bed would have any impact on the overall humidity.   像起床后不叠被子这种简单的事情,能除去被子里和床上的水分,螨虫会因此脱水而死。   Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can removemoisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventuallydie. 叠被子的英文单词   事实上,早起不叠被子对健康是有益的——科学家们这么认为。   Failing to make your bed in the morning may actually help keep you healthy,scientists believe.   温斯顿丘吉尔就总是叠被子。   Winston Churchill always made his bed.   几周前,我决定为了要让我的儿子早上叠被子进行最后一搏。   A few weeks ago I made a last-ditch effort to get my son to make his bed in themorning.   我相信不叠被子的人一生永远不会成功——那意味着懒惰,漠不关心和品行不佳。   I honestly believed that people who left their bed unmade would never besuccessful in life—that an unmade bed signified sloth, indifference and lack ofmoral character.   他的姐姐在乔治城的神经科学博士项目组工作,正是她告诉他有关于不叠被子的 报告 。   His sister, who is in the neuroscience PhD program at Georgetown, is the onewho funneled him the report about unmade beds.   一番清扫后,教官来到一张床边说:“快来看好了,我教你们叠被子!”   A clean-up after an instructor came to the bedside, said: Come see, and I teach you !   根本原因何在有待研究,但我知道大学生时代男生几乎不叠被子,女生很少有不叠被子的。   Comment: to seek why may need time, but through my experience of campus life,most boys seem not to make their bed quilts, oppositely, girls scarcely follow boys" .   待上班和上学的人走后,家庭主妇就开始叠被子、洗碗、打扫房间等。   After they leave, housewives begin to make beds, wash dishes, clean the rooms,etc.   我希望你能学会自己叠被子, 香港六合彩,自己刈草坪,自己洗车--------我还希望在你满十六岁时没有人送给你一辆崭新的轿车。   I hope you learn to make your bed and mow the lawn and wash the car----and Ihope nobody gives you a brand----new car when you are sixteen.   这是她42年来第一次不叠被子——而且没有发生任何糟糕的事情。   She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years—and nothing bad hadhappened.   叠被子、倒杯咖啡、做运动、读书或者写字。   Make the bed, pour a cup of coffee, exercise, meditate, read or write?   新兵入伍,首先要学习“叠被子”,把被子叠得方方正正,整整齐齐,有棱有角,像“豆腐块”。   The new recruit enlist in the armed forces, first must be learned how to fold up a military quilt, make it square and upright, be rolled up tidily, angularity like a" beancurd piece".   我不会再让父母为我叠被子,收拾房间。   I don"t need dad and mum help me to make bed and clean my bedroom.   早晨,妈妈又要帮我叠被子,我说:“妈妈,我自己叠吧。”   In the morning, and mom to help me fold the quilt, I say: "mother, I fold it."   她说她的丈夫现在戒烟了,并且Malia和Sasha 也要做她们的家务——叠被子,打扫房间,收拾碗筷。   She did say her husband has quit smoking, for now, and that Malia and Sashamust still do their chores -- make their beds, clean their rooms and clear thedishes from the dinner table.   我希望你能学会自己叠被子   I hope you learn to make your bed   每天她都起得很早给我做早饭,帮我穿衣服,叠被子。   Every day, she gets up very early, and cooks breakfast for me, helps me get dressed and makes the bed.   一番清扫后,教官来到一张床边说快来看好了,我教你们叠被子唉被子不就是折折叠叠吗?   A clean-up after an instructor came to the bedside, said Come see, and I teach you ! Alas! Folded blankets folded stack is not it?   我希望你能学会自己叠被子,自己刈草坪,自己洗车--我还希望在你满十六岁时没有人送给你一辆崭新的轿车。   I hope you learn to make your bed and mow the lawn and wash the car-and Ihope nobody gives you a brand-new car when you are sixteen.   我叠好被子,喝了几口前一晚买的橙汁。   I made the bed and drank the orange juice he bought for me the night before.   研究表明,当一床没有叠的被子看起来肮脏的时候,它依然无法吸引那些被认为会引发哮喘和过敏症的屋尘螨。   Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy it is alsounappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.   我还保证以后星期六早上看动画片之前,一定会先叠好被子。   I promised to make my bed before watching Saturday morning cartoons.
2023-01-10 04:34:311

当大多数人恐慌我们贪婪 用英语怎么说

If this was a time of greed for the most, it was a period of panic for us, in turn, if this was a time of panic for the most, it was a period of greed for us. 这种句型的翻译要有韵味,当然可以使用when引导的从句,但是很土。尽量多用些名词,少用形容词
2023-01-10 04:34:407


  rather表稍微,有点; 相当的意思,那么你知道rather的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了rather的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   rather的短语:   but rather   〈正〉相反地oppositely   The patient was no better but rather grew worse.病人的情况不但没有见好,反而恶化了。   or rather   〈正〉更确实地,更确切地说more truly; more accurately   I met him very late on Friday night, or rather, early on Saturday morning.我在星期五深夜见到他,更确切地说是在星期六凌晨。  rather than   1.(要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…   〔说明〕rather than所表示取舍的两部分在成分和形式上须一致。   We"ll have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium.我们与其在教室里开会,不如在礼堂开会。   2.宁可,宁愿more willingly   〔说明〕rather than用于句首时其后可接动名词或不带to的动词不定式。   Rather than being punished, he should be rewarded.他该受奖励而不应该受惩罚。   would〔had〕rather   宁愿,宁可more willingly   〔说明〕would〔had〕 rather接从句时,如从句中的谓语动词所表示的动作是现在或将来要发生的,则用一般过去时,如指过去的事情,则用过去完成时。   同义词辨析:   fairly, pretty, quite, rather   这些程度副词都有"相当,颇"之意。   fairly : 语意最弱,多用于褒义,表示适度地、尚可的意思。不可与too或比较级连用。   pretty : 用法与rather相似。常用于非正式文体。   quite含义比fairly稍强,与不定冠词连用时,一般放在不定冠词之前。   rather语气比quite强,褒意贬意无可使用。可与too和比较级连用。   rather的短语例句:   1. Rather taken aback by such forwardness, I slammed down the phone.   如此无礼的言语让我火冒三丈,我砰的一下把电话挂了。   2. The process is not a circle but rather a spiral.   这个过程不是一个圆周运动而是螺旋上升型的。   3. I gradually got rather disillusioned with the whole setup of the university.   渐渐地,我对大学的整个体制感到相当失望。   4. She was in rather a bad film about the Mau Mau.   她出演了一部关于茅茅运动(20世纪50年代肯尼亚基库尤人反抗英国殖民者的民族主义运动)的烂片。   5. I had a busy day and was rather tired.   今天很忙,我累坏了。   6. Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game.   比赛形势决定了他们要打防守战而不是进攻战。   7. She had married a charming but rather vague Englishman.   她嫁给了一个外表迷人实际却很迷糊的英国人。   8. In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth.   原始的碳纤维材料很像布料。   9. Poor Jane was in rather a spin about the party.   可怜的简对这次聚会真有些不知所措。   10. The police inferred that they found her behaviour rather suspicious.   警方暗示他们发现她行为非常可疑。   11. I found her a rather austere, distant, somewhat cold person.   我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。   12. "Frankly I found it rather frightening." — "A little startling," Mark agreed.   “坦白说我觉得这相当可怕。”——“是有点吓人,”马克表示同意。   13. A rather neat option allows you to design your own fiendish puzzle.   只要干净利落地做一个选择,你就能自己设计出难以解开的谜题。   14. The effect is soft and pretty rather than drop-dead sexy.   给人的印象是柔和俏丽而不是吸人眼球的性感。   15. It was extremely hot and I was feeling rather randy.   场面非常刺激撩人,我感到欲火难耐。
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  rather是一个英语单词,可以用作副词等词性,可以翻译为稍微、有点,等等。那么你对rather的使用方法了解多少呢?以下是由我整理关于rather的用法的内容,希望大家喜欢!   rather的用法   1.His background does sound rather princely.   他的背景听起来确实相当华丽。   2.He"d rather just get on with his job.   他更宁愿只是做好自己的本分工作。   3.What is left is rather humdrum.   所剩的其它工作就比较乏味了。   4.Do too much rather than too little.   宁可多做也决不少做。   rather的简介   [英][ˈrɑ:ðə(r)][美][ˈræðər]   adv.稍微,有点;相当,颇;宁愿;相反地;   int.当然啦,怎么不;   rather+动词原形   rather的常用短语   用作副词 (adv.)   but rather   〈正〉相反地oppositely   The patient was no better but rather grew worse. 病人的情况不但没有见好,反而恶化了。   or rather   〈正〉更确实地,更确切地说more truly; more accurately   I met him very late on Friday night, or rather, early on Saturday morning. 我在星期五深夜见到他,更确切地说是在星期六凌晨。   rather than   (要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…   ...rather than...   We"ll have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium.我们与其在教室里开会,不如在礼堂开会。   They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.他们这样增加了而不是减少了粮食年产量。   宁可,宁愿more willingly   rather than v-ing   Rather than being punished, he should be rewarded.他该受奖励而不应该受惩罚。   rather than to-/ v   Rather than travel by air,I"d prefer to travel a week on a big liner.我宁愿乘大船走一个星期,也不愿意乘飞机旅行。   would〔had〕 rather   宁愿,宁可more willingly   would〔had〕 rather...than...   I"d rather play football than play basketball.我宁愿踢足球而不想打篮球。   I would rather have the small one than the big one.我宁愿要小的,不要大的。   would〔had〕 rather to-/ v   I would〔had〕 rather go out tonight, if you don"t mind.如果你不介意的话,我宁愿今晚出去。   He would rather sacrifice his life than see damage done to state property.他宁可牺牲自己的生命,也不肯看到国家财产受到损失。   would〔had〕 rather (that)-clause
2023-01-10 04:35:111


  在学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是我精心整理的高一的英语作文7篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 高一的英语作文 篇1   A bird in a cage, the free space is infinite, they like the frog in well spend in narrow space, not their own free life.   Each time I see them, they think, feel with the other.   Every day to stay in his own study, although the book is my partner, can let I dare not to mind empty, but sometimes standing to the window and saw the children of the same age with me on the ground to play, there is sweet smile on her face, in the heart how envy.   So, every day I see it, and have a headache, how much I yearn for freedom, I hate being at home, live a life they want, how perfect it is!!!   "The birds have belong to own sky, fish have belong to own lake, the grass has belongs to own the land, the flowers have their own sunshine, why can"t I have my own life?" My time of day, but god is one of my speaker, what can he reach to me?   Freedom, how much I yearn for freedom, if one day, I walked alone in the wilderness of fragrant, let the wind blowing my hair, as the grass on my feet, as the sun on my face, I will always be walking without the light of day, when one day, I went to the sea to the sea to speak my mind, pick up a conch tell my secret about it, have a dream that one day someone picked up it, slowly to get the ears to listen to tell my story, unknowingly going the rounds and mom, dad, you may hear this story? If I understand my heart, give me a piece of my own perfect life, give me that you want freedom?   Have you heard the story?   "Sometimes, I also want to be free!" I loudly Shouting, bouts of echo in my ears. How I hope to have a free world!   关在鸟笼里的小鸟,自由的空间是无限的,它们就如井底之蛙,整天待在狭小的空间里,得不到属于自己的自由生活。   每每看到他们,便想到自己,便感到同命相怜。   每天待在自己的书房中,虽说书是我的伴侣,可以让我不敢到心中的空虚,但有时站到窗前,看见与我同龄的孩子在空地上玩耍,脸上露出甜美的微笑,心中别提有多羡慕了。   每天如此,我便看到书就心烦,头痛,我是多么渴望得到自由,我讨厌被人拘束,过自己想要的生活,该是多么完美呀!   “鸟儿有属于自己的天空,鱼儿有有属于自己的"湖泊,草儿有属于自己的土地,花儿有属于自己的阳光,我为什么就不能有属于自己的生活呢?”我对天长叹,但老天只是我的一个诉说者,他又能为我达到什么呢?   自由,我是多么渴望得到自由,若有一天,我独自漫步在花香弥漫的旷野上,任风儿吹拂我的头发,任草儿在我的脚上摆动,任阳光照射在我的脸上,我始终是漫无天日地走着,当某年某日的时候我来到大海边,对着大海说出我的心事,捡起一个海螺对着它说出我的秘密,梦想有一天有人捡起它,慢慢地拿到耳畔倾听着我那诉说的故事,不知不觉地一传十,十传百,妈妈,爸爸,你们也会听到这个故事吗?是不是明白了我的心事,给我一片属于我自己的完美生活,给我那想要的自由?   你们听到了那个故事吗?   “有时,我也想要自由!”我大声地呐喊着,一阵阵的回音传入我的耳畔。我是多么希望有着自由的世界啊! 高一的英语作文 篇2   假如你是一名建筑工人(builder),名叫李华。在修建地基时挖出一些古代文物。一部分人建议(suggest)卖掉,可以得到一些钱,但你不同意。请你用英语给China Daily的编辑写一封信反映此情况,阐明你的理由,并提出建议。参考词汇:修建地基 lay a foundation of;财产 wealth;捐赠 donatetoDear Editor,   I"m a builder. When other builders and I laid a foundation of a building, we dug out some ancient cultural relics. At that time, some people suggested we sell them so that we could get some money. But I didn"t agree with them because I think these cultural relics are our country"s wealth. As Chinese people, we should protect them. So I told the other builders we shouldn"t sell them, because cultural relics represent a country"s culture and history. Besides, we should donate these culture relics to our country in case they might be sold abroad secretly. We shouldn"t lose them. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 高一的英语作文 篇3   We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn"t delicious.   So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat.   But I"m afraid it"s bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn"t healthy enough.   In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well. 高一的英语作文 篇4   China, my motherland, is really a great country.   It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.   As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.   China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.   Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 高一的英语作文 篇5   With the improvement of living level, the goods package have become more and more complicated and exaggerated. Thus, the phenomenon of the excessive packaging is common around us. Such as Mid-autumn moon cakes. But what factors contribute to this phenomenon?   随着生活水平的提高,商品的包装越来越复杂、夸张。所以,过度包装的现象在我们的身边是很常见的。如中秋月饼。但是,是什么原因导致了这种现象?   Firstly, as we all know, a large number of markets and stores think that goods which are well-decorated could attract consumers and inspire consumers to purchase goods. So they can earn more money. Secondly, consumers hold the idea that the more elegant the goods look, the better quality of the commodity is. Whats more, the government didnt make relevant rules to prevent this phenomenon.   首先,我们都知道,大量的市场和商店都认为好的包装可以吸引消费者,鼓励消费者购买商品。之后他们就可以赚更多的钱。其次,消费者认为商品看起来越优雅,商品的质量就越好。更重要的是,政府没有制定相关的条例来预防这种现象。   Personally speaking, excessive packaging has a bad influence on our environment, which also wastes precious resources. So we should increase our awareness of consuming and save rare resources. At the same time, some useful measures should be taken by the government. Its high time we took action to prevent this situation. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend. 高一的英语作文 篇6   I can understand you.   I have the same experience as you.   Friendship is important to us.   But the best friends may have fights.   I think you need to have an honest talk with her when there is no one around.   If she doesn"t want to talk, you could write a letter to her.   I think as good friends we should listen to their complaints when they are in trouble, and do our best to help them.   We should make each other happy and share our lives. 高一的英语作文 篇7   The 9th day of September in the lunar calendar is "the Chinese Chong Yang Festival" and a happy occasion in autumn. According to the traditional theory of "Yin" and "Yang", both the 9th month and the 9th day of the month belong to "Yang", which means positive and masculine, and "Chong" means double, thus it is called "Chong Yang".   People often gather for a party, appreciate chrysanthemums, pin the leaves of Cornus on clothes. And the custom of climbing mountains and eating a special cake also features the day.   This custom of climbing mountains can be dated back as early as West Han Dynasty. Some old travel notes have it that, people climbed to mountain peaks not only for beautiful scenes and poetic inspiration, but also the avoidance of evil spirits and disasters.   This practice came from an ancient folktale. It is said long ago there appeared a devil of plague in the Ruhe River. People lay down and died wherever it came up. A boy named Heng Jing swore to help his neighbors and fellow people to get rid of it. He visited many famous mountains to seek a powerful master. Finally an old Taoist took him in and taught him how to defeat the devil. Heng Jing put his whole heart into study and practice.   One day, the Taoist called him up and said, "Heng Jing, tomorrow is the 9th day of September and the devil will reappear. It is time for you to go home and stop the devil." The master also gave him a pack of leaves of Cornus and a jar of liquor soaked with chrysanthemums. Riding a crane, Heng Jing went a great distance back home in a day. As instructed by his master, he told his fellow villagers to climb up the nearby mountain with a Cornus leaf pinned on their clothes and a glass of chrysanthemum liquor in hand.   When the devil of plague came up from under the water, it got dizzy by the scent of Cornus and chrysanthemums. Heng Jing fought with his master"s sword and killed the devil in a few rounds. People held parties, drank chrysanthemum liquor to celebrate it. And the next year, the custom of mountain climbing became popular among the villagers.   In the golden September, chrysanthemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale. And later a special cake with dates, chestnuts and meat was made to add more festivity to the special day
2023-01-10 04:35:201


  在日常学习、工作和生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我收集整理的高一的英语作文10篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 高一的英语作文 篇1   It has been admitted that 22 is the important point for many young people, because they graduate from college and go to the job market. Then 25 is believed to be the marriage age for the parents, as they start to worry about their children"s future life and wish they get married as soon as possible. Before the coming of 30, girls are in their best situation for the old idea. It is an outdated thought, because people should be limited by their ages. It is never too late to get restart. An airline stewardess got fired because she was almost 30, then she decided to started her business by selling products online. Now she is a successful businesswoman and she enjoys her career. So never listen to the words that limits your movement, just do it.   大家都默认22岁是很多年轻人的重要转折点,因为他们从大学毕业,进入就业市场。然后25岁在父母眼里是结婚的年龄,他们开始担心孩子的未来生活,希望孩子能尽快结婚。在传统的观念里,30岁之前是女孩子的最佳状态。这是个想法是过时的因为人们不应该受到年龄的限制。重新开始永远都不晚。一位航空公司的空姐因为快30岁了而被解雇了,她决定通过在网上销售产品来创业。如今,她是一个成功的商人,也很开心。所以不要听信那些限制你行动的话语,赶紧行动吧。 高一的英语作文 篇2   The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Chong Yang Festival, a traditional festival in China. The celebrating activities are various and romantic ,including climbing mountains , appreciating chrysanthemums , wearing dogwoods , eating the Chong Yang cake and so on .   “Nine” has the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “jiu” which stands for ”a long time” , and is the biggest single figure . Therefore it indicts longevity. There have been a lot of poems and works celebrating Chong Yang Festival and praising chrysanthemums since ancient times. People also believe that climbing mountains can expel bad luck, and indicates “climbing to a higher position” and “longevity”.   China designates the ninth day of the ninth month as Senior ‘s Day , which combine tradition with modern times subtly to turn it into a festival for respecting , caring about , loving , and helping the elderly people . 高一的英语作文 篇3   What do you usually do in your spare time to relax yourself? Let me tell you some ways to.   First of all, you can stay in bed for a while, sleeping makes people feel good.   Secondly, you can join your friends in some fun parties, talks with friends will let you feel comfortable.   Thirdly, you can go outing alone. You can either breathe new fresh air in the mountains or you can take a look at how beautiful the nature looks like.   Fourth, why don"t you just play sports with your family? You"ll feel tired if you do too much exercise once, but it keeps you healthy and energetic.   What"s your opinion? 高一的英语作文 篇4   China, my motherland, is really a great country.   It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.   As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.   China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.   Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 高一的英语作文 篇5    向国外的朋友介绍鲁迅   魏明的美国朋友杰克开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及其作品。魏明回信介绍鲁迅:   1.鲁迅是著名的中国作家。他不仅是作家,思想家,还是中国现代文学的开创者。   2.他的小说被译成多种文字,被制成电影,如《阿Q正传》、《祝福》这两部影片深刻地揭露了旧社会。毛主席对他有高度评价。他的一些作品还被选入了中学和大学课本。   3.认为读鲁迅鲁迅作品对他很有益处。   As it is known to us all ,LuXun is a famous Chinese writer. He is not only a writer, thinker, but also the founder of Chinese Literature . He wrote many classic novels and his stories, which are translated many languages, were made into film,such as The True Story of AH Q and The New Year"s Sacrifice,which deeply showed people"s suffering in the old days.   Because of his achievement to Chinese literature, Chairman Mao spoke highly of him. Besides, some of his works were selected into the text books in high school and university. I think you"ll gain a lot from reading his works. 高一的英语作文 篇6   I have a very good dream since I was a child, to be a painter.   I want to use my brush to describe the motherland"s great rivers, want to draw all good to me, a person"s thoughts will be from the picture, and I, is the man who want to be with brush about life.   Wanted to let everyone see my picture, because I hope my picture can let all people like my painting a happy. Had a dream never grow old, and I will for my dream has been trying to, I hope my efforts can help more people.   I also hope I can go to some poor places in those children drawing, painting can give people bring happiness, through draw to express their emotions, their idea is very good.   There are some very beautiful places in China, I also want to use my hand brush paint the motherland great rivers, through every corner.   People should strive for my ideal, so I want to use the hands of the brush to paint the world.   我从小有一个很美好的梦想,就是成为画家。   我想用我的画笔描写祖国的大好河山,想把所有跟我好的人都画下来,一个人的思想都会从画里表现出来,而我,就是想成为用画笔描写人生的人。   我的画希望能让每个人看到,因为我希望我的画能让所有喜欢我的画的`人都开开心心的。有梦想的人永远不会老,我会为了我的梦想一直努力,我希望的我的努力可以帮助更多的人。   我还希望以后能去一些穷困的地方交那些小朋友画画,画画能给人们带来快乐,通过画来表达自己的情绪、自己的想法是极好的。   在中国还有一些很优美的地方,我也想用我手中的画笔描绘祖国的大好河山,画遍每一个角落。   人应该为自己理想而努力,所以我希望用手中的画笔好好描绘这个世界。 高一的英语作文 篇7   Travel is a good way to refresh and broaden our horizon.   旅行是消除疲劳开阔眼界的好方式。   During your travel, you can turn off your cellphone and keep far from the Internet. You can forget your work, your study or your family, and just enjoy the leisure time.   在旅行中,你可以关掉手机,远离网络,可以忘记你的工作、学习或家庭,只需静静地享受旅行的闲暇。   From the moment when you start your journey, all the trifles should be locked at your house.   从踏上旅程的那一刻起,所有的琐事都应该被紧锁在家里。   During the travel, you can kill your time slowly to have a good rest, and you can contact with different people. They may be a window for you to know a different world.   旅行的时刻,你可以慢慢打发时间,好好休息,也可以和不同的人打交道,这些人可能是你开启另一个世界的窗口。   Meet various people, experience things, which make your world bigger.   遇见不同的人,经历不同的事,这都可以使你的世界更宽广。   You just clean up your entire mind and you can get the true meaning of travel.   你只要清空思绪,就可得到旅行的真正意义。 高一的英语作文 篇8   My name is________ . I am from ________. There are________(数字)people in my family. My father works in a computer company. He is a computer engineer. My mother works in a international trade company. She is also a busy woman. I have a older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University. She majors in English. My brother is an elementary school student. He is 8 years old.   Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much. I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day. I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future. And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.   第四个   My name is ________. I am graduatefrom ________ seniorhigh school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.   In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlargemy knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future 高一的英语作文 篇9   Summer has come, with its warm sunny days, making us thing of all sorts of nice things, such as holidays in the country, picnics and haymaking①parties. When Spring came, she found the earth cold and bare, but she soon changed all that, and by the time Summer arrives, the world is a very different place. It is a green world now, green leaves on the trees, green grass in the fields, green plants crowding in the hedges②, and flowers opening everywhere. The days are long and the nights are short, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June. It is one of the best and brightest months in the year. Birds sing from sunrise till long after sunset. As night falls, one after another the birds stop their singing, and after a few last sleepy sounds, put their heads under their wings to rest for an hour or two before beginning again. They do not all sleep, however. When other birds are silent, comes a soft cry, then, after a few moments, another, louder this time; and soon the nightingale③ pouring out his wonderful song. Not only at night does the nightingale sing. On almost every warm day in early June, the little brown bird sings away in the roads and woods, but, as all the other birds are also singing at the same time, we do not notice his voice so much. It is at night, when he has the field all to himself, that we hear the nightingale at his best.   【词语解释】 ①haymaking [hei?meikiR] n.制备干草 ②hedge [hedN] n.(矮树的)树篱 ③nightingale [naitiRgeil] n.夜莺 【写作指要】 1)本文作者抓住 绿的世界 和 歌的昼夜 从视觉描写到听觉描写给读者描绘了一幅生机勃勃的夏日农村的美景。 2)第二段里 green 一词的多次重复使 绿的世界 深深留在人们的心里。在第三、四、五段里,作者把 歌声 这一概念用不同的词表达出来,如 sing , song , sounds , cry , pouring out , singing , voice 等,如此同义照应,使语义上下连贯,同时也加强和突出了 夜莺歌唱 的主题。 3)本文作者使用了拟人(personification)手法,文章显得格外生动:第二段Spring和Summer两个词首字母大写,用 she 指代 Spring ;第三段中的 gets up 和 goes to bed , birds sing ;第四段中的 sleep , cry ;第五段中的 his voice , he 和 himself 都是拟人用法。 4)为了使描写生动优美,作者使用了分词短语 making us think of ,独产主格结构 green leaves on the trees flowers opening everywhere ,省略句法 then, after a few moments, another , louder this time ,以及传神的短语 all to himself 和 at hisbest 等。 高一的英语作文 篇10   You let me know who is the most unforgettable? You must guess not to come out. Because I am a is the most unforgettable person I met a stranger.   His early twenties, black hair, big eyes, and strong body. Although we only met once, but he saved my life.   Remember it was a Sunday, I rode a car go out to play, never thought to come back, but have a thrilling experience.   The day was over, I walk on my way home by bike. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows, I was lost her eye sand. I quickly one hand cycling, vacate a hand to rub the eyes. Unexpectedly, when I was rubbing your eyes, road in front of a big stone, the front wheel "MAO" hit the rocks, I was a snap of the car is planted into the stream. I cry, "help", while fluttered with both hands, trying to stop the body of the sinking. But everything is useless, the body still continue to sink. At that moment, I saw an uncle walked to come over, I use the energy of the last cried: "help." And then what all don"t know.   After wake up, I found that I have been on the shore, uncle in my side to protect me. I said to his uncle: "thank you." He said: "don"t mention it. That is all I should do." So he turned to go, I asked: "what is your name?" He ignored me, and go.   Uncle, I think this kind of self-sacrifice, selfless fearless spirit is worth my study. He saved me, but leave calmly. Until now, I still hard to forget about him, but still don"t know his name.   参考翻译:   你们知道谁最让我难忘吗?你们肯定猜不出来。因为我最难忘的人是一个我只见过一次的陌生人。   他二十出头,乌黑的头发,大大的眼睛,还有强壮的身体。我们虽然只见过一次,可他却救了我。   记得那是一个星期天,我骑着车子出去玩,没想到在回来的时候,却有了一次惊心动魄的经历。   那天玩完,我骑车走在回家的路上。突然,一阵大风刮来,我被沙子迷了眼。我急忙单手骑车,腾出一只手来揉眼睛。没想到,就在我揉眼睛的时候,道路前方有一块大石头,前轮‘咣"的一声撞在大石头上,我被车子一弹,就栽进了路旁的小河里。我一边呼喊“救命”,一边用双手扑腾,企图阻止往下沉的身体。但一切都是徒劳无用的,身体仍然继续往下沉。就在这时,我看见一个叔叔走了过来,我用最后的力气喊了一声:“救命。”然后就什么都不知道了。   醒来以后,我发现我已经在岸边了,叔叔在我的身边护着我。我对叔叔说:“谢谢你。”他却说:“不用谢,这都是我应该做的。”于是,他转身就走,我忙问:“您叫什么名字?”他没有理我,走了。   事后,我觉得叔叔这种舍己为人、无私无畏的精神非常值得我学习。他救了我,却淡然离去。直到现在,我对他仍然难以忘记,却始终不知道
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1. 关于“我和我的祖国”的英语美文 Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese. Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I"ve ever learnt has been “I love you, China!” I love you, China, and I"m so proud of being a Chinese. I"m proud that I"ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. I"m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.I love you, China, for I can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. Last year, I got an opportunity to visit the United States of America. During my staying there, my father"s boss once invited my family to dinner. While at table, he looked at me and asked: “Little boy, how long have you been in America?” “About a month,” I answered, “How lucky you are!” he said, “If you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect English?” I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn English at school. I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “I"m proud of you, China. For you are offering us the best education.” When I came back from the USA, my friends asked me: “How do you feel about your staying there?” “Wonderful” I said. “then why do you come back?” Hearing this, I told them there were lots of beautiful countries in the world, but none of them can compare with our own country—China. How true the saying is: “there"s no place like home!” I love you, China. As a young student, all we should do is to study hard and devote ourselves whole-heartedly in the future, to the GREat cause of building you into an even stronger and GRE ater country in the world. I love you, my dear motherland! I love you, China!My motherland I have a map of the world on the wall in my bedroom.Ii"s old,but it"s very clean and beautiful.In the east of the world,there is a country,my motherland---China.It has a history of 5000 years and it is very large. Now,my motherland is going through great changes.It"s going to be Xiao Kang.Besides,the Olympic games are going to be hold in my country"s capital---Bejing at 2008.I think at that moment my motherland will be more powerful. Yesterday,our country launched the first spaceship of China---"Shen Zhou"number 5 into outer space.The first spaceman of China---Yang Liwei is successful by spaceship.I"m very proud of it."What does it mean?" "It means my motherland"s international position is higher and higher,its achievement is biger and biger. At this time,I"m deeply conscious of responsibility as a chinese student.that"s we have to study well for our motherland.。 2. 用英语祝福祖国的句子,20句左右 Best wishs to my country.致以我的祖国美好的祝福。 I love my country deep. 我深深地爱着我的祖国。 Strong and beatiful country like flowers.像鲜花一样美丽的祖国。 A tramendous dragon in east of Asia.东方升起的巨龙。 Yello river,the Changjiang river,the great wall make a long territory. 黄河,长江,长城铸就了伟大的江山。 Innovation,opening and development illumine the eye of the word. 改革,开放和发展点亮了世界的眼睛。 Sun of draw which is my contry.我的祖国是黎明的太阳。 My country Bassinet of east culture. 祖国东方文明的摇篮。 I love you my mom. 我爱你,我的妈妈。 I am people"s son,I love my country and people. 我是人民的儿子,我深爱着我的祖国和人民。 以我的能力,我就想到这十句,再想想看。 3. 描写祖国的英语句子 中国地域辽阔,960万平方公里的土地上高山耸峙,大河奔流,湖泊如境,丘陵起伏,平原无垠,盆地肥沃。 China has an immense territory totaling 9.6 million square kilometers. On this vast area of land, there are high mountains, long rivers, undulating hills, boundless plains and fertile basins. 中国的辽阔大地像是一个硕大的四级台阶,由西向东,一阶一阶逐级下降。最高的台阶是青藏高原,平均海拔4000米左右,是著名的"世界屋脊"。 上面分布着昆仑山、冈底斯山和喜马拉雅山等雄伟的高山冰川。 China"s surface slopes down from west to east like a four-step staircase. The top of the staircase is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with an average elevation of more than 4,000 meters and known as "the Roof of the World". The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is composed of rows of snow-capped peaks and glaciers. The major mountain ranges are the Kunlun, the Gangdise and the Himalayas. 第二个台阶是由内蒙古高原、黄土高原、云贵高原和塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地、四川盆地构成,平均海拔1000米左右。 The second steppe consists of the Inner Mongolia, loess and Yunnan-Guizhou plateaus, and the Tarim, Junggar and Sichuan basins, with an average attitude of 1,000 meters. 第三个台阶则是由大兴安岭、太行山、巫山和雪峰山向东一直到达海岸,地势下降到海拔500米到1000米以下。这一级上分布着东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原。 在这些平原的边缘镶嵌着低山和丘陵。 The third steppe, about 500 - 1,000 meters in elevation, begins at the line from the Greater Hinggan, Taihang, Wushan and Xuefeng mountain ranges eastward to the seacoast. Here, running from north to south are the Northeast Plain, the North China Plain and the Middle-lower Yangtze Plain. Interspersed amongst the plains are hills and foothills. 第四个台阶是最东边的大陆架浅海区,这里水深不足200米,堆积着河流入海带来的大量泥沙。 To the east of the third steppe, the shallow water of the continental shelf, an extension of the land into the ocean, forms the forth steppe of the staircase. The depth of the water here is less than 200 meters filled with large quantities of mud and sand carried into the sea by rivers. Brief Introduction to China Location The People Republic of China is situated in eastern Asia on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. China"s continental coastline extends for about 18,000 kilometers, and its vast sea surface is studded with more than 5,000 islands, of which Taiwan and Hainan are the largest. Land Formation and Rivers China"s land drops off in escarpments eastward to the ocean, letting in humid air current and leading many rivers eastward. Among the rivers totaling 220,000 kilometers in length in China, the Changjiang (Yangtze) and the Huanghe (Yellow) are world known. China has beautiful scenery, with mountains and ranges, highlands, plains, basins, and hills. The highlands and hill regions account for 65 percent of the country"s total land mass, and there are more than 2,000 lakes. The highest mountain peak is Qomolangma (Everest), the highest in the world, 8,848 meters above sea level; the lowest point is the Turpan Basin, 154 meters below sea level. Climate China is characterized by a continental climate. The latitude spans nearly 50 degrees. The greater part of the Chinese territory is situated in the Temperate Zone, its southern part in the tropical and subtropical zones, and its northern part near the Frigid Zone. Temperatures differ therefore rather strikingly across the country. The northern part of Heilongjiang Province has long winters but no summers; while the Hainan Island has long summers but no winters. The Huaihe River valley is marked by distinctive seasonal changes, but it is spring all year round in the south of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. In the northwest hinterland, the temperature changes dramatically. China high tundra zone is situated in the Qinghai-Tibet, where the temperature is low in all four seasons. Some desert areas are dry all year round. Resources China abounds in natural resources. It leads the world in many proven mineral deposits; No country in the world boasts more wildlife than China, many of which are native to China, such as giant panda, snub-nosed golden monkey, and Chinese alligator; China"s dawn redwood and Cathaya argyrophylla are known as the living fossils of ancient plants. To protect the nation"s native animals and plants, especially the endangered species, China has established more than 700 nature reserves. History China, with a recorded history of 5,000 years, is one of the world"s earliest civilizations. In the 21st century B.C., China entered slave 。 4. 祝福祖国的英文句子200字左右 Motherland is the Pearl of the Orient, the dragon take off in Asia, is the rising sun on the horizon; country in your heart, in my mind, in the hearts of every Chinese.祖国是东方的明珠,是亚洲腾飞的巨龙,是地平线上初升的太阳;祖国在你心中,在我心中,在每一个中国人的心中。 Motherland is a beacon in our hearts to illuminate the pace of our advance; motherland is the source of our self-confidence, gives us enormous strength.祖国是我们心中的灯塔,照亮我们前进的步伐;祖国是我们自信的源头,赋予我们无穷的力量。 5. 急求关于《我和我的祖国》的英语作文,最好加翻译 Our great country The People"s Republic of China has been set up for 60 years.After the dark and defficult time, we become much stronger,richer.The quality our people"s life has improved a lot. When we look back,we can see the poor and weak in the past years.Once none one in the world respected us,or our country.But that had been the PAST! We can see that the 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing.Our spacecraft flew into the space.Our navy went to the Yading Gulf.We are proud of these.We are proud that our great country is becoming stronger and stronger! 原创。 希望对你有用。 中文: 我们伟大的祖国 中国已经建立了六十年。 在经历了那些黑暗的困难的时期后,我们变得更加富强。人民的生活水品得到很大提高。 当我们回首往事,可以看到过去的贫穷和软弱。曾经,世界上没有哪个人会尊重我们或我们的国家。 但这一切,都已经过去了! 我们看到,2008年奥运会来到了北京,中国的宇宙飞船遨游太空,我们的海军现身亚丁湾。我们为此感到自豪。 我们自豪,因为我们的祖国变得越来越强大。 6. 求一篇英语作文,我和我的祖国 China, my motherland, is really a great country. It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China. As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland. China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project. Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China ! I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country !Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourous。 anyway ,I can"t display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before . My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and say"En。China is a famous and fantastic country !"Yes,that"s ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the world"s second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture .As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly "My country is really great !My country is really beautiful ! 回答者: wxluie - 助理 四级 2009-9-10 17:28 You ask where my homeland, I will be proud to tell you. The east of the world there was a giant, a giant who is my homeland; the east of the world there is a cock, it is my homeland cock; the east of the world there is a long queue, which is my homeland Changlong. My homeland vast territory and abundant resources, vast territory, rich beauty. This country is China. Chinese have gone through ups and downs, after suffering the vicissitudes of life, and she 57 years old this year. China is a legendary land of magic, if you have seen 57 years ago in China, you Before the Chinese, you must not think of China today are so advanced; if you see today"s China, you must not think the Chinese 57 years ago this is so decadent, it is不堪回首. Today, foreigners are much praise thumbs-up: "China"s history really brilliant!" Yes, this saying is very right, we Chinese are a very glorious history. We have Chinese: Confucius abilities, such as sub-Man Li Shimin, the emperor one four returnees, which is also proud to say that too many of the story. Chinese ancient poetry is worth one that we all know that Tang and Shi-Sheng Li Bai。 7. 我与祖国英语作文40词初中类型 We are all the Chinese People, and all successors of the dragon. History of China tells us, without motherland, there is no home, the country is not prosperous and powerful, will get a trashing soon. Whom we kissed most is parents,
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  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是我帮大家整理的高一的英语作文5篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 高一的英语作文 篇1   good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. my name is qing cheng and i"m in my 17 years old. i graduated from thetiantaomiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. its campus is as beautiful as ours. my favorite subject is math, because it"s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy.   but i am a student who likes challenges and i can feel great achievement when i solve a math problem. besides, i like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. in my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. the most important is that i am happy to be a classmate of you. i hope we can study as well as play together.   尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。我叫秦成,近年十七岁。我毕业于天桃中学,它是我们市里最好的中学,校园和我们校园一样美丽。我最喜欢的科目是数学,因为它是使很多学生抓狂的复杂科目。   但是,我是一个喜欢挑战的学生,每当我解答出一道数学问题的时候,我感到一种巨大的成就感。除此之外,我喜欢各种各样的课外活动,因为我它们给我带来了多姿多彩的.生活。在我看来,学习只是生活中的一部分,因此我们不应该被学习束缚。最重要的是,我很高兴能成为你们的同学。我希望我们可以一起学习,一起玩。 高一的英语作文 篇2   I have a very good dream since I was a child, to be a painter.   I want to use my brush to describe the motherland"s great rivers, want to draw all good to me, a person"s thoughts will be from the picture, and I, is the man who want to be with brush about life.   Wanted to let everyone see my picture, because I hope my picture can let all people like my painting a happy. Had a dream never grow old, and I will for my dream has been trying to, I hope my efforts can help more people.   I also hope I can go to some poor places in those children drawing, painting can give people bring happiness, through draw to express their emotions, their idea is very good.   There are some very beautiful places in China, I also want to use my hand brush paint the motherland great rivers, through every corner.   People should strive for my ideal, so I want to use the hands of the brush to paint the world.   我从小有一个很美好的梦想,就是成为画家。   我想用我的画笔描写祖国的大好河山,想把所有跟我好的人都画下来,一个人的思想都会从画里表现出来,而我,就是想成为用画笔描写人生的人。   我的画希望能让每个人看到,因为我希望我的画能让所有喜欢我的画的人都开开心心的。有梦想的人永远不会老,我会为了我的梦想一直努力,我希望的我的努力可以帮助更多的人。   我还希望以后能去一些穷困的地方交那些小朋友画画,画画能给人们带来快乐,通过画来表达自己的情绪、自己的想法是极好的。   在中国还有一些很优美的地方,我也想用我手中的画笔描绘祖国的大好河山,画遍每一个角落。   人应该为自己理想而努力,所以我希望用手中的画笔好好描绘这个世界。 高一的英语作文 篇3   Music could be created in any place when you have inspiration. At most times, we enjoy music like symphonic music. Even pop music, there is needn"t to understand what are they wanting to tell us. We just need to hear it carefully. Therefore, music shouldn"t have national boundaries.   According to my personal experience, music has a more positive effect on our life. When we are in a blue mood, we could listen to some foreigner song. The music is that we needn"t to realize what are they singing. When you listen to their rhythm and style, you will feel your heart be touched and shake in a blue mood. Then, you will be enlightened and acquire power.   On the other hand, different music could promote society develop. As everyone knows, KFC and Mcdonald"s are popular in China, as well as, there is nothing in the world can delight me so much as having a hamburger in these store. There are three major reasons and other details. The foremost reason first one is convenience. Second is save time. The third is delicious. However, the detail is also essential for the fast-food store. Music is one of them. The music rhythm is factor that if they play a smooth music, the customer will find the taste of food better. If the store plays a rapid pace of music, people will eat their food more speedily when the store is rush time. That will provide more desk and table for client to available.   Music has more effect and application of us around that I was not mentioned. In a word, music helps country and people more good than harm. 高一的英语作文 篇4   China, my motherland, is really a great country.   It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.   As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.   China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.   Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 高一的英语作文 篇5   Sunset   In order to see the sunset, I got everything ready before 5 in the afternoon. Then I went to the East Hill.   At that time, the sun was already in the west, but it was still shining. Its light was so bright that I couldn"t even open my eyes.When I arrived at the East Hill, the light became a bit yellow. After a short while, it was completely golden, then red.   The sun nearly set.It was like a big red ball. The clouds around it were also painted red.Little by little the clouds covered the sun more and more. At last it disappeared behind the clouds. It was dark and I hurried back.   翻译:   为了看日落,下午5点前我就把一切都准备好了,然后就去了东山。   那时,太阳已经在西方了,但是它仍然在照耀着。它的光是如此强烈,以至于我睁不开眼睛。 当我到达东山的时候,阳光已经变得有点黄了。一会儿以后,它完全变成了金黄,然后变成红色。   这时,太阳快落山了,它像一个大大的红色的火球,它周围的云也被染成了红色。慢慢地,云越来越多地遮住了太阳,最后,它消失在云后面。这时,天已经黑了,我快步跑回了家。
2023-01-10 04:35:451


2023-01-10 04:35:501


  在学习、工作、生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我为大家收集的高一的英语作文10篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 高一的英语作文 篇1   假如你是一名建筑工人(builder),名叫李华。在修建地基时挖出一些古代文物。一部分人建议(suggest)卖掉,可以得到一些钱,但你不同意。请你用英语给China Daily的编辑写一封信反映此情况,阐明你的理由,并提出建议。参考词汇:修建地基 lay a foundation of;财产 wealth;捐赠 donatetoDear Editor,   I"m a builder. When other builders and I laid a foundation of a building, we dug out some ancient cultural relics. At that time, some people suggested we sell them so that we could get some money. But I didn"t agree with them because I think these cultural relics are our country"s wealth. As Chinese people, we should protect them. So I told the other builders we shouldn"t sell them, because cultural relics represent a country"s culture and history. Besides, we should donate these culture relics to our country in case they might be sold abroad secretly. We shouldn"t lose them. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 高一的英语作文 篇2   China, my motherland, is really a great country.   It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.   As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.   China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.   Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 高一的英语作文 篇3   假设你是李华,请你用英语写一封信,向你的美国笔友Peter简单介绍有关乒乓球运动在中国的开展情况。具体内容包括:   1. 乒乓球是中国的国球。乒乓球运动在中国开展得非常广泛,不管是老人还是孩子,几乎人人会打乒乓球。   2. 在中国,乒乓球台案非常普及。不管是在公园、广场,还是在工作单位,随处都摆放着乒乓球台案。   3. 中国乒乓球运动员的技术非常高。自1959年容国团在第25届世界乒乓球锦标赛上取得世界冠军后,中国产生过无数的乒乓球世界冠军。   Dear Peter,I"m very glad to know that you are a table tennis fan. So am I. Table tennis is the national ball of China. Almost everyone in China, whether old or young, can play it. The tables for playing it can be seen here and there, in parks, squares and in many working places, even at some people"s homes.   The Chinese table tennis players have very excellent skills. Since 1959 when a man named Rong Guotuan won the first world champion at the 25th World Table Tennis Championship, China has had many table tennis world champions, and the Chinese people are very proud of them.Hope one day you will come to China, and we can play a game together.   Best regards. Yours, Li Hua 高一的英语作文 篇4   Food is human"s basic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste have been regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history of Chinese course development, there are many differences between the Southern and Northern tastes. Generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshness and tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. As a typically southerner, I prefer freshness and pure flavor. So my favorite food is steaming fish.   饮食是人类最基本的需求,但饮食因文化而异。色香味一直被看做是中华饮食文化的基本要素。在中国饮食文化历史发展的长河中,南方菜和北方菜有很多不同。一 般来说,南方菜更注重鲜、嫩,而北方菜相对比较油腻。作为一个典型的南方人,我更喜爱鲜美和纯粹的味道。所以,清蒸鱼是我最喜欢的菜。   Steaming fish is a classical Guang Dong dish. It"s famous for light, soft and slippery taste. The material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure the fish remain tender and pure. Put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8 minutes with mild heat. Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil and some chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fish is done. My mother is very good at cooking this course. I really love the way she cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but also provide with enough protein.   清蒸鱼是一道经典的广东菜,以口味清谈、鱼肉细滑而著名。所用材料必须新鲜,厨师需掌控好火候,以此保证鱼肉的鲜嫩。将鲜鱼放在锅中,用文火蒸8分钟。在 出锅之前,加一小勺油和一些葱花及一勺酱油,清蒸鱼就做好了。我的母亲很擅长烹饪这道菜。我非常喜欢她做的清蒸鱼,不仅仅保留了鱼的鲜美,也提供了足够的 蛋白质。 高一的`英语作文 篇5   The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is the Chong Yang Festival, a traditional festival in China. The celebrating activities are various and romantic ,including climbing mountains , appreciating chrysanthemums , wearing dogwoods , eating the Chong Yang cake and so on .   “Nine” has the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “jiu” which stands for ”a long time” , and is the biggest single figure . Therefore it indicts longevity. There have been a lot of poems and works celebrating Chong Yang Festival and praising chrysanthemums since ancient times. People also believe that climbing mountains can expel bad luck, and indicates “climbing to a higher position” and “longevity”.   China designates the ninth day of the ninth month as Senior ‘s Day , which combine tradition with modern times subtly to turn it into a festival for respecting , caring about , loving , and helping the elderly people . 高一的英语作文 篇6   I love my home full of laughter.   Spring, the willow sister off white dress and put on a green wedding dress. Naughty brother leaned out of the grass a little head, little sister showed the white on the cheek. Farmer uncle hard cultivation, sowing in the field. Our children play on the lawn. Birds seem as if they are caught and singing. In the beautiful village left a good echo.   In summer, the stream; the stream. We are children playing by the river. The adults in the below shade chit chat. Cicada cried, as if to say: "hot hot dead!" A bird in the sky freely pleasant flight. In the beautiful left a good memory in the field.   Autumn, sister maple trees with red leaves, as if to meet the harvest year. Flowers are going to say goodbye to its brothers and sisters. Farmer uncle in the hope of the field, harvest of his own work achievement. We are to help farmers uncle work. Bird flocking to say goodbye to everything here. In the field full of laughter and left a good farewell.   Winter, snow swirl underground. We are playing happily in the path. All plants gave in, only the Holly standing proudly in the wind and snow. Most animals hibernate. In this quiet winter, the winter sister"s footprint.   I love my hometown.   我爱我那充满欢声笑语的家乡。   春天,柳树姐姐脱掉了白连衣裙,换上了绿婚装。调皮的小草弟弟探出了小脑袋,小花妹妹露出了洁白的面颊。农民伯伯在田野里辛勤的耕耘、播种。我们小孩子在草坪上玩耍。小鸟仿佛被吸引住了,也放声歌唱。在那美丽的乡村里留下了美好的回声。   夏天,溪水哗哗的流着。我们小孩子在河边玩耍嬉戏。大人们在树阴下谈天说地。知了在叫着,好象在说:“热死了热死了!”小鸟在天空上自由自在地愉快飞翔。在那美丽的田野里留下了美好的回忆。   秋天,枫树姐姐飘落着红叶,仿佛在迎接丰收的一年。小花准备去和它的哥哥姐姐们告别了。农民伯伯在希望的田野上,收获着自己的劳动成果。我们在帮助农民伯伯干活儿。小鸟成群结队地在和这里的一切告别。在那充满欢笑的田野里留下了美好的告别声。   冬天,大雪纷纷扬扬地下了起来。我们在小路上愉快地玩耍。所有的植物都屈服了,只有那冬青树在风雪中傲然屹立。动物们大多都冬眠了。在这僻静的冬天里,留下了冬姐姐的足迹。   我爱我的家乡。 高一的英语作文 篇7   The future technology unimaginable, go, mobile phone is very convenient.   I developed a kind of the latest model of mobile phones, and rubber difference would like, the test, you can take it in hand, tried to cheat, and when the supervisor came over, you can immediately said: "this is the difference in rubber." In the paper, and then moved on, the supervisor, and continue to cheat, very convenient.   Kind of function with this phone is can be changed into human form, when you are happy, he will share it with you, when you are sad, he will share with you, when you are sad, he will give you, when you worry, he will give you happiness, has a very strong voice systems, languages, and identify system.   This phone is better than a computer, with convenient. On the Internet, the network is a computer 100 times, and with carry, where go to, to play games also better than the computer manipulation, and acoustic control, the appearance of mobile phones also can change, but also is the size of rubber is poor, if you want to make it big, you can unlock the function of size, as well as great.   This is developed by my mobile phone, convenient, and easy to understand.   未来的科技不可想象,千变万化,手机也是很方便的。   我研制了一种最新型的手机,和橡皮差很想,考试的时候,可以把它拿在手里,使劲的作弊,,当监考老师走过来的时候,你可以马上说:“这是橡皮差。”然后装作在差卷子,监考老师走后,又继续的作弊,很方便的。   这款手机还有种功能,就是可以变成人形,当你快乐时,他会和你一起分享,当你伤心时,他会和你分担,当你忧愁时,他会给你解闷,当你烦恼时,他会给你快乐,拥有很强大的语音系统、语言系统与分辨系统。   这块手机比电脑更好,跟方便。上网时,网速是电脑的100倍,而且随声携带,走到哪里带到哪里,玩起游戏来也比电脑好操纵,而且还是声控的,手机的外形也可以变化,但也只有橡皮差大小,如果想让它变大,就可以开启大小功能,和金箍棒一样。   这就是我研制的手机,方便、易懂。 高一的英语作文 篇8   Ching Ming festival is a traditional Chinese festival, has a history of two thousand five hundred years; Its main traditional cultural activities are: grave, outing, cockfighting, swing, play mat, pull hook, tug-of-war), etc. The members (the grave), is very old. Tomb-sweeping day, as a traditional culture, it is a full of mysterious colorific festival, on this day, the pedestrians on the road are missing people who died, to express their respect and grief!   Ching Ming festival, in hainan many locals call it the "qingming festival". Middle age the qingming festival is very important, if not as a legal holiday, they will also take time to go home "qingming festival". This suggests that the qingming festival has become a culture, become a man of the late express a way of missing loved ones.   Qingming festival, is a kind of Chinese traditional culture recognition and respect. Qingming festival is very important in the ancient tradition of a festival, is also the most important festival of festivals, was the day of ancestor worship and the grave. This grave, the shrine of the dead an activity.   The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. According to the old tradition, the grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, then paper incineration, new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the grave, and then salute kowtow worship, finally eat especially home.   The tang dynasty poet tu mu"s poem "qingming" : "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the tomb-sweeping day is special atmosphere. Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the late relatives customs still prevail. And the more brought to the attention of the people.   Chinese is influenced by its culture, make clear the Chinese memorial ancestors festival. Ancestor worship in qingming festival people are back, this is a kind of culture, a kind of habit. 高一的英语作文 篇9   The protection of the border is not a new problem for us, and our government has long proposed clear targets for governance. As every ordinary person in real life, although it is impossible to work directly in environmental protection, we can start from small things and start from me. Can you raise your hand when you see the tap in the bathroom? When the battery runs out, can you classify it instead of throwing it away? How about when shopping doesn"t use ultra-thin plastic bags? ...... Small things are small, but they reflect how much environmental awareness we have.   Recycling one ton of waste paper can regenerate 800 kg of paper, can save 17 tree. 20 waste recycling boxes can create a beautiful pen container. Recycling one glass bottle to save the energy, can make the bulb light for four hours. Recycling one aluminum can is to save the half oil cans. So we should place the garbage classification, reproduction by the relevant department after recycling reuse!   As long as we start from oneself, starts from the minor matter, everybody joint efforts, perseverance, we will be for the society, also a piece of clear water, blue sky for yourself, I hope everybody can voluntarily protect the environment, to make our environment more beautiful life. 高一的英语作文 篇10   My hometown is in the southeast of Shandong, a seaside village.   It is a small village. There are about 600 people. Most of them are peasants. They mainly plant wheat, corn and cotton. Some of them often go fishing in the sea.   Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. Now the peasants here use tractors in their work. A lot of new buildings have appeared. Many families own fridges and some even have air-conditioners. In the ev
2023-01-10 04:35:561


  无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是我收集整理的高一的英语作文3篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。 高一的英语作文 篇1   China, my motherland, is really a great country.   It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.   As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.   China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.   Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 高一的英语作文 篇2   In my life, I get lots of help and love from many people. Now I want to express my thanks to them. First, I want to thank my parents. They provide a happy life for me. They do much for me and give me so much love. Second, I want to thank my teachers. They are do hard-working. When I have problems with my study, they are so patient and helpful. Third, I want to thank my classmates. They make me feel less lonely. I will remember the days we play and study together. Thank you, my parents, my teacher and my classmates. I hope you are in good health and have a better future.   在我的生活中,我得到了许多人的帮助和爱。现在我要表达我对他们的感谢。首先,我要感谢我的`父母。他们为我提供了一个幸福的生活。他们为我做了很多,给了我那么多的爱。其次,我要感谢我的老师。他们做的很努力。当我有问题时,他们是如此的耐心和帮助。第三,我要感谢我的同学。他们让我觉得不那么孤单。我会记得我们一起玩耍和学习的日子。谢谢你,我的父母,我的老师和我的同学。我希望你身体健康,有更好的未来。 高一的英语作文 篇3   On the Internet   The Internet is becoming more and more important in our daily life. On the net, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as well. We can also send messages by e-mail, make phone calls, go to net school, read different kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves. Besides, we can enjoy music, watch sports matches and play chess or cards. On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them. In a word, the Internet has made our life more colourful.
2023-01-10 04:36:051


  在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么,怎么去写作文呢?以下是我精心整理的高一的英语作文6篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 高一的英语作文 篇1   I like the Spring Festival, because they can receive gift money, also can let off fireworks; I like the Mid-Autumn Festival, because they can eat dumplings, also can be the moon; I like the Lantern Festival, because they can eat dumplings, also can pull the rabbit lamp.   The annual Lantern Festival, my mother will buy me a rabbit lamp, but in my class that year s Lantern Festival it s haunting me.   The moon tonight as the hope ... ... Lunar January fifteen big round moon, like a jade plate. All of us kids in the Fengzhen Park slipped beloved lamp.   Fengzhen park is really lively, everywhere decorate. A little lantern riddles written on lanterns and one of odd shape. Some people look at the lights, some people guessing riddles written on lanterns ... ...   Our lamps have different characteristics, attracted a lot of tourists. I pulled the peach light red, as long as gently pull it will slowly opened, suddenly from the inside fly a become an immortal Sun Wukong, visitors see non-stop clapping applause. Zitta Sun Wukong exhibit of lanterns his golden cudgel. Xiao Li of the dragon would run up and down, eyes will shine! Small day pull is the most lovely rabbit lamp, a small music also has an open Lotus lamp.   Be jubilant to pull the lamp. We ll run side by side, while chasing each other, while race each other.   All the lights, the most is the rabbit lamp, because of its kind, lovely, give us the festival brings peace and happiness. 高一的英语作文 篇2   Sunset   In order to see the sunset, I got everything ready before 5 in the afternoon. Then I went to the East Hill.   At that time, the sun was already in the west, but it was still shining. Its light was so bright that I couldn"t even open my eyes.When I arrived at the East Hill, the light became a bit yellow. After a short while, it was completely golden, then red.   The sun nearly set.It was like a big red ball. The clouds around it were also painted red.Little by little the clouds covered the sun more and more. At last it disappeared behind the clouds. It was dark and I hurried back.   翻译:   为了看日落,下午5点前我就把一切都准备好了,然后就去了东山。   那时,太阳已经在西方了,但是它仍然在照耀着。它的光是如此强烈,以至于我睁不开眼睛。 当我到达东山的时候,阳光已经变得有点黄了。一会儿以后,它完全变成了金黄,然后变成红色。   这时,太阳快落山了,它像一个大大的红色的火球,它周围的云也被染成了红色。慢慢地,云越来越多地遮住了太阳,最后,它消失在云后面。这时,天已经黑了,我快步跑回了家。 高一的英语作文 篇3   I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children.   我觉得将来我会成为一名教师,因为我喜欢和孩子们待在一起。   I"ll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it.   我会住在上海,因为我去年夏天去上海的时候就爱上了它。   I think it"s really a beautiful city.   我真的觉得那是一个美丽的城市。   As a teacher, I"ll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person.   作为一名老师,我会尽力教好我的学生并告诉他们如何做一个有用的.人。   In my free time, I"ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I"ll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird.   在我的空闲时间,我会听音乐,流行歌曲,和我的朋友去购物,有时候我会养宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳的鸟。   It makes me happy.   它能让我开心。   During the summer holiday, I"ll go to Italy on vacation.   暑假的时候我会去意大利度假。   I hear that it"s a great place to have fun.   我听说那里是去玩的好地方。 高一的英语作文 篇4   China, my motherland, is really a great country.   It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.   As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.   China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.   Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 高一的英语作文 篇5   Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren"t responsible, you"ll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork. Second,in school life,relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them. Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don"t be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination. If you can work toward these goals, you"ll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.   三个属性可以帮助人们在他们的学习上。第一,责任感,为建设一个健全的人格是很重要的。如果你不负责,你会推迟你的作业或你的功课投入的时间太少了。其次,在学校生活中,人与人之间的关系是有价值的。朋友可以为你带来快乐和笑声。此外,你可以和他们一起讨论问题及追求知识。最后,它是有建设性的人生哲学的重要。如果你失败了,不要失望。试着去面对你的生活和学业的勇气和决心。如果你能朝着这些目标努力,你会成为一个全面发展的学生而不是一个书虫。 高一的英语作文 篇6   In work hard learning, the library is a good place, I study it brings me a lot of knowledge. For every class often in and out of the library I; Selected for the volunteers by the teacher, in the heart very happy, because finally had a chance to service for people!   When a small volunteers on the first day, class library all things for me; Is a question mark, for others, photocopies accidentally! A wrong button, the paper places appeared a piece of data only a quarter of the paper, I have to pay.   Sacrifice lunch break I went to the library work, the more cautious to fill a book, seeing so many tattered book, thinking "can have such a good study environment, don"t cherish" an angry heart. One day, after finishing the book, see a man in the book, a stepped forward to wanted to scold him a lesson, but the thought of Confucius said: "the way of administration, together with punishment, people free and shameless. Virtue, together with the ritual, shame and." I"m not angry, had to use moral to persuade him, and when no one"s in, also won"t destroy the book.   Busy, the teacher also told us to read, to gain understanding. When moving the heavy book, in fact, think about it, this will not only help the teacher save trouble, also enhance their own strength, every second, why not?   As the young volunteers, I though a little tired, but for the teacher to share many things; I am also very happy, because "help others for pleasure this!"   在功课繁重的学习中,图书馆是我进修的好场所,它带给我许多知识。因每天下课常出入图书馆的我;被老师选为小志愿者,心中无比的高兴,因为终于有机会替大众服务了!   当上小志愿者的第一节下课,图书馆一切的事物对我来说;都是一个问号,替别人影印资料时,一不小心!按错一个钮,出纸的地方出现了一张只有资料四分之一的纸,使我得自己掏腰包了。   牺牲午休时间 去图书馆工作的我,更加谨慎的补书,眼见这么多破烂的书,心想“能有这么好的读书环境,竟然不好好珍惜”心中一股气愤涌上心头。一天,在整理书时,见到了 一位在破坏书的人,走上前去原想臭骂他一顿,但一想到孔子说:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻。道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”我也不生气了,只好用 道德来规劝他,才能在没人的时候,也不会再破坏书。   忙碌之余,老师也叫我们看书,以增广见闻。在搬那沉重的书时,其实,想想看,这不但帮老师省麻烦,也增强自己的体力,一举二得,有何不可呢?   身为小志愿者的我,虽然累了一点儿,但替老师分担了许多事物;我也很快乐,因为“助人为快乐之本”呀!
2023-01-10 04:36:101

opposite is my school还是opposite my scool is?为什么?

opposite [5CpEzit] adj. (1) 相对的, 对面的, 对立的, 相反的, 对等的, 对应的 n. (2) 相反的事物 现代英汉综合大辞典 [基本词义] opposite [5CpEzit] adj. (1) 对面的; 对立的, 相反的 (2) 反对的, 敌对的 (3) 【植】对生的; (花部)重叠的 (4) 【数】对立的 (5) 对置的, 对应的 opposite directions 相反的方向 opposite angles 【数】对角 diametrically opposite 直径上对置的 [词性变化] opposite [5CpEzit] prep. (1) 在...对面 opposite the church 在教堂对面 sit opposite each other 彼此相对而坐 opposite [5CpEzit] adv. (1) 在对面 He stood opposite. 他站在对面。 opposite [5CpEzit] n. (1) 对立面[物]; 对立者; [古]敌手, 对手 (2) 反语 Black is the opposite of white. 黑是白的对立面。 [继承用法] oppositely adv. oppositeness n. [习惯用语] be opposite from (1) 与...相反; 不相容 be opposite to (1) 在...对面; 与...相反 just the opposite (1) 恰恰相反 [特殊用法] contradictory opposite (1) 矛盾否定 round edge opposite (1) 二面圆方砖(釉面砖), 对圆边方砖(釉面砖) opposite contrary 都含“相反的”。 (1) opposite 指“位置、方向、地位、性质、意义等对立的、相反的”, 如: “True” and “ false ” have opposite meanings. “真”与“假”有着相反的意思。 (2) contrary 指“两物朝相反的方向发展”, 含有“互相冲突, 不一 致”的意思, 如: Your plan is contrary to mine. 你的计划与我的相反。 same identical 所以是 opposite my scool is
2023-01-10 04:36:416


  无论是在学校还是在社会中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我收集整理的高一的英语作文7篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 高一的英语作文 篇1   上网利弊   Recently our class discussed the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the internet. Here are our conclusions.   Of course, surfing the internet clearly has some advantages. There is no doubt that the internet makes communication easier and helps us keep up with the latest information. It is also a great use of spare time: online shopping, online movies and even online chats with friends.   Like anything else, the Internet is not perfect. Being addicted to it can waste a lot of time, especially for us students; not only can our studies be harmed by our spending too much time online, but we often hear news of students who met dangerous people online or who even got cheated.   In my opinion, when surfing the Internet, we should be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages, so that we can maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages.   环境保护   It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly, otherwise it may cause problems. It may pollute the air and water, they may get ill.   Our city has begun to pay attention to the problem. For example, rubbish is sorted. Some rubbish, such as newspapers and glass, is recycled. The rest, which is believed to be harmful, is sent to a certain place and buried. Laws have been passed to protect the environment, so waste water should be treated before it is poured into rivers.   We"ve been trying, but there is still a long way to go. After all, if everyone did his part to help fight against pollution, we could all share in a cleaner and more beautiful world.   Cars and Earth   Nowadays, with the living standards improving fast, masses of people own cars, which certainly benefit them a lot. But more and more cars will give out poisonous gases and cause air pollution, which does great harm to the environment.   Therefore, human beings are faced with an urgent task to take measures to save the earth. The government should pass laws and limit the number of cars. Or we may use environmentally friendly cars to reduce the pollution.   After all, we have only one earth. If we continue polluting it, we shall be punished in time. So, we should make proper use of cars and protect our earth.   How to improve listening ability   Hello, everyone. Learners of English, especially beginners, usually have trouble in understanding native speakers. How can we improve our listening abilityMy views are as follows.   First of all, learn English step by step. It is no use listening to anything beyond your level. So don"t choose materials that are too difficult for you. Secondly, stick to one series of textbooks. Work hard at them until you master them. Thirdly, listen to English programmes every day to enjoy native English. Finally, you can learn to sing some English songs so that you won"t feel bored with English study.   All in all, where there is a will, there is a way. When you develop good listening habits, your listening ability will improve quickly.   Drunk driving   Nowadays, drunk driving is becoming a heated topic among people in China. Here, I"d like to air my views about it.   As is known to us all, drunk driving is a sort of terrible behavior that will threaten the safety of people, including the driver himself. Many of the traffic accidents caused by drunk driving have brought about traffic jams, injuries and even death. Besides, a great deal of money has to be spent treating the injured and repairing the broken cars, which means a waste of money.   I strongly suggest effective measures be taken before things get worse. Laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunk driving. Meanwhile, the public, especially drivers, should be more aware of public safety. I hope by doing so, drunk driving can be things of past.   confidence   According to my survey, the students in our class appear to lack self-confidence. The reasons can be listed as follows.   First of all, students don"t communicate enough with each other. Secondly, the high expectations from parents are another cause of the problem. Thirdly, there are some improper evaluation methods in our school. Which cause the students to feel stressed.   It"s high time that something was done to solve the problem. First, teachers should encourage students to communicate more with each other. Second, parents should pay more attention to their children"s thoughts and life but not just their study. Third, schools should improve their evaluation methods, because education shouldn"t be judged only by the results of examinations.   If we are confident enough, we can do better.   书面表达题目   一、在最近的一次主题为中学生课余时间上网的英语班会上,同学们对上网的利弊争论不休,意见不能统一。作为班长,请你根据下列信息,作总结性发言。   要求:   1. 覆盖以上内容,可作适当发挥;   2. 发言的开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数);   3. 词数:120左右。 Attention, please! I"m going to give you a summary of today"s discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time. ___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you.   二、假如你是李明,你发现部分同学每次遇到重要考试,都会出现一些焦虑症状。请你用英语写一封信,向某学生英文报编辑反映该问题。信的内容应包括下列要点:   焦虑症状 建 议   头晕、乏力、睡眠不好、食欲不振等   1.考前制定好合适的复习计划   2.考试期间正常作息   3.睡前洗热水澡、喝热牛奶等有助于睡眠   其他建议(内容由考生自己拟定)   注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。   2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思;   3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。   参考词汇:头晕—dizzy(adj.)   三、文明的举止在国际交往中非常重要,因此提高国民修养势在必行。近日,你班就本话题进行了热烈讨论,请据以下要点给某英文报写一篇120字左右的短文,表明个人观点。   1. 提高国民素质的必要性;   2. 列举你所观察到的一些不文明行为(两种以上);   3. 就此做出评论,并提出建议。   参考词汇:behave v 举止、行为、表现   四、Smoking   吸烟对健康有害。   2.改变吸烟的习惯并不容易。   3.为了保护非吸烟者不受其害,应当采取措施减少吸烟的机会。   五、许多人现在都在努力学习英语。请你写一篇浅显易懂的短文,说明英语的重要性。(字数60~100字)提示如下:   1.英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,大多数商业信件都是用英语写的。   2.学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验。(advanced experience)。   3.学好英语能使我们更好地为祖国服务。   4.学习英语有时也是一大趣事。   spit vi 吐痰 高一的英语作文 篇2   I am an ordinary girl. Learning in general, people also generally. But I have extraordinary thing, this kind of thing everyone has, but this kind of thing everyone is different, have such things -- friendship. I have two good friends, they callXXX, XXX. They are my good sister, they gave me a lot of happy and moved. They in my sad comfort me, when I am happy happy together with me. A lot of fun in our body. 高一的英语作文 篇3   I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children.   我觉得将来我会成为一名教师,因为我喜欢和孩子们待在一起。   I"ll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it.   我会住在上海,因为我去年夏天去上海的"时候就爱上了它。   I think it"s really a beautiful city.   我真的觉得那是一个美丽的城市。   As a teacher, I"ll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person.   作为一名老师,我会尽力教好我的学生并告诉他们如何做一个有用的人。   In my free time, I"ll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I"ll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird.   在我的空闲时间,我会听音乐,流行歌曲,和我的朋友去购物,有时候我会养宠物,也许会是一只色彩鲜艳的鸟。   It makes me happy.   它能让我开心。   During the summer holiday, I"ll go to Italy on vacation.   暑假的时候我会去意大利度假。   I hear that it"s a great place to have fun.   我听说那里是去玩的好地方。 高一的英语作文 篇4   China, my motherland, is really a great country.   It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.   As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.   China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 20xx,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.   Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future. 高一的英语作文 篇5   This morning, I learn calligraphy. A go out find a grey outside a, like entering a without the four seasons, no color, only the yellow fog with the country. Walk on the road, I feel three meters outside can"t see a person, like a blind. Choking air indistinctly has a foul smell, I think such a world, everything all have no vitality.   Remember the book about the fog is very beautiful, people compare it to a white gauze, illusory. People walk in the clouds like walked into the wonderland. But now, we call it the fog haze, what"s happening to our environment? Who destroyed it?   This all of all, are we cause ourselves. Because of increasing car emissions a large amount of exhaust gas, the factory of drainage, casually forest are constantly, green space constantly decreases, and so on, make the environment has been destroyed, so just can have the haze weather it is today.   Haze weather this year has seen many times, long duration, wide range, damage degree, has greatly influenced people"s health and induce many diseases, such as heart disease, lung disease, bronchitis and so on. This kind of weather to us again and again the alarm strikes, environmental governance is urgently needed!   So we should advocate, take good care of the trees, planting trees, don"t burning garbage, the discharge of pollutants. We have to scientific development, respect the nature, in harmony with nature. This is to protect the environment, and protect our living environment. Blue sky, green water, green space, fresh air, you can always around us!   今天早上,我学书法。一出门发现外面灰蒙蒙的一片,就像走进了一个没有四季,没有颜色,只有黄色的大雾陪伴的国度一样。走在马路上,我感觉三米之外都看不见人,就像双目失明一样。呛人的空气隐隐约约的有股臭味,我觉得这样的世界,万物都没有了生机。   记得书里描写的雾非常的美,人们把它比作白纱,虚无缥缈。人们走在云雾里如同走进了人间仙境。可是现在,我们却称之为雾霾,我们的环境到底怎么了?是谁破坏了它?   这一切的一切,都是我们人类自己造成的。因为汽车的增多排放大量的尾气,工厂随便的排污,森林不断地被采伐,绿地不断的减少,等等,使环境被破坏了,所以才会有了今天这样的雾霾天气。   今年的雾霾天气已经出现了多次,持续时间长,涉及范围广,危害程度重,极大地影响了人的健康,诱发了很多疾病,比如心脏病,肺病,气管炎等等。这种天气给我们一次次敲起了警钟,环境治理刻不容缓!   所以我们要提倡,爱护树木,种植树木,不要焚烧垃圾,随便排放污染物。我们必须要科学发展,尊重大自然,与大自然和谐相处。这样既保护了环境,又保护了我们的生存环境。蓝天、碧水、绿地、新鲜的空气,就能时时在我们身边! 高一的英语作文 篇6   假如你是一名建筑工人(builder),名叫李华。在修建地基时挖出一些古代文物。一部分人建议(suggest)卖掉,可以得到一些钱,但你不同意。请你用英语给China Daily的编辑写一封信反映此情况,阐明你的理由,并提出建议。参考词汇:修建地基 lay a foundation of;财产 wealth;捐赠 donatetoDear Editor,   I"m a builder. When other builders and I laid a foundation of a building, we dug out some ancient cultural relics. At that time, some people suggested we sell them so that we could get some money. But I didn"t agree with them because I think these cultural relics are our country"s wealth. As Chinese people, we should protect them. So I told the other builders we shouldn"t sell them, because cultural relics represent a country"s culture and history. Besides, we should donate these culture relics to our country in case they might be sold abroad secretly. We shouldn"t lose them. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 高一的英语作文 篇7   We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.Views vary from person to person.the majority of us consider it very necessary to go to college.They think it can widen their knowledge and improve their qualities.   Only in this way can they find better jobs after graduation.Very few students,that is about ten percent of the students think it no use going university, because the tuition is too high for their family to afford.Whats more, its rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory jobs.   Thirty percent of the students, however, believe All roads lead to Rome. Therefore it doesnt make any difference whether they go to college or not.   In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.
2023-01-10 04:37:021

family relationship英语作文 约8到10句,急

Family relationship It is an art to balance the relationship in the family.The harmonious environment will promote the relationship among the family.Oppositely,the quarrel and battles among the family will bring the family into the desert. We should pay much attention to learn the art of dealing with the relationship in the family.We should respect everyone.No matter Dad or son,either of them equally stands in the family.We"d better try to stand on other"s shoes to consider and care much more for the whole family. In a word,we are the whole family.We should fight against the trouble and share the joys together.
2023-01-10 04:37:071


没有oppinon,只有opinion,opinion on.
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the blanking press plate
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2023-01-10 04:37:344


2023-01-10 04:37:512


friendshipDo you think that friends are the best worthy to be trusted? Then YOU"RE WRONG. Sometimes they will also hurt you because of themselves, even effect you badly. Oppositely, a true friend will take an very important role in your life. He / She"d love to help you, and share happiness with you. So FRIENDSHIP is very important. It will hurt you deeply in your whole life if you meet a really wrong one~
2023-01-10 04:37:588


BAIDU一下 应该会有很多哦
2023-01-10 04:38:232


2023-01-10 04:38:313


Not even the love, too easy not to pay attention to the
2023-01-10 04:38:424


The less you give a damn, the happier you will be. 你越不在乎,你就越快乐。Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is your attitude. 人生中会有很多事情把我们击败,但真正打垮我们的其实是我们自己的态度。It doesn"t matter how often we see each other, what matters most is how much we think about each other. 见或不见,并不重要,重要的是想念有多深。If you can"t forget yesterday, there will be a better tomorrow. 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。Man has to be crazy for once, whether it is for a person,a love story, a journey or a dream. 人的一生要疯狂一次,无论是为一个人,一段情,一段旅途,或一个梦想。
2023-01-10 04:38:556


  英语写作讲究逻辑,英语作文如果衔接的不好的话,我们的考研写作就落了下乘了。下面是我给大家整理的考研英语作文写作逻辑衔接词,供大家参阅!   考研英语作文写作逻辑衔接词   表示对照:but,still,yet,however,on the other hand,on the contrary,in spite of,even though等。   表示结 果 和 原 因:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,hence,thus,otherwise等。   表示目的:for this reason,for this purpose,so that等。   表示强调:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,without any doubt,truly,to repeat,above all,most important等。   表示解释说明:for example,in fact,in this case,for actually   表示总结:finally,at last,in conclusion,as I have shown,in other words,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,as has been stated   表对比 whereas, while, as opposed to, by contrast, by comparison, on the contrary, oppositely, but, yet   表示时间:in general, every, some, sometimes, after, on the whole, usually, most, at other times, in most cases, frequently, main, finally, as a rule, rarely, before, meanwhile   表举例 for example ,to name a few, say , such as,to list but a few, for instance   表递进in addition, furthermore ,what"s more, what"s worse, additionally   表示转折:although, instead, rather than, but, nevertheless, though, however, on the other hand, otherwise   表示时间顺序:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,later,immediately,soon,next,in a few days,gradually,suddenly,finally   表示空间顺序:near(to),far(from),in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right (left),around,outside   这些词或短语起到一个衔接和过渡的作用,使句子间的句子关系更富有逻辑性。比如在写作时,我们完全可以灵活去用这些词语,在表示转折时,很多考生只会用but, but到底,分数肯定不会很高,你完全可以用其它词来替换,比如however, on the other hand等,这样词汇不就更加多元化了吗。   英语作文常用的连接过渡词   一、英语作文常用的连接词   1. 并列关系   and, furthermore, more than that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, for instance, for example   2. 转折关系   although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of, nevertheless, yet, otherwise, despite   3. 顺序关系   first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next   4. 因果关系   as a result, for, thus, because, for this reason, so, therefore, as, since, consequently, on account of   5. 归纳关系   as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word   二、英语文章及结尾常用过渡词   A. 文章及段落起始过渡词语   1. To begin with   2. Generally speaking   3. First of all   4. In the first place   B. 文章及结尾常用的过渡词语   1. Therefore   2. Thus   3. This way   4. In conclusion   5. To sum up   6. In a word   7. In brief   8. As a matter of fact   C. 常见的表示先后顺序的过渡词语   1. First,… Second, … Next, … Finally, …   2. Afterwards, …   3. Meanwhile, …   4. Then, …   5. Firstly,… Secondly, … Eventually, …   6. At last   7. Immediately   8. suddenly   9. soon   D. 常见的对称关系的过渡词语   1. For one thing, … for another thing, …   2.On one hand, … on the other hand, …   E. 常见的表示因果关系的过渡词语   1. For this reason   2. As a result   3. because of   4. Due to   5. Thanks to   6. Thus   7. In this way   8. Accordingly   9. Therefore   三、逻辑词   a.表示开场to begin with , in the first place , in general , generally speaking   b.表示总结to summarize , to sum up , to conclude , in conclusion , finally   c.表示举例a case in point , a good illustration / example of … is …,   d.表示原因because , since , for , the cause of , the reason for , now that   e.表示结果as a result , as a consequence , consequently   f.表示比较both , like , likewise , similarly , in common , in the same way   g.表示对照on the contrary , on the other hand , despite , in spite of , however   h.表示列举first , firstly , in the first place , first of all , to begin with   i.表示强调especially , particularly , certainly , surely , chiefly , actually   
2023-01-10 04:39:151


study is to me what air is to life 这个是谚语嘛.it does not like someboby else who just care about the income and fame.The reason why i chose medical is love ,i love this major and contribute my life.what"s more,i donot feel study medical is a hard work,oppositely,study is to me what air is to life .
2023-01-10 04:39:202

求三小段英译汉 谢谢

2023-01-10 04:39:284

oppositely ,conversely ,in contrast区别

oppositely 是副词,表示相对的,对立的conversely 是副词 表示相反的in contrast 是形容词,表示相比之下的
2023-01-10 04:39:451


2023-01-10 04:39:502

opposite celebrate

opposite:相反的 opposition(名词形式) oppose(动词形式)celebrate:庆祝 celetration(名词形式)
2023-01-10 04:39:593

参观中国的理由 只要英文就好

As is know to anybody,China has a long history of 5000 years,which turns out rich culture and special style.It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works.All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings,experiences,images and ideas about life.But China also had a troubled past since 1840.She saw a lot:Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945,the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains,poverty to Chinese people,but they never gave in .Oppositely,people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship.They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem.It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people.Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 .After that,it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries.Since then,China set its steps of fast development on all the sides,especially in the field of science and technology.We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements.To exploring space,the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series.At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon.
2023-01-10 04:40:141

急需一段对话,Family Ties

Family tiesIt is an art to balance the ties in the family. The harmonious environment will promote the relationship among the family. Oppositely, the quarrel and battles among the family will bring the family into the desert. We should pay much attention to learn the art of dealing with the ties in the family. We should respect everyone. No matter Dad or son, either of them equally stands in the family. We"d better try to stand on other"s shoes to consider and care much more for the whole family. In a word, we are the whole family. We should fight against the trouble and share the joys together.
2023-01-10 04:40:191


From Wikipedia:Career[edit] Early careerLu You came from a family in which there were some government officials. At that time the southern Song dynasty was frequently invaded by the Jin Dynasty (金国). When he was one, Kaifeng (开封), the capital of Northern Song dynasty had been captured by the troops of Jin Dynasty. Lu You, who was still an infant, fled with his family and spent his first nine years as a refugee. Because of the family influence and social turbulence in childhood, Lu You was committed to saving the nation by ousting the Jurchens (女真人).[edit] MarriageLu You"s family gave him a good education, especially the education on patriotism, but his family --particularly his mother-- also brought misfortune to his marriage. He grew up with his cousin Tang Wan, who was quiet but good at literature. They fell deeply in love and got married when he was 20. But they didn"t have any child, and his mother didn"t like Tang Wan. Though they had lived happily together, his mother forced them to divorce in order to make him concentrate on studying and fulfilling his aspiration of saving the Song dynasty. In traditional Chinese culture, good children should be respectful and obedient to their parents. Lu You loved his mother and reluctantly divorced Tang Wan. Then, she married a nobleman Zhao Shi Cheng, and he married Ms. Wang (her first name eludes most researchers).Lu You was very sad after his first marriage. One spring, at age 31, eight years after their divorce, he passed by Sheng"s Garden and encountered Tang Wan and her husband by chance. Tang Wan asked her husband to let her send a glass of wine to Lu You. When her hands passed the wine to him, he saw her eyes brimmed with tears... His heart was broken, and he took the glass of bitter wine bottom up. He turned back and wrote down the poem “Phoenix Pin” on the wall of Sheng"s Garden within one breath. After this meeting with Tang Wan, he went up to the North against the Jin Dynasty and then turned down to the South Shu (today"s Sichuan in China) to pursue his dream of unifying China as a whole nation.Meanwhile, after Tang Wan read his poem, she immediately wrote one in the same form in response. In less than a year, she died. One year before Lu You"s death, at age 85, he still wrote another romantic loving poem “Sheng"s Garden” to commemorate his first love.[edit] Official careerHe passed the civil service examination in 1153, but was unsuccessful in his official career: he adopted a patriotic irredentist stance, advocating the expulsion of the Jurchen (女真) from northern China, but this position was out of tune with the times. After a long career as an official, including periods exiled to minor positions in the provinces, he retired to his native town of Shaoxing (绍兴) in frustration. He spent the last twenty years rusticated there. His wife died in 1197.[edit] StyleLu You wrote over ten thousand poems, in both the shi (诗) and ci (词) forms, plus a number of prose works. In his poetry he continues to articulate the beliefs which cost him his official career, calling for reconquest of the north. Watson identifies these works as part of the legacy of Du Fu (杜甫). Watson compares a second body of work, poems on country life and growing old, to those of Bai Juyi (白居易) and Tao Qian (陶潜). Lu You had written a lot of poems in his whole life, more than 10000, still having 9300 after erasing some of them himself. His style can be divided into three periods.[edit] First PeriodThe first Period of Lu You"s works is from his teenage years to age 46. This period lasts the longest, but keeps the least of his works, about two hundred poems, because he eliminated his early works through selection.[edit] Second PeriodSecond Period runs from age 46 to 54, leaving approximately more than 2400 works of the shi and ci. During this period, he joined the military and was affected by that experience. Therefore the main style of this period"s works becomes liberal, forthright, and splendid; his patriotic spirit heightens into another level. The maturity and richness presented in this period"s works establishes the sublime position among Chinese Literature ancestors.[edit] Third PeriodThe third Period starts from moving back to his hometown until death. Because he didn"t have enough time to eliminate his works through selection, abounding works, six thousand five hundred, live from this period. During this period, because he was old, lived with farmers, and had gone through ups and downs in the military and governmental office, his work in this period represents peaceful pastoral images, as well as the desolation and bleakness of human life.Though his style changes through periods, his works are fully packed with furiously enthusiastic patriotism. This is the most important nature of his works, and the greatest reason they have been eulogized for almost a thousand years.[edit] BibliographyLu You was born on a boat floating in the Wei Water River in an early rainy morning of October 17th, 1125 (Chinese calendar). That was the time the Song dynasty was frequently invaded by the Jin Dynasty. One year after his birth, the troops of the Jin Dynasty conquered the capital of Northern Song dynasty; his family fled from home while he was still an infant. Under such an influence, he determined to expel the Jurchen (女真) from the North and bring a United Song dynasty back even when he was very little.At age 12, Lu You was already excellent in writing, mastered the skill of sword fighting, and delved deeply into war strategy. At age 19, he took the civil service examination, but didn"t pass. Ten years later, he took it again; this time he not only passed it, he was the first winner in the region Lin Ann. But this triumph did not bring him any luck; oppositely, it brought big trouble to him. Qin Sun, who was the grand son of Qin Hiu (a notorious traitor to China and tremendous powerful aristocrat in the Song Dynasty), also took this exam, and Lu You"s winning threatened Qin Sun"s position, because Lu You was likely to be the first winner in the next year"s national examination. In fact, not only Lu You, but all the potential winners of the next year"s nation-wide competition got excluded, even some of the examination officers.After Qin Hiu"s death, he started his official career in government. Because he avidly proposed fighting against the Jin Dynasty and didn"t follow the mainstream, he was dismissed from his job. In 1172, he was hired to create strategic planning in the military. Military life opened his eyes and mind widely; he found his hope to fulfill his aspiration -- bringing broken China back to a whole nation. He wrote out plenty of unrestrained, untrammeled poems to express his passionate patriotism. But the Song Dynasty was so corrupt at that time; most officers just wanted to make a nice living; he couldn"t get the opportunity to deploy his talent.In 1175, Fan Dia Cheng asked him to join his party. They had used to share similar interests via writing, and now behaved casual in the governmental society. Plus, because Lu You always felt there was no place for him to use his talent and ambitions to save the Song Dynasty, he started to become self-indulgent, enjoying drinking to forget his lack of success in personal life and career pursuit. He gave himself a nickname "Freed guy"(放翁), and was sarcastic to himself in his poems.After several promotions and demotions in his governmental career, in 1190, he retired and lived in seclusion at his hometown Shaoxing (绍兴), a rural area. He started to enjoy keeping in good health and like eating pearl barley and wooden ears. This habit kept his vision and hearing keen until death. Though during this period, he still ardently proposed fighting against the Jin Dynasty, but always got disputes and rejections. Finally on December 29, 1209(Chinese calendar), he died with the biggest regret – the Northern China was still in the control of the Jurchen (女真) – at age 86.Books《剑南诗稿》 《渭南文集》 《放翁逸稿》 《南唐书》 《老学庵笔记》 《放翁家训》 《家世旧文》 [edit] PoemsWikisource has original works written by or about: Lu YouTo Son (示儿) Lu You wrote many poems. One of his most famous is "To Son" (<<示儿>>). This is how it goes:死去原知万事空,但悲不见九州同。王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。All turns to dust in my dying eyes,only hatred is that a unified land is not seen.When the day of the emperor"s troops sweeping the North comes,you must not forget to tell me before my tombstone.This poem was composed by him when he was about to die.What this poem means is that he doesn"t mind not being able to take anything with him when he dies (死去原知万事空), but he is upset to see that China is not united as a nation (但悲不见九州同). He is telling his son that if this day ever comes (王师北定中原日), his family must not forget to go to his grave and tell him there (家祭无忘告乃翁。).Rainstorm on Nov. 4 (十一月四日风雨大作) 僵卧孤村不自哀,尚思为国戍轮台。 夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马冰河入梦来。I slept stiff and alone in a lonely village without feeling self-pity. I am still thinking of fighting for my country. Deep into the night I lie down and hear the wind blowing the rain. The armored horses and the ice river came into my dream.This poem was written when Lu was retired and old, but it shines with his patriotism and vivid depiction of the fighting scenes in the North.Phoenix Pin (钗头凤) 红酥手,黄藤酒,满城春色宫墙柳。东风恶,欢情薄,一怀愁绪,几年离索。错、错、错!春如旧,人空瘦,泪痕红邑鲛绡透。桃花落,闲池阁。山盟虽在,锦书难托。莫、莫、莫!Lily hands, rippling wine,The town is filled with Spring like willows waving by.Biting east wind, happiness thin,a chest full of sorrow, years of separation.Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!Spring is like before; the girl is pale and thin in vain.Through the sheer silks, it"s the tearful eyes brimming.Peach blossoms falling, glimmering pound freezing,Paramount promise is still, glorious book hard to sustain.Moan, moan, moan!This poem is the tear of his real love story (see his marriage). In this poem, "Biting east wind" is a metaphor for traditional Chinese view about women. This view breaks his first marriage. "Glorious book" is another metaphor for his ambition of unifying China. But he doesn"t seem to be successful in either of them (marriage and career). He also uses antithesis, which is very popular in Chinese poetry. It matches both sound and sense in two poetic lines, like "a chest of sorrow" pairing "years of separation" and "paramount promise" pairing "glorious book". The sounds are perfectly matching each other in Chinese. This poem falls in the first period of his works.Mei Flower (卜运算元-咏梅) 驿外断桥边寂寞开无主己是黄昏独自愁更著风和雨无意苦争春一任羣芳妒零落成泥碾作尘只有香如故Near the broken bridge outside the fortress, I am lonely and dis-oriented. It is dusk and I am worried alone, especially when the wind and rain start to blow. I do not intend to contest for the glory of Spring. I would rather be alone and envied by other excellent people. I would fall to become earth and be pressed to dust. My glory will be same as before.
2023-01-10 04:40:251


China, my motherland, is really a great country. It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China. As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland. China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project. Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future.
2023-01-10 04:40:301


2023-01-10 04:40:392

我的祖国 英语3分钟左右演讲

China, my motherland, is really a great country.It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future.
2023-01-10 04:40:481


Be geared to the needs of marriage partner is current computer boundary regard priority , it is the nineties software exploitation method main current. The tradition software there is existing software many-sided problem such as putting nature difference , the software in an important position but defending nature difference as well as the software developing out can not satisfy the consumer need in exploitation method.This aspect defects be geared to the needs of marriage partner method has been resolved, be geared to the needs of marriage partner exploitation is one kind of mode of thinking , is one kind of the method carrying out analysis , design and programming on system entirely. The be geared to the needs of marriage partner concept and application already have exceeded preparing a software developing , expand to very broad range.If Database , interactive are dyadic, the interface, applies structure , applies fields such as platform , distributed system , network administration structure , CAD technology , artificial intelligence. Be geared to the needs of marriage partner thought already deals with each development software aspect.Analyse (OOA , Object Oriented Analysis) if, be geared to the needs of marriage partner, be geared to the needs of marriage partner design (OOD, Object Oriented Design), and the be geared to the needs of marriage partner programming that we often say come true (OOP , Object Oriented Programming). Come the characteristic to carry out a thesis on be geared to the needs of marriage partner extremely to be geared to the needs of marriage partner method in the condition applying in computer field expounding applying carrying out simple introduction , hitting the target by the fact that be geared to the needs of marriage partner thought develops in VB game. Key words: Much state of be geared to the needs of marriage partner be geared to the needs of marriage partner analysis be geared to the needs of marriage partner design be geared to the needs of marriage partner programming kind succession nature packages nature
2023-01-10 04:40:534


1Optimistic attitude will you to happy life.Oppositely,pessimistic attitude will make you unhappy2陈诉观点开头:As far as i am concerned,As for me就我而言,我认为in my opinion,in my view,3all in all总之4in a word总的来说5to be frank,to be honest,in fact,事实上6due to,thanks to,由于7in order to为了8have a good habit of...有个...的好习惯9It is no big deal。没什么大不了的10depend on依靠11be lacking in缺乏...12get an idea of了解13in honour of纪念14grasp every chance抓住每一机会15Never say die!永不言弃16be supposed to do应该做某事17by example以身作则18drop out退学,退出19promise to be有希望成为20call for(=need)需要21say a lot about(觉得有用的话再问我哦)
2023-01-10 04:41:062


The introduction to an academic paper always: Gives the background to the topic Outlines the content of the paper - its aims (for instance "This paper will examine ...") The introduction may also: Give a strong relevant quote Define key terms WHAT IS AN INTRODUCTION? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? 引言段是论文的第一段。本段介绍论文的论点——作者通过提供支持信息提出的主要主张或主张。此外,本段确定了论文的背景(Davis、Davis、Stewart and Bullock, 2013)这种背景的呈现方式既不能太宽泛,也不能包含正文中未呈现的无关信息,如此具体以至于它对正文中讨论的信息进行了过多的详细介绍。这一段对于清晰和有条理的写作至关重要。通过提供适当的上下文和有效的论文句子,引言允许作者缩小论文的范围并有助于确保所有信息和声明都与论文相关。下面讨论了一些创建引言的策略。THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF AN INTRODUCTION 关于应该如何编写介绍段落、应该包含什么内容以及它们的具体格式,有很多模型。如果对确切格式和/或内容有疑问,请参考教授的具体偏好。然而,当出于学术目的写作时,倒三角模型是最常用的结构(见下图表)。这种方法介绍了演绎结构(从一般到具体)的介绍(Davis 等,2013)。THE INTRODUCTION"S DIFFERENT COMPONENTS 一般陈述旨在是一个广泛(但不是过于广泛)的陈述,介绍一般论文主题。这些开始内容为读者提供必要的背景信息,以了解您的论文主题和您的论文适合的一般背景。只介绍一些基本信息,不要太详细,因为这是论文正文的目的。如果适用于作业或写作目的,最好使用此部分来确定您的论文将解决的问题。从广义上讲,论文的论点就是你的断言。这是提出的主要主张,将在论文正文中得到支持。论文的确切格式和特征将根据您撰写的论文类型而有所不同。戴维斯等人在2013的文章中解释说,论文陈述是针对特定类型的写作量身定制的,包括说服性、研究性、论证性和分析性论文。撰写论文时,请使用论文陈述来检查论文正文中的内容是否正在发展您所做的断言。介绍段落的最后一部分应概述论文的组织方式。虽然根据论文的性质和长度可以省略此元素,但在撰写包含多个部分的更大、更复杂的论文时,它尤其有用。这使读者对论文的布局方式和将要讨论的主题有一个大致的了解。结合论文正文中有效主题句的使用,这部分引言有助于论文的整体组织和清晰度。Introduction In this paper, it is understood that ‘academic writing" has the meaning as clearly given by Hopkins (2008) of “"structured research" written by "scholars" for other scholars (with all university writers being "scholars" in this context).”  (definition of terms) It is also important to consider, at this initial stage, the question of ‘Are standards of academic writing among British students actually falling?" (background to the topic)The Guardian Education Notebook (2008) reported “Academic standards are in decline in many British universities, Professor Geoffrey Alderman, a senior figure in higher education, told the press last month, ‘Students who would once have failed pass, and students who would once have been awarded respectable lower seconds are now awarded upper seconds and even firsts,"”(quotation) There is a great deal of research being carried out to prove whether these claims are true.(background to the topic) However, it is not the purpose of this paper to present this evidence.Instead, it will present two perspectives on this decline. The first suggests that falling academic standards are the result increased access to technology and therefore ‘stealing" essays and cheating. Oppositely, the second perspective presented here suggests that a great deal can be done, and is being done, by universities to bring students up to expected standards and that modern technologies can greatly enhance an institution"s ability to identify cheating and to facilitate access to skills training.(Outline of the aims of the essay ) Finally, this essay will consider a rather sensitive subject: if standards of academic writing are falling that must suggest that either fewer students are achieving high grades, or that universities are applying laxer standards in assessing student work. (Suggestion of the conclusion the essay will reach )Reference Davis, R., Davis, L. K., Stewart, K. L., Bullock, C. J. (2013). Essay writing for Canadian students with readings (7th ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson.
2023-01-10 04:41:141


   中期的英文:   metaphase   参考例句:   In the middle twenties   20年代的中期   Entrepreneurship before, during and after dot-com   网络公司的.前期、中期与后期创业    metaphase是什么意思:   a. 中期,转位期   The metaphase plate would thus be the null point between two equal but oppositely directed and acting groups of kinetochore tubules   中期板大概是两个相等而方向相反的放射状着丝点微管群之间的平衡点。
2023-01-10 04:41:191


高一英语作文写作技巧   英语写作能力是高中英语教学的一项重要任务,下面是我整理的高一英语作文的写作技巧,有需要的朋友可以参考阅读哦!   【高中英语作文技巧】   第一步,写作的内容,要求做到两点— 内容完整、相关。   这两点只要考生不粗心,基本都能做到。比如陕西考区的题目,要求写暑假的安排,是一篇正反观点类的议论文。必须注意题目的要求,第一要提出讨论话题,Recently there has been a heated discussion about what the students should do during the summer vacation.(这是一个经典的模版开篇句型)。第二要写出一方面的观点,然后是另一方面的观点,最后提出自己的看法,根据要求缺一不可,否则就会被扣掉相应的分数,这就是完整。   第二步,写作中的语法。   在阅卷中,一般三个小的语法错误会被扣掉一分,一个大的语法错误(关于谓语的错误)会被扣掉一分。所以,学生应该尽量避免犯语法错误。我在课堂中会强调,对于语法基础薄弱的同学,除了加强自己的语法功底外,就是去背诵我给出的50个最高频用到的句法结构。这些结构不仅正确,而且一定是高考中的有效得分点,即使语法偏弱,记住这些句子然后在考试中使用也能避免学生自己造句中的语法错误,一举两得。比如,倒装句在考试中就很少有同学主动启用,但是一旦正确启用就会收到意想不到的效果,所以我会给出四组倒装句,然后让学生加强运用和练习。这些句子包括:   1、Only when we realize the importance of environmental protection, can we solve the problem of pollution.   2、So precious is time that we can"t afford to waste it.   3、Diligent as he was, he failed in passing the exam.   4、By no means should teenagers get into the habit of smocking.   第三步,连接词的运用,使文章连贯、流畅。   我把这些词分为8类,叫做“畅词”,往往学生由于中西方语言的.差异,会忽视这一点,所以在授课中会通过大量的练习巩固和加强学生的印象。而且不仅要写,还写出高水平的畅词,因为高考是选拔性考试,要做到“人无我有,人有我优”。比如,“首先”这个表示次序的畅词,一般同学一定想到的是firstly 或者first of all。可是我建议学生启用to begin with, 或者initially (这个是建议水平较好的启用)。“然而”,绝大部分启用but, however,我建议学生采用on the contrary 或者oppositely。   第四步,也是整个课程的核心部分,要强化“复杂、高级”两个概念。   为什么是核心呢?因为学生在这一部分没有正确的认识,在平时的学习中老师也没有有意识灌输和训练总结。大部分学生以为只要写出来、写正确就可以拿到高分,其实80-120个单词包括大概10个句子,如果全部是简单的词汇和句型没有办法达到最高档作文的要求。因此,我们强调高级的词汇和高级复杂的句型,不是说全部必须高级,而是必须出现一些才能符合高考作文大纲的要求。在这一步中,我总结的“高分词汇选择原则”、“简单句到复杂句的瞬间转换”、“高分句子写作策略”以及“钻石得分50句”,通过这些理论和实践结合的讲解,学生会感觉成绩的快速提升,效果明显。   【八大注意事项】   1.Avoid use of the first person (i.e. I/me/my) unless necessary to specific piece.除非必要,避免使用第一人称:如“我/我的”。   2.Use good grammar and write complete sentences. 使用好的文法,写出完整句子。   3.Move logically from one idea to the next. Don"t skip steps. 上下句意要合乎逻辑。别毫无章法乱跳。   4.Organize your thoughts before writing: brainstorm、make an outline、etc. 下笔前整合思绪:脑力激荡,写出纲要等。   5.Avoid slang、cliche and informal words. 避免俚语、陈腔滥调和非正式用字。   6.Write clearly. Be concise. Avoid wordiness. 写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。   7.Write simple sentences. Avoid a fancy style. 尝试简单句,避免花俏的句法。   8.Writing naturally. Read it aloud. Does it sound natural? Does it flow? 自然挥洒,大声朗诵。整篇文章听起来自然吗?通顺吗? ;
2023-01-10 04:41:241


CHINA, MY MOTHERLANDChina, my motherland, is really a great country.It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean. China covers 9,600,000square kilometers. People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.As is know to anybody, China has a long history of 5000 years, which turns out rich culture and special style. It"s said that every corner of Chinese ancient history was filled with varieties of prominent art works. All this influences people here by giving them a lot of feelings, experiences, images and ideas about life. But China also had a troubled past since 1840. She saw a lot: Xinghai Revolution against feudal dynasty in 1911,the anti—Japanese war during 1937—1945, the civil war broken out in 1946.Most big events brought pains, poverty to Chinese people, but they never gave in . Oppositely, people learnt not to weep when faced the hardship. They were taught to be strong enough to solve each problem. It"s the troubled time that create the valuable character for Chinese people. Finally they were succeed in rebuilding and developing the motherland.China was founded as an independent country named People"s Republic of China in 1949 . After that, it began to its door to the world and built bridges of friendship with many other countries. Since then, China set its steps of fast development on all the sides, especially in the field of science and technology. We can say that new Chinese history is filled with great achievements. To exploring space, the CSA has developed the highly successful Long March rocket series. At present the scientists are preparing for the nation"s first manned space flight flying to the moon. In the field of genetic research, China also plays an important role. In 2000,our scientists have announced that they completed the their part of the international human genome project.Up to now, China has all the way received more and more attentions from the whole world. She is showing its great changes to the world and becomes active on the big stage of the world. Surely she"ll have a better future.
2023-01-10 04:41:591