barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 20:36:41




一 表示性质不确定的某事物、某事、某物(some thing, object, event, etc. of an indefinite nature)。例如:

1. Ask me something easier.


2. Each of us has got something to say on the subject.


3. There is something behind it.


4. There"s something wrong with the computer. Get a technician to see to it.


5. In his theory of Probability Jeffreys has something new to say about induction.


6. Suddenly something strange in a dark corner of the room attracted her attention.


7. I can tell you something you have been waiting to know.


8. There is no doubt that we shall be able to do something for you.


9. "I am taking it easy," he said and looked straight ahead, evidently holding tight into himself about something.


10. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.


11. You must be hungry, are you sure I can"t offer you something to eat?


12. There is the motel by the roadside, shall we go and get something for a drink?


二 表示没有准确信息,用以代替已经忘记的字、名字或数字(或其中一部分)(used to indicate absence of precise information or used instead of(part of)a word, name or number that one has forgotten)。如:

1. What is his name? Jim something—— Yes, Jim Taylor.


2. He caught the twelve something train.


三 表示一个未申明,但是作者明白是一个肯定、具体或有意义的事物(a determinate, concrete or meaningful thing but unstated)。例如:

1. He has something to live for.


2. " I believe that a student knows when he has handed in something above his usual standard," writes the teacher, "and that he waits hungrily for a brief comment in the margin to show him that the teacher is aware of it, too."


3. Man is an essentially unique animal in that he possesses speech faculty and the faculty of symbolizing, abstracting or generalizing. Through these two associated faculties he is able to communicate his acquired learning, his knowledge and accomplishments to his fellows and his descendants….This is something that no other animal can do, at least not to say significant degree.


四 重要的人或事物、有价值的东西、了不起的人(a person or a thing of consequence; a valuable thing)。例如:

1. Theory is something but practice is everything.


2. It is quite something to have persuaded him to speak I am sure.


3. It is something to be home again without an accident.


4. He is something in the Education Department.


5. I hope this advice will go for something with them.


6. Venice is losing each year by the fraction of a millimetre—negligible for now, but dangerous in a century. One hears that some UN body has promised to do something to help.


7. Something must be done to protect our rare wild animals from becoming extinct.


五 具有某种性格、品质、本质、天赋(one having more or less the character, qualities or nature of something different or used to indicate an indefinite degree)。如:

1. They say he is something of a musician.


2. I am something of a painter.


3. John is something of a carpenter.


4. He is something of a liar, don"t you think?


六 在某种程度上,"有点、稍微";在很大程度上(in some degree, some what; to an extreme degree).

1. He was something impatient.


2. I am something better.


3. He is a man of something less than mediocre abilities.


4. It rained something awful last night.


七 用于成语或惯用语中(used in fixed phrases and expressions)。

1. have something on 拿着某人的把柄

(1) Although Miss Brown is not a good worker; her boss does not fire her because she has something on him.


(2) Mr. Smith keeps paying blackmail to a man who has something on him.


2. make something of 小题大做;瞎猜;看懂,把…看得了不起。例如:

(1) When girls see another girl with a boy, they often try to make something of it.


(2) I apologize for the untidiness of my letters, but I hope you can make something of them.


3. or something… 之类的人(东西、情况)。

(1) He is a scientist or something.


(2) She is married to a banker or something.


(3) I think he left because he had lost his job or something.


(4) Mary hasn"t been here yet, she might have missed the train or something.


4. something for nothing 不冒风险(不下功夫)就有收获。例如:

Some people will never learn that you can"t get something for nothing.


5. something like 近乎、大约、约;颇似、有点像。例如:

(1) I see them once every two months or something like that.


(2) This set of furniture cost something like over £299.


(3) The rate of increase of population works out to be about 1.6percent per annum net increase. In terms of numbers this means something like 40 to 55 million additional people every year.


(4) It must be something like sever o"clock now.


6.something tells me 我想(感到)了,我有理由相信。例如:

(1) Something tells me that she is lying.


(2) Something tells me that my watch isn"t quite right.


7.something to/in (话里)有道理。例如:

(1) There is something to (in) what you say: I"ll take your advice.


(2) There is something in today"s newspaper.


8.something to do with (与be, have 连用),有…关系。例如:

(1) It is generally believed that the executive manager was something to do with a robbery of the bank.


(2) Calculus has something to do with mathematics ,hasn"t it?


9.see something of someone 时常遇见某人。例如:

(1) If you"re going to be in London next year perhaps we may see something of each other.


(2) I hope we"ll see something of you now that you live nearby.


10.委婉话=hell, devilish, damn。 例如:

(1) What the something are you doing here?


(2) You something villain.




















something是某物,某事的意思。pron、某事物;有价值或重要的人或事物;大致;左右。adv、有点;非常。读音:英 ["sʌmθɪŋ]、美 ["sʌmθɪŋ]。 something的短语:1、or something:或诸如此类的事物。2、something like it:大致符合要求或符合愿望的事物。something的双语例句:1、It does something,and then what does it do?先做了点什么,然后它做什么?2、How do you know that you like someone or something?你是怎么知道你喜欢什么人或是什么东西的?3、We do something by computer.我们用计算机做某事。
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2023-01-09 22:26:028


something这个英文单词,在很多环境下都可以使用,这样很容易造成使用者出现错误,究竟something这个英文单词应该怎么正确使用呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 something作为代词使用时意思是:“某事;某物;(数目)若干,大致,左右; 有点像;真不错;诸如此类的东西”,作副词使用时意思是:很,非常;有点,稍微。 详细内容 Something New 新人恋曲 ; 万象更新 ; 某件新鲜事情 ; 新东西; or something 诸如此类的什么 ; 诸如此类的事 ; 或什么的 ; 诸如此类。 Something More 多一些 ; 加之 ; 会有更多 ; 中英字幕; Find Something 找你妹 ; 发现某事 ; 寻找某物 ; 找什么。 Say Something 说点什么 ; 两世无果 ; 随便说说; Something Wonderful 美妙的事 ; 奇妙的事 ; 美妙之事 ; 美妙时刻。 SOMETHING STUPID 愚蠢的事 ; 最喜欢的歌 ; 薛凯琪 ; 方大同; Something Anything 凡事相信 ; 英语选择题 ; 东西什么 ; 什么东西 。 It does something, and then what does it do? 先做了点什么,然后它做什么? How do you know that you like someone or something? 你是怎么知道你喜欢什么人或是什么东西的? We do something by computer. 我们用计算机做某事。
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something作代词时意为“某事,某物,想来重要(或值得注意)的事物,(数目)若干,大致,左右,有点像,真不错,(想法或建议)有道理,诸如此类的东西”。作副词时意为“很,非常,有点,稍微”。例句:You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is.知道了某物的距离才能判断其高度。短语搭配:Something New 新人恋曲,万象更新,某件新鲜事情,新东西。or something 诸如此类的什么,诸如此类的事,或什么的,诸如此类。Something More 多一些,加之,会有更多,中英字幕。Find Something 找你妹,发现某事,寻找某物,找什么。Say Something 说点什么,两世无果,随便说说。
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是Why didn"t you buy something for yourself在肯定句中通常用something,否定句和疑问句中通常用anything。但是,当期望得到对方的肯定回答时要用something,或是给建议时,也用something。比如Would you like something to eat?扩展资料:something用作不定代词1、表示“聊以自慰的事”、“有价值的事物”的意思。例: It"s something to have a job at all these days. 现在能找到一份工作就算不错了。 2、表示“某种令人不快的事情”。例: She must be up to something. 她一定在搞什么鬼花招。 3、表示“一些吃的喝的东西”的意思。例: A little something with his meals was an absolute necessity to him. 就餐时少许喝点酒对他来说是绝不可少的。 4、表示“实有之物”的意思。例: You can"t get something for nothing. 你不可能不花力气坐享其成。 5、表示模糊的概念。例: The bag was six pounds something. 这个袋子重6磅多。
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  something的中文意思   英 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 美 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ]   代词 某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物   名词 (表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右   副词 非常; 有点; 大约   相关词组   1. think something of oneself : 自以为了不起;   2. or something : 或是什么的;   3. make something of : 利用;   4. something of : 在某种意义上, 在某种程度上;   5. something like : 大约;   something的词典解释   1. 某物,某事(指事物、情况、事件、想法等)   You use something to refer to a thing, situation, event, or idea, without saying exactly what it is.   e.g. He realized right away that there was something wrong...   他马上意识到什么地方出了问题。   e.g. There was something vaguely familiar about him...   他身上有着某种似曾相识的东西。   2. (描述、数量等)大概,大致,大约,左右   You can use something to say that the description or amount that you are giving is not exact.   e.g. He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport...   他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。   e.g. Clive made a noise, something like a grunt...   克莱夫发出一种声响,像是咕哝了一句。   3. (人、物等)真棒,很了不起   If you say that a person or thing is something or is really something, you mean that you are very impressed by them.   e.g. You"re really something...   你真了不起。   e.g. The doors here are really something, all made of good wood like mahogany...   这些门真是极品,全部由红木一类的`优质木材加工而成。   4. 聊以自慰的事;还算幸运的事   You can use something in expressions like "that"s something" when you think that a situation is not very good but is better that it might have been.   e.g. Well, at least he was in town. That was something...   好啦,至少他在城里,还算幸运。   e.g. Well, you"re staying. That"s something I suppose.   啊,你准备留下来了。我想这算是能够聊以自慰吧。   5. 有点儿;有几分   If you say that a thing is something of a disappointment, you mean that it is quite disappointing. If you say that a person is something of an artist, you mean that they are quite good at art.   e.g. The city proved to be something of a disappointment...   结果这座城市有点儿令人失望。   e.g. She received something of a surprise when Robert said that he was coming to New York...   当罗伯特说他就要来纽约的时候,她有点吃惊。   something的情景对话   生日快乐   A:Happy birthday, Alice, here is a little something for you.   生日快乐,这是一点小礼物。   B:Thank you very much, David. It"s an excellent birthday gift.   非常谢谢你,大卫。这件礼物真棒!   商场购物英语对话   A:Do you want to buy something here?   您想买些什么吗?   B:These shoes are great!What is the price of this?   这双鞋真漂亮!这个多少钱?   A:This one is eight hundred dollars.   这个800美元。   B:That"s too much!   怎么这么贵!   请求帮助   A:Would you mind doing something for me?   你不介意帮我做点事吗?   B:I would if I could.   没问题,只要我办得到。   A:Will you please explain the meaning of this word?   请你为我解释一下这个字的意思好吗?   B:Yes, with pleasure.   好的,很乐意。
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Something - Girl"s day音译:方敏雅:don"t you look into my eyes and lie again I"m sick of being alone朴素珍:恨德利落瓢囧 慢~出微 no梦尬 hing嫰德忒方敏雅:腻梦媚贝印内森 hian~gi耶 懵尬耶 霍另德忒李惠利:纳qio gin 特另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬金亚荣:阿痞尬 艺嫰大 qio低大 约顾弄腻李惠利:内qio gin chu~另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬朴素珍:泰珂扩 阔笔纳 一颂慢方敏雅:聂硕gie几骂~~ 合 :纳 浓目纳 尚逗something 喷谬hi 嫰kiao jo must be something 方敏雅:握欧~~ 薄嫰逗也够几嘛 赫忙又gi尬集嘛 nothing it"s something stop it~ no uh~朴素珍:赫另拓不熟控 目~几gie 撕必唔 弄必腊顾金亚荣:腻梦媚贝印内森 hian~gi耶 懵尬耶 霍另德忒李惠利:纳qio gin 特另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬金亚荣:阿痞尬 艺嫰大 qio低大 约顾弄腻李惠利:内qio gin chu~另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬朴素珍:泰珂扩 阔笔纳 一颂慢方敏雅:聂硕gie几骂~~ 合 :纳 浓目纳 尚逗something 喷谬hi 嫰kiao jo must be something方敏雅:握欧~~ 薄嫰逗也够几嘛 赫忙又gi尬集嘛 nothing it"s something stop it~ no uh~金亚荣:撒浪误旭gie 欧度料顾 哈记嘛 呼喂哈记嘛方敏雅:坡gi一够 游价够唔利以嫰 朗有gi尬记 bye bye bye out 合 :纳浓目纳尚逗something(方敏雅:怄~~~~~~~~~~~浓慢目辣搜搜~~) 喷谬hi 嫰kiao jo must be something(方敏雅:浓慢腻够记嫰day~)方敏雅:握欧~~ 薄嫰逗也够几嘛 赫忙又gi尬集嘛 nothing(方敏雅:怄~)it"s something(方敏雅:嘿~) stop it~ no uh~ 合 :内尬记 撒浪印 诺目熟忘腻 内尬记 撒浪印 记尬握囧腻 觅亚佩颂目 艺gi希落 夹 妈 逗努目 内尬记 撒浪印 诺目熟忘腻 内尬记 撒浪印 记尬握囧腻 唔利又gi尬进腻方敏雅:唔利又gi尬进腻~~中文歌词:don"t you lookinto my eyes and lie againim sick of being alone飘忽不定的表情和语气你好像在隐藏些什么你体内些许陌生的香气像是被什么迷住了心窍看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么会如此前言不搭后语呢看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么突然害怕把手放开 别欺骗我只有我不知道的 something分明感觉到的 must be something你那赤裸裸的谎言就到此为止吧nothingit"s somethingstop itno uh阴天里的那彩虹悲伤哭泣的钢琴你体内些许陌生的香气像是被什么迷住了心窍看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么会如此前言不搭后语呢看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么突然害怕把手放开 别欺骗我只有我不知道的 something分明感觉到的 must be something你那赤裸裸的谎言就到此为止吧nothingit"s somethingstop itno uh别想那么轻易地得到爱情别后悔欺骗我还让我哭泣的你到此为止吧bye bye bye out只有我不知道的 something分明感觉到的 must be something你那赤裸裸的谎言就到此为止吧nothingit"s somethingstop itno uh你觉得我的爱情很可笑吗不想在你面前让你看到强忍住眼泪你觉得我的爱情很可笑吗你厌烦了我对你的爱吗我们到此为止了吗我们到此为止了吗韩文歌:don"t you lookinto my eyes and lie againim sick of being alone흔들리는 표정 말투에넌 뭔가 있는 듯해네 몸에 베인 낯선 향기에뭔가에 홀린 듯해내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가앞뒤가 이랬다 저랬다 왜 그러니내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가왜 덜컥 겁이나이손 놔 날 속이지마나만 몰랐었던 something분명히 느껴져 must be something뻔한 너의 거짓말그만 여기까지만nothingit"s somethingstop it~ no uh~흐린 하늘 속 그 무지개슬피 우는 피아노네 몸에 베인 낯선 향기에뭔가에 홀린듯해내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가앞뒤가 이랬다 저랬다 왜 그러니내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가왜 덜컥 겁이나이손 놔 날 속이지마나만 몰랐었던 something분명히 느껴져 must be something뻔한 너의 거짓말그만 여기까지만nothingit"s somethingstop it~ no uh~사랑을 쉽게얻으려고 하지마후회 하지마속이고여잘 또 울리는넌 여기까지bye bye bye out나만 몰랐었던 something분명히 느껴져 must be something뻔한 너의 거짓말그만 여기까지만nothingit"s somethingstop it~ no uh~내가 준 사랑이 넌 우스웠니내가 준 사랑이 지겨워졌니니 앞에서 보이기 싫어참았던 눈물내가 준 사랑이 넌 우스웠니내가 준 사랑이 지겨워졌니우린 여기까지니우린 여기까지니
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sb.是somebody的缩写;sth.是something的缩写。something,代词、副词,作代词时意为“某事;某物;想来重要(或值得注意)的事物;(数目)若干,大致,左右;有点像;真不错;(想法或建议))有道理;诸如此类的东西”,作副词时意为“很,非常;有点,稍微”。 短语搭配 Something New 新人恋曲;万象更新;某件新鲜事情;新东西 or something 诸如此类的什么;诸如此类的事;或什么的;诸如此类 Something More 多一些;加之;会有更多;中英字幕 Find Something 找你妹;发现某事;寻找某物;找什么 Say Something 说点什么;两世无果;随便说说 Something Wonderful 美妙的事;奇妙的事;美妙之事;美妙时刻 SOMETHING STUPID 愚蠢的事;最喜欢的歌;薛凯琪;方大同 Something Anything 凡事相信;英语选择题;东西什么;什么东西 something例句 1、He must have sth on his mind. 他心里有事。 2、When you said your stomach tell you sth is wrong I know we are in trouble. 当你说你的内心告诉你有件事错了时,我就知道我们有麻烦了。 3、Accuse sb of doing sth charge sb with doing sth. 因为某事指控某人,指控某人做了某事。 provided by jukuu 4、I"ll be damned if I said sth like that. 我说了那样的话我都不是人。 5、It"s no doubt that we will do sth for you. 我们将能为你做点什么,这是毫无疑问的。 以上就是我整理的sth相关知识点,希望对你有所帮助。
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sth是什么意思 sth解释

1、pron.某事物;有价值或重要的人或事物;大致;左右。 2、adv. 有点;非常。 3、用法:something的基本意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意味或提出申请等, something也可用于非肯定句中。something用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,其相应的代词也用单数形式。something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。something也可作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解。something用作先行词,作“某物,某事”解时其后的关系代词只能用that; 作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解时其后的关系代词可用which。在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分的主语是something时,在非正式语体中附加问句的代词用it。
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2023-01-09 22:27:453


something 英[ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 美[ˈsʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某物,某事;重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物 n. (表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右 adv. 非常;有点;大约 [例句]To make money , or something else?赚钱,还是其他什么?
2023-01-09 22:27:566


n. 重要的人;值得重视的事adj. 大约;有点象adv. 非常;有点;大约pron. 某事;某物
2023-01-09 22:28:183


是不定代词,不是名词 麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-09 22:28:292

something和some thing的区别是什么?

2023-01-09 22:28:421

something和some thing的区别是什么

something的意思是某些事情,是代词,代指某些事情或者事物,e.g.I find something(我找到了些东西,具体是什么东西不知道),而some thing是指一些事情,更准确的是some things,因为thing是东西的意思,是可数名词.e.g.I find some things.(我找到了一些东西,这些东西可能跟上下文有联系,具体是什么虽然不知道,但是肯定跟上下文有关联)
2023-01-09 22:29:271


sth是something的缩写,意为“某事/物”。常用于英语句型或短语记忆。一、something   英 ["sʌmθɪŋ] 美 ["sʌmθɪŋ]    pron. 某事物;有价值或重要的人或事物;大致;左右adv. 有点;非常二、用法1、something的基本意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意味或提出申请等, something也可用于非肯定句中。2、something用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,其相应的代词也用单数形式。3、something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。4、something也可作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解。5、something用作先行词,作“某物,某事”解时其后的关系代词只能用that; 作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解时其后的关系代词可用which。6、在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分的主语是something时,在非正式语体中附加问句的代词用it。扩展资料相近词语一、anything 英 ["eniθɪŋ]     美 ["eniθɪŋ]    pron. 任何事;任何东西;重要事物adv. 在任何程度上示例:You had to be something to start with, and Jeremy never was anything.你必须得开始象个样子,杰里米从来就一事无成。二、everything   英 ["evriθɪŋ]     美 ["evriθɪŋ]    pron. 一切;所有事物;形势;情况;最重要的东西示例:I resent having to get his permission for everything I do.我讨厌做每件事都要得到他的许可。
2023-01-09 22:29:381

something是什么词 是什么...复合什么的?

不定代词 复合词指的是有两个基本的词合成的词 比如greenhouse 温室 您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我共同携手传播『 爱心 』之种 望采纳↖(^ω^)↗
2023-01-09 22:29:471


something的词性是代词和副词。不是名词。something读法 英 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 美 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 1、pron.某事;某物;想来重要(或值得注意)的事物;(数目)若干,大致,左右;有点像;真不错;(想法或建议))有道理;诸如此类的东西2、adv.很,非常;有点,稍微短语:1、orsomething 或是什么的;诸如此类的什么2、somethinglike 有点像;大约;差不多扩展资料词语用法:1、something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。something也可作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解。2、something用作先行词,作“某物,某事”解时其后的关系代词只能用that;作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解时其后的关系代词可用which。3、在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分的主语是something时,在非正式语体中附加问句的代词用it。词汇搭配:1、dosomethingto影响;刺激,做点...2、somethingorother不知什么事(某种东西...3、likesomethingthecathasbroughtin衣着肮脏的,衣冠不整...4、leavesomethingoutofaccount不予考虑
2023-01-09 22:29:532

英语中sb.sth. 分别是什么意思啊啊?

2023-01-09 22:30:058


something :某物something interesting 有趣的事情说明:不定代词,定语后置
2023-01-09 22:30:332


2023-01-09 22:30:413


something作为代词使用时意思是:“某事;某物;(数目)若干,大致,左右; 有点像;真不错;诸如此类的东西”,作副词使用时意思是:很,非常;有点,稍微。 something这个英文单词,在很多环境下都可以使用,这样很容易造成使用者出现错误,究竟something这个英文单词应该怎么正确使用呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 Something New 新人恋曲 ; 万象更新 ; 某件新鲜事情 ; 新东西; or something 诸如此类的什么 ; 诸如此类的事 ; 或什么的 ; 诸如此类。 02 Something More 多一些 ; 加之 ; 会有更多 ; 中英字幕; Find Something 找你妹 ; 发现某事 ; 寻找某物 ; 找什么。 03 Say Something 说点什么 ; 两世无果 ; 随便说说; Something Wonderful 美妙的事 ; 奇妙的事 ; 美妙之事 ; 美妙时刻。 04 SOMETHING STUPID 愚蠢的事 ; 最喜欢的歌 ; 薛凯琪 ; 方大同; Something Anything 凡事相信 ; 英语选择题 ; 东西什么 ; 什么东西 。 05 It does something, and then what does it do? 先做了点什么,然后它做什么? How do you know that you like someone or something? 你是怎么知道你喜欢什么人或是什么东西的? We do something by computer. 我们用计算机做某事。
2023-01-09 22:31:361


是Why didn"t you buy something for yourself在肯定句中通常用something,否定句和疑问句中通常用anything。但是,当期望得到对方的肯定回答时要用something,或是给建议时,也用something。比如Would you like something to eat?扩展资料:something用作不定代词1、表示“聊以自慰的事”、“有价值的事物”的意思。例: It"s something to have a job at all these days. 现在能找到一份工作就算不错了。 2、表示“某种令人不快的事情”。例: She must be up to something. 她一定在搞什么鬼花招。 3、表示“一些吃的喝的东西”的意思。例: A little something with his meals was an absolute necessity to him. 就餐时少许喝点酒对他来说是绝不可少的。 4、表示“实有之物”的意思。例: You can"t get something for nothing. 你不可能不花力气坐享其成。 5、表示模糊的概念。例: The bag was six pounds something. 这个袋子重6磅多。
2023-01-09 22:31:411


something[英][ˈsʌmθɪŋ][美][ˈsʌmθɪŋ]pron.某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物; n.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右; adv.非常; 有点; 大约; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.She said something loudly in chinese. 她用汉语大声说了些什么。
2023-01-09 22:31:491


something 英[ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 美[ˈsʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物; n. (表示不确切的描述或数量) 大致,左右; adv. 非常; 有点; 大约; [例句]He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。
2023-01-09 22:31:551

something 是什么意思

something[英][ˈsʌmθɪŋ][美][ˈsʌmθɪŋ]pron.某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物; n.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右; adv.非常; 有点; 大约; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.She said something loudly in chinese. 她用汉语大声说了些什么。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-09 22:32:003


2023-01-09 22:32:114


2023-01-09 22:32:249


2023-01-09 22:32:544


something(东方神起正规七辑主打曲)something(披头士演唱歌曲)something(Girl"s day迷你三辑主打曲)something(英语单词):something[英][ˈsʌmθɪŋ][美][ˈsʌmθɪŋ]pron.某物,某事;重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物;n.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右;adv.非常;有点;大约;
2023-01-09 22:33:074

sth和sb 是什么意思是什么的简写

sth 某物,某事 sb 某人sp 某地ad 广告
2023-01-09 22:33:207


something的词性是代词和副词。不是名词。something 读法  英 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ]  美 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 1、pron. 某事;某物;想来重要(或值得注意)的事物;(数目)若干,大致,左右; 有点像;真不错;(想法或建议))有道理;诸如此类的东西2、adv. 很,非常;有点,稍微短语:1、or something 或是什么的;诸如此类的什么2、something like 有点像;大约;差不多扩展资料词语用法:1、something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。something也可作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解。2、something用作先行词,作“某物,某事”解时其后的关系代词只能用that; 作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解时其后的关系代词可用which。3、在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分的主语是something时,在非正式语体中附加问句的代词用it。词汇搭配:1、do something to影响; 刺激, 做点...2、something or other不知什么事(某种东西...3、like something the cat has brought in衣着肮脏的,衣冠不整...4、leave something out of account不予考虑
2023-01-09 22:33:586


2023-01-09 22:34:277


2023-01-09 22:34:532

英语 something 是什么意思???

something[英][ˈsʌmθɪŋ][美][ˈsʌmθɪŋ]pron.某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物; n.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右; adv.非常; 有点; 大约; 例句:1.She said something loudly in chinese. 她用汉语大声说了些什么。2.We rarely let ourselves believe that we need something today. 我们很少让我们自己相信我们今天确实需要某件东西。
2023-01-09 22:35:012

something和some thing的区别是什么

  something的意思是某些事情,是代词,代指某些事情或者事物,e.g. I find something(我找到了些东西,具体是什么东西不知道),而some thing是指一些事情,更准确的是some things,因为thing是东西的意思,是可数名词。e.g. I find some things. (我找到了一些东西,这些东西可能跟上下文有联系,具体是什么虽然不知道,但是肯定跟上下文有关联)    如果还不清楚,设置这样一个情景:一个人在商店买东西,服务员问:something else?(还需要买什么?)顾客甲:不需要了。这时候,商店进来第二个客人——顾客乙,他和顾客甲是熟人,但是俩人关系不好,问顾客甲:买了什么呀?顾客甲:some things(一些东西)。
2023-01-09 22:35:091

something和some thing的区别是什么

something是代词,接的谓语动词要用单数;区分以下词组:some things 是一些东西;some thing是某个东西(这里的some是“某个”的意思,相当于certain);something是“某事”。
2023-01-09 22:35:152


2023-01-09 22:35:232


你好!是Something 的缩写。代表物品事物,可翻译成“某事”或”某物”
2023-01-09 22:35:316


something的词性是代词和副词。不是名词。something 读法  英 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ]  美 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 1、pron. 某事;某物;想来重要(或值得注意)的事物;(数目)若干,大致,左右; 有点像;真不错;(想法或建议))有道理;诸如此类的东西2、adv. 很,非常;有点,稍微短语:1、or something 或是什么的;诸如此类的什么2、something like 有点像;大约;差不多扩展资料词语用法:1、something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。something也可作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解。2、something用作先行词,作“某物,某事”解时其后的关系代词只能用that; 作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解时其后的关系代词可用which。3、在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分的主语是something时,在非正式语体中附加问句的代词用it。词汇搭配:1、do something to影响; 刺激, 做点...2、something or other不知什么事(某种东西...3、like something the cat has brought in衣着肮脏的,衣冠不整...4、leave something out of account不予考虑
2023-01-09 22:35:531


2023-01-09 22:36:023


something的词性是代词和副词。作代词时意为“某事;某物;想来重要(或值得注意)的事物;(数目)若干,大致,左右; 有点像;真不错;(想法或建议))有道理;诸如此类的东西”,作副词时意为“很,非常;有点,稍微”。 短语搭配 Something New 新人恋曲;万象更新;某件新鲜事情;新东西 or something 诸如此类的什么;诸如此类的事;或什么的;诸如此类 Something More 多一些;加之;会有更多;中英字幕 Find Something 找你妹;发现某事;寻找某物;找什么 Say Something 说点什么;两世无果;随便说说 Something Wonderful 美妙的事;奇妙的事;美妙之事;美妙时刻 SOMETHING STUPID 愚蠢的事;最喜欢的歌;薛凯琪;方大同 Something Anything 凡事相信;英语选择题;东西什么;什么东西 something用法 一、something用作不定代词 1.表示“某种令人不快的事情”。例: She must be up to something. 她一定在搞什么鬼花招。 There is something in the word. 好像要发生什么事情。 2.表示“聊以自慰的事”、“有价值的事物”的意思。例: It"s something to have a job at all these days. 现在能找到一份工作就算不错了。 二、something用作名词 1.相当于somebody,意为“重要的人物”。例: She thinks she"s something since she won the beauty contest. 选美比赛得了奖,她就自以为了不起了。 She acts as if she were something since she won the prize. 自从获奖以来她就表现得自命不凡了。 2.表示“重要的事物”。例: These paintings were really something. 这些画确实出色。 三、something用作副词 1.something用作副词,表示“几分”、“有点”、“稍微”、“大约”的意思。例: The book cost something over £3. 这本书定价3英镑多一点。 In something under half an hour there was a knock at the door. 过了半小时不到一些,听到一下叩门声。 2.something like表示“几分像”、“有点像”、“大约”的意思。例: The building looks something like a church. 这栋建筑物看起来有点像教堂。 He earns something like £35000. 他挣约三万五千英镑。 双语例句 1、He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport 他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。 2、You"re really something 你真了不起。 3、Well, at least he was in town. That was something 好啦,至少他在城里,还算幸运。 4、he city proved to be something of a disappointment 结果这座城市有点儿令人失望。 5、Christianity has stood the test of time, so there must be something in it 基督教经受住了时间的考验,因此其中一定是有些道理的。 以上就是我整理的something的词性,感谢阅读。
2023-01-09 22:36:222


2023-01-09 22:36:344


2023-01-09 22:36:483

something和some thing的区别是什么

something的意思是某些事情,是代词,代指某些事情或者事物,e.g.I find something(我找到了些东西,具体是什么东西不知道),而some thing是指一些事情,更准确的是some things,因为thing是东西的意思,是可数名词.e.g.I find some things.(我找到了一些东西,这些东西可能跟上下文有联系,具体是什么虽然不知道,但是肯定跟上下文有关联)如果还不清楚,设置这样一个情景:一个人在商店买东西,服务员问:something else?(还需要买什么?)顾客甲:不需要了.这时候,商店进来第二个客人——顾客乙,他和顾客甲是熟人,但是俩人关系不好,问顾客甲:买了什么呀?顾客甲:some things(一些东西).
2023-01-09 22:36:591

something和some thing的区别是什么?

something的意思是某些事情,是代词,代指某些事情或者事物,e.g.I find something(我找到了些东西,具体是什么东西不知道),而some thing是指一些事情,更准确的是some things,因为thing是东西的意思,是可数名词.e.g.I ...
2023-01-09 22:37:461

angthing 和 something是什么意思?

貌似应该是anything 指任何事物 而something指某一事物 这个是它们最基本的含义了 当然还有很多其他的含义 something 主要用于肯定句而anything主要用于否定和疑问句 随着你学习的深入你就会发现它们的其他含义 有的时候自己希望得到别人肯定回答的时候也可以将something用在疑问句中
2023-01-09 22:38:021