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小心有蛇用英文怎么说? ( )( )( )snakes!

2023-08-25 07:21:13

因为你需要3个字: Be careful of snakes

通常标志会使用: Beware of snakes



tiger:large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat He is form South Africa He likes eating meat,too. Snake 蛇 I don
2023-08-19 18:38:106

i like snakes为什么后面加s

2023-08-19 18:38:241


2023-08-19 18:39:215


2023-08-19 18:39:402


2023-08-19 18:40:092


snakes 规则变化
2023-08-19 18:40:195

go down the snakes是什么意思

2023-08-19 18:40:373


Snakes-The Anaconda is also foot per foot a much bigger snake than the Python, being both heavier and wider in girth. This is probably because the anaconda, a water snake, does not have to be concerned about getting its body up a tree like the python does. For these reasons the museum reports the anaconda as the largest snake, though on the average some Pythons grow longer. Do large snakes like the python and the anaconda eat people? Occasionally such attacks are recorded in the wild. In 1972 a python in Burma ate an eight-year-old boy. In 1927 there was the story about a jeweler called Maung Chit Chine. He hid under a tree during a rain storm and afterward his friends could only find his hat and shoes. When they killed a nearby gouged Python, they found the rest of Chines" body, swallowed feet first (though this seems opposite to normal snake behavior) and whole, inside the snake. Strangely enough, many big snakes attack humans not in the jungle, but in suburbia. Pythons are often kept as pets, but can turn deadly without warning. In 1993 in Colorado, a 15-year-old boy weighing 95 pounds was attacked by the family"s python. The snake was only of medium size being 11 feet long and weighing 53 pounds, yet was able to kill the boy, though it made no attempt to eat him. Cartoonist Gary Larson, of The Far Side, also had a close call with a Burmese python he had raised from a baby. According to Larson he realized he was "living with a gigantic predator with a very small brain" one day when it tried to do him in. Large snakes, though beautiful and interesting, can be dangerous. And they don"t have to live in the jungle to kill.
2023-08-19 18:40:591


2023-08-19 18:41:063

蛇没有腿 用英语怎么说

Snakes have no limbs 或 Snakes have no legs 或 Snakes do not have legs/limbs.
2023-08-19 18:41:185


A snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places.It has no legs or feet,but can move very fast on its stomach.Snakes usually have green,yellow or black skins,which make it difficult for their enemies to find them.Some kinds of snakes live in water.They can swim as freely as fish.Snakes are cold-blooded animals.They take many things as food,such as mice,sparrows,frogs,birds"eggs,pests and so on.As snakes are dreadfullooking,people are afraid of them.In fact,snakes are not as dreadful as they look.They can help us to kill mice and pests.They can provide us with delicious meat
2023-08-19 18:41:571

the problem of the snakes 课文翻译?

2023-08-19 18:42:082


  导语:听到蛇这个名字,一定会让你毛骨悚然,心惊胆寒。俗话说:“一日被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”。的确,蛇那光滑的外表,充满杀机的大舌头,着实让人害怕,下面是我为大家整理的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。更多相关的"知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!   the snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. 蛇是一种又长又瘦的动物,生活在草丛里和阴暗的地方、a snake has no legs or feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach.蛇没有腿和脚,靠胃部飞快的移动前进。 snakes usually have green, yellow or black skins, which make them difficult for their enemies to find them. 蛇常常有绿色,黄色和黑色的皮肤,使得敌人很难找到他们。some kinds of snakes live in water. they can swim as freely as fish.有些蛇生活在水里,他们能像鱼一样飞速的游移。   snakes are cold-blooded animals. in winter they hibernatein holes which are narrow enough only to hold the snakes" bodies. the snakes can sleep through a whole winter without eating and moving. they can not feel any pain. the hibernation period lasts about five months. when spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their normal life.   snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows, frogs,birds" eggs, pests and so on. people sometimes can see a snake eat a sparrow. first it moves close to the sparrow, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparrow into its mouth and swallows it, which makes a lump in the snake"s body. after some time the lump disappears.   as snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. many people drive them away whenever they see snakes. but in chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. they seem to have human feelings. they can change into pretty girls. people like and respect them. the most well-known is the story about the white snake and the blue snake.   in fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. they can help us to kill mice and pests. they can provide us with delicious meat. their blood is a good drink. poisonous snakes are especially useful. we can make valuable drugs with them.
2023-08-19 18:42:401


many snakes希望班回家找你
2023-08-19 18:42:503

Is there two snakes为什么错了?

因为snakes是复数形式,所以开头的Is需要改变为Are, 也就是Arethere two snakes?(有两条蛇吗?)
2023-08-19 18:43:041

do snakes like music为什么不用does

原因:snakes是复数,用do提问,they答,单数用does提问。意思:蛇喜欢音乐吗?一、do1、含义:v. 做;干。2、用法:do用来构成一般现在时和一般过去时的疑问或否定式,其后要跟原形动词。在问句中, do在语法上是需要的,但习惯上可以省略(有时含主语),特别在口语中。Do what I tell you.按照我告诉你的去做。二、snakes1、含义:n. 蛇;狡诈的人。2、用法:snake的基本意思是“蛇”,喻指“冷酷阴险的人”“虚伪的人”“卑鄙的人”。The snake coiled itself around the tree.蛇盘绕在树上。三、like1、含义:v. 喜欢;想;愿意。2、用法:like的基本意思是“喜欢”“喜爱”,指对某人或某事赞赏或发生兴趣,有好感或不厌恶,主要用于使人愉快但尚不至唤起极大热情或迫切愿望的人与事。It"ll rain this afternoon, as like as not.今天下午很可能要下雨。四、music1、含义:n. 音乐;美妙的声音;乐谱。2、用法:music是抽象名词,不可数,可作“音乐,乐曲”解。泛指“音乐”时不与冠词连用,特指“乐曲”时或music前有形容词最高级修饰时,可与定冠词、物主代词、指示代词等连用。“一首乐曲”是a piece of music,“几首乐曲”是several pieces of music。He is interested in music.他对音乐有兴趣。五、does1、含义:v. 做;工作;有用(动词do的第三人称单数形式)。2、用法:does用于当主语是第三人称单数时(第三人称包括she, he, it, this, that,单独的事物或者人名等)。His work does not reach the standard required.他的工作成绩达不到要求。
2023-08-19 18:43:111

the snake is green和the snakes are green有什么区别?

2023-08-19 18:43:302


[脊椎] 蛇原形 snake词组短语snake venom蛇毒snake charmer玩蛇人;耍蛇者green snake青蛇black snake黑蛇;乌鞘梢蛇;长鞭子snake eyesn. [美俚](掷骰子的)两点sea snaken. [动](印度洋,西太平洋热带海域的)海蛇例句:We carry all kinds of cats, dogs, snakes, birds and fish.我们带上各种猫、狗、蛇、鸟和鱼。Snakes are carnivorous.蛇都是食肉动物。When the pilot shows his picture about the snake eating the elephant, adults only see it as a hat.当飞行员展示蛇吃大象的照片时,成年人只把它看作一顶帽子。
2023-08-19 18:43:561


  1、snakes怎么读:英[sneu026aks],美[sneu026aks].   2、n.蛇;   3、v.曲折前行; 蛇行; 蜿蜒伸展;   4、[词典]snake的第三人称单数和复数;   5、[例句]There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes.毒蜘蛛和毒蛇成百上千。   6、[其他]原型:snake.
2023-08-19 18:44:191

snakes英语怎么读 下面就告诉大家

1、snakes怎么读:英[sneu026aks],美[sneu026aks]. 2、n.蛇; 3、v.曲折前行; 蛇行; 蜿蜒伸展; 4、[词典]snake的第三人称单数和复数; 5、[例句]There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes.毒蜘蛛和毒蛇成百上千。 6、[其他]原型:snake.
2023-08-19 18:45:041


2023-08-19 18:45:141


2023-08-19 18:45:275


蛇蜕皮后不久,活动量增大,觅食量增加,体况逐渐恢复。随着气温逐渐上升,到4月下旬至5月上中旬进入发情期。寻偶时,雌雄蛇发出的鸣叫声清晰明亮,“哒哒哒”如击石声。但很难看到交配媾合。After snakes cast their skins,they will do plenty of exercise as well as eat a lot, soon they become strong. As the rise of the temperature, they will give birth during April and May.when they are looking for one, the clear sound is like something hitting on the rocks.It"s difficult for us to see the process.
2023-08-19 18:46:184

i like snakes为什么后面加s

2023-08-19 18:46:381


snake的英音读[sneu026ak],美音读[sneu026ak]。一、短语搭配1、tiger snake虎蛇;澳洲虎蛇;翻译。2、Green Snake青蛇;翠青蛇。3、Queen snake女王蛇。4、Fox snake狐蛇;狐狸蛇;狡猾锦蛇。5、Dice snake棋斑水游蛇。6、Snake Ridge斯内克岭。7、snake charmer耍蛇者;玩蛇者;催眠蛇的人。二、例句1、The snake sheds its skin once a year.蛇一年蜕一次皮。2、He killed the snake with his bare hands.他赤手空拳打死了那条蛇。3、The cobra is one of the world"s deadliest snakes.眼镜蛇是世界上毒性最剧烈的蛇类之一。4、The fire started late Saturday in tinder-dry grass near the Snake River.大火是星期六晚些时候在斯内克河附近干枯的草地上燃起的。5、The road snaked away into the distance.公路蜿蜒伸向远方。6、A snake was twisting around his arm.一条蛇缠绕在他的手臂上。7、The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽。8、The snake coiled up, ready to strike.那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。
2023-08-19 18:46:501


为您解答Does a/the snake... Do snakes...
2023-08-19 18:47:581


名词 n. [C]1.蛇The child was frightened by the snake. 这小孩被蛇吓了一跳。 2.奸险的人,卑劣的人3.蛇形浮动汇率制不及物动词 vi. 1.曲折前进(或延伸)[Q]The train snaked its way among the mountains. 火车在山中蜿蜒而行。 The river snakes through the valley. 河川沿河谷蜿蜒。 A train snaked into sight. 一辆火车蜿蜒曲折驶进了视野。 2.蛇行,悄悄地爬行A centipede snaked swiftly away. 一只蜈蚣飞快地爬开了。 及物动词 vt. 1.沿...曲折前进(或延伸)[O]2.【美】【口】拖,拉(木材等)The timber was snaked to sawmills.
2023-08-19 18:48:051

“go down the snakes”是什么意思?

意为:如果遇到蛇就要滑落,就会减慢速度。说明:  这是2013PEP三年级上册英语 Recycle 1 中的一个关键句。  教师可让学生做 Go up the ladders,Go down the snakes 的游戏,游戏是为了考察学生对书本 句子和单词的掌握程度,首先请两位学生出来,利用扔骰子,决定要走的步数,当学生走到 哪一幅图,就要根据图中的内容说出句子,如果说不出就要被罚停一下。只要遇到梯子就可 以加快速度,如果遇到蛇就要滑落,就会减慢速度。只要谁能最快到达终点就算赢。
2023-08-19 18:48:131

snakes love music改为一般疑问句

Do snakes love music?
2023-08-19 18:49:096

snake sofm名字怎么读

2023-08-19 18:49:273

In winter in a hole sleep snakes连词成句

snakes sleep in a hole in winter
2023-08-19 18:49:504

there are no snakes, and bats, which flew there

there are no snakes, and bats, which flew there这句话,请问which修饰的是蛇和蝙蝠还是只修饰蝙蝠啊,有没有which修饰两个东西的例子啊。实际上这道题目which即可以修饰snake也可以修饰bats,如果非要确定which所修饰的名词是单数还是复数,which这里是单数性质,不是复数性质。
2023-08-19 18:50:003


2023-08-19 18:41:276


《现在开始ShowTime》是由朴海镇、秦基周等人主演的电视剧,讲述了可以驭鬼的当红魔术师车次雄与可以通灵的热血女刑警的故事,该剧将于2022年4月23日在韩国MBC电视台首播。 《现在开始ShowTime》剧情介绍 该剧是《双甲路边摊》河允儿编剧的新作,故事以自由自在地操纵鬼神的雇主及魔术师车次雄偶然卷入的事件中隐藏的线索为基础,讲述与鬼神合作破解事件的故事,还将与热血女巡警展开罗曼史。朴海镇所饰演的车次雄是一位拥有着独一无二的魔术实力,同时纵横于电视与舞台之间,可以说是魔术界的超级明星。另外他还具备能与鬼神交流沟通的神秘能力,可以随心所欲地操控鬼魂。 一位意气风发的魔术师车次雄与具有神通超能力的热血巡警高瑟海两人得到神鬼相助的喜剧搜查电视剧。这样的题材是大家从未见过的故事情节,角色也让大家无法移开视线,内容引人入胜也具有新鲜感,就像一个综合福袋一样令人感到相当有趣。 朴海镇在本次作品中饰演相当冷漠理智的魔术师,虽然在舞台上盛气凌人的样子,但其实私底下在公司职员面前常常是很哀怨的样子,还需要尝试打扮成怪异装扮等,可以感受到朴海镇在《现在开始是Showtime!》中想要搞笑的企图心。 秦基周则是饰演一位勇敢又负责任的警察高瑟海,看准了目标就立刻前进,比任何人都细心照顾周围的人,以保护市民为优先责任。与男主角朴海镇即将谱出甜蜜恋曲,但也时常独自为了伤痛而哭泣,与派出所的巡警同袍们也有著深厚的兄弟情,角色设定充满魅力。 本剧还有著一位特别人物,也就是具有神秘力量的崔剑将军(郑俊镐饰),令人期待。 以上就是相关的剧情介绍,更多精彩内容请持续关注吧!
2023-08-19 18:42:021

Nelly Furtado的《Showtime》 歌词

歌曲名:Showtime歌手:Nelly Furtado专辑:LooseNelly Furtado - ShowtimePut on your best clothesWe"ve been waiting too long for this momentI"ll put on my best smileI"m shining inside and I"m proud of our love butEverytime I turn around you say that you"re not checking for love in that wayBut everytime I come around you seemSo ready for thisShowtime our love"s coming outLights camera action show what we"re about cuz it"sShowtime our love"s breaking outLet"s show the world you"re my boyI"m your girl cuz it"sShowtime our love"s coming outLights camera action let it all hang outCuz it"s showtimeYeah our time is nowLet"s show the world you"re my boyI"m your girlLet"s break a leg out thereThis could be the start of the rest of our livesI"ve got so much to shareAnd I"m ready to put it all out there for youBut everytime I turn around you seemSo afraid of what people might sayBut can"t you see it"s a game they playTrying to cast a shadow on our loveShowtime our love"s coming outLights camera action show what we"re about cuz it"sShowtime our love"s breaking outLet"s show the world you"re my boyI"m your girl cuz it"sShowtime our love"s coming outLights camera action let it all hang outCuz it"s showtimeYeah our time is nowLet"s show the world you"re my boyI"m your girlI wanna love you when I wantWant to love you where I want toWanna touch you when I wannaWanna kiss you when I wanna babyShowtime our love"s coming outLights camera action show what we"re about cuz it"sShowtime our love"s breaking outLet"s show the world you"re my boyI"m your girl cuz it"sShowtime our love"s coming outLights camera action let it all hang outCuz it"s showtimeYeah our time is nowLet"s show the world you"re my boyI"m your girlBecause it"s not fair to love you in chainsIt"s not fair to love you in chains
2023-08-19 18:42:101


2023-08-19 18:42:171


2023-08-19 18:42:241

p5show time怎么触发

2023-08-19 18:42:421


2023-08-19 18:42:491

求一首歌,女声,有一句歌词末尾是shou time,好像是广告配音,比较high

Show time吧…
2023-08-19 18:43:033


  1、韩剧《现在开始是showtime》女主是秦基周饰演的高瑟海,她是一名女刑警,有着敏锐的观察力,但工作得不到认可,直到遇到了男主,她的通灵技术突然打开,事业开始发生转折。   2、高瑟海作为刑警内心心存正义,为了抓捕罪犯不遗余力,得到了通灵能力后,和众位鬼怪开启合作。
2023-08-19 18:43:241

worthy worthful区别

区别是词义并不相同worthy 词义是: adj. 应得某事物; 值得做某事; 可尊敬的; 配得上的,相称的; n. 杰出人物,伟人; worthful 词义是: adj. 有价值的,宝贵的,可贵的;
2023-08-19 18:39:541


①worth一般作表语。worthy一般作表语和定语。②be worth doing(主动表被动)与 be worthy of being done或者be worthy to do.例:The book is worth reading.The book is worthy of being read.The book is worthy to read.
2023-08-19 18:39:432

2017高考英语语法:worth, worthy 与 worthwhile的用法区别

worth, worthy, worthwhile 这三个词均可表示“值得的”,由于它们词形相近,意义相似,所以许多同学经常将其用混。本文拟以它们的用法区别作一比较和区分,供同学们参考。   一、从句法功能上看   从句法功能上看worth 通常只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语;worthy 和 worthwhile 可用作表语和定语。如:It isn‘t worth the trouble. 不值得费那个事。He is a worthy gentleman. 他是位值得尊敬的绅士。他是位值得尊敬的绅士。His behavior is worthy of great praise. 他的行为值得高度赞扬。They achieved a very worthwhile result. 他们取得了很有价值的成果。   We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the tickets. 我们等了很久,但还算值得,因为我们把票买到了。   二、从所使用的修饰语来看   worth 习惯上不用 very 修饰(要表示类似意思可用 well),而 worthy 和 worthwhile 则可以用副词very修饰。如:veryThat is very worthy of our attention. 那件事很值得我们注意。Nursing is a very worthwhile career. 护理工作是很值得干的职业。但习惯上不说:The work is very worth doing. (very 应改为 well)   三、从搭配习惯来看   1. 有关 be worth 的搭配习惯   (1) be worth后可直接跟名词、代词或动名词。如:The picture is worth $ 500. 这幅画值500 美元。The clock is hardly worth repairing. 这台钟简直不值得修理。What is worth doing is worth doing well. 值得干的事就得干好。注意:其后可接动名词,不能接不定式,且接动名词时,总是用主动形式表示被动意义。   (2) 在现代英语中,在be worth前使用形式主语it被认为是合习惯的。如:It isn‘t worth repairing the car. 这辆汽车不值得修了。Is it worth visiting the city? 这个城市值得去看吗? 但是,若不用形式主语it而直接用动名词作主语则是错误的,如:误:Repairing the car is worth.   (3) 在be worth doing 结构中,除非句首用了形式主语it,否则句子主语总应是其动名词的逻辑宾语;若其中的动词不及物,应考虑加上适当的介词。如:Nothing he said was worth listening to. 他说的话没有一句值得听。She"s not worth getting angry with. 犯不上跟她生气。   2. 有关 be worthy 的搭配习惯   (1) be worthy 后不能直接跟名词、代词或动名词,若要接,应借助介词 of.如:Their efforts are worthy of your support. 他们的努力应得到你的支持。 Her behavior is worthy of praise. 她的行为是值得赞扬的。12下一页   (2) 与be worth后只接动名词不接不定式不同,be worthy后不接动名词,而接不定式(若该不定式要表示被动意义,则应用被动形式)。如:He is worthy to receive such honor. 他应该得到这种荣誉。FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"">This suggestion is worthy to be considered. 这个建议值得考虑。   (3) 若要在be worthy后接动名词,与后接名词时的情形一样,应借助介词of,且该动名词若要表示被动意义,要用被动形式。如:He is worthy of filling [=to fill] the post. 这个职位他当之无愧。This suggestion is worthy of being considered [=to be considered]. 这个建议值得考虑。   3. 有关 be worthwhile 的搭配习惯的搭配习惯   (1) be worthwhile 后接动名词或不定式均可。如:It is worthwhile buying the dictionary. 这本词典值得买。(其中的 worthwhile 也可换成 worth)It is worthwhile to discuss the plan again. 这个计划值得再讨论一次。(n"">这个计划值得再讨论一次。 worthwhile 不能换成 worth,因为其后接用了不定式)   (2) 有时可将worthwhile分开写,此时也可在其中加上one‘s.如:I"d think it worth while to go. 我认为值得去。   I‘d think it worth while to go. Do you think it"s worth while quarrelling with me?你认为与我吵值得吗?   Would you like to do some gardening for me? I‘ll make it worth your while. 你愿意在我的花园里干些活吗? 我不会亏待你的。   It is worth your while visiting [to visit] the museum. 这个博物馆值得你去看看。按传统语法,It is worth (one"s) while to do sth [doing sth] 结构必须用it作形式主语,其中的不定式或动名词做句子的真正主语。   四、一句多译在很多情况下,同一个意思可用几种不同的形式表达。如:那个地方值得一去。正:The place is worth a visit.正:The place is worthy of a visit.正:The place is worth visiting.正:It is worth visiting the place.正:The place is worthy of being visited.正:The place is worthy to be visited.正:It is worthwhile visiting the place.正:It is worthwhile to visit the place.
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2023-08-19 18:38:253


用法:worth doing worthy of doing sth.
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1、做形容词时。(1)worth做形容词时,表示“有?价值;值得做...(worth doing)”;例:This trip was really expensive but it was worth every penny.这次旅游花销不小,但还是很值得的。(2)worthy做形容词时,表示“值得的(worthy of);值得尊敬的”。例:He devoted his whole life to the worthy cause.他为这个崇高的事业奉献了自己的一生。2、做名词时。(1)worth做名词时,表示“价值...的东西;意义,作用”。例:The solders" contribution was of great worth.战士们的贡献具有伟大的意义。(2)worthy做名词时表示“大人物,伟人”。例:Some locals worthies will attend the meeting.一些当地知名人士将会出席会议。3、句法功能(1)worth 通常只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语;例:It isn‘t worth the trouble. 不值得费那个事。(2)worthy 可用作表语和定语。例:He is a worthy gentleman. 他是位值得尊敬的绅士。4、修饰习惯(1)worth习惯上不用very修饰(要表示类似意思可用well);(2)而worthy和worthwhile则可以用副词very修饰。例:veryThat is very worthy of our attention.那件事很值得我们注意。
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[解释] 关于"萌"这个字一般认为,「萌え」一字是由「燃え」所变化而来,来源是出自日文的IME输入法。「萌」本意是指读者在看到美少女角色时,产生一种热血沸腾的精神状态。热血类作品经常使用「燃烧」来形容这状态,用罗马拼音输入的话,就是「Mo E(も え)」。利用日文输入法的话,输入Mo E只会显示「燃え」和「萌え」。为了区分因为美少女而热血的状态,和传统的热血的分别,就借用同音的「萌え」来形容,并成为ACG界的一种网路黑语。 根据日本同人辞典,「萌」的来源还有其他说法。其中一个说法是出自1993年NHK放送的《天才电视君》的女主角「鹭傼 萌(SAGISAWA.MOE)」主角在她有难的时候,会大叫她的名字「萌~!」一部份的迷因此而模仿。另一个说法是由TV动画《美少女战士SAILOR MOON S》中的土萌(TOMOE)萤出现等等说法。但现在却还没有一个是确定的,所以「燃え」、「萌え」的说法就成为现时最被接受的一套说法。 另一个说法则跟汉字的本身意义有关。根据《商务学生词典》,「萌」指草木发芽,及比喻事物的开始,所以用作「开始吸引目光」的「引伸义」也是有可能的。也有说是指看到美少女时,就如春天降临一样的感觉,而草木萌芽则在春天,因此就借用来代表这种「心花怒放」的状态。由於笔者本身日文水平有限,加上对这方面没什麼研究,因此也不详述了。
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一瞬间让人觉得可爱,单纯。动词有“狂热”,“喜欢”,“爱恋”,“欣赏”,可爱,让人有感觉的意思(此用法为日本语用法)。但用起来又有一点不同。萌用法是XX+萌,XX可以是人名(角色名),职业等等。除此之外,还有“人名+萌”即使很喜欢那个人(物)。非常喜欢的心情。这种喜欢的心情,就如草木发芽般,打心底而来。 很可爱的意思“萌”在当前通俗的应用中用于对某“人”(具有人格的生命)的描述,形容某“人”的尚未成熟、尚未表现出来的内在美感在不经意间外露,给人以可爱、惊艳的享受。
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worth与worthy都是作“值得”讲的形容词,但在使用上和与词的搭配关系上都不相同. 一、worth一般只用作表语 1.主语(物)+be +worth + 名词. Hawaii is a beautiful place for travelling and worth a visit.夏威夷是个旅游胜地,值得一游. The new bike is worth 350 yuan .这辆新自行车值350元. 2.主语(人)+ be +worth + (表示金钱或财产)名词.表示“拥有……财产”. He is worth several million dollars .他有好几百万美元的财产. How much is Mr.Green worth 格林先生有多少财产. 3.主语(物)+ be + worth +动名词. The book is worth reading .这本书值得一读. The car isn"t worth repairing.这辆汽车不值得修了. 请注意:(1)在这种情况下,名子的主语与动名词在逻辑上有动宾关系,因此这个动名词应该是及物的(如上述例句)或具有及物性质的短语动词(如下述例句). The broadcast programme is worth listening to .这条广播节目值得一听. The picture is worth taking good care of .那幅画值得好好保存. (2)在这结构中,也可用先行词it 作主语. It is worth repairing the TV set.这台电视机值修一下. (3)worth前面,一般用well修饰,不用very. The scheme is well worth a try .这个计划很值得一次. 4.Worth one"s while "对……是值得做的,对……有益的,使感兴趣的”,主语是动名词或动词不定式.句首用it作形式主语. (1) It is worth (one"s) while + doing sth.值得某人做某事. It is worth out while discussing the question again .这个问题值得我们再讨论一下. (2) It is worth (one"s)while +to do sth.=To do sth .is worth(one"s)while.值得(某人)做某事. It would be well worth your while to come to the meeting.来参加这个会议对你来说是很值得的. 二、worthy 可作定语和表语,作表语时是“值得”的含义. 1.Worthy 可作定语,意思是“可敬的,有价值得,相称的”. They are my worthy friends.他们是我的可敬的朋友. 2. Worthy 作表语,后接不定式作状语.如果句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑主语,则不定式有主动语态;如果是动宾关系,则用被动语态. The problem is worthy to be considered .这个问题值得考虑. 3.Worthy of “值得……,配得上……”. (1)主语 + be + worthy of + n . The article is worthy of careful study .这篇文章值得仔细研究. Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise .她的成就值得高度的赞扬. (2)主语 + be + worthy of + being done The book is worthy of being read .这本书值得一读. 比较:The book is worthy to read. The book is worth reading . (3)worthy of 作后置定语. He is a teacher worthy of great respect.他是位受尊敬的教师. He is a poet worthy of the name .他是一位名副其实的诗人.
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