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keep as a souvenir是什么意思

2023-08-25 07:04:07



keep sth. as a souvenir




souvenir 英[u02ccsu:vu0259u02c8nu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccsu:vu0259u02c8nu026ar] n. 纪念品; 礼物; vt. 把…留作纪念; [例句]Please accept this little gift as a souvenir.请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念。[其他] 复数:souvenirs
2023-08-19 16:47:031


souvenir英[u02ccsu:vu0259u02c8nu026au0259(r)]美[u02ccsuvu0259u02c8nu026ar]n. 纪念品;礼物vt. 把…留作纪念名词复数:souvenirs[例句]Here "s a souvenir for you . I bought from beijing.给你个纪念品,这可是我从北京带来的哦。
2023-08-19 16:47:111


可以用souvenir,souvenir是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“纪念品;礼物”,作及物动词时意思是“把…留作纪念”。周边,一是指周边通常指附近的地方,二是指国内习惯用周边产品来定义动漫相关产品。而在国外,这类商品被统称为HOBBY(业余爱好,嗜好),有硬周边(CORE HOBBY)与软周边(LIGHT HOBBY)的区分。双语例句1、Do you sell any souvenir on the train?你们在火车上有什么纪念品卖吗?2、Will you choose to buy the souvenir or specialty here? Why?您会选择买这里的纪念品或者特产吗?为什么?3、I need to buy some souvenir.我想要买一些纪念品。扩展资料:周边分类:1,正体版:很好理解,忠实于原设定人物外形标准的扭蛋产品,除了人物的附件外不带任何背景、场景等部件。一般都是人物的全身造型,是最简单的一类扭蛋产品。2,Q版:Q版是人物发生夸张可爱变形后的造型,一般常见的大头身都是Q版变形,其中也包括S散装光盘(SUPER DEFORMER)。许多人常把Q版与S散装光盘混为一谈,实际上S散装光盘有着更严格的要求,必须是三头身左右才能称为S散装光盘,而Q版要求要宽松的多,只要是夸张变形都可称为Q版,也就是说Q版包含了S散装光盘。3,场景版:不但包括了人物,还有比较复杂的背景、前景等场景地台。相比前两种要复杂了很多。4,胸像版:只制造出人物的上半身胸像,因为只有半身,因此比例要比前几种大一些,也可以更方便的强化细节,因此常常能有着不亚于手办的细致度。是几类扭蛋产品中精细度最好的一类。5,积木人: 方头方脑的造型,一般全身关节都可动,不过实际可动性能并不算好。参考资料来源:百度百科-周边百度百科-souvenir
2023-08-19 16:48:001


2023-08-19 16:48:186


如果是动词(verbe)就是 记得 的意思如果是名词(nom)就是 纪念品 的意思在这里的souvenirs很显然是个名词复数这要看怎么用了
2023-08-19 16:48:363


是的,复数形式是 :souvenirs;
2023-08-19 16:48:553


souvenir 确实是从法语来的。参见
2023-08-19 16:49:234


2023-08-19 16:49:336

求初音 Souvenir 罗马音、中文歌词

2023-08-19 16:49:502


2023-08-19 16:49:572

Neil Finn的《Souvenir》 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenir歌手:Neil Finn专辑:Try Whistling ThisJackie Boyz - SouvenirNot even a waveAs she boards the planeLooks over her shouldersAs they closed the gateHeart on my sleeveRing in my handLast thing she saidIt"s too late you"ll never understandBaby girl bought a one way ticketAnywhere far away from meNo suitcase packedLeft just like thatShe"s gone indefinitelyIf I just had one more chanceShow you I"m a different manNow it"s too late to seeI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir Pulling awayI"m taking the planeCause you"re taking offAnd the sky looks so greyYou"ve left me behindHere on the groundWatching a part of me disappear with you in the cloudsBaby girl bought a one way ticketAnywhere far away from meNo suitcase packedLeft just like thatShe"s gone indefinitelyIf I just had one more chanceShow you I"m a different manNow it"s too late to seeI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir You"re flying awayInto the skyI"m feeling so empty deep insideBut if I"ll never have you hereKeep my heart as a souvenirI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir Not even a waveAs she boards the planeLooks over her shouldersAs they closed the gate
2023-08-19 16:50:051

Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark的《Souvenir》 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenir歌手:Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark专辑:This Is... 1981いつも そばにいたんだ/一直都陪伴身边きっと 幸せなんだ/那一定是幸福吧ひとり 迷い明かした/即使是在一个人 めいろの中でも/彻夜迷惘的迷途中いつも 见てくれたんだ/一直这样看过来 きっと 待っていたんだ/那一定是在等待キラリ 瞬(またた)くのは/明灭闪烁的 後悔と ありがとうと/是後悔与感谢记忆はないけど/虽然没有记忆  かけがいないんだ/但却无可替代见えないからこそ/正因为无法看到 ほら 大切にしなくちゃ/所以才不得不去珍惜ゆりかごの外に 新しい世界に/被在摇篮之外 那崭新的世界惹かれたときには 真っ白な自分/吸引住目光时 那纯白的我ありがとうの言叶 カンタンすぎて/感谢的话语 如此简单言いそびれてて 忘れて/却未能说出而这样遗忘了 また 忘れて/再次遗忘名前の书き方から/从名字的书写方式  料理の楽しさまで/到料理时的愉快ひとつ ひとつ/一件一件 たくさん 教えてくれたね/教给了我很多呢苦い 恋の行方も 甘い 爱の秘密も/苦楚的恋爱未来与甜蜜的爱的秘密喜ぶ よろこびも ともに笑い 噛みしめた/欢心的喜悦与一同的微笑饮泣浴びつづけていた 虹色のシャワー/不断沐浴在 彩虹淋浴中避けはじめたのは ほら/开始躲避是因为  なんだか 热すぎて/感到过於闷热楽しいときには 冷たく感じて/愉快的时间 感到冰冷ジョウロの鼻先 睨み返して/喷壶的前端 紧紧回盯ありがとうの言叶 干からびちゃって/感谢的话语 已经乾涸照れくさすぎて 軽くて/太过羞涩又轻飘飘的また 乾いて/又再乾涸ずっと 気づいてたんだ/一直都注意到的见上げた青空には/在仰望到的蓝天中あなたの纸ヒコーキ/你的纸飞机 どこまでも高く/飞到很高很高あの日 言えばよかった/那天说出来就好了 振り向いて 「ありがとう」/回过头的「谢谢」私を责めるような/像是在责备我般 床に転がる Souvenir/跌落地面上的 SouvenirSouvenir作词:Gigio作曲:フェイP编曲:フェイP呗:初音ミクAppend翻译:MIUいつも そばにいたんだ/一直都陪伴身边きっと 幸せなんだ/那一定是幸福吧ひとり 迷い明かした/即使是在一个人 めいろの中でも/彻夜迷惘的迷途中いつも 见てくれたんだ/一直这样看过来 きっと 待っていたんだ/那一定是在等待キラリ 瞬(またた)くのは/明灭闪烁的 後悔と ありがとうと/是後悔与感谢途切れた あしあと/断断续续 那些足印  倒された 砂时计/倒下的 那个沙漏ひらり 舞い堕ちるのは/轻轻地 飞舞下的 古びた 凉风/那阵陈旧的凉风十字架の首饰り/十字架的项链 のこされた横颜は/遗留下的侧颜光辉くような/是如同闪耀光辉般最高の导(しるべ)でした/最好的导向终わり
2023-08-19 16:50:121


2023-08-19 16:50:191


souvenir是纪念品和纪念没关系哈时态也不对I have taken a lot of pictures as memory.
2023-08-19 16:50:424

León Larregui的《Souvenir》 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenir歌手:León Larregui专辑:Solstis-Edición LimitadaSure as the breezeThere is no mistaking theseThese are days in a life of passionWatch over me for eternityAnd I will smile till my heart stops beatingAll my worries disappearYour words are like a SouvenirOf love in a life of passionDays in a life of passion
2023-08-19 16:50:571


2023-08-19 16:51:071

Souvenir (Me And Us Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenir (Me And Us Mix)歌手:Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark专辑:The OMD SinglesThe Duke Spirit - SouvenirMaybe your eyes will send lightand your teary tears will make it alrightMaybe home is a thought, not a placeWhere you can move and still be safeOnly I know in another timeI can feel its edges and it"s fineI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowSo goodSo is your home a thought, not a place?You can move, you"re still safeMaybe your eyes are a satelliteand your teary tears will make it alrightOnly I know in another timeI can feel these edges and it"s fineI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowIf you see yourself through the eyes of anotherMaybe you will be alone foreverIf you know yourself through the face of anotherMaybe you would know a warmth forever
2023-08-19 16:51:351


2023-08-19 16:51:451

法语 回忆怎么表达

2023-08-19 16:51:555


2023-08-19 16:52:253


souvenirs[英][su:vu0259"nu026au0259z][美][su:vu0259"nu026arz]n.纪念品( souvenir的名词复数 )双语例句1.These souvenirs were gathered from all parts of the world.这些纪念品是从世界各地收集来的。2.He has a pitch on the High Street where he sells souvenirs.他在大街上有个卖纪念品的摆摊处。3.The local shopkeepers sell souvenirs to the tourists.当地的店主向旅游者出售纪念品。4.When we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site.当我们举行落成典礼时,凡是在工地上劳动过的人都会得到纪念品。5.I bought a few trifles as souvenirs.我买了些零碎的纪念品。
2023-08-19 16:52:351


2023-08-19 16:52:469


2023-08-19 16:53:077

se souvenir和rappeler如何区别有什么不同啊?

用 se souvenir 时,记忆是持续的;一直记着。而用 se rappeler 的话,中间一定有忘记或可能忘记的moments,记忆是间断的。se rappeler 回忆起,回想起,记得。指有意识的回忆,想起某人或某事,是积极的回忆,强调通过思索记起某事,而se souvenir是消极的回忆,有“不禁想起”,“记忆涌上心头”等意思。但这种差别实际上常常为人忽视。一般两个短语可以通用,当应注意se souvenir后需用de引导间接宾语。如:不能说Je me rappelle de quelque chose,而应说:Je me rappelle quelque chose. 而用 se souvenir 是要说成:Je me souviens de quelque chose. 在口语中se souvenir不如se rappeler常用。
2023-08-19 16:53:262


2023-08-19 16:53:372


souvenir意思是:纪念品。英 [u02ccsuu02d0vu0259"nu026au0259(r)]     美 [u02ccsuu02d0vu0259"nu026ar]    Can you mail this souvenir to America for me?您能帮我把这件纪念品邮到美国吗?I bought this bag as a souvenir of my visit to London.我买了这个袋子作为访问伦敦的纪念品。近义词:keepsake 英 ["kiu02d0pseu026ak]     美 ["kiu02d0pseu026ak]    n. 纪念品。He gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.他在离开前送我一张照片做为纪念。My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake.我姑母把她的一支胸针送给我作记念。
2023-08-19 16:54:291


souvenir意思是:纪念品。英 [u02ccsuu02d0vu0259"nu026au0259(r)]     美 [u02ccsuu02d0vu0259"nu026ar]    Can you mail this souvenir to America for me?您能帮我把这件纪念品邮到美国吗?I bought this bag as a souvenir of my visit to London.我买了这个袋子作为访问伦敦的纪念品。近义词:keepsake 英 ["kiu02d0pseu026ak]     美 ["kiu02d0pseu026ak]    n. 纪念品。He gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away.他在离开前送我一张照片做为纪念。My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake.我姑母把她的一支胸针送给我作记念。
2023-08-19 16:54:451


souvenir的意思:纪念物; 纪念品; (度假时买回来送人的)礼物。英 [u02ccsuu02d0vu0259"nu026au0259(r)]  、 美 [u02ccsuu02d0vu0259"nu026ar]。    Can you mail this souvenir to America for me?您能帮我把这件纪念品邮到美国吗?I bought this bag as a souvenir of my visit to London。我买了这个袋子作为访问伦敦的纪念品。近义词:keepsake。 英 ["kiu02d0pseu026ak]     美 ["kiu02d0pseu026ak] 。   n. 纪念品。He gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away。他在离开前送我一张照片做为纪念。My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake。我姑母把她的一支胸针送给我作记念。
2023-08-19 16:54:591


2023-08-19 16:55:493

Hayley Warner的《Souvenir》 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenir歌手:Hayley Warner专辑:Hands OffJackie Boyz - SouvenirNot even a waveAs she boards the planeLooks over her shouldersAs they closed the gateHeart on my sleeveRing in my handLast thing she saidIt"s too late you"ll never understandBaby girl bought a one way ticketAnywhere far away from meNo suitcase packedLeft just like thatShe"s gone indefinitelyIf I just had one more chanceShow you I"m a different manNow it"s too late to seeI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir Pulling awayI"m taking the planeCause you"re taking offAnd the sky looks so greyYou"ve left me behindHere on the groundWatching a part of me disappear with you in the cloudsBaby girl bought a one way ticketAnywhere far away from meNo suitcase packedLeft just like thatShe"s gone indefinitelyIf I just had one more chanceShow you I"m a different manNow it"s too late to seeI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir You"re flying awayInto the skyI"m feeling so empty deep insideBut if I"ll never have you hereKeep my heart as a souvenirI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir Not even a waveAs she boards the planeLooks over her shouldersAs they closed the gate
2023-08-19 16:56:081

Matia Bazar的《Souvenir》 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenir歌手:Matia Bazar专辑:MelanchóLiaJackie Boyz - SouvenirNot even a waveAs she boards the planeLooks over her shouldersAs they closed the gateHeart on my sleeveRing in my handLast thing she saidIt"s too late you"ll never understandBaby girl bought a one way ticketAnywhere far away from meNo suitcase packedLeft just like thatShe"s gone indefinitelyIf I just had one more chanceShow you I"m a different manNow it"s too late to seeI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir Pulling awayI"m taking the planeCause you"re taking offAnd the sky looks so greyYou"ve left me behindHere on the groundWatching a part of me disappear with you in the cloudsBaby girl bought a one way ticketAnywhere far away from meNo suitcase packedLeft just like thatShe"s gone indefinitelyIf I just had one more chanceShow you I"m a different manNow it"s too late to seeI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir You"re flying awayInto the skyI"m feeling so empty deep insideBut if I"ll never have you hereKeep my heart as a souvenirI would have gave the world to youThis should have been a trip for twoWhen girl I"m at the airportWith nothing but my passportLeft me standing hereTook my heart as a souvenir Not even a waveAs she boards the planeLooks over her shouldersAs they closed the gate
2023-08-19 16:56:151


2023-08-19 16:56:241


2023-08-19 16:56:311


souvenir的复数形式souvenirs 例句: 1.Where can I buy some souvenirs? 我可以在哪买些纪念品呢? souvenir [,su:vu0259"niu0259; "su:vu0259niu0259] n. 1.纪念品 2.纪念 3.回忆,追忆 vt.把…留作纪念: 例句:to souvenir the first day cover for this activity 把首日封留作此次活动的纪念
2023-08-19 16:56:381


souvenir 英[u02ccsu:vu0259u02c8nu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccsuvu0259u02c8nu026ar] n. 纪念品;礼物 vt. 把…留作纪念 名词复数:souvenirs [例句]Here "s a souvenir for you . I bought from beijing.给你个纪念品,这可是我从北京带来的哦。
2023-08-19 16:56:471


I wont say that i dont think of you cause i do i do i do yeah i wont say these feelings wont stay true cause they do they do they do yeah your everywhere i go your like a shadow and every word you say runs in my head your all i think about so boy have no doubt this love will last forever so you wont have to worry about a single thing cause im holding on and all the memories are safe with me i want you to knowyour a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souvenir a priceless work of art for me to treasure just like a souvenir and i know no matter where you go i"ll have a symbol to remember you and a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souvenirlike a souvenirand thats why i miss being stuck to you like you i do its true yeah and thats why its so impossible being over over youand every time you call i think of how you fall cause every conversation takes me back to being on the phone and talking all night long nobody else knows me like thatso you dont have to worry about a single thing cause im holding on and all the memories are safe with me boy you should knowyour a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souvenir a priceless work of art for me to treasure just like a souvenir and i know no matter where you go i"ll have a symbol to remember you and a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souvenireven when you"re far away i hear you like the beating in my heart gotta feel you just like the air i breathe to survive i need and i dont wanna worry about a thing its not worth it we gotta be afraid this love is undeniable, indescribable baby you should knowyour a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souvenir a priceless work of art for me to treasure just like a souvenir and i know no matter where you go i"ll have a symbol to remember you and a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souveniryour a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souvenir a priceless work of art for me to treasure just like a souvenir and i know no matter where you go i"ll have a symbol to remember you and a keepsake in my heart you"ll last forever just like a souvenir
2023-08-19 16:56:552


你是想记拼法吧分开来,sou ven ir sou[su:]ven[v?n]ir[i?]
2023-08-19 16:57:052


2023-08-19 16:57:262


2023-08-19 16:57:365

Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark的《Souvenir》 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenir歌手:Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark专辑:The OMD SinglesThe Duke Spirit - SouvenirMaybe your eyes will send lightand your teary tears will make it alrightMaybe home is a thought, not a placeWhere you can move and still be safeOnly I know in another timeI can feel its edges and it"s fineI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowSo goodSo is your home a thought, not a place?You can move, you"re still safeMaybe your eyes are a satelliteand your teary tears will make it alrightOnly I know in another timeI can feel these edges and it"s fineI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowIf you see yourself through the eyes of anotherMaybe you will be alone foreverIf you know yourself through the face of anotherMaybe you would know a warmth forever
2023-08-19 16:57:521


souvenir 英[u02ccsu:vu0259u02c8nu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccsuvu0259u02c8nu026ar] n. 纪念品;礼物 vt. 把…留作纪念 名词复数:souvenirs [例句]Here "s a souvenir for you . I bought from beijing. 给你个纪念品,这可是我从北京带来的哦.
2023-08-19 16:58:001


2023-08-19 16:58:081


2023-08-19 16:58:151


都是纪念品的意思,但是具体意义有不同. souvenir指你自己买的,为了纪念某些地方、事件或是人. keepsake指别人买来送给你,为了让你能记住他.
2023-08-19 16:58:371

BAP的《Souvenirs》 歌词

歌曲名:Souvenirs歌手:BAP专辑:Aff Un ZoThe Duke Spirit - SouvenirMaybe your eyes will send lightand your teary tears will make it alrightMaybe home is a thought, not a placeWhere you can move and still be safeOnly I know in another timeI can feel its edges and it"s fineI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowSo goodSo is your home a thought, not a place?You can move, you"re still safeMaybe your eyes are a satelliteand your teary tears will make it alrightOnly I know in another timeI can feel these edges and it"s fineI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowI am the thief who leaves it behindThe moon and the windowIf you see yourself through the eyes of anotherMaybe you will be alone foreverIf you know yourself through the face of anotherMaybe you would know a warmth forever
2023-08-19 16:58:441


2023-08-19 16:58:522


2023-08-19 16:59:071


2023-08-19 16:59:241


2023-08-19 17:00:051


你好,纪念品是初中教的souvenir 英[u02ccsu:vu0259u02c8nu026au0259(r)]美[u02ccsu:vu0259u02c8nu026ar]n. 纪念品; 礼物;vt. 把…留作纪念;[网络] 纪念品; 纪念物; 工艺品;[例句]A souvenir of the summer of 19921992年夏天的一件纪念品[其他] 复数:souvenirs
2023-08-19 17:00:151