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be aware of与realise区别

2023-08-25 06:36:07



realise没有进行时。realise通常不用于进行时态。比如:没有人意识到这有多重要。正确:Nobody realizes how important this is.realise英 ["ru026au0259lau026az]     美 ["ru026au0259lau026az]    v. <英>意识到;实现;明白;变现。=realize。He didn"t realise how late it was.他并没有意识到已经有多晚了。You were acting like you didn"t realise that.看起来好象你没意识到那点。Many a parent pins the hopes on the children to realise their unfilled ambitions.很多父母试图在他们的儿女身上实现他们的梦想。You broke the promise and made me realise.你带走了承诺让我明白。
2023-08-19 15:18:511


realise英 ["rɪəlaɪz] vt. 认识到,明白[ 过去式 realised 过去分词 realised 现在分词 realising ]后面接名词或者是从句(that..)等等。1.In the first half they realise their boss is exploiting them and begin to understand the theory ofsurplus value. 在前半部,工人们认识到他们的老板是在剥削他们,开始了解剩余价值理论。2.He said: "If you put things into perspective, we"ve only been successful at one tournament everand that makes you realise just how difficult it is to be successful at this level. 他说:“全面地看这些比赛,我们仅仅在一次赛事中算的上成功,这让你意识到在这样高水平的比赛中想要获得成功是多么困难的一件事情。”
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也作 realize 名词:realization 形容词:realizable realistic 副词:realistically
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realised 后面一般是加名词或者是从句。realise sthrealise that...如果要接动词要就变成ing形式,即动名词形式。如:I realise being the best student is very difficult.
2023-08-19 15:20:081

如何区别 realise recognise 谢谢

还挺难说清楚的……我试试吧:realise 是发觉,觉察到。一般有个头脑中对某事物思考的过程,之后得到某结论。recognise 是认出,辨识出,认识到。基本是一瞬间完成的动作。这里的对象是“恐惧”。那么用realise就是对恐惧深思熟虑之后才发现(它们确实是恐惧),有点不对头吧。而recognise就明显解释得通是“意识到恐惧”。
2023-08-19 15:20:161

be aware of与realise区别

2023-08-19 15:20:262


  There is no rule.  没有规则可言.都正确  I was taught to spell realize with a "z" in an American school  美国用realize  I was taught to spell realize with a "s" in an English school  英国用realise
2023-08-19 15:20:342

realise 过去分词

2023-08-19 15:20:422

realise recognize都可以表示"认识到",区别是什么

简单点说realise 是指主观思想上的recognize 是指单纯的认识,
2023-08-19 15:21:133

be aware of与realise区别

aware&realize首先一个是形容词(aware)一个是动词(realize)be aware of与realize都有“意识到”的意思,如果要接that从句,如下:be aware that, realize that都可以realize通常用语事后发现,比如“I didn"t realize that…”,我没有意识到…而be aware of指的是对…有一个清晰的概念,知道、了解的意思
2023-08-19 15:21:251

realise doing和realise to do的区别

realise doing意识到做过。。。realise to do意识到该做。。。同用法还有remember doing和remember to do
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be realized 过去分词His dream will be realized sooner or later.他的梦想迟早会实现。
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then i realise being home alone这里为什么用being

I 和 home 之间需要一个 动词
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自反意义的代动词的复合过去时要用etre做助动词,se réaliser 就要变成s"est realisée
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achieve, come ture,realize 的区别

achieve 实现 come true 成真 realize或realise 觉悟 I have achieved my goal 我已经实现我的目标 My dream come true 我梦想成真 i realised this is wrong 我意识到这是错误的
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realise的意思为“意识到,认识到;实现,完成;使变得真实或明显”。"Realise" 是英语单词 "realize" 的拼写变体,在英语中的意思为“意识到,认识到;实现,完成;使变得真实或明显”。常用于表示想法、情况、问题等在一定时间后才被察觉到或被认识到的意思。例如:I realize that I have made a mistake(我意识到我犯了个错误);We need to realize the importance of this issue(我们需要意识到这个问题的重要性);The company must realize its profit objectives(公司必须实现其盈利目标)。realise例句1、I didn"t realise how much I missed home until I went away to college. (我没有意识到我有多想家,直到我去上大学了。) -- "realise" 表示“意识到”。2、She worked hard to realise her dream of becoming a doctor. (她努力工作实现了成为一名医生的梦想。)-- "realise" 表示“实现”。3、It was only after the accident that they began to realise the danger of driving too fast. (直到发生事故之后,他们才开始意识到超速驾驶的危险。)-- "realise" 表示“认识到”。4、We need to realise the importance of protecting the environment for future generations. (我们需要意识到保护环境对于未来世代的重要性。)-- "realise" 表示“意识到”。5、The company has yet to realise its full potential in the global market. (该公司尚未在全球市场上实现其全部潜力。)-- "realise" 表示“实现”。
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realise 是及物动词,觉悟、明白、实现、兑现、变卖的含义。后边可以加短语,从句,和词。也可以加不定式。和一般的实意动词用法一样的。
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区别是:realize是美式写法。realise是英式写法。意思完全相同。realise/realizevt. 实现; 了解,认识到; vt. 变卖,赚得; [例句]When you watch him in training, you realise that this lad is the business.当你观看他训练时,你就会意识到这个小伙子是最棒的。People don"t realize how serious this recession has actually been.人们没有意识到这次经济衰退事实上有多严重。"That"s my brother." —"Oh, I hadn"t realized. " “那是我弟弟。”——“哦,我没认出来呀。”Yes, Pop, I made a big mistake — you and Mark made me realize that. 是的,爸爸,我犯了一个大错误,你和马克让我意识到了这一点。Do you realize the importance of this question? 你意识到这个问题的重要性吗?
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realise 的名词形容词和副词

n. 实现,完成(等于realization) realisationadj. (英)可实现的;可感觉的(等于realizable)realisable
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也作 realize 名词:realization 形容词:realizable realistic 副词:realistically
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分类: 教育/科学 解析: 歌:melody 作词:melody.MIZUE 作曲:Koutaro Odaka 编曲:Kei“Spicy”Kawano 中文翻译: I can 毫不迷惑的前进 期望能靠得更近 I see the light wake up,stand up 再一次向着明天 try Look at me 用这双小手 Hold on tight 紧紧抓住 my precious 不要丢失 visions is me 不想丢失 我自己的way Do you know that I want it all 在心里永远闪耀光辉 不会在梦中遗忘 I can 毫不迷惑的前进 期望能靠得更近 总有一天 满溢光芒的鲜花一定会绽放 I see the light wake up,stand up 再一次向着明天 try Here I am 如果闭上双眼 会发现你不再是一个人 干枯的心 被欢乐的泪水浸湿once again I promise 从今天开始 在心中开始鼓动 感受到这份鼓动 I will 尽情的穿越 想要这样奔跑 总有一天在那梦中的归处 a-ha-ha 一起大笑 wake up,stand up 不论多少次 get up and try carry on... I realize I realize that we can get there I can 毫不迷惑的前进 期望能靠得更近 总有一天 满溢光芒的鲜花一定会绽放 I will 尽情的穿越 想要这样奔跑 总有一天在那梦中的归处 a-ha-ha 一起大笑 wake up,stand up 不论多少次 get up and try
2023-08-19 15:29:061


realize的用法如下:1、realize的基本意思是使梦想、计划、希望等成为现实。引申可指人清楚地明白、领悟、体会到某事,诸如“无能”“危险”“差错”“困难”等。在非正式口语中,realize有时能作“认出”。2、realize可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that/wh-从句作宾语。作“了解”“认识到”解时不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构;作“实现”解时可用于被动结构。3、realize可接介词from,表示“从…获得”,接on表示“通过出售…获得”。4、realize在英式拼法中也可拼作realise.realize的用法例句1.I didn"t realize how heavy that shopping was going to be.我没想到买的东西会有多沉。2.The Emperor must realize that he has us at his mercy.皇帝必须意识到我们任由他处置。3.I realize there"s no consensus on what are male or female values.我意识到人们对什么是男性价值观和什么是女性价值观并无共识。4.Rest assured, he probably has rather more common sense than you realize.放心吧,他知道的常识很可能比你以为的要多得多。5.Do they realize we are racing towards complete economic collapse?他们意识到我们的经济马上要彻底崩溃了吗?6.Do you realize, woman, the scandal and publicity that will be involved?臭婆娘,你知不知道这会恶名远扬?
2023-08-19 15:29:171

do you realise是什么意思

这是一个定语从句 原文应该是:Do you realise (that,这里的这个that省略掉了,用来引起定语从句)that is my food you are offering everyone. 后面跟了一个句子that is my food这个事实.you are offering everyone 这个是定语从句里面的定语从句,用来修饰food 意思为:你知道这个情况么?什么情况呢?那是我的食物.什么食物呢?你正在分给大家的食物. 两个定语从句而已. 整体翻译:你知道你发给所有人的食物是我的么?
2023-08-19 15:30:201

It was too late for him to realise that he had said somthing wrong.

It was too late for him to realise that he had said somthing wrong.这是从句还是什么?什么从句?成分由哪些构成?这是一个状语从句。主句是:It was too late for him to realise that 后边的 to realise that he had said somthing wrong.是一个动词不定式作状语修饰late,而 he had said somthing wrong是从句作realise的宾语当然也可以理解为realise的宾语从句
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歌词when i realise,thereis no telling lies是什么歌

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End Of Time 歌词

歌曲名:End Of Time歌手:Lacuna Coil专辑:Dark AdrenalineYou"ve built your lifeAbove this, andYou hold my hand before the end comesForgiving me for what I"ve done "til the end of days"Cause I belong to you"Cause I am part of youI am dying in your armsIt"s time to go, I can"t make it throughI"ve come to realizeTonight my dear, the end of timeIs not so far awayWe cannot pray to save our livesI can feel you, andI think that everything you wanted in meWas the mirror of your dreamsBut I couldn"t believe what you"d sayAs I belong to youMy flesh and blood in youI am burning in this fireIt"s time to go, I can"t make it throughI"ve come to realiseTonight my dear, the end of timeIs not so far awayWe cannot pray to save our livesI"ve come to realiseTonight my friend, the end of timeIs not so far awayWe cannot pray to save our livesI"m coming home againAnd now I know where I belongReeling from my instincts"Cause I realise I"m not aloneI"ve come to realiseTonight my dear, the end of timeIs not so far awayWe cannot pray to save our livesI"ve come to realiseTonight my friend, the end of timeIs not so far awayWe cannot pray to save our lives
2023-08-19 15:30:561


it is...that... 是强调句型。原句是 we begin to realise...well-being when the faculty...for some reason。when 引导的是状语从句,当和强调句型联合起来应用后被放到了 it is 后面。
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2023-08-19 15:31:271

求BLUE--no goodbyes的歌词(要中英文对照)

2023-08-19 15:31:551

求翻译 old goodbyes 歌词

2023-08-19 15:32:021

Do you realise that is my food you are offering everyone是什么意思

2023-08-19 15:32:114

help me realise my goal 语法对吗?

不对,应该是help sb to do something, 应该是help me to realize my goal
2023-08-19 15:32:213

You Made Me Realise 歌词

歌曲名:You Made Me Realise歌手:amusement parks on fire专辑:In Flightjensin制作To start it off I know you know meTo come to think of it, it was only last week.That I had a dream about us, oh.That"s why I am here, I"m writing this song.To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,Someway let me know, you want me girl.Everytime you see me what do you see?I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.Baby that"s why:You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.Well I know that these feelings won"t end no, no.They"ll just get stronger if I see you again.Baby I"m tired of being friends.I wanna know if you feel the sameAnd could you tell me do you feel my pain?Don"t leave me in doubt.Everytime you see me what do you see?I feel like I"m a poor man and you"re the queen.Oh baby, you"re the only thing that I really need.And baby that"s why:You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I"ll take you home real quickAnd sit you down on the couchPour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.Baby we can make sweet love.Then we"ll take it nice and slow.I"m gonna touch you like you"ve never know beforeWe"re gonna make love all night.You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.I know this is a feeling that I just can"t fight.You"re the first and last thing on my mind.You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.You make me wanna surrender my soul.
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2023-08-19 15:21:091


问题一:梅用英语怎么说 你好! 梅 plum 英[pl?m] 美[pl?m] n. 葡萄干; 李子,李树; 李属植物; 紫红色; adj. 紫红色的; 称心如意的(工作或职位); [例句]Laura landed a plum job with a *** art art gallery. 劳拉在一家时尚画廊找到了份美差。 问题二:梅字的英文怎么翻译? 梅字的英语读音 问题三:梅的英文怎么拼 plum [pl?m] n. 李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色 adj. 人所希望的;有利的;上等的 问题四:梅的英语怎么说 May 问题五:梅子的英文怎么读 plum 英 [pl?m] 美 [pl?m] n. 李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色 adj. 人所希望的;有利的;上等的 n. (Plum)人名;(德、西)普卢姆;(英)普拉姆 问题六:梅的英文怎么写? plum 问题七:你好,我是梅,英语怎么读 Hello, my name is miss gao 问题八:梅子的英文怎么写 你好。梅子 翻译成英语是:plum。 ――――――希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-08-19 15:21:121


Robbie n. 罗比(男子名)plumn. 李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色adj. 人所希望的;有利的;上等的n. (Plum)人名;(德、西)普卢姆;(英)普拉姆
2023-08-19 15:21:052


Lucifer 路西法本名路西斐尔 (the morning star) 最耀眼的魔鬼明星被称为拂晓的明星(即 金星)在叛变之前是天界所有天使中最美丽最有权柄的一位 力量仅在创世神之下其光辉和勇气没有任何一位天使能与之相较列称撒但级的大魔王中最被看好的一位但丁的《神曲》米尔顿的《失乐园》都是说路西法因为拒绝向圣子基督臣服率天众三分之一的天使於天界北境举起反叛经过三天的天界剧战路西法的叛军终於被基督击溃在浑沌中坠落了九个晨昏才落到地狱此后神创造了新天地和人类路西法为了复仇兼夺取新天地乃化为蛇潜入伊甸园引诱夏娃食用了禁断的知识之树的果实再利用她引诱亚当也犯下了这违抗神令的罪於是路西法如愿使神的新受造物一同堕落而且为诸魔神们开启了通往这新世界的大门自此罪与病终於遍布地面 Archangels大天使 Remiel雷米勒 Ariel亚列 Sariel沙利叶 Raziel拉结尔 Melchizedek麦基洗德 堕落天使 Azazel阿撒兹勒 Rahab拉哈伯 Samael萨麦尔 Sariel沙利叶 Camael卡麦尔 Samyasa桑杨沙 Asbeel安士白 Ariel亚列 Lucifer意为启明星,在《圣经》中指的是原天使长、有六翼的“光辉晨星,荣耀之子”——路西法。《启示录》第12章记载了路西法叛变的过程。天使长路西法因为拒绝向圣子耶稣基督臣服,率领三分之一的天使在天界北境叛变。可惜只过了三天就被大天使米迦勒(Mical)带领的天军给“剿灭”了。战败的路西法在浑沌中坠落了九天后落到了地狱,成为了恶魔之王。这场大战被称为“诸神的黄昏”。   Satan的来历就比较模糊了。他是总所周知得地狱之王,可是在堕落天使建立魔界之前却几乎毫无名气。《圣经》早期唯一提到它的地方就是撒旦化身为蛇引诱夏娃吃下智慧果实。按理说应该只是个无名小卒而已,可是后来不知道怎么回事,名气和地位都急剧窜升,一跃成为恶魔王。这样的经历大概会让很多小恶魔嫉妒吧。   常有人把堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)说成大天使,因为大天使是三阶九级天使中比较低的一个等级,而且拿这个来解释为什么堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)的叛乱仅三天就被镇压了。不过我认为这是混淆了堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)和Mical这两位天使长的关系。堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)和Mical是至今明确的两个六翼炽天使,而且堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)在叛乱前就是天使长,怎么可能只是大天使这个级别呢!Mical原本倒确实是大天使,因为在镇压堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)叛乱中立下的战功无人能敌,被提拔为新的天使长,等级也升成了六翼炽天使。在《暗黑的破坏神》中,恶魔曾经说过:“如此强大的天使为什么无法战胜恶魔,就是因为我们有自己的意志,而你们只不过是神手中的傀儡罢了,这么简单的道理你们天使怎么就不明白呢”。堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)的反叛是傀儡争取权利的战争,但是仍以天使的身份与神作战本身就注定了他无法胜利(堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法Lucifer是在战败之后才成为堕落天使的)。如果用我们的话来说,大概可以叫做觉悟不够吧。   Satan应该是唆使堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)叛乱的罪魁祸首。在《孔雀王》中就曾经描绘过身为天使的凤凰教唆孔雀王叛乱的情景。狄野真在后面明确交代了凤凰就是Satan,而孔雀王头上的第三只眼,就是“堕天刻印”,正是他身为Lucifer的最好证明。从教唆夏娃吃下智慧果倒唆使堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法(Lucifer)反叛,Satan可真是教唆别人犯罪的能手啊!  堕天使路西法(Lucifer)与撒旦(Satan)- - 路西法( Lucifer)在堕天之后成了恶魔王,但在各种文学和动漫作品中的Lucifer都从未在地狱实行直接统治,反倒是Satan在地狱中成了实际统治者,被恶魔们尊为地狱王。从这一系列事件和结果中我们大概可以勾勒出事情发展的过程。大致上就是Satan唆使Lucifer发动叛乱,叛乱失败后又利用堕落天使们对Lucifer的不满篡夺了权力(也可能是Lucifer自动放弃权力),当上了魔王。至于Lucifer的下落就不得而知了。在《暗黑的破坏神》中Lucifer是一个可爱的小男孩,行动上似乎和恶魔们没有什么关系,而恶魔们口中的圣魔神是否就是Lucifer,到现在还没有结论。   虽然Satan唆使了Lucifer的反叛,但总体来说Lucifer还是依自己的意志来反抗神的控制。他的战争只是为了不愿再做神的傀儡,并非为了取得权力和地位。虽然Lucifer的叛乱失败了,但恶魔与神的战争却还再继续。那句著名的“宁在地狱称王,不在天堂为仆”,让Lucifer成了我们心中永远的悲剧英
2023-08-19 15:21:001


1、XperiaPRO-I发布时间2021年10月26日。入网型号XQ-BE72。手机类型5G手机,智能手机,拍照。手机操作系统Android。硬件参数CPU品牌高通骁龙888。CPU频率1×2.84GHz+3×2.40GHz+4×1.80GHz。运行内存12GB。机身容量512GB。传感器重力感应,距离感应,光线感应。NFC功能支持。后置摄像头1200万像素,广角摄像头,1英寸传感器。后置摄像头2是1200万像素,超广角摄像头。后置摄像头3是1200万像素,标准摄像头。后置摄像头4是3DiTOF,LED闪光灯。屏幕大小6.6英寸。屏幕比例21:9。屏幕分辨率3840×2160像素。屏幕刷新率120Hz。屏幕材质OLED。网络制式全网通,移动5G,联通5G,电信5G,移动4G,联通4G,电信4G,移动3G,联通3G,电信3G,双4G。SIM卡类型nanoSIM卡,双卡。支持蓝牙、WiFi(WLAN)、支持WiFi、定位系统、支持GPS。尺寸166×72×8.9mm。重量211g。2、索尼Xperia1III发布时间2021年,4月14日全球发布,5月20日国内发布。手机类型5G手机,智能手机,拍照手机,快充手机。操作系统 Android11。CPU高通骁龙888。CPU频率1×2.84GHz+3×2.40GHz+4×1.80GHz。运行内存12GB。机身容量256GB,512GB。电池容量4500mAh。充电30W有线快充。传感器有重力感应、距离感应、光线感应、电子罗盘、陀螺仪、NFC功能。后置摄像头1200万像素,主摄。后置摄像头2是1200万像素,广角摄像头。后置摄像头3是1200万像素,潜望式摄像头。后置摄像头4是3DiToF传感器。后置摄像头传感器类型CMOS传感器。后置摄像头光圈F/1.7,F/2.2,F/2.3。前置摄像头传感器类型CMOS传感器。闪光灯LED闪光灯。屏幕大小6.5英寸。屏幕比例21:9。屏幕分辨率4KHDR。屏幕刷新率120Hz。网络制式全网通,移动5G,联通5G,电信5G,移动4G,联通4G,电信4G,移动3G,联通3G,电信3G。SIM卡类型nanoSIM卡,双卡。支持蓝牙、WiFi(WLAN)、支持WiFi,2.4G/5G双频、定位系统、支持GPS,GLONASS,北斗,Galileo,支持A-GPS。机身特点IP65/68防尘防水设计。尺寸是165×71×8.2mm。重量约187g。
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