barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 20:31:09

歌曲:Tom‘s dinner

歌手:Suzanne Vega


Tom"s Diner-7"version(话说这歌名真复杂╮(╯▽╰)╭)





我想我们的感情还真是很戏剧的.. 一年之前开始相爱相遇.. 到了周年庆的前夕.. 我们还会主动顺利的分离.. 好象我们一直在演别人的港台剧... 回想刚刚爱上你的那段日子.. 真是神仙也会觉得可歌可泣... 可惜,那个时候我还真是很不努力.. 别说物质就连距离上的安全感我都没法给 你.. 就算这样.. 居然我们都还忍耐下来.. 趁着青春无知紧紧的拥抱在一起.. 花样年华里面有句台词.他说.. 如果我还有张船票你会跟我一起走吗. 我多么希望你的答案会跟我一样肯定.. 可惜..这不可能...你总会说.. 哦NO...亲爱的..我放不下... 这里的一切...不能跟你走...} 不能跟我走.. 这是我的命..被抛弃的命... 不是谁的错... 不再为你哭..不再为你伤悲.. 嘿你还记得我们第一个情人节交换的那个 戒指.. {<ran>我记得} 它一直牢牢的套在我的无名指... 无论是 睡觉 唱歌 洗澡 我都对它不离不弃 .. {<ran>我也是} 我从前以为我像对戒指那样对你.. 你也会一直被我锁在心里.. 就在今晚..我会摘下戒指.. 就像已经有了男朋友的你.. 戒指再也不是代表你.. 再有一个月就要到了你的生日.. 你是否还在幻想我们会不会有什么转机.. 好了不要再做那些无谓的挣扎. 你的生日再也不会出现我的行程簿里.. 这是我的命..被抛弃的命... 不是谁的错... 不再为你哭..不再为你伤悲.. 其实这样多好.. 我再也不用被你困在你的爱里.. 我们也不用 因为 那些 你我的追求者 而伤心颓废想些善意的谎言来敷衍彼此.. 可是我还是经常想起你的美丽你的温柔和 你温暖的身体.. 看着你的照片也会嘴角自然的挑起.. 虽然那些不过都是虚拟的泡影.. 我们自由了 我也不会再回头了.. 不要不承认... 感情对你来说不过只是寂寞消遣的游戏.. 而你的规则我再也承受不起.. 也不用在承受了.. 我写这首歌并不是为了纪念什么.. 更不是因为舍不得你. 所以你不用觉得 愧疚 难过 对我不起. 或许 你根本从来都没有过这样的感觉.. 那么..我说..亲爱的...我们..再见了。... 我不会像他们一样纠缠你.. 更不会让你逃避我的短讯好象逃避瘟疫.. 你以后的日子.. 绝对不会出现的一点一滴.. 就像..你从来没有出现过。




centuries读法:[ˈsentʃəri]。centuries是century的复数;century美[ˈsentʃəri]英["sentʃəri]。名词,百年;百个;板百分;(古罗马)(军队的)百人队。centuries例句:1、China has exercised imperial sway over cambodia for centuries .中国对柬埔寨的影响力可追溯到数世纪前。2、Could insects provide food security for the coming centuries ?昆虫是否能确保未来几百年的人类粮食安全呢?3、Economists have quarrelled for centuries about the true definition of wealth .数百年来,经济学家一直在为财富的确切定义争论不休。4、And over the centuries venice "s glass industry experienced changing fortunes .数个世纪以来,威尼斯的玻璃吹制行业历经沧桑。5、For centuries the ancients believed the earth was flat .古人认为地球是扁平的,那样过了几个世纪。
2023-01-09 20:26:241

centuries怎么读 英语centuries怎么读

1、centuries英[ˈsɛntʃʊriz]美[ˈsɛntʃəriz],n.100年; 百年; 世纪; (一个运动员所得的)100分;century的复数。 2、[例句]One moments false security can bring a century of calamities.图一时之苟安,贻百年之大患。
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2023-01-09 20:26:384

for centuries等于什么?

“for centuries”等于“for hundreds of years”中文意思是:数百年、数个世纪。centuries中文意思是:百年、世纪。hundreds中文意思是:数百。
2023-01-09 20:27:006


century 英[ˈsentʃuri] 美[ˈsɛntʃəri] 复数:centuries n. 1.100年, 一世纪 2.100分 名词 n.1.100年, 一世纪 The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West.古罗马帝国灭亡于五世纪。The building is some centuries old.这座建筑已建有几个世纪了。2.100分 He scored the most fantastic century I have ever witnessed.他所获得的100分是我所见过最好的。
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二十一世纪初Early 21st century
2023-01-09 20:27:3815

one centuries为什么是复数?

2023-01-09 20:28:292

centuries 歌词英文解析

100年,一世纪的意思。[例句]For over two centuries the Egyptians fought against the Hittite Empire for control of lands in modern day Syria.为了争夺如今叙利亚所在的那片土地,古埃及和赫梯帝国展开了长达两个世纪的战争。
2023-01-09 20:28:411


你好,很高兴为你解答:centuries-old英 [ˈsɛntʃʊriz əʊld]美 [ˈsɛntʃəriz oʊld]几百年前详细释义adj.历史悠久的例句1.The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.延续了几个世纪的仪式似乎要面临消亡。
2023-01-09 20:28:462


2023-01-09 20:28:541

century 的复数

2023-01-09 20:28:595

求fall out boy的centuriesMP3百度云

2023-01-09 20:29:183

centuries-Fall out boy的歌词

Some legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesMummified my teenage dreamsNo, it"s nothing wrong with meThe kids are all wrongThe stories are offHeavy metal broke my heartCome on, come on and let me inThe bruises on your thighs like my fingerprintsAnd this is for tonightI thought that you would feelI never meant for you to fix yourselfSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesAnd I can"t stop "til the whole world knows my name"Cause I was only born inside my dreamsUntil you die for me, as long as there is a lightMy shadow"s over you "cause I am the opposite of amnesiaAnd you"re a cherry blossomYou"re about to bloomYou look so pretty, but you"re gone so soonSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesWe"ve been here foreverAnd here"s the frozen fruitI could scream foreverWe are the poisoned youthSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)We"ll go down in history (hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesRead more: Fall Out Boy - Centuries Lyrics | MetroLyrics
2023-01-09 20:29:381

century 的复数

2023-01-09 20:29:444

for centuries原形是什么

for century
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2023-01-09 20:30:133

求翻译: In the centuries since his death,M

2023-01-09 20:30:374


江南 播放歌手:林俊杰语言:国语所属专辑:第二天堂(江南)发行时间
2023-01-09 20:30:511


centuries前可以用ofBut even in this "concertinaed" timeline - extending millions 【of】 centuries into the future, as well as into the past - this century is special. 不过,即使在这张向未来、向过去延伸数百万世纪的“折叠式”时间表上,本世纪也是特别的一个世纪。
2023-01-09 20:30:571


一世纪啊 这样的直接 翻译就行了
2023-01-09 20:31:026

Two centuries ago为什么中间用centuries

2023-01-09 20:31:384


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2023-01-09 20:32:182

for centuries后面用什么时态

用于现在完成时态中。for centuries:几个世纪以来。century英 ["sentʃəri]     美 ["sentʃəri]    n. 百年;世纪;adj. 百年的。There has been quarrying in the area for centuries. 这地方的采石业已有几百年了。词语用法1、this century或the century指“本世纪”; last century指“上个世纪”; the last century指“过去的一百年”; next century指“下个世纪”; the next century指“以后的一百年”,有时也指“下个世纪”。2、century在体育用语中指棒球比赛中的“一百分”。
2023-01-09 20:32:271


1. centuries是数个世纪的意思。2. planet的意思是星球,在这里就是地球的意思,也可以翻译成我们的星球。3. indistinct的意思是难以检测的,翻译成微量就可以。你翻译得很好啊,为什么还提问呢?
2023-01-09 20:32:441


2023-01-09 20:32:491

century ago还是centuries ago

2023-01-09 20:32:541


century意思是世纪。双语例句1The world has undergone tremendous changes in the 21st century.全世界在21世纪都发生了巨大的变化。2The athlete scored a few centuries in a cricket match.这位运动员在板球比赛中得到了几个100分。3This ancient city has a history of almost a century.这座古城有差不多近一百年的历史。4This building must be centuries old.这座建筑一定有几个世纪的历史了5The customs of contemporary society are much different than those of a century ago.当代社会的风俗与一个世纪前已大不相同。开言地道表达 - Dinner with clients Part 16We went to the museum, and I saw a beautiful 18th century mosaic.我们去了博物馆,我看到了一幅美丽的18世纪时期的镶嵌画。
2023-01-09 20:33:111


century[英]["sentʃərɪ] [美][ˈsɛntʃəri] 生词本 简明释义 n.百年,一世纪;百个;(板球)一百分;<美>百元钞票 复数:centuries 易混淆的单词:CenturyCENTURY 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词 1.N-COUNT世纪A century is a period of a hundred years that is used when stating a date. For example, the 19th century was the period from 1801 to 1900. ...celebrated figures of the late eighteenth century. 18世纪晚期的名人 ...a 17th-century merchant"s house. 一幢17世纪商宅
2023-01-09 20:33:331

英语over centuries怎么翻译?

2023-01-09 20:33:382

century 要不要变复数

2023-01-09 20:33:463

traditions have changed ___ centuries. A during B in C over D for

during在...期间,在(哪些???)世纪期间,应该要用the centuriesin 一般不表示延续长短over意义与during相近,但是可以表示“(多年)以来”, “度过(一段时间)”,此处表示的就是“若干世纪以来”,有动态的意味for延续的时间长短,“发生了几个世纪”
2023-01-09 20:33:582


the twenty first century。21世纪,起始于2001年1月1日  ,结束于2100年12月31日。是我们目前所生活的年代。世纪,指计算年代的单位。一个世纪是一百年,通常是指连续的一百年。当用来计算日子时,世纪通常从可以被100整除的年代或此后一年开始,例如2000年。这种奇数的纪年法来自于耶稣纪元后。其中的0年通常表示“吾主之年”(year of our lord),因此第一世纪从公元0年到公元99年,而20世纪则从公元1900年到公元1999年,因此2000年是21世纪的第一年。
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Centuries专辑:American Beauty / American Psycho歌手:Fall Out BoyCenturies - Fall Out BoySome legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Mama, fight my teenage dreams妈妈 抗击着我的十几岁的梦想No it"s nothing wrong with me不 我没有什么不对The kids are all wrong the story"s aloof孩子们都错了 远离故事Heavy metal, rock my heart重金属 摇滚我的心Come on, come on and let me in来吧 来吧 让我走进I"m cruising on your thighs,我游弋在你的大腿间leave my fingerprints我要留下指纹And this is for tonight就是今晚I thought that you would feel我认为你会感觉得到I never meant for you to fix yourself我从来就不是让你自己来解决Some legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我And I can"t stop until the whole word我不能停止 直到整个世界knows my name知道我的名字Cause I was only born inside my dreams因为我是在我的梦想里出生Until you die for me,直到你为我死去as long as there is a light,只要有光my shadow is over you我的影子就会洒在你身上Cause I am the opposite of amnesia因为我会是失忆的另一面And you"re a cherry blossom你是樱花You"re about to bloom正要怒放You look so pretty,你看起来很漂亮but you"re gone so soon但你很快就会消逝Some legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我He"s been here forever他一直在这里 直到永远and he"s the chosen fruit他的选择已定I could scream forever我可以哭喊直到永远We all poisoned you我们都会毒死你Some legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我
2023-01-09 20:34:291


Centuries专辑:American Beauty / American Psycho歌手:Fall Out BoyCenturies - Fall Out BoySome legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Mama, fight my teenage dreams妈妈 抗击着我的十几岁的梦想No it"s nothing wrong with me不 我没有什么不对The kids are all wrong the story"s aloof孩子们都错了 远离故事Heavy metal, rock my heart重金属 摇滚我的心Come on, come on and let me in来吧 来吧 让我走进I"m cruising on your thighs,我游弋在你的大腿间leave my fingerprints我要留下指纹And this is for tonight就是今晚I thought that you would feel我认为你会感觉得到I never meant for you to fix yourself我从来就不是让你自己来解决Some legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我And I can"t stop until the whole word我不能停止 直到整个世界knows my name知道我的名字Cause I was only born inside my dreams因为我是在我的梦想里出生Until you die for me,直到你为我死去as long as there is a light,只要有光my shadow is over you我的影子就会洒在你身上Cause I am the opposite of amnesia因为我会是失忆的另一面And you"re a cherry blossom你是樱花You"re about to bloom正要怒放You look so pretty,你看起来很漂亮but you"re gone so soon但你很快就会消逝Some legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我He"s been here forever他一直在这里 直到永远and he"s the chosen fruit他的选择已定I could scream forever我可以哭喊直到永远We all poisoned you我们都会毒死你Some legends are told一些被诉说的传奇Some turn to dust or to gold有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽But you will remember me但你会记得我Remember me, for centuries铭记我 几个世纪Just one mistake只是一个错误Is all it will take是所有需要的We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿We"ll go down in history我们将载入史册Remember me for centuries几个世纪都铭记我
2023-01-09 20:34:351


Centuries歌手:Fall Out Boy专辑:《American Beauty / American Psycho》时间:2014年9月10日歌词:英文版:Du du du du-du du duDu du du du du-du du duSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesMummified my teenage dreamsNo, it"s nothing wrong with meThe kids are all wrong, the story"s all offHeavy metal broke my heartCome on, come on, and let me inBruises on your thighs like my fingerprintsAnd this is supposed to matchThe darkness that you feltI never meant for you to fix yourselfSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesAnd I can"t stop "til the whole world knows my name"Cause I was only born inside my dreamsUntil you die for me, as long as there"s a light, my shadow"s over youCause I am the opposite of amnesiaAnd you"re a cherry blossomYou"re about to bloomYou look so pretty, but you"re gone so soonSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesWe"ve been here foreverAnd here"s the frozen proofI could scream foreverWe are the poisoned youthSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesMummifiedmy teenage dreamsNo it"s nothing wrong with meThe kids are all wrong the story"s all offHeavy metal, broke my heartCome on, come on and let me inBruises on your thighs like my fingerprintsAnd this is supposed to matchThe darkness that you feltI never meant for you to fix yourselfSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesAnd I can"t stop until the whole wordknows my nameCause I was only born inside my dreamsUntil you die for me,as long as there is a light,my shadow is over youCause I am the opposite of amnesiaAnd you"re a cherry blossomYou"re about to bloomYou look so pretty,but you"re gone so soonSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyRemember me for centuriesWe"ve been here foreverAnd here"s the frozen proofI could scream foreverWe are the poisoned youthSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me, for centuriesJust one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuriesHey, hey, heyWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries中文版:一些传奇被诉说有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽但你会记得我几个世纪都铭记我只是一个错误是所有需要的我们将被载入史册几个世纪都铭记我嘿~嘿~嘿~几个世纪都铭记我把我儿时的梦想变得无力不 我没有什么不对孩子们都错了 远离故事重金属 破碎我的心来吧 来吧 让我走进你大腿上的伤痕如同我的指纹一般这应该能符合你感受到的黑暗我从来就不是让你自己来解决一些被诉说的传奇有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽但你会记得我铭记我 几个世纪只是一个错误是所有需要的我们将载入史册几个世纪都铭记我嘿~嘿~嘿~几个世纪都铭记我我不能停止 直到整个世界知道我的名字因为我是在我的梦想里出生直到你为我死去只要有光我的影子就会洒在你身上因为我会是失忆的另一面你是樱花正要怒放你看起来很漂亮但你很快就会消逝一些被诉说的传奇有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽但你会记得我铭记我 几个世纪只是一个错误是所有需要的我们将载入史册几个世纪都铭记我嘿~嘿~嘿~几个世纪都铭记我我们在这里很久了这是已经被冻结的证据我可以永远喊叫着我们是被毒害的青年们一些被诉说的传奇有些沦为灰烬 有些变为不朽但你会记得我铭记我 几个世纪只是一个错误是所有需要的我们将载入史册几个世纪都铭记我嘿~嘿~嘿~我们将载入史册几个世纪都铭记我
2023-01-09 20:34:413


2023-01-09 20:35:043


centuries应该用单数 century第……世纪如the twenty-first century第二十一世纪
2023-01-09 20:35:171


century: [ "sentʃuri, -tʃəri ] n. 世纪
2023-01-09 20:35:3111


前奏是:Suzanne Vega 的 Tom"s Diner
2023-01-09 20:36:311

求Fall out boy 新歌 Centuries(世纪)的中文版歌词、无关回复请别留

2023-01-09 20:36:372


2023-01-09 20:36:461

century 要不要变复数 如18世纪,是不是the eighteenth centuries

有时用的. 如果表示两个世纪.应该要变成复数:two centuries 而表示18世纪,则是:the eighteenth century
2023-01-09 20:36:521


这首英文歌是《Centuries》。歌词如下:Do-do-do-do do-do-do-doDo-do-do-do do-do-do-doSome legends are told 那些口口相传的历史Some turn to dust or to gold 它们备受推崇或沦为灰烬But you will remember me 但你将会将我铭记Remember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记And just one mistake 而只是一步差池Is all it will take 一切尽为枉然We"ll go down in history 我们将被载入史册Remember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记Hey-ya, hey, hey-yaRemember me for centuries世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记Mummified my teenage dreams将我年少轻狂的梦永远埋葬No, it"s nothing wrong with me不,这并不是我的罪过The kids are all wrong The story"s all off那些沉迷于梦的孩子才大错特错 那些虚拟的故事将被遗忘Heavy metal broke my heart现实的重金属终崔起我的信心Come on, come on and let me in马上去行动吧,让我加入你们吧Bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints你身上的淤痕就似我的指纹And this is supposed to match而它们本就相吻合The darkness that you felt那你能感受到的至魇黑夜I never meant for you to fix yourself我从来不会让你独自面对 legends are told那些口口相传的历史Some turn to dust or to gold它们备受推崇或沦为灰烬But you will remember me但你将会将我铭记Remember me for centuries世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记And just one mistake而只是一步差池Is all it will take一切尽为枉然We"ll go down in history 我们将被载入史册Remember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记Hey-ya, hey, hey-yaRemember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记And I can"t stop "til the whole world knows my name而在全世界都铭记我的名字前,那脚步永不会停息Cause I was only born inside my dreams 因为我是注定为我梦而生Until you die for me 直到你为我而亡As long as there"s a light 只要有一线光亮My shadow"s over you 你就会永远被笼罩于我的阴影之下Cause I-I am the opposite of amnesia 因为我就是消逝的对立And you"re a cherry blossom 你就是一朵樱桃花You"re about to bloom 你正含苞待放Is all it will take 一切尽为枉然We"ll go down in history 我们将被载入史册Remember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记Hey-ya, hey, hey-yaRemember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记We"ve been here forever 我们即是永恒的存在And here"s the frozen proof 而这就是被时间定格的铁证I could scream forever 我只能一直放声呐喊We are the poisoned youth 我们都有过无怨无悔的狂放青春 legends are told 那些口口相传的历史Some turn to dust or to gold 它们备受推崇或沦为灰烬But you will remember me 但你将会将我铭记Remember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记And just one mistake 而只是一步差池Is all it will take 一切尽为枉然We"ll go down in history 我们将被载入史册Remember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记Hey-ya, heyWe"ll go down in history hey-ya 我们将被载入史册Remember me for centuries 世纪更迭我也将被永恒铭记拓展资料:《Centuries》是Fall Out Boy乐队在2014年9月10日发行的单曲,收录于Fall Out Boy于2015年1月20日发行的第六张录音室专辑《American Beauty / American Psycho》。《Centuries》单曲发行首周空降英国摇滚榜冠军,晋升全美摇滚单曲榜亚军、全美另类单曲榜第4名、全美热门单曲榜第14名,全美销售破百万张,在YouTube与Spotify累积超过5000万串流播出次数。曾被Fall Out Boy多次在电视上表演,被ESPN选为体育报道官方主题曲。参考资料:Centuries _百度百科
2023-01-09 20:36:571


century!英 ["sentʃərɪ] 美 [ˈsɛntʃəri] n. 百年,一世纪;百个;(板球)一百分;<美>百元钞票 名词 n.1.100年, 一世纪 The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West.古罗马帝国灭亡于五世纪。The building is some centuries old.这座建筑已建有几个世纪了。2.100分 He scored the most fantastic century I have ever witnessed.他所获得的100分是我所见过最好的。
2023-01-09 20:37:032

century 读什么

century 英 ["sentʃəri]x09 美 ["sentʃəri]x09 n.百年;世纪 adj.百年的用作名词 (n.) Many centuries have passed since that time. 从那时起,几百年过去了. He flourished in the early 18th century. 他在18世纪早期享有盛名.
2023-01-09 20:37:141

since centuries什么意思,求解

你好since centuries多少个世纪以来双语对照例句:1.Since centuries riga has been the central and strategically most significant part of the eastcoast baltic sea countries. 多少个世纪以来,里加一直是波罗的海东海岸国家的中心及战略上最为重要的部分。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮
2023-01-09 20:37:241

为什么Tom"s Diner的前奏和Centuries那么像

应该是Fall out boy的《Centuries》采样了《Tom"s Diner》的歌词及前奏片段。歌名:Tom"s Diner歌手:Suzanne Vega发行年份:1987年歌名:Centuries 歌手:Fall Out Boy发行年份:2014年
2023-01-09 20:37:291