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2023-08-25 04:32:36
TAG: 英语 翻译


I‘ve got ill today. have weak limbs ,and headache. Can not eat anything but only stay in bed.

你的错误 have got 不是have gotten. eat up 表示吃光。而不是吃不下




"Today I was sick, and unable to feel the limbs, head and 13 prisoners injured, and unable to eat things that only lie on the bed"或者"I have gotten sick today, felt the four limbs are incapable, hurts very much, cannot eat up the thing, only can lie down on the bed"


I am ill today, and I can feel my weak four limbs and painful head. I can not eat anything but in bed.


四肢(总称) 英语怎么说?

arms and legsthe four limbs
2023-08-19 08:54:592


肢,分支the east limb of the sun太阳之东边缘末端,极端in an extremity of pain 在极端痛苦中
2023-08-19 08:55:071


create table student(id int(32) primary key auto_increment,--主键,自增长name varchar(64) not null,--非空age int(4) default 18,--默认值18);此为示例
2023-08-19 08:55:183

谁知道上肢和下肢用英文分别怎么说?上肢是upper limbs还是upper limb?下肢是lower limbs还是lower limb

其实有没有S的区别就是单数和复数,具体看你怎么用了,如果就指一只上/下肢,就用upper/lower limb,如果指的是超过一只的上/下肢,就用upper/lower limbs
2023-08-19 08:55:431


2023-08-19 08:56:251


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 尼克·武伊契奇(英语:Nick Vujicic,1982年12月4日生于澳大利亚墨尔本,星座:射手座),塞尔维亚裔澳大利亚籍基督教布道家,“没有四肢的生命”(Life Without Limbs)组织创办人。他天生没有四肢,但勇于面对身体残障,创造了生命的奇迹。官方网站: http://www.a****************.com/
2023-08-19 08:56:482


Found throughout..., 过去分词作状语, sloths 是主语 hang from trees by long rubbery limbs and sleep 15 hours a day 是谓语部分moving..状语
2023-08-19 08:57:013


washing washes washed cleaning cleans cleaned vitising visits visited playing plays played limbing limbs limbed watching watches watched 现在分词一般都按他的规律来走,很少有特殊的、 a)在一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加词尾 –ing. 名词变复数 .一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”,如map→maps,bag→bags等; 2.以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词加“es”,如bus→buses,watch→watches等; 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i加es,如baby→babies等;以元音字母+ y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,如monkey→monkeys,holiday→holidays,storey→storeys(楼层); 4.以o 结尾的名词变复数时: a)加s的名词有:photo→photos ,piano→pianos,radio→radios,zoo→zoos b)加es的名词有: potato→potatoes tomato→tomatoes 5.以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时: a)加s的名词有: belief→beliefs roof→roofs safe→safes gulf→gulfs b)去掉f,fe 加ves的名词有: half→halves knife→knives leaf→leaves wolf→wolves wife→wives life→lives thief→thieves eg.go – going; do – doing; ask – asking; read --- reading 特别要注意:这和第三人称一般现在时的词尾变化不同,动词词尾如为“辅音字母 + y” 时不变,在其后直接加 –ing. – studying; carry – carrying; fly – flying; worry – worrying; b) 在以不发音的e 结尾的动词后,去掉e,再加- ing. ege – ing live – living dance – dancing make – making c)在闭音节的单音节动词后、以重读闭音节结尾的多音节动词,而末尾只有一个辅音字母时,将这个辅音字母双写(x除外),然后再加 –ing. sit – sitting; run – running; begin – beginning; forget – forgetting d)在少数几个以 –ie 结尾的动词后:须将–ie 变作y,再加- ing.(这些动词词典一般均注明) eg.die – dying; tie – tying lie – lying,9,washing washes washed cleaning cleans cleaned visiting visits visited playing plays played limbing limbs limbed watching watches watched,1,ing形式 单三形式 过去式 washing washes washed cleaning cleans cleaned visiting visits visited playing plays played limbing limbs limbed watching watches watched,1,写出下列动词的ing形式,第三人称单数形式及过去式 wash clean visit play limb watch 快快,今天。不现在就给答案
2023-08-19 08:57:091

髎臑髃 这3字怎么读

髎臑髃 这3字这样读如下:(普通话拼音读法)髎(liáo)臑(nào)髃(yú)拼音,是拼读音节的过程,就是按照普通话音节的构成规律把声母、介母、韵母急速连续拼合并加上声调而成为一个音节。
2023-08-19 08:57:302


目录 1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 概述 4 肾、胃、脾、肝、肺有病,病气上逆乘心所致的心痛·厥心痛 4.1 病因病机 4.2 分类 4.2.1 肾心痛 肾心痛的病因病机 肾心痛的症状 肾心痛的治疗 4.2.2 胃心痛 胃心痛的病因病机 胃心痛的症状 胃心痛的治疗 4.2.3 脾心痛 脾心痛的病因病机 脾心痛的症状 脾心痛的治疗 4.2.4 肝心痛 肝心痛的病因病机 肝心痛的症状 肝心痛的治疗 4.2.5 肺心痛 肺心痛的病因病机 肺心痛的症状 5 阳虚而阴气上逆所致的心痛·厥心痛 5.1 病因病机 5.2 症状及治疗 6 邪犯心包或他脏病邪犯心支脉导致的心痛发厥·厥心痛 6.1 症状及治疗 7 中寒发厥而心痛·厥心痛 7.1 病因病机及症状 8 参考资料 附: 1 治疗厥心痛的穴位 2 治疗厥心痛的方剂 3 治疗厥心痛的中成药 4 厥心痛相关药物 5 古籍中的厥心痛 1 拼音 jué xīn tòng 2 英文参考 precordial pain with cold limbs [中医药学名词审定委员会.中医药学名词(2004)] true heart pain with cold limbs [中医药学名词审定委员会.中医药学名词(2010)] 3 概述 厥心痛(precordial pain with cold limbs[1]、true heart pain with cold limbs[2])为病证名[3]。 《中医药学名词》(2004):厥心痛是指一种较真心痛为轻的心系疾病,以心痛发作时伴四肢厥冷为主要临床特征[1]。 《中医药学名词》(2010):厥心痛是指以心痛发作时伴四肢厥冷为主要表现的轻症真心痛[2]。 按照不同的病因分类,厥心痛可分为:1.肾、胃、脾、肝、心有病,病气上逆乘心所致的心痛;2.阳虚而阴气上逆所致的心痛;3.阳虚而阴气上逆所致的心痛;4.邪犯心包或他脏病邪犯心支脉导致的心痛发厥;5.中寒发厥而心痛。 4 肾、胃、脾、肝、肺有病,病气上逆乘心所致的心痛·厥心痛 厥心痛为病证名[3]。即肾、胃、脾、肝、肺有病,病气上逆乘心所致的心痛[3]。包括肾心痛、胃心痛、脾心痛、肝心痛、肺心痛5种[3]。 4.1 病因病机 《难经·第六十难》:“其五脏气相干,名厥心痛。” 杨玄操注:“诸经络皆属于心,若一经有病,其脉逆行,逆则乘心,乘心则心痛,故曰厥心痛。是五脏气冲逆致痛,非心家自痛也。” 4.2 分类 4.2.1 肾心痛 肾心痛(true heart pain with cold limbs caused by kidney disease[2])为病证名[4]。是指因肾病而邪及于心所致的厥心痛[2]。厥心痛之一[4]。 肾心痛的病因病机 因肾病而邪上乘心所致[4]。 《张氏医通·诸痛门》:“肾心痛者,多由阴火上冲之故。” 肾心痛的症状 《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》:“厥心痛,与背相控,善瘛,如从后触其心,伛偻者,肾心痛也。” 《医宗金鉴·杂病心法要诀》:“歧骨陷处痛,若心痛……连腰,名肾心痛。” 肾心痛的治疗 可用神保丸、神圣复气汤等方[4]。 4.2.2 胃心痛 胃心痛(true heart pain with cold limbs caused by stomach disease[2])为病证名[5]。是指因胃病而邪及于心所致的厥心痛[2]。厥心痛之一[5]。 胃心痛的病因病机 因胃病而邪上乘心所致[5]。 《张氏医通·诸痛门》:“胃心痛者,多由停滞。……滞则通之。” 胃心痛的症状 《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》:“厥心痛,腹胀胸满,心尤痛甚,胃心痛也。” 《三因极一病证方论》卷九:“胃心痛者,腹胀满,不下食,食则不消。” 胃心痛的治疗 《杂病源流犀烛·心病源流》:“腹胀胸满,胃脘当心痛,上支两胁,咽膈不通,胃心痛也。宜草豆蔻丸、清热解郁汤。” 4.2.3 脾心痛 脾心痛(true heart pain with cold limbs caused by spleen disease[2])为病证名[6]。是指因脾病而邪及于心所致的厥心痛[2]。厥心痛之一[6]。 脾心痛的病因病机 因脾病而邪上乘心所致[6]。 《张氏医通·诸痛门》:“脾心痛者,多由寒逆中焦。……寒多虚,则或温或补之。” 脾心痛的症状 《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》:“厥心痛,痛如以锥针刺其心,心痛甚者,脾心痛也。” 《三因极一病证方论》卷九:“脾心痛者,如针锥刺其心腹,蕴蕴然气满。” 脾心痛的治疗 《杂病源流犀烛》治脾心痛用诃子散、复元通气散等方[6]。或一服饮加高良姜、香附等。 4.2.4 肝心痛 肝心痛(true heart pain with cold limbs caused by liver disease[2])为病证名[7]。是指因肝病而邪及于心所致的厥心痛[2]。厥心痛之一[7]。 肝心痛的病因病机 因肝病而邪上乘心所致[7]。 《张氏医通·诸痛门》:“肝心痛者,多由木火之郁,病在血分,……在血则行之,郁则开之。” 肝心痛的症状 《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》:“厥心痛,色苍苍如死状,终日不得太息,肝心痛也。” 《医宗金鉴·杂病心法要诀》:“歧骨陷处痛,名心痛。……连胁,名肝心痛。” 肝心痛的治疗 治宜疏肝活血。可用金铃子散等方[7]。 4.2.5 肺心痛 肺心痛(true heart pain with cold limbs caused by lung disease[2])为病证名[8]。是指因肺病而邪及于心所致的厥心痛[2]。厥心痛之一[8]。 肺心痛的病因病机 因肺病而邪乘心所致[8]。 肺心痛的症状 《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》:“厥心痛,卧若徒居,心痛间,动作痛益甚,色不变,肺心痛也。” 《医宗金鉴》卷四十三:“歧骨陷处痛,名心痛。横满连胸,名肺心痛。” 《张氏医通·诸痛门》:“肺心痛者,多由上焦不清,病在气分,若知其在气则顺之。” 5 阳虚而阴气上逆所致的心痛·厥心痛 厥心痛为病证名[3]。出自《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》。指阳虚而阴气上逆所致的心痛[3]。 5.1 病因病机 《圣济总录》卷第五十五:“少阴,心主经也。心为阳中之阳,诸阳之所会合,若诸阳气虚,少阴之经气逆,则阳虚而阴厥,致令心痛,是为厥心痛。” 5.2 症状及治疗 心腹连季胁痛胀满,冷气上攻,面色青黑,甚则呕逆气闷绝,眼目直视等,用高良姜散、当归散、吴茱萸丸、麝香汤等方[3]。 6 邪犯心包或他脏病邪犯心支脉导致的心痛发厥·厥心痛 厥心痛为病证名[3]。出自《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》。指邪犯心包或他脏病邪犯心支脉导致的心痛发厥[3]。 6.1 症状及治疗 《医学入门》卷五:“厥心痛,因内外邪犯心包络,或他脏邪犯心之支脉。谓之厥者,诸痛皆少阴、厥阴气逆上冲,又痛极则发厥也。新者身既受寒,日又伤冷,郁遏元阳,宜草豆蔻丸、鸡舌香散温散之,或神保丸温利之。稍久寒郁为热,或因七情者始终是火,此古方多以苦寒泻火为主,辛热行气为向导也。” 7 中寒发厥而心痛·厥心痛 厥心痛为病证名[3]。出自《黄帝内经灵枢·厥病》。指中寒发厥而心痛[3]。 7.1 病因病机及症状 《医门法律》卷二:“厥心痛,乃中寒发厥而心痛,寒逆心包,去真心痛一间耳。手足逆而通身冷汗出,便溺清利不渴,气微力弱。” 8
2023-08-19 08:57:551


gunsgunsguns 获得所有武器ifiwerearchman 获得额外金钱gesundheit 生命值全满morepoliceplease 较高的通缉模式nopoliceplease 较低的通缉模式giveusatank 获得坦克bangbangbang 摧毁所有车辆ilikedressingup 改变装束itsallgoingmaaad 疯狂的行人nobodylikesme 所有的行人都攻击你weaponsforall 行人互殴timeflieswhenyou 时间加速madweather 游戏时钟非常快boooooring 更快的游戏进程turtoise 获得100%盔甲skincancerforme 天气晴朗ilikescotland 多云ilovescotland 下雨peasoup 有雾anicesetofwheels 隐形车辆chittycittybb 飞行车辆cornerslikemad 改良的汽车操控nastylimbscheat 血腥模式
2023-08-19 08:58:201

山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知 用英文怎说

I don"t know
2023-08-19 08:58:366


I feel whole body cold hands, and pins and needles
2023-08-19 08:59:174


单词limbs的意思是:肢;臂;腿;翼;翅膀;有?肢(或翼、翅膀)的;(树的)大枝,主枝,作为名词使用。简明释义与例句:1、【名词】肢,臂,腿Your limbs are your arms and legs.She would be able to stretch out her cramped limbs and rest for a few hours.她将能伸展一下蜷缩的四肢,休息几个小时。2、【名词】树枝The limbs of a tree are its branches.This entire rickety structure was hanging from the limb of an enormous leafy tree.这整个快要散架的搭建物吊挂在一棵枝繁叶茂的大树的枝权上。双语例句:1、The belly is the largest of the three parts of the body,but it has no limbs attached to it.在蜜蜂的整个身体中,腹部体积最大,不过却没有任何附肢与之相连。2、So how many limbs do men have?那男人有多少肢?3、For a while,she lost the use of her limbs.好一会儿她四肢都动弹不得。4、 Are you prepared to go out on a limb and make your suspicions public?你愿意冒险把你的疑团公开吗?5、 It is often possible to see the vestigial remains of rear limbs on some snakes.在某些蛇身上常可看到退化后肢的痕迹。
2023-08-19 08:59:361


2023-08-19 09:00:022

四肢(总称) 英语怎么说

四肢 limbs [解剖] membra [解剖]
2023-08-19 09:00:104


2023-08-19 09:00:203


2023-08-19 09:00:314


2023-08-19 09:01:421


狂热者ZEALOT"It must be done" 这是必要的"None can withstand the Templar" 没有人能抵挡圣堂武士"Our fury is bondless" 我们的怒火无边无际"My meditation is over" 我的冥想结束了"We stand as one" 我们行如一体"Command me" 指挥我"Honor guide me" 荣誉指引我"Our enemies must be eradicated" 我们的敌人必须被消灭"Khas de Templari" (Protoss语)"My life for Aiur" 我的生命为了Aiur"En taro Tassader" Protoss语:以Tassader的名义!"I am Templar, I am the sword of Truth" 我是圣堂武士,我是真理之剑!"Justice be done" 实施正义"We are the blades of Aiur" 我们是Aiur之剑"Victory is the only truth that matters" 胜利是唯一有意义的真理!"None shall stand" 没人可以阻挡"Our enemies have fallen" 我们的敌人倒下了"By your will" 如你所愿"For Artanis" 为了Artanis"We strike as one" 我们进攻如一体"Blades of Justice" 正义之刃"Combat is the ?? of will" 战斗是意志的??(这里听不清楚)"We cannot hold" 我们支撑不住了不朽者IMMORTAL"The enemy has broken" 敌人崩溃了"Woe to our enemies" 将悲伤带给敌人"I have known only an eternity of war" 我只知道无尽的战争"The battle is ours" 这场战斗属于我们"We shall obey" 我们会服从"Our duty is unending" 我们的职责没有止尽"These steel limbs are not my own" 这些机械四肢并非我所有"I return to serve" 我归来,为了继续奉献"My memory is not what it was" 我的记忆今非昔比"We march to victory" 我们向胜利进军"For the Ancients" 为了古老的一切"Let darkness be parted" 让黑暗散开!"I am the wrath of the Khala" 我是Khala的愤怒"En taro Adun" (Protoss语)以Adun的名义!"Our cannons shall sing" 我们的炮火将歌唱"The cycle is, unchanging" 循环,永不更改"The enemy closes" 敌人接近了"We shall serve forever" 我们将永远服务"I heed the call" 蒙召而来"There shall be a reckoning" 会有清算的"Glory is eternal" 荣誉是永恒的凤凰战机PHOENIX"For Honor" 为了荣耀!"Understood" 明白"On the wings of Justice" 承着正义之翼"Teleport successful" 传送成功"The skies await" 天空等待着"Warp field online" 扭曲立场,开放"Where do our enemies lurk?" 我们的敌人潜伏在何处?"Time for battle" 是战斗的时候了"Our fury shall be unleashed" 我们的怒火将得到释放"Warp field, overloading!" 扭曲立场,超载!"We shall rise from the ashes" 我们将从灰烬中复生"None shall escape!" 没有人能逃脱!"I soar to victory" 我冲向胜利!"Valor shall rise again" 勇气将重建"Weapons primed""Duty is my shield" 责任是我的盾牌"I long for skies of Aiur" 我企盼着Aiur的天空!STALKER"By the Void" 以虚空的名义"We are intrigued" 我们感兴趣"Fear is an illusion" 恐惧只是一种幻觉"I will comply" 我会服从"We go unseen" 我们来去无踪"You seek our service?" 你需要我们的服务?"From the shadows I come" 我从阴影中来"I bask in twilight" 我们沐浴在黄昏之中"Clever..." 聪明。。"The Darkness writhes..." 黑暗蠕动着"What would you ask of us?" 你需要我们做什么?"Twilight falls upon us all" 黄昏降临在每一个人头上"I strike from the shadows" 我从阴影中出击"We shall obliterate them" 我们会歼灭他们"We are the darkness" 我们就是黑暗"Thus I fade" 就这样,我销声匿迹"By the shadows of Shakuras" 以Shakuras之影的名义"My heart is colder than these steel limbs" 我的心比这钢铁四肢更加冰冷"*snake hiss" (蛇吐信的声音)"The Void claims its own" 归于虚空"I am but a phantom" 我只是一个幽灵"Darkness comes" 黑暗降临"We cannot be stopped" 我们不可阻挡虚空辉光舰VOID RAY"Prismatic core online" 棱镜核开始运转"We are at full power" 最大火力"Khas Alushir"d" (Protoss语)"Calibrating warp lenses 调校扭曲棱镜中"Phase-crystals charged" 位面水晶冲能完毕"This vessel shall avenge" 这艘战舰将复仇"Channel the light of Aiur" 点亮Aiur的光芒!"It shall be done" 会完成的"?? commencing" ??开始"For Aiur!""Our wills are aligned through the Holy Khala" 我们的意志通过神圣的Khala结合在一起"Infinity burns around us" 无限在我们四周燃烧"Lock beams and incinerate!" 光束集中,焚烧!"Fire at will commander" 任意开火,指挥官"Conflict must not be seen through the lenses of desperation" 不能通过焦虑的镜片去审视斗争"The enemy has been purged" 敌人被净化了"Prismatic beams aligning" 棱镜光束聚焦"All paths are seen through the prism of fate" 命运的棱镜折射出所有的道路母舰MothershipAs all are one. 一切归一。Justice has come! 正义降临。Downloading orders. 下载指令。Directive confirmed. 指令确定。We await. 我们待命。Direct us. 给我们指示。We proceed. 我们继续。By light of Aiur. 以Aiur之光的名义。As the Khala wills. 以Khala是瞻。We are the voice of Aiur. 我们是Aiur之声。Our systems pulse with the truth. 我们系统传递真实。Our light show the pathway through the stars. 我们的光线显示星际通路。Target confirmed. 目标确定。Weapon systems engaged. 武器系统使用中。The glow of the infinite is within us. 我们中蕴藏无限的辉光农民巨象运输机OB没台词
2023-08-19 09:02:081


DESCRIPTION: Average weight 720-730 gm (1.6 lb); HBL 26-28 cm (10-11 in); TL 22 cm (8 in). Slender build with long thin legs, 4 toes with long claws; thin, pointed tail; pointed face with small crescent-shaped ears. Long, soft coat grizzled gray or tan with buff to yellowish underparts. Head is almost white. Black eye patches, ears, feet, and tail tip and dark transverse banding on back. Anal scent glands are present. Females have six mammae.DIET: Insectivorous diggers, concentrating on beetle larvae, pupae and larvae of moths, butterflies, and flies, and termites, crickets, spiders, scorpions, and other invertebrates that are buried or hidden. Occasionally they eat lizards, small snakes, birds, eggs, and mice. In waterless areas they may obtain water by chewing tsama melons and digging up roots and tubers. INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: A meerkat is not a cat, but is a suricate, a member of the mongoose family. (The name meerkat is the general Afrikaans term for mongoose.). Although they sometimes sit up like prairie dogs they are no relation. When stiffly sitting or standing in the exhibit, they are not begging, but are scanning for danger. Vocal communication consists of: murmuring (any activity); growling and spitting (offensive threat); clucking (scolding); peeping (guard"s assurance that he"s on duty); a clear drawn-out call (avian predators); waauk-waauk, a gruff warning call (ground predators); alarm bark (defiance); and a soft wurruck-wurruck (contentment).
2023-08-19 09:02:194


2023-08-19 09:02:304


2023-08-19 09:02:371


看起来像是cut off their limbs, 翻译过来就是把他们的手脚看下来
2023-08-19 09:02:461


2023-08-19 09:02:561


Completely exhausted,Sarah whose limbs were stiff with cold and whose mind was a piece of blank sank in the nearest chair.
2023-08-19 09:04:111


Chief complaint: neck pain associated with double arm numbness 2 months before. Hpi: in patients with known as the history of neck pain, no obvious incentive before February on neck pain with double upper limb numbness, statistically insignificant, symptoms not seen after resting, since take huoxue pain on neck pain relief, double arm numbness improvement is not obvious, relapse after the drug was stopped, in the armed police hospital, line of cervical spine MRI tip: C6-7 disc slightly prominent, the treatment for system, hence today at our hospital treatment, outpatient service to cervical spondylosis admitted undergraduate course. Engraving: neck pain with double upper limb numbness, mild cervical activity suffers be restricted, double drooping upper limb numbness symptoms worsen, the symptom is reduced when flat, significantly worse after long bow and fatigue, alleviate after resting, double upper limb muscle strength without exception, occasional headache, dizziness, did not see syncope, no night is aggravating, double lower limbs are not obvious on the cotton samples, to sleep, Ann, mainland, red tongue, whitish, pulse count. Past medical history: deny TB infection such as history and history of close contact. Denied drugs, food allergies. History of vaccination is unknown. A history of hepatitis 2 years. Personal history: in origin, no outside living history for a long time, there is no history of epidemic area living. Everyday life rule, no smoking, no toxic exposure history. Baby s: age to marry, spouse and children are healthy. Physical examination T: 36.5 ℃ P: 74 times/min R: 20 times/min BP: 110/80 MMHG developed normally, nutrient medium, automatic position, physical examination, conscious, answer to the point. Whole body skin, the mucous membrane yellow dye, rash and haemorrhage, no liver palm, ZhiZhuZhi, superficial lymph node untouched enlargement. Head shape is normal, the eye has no outer convex, retraction. No loose, fall off his eyebrows. Double eyelid ptosis, edema, did not see conjunctival edema, palpebral conjunctiva congestion, sclera, no yellow dye, on both sides of the pupil big circle, such as 3 mm in diameter, light reflex sensitivity. Binaural hearing, external auditory canal unobstructed, no abnormal secretions, mastoid without tenderness. Nasal appearance is normal, no abnormal secretions, paranasal sinus without tenderness. Oral no purple purple, weeks without herpes, oral mucosa ulcer, gum swelling, no tongue in the middle and no obvious hyperaemia, pharyngeal tonsils. Neck without resistance, jugular vein engorgement, liver - jugular vein reflux sign negative, trachea centered, not touch enlargement of the thyroid gland. Thoracic symmetry, no deformity, breathing mobility on the right side is normal, the right language fibrillation is normal, no pleural friction feeling. Double lung knocking sounds, double lung breath sounds clear, no dry wet sex then sound, smell and pleural rub. Beats the area before the heart without uplift, without exception, apex beat point did not see, touch without a tremor, heart world is not big, heart rate 74 / cent, law of qi, the heart sounds low dull, each valve auscultation area not smell and pathologic murmur, no smell and fibrin often. Specialized examination: cervical curvature straighten, stiff neck muscles, mild cervical activity suffers be restricted, neck tenderness (+) between 4-6 neck spine, neck 3-6 by the spine on both sides of the neck tenderness (+), taps pain (-), bilateral intervertebral foramen (-) extrusion experiment, knocking test (-), brachial plexus pull test (+) on the left and right side (+), spin neck test (plus or minus), double upper limb muscle strength, normal biceps, humerus normal tendon reflex, bilateral hoffmann sign (-)(仅供参考)
2023-08-19 09:04:203

wound limbs、unwound limbs分别是啥意识?提示:与铁芯有关

wound 是wind 缠绕和的过去分词。估计表示铁芯是否缠绕的意思。你可以结合上下文来确定。
2023-08-19 09:04:281


Smoking KILLS Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking. One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age. Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers. The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels. This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated. Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year. Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs. Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs. Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain put on your body by smoking often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure. Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. Heart disease and strokes are also more common among smokers than non-smokers. Smoking causes fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels which leads to heart attack. Smoking causes around one in five deaths from heart disease. In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to smoking Please quip smoking for the sake of your health!
2023-08-19 09:04:392

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet是什么意思

Lorem ipsum,中文又称“乱数假文”, 是指一篇常用于排版设计领域的拉丁文文章 ,主要的目的为测试文章或文字在不同字型、版型下看起来的效果。Lorem ipsum从西元15世纪开始就被广泛地使用在西方的印刷、设计领域中,在电脑排版盛行之后,这段被传统印刷产业使用几百年的无意义文字又再度流行。由于这段文字以“Lorem ipsum”起头,并且常被用于标题的测试中,所以一般称为Lorem ipsum,简称为Lipsum。 “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer”出现在各种排版中.它看上去像一句睿智的拉丁习语,但实际上毫无意义.
2023-08-19 09:05:433


Chief complaint: neck pain associated with double arm numbness 2 months before. Hpi: in patients with known as the history of neck pain, no obvious incentive before February on neck pain with double upper limb numbness, statistically insignificant, symptoms not seen after resting, since take huoxue pain on neck pain relief, double arm numbness improvement is not obvious, relapse after the drug was stopped, in the armed police hospital, line of cervical spine MRI tip: C6-7 disc slightly prominent, the treatment for system, hence today at our hospital treatment, outpatient service to cervical spondylosis admitted undergraduate course. Engraving: neck pain with double upper limb numbness, mild cervical activity suffers be restricted, double drooping upper limb numbness symptoms worsen, the symptom is reduced when flat, significantly worse after long bow and fatigue, alleviate after resting, double upper limb muscle strength without exception, occasional headache, dizziness, did not see syncope, no night is aggravating, double lower limbs are not obvious on the cotton samples, to sleep, Ann, mainland, red tongue, whitish, pulse count. Past medical history: deny TB infection such as history and history of close contact. Denied drugs, food allergies. History of vaccination is unknown. A history of hepatitis 2 years. Personal history: in origin, no outside living history for a long time, there is no history of epidemic area living. Everyday life rule, no smoking, no toxic exposure history. Baby s: age to marry, spouse and children are healthy. Physical examination T: 36.5 ℃ P: 74 times/min R: 20 times/min BP: 110/80 MMHG developed normally, nutrient medium, automatic position, physical examination, conscious, answer to the point. Whole body skin, the mucous membrane yellow dye, rash and haemorrhage, no liver palm, ZhiZhuZhi, superficial lymph node untouched enlargement. Head shape is normal, the eye has no outer convex, retraction. No loose, fall off his eyebrows. Double eyelid ptosis, edema, did not see conjunctival edema, palpebral conjunctiva congestion, sclera, no yellow dye, on both sides of the pupil big circle, such as 3 mm in diameter, light reflex sensitivity. Binaural hearing, external auditory canal unobstructed, no abnormal secretions, mastoid without tenderness. Nasal appearance is normal, no abnormal secretions, paranasal sinus without tenderness. Oral no purple purple, weeks without herpes, oral mucosa ulcer, gum swelling, no tongue in the middle and no obvious hyperaemia, pharyngeal tonsils. Neck without resistance, jugular vein engorgement, liver - jugular vein reflux sign negative, trachea centered, not touch enlargement of the thyroid gland. Thoracic symmetry, no deformity, breathing mobility on the right side is normal, the right language fibrillation is normal, no pleural friction feeling. Double lung knocking sounds, double lung breath sounds clear, no dry wet sex then sound, smell and pleural rub. Beats the area before the heart without uplift, without exception, apex beat point did not see, touch without a tremor, heart world is not big, heart rate 74 / cent, law of qi, the heart sounds low dull, each valve auscultation area not smell and pathologic murmur, no smell and fibrin often. Specialized examination: cervical curvature straighten, stiff neck muscles, mild cervical activity suffers be restricted, neck tenderness (+) between 4-6 neck spine, neck 3-6 by the spine on both sides of the neck tenderness (+), taps pain (-), bilateral intervertebral foramen (-) extrusion experiment, knocking test (-), brachial plexus pull test (+) on the left and right side (+), spin neck test (plus or minus), double upper limb muscle strength, normal biceps, humerus normal tendon reflex, bilateral hoffmann sign (-)(仅供参考)
2023-08-19 09:06:153


1 东西肯定是这里发生的,这是梅西耶比食物的斗争和更为重要,比wherther番茄是一种水果或蔬菜。我的孩子们doning什么哥白尼没有当他把太阳中心的宇宙,调整centu - RIES的岁范式一个地球为中心的系统,他们正在做什么流便马特斯没有当他改名,他布朗克斯冰淇淋haagen - dazs ,并提出价格没有改变的产品。他们正在做什么,何承天詹纳没有当他发现疫苗接种天花放弃他的追求治愈。 而不是谁学习的人都生病与天花,他开始研究人谁暴露,但从来没有生病。他发现他们想要的所有签约类似,但较温和的病,牛痘,注射疫苗对他们致命的天花。 2 我走了的阳光,开了一家蹂躏的屏蔽门,并搬进shadows.where一87磅的数字是curles了一名坐轮椅。 后来她的四肢twisted.her头部rolled.we不能错误。我们甚至无法动摇hands.she只能盯着我微笑。 但微笑!它通过削减阴霾的受虐木地板,蹂躏的沙发上和cobwebbed窗口。 我可以击败看什么都没有,所以我盯着这微笑,它是那么清楚,因此,可以确定的,它甚至削减透过我的大部分doubts.but ,但我不知道。这是莎拉莫里斯?
2023-08-19 09:06:262


2023-08-19 09:06:525


washing washes washedcleaning cleans cleanedvisiting visits visitedplaying plays playedlimbing limbs limbedwatching watches watched
2023-08-19 09:07:433


2023-08-19 08:57:231

求玛利亚的Obsessed和阿姆的The Warning中文歌词。

Obsessed- Mariah Carey玛利亚.凯莉So Oh Oh So Ohhh 所以啊! Will the real MC please step to the mic --天后MC,请你到麦克风前面来,MC- You need an MC, place to be --MC,给你舞台,给你麦克风, MC the MC --MC,你就是麦霸! All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 When I don"t even know who you are 可我那时都不知道你是谁 Say we up in your house 你说我经常去你家,Sayin" I"m up in your car 上你车 But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 and no on here even mentions your name 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 It must be the weed, it must be the E 一个名字以E开头的孬种 cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard 你有你的工作,你也努力过 Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve 养不活你?会饿死你? Graspin" for air I"m ? 干嘛非要扯出我? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 Tellin" the world how much you miss me 你说你曾经吻遍我 But we never were so why you trippin" 但我们都知道你再说谎 You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 I"m the press conference, you a conversation 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷
2023-08-19 08:57:251


2023-08-19 08:57:282

point noir是什么红酒

pinot noir是一种葡萄品种,noir是黑的意思,pinot音译过来是品诺或者皮诺,这个葡萄品种的中文名字叫做黑品诺或者黑皮诺。是原产于法国勃艮第地区的品种。特别娇贵,皮特别薄,一般都做成很清爽的酒,勃艮第地区的好酒有的也会做成很强壮的,但是不多见。陈年能力很强,被誉为香气皇后。
2023-08-19 08:57:281


2023-08-19 08:57:291

200分求 noir(黑街二人组) DVDRIP MKV 10-26集

哦 不错 看来PHANTOM吸引不少人
2023-08-19 08:57:352

obsessed with you啥意思

obsessed with you迷恋你例句:1.Because I"m obsessed with you. 因为你让我这么着迷。2.First of all, I am obsessed with you. 首先,我很迷恋你。
2023-08-19 08:57:364


也是作品展现的丰富多彩的人物之一,wolf是一个睿智、冷静、有风度的人!也给Jules Winnfield 了启示,使Jules Winnfield 冷静思考决定洗手走出黑帮!R
2023-08-19 08:57:362


2023-08-19 08:57:182


conscientiously认真双语对照词典结果:conscientiously[英][ku0252nu0283u026a"enu0283u0259slu026a][美][kɑnu0283u026au02c8u025bnu0283u0259slu026a]adv.凭良心地; 认真地,负责尽职地; 老老实实; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The foreign ministry praised apple for "conscientiously" responding toconsumers "demands, according to reuters. " 路透社(Reuters)报道称,中国外交部(The Foreign Ministry)对苹果“认真”回应消费者的需求表示赞扬。
2023-08-19 08:57:172

face obsessed怎么翻译

2023-08-19 08:57:174

现在VEGA FE和VEGA 64性能上有多大差距

FE风冷版略强64风冷版,金色水冷版略强水冷版64 (风冷FE 1600频率,64风冷普通 1546。显存频率都是945Mhz)FE本身也是64同核心,支持专业驱动和游戏驱动两个驱动。FE比64最大优势是显存16G和专业驱动,玩游戏在高分辨率上优势较大,1080P和2K优势不大(高分辨因为64 8G显存爆了,比如4K)
2023-08-19 08:57:161

Judicial Noir 歌词

歌曲名:Judicial Noir歌手:Versailles专辑:フィリア「Judicial Noir」作词∶KAMIJO作曲∶HIZAKI歌∶Versailles冒涜が崇拝? それとも欺くだけなのか?唱えた仮说さえも伪造忘却を与えよう あらゆる空虚と无実の美学さぁ零から生まれてみせろ!魂が迷い込むまだ物质のない白い宇宙例えば神と呼ばれる者が人だとするならば终わりなき时代は熟された大地が动くのか? それとも天が廻るのか?あらゆる可能性を求め神々の真似事でAh… 人が人を裁きにかける黒い太阳がこの时代(とき)に天罚を!回れ回れ歯车を合わせて天と地の力を入れ替えろ!燃える太阳がこの地球(ほし)の未来なら回れ回れ歯车を合わせて天と地の犠牲を入れ替え谁にも负けない力を今こそこの手に掴んでThey were black frozen sun.We were burning on the ground.太阳に火をつけてThey were black frozen sun.We were burning on the ground.天と地を入れ替えろ!【 おわり 】
2023-08-19 08:57:081


  我们最熟悉的地方是从小就生长的故乡,有牵绊的地方也是家乡。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   篇1   1. On her own ground she knows exactly what she"s doing.   她在自己熟悉的领域里对自己的行为有十足的把握。   2. The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.   这本书基本上会让那些不熟悉该学科的人对其有个初步了解。   3. I was expected to familiarise myself with the keyboard.   对我的要求是熟悉键盘。   4. That"s more like it, you"re getting into the swing of things now.   这才对了嘛,你现在慢慢开始熟悉情况了。   5. It all sounded depressingly familiar to Janet.   对珍妮特来说,这一切听起来熟悉得叫人丧气。   6. I"m quite clued up on America.   我对美国相当熟悉。   7. He knew the game inside out.   他对比赛非常熟悉。   8. I"m new here so I"m not pletely au fait with the system.   我初来乍到,所以对这个系统还不完全熟悉。   9. He is quite at home with the Japanese language.   他对日语很熟悉.   10. He steeped himself in the traditions of the English countryside.   他对英国农村的习俗非常熟悉.   11. I know him well because he was formerly my fellow worker.   我所以对他熟悉,是因为我和他一起工作过.   12. I am not very familiar with European history.   我对欧洲历史不太熟悉.   13. "I"m afraid the name means nothing to me," he said. "That"s not my department."   “恐怕这个名字对我来说毫无意义,”他说,“我对此并不熟悉。”   14. Lesinko is quite familiar with Central Television. He worked there for 25 years.   莱辛科对中央电视台相当熟悉。他在那儿工作了25年。   15. The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell.   对其中一个小伙子的描述确实似曾熟悉。听起来挺耳熟。   篇2   作为一名Java开发者,我对ActionScript3.0是如此熟悉感到惊讶,这使得学习曲线非常平滑。   As a Java developer I was surprised at how familiar ActionScript 3.0 was, making the learningcurve fairly flat.   例如,首先,对System.out.println的熟悉的呼叫演示了Scala对底层Java平台的忠诚。   For instance, starting with the familiar call to System.out.println demonstrates Scala"s fidelity tothe underlying Java platform.   这意味着他们对Node.js已经十分熟悉,尽管其开发环境具有独特的风格和结构。   That means they"ll be instantly familiar with Node.js, even though it"s a different environmentwith unique idioms and constructs.   本系列文章假设读者对 Web2.0技术比较熟悉,例如Rest、ATOM、JSON和Objective-C。   This article series assumes a general familiarity with Web2.0 technologies including Rest,ATOM, JSON, and Objective-C.   他打字很快,他对电脑的键盘很熟悉.   He types very fast;he knows the keyboard well.   您对Maven越熟悉,您的maven.xml 档案就会越小,这是因为您已经掌握了如何使用内建功能。   The more familiar you are with Maven, the *** aller your maven.xml tends to be, because youlearn how to use the built-in functionality.   你对现在的方案最熟悉.你有什么建议?   You"re most familiar with the current program. What do you think?   我是对市场营销非常熟悉.我能为贵公司开发新的市场.这会增加贵公司的利润,让股东们感到满意.   I can develop a new market for you. That will increase your profit margin and keep theshareholders satisfied.   OAuth昨晚释出了最终稿OAuthCore1.0Draft4,对不熟悉此协议的新手来说,是深入学习了解它到底能做什么的时候了。   With OAuth reaching its final draft OAuth Core 1.0 Draft 4 last night, it is time for those of you new to the protocol to dive in and learn what it is all about.   关于人口的问题,你还是请教韩教授,因为他对整个课题也十分熟悉.。   You"d better ask Professor Han about the population issues. He has the whole subject at hisfingertips.   如果对DB28.2 的 B2Run-TimeClientLite非常熟悉,就完全可以用它适当地定制DB29的DB2Runtime客户机。   If you were familiar with the DB2 Run-Time Client Lite in DB2 8.2, you can pretty much use thisto properly frame the DB2 Runtime client in DB2 9.   不要对最熟悉的东西熟视无睹.珍惜它们,就想珍惜你的生命一样,以为缺少了它们人生将没有意义.。   Don"t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would cling to yourlife, for without them life is meaningless.   篇3   Wagner表示,他希望英美资源能为其在巴西的大型MMX铁矿石专案找到合作伙伴.而熟悉内情人士也在上周对路透说,英美资源正有同样打算.   Wagner said he hopes Anglo will find a partner for its big MMX iron ore project in Brazil. Anglohas been considering such a plan, sources familiar with the situation told Reuters last week.   您可能对这种模式很熟悉;比如,这正是java.lang.String 的各种操作方法的工作方式。   You"re probably familiar with this pattern; it"s how the various manipulation methods ofjava.lang.String work, for example.   为吸引民间投资者,坏帐银行将被允许发行联邦存款保险公司FDIC支援的债券,一位熟悉奥巴马 *** 想法的讯息人士对路透表示.   To lure in private investors, the bad bank could be allowed to issue debt backed by the FederalDeposit Insurance Corp, a source familiar with the Obama administration"s thinking told Reuters.   杰克逊向渥太格保证他与舞美师特拉维斯.佩恩一起在家里工作,对他的舞步也很熟悉了。   Jackson reassured Ortega that he was working at home with choreographer Travis Payne and was up on his dance moves.   惠普周五上调对3PAR收购报价是这场不断升级的并购战中的最新动向.而且熟悉情况的讯息人士周五对路透表示,惠普在这场竞购战中拥有充足弹药.   HP"s bid was the most recent in a week-long volley of escalating offers, and people familiar with the matter told Reuters on Friday that the pany has the financial firepower to go higher.   惠普周五上调对3PAR收购报价是这场不断升级的并购战中的最新动向.而且熟悉情况的讯息人士周五对路透表示,惠普在这场竞购战中拥有充足弹药.[]   HP"s bid was the most recent in a week-long volley of escalating offers, and people familiar with the matter told Reuters on Friday that the pany has the financial firepower to go higher.   熟悉IBMSupportAssistantV3.0 的使用者将会对改进的GUI体验、产品新闻源访问、案例管理功能和内建向导式故障排除程式大加赞赏。   Users familiar with IBM Support Assistant V3.0 will appreciate the improved GUI experience,access to product news feeds, case management features, and built-in guided troubleshooter.   开启Order.hbm.xml档案,现在看的话,里面的内容对你来说已经非常熟悉了。   Open the Order.hbm.xml file.   相信很多朋友都对前段时间在网上炒得沸沸扬扬的 “虐兔女”事件非常熟悉了.   I believe many of you have known a great deal about the “Rabbit-Abused Lady” incident that has been terribly hot on line in the near past.   如果对上面的安全条目还不太熟悉,请学习 《IBMWebSphereV5.0安全手册》第10章:“WebSphere安全管理”。   If you are not familiar with any of the above security items, study Chapter 10 AdministeringWebSphere Security of the IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security Handbook.   另两名熟悉交易情况的讯息人士对路透称,担当Chandran家族顾问的是瑞银集团UBSN.VX: 行情.   UBSN.VX, two other sources familiar with the deal told Reuters.   .reuters   我喜欢Wordpress,主要因为我对它所使用的业界标准的Wordpress软体更加熟悉。在平常写作时用到的多个站点,都采用了同样的软体。   I prefer WordPress, mainly because I"m familiar with the industry-standard WordPresssoftware that"s used on most of the sites I write for.   我喜欢Wordpress,主要因为我对它所使用的业界标准的Wordpress软体更加熟悉。在平常写作时用到的多个站点,都采用了同样的软体。   I prefer WordPress, mainly because I"m familiar with the industry-standard WordPresssoftware that"s used on most of the sites I write for.
2023-08-19 08:57:081


2023-08-19 08:57:083


teamo和tiamo一个意思:我爱你。Teamo是拉丁语、葡萄牙语和西班牙语我爱你的意思te是你的意思,amo是我爱的变位动词。中文的发音大概是de a mo。Tiamo意大利语:我爱你。在拉丁语及其后代的语言如西班牙语里面,句子里一般可以省去人称代词的。因为人称后的动词可以直接指明你用的是哪个人称,每个人称代词对应的动词都有所不同。所以,在说“teamo”时,前面不带人称,已经能表达完整的意思了。解释一人向爱慕的另一个人感情表达,也可以用于亲人间,是一个人对另一个人的感情表达。我爱你,是一个人的单爱,不能解释为两个人的相爱。通常可以分为三个层次:即喜欢、爱情和爱,它是一人对另一个人感情表达时所用的话语。我爱你,汉语词汇,一般用于一人向爱慕的另一个人的感情表达,也可以用于亲人间,是一个人对另一个人的感情表达。也可以用于对宠物、物品等寄托了浓重感情的事物的表达。荷兰:IK hou van jou;捷克:Miluji te;丹麦:Jeg elsker dig。
2023-08-19 08:57:051