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谁有关于宇航员的英语文章啊. 如题.120词左右.水平、、会的

2023-08-25 02:33:14

Out from the two female astronauts

Tall, short hair, pale, delicate single-edged eyelid schoolgirl Liu Yang, dressed in a light blue shirt sitting next to two male astronauts, like green leaves a quiet lily.

Youth, simple, modest, fresh Shuang-ching efficiency, this is reporter in the God nine launches to meet before the interview of Liu Yang.

In fact, Liu Yang is not the first dream of flying. When I was a child, she wanted to become a justice counsel; the first with her mother on the bus and wants to be a conductor; high school, her goal is to get into a good university, after graduation as a white-collar. Until the third year, air force for the first time to recruit female pilot in the Henan province Zhengzhou City, changed her life forever.

"At that time, my grades are good, good eyesight, height also conforms to the standard. The teacher said, when the pilot is a good thing ah, don"t talk to me, for my name." Liu Yang recalls.

All the way through, Liu Yang joined the seventh batch of aviatrixes of China team. The summer of 2001, graduated from school she became Guangkong Aviation Division of a transport pilot. The air force two pilots, 1680 hours of flight safety, she wrote in the blue sky on a proud history.

In 2009, China"s second group of astronauts selection began. That woman has a chance, Liu Yang enthusiastically. Female astronaut selection conditions and the male astronaut similar: with the determination, dedication and good compatibility, air force pilots, flight performance excellent grades, no accident, the last 3 years were a physical examination. In addition, also called Wuguanduanzheng, clear language, no drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, not a partial eclipse, easy to fall asleep.

In Yang Liwei"s opinion, the selection criteria increased a "must be married", coupled with a "fertility of priority". In view of the fact that women started astronaut training in a few years will not want a child, this also is a humane considerations.

However, when Yang Liwei as an interviewer see Liu Yang, 6 female astronaut candidates enter the final round of selection, including Liu Yang, 5 people have not yet given birth.

Yang Liwei said, this "coincidence" reflected the military occupation career dedication -- in the pilot, more than 30 years old is flying skills to mature period; if a baby will be at least two or three years, grounded, will inevitably affect the flying.

Liu Yang"s skills, outgoing personality, left deep impression to the examiners. Layers of selection, she and another female pilots to become China"s first female astronaut. In 2010 May, they were the same 5 new selected male astronaut, into is located in the northwest of Beijing Chinese astronaut center.

After more than two years of training, two female astronauts have passed the Shenzhou nine mission by the group"s primary.

According to the schedule, two people will have one person to perform the task. Who is God? "They are very good, very close to the results of training, flying units is be together morning and night comrades, feelings are very deep." The astronaut center director Chen Shanguang said, the selection process very difficult.

In March 28, 2012, by the group to determine the list of. By the final examination, Liu Yang was selected by the group, code 03.



2023-08-19 01:59:323

初二暑期作业答案pilots tsa summer review(Task-based Approach with Listening) f1-f2

初二暑期作业答案pilots tsa summer review(Task-based Approach with Listening) f1-f2,去文库里找找。
2023-08-19 01:59:432


2023-08-19 02:00:115

如何评价 twenty one pilots 乐队

双人组合Twenty one pilots,第一次听他的歌就觉得十分非主流,独特的唱功与曲风让人对他们念念不忘,充满节奏感的节奏让人想随歌起舞。这不奇怪,因为他们本来就带着hiphop的血统。第一次听到他们的作品是tear in my heart,一开始清爽的鼓声与轻快的钢琴声声声吸引了我,在开始前还喊了一声:An Yong,Ha Sei Yo!!还以为是哪个钢琴摇滚乐团,当听到后面才知道原来是电音,而且是充满了个性的电音。充满个性及强烈节奏感的电音,再加上主唱的rap,巧妙地将hip hop,钢琴摇滚和电子乐混合在一起。还有另外一首stress out,轻快的节奏带着压抑的气息,歌词还带着浓浓的讽刺味,十足脱俗的表现。特别是将wakeup,you have to make money那段,简直是唱出所有人的心声,让人不由自己的想跟着喊出来,仿佛是对这个社会世俗的自由宣言。没错,这就是twenty one pilots,如此创意及另类的作风,是电音界不可多得的鬼才。
2023-08-19 02:00:281


2023-08-19 02:00:372

组合21pilots的 fallaway中文歌词

Well let me tell you a story 让我告诉你一个故事 About a girl and a boy 关于一个女孩和一个男孩 He fell in love for his best friend 他爱上了他最好的朋友 When she"s around, he feels nothing but joy 当她在身边时,他觉得只有欢乐 But she was already broken, and it made her blind 但她已经说破了,这让她失去理智 But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right 但她也从不相信,爱会永远正确对待她 But did you know that I love you? or were you not aware? 但你知道我爱你吗?或是你从不明白吗? You"re the smile on my face 你是我脸上的微笑 And I ain"t going nowhere 我哪也不去 I"m here to make you happy, i"m here to see you smile 我要呆在这里去让你快乐,我会呆在这里去看你微笑 I"ve been wanting to tell you this for a long while 我一直都想告诉你很久了 Who"s gonna make you fall in love 谁会让你坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya, so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 Well I can tell you"re afraid of what this might do 我可以告诉你害怕什么,这可能做 Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don"t wanna lose 因为我们有同样一个惊人的友谊所以你不想失去它 Well I don"t wanna lose it either 我也不想失去它 I don"t think I can stay sitting around while you"re hurting babe 我不认为我可以坐在你身边当你伤心受伤,宝贝 Come take my hand 来握住我的手 Well did you know you"re an angel? who forgot how to fly 你知道你是天使吗?那个忘了怎么去飞的人 Did you know that it breaks my heart everytime to see you cry 你知道吗,每次看到你哭泣,我的心都碎了 Cause I know that it pains if he"s gone everytime he move over on the shoulder you crying 因为我知道,他痛苦的是每次当你在他的肩膀上哭泣时离开 And I hope by the time that i"m done with this song that I figure out 所以我希望在这时候,我已经完成了这首歌,那首我知道的歌 Who"s gonna make you fall in love 谁会让你坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya, so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落 But if you spread your wings 但如果你展开你的翅膀 You can fly away with me 你可以跟我远走高飞 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 Who"s gonna make you fall in love 谁会让你坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya 你不能飞,除非它让你 So fall in love 所以坠入爱河 I know you got your wall wrapped on all the way around your heart 我知道你用墙包裹在你的心的四周You"re not gon" be scared at all, oh my love 你一点儿都不必再害怕,哦,我的爱 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya, 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 You can"t fly unless it lets ya, so fall 你不能飞除非它让你,所以会堕落 I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落I will catch you if you fall 我会抓住你,如果你堕落 If you spread your wings 如果你展开你的翅膀 You can fly away with me 你可以跟我远走高飞 But you can"t fly unless it lets ya 但你不能飞,除非它让你飞 Let yourself fall 让你自己堕落
2023-08-19 02:00:451


Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory. 每个起飞是自愿性的, 每个降落是强迫性的。  Always try to keep the number of landings you make equal the number of take offs you“ve made. 经常保持降落数目与起飞数目相等。  When in doubt, hold on to your altitude. No-one has ever collided with the sky. 当你觉得混乱时,请保持高度,因为没有人跟天空相撞过…  The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival. Large angle of arrival, small probability of survival and vice versa. 生存的机会是跟着陆角度是成反比例的。大的着陆角度,小的生存机会…  There are three simple rules for ****** a smooth landing. Unfortunately no one knows what they are. 要做出好的降落有三个原则,但不幸地,没人知道是哪三个…  If you push the stick forward, the houses get bigger. If you pull the stick back, they get smaller... That is, unless you keep pulling the stick all the way back, then they get bigger again. 当你把控制杆推前,房子变大了;当你把控制杆拉后,房子变细了;但当你拉着不放,房子又要变大了。  You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck. 开始时你有两个袋,运气袋装得满满的,经验袋是空空的。关键就在于,在运气袋变空之前,请把经验袋装得满满的!  Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment. 好的判断来自经验。很不幸,经验通常是来自坏的判断……  The three most useless things to a pilot are the altitude above you, runway behind you and a tenth of a second ago. 对于飞行员来说,最没用的三件事:在你上面的高度、在你背后的跑道,以及刚过去的十分一秒。(三件事也可以理解为:白白损失的高度,失误错过的跑道,以及刚过去的十分一秒。)  There are old pilots and there are bold pilots. There are, however, no old bold pilots. 这里有老飞行员,也有勇敢的飞行员;但是,这里并没有勇敢的老飞行员。  You know you“ve landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to the elevator. 当你要开加力才能把飞机驶进停机坪,你就知道刚才降落时, 忘记了放下起落架…  The ONLY time you have too much fuel is when you“re on fire. 你唯一会嫌汽油太多的时候,就是着了火的时候…  A “good“ landing is one from which you can walk away. A “great“ landing is one after which they can use the plane again. 一次“好” 的降落,就是说你可以安全步离机舱;一次“极好” 的降落,就是说这架飞机可以再用。  The propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane used to keep the pilot cool. When it stops, you can actually watch the pilot start sweating. 螺旋浆其实只是一个令飞行员凉快的大风扇,当它停了,基本上你会看到飞行员开始冒汗了
2023-08-19 02:01:161

史上巨难 解释 一段英语句子------------务必高手帮忙

doctor 在这是医生么?为什么不理解为博士。
2023-08-19 02:01:457


2023-08-19 02:02:165

anything other than用法?

我跟你一样的疑问 我觉得原文应该错了 原文的逻辑是 民众要花一点时间才能接受无人驾驶飞机 所以即使达到了无人驾驶飞机的技术 在这之后很长一段时间 飞行员们仍然要待在驾驶舱里面 就是为了让花钱坐飞机的乘客们安心 anything应该是nothing 逻辑才对 这篇经济学人把我看秃了U0001f474U0001f3fbThis paragraph means in the future, most aircrafts won"t need pilots. But actually people can"t accept it immediately. So the pilots still need to stay in their cockpits to reassure the passengers. That means in the future, technology will free the pilots from controlling aircrafts. Their only task is to stay in their cockpits to reassure the passengers. nothing other than=only
2023-08-19 02:02:332

打破阳光的蓝天,我们能否回到从前,这是歌词, 歌名叫什么啊?

《回忆的片段》 演唱:MC刺儿 MC辉子作词:MC刺儿 MC辉子作曲:Young Pilots编曲:Young Pilots混缩:Young Pilots女声哼唱~~~时光还在不停流淌 每一份回忆都需用心收藏 长大后 我们一起仰望 曾经的画面还是 未赶上~~~日子过了一年又一年,到了十八岁这又会一个阶段。想想我曾经度过的时间,无忧无虑就像是北京的蓝天。闹铃设在每天早上六点半,背上我的书包度过新的一天。那时的阳光有一些刺眼。骑着我的自行车,买份两块五的早点。路边的小花园很早就会开放,除了大爷大妈还有一些熟悉的脸庞。石桌上铺满了没完成的作业,也许昨晚又到网吧玩了一夜。 安静的校园就这样被打破,听着上课铃走进了属于我的哪个角落。早自习大多都是背诵和朗读,但总有一些人在那打着他的呼噜。上课盼下课,下课忘了上厕所上课铃响了我却急的直哆嗦。上学时的听写大多都是错,但是我不会学校也不会给我记大过。老师太罗嗦,我曾经跟丫死磕。到了最后受伤的总是我。急眼了就打电话找家长,我爸上班忙晚上才到场。劈头盖脸~~~就给我一顿骂,但是我只在那听着不说话到家该吃吃该喝喝,所以他们都拿我没 辙没辙。 虽说没辙,但是日子还得过。上午上完课就等着中午的小饭桌。饭菜虽然非常难吃,但是不吃你下午会很饿。~~~~放学前的首要任务就是改错,一到放学点搓火。~桃花源记出师表,一边一边抄。~实在写不完老师也没招。~~今日事我还真就没毕过,他们都说操你丫真堕落。~~这样的生活最起码很快乐,不用担心未来怎样还是照样活。回忆就像是脑海中的电影片段,一片又一片拼凑出昨天,那些昨天仿佛还在我们的眼前,但是偶尔回眸已经过了很多年。喜欢午休的时间望着操场的蓝天喜欢上课的时候看小说却没人发现。喜欢放学的时候一摸兜儿还有零钱。我想要若干年后还能看见稚气的笑脸。骑上我的车 看街边的落日黄昏下的回忆 那个熟悉的影子每次放学回家路过的每条街道每次放学回家妈妈给我的微笑用心写的歌词 把回忆编制用心感谢一切 我所学到的知识用心记录曾经 用心去聆听用心记录所有 我已度过的生命~女生哼唱~~~~时光还在不停流淌 回忆都需用心收藏 长大后 我们一起仰~~~望 曾经的画面 未赶上~~~曾经 的曾经 已经变成历史我用歌词把它谱写成华丽的故事曾经的所有 都不会为你停留回忆像是沙漏 流走 却 不会丢小学初中高中 流露出酸甜苦辣工作赚钱认识了她 在慢慢长大在未来的不久也许我会有个家但回忆 永远是副不掉色的画年轻的我们心中都有一个太阳今天落下明天依旧会发出光芒生命会终止 但不代表会结束坚持着你们的梦这没完成的路曾经度过的 就别再说了把它当做最珍贵的 都好好收着!人就活一次!就这一辈子!好好珍惜明天的日子吧,辞~
2023-08-19 02:02:431


twenty one pilots - heathens
2023-08-19 02:02:522

飞行员 英语怎么读,用中文

pilot 派洛特
2023-08-19 02:03:142


pilots的读音为 ["pau026alu0259ts],音标为 /u02c8pau026alu0259ts/。Pilots可以作为名词使用,表示“飞行员”或“驾驶员”。例如:The pilots successfully landed the plane in bad weather.(飞行员们成功地在恶劣天气下着陆了飞机。)The ship"s captain and pilots guided the vessel safely into port.(船长和驾驶员将船安全地引入了港口。)Pilots还可以作为动词使用,表示“引领”、“试点”等意思。例如:The company is piloting a new product in select markets.(该公司正在一些特定的市场试点新产品。)The program aims to pilot innovative approaches to education.(该项目旨在引领创新的教育方法。)
2023-08-19 02:03:211


pilot试点飞行员pilot[英][u02c8pau026alu0259t][美][u02c8pau026alu0259t]n.飞行员; 引航员; 向导; [机械学]导向器(或轴); vt.驾驶; 试验; 试点; 为(船舶)引航(或操舵); adj.试验性的; 导向的; 驾驶员的; 辅助的; 第三人称单数:pilots过去分词:piloted复数:pilots现在进行时:piloting过去式:piloted易混淆单词:PILOT采纳
2023-08-19 02:04:121

His parents are pilot(pilot要不要加s)

2023-08-19 02:04:382


pilot 是驾驶员的意思 你说呢?
2023-08-19 02:04:506

Twenty One Pilots的《Car Radio》 歌词

歌曲名:Car Radio歌手:Twenty One Pilots专辑:VesselTwenty | One | Pilots - Car RadioI ponder of something greatMy lungs will fill and then deflateThey fill with fire, exhale desireI know it"s dire my time today.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.Sometimes quiet is violentI find it hard to hide itMy pride is no longer insideIt"s on my sleeve, my skin will screamReminding me of who I killed inside my dreamI hate this car that I"m drivingThere"s no hiding for meI"m forced to deal with what I feelThere is no distraction to mask what is realI could pull the steering wheel.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.I ponder of something terrifying"Cause this time there"s no sound to hide behindI find over the course of our human existenceOne thing consists of consistenceAnd it"s that we"re all battling fearOh dear, I don"t know if we know why we"re hereOh my, too deep, please stop thinkingI liked it better when my car had sound.There are things we can doBut from the things that work there are only twoAnd from the two that we choose to doPeace will win and fear will loseAnd there"s faith and there"s sleepWe need to pick one please becauseFaith is to be awakeAnd to be awake is for us to thinkAnd for us to think is to be aliveAnd I will try with every rhymeTo come across like I am dyingTo let you know you need to try to think.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.And now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sitAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit in silenceAnd now I just sit.I ponder of something greatMy lungs will fill and then deflateThey fill with fire, exhale desireI know it"s dire my time today.I have these thoughts so often I oughtTo replace that slot with what I once bought"Cause somebody stole my car radioAnd now I just sit in silence.
2023-08-19 02:05:081

海军飞行员 英文翻译

正确的是“navy pilot”
2023-08-19 02:05:162


回答如下:本句有误,应该是:We will be pilots one day.根据提问对象的不同,可有不同的选择。例如:Who will be pilots one day?(提问主语) What will we be one day? (提问表语)When will we be pilots? (提问时间状语)
2023-08-19 02:05:341

求twenty one pilots自杀小队主题曲heathens 百度云 谢谢

2023-08-19 02:05:422

懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 3 Part 1 Reading【Meaning of Catch 22】

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. conundrum = 难解的问题First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean . They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions . Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of time before they will be the next victims . bomber pilot = 轰炸机飞行员Mediterranean = 地中海mission = 任务,使命victim = 牺牲者,受害者One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is a rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. ground = 使停飞,阻止……起飞 active duty = 现役Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for . They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others, this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “You"re wasting your time. You"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy,” The doctor replied. ”Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not.” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had.” “Well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “No, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “That"s some catch,” observed Yossarian. “It"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. principle = 原则fight for = 为……而战斗give one"s life for … = 为……献出生命,为……牺牲 insane = 疯狂的,非常愚蠢的1. While writing this piece, the author was probably having fun . 2. Why couldn"t the doctor ground Clevinger? Clevinger hadn"t asked to be grounded. 3. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind .4. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident .1. What does it mean to ground a pilot? >> To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly.2. Why did the doctor say he couldn"t ground Clevinger? >> “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.”Fill in the blanks: 1. “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”2. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for . They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him.(1) In particular, there is a rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy.(2) One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. (3) It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. (4) To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly.Correct Order: (2) (3) (1) (4)
2023-08-19 02:05:561

What do pilots do?英语回答

pilot n. 飞行员What do pilots do? 飞行员干什么?They fly planes.
2023-08-19 02:06:032

如何评价twenty one pilots乐队

双人组合Twenty one pilots,第一次听他的歌就觉得十分非主流,独特的唱功与曲风让人对他们念念不忘,充满节奏感的节奏让人想随歌起舞。这不奇怪,因为他们本来就带着hiphop的血统。第一次听到他们的作品是tear in my heart,一开始清爽的鼓声与轻快的钢琴声声声吸引了我,在开始前还喊了一声:An Yong,Ha Sei Yo!!还以为是哪个钢琴摇滚乐团,当听到后面才知道原来是电音,而且是充满了个性的电音。充满个性及强烈节奏感的电音,再加上主唱的rap,巧妙地将hip hop,钢琴摇滚和电子乐混合在一起。还有另外一首stress out,轻快的节奏带着压抑的气息,歌词还带着浓浓的讽刺味,十足脱俗的表现。特别是将wakeup,you have to make money那段,简直是唱出所有人的心声,让人不由自己的想跟着喊出来,仿佛是对这个社会世俗的自由宣言。没错,这就是twenty one pilots,如此创意及另类的作风,是电音界不可多得的鬼才。
2023-08-19 02:06:111

It is essential that our pilots ( )best poss

2023-08-19 02:06:202

21pilots fallaway中文歌词

Son, you"ve got a way to fall 孩子,在你降落之后They"ll tell you where to go 他们虽然不明白But they won"t know 却会告诉你向哪里走</PRE><PRE >Son, you"d better take it all 孩子,你要牢记心头They"ll tell you what they know 他们会把一切告诉你But they won"t show 但是他们不会显露</PRE><PRE >Oh, I"ve got something in my throat Oh,是我哽咽的咽喉I need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候While I suffer 我自己去承受</PRE><PRE >Son, you"ve got a way to kill 孩子,用你杀戮的手They"re picking on you still 他们总会选中你But they don"t know 但是他们并不知道</PRE><PRE >Son, you"d better wait to shine 孩子,在你辉煌的时候They"ll tell you what is yours 他们给了你一切But they"ll take mine 却夺走我的所有</PRE><PRE >Oh, I"ve got something in my throat Oh,是我哽咽的咽喉I need to be alone 当我痛苦的时候While I suffer 我自己去承受</PRE><PRE >Oh, there"s a hole inside my boat Oh,心随漏船在游走I need to stay afloat 就这样随波逐流For the summer long 直到夏天结束后</PRE><PRE >
2023-08-19 02:06:281

21pilots ride歌词翻译

"Ode To Sleep" 睡眠颂I wake up fine and dandy but then by the time I find it handy,我醒来了,昔日的舒适不复存在To rip my heart apart and start planning my crash landing,我感觉心开始撕裂,开始坠落I go up, up, up, up, up to the ceiling,我努力挣扎着Then I feel my soul start leaving, like an old man"s hair receding,我觉得我的灵魂开始飞逝,就像老人头发脱离一般I"m pleading please, oh please on my knees repeatedly asking,我跪下,不停地恳求着Why it"s got to be like this, is this living free,为什么会是这样,我应该得到自由I don"t want to be the one, be the one who has the son"s blood on my hands,我不想成为那冷血的人I"ll tell the moon, take this weapon forged in darkness,我会告诉月亮,在黑暗中锻造这把利器Some see a pen, I see a harpoon.有人认为这是对我的囚禁,我却觉得这是场收获I"ll stay awake, "cause the dark"s not taking prisoners tonight.我必须保持着清醒,在黑夜中他会赶尽杀绝 Why am I not scared in the morning,I don"t hear those voices calling,我不再惧怕他们,我不要听到那些撕吼声I must have kicked them out,我要把他们驱逐出去I must have kicked them out,一定要I swear I heard demons yelling,Those crazy words they were spelling,那些单词正在发狂地描写:我听到那声恶魔的嘶吼They told me I was gone,They told me I was gone.他们告诉我,绝望吧But I"ll tell them,Why won"t you let me go?我会问他们:问什么你不让我走Do I threaten all your plans?I"m insignificant.我对你们,毫无价值Please tell them you have no plans for me.但,请记着,你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我I"ll tell them!我会证明给你们看On the eve of a day that"s forgotten and fake,在那天的傍晚As the trees they await and clouds anticipate,一切就像预期的那样The start of a day when we put on our face,当我们戴上尊严的那一天A mask that portrays that we don"t need grace,我们不需要恩典那虚假的面具On the eve of a day that is bigger than us,我们虽然微不足道But we open our eyes "cause we"re told that we must,但我们必须要让我们的双眼变得锐利And the trees wave their arms and the clouds try to plead,我们的心是如此无助Desperately yelling there"s something we need,绝望地说出你的感受吧!I"m not free, I asked forgiveness three times,我渴望得到宽恕Same amount that I denied, I three-time mvp"ed this crime,但命运拒绝了我I"m afraid to tell you who I adore, won"t tell you what I"m singing towards,我不会告诉你我崇拜谁,我在唱什么Metaphorically I"m a whore, and that"s denial number four.就像一名妓女,这就是对一切的否认I"ll stay awake, "cause the dark"s not taking prisoners tonight.我必须保持着清醒,在黑夜中他会赶尽杀绝Why am I not scared in the morning,I don"t hear those voices calling,我不再惧怕他了,我不要听到那些撕吼声I must have kicked them out,I must have kicked them out,我要把他们驱逐出去I swear I heard demons yelling,Those crazy words they were spelling,那些单词正在发狂地描写:我听到那声恶魔的嘶吼They told me I was gone,They told me I was gone.他们说,我该绝望了But I"ll tell them,Why won"t you let me go?为什么不给我自由,我问道Do I threaten all your plans?我对你们,微不足道I"m insignificant.我只是无名氏Please tell them you have no plans for me.但,你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我I"ll tell them you have no plans for me.你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我I"ll tell themI"ll tell themI"ll tell themI"ll tell them我会证明的我会证明的我会证明的Please tell them you have no plans for me,请记着,你对我毫无威胁I will set my soul on fire, what have I become?我发誓要让烈火洗礼我的灵魂,让你看清楚我i m sorry.抱歉
2023-08-19 02:06:361

a pilot is a person who and who flies an airplane

保证准确! 1. person 人 2. two 两个 3. rest 休息 4. makes make sure 保证/确保 5. help 帮助 6. them 他们 7. important 重要的 8. happening (正在)发生 9. messages 消息 10. because 因为
2023-08-19 02:06:431

选词填空(用适当形式): Do you want to be a pilot when you grow up?A pilot is a ()

保证准确!1. person 人2. two 两个3. rest 休息4. makesmake sure 保证/确保5. help 帮助6. them 他们7. important 重要的8. happening (正在)发生9. messages 消息10. because 因为
2023-08-19 02:06:531


应该就是 TWENTY ONE PILOTS二十一个 飞行员。
2023-08-19 02:07:121

Truce Twenty One Pilots 中文 歌词 中文中文的

2023-08-19 02:07:252


2023-08-19 02:07:351


Wang Yaping is the seventh installment of female pilots in China , a member of a small village from Shandong Yantai is a beautiful , small to large, academic and sports scores are more excellent . 1997 college entrance examination that year, I heard that the seventh installment recruit female pilots , but few in number , and she did not want to go, because the competition is fierce , and later under the instigation of the students , Wang Yaping try holding the psychological go a physical examination, I did not expect all the way through smoothly through the large medical school , Yantai and Jinan , after the college entrance examination scores down, it received a letter of acceptance flight Academy, lucky to become the country"s seventh batch of 37 women to fly in one . From small to large , thought when the doctor , a lawyer , but never dared to think you would be female pilots . Thus , in August 1997 , with the good wishes, Wang Yaping came to the Air Force , Changchun Flight Academy , began her military career .
2023-08-19 02:07:441

Some aspects of a pilot’s job _______ be boring,and pilots often _______ work at inconvenient h..

2023-08-19 02:07:521


Wang Yaping is the seventh installment of female pilots in China , a member of a small village from Shandong Yantai is a beautiful , small to large, academic and sports scores are more excellent . 1997 college entrance examination that year, I heard that the seventh installment recruit female pilots , but few in number , and she did not want to go, because the competition is fierce , and later under the instigation of the students , Wang Yaping try holding the psychological go a physical examination, I did not expect all the way through smoothly through the large medical school , Yantai and Jinan , after the college entrance examination scores down, it received a letter of acceptance flight Academy, lucky to become the country"s seventh batch of 37 women to fly in one . From small to large , thought when the doctor , a lawyer , but never dared to think you would be female pilots . Thus , in August 1997 , with the good wishes, Wang Yaping came to the Air Force , Changchun Flight Academy , began her military career .
2023-08-19 02:07:591

求《heathens》 twenty one pilots 的MP3音乐~~

2023-08-19 02:08:281

Stone Temple Pilots的《Plush》 歌词

歌曲名:Plush歌手:Stone Temple Pilots专辑:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Box Set)And I feel that time"s a wasted goSo where ya going to tomorrow?And I see that these are lies to comeWould you even care?And I feel itAnd I feel itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?And I feel, so much depends on the weatherSo is it raining in your bedroom?And I see, that these are the eyes of disarrayWould you even care?And I feel itAnd she feels itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrow
2023-08-19 02:08:561


2023-08-19 02:09:213

作文a windy day

It"s a windy day. The wind is blowing hard. Paper is blowing everywhere. The wind blew the man"s hat off. It blew the woman"s hat off. It blew a bird off the telephone wire. The other birds laughed. The wind keeps blowing. The trees are bending over. The people outside are bending over. The wind makes it hard to walk. The wind makes it hard to drive. The big trucks have to pull over. They have to stop on the side of the freeway. One driver did not stop. He was in a hurry. The wind blew his truck over. The big truck is on its side. The wheels are spinning in the wind. The driver was not hurt. He is waiting for a crane. The crane will pick up the truck. The crane will put the truck on its wheels again. The driver learned his lesson. He will never drive in the wind again. The wind makes it hard to fly, too. Pilots know the wind is dangerous. They do not fly their small planes in windy weather. They do not want to crash into the ground. A crash will kill them. They sit at the airport. They drink coffee. They wait for the wind to die down.
2023-08-19 02:09:301


熟悉美剧的童鞋应该都知道,大部分的美剧都是以季(Season)为单位播出的,所谓季,就是指播出季节。美国商业电视以每年9月中旬至第二年4月下旬这段时间为一个播出季节,因其绝对的收视率而成为全年电视播出的重中之重。在播出季节,你不会看到老节目,电视屏幕完全被新的剧集所占据。一部系列剧每周只播出一集,除去非播出季节的4个多月,一季的电视剧基本保持在25集左右,另外,因为所有电视剧大多在整点或某点30分播出,所以其长度也均为30分钟或60分钟左右。 而美剧一年之中又分为春季档和秋季档,这样的设置主要是为了避开圣诞档和暑期档 ,也就是美国传统的电影市场和体育赛事的高峰期,也是一个不成文的规定,互补互利。所以这些都是跟国内不同的。 一般来说,各大电视台的主打美剧都会放在秋季档首播,半年左右,然后进入冬歇期之后,在春季档完结。 因为是周播剧,而且是边拍边播,美剧的制作也十分有规律。春季和秋季两档是新剧搏杀的关键期。夏季因为天气热,很多电视台都主打真人秀。而 感恩节 一过,不论是演员还是编剧都要开始享受圣诞假期,美剧自然也就进入了“冬歇期”。 美剧为什么停播? 一般来说每年十二月份到一月会停播长达一个月,俗称冬歇,这段时期主要是因为美国假期集中在这一段时期,大家过节放假,都不看电视,没有什么收视率,没有利益,自然就停播。 这一段时期,也往往是一部剧放到一半的时候,称为季中,这段时期停播可以 总结 一下上半季的得失,好好规划下半季。 还有这段时期是颁奖季,剧组和演员门来往于各种颁奖典礼,也没啥工夫拍片。 还有就是体育赛事,在美国,任何剧集的收视率都比不上体育赛事,其中尤以 橄榄球 欢迎,这段时期橄榄球正处于决赛阶段,大家都去看体育节目了,自然占了美剧的时间。 过了这一段时间美剧大多数就回归了,至于什么时候回归,各个电视台都有自己的安排。 还有一些不太集中的停播,偶尔停播一集两集,大多数是碰上了特殊节目,比如体育赛事,或者同一天的其他电视剧两集联播挤占了时间,还有播什么颁奖礼,都会影响美剧播放。 为什么有些美剧播一半就再也不播了? 一部美国电视剧一般25集左右,这是由美国特有的播映方式决定的。美国商业电视以每年9月中旬至第二年4月下旬为一个播出季,新季以美国电视艺术与科学协会主办的“艾美奖”颁奖典礼为序幕。美国电视剧一般一个星期只播一集,因此25集正好够播一季。美国的电视剧是边拍边播的,他们很注重收视率,一部收视率低下的电视剧是无法生存的,只要吸引不了观众的注意力,那么不管该剧的情节进行到何处,电视台都毫不留情地腰斩。 美剧播出时间基本知识 8月底:美国电视剧新季度初开。 9月中旬:美国电视剧新季度全面展开,新剧首映,老剧重归,大概可以让你激动到10月中旬。而新季度第一周之前的周日是艾美奖颁奖礼,美国电视界从业人员和广大美剧 爱好 者的盛事。 10月:全面关注新季度电视剧,新季度最开始的几周绝无重播,让你一次看个够。 11月:第一个“清扫期”-- November Sweeps,考验新剧的收视率,往往编剧会借此机会对剧情灌猛药,许多包含节日内容的特别篇会播映,包括 万圣节 、感恩节和 圣诞节 等。 12月:金球奖提名揭晓,公共电视台美剧引来所谓的“冬歇”,不过有线电视台会乘此首映电视剧。 1月:金球奖颁奖,SAG奖颁奖,整个一月将是Awards Season(颁奖时节),电视剧结束“冬歇”,纷纷归来。 2月:第二个“清扫期”-- February Sweeps,再次考验新剧的收视率,无重播,剧情加料,Super Bowl,奥斯卡,电视台开始准备下个季度的新剧,Pilots企划和Casting结果陆续放出! 3月:下个季度的新剧展开全面的试镜,基本上每天都有至少10人以上的入选新闻,Midseason剧开始首映,不过公共电视台的电视剧开始大范围的停播。 4月:停播仍然在继续,会有下季度新剧确认预定信息透出,当然我们也可以提前知道诸多电视剧的命运走向 -- 下个季度会不会再回来? 4月底:第三个“清扫期”-- May Sweeps开始,全面考验每部电视剧的收视率,向Season Finale进军。 5月中旬:Networks Upfronts,一周之内我们将了解下个季度公共电视台的排片表以及哪些新剧会在秋天和观众见面。 6月:美国电视季在5月底结束,有线电视台开始做暑期的主角,许多有线及收费电视台的电视剧亮相。 7月:艾美奖提名揭晓,预测及讨论艾美奖的结果火热进行中。 8月:期待新季度首映,期待艾美奖的结果,期待一年一度的电视明星红地毯。 还有碰上重要比赛,节日,编剧罢工....停播或重播
2023-08-19 02:09:541

Stone Temple Pilots的《Plush》 歌词

歌曲名:Plush歌手:Stone Temple Pilots专辑:Ultimate Grammy Collection - Contemporary RockAnd I feel that time"s a wasted goSo where ya going to tomorrow?And I see that these are lies to comeWould you even care?And I feel itAnd I feel itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?And I feel, so much depends on the weatherSo is it raining in your bedroom?And I see, that these are the eyes of disarrayWould you even care?And I feel itAnd she feels itWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhere ya going to tomorrow?Where ya going with that mask I found?And I feel, and I feelWhen the dogs begin to smell herWill she smell alone?When the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrowWhen the dogs do find herGot time, time, to wait for tomorrow
2023-08-19 02:10:211


2023-08-19 02:11:391

not so as的区别?

not as as与not so as 的意思及区别:1、not as as与not so as意思上是一样的,都是“与……不一样”的意思。2、not as as语气略弱,not so as语气略强。但是在肯定句中只能用as...as不能用。拓展资料not as as1、You are not as tall as he.你没有他高。2、His Arabic was not as good as his English, but serviceable enough他的阿拉伯语没有他的英语好,但是够用了。3、The pilots, however, were not as accurate as they should be.然而飞行员并不像他们该达到的水平那样精准。4、My English is not as good as his.我的英语学得不如他好。5、The problem is not as complicated as he imagined.问题没他想像的那么复杂。not so as1、If you finish your food at meal, the host and hostess usually add more and more food in your dish or bowl without asking you whether you want it or not so as to show they are polite to the guests.所以我们通常准备充足的食物给客人吃。如果您吃完了碗中的食物,主人们通常会不断的向你的碗中添加食物,不管你是否已经吃饱,以表明他们对客人的礼貌。2、It is not so expensive as you might expect.那不像你料想的那么昂贵。3、This bike is not so good as that one.这辆自行车不及那辆好。4、She is not so weak as she looks.她并不像看上去那么虚弱。5、He"s not so daft as to listen to rumours他不会蠢到去听信谣言的。
2023-08-19 02:12:051

__________after the Second World War that test pilots first attempted to break the Sound barrier .

【答案】:A本题考查强调句型It is/was…that…的用法。shortly是副词,做状语,表示时间之早。全句译为:第二次世界大战后不久,试飞员们第一次尝试打破声障(即超音速飞行)。
2023-08-19 02:12:351


2023-08-19 02:12:458

哪首歌里有 我们一起的画面 这句歌词

2023-08-19 02:13:033

翻译Airplane Hooligans

飞机小流氓" 空气愤怒" 现在是主要关心随后而来的移动由航空公司勾画一个乘客黑名单在一定数量的猛烈飞行中事件以后。 德国空服员报告, 一件事肯定, 以成长在飞行中猛烈事件的数量并且增加的航空旅行。 奥多·Ziegelmeier, 独立空服员的组织的主任(飞碟) 报告, 事件的范围由人被描述作为"难驾驭的乘客" 一直变化从种族主义者的评论对打架在船上。 安全专家为飞行员的协会同意, 这是一个严肃的问题。 1997 年英国航空登记了260 次事件, 四倍数值三年更加早期。 没有统计在德国, 但官员估计大约100,000 位乘客德国飞机严重在船上每年misbehave 。当一定数量的外国航空公司开始采取行动反对难驾驭的乘客, 题目太严重不被采取在德国。 空服员和飞行员小组认为, 航空公司, 出于关心为他们的名誉, 包括问题。 例如, Lufthansa 官员讲话只一些被隔绝的事件和认为, 到目前为止有是没有严肃的案件被报告。 与空气旅客的总数比较, 难驾驭的乘客保留小少数。 但另一方面, 一位唯一乘客能成为安全危险如果他开始演奏与门, 设法冲出去入驾驶舱或秘密地抽一根香烟在洗手间。 专家说, 对飞行的恐惧经常是进取的行为的起因。 通常酒精充当角色因为在飞机的极端低湿气它有一个更加了不起的作用比在地面。 在许多情况下, 当空服员否认乘客其它饮料, 有激昂的反应。 在一个事例, 一个人那么猛烈地触击了空中小姐在面孔, 她遭受了一个残破的下颌。 航空公司经常有有企业乘客的问题因为他们总被用于是在控制。 但是, 如同一位航空公司官员陈述, "但在天空, 这是负责的飞行员。"其它代办处同意, 许多企业乘客有有跟随别人的一个问题指示。 他说, 美国航空甚而观察了多数难驾驭的乘客将被发现在头等和事务类部分。 航空公司怎么处理这些乘客? 一名飞行员为德国宪章航空公司必须一次应付跳舞通过走道当运载便携式的立体音响演奏大声的音乐的一个小组10 位到15 位vacationers 。 他警告了的vacationers 如果他被迫使做不定期的中止在纽约, 它会花费他们$25,000 。 那下来迅速镇定了他们。 英国航空开始警告乘客, 他们会被取缔从飞行以航空公司在二次事件以后。
2023-08-19 02:13:112


2023-08-19 02:08:122


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2023-08-19 02:08:121


2023-08-19 02:07:565