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2023-08-25 02:15:49
TAG: et poet po oe poe



英 ["pu0259u028au026at]

美 ["pou0259t]

n. 诗人



poet 诗人,作诗,作歌

wander poet 流浪诗人

minor poet 次要诗人



poet的意思是“诗人”。poet是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“诗人”。举例Hewasapainterandpoet.他既是画家又是诗人。Poemsaretheproductofapoet"simagination.诗是诗人想象力的产物。Heistheonlypoetinthiscountrythatdeservesthename.他是这个国家唯一的一位名副其实的诗人。Henotonlywantstobetakenseriouslyasamusician,butasapoettoo.他不仅希望被人当成一个真正的音乐家,还希望被看成一个诗人。短语搭配wander poet流浪诗人,minor poet次要诗人,Troubled Poet困惑不安的诗人。单词音标英语音标:[u02c8pu0259u028au026at]美语音标:[u02c8pou0259t]语法用法n.(名词)poet的基本意思是“诗人”,指写诗或韵文的人,可以指“女诗人”。引申可指“善于感受或表达的人”。poet多用于表达肯定的语气,而不带有贬义。Poet Laureate意为“桂冠诗人”,二词开头多大写,因其指英宫廷的终身独有称号。
2023-08-19 01:15:131


poet 英["pu0259u028au026at] 美[u02c8pou026at] n.诗人;空想家;古典芭蕾舞大师 名词复数:poets [例句]Voltaire saw himself primarily as a poet and dramatist. 伏尔泰认为自己的主要身份是诗人和剧作家. 2. He was also a poet. 而他也是一位诗人. 3. She is a well-known poet and social activist. 她是个有名的诗人和社会活跃分子. 4. Mahmoud darwish is the palestinian poet laureate. 马哈茂德达尔维什是巴勒斯坦的桂冠诗人. 5. My recognised cognomen was the lisping poet. 我那时公认的绰号是咬舌诗人.
2023-08-19 01:15:271


  诗人,就一般意义来讲,通常是指写诗的人,但从文学概念上讲,则应是在诗歌诗词创作上有一定成就的写诗的人和诗作家。诗人,通过诗歌创作、吟咏抒发 *** ,通过诗歌讴歌祖国的大好河山,通过诗歌鞭挞社会丑恶,通过诗歌传颂人间真善美。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    诗人英语说法1:   poet    诗人英语说法2:   rhymist   诗人英语说法3:   eisteddfod   诗人的相关短语:   诗人漫步 Wandering Poet ; Instrumental With Backing Vocals ; emule mod   即兴诗人 The Improvisatore ; improviser ; improvisator ; Improvrsitoren   两位诗人 Two Poets   诗人如是说 The poet speaks ; Der Dichter spricht   堕落诗人 Poets of the Fall    诗人的英语例句:   1. The concept of the Rose continued to inform the poet"s work.   玫瑰的概念持续贯穿于诗人的作品中。   2. At first the eager young poet was a partisan of the Revolution.   起初,那位满腔热忱的年轻诗人是革命的坚定支持者。   3. Isn"t there a suggestion that "poetess" is slightly pejorative?   难道没有人提出“女诗人”有点儿贬义吗?   4. Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths.   这些诗人中有很多都是在去世很久以后作品才得以发表的。   5. He was determined to reinvent himself as a poet and writer.   他下决心把自己重塑成一个诗人兼作家。   6. She seemed less like a poetess than a distracted housewife.   她似乎不像个女诗人,更像一个心烦意乱的家庭主妇。   7. He was a poet and an ardent spiritualist.   他是位诗人,也是忠实的招魂论者。   8. He writes beautifully, as befits a poet.   他文笔优美,适合当诗人。   9. He is a very underrated poet.   他是一名才华被严重低估的诗人。   10. the poet"s use of allegory   诗人的讽喻手法   11. The book explores contrasting views of the poet"s early work.   此书探讨了人们对这位诗人早期作品截然不同的观点。   12. The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse.   诗人爱上了她,并以诗歌使她名传后世。   13. the poet"s luxuriant imagery   诗人丰富的意象   14. an obscure German poet   一个名不见经传的德国诗人   15. The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.   这位诗人表达了他对自己热恋的女人的强烈情感.
2023-08-19 01:15:501


poet翻译为中文是诗人的意思。poet是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“诗人”。poet的常用短语搭配有:wander poet流浪诗人、minor poet次要诗人、Troubled Poet困惑不安的诗人。poet的用法有,我举两个例子:“He is a poet from another century .”意思是:他是来自另一个世纪的诗人。“Come on, poet. Look around you. Walk me through the front door.”意思是来吧,诗人。朝你周围看看。穿过前门向我走过来。
2023-08-19 01:15:581


poet; bard
2023-08-19 01:16:326


惠特曼英文简介【导语】英文简历是使用英文写的简历。应聘者完全可以根据个 人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式惠特曼简介,灵活设计。本文精选了关于智睿 英文简历的相关文章惠特曼简介,欢迎大家分享转载! 沃尔特惠特曼,美国著名诗人、人文主义者,他创造了诗歌的自由体,下面是智睿我为你整理的惠特曼英文简介,希望对你有用! 沃尔特惠特曼简介Walt Whitman (Walt Whitman, May 31, 1819 March26, 1892) LongIsland, New York, famousAmerican poet, humanist, who created freebody Itsrepresentative works poems“grass leaves set”. 沃尔特惠特曼生平简介Born Poet.May 31, 1819 LongIsland. poormoved Brooklyn,working house.He socialistthinker democraticthinker, Paine. Whitman studied publicschools, served ruralteachers; childhood also had messenger,learned typography. Later newspaperwork, has become editor. He likes wander,meditate, heprefers streets,like opera, dance, speech, like reading Homer, Greek tragedy Dante,Shakespeare"s works. From February 1846 January1848, he “BrooklynEagle”. 1848went NewOrleans soonreturned Brooklyn.After five sixyears, he helped oldfather house,operating *** allbookstore, *** allprinting factory, free loose,free teenager,enjoy boatman,navigator, coachman, mechanic, fisherman Handyman,etc. make friends. Grassset 1855“grass leaves set” firstversion 12poems, finallyout 9thedition 383poems. One longestone, laterknown 1336lines. poemalmost includes author" *** ain thought hislife, mostimportant poems poemhas repeatedly mentioned grassleaves: grass leaves symbolize all ordinary, ordinary things ordinaryordinary people. epicpoetry universallycold, onlyEmerson wrote warmletter poet.Whitman received great encouragement from ”Grassset” mostimportant work Whitmanpoetry, named after poem:“Where soil,where water,where longgrass.” Poems poemslike UnitedStates earth"sgrass, vibrant exudesattractive aroma. worldfamous masterpiece, created newera Americannational poetry. authorhas bold innovation poetry,created “freebody” poeticform, breaking traditionalpoetry unrestrained,Wang Yang unrestrained, Shu volume freely, secondedition “grassleaves set” published 32poems. “All waythrough Brooklynferry” poet" *** est works. song”,“song alsofamous. 1859,“Saturday Weekly” published Christmasnumber Whitman"sexcellent lyrics “from never-endingswing nextyear should Boston,please print “grassleaves set” version first“official publication”. 124new poems, including “from never-endingswing cradle” threegroups were named “song democracy”,“Adam"s descendants”, “reed” poetry. Warera CivilWar, Whitman, firmdemocratic fighter, showed his deep humanitarian character. When warintensified, he took nurse,all day care soldiers,resulting seriousdamage health.His life veryhard, moneysaved wounded.He served nearlytwo years, approaching about 100,000 soldiers, manylater kept Postwarlife war,Whitman *** allstaff member IndianAffairs Office Interior.Soon ministerfound “GrassLeaf Set” di *** issedhim; he later served eightyears. civilwar, increased experience, political thought has also been improved, his creation has entered newstage. 1865,Whitman NewYork ownexpense printed his poems latecivil war drumset”, which received 53new poems. fewmonths later he published sequel,including memorialLincoln"s famous “recently lilac courtyardwhen “grassleaves set” fourth edition only eight new poems, “drumset” itssequel. worthnoting longarticle published 1871“democratic vision”, summedup author"sliterary politicalideas. fifthedition “GrassLeaf Set” printedonce firstincome 13new poems, secondincome general critics recognized poet"slast important long poem “Road fewnew poems. January1873 Whitman sufferingfrom paralysis, writing ability from also depressed. hisoptimi *** , love life,his ideal death.His old age depressed unsuccessful, severalversions, occasionallywrite some poetry. 6thedition “GrassLeaves” 100thanniversary essays,including twovolumes, firstvolume fifthedition secondvolume he named “two streams”, including prose, 18 new poems, “leading IndiaRoad poems,poems tend seventhedition (1881-1882) “GrassLeaf Set”, eachpoem arrangement,have been finalized, editionhas received 20 new poems. Whitman continued writepoetry until his death poetpublished his essay collection “Typical Days”, which included “democraticvision” article. Published 1888,“November”, 62new poems somearticles, concentrated poems later income “grass leaves set” 8th edition (1889), become“poem”. 1891Philadelphia"s publisher published Whitman"s new work “Goodbye, my fantasy”, where poembecame “grass leaves” (1892),including “poem”, “seventy years” “attachedpoem two” “goodbye, my fantasy.” Poet after poem“Elderly echo”, poetry”.See 1897 1898published collection, after wholecollection also income. After 1898 universalcollection, so-called“dying version”, 1892edition secondedition firstsemester seventhedition seventhedition.
2023-08-19 01:17:171


2023-08-19 01:17:292

gown;closely; tongue ;poet这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-08-19 01:18:034

《Death poet society》.1

一。life is short ,play more. 电影里,基延先生带学生们的第一节课就是去细细玩味过去的面孔,那些学校光荣墙上的老照片,照片内外两组年龄相仿的青年隔空对话,一样的不可一世,一样眼神充满希望,一样认为自己中能成就大事,甚至导演似乎故意让一些面孔都那么相似但是,就像照片里的人一样,照片外,甚至影片外的所有人,或虚度光阴一事无成,或奋斗终生,但最终化为灰尘。我们每一个平凡的个体,来到这个世界上,最终都将变得僵冷,直至死亡。 于是,向死而生,及时行乐。及时行乐简直是对生命的极大的尊重,抓住生命最精彩的每一瞬,而不是活在在别人的眼中,为着所谓的未来,所谓的希望碌碌一生。就如联想当年的广告语,“Life is short,Play more.” “花堪折时直须折”,生命或许不是一个逐渐成长的过程,而是一个逐渐消耗的过程,所有逝去的都不会再来,就算再有相似的情景出现,花非花,赏花的心境也早不相同。 但,及时行乐并不是让我们与俗世的规则,腐朽做强硬的抵抗,鲁莽并不能改变什么,却会使我们被迫失去更多东西,我们所有恣意妄为的行为,都要记得,不要因此失去了追求自己真正想要的东西的权利。 二。poet “你怎么能像描述音乐比赛那样描述诗,撕掉那些蠢话”你不能像是给音乐比赛打分那样,给一首诗打分,生命亦然。灵魂不接受别人的评定。Think for yourself。 Savour the words and language. we read and write poets because we are a member of human race and human race is filled with passion. 品尝诗,品尝文字,品尝人生,就像爱一样,只能体会,不能描绘。 "poet beauty romantic love" these are what we still alive for. Consider what u think ,struggle to find your own vioce. The longer you wait to begin the less likely you find it at all. . break out! 走在充满愚人的城市里,我们存在的意义到底何在? The answer is,you are here,let life exists and identity.The powerful play goes on and you contribute your poems. suck out all the marrow of life I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to "glorify God and enjoy him forever."   Henry David Thoreau:Walden,or Life in the Woods   我到林中去,因为我希望谨慎地生活,只面对生活的基本事实,看看我是否学得到生活要教育我的东西,免得到了临死的时候,才发现我根本就没有生活过。我不希望度过非生活的生活,生活是那样的可爱;我却也不愿意去修行过隐逸的生活,除非是万不得已。我要生活得深深地把生命的精髓都吸到,要生活得稳稳当当,生活得斯巴达式的,以便根除一切非生活的东西,划出一块刈割的面积来,细细地刈割或修剪,把生活压缩到一个角隅里去,把它缩小到最低的条件中,如果它被证明是卑微的,那么就把那真正的卑微全部认识到,并把它的卑微之处公布于世界;或者,如果它是崇高的,就用切身的经历来体会它,在我下一次远游时,也可以作出一个真实的报道。因为,我看,大多数人还确定不了他们的生活是属于魔鬼的,还是属于上帝的呢,然而又多少有点轻率地下了判断,认为人生的主要目标是“归荣耀于神,并永远从神那里得到喜悦”。(徐迟译)
2023-08-19 01:18:121

Every man is a poet when he is in love piato,这句话是什么意思?

2023-08-19 01:18:284


如下:1、《美图文字》美图文字是款图片加文字的软件,可以用它自己设计喜欢的图片。可以自己随心所欲地为喜欢的照片添加漂亮的文字、标识等各种有个性的装饰。2、《最优文字》《最优文字》是款工具类手机软件,爱好拍照摄影的朋友可不能错过了,因为他是一款在图片上添加文字贴纸的神器,精选120多款漂亮字体和400多款艺术贴纸。3、《dumb手机版》《dumb手机版》是款好用的图片上加文字app,汇集了丰富的字体资源,可以轻松的为图片加上适合或者自己想说的话,还可以调节文字的大小、颜色。4、《typorama apk》《typorama apk》是一款好用的图片加文字app,这里有丰富的模板资源和壁纸,用户可以轻松的为图片加上自己喜爱的文字,还可以轻松的进行排版。5、《Poet相机》《Poet相机》是一款文艺气息浓厚的手机拍照app,可以在照片上加文字,操作很简单,用户可以打造专属于自己的照片特色,许多美丽的图片和文字都可以利用。
2023-08-19 01:19:011

poet laureate有谁?

如下从网站上找到的资料:  在传统上,桂冠诗人一词的使用并不严谨,获得这个称号的诗人有:高尔、利得盖特、斯凯尔顿以及伯纳德·安得烈亚斯,后者是奥古斯丁教派的托钵僧,在亨利七世朝廷担任宫廷诗人和皇室史官两个职务,日后德莱顿也曾有此殊荣。斯宾塞、德雷顿和丹尼尔等都是参加过各种形式的宫廷活动,得到官方承认的诗人。本·琼森在宫中供奉,受到恩宠,善于写作颂词,认为自己是一名正式的桂冠诗人;他得到两笔年金,也深得大众喜爱。达韦南特在查理一世、查理二世时似乎都被默认为桂冠诗人,但没有获得官方证书。直到1668年约翰·德莱顿被任命为第一位桂冠诗人(Poet Laureate),1670年他又被任命为皇室史官,这一职务才最终获得官方正式认可。这两个职务于1692年分开,不再由一人兼任,桂冠诗人的年薪定为100英镑,以后再未更动。   自1688年德莱顿谢职后,下列诗人相继担任桂冠诗人:   托马斯·沙德韦尔,1689—1692;   内厄姆·泰特,1692—1715;   尼古拉斯·罗,1715—1718;   劳伦斯·尤斯登,1718—1730;   科利·西伯,1730—1757;   威廉·怀特黑德,1757—1785;   托马斯·沃顿,(Thomas Warton)1785—1790;   亨利·詹姆斯·派伊,1790—1813;   罗伯特·骚塞,(Robert Southey)1813—1843;   威廉·华兹华斯,(William Wordsworth)1843—1850;   阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生,(Alfred Tennyson)1850—1892(丁尼生死后,4年没有选定桂冠诗人);   阿尔弗雷德·奥斯丁,1896—1913;   罗伯特·布里吉斯,1913—1930;   约翰·梅斯菲尔德(John Masefield,1878—1967),1930—1967任桂冠诗人;   塞西尔·戴·刘易斯(Cecil Day Lewis,1904—1972),1968—1972任桂冠诗人;   约翰·贝杰曼(John Betjeman,1906—1984),1972—1984任桂冠诗人;   泰德·休斯(Ted Hughes,1930—1998),1984—1998任桂冠诗人;   安德鲁·姆辛(Andrew Motion,1952— ),1999—2009任桂冠诗人;   卡罗尔·安·达菲(Carol Ann Duffy,1955— ),2009年5月被任命为桂冠诗人,任期为十年。达菲也是英国首位女性桂冠诗人。   还有许多诗人想求得桂冠诗人的职位而徒劳无功,包括约翰逊的朋友理查德·萨维奇,人称“自荐的桂冠诗人”;威廉·梅森、利·亨特;以及刘易斯·莫里斯,他在丁尼生死后四年没有选定桂冠诗人期间曾谋求此职。也有些诗人拒绝接受这一职位,如格雷、司各特以及在华兹华斯去世后拒绝继任此职的塞缪尔·罗杰斯。
2023-08-19 01:19:571

he is something of a poet,anything为什么不能用呢

something of sth是英语中的一种常用法,多出现在口语中,意思是“某种程度上是……”. anything如果要替代something,多出现在否定句和疑问句中,作为逻辑上全称命题转化为否命题之后的特称命题,如果用在这里,则没有意义.
2023-08-19 01:20:111


电脑总显示通过wanminipoet怎么办?上网之前都需要连接宽带,现在连接宽带上网的方法有很多种,比如拨号连接、无线连接等等。在雨林木风Win7旗舰版系统中通过宽带连接拨号联网的用户有时会遇到宽带连接不上的问题,比如提示“正在连接,通过WAN Miniport(pppoe)”却一直连接不上相信很多用户都遇到过,那么当我们遇到这样的情况该怎么办?不要着急,接下来大家一起看看解决方法。上图中显示,宽带正处于WAN MiniPort(PPPOE)处,但是一直显示正在连接,不过到最后还是无法连接,而接下来会出现一些提示;错误651?通过wan miniport失败后可能会显示错误651,也有可能会显示其他的错误,但它们的出现都只有一个问题,那就是:无法通过wan miniport,怎么办?以下几种情况会导致宽带连接的时候“无法通过wan miniport(pppoe)”:在看以下原因时先确定你没有安装路由器,如果安装了路由器再去拨号连接肯定是不行的!要直接连接宽带猫或交换机才可以。一,ISP线路或机房有问题。上网的时候,除了电脑系统、网卡、网线、路由器和猫等用户所能够控制得的东西之外,还有线路和ISP机房等问题,是用户无法控制的,这些地方出问题了,就极有可能会显示wan miniport无法通过。但ISP线路或机房的问题也分为两种:首先就是线路通的,但能够连接到ISP,但无法正常上网,这通常是因为欠费或ISP机房出现问题。还有就是因为用户本身的原因。二,网卡或猫有问题。猫有问题,宽带拨号程序是无法识别的!所以,如果猫(包括路由器等网络设备)有问题,很可能会出现上述所言的错误!三,拨号软件有问题。拨号软件有问题,并不难排查,可以直接删除之后重新建立宽带连接。这样就可以测试出是否是拨号软件的问题了。四,网络已经连接。如果网络已经连通,但不是通过宽带连接接通的,你双击宽带连接后,仍然可以进行连接,但却不可能通过wan miniport,可以打开网页或进行任何上网的操作来测试是否已经有网了!五,大家还可以尝试1.重新启动,2.禁用本地连接,然后删除宽带连接,然后再重新建立宽带连接。上述就是Win7连接宽带提示“正在连接,通过WAN Miniport(pppoe)”一直连接不上的解决方法,设置之后,我们就可以连接宽带上网了。
2023-08-19 01:20:331


2023-08-19 01:21:393


2023-08-19 01:21:572


something of 是有几分, 在某种程度上
2023-08-19 01:22:084


2023-08-19 01:22:171


我已经理解了universe和cosmos这两个词的不同之处。通常,universe是指所有存在的事物,包括所有的生物、星系、行星、空间、时间,以及所有的物质和能量。而cosmos则有一个更广泛的含义,它不仅包括所有的物理实体,还包括宇宙的秩序和结构。为了让大家快速掌握这两个词的特征,我简洁地归纳了它们的含义、发音和用法,希望可以作为大家初步认识这两个词汇的参考。这是一个逐步去深入理解的过程。接下来让我们看下universe和cosmos的其他区别:科学研究中的使用不同:"universe"在天文学中使用更加广泛。例句:Scientists are trying to understand the origin of the universe. 科学家们正在尝试理解宇宙的起源。"cosmos"在哲学和宗教中使用更多。例句:Philosophers have long pondered the nature of the cosmos. 哲学家们长久以来一直在思考宇宙的本性。对秩序和结构的强调不同:"universe"更多地指的是所有存在的事物,不涵盖宇宙的秩序和结构。例句:The universe encompasses all matter and energy. 宇宙包含了所有的物质和能量。"cosmos"则强调宇宙的秩序和结构。例句:The cosmos is a complex and orderly system. 宇宙是一个复杂而有序的系统。对宇宙的理解不同:"universe"更多地指的是物理性质和存在。例句:The universe has billions of galaxies. 宇宙有数十亿个星系。"cosmos"更多地指的是宇宙的本质和哲学理解。例句:The cosmos is the ultimate reality beyond our physical existence. 宇宙是超越我们物理存在的最终现实。在日常语言中的使用不同:"universe"在日常语言中使用更广泛。例句:There are many unanswered questions about the universe. 关于宇宙有很多未回答的问题。"cosmos"更常在诗歌、文学或者哲学的语境中使用。例句:The poet described the stars as jewels scattered across the cosmos. 诗人将星星描述为散落在宇宙中的珠宝。
2023-08-19 01:23:361


如下:1、《美图文字》美图文字是款图片加文字的软件,可以用它自己设计喜欢的图片。可以自己随心所欲地为喜欢的照片添加漂亮的文字、标识等各种有个性的装饰。2、《最优文字》《最优文字》是款工具类手机软件,爱好拍照摄影的朋友可不能错过了,因为他是一款在图片上添加文字贴纸的神器,精选120多款漂亮字体和400多款艺术贴纸。3、《dumb手机版》《dumb手机版》是款好用的图片上加文字app,汇集了丰富的字体资源,可以轻松的为图片加上适合或者自己想说的话,还可以调节文字的大小、颜色。4、《typorama apk》《typorama apk》是一款好用的图片加文字app,这里有丰富的模板资源和壁纸,用户可以轻松的为图片加上自己喜爱的文字,还可以轻松的进行排版。5、《Poet相机》《Poet相机》是一款文艺气息浓厚的手机拍照app,可以在照片上加文字,操作很简单,用户可以打造专属于自己的照片特色,许多美丽的图片和文字都可以利用。
2023-08-19 01:23:531


Poetsch珀奇手表还可以;Danny:瑞士知名职业制表,师从菲利普·杜夫 先生,珀奇品牌荣誉顾问,从设计、研发到 生产均由其传授指导。国内资深钟表鉴定师,知名表企从业十余年, 无论是品质把控还是制造管理皆能力突出, 珀奇COO运营官。2020年由于疫情的原因,日内瓦官方和巴塞尔官方先后宣布取消钟表展。两大钟表展的取消对于腕表品牌可谓影响颇大,许多腕表品牌为了不影响新品的发布,可谓绞尽脑汁,都纷纷推出全新力作,从外观、性能、材质等多方面着手突破,带给大家不少惊喜。在这众多新款腕表当中,Poetsch珀奇凭借自身独特魅力脱颖而出。POETSCH 珀奇是于2017年申请注册的商标品牌,注册号25371837。品牌服务有贵重金属艺术品、计时器等。POETSCH珀奇专注手表销售及服务。扩展资料:Poetsch珀奇手表The joker小丑为纯手工顶级技艺打造,玫瑰金款式,真空炉内电镀,采用经典手工拉丝工艺,蓝宝石水晶透盖,堪称古典与现代元素的完美结合。Poetsch小丑内置乳白色表盘,镶嵌立体时计玫瑰金块,尽显尊贵与奢华。小丑的表盘在3点钟、9点钟、12点钟方向分别嵌入月相Logo、秒表盘、计时盘,形若小丑前额与双眼。在6点钟方向嵌入陀飞轮并搭配手工打磨鱼鳞纹饰栈桥,恰似小丑撕裂的嘴唇,并扬起傲慢而轻蔑笑容。
2023-08-19 01:24:291


poet英 ["pu0259u028au026at] 美 ["pou0259t] n. 诗人汉语读音 英:pe 乌 ei 特 美;破额特
2023-08-19 01:24:542


  诗人,就一般意义来讲,通常是指写诗的人,但从文学概念上讲,则应是在诗歌诗词创作上有一定成就的写诗的人和诗作家。诗人,通过诗歌创作、吟咏抒发 *** ,通过诗歌讴歌祖国的大好河山,通过诗歌鞭挞社会丑恶,通过诗歌传颂人间真善美。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    诗人英语说法1:   poet    诗人英语说法2:   rhymist   诗人英语说法3:   eisteddfod   诗人的相关短语:   诗人漫步 Wandering Poet ; Instrumental With Backing Vocals ; emule mod   即兴诗人 The Improvisatore ; improviser ; improvisator ; Improvrsitoren   两位诗人 Two Poets   诗人如是说 The poet speaks ; Der Dichter spricht   堕落诗人 Poets of the Fall    诗人的英语例句:   1. The concept of the Rose continued to rm the poet"s work.   玫瑰的概念持续贯穿于诗人的作品中。   2. At first the eager young poet was a partisan of the Revolution.   起初,那位满腔热忱的年轻诗人是革命的坚定支持者。   3. Isn"t there a suggestion that "poetess" is slightly pejorative?   难道没有人提出“女诗人”有点儿贬义吗?   4. Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths.   这些诗人中有很多都是在去世很久以后作品才得以发表的。   5. He was determined to reinvent himself as a poet and writer.   他下决心把自己重塑成一个诗人兼作家。   6. She seemed less like a poetess than a distracted housewife.   她似乎不像个女诗人,更像一个心烦意乱的家庭主妇。   7. He was a poet and an ardent spiritualist.   他是位诗人,也是忠实的招魂论者。   8. He writes beautifully, as befits a poet.   他文笔优美,适合当诗人。   9. He is a very underrated poet.   他是一名才华被严重低估的诗人。   10. the poet"s use of allegory   诗人的讽喻手法   11. The book explores contrasting views of the poet"s early work.   此书探讨了人们对这位诗人早期作品截然不同的观点。   12. The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse.   诗人爱上了她,并以诗歌使她名传后世。   13. the poet"s luxuriant imagery   诗人丰富的意象   14. an obscure German poet   一个名不见经传的德国诗人   15. The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.   这位诗人表达了他对自己热恋的女人的强烈情感.
2023-08-19 01:25:021


主要如下:1、当poet作名词时,意思为诗人、空想家、古典芭蕾大师。其复数形式为poets。2、当poet后面加后缀ry时,也是名词,意思为诗歌、诗集。3、poet加后缀ic时,变为形容词,意思为像诗一般的、富有诗意的。拓展资料:其双语例句有如下1、He is a poet from another century .他是来自另一个世纪的诗人。2、Come on, poet. Look around you. Walk me through the front door.来吧,诗人。朝你周围看看。穿过前门向我走过来。3、You have strength of lion and soul of poet.你有狮子的力量和诗人的灵魂
2023-08-19 01:25:101

poet 是可数名词吗

poet 是可数名词poets n. 诗人( poet的名词复数 ); [例句]Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得灵感。
2023-08-19 01:25:181


poem的意思是诗,韵文,诗体文;诗歌。Poem和Poet是两个与诗歌创作和表现相关的术语。虽然它们紧密联系,但它们在诗歌创作和诗歌表现方面有着不同的角色和职能。下面将详细说明Poem和Poet的区别。1. Poem(诗歌)诗歌是一种以语言和声音为基础的文学形式,通过使用特定的语言技巧、韵律和节奏,表达作者的情感、思想和意境。诗歌通常以抽象、简洁、富有意象和隐喻的方式表现,可以通过多种形式呈现,如抒情诗、叙事诗、讽刺诗等。诗歌可以包含多种元素,如押韵、节奏、格律、词汇和修辞等,这些元素共同创造了诗歌的独特魅力。2. Poet(诗人)诗人是创作诗歌的人,是诗歌的作者。诗人使用自己的语言和情感,通过诗歌表达自己的内心世界和对外部世界的观察和体验。诗人是创造者,他们通过选择合适的词汇、构建独特的语言形式和运用诗歌技巧,创作出独具个性和风格的诗歌作品。诗人通常具有高度的语言艺术和表达能力,他们通过诗歌表达对生活、情感、人生、社会和自然等方面的思考和体验。3. 区别- 角色:Poem是诗歌作品本身,是一种文学形式,而Poet是创作诗歌的人,是诗歌的作者。- 功能:Poem通过语言技巧、韵律和节奏表现情感、思想和意境,而Poet则通过创作诗歌表达自己的内心世界和对外部世界的观察和体验。- 特点:Poem具有诗歌的语言特点,如抽象、简洁、富有意象和隐喻;而Poet则具有诗人的个性和风格,通过选择词汇、构建语言形式和运用诗歌技巧,创作出独具特色的诗歌作品。- 职能:Poem是诗歌作品,通过传递作者的情感、思想和意境,与读者进行情感和心灵的沟通;而Poet则是诗歌的创作者,通过创作传达思想和情感。
2023-08-19 01:25:261


桂冠诗人英文是:poet laureate。例句:1、John Dryden was appointed the first Poet Laureate. 约翰·赖登被封为英国第一个桂冠诗人。2、The honor shown to a Nobel laureate.对诺贝尔桂冠诗人的尊敬。3、America even has a chief poet,known as the Poet Laureate.美国甚至还有一个首领诗人,被称为桂冠诗人。4、1844 Robert Bridges,English Poet Laureate,was born in Kent.英国桂冠诗人罗伯特·布里奇斯生于肯特郡。5、Ted Hughes,a British poet laureate,is famous for his poems in which raptors and fierce animals are described.英国桂冠诗人泰德·休斯以笔下猛禽凶兽的动物诗著称。6、Dilemma between People Literature and Palace Literature--Brief Discussion on the System of Laureate in Britain.两难于人民文学与宫廷文学之间——英国“桂冠诗人”制度略论。
2023-08-19 01:25:481

英语作文《my. favourite. poet》

Ever since I was at primary school ,I have been interested in Chinese and of all my subjects I do best in it .Chinese culture has a long history and poems are my favourite .I have a lot of books in my study .In my spare time I stay at home doing a lot of reading ,especially acient Chinese poems .Some of them present us magnificent pictures of our country ,some tells beautiful stories about important events in the history .The more I read ,the more I enjoy them .
2023-08-19 01:26:191


Li bai was born in tang dynasty, hours Hou Congying, but is very naughty. On one occasion, he ran out of the school came to the river, saw an old lady was again with iron pestle needle, li bai was surprised, "how is this possible?" "As long as kung fu deep, iron pestle ground into a needle" grandma"s words made li bai suddenly enlighted, vigorous study finally. Li bai"s efforts the other I admire, his character is worth me to learn more. He during an official shame and flattery, not marginalised, angry still chose to leave. At the same time wrote "Ann can bow and scrape shi dignitaries as their agents, that I be not happy yan" of a sentence. Li bai"s poems you have rich feelings. They are smart and elegant, somewhat long, some bold and unrestrained. "From" we had to do was basil I realized his ambition, "I sent sorrow heart and bright moon" and let me feel his tenderness, "take out knife cut water flow more" this is his helpless, "long sail the waves will sometimes" again with his perseverance. This is li bai"s poems, he made me. This is the great of li bai, representatives of the glory of the Chinese nation, I study the model.
2023-08-19 01:26:422


2023-08-19 01:28:411

my wish is to be a poet英语作文

Ever since I was at primary school , I have been interested in Chinese and of all my subjects I do best in it .Chinese culture has a long history and poems are my favourite . I have a lot of books in my study . In my spare time I stay at home doing a lot of reading , especially acient Chinese poems . Some of them present us magnificent pictures of our country , some tells beautiful stories about important events in the history . The more I read , the more I enjoy them . Although the writers are far ahead of us , I feel they are talking to me face to face whenever I read their poems .
2023-08-19 01:28:481


2023-08-19 01:28:581


如下:1、《美图文字》美图文字是款图片加文字的软件,可以用它自己设计喜欢的图片。可以自己随心所欲地为喜欢的照片添加漂亮的文字、标识等各种有个性的装饰。2、《最优文字》《最优文字》是款工具类手机软件,爱好拍照摄影的朋友可不能错过了,因为他是一款在图片上添加文字贴纸的神器,精选120多款漂亮字体和400多款艺术贴纸。3、《dumb手机版》《dumb手机版》是款好用的图片上加文字app,汇集了丰富的字体资源,可以轻松的为图片加上适合或者自己想说的话,还可以调节文字的大小、颜色。4、《typorama apk》《typorama apk》是一款好用的图片加文字app,这里有丰富的模板资源和壁纸,用户可以轻松的为图片加上自己喜爱的文字,还可以轻松的进行排版。5、《Poet相机》《Poet相机》是一款文艺气息浓厚的手机拍照app,可以在照片上加文字,操作很简单,用户可以打造专属于自己的照片特色,许多美丽的图片和文字都可以利用。
2023-08-19 01:29:341


一位剧作家兼诗人A playwright and poet
2023-08-19 01:30:092

翻译 Poet William Stafford once said that we are de

2023-08-19 01:30:173


2023-08-19 01:30:262

The worker and poet _____from Shanghai

The worker and poet comes from Shanghai 工作者和诗人来自上海
2023-08-19 01:31:151

《Theodore Watts-Dunton Poet》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Theodore Watts-Dunton, Poet, Novelist, Critic;》(Douglas, James)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: d2bw书名:Theodore Watts-Dunton, Poet, Novelist, Critic;作者:Douglas, James页数:552
2023-08-19 01:31:341

the teacher and poet

is,the teacher and poet指一个人,the teacher and the poet才是两个人,用are
2023-08-19 01:31:494

who is the poet of American revolution?

Philip Morin Freneau (January 2, 1752 – December 18, 1832)(sometimes spelled Phillip Frenau) was an American poet and newspaper editor.He is often called the "Poet of the American Revolution".菲利普·莫林·福瑞诺,美国革命诗人
2023-08-19 01:31:581


麻烦你下次把空格带上,看着很吃力at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet直译:在爱情的感染下,每个人成了诗人意译:恋人情怀总是诗
2023-08-19 01:32:081


如下:1、《美图文字》美图文字是款图片加文字的软件,可以用它自己设计喜欢的图片。可以自己随心所欲地为喜欢的照片添加漂亮的文字、标识等各种有个性的装饰。2、《最优文字》《最优文字》是款工具类手机软件,爱好拍照摄影的朋友可不能错过了,因为他是一款在图片上添加文字贴纸的神器,精选120多款漂亮字体和400多款艺术贴纸。3、《dumb手机版》《dumb手机版》是款好用的图片上加文字app,汇集了丰富的字体资源,可以轻松的为图片加上适合或者自己想说的话,还可以调节文字的大小、颜色。4、《typorama apk》《typorama apk》是一款好用的图片加文字app,这里有丰富的模板资源和壁纸,用户可以轻松的为图片加上自己喜爱的文字,还可以轻松的进行排版。5、《Poet相机》《Poet相机》是一款文艺气息浓厚的手机拍照app,可以在照片上加文字,操作很简单,用户可以打造专属于自己的照片特色,许多美丽的图片和文字都可以利用。
2023-08-19 01:32:161


2023-08-19 01:33:051

why does the poet say thee stand"staute-like"

why does the poet say thee stand "statue-like" 意思是 “为什么诗人说你像塑像似的伫立着”。thee 属于英语古文,相当于汉语的 “汝/君”,现代多用于诗歌。
2023-08-19 01:33:132


Li"bai was a famous poet in Tang dynasty .
2023-08-19 01:33:292

求 westlife 的poet‘s heart 歌词的中英文对照版

2.Poet"s Heart作词:Ruth - Anne Cunningham、John Shanks作曲:Ruth - Anne Cunningham、John ShanksWhen did I lose my voice? 我什麼时候无话可说When did I make the choice to beliving so easy in the quiet? 我什麼时候选择了在安静中如此简单的生活Too much of restless thinking 太多的无休止的想法But they say time is everything. 但他们说时间就是全部You came and opened up the slience. 你来到并打破了寂静So I lie awake, 所以我保持清醒writing symphonies trapped inside me, 写下萦绕在我心头的旋律But now I know, what you give to me, 但现在我知道,你给我了什麼东西I"m living with the poet"s heart, heart 我有了一颗诗人的心Now all the lights turned on and I"m never gonna stop 现在所有的灯都打开了,我也决不会停止As the words come out, it"s because you lit the spark. 现在所有的词语都出现了,因为是你点燃了星火You"re a priceless, timeless, precious work of art. 你是无价的,无限的,珍贵的艺术品Though everywhere you are, 不管你在哪里,I"m living with the poet"s heart. 我有了一颗诗人的心Whisper to me again 在此对我耳语You *fall* from my ears straight to my pen,你从我的耳边到了我的笔头How did you see right through? 你如何看透It"s like you"re always new. 你好像永远都是展新的So I lie awake 所以我保持清醒writing symphonies, you awoken me 写下你唤醒我的旋律,Cause now I know, what you sing to me, 因为我现在知道,你对我唱了什麼I"m living with the poet"s heart, heart. 我有了一颗诗人的心现在所有的灯都打开了,我也决不会停止As the words come out, it"s because you lit the spark. 现在所有的词语都出现了,因为是你点燃了星火You"re a priceless, timeless, precious work of art. 你是无价的,无限的,珍贵的艺术品Though everywhere you are, 不管你在哪里,I"m living with the poet"s heart. 我有了一颗诗人的心Oh, ohSo let"s lie awake, making history 所以我们保持清醒,创造历史Yeah, you and me 你和我Cause now we know,因为我们现在知道so won"t you sing to me, 所以难道你不唱给我吗our melody,我们的旋律yeah现在所有的灯都打开了,我也决不会停止As the words come out, it"s because you lit the spark. 现在所有的词语都出现了,因为是你点燃了星火You"re a priceless, timeless, precious work of art. 你是无价的,无限的,珍贵的艺术品Though everywhere you are, 不管你在哪里,I"m living with the poet"s heart. heart, heart, heart我有了一颗诗人的心Now my feet won"t touch the ground, 现在我的双脚不会再著地Yeah, we"re flying high homeward bound 是的,我们在飞往高处的家的地方Take my hand, yeah, just like that.拉著我的手,是的,就像这样,We"ll keep riding, riding 我们继续骑行,骑行Don"t look back, don"t look back,别回头,别回头no, no...英文是对的。。中文是我自己尽量的,没什麼文笔。。。。
2023-08-19 01:34:511

the writer and ___poet is coming to ... 要加the吗?

2023-08-19 01:35:004

"The girl is a ________ poet, whose poems are ________ by many famous poetsuff0e"

答案B句意为:“这个女孩是个有天赋的诗人,她的诗为许多著名诗人所赞许。”gifted“有天赋的”,approve sb.of sth.“赞许,承认”。
2023-08-19 01:35:141

跪求、Poet And The Pendulum的歌词大意大神们帮帮忙

THE PACIFIC” “太平洋” Sparkle my scenery 用碧绿的瀑布 With turquoise waterfall 用潜藏的美丽 With beauty underneath 使我的风景闪耀 The Ever Free 永远自由的(太平洋) Tuck me in beneath the blue 将我吞入那片天蓝吧 Beneath the pain, beneath the rain 任痛苦填压,任雨水冲洗 Goodnight kiss for a child in time 给孩子一个及时的晚安之吻 Swaying blade my lullaby 摇晃的利刃就是我的摇篮 On the shore we sat and hoped 我们曾坐在海岸上期待着 Under the same pale moon 相同的苍白月色下 Whose guiding light chose you 谁的指引之光选择了你 Chose you all 选择了你们所有人 ” I`m afraid. I`m so afraid. 我害怕,我太害怕了 Being raped again, and again, and again 被一次又一次的强暴,又一次,再一次 I know I will die alone. 我知道我会孤独的死去 But loved. 但是仍被爱着 You live long enough to hear the sound of guns, 你听着枪声度日的时间太长了 long enough to find yourself screaming every night, 作者: Oceansole 2008-2-1 11:31 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 【迟到翻译+乐评】01.The Poet and The Pendulum 长到发现你自己在每天夜里尖叫 long enough to see your friends betray you. 长到看见你的朋友们纷纷背叛 For years I`ve been strapped unto this altar. 我已经被捆绑在这个祭坛上很久了 Now I only have 3 minutes and counting. 终于只需倒数3分钟 I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for ”. 我只希望潮水能最先将我卷走,赐予我渴望已久的死亡 ”DARK PASSION PLAY” 黑色受难记 2nd robber to the right of Christ 基督右边的第二个强盗 Cut in half - infanticide 劈成两半的杀婴者 The world will rejoice today 世界将在今天重现欢颜 As the crows feast on the rotting poet 乌鸦将享用诗人腐烂的躯体 Everyone must bury their own 每个人都得埋葬自己 No pack to bury the heart of stone 石头般的心灵无需包裹起来掩埋 Now he`s home in hell, serves him well 他终于回到地狱的家中了,好好款待他啊 Slain by the bell, tolling for his farewell 钟声杀死了他,宣告着他的辞世 The morning dawned, upon his altar 黎明从他的祭坛升起 Remains of the dark passion play 只留下黑色的受难记 Performed by his friends without shame 由他无耻的朋友们演绎着 Spitting on his grave as they came 他的坟墓被众人啐唾 Getaway, runaway, fly away 逃离,狂奔,飞走 Lead me astray to dreamer`s hideaway 将我引入歧途带到梦想家的隐居处 I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more 我哭不出来因为重负压肩 I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world 不能死去,我,这个冰冷世界的娼妇 Forgive me 原谅我吧 I have but two faces 我只有两幅面孔 One for the world 一张留给世界 One for God 一张献给上帝 Save me 救救我吧 I cannot cry `cause the shoulder cries more 我哭不出来因为重负压肩 I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world 不能死去,我,这个冰冷世界的娼妇 Today, in the year of our Lord 2005, 今天,在我主的2005年 Tuomas was called from the cares of the world. TUOMAS被召唤离开世间的纷争 He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day. 他在每一个美丽日子的最后停止了哭泣 The music he wrote had too long been without silence. 他的音乐久久不能沉寂 He was found naked and dead, 他赤裸的死了 With a smile in his face, a pen and 1000 pages of erased text.” 脸上挂着微笑,身旁还有一支笔和1000张擦去的诗篇 Save me 救救我吧 ”MOTHER & FATHER” “父亲&母亲” Be still, my son 安静下来,我的孩子 You`re home 这是你的家 Oh when did you become so cold? 你何时变得如此冷酷 The blade will keep on descending 刀光剑影会终究会消失 All you need is to feel my love 你只要用心去感受我的爱 Search for beauty, find your shore 去寻找美的所在,寻找你的海岸 Try to save them all, bleed no more 救救他们,别再让流血发生 You have such oceans within 你心中有如此的宽阔的海洋 In the end 最后 I will always love you 我会一直爱着你 The beginning. 开篇
2023-08-19 01:35:341


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