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2023-08-25 00:57:10
TAG: thor thorn th horn


名词 n.


No rose without a thorn.



Thorns sprang up and choked the wheat.



The biggest thorn in the Prime Minister"s side is inflation.






2023-08-18 21:45:462

Thorn 怎么读

thorn 英[θu0254:n]美[θu0254:rn]n. 刺; 棘刺,荆棘; 带刺的植物; 刺痛;[网络] 荆棘; 刺,荆棘; 螫刺;[例句]He removes a thorn from a lion"s paw.他从狮子脚掌上拔下一根刺。[其他] 复数:thorns
2023-08-18 21:45:531


thorn[英][θu0254:n][美][θu0254:rn]n.刺; 棘刺,荆棘; 带刺的植物; 刺痛; 复数:thornspoppy[英][u02c8pu0252pi][美][u02c8pɑ:pi]n.[植]罂粟(花); 罂粟属植物; 深红色; 复数:poppies例句:1.A honeybee approaches the blossom of a poppy flower in ludwigsburg germany. 一只蜜蜂正在接近德国路德维希堡一朵盛开的罂粟花。2.Doctors had known for millennia that willow bark and poppy sap relieve pain. 几千年来,医生已经知道柳树皮和罂粟汁可以缓解疼痛。
2023-08-18 21:46:013


Thorn x0dx0a [θu0254:n]x0dx0ax0dx0an. 刺;[植] 荆棘x0dx0an. (Thorn)人名;(柬)通;(英)索恩;(法、德、丹、瑞典)托恩x0dx0ax0dx0a网络释义x0dx0ax0dx0aThornx0dx0a热刺 / 荆棘 /刺 /蒺藜x0dx0a..................x0dx0aPoppy ["pu0254pi]x0dx0ax0dx0an. 罂粟花;罂粟属植物;深红色x0dx0aadj. 罂粟科的 x0dx0ax0dx0a[复数poppies ]x0dx0ax0dx0a网络释义x0dx0ax0dx0aPoppyx0dx0a波比 / 罂粟花 /罂粟/芙蓉红x0dx0apoppy seedsx0dx0a婴粟籽 / 罂粟籽 /罂粟子/ 罂粟花籽
2023-08-18 21:46:184


thornn.刺; 棘刺,荆棘; 带刺的植物; 刺痛;
2023-08-18 21:46:333


thorn 英:[θu0254u02d0n] 翻译为刺branch英:[brɑu02d0ntu0283] 翻译为分支、树枝fluent 英:[u02c8fluu02d0u0259nt]翻译为流利的
2023-08-18 21:47:136


2023-08-18 21:47:442

"仙人掌"的 "刺" 的英语给用哪个?

spine指动植物身上的刺 仙人掌的刺:cactus spines thorn特指植物茎上的刺,亦指带刺的灌木或荆棘,如玫瑰 而仙人掌的刺其实是叶子的退化而非真正意义上的“刺”,故spine比较合理 sting特指动物(特别是昆虫)的蜇刺 prick动词为刺穿,名词为刺痛
2023-08-18 21:48:021

thron thorn两个单词意思一样吗

2023-08-18 21:48:121


2022年,世界人口大增,单纽约市人口就达到四千万,大多数的房屋都是拥挤不堪,破烂不堪。蔬菜水果等天然食品都成了十分昂贵的奢侈品。大多数人依靠一个世界上很有威望的企业Soylent集团制造的人工食品为生,分别是“红soylent”(soylent red)和“黄soylent”(soylent yellow),这些类似饼干的食品被宣传为“高能量蔬果提取物”。Soylent集团最新推出的食品是产自“高能量浮游生物”的“绿soylent”(soylent green),但是经常供不应求,甚至引发购买者的暴动。Robert Thorn是一个纽约市警察,他和他的伙伴Sol Roth住在一个单卧室公寓. Roth是一个前任的教授,他帮助Thorn调查案件,他经常告诉Thorn过去的日子是怎样的,那时他们有很多天然的食物。Thorn被任命调查一个富翁William R. Simonson的谋杀案。他在案发现场发现很多奢侈品,开始顺手牵羊,拿走了死者很多东西,如食品,酒,肥皂和书籍。他审问了死者生前同住的一大班女性玩伴(死者刻意称呼她们为“家具”)的其中一位,24岁的Shirl。Thorn还审问了死者生前的保镖Tab Fielding。保镖说案发当晚他陪同Shirl去买东西。回家后,Thorn把他偷的那两本书交给Sol,书名为《2015年至2019年Soylent海洋学调查报告》(Soylent Oceanographic Survey Report, 2015-2019)。Thorn感到奇怪的是:案发当晚死者住宅的警报正好失灵,而他的保镖亦正好出门在外。Thorn又去Fielding的住宅审问他的女人,他发现这个女人正在吃一罐价值150美元的草莓果酱,当时对于一个保镖的女人来说,这种食品实在是奢侈的不得了。然后Thorn回到他的家和Sol分享他偷来的食物,Sol告诉他Simonson是Soylent集团的其中一个董事。然后Thorn又来到死者的家去审问Shirl,Shirl告诉他死者生前曾经十分苦恼,甚至带她去教堂忏悔。然后Thorn就去那座教堂审问给Simonson忏悔的牧师,但是那个牧师很累很疲倦拒绝回答。正当Thorn要继续追查时,纽约市的市长Santini命令Thorn的上司Hatcher中尉封案,但是Thorn拒绝了这个命令而继续追查。后来,在一次因争夺绿soylent而起的暴乱中,谋杀simonson的凶手试图开枪射杀Thorn,结果Thorn腿部中弹,而那个杀手被车轧死。与此同时,Roth继续研读那两本海洋学报告,然后他把这两本书带到一间名叫“顶级交流”(Supreme Exchange)的图书馆里。通过查考其他的书籍,他发现了Soylent集团一个不可告人的秘密,知道真相后Roth十分痛苦,决定去政府提供的协助自杀机构自杀。他喝了毒酒后,躺在机构的地下室里看描述过去大自然之美好的全景式影片。Thorn回家后发现Sol留言的字条,知道Sol打算自杀,于是马上跑去协助自杀的机构,但已来晚了一步,Sol已喝下毒酒。Thorn强迫机构的工作人员打开窗户,从影片中看到了自己从没见过的大自然。因Sol临死前嘱咐Thorn去Soylent工厂调查真相,所以Thorn趁工作人员把Sol尸体放入运送尸体的车时也跳进车中,偷偷去到Soylent工厂,发现原来工厂用死人制造绿soylent。然后他被人发现跑回住宅,但是遭到了一群人的埋伏,其中包括Fielding。Thorn开枪打死几个人,但是也被Fielding开枪打伤胸口。他逃入教堂,然后用刀杀死了追杀自己的Fielding。警察终于赶到现场,其中包括Thorn的上司Hatcher中尉,Thorn告诉他:“绿soylent是用人做的;我们必须阻止他们!”这部科幻片的时代背景是2022年代码纽约曼哈顿,当地居民均依赖人造食物和恒温米维持生命。警员查尔顿·赫斯登与年老的朋友爱德华·罗宾逊住在一幢老旧的大厦中,怀念昔日美好时光。城中发生谋杀案,赫斯登负责调查。在鲁宾逊的协助下,他发现了政府制造人造食物的一项大阴谋。导演理查德·弗莱舍将未来世界塑造成一个人口过盛的人吃人社会,在视觉经营虽未见新思,但故事身倒拍得相当紧张悬疑,有一定的可看性。同时,本片是三十年代硬汉巨星爱德华·罗宾逊的最后遗作。
2023-08-18 21:48:221

ancient ; thorn ;substitute ; 这英语用谐音怎么读??

2023-08-18 21:48:506

求一对情侣的英文名…可以是各种物品…动物…等等…霸气点的 跳街舞用

我这里有个,绝对包你满意。Poppy 和Thorn 。女的叫Poppy,波比,这个名字现在在英国超级火的,超级好听超级有个性,适合跳街舞的,意思是罂粟,就是制造鸦片的花,是一种迷人却有毒的花,很适合女人吧。男的叫Thorn,是刺,荆棘的意思,也是一种可以伤人却又迷人的植物,平时大家可以叫你 Thorny.Poppy 和Thorn 是绝配,特别适合有个性的情侣,满意吗??
2023-08-18 21:49:051

pulled out the thorn什么意思

pulled out the thorn拔刺-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-08-18 21:49:142


虎刺梅 亦称基督刺(Christ thorn)、虎刺、麒麟花、老虎簕。蔓生灌木,属藤蔓状多刺植物,. 原产于马达加斯加,是受欢迎的室内植物,热带地区种植于庭园。四季均开花,在北半球冬季开花最盛。茎稍攀缘性,分枝,可长达2米余。茎上有灰色粗刺,叶卵形,老叶脱落。花小,成对著生成小簇,各花簇又聚成二歧聚伞花序。外侧有两枚淡红色苞片,花小。苞片有黄色,也有深红色。亦称基督刺(Christ thorn)。
2023-08-18 21:49:242

万达院线游戏携《Tales of Thorn》开启手游出海新玩法

今年,万达院线游戏宣布与国内CP白银时代合作,将发行ARPG游戏《风之旅团》(Tales of Thorn)作为出征东南亚市场与欧美市场的第一款手游。万达院线游戏海外团队根据产品定位,深度定制游戏本地化与立体营销策略,在东南亚各地区展开多元跨界合作, 使得《Tales of Thorn》一经上线即获Google Play Store东南亚多国首页推荐,成功叩响国际化发行的大门。 【三个红利消失 出海势在必行】 2017年距手游元年已经3年了,随着“影游联动”、IP、VR等“概念红利”逐步消退,“人口红利”也在走下坡路,按游戏工委数据,中国游戏用户5.07亿人,同比增长3.6%,但这个增速是去年同期的1/2,行业数据也显示,移动游戏活跃设备规模达到11.7亿,增速连续第24个月下滑至4.4%,而最重要的是“时间红利”也被几款现象级游戏蚕食鲸吞,时间是有限的,国内玩家已然定型,手游出海势在必行。 【剖析海外市场 三步解决本地化 】 提及东南亚市场,据统计总人口约为6.44亿,玩家数量达到1.3亿,手游市场规模达到13亿美金。印尼、泰国和越南是手游营收的Top 3,占市场整体的60%,其中印尼手游营收的增速达到116%,东南亚手游市场发展可谓是潜力无限。东南亚地区渠道结构简单,以app store、google play为主,一定程度上为出海厂商提供了便利。但尽管市场规模可观,接入便捷,为何近年来国内诸多厂商瞄准这一市场仍没有达到可观预期?原因就在于:游戏、文化、推广这三个本地化上。 【游戏为地域服务 玩法为人群定制】 在东南亚地区,西方魔幻与东方仙侠的认知度都比较高,动作游戏也深受喜爱。因此,万达院线游戏避开了今年海外SLG游戏的集中扎堆,《Tales of Thorn》以ARPG游戏强势入局东南亚地区。《Tales of Thorn》采用韩系画风,独特的“武器即技能”玩法能够满足东南亚用户的对于新模式的需求,同时,该游戏还创造性地加入了偷袭设定,让玩家感受走位操作的快感, “PK天平系统”也有别于市面上的强氪金游戏,真正给东南亚用户带来“公平 竞技 ”体验。获得Google Play Store玩家的一致好评。 泰国明星Margie推荐《Tales of Thorn》 新马、印尼等网红和电竞选手齐力推荐《Tales of Thorn》 【文化为发行基础 发力社交网络】 2017年7月5日,Twitter发布了关于中国出海游戏在海外市场热议话题的研究报告。Twitter研究了中国出海游戏从2015年1月到2017年5月的表现,综合得出结论:中国手游出海最重要的就是对当地文化进行深入理解。东南亚玩家对于Facebook、YouTube、Twitter等社交媒体异常欢迎,这些社交平台常驻的KOL及网红能带来非常可观的流量。本次《Tales of Thorn》与泰国明星Margie、新马、印尼等网红和电竞选手强强合作,从线上到线下进行直播试玩,紧贴游戏内人物角色形象进行了接地气的趣味性包装,在社交网络平台受到了玩家的追捧,将通用的印象营销延伸到了为产品度身定制的角色营销。 泰国曼谷市中心商场Siam Square One线下活动 【线上结合线下 营销推广本地化】 线下方面,万达院线游戏联手CAMERA360,10月1日起在泰国曼谷市中心商场Siam Square One展出游戏相关展板,通过整整一个月的线下活动,让东南亚地区的玩家近距离感受《Tales of Thorn》沉浸式游戏体验,线上线下通力联动,让《Tales of Thorn》走近每一位玩家。面对东南亚市场,《Tales of Thorn》将创新与本地化深化至产品各个层面,以此拿下Google Play Store东南亚多国首页推荐便不足为奇。 伴随这一突破性的成绩,万达院线游戏的海外布局也进入了又一实质性阶段。之后,公司还将推出十余款产品扩大海外市场。在经验、资源以及产品均占优势的情况下,我们有理由相信万达院线游戏之后会再创佳绩。目前《Tales of Thorn》的iOS版本预计将于10月中旬上线,而它能否成为中国发行商在海外市场开启新的篇章?我们拭目以待。
2023-08-18 21:50:181

The Rose has a thorn这句英文对吗

2023-08-18 21:50:301


2023-08-18 21:50:411


冰岛语歌词:(在一般场合下只唱第[1]节。)[1]Ó, guð vors lands! Ó, lands vors guð!Vér lofum þitt heilaga, heilaga nafn!Úr sólkerfum himnanna hnýta þér kransþínir herskarar, tímanna safn.Fyrir þér er einn dagur sem þúsund árog þúsund ár dagur, ei meir:eitt eilífðar smáblóm með titrandi tár,sem tilbiður guð sinn og deyr.Íslands þúsund ár,Íslands þúsund ár,eitt eilífðar smáblóm með titrandi tár,sem tilbiður guð sinn og deyr.[2]Ó, guð, ó, guð! Vér föllum framog fórnum þér brennandi, brennandi sál,guð faðir, vor drottinn frá kyni til kyns,og vér kvökum vort helgasta mál.Vér kvökum og þökkum í þúsund ár,því þú ert vort einasta skjól.Vér kvökum og þökkum með titrandi tár,því þú tilbjóst vort forlagahjól.Íslands þúsund árÍslands þúsund árvoru morgunsins húmköldu, hrynjandi tár,sem hitna við skínandi sól.[3]Ó, guð vors lands! Ó, lands vors guð!Vér lifum sem blaktandi, blaktandi strá.Vér deyjum, ef þú ert ei ljós það og líf,sem að lyftir oss duftinu frá.[4]Ó, vert þú hvern morgun vort ljúfasta líf,vor leiðtogi í daganna þrautog á kvöldin vor himneska hvíld og vor hlífog vor hertogi á þjóðlífsins braut.Íslands þúsund árÍslands þúsund árverði gróandi þjóðlíf með þverrandi tár,sem þroskast á guðsríkis braut.汉语翻译:[1]祖国之神,祖国之神,你崇高的名字为我们所颂赞。在久远的年代里,你的子孙把太阳镶上你的王冠。对于你一天就是一千年,一千年就是一天。啊永恒的花,含着虔诚的泪,恭恭敬敬辞别人间。冰岛一千年,冰岛一千年,啊永恒的花,含着虔诚的泪,恭恭敬敬辞别人间。
2023-08-18 21:51:241

there is no rose without a thorn什么引申意思啊?

玫瑰 虽然漂亮 ,但是也有伤人的危险. 任何事物都有两面性.
2023-08-18 21:51:414

Poppy…Thorn 是一對情侶名嗎

亲爱的朋友,您好,首先向您问声好! 幸福不会时时等着你,爱你的和你爱的人不是随时可以出现,请你学会珍惜。 当一个深爱着你的人为你而改变,那是因为他爱你,当你遇到一个人,他为你收起他的顽固脾气;也因为他爱你,他把你的兴趣也变成是他的兴趣时……还是因为他爱你. 喜欢一个人是没有理由的,无悔的付出 ,都认为是值得的,只要能和相爱的人在一起。 其实我们的身边都有一些这样的人,只是(你.我.他)还没发现,最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边守护你,不让你有一丝的委屈;真正爱你的人,也许不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。 如果你发现身边有这样的人的话,请你好好珍惜……。 请你记住!摘不到的星星,总是最闪亮的,溜掉的小鱼,总是最美丽的。错过的电影,总是最好看的,失去的情人,总是最懂你的。 这世界上,每个人都有个想要寻找的人,一但错过了,就在也不会回来。 如果爱上,就不要轻易说放弃。闹别扭了,可能你后悔一阵子;但是你放弃了,可能使你后悔一辈子。经历过爱情的人生才是美好,经不起考验的爱情是不深刻的。美好的爱情使人生丰富,经的起考验的爱情才是完美的.. 希望可以帮到您,为您送上最美好的祝福,愿您一生平安,健康,幸福,快乐。 另外,本人在做答题达人任务,如果对答案满意 请采纳,采纳时请点上”能解决,原创,感谢您的帮助和支持。 .........................................
2023-08-18 21:51:491


2023-08-18 21:52:281

谁能告诉我 "仙人掌"的 "刺" 的英语给用哪个??

Cactus( 仙人掌)thorns刺
2023-08-18 21:53:315


是情侣网友选的网名Poppy ( 罂粟 )Thorn (曼陀罗)两种都是有毒的花。
2023-08-18 21:53:461

Thorn In My Side

Thorn in my side 你如我背上的荆棘You"re always there 你一直在那里Just to remind me 你让我明了That I still care 我依旧在意Thorn in my side 你如我背上的荆棘You won"t let me go 你不会让我走Right there beside me 你就在我的身后To let me know 让我知道I"ve been pushed around 我一直在被摆布Been knocked down 一直被击倒Lost a round or three 一直在失败Life took a couple of things I loved 生活带走了不少我的所爱When I was Too blind to see 当我仿佛失去光明之时But I"ll survive 我却生存了下来I gave up on luck But I"m still getting by 我已不再相信幸运但我依旧存在Yeah, I"m going to be alright YEAH,我会好起来You can test my faith 你可以怀疑我的信仰But you can"t take my pride 但你不能夺取我的自尊Thorn in my side 你如荆棘在背Thorn in my side 你如荆棘在背Thorn in my side 你如荆棘在背You just won"t quit 你永不会离开Once in a while when I crack a smile 有时当我微笑之时You rub it in my face 你从我脸上将它夺走Thorn in my side 你如荆棘在背You won"t let me run你不会让我离开 God bless the fights 上帝将会铭记我的奋斗That I"ve lost and won 不论它们是成功还是失败But I"ll survive 我将存活下来I gave up on luck But I"m still getting by 我已不再相信幸运但我依旧存在Yeah, I"m going to be alright YEAH,我会好起来You can test my faith 你可以怀疑我的信仰But you can"t take my pride 但你不能夺取我的自尊Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背I"ve been pushed around 我一直在被摆布Been knocked down一直被击倒Lost a round of three 一直在失败Life took a couple of things I loved 生活带走了不少我的所爱when I was too blind to see 当我仿佛失去光明之时But I"ll survive 我却生存了下来I gave up on luck But I"m still getting by 我已不再相信幸运但我依旧存在Yeah, I"m going to be alright YEAH,我会好起来You can test my faith 你可以怀疑我的信仰But you can"t take my pride 但你不能夺取我的自尊Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背Thorn in my side 荆棘在背
2023-08-18 21:54:091


2023-08-18 21:54:172

There is the rose without a thorn是什么意思

2023-08-18 21:54:241

thorn in my side翻译

2023-08-18 21:54:342

Thorn In My Side 歌词

歌曲名:Thorn In My Side歌手:Band Of Susans专辑:Love AgendaBon Jovi - Thorn In My SideThorn in my sideYou"re always thereJust to remind meThat I still careThorn in my sideYou won"t let me goRight there beside meTo let me knowI"ve been pushed aroundBeen knocked downLost a round or threeLife took a couple of things I lovedWhen I was too blind to seeBut I"ll surviveI gave up on luck but I"m still getting byYeah I"m going to be alrightYou can test my faithBut you can"t take my prideThorn in my side, thorn in my side, ooooahThorn in my sideYou just won"t quitOnce in a while when I crack a smileYou rub my face in itThorn in my sideYou won"t let me runGod bless the fightsThat I"ve lost and wonBut I"ll surviveI gave up on luck but I"m still getting byYeah I"m going to be alrightYou can test my faithBut you can"t take my prideThorn in my side, thorn in my side, thorn in my sideThorn in my side, thorn in my side, thorn in my sideI"ve been pushed aroundBeen knocked downLost a round or threeLife took a couple of things I lovedWhen I was too blind to seeBut I"ll surviveI gave up on luck but I"m still getting byYeah I"m going to be alrightYou can test my faithBut you can"t take my prideThorn in my side, thorn in my side, thorn in my sideThorn in my side, thorn in my side, thorn in my sideThorn in my side, wooah, wooooahh ohhhwooah oh oh, woooah oh ohhhh
2023-08-18 21:54:411

Poppy…Thorn 是一对情侣名吗

亲爱的朋友,您好,首先向您问声好!幸福不会时时等着你,爱你的和你爱的人不是随时可以出现,请你学会珍惜。   当一个深爱着你的人为你而改变,那是因为他爱你,当你遇到一个人,他为你收起他的顽固脾气;也因为他爱你,他把你的兴趣也变成是他的兴趣时……还是因为他爱你.  喜欢一个人是没有理由的,无悔的付出,都认为是值得的,只要能和相爱的人在一起。  其实我们的身边都有一些这样的人,只是(你.我.他)还没发现,最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边守护你,不让你有一丝的委屈;真正爱你的人,也许不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。  如果你发现身边有这样的人的话,请你好好珍惜……。  请你记住!摘不到的星星,总是最闪亮的,溜掉的小鱼,总是最美丽的。错过的电影,总是最好看的,失去的情人,总是最懂你的。  这世界上,每个人都有个想要寻找的人,一但错过了,就在也不会回来。  如果爱上,就不要轻易说放弃。闹别扭了,可能你后悔一阵子;但是你放弃了,可能使你后悔一辈子。经历过爱情的人生才是美好,经不起考验的爱情是不深刻的。美好的爱情使人生丰富,经的起考验的爱情才是完美的.. 希望可以帮到您,为您送上最美好的祝福,愿您一生平安,健康,幸福,快乐。另外,本人在做答题达人任务,如果对答案满意 请采纳,采纳时请点上”能解决,原创,感谢您的帮助和支持。.........................................
2023-08-18 21:55:011


刺的读音cī<象>(1) 激烈的撞击或爆炸声 [wham;loud,sharp sound]。如:刺的一声,他滑了一个跟头(2) 另见 cì常用词组刺打、刺啦、刺溜基本词义◎ 刺 cì〈动〉(1) (形声。从刀,_( cì)声。本义:扎入,用尖利的东西刺)(2) 同本义 [stab;prick;pierce]君杀大夫曰刺。刺,直伤也。——《说文》刺,杀也。——《尔雅》掌三刺三宥三赦之法。——《周礼·司刺》夫专诸之刺 王僚也,慧星袭月。——《战国策·魏策》(3) 又如:刺焚(刺股、焚膏之略词,比喻刻苦攻读);刺子(暗剑);刺心(以刀等刺进心脏。喻刺痛内心);刺血(刺手指出血。表示虔诚的一种苦行);刺臂(古代一种黥刑,在犯者臂部刺字;刺臂出血,用以盟誓)(4) 讽刺 [satirize;mock]上称帝喾,下道齐桓,中述汤、武,以刺世事——《史记·屈原贾生列传》(5) 又如:讥刺(讥讽);刺邪(讽刺邪恶);刺戒(讥刺告戒);刺美(讽刺邪恶,赞扬美好)(6) 杀。古时君杀大夫叫刺 [kill]经刺公子偃。——《左传·成公十六年》。注:“ 鲁杀大夫皆言刺。”刺怀公于 高梁。——《国语·晋语》(7) 又如:刺斫(刺杀);刺虎(杀虎)(8) 指责、揭发 [blame;expose]群臣吏民能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏。——《战国策·齐策》(9) 又如:刺举(检举;谓检举奸恶,举荐有功);刺打(斥责。方言)(10) 探取;采取 [seek;take]刺六经中作王制。——《史记·封禅书》(11) 又如:刺取(采取,选用);刺问(探问);刺答(拜访答问)(12) 刺探;侦探 [spy out]至公车刺取。——《汉书·丙吉传》(13) 又如:刺事(打探事情);刺取(刺探);刺候(刺探侦察)(14) 插入;钻进 [insert]。如:刺天(冲入天空)(15) 刺激;刺射 [stimulate]。如:刺干(刺激);刺闹(发痒);刺恼(刺挠。烦恼;难受)(16) 刺绣(一种美术工艺) [embroider]。如:刺文(犹刺绣);刺凤描鸾(谓刺绣)词性变化◎ 刺 cì〈名〉(1) 泛指尖利如针之物 [thorn]。如:刺竹(一种多刺的竹);刺儿(尖锐像针的东西);刺莓(有刺的野生莓子)(2) 名帖 [name card]即门者持刺入,而主者又不即出见。——宗臣《报刘一丈书》(3) 又如:刺呼(名片上所写的姓名);刺纸(犹名片);刺请(以名刺邀请)(4) 兵器的锋刃 [edge]。如:刺兵(古代兵器,矛属)(5) 旁边 [side]。如:刺斜(旁边);刺邪里,刺斜(旁边)(6) 另见 cī常用词组刺刀、刺儿头、刺耳、刺骨、刺激、刺激性、刺客、刺孔、刺配、刺破、刺人、刺杀、刺伤、刺史、刺探、刺痛、刺透、刺猬、刺绣、刺眼、刺眼、刺痒、刺字
2023-08-18 21:55:081


哥特语主祷文哥特语汉语Atta unsar &thorn;u in himinam weihnai namo &thorn;ein我们在天上的父,愿人都尊祢的名为圣,qimai &thorn;iudinassus &thorn;eins wair&thorn;ai wilja &thorn;eins愿祢的国降临,愿祢的旨意行在地上,swe in himina jah ana air&thorn;ai.如同行在天上。hlaif unsarana &thorn;ana sinteinan gif uns himma daga我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们,jah aflet uns &thorn;atei skulans sijahma免我们的债,swaswe jah weis afletam &thorn;aim skulam unsaraim如同我们免了人的债,jah ni briggais uns in fraistubnjai不叫我们遇见试探,ak lausei uns af &thorn;amma ubilin救我们脱离凶恶,unte &thorn;eina ist &thorn;iudangardi jah mahts因为国度、权柄、jah wul&thorn;us in aiwins.荣耀,全是祢的,直到永远。(阿们!)
2023-08-18 21:55:291

No rose without a thorn. 的英文意思解释

2023-08-18 21:55:444

Every Rose Has Its Thorn 歌词

歌曲名:Every Rose Has Its Thorn歌手:Miley Cyrus专辑:Can T Be TamedMiley Cyrus - Every Rose Has Its ThornWe both lie silently stillIn the dead of the nightAlthough we both lie close togetherWe feel miles apart insideWas it something I said or something I didDid my words not come out rightThough I tried not to hurt youThough I triedBut I guess that"s why they sayEvery rose has its thornJust like every night has its dawnJust like every cowboy sings his sad, sad songEvery rose has its thornYeah it doesI listen to our favorite songPlaying on the radioHear the DJ say loves a game of easy come and easy goBut I wonder does he knowHas he ever felt like thisAnd I know that you"d be here right nowIf I could let you know somehowEvery rose has its thornJust like every night has its dawnJust like every cowboy sings his sad, sad songEvery rose has its thornThough it"s been a while nowI can still feel so much painLike a knife that cuts you the wound healsBut the scar, that scar will remainEvery rose has its thornI know I could saved a love that nightIf I"d known what to sayInstead of makin" loveWe both made our separate waysAnd now I hear you found somebody newAnd that I never meant that much to youTo hear that tears me up insideAnd to see you cuts me like a knifeEvery rose has its thornJust like every night has its dawnJust like every cowboy sings his sad, sad songEvery rose has its thorn
2023-08-18 21:55:541


这个语法树满足:(1) 树中每一个结点都有一个标记,此标记是V= VN∪VT中的一个符号。(2) 根的标记是S。(3) 若树的一结点A至少有一个子女,则A∈VN。(4) 如结点A的子女结点从左到右次序为B1,B2...Bn,则必有产生式A→B1B2...Bn。例:G[S]: S→aAS | aA→SbA |SS |ba对句型aabbaa的推导过程可表示为下图所示语法树。下面两个推导过程均可由右图表示。(1) S&THORN;aAS&THORN;aSbAS&THORN;aabAS&THORN;aabbaS&THORN;aabbaa(2) S&THORN;aAS&THORN;aAa&THORN;aSbAa&THORN;aSbbaa&THORN;aabbaa这说明同一语法树可以表示对同一句型不同的推导过程。
2023-08-18 21:56:301


2023-08-18 21:56:451

飞儿乐队的' The Legend 传说… '一歌的翻译

飞儿乐团 《the legend 传说…》歌词 作曲:f.i.r 作词:terence teo long ago,there was a bird who sang but just once in her life. from the moment she left the nest, she searched the longest leaf for a thorn tree, never resting until she found one. then she began to sing, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. but carry away in the rapturous honor song, she impaled herself on the longest,sharpest thorn. as she was dying, she rose above her own agony to out-sing even the lark and the nightingale. the thorn bird traded her life for that one song and the whole world was captured to listen! and god,in his heaven smiles~ as her very best was brought out only of the cost of great pain. driven by the thorn,with no fear for her death to come. but when we push the thorn into our breast, we know… we understand… and still…we choose the pain of the thorn… 传说中,有一种鸟一生只鸣唱一次 当它离开巢穴的那一天起 就永不停歇地寻找著世上最长的荆棘 当它找到时 就会将自己的胸膛朝著最长最尖的刺撞去 在最深最刻苦的痛中,引亢高歌 而这样的歌声 超越了它自身的痛楚,声音无与伦比,感人肺腑 就连世人以为声音甜美的云雀或夜莺都不能与之相比 刺鸟从不惧死亡的降临 以它的生命作为换取世上最美丽歌声的代价 而当我们迎向最深刻的痛 我们知道我们将无所畏惧,因为 唯有经历著最深沉的痛楚,才能换取最美好的物
2023-08-18 21:56:562

Every Rose Has Its Thorn歌词翻译

每朵玫瑰都有刺我俩静静的闵在黑夜的死寂中尽管我们靠得很近却觉得心在几哩之外是不是我说了或做了什麽是否我说错了话尽管我试着不伤害你尽管我真的试过但我想那就是为何有人会说:每朵玫瑰都有刺就像每个黑夜都有黎明就像每个牛仔都唱着悲伤的歌每朵玫瑰都有刺听到你最爱的那首歌 从收音机里播放出来听到DJ说爱情是来的快、去的也快的游戏但我怀疑他懂什麽他可有过这样的感受我晓得你一定会出现如果我让你明白这一切的话虽然已经好一阵子了我仍然觉得很痛像把刀子在割伤口愈合了,却留下了疤痕那一夜,我本来可以挽回我俩的爱如果我晓得该说什麽话来取代做爱但我俩终究走向分手的路如今,听说你有了新欢但我从未苛责於你当我听见时心在撕裂你像一把刀划伤了我
2023-08-18 21:57:122


不是 我,买了一光盘 里面的《传说》的歌词是这个 这首是刺鸟的引文是《The Legend传说》这也是飞儿的。 歌词:The Legend Long Ago,there a bird who sang but just once in her life. from the moment she left the nest, she searched the longest leaf for a thorn tree, never resting until she found one. Then she began to sing, more sweetyly than any other creature on the face of the earth. But carry away in the rapturous honar song, she impaled herself on the longest,sharpest thorn, As she was dying, she rose above her own agony to out-sing even the lark and the nighting ale. The thorn bird traded her life for that one song and the whole world was capture to listen! And god,in his heavwn smiles. As her very best was brought out only of the cost of great pain. Driven by the thorn,with no fear for her death to come. But when we push the thorn into our breast, We know... We understand... And still...we choose the pain of the thom... 传说... 传说中,有一种鸟一生只鸣唱一次, 当他离开巢穴的那一天起, 就永不停歇地寻找着世上最长的荆棘, 当他找到时,就会将自己的胸膛朝着最长最尖的刺撞去, 在最深最刻苦的痛中,引吭高歌, 而这样的歌声, 超越了他自身的痛楚,声音无与伦比,感人肺腑, 就连世上以为声音甜美的云雀或夜莺都不能与之相比。 刺鸟从不惧怕死亡的降临,以它的生命作为换取世上最美丽歌声的代价, 而当我们迎向最深刻的痛,我们知道我们将无所谓惧, 因为, 唯有经历着最深沉的痛楚,才能换取最美好的事件!
2023-08-18 21:57:333

the legend歌词

Long Ago, there was a bird who sang but just once in her life. From the moment she left the nest, she searched the longest leaf for a thorn tree, never resting until she found one. Then she began to sing, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. But carry away in the rapturous honor song, she impaled herself on the longest, sharpest thorn. As she was dying, she rose above her own agony to out-sing even the lark and the nightingale. The thorn bird traded her life for that one song and the whole world was captured to listen! And God, in His heaven smiles~ As her very best was brought out only of the cost of great pain. Driven by the thorn, with no fear for her death to come. But when we push the thorn into our breast, We know… We understand… And still…we choose the pain of the thorn… 传说中,有一种鸟一生只鸣唱一次,当它离开巢穴的那一天起, 就永不停歇地寻找著世上最长的荆棘。 当它找到时,就会将自己的胸膛朝著最长最尖的刺撞去, 在最深最刻苦的痛中,引亢(口部)高歌,而这样的歌声, 超越了它自身的痛楚,声音无与伦比,感人肺腑, 就连世人以为声音甜美的云雀或夜莺都不能与之相比, 刺鸟从不惧死亡的降临,以它的生命作为换取世上最美丽歌声的代价, 而当我们迎向最深刻的痛,我们知道我们将无所畏惧,因为, 「唯有经历著最深沉的痛楚,才能换取最美好的事物!
2023-08-18 21:57:411


2023-08-18 21:57:541

Hole In My Soul 歌词

歌曲名:Hole In My Soul歌手:Aerosmith专辑:GoldHole in my soulSinger: AerosmithI"m down a one way streetWith a one night standWith a one track mindOut in no man"s land(The punishment sometimes don"t seem to fit the crime)Yeah there"s a hole in my soulBut one thing I"ve learnedFor every love letter writtenThere"s another one burned(So you tell me how it"s gonna be this time)Is it overIs it over"Cause I"m blowin" out the flameTake a walk outside your mindTell me how it feels to beThe one who turns the knife inside of meTake a look and you will find there"s nothing there girlYeah I swear, I"m telling you girl yeah "causeThere"s a hole in my soul that"s been killing me foreverIt"s a place where a garden never growsThere"s a hole in my soul, yeah I should have known better"Cause your love"s like a thorn without a roseI"m as dry as a seven year droughtI got dust for tearsAnd I"m all tapped out(Sometimes I feel broke and can"t get fixed)I know there"s been all kinds of shoes underneath your bedNow I sleep with my boots on but you"re still in my head(And something tells me this time I"m down to my last licks)Cause if it"s overThen it"s overAnd it"s driving me insaneTake a walk outside your mindTell me how it feels to beThe one who turns the knife inside of meTake a look and you will findThere"s nothing there girl yeah I swearI"m telling you girl, yeah,"Cause there"s a hole in my soulThat"s been killing me foreverIt"s a place where a garden never growsThere"s a hole in my soulYeah, I should have known better"Cause your love"s like a thornWithout a roseIs it overYeah it"s overAnd I"m blowin" out the flameTake a walk outside your mindTell me how it feels to beThe one who turns the knife inside of meTake a look and you will findThere"s nothing there girl yeah I swearI"m telling you girl, yeah,"Cause there"s a hole in my soulThat"s been killing me foreverIt"s a place where a garden never growsThere"s a hole in my soulYeah, I should have known better"Cause your love"s like a thornWithout a rose
2023-08-18 21:58:181


给我文章 立马给你翻译 发音也给你
2023-08-18 21:58:343


三十六字母的出现对于汉语语音有重要意义,在各种语言中都有体现,发生演变,形成规律。 1全浊声母的清音化 中古汉语的声母共有三十七个,其中并(奉)、定、澄、从、邪、崇、俟、船、禅、群、匣十一母为全浊音,这些全浊音到了《中原音韵》时代全部变成了清音声母。全浊音变为清音时因受到声调的影响而发生了分化:其中塞音和塞擦音受平声的影响一般变成了送气音,受仄声的影响一般变成了不送气音全浊擦音的变化更复杂一些。例如:平[p&Aacute;]:陪瓢脾旁贫并[b]仄[p]:抱(上)病(去)白(入)并(奉)[b]——平仄[f]:肥(平)、犯(上)、附(去)、乏(入)平[t&Aacute;]:亭同唐驮定[d]仄[t]:道(上)、盗(去)、毒(入)平[t§&Aacute;]:茶潮陈除缠澄[&yen;]仄[t§]:柱(上)、阵(去)、浊(入)平[ts&Aacute;]:才惭残曹藏洪音仄[ts]:在(上)、字(去)、族(入)从[dz]平[t&thorn;&Aacute;]:乔秦憔全泉细音仄[t&thorn;]:聚(上)、贱(去) 、截(入)[ts&Aacute;](之韵):词辞祠平洪音 [s](支韵):随隋仄[s]:似(上)、颂(去)、俗(入)邪[z] [t&thorn;&Aacute;](尤韵):囚泅平细音 [&thorn;](其他韵):斜详旋寻仄[&thorn;]:绪(上)、谢(去)、席(入)(例外:彗[xuei])平[t§&Aacute;]:柴床潺愁茌崇[dZ] [t§]:撰(上)寨(去)浊(入)???仄[§]:(止、志韵):士(上) 、事(去)(例外:岑[ts&Aacute;en])平[t§&Aacute;]:漦俟[Z]仄[ts]:俟涘竢(去)[t§&Aacute;]:船唇乘平船[dü] [§]:绳渑神蛇仄[§]:楯(上)、顺(去)、食(入)[t§&Aacute;]:成承丞酬垂平[§]:时殊谁韶禅[ü] [t§](职韵):植殖埴仄[§]:社(上)、树(去)、石(入)平[k&Aacute;]:狂葵馗逵洪 [k]:跪柜共仄群[g] [k&Aacute;]:匮餽平[t&thorn;&Aacute;]:桥穷奇勤权渠细仄[t&thorn;]:俭(上)、具(去)、局(入)洪[x]:华祸憾合匣[&Auml;]细[&thorn;]:嫌限巷协 2唇音分化出轻唇音 (宋人三十六字母中已经分化) 《切韵》时代的帮、滂、并三母,到了北宋初年的三十六字母时期,逢合口三等韵及流摄开口三等韵的帮、滂、并分别变成了非、敷、奉三母。此后帮、滂、并只与开口一二三四等韵及合口一二四等韵拼合;非、敷、奉三母则只与合口三等韵和流摄开口三等“尤”“有”韵拼合。元明时期,随着全浊音的消失,非、敷、奉三母合流并变成了[f],反映这一重要变化的文献材料是元周德清的《中原音韵》和明兰茂《韵略易通》中的《早梅诗》。根据以上情况可以看出,非、敷、奉三母基本上是受合口三等韵的影响而产生的,[f]母的正式出现是在元明时期。 3、知、庄、章三组合流,成为卷舌音。(“宋人三十六字母”中知、庄对立)现代汉语普通话[t§]、[t§&Aacute;]、[§]三母是由中古的知组、庄组、章组声母合流而成,其演变的情形大致是:庄组、章组在唐末宋初之际合并为照组,大约到了《中原音韵》时期,知组又与照组合并。此将这个演变过程图示如下:隋唐时期 唐末宋初 元代知[&brvbar;] 知[&brvbar;]澄[&yen;]仄 澄[&yen;]仄庄[tS] 照[t&thorn;] [t§]崇[dZ]仄 床[dü]仄章[t&thorn;] 禅[ü](职韵)禅[ü](职韵)彻[&brvbar;&Aacute;] 知[&brvbar;&Aacute;]澄[&yen;]平 澄[&yen;]平初[tS&Aacute;]崇[dZ]平 穿[t&thorn;&Aacute;] [t§&Aacute;]昌[t&thorn;&Aacute;] 床[dü]平船[dü]平 禅[ü]平禅[ü]平崇[dZ]平生[S] 床[dü]平仄船[dü]平仄 审[&thorn;] [§]书[&thorn;] 禅[ü]平仄禅[ü]平仄4、精、见两组分化出新的舌面音来。即 jqx其产生的具体原因是这样的:舌根音[k]、[k&Aacute;]、[x]与齐、撮呼韵母相拼,受[i]、[y]韵头或韵母的影响而发生了腭化,腭化后舌位前移,遂变成了[t&thorn;]、[t&thorn;&Aacute;]、[&thorn;]。例如:见:姜[kiaN]→[t&thorn;iaN] 溪:去[k&Aacute;y]→[t&thorn;&Aacute;y]群:乾[kiEn]→[t&thorn;ian] 晓:晓[xiau]→[&thorn;iau]匣:兮[xi]→[&thorn;i]舌尖前音[ts]、[ts&Aacute;]、[s]与齐、撮呼韵母相拼,受[i]、[y]韵头或韵母的影响发生了腭化,腭化后舌位后移,也变成了[t&thorn;]、[t&thorn;&Aacute;]、[&thorn;]。例如:精:将[tsiaN]→[t&thorn;iaN] 清:趣[ts&Aacute;y]→[t&thorn;&Aacute;y]从:前[ts&Aacute;ian]→[t&thorn;ian] 心:小[siau]→[&thorn;iau]邪:夕[si]→[&thorn;i]5、零声母大量增加。隋唐时零声母只有一个“影”母,到了现代北京话中,中古的微、疑、影、云(出现于《韵镜》、《七音略》)、以五母都成了零声母。其中疑、影、云、以四母变成了[i]、[u]、[y]三类零声母,微母变成了[u]类零声母,疑、影二母同时又变成了[a](包括[o]、[&laquo;])类零声母隋唐时期 北京话 隋唐时期疑[N-](谊鱼魏) [i]影[o-](衣於威) [u] ←微[m-](武微文晚)云[&Auml;-](矣于伟) [y]以[j-](移予唯)疑[N-](岸藕娥) [a][o]影[o-](按欧遏) [&laquo;] 在元朝有音无义的八思巴字可以标注三十六字母 三十六字母和八思巴字(排序根据《蒙古字韵》前言)发音部位 全清 次清 全浊 次浊 今名 古名 软腭塞音 牙音 见[k]ua842 溪[ku02b0]ua841 群[g]ua840 疑[u014b]ua843 龈塞音 舌音 舌头音 端[t]ua84a 透[tu02b0]ua849 定[d]ua848 泥[n]ua84b 卷舌塞音 舌上音 知[u0288]ua846 彻[u0288u02b0]ua845 澄[u0256]ua844 娘[u0273]ua847 双唇塞音 唇音 重唇音 帮[p]ua84e 滂[pu02b0]ua84d 并[b]ua84c 明[m]ua84f 唇齿音 轻唇音 非[pf]ua864 敷[pfu02b0]ua870 奉[bv]ua864 微[u0271]ua853 齿擦音 齿音 齿头音 精[ts]ua852 清[tsu02b0]ua851 从[dz]ua850   心[s]ua85b   邪[z]ua855   龈腭擦音 正齿音 照[u02a8]ua846 穿[u02a8u02b0]ua845 床[u02a5]ua844   审[u0255]ua86e   禅[u0291]ua85a   软腭擦音 喉音 晓[x]ua85c   匣[u0263]ua863(ua86f)   声门塞音 影[u0294]ua856(ua857)       硬腭半元音       喻[j]ua85d(ua86d) 龈边音 半舌音       来[l]ua859 龈腭鼻音 半齿音       日[u0272]ua854 这里给出的非敷奉三母写法(ua864ua870ua864)依照《蒙古字韵》前言。注意《蒙古字韵》正文里并没有遵守这种写法。该书正文里非敷两母已经合并;当非敷母和奉母相对立时,非敷母排在奉母之前;有时非敷母用ua870,奉母用ua864,有时则正好^ 括号内是腭化的字母,例如“安”是ua856ua84b,“宴”是ua857ua84b。《蒙古字韵》正文里,因为部分字母合并,实际排列顺序是:见、溪、群、疑、端、透、定、泥、知照、彻穿、澄床、娘、帮、滂、并、明、非敷、奉、微、精、清、从、心、邪、审、禅、晓、匣、影、喻、来、日。 三十六字母演变到训民正音中规律如下 发音部位 全清 次清 全浊 次浊 今名 古名 双唇塞音 唇音 重唇音 帮[p]u1107 滂[pu02b0]u1111 并[b]u1108 明[m]u1106 唇齿音 轻唇音 非[f]u112b 敷[fu02b0]u1157 奉[v]u112c 微[u0271]u111d 龈塞音 舌音 舌头音 端[t]u1103 透[tu02b0]u1110 定[d]u1104 泥[n]u1102 卷舌塞音 舌上音 知[u0288]/ 彻[u0288u02b0]/ 澄[u0256]/ 娘[u0273]/ 齿擦音 齿音 齿头音 精[ts]u114e 清[tsu02b0]u1154 从[dz]u114f   心[s]u113c   邪[z]u113d   龈腭擦音 正齿音 照[u02a8]u1150 穿[u02a8u02b0]u1155 床[u02a5]u1151   审[u0255]u113e   禅[u0291]u113f   软腭塞音 牙音 见[k]u1100 溪[ku02b0]u110f 群[g]u1101 疑[u014b]u114c 声门塞音 喉音 影[u0294]u1159       软腭擦音 晓[x]u1112   匣[u0263]u1158   硬腭半元音       喻[j]u110b 龈边音 半舌音       来[l]u1105 龈腭鼻音 半齿音       日[u0272]u1140 三十六字母在日语的吴音 汉音中都有演变规律。 五音 清浊 全清 次清 全浊 次浊     唇音 中古音 帮u30fb非[p]u30fb[f] 滂u30fb敷[pu02b0]u30fb[fu02b0] 并u30fb奉[b]u30fb[v] 明u30fb微[m]u30fb[u0271] 呉音 ハ行 バ行 マ行 汉音 ハ行 バ行(マ行) 舌音 中古音 端u30fb知[t]u30fb[u0288] 透u30fb彻[tu02b0]u30fb[u0288u02b0] 定u30fb澄[d]u30fb[u0256] 泥u30fb娘[n]u30fb[u0273] 呉音 タ行 ダ行 ナ行 汉音 タ行 ダ行(ナ行) 半舌音 中古音   来[l] 呉音 ラ行 汉音 ラ行 歯音 中古音 精u30fb照[ts]u30fb[u02a8] 清u30fb穿[tsu02b0]u30fb[u02a8u02b0] 従u30fb牀[dz]u30fb[u02a5]   心u30fb审[s]u30fb[u0255]   邪u30fb禅[z]u30fb[u0291] 呉音 サ行 ザ行 汉音 サ行 半歯音 中古音   日[u0272] 呉音 ナ行 汉音 ザ行 牙音 中古音 见[k] 渓[ku02b0] 群[g] 疑[u014b] 呉音 カ行 ガ行 汉音 カ行 ガ行 喉音 中古音 影&oslash;   喩[j] 呉音 アヤワ行 ヤワ行 汉音 アヤワ行 ヤワ行 中古音 暁[x]   匣[u0263]   呉音 カ行   ガワ行 汉音 カ行
2023-08-18 21:58:501


分类: 教育/科学 >> 科学技术 解析: MERCURY水星,VENUS金星,EARTH地球,MARS火星,JUPITER木星,SATURN土星,URANUS天王星,NEPTUNE海王星,PLUTO冥王星 水星的英文名字Mercury来自罗马神墨丘利。符号是上面一个圆形下面一个交叉的短垂线和一个半圆形(Unicode: ?). 是墨丘利所拿魔杖的形状。在第5世纪,水星实际上被认为成二个不同的行星,这是因为它时常交替地出现在太阳的两侧。当它出现在傍晚时,它被叫做墨丘利;但是当它出现在早晨时,为了纪念太阳神阿波罗,它被称为阿波罗。毕达哥拉斯后来指出他们实际上是相同的一颗行星。中国古代则称水星为“辰星”。 中国古人称金星为“太白”或“太白金星”,也称“启明”或“长庚”。古希腊人称为阿佛洛狄特,是希腊神话中爱与美的女神。而在罗马神话中爱与美的女神是维纳斯,因此金星也称做“维纳斯”。金星的天文符号用维纳斯的梳妆镜来表示。金星的位相变化金星同月球一样,也具有周期性的圆缺变化(位相变化),但是由于金星距离地球太远,用肉眼是无法看出来的。关于金星的位相变化,曾经被伽利略作为证明哥白尼的日心说的有力证据。 地球是太阳系中行星之一,按离太阳由近及远的次序排列为第三。它是太阳系类地行星中最大的一颗,也是现代科学目前确证目前惟一存在生命的行星。行星年龄估计大约有45亿年(4.5×109)。在行星形成后不久,即捕获其惟一的天然卫星-月球。地球上惟一的智慧生物是人类。 因为它在夜空中看起来是血红色的,所以在西方,以罗马神话中的战神玛尔斯(或希腊神话对应的阿瑞斯)命名它。在古代中国,因为它荧荧如火,故称“荧惑”。火星有两颗小型天然卫星:火卫一Phobos和火卫二Deimos(阿瑞斯儿子们的名字)。两颗卫星都很小而且形状奇特,可能是被引力捕获的小行星。英文里前缀areo-指的就是火星。 木星是太阳系九大行星之一,按离太阳由近及远的次序排列为第五颗。它也是太阳系最大的行星,自转最快的行星。中国古代用它来纪年,因而称为岁星。 在西方称它为朱庇特,是罗马神话中的众神之王,相当于希腊神话中的宙斯。 土星是一个巨型气体行星,是太阳系中仅次于木星的第二大行星。土星的英文名字Saturn(以及其他绝大部分欧洲语言中的土星名称)是以罗马神的农神萨杜恩命名的。中国古代称之为镇星或填星。 天王星是太阳系的九大行星之一,排列在土星外侧、海王星内侧而名列第七,颜色为灰蓝色,是一颗巨型气体行星(Gas Giant)。以直径计算,天王星是太阳系第三大行星;但若以质量计算,则比海王星轻而排行第四。天王星的命名,是取自希腊神话的天神乌拉诺斯。 海王星为太阳系九大行星中的第八个,是一个巨行星。海王星是第一个通过天体力学计算后被发现的行星。因为天王星的轨道与计算的不同,1845年约翰·可夫·亚当斯和埃班·勤维叶推算了在天王星外的一个未知行星可能的位置。1846年9月23日柏林天文台台长约翰·格弗里恩·盖尔真的在这个位置发现了一颗新的行星:海王星。 目前海王星是太阳系内离太阳第二远的行星。海王星的名字是罗马神话中的海神涅普顿(Neptune)。 冥王星是太阳系九大行星中离开太阳最远、最小的一颗行星,1930年被发现。因为它离太阳最远,因此也非常寒冷,这和罗马神话中的冥王普鲁托所住的地方很相似,因此称为“Pluto”。
2023-08-18 21:46:091


Did he use to go there?Yes, he did.No, he didn"t.
2023-08-18 21:46:122


MOMA是指现代艺术博物馆。现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art)是一所在纽约市的曼哈顿中城的博物馆,也是世界上最杰出的现代艺术收藏地之一,简称为MoMA。现代艺术博物馆位于曼哈顿第53街11号﹙在第五和第六大道之间﹚,此博物馆经常与大都会博物馆相提并论,虽馆藏少于前者,但在现代艺术的领域里,该馆拥有较多重要的收藏。扩展资料:发展历程在1929年到1939年间,现代艺术博物馆就迁移了三次,直到1939年5月10日才正式在目前馆址安居。现代艺术博物馆的主体建物,在当时是由建筑师菲利浦·葛文和爱德华·斯顿设计的,外观具有典型国际风格的水平与垂直线条。2000年之后,现代艺术博物馆由于馆藏扩充甚多,原馆址亦需整修,遂开始了新建物的计划,该馆在2002年5月21日关闭,将部份馆藏迁往皇后区长岛市的一个旧钉书针工厂继续展览,称做MoMA QNS。2004年11月20日,由日本建筑师谷口吉生设计的新馆开幕,门票从美金12元调涨到20元,引起了不少争议。使它成为纽约市中最昂贵的博物馆之一。幸而该馆经美国Target连锁店赞助后,保持于每周五下午四点后,开放访客免费参观。
2023-08-18 21:46:151


Last week, I took part in an English speech contest which was held by our teachers. There were twelve students in the final contest. I was one of them. Fifteen minutes before my turn, I picked my topic and prepared for it. I wrote down the outlines and organized what I was going to say. However, when I stood in front of all judges and students, I was extremely nervous. My mind was totally empty. Then I took a deep breath to relax myself and started my speech. The result was not as good as I expected, but I preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whose process was the most important for me. I can learn a lot from this contest. I am sure I will be better next time.
2023-08-18 21:46:162


2023-08-18 21:46:061


  想要在英语演讲比赛中胜出不容易,这首先的一点就是如何写出好的英语演讲稿,下面是我整理的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。   英文演讲稿范文一   hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you!   I am glad that you can spend this precious time having this class in this afternoon.   Now please allow me to introduce myself to you .My name is Wangjia and I majored in traffic engineering .Baoji is my hometown it is very beautiful. and the people are very friendly.   As we all known thinking is easy acting is difficult and to put one"s thoughts into actions is the most difficult thing in the world.   So if we want to learn English well ,we must practice reading English everyday ,actually practicing repeatedly is the best way to succeed.When you speak ,don"t care how poorly or how well you speak just care about catching the chance to speak ,enjoy losing face or just forget your face because the more you speak the better your English will become,never afraid of making mistakes because the more mistakes you make the more progress you will make.As a man living in the world ,we must try our best to make each day our masterpiece and don"t let our parents down ,don"t ever let our country down ,most importantly don"t let ourselves down.   Yesterday is a memory tomorrow is a dream so live for today just do it right now.I believe if you can dream it you can make it ,if you do you will win if you don"t you won"t.Believe in yourself trust yourself try your best. don"t give up ,never give in, never lose hope , never say impossible .The success is coming !   Thank you !   英文演讲稿范文二   Saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems……   Everyone has his own understanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.   The time of young is limited,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .   Having a view on these great men in the history of human being,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these great man did ,though not for the whole word,just for yourself,for those around!(www.)   The young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,most people think they are ugly.   And so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.   So we must treasure it ,don"t let the limited time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.   英文演讲稿范文三   Honorable judges, dear boys and girls,good afternoon!   It is my honour to have the opportunity to deliever a speech here.Today my topic is that”No imagination no invention.As we know, imagination is the power of invention,many inventions just begin with the sparking of imagination.   There is no doubt that if you could not imagine so many good inventions would not arise. Lenin said: Imagination is extremely valuable qualities.Imagine, if not, the world will be how to, perhaps can only be a gray.Have imagination is the root cause of human stronger than other animals.No imagination of human development and progress will not have any.Einstein"s theory of relativity can find because of his childlike imagination. Jobs created Apple, but also from his simply idea and refined imagination.   But, nowadays, people gradually lose their imagination, or the imagination of people have been killed.Under the exam-oriented education,only the standard answer is correct, the deviated answer is wrong.This causes scores become the dominant factor,so student had to give up their imagination,began to rote memorization.To realize China"s dream and the national rejuvenation, can without imagination?   If people stopped fantasy, then this is a real sign of the decline of humanity. Imagination is the basis for the creation of the invention. With bold Imagination, science was evolving, with rich imagination, before the era of constantly advancing. We should protect children"s imagination and develop their creativity. China may create a dream realized.   英文演讲稿范文四   As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, it"s a new day, it"s a different day, and it"s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!   You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!   As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!   Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!
2023-08-18 21:46:051

笔记本屏幕出现Test Mode 怎么办?

关闭测试模式即可,方法如下:1、系统中按WIN键,搜索栏输入“CMD”,右键点击找到的cmd.exe,选择“以管理员身份运行”;2、输入:“bcdedit -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS”回车。3、再输入:“bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF”,即可关闭测试模式,去除水印。扩展资料测试模式可以使系统能安装上未经签名的驱动。通常导致这个水印出现的原因也是因为系统中安装了未经签名的驱动,这些驱动为了使自身能够安装上,会在安装程序中内置打开测试模式的进程。测试模式”在VISTA系统上就已经有了,包括Windows 10也存在。Test Mode的意思就为测试模式。其他常见故障1、电源指示灯亮了但系统不运行 屏幕也是黑的笔记本电脑按开机键后,电源指示灯亮了,但是屏幕是黑的。可以找一台显示器,将笔记本电脑连接上,并确认是外接显示状态,如果外接的显示器可以正常显示的话,笔记本电脑的处理器和内存是正常的,问题可能出现在液晶屏、屏线、显卡以及主板等。如果外接显示器也没有显示,还是黑的,那么问题就可能出现在显卡、主板、处理器、内存等。也有一些是拆解过的,升级硬件,但是装回去的时候没有插稳接牢。2、开机或运行中死机或者系统自动重新启动这种情况一般来说是操作系统或者是使用程序等软件的问题,系统文件出现问题、中了病毒、该机型不支持这个系统、使用程序冲突导致的。当然也有可能是别的问题,比如笔记本电脑温度过高,造成笔记本电脑死机,自动重新启动的情况也很多,给笔记本电脑清下灰或者加散热底座等。
2023-08-18 21:46:041