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用英文描写悉尼歌剧院.. 也要译文.

2023-08-24 23:50:09
TAG: 英文

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.

6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building"s roof sections weigh about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.

But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and conducted a competition for its design was chosen.Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts.In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.

The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,is beautiful.



剧院的英文怎么读theatre读音:英 ["θɪətə(r)]美["θiːətər]。theatre 英 ["θɪətə(r)]     美 ["θiːətər]    n. 戏院;剧场;戏剧;手术室;战区。adj. 戏院的=theater。I like music, theatre and cinema.我喜欢音乐、戏剧和电影。I"ve got complimentary tickets for the theatre.我得到了戏院的赠票。用法:theatre的基本意思是灶谨“戏院,剧院”,可指剧院,也可指电影院,还可指“露天剧场”,在美式英链昌语中拼作theater,用于专有名词时须加定冠词the并大写首字母,引申可表示“礼堂,阶梯教室”“手术室”“战场,战区”等,是可数名词。theatre也可作“戏剧,戏剧文学,戏剧艺术”“剧本的写作或演出”解,是不可数名词,其前通常加定冠词the。
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2023-08-18 18:40:006


歌剧院英文OperaHouse。拓展资料歌剧院是一个建筑,歌剧或者其它形式的行为艺术在其中进行表演。世界各地均有歌剧院,且具有各自不同的建筑风格。挪威奥斯陆歌剧院这座用现代大理石和玻璃构建而成的坚固建筑物是由北海石油基金公司资助兴建而成的,于2008年开业。剧院内,每个座位后面都安装有显示屏,提供八国语言的字幕服务。奥斯陆剧院刚落成立即就成为这个城市的地标建筑。"你甚至可以爬上这座剧院的顶部,观览整个海湾和港口。视野确实太完美了!" Pecqueur讲道。莫斯科大剧院这座19世纪风格的建筑,是著名的芭蕾舞及歌剧的归宿地,坐落于克里姆林宫及红场边上。剧院曾接待过数位的苏联领导人。1922年,苏联正式宣布成立的仪式正是在此地举行。在整个斯大林统治时期,每一个演出的开幕式他都参加。这是世界上政治氛围最浓厚的剧院。 Proclaimed说道。这座金色与红色相辉映的歌剧大厅在一场激烈的革命后,于2011年重开。美国纽约大都会歌剧院这是世界上最大的歌剧院之一,其中拥有3800个座位的林肯中心是这座歌剧院最大的组成部分。它的声乐效果无与伦比,Pecqueur对当中的雕塑以及夏加尔壁画更是赞誉有加。"在一座歌剧院里面,这是非常重要的。因为你可以逡巡于不同的艺术之间(享受跨界艺术的乐趣)。"德国拜罗伊特节日剧院这座剧院是专为瓦格纳所建造的。作曲家理查德·瓦格纳曾经为了他所写的歌剧(特别是《尼伯龙根的指环》)在这里上演,亲自监督这座剧院的兴建过程。直到今天,这座剧院常年只上演瓦格纳的歌剧。这个简单的砖木结构建筑影响了世界上许多其它歌剧院,(因为建造特别的原因)乐团在剧院内是看不到的。这是一个颠覆传统设计的场所。Pecqueur说道。"对于观众来说,这是一个小魔术。你听到了声音,但却看不到它(指乐团)。"。中国广州大剧院英籍伊拉克裔女建筑师扎哈·哈迪德设计了这座别树一帜的不对称的剧院,它由混凝土、花岗岩、玻璃和不锈钢等建造而成,位于南中国城市广州。这简直是无与伦比!" Pecqueur惊叹。"在今天的中国,广州大剧院是未来歌剧院的象征。它的声乐效果如此丰富和饱满,几近完美!"
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Chinese Opera House中央歌剧院现有歌剧团、合唱团、交响乐团和舞台美术部。歌剧团聚集着众多优秀的歌剧表演艺术家,他们大都曾获得过国内外声乐大赛的重要奖项,并一直活跃在中国及世界歌剧舞台上;合唱团绝大多数成员是全国各高等音乐学院的佼佼者,他们具有良好的音乐修养和声音表现力,是目前国内具有实力和影响力的合唱团体,演唱曲目广泛,涉及中外著名歌剧和声乐作品;交响乐团以擅长歌剧音乐演奏而闻名,并积累了丰富的曲目,经常参加国内外大型演出,是活跃并受欢迎的交响乐团之一;舞台美术工作部实力雄厚,除常年高质量完成剧院歌剧、音乐会演出的舞美工作外,还广泛参与中外重大演出和各类大型活动的舞美制作;剧院还聚集着一批颇具实力的作曲家、指挥家、导演、剧作家及舞台美术家。剧院历任院长有著名艺术家李伯钊、周巍峙、卢肃、赵沨、马可、李凌、刘莲池、王世光、陈燮阳。现任院长为著名作曲家刘锡津。
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环球剧院英文:The Globe.1613年6月29日,国王剧团将上演莎士比亚和约翰·弗莱彻合作的新剧《一切属实》,即现在的《亨利八世》。在第一幕接近尾声的时候,一门支柱炮响了起来。在闷烧了一段时间后,屋顶着火了,不到一个小时剧院就被烧为平地,奇迹般地没有人员伤亡,也没有重伤。然而,可能有一个伤亡,那就是莎士比亚的职业生涯.虽然只有49岁,但莎士比亚是世界上第二年长的著名剧作家。当莎士比亚开始他的职业生涯时——1590年,我们死了。罗伯特·格林(Robert Greene)、克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)和托马斯·基德(Thomas Kyd)已经去世了大约20年,他们都比莎士比亚年长几岁。伦敦的环境并不是最健康最安全的。1613年没有火灾保险,所以股东们为全球的重建掏腰包。莎士比亚已经处于半退休状态。自1611年的《暴风雨》之后,他再没有写过一部独角戏。从那时起,两位贵族亲戚,《卡德尼奥》和《一切都是真的》都是与约翰·弗莱彻合著的,他被培养成剧团的“普通诗人”。莎士比亚三个弟弟中的最后一个理查于今年2月去世。也许他把这一切看作是退休的时候到了。地球在1614年重建了瓦屋顶。1642年,清教议会下令将其拆除。
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Paris Opera.opera1KK: []DJ: []n.1. 歌剧[C]Carmen is a well-known opera.《卡门》是一部有名的歌剧。2. 歌剧艺术;歌剧业[U]Opera is a blend of all the performing arts -- songs, instrumental music, dance and drama.歌剧艺术集所有表演艺术--歌,乐器,舞蹈和戏剧--为一体。3. 歌剧院[C]She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera.她曾是巴黎歌剧院最好的歌唱家。opera2KK: []DJ: [](opus的复数)
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the State Opera of ViennaVienna State OperaVienna National Opera
2023-08-18 18:43:015


Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt. 6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building"s roof sections weight about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year. But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,John Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance for the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and conducted a competition for its design was chosen. Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts. In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973. The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,so beautiful. 悉尼歌剧院是世上最著名的建筑之一。虽然这项建筑之开放了三十年,但是它是被公认的世上最与众不同的现代建筑。悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚的象征,就像金字塔是埃及的象征一样。 建造歌剧院用了6 625平方米的玻璃和645千米的电缆线。它有1 000间房间。它长185米,宽20米。歌剧院楼顶的部分大约重15吨。在楼顶上,有1百万块砖。每年它能接待旅游团20万人。 但你知道歌剧院的设计者是丹麦著名的建筑师——约翰•伍松吗?在50年代,澳大利亚政府申请并建立了悉尼歌剧院工程基金,并举行了一个歌剧院设计比赛。伍松用了数年时间反复修改设计图纸并在1961年解决了如何搭建出特色来——帆状屋顶。这个别树一帜的屋顶造成了轰动。1966年情况变得危急,伍松辞去了任务。但是在1973年,这项建筑还是被其它建筑师所完工。1973年10月20日,歌剧院由伊丽莎白女王宣布对外开放。 歌剧院延伸到海港中央。从一艘渡轮或一架飞机上看,歌剧院雄伟的空中轮廓线,碧蓝碧蓝的水和悉尼的海港大桥,是那么漂亮。
2023-08-18 18:43:311


答案:will visit our local theatre. 根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我和妈妈将在后天参观我们当地剧院.",根据时间状语 the day after tomorrow.判断用一般将来时,"参观我们当地剧院"的英文是 visit our local theatre,所以答案是:will visit our local theatre
2023-08-18 18:43:491


悉尼歌剧院的英文是“Sydney Opera House”,“Sydney”译为悉尼,“Opera House”译为歌剧院。悉尼歌剧院由10多幢扬帆式薄壳建筑组成的悉尼歌剧院,好像一支远航归来的船队,坐落在澳大利亚悉尼港口的班尼朗岛上,一道海堤联结着市区。悉尼歌剧院建于1954年,费时19年,耗资8500万美元。全部建筑群长达183米,宽118米,占地27.4亩;最高点距水面67米,相当20层大楼的高度。悉尼歌剧院结构组成悉尼歌剧院的天花板和内墙都以漂亮木料镶嵌,主厅铺着蓝地毯,音响效果很好。全部900多个厅堂房室中,包括1,547个座位的歌剧院,2,690座位的音乐厅,544座位的剧场,419座位的音乐室,同时可容观众7,000余人。此外还有排练厅、展览厅、图书馆、酒吧间等小厅室。每日开放16小时,平均有10场演出。在1973年落成之际,英国女王和许多国家元首都来参加开幕典礼,100万人穿了节日盛装涌到小岛上观礼。1979年6月7日,世界最大的管风琴首次演奏,又是轰动一时。
2023-08-18 18:43:573


BEIJINGu2019S new futuristic National Center for the Performing Arts, formerly known as the National Grand Theater, will begin the formal performance season Dec. 22.Among international performers who will be appearing will be conductors Valery Gergiev and Seiji Ozawa, and sopranos Kathleen Battle and Kiri Te Kanawa. Apart from the Mariinsky Theater of Russia, other famous foreign orchestras, such as the New York Philharmonic, will also give performances.These shows were expected to attract audiences totaling 300,000 and more than 20,000 tickets had already been sold for the opening season.Despite the huge development costs and high profile, the National Center for the Performing Arts was not just for the wealthy, he said.The center will sell tickets for as little as 30 yuan (US$4) and the average ticket price will be lower than that for a regular show in Beijing.However, the cost of tickets for the inaugural show is far higher, ranging from 180 yuan to 1,080 yuan.The building has been controversial, with some describing the arts complex designed by French architect Paul Andreu as out of keeping with its near neighbor, the Forbidden City. Others hail it as a futuristic, signature building. The certer, which is to the west of Tianu2019anmen Square, boasts three large halls — a 2,416-seat opera house, a 2,017-seat concert hall and a 1,040-seat theater. Construction of the National Grand Theater began in December 2001 and was completed in late September this year. Total investment was 2.69 billion yuan.
2023-08-18 18:45:072


简介  巴黎歌剧院全名为加尼叶歌剧院(Opera de Garnier),因建筑师加尼叶(Charles Garnier)而命名,是法国皇帝欣赏歌剧的场所,不管内部装饰和外表建筑都极尽华丽之能事。早在17世纪时,意大利歌剧风靡整个欧洲,称霸着歌剧舞台。欧洲各国的作曲家就致力于发展本国的歌剧艺术,与意大利歌剧抗衡,与宫廷贵族追求时髦的庸俗趣味进行争斗。就是在这一时期,法国吸取了意大利歌剧的经验,创造出具有本国特点的歌剧艺术,法国歌剧也由此发展。 法国歌剧艺术风格的形成,决定了法国将建立自己的歌剧院。1667年,由法国国王路易十四批准,获得了法国政府的支助。1671年3月19日,由佩兰、康贝尔和戴苏德克负责建造了法国第一座歌剧院“皇家歌剧院”它就是巴黎歌剧院的前身。后于1763年被毁于大火。1875年新的剧院建成附设有一个举世闻名的芭蕾舞团和一个管弦乐团。AboutParis Opera Garnier opera house full name (Opera de Garnier), as a result of architects Garnier (Charles Garnier) and named after the emperor of France to enjoy the opera places, whether in-house decoration and building looks gorgeous doing all it can Matter. As early as the 17th century, Italian opera popular in Europe as a whole, to dominate the opera stage. European countries on the composer"s commitment to the development of the country"s opera arts, opera and Italy against, with the court aristocracy vulgar pursuit of fashionable taste for fighting. In this period, France has learned from the experience of Italian opera, with its own characteristics to create the opera arts, this is also the development of French opera. French opera-style art form, the French decided to build its own opera house. In 1667, from France"s King Louis XIV approval, received support from the Government of France. March 19, 1671 by Perrin, David Campbell and Sudek responsible for the construction of France"s first opera house, "the Royal Opera House," which is the predecessor of the Paris Opera House. After the fire in 1763 destroyed. In 1875 built a new theater with a world-famous ballet and an orchestra.
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Sydney Opera opera在这里已经有歌剧院得意思
2023-08-18 18:45:295


剧院的英文是theatre。读音:英[u02c8θu026au0259tu0259r],美[u02c8θiu02d0u0259tu0259r]。释义:n. 电影院,戏院;戏剧;阶梯式讲堂。例句:This is my first time in a Broadway theatre.这是我第一次进百老汇的剧院。变形:复数theatres。短语:pack the theatre 挤满剧场amusing theatre 闹剧bad theatre 舞台效果不好traditional theatre 传统剧two theatres 两个剧院at the theatre 在剧场theatre的近义词cinema读音:英 ["su026anu0259mu0259],美 ["su026anu0259mu0259]。释义:n. 电影院;电影(艺术;拍摄;技术)。变形:形容词cinematic,副词cinematically。例句:They streamed out of the cinema.他们涌出电影院。短语:go to the cinema 去看电影work in the cinema 在电影院工作fine cinema 好电影院at the cinema 在看电影in the cinema 在电影院
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剧院用英语怎么说 你好! 剧院 theatre 英[u02c8θiu0259tu0259] 美[u02c8θi:u0259tu0259r] n. 电影院,戏院; 戏剧工作; 演戏; 手术室;[网络] 露天剧院; 歌剧院; 大剧院; [例句]If we went to the theatre it was a very big event. 我们要是去看场戏,那可是件大事。 在剧院 用英语怎么说 在剧院 网络释义 在剧院:At a Theatre 去剧院的英文怎么说 以上回答错误。 这个词组,新概念课文第二册,第一课就有。go to the theater. 去剧院(看戏)。 广州大剧院的英文如何写? 官方使用的是 Guangzhou Opera House 澳大利亚悉尼大剧院用英文怎么说 15分 sydney opera house
2023-08-18 18:46:561


苏ven尼尔 sei特儿 搭提 微特儿 sho盆 尅系儿 sei可 火死披头 你还是好好学英语吧 光靠谐音是不好学的
2023-08-18 18:48:001


2023-08-18 18:48:412


the local theatre
2023-08-18 18:48:511

皇家剧院 用英语怎么说

royal theatre 皇家剧院
2023-08-18 18:49:083


官方使用的是 Guangzhou Opera House
2023-08-18 18:49:351


opera英文意思是歌剧演出,歌剧表演;歌剧团;歌剧院;歌剧艺术;歌剧剧本。opera短语:soap opera肥皂剧、连续剧、番笕剧;opera house歌剧院、悉尼歌剧院、大剧院、格拉茨歌剧院;the phantom of the opera歌剧魅影、剧院魅影、歌剧院的幽灵、歌声魅影;space opera太空歌剧、太空剧、太空剧场、太空探险片。phantom of the opera歌剧魅影、歌声魅影、歌剧院魅影;sydney opera house悉尼歌剧院、雪梨歌剧院、歌剧院、澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院;opera seria正歌剧、严肃歌剧、意大利语;grand opera大歌剧、歌剧节、歌剧剧团。同根词:operatic歌剧的、歌剧风格的;operagoer经常看歌剧的人。opera的例句:1、Opera houses are packed out wherever she sings.每逢她演唱,任何歌剧院都场场爆满。2、She"s one of the leading lights in the opera world.她是歌剧界的一位大腕。3、She pretends to be interested in opera,but it"s only for show.她做出一副对歌剧感兴趣的样子,但这不过是装门面而已。4、Fine music,particularly opera,has become aspirational,like fine wine or foreign travel.优雅的音乐,尤其是歌剧,已像美酒或海外旅游一样被人追求。
2023-08-18 18:49:441


ncpa国家大剧院全称是中国国家大剧院。中国国家大剧院(National Centre for the Performing Arts),是新“北京十六景”之一的地标性建筑,位于北京市中心天安门广场西,人民大会堂西侧,由主体建筑及南北两侧的水下长廊、地下停车场、人工湖、绿地组成。建筑设计中国国家大剧院由法国建筑师保罗·安德鲁主持设计,国家大剧院外观呈半椭球形,东西方向长轴长度为212.20米,南北方向短轴长度为143.64米,建筑物高度为46.285米,占地11.89万平方米,总建筑面积约16.5万平方米,其中主体建筑10.5万平方米,地下附属设施6万平方米,总造价30.67亿元。设有歌剧院、音乐厅、戏剧场以及艺术展厅、餐厅、音像商店等配套设施。
2023-08-18 18:51:481


China Peking Opera Theatre
2023-08-18 18:52:064

湖南大剧院 英文名称

Hunan great theater
2023-08-18 18:52:142


珠海贝壳歌剧院的官方中文名是:珠海大剧院,官方英文名是:zhuhai grand theater
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2023-08-18 18:52:321


剧场:剧场 (建筑),为表演场所的剧场;剧场 (艺术),为表演艺术形式或艺术流派的剧场;剧场版,动画的电影版。剧院:1、专门用来表演戏剧、话剧、歌剧、歌舞、曲艺、音乐等文娱的场所,一般较正式。通常分舞台和观众席。现在的剧院也兼有放映电影的功能2、用作较大剧团的名称总结:剧场用途更加宽泛,同时适用于户外广场及室内建筑;而剧院比较正式。这个是借用的,我感觉差不多
2023-08-18 18:52:4410


2023-08-18 18:54:111


Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the buil...
2023-08-18 18:54:271


2023-08-18 18:54:421


we can watch beijing Opera at our local threat.
2023-08-18 18:55:532


The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most well-know images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.
2023-08-18 18:56:001


Sydney Opera HouseThe Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building"s roof sections weigh about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and conducted a competition for its design was chosen.Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts.In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,is beautiful.
2023-08-18 18:56:191


2023-08-18 18:56:494


建于:1931,随后在2003年重新开张设计师:Davies Brooke & Gran兰心大剧院英文: Lyceum theatre 本是英侨爱美剧社 (the Amateur Dramatic Club, A british drama society founded in the 1866)建筑风格: Beaux-Art styling
2023-08-18 18:57:241


2023-08-18 18:57:424


Shanghai Grand Theater, covering 11,528 square meters and a building area of 70,000 square meters and a building height of 40 meters. The whole building two underground levels, the ground layer 6. Top Layer 2, a total of 10 layers. There are three theaters : a 1,800-seat theater large theater for staging ballet, opera and symphony. a 550-seat theater suitable for the Chinese local opera and chamber music performances; There could be a 250-seat theater for drama and musical performances. In addition, the Grand Theater on the roof of the eighth floor of the auxiliary facilities include a banquet hall Maxim bottom of the cultural hall and coffee, and in over 170 small sedan parked in the underground garage satisfied. Shanghai Grand Theater organization of this series with notes from Crystal Palace, which is a merge of new technologies, new processes integration of new materials in the arts hall. 上海大剧院占地11528平方米,建筑总面积为70000平方米,建筑总高度40米。整个建筑地下2层,地面6层.顶部2层,共计10层。 剧院内共有三个剧场:一个1800座位的大剧场,用于上演芭蕾、歌剧和交响乐;一个550座位的中剧场适合地方戏曲和室内乐的演出;还有一个250座位的小剧场可以进行话剧和歌舞表演。 除此以外,大剧院的辅助设施还包括八楼屋顶的宴会厅,底层的文化展示厅和马克西姆咖啡厅,以及能停纳170余辆小汽车的地下车库。 上海大剧院这座用音符串织而成的水晶宫殿,是一座融新技术、新工艺、新材料于一体的艺术殿堂。满意请采纳
2023-08-18 18:58:261


我来看看。。。首先,超级简单的简介:Sydney Opera House must be one of the most recognisable images of the modern world - up there with the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building ,it is as representative of Australia ,the Opera House is situated on Bennelong Point.Ironic, perhaps, that this Australian icon - the Opera House with a roof evocative of a ship at full sail ,which was designed by renowned Danish architect -- Utzon.再来你看看,你不要也可以的说~~Sydney Opera House facts and figuresThe Sydney Opera house:Was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon.Was opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20 October 1973.Presented, as its first performance, The Australian Opera"s production of War and Peace by Prokofiev.Cost $AU 102,000,000 to build.Conducts 3000 events each year.Provides guided tours to 200,000 people each year.Has an annual audience of 2 million for its performances.Includes 1000 rooms.Is 185 metres long and 120 metres wide.Has 2194 pre-cast concrete sections as its roof.Has roof sections weighing up to 15 tons.Has roof sections held together by 350 kms of tensioned steel cable.Has over 1 million tiles on the roof.Uses 6225 square metres of glass and 645 kilometres of electric cable.多多指教。。that"s all!!!
2023-08-18 18:58:341

富土接触器中JLs c 8201是什么意思?谢谢

这个应该是:JIS C8201标准,这个是日本标准:JIS C8201-1-2007 低压开关装置和控制装置的相关标准。
2023-08-18 18:55:201


2023-08-18 18:55:249


2023-08-18 18:55:272


百度 PaddlePaddle在和几款最常用的深度学习框架TensorFlow、Torch、Caffe比较之前,我们先重点介绍新出现的PaddlePaddle。Paddle其实已经有多年历史了。早在 2013 年,百度就察觉到传统的基于单GPU的训练平台,已经无法满足深度神经网络在搜索、广告、文本、语音、图像等领域的训练需求,于是在徐伟的带领下开始搭建Paddle——一个多机并行的CPU/GPU混布的异构计算平台。Paddle从最早的开发到如今的开源,就一直以大规模数据处理和工业化的要求不断改进。我们可以看到PaddlePaddle有很多优异的特性。Github上介绍,PaddlePaddle有以下特点:· 灵活PaddlePaddle支持大量的神经网络架构和优化算法,支持任意复杂RNNs结构,高效处理batch,无需数据填充。简单书写配置文件即可实现复杂模型,比如拥有注意力(Attention)机制、外围记忆层(External Memory)或者用于神经机器翻译模型的深度时序快进网络。· 高效为了利用异构计算资源的能力,PaddlePaddle中的每一级都会进行优化,其中包括计算、内存、架构和通信。以下是几个例子:1.使用SSE/AVX内联函数、BLAS数据库(例如MKL、ATLAS、cuBLAS)和定制化的CPU/GPU Kernal来优化数学运算。2.高度优化RNNs网络,在没有Padding的情况下,也能处理不同长度的序列。3.优化的本地和分布式训练,同时支持高纬稀疏模型。· 可扩展有了PaddlePaddle,使用多个CPU和GPU以及机器来加速训练可以变得很轻松。 PaddlePaddle能通过优化通信,获得高吞吐量和性能。· 与产品的连接PaddlePaddle的部署也很简单。在百度,PaddlePaddle已经被用于产品和服务中,拥有大量用户。应用场景包括预估外卖的出餐时间、预判网盘故障时间点、精准推荐用户所需信息、海量图像识别分类、字符识别(OCR)、病毒和垃圾信息检测、机器翻译和自动驾驶等等。在PaddlePaddle简单、可扩展的逻辑下,徐伟评价说:“这将使工程师们能够快速、轻松地将深度学习技术应用到他们的产品当中,我们想让更多的人使用人工智能,人工智能对于我们的未来生活是非常重要的。”
2023-08-18 18:55:281

leaf 用英语怎么说

leaf英 [li:f] 美 [lif] 第三人称单数:leaves第三人称复数:leaves现在分词:leafing过去分词:leafed过去式:leafedleaf 基本解释名词叶子; 页; 叶状的结构; 金属薄片及物/不及物动词翻书(报)不及物动词生叶
2023-08-18 18:55:321


石油化工设计》是经国家科委和国家新闻出版总署批准的国内外公开发行的科技刊物本刊编辑部 摘要: 2015年11月19日,中国石化工程建设有限公司(SEI)主办的《石油化工设备技术
2023-08-18 18:55:171


2023-08-18 18:55:152


英[li:f] 美[lif]
2023-08-18 18:55:143


2023-08-18 18:55:112


Arrant fool
2023-08-18 18:55:1011