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简爱(Jane Eyre)或者远大前程(great expectation)的评价和文学影响

2023-05-19 20:27:35
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Reading Jane Eyre felt

Jane Eyre is by far the best known of Charlotte Bronte"s novels. The story is interesting and impressive. Because the heroine"s personal character is different from the common run. In other novels, their heroines are always beautiful or powerful or rich. But Jane Eyre is only a short, penniless and plain woman. Once reading the novel, I can not forget Jane"s strong personal character. Jane"s bravery, persistence, self-respect and confidence run through the book. In this book Charlotte Bronte creates a new woman for those days.

Jane Eyre” was charlotte Bronte"s masterpiece. It was an autobiographical novel in a certain degree. The novel opens with little Jane as a despised orphan in the house of her uncle"s widow. Being rebellious, she is packed off to a “charity” boarding-school, which administers harsh discipline with especial vigor Jane sets herself to learn, qualifies herself as teacher, advertises for a post, and is employed as governess of the illegitimate French daughter of Rochester in his country mansion, Thornfield. A love relationship develops between Jane and Rochester. Jane"s resolute free spirit, her soul of fire, brings from the dominant Rochester a proposal of marriage. But knowing that Rochester has a wife at Thornfield, Jane leaves there without any hesitation. She is rescued by the Rivers in order to undertake missionary work at his side. Almost she consents a great misfortunate befalls Mr. Rochester: he blinded during a fire, Hearing that Rochester is penniless and disable, Jane Eyre hurries to him and become his wife.

The story is told with terrific intensity, the agonies of Jane are presented so powerfully and in such a simple but telling language that they cannot be read without emotion. It is not a romance. Like other novels of charlotte Bronte, “Jane Eyre” is characterized by relentless truthfulness to ordinary reality. Even when the action is most exciting, its details are strictly true to real life. Jane Eyre, the heroine of this novel, struggled to acquire her self-respect, independence, dignity and self-sufficiency at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure, maltreatment, discrimination and in resisting the temptation of passion. At the end of the novel, Jane gains what she wants.

Jane is a model for us to defend our rights, and independence is very important in our daily life.Jane was an ordinary woman. Without beauty, high social position, just because of her superior character---independence, wise, will-power, self-respect, self-love which decided a ordinary woman owned an unordinary love. Jane is a model for many women, especially modern women. Jane Eyre is the ideal female that they imagined. Naturally, Jane was an unfortunate girl. However, to our human being, flesh is weak, but spirit strong. Only when the spirit gets the upper hand, he would be successful, Or else, he would be dominated by others and captured by the lot. Jane set a good example for us. Unfortunate conditions didn"t reduce her to depravity. She suffered a lot of hardships, which was far more than many people. Which were most women can"t bear. However, because of her superior inner power, she gained what she wished.

In the end of the novel ,when she found Rochester lost all his property, and Rochester was blinded and disabled, she went to see him and married him at Ferdean. At that time, real love was superior to anything in her mind. Nothing could stop their love any longer, Jane got the happiness and love she needed most.



truthfulnessn.真实, 正当,坦率truthn.事实, 确实, 真理, 原理
2023-01-09 18:50:482

honesty和truthfulness有区别么 还有dishonesty和lying. 用英语解释··

honesty = 诚实 truthfulness = 真实, dishonesty = 不诚实 lying = 撒谎
2023-01-09 18:50:561


真实性英语翻译有:truth;reality;truthfulness;authenticity。举例:表面真实性:apparent authenticity of the credit。高真实性:high fidelity。内在真实性:internal validity。缺乏真实性:irreality。统计真实性:statistical validity。外在真实性:external validity。纹理真实性:texture fidelity。真实性检查:plausibility check。真实性焦虑:actual anxiety。真实性能:actual performance。真实性评估:authentic assessment。真实性质:trueness。击中的真实性:materiality of the hit。同意的真实性:genuineness of consent。相对的真实性:relative reality。造句(双语翻译):1、To some extent this was thetruth.在某种程度上这是事实。2、We"ll get thetruth out of her.我们会从她那里套出实情。3、He adjured them to tell thetruth.他要求他们讲真话。4、Only then did l learn the unpalatabletruth.直到那时我才得知令人难以接受的真相。5、l realized thetruth too late.我知道真相太晚了。6、She stubbornly refuses to admit thetruth.她顽固地拒不承认事实。7、There is notruth in this story.这个故事不具备真实性。8、Newspapers are often guilty of distorting thetruth.报章常犯歪曲事实的错误。9、Thetruth is sometimes difficult to get at.有时真相很难查明。10、He"s not a real searcher aftertruth.他不是一个真正探求真理的人。
2023-01-09 18:51:011


严酷的现实的英文:harsh reality参考例句:The people had to accept the harsh exigencies of war.人们要承受战乱的严酷现实.So long as this grim reality persists, the system will remain broken.只要这一严酷的现实继续存在,法律制度将是不完善的。The harshness of recent reality disenchanted her of her idealistic hopes.最近的严酷现实使她从理想主义的迷梦中清醒过来。harsh是什么意思:adj. 粗糙的;严厉的,严酷的;刺耳的,刺目的in the harsh glare of the sun在刺眼的强烈阳光里 very harsh or severe;unrelenting严酷的;严厉的;冷酷的 Intensely irritating,obnoxious,or harsh.讨厌的非常让人愤怒的,使人非常不快的,苛刻的His harshness is forgivable.他很严厉, 但情有可原。Disobedience is treated with special harshness.不服从会受到特别严厉的处分。reality是什么意思:n. 现实(性);事实a living hope, faith, reality现存的希望、 仍在信奉的信仰、 活生生的现实. Did not you envisage the reality?你不正视现实吗?We are not blind to the reality of disagreement. 我们不会忽视意见不合的事实。 In accord with reality,fact,or truthfulness.准确地,真实地符合现实、事实或真实地
2023-01-09 18:51:371

真实 英文单词怎么拼?

2023-01-09 18:51:436


2023-01-09 18:52:047

The manager spoke highly of such__as loyalty,courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.

答案A 本句中as后面的名词loyalty(忠诚),courage(勇气),truthfulness(实事求是)是对空格处名词进行的解释。本句中的3个名词归纳起来都属于人应当具有的“美德”,所以本题的答案为A。 查看原帖>>
2023-01-09 18:52:283


Cut corners:直译就是抄近路,不拐弯抹角。在这里的意思是为了短期(in the short run)利益而采取一些手段节约成本以满足赢利的目的。有时这种选择关乎诚信。有点投机取巧的意思。
2023-01-09 18:52:484


  道德 教育 的根本任务,是在于影响人格,形成德性。目前在我国学校中的道德教育主要是知识性德育,出现了许多知行不一的现象,其原因之一是长期以来我们忽视了情感在道德教育中的价值和道德情感的培养。下面是我带来的关于道德的英语美文阅读,欢迎阅读!  关于道德的英语美文阅读篇一   Moral Issues   美式道德   Do Americans have any morals? That"s a good question. Many people insist that ideas aboutright and wrong are merely personal opinions. Some voices, though, are calling Americans backto traditional moral values. William J. Bennett, former U.S. Secretary of Education, edited TheBook of Virtues in 1993 to do just that. Bennett suggests that great moral stories can buildcharacter. The success of Bennett"s book shows that many Americans still believe in moralvalues. But what are they?   美国人还有道德吗?这是个好问题。许多人坚持对与错乃是个人的意见。但是,还是有些人在呼唤美国人回到传统的道德价值里去。威廉.班奈特,前任美国教育部长,正是为了此目的而在一九九三年编辑了「美德」这本书。班奈特认为伟大的道德 故事 可以建造性格。班奈持这本书的成功显示了许多美国人仍然相信道德的价值。但是它们到底为何?   To begin with, moral values in America are like those in any culture. In fact, many aspects ofmorality are universal. But the stories and traditions that teach them are unique to eachculture. Not only that, but culture influences how people show these virtues.   最开始,道德价值在美国就像在任何 其它 的 文化 一样。事实上,许多道德的观点是全球一致的。但是,不同的文化则有不同的故事和传统来教导它们。不仅如此,文化也影响了人民如何表现这些美德。   One of the most basic moral values for Americans is honesty. The well-known legend aboutGeorge Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value clearly. Little George cut down hisfather"s favorite cherry tree while trying out his new hatchet. When his father asked him aboutit, George said, "I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet." Instead of punishment, Georgereceived praise for telling the truth. Sometimes American honesty-being open and direct-canoffend people. But Americans still believe that "honesty is the best policy."   美国人最基本的道德价值之一是诚实。众所周知的乔治.华盛顿砍樱桃树的故事,即将此道德教导地极为清楚。小乔治在试他新斧头时砍倒了爸爸最心爱的樱桃树。当爸爸问他的时候,乔治说,「我不能说谎,我用我的斧头砍了它。」乔治非但未被惩罚,反而因为诚实而被赞赏。有时候美国人仍然相信「诚实是最上策」。   Another virtue Americans respect is perseverance. Remember Aesop"s fable about the turtleand the rabbit that had a race? The rabbit thought he could win easily, so he took a nap. Butthe turtle finally won because he did not give up. Another story tells of a little train that had toclimb a steep hill. The hill was so steep that the little train had a hard time trying to get over it.But the train just kept pulling, all the while saying, "I think I can, I think I can." At last, the trainwas over the top of the hill. "I thought I could, I thought I could," chugged the happy littletrain.   另外一个为美国人所尊崇的美德为坚忍。记得再龟兔赛跑这则伊索寓言吗?兔子以为它可以赢的很轻松,便睡了个午觉,但是乌龟再最后终因不放弃而赢了这场比赛。另一个故事谈到一个必须爬过陡峭山头的小火车,山头是这么陡,以至于小火车很难爬上去,但是它仍不断地爬,并不停地说:「我想我能做到,我能做到。」最后,火车终于爬过了山头,「我就知道我可以。」这个快乐的小火车继续往前去。   ompassion may be the queen of American virtues. The story of "The Good Samaritan" from theBible describes a man who showed compassion. On his way to a certain city, a Samaritan manfound a poor traveler lying on the road. The traveler had been beaten and robbed. The kindSamaritan, instead of just passing by, stopped to help this person in need. Compassion caneven turn into a positive cycle. In fall 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to helpFloridians hit by a hurricane. The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida returnedthe favor. In less dramatic ways, millions of Americans are quietly passing along the kindnessesshown to them.   同情心,可能是美国的道德之最了。圣经中的「好撒玛利亚人」的故事,描述一个流露同情心的人。在这个撒玛利亚人出发去某城市的途中,看到一个可怜的旅客躺在路旁。这旅客被鞭打、抢劫,这位仁慈的撒玛利亚人非但没有视而不见,反而停下来帮助这位有需要的人。同情心还可以变成一个正面循环,在一九九二年的秋天,爱荷华州的居民将好几辆卡车的水送到受飓风侵袭的佛罗里达州;而就在第二年夏天,当中西部闹水灾的时候,佛州人便投挑报李。数以百万计的美国人民正用较不醒目的方式回报人们向他们表达的善意。   In no way can this brief description cover all the moral values honored by Americans. Courage,responsibility, loyalty, gratitude and many others could be discussed. In fact, Bennett"sbestseller-over 800 pages-highlights just 10 virtues. Even Bennett admits that he has onlyscratched the surface. But no matter how long or short the list, moral values are invaluable.They are the foundation of American culture-and any culture.   在这么一篇短短的 文章 里,无论如何也不能将美国人所尊崇的道德述尽。勇气、责任心、忠诚、感激之心还有许多其它可以讨论的。事实上,班奈特最畅销的书──超过八百页──只谈到了十种美德。即使班奈特也承认他只谈到了皮毛而已。但是不论这张道德表是多长或短,道德价值都是无价的。他们是美国文化──和任何其它国家的文化之基础。   关于道德的英语美文阅读篇二   道德困境   Consider this situation,You are driving along on a wild,stormy night.   考虑一下这个情景,你在一个狂风大作、暴雨倾盆之夜驾车行驶。   You pass by a bus stop,where you see three people waiting:   路过一个汽车站。你看见三个人在那儿等车: elderly woman who is about to die.   一个奄奄一息的老妇人 old friend who once saved your life.   一个曾救你一命的老朋友   3.the perfect mate you"ve been dreaming about.   你一直梦想的完美伴侣。   Which one would you choose, knowing there could only be one passenger in your car?   你已经知道自己车中只能载一名乘客,你会选择谁呢?   Should you save the elderly woman or take the old friend because he once saved your life?   是应该拯救老妇人,还是因他救过你的命而载上你的老朋友呢?   Either way, you may never find your perfect dream lover again!   无论怎样,也许你再也找不到完美的梦中情人了。   This quiz was given to 200 applicants for a single job.   用这道题测试应征同一个工作的200名求职者。   The one who was hired responded:   最终获得这份工作的人是这样回答的:   I would give the car keys to my friend and let him take the elderly woman to the hospital.   我会把车钥匙交给我的朋友。   Then I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the woman of my dreams. Lying.   让他送老妇人去医院。然后我留下来与我梦寐以求的女子一起等车。撒谎。   Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you have to lie to people who trust you?   有没有过这样的时候,你发现自己不得不向信任你的人撒谎?   Do you mean lying to people for their good?   你是说为了他们好才对他拉撒谎?   Yes, Is it wrong to lie to them even if it is for their good?   对。即使是为了别人好才撒谎也是不对的吗?   It"s hard to say. I mean. how can you judge what"s good for them?   这可难说,我是说。你怎么能判定什么是对他们好的呢?   Maybe it is best to tell them the truth no matter what it is.   无论事实如何,实言相告也许才是最好的办法。   But sometimes it is so hard to tell the truth.   但是有时候真话实在是太难说出口了。   I know .If you"re sure the truth will do harm.   我知道。如果你确信实话会造成伤害的话,   maybe you can choose not to tell it. Lying.   也许你可以选择保持沉默。撒谎。   Have you ever found yourself in a situation when you have to lie to people who trust you?   有没有过这样的时候,你发现自己不得不向信任你的人撒谎?   Do you mean lying to people for their good?   你是说为了他们好才对他拉撒谎?   Yes, Is it wrong to lie to them even if it is for their good?   对。即使是为了别人好才撒谎也是不对的吗?   It"s hard to say. I mean. how can you judge what"s good for them?   这可难说,我是说。你怎么能判定什么是对他们好的呢?   Maybe it is best to tell them the truth no matter what it is.   无论事实如何,实言相告也许才是最好的办法。   But sometimes it is so hard to tell the truth.   但是有时候真话实在是太难说出口了。   I know .If you"re sure the truth will do harm.   我知道。如果你确信实话会造成伤害的话,   maybe you can choose not to tell it.   也许你可以选择保持沉默。   关于道德的英语美文阅读篇三   The psychology of morality.   道德心理学。   Time to be honest.   诚实是需要时间的。   A simple experiment suggests a way to encourage truthfulness.   一个简单的实验却为我们提供了一种鼓励诚实的途径。   "IS SIN original?" That is the question addressed by Shaul Shalvi, a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam, in a paper just published in Psychological Science. Dr Shalvi and his colleagues, Ori Eldar and Yoella Bereby-Meyer of Ben-Gurion University in Israel, wanted to know if the impulse to cheat is something that grows or diminishes when the potential cheater has time for reflection on his actions. Is cheating, in other words, instinctive or calculating?   "人性本‘恶"?"这是由阿姆斯特丹大学的一位心理学家—— Shaul Shalvi,在《心理科学》杂志上发表的一篇论文中所提出的问题. Shalvi博士和他的两位同事——以色列Ben-Gurion大学的Ori Eldar 和 Yoella Bereby-Meyer,希望知道如果那些潜在的骗子有时间对他们的行为作出充分考虑,他们撒谎的冲动会否因此增强或减弱呢?换句话说,撒谎究竟是人的一种本能行为,还是经过仔细分析后所作出的选择呢?   Appropriately, the researchers" apparatus for their experiment was that icon of sinful activity, the gambling die. They wanted to find out whether people were more likely to lie about the result of a die roll when asked that result immediately, or when given time to think.   研究人员为他们的实验选择了一样合适的工具—骰子—罪恶活动的标志。他们想查明的是:人们是在摇骰后立即被询问其结果时容易撒谎呢,还是在他们获得一定的思考余地的时候呢?   To carry out their experiment, Dr Shalvi, Dr Eldar and Dr Bereby-Meyer gave each of 76 volunteers a six-sided die and a cup. Participants were told that a number of them, chosen at random, would earn ten shekels (about $2.50) for each pip of the numeral they rolled on the die. They were then instructed to shake their cups, check the outcome of the rolled die and remember this roll. Next, they were asked to roll the die two more times, to satisfy themselves that it was not loaded, and, that done, to enter the result of the first roll on a computer terminal. Half of the participants were told to complete this procedure within 20 seconds while the others were given no time limit.   实验前,Shalvi博士,Eldar博士和Bereby-Meyer博士给作为实验对象的76位志愿者每人发了一个摇盅和一粒骰子。参加者被告知他们中的一部分被随机抽选出来的,会依据其掷出的骰子点数而得到相应数目的奖励,每点10谢克尔(约合2.5美元)。接着他们便按照指示摇盅,开盅查看结果,记住点数。然后他们被要求多摇两次,以让自己确信骰子中没有被灌铅。最后,让他们自己在电脑终端里输入第一次所掷出的点数。有一半参加者被要求在20秒内完成整个实验流程,而另一半则没有时间限制。   The researchers had no way of knowing what numbers participants actually rolled, of course. But they knew, statistically, that the average roll, if people reported honestly, should have been 3.5. This gave them a baseline from which to calculate participants" honesty. Those forced to enter their results within 20 seconds, the researchers found, reported a mean roll of 4.6. Those who were not under any time pressure reported a mean roll of 3.9. Both groups lied, then. But those who had had more time for reflection lied less.   研究人员当然无法知晓每个参加者实际掷出点数。但他们知道,依照统计学规律,如果所有人都能做到如实上报点数,那么这次实验的平均掷出点数应为3.5。这就为研究人员提供了一个测量参加者诚实程度的依据。他们发现,那组被要求于20秒内输入结果的的参加者所上报的掷出点数平均值为4.6,而另外没有时间压力的参加者的为3.9.显然这两组人都撒谎了,不过在那些有充分时间进行考虑的参加者中撒谎的较少。   A second experiment confirmed this result. A different bunch of volunteers were asked to roll the die just once. Again, half were put under time pressure and, since there were no additional rolls to make, the restriction was changed from 20 seconds to eight. The others were allowed to consider the matter for as long as they wished.   第二次实验则验证了这一结果。这次是另一群不同的志愿者被要求掷骰子,不过只掷一次。同上次一样,他们中一半人被限制了时间,并且由于此次只需掷一次骰子,时间限制也从20s缩短为8s.其余一般则想考虑多久都行。   In this case the first half reported an average roll of 4.4. Those given no time limit reported an average of 3.4. The second lot, in other words, actually told the truth.   在这次实验中,前面有时间限制的一半人所上报点数的平均值为4.4,而没有时间限制的所上报的平均值为3.4。换言之,后者如实上报了数据。   The conclusion, therefore, at least in the matter of cheating at dice, is that sin is indeed original. Without time for reflection, people will default to the mode labelled "cheat". Given such time, however, they will often do the right thing. If you want someone to be honest, then, do not press him too hard for an immediate decision.   因此,得出的结论是——至少在此次摇骰作弊的案例中如此—"人性本‘恶""。在缺少时间进行考虑的情况下,人们会进入默认的"撒谎"模式。然而,如果他们获得了那样的考虑时间,一般会作出道德上正确的选择。所以,如果你希望某人对你诚实,那么千万别逼迫他立即做出出决定啊
2023-01-09 18:53:021

求honesty (beyonce)歌词

Honesty真诚If you search for tenderness如果你要寻找温暖It isn"t hard to find这并不困难You can have the love you need to live爱能支撑你活下去If you look for truthfulness如果你要寻找真实You might just as well be blind你可能会毫无头绪It always seems to be so hard to give因为它一直很难付出Honesty is such a lonely word真诚是一个多孤单的单词啊Everyone is so untrue所有人都是这么的虚伪Honesty is hardly ever heard真诚这两个字我几乎没怎么听过And mostly what I need from you但希望你能赐予我I can always find someone一直有一些人To say they sympathize说他们很同情我If I wear my heart out on my sleeve如果我将我的心表现出来(如果我将我的心表现出来,那些人就认为我无药可救了)But I don"t want some pretty face to tell me pretty lies但我不要那些美丽的人来告诉我一些美丽的谎言All I want is someone to believe我只想找一个我能相信的人Honesty is such a lonely word真诚是一个多孤单的单词啊Everyone is so untrue所有人都是这么的虚伪Honesty is hardly ever heard真诚这两个字我几乎没怎么听过And mostly what I need from you但希望你能赐予我I can find a lover我能找一个爱人I can find a friend我能找一个朋友I can have security until the bitter end我只能抱着这份安全感等到一个苦涩的结局Anyone can comfort me with premises again任何人都可以用他们的承诺来取悦我I know I know我知道,是的,我知道When I deep inside of me跟你说说我的真心话Don"t be too concerned你不用这么担心I won"t ask for nothing while I"m gone当我走的时候我不会向你索求什么But when I want sincerity但当我需要一份真挚的情感Tell me where else can I turn告诉我我能投奔到哪里(我一定会奔向你那里)Because you"re the one I depend upon只因你是我唯一可以依靠的人Honesty is such a lonely word真诚是一个多孤单的单词啊Everyone is so untrue所有人都是这么的虚伪Honesty is hardly ever heard真诚这两个字我几乎没怎么听过And mostly what I need from you但希望你能赐予我自己翻的...
2023-01-09 18:53:076


忠诚:fidelity;loyal; faithful;staunch;loyalty;truthful。以下5个例子:1、fidelity:英 [fɪ"deləti]。美 [fɪ"deləti]。n. 忠实;忠诚;准确性;保真度。n. (名词)。2、loyal:意思:adj. 忠诚的;忠心的。读音:英 ["lɔɪəl]、美 ["lɔɪəl]。副词: loyally。3、faithful:英 [ˈfeɪθfl],美 [ˈfeɪθfl]。adj.忠实的,忠诚的,(宗教的)忠实信徒,(政党的)忠诚支持者,忠贞的。4、staunch:英 [stɔːntʃ],美 [stɔːntʃ]。adj.忠实的,坚定的。v.止住(血等的)流出。5、truthful:英 [ˈtruːθfl],美 [ˈtruːθfl]。adj.诚实,讲真话,坦率,真实的,如实的。派生词: truthfully adv. truthfulness n.有时为避免句子头重脚轻,常用形式主语it代替主语从句作形式主语放于句首,而把主语从句置于句末。主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数形式。常用句型如下:⑴It + be + 名词+ that从句。⑵It + be + 形容词+ that从句。⑶It + be + 动词的过去分词+ that从句。⑷It +不及物动词+ that 从句。
2023-01-09 18:53:291


2023-01-09 18:53:427


  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都知道一些经典的口号吧,通过口号可以增加团队凝聚力,起到事半功倍的效果。其实很多朋友都不太清楚什么样的口号才是好的口号,下面是我整理的有关英文的口号,欢迎大家分享。 有关英文的口号1   1.A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.千言万语不如一个行动。   2.Fair and softly go far in a day.谦和稳重,前程远大。   3.Example is better than precept.言教不如身教。   4.Experience is the mother of wisdom.智慧来自经验。   5.A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者必善其终。   6.Doing is better than saying.行胜于言。   7.Discontent is the first step in progress.不知足是前进中的第一步。   8.A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口,忠言逆耳。   9.Learn and live.活着,为了学习。   10.Early start makes easy stages.早开始是成功的保证。   11.Experience teaches.经验给人教训。   12.Art is long, but lift is short.人生有涯,而学无涯。   13.Diligence is near success.勤奋近乎成功。   14.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。   15.Knowledge comes from experience alone.知识来自经验。   16.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。   17.Good health is above wealth.健康重于财富。   18.All things are easy that are done willingly.做事乐意,诸事容易。   19.A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.一本好书,莫逆之交。   20.Believe in yourself.相信你自己! 有关英文的口号2   1.满招损,谦受益。Pride hurtsmodesty benefits   2.金钱不是万能的。Money is not everything   3.趁热打铁。Strike while the iron is hot   4.细节决定成败。Details is the key to success   5.大智若愚。Cats hind their paws   6.哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。Where there"s oppression there"s resistance   7.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect   8.The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of ironyet with firm strides we are conquring its summit雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。   9.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty   10.Never say die Never give up永不言败,永不放弃。   11.好的开端是成功的.一半。Well begun is half done   12.Difficulties strengthen the mind as labour does the body劳动强体,磨难强智。   13.众人拾柴火焰高。Many hands make light work   14.胜者为王,败者为寇。Losers are always in the wrong   15.天生我才必有用。Every man has his price   16.Impossible is nothing Just do it!一切皆有可能。   17.Whatever you go go with all your heart无论做什么事,一定要全力以赴。   18.滴水穿石。Little stone fell great oaks   19.君子之交淡如水。A hedge between keeps friendship green   20.Time is money时间就是金钱。 有关英文的口号3   1.今天尽努力,明天才辉煌。Try hard today and tomorrow will be brilliant.   2.认真就是努力,努力就是进步。To be serious is to work hard, and hard work is progress.   3.习惯改变命运,细节铸就终身。Habit changes fate, details create lifelong.   4.短暂辛苦,终身幸福。A short hard life is a happy life.   5.直面挑衅,畅享成长。Confronting provocation and enjoying growth.   6.耕耘于分秒,收获于细微。Ploughing in minutes and gains in finely.   7.不吃饭则饥,不读书则愚。He who does not eat is hungry, but he who reads is foolish.   8.充满自信,勇往直前。Full of confidence and go forward.   9.习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运。Habit determines achievement and detail determines destiny.   10.厚德博学,自强不息。Virtue is learned and striving for self-improvement.   11.刻苦求学,踏实做人。Study hard and be practical.   12.为了梦想,我们不懈努力。We work hard for our dream.   13.人生彩排,每一天现场直播。Life dress rehearsal, live every day.   14.细节决定成功,点滴铸就辉煌。Details decide success and brilliance.   15.没有播种,何来收获。No sowing, no gain.   16.求实踏实,落实诚实。Truthfulness, steadfast and honest.   17.锲而不舍,存义精思。Perseverance, thinking carefully.   18.不是尽力而为,而是全力以赴。Not doing the best we can, but going all out.   19.天道酬勤,踏实静慧。Heaven rewards diligence, steadfast and quiet.   20.志存高远,心系天下。Lofty aspirations and lofty aspirations. 有关英文的口号4   1.Life is but a span.人生苦短。   2.Believe in yourself.相信你自己!   3.Hang on to your dreams.追逐梦想。   4.Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言语!   5.Keep on going never give up.勇往直前,决不放弃!   6.I can because i think i can.我行,因为我相信我行!   7.You think you can,you can.你认为你行,你就行。 有关英文的口号5   1.胜者为王,败者为寇。Losers are always in the wrong.   2.天生我才必有用。Every man has his price.   3.Impossible is nothing Just do it!一切皆有可能。   4.Whatever you go, go with all your heart.无论做什么事,一定要全力以赴。   5.滴水穿石。Little stone fell great oaks.   6.君子之交淡如水。A hedge between keeps friendship green.   7.Time is money时间就是金钱。   8.闪光的不一定是黄金。All is not gold that glitters。/All that glitters is not gold.   9.Don"t be shy, just have a try不要胆怯,勇于尝试。   10.Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.主动性就是在没有人告诉时做正确的事情。   11.The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。   12.All for one, one for all.我为人人,人人为我。   13.自助者天助。God helps those who help themselves.   14.My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索。   15.酒好不怕巷子深。Good wine needs no bush.   16.Diamond cuts diamond.强中更有强中手。   17.Truth never grows old真理永存。   18.Fly my English dream放飞我的英语梦想   19.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。   20.眼见为实。Seeing is believing. 有关英文的口号6   1.有志者,事竟成。Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way.   2.千里之行,始于足下。The longest journey begins with the first step.   3.积少成多。Every little helps.   4.满招损,谦受益。Pride hurts,modesty benefits.   5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty.   6.伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒。Rome was not built in a day.   7.一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴。Lost years are worse than lost dollars.   8.自助者天助。God helps those who help themselves.   9.欲速则不达。More haste,less speed.   10.台上一分钟,台下十年功。One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.   11.好的开端是成功的一半。Well begun is half done.   12.酒好不怕巷子深。Good wine needs no bush.   13.成功源于勤奋。Industry is the parent of success.   14.英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike.   15.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.   16.静水流深。Still waters run deep.   17.滴水穿石。Little stone fell great oaks.   18.前事不忘,后事之师。The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.   19.君子之交淡如水。A hedge between keeps friendship green.   20.机不可失,时不再来。Take time while time is,for time will away.
2023-01-09 18:54:061


2023-01-09 18:54:111


Chun Xiao Meng Haoran I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, everywhere round me the singing of birds. But now I remember the night, the storm, and I wonder how many blossoms were broken
2023-01-09 18:54:177


[00:07.57]If you search for tenderness[00:11.36]It isn"t hard to find.[00:14.75]You can have the love you need to live.[00:19.74][00:21.98]But if you look for truthfulness[00:24.56]You might just as well be blind.[00:28.43]It always seems to be so hard to give.[00:35.75]Honesty is such a lonely word.[00:42.72]Everyone is so untrue.[00:49.85]Honesty is hardly ever heard.[00:56.65]And mostly what I need from you.[01:02.98][01:04.49]I can always find someone[01:07.75]To say they sympathize.[01:11.21]If I wear my heart out on my sleeve.[01:16.58][01:18.36]But I don"t want some pretty face[01:21.34]To tell me pretty lies.[01:24.92]All I want is someone to believe.[01:32.15]Honesty is such a lonely word.[01:39.12]Everyone is so untrue.[01:46.05]Honesty is hardly ever heard.[01:52.98]And mostly what I need from you.[02:01.49][02:04.39]I can find a lover.[02:07.85]I can find a friend.[02:11.37]I can have security [02:14.14]Until the bitter end.[02:18.35]Anyone can comfort me[02:21.23]With promises again.[02:24.16]I know, I know.[02:33.72][02:36.23]When I"m deep inside of me[02:39.46]Don"t be too concerned.[02:43.00]I won"t as for nothin" while I"m gone.[02:48.16][02:50.02]But when I want sincerity[02:52.91]Tell me where else can I turn.[02:56.45]When you"re the one I depend upon.[03:05.41]Honesty is such a lonely word.[03:10.94]Everyone is so untrue.[03:17.87]Honesty is hardly ever heard.[03:25.11]And mostly what I need from you.
2023-01-09 18:54:561

Honesty 歌词,要准确的!最好有准确的中文翻译~

Why “Honesty”is such a lonely word 为什么真诚这个词,会如此的孤单 People can"t be honest 人们不能变得真诚 Because they used to be dishonest 是因为他们从一开始就是不真诚的 Or because protecting someone you love 还是说不能真诚, So you can"t be honest 是为了保护你所爱的人? Or because you have difficulties 亦或是不能真诚 So you can"t be honest 是因为你深陷难事所迫? If you search for tenderness 如果你在世间试图寻找温柔 It isn"t hard to find 那你会发现,其实温柔并不难找 You can have the love you need to live 陪伴你活着的爱,你总会拥有 But if you look for truthfulness 但如果你试图寻找诚实 You might just as well be blind 你或许会怀疑自己变成了盲人 You might just as well be so hard to give 你或许会发现,那其实很难来给予和被给予 Honesty is such a lonely word 真诚,是一个如此孤单的词 Everyone is so untrue 每个人都是如此的虚伪 Honesty is hardly ever heard 真诚,是一个我很久都没有听到的词 And mostly what I need from you 正如此,它是我最想从你身上取得的答案 I can always find someone 我常常会找到一些人 To say they sympathize 他们同情我,安慰我 If I wear my heart out on my sleeve 在我的心被深深伤害的时候 But I don"t want some pretty face 但是我并不需要那些伪善的人 To tell me pretty lies 用看似美丽的脸庞来带给我所谓的温暖 All I want someone to believe 我想要的,只是一个能够让我信赖的人 Honesty is such a lonely word 真诚,是一个如此孤单的词 Everyone is so untrue 每个人都是如此的虚伪 Honesty is hardly ever heard 真诚,是一个我很久都没有听到的词 And mostly what I need from you 正如此,它是我最想从你身上听到的回应 I can find a lover 我可以找到一个爱我的人 I can find a friend 我可以找到一个陪着我的人 I can have security 我可以找到一个抚慰我的人 Until the bitter end 带着给我安全感的承诺 Anyone can comfort me With promises again 在我身旁,直到痛苦的感觉完全消失 I know I know I know oh oh .... 这一切我知道,我都知道 When I"m deep inside of me 当我沉浸在我自己的世界里 Don"t be too concerned 请不要担心我 I won"t ask for nothin" while I"m gone 当我离开的时候,我不会奢求什么 But when I want sincerity 但是当我需要真心陪伴的时候 Tell me where else can I turn 请告诉我,我的下一步该如何选择 Because you"re the one that I depend upon 只是因为,你是我所唯一信赖的人 Honesty is such a lonely word 真诚,是一个如此孤单的词 Everyone is so untrue 每个人都是如此的虚伪 Honesty is hardly ever heard 真诚,是一个我很久都没有听到的词 And mostly what I need from you 正如此,它是我最想从你身上得到的力量 我是涵迷呢。绝对准确哦,望采纳!
2023-01-09 18:55:191


【导读】在成人英语三级考试中,词汇作是必考,虽然考试难度不大,但是对于很多英语不好的人来说,想要拿到好的成绩,还是比较困难的,这时候我们就可以用一些答题技巧,来取得事半功倍的效果,下面我们一起来看看2020年成人英语考试词汇及试题答题技巧。词汇部分词汇是听、说、读、写等言语技能的基础和底子,在考试中,对词汇的检验实践贯穿在听力、词汇、阅读、概括填空和写作等各个项目中。实践证明,没有足够的词汇作基础,听说读写译等技能就无从谈起。词汇量的大小与词汇运用才华的凹凸必然会直接影响到其他各个部分的得分,然后会影响整个答题效果。从各类考试的分析来看,词汇题首要检验词义和分配两大内容。词义方面首要检验词类相同而词义不同的词、词形类似而词义不同的词、近义词、近义词、派生词、易混词等;分配方面首要检验介词与其他词类固定分配与运用的才华,如名词与介词的分配、动词与介词的分配、形容词与介词的分配等。下面对这些要点进行具体讲解。1)词类相同词义不同的词或词组,用以检验考生认词的才华,只需了解词义,依据句意即可选择。如:① Since the matter was extremely _______, we dealt with it immediately.A) tough B) tense C) urgent D) instant答案是C)。② The manager spoke highly of such ________ as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his employees.A) virtues B) features C) properties D) characteristics答案是A)。2)多义词、近义词、近义词、近形词。这几类词检验考生的辨词才华,占的比例较大。英语中不少单词是多义词。有的学生只知道某个单词的某种意义,却不知道它的其他意义和在特定上下文中引申意义;同义、近义词概念虽相同、附近,但意义和用法上仍存在差别;近形词,形似义异,具有迷惑性,选择时要留心区别各词之间的纤细不同处,要从运用场合、分配结构和语义联系上分析,终究作出判别。如① Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ____.A) bare B) vacant C) blank D) hollow答案是A)② _______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.A) Unlike B) Liking C) Alike D) Dislike答案是A)③ It took several months to ________ the wild horse.A) tend B) cultivate C) average D) regular④ Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ________sickness.A) normal B) ordinary C) average D) regular答案是B)。3)短语动词,即动词+小品词(介词或副词)。这类词在语法上都起动词效果,句中作谓语;在语义上不是意义的叠加而是赋有新义。① Our son doesn‘t know what to _______ at the university; he can"t make up his mind about his future.A) take over B) take after C) take in D) take up答:答案是D)。② One day I _______ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.A) came across B) came about C) come after D) came at答案是A)。4)固定分配,包括名词与介词的分配、名词与形容词的分配、动词与名词的分配等等。这些分配纷繁凌乱、千变万化,是产生词汇差错的首要塬因,因此,考生往常须多读多看,增强语感,逐步堆集,牢牢记住。如:① Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on _________ for two months.A) pile B) segment C) sequence D) file答案是D)。② He hoped the firm would ________ him to the Paris branch.A) exchange B) transmit C) transfer D) remove答案是C)。③ The ratio of the work done by the machine _________ the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.A) against B) with C) to D) for答案是C)。以上就是小编今天为大家整理的“2020年成人英语考试词汇及试题答题技巧”的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助。学位英语考试还是需要大家自己进行考试备考,不存在免考的情况,更多成人英语三级考试内容,欢迎大家及时关注并进行了解!
2023-01-09 18:55:291

急求 英文翻译“以……为例分析真人秀的真实性与虚构性”

By ......Analyzes the honorable person Xiu"s authenticity for the example with to fictionalize the nature
2023-01-09 18:55:377


THE AUBURN CREEDI believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work. I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God.And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.-George Petrie (1945)
2023-01-09 18:56:011


honesty = 诚实 truthfulness = 真实, dishonesty = 不诚实 lying = 撒谎
2023-01-09 18:56:361


2023-01-09 18:56:472


第一个回复的哦 如果满意 给个最佳 谢谢~If you search for tendernessIt isn"t hard to findYou can have the love you need to liveBut if you look for truthfulnessYou might just as well be blindIt always seems to be so hard to giveCHORUSHonesty is such a lonely wordEveryone is so untrueHonesty is hardly ever heardAnd mostly what I need from youI can always find someoneTo say they sympathizeIf I wear my heart out on my sleeveBut I don"t want some pretty faceTo tell me pretty liesAll I want is someone to believe(repeat CHORUS)I can find a loverI can find a friendI can have securityUntil the bitter endAnyone can comfort meWith promises againI know, I knowWhen I"m deep inside of meDon"t be too concernedI won"t ask for nothin" while I"m goneBut when I want sincerityTell me where else can I turn"Cause you"re the one that I depend upon
2023-01-09 18:56:553


任意的;武断的;随心所欲的;专横的;专制的。读音:英 [ˈɑːbɪtrəri]   美 [ˈɑːrbɪtreri] 例句:Arbitrary arrests and detention without trial were common. 译文:随意逮捕和拘留屡见不鲜。记忆技巧:arbitr 判断 + ary …的 →〔随意的〕判断 → 武断的扩展资料arbitrary 的派生词:1、arbitrarily读音:英 [ˈɑːbɪtrərɪli]   美 [ˈɑrbɪˌtrɛrəli]  意思:任意(性)的,随意的;(个人)主观武断的,随心所欲的;反复无常的,任性多变的,无定见的,变幻莫测的。例句:And it can be switched over arbitrarily. 译文:并可在不同的页间进行任意切换。2、arbitrariness意思:任意, 霸道,专横, 独断, 武断。例句:Arbitrariness and truthfulness are two basic characteristics of oral confession. 译文:摘要任意性和真实性是口供的两个基本特征。
2023-01-09 18:57:171


People without faith, what is he good for?
2023-01-09 18:57:313


如果你寻找柔软找不难你能有你需要住的爱但是如果你找寻讲真话你可能幸好是盲目的它总是似乎是如此难给诚实是如此的一个孤单的字每一个是这么不正确的诚实曾经几乎不被听到而且大概我从你需要的我总是能找某人说他们同情如果我在我的袖上的外穿着我的心但是我不想要一些漂亮的脸告诉我漂亮的谎言全部我想要是 someo我也喜欢丽旭~~~~~~~~~
2023-01-09 18:57:522


  为什么“诚信”就是这样一个孤独的词,  人们可以不说实话,  因为他们曾经是不诚实的吗?  或者因为保护你爱  你的人不能说实话,  因为你有困难,  所以你不能说实话。  如果您搜索压痛,  这是不难找到  你可以有爱你的生活,  但如果你在寻找真实,  你可能只是作为是盲目的,  它似乎总是很难给  诚信是一个孤独的词  每个人都是那么的不真实  诚信是很难听说过,  而且大多是什么,我需要你,  我总能找到人  说,他们同情,  如果我穿我的心脏上我的袖子,  但我不想  告诉我一些漂亮的脸蛋漂亮的谎言,  我想是有人认为  诚信是一个孤独的“  每个人都那么的不真实  诚信是很难听说过,  而且大多是什么,我需要你,  我可以找一个情人  我能找到一个朋友,  我可以有安全性,,  直到血战到底的  任何人都可以安慰我  的许诺,  我知道,我知道,  当我在我内心深处,  不要太在意,  我不会要求什么,而我走了,  但诚意  告诉我时,我想我可以在哪里打开  “因为你是依靠  诚实的,我就是这样一个孤独的词,  每个人都那么不真实  诚信,几乎没有听说过,  主要是我需要你  Why “Honesty” is such a lonely word,  people can"t be honest  because they used to be dishonest?  Or because protecting someone you love  so you can"t be honest,  or because you have difficulties  so you can"t be honest.  If you search for tenderness  It isn"t hard to find  You can have the love you need to live  But if you look for truthfulness  You might just as well be blind  It always seems to be so hard to give  Honesty is such a lonely word  Everyone is so untrue  Honesty is hardly ever heard  And mostly what I need from you  I can always find someone  To say they sympathize  If I wear my heart out on my sleeve  But I don"t want some pretty face  To tell me pretty lies  All I want is someone to believe  Honesty is such a lonely word  Everyone is so untrue  Honesty is hardly ever heard  And mostly what I need from you  I can find a lover  I can find a friend  I can have security  Until the bitter end  Anyone can comfort me  With promises again  I know, I know  When I"m deep inside of me  Don"t be too concerned  I won"t ask for nothin" while I"m gone  But when I want sincerity  Tell me where else can I turn  "Cause you"re the one that I depend upon  Honesty is such a lonely word  Everyone is so untrue  Honesty is hardly ever heard  And mostly what I need from you
2023-01-09 18:58:051


  Silence is gold?  THE old saying “ Silence is gold” has dominated the Chinese people over centuries. In recent years, however, doubts are frequently raised as to the truthfulness of such a notion. Is keeping silent really good?  It is essential to first clarify the connotation of eloquence, which used to be placed in a disgraceful position. The majority of people tend to associate it with empty talks or big words.  But in fact, eloquence will not be acquired without the solid foundation of knowledge, experience, quick wit and self-confidence.  The ultimate purpose of communication is to maintain social relationship with people. To make a successful and impressive communication, say to put forward suggestions tactfully to your boss, eloquence can be a great help.  How can one, reluctant to exhibit his abilities, possibly distinguish himself from others? So, in the modern society with fierce competition, eloquence occupies an ever-increasing role.  It is true that a diploma or certificate is very convincing. But if you are a boss, will you allocate the jobs like marketing, promotion and negotiation to a person with high academic records but poor speaking skills?  Eloquence in speech is of particular significance for the people like statesmen and teachers who are required to put across their ideology to the audience. Can anyone deny the power of words?  More often than not, we are stimulated by vivid illustrations, inspiring speeches or heated debates. A far-reaching plan will otherwise remain unknown without adequate promotion.  Considering the role eloquence plays in modern society, the motto “ Silence is gold” should be adapted and eloquence should be given priority.
2023-01-09 18:58:111


fiction含义为小说(表示体裁)、虚构等,是不可数名词,谓语用单数。而做可数名词时,表示小说的具体作品,表示想象的人或事物,如果主语是fiction,单数形式,则谓语用单数;如果是fictions,则谓语用复数。1、 小说 (表示体裁),为不可数名词,谓语用单数。 如:Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.移民故事一直是小说中常见的主题。Diana is a writer of historical fiction.黛安娜是历史小说作家。2、虚构;杜撰;编造 ,为不可数名词,谓语用单数。The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.这个故事一直以来真伪莫辨。3、指小说的具体作品,为可数名词。如果主语是fiction,表示单数,则谓语用单数;如果是fictions,则谓语用复数。His next two fictions will be published soon.他的下两部小说即将出版。4、虚构之事;幻想 ,可数名词。如果主语是fiction,表示单数,则谓语用单数;如果是fictions,则谓语用复数。如:The idea that the United States could harmoniously accommodate all was a fiction.认为美国可以接纳所有的人,使之和谐相处是一个幻想。扩展资料:fiction的基本意思是“小说(总称)”,是区别于诗歌、散文、戏剧、传记等的一种体裁; 可指长篇、中篇、短篇等各种小说; fiction当作一种体裁解时不可数,当表示具体作品时可数。当fiction为可数名词时,如果主语是fiction,表示单数,则谓语用单数;如果是fictions,则谓语用复数。如:Many American fictions are popular.很多部美国小说都很受欢迎。
2023-01-09 18:58:186

which one is more important?inner beauty or outer beauty,why?

2023-01-09 18:59:372


Honesty is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully related to truth as a value. This includes listening, and any action in the human repertoire — as well as speaking. Superficially, honesty means simply stating facts and views as best one truly believes them to be. It includes both honesty to others, and to oneself and about one"s own motives and inner reality. Honesty, at times, has the ability to cause misfortune to the person who displays it. Honesty can also mean fairness, and truthfulness, and the avoidance of misleading people.
2023-01-09 18:59:522


好做多了吧……写完再翻译成英文就好了第一部分填写下列句子中的空白框中列出的话。如有必要,更改这些话的形式。激励不赞成凭借强烈随后的限制糊涂无人获得不可缺少的 1。我的父亲_____自己香烟的一天,因为他最近咳嗽得厉害。2。在她的many_____是忠诚,勇气和真实性。3。汤姆被指控盗窃,但,他_____予以否认。4。当我参观了大学,______我,使我想去那里。5。吉姆的父亲_____,他的婚姻玛丽由于她的家庭背景。6。这件事也不是没有重要的______事态的发展。7。他花了很长一段时间______的技能,他需要成为一个专业的艺术家。如果你打算去周围的老城区观光,导游是_____。第Ⅱ改写下列句子包装盒中的短语和表达的帮助。每个句子中的斜体字部分可能会帮助你的任务。爱上的共鸣战胜拥有 参与相处警惕 由于举行了一个模型1。人们是可以理解的注意事项/新政府,因为他们什么都不知道关于它的政策。__________________________________________________________________ 2。相反,老男人,年轻的男人非常有信心和勇气,因为他们有希望的性格。______________________________________________________________ 3。老年男性生活多年,但常常被欺骗的感觉。_____________________________________________________________ 4。我们希望我们能成为最好的例子,我们的孩子的诚信和正义。__________________________________________________________________ 5。整个山谷回荡着圣诞怪杰的歇斯底里的呐喊,“我讨厌圣诞节!” 6。父亲鼓励花更多的时间与家人团聚。______________________________________________________ 7。当玛丽看到约翰,她神采飞扬,因为她是甜的约翰。_________________________________________________________________ 。约翰和吉姆不通过良好的条件与对方确实他们是一对双胞胎。_________________________________________________________________ 部分Ⅲ期临床研究下面的句子。然后,使句子的短语和表达。你的句子写就行 了。第一句是为你做。1。男人记住接收小怜悯男孩。父母,保护我们的孩子,更应该做的,我觉得__________________________________________________________________ 2。他们认为每个人都一个诚实的人。
2023-01-09 19:00:011

跪求 所得税会计 方面的 中英文对照文章,写论文需要用的。

有,详 谈 联 系,质 量 第 一
2023-01-09 19:00:123

请问Intellectual dishonesty 是什么意思

Intellectual dishonesty is dishonesty in performing intellectual activities like thought or communication. Examples are:the advocacy of a position which the advocate knows or believes to be false or misleading the advocacy of a position which the advocate does not know to be true, and has not performed rigorous due diligence to ensure the truthfulness of the position the conscious omission of aspects of the truth known or believed to be relevant in the particular context. Rhetoric is used to advance an agenda or to reinforce one"s deeply held beliefs in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence.[1] If a person is aware of the evidence and agrees with the conclusion it portends, yet advocates a contradictory view, they commit intellectual dishonesty. If the person is unaware of the evidence, their position is ignorance, even if in agreement with the scientific conclusion. If the person is knowingly aware that there may be additional evidence but purposefully fails to check, and then acts as though the position is confirmed, this is also intellectual dishonesty.The terms intellectually dishonest and intellectual dishonesty are often used as rhetorical devices in a debate; the label invariably frames an opponent in a negative light.The phrase is also frequently used by orators when a debate foe or audience reaches a conclusion varying from the speaker"s on a given subject. This appears mostly in debates or discussions of speculative, non-scientific issues, such as morality or policy.
2023-01-09 19:00:253


我给你现翻。There is a long time between the age of 15 and 20. the name in my personal data is not real,andy, my name is ann. it is not possible for you changing your name any time in daily life, so I"d like to try all different names I like in the internet.aha~ it is interesting.Happy new year. In fact I had a bad new year holiday since i am working all the day, and what"s worse,I have not sleeped last night. now It is noon and I have to go to another city by bus and busy with other factors...I hope I won"t get sleep in the bus...
2023-01-09 19:00:3715


2023-01-09 19:01:332


臭名昭著的的英文:arrant ;notorious参考例句:Press - politics relations are notoriously incestuous(Boston Globe)政界与新闻界之间臭名昭著的亲密关系(波士顿环球)As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star.路经此处时,要小心臭名昭著的长刺海星。As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star路经此处时,要小心臭名昭著的长刺海星。Did your father pander other girl behind your mother"s back?他以给人拉皮条而臭名昭著。a student who was a notorious skipper of Friday classes.星期五课堂的臭名昭著的捣乱学生The company was notorious for shady deals.该公司因其不法交易而臭名昭著。He regularly consorted with known drug-dealers.他经常与几个臭名昭著的毒贩鬼混。The bombings were masterminded by a known drugs smuggler.爆炸是由一个臭名昭著的毒品走私分子操纵的。the reasonin partwas his"disreputable conduct[on]reproductive cloning被开除的原因就是"他臭名昭著的克隆人的做法"。They made the place a notorious centre of piracy.他们把这地方变成了臭名昭著的海盗中心。arrant是什么意思:adj. 声名狼藉的,极恶的The most arrant nonsense about a product is never questioned.而且从来没有人对广告中最荒谬绝伦的东西提出过质疑。An arrant fool,hypocrite,liar,rogue,etc十足的傻瓜,伪君子,说谎者,流氓等The most arrant nonsense about a product is never questioned而且从来没有人对广告中最荒谬绝伦的东西提出过质疑。Of all forms of arrant untruthfulness Victorian optimism appears to me to have been the most cowardly and the most damaging.在所有的十足虚伪的例子中,在我看来Victoria女王时代的那种乐观主义是最为脆弱最为有害的。Of all forms of arrant untruthfulness Victorian optimism appears to me to have been the most cowardly and the most damaging在一切形式的彻头彻尾的虚假中,在我看来维多利亚时代的乐观主义是最怯弱的也是最有害的。notorious是什么意思:adj. 臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的The company was notorious for shady deals.该公司因其不法交易而臭名昭著。They made the place a notorious centre of piracy.他们把这地方变成了臭名昭著的海盗中心。These vast slaughters have since become notorious.此后,这些大规模的屠杀,就变成了很不光彩的新闻。 Balancing tests are notoriously unpredictable in their application平衡检验在应用中难以预测,这已是臭名远扬。Balancing tests are notoriously unpredictable in their application.平衡检验在应用中难以预测,这已是臭名远扬。
2023-01-09 19:01:441


2023-01-09 19:01:502

public corporation是什么意思

public corporation生词本[ˈpʌblik ˌkɔ:pəˈreiʃən]n.公开招股的公司; 公营公司; 市镇的自治机关; 市政机关网 络公营公司;公众公司;股份有限公司;上市公司双语例句1. Nowadays, the truthfulness of operational performance evaluation of public corporation reduces greatly. 目前, 上市公司经营业绩的真实性因管理当局的盈余管理而大大降低.2. The public corporation almost by definition, carries a fragmented set of owners. 公开招股公司,从定义上来讲, 它的所有者就是分散的.3. I don"t know whether they"re cooking the books like every other public corporation or not. 我不知道他们是否跟其他大企业一样都在作帐时动手脚.4. Jensen, Michael C . Eclipse of the Public Corporation . Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review, September 1989. 《上市公司光芒渐蚀》麻州波士顿哈佛商学院评论, 1989年9月.5. Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation. 一些公众会迫不及待地想要抓住机会成为这家公司的持股人。
2023-01-09 19:02:001

是 真的吗?英文意思

是真的吗?的英文翻译是:Is that true?关键词汇true英 [tru:]   美 [tru:]  adj.真正的;真实的adv.真正地;确实地n.真理,真实vt.摆正;决定扩展资料1、But is that really true? 但那是真的吗?2、The fairy said, Is that true? 仙女便说:是真的吗?3、Brian: I read in the paper that not so many Americans vote. Is that true? 布莱恩:我在报上看过不是很多美国人投票,是真的吗?4、Is that true for everybody? 每个人都是如此么?5、Now if I say2+ 2= 4 is that true or not? 现在如果我说2+2=4对吗?
2023-01-09 19:02:2111


1. As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father. She __2__that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was __3__satisfied with perfume(香水). __4__, shopping at this time of the year was a most __5__job. People __6__on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost __7__ you over in their hurry in order to __8__ something cheap ahead of you. Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on __9__. "They are __10__silk," the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to __11__her to buy one. But Edith knew from past __12__that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father. She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, __13__where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the __14__were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father __15__ smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was __16__ to please him. When she got home, with her small but __17__present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already __18__table. Her mother was in great __19__. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so __20__that she could not say a single word. 1. A. suit B. card C. thing D. gift 2. A. believed B. wished C. hoped D. supposed 3. A. never B. seldom C. always D. scarcely 4. A. Therefore B. Fortunately C. Besides D. Finally 5. A. unhappy B. careful C. exciting D. tiring 6. A. walked B. stepped C. lifted D. stood 7. A. turned B. hit C. brought D. knocked 8. A. watch B. find C. grasp D. sell 9. A. time B. show C. board D. duty 10. A. real B. cheap C. poor D. exact 11. A. hope B. ask C. force D. persuade 12. A. experience B. things C. books D. school 13. A. stopped B. saw C. asked D. found 14. A. money B. cigarette C. shapes D. shop 15. A. always B. nearly C. only D. never 16. A. hardly B. impossibly C. possibly D. certainly 17. A. cheap B. well-chosen C. expensive D. ready-made 18. A. on B. by C. beside D. at 19. A. excitement B. anger C. sadness D. disappointment 20. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. excited [答案与解析] 1. D。由下文可知, Edith在为父亲选择一件圣诞节礼物。2. B 3. C。由宾语从句中的谓语动词were可知,这是虚拟语气,主句的谓语动词应该是wish。根据he were as easy to please as her mother,可以断定第3空填always。4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B。给父亲选择一件合适的礼物很难,而且,时值圣诞节购物高峰,买东西不是一件令人愉快的事情,人们踩到你的脚上,用肩膀挤着你,为了能在你的前面买到便宜货,几乎会把你撞倒。9. B。be on show是固定词组,意为"陈列着"。10. A。领带是真丝的。11. D 12. A。售货员试图说服Edith买一条领带,但从过去的经验中她知道她选择的领带很难使父亲满意。13. A。Edith在一些男人聚集的柜台前停下来。14. C。烟斗的形状很好看。15. C 16. D。尽管父亲只是偶尔使用烟斗吸烟,但她认为这个烟斗肯定会使父亲满意。17. B。从上文可知,这份小礼物是精心挑选的。18. D。be at table是固定词组,表"坐在桌子旁"。19. A。由she told her daughter happily可知,因为父亲决定戒烟,母亲很高兴。20. C。Edith对父亲戒烟感到惊讶,因为她给父亲买的礼物又不合适。2.This was one of my experiences at work. When I was 36 , I was working for a large international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the 37 department. The company had a training centre which was just outside London. Different courses were 38 there throughout the year and I 39 go on one training course a year. These usually started 40 a Sunday evening and lasted six days. Once I was 41 a week"s training course with about forty 42 sales people. I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was 43 behind the bar asked me a curious question. “I hope you don"t 44 my asking,” she said, “But I"ve been 45 about it all week. Have you got a sister 46 Mary?” The woman"s name was June, and she used to do various jobs at the training centre. She worked in the office, she organized all the food and drink for the centre and she worked in the bar at lunchtime and in the evening. My answer 47 June"s question was“Yes”,and June said, “I thought 48 . I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At that time,my sister was working for 49 company but in a different part of the country. That was 50 she came to be at the training centre. 51 surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister. Three things made it even more 52 . First, she had met my sister six months before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the training centre. So about one thousand five hundred people had 53 the centre in those six months. And 54 , my sister is married, so she doesn"t have the same family name as me. We"re not 55 , but I guess we must look quite like each the 30s my 30s 30s my 30s37.A.selling B.sales"s38.A.held B.taken C.made D.completed39.A.used to B.once C.get used to D.was used C.during D.on41.A.on C.during D.over42.A.other B.another C.the other other43.A.hearing B.waiting C.serving D.seeing44.A.matter for C.remind of D.mind45.A.understanding B.wonderingC.discovering D.worrying46.A.called B.calling C.calling on D.calling up47.A.of B.about D.for48.A.that C.such D.so49.A.the same B.a different C.another D.the other50.A.where B.when C.what D.how51.A.All B.What C.That D.It52.A.surprising B.surprised C.strange D.puzzled53.A.passed through B.passed away C.left D.passed by54.A.finally the end last D.later55.A.friends B.relatives C.twins and sisterBBAAD 41~45 AACDB 46~50 ACDAD51~55 BAAAC 3.My teacher held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who broke this window?” Thirty boys tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher may have ___1__. She ___2__ became angry, but she was this time. “Oh,” I thought. I was the one who broke the window. It was caused by a __3___ throw of a baseball. If I ___4___ guilt, I would be in a lot of___5____. How would I be able to ___6____ a big window like that? I didn"t even get an allowance. “My father is going to be ___7____,” I thought. I didn"t want to raise my hand, but some ___8___ much stronger than I was ___9___it skyward. I told the truth. “I did it.” It was ____10____ enough to say what I had. My teacher ___11___ a book from one of our library shelves and I had __12___ known my teacher to strike a student, but I ___13___ she was going to ____14___ me. “I know how you like___15___,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden face. “Here is that field guide about birds that you are ____16___ checking out. It is yours now. It"s time we got a(n) ___17___ one for the school anyway. You will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not rewarding you for your___18___ , I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.” I couldn"t believe it! I wasn"t being punished and I was ___19___ my own bird field guide-the very one that I had been saving up money to buy. All that remains of that day is my ___20__ and the lesson my teacher taught me. That lesson stays with me every day and it will echo forever. 1. A. worried about B. thought over C. carried on D. found out 2. A. gradually B. seldom C. quickly D. soon 3. A. naughty B. slow C. careful D. interesting 4. A. promised B. felt C. admitted D. realized 5. A. joy B. trouble C. surprise D. anger 6. A. look for B. clean up C. pay for D. set up 7. A. interested B. happy C. curious D. angry 8. A. force B. mind C. work D. wind 9. A. went B. bend C. drew D. pulled 10. A. funny B. hard C. vivid D. joyful 11. A. took down B. put back C. held up D. torn up 12. A. already B. only C. always D. never 13. A. decided B. feared C. hoped D. doubted 14. A. share with B. start with C. end up with D. fight with 15. A. birds B. friends C. classes D. games 16. A. rarely B. unwillingly C. constantly D. carelessly 17. A. expensive B. clean C. new D. exciting 18. A. honesty B. misdeed C. silence D. eagerness 19. A. borrowing B. writing C. missing D. getting 20. A. memory B. imagination C. strategy D. sorrow 答案: DBACB CDADB ADBBA CCBDA
2023-01-09 19:03:141

英语翻译 5篇就可以了、谢谢阿.请不要恶搞!

We were __1__ to gather up our things and return to our car when a man came up. He looked very __2__ indeed and asked us __3__ if we knew that these grounds were his own. Father looked troubled and the man __4__ a notice, it said that camping(宿营) was strictly forbidden. __5__ father explained that he had not seen the __6__ and did not know that camping was not allowed. __7__Father apologized, the man did not seem satisfied. He asked Father for his name and __8__. All the way home, we were so __9__ that hardly anyone spoke a word. This unpleasant thing had spoiled(损害)a wonderful day in the __10__. For the rest of the week, we __11__ what would happen. The following Sunday, we stayed at home even though it was a __12__ day. About noon, a large and very expensive __13__ stopped outside our house. We were surprised when we saw several people preparing to have a picnic (野餐)in our small __14__. Father got very angry and went to ask them what though they were doing. You can imagine how __15__ he was when he saw the man who had taken our address the week before! Both men burst out __16__ and Father welcomed the strangers into the house. We became good __17__. And we learned a lesson we have never __18__. That"s “Don"t do to others __19__ you don"t like to __20__ to you.” 1.A.anxious B.asked C.about D.happy 2.A.unpleasant B.polite C.strong D.pleased 3.A.quickly B.angrily C.loudly D.curiously 4.A.wrote B.stared at D.pointed to 5.A.Our B.Poor C.But D.Then 6.A.ground C.notice 7.A.Even B.When C.Though D.Because C.reason D.address 9.A.worried B.satisfied C.frightened D.busy C.week 11.A.waited B.thought C.wondered D.knew 12.A.rainy B.fine C.good D.sad B.thief C.ground D.field 15.A.happy B.afraid C.angry D.surprised 16.A.fighting B.smiling C.laughing D.exciting 17.A.neighbours B.friends C.families 18.A.learnt B.known C.forgotten D.received 19.A.that B.if C.when D.what done C.doing D.get 1-5CABDB 6-10CCDAB 11-15CBCAD 16-20CBCDA As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father. She __2__that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was __3__satisfied with perfume(香水). __4__, shopping at this time of the year was a most __5__job. People __6__on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost __7__ you over in their hurry in order to __8__ something cheap ahead of you. Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on __9__. "They are __10__silk," the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to __11__her to buy one. But Edith knew from past __12__that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father. She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, __13__where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the __14__were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father __15__ smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was __16__ to please him. When she got home, with her small but __17__present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already __18__table. Her mother was in great __19__. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so __20__that she could not say a single word. 1. A. suit B. card C. thing D. gift 2. A. believed B. wished C. hoped D. supposed 3. A. never B. seldom C. always D. scarcely 4. A. Therefore B. Fortunately C. Besides D. Finally 5. A. unhappy B. careful C. exciting D. tiring 6. A. walked B. stepped C. lifted D. stood 7. A. turned B. hit C. brought D. knocked 8. A. watch B. find C. grasp D. sell 9. A. time B. show C. board D. duty 10. A. real B. cheap C. poor D. exact 11. A. hope B. ask C. force D. persuade 12. A. experience B. things C. books D. school 13. A. stopped B. saw C. asked D. found 14. A. money B. cigarette C. shapes D. shop 15. A. always B. nearly C. only D. never 16. A. hardly B. impossibly C. possibly D. certainly 17. A. cheap B. well-chosen C. expensive D. ready-made 18. A. on B. by C. beside D. at 19. A. excitement B. anger C. sadness D. disappointment 20. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. excited [答案与解析] 1. D.由下文可知, Edith在为父亲选择一件圣诞节礼物.2. B 3. C.由宾语从句中的谓语动词were可知,这是虚拟语气,主句的谓语动词应该是wish.根据he were as easy to please as her mother,可以断定第3空填always.4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B.给父亲选择一件合适的礼物很难,而且,时值圣诞节购物高峰,买东西不是一件令人愉快的事情,人们踩到你的脚上,用肩膀挤着你,为了能在你的前面买到便宜货,几乎会把你撞倒.9. on show是固定词组,意为"陈列着".10. A.领带是真丝的.11. D 12. A.售货员试图说服Edith买一条领带,但从过去的经验中她知道她选择的领带很难使父亲满意.13. A.Edith在一些男人聚集的柜台前停下来.14. C.烟斗的形状很好看.15. C 16. D.尽管父亲只是偶尔使用烟斗吸烟,但她认为这个烟斗肯定会使父亲满意.17. B.从上文可知,这份小礼物是精心挑选的.18. at table是固定词组,表"坐在桌子旁".19. A.由she told her daughter happily可知,因为父亲决定戒烟,母亲很高兴.20. C.Edith对父亲戒烟感到惊讶,因为她给父亲买的礼物又不合适. This was one of my experiences at work. When I was 36 , I was working for a large international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the 37 department. The company had a training centre which was just outside London. Different courses were 38 there throughout the year and I 39 go on one training course a year. These usually started 40 a Sunday evening and lasted six days. Once I was 41 a week"s training course with about forty 42 sales people. I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was 43 behind the bar asked me a curious question. “I hope you don"t 44 my asking,” she said, “But I"ve been 45 about it all week. Have you got a sister 46 Mary?” The woman"s name was June, and she used to do various jobs at the training centre. She worked in the office, she organized all the food and drink for the centre and she worked in the bar at lunchtime and in the evening. My answer 47 June"s question was“Yes”,and June said, “I thought 48 . I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At that time,my sister was working for 49 company but in a different part of the country. That was 50 she came to be at the training centre. 51 surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister. Three things made it even more 52 . First, she had met my sister six months before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the training centre. So about one thousand five hundred people had 53 the centre in those six months. And 54 , my sister is married, so she doesn"t have the same family name as me. We"re not 55 , but I guess we must look quite like each other. the 30s my 30s 30s my 30s 37.A.selling B.sales"s 38.A.held B.taken C.made D.completed 39.A.used to B.once C.get used to D.was used to C.during D.on 41.A.on C.during D.over 42.A.other B.another C.the other other 43.A.hearing B.waiting C.serving D.seeing 44.A.matter for C.remind of D.mind 45.A.understanding B.wondering C.discovering D.worrying 46.A.called B.calling C.calling on D.calling up 47.A.of B.about D.for 48.A.that C.such 49.A.the same B.a different C.another D.the other 50.A.where B.when C.what 51.A.All B.What C.That D.It 52.A.surprising B.surprised C.strange D.puzzled 53.A.passed through B.passed away C.left D.passed by 54.A.finally the end last D.later 55.A.friends B.relatives C.twins and sister 36~40BBAAD 41~45 AACDB 46~50 ACDAD 51~55 BAAAC My teacher held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who broke this window?” Thirty boys tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher may have ___1__. She ___2__ became angry, but she was this time. “Oh,” I thought. I was the one who broke the window. It was caused by a __3___ throw of a baseball. If I ___4___ guilt, I would be in a lot of___5____. How would I be able to ___6____ a big window like that? I didn"t even get an allowance. “My father is going to be ___7____,” I thought. I didn"t want to raise my hand, but some ___8___ much stronger than I was ___9___it skyward. I told the truth. “I did it.” It was ____10____ enough to say what I had. My teacher ___11___ a book from one of our library shelves and I had __12___ known my teacher to strike a student, but I ___13___ she was going to ____14___ me. “I know how you like___15___,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden face. “Here is that field guide about birds that you are ____16___ checking out. It is yours now. It"s time we got a(n) ___17___ one for the school anyway. You will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not rewarding you for your___18___ , I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.” I couldn"t believe it! I wasn"t being punished and I was ___19___ my own bird field guide-the very one that I had been saving up money to buy. All that remains of that day is my ___20__ and the lesson my teacher taught me. That lesson stays with me every day and it will echo forever. 1. A. worried about B. thought over C. carried on D. found out 2. A. gradually B. seldom C. quickly D. soon 3. A. naughty B. slow C. careful D. interesting 4. A. promised B. felt C. admitted D. realized 5. A. joy B. trouble C. surprise D. anger 6. A. look for B. clean up C. pay for D. set up 7. A. interested B. happy C. curious D. angry 8. A. force B. mind C. work D. wind 9. A. went B. bend C. drew D. pulled 10. A. funny B. hard C. vivid D. joyful 11. A. took down B. put back C. held up D. torn up 12. A. already B. only C. always D. never 13. A. decided B. feared C. hoped D. doubted 14. A. share with B. start with C. end up with D. fight with 15. A. birds B. friends C. classes D. games 16. A. rarely B. unwillingly C. constantly D. carelessly 17. A. expensive B. clean C. new D. exciting 18. A. honesty B. misdeed C. silence D. eagerness 19. A. borrowing B. writing C. missing D. getting 20. A. memory B. imagination C. strategy D. sorrow 答案: DBACB CDADB ADBBA CCBDA Several days ago my family and I went sledding and as I watched my children climbing up yhe slop I started thinking.Many people believe that most of today"s social 31 are because of the generation; teenagers just care abou themselves and pay no 32 to others.Some even think today"s teenagers won"t do anything 33 there is something in it for them. Yet,while watching ,I saw a 34 side of teenagers.I watched my 2 oldest children take my youngest by the hand to help her 35 up the slope.They would have been 36 without her,37 not once did they try to set off without her.And when the sled 38 my 2 daughters was aimed 39 the embankment,it was my five-year-old son who ran to them to stop them from falling and 40 themselves. Don"t get me wrong;these children sometimes 41 amongst themselves to get the things they want .But I can take them to the shop and know that they won"t 42anything,I can talk to them about the 43 and know that they will offer to send some of thier own money to 44 the people in the disaster area,and I can ask them to 45 with those children left alone and know that they will do their best to befriend them. Perhaps it"s not the "me" generation that 46 many of society"s problems - not the teenagers who want 47 ,but the adults in their lives who have taught them to 48 think only of themselves and to want everything . Most young children want to help.We can 49 that feeling to continue into adulthood by teaching the lesson my chirldren learned while sledding :Life is a slippery slope,but we can all make it to the 50 if we remember to help others. 31 A.problem B.troubles C.matters D.difficulties 32 B.worry D.attention 33 A.until B.unless C.although D.when 34 Adifferent B.same C.strange D.similar 35 A.sign B.hold c.climb d.clean 36 a.happier b.faster c.slower d.higher 37 a.but c.and d.for 38 a.knocking b.making c.dropping d.carrying 39 a.across b.beyond c.towards d.around 40 a.supporting b.running c.crying d.hurting 41 a.share b.shout c.fight 42 about b.ask for c.look for d.think about 43 a.dream c.reason d.earthquake 44 b. favor c.treat d.relax 45 a.quarrel b.struggle 46 a.cause b.provide c.act d.shake 47 a.nothing b.something c.everything d.anything 48 a.politely b.selfishly c.generously d.usefully 49 a.force b.request c.remember d.encourage 50 a.origin c.realism d.start
2023-01-09 19:03:231


We were __1__ to gather up our things and return to our car when a man came up. He looked very __2__ indeed and asked us __3__ if we knew that these grounds were his own. Father looked troubled and the man __4__ a notice, it said that camping(宿营) was strictly forbidden. __5__ father explained that he had not seen the __6__ and did not know that camping was not allowed. __7__Father apologized, the man did not seem satisfied. He asked Father for his name and __8__. All the way home, we were so __9__ that hardly anyone spoke a word. This unpleasant thing had spoiled(损害)a wonderful day in the __10__.For the rest of the week, we __11__ what would happen. The following Sunday, we stayed at home even though it was a __12__ day. About noon, a large and very expensive __13__ stopped outside our house. We were surprised when we saw several people preparing to have a picnic (野餐)in our small __14__. Father got very angry and went to ask them what though they were doing. You can imagine how __15__ he was when he saw the man who had taken our address the week before! Both men burst out __16__ and Father welcomed the strangers into the house. We became good __17__. And we learned a lesson we have never __18__. That"s “Don"t do to others __19__ you don"t like to __20__ to you.”1.A.anxious B.asked C.about D.happy2.A.unpleasant B.polite C.strong D.pleased3.A.quickly B.angrily C.loudly D.curiously4.A.wrote B.stared at D.pointed to5.A.Our B.Poor C.But D.Then6.A.ground C.notice D.man7.A.Even B.When C.Though C.reason D.address9.A.worried B.satisfied C.frightened C.week D.camp11.A.waited B.thought C.wondered D.knew12.A.rainy B.fine C.good B.thief C.ground D.field15.A.happy B.afraid C.angry D.surprised16.A.fighting B.smiling C.laughing D.exciting17.A.neighbours B.friends C.families D.farmers18.A.learnt B.known C.forgotten D.received19.A.that B.if C.when done C.doing D.get1-5CABDB 6-10CCDAB 11-15CBCAD 16-20CBCDA As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father. She __2__that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was __3__satisfied with perfume(香水). __4__, shopping at this time of the year was a most __5__job. People __6__on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost __7__ you over in their hurry in order to __8__ something cheap ahead of you. Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on __9__. "They are __10__silk," the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to __11__her to buy one. But Edith knew from past __12__that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father. She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, __13__where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the __14__were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father __15__ smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was __16__ to please him. When she got home, with her small but __17__present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already __18__table. Her mother was in great __19__. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so __20__that she could not say a single word. 1. A. suit B. card C. thing D. gift 2. A. believed B. wished C. hoped D. supposed 3. A. never B. seldom C. always D. scarcely 4. A. Therefore B. Fortunately C. Besides D. Finally 5. A. unhappy B. careful C. exciting D. tiring 6. A. walked B. stepped C. lifted D. stood 7. A. turned B. hit C. brought D. knocked 8. A. watch B. find C. grasp D. sell 9. A. time B. show C. board D. duty 10. A. real B. cheap C. poor D. exact 11. A. hope B. ask C. force D. persuade 12. A. experience B. things C. books D. school 13. A. stopped B. saw C. asked D. found 14. A. money B. cigarette C. shapes D. shop 15. A. always B. nearly C. only D. never 16. A. hardly B. impossibly C. possibly D. certainly 17. A. cheap B. well-chosen C. expensive D. ready-made 18. A. on B. by C. beside D. at 19. A. excitement B. anger C. sadness D. disappointment 20. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. excited [答案与解析] 1. D。由下文可知, Edith在为父亲选择一件圣诞节礼物。2. B 3. C。由宾语从句中的谓语动词were可知,这是虚拟语气,主句的谓语动词应该是wish。根据he were as easy to please as her mother,可以断定第3空填always。4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B。给父亲选择一件合适的礼物很难,而且,时值圣诞节购物高峰,买东西不是一件令人愉快的事情,人们踩到你的脚上,用肩膀挤着你,为了能在你的前面买到便宜货,几乎会把你撞倒。9. B。be on show是固定词组,意为"陈列着"。10. A。领带是真丝的。11. D 12. A。售货员试图说服Edith买一条领带,但从过去的经验中她知道她选择的领带很难使父亲满意。13. A。Edith在一些男人聚集的柜台前停下来。14. C。烟斗的形状很好看。15. C 16. D。尽管父亲只是偶尔使用烟斗吸烟,但她认为这个烟斗肯定会使父亲满意。17. B。从上文可知,这份小礼物是精心挑选的。18. D。be at table是固定词组,表"坐在桌子旁"。19. A。由she told her daughter happily可知,因为父亲决定戒烟,母亲很高兴。20. C。Edith对父亲戒烟感到惊讶,因为她给父亲买的礼物又不合适。This was one of my experiences at work. When I was 36 , I was working for a large international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the 37 department. The company had a training centre which was just outside London. Different courses were 38 there throughout the year and I 39 go on one training course a year. These usually started 40 a Sunday evening and lasted six days. Once I was 41 a week"s training course with about forty 42 sales people. I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was 43 behind the bar asked me a curious question. “I hope you don"t 44 my asking,” she said, “But I"ve been 45 about it all week. Have you got a sister 46 Mary?” The woman"s name was June, and she used to do various jobs at the training centre. She worked in the office, she organized all the food and drink for the centre and she worked in the bar at lunchtime and in the evening. My answer 47 June"s question was“Yes”,and June said, “I thought 48 . I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At that time,my sister was working for 49 company but in a different part of the country. That was 50 she came to be at the training centre. 51 surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister. Three things made it even more 52 . First, she had met my sister six months before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the training centre. So about one thousand five hundred people had 53 the centre in those six months. And 54 , my sister is married, so she doesn"t have the same family name as me. We"re not 55 , but I guess we must look quite like each the 30s my 30s 30s my 30s37.A.selling B.sales"s38.A.held B.taken C.made D.completed39.A.used to B.once C.get used to D.was used C.during D.on41.A.on C.during D.over42.A.other B.another C.the other other43.A.hearing B.waiting C.serving D.seeing44.A.matter for C.remind of D.mind45.A.understanding B.wondering C.discovering D.worrying46.A.called B.calling C.calling on D.calling up47.A.of B.about D.for48.A.that C.such D.so49.A.the same B.a different C.another D.the other50.A.where B.when C.what D.how51.A.All B.What C.That D.It52.A.surprising B.surprised C.strange D.puzzled53.A.passed through B.passed away C.left D.passed by54.A.finally the end last D.later55.A.friends B.relatives C.twins and sister36~40BBAAD 41~45 AACDB 46~50 ACDAD 51~55 BAAAC My teacher held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who broke this window?” Thirty boys tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher may have ___1__. She ___2__ became angry, but she was this time. “Oh,” I thought. I was the one who broke the window. It was caused by a __3___ throw of a baseball. If I ___4___ guilt, I would be in a lot of___5____. How would I be able to ___6____ a big window like that? I didn"t even get an allowance. “My father is going to be ___7____,” I thought. I didn"t want to raise my hand, but some ___8___ much stronger than I was ___9___it skyward. I told the truth. “I did it.” It was ____10____ enough to say what I had. My teacher ___11___ a book from one of our library shelves and I had __12___ known my teacher to strike a student, but I ___13___ she was going to ____14___ me. “I know how you like___15___,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden face. “Here is that field guide about birds that you are ____16___ checking out. It is yours now. It"s time we got a(n) ___17___ one for the school anyway. You will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not rewarding you for your___18___ , I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.” I couldn"t believe it! I wasn"t being punished and I was ___19___ my own bird field guide-the very one that I had been saving up money to buy. All that remains of that day is my ___20__ and the lesson my teacher taught me. That lesson stays with me every day and it will echo forever. 1. A. worried about B. thought over C. carried on D. found out 2. A. gradually B. seldom C. quickly D. soon 3. A. naughty B. slow C. careful D. interesting 4. A. promised B. felt C. admitted D. realized 5. A. joy B. trouble C. surprise D. anger 6. A. look for B. clean up C. pay for D. set up 7. A. interested B. happy C. curious D. angry 8. A. force B. mind C. work D. wind 9. A. went B. bend C. drew D. pulled 10. A. funny B. hard C. vivid D. joyful 11. A. took down B. put back C. held up D. torn up 12. A. already B. only C. always D. never 13. A. decided B. feared C. hoped D. doubted 14. A. share with B. start with C. end up with D. fight with 15. A. birds B. friends C. classes D. games 16. A. rarely B. unwillingly C. constantly D. carelessly 17. A. expensive B. clean C. new D. exciting 18. A. honesty B. misdeed C. silence D. eagerness 19. A. borrowing B. writing C. missing D. getting 20. A. memory B. imagination C. strategy D. sorrow 答案: DBACB CDADB ADBBA CCBDA Several days ago my family and I went sledding and as I watched my children climbing up yhe slop I started thinking.Many people believe that most of today"s social 31 are because of the generation; teenagers just care abou themselves and pay no 32 to others.Some even think today"s teenagers won"t do anything 33 there is something in it for them. Yet,while watching ,I saw a 34 side of teenagers.I watched my 2 oldest children take my youngest by the hand to help her 35 up the slope.They would have been 36 without her,37 not once did they try to set off without her.And when the sled 38 my 2 daughters was aimed 39 the embankment,it was my five-year-old son who ran to them to stop them from falling and 40 themselves. Don"t get me wrong;these children sometimes 41 amongst themselves to get the things they want .But I can take them to the shop and know that they won"t 42anything,I can talk to them about the 43 and know that they will offer to send some of thier own money to 44 the people in the disaster area,and I can ask them to 45 with those children left alone and know that they will do their best to befriend them. Perhaps it"s not the "me" generation that 46 many of society"s problems - not the teenagers who want 47 ,but the adults in their lives who have taught them to 48 think only of themselves and to want everything . Most young children want to help.We can 49 that feeling to continue into adulthood by teaching the lesson my chirldren learned while sledding :Life is a slippery slope,but we can all make it to the 50 if we remember to help others.31 A.problem B.troubles C.matters D.difficulties32 B.worry D.attention33 A.until B.unless C.although D.when34 Adifferent B.same C.strange D.similar35 A.sign B.hold c.climb d.clean36 a.happier b.faster c.slower d.higher37 a.but c.and d.for38 a.knocking b.making c.dropping d.carrying39 a.across b.beyond c.towards d.around40 a.supporting b.running c.crying d.hurting41 a.share b.shout c.fight d.talk42 about b.ask for c.look for d.think about43 a.dream c.reason d.earthquake44 b. favor c.treat d.relax45 a.quarrel b.struggle d.deal46 a.cause b.provide c.act d.shake47 a.nothing b.something c.everything d.anything48 a.politely b.selfishly c.generously d.usefully49 a.force b.request c.remember d.encourage50 a.origin c.realism d.start31-35 a d b a c 36-40 b c d b d 41-45c b d a c 46-50a b b c b I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area. My parents 21 the necessities of life, but they couldn"t give much more. If I asked
2023-01-09 19:03:301


believe in
2023-01-09 19:03:376

英语翻译 质量方针:以人为本、诚信求实.开拓创新,铸造品质

质量方针 Quality Guideline: 以人为本、诚信求实. Center on people,and attach importance to honesty and truthfulness. 开拓创新,铸造品质. Pursue innovation and high quality.
2023-01-09 19:03:591

求助,在线等高手帮忙翻译下这3段英文.不要机译,看不通 =。=

尽管行政法规的制定给消费者提供了作出更好的选择的机会,使他们更具环境意识,但是确立涵盖所有环境问题的管理系统还是存在一定的困难.举例来说,为了控制环境市场为制定的指导方针只设计到极小部分环境问题.即,环境市场所体现的事实(史罗斯堡格1993).假如政府想改变消费者的行为,那就需要确立不同方面的规章.这样一来,政府为了保护环境所做出的努力,在没有中央控制体系的前提下,就能使所制定的规章制度和指导方针发挥更多作用.不知道这样行不行?i.e., the truthfulness of environmental marketing claims [Schlossberg 1993].这句没看明白,不知道是不是你打错了
2023-01-09 19:04:191

求《窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)》中希金斯(Henry Higgins)唱的两段英文原文

2023-01-09 19:04:262


2023-01-09 19:04:454


As your loyal constituency and sopporter,hope that you can help me. (Our road visa tears and blood history of endless but circuitous visa, ends) August , 2006 at present not yet , I and the wife get married in China applying for the K3 visa in October , 2006, May , 2007, go to USA collar mansion to Guangzhou oral quiz K3, the ascertainment concerns an untruthfulness after the visa government official requires that we have added supplemental much material, August , 2007 receive return archives believing that (our strike is very big, we had better had come over quite but , insist that real love is invincible) and are that we apply for the CR1 visa again in October , 2007, our lovable daughter has been born in October , 2008, I am in a daughter prenatal right away as early as possible have arrived at China accompanying a wife to wait for a product, we go to Shanghai right away November, have applied for the daughter"s USA passport. All be so fine. On April 22 , 2009, have given me the red strip , have expressed a visa already passing as soon as the passport queen who autographing face to face time to Guangzhou , signing a government official seeing a daughter face to face this time is very quick, this information tell husband and all family member, everybody all good joyful, Jack shall have Jill , all shall be well., but beautiful dreams are soon to be interrupted. The two day gets rid of when being left all to with visa but still primary do not having gets a visa fault, be writing on repelling label paper: I and the husband shake the needs waiver for ice hit all almightyly , this world is really unfair , us is split vividly. Playing with accusation really readjusts oneself to a certain extent on us , is really dubious, we can not dodge this unfamous crime with us forcing to part , we are all very innocent. Our daughter grows up being able to not only have mother love or only have father love in process , she needs a entire family. Every day two, hour of communicating by phone can not resolve our bitterness of lovesickness. I firmly believe that we had not committed this mistake , we must check therefore clear. We write a letter but when going to the consulate of USA to Guangzhou , they do not tell us to be to what has come about after all , let us fill in , go up to intersect the table exempting only. Problem is that we had not committed this mistake, why need to fill the table exempting. Hope that you can help us, thanks a million! Before the help not getting you, I am able to continue writing a letter to you , help until getting you. Because of I hope that happy life of one family together really very urgently. Our daughter needs to have the entire family.
2023-01-09 19:04:594


Majors : Western economics, management science, statistics, economic law, marketing, management information systems, accounting basis, financial management foundation, industry economics, production operations management, human resources management, technical innovation management, strategic enterprise management, professional English. October 2003 for outstanding undergraduate instructors distribution (grade three) computer level : familiar with the Windows, Office and other software are Word,PowerPoint,Excel; Familiar with the application of resources to effectively use the Internet to e-commerce to a certain extent understood. Driving skills : motor vehicles owned C of the driving licence. Involvement in school activities during : 2002-2003 : Served in the Department of Student life officers. July 2004 : participation in the College of Business Administration Organization Metalwork internship. September 2004 : Economic and Trade University in the capital, Professor Zhang Mengxia large responsibility on the consumer to buy motivated questionnaires and analysis, the U.S. research enterprise for more flavor, I study teams responsible for questionnaire design and site investigation work. October 2005 : Harvard University professor who assisted the Wudongmei Professor done on the state-owned, private, joint ventures comparative analysis of the Human Resources Department survey, including market research, questionnaire design, statistical analysis, etc. The study of electronic after-sale companies and enterprises LG Dr. Park, I in study teams as on-site investigations and analysis of completely writing. Social practice : July 2004 : summer as English teacher, teaching students has increased performance by the parents received. February 2006 --4 month : China in Beijing transit assets assessment limited liability company internship. Week internship in the company engaged in the relevant administrative assistant, specifically including phone, photocopying and binding of reports, word processing, stationery collection, meeting records. After one and a half months to travel in the company of Anhui suspicious of claims on the line prior assessment project, as the project assistant positions. In the field responsible for correction some do tune before, the text and tables showing, photocopying and binding work. Transfer process into the field for on-site project manager to assist the questions, record the scene into tune forms, questionnaires completed, the file management. And follow professional evaluators repeatedly participated in the assessment of land, equipment and property assessments have a certain degree of understanding. Employment intentions : to enterprises and institutions in the hope that administrative, human resources management, clerical, administrative assistant, and other related work. Self-evaluation : I pragmatic character, integrity, upright, and positive. Treat people sincerely amiable, generous already, have good communication skills. Proactive approach to work, truthfulness seriously, commitment, a desire to learn and have a strong ability to learn and understand. To feel the pressure and courage to face challenges. It had strong team spirit of cooperation and teamwork ability, can assist managers to complete all outstanding work. A strong ability to learn, adaptability and communication skills, greater self-development for space!
2023-01-09 19:05:133