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2023-08-24 22:13:07
TAG: 英文 日期

英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Cloudy等。 ?? 日期表达有多种形式。年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如: December 18, 2003 或者 Dec. 18, 2003 ???? ??A) September 1, 2004或September 1st, 2004也可省略写成Sept. 1, 2004或Sept. 1st, 2004;B)the 1st of September in 2004(月份不可以缩写) ???? ??B)只有月、日 ???? ??September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写) ???? ? C)只有年、月 ???? ??September 2004或the September of 2004(月份不可以缩写) ???? ??以上的1或1st都应读作the first。 ???? ??2.星期也可以省略不写,可将其放在日期前或后,星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。如: ???? ??Saturday, October 22nd, 2004;October 22nd, 2004 Saturday ???? ??3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如 :Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy 等表示。写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角。如: ???? ??Saturday, March 4, 2004, Windy;1st January, 2004, Fine ????



2023-08-18 14:57:062


2023-08-18 14:58:033

英文日期连星期几怎写法呢? 例如:26 Jan(Fri),请多多指教!

英文日期连星期几怎写法英文日期连星期几不是只有一个正确的写法的,通常会先写星期几,再写日期,例如Friday 11 January 2013 Sunday 27 April 2013.星期几也可以用简写,Fri.11 January 2013 Sun,27 April 2013.日期也可以先写月份,Fri.January 11 2013 Sun,April 27 2013.也可加上comma(,),Fri.,January 11,2013 Sun,April 27,2013.月份也可用简写,Fri.,Jan.11,2013 Sun,Apr.27,2013.简写的标点符号也可省去,Fri Jan 11 2013 Sun Apr 27 2013.以上各种写法和它们的配答,都能表达日子和星期几,都是正确清楚的写法,可放心用.以下是一些例子:SCMP(南华早报)Sunday,28 April,2013NewstalkZB Sunday April 28 2013 Yahoo sports Sat Apr 27,2013
2023-08-18 14:58:291


June the twentieth,two thousand and three.
2023-08-18 15:00:203

生物学中pull down的中文名字是什么

Pull-down assay,拉下实验又叫做蛋白质体外结合实验(binding assay in vitro),是一种在试管中检测蛋白质之间相互作用的方法。其基本原理是将靶蛋白-GST融合蛋白亲和固化在谷胱甘肽亲和树脂上,作为与目的蛋白亲和的支撑物,充当一种“诱饵蛋白”,目的蛋白溶液过柱,可从中捕获与之相互作用的“捕获蛋白”(目的蛋白),洗脱结合物后通过SDS-PAGE电泳分析,从而证实两种蛋白间的相互作用或筛选相应的目的蛋白,“诱饵蛋白”和“捕获蛋白”均可通过细胞裂解物、纯化的蛋白、表达系统以及体外转录翻译系统等方法获得。
2023-08-18 14:59:421


Langelier Saturation Index --LSI衡量碳酸钙在水中溶解程度的指标, 正值表示碳酸钙倾向沉淀, 负值表示倾向溶解.
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pull-down 和co-IP的区别是什么

Co-IP,证明两个蛋白在胞内有相互作用,但是这个作用可以是直接相互作用,也可以是形成复合物后的间接相互作用。pull-down,胞外纯化蛋白后证明两个蛋白之间有相互作用,这个相互作用必然是直接相互作用。Co-IP,in vivo,可以证明两个蛋白在体内至少会形成复合物,但不能确定是否是直接相互作用的,这就必须借助于pull-down了,两者缺一不可。
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2023-08-18 14:59:553

They are jumping. 这句话对吗?

你好,你给的句子they are jumping这个句子是正确的。意思是他们正在跳。这是一个现在进行时的句子。
2023-08-18 14:59:561


1、使用安天防线可彻底清除此病毒(推荐)2、手工清除请按照行为分析删除对应文件,恢复相关系统设置。(1)使用安天防线或ATool中的“进程管理”关闭病毒进程:强行结束为以下路径的进程:%System32%dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Global.exe%System32%dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}svchost.exe%System32%dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}system.exe(2)强行删除病毒文件 skmgr.exe%Windir%Media{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}Global.exe%System32%dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}svchost.exe%System32%dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}system.exe%System32%dllcache ndll32.exe%System32%dllcachesvchost.exe%System32%dllcache egedit.exe(3)恢复病毒修改的注册表项目,删除病毒添加的注册表项:HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopSCRNSAVE.EXE新: 字符串: C:WINDOWSpchealthhelpctrinariesHelpHost.com旧: 字符串: C:WINDOWSsystem32logon.scr描述:设置屏幕保护为病毒文件HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvancedShowSuperHidden新: DWORD: 0 (0)旧: DWORD: 1 (0x1)描述:修改文件夹不可见隐藏文件HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesMSCFileShellOpenCommand@新: 字符串: C:WINDOWSFontsFonts.exe旧: 字符串: %SystemRoot%system32mmc.exe %1描述:修改在运行命令中输入mmc.exe时候运行病毒HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClasses egfileshellopencommand@新: 字符串: C:WINDOWSpchealthGlobal.exe旧: 字符串: regedit.exe %1描述:修改在运行命令中输入regedit.exe时候运行病毒HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce@键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSsystem32dllcacheDefault.exe描述:添加启动项HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellNoRoamMUICacheC:WINDOWSsystem32dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}Global.exe键值: 字符串: Global描述:添加启动项HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellNoRoamMUICacheC:WINDOWSsystem32dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}svchost.exe键值: 字符串: svchost描述:添加启动项HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShellNoRoamMUICacheC:WINDOWSsystem32dllcacheRecycler.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}system.exe键值: 字符串: system描述:添加启动项HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystemScriptsLogoffScript键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSCursorsBoom.vbs描述:系统注销时启动病毒脚本HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsauto.exeDebugger键值: 字符串:描述:添加映像劫持项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsoot.exeDebugger键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSFontsfonts.exe描述:添加映像劫持项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsmsconfig.exeDebugger键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSMedia ndll32.pif描述:添加映像劫持项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionsprocexp.exeDebugger描述:添加映像劫持项键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSpchealthhelpctrinariesHelpHost.com描述:添加映像劫持项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Options askmgr.exeDebugger键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSFonts skmgr.exe描述:添加映像劫持项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciesExplorerRunsys键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSFontsFonts.exe描述:添加启动项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun@键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSsystemKEYBOARD.exe描述:添加启动项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce@键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSsystem32dllcacheDefault.exe描述:添加启动项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystemScriptsShutdownScript键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSCursorsBoom.vbs描述:系统关闭时启动病毒脚本HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystemScriptsStartupScript键值: 字符串: C:WINDOWSCursorsBoom.vbs描述:系统启动时启动病毒脚本
2023-08-18 15:00:021


  出局是指在体育比赛中因失利而不能继续参加后一阶段的比赛。也有用来比喻人或事物因不能适应形势或不能达到某种要求而无法在其领域继续存在下去。那么你知道出局用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来出局的英语说法和相关英语表达,希望对你有所帮助。   出局的英语说法1:   out   英 [aut] 美 [au028at]   出局的英语说法2:   be out   英 [bi: aut] 美 [bi au028at]   出局相关英语表达:   触杀出局 tag out   淘汰出局 Eliminated   被迫出局 force out   封杀出局 force out   出局英语说法例句:   一局有几次出局?   How many outs are there in an inning?   那局真漂亮,打了86分还未出局。   That was a good knock: 86 not out.   如今看来,斯特利已出局。   Now it appears Staley is out of the running.   加廷是怎麽出局的?   How did Gatting get out?   第二个球突然变了方向弹起来;击球手没有击中就出局了。   The next ball broke back, the player missed it and was out.   罚被出局的人在此一击罚被出局的运动员   The player retired in such a play.   出局的一击击球者跑垒者被罚出局的一击   A play in which a batter or base runner is retired.   封杀在封杀局面中将一方的跑垒员击出局的行为或事实   The act or fact of putting out a base runner on a force play.   汤姆被判出局,因为接球员接住了飞来的球。   Tom was called out because the catcher caught the ball on the fly.   他们可能输掉联赛杯的决赛,可能足总杯出局,也有可能被埃因霍温踢出欧洲赛场。   They might lose the Carling Cup final, they might be out of the FA Cup and PSV might dump them out of Europe.   马刺队在打出了一个出色的常规赛后却很不走运地被灰熊队在第一轮淘汰出局。   After Spurs played a great regular season game and was very unlucky to be eliminated in the first round by Grizzlies.   你可能会出局,但你永远不会失去那一份态度,我告诉自己我能通过其他任何人能通过的测试。   You may be out* but you never lose the attitude. I told myself I could pass any test a man can pass.   他们一定希望我们现在已经出局了,他们已经晋级了,但是幸运的是,局势没有像他们所期望的那样发展。   They must have hoped we"d be out of it by now and they"d already be through, but fortunately it hasn"t turned out that way.   不小心碰到的不会被判出局?跑垒员与接手在无意识的情况下有发生身体触碰或撞击,将不会被判出局   Coincidental contact does not constitute an automatic out for the runner.   在冠军杯中那么早就出局非常遗憾,但我们没有时间忧伤难过了&我们必须抓紧时间。   It"s hugely disappointing to be out of Europe so early, but this is no time to start feeling sorry for ourselves& we haven"t got time.   现代知识的缩水性和更新的速度在不断的加快,原地踏步者终将要被淘汰出局。   The modern knowledge"s shrinkage and the renewal speed in unceasing quickening, in-situ steps are going to be eliminated finally.   大多数竞赛者从竞赛中被淘汰出去了。它是支持不下去的﹐最终是要淘汰出局的。   Most of the competitors were knocked out of the competition. It cannot last, and in the end will be eliminated from the game.   根据市场原教旨主义模式,理想的公司即所有股票都每日换手将被与之对立的家族企业淘汰出局。   According to the market fundamentalist model, the ideal company one whose shares all changed hands each day would be outcompeted by its antithesis, the family owned firm.
2023-08-18 15:00:041


大规模集成电路(LSI=Large-scale integration)大规模集成电路(LSI)的计算机辅助设计(CAD)技术是发展LSI必不可少的工具,建立一个以CAD数据库为中心的LSI CAD系统将会更有效地发挥CAD技术的作用。
2023-08-18 15:00:122

补丁的英语翻译 补丁用英语怎么说

2023-08-18 15:00:132

某课本除封面、插页、屝页外,总页码为200页,厚度为8.0mm,则课本一张纸的厚度是(  )A.0.04 mmB.0

2023-08-18 15:00:141


蠕虫的读音是:rúchóng。蠕虫的拼音是:rúchóng。注音是:ㄖㄨ_ㄔㄨㄥ_。结构是:蠕(左右结构)虫(独体结构)。蠕虫的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】蠕虫rúchóng。(1)许多相当小的、多少有点细长的像蚯蚓样的光裸而柔软的动物。二、引证解释⒈爬虫。引汉孔臧《蓼虫赋》:“爰有蠕虫,厥状似螟。”三、网络解释蠕虫(多细胞无脊椎动物)蠕虫(Worm)为多细胞无脊椎动物,蠕虫藉由身体的肌肉收缩而作蠕形运动,故通称为蠕虫。全球现有超过一百万种的蠕虫,它们存在于自然界的各个角落。主要是扁形动物、环节动物、纽形动物、棘头动物和袋形动物的俗称。体长呈管状,圆柱形、扁平或叶片状(0.04_,如某些袋形动物)到30公尺(100_,如某些纽虫)。分布于世界各地的海洋、淡水和陆地,部分寄生性,部分自由生活。它们作为土壤调节者(如环节动物、袋形动物),人和家畜的寄生虫(如扁虫、线虫),以及生态系统中食物链的一环,对人类有重要的意义。2012年4月英国诺丁汉大学研究人员研究蠕虫无限再生机制,或有助于延缓衰老。另外也是计算机网络病毒的一种,因其传播形式类似蠕虫一般,无孔不入。因此而得名。蠕虫(汉语词语)蠕虫,读作:rúchóng。意指许多相当小的、多少有点细长的像蚯蚓样的光裸而柔软的动物。关于蠕虫的诗句辩驳不倒的蠕虫并不是为你们石板下长眠的人众关于蠕虫的单词Internetwormworm关于蠕虫的成语_飞蠕动猿鹤虫沙虫鱼之学虫沙猿鹤_虫小技雕虫末技_虫篆刻关于蠕虫的词语鼠_虫穿_虫小技雕虫末技蠹书虫_虫篆刻物腐虫生寄生虫鸡虫得失猿鹤虫沙虫沙猿鹤关于蠕虫的造句1、“我们的设备被用来帮助蠕虫科学家们进行针对蠕虫的大样本可重复控制变量实验,”怀特赛兹说。2、长长的沉寂之后,其中一个挖掘者从洞里拿出一个装满蜘蛛、蠕虫和各种各样昆虫的罐子,他打开盖子把这些奇妙的东西展示给他们看。3、您所访问的域名可能正在被“飞客”蠕虫病毒使用。4、分布式蜜网下的蜜罐对蠕虫表现出强诱骗性和“宽进严出”的数据控制策略等特性,影响到蠕虫的传播及控制。5、情感是最难缠的蠕虫病毒,于无形中蚕食心智的内存空间,再缜密坚实的理性程序,也渐渐乱了章法散了框架,迟滞、减效乃至死机,接踵而至。黄昱宁 点此查看更多关于蠕虫的详细信息
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当 W32.Welchia.Worm 运行时,它会运行下列动作:⒈ 将自身复制到:%System%WinsDllhost.exe注意:%System% 代表变量。蠕虫会找到 System 数据夹并将自己复制过去。默认的位置是 C:WinntSystem32 (Windows 2000) 或 C:WindowsSystem32 (Windows XP)。⒉ 复制 %System%DllcacheTftpd.exe 文件成为 %System%Winssvchost.exe 文件。注意:Svchost.exe 是一种合法程序并非恶意程序,因此,赛门铁克防毒产品无法侦测到它。⒊ 将子键RpcPatch和RpcTftpd加入注册键:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices⒋ 建立下列服务:服务名称:RpcTftpd服务显示名称:网络联机共享服务二进制文件:%System%winssvchost.exe此服务将设定为手动启动。服务名称:RpcPatch服务显示名称:WINS Client服务二进制文件:%System%winsdllhost.exe此服务将设定为自动启动。⒌ 结束 Msblast 的程序,然后删除由 W32.Blaster.Worm蠕虫所留下的 %System%msblast.exe 文件。⒍ 此蠕虫会使用两种不同的方式来选取受害者的 IP 地址。它会从受感染机器的IP (A.B.C.D) 中使用 A.B.0.0 并往上累加,或者根据某些内建的地址来随机建立 IP 地址。当选定开始地址后,它会在类别 C 网络的地址范围内往上累加。例如,若从 A.B.0.0 开始,它将往上累加到至少 A.B.255.255。⒎ 此蠕虫将传送 ICMP 响应或 PING 来检查所建立的 IP 地址是否为网络上启用中的机器。⒏ 一旦蠕虫辨识出此地址属于网络上启用中的机器,它将传送数据至 TCP 端口号 135 以探测 DCOM RPC 漏洞,或者传送数据至 TCP 端口号 80 以探测 WebDav 漏洞。⒐ 在受入侵的主机上建立一个远程 shell,然后透过 666 至 765 之间的随机 TCP 埠号连接回发动攻击的计算机以接收指示。⒑ 在发动攻击的机器上启动 TFTP 服务器,然后指示受害的机器连接至攻击的机器并下载 Dllhost.exe 及 Svchost.exe。如果 %System%dllcache ftpd.exe 文件存在,则蠕虫可能不会下载 svchost.exe。⒒ 检查计算机的操作系统版本、Service Pack 号码以及“系统地区设定“,然后试图连接至 Microsoft 的 Windows Update 网站并下载适当的 DCOM RPC 漏洞更新文件。⒓ 一旦更新文件下载完成并加以运行后,此蠕虫将重新启动计算机以完成安装更新文件。⒔ 检查计算机的系统日期。如果年份为 2004 年,此蠕虫将停用并自我移除。Intruder Alert2003 年 8 月 19 日,赛门铁克发布了 Intruder Alert 3.6 W32_Welchia_Worm Policy。Norton Internet Security / Norton Internet Security Professional2003 年 8 月 20 日,Symantec 通过 LiveUpdate 发布了 IDS 特征以检测 W32.Welchia.Worm 活动。Symantec Client Security2003 年 8 月 20 日,Symantec 通过 LiveUpdate 发布了 IDS 特征以检测 W32.Welchia.Worm 活动。Symantec Gateway Security* 2003 年 8 月 18 日,Symantec 发布了 Symantec Gateway Security 1.0 的更新。* Symantec 完整的应用程序检查防火墙技术可以对此 Microsoft 漏洞提供保护,默认情况下禁止上面列出的所有 TCP 端口。为了最大程度地保证安全,第三代完整的应用程序检查技术会智能地禁止通过 HTTP 信道进行的 DCOM 通信,从而提供大多数普通网络过滤防火墙尚不具备的额外保护层。Symantec Host IDS2003 年 8 月 19 日,Symantec 发布了 Symantec Host IDS 4.1 的更新。Symantec ManHunt* Symantec ManHunt 协议异常检测技术将与利用此漏洞相关联的活动检测为“端口扫描”。尽管 ManHunt 可以使用协议异常检测技术检测与利用此漏洞相关联的活动,但您也可以使用在 Security Update 4 中发布的“Microsoft DCOM RPC Buffer Overflow”自定义特征来精确地识别所发送的漏洞利用数据。* Security Update 7 发布了特别针对 W32.Welchia.Worm 的签名以侦测 W32.Welchia.Worm 的更多特征。
2023-08-18 15:00:231

MI4LTE MMB29M是不是全网通

2023-08-18 15:00:232


2023-08-18 15:00:241

out 的对应词是什么?

2023-08-18 15:00:265


he has been teaching in his hometown since he graduated
2023-08-18 15:00:272


2023-08-18 15:00:331


1、最初"计算机病毒"这一概念的提出可追溯到七十年代美国作家雷恩出版的《P1的青春》一书,书中构思了一种能够自我复制,利用通信进行传播的计算机程序,并称之为计算机病毒。 2、贝尔实验室的三位年轻程序员也受到冯?诺依曼理论的启发,发明了“磁芯大战”游戏。 3、1983 年 11月,在一次国际计算机安全学术会议上,美国学者科恩第一次明确提出计算机病毒的概念,并进行了演示。 4、世界上公认的第一个在个人电脑上广泛流行的病毒是1986年初诞生的大脑(C-Brain)病毒,编写该病毒的是一对巴基斯坦兄弟,两兄弟经营着一家电脑公司,以出售自己编制的电脑软件为生。当时,由于当地盗版软件猖獗,为了防止软件被任意非法拷贝,也为了追踪到底有多少人在非法使用他们的软件,于是在1986年年初,他们编写了“大脑(Brain)”病毒,又被称为“巴基斯坦”病毒。该病毒运行在DOS操作系统下,通过软盘传播,只在盗拷软件时才发作,发作时将盗拷者的硬盘剩余空间吃掉。凡能够引起计算机故障,破坏计算机数据的程序统称为计算机病毒。所以从这个意义上说,蠕虫也是一种病毒!网络蠕虫病毒,作为对互联网危害严重的 一种计算机程序,其破坏力和传染性不容忽视。与传统的病毒不同,蠕虫病毒以计算机为载体,以网络为攻击对象!本文中将蠕虫病毒分为针对企业网络和个人用户2类,并从企业用户和个人用户两个方面探讨蠕虫病毒的特征和一些防范措施! 蠕虫病毒与一般病毒的异同 蠕虫也是一种病毒,因此具有病毒的共同特征。一般的病毒是需要的寄生的,它可以通过自己指令的执行,将自己的指令代码写到其他程序的体内,而被感染的文件就被称为”宿主”,例如,windows下可执行文件的格式为pe格式(Portable Executable),当需要感染pe文件时,在宿主程序中,建立一个新节,将病毒代码写到新节中,修改的程序入口点等,这样,宿主程序执行的时候,就可以先执行病毒程序,病毒程序运行完之后,在把控制权交给宿主原来的程序指令。可见,病毒主要是感染文件,当然也还有像DIRII这种链接型病毒,还有引导区病毒。引导区病毒他是感染磁盘的引导区,如果是软盘被感染,这张软盘用在其他机器上后,同样也会感染其他机器,所以传播方式也是用软盘等方式。 蠕虫一般不采取利用pe格式插入文件的方法,而是复制自身在互联网环境下进行传播,病毒的传染能力主要是针对计算机内的文件系统而言,而蠕虫病毒的传染目标是互联网内的所有计算机.局域网条件下的共享文件夹,电子邮件email,网络中的恶意网页,大量存在着漏洞的服务器等都成为蠕虫传播的良好途径。网络的发展也使得蠕虫病毒可以在几个小时内蔓延全球!而且蠕虫的主动攻击性和突然爆发性将使得人们手足无策!
2023-08-18 14:59:372

DOTA replay 看不了

游戏版本 VS 里看的话 1.24E 和1.24 房间 要看清楚
2023-08-18 14:59:3510


你好!出局out 英[aʊt] 美[aʊt] adv. 出局; 在外,在外部; 完全,彻底; 出版; prep. (表示来源) 从; (从…里) 出来; (表示不在原状态) 脱离; 离去; vt. 使熄灭; 揭露; 驱逐; [例句]Carefully pull out the centre pages小心翼翼地抽出中间的几页。
2023-08-18 14:59:341


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2023-08-18 14:59:232

士兵 英文

士兵 英文如下:soldiers 英 ["su0259u028aldu0292u0259]     美 ["sou028aldu0292u0259]    n. 兵;军人。名词soldier的复数形式。英英释义名词 soldier:an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army。a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony。动词 soldier:serve as a soldier in the military。soldiers的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.敌兵洗劫这座城市。They lived in terror of capture by enemy soldiers.他们生活在被敌兵俘虏的恐惧中。Soldiers must do as they are bidden.军人必须服从命令。This bar is off limits to all soldiers.这家酒吧禁止任何军人入内。
2023-08-18 14:59:221


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2023-08-18 14:59:183

It likes ___(jump).横线上填什么词

2023-08-18 14:59:163

pull down可以分开吗?

2023-08-18 14:59:142


在pulldown实验中,通过检测实验结果中的条带bands来确定蛋白质与染色质交互作用的情况。在进行pulldown实验后,会经过电泳分离蛋白质-染色质复合物和未结合的蛋白质。然后,使用抗体检测特定蛋白质是否结合到染色质上,如果有,则抗体会与结合的复合物发生反应,并在凝胶上形成明显的条带。这些条带代表蛋白质与染色质结合的情况。因此,要观察pulldown实验结果中的条带,需要对电泳分离后的凝胶进行染色并观察。一般来说,采用Coomassie Blue染色法或银染法都可以使条带更加清晰可见。条带的位置越靠近凝胶顶部,则表示分子量较大;条带的位置越靠近凝胶底部,则表示分子量较小。此外,条带的强度也可以反映出蛋白质与染色质之间相互作用的强度。pulldown实验结果中出现条带并不一定意味着蛋白质与染色质之间存在的特定相互作用,因此需要进行更进一步的实验验证来确认。
2023-08-18 14:59:061


2023-08-18 14:59:061


LSI公司(LSI Corporation)(NASDAQ:LSI)(中文:艾萨华)是一家总部位于加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯 (Milpitas) 的半导体和软件领先供应商,其主要产品包括:RAID控制器、SSD控制器、ReadChannel、Preamp、Axxia网络处理器和定制ASIC等,为加速数据存储中心与移动网络性能提供了许多领先的解决方案。LSI公司的创新传统丰富源远,其倡导的先进技术定义了人们工作和生活的方式。LSI公司设计了发展简史众多行业首创,包括世界上第一个数字信号处理器、SAS芯片和移动内容服务器。随着全球网络的数据量日益增加,共用性和互操作性要求也随之日渐增长。对行业关键标准和规范的深入与长期的参与,是LSI公司在目标市场中获得成功的关键。
2023-08-18 14:59:041


【 #英语资源# 导语】无论是春夏秋冬,无论是雨雪风霜,无论多么艰难,军人们始终坚守在自己的岗位,默默的为国家安宁坐着贡献。建军节,祝福送给最可爱的人,愿他们一生平安!以下是 无 整理的军人建军节英语演讲稿【三篇】,希望对您有所帮助。 【篇一】军人建军节英语演讲稿   Dear leaders, dear comrades in arms   How do you do!   When I was very young, I was looking forward to entering your ranks one day. Now, although he has white hair, he still often receives your charge in his dream. In your invincible hero team, in your invincible powerful force, I repose all the ideals, life and emotions of an ordinary soldier.   You have gone through the glorious journey of XX years, the blood of countless martyrs, washed and dyed the flag of victory; The expectation of hundreds of millions of people holds up the glorious military emblem. The August day is the totem of my life forever.   In the mighty iron current, I saw the great deeds of my father"s generation. It was they who made great contributions in fighting for the liberation of the nation and the freedom of the people.   On the extraordinary journey, I heard the powerful footnotes of my comrades in arms and me, and vowed to give our youth and life for the rise of China and the peace of generations.   You shape me with your fearless spirit, so that I can feel the motherland and the world, war and peace, the times and the people, responsibility and mission with a broader mind and broader vision.   You edify me with your courage and determination, so that I can master the technology, tactics and art of information warfare with more conscious will and more tenacious strength.   There was also hesitation, but in the end, he still stood loyally under the banner of Bayi army; There have been painful helplessness, however, and finally firmly embarked on the motherland designated sentry. Experienced how many bumpy, experienced how much snow, rain, wind and frost, a set of military uniform full of dust, is enough to let us overcome difficulties and win!   You didn"t give me a high position, nor did you give me too much promise, but you gave me courage, tenacity and loyalty. You taught me that responsibility is not sacrifice, but honor; Sacrifice is not loss, but creation. You make the melody of my youth so high and exciting; You have made my life so simple.   Waves and fire make me purer and stronger. I don"t know how to repay your nurturing kindness. I don"t know whether I can repay your forging love. All I can say to you is the oath deeply engraved in my heart - to love you forever! 【篇二】军人建军节英语演讲稿   Dear leaders, dear comrades in arms   How do you do!   In my mind, there is a picture of a group of young people in green uniforms fighting on the battlefield full of gunpowder, throwing their heads and blood to defend the motherland. I have always felt that soldiers should hold a steel gun and fight in the battlefield. They should use their lives to compose their loyalty to the motherland. However, when we saw the snow disaster and the Wenchuan earthquake, the armed police soldiers pulled up the buried people with their hands. I also felt that the soldiers could use their hands to save our people.   With the ambition of serving the country and defending the people, I bid farewell to my dear hometown, put on a brand-new military uniform, and come to the military family with the entrustment of my relatives. In front of the glittering national emblem, I solemnly swear: "I will compose my loyalty to the motherland on the guard tower."   Dong Cunrui sacrificed his life to blow up the blockhouse, turning the loyalty of the soldiers into a loud noise; Huang Jiguang bravely blocked the loophole and turned the loyalty of soldiers into a leap; Wang Wei intercepted the invaders and turned the loyalty of the soldiers into a fight in the air... The loyalty of the soldiers is the immortal soul of a country and the unyielding backbone of a nation. My loyalty is the small guard tower under my feet. What he protects is the safety of soil and water.   As a soldier, being in a military camp, I worry about the world. He has a strong sense of national self-esteem, self-confidence and pride. He always thinks that the Chinese nation can not be bullied and the territory of the motherland can not be lost. Although a guard tower is nothing, it will become an insurmountable steel fortress for criminals and a security barrier for reform, opening up and socialist modernization. Once the country"s sovereignty, security and unity are challenged and violated, every officer and soldier will resolutely stand up and continue to write a new generation of victorious chapter of serving the country with enthusiasm and life.   When the international situation is changing, the soldiers have built a solid defense line against corruption and degeneration in the complex environment with their boundless loyalty to the party; When the enemy invaded the motherland, the soldiers built the great wall of steel to defend the dignity and territorial integrity of the motherland with their boundless loyalty to the motherland in the smoke of blood and people; When the flood was raging, the soldiers built the mainstay of protecting people"s life and property with their boundless loyalty to the people in the turbulent waves; When it"s late at night, we are holding steel guns and telling our loyalty in the post.   The loyalty of soldiers is the blood boiling in blood vessels and the fresh soul in life. With their boundless loyalty to the party, the motherland and the people, the soldiers lie on the snow and climb the ice on the snowy plateau, sleep in the wind and sleep in the lonely frontier, march through the vast sky, break through the clouds and fog, and plough the waves on the vast blue sea... The loyalty of the soldiers is a silent poem and a magnificent painting.   When the flowers are in full bloom, the loyalty of soldiers is the warm spring breeze written on the earth; In the dead of night, the loyalty of soldiers is the sweet fruit written in people"s sleep; When the war broke out at the border, the loyalty of the soldiers was a hot-blooded poem written in the hail of bullets; When the pigeons are released in the morning, the loyalty of the soldiers is written on the green olive branch in the sunlight   As soldiers, we have different missions. Because we carry the police rank on our shoulders and the national emblem on our heads, we have a duty called commitment and a duty called dedication.   For the sake of the peace of the motherland and the stability of the society, when people are immersed in the sweet dream, we should guard against sticking to the sentry post; When our peers are enjoying "natural and unrestrained" in the colorful karaoke hall, we have to patrol the streets against the wind and rain. Hard military life and heavy duty make it difficult for us to fulfill the filial piety of our children, enjoy the happiness of our family and take care of our family. This spirit of sacrifice and dedication is also worthy of respect.   In today"s grim situation, in the face of disaster, although we did not personally go to the front line, it is our mission to stick to our posts, and it is our duty to stand every sentry well. When the motherland needs me, as a soldier, I will not hesitate to put my everything, including life.   In the Spring Festival, although we can"t get together with our families, we stand on the sentry post with steel guns in hand to protect the people"s living and working in peace and contentment.   On the night of XX, although we can"t see a historic moment, our hearts beat with our motherland and cheered with the people. 【篇三】军人建军节英语演讲稿   Dear leaders and comrades in arms   hello everyone!   I believe we all have a touching sentence in the TV series "soldier assault": "don"t abandon, don"t give up." This sentence is very impressive. It completely expresses the military feelings of our soldiers. This slogan "don"t abandon, don"t give up" is regarded as the soul of the army by the seventh steel company. Xu Sanduo has done it. He is successful and lucky. Compared with Xu Sanduo"s "don"t give up", one kind of giving up is more moving.   Shi Jin took off his beloved military uniform in order to make Xu Sanduo get more exercise in the monitor"s position; In order not to drag down the comrades in arms, smile in front of the finish line and ring the help bomb in hand; Gan Xiaoning refused the ration that Xu Sanduo gave him and calmly withdrew from the selection; After being discovered by Gao Cheng, Ma Xiaoshuai rejected the "good intentions" of the former company commander and used giving up to prove that he had "the bone of steel seven company".   Shijin gave up, Wu Liuyi gave up, Gan Xiaoning gave up, Ma Xiaoshuai gave up, chose to give up, they have no regrets, no regrets, no regrets, what we see is the sunshine like smile on their faces. Less joy of success, and more people from the bottom of their hearts moved and respect.   Some people say that the word "give up" is not in the military dictionary; However, in fact, soldiers who do not give up on the battlefield know better the meaning of giving up when the motherland and people need it.   Zhu De, he long and Ye Ting resolutely gave up their high positions for their ideals and joined in the revolution, which started the first shot of Nanchang Uprising; Deng Jiaxian and Qian Xuesen gave up for the benefit of the country, and resolutely devoted themselves to the cause of national defense scientific research of the motherland, supporting the unyielding backbone of the nation with their life-long efforts; Dong Cunrui and Huang Jiguang gave up their lives at the critical moment and opened up the way for their comrades in arms with their own bodies; Today, in the era of peace, the soldiers who stick to their posts in the border defense of the motherland are far away from the red and the red. They give up their small families to take care of everyone and protect their youth and blood for the prosperity of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation.   Now when I enter the military camp, put on my uniform and become a revolutionary soldier, I finally understand why the seemingly contradictory words "don"t give up" and "know how to give up" can be so perfectly integrated in the soldiers.   As soldiers, we are not afraid to give up our lives for the sake of national security; For the happiness of the people, we do not hesitate to give up our youth; In order to win, we don"t care about personal gain and loss; For the sake of military integrity, we don"t eat what comes from nothing.   We give up youth because we do not give up ideals, we give up fame and wealth because we do not give up faith, we give up freedom because we do not give up discipline, we give up life because we do not give up victory.   Some people say that we are stupid, because the most precious thing in life is life; Some people say that we are stupid, because the most difficult thing in life is freedom; Some people say that we are stupid, because the happiest thing in life is family happiness; Some people say that we are stupid, because the best life is youth.   In fact, we are not stupid. We long for freedom, but we are more disciplined; We cherish life, but we know more about the value of sacrifice; We love our youth, but our motherland needs us to contribute silently; We want our families to be happy, but the people need us to be on guard.   If one day the nightmare of war disappears from the earth forever, then we will not give up everything that belongs to us. However, as long as this day has not come, we should not put down the steel gun in our hands.   To pursue the ideal until death, to meet the challenge without fear, to defeat the enemy without looking back, to choose to give up without regret, this is the heartfelt voice of a Chinese soldier. There is no regret in joining the army, no resentment in serving the country, and the purpose of dedicating youth is to safeguard the prosperity of the motherland and the happiness and well-being of the people in the world!   Comrades and comrades in arms, let"s set sail for our ideals, open our wings for our dreams, and soar towards victory in the years of burning passion with a fiery heart!
2023-08-18 14:59:031

光盘存储器中有一种称为WORM,它属于( )光盘。

WORM在磁带的术语里是一写多读  从前,一写多读(WORM)技术被运用于公司企业级的磁光驱动器(MO)中。但是MO驱动未能做到与产业容量同步,基于磁带介质WORM的出现了,它迅速成为能适应各类要求的最具吸引力的产品。  当至关重要的数据被不经意删除时、修改或重写时,WORM磁带技术成为了一个长久安全存储大量数据信息的理想解决方案。  Sony AIT和SAIT磁带介质的特点是把一个“聪明的”内存芯片(MIC)埋植在卡式磁带中,MIC芯片会通知磁带驱动器和所支持的应用程序该磁带是一个“一次写”媒介,当数据被存放上去后,就无法重写了,只能附加。  WORM介质支持AIT2、AIT3、AIT4和SAIT1磁带机  不可重写,不可删除,保证企业重要数据。  媒质保存30年保证
2023-08-18 14:59:011


input英-["u026anpu028at]美-["u026an"pu028at]释义n. 投入;输入电路vt. [自][电子] 输入;将…输入电脑pulldown英-["pu028al,dau028an]美-["pu028al,dau028an]释义adj. 折叠式的
2023-08-18 14:58:581


2023-08-18 14:58:581


Hearing the lady"s cries for help,two police run to her aid.During the war,hundreds" of people lived in fear of lossing their own lives.Soldiers held their ground until the enermy was driven back.She devotes herself to reaserch,spending days and nights in the lab.
2023-08-18 14:58:564

Does she like jumping是什么意思为什么要用like和jumping

like to do something和like doing something都可以
2023-08-18 14:58:514


2023-08-18 14:58:4511