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Lengthy sunny spells

2023-08-24 20:40:44




~sunny 本意 “阳光充足”,可以引申为 “晴朗的” 、“明媚的”、“快活的” 或 “心情愉快的”

~spells 本意是 “拼写起来的文字”, 常用来借代 “连起来的一段时间”


是下雨前或下雨后阳光透过云朵照射的情况,我一个英国雅思考官的解释是,points of the time there will be sun, the rest of time will be cloudy.这个是地道的british type of weather。eg:there will be sunny spells.但是urban dic也有解释:

A sunny spell is when the sun shines through the clouds before or after rain making it seems like jesus is descending upon us. The sun"s rays are very visible

"Look! Its a sunny spell!" The girl said, pointing at the sky.





漫长的晴天 求采纳ue414



lengthy adj. 冗长的; 长的,漫长的; 啰唆的(演说,文章等); eg. During lengthy discussions, berlusconi fell asleep until aides nudged him awake.贝卢斯科尼在冗长的讨论之中打起了瞌睡,直到助手把他推醒。long adj. 长的(长度)
2023-08-18 09:58:412


2023-08-18 09:58:491

lengthy;length; senator 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法。

lengthy: 练可洗length: 练可死senator: 三呢特尔
2023-08-18 09:58:572


"Longsome"是一个比较罕见的英语词汇,意思是"tedious"、"protracted"、"lengthy",即指某个过程、活动或任务非常漫长、乏味或烦琐。例如:The lecture was so longsome that many students fell asleep in class.(这个讲座非常乏味,很多学生在课堂上睡着了。)The process of filling out the application form is quite longsome and requires a lot of patience.(填写申请表的过程非常繁琐,需要很多耐心。)"Longsome"通常用于书面语,比较少在口语中使用,而且有些过时。在现代英语中,更常见的替代词包括"tedious"、"prolonged"、"lengthy"等。
2023-08-18 09:59:051


endless uff0cvery longuff0cLonger
2023-08-18 09:59:152


rong chang
2023-08-18 09:59:394


rǒng ~第三声]
2023-08-18 09:59:564


2023-08-18 10:00:185


process意思如下所示:n. 工序;过程v. 加工;处理;起诉;列队前进短语:lengthy process 很长的过程manufacturing process 加工工艺mental process 心理作用process用法:process的名词意思是“工艺流程”“过程”,转化为动词意思是“加工”“列队行进”,即指对某种材料、数据等进行加工处理,有秩序地列队进入某处。process用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与介词into连用。process前不加the的几种表达方式:in process of construction,in process of preparation,in process of completion,in process of time(日积月累地)。
2023-08-18 10:00:401

这句英语怎么翻译呢He launched into a lengthy account of his career.

2023-08-18 10:01:504


就是 比起来想immediate future ,想这么lengthy timecales或许要容易得多→_→对不对
2023-08-18 10:02:464


原句 Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy commutes (travels to and from work) and crowded living conditions, but as the old group and family values weaken, the discomfort is beginning to tell. 断句 Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy commutes (travels to and from work) and crowded living conditions, but as the old group and family values weaken, the discomfort is beginning to tell. 结构分析 主干为:Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy commutes (travels to and from work) and crowded living conditions, but 连接上下两个句子; 原文翻译 都市的日本人长期以来忍受着长时间的通勤(上下班)和拥挤的居住环境。但是由于传统的集体和家庭价值观削弱了,不舒服的感觉就呈现出来了。 小词一碟
2023-08-18 10:04:201

double tap是什么意思

来自射击术语,意思是在射击比赛中,连开两枪,同时在不超过1寸地方形成一个“8”字,就称之为“Double Tap”
2023-08-18 10:04:311


  夏威夷是美国唯一的群岛州,由太平洋中部的132个岛屿组成。位居太平洋的“十字路口”,是亚、美和大洋洲间海、空运输枢纽,具有重要的战略地位。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来夏威夷的英语说法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   夏威夷的英语说法:   Hawaii   夏威夷相关英语表达:   夏威夷吉他 Hawaiian guitar;   夏威夷人 Hawaiian;   夏威夷语 Hawaiian   夏威夷的英语例句:   1. The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii.   这本书以对夏威夷的冗长描述为结尾。   2. Nowhere is language a more serious issue than in Hawaii.   没有哪个地方像夏威夷那样,语言成了如此重要的问题。   3. The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii.   轮船临时停靠在夏威夷。   4. Kappy was named Miss Hawaii in 1954.   卡皮被选为1954年的夏威夷小姐。   5. Hawaii was the birthplace of surfing.   夏威夷是冲浪运动的发源地。   6. Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii.   人们把发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。   7. Bob and his family are on vacation; they"ve gone to Hawaii.   鲍勃和他全家在度假, 他们去夏威夷了.   8. They saved for years for their trip of a lifetime to Hawaii.   为了一辈子能到夏威夷一游,他们储蓄了好几年.   9. I"m going to Hawaii for pleasure bined with business.   我准备去夏威夷玩玩,也办点事.   10. Alaska and Hawaii were dependencies of the United States.   阿拉斯加和夏威夷过去是美国的属地.   11. In Hawaii there are flowers all the year round.   夏威夷常年百花盛开.   12. I always associate that song with my visit to Hawaii.   听到那支歌我就会联想到我的夏威夷之行.   13. Hawaii allures many tourists.   夏威夷吸引了许多旅游者.   14. We had a three - day stopover in Hawaii.   我们在夏威夷停留了三天.   15. Many races are mixed in Hawaii.   在夏威夷,许多人种混居在一起.
2023-08-18 10:05:061

lengthy 和long的区别

lengthy 冗长的,乏味而篇幅长的long (长度上的)长的
2023-08-18 10:05:263

long怎么读音发音 音标

long 的读音为/lu0252u014b/,音标为[lu0252u014b]。long 是一个英语单词,它可以做形容词,名词和动词。1、形容词长的,延伸的,慢的。2、名词长的时间段或距离。3、动词渴望得到,盼望,渴望。long 的近义词及翻译如下:1、lengthy - 冗长的。2、extended - 延长的。3、prolonged - 持久的。4、endless - 无穷的。5、lasting - 持久的。6、elongated - 拉长的。7、time-consuming - 耗时的。8、wearisome - 令人疲倦的。9、interminable - 无休止的,没完没了的。long的例句1、The Great Wall of China is a long wall.(中国的长城是一堵长城。)2、The journey was much longer than we expected.(旅程比我们预计的要长得多。)3、We have been waiting for a long time.(我们已经等了很长时间了。)4、She has long hair.(她有一头长长的头发。)5、The company has long-standing traditions.(公司拥有悠久的传统。)6、We have a long way to go to reach our goal.(我们还有很长的路要走才能达到我们的目标。)7、He has been long admired for his intelligence.(他因为聪明才智而备受敬佩。)8、I long for the day when we can all live in peace.(我渴望在和平的环境中生活。)9、It took a long time to finish the project.(完成这个项目花费了很长的时间。)10、She has long been interested in archaeology.(她对考古学一直很感兴趣。)
2023-08-18 10:05:411


Long,英语单词,主要作为形容词、副词、名词、动词,作形容词时意为“长的;长时间的;远的;长音的;(人)高的;持续的。long 是一个英语单词,它可以做形容词,名词和动词。1、形容词长的,延伸的,慢的。2、名词长的时间段或距离。3、动词渴望得到,盼望,渴望。long 的近义词及翻译如下:1、lengthy - 冗长的。2、extended - 延长的。3、prolonged - 持久的。4、endless - 无穷的。5、lasting - 持久的。6、elongated - 拉长的。7、time-consuming - 耗时的。8、wearisome - 令人疲倦的。9、interminable - 无休止的,没完没了的。long的例句1、The Great Wall of China is a long wall.(中国的长城是一堵长城。)2、The journey was much longer than we expected.(旅程比我们预计的要长得多。)3、We have been waiting for a long time.(我们已经等了很长时间了。)4、She has long hair.(她有一头长长的头发。)5、The company has long-standing traditions.(公司拥有悠久的传统。)6、We have a long way to go to reach our goal.(我们还有很长的路要走才能达到我们的目标。)7、He has been long admired for his intelligence.(他因为聪明才智而备受敬佩。)8、I long for the day when we can all live in peace.(我渴望在和平的环境中生活。)9、It took a long time to finish the project.(完成这个项目花费了很长的时间。)10、She has long been interested in archaeology.(她对考古学一直很感兴趣。)
2023-08-18 10:06:111


lengthy 形容词 漫长的
2023-08-18 10:06:421


2023-08-18 10:07:111


There are some big laughs in "Home Alone," once it finally gets down to the reason for its existence — a lengthy, very funny slapstick sequence with a young boy setting all kinds of elaborate booby traps for two burglars who are trying to break into his house. But it takes its time getting there. The lengthy setup has 8-year-old Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) accidentally being left behind when his large family goes on an overseas trip for Christmas. The setup has to work, of course, or the audience won"t be able to buy into this wild premise at all. At least, the adult audience. But it should have been funnier along the way. Kevin"s house is a bit on the chaotic side as his parents (Catherine O"Hara, John Heard), his brothers and sisters and his aunt, uncle and cousins gather together to get ready for their flight to Paris the next day. When the power goes out overnight the alarms don"t go off the next morning, and in the rush to get to the airport, Kevin, sleeping alone in the attic, is overlooked.
2023-08-18 10:07:322


Walking through the forest, pasture, horse Ding Dong the neck ring, the distance livestock shed a lengthy emergence of smoke, appeared with the surrounding natural environment is so harmonious. Every summer, the rhododendron flowers with many unknown wild flowers bloom, the birds also have the celebration, scenic fine spring, is intoxicated. Virgin forest in a variety of trees in different styles and Meteorology. Looked up, and sometimes clouds wander, and disappeared the next, like a fairyland, sometimes the vast sea of clouds like clouds general, interesting
2023-08-18 10:07:563


1、Russian moves to end a state monopoly on land ownership俄国人采取的终止国家垄断土地所有权的措施2、Their smaller rival is battling to end their duopoly.规模更小的竞争对手正为结束他们的两强垄断局面而抗争着。3、Do you think I"m just going to bawl you out and that"ll be an end of it?你觉得我把你痛骂一顿就完事了?4、In the end you have to readjust your expectations.最后,你需要调整你的预期。5、This stupendous novel keeps you gripped to the end.这部精彩的小说会让你想一口气读完。
2023-08-18 10:08:062


Red and more ridiculous Love is the most boring Ye Hao supercilious This life unfinished Nothing disturbed mind already Just want to exchange Half Happy Wake up people to laugh when Forget the whole dream Sigh dark too early Next life hangs in the balance Love and hate written off Wine and song I only wish the old happy to Do not want to escape the cold wind and then Do not want to spend another U.S. Any time I sway in the wind Days, the smaller the higher the heart Do not ask how much cause and effect Drunk alone Today, tomorrow, laugh cry Not for someone to understand A proud Dance in the dance song singing Xiao feel a long night Will be happy to find
2023-08-18 10:08:175


My brother is in the bed.是指 睡着了,或者是躺在床上,特别是在床上呆了一阵子了。(因为英英字典的解释是:after a very lengthy period of time) My brother is on the bed是指在床上He is in the hospital.是指在医院工作或在医院里。He is at the hospital.是指在医院。应该是这样!
2023-08-18 10:08:352


Life is precious human life only once,but sometimes inadvertently neglect the consequences will be irreparable.Some drivers such as drink driving,there are some pedestrians jaywalking,etc.,car crash caused serious consequences,so distraught relatives,so we have to cherish life,from my start.I also deeply appreciate the little things to this point.That was just me and my grandmother at home,gas is being boil,just to go out then grandma said to me:"Min Min,Grandma went a little shopping,you optimistic about the water on the stove,opened on the fire if the water off..." I heard you had enough Grandma"s "lengthy," said impatiently:"Grandma,know,you go faster!" Upon hearing my grandmother would go out to buy food.I saw my grandmother from the balcony out of the compound,they joyfully to think:in the mountains tiger,monkey king,now I want to do you can do it!So I started out like most of the disc read it with,I want to boil kettle will sound as long as it rings to turn the gas off on it.However,I see too fascinated to see the disc,and even the voice of water is not heard the last water to overflow to fire off.After a child,gas began to leak but I did not notice.Grandma came back,she smelled the odor of gas immediately ran to the kitchen,turned the gas switch to shut.Then my grandmother said to me sternly:"You scared me,if Grandma does not come back there will be more serious consequences,you know?Future,do not watch TV,and fun for their lives the wrong ah!" I heard Grandma so think really scared,can not help but blush with his head down.After this incident,I treasure my life was.I learned from TV,from books,learned a lot from school to protect themselves,lovers of life knowledge.My father often advised not to drink and drive,wear your zebra crossing the road to go,do not stop,persuaded her mother to go to open when the motor bike with non-motor vehicle lanes and so on.We must cherish life,cherish life each day to see how quickly time flies,I pray that tomorrow,we would like each little dream will be realized slowly!From now on,we start from,so that everyone to a common concern,cherish life,from my start!Original Address:
2023-08-18 10:08:481

bulleted sentences是什么意思

2023-08-18 10:09:141


记不的朋友名字的尴尬瞬间 The embarrassing moment of forgetting a friend"s nameWhy do we forget people"s names when we first meet them? I can remember all kinds of other details about a person but completely forget their name. Even after a lengthy, in-depth conversation. It"s really embarrassing.”Fortunately the answer involves learning something fundamental about the nature of memory. It also provides a solution that can help you to avoid the embarrassing social situation of having spoken to someone for an hour, only to have forgotten their name.To know why this happens you have to recognise that our memories aren"t a simple filing system, with separate folders for each kind of information and a really brightly coloured folder labelled "Names".Our minds are associative. They are built out of patterns of interconnected informationRather, our minds are associative. They are built out of patterns of interconnected information. This iswhy we daydream: you notice that the book you"re reading was printed in Paris, and that Paris is home to the Eiffel Tower, that your cousin Mary visited last summer, and Mary loves pistachio ice-cream. Say, I wonder if she ate a pistachio ice cream while up the Tower? It goes on and on like that, each item connected to every other, not by logic but by coincidence of time, place, how you learnt the information and what it means.And that is why it is extremely important to learn a friend"s name by heart !纯人工答题,望采纳
2023-08-18 10:09:241


经费筹措的声明是全面的在数量和质量所需的信息。融资声明中所使用的国家都通过了1972年修订该守则是冗长。它要求大量的信息,是小心让所有有关的资料,以担保方/债务人的关系(中校外侧,产品的抵押品,财产项目,姓名,所有债务人,经费筹措的声明是全面的在数量和质量所需的信息。融资声明中所使用的名称,所有担保各方-一个完全完备的文件叶片无关机会) 。 融资声明中所使用的国家都没有获得通过 1972年修订,以上岛咖啡店(印第安纳州,肯塔基州,路易斯安那州,密苏里州, 新的墨西哥,南卡罗来纳州,田纳西州,佛蒙特州)是一种短得多的形式,比一所描述的上款。它要求雾降低信息的上市顺序为:姓名或名称及地址的债务人(或转让) 姓名或名称及地址有担保的当事人(或受让人) 1 。这种融资的声明包括下列类型(或项目)的版权。 erty : (说明) 2 。 (如果抵押品是作物)的作物,刚才所描述的是扩大或正在被生长在: (说明房地产) 3 。 (如果抵押品是货物是或正在成为固定装置)的货物刚所描述的是贴有或正在必须附贴: (说明房地产) 4 。 (如果收益或产品的抵押品是声称) :5 。进行-产品的抵押品,也涵盖签名的债务人(或转让) 签字担保的当事人(或受让人) 这种形式是不够全面,比1先前所描述的,但它所有的要素,以确保妥善完成形式将提供完善的上岛咖啡店备案。这也是一个例子的分歧,坚持的做法,各自的国家统一商业代码。目前还不清楚为什么1972年的修正案尚未通过的每一个国家,但他们却没有得到。
2023-08-18 10:09:363

跪求小鬼当家2玩转纽约观后感 要英文的

不知道是不是你要的 There are some big laughs in "Home Alone," once it finally gets down to the reason for its existence — a lengthy, very funny slapstick sequence with a young boy setting all kinds of elaborate booby traps for two burglars who are trying to break into his house. But it takes its time getting there. The lengthy setup has 8-year-old Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) accidentally being left behind when his large family goes on an overseas trip for Christmas. The setup has to work, of course, or the audience won"t be able to buy into this wild premise at all. At least, the adult audience. But it should have been funnier along the way. Kevin"s house is a bit on the chaotic side as his parents (Catherine O"Hara, John Heard), his brothers and sisters and his aunt, uncle and cousins gather together to get ready for their flight to Paris the next day. When the power goes out overnight the alarms don"t go off the next morning, and in the rush to get to the airport, Kevin, sleeping alone in the attic, is overlooked.
2023-08-18 10:10:011


Assessment的读法为:英[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt];美[u0259u02c8sesmu0259nt]。一、词义:1、【n.】评估;估计。2、课堂评价;评估;评价;评定;考核;评审;估计;估价。3、复数:assessments。二、短语搭配:1、continuous assessment:连续评估。2、standard assessment task:标准考试。3、risk assessment:风险评估;风险评价;危险评估。4、assessment system:评估系统;评估体系;评估制度。三、双语例句:1、The Court of Appeal held that there was no evidence to support the judge"s assessment.上诉法院裁决没有证据支持法官的评判。2、Speaking,reading, and writing should be weighted equally in the assessment.评估时说、读和写应得到同等的重视。3、His transfer to another school would involve a lengthy assessment procedure.他的转学会需要时间很长的评估。4、The fault of the keen therapist is to start to intervene during the assessment phase.那位急于求成的治疗专家的错误在于他在评估阶段就开始介入了。
2023-08-18 10:10:171


2023-08-18 10:11:0513


1.hotelA hotel is a building where people stay, for example on holiday, paying for their rooms and meals.2.briefSomething that is brief lasts for only a short time. She once made a brief appearance on television... This time their visit is brief. = fleeting ≠ lengthy 2 ADJA brief speech or piece of writing does not contain too many words or details. In a brief statement, he concentrated entirely on international affairs... Write a very brief description of a typical problem. = short 3 ADJ v-link ADJIf you are brief, you say what you want to say in as few words as possible. Now please be brief–my time is valuable... = succinct 4 ADJ usu ADJ n emphasisYou can describe a period of time as brief if you want to emphasize that it is very short. For a few brief minutes we forgot the anxiety and anguish. ≠ long 5 N-PLURAL also a pair of NMen"s or women"s underpants can be referred to as briefs. A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor.6 VERB V n, V nIf someone briefs you, especially about a piece of work or a serious matter, they give you information that you need before you do it or consider it. A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters... The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides. = fill in 7 N-COUNT oft N to-infIf someone gives you a brief, they officially give you responsibility for dealing with a particular thing. (mainly BRIT FORMAL) ...customs officials with a brief to stop foreign porn coming into Britain. = responsibility 8 see also briefer, briefing9 PHRASE PHR with cl3revolution You can say in brief to indicate that you are about to say something in as few words as possible or to give a summary of what you have just said. In brief, take no risks.A revolution is a successful attempt by a large group of people to change the political system of their country by force. The period since the revolution has been one of political turmoil.2 N-COUNT with supp A revolution in a particular area of human activity is an important change in that area. The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion.Cognition is the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things. (FORMAL) ...processes of perception and cognition.
2023-08-18 10:11:551


乒乓球比赛规则英语介绍 乒乓球比赛规则英语介绍,在奥运会上乒乓球是我们国家的重点夺金项目,相信很多人都是懂乒乓球比赛规则,但是有一些外国人就不太明白乒乓球的比赛规则,下面是乒乓球比赛规则英语介绍 乒乓球比赛规则英语介绍1 Tostartplayingtabletennis,youwillneedapartnerorplayer,asitistwo-personssport. 要打乒乓球,你需要一个伙伴或对手,因为乒乓球运动是两个人的运动。 youwillneedtworacquetsforeveryperson,andtabletennisball,tabletennistablewiththenet 要打乒乓球,你需要有两个球拍(每人一个)、一张乒乓球台,一个球网 table-tennis:n.乒乓球 tabletennisball:n.乒乓球 tabletennisbats:乒乓球拍,还可以讲:racquet(网球拍,也可以指乒乓球拍) tabletennistable:乒乓球台 tabletennsnet:乒乓球网 PlayingtabletennisinLianhuashanMt.withfriends Tostartplaying,theruleswouldgoeachpersonservestwoservices,thenexchangetheserve. Theballhastohittheserverssidefirst,passingthenettotheoppositeside. 乒乓球规则规定每人发球两次,然后交换发球权。 serve:发球,toserveaball server:发球人,thepersontoservetheball receive:接球,toreceivetheball receiver:接球人,thepersontoreeivetehball Keepplayinguntilscorereaches11points,whoeverreaches11 pointsfirstisthewinnerofthegameormatchunlesstehscoreis10:10. Insuchcase,eachplayerhastoservetheballeverysinglepoint. 继续打球得分,谁先得到11分,谁就取得本局比赛胜利。但是,如果双方比分达到10:10,在这种情况下,每个球手每次只有一次发球机会,然后交由对方发球一次。 Fromthescoreis10:10,toplaycontineouslytoletthescoretobe11:10,or12:10,or13:11,or14:12,andsoontillthescoregapis2. 如果双方比分打成10:10,需要继续打,比分有可能是11:10,or12:10,or13:11,or14:12,最后让比分差达到2为止。 score:比赛得分,考试成绩;比分 TohavetabletennismatchinShenzhenUniversityTTClub ITTFmakestherulethateachmatchhastoconisistofsevengames,orbestofseven.thescorescanbe4:0,4:1,4:2,or4:3. ITTF=InternationalTableTennisFederation,国际乒乓球联合会(国际乒联) Insomeinformalmatches,therulecanbebestoffive,Inthatcase ,youhavetobeinfirstthreegames3:0,3:1,3:2theplayerwhowinsthreegamesofthefiveisthewinner 国际乒联规定正式的乒乓球比赛采用七局四胜制,比赛的结果可能是:4:0,4:1,4:2,或4:3. 还有些非正式或大赛的.比赛,也可以采用五局三胜制,比分可能是3:0,3:1,3:2取得三局胜利者为赢家! bestofseven:七局四胜(制) bestoffive:五局三胜(制) 乒乓球比赛规则英语介绍2 Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, was from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nieenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong was introduced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze. 和其他运动一样,乒乓球一开始只是社会中无足轻重的一部分。 它跟草坪网球和羽毛球都是由网球演变而来的。 在19世纪的后半叶,乒乓球就以其现在的名字或其他商业名流行于英国,比如: GOSSIMA, WHIFF-WHAFF。 而当乒乓这个名字被J.Jaques&Son引进之后,乒乓球就开始越来越受欢迎。 Now, petitive table tennis is popular in Asia and Europe and has been gaining attention in the United States. The most important international petitions are the World Table Tennis Championships, the Table Tennis World Cup, the Olympics and the ITTF Pro Tour. Continental petitions include the European Championships, Europe Top-12, the Asian Championships and the Asian Games. players have won the mens World Championships 60% of the time since 1959; in the womens petition, players have won all but three of the World Championships since 1971. Other strong teams e from East Asia and European countries, including Austria, Belarus, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Sweden. 现在,乒乓球比赛在亚洲、欧洲都十分普遍,也开始引起美国的重视。 最受重视的乒乓球比赛是世界乒乓球锦标赛、乒乓球世界杯、奥运会乒乓球赛、国际乒联职业巡回赛。 区域赛包括欧洲乒乓球锦标赛、欧洲十二强赛、亚洲乒乓球锦标赛和亚运会。 自从1959年以来,中国男子乒乓球获世界冠军场次达60%。 从1971年以来,中国女子乒乓球除了3次无缘世界冠军,包揽了所有的世界冠军。 其他的乒乓球强国来自东亚及欧洲国家,包括奥地利,白俄罗斯、德国、日本、韩国、新加波和瑞典。 乒乓球比赛规则英语介绍3 I like playing table tennis, playing table tennis not only because of physical activity, eye protection also have a role, especially for students, better prevention of myopia. Lengthy close-up look at things, the two will be very tired if we do not rest The vision that we dropped so that the eye muscles oppression of the eyeball, a long time will result in short-sighted. From .com.Playing table tennis, eyes to the ball as the goal, kept around from top to bottom-conditioning exercise, can improve the ciliary muscle tension to relax and contraction; eye muscles can also continue activities to promote blood circulation eyeball organizations to improve the eye As sensitivity to eliminate eye fatigue, thus play a role in the prevention of myopia So I like playing table tennis. I suggest that the students have time to play table tennis!
2023-08-18 10:12:051


英语我不会,请登陆爱辞霸网站!!!The United States in about 23 Million Years The ordinary raindrop is a mighty earth mover with sufficient strength to cut rock.When rainwater collects on the surface of the ground,some of it evaporates and some of it sinks into the earth.The remainder begins to flow downhill,commencing its lengthy journey from brook to stream to lake,or to a river that will carry it to the sea. As water flows along the ground,it picks up sand,pebbles,even boulders.It uses them to gnaw at the sides and bottom of its channel,gradually loosening more earth. By this process enormous amounts of mud and rock are moved from the land to the sea.Each year the Mississippi Rivercarries 730 million of solid matter into the Gulf of Mexico. This constant hauling of land into the sea is lowering the United States" average height above sea level at a rate of about one foot every 9,000 years.If erosion continues at the same rate,the United States will be worn completely down to sea level in about 23 million years. 2,300万年后的美国 普通的雨珠力能移地,其力之大足以切割岩石。当雨水在地面集结时,一部分蒸发掉,一部分渗入地下,剩下的部分则向低处流动,开始其漫长的旅程,由小溪注入小川,再注入湖泊或江河,然后由江河送入大海。 雨水沿着地面流动时,夹带了泥沙、卵石,甚至大圆石。雨水利用它们啮噬着水道的两边和底部,逐渐使更多的土壤松动。 通过这一过程,巨量的泥沙和石块从陆地移入海洋。每年,密西西比河要把7.3亿吨的固体物质送入墨西哥湾。 这种不断的移地填海,正在使美国海拔以上的平均高度,以每9,000年减少1英尺的速度下降。如果土壤流失以同样的速度持续下去,那么,在大约2,300万年以后,美国就会完全被磨蚀而下降到海平面一般高了。
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50.因此,加州的经济增长率下降,在1970年代,到百分之18.5 -增长,大大低于西部其他各州几乎三分之二以上世纪60年代。
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幽默笑话小故事20字    幽默笑话小故事20字一:   停止打你老婆   This story is told of a browbeating counsel,who habitually endeavored to terrorize his opponent"s witnesses.   One witness rather tended to preface his replies with lengthy explanations.   “I wantu2018yesu2019oru2018no,u2019”thundered counsel.“There is no need for you to argue the point!”   “But there are some questions which cannot be answered byu2018yesu2019oru2018no,u2019”mildly responded the witness.   “There are not!” snapped the lawyer.   “Oh,” said the witness,“answer this then:Have you ceased beating your wife?”   这个故事讲的是一个咄咄逼人的辩护律师,他惯于尽量去恐吓对方的证人。   有一个证人有点倾向于在回答问题之前做冗长的解释。   “我要你回答u2018是u2019或者u2018不是u2019,”辩护律师怒喝道: “你没有必要就这个问题进行争论。”   “可是有些问题无法用u2018是u2019或者u2018不是u2019来回答。”这位证人温和地回敬他。   “不存在这样的问题!”律师厉声打断他。   “噢,”证人说:“那么请你回答这个问题:你停止打你老婆了吗?”    奇怪的关系   Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, "Congratulations, you got twins." The man said "How strange, I"m the manager of Minnesota Twins." After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets." Man was like "Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the "3 musketeers." Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says "Congratulations, you got twins x2." Man is happy and says, "Ironic, I work for the hotel "4 Seasons." All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall. They asked him what"s wrong and he answered, "What"s wrong? I work for 7up"!   四个好朋友在医院里碰面了,他们的妻子正在生产.护士过来对第一个男人说:"恭喜,你得了双胞胎."男人说:"多奇怪呀,我是明尼苏达双子队的经理."过了一会儿,护士过来对第二个男人说:"恭喜,你得了三胞胎."男人很喜欢:"嗯,又巧了.我是3M公司的董事."最后,护士跑来对第三个男人说:"恭喜,你得了2对双胞胎."男人很开心地说:"真令人啼笑皆非,我为四季宾馆工作."他们三个都很高兴,但第四个伙伴急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,咒骂上帝并用头撞墙.他们问他有什么不对劲,他回答道:"什么不对劲?我可是在七喜公司工作呀!"   一分钟一百万   A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" and God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says: "a second", then the man says: "God, can I have a penny?" and God says "In a second."   一男子进入教堂和上帝对话.他问:"主啊, 一百万美元对你意味着多少?"上帝回答:"一便士."男子又问:"那一百万年呢?"上帝说:"一秒钟."最后男子请求道:"上帝,我能得到一便士吗?"上帝回答:"过一秒钟."   妈妈在砸瓶子   A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup to come out of the bottle. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to answer the phone. The child said, "Mommy can"t come to the phone right now. She"s hitting the bottle."   一个妇人正在使劲打开番茄酱的瓶子。这时,电话铃响了,她叫四岁的女儿去接电话。小孩说:“妈妈现在不能接电话,她在砸瓶子。”    The Nice Wedding Gift   We attended the wedding of an acquaintance"s son. Because we did not know the young man or his bride, we decided to send them a practical household gift, a fire extinguisher. Apparently, the couple mass-produced their thank-you notes because we received a card saying: "Thank you very much for the nice wedding gift. We look forward to using it soon.   我们参加了一个熟人的儿子的婚礼。由于我们都不认识那个年轻人和他的新娘,所以我们决定送给他们一个实用的全家礼----一个灭火器。很明显,这对新人大批量制作了他们的感谢信,因为我们收到了一张卡片,上面写着:“非常感谢您的漂亮的结婚礼物,我们期待着不久就用到它。”    The Use of a Handsaw   At the mall, my wife and I picked up some hardware items, including a handsaw. We were heading back to the car when we passed a steakhouse.   Let"s try it. " my wife suggested. Although I felt a little foolish carrying the saw, I followed her inside.   Scanning the menu, my wife told the waitress, " I" 11 have chopped sirloin, please.   The waitress turned to me, eyed my saw and commented, "And I see that. you, sir, have come for our T-bone special.   在集市上,我和妻子买了一些五金用品,包括一个手锯。我们返回汽车时刚好路过一家牛排店。 “我们尝尝吧,”我妻子建议说。尽管我觉得拿着锯有点傻乎乎的,但还是随她走了进去。 我妻子扫视了一下菜单对女招待说:“请给我来一份炒牛腰片。” 女招待转向我,看了看我的锯,说道:“我能看出,先生,你是来吃我们的`T形骨特色菜的。”   A Woman"s answer   A husband said to his wife, " Why did God create women to be beautiful but foolish?"   "Well," his wife answered at once." The reason is very simple. God made us beautiful so men would love us; God made us foolish so we would marry them."   一位丈夫对他的妻子说:“为什么上帝把妇女创造得如此美丽却又愚蠢呢?” “噢,”他的妻子立刻回答道,“原因很简单。上帝使我们如此美丽,男人才会爱我们。上帝使我们如此愚蠢,我们才会嫁给他们。”    Only One Eye to Settle On   The girl found the go-between and said, "You cheated me ! One of his eyes is not true. Why didn"t you tell me this before ?"   "I have told you. " said the go-between with justice on his side, When you met first, I told you that he settled on you with one eye.   姑娘找到媒人,说:“你欺骗了我。他的一只眼是假眼,你以前为什么不告诉我?” “怎么没告诉你?”媒人也不甘示弱,“你们第一回见面后,我就说,他一眼就看中你了。”    幽默笑话小故事20字二:   还差一个就满了   在机场接机,等人时候无聊就打开约炮软件搜了一下,发现有一个人跟我距离0.00m。我兴奋的加了他好友,打了个招呼:“回市里,30一位!走么?”    要捅你就捅吧   老公公和儿媳妇有染。一日,老公公要挑水,到处找水桶。儿媳妇此时正坐在水桶上吃饭。老公公见了,大声喊:“儿媳,把你的屁股抬起来,我要桶!”儿媳听了满脸通红,小声说:“要捅你就捅吧,喊那么大声干嘛,你怕邻居们不知道吗?”    飞机上,一对父女   飞机上,一对父女。父亲30,女儿6到7岁。空姐非常漂亮,父亲忍不住多看了她几眼,女儿:“看什么看,你觉得有意思吗?我妈一不在你怎么就象这样?”,父亲憋得脸通红:“快吃东西,少废话,要不然以后不带你出来! ”女儿嘟囔:“都说女儿是父亲上辈子的情人,我就不明白了,我上辈子就怎么看上了你?"   爸,我腰疼   小时候跟爸爸说:爸,我腰疼。爸老说:小孩子哪有腰。19岁那年:爸,我腰疼。爸意味深长得对我说:孩子,你还年轻,省着点。   这梦想太邪恶了   被女友踹掉前,我含着泪问女友:和我在一起的这些年你有什么遗憾,我们不要分手好吗?我会用余生来补偿你。女友沉吟良久,轻启朱唇:最粗的梦想,紧握在手上。    多好的小伙子呀   晚上在二楼阳台抽烟,楼下一情侣在聊天,女的说:“你安心考研,我上班挣钱支持你。”男的说:“你要注意安全,千万不要怀上。”我心想,这小伙子人真不错!    你被骗了吧   一对日本夫妻在吵架。丈夫说:“斯气哒记!”妻子说:“阔挖泥泥!”丈夫说:“托卡啊安吉,楼底牢乌密牙阔喔!”妻子这时都已经跪了下来苦苦哀求:“米米纳阔乌滴,达来厅阔乌鸡!”丈夫怒喝:“奇拿听阔乌鸡!”而你呢,就这么傻坐在电脑前一路读到现在好像你真的懂日语似的。    MM你叫我情何以堪   高中时,和同班一个mm踢球玩,我说:“我守们可厉害,外号铜墙!!”mm说:“切~~~ 我外号刚门!!我让你随便射,你也射不进来!!”说完我暴笑,mm一路打我。 ;
2023-08-18 10:12:591

in the long term和in the long run的区别?

in the long run:是个副词.a.从长远看来(归根到底,结局,最后,结果)副词in the long run:1.after a very lengthy period of time同义词:in the endin the long term:只是一个介词词组,可做状语表示“在长期内”in the long term 更书面化in the long run 更口语化近义词组,但in the long run(从长远角度) 的含义要大于 in the long view (从长远角度来看,强调一个看)。例句:1.In the long term, road pricing is surely the answer. 长期来看,最终答案毫无疑问是道路定价模式。2.These moves may pay dividends in the long term. 从长远看来,这些举措可能会给企业带来盈利。3.The work you do here to take advantage of such established practices will pay off in the long run.您在这里使用已经确定的实践的工作将在长期运行中给您带来回报。4.Yet there is a question of whether America in the long run can maintain its edge as the biotech colossus.然而,就长期来看,美国能否维持其作为生物技术大国的优势地位呢?5.However, an MBA from a reputable school may be worth a significant student loan in the long run.然而,从长远的观点来看,一个可靠学校的MBA倒是有贷款的价值。6.The worth of a state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it.归根结底,国家的价值就是组成它的个人的价值。6.Traveling or going to an event is more impactful for the vast majority of people in the long run.旅行或是参加活动对大多数人长期来说是更有影响的。
2023-08-18 10:13:152

魔兽争霸3的一些英文术语(不要兵的名字 比如大G NE 之类的) 我要建筑比如BC之类的 还有一些打法术语

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四冲程是经过进气、压缩、做功、排气这四个过程,而二冲程就是只有进气和排气这两个过程,一般二冲程的发动机汽油中都要加入少量的机油。第一个行程:活塞从上止点到下止点。完成两个动作1.火花塞点火,做功——排气2.关闭进气,把空混合气二冲程的工作原理 从活塞下部压如曲轴箱,从活塞上部再进入汽缸第二个行程:活塞从下止点到上止点。完成两个动作关闭所有进排气,压缩混合气。每两个冲程完成一次做功,所以叫二冲程。
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行为 空气中含氧量比较低 无法达到 理想的工作频率 但是直接灌入氧气又会导致 气缸融化 所以氮气是比较理想的一种增压气体
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二冲程汽油发动机的工作循环也是由进气、压缩、燃烧膨胀、排气过程组成,但它是在曲轴旋转一圈(360°),活塞上下往复运动的两个冲程内完成的。因此,二冲程发动机与四冲程发动机工作原理不同,结构也不一样。 例如曲轴箱换气式二冲程汽油发动机,气缸上有三排孔,利用这三排孔分别在一定时刻被活塞打开或关闭进行进气、换气和排气的。工作原理如下图: (图a)表示活塞向上运动,将三排孔都关闭,活塞上部开始压缩,当活塞继续上行时,活塞下方打开了进气孔,可燃混合气进入曲轴箱(图b),活塞接近上止点时(图c),火花塞点燃混合气,气体燃烧膨胀,推动活塞向下运动,进气孔关闭,曲轴箱内的混合气受到压缩,当活塞接近下止点时,排气孔打开,排出废气,活塞再向下运动,换气孔打开,受到压缩的混合气便从曲轴箱经进气孔流入气缸内,并扫除废气(图d)。
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NOS全称NITROUS OXIDE SYSTEM,即氮气加速系统。是由美国HOLLEY公司开发生产的产品。在目前的世界直线加速赛(DRAG RACING)中,为了在瞬间提高大比率马力,利用的液态氮氧化物系统正是NOS。其实,早在二次世界大战中德国空军已开始使用NOS,战争结束后才逐渐被用于直线加速赛。NOS的工作原理是把一氧化二氮(N2O),即俗称的笑气(LAUGH GAS)高压形成液态后装入钢瓶中,然后在引擎内与空气一道充当助燃剂与燃料混合燃烧(其可放出氧气和氮气,其中氧气就是关键的助燃气体,而氮气又可协助降温),以此增加燃料燃烧的完整度,提升马力。由于NOS提供了额外的助燃能力(氧气量大)所以安装NOS后还要对应增加燃油喷量与之配合,"要想马儿跑,就要马儿多吃草。"燃料就是引擎的草,引擎的动力也因此得到进一步的提升。NOS与涡轮增压、机械增压一样,都是为了增加引擎混合气中的氧气含量而提升燃烧效率增加马力,不同的是NOS是直接利用氧化物,而后两者则是通过外力增加空气密度来达到目的。也许有人会问为什么不直接使用氧气而用一氧化二氮呢?那是因为用氧气难以控制引擎的稳定性(高温和爆振力),所以极少直接使用氧气。 改装店建议NOS系统每次使用时间不可超过1分钟,但其实按照系统开关要尽油门才开启来看,一般也就几秒的使用时间就可令转速超6000而令电脑自动断油。 NOS全名就叫Nitros Oxide Stsem,而NOS所用的气体就是一氧化二氮(N2O),而N2O如何产生那么多的动力呢?氮氧化合物就是俗称的笑气(LAUGH GAS),在Nitros Oxide Stsem的系统中N2O是因高压而形成液态被装入钢瓶内.内燃所机做功需要燃料,增加单位时间内的燃料供给,自然就能提高车子的性能,问题在于如何在增加燃料供给的情况下同时让它充分燃烧,混合气过浓反而会降低马力。要增加燃料不难,改大喷油嘴即可,想增加引擎的氧气量就没有那么简单,TURBO和SUPERCHARGER是通过加大空气密度而增加氧气量,高转速引擎,也增加了单位时间内的进气量,在良好的匹配下,一部5000RPM的引擎提高到10000RPM时,理论上,它增加了一倍的单位时间进气量,而N2O和空气一样并不是燃料,但当温度到达华氏572度时,N2O就会分解出氧分子,而达到助燃的效果。NOS系统具有两个部份,一为燃料系统,另一为N2O供应系统,两个都通过特殊喷嘴接到排气歧管上。NOS系统,就好象我们在FAST FURIOUS中看到的,利用一个开关启动NOS,燃料系统的汽油从电磁阀进入喷嘴,另一边N2O也从高压瓶中冲出喷嘴,两者以适当的比率混合以雾状喷入进气岐管内,在压缩爆炸行程中,N2O因高热分解出氧而使燃烧完全,加大马力。NOS还有另一个作用就是 降低进气温度.当N2O从喷嘴喷出时,非常冷,整个喷嘴甚至会结霜,它大幅降低进气温度,使空气密度加大,增加近气量,也因进气温度之降低而减少爆震的发生,终极改装车NOS系统可以很轻易的带来额外马力,以引擎的承受力为限。 普通街车在改装NOS提高本身马力40%以上的情况下,一方面如果不进行引擎内部强化,引擎的承受力将超负荷,引擎将会受到损坏,另一方面如果调校不当造成混合气过浓,点火困难反而回适得其反。
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2023-08-18 09:59:592


wu liao
2023-08-18 09:59:594

现实生活汽车的氮气加速有吗 ?原理是什么

氮气加速系统  NITROUS OXIDE SYSTEM NOS 氮气加速系统   NOS 全称NITROUS OXIDE SYSTEM,即氮气加速系统。是由美国HOLLEY公司开发生产的产品。在目前的世界直线加速赛(DRAG RACING)中,为了在瞬间提高大比率马力,利用的液态氮氧化物系统正是NOS。其实,早在二次世界大战中德国空军已开始使用NOS,战争结束后才逐渐被用于直线加速赛。  NOS的工作原理是把N2O(一氧化二氮,俗称"笑气" (LAUGHGAS))形成高压的液态后装入钢瓶中,然后在发动机内与空气一道充当助燃剂与燃料混合燃烧(N2O可放出氧气和氮气,其中氧气就是关键的助燃气体,而氮气又可协助降温),N2O高温时产生两个氮原子一个氧原子,氧原子助燃,氮原子给气缸降温。以此增加燃料燃烧的完整度,提升动力。  由于NOS提供了额外的助燃氧气,所以安装NOS后还要相应增加喷油量与之配合。正所谓“要想马儿跑得快,就要马儿多吃草”,燃料就是发动机的草,这样发动机 的动力才得到进一步的提升。  NOS 与涡轮增压和机械增压一样,都是为了增加混合气中的氧气含量,提升燃烧效率从而增加功率输出,不同的是NOS是直接利用氧化物,而增压则是通过外力增加空气密度来达到目的的。也许有人会问为什么不直接使用氧气而用N2O呢?那是因为用氧气难以控制发动机的稳定性(高温和爆发力)。  储存N2O的专用储气罐净重约6.7kg,充满N2O后约11kg。按照每次使用1min来算(专家建议NOS系统每次使用时间不可超过1min,一瓶气可以用3538次左右。  根据一辆夏利2000的实际使用情况,其1.342L的8A发动机加装NOS后,其0~100km/h加速时间减少了23%,而功率提升了21kw。  NOS是以一氧化二氮灌入引擎后提升爆发力,因此在改装NOS时至少必须包含以下几项硬体,分别是气瓶、喷嘴、电磁阀以及  启动开关。  气瓶就是填充一氧化二氮的钢制容器,除了外观尺寸上的分别,亦有空重、总重以及瓶内压力等规格;喷嘴如同引擎供油系统中的喷油嘴,喷嘴口径越大,喷出的气体量就越多,对于马力的助益也相对越大;电磁阀是控制喷嘴作动的重要组件,因为NOS的喷射原理是利用瓶内压力将气体灌入引擎,因此在气瓶和喷嘴之间必须装设一个控制器,以控制气体的喷射竺否;启动开关则是提供指令让电磁阀作动的重要部品,一般大多装设在油门踏板正下方,或是节气门拉线的末端位置,不过也有利用节气门电压以感测油门开度,让驾驶者在油门全开之际一并启动NOS。  不过除了上述四项主要结构,其实在NOS系统中,除了气瓶本身的开关外,还必须另外装设一或二道安全开关,否则长时间使用NOS会导致燃烧室压力过大,温度也会急剧升高,以一般通常是将NOS视作"最后阶段",或是在"重要关头"才使用而为了使 NOS在平常处于Off状太安全开关就显得格外重要。  基于安全性的考量,一般建议词最好不要连续使用超过1分钟,月引擎承受过大负荷而受损。除调外,喷嘴的装设位置和电磁阀的控制精准性也不容忽视。喷嘴的位置会影响气体流速和雾化效果,所以一般多半装设在距离节气门15—3Ocm处;电磁阀的精准性则相当重要,因为N0S必须在节气门全开的状态下喷射,如果在节气门开启角度不足或是已经关闭时继续供给,将造成一氧化二氮逆流,严重者甚至会出现回火现卜这时候流量计或空气芯就很容易损坏。  关于NOS的改装形式,基本上可以大分为"干式",与"湿式"两种,干式是指单纯喷射气体,湿式则是除了气体之外还包括了燃油,因此湿式系统所使用的喷嘴通常为"丫"字形设计,也就是将一氧化二氮与燃油同时喷入燃烧室。就改装效果来说,比干式系统更能精准控制油气混合此,因此也可以使用大流量喷嘴,马力的提升幅度也更大。  除了干式和湿式之外,依照喷嘴装设的位置,NOS还可以分成单点与多点两种喷射形式。单点所指的是喷嘴装设在节气门前方的进气管路上,国内改装店家多半是采取这种方式;多点则是由数个喷嘴所构成,位置多半是装设在进气歧管上,也就是针对每只歧管个别加装上独立的喷嘴,多点直喷式在美国Drag职业赛车上相当常见,改装效果也比起单点形式更为优异,不过由于歧管必须钻孔加工,而且作动时引擎会承受极大负荷,也更容易造成缸内部品的伤害,因此较少用在一般道路版的NOS改装上。  尼古拉斯凯奇《极速60秒》中67年福特野马的GT500使用了该系统
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