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2023-08-24 19:38:59
TAG: 英语

Dear, you finally came back, I miss you so much


我好想你 英文怎么写?

I miss you
2023-08-18 06:36:176


l miss you so much!
2023-08-18 06:36:577


  我们都知道用英语说我好想你的话,所表达出啦的心情不能够代表我们百分之百的感情。下面是我给大家整理的我好想你的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   我好想你的英文怎么写   I miss you so much   miss的名词用法   n.   [M-]用於姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼小姐   [M-]出于职业、社交等原因用在已婚妇女的名字之前小姐   [M-]用在地名、运动专案或职业等之前表示被称呼者是具有现代性或杰出的少女小姐,皇后   少女,姑娘,女孩子   [复数]女装的普通尺寸   [戏谑语、贬义]冒失女孩;小姑娘;女学生   [古语]娼妓;情妇   vt.   称呼…为小姐   短语:   a saucy miss [戏谑语]毛头姑娘   bread-and-butter miss [戏谑语]不懂事故的小妞儿,天真无邪的小姑娘   school miss   女学生   女学生脾气的姑娘,天真而腼腆的女孩   变形:   n. misses   miss   abbr.   mission   missionary   Miss.   abbr. Mississippi   miss的动词用法   vt.   未击中;未抓住:   The batter missed the ball.   击球员未击中球。   The goalkeeper just missed the ball.   守门员差一点扑住球。   没找到,没遇到:   He missed her in the crowd.   他没有在人群中看到她。   She went to the station to meet her hu *** and, but missed.   她到车站接丈夫,可是人群中没有见到他。   未达到某处;未接触到:   She missed the deck and landed in the water.   她未能跳到甲板上,而掉入水中。   未听到;未看到;未注意到;未体验:   We missed the start of the movie.   我们没看到电影的开头部分。   I missed what you said.   我没听到你说的话。   未赶上:   to miss a flight   没赶上班机   未领会,未理解:   You"ve pletely missed the point of his argument.   你完全没有领会他的论点。   She had missed his point entirely.   她完全没有领会他的意思。   失约;缺勤;缺课;未出席:   She"s missed school two days this week.   本周她缺课两天。   未得到;未获得:   to miss a gold medal   未得金牌   错过,失却:   I don"t want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.   我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。   发现遗失,发觉某人不在身边:   When did you first miss your purse?   你是何时开始发现丢了钱包的?   惦念,因没有…而感到遗憾:   Her children have gone to America, and she missed them very much.   孩子们去了美国,她非常惦记他们。   逃脱,幸免于:   The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian.   疾驰的汽车差点撞上那个行人。   The two planes missed disaster by a matter of inches when they nearly collided.   两架飞机在几乎要相撞时,以毫厘之差擦身而过,险些酿成一场灾难。   未做到:   The arrow missed the target.   箭未能射中靶子。   略去,省掉,漏掉:   You"ve missed two words.   你漏掉了两个词。   [一般用进行时态]缺少:   Her shoes are missing shoelaces.   她的鞋子缺少鞋带。   下一页更精彩“我好想你的英文怎么写”
2023-08-18 06:37:131


Imissyousomuch我好想你;我很想念你;我非常想念你例句:1、Mylove!Imissyousomuch! 亲爱的!我好想你!2、BabyImissyousomuch,baby! 宝贝我非常的想你,宝贝!3、Imissyousomuch,uncleBenjamin. 我非常想念您,本杰明叔叔。重点词汇:somuch读音:英[səʊmʌtʃ] 美[soʊmʌtʃ] 多少;那么些;这么些;很,深深地扩展资料:Iloveyou我爱你。例句:1、Ibondmyselftoyou,becauseIloveyou.我与你缔结契约,因为,我爱你。2、Hecalledmetosay,Hi,Mom!IjustcalledtosayIloveyou.那天他打电话对我说:妈妈,我打电话来就是为了告诉你我爱你。3、IfIloveyou,I`mgrowingasaresultofmylove.如果我爱你,我会在爱中慢慢的变得成熟。重点词汇:love读音:英[lʌv] 美[lʌv] vt.&vi.喜欢;爱,热爱;爱戴;赞美,称赞vt.喜欢;喜爱;喜好;爱慕n.热爱;爱情,爱意;疼爱;爱人,所爱之物第三人称单数:loves 复数:loves 现在分词:loving 过去式:loved 过去分词:loved
2023-08-18 06:37:244


问题一:好想你英文怎么写 I miss you so much. 我很想你。 :) 问题二:我好想你用英文怎么说? 英语;I miss you 韩语;?? ?uc5b4. 文言文;吾甚思汝 祝学习越来越好!么么哒 问题三:我好想你 英文怎么写? I miss you. 望采纳。 问题四:我好想好想你用英语怎么说 译文 I really want to miss you so much 问题五:我好想你英语怎么说 I miss you so much 问题六:我真的好想你,英语怎么写 我真的好想你 I really miss you 问题七:腹肌怎么练? 有氧运动~~+ + 力量训练. 最简单的方法就是仰卧起坐关键是看你会不会坚持. 做仰卧起坐,但炼腹肌都是比较辛苦的, 我觉得做团身起坐没什么效果。倒是举腿还行
2023-08-18 06:37:331


  我们经常会对我们思念的人说好想你。那么你知道好想你的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    好想你的英文: Miss you very much   好想你的英文例句:   1. Miss you so much suddenly, are you doing ? Feeling happiness or wronged?   突然好想你, 你会在 哪里 ?过得快乐或委屈?   2. Jon might muss up her hair and call her " little sister. "   琼恩会弄乱她的头发,并叫她 “ 我的小妹”,然后她会告诉他”我好想你! ”   3. I miss how you used to tickle me, tickle my belly. My belly hurts.   我好想你曾经挠我痒痒, 挠我的肚子. 我的肚子会疼.   4. Darling, we haven"t met a long time since last Qixi Festival. I miss you so much.   亲爱的, 我们分开一年没见了,好想你.   5. "I think you should go now." — "All right."   “我想你应该走了。”——“好的。”   6. If you want to grasp English, you must carefully discriminate synonyms.   如果你想掌握好英语, 你必须仔细区分同义词.   7. "I don"t think you have much of a case." — "I expect not."   “我想你没有什么好理由。”——“我想没有。”   8. Now turn the question around and start looking not for what you did wrong in the past, but for what you can do to make things better in the future.   现在换个角度考虑问题,开始不要去想你过去做错了什么,而考虑一下怎样才能日后做得更好。   9. It won"t be very easy to get a good price for your car. I should think you"ll get £1500 at the very outside.   你的车难以卖个好价, 我想你最多能卖1500英镑.   10. " Very well,"said Hurstwood. " Rather anxious about you though.   “ 很好, "赫斯渥说, " 不过非常想你.   11. " Very kind. I suppose you heard how he saved our house twice when Sherman was here.   " 真好埃我想你大概听说了,谢尔曼在这里时他两次救出了我们的房子.   12. That fishing lure is too bright. I think you"d be better off using this darker one.   那个鱼铒颜色太鲜艳了, 我想你用这个暗一点的比较好.   13. I think you"re wrong and you should come up with a better idea.   我想你错了,你应该拿出更好的想法.   14. Okay, you want 50 balloons or some popcorn and ice cream?   好吧你想要50个气球还是一些爆米花和冰激凌?   15. Never mind. Look on the bright side. You"ll be back in the team next season!   别担心, 要往好的方面想. 你在下个赛季就可以归队了.
2023-08-18 06:37:541

好想你 英语翻译是什么

Miss you very much.
2023-08-18 06:38:0712


I an really miss you
2023-08-18 06:38:352


I want you
2023-08-18 06:39:136


2023-08-18 06:39:2810


I miss you so much now.
2023-08-18 06:39:545


2023-08-18 06:40:125


I miss you much in the rainy days.或Raindrops keep falling ;you I keep missing
2023-08-18 06:40:294


I very much you want to with you a good
2023-08-18 06:40:396


As I thought, as she never loved me
2023-08-18 06:40:552


2023-08-18 06:41:0412

下雨了,我好想你 用英文怎么说

It"s raining and i want you
2023-08-18 06:41:335


  我们都知道用英语说我好想你的话,所表达出啦的心情不能够代表我们百分之百的感情。下面是我给大家整理的我好想你的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   我好想你的英文怎么写   I miss you so much   miss的名词用法   n.   [M-](用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐   [M-](出于职业、社交等原因用在已婚妇女的名字之前)小姐   [M-](用在地名、运动项目或职业等之前表示被称呼者是具有现代性或杰出的少女)小姐,皇后   少女,姑娘,女孩子   [复数](女装的)普通尺寸   [戏谑语、贬义]冒失女孩;小姑娘;女学生   [古语]娼妓;情妇   vt.   称呼u2026为小姐   短语:   a saucy miss [戏谑语]毛头姑娘   bread-and-butter miss [戏谑语]不懂事故的小妞儿,天真无邪的小姑娘   school miss   女学生   女学生脾气的姑娘,天真而腼腆的女孩   变形:   n. misses   miss   abbr.   mission   missionary   Miss.   abbr. Mississippi   miss的动词用法   vt.   未击中;未抓住:   The batter missed the ball.   击球员未击中球。   The goalkeeper just missed the ball.   守门员差一点扑住球。   没找到,没遇到:   He missed her in the crowd.   他没有在人群中看到她。   She went to the station to meet her husband, but missed.   她到车站接丈夫,可是人群中没有见到他。   未达到(某处);未接触到:   She missed the deck and landed in the water.   她未能跳到甲板上,而掉入水中。   未听到;未看到;未注意到;未体验:   We missed the start of the movie.   我们没看到电影的开头部分。   I missed what you said.   我没听到你说的话。   未赶上:   to miss a flight   没赶上班机   未领会,未理解:   You"ve completely missed the point of his argument.   你完全没有领会他的论点。   She had missed his point entirely.   她完全没有领会他的意思。   失约;缺勤;缺课;未出席:   She"s missed school two days this week.   本周她缺课两天。   未得到;未获得:   to miss a gold medal   未得金牌   错过,失却:   I don"t want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.   我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。   发现遗失,发觉某人不在身边:   When did you first miss your purse?   你是何时开始发现丢了钱包的?   惦念,因没有u2026而感到遗憾:   Her children have gone to America, and she missed them very much.   孩子们去了美国,她非常惦记他们。   逃脱,幸免于:   The speeding car barely missed the pedestrian.   疾驰的汽车差点撞上那个行人。   The two planes missed disaster by a matter of inches when they nearly collided.   两架飞机在几乎要相撞时,以毫厘之差擦身而过,险些酿成一场灾难。   未做到:   The arrow missed the target.   箭未能射中靶子。   略去,省掉,漏掉:   You"ve missed two words.   你漏掉了两个词。   [一般用进行时态]缺少:   Her shoes are missing shoelaces.   她的鞋子缺少鞋带。   下一页更精彩“我好想你的英文怎么写”
2023-08-18 06:42:101


i miss you
2023-08-18 06:42:218


我真的好想你英文翻译:I really miss you so much.天天开心快乐!
2023-08-18 06:42:412


亲爱的,我真的好想你,英语是:Darling, I really miss you. 解释: darling 英[?dɑ:l??] 美[?dɑ:rl??] n. (用作称呼) 亲爱的; 心爱的人; 倍受宠爱的人; 亲切友好的的人; adj. 倍受喜爱的,可爱的,迷人的; [例句]Thank you, darling 谢谢你,亲爱的。 really 英[?ri:?li] 美[?ri??li, ?rili] adv. 实际上; 真,真正; 实在,果真; 事实上; [例句]I"m very sorry. I really am 我很抱歉。真的。 miss 英[m?s] 美[m?s] n. 女士; (用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼) 小姐; 失误; v. 思念; 漏掉; 错过(机会); 没遇到; [例句]It was nice talking to you, Miss Giroux 吉鲁小姐,和您谈话很愉快。
2023-08-18 06:43:061


How are you?I miss you so much.
2023-08-18 06:43:163


Turned on the light at presentSo big lonely bed roomClosed the lamp are all the sameThe in the mind of the injury can"t shareAlong with the years flow to lifeAlong with the white hair oldAs you go away happy lovers without noticeOver the past fade awayWith a dream to sleepWith paralysis of the heart gradually awayI think you good think youDoes not reveal himselfI also stand on his feetI also served as the memory overheadI also shed tears with his eyes closedI still pretend doesn"t matterI think you good think youBut to deceive oneselfTurned on the light at presentSo big lonely bed roomClosed the lamp are all the sameThe in the mind of the injury can"t shareAlong with the years flow to lifeAlong with the white hair oldAs you go away happy lovers without noticeOver the past fade awayWith a dream to sleepWith paralysis of the heart gradually awayI think you good think youDoes not reveal himselfI tiptoe also missI also served as the memory overheadI also shed tears with his eyes closedI still pretend doesn"t matterI think you good think youBut to deceive oneselfI think you good think youIt as a secretI think you good think youIs hidden deep in heart苏打绿-我好想你 自己看下吧 照着中文歌词翻译的
2023-08-18 06:43:302


really miss you
2023-08-18 06:43:414

我真的好想你 英文翻译

I miss you so much!
2023-08-18 06:44:178

我很想你英语怎么说 我很想你英语及例句分享

1、我很想你英语:I miss you so much。 2、例句: My love! I miss you so much! 亲爱的!我好想你! Baby I miss you so much, baby! 宝贝我非常的想你,宝贝! I miss you so much, uncle Benjamin. 我非常想念您,本杰明叔叔。
2023-08-18 06:45:431


I miss you, too.
2023-08-18 06:45:532


I miss you very much, baby.
2023-08-18 06:46:202


有一首英文歌,歌词中有句“sometimes”,它叫什么名字?尽量告诉我。 An Angel 迪克兰—加尔布雷斯 可能是这首 这首歌很好听 如果不是这首也可以听下 有一首英文歌,歌词中有一句“BUT IF YOU WANNA CRY?”,叫什么名字? Cry On My Shoulder - bonnie raitt 有一首英文歌 歌词中有 in my mind 。and my soul let 什么的。叫什么名字 burning Passion is sweet Love makes weak You said you cherised freedom so You refused to let it go Follow your faith Love and hate never failed to seize the day Don"t give yourself away Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep What are you dreeeming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous So the tought keeps spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If you"re the rock I"ll crush against Trapped in a crowd Music"s loud I said I loved my freedom too Now im not so sure i do All eyes on you Wings so true Better quit while your ahead Now im not so sure i am Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep What are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous So the thought keeps spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If you"re the rock I"ll crush against My soul, my heart If your near or if your far My life, my love You can have it all Oh when the night falls And your all alone In your deepest sleep What are you dreaming of My skin"s still burning from your touch Oh I just can"t get enough I said I wouldn"t ask for much But your eyes are dangerous So the thought keeps spinning in my head Can we drop this masquerade I can"t predict where it ends If you"re the rock I"ll crush against If you"re the rock i"ll crush against 一首英文歌,谁告诉我叫什么名字 小镇姑娘 - 陶喆 词:陶喆 曲:陶喆 还记得多年前跟你手牵手 你都害羞的不敢抬头 只会傻傻的看着天上的星星 你就是那么的纯净 知道你收到上榜的通知单 我的心里就变得很乱 不知为你而高兴还为自己忧愁 只好就放你走 不明白不明白为什么我不能放的开 舍不得这个爱 你是一生一世不会了解 我明白我明白在我心中你永远存在 或许你会有一天怀念 可是我已不再 还记得一开始你不能适应 那个忙乱又吵的环境 一个小镇的姑娘到了大城市 你一定听过这故事 当你最寂寞的时刻我陪伴你 给你我的安慰和鼓励 自己矛盾的私心让我每天忧愁 只好就让你走 不明白不明白为什么我不能放的开 舍不得这个爱 你是一生一世不会了解 我明白我明白在我心中你永远存在 或许你会有一天怀念 可是我已不再 还记得一年前站在火车站 看着自己的悲剧演完 透过玻璃窗看见你的泪满面 那车头依然吐著烟 听说现在的你成了大经理 前途好比闪亮的星星 我只希望这所有能够让你欢喜 我才能放心走 oh 不明白不明白为什么我不能放的开 舍不得这个爱 你是一生一世不会了解 我明白我明白在我心中你永远存在 或许你会有一天怀念 可是我已不再 oh no no 或许你会有一天怀念 可是我已不再 oh no no 或许你会有一天怀念 可是我已 我已不再 唉 哦喔 yeah 我不明白 no no no 我不再 我不明白 一生一世不会了解 oh yeah da lalalalala dododododo 小镇姑娘 小镇的姑娘 小镇小镇小镇的姑娘 小oh镇姑娘 小镇姑娘 baby 永远不明白no no no 有一首英文歌歌词有NO NO NO 叫什么名字 我好想你 - 苏打绿 词:吴青峰 曲:吴青峰 开了灯 眼前的模样 偌大的房 寂寞的床 关了灯 全都一个样 心里的伤 无法分享 生命 随年月流去 随白发老去 随着你离去 快乐渺无音讯 随往事淡去 随梦境睡去 随麻痹的心逐渐远去 我好想你 好想你 却不露痕迹 我还踮着脚思念 我还任记忆盘旋 我还闭着眼流泪 我还装作无所谓 我好想你 好想你 却欺骗自己 开了灯 眼前的模样 偌大的房 寂寞的床 关了灯 全都一个样 心里的伤 无法分享 生命 随年月流去 随白发老去 随着你离去 快乐渺无音讯 随往事淡去 随梦境睡去 随麻痹的心逐渐远去 我好想你 好想你 却不露痕迹 我还踮着脚思念 我还任记忆盘旋 我还闭着眼流泪 我还装作无所谓 我好想你 好想你 却欺骗自己 我好想你 好想你 就当作秘密 我好想你 好想你 就深藏在 Lenka<Trouble is a friend>. 歌词如下: trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. no matter if you"re fast no matter if you"re slow, oh oh. the eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh. your fine for a while but then start to loose control. he"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart, he waits in the winds he"s gotta play a part. trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh. and no matter what i feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh. he sees what i see and he knows what i know, oh oh. so don"t fet as you ease on down the road. he"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart, he waits in the winds he"s gotta play a part. trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! so don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm. i won"t let him win, but im a sucker for his charm. trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! oh how i hate the way he makes me feel. 歌词中有句 follow away.好像是首英文歌 叫什么名字 曲名:I will follow him 歌手:Sister Act 专辑:kdbtest i will follow him follow him wherever he may go and near him i always will be for nothing can keep me away he is my destiny i will follow him ever since he touched my heart i knew there isn"t an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep me away away from his love i love him, i love him, i love him and where he goes i"ll follow, i"ll follow i will follow him follow him,wherever he may go there isn"t an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep me away follow him follow him wherever he may go there isn"t an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep us away away from his love oh,yes,i love him i"m gonna follow he"ll always be my true love from now until forever if i love him i"ll follow him there isn"t an ocean too deep a mountain so high it can keep keep us away away from his love 应该是这个。 有一首英文歌不知道叫什么名字 谁能告诉我? only love 歌手:trademark 专辑:only love 2 a.m. and the rain is falling Here we are at the crossroads once again You"re telling me you"re so confused You can"t make up your mind Is this meant to be You"re asking me Trademark But only love can say - try again or walk away But I believe for you and me The sun will shine one day So I"ll just play my part And pray you"ll have a change of heart But I can"t make you see it through That"s something only love can do Face to face and a thousand miles apart I"ve tried my best to make you see There"s hope beyond the pain If we give enough, if we learn to trust [Chorus] I know if I could find the words To touch you deep inside You"d give our dream just one more chance Don"t let this be our good-bye 有一首英文歌有一句歌词叫a sa sa的 叫什么名字 white walls-macklemore & ryan lewis 歌词中有it"s killing me inside的一首英文歌,叫什么名字? I"ve Been Thinkin" Jennifer Lopez 是这个吗? 歌词: jennifer lopez - i"ve been thinkin" all i need is a place to be and a way to feel a space to figure out where i belong a chance to know my thoughts and find a way to show what i feel and if this is real yeah don"t wanna disappoint you, don"t wanna let you down cuz that"s the last thing i want to do i"m asking for your patience i realize i could lose you but lately i"ve been so confused i"ve been thinkin, you"ve been on my mind so i"ve been praying, to find a way that i to be sure, the way that you"ve been showing me don"t you, want that for me wondering endlessly if this is right or wrong or if it"s just about me all along all i need is time to search within my soul so i can share a deeper part of me yeah baby, what"s meant to be would surely be if you loved me baby you would understand but i can"t give you anything i don"t have myself to give and it"s killing me inside end
2023-08-18 06:46:311


Honey, I miss you
2023-08-18 06:46:543


honey /darling/ my dear I miss you so much
2023-08-18 06:47:041

我好想你 好想去找你 英文怎么说

i miss you, and I want to yours.
2023-08-18 06:47:142


Husband, I miss you
2023-08-18 06:47:232

我好想你,忽然渴望拥抱你 英文谢谢谢谢

I miss you much! I am eager to hug you suddenly!It is a pity that only miss and recalling are in my habortonight!
2023-08-18 06:47:335


2023-08-18 06:47:5415


摩尔斯电码是一种通过点和划的组合来表达字母、数字和标点符号的编码方式。其中,“我好想你”的摩尔斯电码可以表示为:- “我”可以表示为·—·—/- “好”可以表示为—·—·/- “想”可以表示为—·—·—·/- “你”可以表示为·—/因此,“我好想你”的摩尔斯电码可以表示为:·—·—/—·—·—·—·—/—·—·/·—当然,摩尔斯电码只是一种编码方式,并不是一种通用的语言,所以在实际使用时需要事先约定好编码方式,否则无法正确解码。
2023-08-18 06:48:392


Where are you daduff1fI miss you so much
2023-08-18 06:48:502


When are you going to be back? I miss you so much,
2023-08-18 06:49:101

我也好想你 英语怎么说

And I miss you
2023-08-18 06:50:035


2023-08-18 06:50:546


今天是我生日愿天堂的妈妈一切安好,我好想你英文是Today is my birthday. May the mother in heaven be all right. I miss you so much
2023-08-18 06:51:121


外公,你在哪里啊?我好想你啊! 你为什么,你就这样就死了啊? Grandpa, where are you? I miss you so much. Why do you die like this? 我的爸爸还没有见过你呢!你为什么就这样就死了呢?我好想你啊!我看见比尔都有外公,就是我没有外公,我好想有个外公啊!有外公是多好啊,全班就是我没有外公了,我好难受啊!外公,我好想你哦! My father hasn"t seen you! Why did you die like this? I miss you so much. I see Bill has a grandfather, that is, I don"t have a grandfather, I really want to have a grandfather! How nice to have a grandfather. The whole class is that I don"t have one. I"m so miserable! Grandpa, I miss you so much! 外公,我好想你哦! Grandpa, I miss you so much! 你什么会来啊? What are you coming for? 外公,你在天有灵,你一定要保护我啊! Grandpa, you have spirit in the sky. You must protect me!
2023-08-18 06:52:051


2023-08-18 06:52:132


I miss you so much, please come back as soon as possible! 其实都可以表达您的那个意思 看您中意哪个了 哈哈
2023-08-18 06:52:213


I miss you,my honey.
2023-08-18 06:52:306


If I have another chance, I will hold you hands tightly. How are you doing now? I miss you very much.
2023-08-18 06:53:134


I good think you hurry back with me to play.
2023-08-18 06:53:202


2023-08-18 06:53:4015


2023-08-18 06:54:108


I miss you so much wife
2023-08-18 06:54:271