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2023-05-19 20:24:39
TAG: 英语

agriculture就是农业的意思了,不需要加industry,直接Agriculture is an important industry in China 就好了



我个人感觉是Agriculture industry is a important industry in China.更好,


因为突出的是“产业”,Agriculture industry农业产业



agriculture的意思是农业;农学;农艺。一、读音agriculture的英语读音是[ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)]。二、例句1、Nowhere is the effect of government policy more apparent than in agriculture.政府的政策对农业的影响最为显著。2、The number of people employed in agriculture has fallen in the last decade.过去十年,农业从业人数已经下降。3、A proportion of the land is used for agriculture.一部分土地作农用。4、The status of onion production distribution, its main varieties and agriculture in China were introduced.主要简述了国内洋葱的生产分布情况及其主要品种类型与种植农艺。
2023-01-09 17:48:231


agriculture: 英式 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)],美式 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər]。 agriculture n. 农业,农学,农艺。短语:1. Agriculture   农业农学农艺科技展会。2. Organic agriculture   有机农业无机农业耕作法。3. precision agriculture   精确农业精密农业。4. Subsistence agriculture   自给农业温饱型农业少有余粮的农场经营生存农业。5. Urban agriculture   城市农业都市农业市农业都市型农业。6. white agriculture   色农业白色农业微生物农业白色农药。7. Food and Agriculture Organization   联合国粮食及农业组织联合国粮农组织农业组织。8. Department of Agriculture   农学系农业部门。9. industrial agriculture   工业化农业工业式农业工厂化农业。10. Canada Agriculture Museum   加拿大农业博物馆。列句:1. The conditions were unfavourable for agriculture. 这些条件不利于农业。2. He forced the country to collectivize agriculture. 他强迫国家将农业集体化。3. Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy. 农业是农村经济的基础。4. The seminar was to discuss diversification of agriculture. 该研讨会讨论的是农业多种经营。5. Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit. 农业过去以一个家庭单元为基础。6. Bromfield was slated to become U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. 布罗姆菲尔德被内定为美国的农业部长。
2023-01-09 17:48:351


agriculture 农业
2023-01-09 17:49:042


2023-01-09 17:49:137

这个英语单词怎么读 agriculture

2023-01-09 17:49:467


固定搭配如下:commercial agriculture 商业性生产。continental agriculture 欧洲农业。cooperative agriculture 合作农业。diversified agriculture 非专业化农业生产。efficient agriculture 高效农业。extensive agriculture 粗放耕作。planned agriculture 计划农业。scientific agriculture 科学种田。单词解析:agriculture读音:英 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)]   美 [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər]。释义:农业;农学;农艺。agriculture的基本意思是“农业”,指栽培农作物和饲养牲畜的生产事业和林业、渔业或农村副业等,是不可数名词。agriculture的另一个意思是“农学”“农艺”,指研究农业生产的科学或艺术,包括作物栽培、育种、土壤、气象、 肥料、农业病虫害等,是不可数名词。
2023-01-09 17:50:121


agriculture 英[ˈægrɪkʌltʃə(r)] 美[ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃɚ] n. 农业;农耕;农业生产;农学
2023-01-09 17:50:371

precision agriculture是什么意思

precision agriculture的含义:精准农业。例句:Development of field information collection system based on embedded COM-GIS and pocketPC for precision agriculture基于嵌入式组件技术的精准农业农田信息采集系统的设计与实现。Putting precision agriculture into practice is a valid path for promoting agricultural sustainable development.本文认为实施精准农业是促进农业可持续发展的有效途径,必将对我国农业生产产生重大影响。
2023-01-09 17:50:442


农业(Agriculture)是利用动植物的生长发育规律,通过人工培育来获得产品的产业。农业属于第一产业,研究农业的科学是农学。农业的劳动对象是有生命的动植物,获得的产品是动植物本身。农业是提供支撑国民经济建设与发展的基础产业。农业[2]是指国民经济中一个重要产业部门。农业是以土地资源为生产对象的部门。它是通过培育动植物产品从而生产食品及工业原料的产业。农业属于第一产业。利用土地资源进行种植生产的部门是种植业, 利用土地上水域空间进行水产养殖的是水产业,又叫渔业,利用土地资源培育采伐林木的部门,是林业,利用土地资源培育或者直接利用草地发展畜牧的是畜牧业。对这些产品进行小规模加工或者制作的是副业。它们都是农业的有机组成部分。对这些景观或者所在地域资源进行开发并展示的是观光农业,又称休闲农业。这是新时期随着人们的业余时间富余而产生的新型农业形式。农业广义农业是指包括种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业、副业五种产业形式,狭义农业是指种植业。包括生产粮食作物、经济作物、饲料作物和绿肥等农作物的生产活动。农业分布范围十分辽阔。地球表面除两极和沙漠外,几乎都可用于农业生产。在近1.31亿平方公里的实际陆地面积中,约11%是可耕地和多年生作物地,24%是草原和牧场,31%是森林和林地。海洋和内陆水域则是水产业生产的场所。农业自然资源的分布很不平衡。可耕地主要集中在亚洲、欧洲和北美。北美、欧洲和大洋洲的经济发达国家为0.56公顷,而亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的发展中国家仅为0.22公顷,其中亚洲仅0.16公顷(1984年)。森林以欧洲和拉丁美洲的分布面积较大;草原面积则非洲居首位,亚洲其次;其中不同国家、地区之间也有很大差异。当代世界农业发展的基本趋势和特征是高度的商业化、资本化、规模化、专业化、区域化、工厂化、知识化、社会化、国际化交织在一起,极大地提高了土地产出率、农业劳动生产率、农产品商品率和国际市场竞争力。可以自己百度
2023-01-09 17:50:535


3 difficulties of the farmers
2023-01-09 17:51:484


2023-01-09 17:52:021

英语 agriculture 算不算一种 industry?

Yes, of course, it is the largest industry.... i.e. Industrial agriculture - " In the developed world, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture has become the dominant system of modern farming, although there is growing support for sustainable agriculture, including permaculture and organic agriculture"
2023-01-09 17:52:173

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 是SCI 吗

期刊名 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 出版周期:季刊是属于SCI期刊得,为中科院分区 4区期刊2013年度影响因子:0.625杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:2095-3119该期刊审稿很严格,一审和二审采用不同的审稿人。也就是说二审相当于重新投稿,重新审稿,而二审的审稿人又会重新提一大堆意见。所以初审的审稿周期相当于一审和二审的时间,再加上自己一审后修改的时间,算起来,审稿周期已经超出了农业领域主流期刊的3个月。一审通过了,二审重新审的过程也有可能被拒掉。
2023-01-09 17:52:302

agriculture agromony 有啥区别啊?

Agriculture是农业,把植物种出来,动物养出来。Agronomy是农学,也就是使用植物/种物(作为粮食/燃料/工业用途等等)的有关科技,也就是说是一种应用科学。 新华字典:Agriculture=农业=指栽培农作物和饲养牲畜的生产事业。 Agronomy=农学=指研究农业生产的科学。内容包括作物栽培、育种、土壤、气象、肥料、农业病虫害等。
2023-01-09 17:52:432


农村: [ nóng cūn ] 1. village2. rural areaRelative explainations:<ruralarea> <countryside> Examples:1. 这种方言主要在农村地区使用。 The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas.2. 现代农业正在破坏我们美丽的农村。 Modern agriculture is spoiling our beautiful countryside.3. 那个农村男孩儿过不惯城市生活. The village boy was strange to city life.4. 那疾病多见於农村地区. The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.5. 他是农村一大牧区的牧师. He is vicar of a large rural parish.农民: [ nóng mín ] 1. peasant其它相关解释: <muzhik> <countrymen> <mujik> <moujik> <peasantry> <rustic> <boor> <a son of the soil> <granger> <muzjik> <son of the soil> <farmer> 例句与用法: 1. 那个农民在种田。 The farmer is at the plough. 2. 农民们正在田野里收割稻子。 The peasants are harvesting rice in the field. 3. 农民们施肥来使土地肥沃。 The peasants fertilize the field by using manure. 4. 那个可怜的农民被投进了地牢。 The poor peasant was thrown into a dungeon. 5. 农民们起义反抗他们的压迫者。 The peasants revolted against their oppressors. 6. 当地地主常常虐待农民。 The local lords often treated the peasants badly. 7. 农民们正在收割大麦。 The peasants are reaping a field of barley. 8. 不断发展的经济使农民们富裕起来。 The expanding economy enriched the peasants. 农业: [ nóng yè ] 1. agriculture2. farmingRelative explainations:<extractive industry> <geoponics> <agricultural> Examples:1. 农产品价格的提高有助于农业。 High prices for farm products encouraged farming.2. 现代农业正在破坏我们美丽的农村。 Modern agriculture is spoiling our beautiful countryside.
2023-01-09 17:52:526

农业是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

2023-01-09 17:53:141


2023-01-09 17:53:422


您好,您是经常翻译这类资料吗?如果经常的话可以咨询翻译公司,电话59798902 联系人田女士
2023-01-09 17:54:094


如果需要一个词,应该填 agriculture,作宾语 。如果后面还有名词,就应该用agriculture或agricultral.作定语。
2023-01-09 17:54:251


eco-agriculture  英 ["iːkəʊ"æɡrɪkʌltʃər]     美 ["iːkəʊ"æɡrɪkʌltʃər]     中文意思:生态农业例句 The results showed that the Bashang, after harnessed by Eco agriculture Proj ect, its system function had been st... 研究结果表明,通过工程治理,使农业生态系统的功能增强,结构合理,取得了显著的生态效益。 Then a model of eco agriculture based on peat amelioration is proposed,which put land resources to rational use and make farming,forestry,animal busbandry and fishery to grow coordinately. 利用泥炭改良沙化退化土地,已见明显土壤生态环境改善、作物增产的效果。
2023-01-09 17:54:301


欸,音标啥的估计你不会这样吧拼音教学agri (啊个(这里发个r的音,类似日)一)隔儿屁知道么,类似隔儿的音cul (靠)ture(吃,儿(儿要发出来音))啊隔儿一,靠吃儿。。。。我实在没办法告诉你,没有语音功能。。。。
2023-01-09 17:54:513


农业,农艺,农学 名词
2023-01-09 17:55:023


2023-01-09 17:55:146

agriculture 后接动词什么形式

如果是agriculture做主语, 后面要接动词的第三人称单数形式。例如: Agriculture provides biologists to help study wildlife that could be a danger to air travel.
2023-01-09 17:55:351

precision agriculture是什么意思

2023-01-09 17:55:401


culture,文化 agriculture,农业
2023-01-09 17:55:493


work in agriculture.
2023-01-09 17:56:003


农业 [nóng yè] agriculture;farming;agro-;extractive industry;geoponics ;
2023-01-09 17:56:111

法语短语le poids de l"agriculture是怎么回事呢?

2023-01-09 17:56:403


2023-01-09 17:57:284


农业的单词agriculture, farming, geoponics, extractive industry
2023-01-09 17:58:021

intensive agriculture相对的一个是什么农业

intensive agriculture:机械化 集约农业。集约农业是农业中的一种经营方式。是把一定数量的劳动力和生产资料,集中投入较少的土地上,采用集约经营方式进行生产的农业。同粗放农业相对应,在一定面积的土地上投入较多的生产资料和劳动,通过应用先进的农业技术措施来增加农业品产量的农业,称“集约农业”。英语造句:机械化 集约农业是高效率的典型。Intensive mechanized agriculture is typically regarded as being efficient.
2023-01-09 17:58:081


FOUR.Agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry applications - the ecological environmental protection concerns At present, all over the world are of great importance to the development of sustainable agriculture (sustainable agriculture), hope that apart from agriculture economically viable, but also endless, does not destroy the ecological environment. Genetic engineering is available to help solve all these problems. Agricultural genetic engineering can be improved the nutritional content of food crops or enhance disease resistance characteristics. Category can increase the growth rate of livestock and poultry, cattle and sheep"s milk volume, improved meat quality and fat content. Edinburgh, UK scientists have can make sheep anti-human pancreatic secretion containing protein (α-1-antitryspin) of goat"s milk. Antitrypsin protein to treat hereditary emphysema, price very expensive. If it will be brought in by mass production of goat"s milk, will become very cheap. However, in order to foster the development of genetically engineered transgenic sheep the process is still very time-consuming and costly. Transgenic bacteria useful also great, such as GM bacteria digest garbage can of waste paper, and these bacteria can become a source of protein nutrition. Genetically modified bacteria can be a human gene to produce medical use, such as insulin and growth hormone. In fact, genetic engineering in agriculture on the application, in some respects in terms of rare. Since ancient times, people that efforts have planned breeding, such as a new species of wheat, is the result on hybrid bred Chiyoda duplicate. At present, much of the wheat contains genes derived from wild rye. Farmers in the morning before the invention of genetic engineering techniques known genes from an organism to another biological. Traditional breeding can also yield substantial improve. However, the slow process of traditional breeding, the result is often difficult to predict. Genetic engineering can choose a specific gene into the biological body, greatly improve breeding efficiency, but also put into the classification of genes on to very different organisms, which are traditional breeding can not. Shortly afterwards, at the United States will soon have genetically engineered tomatoes to cultivate out of the market. That tomatoes contain anti-sense gene (antisense gene), ripe tomatoes can not soften easily rotten. Genetic engineering could produce disease-resistant insect-resistant crops, to enable crops to produce their own "insecticide." So farmers do not need to spray pesticides and effort so that we have a healthy living environment. Drought can also be produced to fit the growth of salt-tolerant crops in poor conditions, thus overcoming the problem of third world food shortages. However, will have a "pesticide" of crops, may also be harmful to the environment, they may kill beneficial insects can not be expected, the impact of insect ecological balance. At high salt marsh plant bred genetically engineered crops, may interfere with the ecosystem. If the transformation of tropical crops they can grow in temperate regions may seriously harm the country"s economic development, because the output of fruit crops are their main source of revenue. Recently found against crop pests, has slowly evolved to resist genetically modified crops produced by the "pesticide" has. Genetic engineering to cultivate fish, also attracted a series of questions. At present, two genes has been sent to Lei, the first growth hormone, one antifreeze protein (antifreeze protein). If people do not care or deliberately put these fish Add natural river, lake, will seriously affect the nature of the fish ecology.
2023-01-09 17:58:141


2023-01-09 17:58:207

Agriculture is the country"s chief cource of wealth,wheat ___by for the biggest cereal corp

being~~~这整句agriculture是主语,后面wheat不能再另起动词,用being表伴随,相当于with wheat being the biggest…~~~
2023-01-09 17:58:446


2023-01-09 17:59:066

Journal of Integrative Agriculture 是SCI 吗

期刊名 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 出版周期:季刊属于SCI期刊,中科院分区 4区期刊2013年度影响因子:0.625杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:2095-3119该期刊审稿很严格,一审和二审采用不同的审稿人。也就是说二审相当于重新投稿,重新审稿,而二审的审稿人又会重新提一大堆意见。所以初审的审稿周期相当于一审和二审的时间,再加上自己一审后修改的时间,算起来,审稿周期已经超出了农业领域主流期刊的3个月。而且,风险较大,一审通过了,二审重新审的过程也有可能被拒掉。 考虑到该期刊影响力有限。投稿者需慎重。
2023-01-09 17:59:282

Journal of Advances in Agriculture是SCI收录的吗

  不是。  Journal of Integrative Agriculture是一类期刊杂志,中文名为《农业科学学报》。SCI指‘科学引文索引",英文全称Science Citation Index, 简称 SCI。于1957 年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, 简称 ISI)在美国费城创办,是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。50 多年来,SCI 数据库不断发展,已经成为当代世界最为重要的大型数据库,被列在国际六大著名检索系统之首。其所收录期刊的内容主要涉及数、理、化、农、林、医、生物等基础科学研究领域,选用刊物来源于40多个国家,50多种文字,其中主要的国家有美国、英国、荷兰、德国、俄罗斯、法国、日本、加拿大等,也收录部分中国(包括港澳台)刊物。
2023-01-09 17:59:411

computers and electronics in agriculture中文是什么意思

2023-01-09 17:59:461

Agriculture is the country"s chief source of

逗号后面用的是独立主格结构,前面已经是一个完整的句子,且用逗号连接,没有连词,所以后一句的动词应采用doing 形式
2023-01-09 17:59:522


late-model agriculturenewfashioned agriculture
2023-01-09 18:00:004


1. Agriculture plays a very important role in our national economy.
2023-01-09 18:00:154


agriculture ["æɡrikʌltʃə] n. 农业;农艺,农学farming ["fɑ:miŋ] n. 农业,耕作v. 耕种;出租(farm的ing形式)agro- ["æɡrəu] pref. 表示“农业”;表示“土壤”geoponics [,dʒi(:)əu"pɔniks] n.[复数,动词用单数]农艺,农耕技术,农作学,农业学[参较 hydroponics]
2023-01-09 18:00:291


不可以。 agriculture basel是SCI检索的国际期刊,不具备共享同学录的功能。
2023-01-09 18:00:351


Green food China"s pollution-free safety, quality, nutrition products collectively. Similar foods in other countries known as organic food and ecological food, natural food. May 1990, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture official provided the names of green food, standards and logo. The standard requirements: ① product or products the origin of raw materials must meet the ecological environment of green food standards. ② crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture and food processing must comply with green food production practices. ③ green food products must meet the quality and hygiene standards. ④ product labels must be consistent with China"s Ministry of Agriculture"s "green food logo design standards manual" in the relevant provisions. Green Food is a sign for the green circular logo, as the sun at the top, bottom and leaves for Beilei, signs for the protection of the implied meaning. Concept Green food is produced by a specific mode of production, by country and the specialized agencies finds that permits the use of green food signs of pollution-free, pollution-free, safe, high quality, nutrition-food. In many countries, green food and share many similar names and name, such as "eco-food", "food" and "blue angel food", "health food" and "Organic Agriculture food." As in the international community, for the protection of the environment and associated undertakings already accustomed to as a "green" message, therefore, in order to highlight such foods produced in a good ecological environment and strict processing procedures, in China, known as Unity "Green Food." Green food means that the pollution-free under the conditions of cultivation, breeding, organic fertilizer material, not highly toxic, high pesticide residues in the standard environment, production technology, product processing under the health standards, the authority finds that the use of special logo and the security, High-quality, nutritional food category collectively. Green food by the conditions: 1. Products or sources of raw materials, products must meet the ecological environment of green food quality standards; 2. Crop cultivation, animal husbandry, aquaculture and food processing must comply with green food production practices; 3. Green food products must meet the standards; 4. Product packaging, storage and transportation of green food packaging must meet the storage standards. Green food standards Green food standards issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on the recommendation of the agriculture industry standards (NY / T), is the green food production enterprises must comply with the implementation of standards. Green Food Standards divided into two technical levels, AA grade green food standards and A-level green food standards. Green food standards "from the land to the table," the entire process as the core concept of quality control, by the following four components: Environmental standards for green food production, "green food production environment technical conditions" (NY / T 391) Technical standards for green food production Green food product standards Green food packaging, storage transport standards The emergence of Green Food After the Second World War, Europe and the United States and Japan and other developed countries in the industrial modernization on the basis of modernization of agriculture has achieved. This respect greatly enriched the food supply in these countries, on the other hand there is also a serious problem, that is, with an endless stream of agricultural chemicals, a lot of input to the farmland, causing harmful chemicals in the soil and water biological In enrichment, and through the food chain to crops and livestock and poultry entering the body, leading to food contamination and ultimately harm human health. Thus, excessive reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture (also called "oil agriculture"), the environment, resources and human health hazards, and that such hazards are hidden, cumulative and long-term characteristics. 1962, the U.S. President"s Leiqieerka to East Lansing, Michigan City, to eradicate the beetle Elm hurt by the measures taken as an example, the disclosure of the pesticide DDT against other biological circumstances. DDT spraying the city with a large number of trees, leaves in autumn fall on the ground, worms eat the leaves, the earth Huichun know more after the birds eat worms, a week after the city"s more to know almost all the dead birds. Ms. Card"s "Silent Spring" wrote: "The world suffered extensive pollution Zhichong drugs, chemicals have penetrated for the survival of all living things in water, infiltrated into the soil and plants on the cloth into a harmful film… … Has on the human body have a serious hazard. Addition, the aftermath of the terrible scourge, may be a few years can not be found, and may even have an impact on the genetic, several generations are not aware of. ""s Card, no doubt the thesis Sounded the alarm to the whole world. In the early 1970s, the United States expanded to Europe and Japan to limit excessive chemical substances in order to protect the ecological environment and improve the food security of the "organic agriculture" affected the thinking of many countries. Some countries have begun to adopt economic measures and legal means to encourage and support national development and pollution-free food production. Since 1992 the United Nations, held in Rio de Janeiro Conference on Environment and Development, many countries proceed from agriculture, and actively explore the model of sustainable agricultural development in order to reduce the oil resources of agriculture to the environment and the serious pressure. Europe, the United States, Japan and Australia and other developed countries and some developing countries have accelerated the study of ecological agriculture. In this international context, China decided to develop non-polluting, safe, high-quality nutritious foods, and will they be known as the "green food." Green Food grading standards Green food in the approval process in the declaration of distinction between Class A and AA grade green approval. AA grade green approval means the ecological environment quality to the required standard of origin, production process of non-use of any harmful chemical substances, according to a specific production practices production, processing, packaging and product quality through testing, inspection to meet specific standards and The specialized agencies found that the license approval AA grade green logo products. AA grade green food in the production process does not use any harmful chemical synthetic material. A-level green food means the quality of the ecological environment in line with the provisions of origin, the production process to allow limited use of synthetic chemical substances defined by a specific production practices production, processing, packaging and product quality through testing, check with specific signs and The specialized agency finds that the permission to use the A-level signs of green food products. A level of green food in the production process to allow limited use of the limited material and chemical synthesis. Green food products packaging, decorating, the value of green food packaging labels, decorations should follow the "green food logo design standards manual", received the green signs ownership units, signs should be used for green food products both within and outside of the packaging. "Manual" to sign the standard green food graphics, standard fonts, graphics and fonts of norms, standards-color, advertising and terminology used in food packaging serialization of the standard graphics, numbering plan made stringent requirements, and cited the examples of applications. How to identify where consumers of green food green food products must be packaged (1], "one of the four-level green food", that is, sign graphics, "green food" literature, reference and security labels. (2] AA grade Green Food Logo color is white and marked with green standards for fonts, and the A-level green food base for the green signs marked with the standard font is white. (3] "Product Code" after or are being written on the bottom "by the China Green Food Green Food Development Center permission to use signs "for its English standards for the" Certified Chinese Creen Food Product ". (4] green food packaging labels should be in line with the state," GM food labelling standards "GB7718-94. Standards in food labelling requirements must be Marking the following areas: food name list of ingredients; fine solids content and content producers, who sell the name and address; date marks (production date, shelf life and storage guidelines]; quality (Quality Rating] ; Product standards; special tagging content. Logo is a green food by the China Green Food Development Center in State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office officially registered the quality certification marks. Green Food signs three-part composition, that is, at the top of the sun, the bottom of the blade and center Beilei. Logo for the radio is aimed to protect. The graphics painted a beautiful sun shining under the harmonious life, to tell people from the green food is pure, good ecological environment pollution-free food safety, people can bring about vigorous vitality. Green Food signs also remind people to protect the environment, by improving the relationship between people and the environment, create a new harmony of nature. Green food as a symbol of a particular product quality certification mark, the exclusive right to use its trademark by the "People"s Republic of China Trademark Law" to protect.
2023-01-09 18:00:501


Affect the physical environment of Western diet There are two major aspects. First, climate, topography one. Territorial area of China, the world"s third-largest country, vast territory and abundant resources. Is the so-called vast territory and abundant. Such a country, its geo-spatial span is great. China Cross-latitude of about 49 degrees north and south, land is about 5500 kilometers away; things across more than 60 longitude, about 5200 kilometers away from land. In such a vast land, a variety of geographical environment. But China"s most significant climate is temperate and subtropical monsoon climate. China monsoon significant, wide-ranging. China has a vast subtropical area, from south to north across latitudes 12 ° as much as China"s sub-tropical plants in the world share the same plant area of the greatest. Unlike the majority of sub-tropical areas of the world in many parts of the same latitude as manifested in the desert or grassland, due to the impact of the monsoon, in the hot season, abundant precipitation, warm and humid, as the world"s leading agricultural developed areas. China, the climate temperate, without arctic extreme heat. And this weather makes the most of the plants can grow. This is the people eating, the pursuit of diversification, but also varieties of Chinese cuisine and diverse causes. Chinese Food In addition to their physical strength, but also to enjoy food to bring people with a pleasant sense of color. China"s topography is also a complex and diverse. Plateau, mountains and hills account for a large proportion in China. In eastern China has a vast plain, during which also spread many Zhongshan, low mountains and hills. In the natural regional differences, the horizontal and vertical zone interlocking zone. Different levels of the mountain zone with a different vertical band structure, so as to enhance China"s natural conditions, the complexity and diversity. In addition, China has many large rivers. The Yangtze and the Yellow River is the most representative, but also the formation and development of Chinese civilization hotbed. Within the river basin due to fertile soil, abundant water, terrain flat. This premise has also greatly benefit the development of agriculture. Well-developed agriculture available to the people of many food, including crops used for seasoning, were planted by people. As most of the ingredients are mainly vegetables, but vegetables can only be used as food to eat and can not be used as fill their stomachs with food. The ultimate goal of eating is to be able to fill their stomachs with food - staple food, eat it. So people have to start thinking about how to change the taste of food in order to fill their stomachs make food taste better. In contrast, the West"s natural conditions are not conducive to the development of agriculture. We all know, the West"s climate to temperate maritime climate and Mediterranean climate dominated. Dongnuanxialiang temperate maritime climate, the annual temperature is small, throughout the year, rain, winter rain more. The Mediterranean climate is the summer heat, low rainfall in winter and humid. Temperate maritime climate of the characteristics that make light of the rainy little difficult to grow crops, yield is very low. The dry Mediterranean climate in summer is not conducive to plant growth. The coastal areas of the Arctic winter cold and summer is cool and short, is a cold tundra climate, is not suitable for growing industry. The topography of the western plains mainly glacier and mountain. Glacier plain is characterized as a small hill. As the plain a little ups and downs, but also makes agricultural practices very inconvenient. West, poor soil, lack of moisture, not kinds of rice grown on the western plains fat and tender green grass, large tracts of grassland fattened large sheep and cattle. In addition, the Western Gulf, the peninsula is also the terrain more than one of the major distinguishing features. Outline the level of fragmentation in Europe, a notable feature of physical geography. More than one third of the total area belonging to the peninsula and islands, of which the peninsula area is also of the entire Island area of 27% on every continent in the world is rare. The Scandinavian Peninsula, is Europe"s largest peninsula, the second largest peninsula, the Kola Peninsula, Jutland peninsula, the Crimean Peninsula and the Brittany Peninsula, and so on. A large number of the peninsula and islands to the edge of the European continent divided into a number of the edge of the ocean sea, inland sea and the Gulf. The Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, North Sea and the Bay of Biscay, the edge of Europe, the larger sea, the White Sea, Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Sea such as the in-depth within the mainland to become inland sea, or between the land and sea. Goes speakers backing Akayama, Kaohaichihai. Fishermen from fishing in the sea to contend with the waves naturally need a lot of physical strength. Imagine, raw fish is not only the Japanese patent, any fisherman who is not often eaten raw fish? So many of the Gulf is bound to the West a large number of fishermen, eating raw food is not the tradition handed down How can it be?
2023-01-09 18:00:564


vocational school of agriculture
2023-01-09 18:01:092


Monsoon paddy agriculture, agricultural commodity grain, mixed plantation agriculture,agriculture, transport five tropical agriculture
2023-01-09 18:01:181

请高人帮我翻译一下论文英语摘要 谢谢^^

AbstractSince has entered for the 21st century, the economical globalization and the region economic integration characteristic is increasingly prominent. The region economic organization more and more are also many, European Union, the North America free trading area and the Asian Pacific Economic Corporation organization has obtained the important success. In our country mainland Zhujiang Delta, the Yangtze River delta and the link Bohai Sea area, in under the region economic integration big background, has also obtained the important achievement, becomes three growths which our country economy grows extremely. But north Fujian Province receives the Yangtze River delta, south meets the Zhujiang Delta, in this long and narrow economical center, the economical growth is day by day awkward. In order to promote the economical growth, Fujian Province proposed the channel West bank economy constructs. But constructs in Heisey, the Fujian Taiwan economy becomes the Heisey economic zone the center of gravity to be at. The Fujian Taiwan has the blood relationship, the article solicits money, the geography near and so on the advantageous geographical superiority, the Fujian Taiwan in aspects and so on agriculture, agriculture and service industry has the strong complementarity. Our province should use this complementarity fully, strengthens the Fujian Taiwan economics and trade cooperation, altogether constructs the Fujian Taiwan region economy, causes it to become southeast our country in a coastal new economical growth extremely. This article through the correlation data statistics, separately from the agriculture, the industry and the service industry three aspects to the Fujian Taiwan financial circumstance, the competitive power and the complementarity carries on the analysis, finally puts forward the correlation policy proposal. Hoped the Fujian Taiwan enhancement agriculture, the industry and the service industry various aspects economic cooperation, obtains respective comparative advantage in the cooperation, promotes the economical growth. Key word: Economical globalization; Region economic organization; Agriculture; Industry; Service industry; Trade supplementary
2023-01-09 18:01:232


2023-01-09 18:01:322