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2023-08-24 18:47:23
TAG: seat sea se

seat 英[si:t] 美[sit]

n. 所在地; 席位,座位; 场所; 臀部;

vt. 使就座; 使就职; 使获得座位(或席位); 可容纳若干座位;

[例句]Stephen returned to his seat


[其他] 第三人称单数:seats 复数:seats 现在分词:seating 过去式:seated过去分词:seated




seats怎么读 seats解释

1、seats,读音:美/siu02d0ts/;英/si:ts/。 2、释义:n.[家具][车辆]座椅,座位(seat的复数形式)。 3、例句:Excuse me, are these seats taken?打扰一下,这些座位有人吗?
2023-08-18 04:23:461


seat的意思是:座位;骑姿;就座;容纳;固定。一、常用释义seat释义:n.座位;(椅子等的)座部;(机器的)基座;(议会、委员会、法庭等的)席位,职位;英议会议员选区;(组织或重大活动的)所在地;(大户人家在乡间的)别墅,宅邸;(骑马的)骑姿; v.使坐下,使就座;容纳,坐得下;使就职;固定,安装。例句:Excuse me, is this your seat?对不起,这是您的座位吗?变形复数:seats;第三人称单数:seats;现在分词:seating;过去式:seated;过去分词:seated。短语:back seat后座;seat belt安全带。二、双解释义名词,席位、职位a place as a member of an official or controlling body.动词,使就座、使就职cause or help to sit cause to assume or take office.
2023-08-18 04:24:261


2023-08-18 04:25:101


1、英 [si:t] 美 [sit] 。2、n.座位;坐处(如椅子等);有?座位的;(椅子等的)座部。3、vt.坐;向?提供座位;落座;可坐?人;能容纳?人。4、第三人称单数: seats复数: seats现在分词: seating过去式: seated过去分词:seated。
2023-08-18 04:25:171


seat [si:t] n. 座位;所在地;职位vt. 使…坐下;可容纳…的;使就职
2023-08-18 04:25:283


seated是形容词。seated用法比较特殊,需要记忆, 例如:我坐在操场上 翻译:I was seated on the gound. seating是动词seat的正在进行分词 扩展资料   seat:   n.座位,坐处(如椅子等);有…座位的;有…座的";(椅子等的)座部   v.向…提供座位;(使)就座;坐;落座;可坐…人;能容纳…人   第三人称单数: seats复数: seats现在分词: seating过去式: seated过去分词: seated   例句:   We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers.   为方便顾客我们备有座位。   Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne.   飞机升空时不要离开座位。   She sat in her usual seat at the back.   她坐在后排平时惯坐的位子上。   There were no seats left so I had to stand up.   没有座位了,所以我只好站着。
2023-08-18 04:25:361

seat的用法和搭配 关于seat的用法及解释

1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如: There are no seats left for the concert. 音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。 2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如: I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。 Be seated, everybody! 大家请坐吧! 3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如: That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。 seat的相关解释 n. 席位,座位;所在地;场所;臀部 vt. 使就座;使就职;使获得座位(或席位);可容纳若干座位 4、seat的例句 1. You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat. 你可以付费升级到商务舱。 2. This is a country where women usually take a back seat. 在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。
2023-08-18 04:25:451


过去式: seatedseat的其他时态:过去分词: seated,现在分词: seatingseat的意思是:座位;骑姿;就座;容纳;固定。一、常用释义seat释义:n.座位;(椅子等的)座部;(机器的)基座;(议会、委员会、法庭等的)席位,职位;英议会议员选区;(组织或重大活动的)所在地;(大户人家在乡间的)别墅,宅邸;(骑马的)骑姿; v.使坐下,使就座;容纳,坐得下;使就职;固定,安装。例句:Excuse me, is this your seat?对不起,这是您的座位吗?变形复数:seats;第三人称单数:seats;现在分词:seating;过去式:seated;过去分词:seated。短语:back seat后座;seat belt安全带。二、双解释义名词,席位、职位a place as a member of an official or controlling body.动词,使就座、使就职cause or help to sit cause to assume or take office.
2023-08-18 04:25:591


2023-08-18 04:26:242


大家认识seat这个单词吗?seat在英语中是比较常见的一个单词,它的用法是容易混淆的知识点之一,那么seat的用法有哪些呢?下面是我给大家带来的关于seat的用法及解释_seat的用法与例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ seat的解释 n. 席位,座位;所在地;场所;臀部 vt. 使就座;使就职;使获得座位(或席位);可容纳若干座位 ▼ seat的用法 1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如: There are no seats left for the concert. 音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。 2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如: I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。 Be seated, everybody! 大家请坐吧! 3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如: That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。 ▼ seat的 短语 be in the driving seat 担任负责人;处于统领地位 seat belt 安全带 back seat 后座 window seat 窗座;靠窗座位 ringside seat 台边前排席位;观看(或监视)的有利位置 bucket seat 凹背单人坐椅 hot seat 尴尬处境;困境;电椅 take a back seat 居于次要位置 ejection seat 弹射座椅 in the driving seat 处于控制地位 ejector seat 弹射座椅 love seat 双人沙发;S形爱侣沙发 booster seat 加座;加垫 bench seat 统座;一体式长座椅 sliding seat 滑座 box seat 包厢座位;驭者座 country seat 乡间邸宅;庄园 jump seat 折叠式加 座 safe seat 稳得席位; 保险 席位 in the catbird seat 处于优越(或有利)位置 ▼ seat的例句 1. You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat. 你可以付费升级到商务舱。 2. This is a country where women usually take a back seat. 在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。 3. She slipped into the driving seat and closed the door. 她溜进了驾驶座,关上了门。 4. He rose from his seat and made for the door. 他从椅子上起身向门口走去。 5. Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep. 弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。 6. Ramesh had reclined his seat and was lying back smoking. 拉梅什把椅背调低,倚在上面吸烟。 关于seat的用法及解释相关 文章 : ★ seat的用法总结大全 ★ 初中英语单词seat的用法及解释 ★ seat的用法和短语例句 ★ seat的用法和短语例句 ★ 关于usually的用法及解释 ★ seat的过去式和用法例句 ★ 关于argue的用法及解释 ★ consult的用法和短语例句 ★ 初中英语词汇share的用法总结 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-08-18 04:26:321

seat的用法和搭配 关于seat的用法及解释

1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如:  There are no seats left for the concert.  音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如:  I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。  Be seated, everybody! 大家请坐吧!3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如:  That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。  seat的相关解释  n. 席位,座位;所在地;场所;臀部  vt. 使就座;使就职;使获得座位(或席位);可容纳若干座位4、seat的例句  1. You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.  你可以付费升级到商务舱。  2. This is a country where women usually take a back seat.  在这个国家通常是男尊女卑。
2023-08-18 04:27:031

seat怎么读音 英语seat怎么读音

1、seat英[siu02d0t]美[siu02d0t],n.座位; 坐处(如椅子等); 有…座位的; (椅子等的)座部;vt.坐; 向…提供座位; 落座; 可坐…人; 能容纳…人。 2、[例句]We went early so as to get good seats.为了占到好座位,我们早早就去了。
2023-08-18 04:27:101


英语中sit和seat区别用法:1、seat和sit作为动词,都可以表示“坐”的意思。(1)seat是及物动词,比较正式,常以被动形式表示主动意义。如:HeisseatedbetweenJackandTom. 她坐在杰克和汤姆之间。Pleasebeseated.(=Pleaseseatyourself.)请坐。(2)sit通常作不及物动词用,比较口语化。如:Thestudentsaresittingattheirdesks. 学生们正坐在课桌旁。Sitdown,please.请坐。2、seat还可作名词用(而sit只能作动词用),常见短语takeaseat(相当于haveaseat或takeone"sseat),意为“坐下,就座”。如:Takeyourseat,please.请就坐。seat名词、座位。haveagoodseat,这里的seat指place,而不是chair。takeaseat/takeyourseat坐下来,就坐下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见:Istheseattaken?
2023-08-18 04:27:193


问题一:换位置用英语怎么说 general maintenance, hiring support staff and 问题二:与某人交换座位用英语怎么说? can I swap seats with you? 问题三:"换座位"的英语怎么说? exchange the seats 问题四:你们两个男孩调换一下位置 用英语怎么说 40分 Mr. x and Mr. x, will you please exchange your seats? Mr. x and Mr. x, please exchange your seats. Mr. x and Mr. x, exchange your seats please! Exchange your seats, you two! 越来越强硬~ 问题五:互换位置的英语翻译 互换位置用英语怎么说 互换位置 [词典] [经] transposition; [例句]我认为,如果科比和麦迪互换位置,同样的故事也会发生在他们身上。 I think the story would be the same if Kobe and T-Mac switched places. 问题六:与某人交换座位用英语怎么说 与某人交换座位 Exchange seats with *** 注: exchange 英 [?ks?t?e?nd?] 美 [?ks?t?end?] n. 交换; 交易所; 交易; 兑换(率); vt. 兑换; 交换,互换; 交换,调换; vi. 交换,替换; 进行易货贸易,作物物交换; [金融业] (货币) 交换,兑换; [例句]We exchanged addresses and Christmas cards. 我们交换了地址和圣诞贺卡。
2023-08-18 04:27:431


v.(动词)seat.ed,,及物动词)To place in or on a seat.使就座:把…放在座位上To cause or assist to sit down:使坐下:使或帮助…坐下:The ushers will seat the members of the bride"s family.引座员会引导新娘的家人就座To provide with a particular seat:给安排座位:提供一个特别的座位:The usher seated me in the back row.引座员给我提供后排的一个座位To have or provide seats for:供给…座位:拥有或为…提供座位:We can seat 300 in the auditorium.我们这个礼堂可容纳三百人To install in a position of authority or eminence.使就位:使…登上权力或显赫的位置To fix firmly in place:使…固定在位置上:seat an ammunition clip in an automatic rifle.把子弹夹装在自动来福枪上v.intr.(不及物动词)To rest on or fit into another part:装在…上:放在或装在另一部分上:The O-rings had not seated correctly in their grooves.这O形圈无法装入他们的车辙内
2023-08-18 04:28:131


seat用法:1、作名词用,意为“座位”。例如:There are no seats left for the concert.音乐会没有剩余的坐位了。2、seat 通常用作及物动词,与反身代词连用或用 be seated 这一形式。例如:I seated myself on the grass.我在草地上坐下。3、seat还可作“能坐人”解,主语往往是地方。如:That cinema can seat 2000 people.那家电影院能坐二千人。有关的造句如下:1、We can onlyseat two in the truck.(我们的敞篷货车里只能坐两个人。)2、I climbed over into the backseat.(我爬过去坐在了后座上。)3、The empty whisky bottle clinked against theseat.(空威士忌瓶叮当一声撞上了座位。)4、Excuse me, is this yourseat?(对不起,这是您的座位吗?)
2023-08-18 04:28:201

It has the most comfortable seats是形容词最高级还是副词最高级如果是前者,那

2023-08-18 04:29:175

seat 复数

这个句子里的It肯定指代的是某个场所,说明这个场所里有最舒服的位子,那位子不止一个, 所以seat要用复数. 到底名词要用单数还是复数最主要还是要看句子来理解 如:She is the most beautiful girl in her class. 在她班里,她是最漂亮的, 那这里的girl主要是指代的she,是单数,所以不用加s 所以用的时候注意句子意思就行了,并没有什么特殊规律的
2023-08-18 04:29:491


在英语中,冠词+时间可以代表时间状语,而且像the moment,the minute,the instant这些词还可以引导时间状语从句不过in a minute当然也是可以的 a minute主要还是一个口语化的表达。
2023-08-18 04:30:503

book the seats

答案:ABC 提示: M: I"d like to book seats for “Hamlet" please. W: Yes sir. M: Have you got any seats downstairs? W: Yes we have. M: How much are they? W: $3 .75 each. M: Are there any seats for $2.50? W: Yes there are —upstairs. How many? M: Four please. W: For which night? M: What about Saturday October 21st? W: I can give you four seats in ROW 8. M: How long will the performance last? W: Two and a half hours. M: Thank you. How much will that be? W: $10.
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2023-08-18 04:31:134


seats left座位双语对照例句:1.The question of sponsor and vip access to events is also sensitiveand london can ill-afford to allow the huge banks of empty seats leftby sponsors in beijing to be repeated. 赞助人和贵宾观看赛事的问题同样敏感,伦敦可不能让北京给赞助人保留的大排大排的席位大部都空着的局面重演。
2023-08-18 04:31:342

flash seats 是什么意思

flash seats闪光的座位Bullet trains will flash on; flat panels will continue to shine; toilet seats will still warm up; factories will hum as they hummed before. 子弹头列车呼啸而过;平版显示器仍会熠熠生辉;马桶坐垫仍会有人坐;工厂里仍将轰轰作响,恰如往昔。
2023-08-18 04:31:422

no empty seat

答案:B 根据上句There are no empty seats on this flight和下句关键词but可知,下个航班有少量座位.seats是可数名词,little,a little是不可数的.故排除.few,a few是可数的,a few表肯定,few含否定意味,不合题意,故选B
2023-08-18 04:31:491

no seat还是no seats

2023-08-18 04:32:041

All you can eat seats是什么意思?谢谢

eat seats是吃席的意思,所以译为:你们都可以上席(就餐)了。
2023-08-18 04:32:111


1.seating n. 提供座位 Do we have enough seating for the guests? 我们有足够的座位让客人们就座吗? 2.sitting n. 入席,就座,开会,孵卵 adj. 坐着的,就座的,在任期中的,孵卵中的,易击中的 n. 坐席,座位 We were using crates as seats. 我们用大木箱作为座位. 所在地,场所; 中心 席位,职位 She won a seat in Parliament at the election. 她在选举中赢得了议会中的席位. 4.seated adj.就座的,固定的 老兄这些单词多用网上在线词典查查就知道了,自己动手查再对比,更加深记忆
2023-08-18 04:32:191


这里是非谓语动词做定语,与前面的被修饰词 seats是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词做定语,也可以扩展为定语从句 that/which are reserved for children.
2023-08-18 04:32:306

缺少位置翻译是,there is a lack of seats 还是 there is lack of seats ?两者有什么区别吗?

lack 不可数,但前者也常使用
2023-08-18 04:32:473

Is it always easy to get seats for the theater?for what kind of performence is it safer to book ...

2023-08-18 04:33:051

the journey was tiring all the seats

答案:A 句意表达的是过去的事实,要用一般过去时态;occupy占用,与seats之间构成动宾关系,要用被动.故选A.
2023-08-18 04:33:121


2023-08-18 04:34:182

爱心专座译为priority seats,运用了什么翻译方法呢?

我反而觉得在英语这个专有名词就是priority seats,直译的话是优先座椅,针对有优先权的群体,比如老人,带小孩的人,孕妇等等。爱心专座是国内的说法,并没有去强调优先。这两个词是指的同样的东西,所以我觉得更像是把两组词对应起来,而不是直接去翻译了呢
2023-08-18 04:34:282

英语 问题 When I got to the reading room, all the seats had been taken什么意思,为什么是被动

2023-08-18 04:34:375

be seated 与seat的用法

seat作动词时是一个及物动词(vt.),后面一定要跟宾语(即使是跟反身代词) 主要意思如下: 1.使就座;向…提供座位;落座 The usher seated us in the front row.引座员让我们在前排就座. She seated herself on the table.她坐在桌子上.=She was seated on the table. = She sat on the table. 2.可容纳若干座位;可坐…人;能容纳…人 The theatre seats 2000 persons. 剧院能容纳两千人. 3.使就职 The Queen of that country was seated last year.那个国家的女王是去年登基的.
2023-08-18 04:34:511


精妙的英语是Subtle。Subtle是形容词,意思有:不明显的;不易察觉的;隐约的;敏感的;敏锐的;有辨别力的;精巧的;精妙的;机智的;机巧的;狡猾的。同义词有:delicate;clever;cunning。同义词解释如下:1、delicate。形容词:精致的;精美的;雅致的;娇贵的;柔弱的;脆弱的;虚弱的;衰弱的;棘手的;微妙的;伤脑筋的;敏感的;体贴的;细腻的;过分拘谨的;矜持的。名词:珍馐;佳肴。2、clever。形容词:聪明的;机灵的;精明的;狡猾的;滑头的;巧妙的;精巧的;(尤指手)灵巧的;表面聪明的;小聪明的;健康的;健壮的。3、cunning。形容词:狡诈的;狡猾的;诡诈的;聪明的;灵巧的;巧妙的;精巧的;新颖独特的。名词:狡猾;狡诈;诡诈;聪明;熟练;灵巧。例句:1、delightfully subtle scents.怡人的淡淡香气。2、Hughes was a nice man, but not a subtle one.休斯是个和气的人,但没有什么辨别力。
2023-08-18 04:24:531


2023-08-18 04:24:583

Peter Kam的《Ripples》 歌词

歌曲名:Ripples歌手:Peter Kam专辑:伊莎贝拉The Grateful Dead"Ripple"If my words did glow with the gold of sunshineAnd my tunes were played on the harp unstrungWould you hear my voice come thru the musicWould you hold it near as it were your own?It"s a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken,Perhaps they"re better left unsungI don"t know, don"t really careLet there be songs to fill the airRipple in still waterWhen there is no pebble tossed,Nor wind to blowReach out your hand if your cup be emptyIf your cup is full may it be again,Let it be known there is a fountainThere is a road, no simple highway,Between the dawn and the dark of nightAnd if you go no one may followThat path is for your steps aloneRipple in still waterWhen there is no pebble tossed,Nor wind to blowYou who choose, to lead must followBut if you fall you fall aloneIf you should stand then who"s to guide you?If i knew the way i would take you homeLa dee da da dala da da da dada da da, da da, da da da da daLa da da dala da da, da dala da da da, la da, da da。。。
2023-08-18 04:25:051

There is a _______ difference between these two words.a.subtle c.subdue d.subsequent

选A. 句子意思: 这两个词之间有微妙/细微的的差异. 选项辨析: a.subtle adj.微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的 adj.急剧的;锋利的;强烈的;敏捷的;刺耳的 c.subdue vt.征服;抑制;减轻 d.subsequent adj.后来的,随后的 按照句子意思,选A合适. 祝你开心如意!
2023-08-18 04:25:111


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2023-08-18 04:24:456

subtle discriminating是近义词吗

不是 subtle 微妙的; 巧妙的; 敏感的; 狡猾的; discriminating 有鉴别能力的,有识别能力的;
2023-08-18 04:24:431

电气图纸中WDZN-YJY-5X16 SC40/CT.WS代表什么

2023-08-18 04:24:423


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2023-08-18 04:24:252

中国人民大学艺术学院 与中国艺术研究院 的研究生 哪个更容易考些?

2023-08-18 04:24:231


2023-08-18 04:24:181