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2023-08-24 18:32:48
TAG: 英文 翻译


英文翻译And others on the contrary



顺手采纳答案正好 的英语是just right例句:it is just right for you这东西正好适合你
2023-08-18 03:31:342

英语so,just be clear怎么翻译?

so,just be clear跟读所以,说清楚点重点词汇释义just只是;正好;恰好;正当…时;不少于;同样;公正的;正义的;正当的;合理的;正直的人;公正的人;合适的;恰当的be clear清楚例句1.So, just to be clear, will the show its format be like that of the documentary? 所以,需要明确的是,这个节目的形式会像纪录片一样吗?
2023-08-18 03:32:319

准确的,恰好的,正好的 英文怎么说

2023-08-18 03:33:055


2023-08-18 03:33:324


2023-08-18 03:34:025


2023-08-18 03:34:382

正好 英文怎么说

2023-08-18 03:34:494


问题一:恰好适合用英语怎么说 Just fit 恰好适合 不,我认为我恰好适合这个职位。 No, I think I am an excellent match for this job. 如果您的问题集恰好适合Haskell,那么更高级别的抽象就适合您。 If your problem set is a good fit for Haskell, that higher abstraction will work for you. 这座房子恰好适合我的需要。 The house exactly corresponds with my need. tdict 她的身材恰好适合穿着我设计的服装。 Her body was the exact right shape to pull it off. 问题二:正好恰好英文怎么说? just 问题三:她是不是真心的拒绝我? 女孩嘛,总是口是心非,但现在重要的是学业,她或许怕学习上落后了吧,你就等等她嘛,或许以后会更幸福呢!!! 问题四:正好 刚好 恰好 用英语怎么表达? 这个可以用复杂高级的语法结构表达 no sooner... than... 一...就... 引导时间状语从句,主句用过去完成时,than后面的从句用一般过去时.(从这里可以知道,no sooner后面是主句;than后面是从句) 例: I had no sooner reached home than it began to rain. 我一到家天就下起雨来 No sooner ...than...常放在句首,表示强调.这时主句要倒装. 例:No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain. 与这个短语类似的还有 hardly ... when 意思为:还没...就... 例: We had hardly gotten there when it began to rain. 我们还没到那儿,天就下起雨了. (主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时) Hardly...when...也常放在句首 例: Hardly had we gotten there when it began to rain.可以翻译成正好 恰好 还可以用 be about to do when 也可以翻译成这个意思的 如果是写作文 这些都是经典句型 希望采纳 纯手打 问题五:恰好做某事,的英语短语是什么啊 happen to do sth 问题六:准确的,恰好的,正好的英文怎么说 翻译结果 准确的,恰好的,正好的英文怎么说 Accurate, just, just how to say it in English 问题七:准确的,恰好的,正好的 英文怎么说 准确的 Accurate 恰好的 鼎xactly 正好的 Just right 问题八:正要做什么,恰好发生when英语短语 例句:I am reading when my mum es in. I am reading when my mum is cooking. 问题九:用英语怎么说“恰好和他是同路” to happen to go to the same direction
2023-08-18 03:34:561


what a sunny day 不知道对不
2023-08-18 03:35:055


正好在银行对面的英文是:It"s just opposite the bank。含有bank的双语例句1、Take this to the bank for me, would you?请替我把这送到银行去好吗?2、All I know is that she used to work in a bank.我只知道她曾在银行工作过。3、There were low banks of earth between the rice fields.稻田之间有低矮的田埂。4、He"s been working in a bank since leaving school.他中学毕业以后一直在一家银行工作。5、Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank.利率可由中央银行指示控制。6、What time does the bank close?那家银行什么时候关门?
2023-08-18 03:35:223


sunshine ,wind, freedom.
2023-08-18 03:36:206


just right for sth.
2023-08-18 03:36:363


问题一:正位的,常位的,正位的用英语怎么说最合适 正位的 [词典] orthotopic; eutopic; orthophoric; [医] entopic; [例句]方法选择在斜视矫正术后获得眼正位的113例共同性斜视儿童患者作为研究对象。 Methods 113 cases that get normal eye position after strabi *** us surgery are chosen as research subjects. 问题二:“”正好适合散步”用英语怎么说? It"s just right for walking 问题三:它大小正合适的英语怎么写 它大小正合适 Its size is right 它大小正合适 Its size is right 问题四:中,正在进行中用英语怎么说最合适 中,正在进行中_ 翻译结果: , is now under way 问题五:我正在直播 用英文应该怎么说? I AM broadcast 麻烦采纳,谢谢 问题六:正确英文怎么写 正确[zhèng què] correct; right; proper; exactness; exactitude 1你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字,你就了解它了。 If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you prehend it. 2这是个困难的决定,但是我们认为我们做出了正确的选择。 It was a very tough decision but we feel we made the right one
2023-08-18 03:36:431

英文问题求解。 当顾客付款时钱正合适,我可以说 There is no change 吗?正好啊 或?

en .shide
2023-08-18 03:36:534


2023-08-18 03:37:212


2023-08-18 03:37:323


英文翻译如下:No worries. I can practice my English also.
2023-08-18 03:37:431


The white chair is too hard,the green one is too soft and the black one is just right.
2023-08-18 03:37:515


cBehind bad luck comes good luck.
2023-08-18 03:38:186

英语作文“我从英语中学到了什么”. xi下午就要用,能写的帮我写一篇哦!谢谢啦!!!

正好英文写作老师上个月也留了这个作文给我们,这个是我那个时候写的,希望对你有帮助!Sometimes I frequently asked myself that what I have learnt from studying English? My answers are there are many of them. How to solve problem, how to study it effectively and efficiently and so on perhaps are several of them . I"d like to talk about such questions specifically here.The biggest problem most people face in learning English is their own fear. They worry that they won"t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don"t talk at all. Don"t do this. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right. Like anything, learning English requires practice. Don"t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want. Even if you study English at a language school it doesn"t mean you can"t learn outside of class. Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster. There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don"t limit yourself to only one or two. The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it"s perfect. The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.”
2023-08-18 03:39:141


Just right opposite
2023-08-18 03:39:255

英语否定疑问句 怎样回答 ? 如:Isn‘t he cute(聪明)怎样回答

2023-08-18 03:39:534


英语翻译已死怎么用英语翻译 已死 [词典] in heaven; [例句]据猜测,他已死了两天。 At a guess he"s been dead for o days. 英语翻译(口语翻译) 1 广告成为为人们服务的一种形式 【Advertisement has bee a form of service for people】 2.广告具有资讯性,它为人们提供了许多日常生活的资讯 【Advertisement is informative, it provides people with a lot of daily life information 】 3.广告能帮助人们买卖商品 【Advertisement can help people buy and sell goods】 4.广告能拓宽人们的知识面 【Advertisement can help people broaden their knowledge】 5.广告也有负面影响 【Advertisement also has a negative effect】 6.我们应该合理运用广告 【We should use advertisement properly.】 1.Thank you for your letter congratulating me on my sueeding in the high-school entering test. 2.I will hold a celebrating party at 5:30 p.m on Sunday afternoon,hoping your attending. 3. My father will drive to the train station to pick up John. 4. We will book the returning ticket at ten p.m for you. 5. My parents will prepare rich dinner for us. 6. We can municate with our friends about the history culture of o countries after dinner. 7. Expect your arriving. I am in Senior one ,I have learned English for more than five years。 I wanna join the international e-pal to make more friends I have broad interest, such as music, sports, painting, etc., but during my leisure time, I love to surf the Inter and making friends I care about others, and I can go through thick and thin with others 如果还有不懂可以问我 英语翻译 语言翻译 对于人家这么重要的信,楼上那位居然用翻译机来糊弄,无语。 帮人也是帮自己,我正好在练英文打字,于是顺带就帮你翻译一下吧~~ ^_^ Dear (人名) I"m feeling extremely ashamed for not doing the things I promised well. I feel so sorry to let you down. Communicating with you in English has always been my dream, and I truly have a lot of things to tell you. With English I can know about your physical condition, your view on my job and you can get to know my feelings. When I watched your eyes today, I was feeling really ashamed, which had never ourred before. I was dying to tell you that I"m working very hard for my dream. I hope you can give me another chance, and you have my word that absolutely I will master English, whatever it takes! Next time you and I meet together I"ll be able to talk to you in English, about things happened around me. I"ll be able to report to you about my jobs and progress. Here is my last request. Would you please be my English teacher? If you don"t mind, I would like to make a phone call with you when you are convenient, which may oupy couple minutes of yours. I sincerely wish you are healthy. Your physical health has always been my concern. Hope you always live a life with happiness and healthiness. With love.(其实我觉得友谊的话应该改成with friendship) Yours James 全文尽量避免初中以上词汇,你朋友看不出的~~ 27英语翻译英语 当我的母亲问我为什么我在和我的姐姐打架时,我其实是可以省略掉我在骂我姐姐的那一部分的,但是我没那么做,因为那样我说的话就不是真实的了。 o little *** ing bears with their *** ing grid pepsi logo shirts how do you even know they"re females 英语翻译(汉语翻译成英语) I think it is good for a teacher to have humor in class , because it can improve students‘interest in this course.And humor can relax the brain, keep people away from the state of tension, and this make our learnning much more easier. Humor helps teacher and students to create good and happy classroom atmosphere.The teacher can give full play of his own opinion in the class, and at least it is better than focusing on one point for the students. Students can also be happy to learn knowledge in a easy environment ! They naturally would not think that learning is a boring and silly thing! Therefore, humor in the class is an indispensable flavoring agent! 英语翻译 机械英语 翻译句子 其它不同设计﹑型别的机械是 水平和垂直双向 运作的机械, 他们是专门为其它应用而设计的。 据英语的习惯,(我估计)短语“both vertical and horizontal machines ” 在前面几个句里 并没有 出现,所以 “other designs and variations” ”就是指 “both vertical and horizontal machines ” 。 类似的说法如 city of New York 求英语翻译,汉词翻译为英语 天源--T-joy 开源--K-run 博瑞--Broad-ree 富临--Furie 巨集达--honta 科伦--Khrone 蓝光--langour 九洲--Still join 南骏--South Turn 希望对你有帮助 英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译He plays basketball well.为什么用well不用good?用good... 解答: well是副词,用来修饰动词,good是形容词,用来修饰名词。 he plays baketball well. well 修饰动词play,所以不能用good修饰。 谢谢
2023-08-18 03:40:011

阳光正好。 英文?

2023-08-18 03:40:433


英文怎样表示:正好相反 OPPPSITE AT ALL 或者正如沙发所说 Absolutely not. 我的看法和他正好相反 用英语翻译 In my opinion and he is just the opposite相反用英文怎么说? 40分 opposite contrary adverse reverse inverse on the contrary in contrast 庄子想的刚好相反英语怎么说 Chuang tzu thought the opposite 情况恰好相反的英文怎么说 情况恰好相反 The situation is just on the contrary. "事实恰恰相反"英语怎么说? It"s the other way around. 正好相反/恰好相反。 You are pletely wrong on this case. (你在这件事上完全错误) You should hav供 another guess ing. (你大错特错) 在句子上下文的情况下,等同于 事实恰恰相反 的意思。
2023-08-18 03:40:521


I"m also studying English.
2023-08-18 03:41:002


你通常在周六熬夜到午夜吗?Do you usually stay up at late midnght on Saturdays?你想买点什么?What can I buy for you?他们还买些什么?What else did they buy?〔应该是did不是do吧。听上去不通。〕词组(注意不是句子也不是一个单词)你穿上很好看: It looks good on you. (意译) 或You look good wearing it. (直译)正好在那边: It"s right there. (意译) 或Coincidentally, it"s over there.(直译)大减价: Big sale付钱: (to) pay (for something)顺便来吃晚饭:(to) stop by for dinner连续剧: Soap opera或TV series
2023-08-18 03:41:102


阳光正好,微风不燥,不负美好时光,所得皆所愿The sun is just, the breeze is not dry, do not live up to the good times, all is hope
2023-08-18 03:41:172


吴 俦 网 Wucho Net 回英语学习 回创作区 回软体工厂 What has a mouth and a fork but never eats? A river. 什么东西有张嘴还有叉子,但是从来不吃东西?(河流)[河流有河口及分叉处] What has a hand but can"t scratch itself? A clock. 什么东西有手,但是却没办法抓痒?(时钟) What has no skin or bones yet has four fingers and a thumb? A glove. 什么东西没有皮肤及骨头,但是却有四只手指跟一只大姆指?(手套) Mrs. Bigger has a baby. Now who is bigger? The baby because it is a little Bigger. 『比较大』先生有个婴儿,请问究竟谁比较大?(婴儿,因为婴儿是"a little bigger") [此处借用英文的比较级之副词修饰语"a little"来比喻。通常外国人说某人的小婴儿都会说a little+对方之姓名,比如a little Johnny指的就是Johnny先生的宝贝婴儿。] What part of a watch was used before by someone else? The second hand. 手表的哪个部份在别人用之前已经被用过了?(二手货-秒针)[此处的second指的是时钟的秒针,英文中的秒针与二手货正巧是同一个字。] Why is an empty purse always the same? Because there is never any CHANGE in it. 为什么空的皮夹总是一样的?(因为空的皮夹中绝对不会有零钱/改变。)[英文中的『零钱』与『改变』是同一个字"change"。] Where can you always find money when you look for it? In the dictionary. 当你想找『钱』时,哪边总是能找得到?(字典)[因为字典一定找得到『钱』这个字。] What is something that never asks any questions but demands a great many wers? A doorbell. 什么东西从不问问题,但是得到很多回应?(门铃) What belongs to you but is used more by other people? Your name. 什么东西是属于你的,但是别人使用的次数比你多?(你的名字) Why was the dog mad at the tree? Because the tree had its BARK. 为什么狗总是会对树发狂?(因为树有『树皮』。) [英文的Bark有二个意思,一个是树皮,一个是狗叫。] How are trees cars and elephants alike? They both have a trunk! 树木、车子、大象相同的地方在哪里?(因为他们都有"trunks")[因为trunk有树干、后车厢、象鼻的意思] How do you catch a monkey? Act like a banana. 你要如何才能抓住猴子?(装疯卖傻)[在英文中,go banana有装疯卖傻的意思,这个谜语是用猴子爱吃的香蕉影射抓猴子的方法。] What"s the best way to catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut. 要抓住松鼠最好的办法是?(爬到树上,装成笨蛋的样子。)[英文中的nut有坚果及笨蛋的意思,答案的意思是假扮成坚果就可以吸引松鼠。] What did the dog say when he sat on the sand paper? Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! 当狗坐在砂纸上时,它会说什么?[ruff是狗叫的声音,正好跟英文中的 rough(粗糙的)发音相同,砂纸给人的感觉就是粗粗的,所以狗坐在上面发出ruff的声音就好像在说好粗糙。] What vegetable do you get when an elephant walks through your garden? Squash 当大象行过你的花园时,你会得到什么蔬菜?(南瓜)[因为在英文中,squash有南瓜及压碎的意思。大象走过你的花园,物品都会被压碎,故取此同义] I am heavy I am cool water in me hard to lose... bring me repair if I do.... wer: washing machine 参考: me
2023-08-18 03:41:251


2023-08-18 03:41:375


把一个单词分开。。如sweater(毛衣)分开就是sw eat er 这样记就行了。。还有。。history(历史) 就是his(他的) to(动词) ry 也可以啊。。
2023-08-18 03:42:194


Aeneas 埃尼斯:源自希腊语.含义“受称赞的”(commended),男子名Ainger[英格兰人姓氏]安杰。来源于日耳曼语人名,含义是“神+矛”(god+spear)Aitken[苏格兰人姓氏]艾特肯。Adam的昵称Aitkin[英格兰人姓氏]艾特金。Adam的昵称Alaric[男子名]阿拉里克。来源于日耳曼语,含义是“全部的+权力”(all+power)Albert[男子名][英格兰人姓氏]艾伯特。来源于日耳曼语人名,含义是“高贵的+灿烂的,著名的”(noble+bright,famous)
2023-08-18 03:42:361


问题一:正巧近义词是什么 正巧的近义词――恰好、刚巧、恰巧、正好 正巧:【拼音】:[zhèng qiǎo] 【释义】:正好,恰巧。 问题二:正巧的近义词是什么 正巧近义词: 刚巧,恰好,恰巧 正巧_百度汉语 [拼音] [zhèng qiǎo] [释义] 1. 正好我去找他,他正巧不在家 问题三:正巧和恰好的区别 基本解释◎ 正巧 zhèngqiǎo(1) [happen to; chance to]∶刚巧(2) [just in time]∶正好我去找他,他正巧不在家 近义词恰好、恰巧 英文翻译1.(正好) happen to; chance to; as it happens 详细解释正好,恰巧。《太平天肫鹨宓拇说u30fb红头军和白头军》:“等 严扣瞎子 吃过饭,正巧太平军又朝着海堤冲过来了。”如:我想叫人去请你,正巧你来了。 恰好[qià hǎo] 生词本基本释义 详细解释 [just right]∶正好;刚好 这块布恰好够做一件衬衣 [in the nick of time]∶适值其时 援兵恰好这时赶到 [in perfect]∶形式精确或比例一致地 它的裂缝恰好与底面相平行 近反义词近义词凑巧 刚好 刚巧 恰巧 恰恰 正好 正巧 适值反义词太甚
2023-08-18 03:42:571

英语the sun came out怎么翻译?

the sun came out 太阳出来了
2023-08-18 03:43:0815


2023-08-18 03:43:431


英文地址的顺序正好和中文地址相反,是从小到大的顺序。第一个:OMC Room,Quanqiutong Building 2F, NO.6 Jihua 5 Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Prov. China.第二个:Room 1902-1904, Yongfeng Building 1, NO.12, Tongji West Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Prov. China.其中“永丰大厦一座”我也不知道翻的对错,你还是等等其他人的回答。
2023-08-18 03:45:024


"In contrast"和 "on the contrary" 都是表示对比关系的短语,这两个短语在释义、用法、使用环境、形象和影响范围上有一些区别。1. 释义区别:- "In contrast"意味着与之相对比的东西或观点,强调两个或多个事物之间的差异。例句:In contrast to her sister, she prefers staying home on the weekends.(与她姐姐相比,她更喜欢在周末呆在家里。)- "On the contrary"表示与之相反的观点或情况,用于否定前面所说的内容或做出相反的陈述。例句:He is not lazy; on the contrary, he is one of the most hardworking people I know.(他不懒惰,相反地,他是我认识的最勤奋的人之一。)2. 用法区别:- "In contrast"常用于比较两个或多个事物之间的差异或对比。例句:The two paintings are quite different in style. In contrast to the abstract one, the other one is realistic.(这两幅画的风格非常不同。与抽象的相比,另一幅是写实主义的。)- "On the contrary"常用于否定或修正前面的观点,并提出相反的观点或情况。例句:I thought he would be angry with me, but on the contrary, he was very understanding.(我以为他会生我的气,但相反地,他非常理解。)3. 使用环境区别:- "In contrast"通常用于引出对比的事物或观点,并进行比较分析。例句:In contrast to the busy city life, the countryside offers a peaceful and quiet environment.(与繁忙的城市生活相比,乡村提供了一个宁静和安静的环境。)- "On the contrary"通常用于在先前的观点或情况上提出相反的看法或情况。例句:I expected her to be sad, but on the contrary, she seemed very happy.(我以为她会伤心,但相反地,她看起来非常开心。)4. 形象区别:- "In contrast"更为客观,强调两个事物之间的差异和对比。例句:In contrast to the small cottage, the mansion next door looks grand and impressive.(与旁边的小屋相比,豪宅看起来宏伟而令人印象深刻。)- "On the contrary"更多地强调反转或对先前观点的否定,具有较强的对比效果。例句:I thought the movie would be boring, but on the contrary, it was really captivating.(我原以为这部电影会很无聊,而实际上正好相反,它非常引人入胜。)5. 影响范围区别:- "In contrast"涵盖的范围较广,可以是各个方面的对比,包括事物的性质、特点、外观、行为等多个方面的比较。例句:In contrast to her outgoing personality, her sister is quite introverted.(与她外向的个性相比,她姐姐相当内向。)- "On the contrary"更侧重于在对比中提出相反的观点或情况,通常涉及到具体的陈述或观点。例句:I thought she would be upset about the news, but on the contrary, she was very excited.(我以为她会对这个消息感到不高兴,但相反地,
2023-08-18 03:45:111


1 Chinese New Year is usually the goods in January February, is the family reunion. We put on new clothes, visiting friends, children can receive a red envelope, we can watch during the day and 50 at night we watch the Spring Festival. . (2) shall not be noisy, quiet, 丨 not be out of reading room. Not the food into the reading room. Remember to protect the books. 3. My name is Wei-hua, born in 1995. I Wujiang people. Wujiang is a modern city. His close from Suzhou, Suzhou by bus to know about half an hour. His beautiful and clean is a good place to live and visit. If you go to Wujiang, I can take you to visit my hometown
2023-08-18 03:45:376


从前有一只小马,来到一条河边,要过河。但他不知道河水有多深,于是他去问小象河水深不深,小象说:河水很浅,我淌着就过去了。小马又去问小羊河水深不深,小羊说:河水很深,千万别去,上次差点把我冲走。最后小马自己去过了一下河,才发现,河水不深不浅,他正好可以渡过河去。 Mummy asks a little horse to carry a bag of wheat home. On the way home.The little horse meets a small river.He is very worried."What should I do?" He thinks. At this time,he meet a squirrel. "Can I cross the river?"the little horse asks,"Oh,you can"t The river is very deep.You willdrown."the squirrel says. The little horse is very ofraid.He cries. A coe comes to the little herse."What is the matter with you,little horse?"The cow asks. "I can"t cross this river.It"s very deep."the little horse answers."Oh,don"t worry This river isn"t deep at all.I am sure you can cross the river easily.Try!"the coe days. The little horse stops crying.He tries his best and crosses the river. Moral:You never know what you can do until you try.
2023-08-18 03:46:142


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英文名这样生成:方法一:起一个与中文名字“谐音”的英文名字。比如李梅,可以起May ·Li,“梅”与May正好谐音。方法二:根据英文名字的内在含义,选择一个您喜欢的英文名字。许多英文名字,来自希腊神话、罗马神话和《圣经》,因而具有某种内在含义。比如:Catherine凯瑟琳-- 表示纯洁。方法三:直接选取单个英文字母作为专属自己的英文名。英文有二十六个字母,可依据你的喜好来选择其中一个字母作为专属你的英文名,这种英文名有种像代号,可能不是非常正式,但作为你的专属标签还是可以的。比如:你的姓氏,如姓黄,可选择字母“h”作为专属你的英文名。方法四:间接选取英文单词,融合自己的特征起英文名。选取自己比较喜欢或能代表自己特征的英文单词,再配合自己的名字或姓氏,如smile ·choi这个英文名,是微笑的英文单词加上自己的姓氏崔。方法五:提取名字中单个字加中文拼音取名。这种方法取名字实际上是通过中英结合的方式来取名的,即是通过中文的拼音加上英文名字来取名,如明星唐嫣的英文名字是tiffany ·tang。
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有不同情况:1、单姓姓氏的第一个字母,和名字的首个字的首字母,要用大写的形式,姓氏和名字中间要有空格。例如:李大明,英文名的写法是Li Daming。2、复姓如果是复姓,那么要把姓氏连起来写,例如诸葛亮,英文名的写法是:Zhuge Liang。举例:例如Bob·Chris·Brown,简写为Bob·Brown。英文名和中文名有明显的姓氏位置差别,中文名通常是姓氏在前面,名字在后面。而英文名则正好反过来,姓氏在后面,名字在前面。例如中文名李小龙,英文名的写法是Li Xiaolong,姓氏在前,名字在后。而英文名Jack Brown,姓氏是Brown,在后面,名字Jack在前面。第四个,英文名的结构,在不少场合通常省略掉中间的名词,用一种简写的形式。不少外国人喜欢用昵称代替正式的教名,教名和中间名又被称作个人名。
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2023-08-18 03:50:025


为您解答February 1st.
2023-08-18 03:50:201


2023-08-18 03:50:383


present indeed,
2023-08-18 03:51:142


大众是个德国牌子,广告词中有句das Auto,这在德语中就是汽车的意思
2023-08-18 03:39:455