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ansys jobname 和 title 有什么区别呢?

2023-08-24 13:53:55




楼上说的有理。不过change title后,replot一下就能在左下角看见title了。





Salutation和Job Title的意思和区别?

Salutation 招呼,n.Job Title 职称,n.二者没有什么相同点,所以区别非常大,看起来没有什么关系补充:Salutation 是称呼的意思,称呼和职称,
2023-08-17 21:46:053


2023-08-17 21:46:212

job title是什么意思

2023-08-17 21:46:292

title and job有什么区别

title 指是普通职员 经理 科长 教授等job指做什么,收集资料、打印文件、校对、管理讲课等
2023-08-17 21:46:382

pmp注册 job title 怎么写

尽量写和项目相关的头衔/职位(Job title/Position)PM |||(大项目经理,管的项目投资额较大,团队人数多)或PM II(中等项目经理,管的项目投资额中等,团队人数中)或PM I(初级项目经理,管的项目投资额较小,团队人数少)
2023-08-17 21:46:481


头衔title英语读法是:英 [u02c8tau026atl];美 [u02c8tau026atl]。一、详细注释1、(n.)标题;题目;职称;职务;第一名;冠军;所有权;就任圣职需具备的资格;称号;称呼。2、(v.)给…加标题。二、短语搭配1、job title职位, 职务头衔2、title bar标题条;标题栏3、title page标题页;书名页;扉页4、title role剧名角色三、双语例句1、Just jot down the title on a postcard and wing it to us.就把名称写在明信片上,赶快寄给我们。2、Truly he cared for me, wherefore I title him with all respect.他真的关心我,因此我对他也尊敬之至。3、Leeds failed to recapture the form which had swept them to the title.利兹未能找回曾经使他们飞黄腾达的那张表格。
2023-08-17 21:47:021

Mr.Mrs.Ms英文叫什么?英文说头衔用什么词?job title和title是说一个东西吗?job title 是否等于position?

title是指平常对人的称呼 太太 先生 小姐 之类job title是指你的"官衔" 经理 总管 董事长 之类e.g.Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.Job Title: Manager, General Manager, Chairman, Department Chair, Professor, Counselor
2023-08-17 21:47:435


2023-08-17 21:48:031

Mr.Mrs.Ms英文叫什么?英文说头衔用什么词?job title和title是说一个东西吗?job title 是否等于position?

在书写上 - Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss 都要加在姓氏前面. 所以在书写上 Mr. Clinton 是正确的. 其它两个是错误. 用于口语 - Mr. William, Mr.Jafferson, Mr.Clinton 都可以. 也可以直呼名字 William 或者姓氏 Clinton. (我住在美国)job means 职业;工作title means 标题,题目;书名position mean 位置,地点,方位根据中文,你应该知道了吧?希望能帮到你。
2023-08-17 21:48:142

DS160 Job title

2023-08-17 21:48:241

Job Title: Vendor Management Admin是什么职位?

2023-08-17 21:49:341


2023-08-17 21:49:441

C++编程题 急 在线等 高分求解!

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;class CWorker{private: string m_name; int m_id; int m_age; int m_salary;public: CWorker() { m_name = ""; m_id = 0; m_age = 0; m_salary = 0; } CWorker(string name, int id, int age, int salary) { m_name = name; m_id = id; m_age = age; m_salary = salary; } string GetName(){return m_name;} void SetName(string name){m_name = name;} int GetId(){return m_id;} void SetId(int id){m_id = id;} int GetAge(){return m_age;} void SetAge(int age){m_age = age;} int GetSalary(){return m_salary;} void SetSalary(int salary){m_salary = salary;}public: friend int averageSalary(CWorker*, int); friend int topSalary(CWorker*, int);};class CTeacher:public CWorker{private: string m_title; string m_department;public: CTeacher(){m_title = "";m_department = "";} CTeacher(string title, string department) { m_title = title; m_department = department; } string GetTitle(){return m_title;} void SetTitle(string title){m_title = title;} string GetDepartment(){return m_department;} void SetDepartment(string department){m_department = department;}};int averageSalary(CWorker *workers, int n){ int total = 0; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) { total += workers[i].m_salary; } return total/n;}int topSalary(CWorker *workers, int n){ int top = 0; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) { if(workers[i].m_salary > top) { top = workers[i].m_salary; } } return top;}int main(){ const int n = 10; CWorker workers[n]; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) workers[i] = CWorker("worker"+i, i, 26+i, 5000+i*1000); int avg = averageSalary(workers, n); cout<<"avg:"<<avg<<endl; int top = topSalary(workers, n); cout<<"top:"<<top<<endl; CTeacher t1("title a", "depart a"); cout<<"t1:"<<t1.GetTitle()<<endl; cout<<"t1:"<<t1.GetDepartment()<<endl; return 0;}
2023-08-17 21:49:531


  随着人们自身素质提升,各种感谢信频频出现,在写作上,感谢信有一定的写作技巧。如何写出一个充满真情实感的感谢信?以下是我收集整理的.英文感谢信8篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文感谢信 篇1   dear (bosss name)   thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests.   i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.   again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly.   sincerely,   (signature)    面试后英文感谢信   thank you for interview i   dear (bosss name),   i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (company name).   i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is   challenging. from our discussion,i gained a strong sense of (   company name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. i also   enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm. i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a (job   title). i believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. i eagerly anticipate our next meeting. thank you for considering me for this opportunity.   sincerely,   (signature)   thank you for interview ii   dear (bosss name),   thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests.   i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.   again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly.   sincerely,   (signature) 英文感谢信 篇2   Acknowledgement   Considering my poor English foundation and weak communication skills, I had never thought that I could finish this project! I had always struggled in writing a proper report even in 500 words before I had a tutor like Mr. Minggui Qu. But now I can finish a project and I can"t believe this could be true!   Mr. Qu, my tutor, words could never express my thanks to him. From grammar, writing style, format and research skills to marketing theories, he has taught me everything and he has been always so patient to me whenever he revises my reports including my massive grammar mistakes. He has been encouraging me all the time. Though my report still contains lots of problem, I have already learned a lot from this project just because of his help. I am really grateful to him.   Meanwhile, I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and staff member of Yong Fei Machinery company for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry workers for giving me such attention and time. My thanks and appreciations also go to my class teacher Mr Hong for looking after me in many ways and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities. 英文感谢信 篇3   Dear Mr/Ms,   Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment.   I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to better cooperation in the future.   Sincerely   尊敬的先生/小姐,   感谢你来信对我的任命表达的祝贺。   我也感谢您对我的工作给予的支持,并期望未来能有更好的合作。   诚挚的 英文感谢信 篇4 Dear David,   I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your very active participation in our recent conference in Montreal on the “future of aviation”. The chairman and board members have also asked me to pass on their sincere appreciation for your efforts in supporting the institute in this important undertaking.   Your skill in chairing the controversial panel on “the role of developing countries in the future of aviation management” was highly appreciated by those representing all sides of that extremely sensitive topic. As well, we have received numerous post-conference requests for the paper you delivered on “the critical issue of cooperation between airlines and airports”. It appears that you my have penned a best-seller with that one!   On both a professional and a personal level, I really appreciated the time that the two of us were able to spend together for fun and reflection during conference down times. I certainly learned a lot about the unique aspects of aviation operation in your part of the world (not to mention the things you taught me about the backhand on the squash court!)   We are currently hard at work producing the “compendium of conference proceedings” document, and we expect to be sending it out to all participants early in the new year.   Again, thanks so much for your enthusiastic participation in our conference. I have no doubt that it would not have been the success that it was without your presence.   Please keep in touch ,and drop in and visit us whenever you are in this part of the world.   Very sincerely   Peter Smithfield 英文感谢信 篇5   Sample Interview Thank You Letter   Your Name   Your Address   Your City, State, Zip Code   Your Phone Number   Your Email   Date   Name   Title   Organization   Address   City, State, Zip Code   Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:   It was very enjoyable to speak with you about the assistant account executive position at the Smith Agency. The job, as you presented it, seems to be a very good match for my skills and interests. The creative approach   to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.   In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness and the ability to   encourage others to work cooperatively with the department. My artistic background will help me to work   with artists on staff and provide me with an understanding of the visual aspects of our work.   I understand your need for administrative support. My detail orientation and organizational skills will help to   free you to deal with larger issues. I neglected to mention during my interview that I had worked for two summers as a temporary office worker. This experience helped me to develop my secretarial and clerical skills.   I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to   hearing from you about this position.   Sincerely,   Your Signature   Your Typed Name 英文感谢信 篇6   面试完后的英文感谢信   一   thank you for interview i   dear (boss"s name),   i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the   position of (job title) with (company name).   i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the   job. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and   the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. from ourdiscussion,i gained a strong sense of (company name)"s commitment to their   clients and their employees. i also enjoyed our discussion of myopportunities and future within the firm.   i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a (job title). i   believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future   with you. i eagerly anticipate our next meeting. thank you for considering   me for this opportunity.   sincerely,   (signature)   二   thank you for interview ii   dear (boss"s name),   thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview   confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests.   i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.   again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly.   sincerely,   (signature) 英文感谢信 篇7   XX leadership:   Hello!   In the company for more than three years, I have engaged in a variety of work, accumulated some practical experience. At the same time, the use of the job to read the Chinese university of economic management of part-time MBA learning professional managers, and smoothly through the school exam and mentor"s approval, and achieved the international professional manager certificate of registration and graduate degrees, at the same time of self learning management guru Dr Yu and well-known school of management courses and a lot of related enterprise strategy development, business management, marketing strategy, talent incentive such as video and text information, to have a preliminary understanding of enterprise management. Through the study, found that success is not as difficult as I thought: the correct target + detailed plans, tenacious will = success; Everyone can success; Enterprise and so on. Also because of learning, let me get the knowledge, increased confidence, not only I like quality management industry, and gradually clear the vocational ideal, strive to become experts in the field of quality management.   Win by DE. I am a firm believer of moral theory of success, but it doesn"t reject the personality theory. So, I in the good faith as its core values at the same time, also attaches great importance to develop proactive attitude and maintain good interpersonal relations of mellow skills.   Makes difficult to garland. In the study work life of the past, I get along well with others, unity and cooperation, in the cultivated my good team cooperation spirit, at the same time, also exercise their own management, communication and coordination ability. I am eager to meet new challenges, I hope I can manage the whole quality management department, the development direction of this work is very suitable for me and interest.   Indeed, in the changing of today"s society, in the increasingly fierce talent competition, I still lack a lot, but I believe, if lucky enough to get the trust of the company all my colleagues and guidance, modesty and eagerness to learn, pragmatic progress, the pursuit of excellence and tenacious character and fighting spirit, I will, under the guidance of you in rich practice constantly improve, gradually perfect. At the same time, I will use up all I can give my wit, led to repay him. 英文感谢信 篇8   Dear Yu:   Is it surprising that I write the letter for you ? Not one time had I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for you face to face . But I"m so shy that I can"t do that .Thus , I decide to say thank you in this way .   Meeting you is the most fortunate thing in the world . Your emergence brightens my life deeply . You know ,I used to be such a shy ,a quiet girl . I was afraid of contacting with others so that I merely had pretty few friends . All days I stayed at home , and my life was dull . It was not until you volunteered to assist me that my life set out changing . You took me to wander the streets to observe the world which greatly broadened my eyes . You encouraged me to take part in kinds of activities that promoted my courage and confidence . You were always enthusiastic to introducing me to your friends when I was fear of expressing myself in public . The wonderful characters you own deserve me to learning .Your optimism and vigour impress me so much .   Now , I have become confident and outgoing . I can firmly confront the difficulties ,never shrink . My dear friend ,thanks for leading me to a new world , thanks for letting me feel shiny warmth and never making me lonely . Comparing to what you have dong for me , simple thanks seem to be minor , but it"s my sincere appreciation and gratefulness .   Blessing you happy forever .   Yours Qing
2023-08-17 21:50:051

Pandas 读取文件遇到两种分隔符怎么办

文本文件有这样的列: 代码如下: First Name Last Name Job Title City Country 在我们读取这个文件之前,先建一个实体类: 代码如下: /// <summary> /// Customer entity /// </summary> public class Customer{ public string Firstname { get; set; } public string Lastname { get; set; } public string JobTitle { get; set; } public string City { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } } 接着我们使用LINQ读取整个文件: 代码如下: var query = from line in File.ReadAllLines(filePath) let customerRecord = line.Split(",") select new Customer() { Firstname = customerRecord[0], Lastname = customerRecord[1], JobTitle = customerRecord[2], City = customerRecord[3], Country = customerRecord[4] }; foreach (var item in query) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}" , item.Firstname, item.Lastname, item.JobTitle, item.City, item.Country); } 要读取可以带条件的记录也可以,我们filter出Country是UK: 代码如下: var query = from c in (from line in File.ReadAllLines(filePath) let customerRecord = line.Split(",") select new Customer() { Firstname = customerRecord[0], Lastname = customerRecord[1], JobTitle = customerRecord[2], City = customerRecord[3], Country = customerRecord[4] }) where c.Country == "UK" select c; 另一例子: 代码如下: var query = from c in (from line in File.ReadAllLines(filePath) let customerRecord = line.Split(",") select new Customer() { Firstname = customerRecord[0], Lastname = customerRecord[1], JobTitle = customerRecord[2], City = customerRecord[3], Country = customerRecord[4] }) where c.JobTitle.Contains("Sales") select c;
2023-08-17 21:50:121


职称是指专业技术人员的专业技术水平、能力,以及成就的等级称号服务员 waiterjob title 1.职衔 2.职位 3.职别 4.工作职务 5.职称job preference 更喜欢的工作 给分 谢谢 呵呵 祝你工作成功
2023-08-17 21:50:341


  英文简历是求职者应聘活动的起点,那你知道本科生该怎么写自己的简历吗?现在请阅读我整理的一些本科生英文简历模板。   本科生英文简历模板(一)   xuexila   Nationality:China (Mainland)   Current Place:Guangzhou   Height/Weight:165 cm?55 kg   Marital Status:married   Age:29 years   Career Objective   Application type:Jobseeker   Preferred job title:Quality Management/Testing Manager((QA/QC Manager): QC/QA Manager or SQM 、 Production Manager/Workshop Director: 、 Factory manager/Factory Director:   Working life:5Title:Middle title   Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a week   Expected salary:¥5,000--¥8,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Foshan Zhongshan   Work experience   Company"s name:Harvest Industry LTDBegin and end date: 2008-07-2008-11   Enterprise nature:Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Communication/Telecom/Network Equipment   Job Title:   Job description: I had to be resbonsibed some project. One of the is the manufacturing efficiency improvement project,improved the run rate from 5.5 to 7.5,and now had promoted in hole factory.   Responsibled the ERP project in a team, and got the MRP solution by JIT.   In this time participated for the NPI(New Product Introduction) project by STRIX(U.K) LTD .   Reasons for leaving: Salary & working condition   Company"s name:Hangzhou Meisda Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 2003-10-2008-06   Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Communication/Telecom/Network Equipment   Job Title: Designer-QC Vice Manager-Manufacturing Manager   Job description: 2003-10--2004-07:Technology,Design,Responsible for the design of the structure;   2004-07--2005-04:Technology,Product technology,include the new production technology and improve the technology of on-site problems   2005-04-2007-10:QC department.As QC manager from 2006-04.   In the early 2005 building products performance test systems, the standard refrigeration testing laboratories and automatic test line.   At the end of 2005 to early 2006 to establish the ISO 9001 QMS and passed certification by WIT Assessment.   Extension of the quality management of suppliers,Evaluation of supplier monthly,and equire suppliers to rectify,and help the supplier to improve the quality of the parts who supplied. The total passing rate of the parts from 83%(2006) to 92%(2007)。   2007-10--2008-06:manufactory,as a manufacturing manager.The management of production technology, production, procurement and supplier.   Optimization of IE,improve the effeciency,reduced costs ¥3/PC,20%.   Reasons for leaving: For some reason of family   Educational Background   Name of School:Zhejiang University   Highest Degree:MasterDate of Graduation:2003-06-01   Name of Major 1:Machine DesignName of Major 2:Business Administration   Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No   1999-092003-06Xiangtan UniversityMachine DesignBachelor10530420030004087   2005-052007-04Zhejiang UniversityBusiness AdministrationLeaving Certificate20050150   2005-092005-09WIT ASSESSMENTISO9001:2000   Language Ability   Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:good   Language ability:I am able to communicate in English, and also can read some English technical documents.   Chinese level:excellentCantonese Level:poor   Relevant skills and abilities   I had worked in factory more than 5 years be resbonsibed QC and manufacturing manager.   Self-recommendation letter   I am a sweet-tempered man, and have good ability to learning. In the past five years, I worked in a electric appliance manufactory, as design engineer, QC engineer,QC/QA manager and mauafatory manager.I can manage the manufactory across the aborad. In that factory at the past time, with responsibility for QMS ISO 9001:2000, and passed the QMS assessment by WIT ASSESSMENT.   本科生英文简历模板(二)   Personal Data   Name: xuexila   Gender: Male   Address:   Tel:   Career objective   To be employed by a transnational company in Beijing as a department manager.   Education   Guanghua Management College, Peking University, 1998--2002.   Beijing Jingshan School, 1992--1998.   Major   Business Administration   Summer Jobs   1999 Made personnel system reform plans for a large state-owned enterprise in Tianjin.   2000 Participated in planning the restructuring of several medium-sized collective enterprises in the suburbs of Beijing.   2001 Acted as an assistant to the manager of a multinational company in Beijing.   Extracurricular Activities   Captain of the Peking University basketball team from 1998 to 2000.   Won the university calligraphy contest in 1999.   Chairman of the Publicity Campaign   Commission of Peking University of Supporting Beijing"s application for hosting the Olympics in 2008.   Won the title of an Excellent Leader of the University Student Council in 2002.   English   CET Band Six in 2000: 93 points   TOEFL in 2001: 658 points   GRE in 2002: 2328 points   Character   Ambitious, honest and reliable, easy to approach   Hobbies   Doing on-line reading and traveling   References: Available upon request.   本科生英文简历模板(三)   xuexila   Nationality:China (Mainland)   Current Place:Nanhai   Height/Weight:167 cm 61 kg   Marital Status:marriedAge:33 years   Career Objective   Application type:Jobseeker   Preferred job title:Technology Development Manager/Supervisor: Project engineer 、 Structual Engineer: 、 Biological / Pharmaceuticals / Medical Equipment:   Working life:10Title:primary title   Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a month   Expected salary:¥8,000~¥9,999Preferred working place:Foshan   Work experience   Company"s name:****CO., Limited Begin and end date: 2003-08-2010-04   Enterprise nature:Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Mechanics/Electrical Equipment/Heavy Industry   Job Title:Project engineer   Job description:lead the team to research and develop home appliances such as Rice cooker,Pressure Cooker,Crispy Rice cooker etc.   write the development schedule.   Product structure design.   Write part list.   Off tooling sample approved.   EB safety review.   EB problem resolved .   Pilot run.   Final safety review.   design confirmation.   Control the cost of the products.   Improve the old product.   Reasons for leaving:looking for a better development   Educational Background   Name of School:Guangdong industry university   Highest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:2003-07-01   Name of Major 1:macromolecule material and engineeringName of Major 2:computer application   Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No   1999-092003-07Guangdong industry universitymacromolecule material and engineeringdiploma   Language Ability   Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:good   Chinese level:perfectCantonese Level:perfect   Relevant skills and abilities   be familiar with the flow of R&d and ERP.   Use the PRO/E and AUTOCAD adroitly to design the product structure independently.   be familiar with the safe standard of the UL,IEC and CCC .   know well the manufacture technics of plastic and metals accessory.   know well the material performance.   Self-recommendation letter   I"m a honest man.   My professional knowledge is well-knit.   My working attitude is earnest.   My learning ability is well and I can suit the new environment quickly.
2023-08-17 21:50:411

javascript 修改元素中的value值

2023-08-17 21:50:513

job title 怎么填

job title d的意思是工作职位,或者说职称,头衔的意思根据你的实际情况填呗,公司业务经理还是职员教师或者学生等等等等
2023-08-17 21:51:151

请问英文建立中的position和job title有什么区别啊?

position就是工作岗位job title是职称
2023-08-17 21:53:491


Hello, I"ve come to apply for
2023-08-17 21:53:592


头衔title英语读法是:英 [ˈtaɪtl];美 [ˈtaɪtl]。一、详细注释1、(n.)标题;题目;职称;职务;第一名;冠军;所有权;就任圣职需具备的资格;称号;称呼。2、(v.)给?加标题。二、短语搭配1、job title职位, 职务头衔2、title bar标题条;标题栏3、title page标题页;书名页;扉页4、title role剧名角色三、双语例句1、Just jot down the title on a postcard and wing it to us.就把名称写在明信片上,赶快寄给我们。2、Truly he cared for me, wherefore I title him with all respect.他真的关心我,因此我对他也尊敬之至。3、Leeds failed to recapture the form which had swept them to the title.利兹未能找回曾经使他们飞黄腾达的那张表格。
2023-08-17 21:54:401


job英 [du0292u0252b]美 [du0292u0254b]n. 工作;职业vt. 承包;代客买卖vi. 做零工n. (Job)人名;(英)乔布;(法、葡)若布;(?-1605)约伯〈俄〉俄罗斯正教会莫斯科牧首。;(德、塞、捷、荷、意)约布[网络短语]job 职业,工作,约伯Job title 职位名称,职位,职称job training 在职培训,职业培训,脱产培训
2023-08-17 21:55:131


释义:n. (书籍、诗歌、图画、乐曲等的)名称,标题;(书刊的)一种,一本;(人名前表示地位、职业或婚姻状况的)头衔,称谓;职位名称;称号;(竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军;(尤指土地或财产的)所有权;(财产的)所有权凭证;(电影、电视的)字幕;(教会用语)就任圣职需具备的资格;(罗马红衣主教下辖的)教区,教堂v. (给书籍、乐曲等)加标题,定题目;赋予头衔,把……称为adj. 与(电影、戏剧等)同名的;冠军的词组短语:job titlen. 职称title bar标题栏professional title职称;专业头衔title page扉页;书名页official title官衔;正标题, 原书名no titlen. 无标题good title有效的所有权technical title技术职称例句:Do you happen to know the title of this oil painting?你知道这幅油画的名字吗?The title "colonel" was an honorific."上校"头衔是尊称。Which can be a suitable title for the text?哪一个选项适合作为本文章的标题?
2023-08-17 21:56:151

java JOptionPane.showMessageDialog 不执行,

if({ if(rs.getString("password").trim().equals(password)){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(),"系统登录成功,恭喜你!", "提示",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE ); }else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "密码错误,请重新输入!"); }}else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "系统没有这个用户!");}JOptionPane.getRootFrame() 换成 null
2023-08-17 21:57:301


Name: Tina Nationality: China (Mainland) Current Place: Foshan Height/Weight: 175 cmue5e570 kg Marital Status: married Age: 29 years Career Objective Application type: Jobseeker Preferred job title: Foreign trade/trade manager/supervisor: Manager 、 : 、 : Working life: 7 Title: Senior title Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two weeks Expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 Preferred working place: Dongguan Huizhou Foshan Work experience Company"s name: Foshan Shunde *** Electrical Co.,LtdBegin and end date: 2009-04- Enterprise nature: Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Electrical/electronics/communication equipment Job Title: Sales Manager Job description: 1.In charge of Canton Fair preparation and attend it as exhibitor; Establish and carry out sales strategy to explore overseas market aggressively; 2.Assist sales team establishment and in charge of domestic sales. 3.Responsible for B2B network platform maintenance. Receive inquiries from new customers and responsible for analysis, trace and distribution. 4.Department daily operation management, evaluate order and contract; negotiate business, and give a boost to colleagues for more efficient job. Reasons for leaving: Company"s name: Guangdong *** Smart Card Co., LtdBegin and end date: 2005-05-2009-03 Enterprise nature: Private enterprisesIndustry: Postal service/Telecom Job Title: Overseas Marketing Dept. Supervisor Job description: 1.Reponsible for the participation of Card Exhibitions abroad. Carry our company"s sales strategy, promote company brand, explore overseas market and participate cards exhibition. 2.Develop and maintain clients; Successfully developed second biggest client abroad, placing orders of a worth of 20 million RMB dollars. 3.In charge of tender preparations and successfully bid the tender more than 10 times. 4.Participated overseas card exhibition, which was in Singapore and Egypt, etc.. 5.As the supervisor, receive visiting customers, introduce company products and negotiate business. Reasons for leaving: Company"s name: Ladeca Industrial Co.,LtdBegin and end date: 2003-08-2005-05 Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Shoes/leather/toy Job Title: International business Job description: 1. According to the company marketing strategy, explore overseas market through network and exhibition. 2. Make IPO to production department and follow up the production status.Arrange goods forwarding and submit relevant document. 3. Update company"s products information to customers and maintain harmonious relationship with customers. 4. Receive customers, negotiate business etc..3. Participate in establishing overseas marketing strategy, investigate North America market, and build prices system etc..4. Receive customers, negotiate business etc.. Reasons for leaving: Educational Background Name of School: Henan Polytechnical University Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2004-07-01 Name of Major 1: Administrative Management Name of Major 2: Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No 2000-09 2004-07 Henan Polytechnical University Administrative Management Bachelor 104604040022 Language Ability Foreign Language: English Level: perfect Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: average Relevant skills and abilities Engaged in foreign trade business for years. Responsible for the management of dept.. Having rich experience in developing potential customers and maintain current customers. Proficient in written, spoken English and computer operation. Self-recommendation letter Optimistic, can work hard under pressure; Confident, professional dedication, and a quick learner; Can be on business tour from time to time.
2023-08-17 21:57:541


面向接口编程[zz]在前面的章节中,我们提到一个接口设计的例子。为什么我们提倡接口的设计呢?Martin Fowler在他的分析模式一书中指出,分析问题应该站在概念的层次上,而不是站在实现的层次上。什么叫做概念的层次呢?简单的说就是分析对象该做什么,而不是分析对象怎么做。前者属于分析的阶段,后者属于设计甚至是实现的阶段。在需求工程中有一种称为CRC卡片的玩艺儿,是用来分析类的职责和关系的,其实那种方法就是从概念层次上进行面向对象设计。因此,如果要从概念层次上进行分析,这就要求你从领域专家的角度来看待程序是如何表示现实世界中的概念的。下面的这句话有些拗口,从实现的角度上来说,概念层次对应于合同,合同的实现形式包括接口和基类。简单的说吧,在概念层次上进行分析就是设计出接口(或是基类),而不用关心具体的接口实现(实现推迟到子类再实现)。结合上面的论述,我们也可以这样推断,接口应该是要符合现实世界的观念的。在Martin Fowler的另一篇著作中提到了这样一个例子,非常好的解释了接口编程的思路:interface Person { public String name(); public void name(String newName); public Money salary (); public void salary (Money newSalary); public Money payAmount (); public void makeManager ();}interface Engineer extends Person{ public void numberOfPatents (int value); public int numberOfPatents ();}interface Salesman extends Person{ public void numberOfSales (int numberOfSales); public int numberOfSales ();}interface Manager extends Person{ public void budget (Money value); public Money budget ();}可以看到,为了表示现实世界中人(这里其实指的是员工的概念)、工程师、销售员、经理的概念,代码根据人的自然观点设计了继承层次结构,并很好的实现了重用。而且,我们可以认定该接口是相对稳定的。我们再来看看实现部分:public class PersonImpFlag implements Person, Salesman, Engineer,Manager{// Implementing Salesmanpublic static Salesman newSalesman (String name){ PersonImpFlag result; result = new PersonImpFlag (name); result.makeSalesman(); return result;};public void makeSalesman () { _jobTitle = 1;};public boolean isSalesman () { return _jobTitle == 1;};public void numberOfSales (int value){ requireIsSalesman () ; _numberOfSales = value;};public int numberOfSales () { requireIsSalesman (); return _numberOfSales;};private void requireIsSalesman () { if (! isSalesman()) throw new PreconditionViolation ("Not a Salesman") ;}; private int _numberOfSales; private int _jobTitle;}这是其中一种被称为内部标示(Internal Flag)的实现方法。这里我们只是举出一个例子,实际上我们还有非常多的解决方法,但我们并不关心。因为只要接口足够稳定,内部实现发生再大的变化都是允许的。如果对实现的方式感兴趣,可以参考Matrin Fowler的角色建模的文章或是我在阅读这篇文章的一篇笔记。通过上面的例子,我们可以了解到,接口和实现分离的最大好处就是能够在客户端未知的情况下修改实现代码。这个特性对于分层技术是非常适用的。一种是用在层和层之间的调用。层和层之间是最忌讳耦合度过高或是改变过于频繁的。设计优秀的接口能够解决这个问题。另一种是用在那些不稳定的部分上。如果某些需求的变化性很大,那么定义接口也是一种解决之道。举个不恰当的例子,设计良好的接口就像是我们日常使用的万用插座一样,不论插头如何变化,都可以使用。最后强调一点,良好的接口定义一定是来自于需求的,它绝对不是程序员绞尽脑汁想出来的。
2023-08-17 21:58:161


  英文 感谢信 怎么写?下面我整理了英文感谢信 范文 5篇,欢迎大家阅览参考,希望能帮助大家!    英文感谢信范文5篇【一】   Dear ms. grasso:   thank you for interviewing me at credit technologies. i was impressed with the company and the type of banking services the corporation provides.   your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking. i am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to credit technologies.   if you were to offer me this position, i believe that i could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation.   i look forward to talking again with you soon.   very truly yours,   richard t. hamilton    英文感谢信范文5篇【二】   Dear Mr。 John,   How are things going with you in Beijing?   I am writing to show my thanks to you。 You tutored me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing。 With your help I made such rapid progrethat I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of the city。 My achievement is owed to your help。 Thank you very much。   I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to my school。 I am very glad at the news。 In that case we can see each other again。 I am looking forward to your coming。 I am sending you a telescope as a small gift。 I hope you will like it。   All the best。   Yours,    英文感谢信范文5篇【三】   Dear Dad,   I really need to say thank you to you and I have one thousand reasons to do   Do you remember that day when I broke my nose because of a small fighting? At first, I decided to make a revenge and hurt that boy. I am now glad that you stopped me and that boy became my friend instead of an enemy. That is the right way of life. You made me realize it.   And do you rememberu2026u2026I have so many similiar examples for which gratitude should be given to you, Without you, path of my life may have diverted in a really bad way. Thank you, Dad.   You will always be my closest friend and a true mentor of life.Sincere love,   Zhang San    英文感谢信范文5篇【四】   Dear Sharon,   I am writing to tell you how very much I enjoyed the days at Chicago.   Everything was just about perfect. You certainly know how to make a guest feel at home. Your delicious meals were a treat, and your flexibility in adapting to my irregular schedules made many things possible.   I hope you and Peter know how I appreciate your hospitality, and your many kindnesses to me. I count myself fortunate indeed to have two such generous charming friends!   With thanks again and best wishes to you.   Yours   Alice    英文感谢信范文5篇【五】   Dear (Bosss Name),   I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name).   I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion,I gained a strong sense of (Company Names commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.   I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.
2023-08-17 21:58:261


2023-08-17 21:58:361


2023-08-17 21:59:091

.net cookie在服务器上失效,怎么解决?

2023-08-17 21:59:305


每周一次的例会,就算自己不主动发言,也会被老板点名。羡慕会议上自信主持还有积极发言的同事。所以自己也不能落下,这种事,一回生二回熟。多尝试发言几次,积累经验和句式,很快就会越来越自如啦。这里搜集整理了一些英语会议可用的模版句式,分享给不太自信的办公室小白。不仅对参加会议,而且对去客户公司presentation都很适用。要结合自己发言的实际内容,灵活使用哦!希望伙伴都越来越自信!加油go go go会议开场白+介绍自己"I"d like to welcome everyone.""Since everyone is here, let"s get started.""I"d like to thank everyone for comingtoday""I"m (name), I"ll keep this meeting brief as lknow you are all busy.I"m (name) and I arranged this meetingbecause...让参与会议的人自我介绍"Let"s go around the table and introduceourselves, anyone wants to get start?""Let"s introduce ourselves quickly-pleasestate your name, job title and why are youhere"介绍会议主题"Thank you for getting here on time.Today we"re here to discuss…”"We"re here to discuss the progress on..(project name)"Due to issues identified in (project name),we"re here to come up with a quickresolution."We"re going to run through the mainpoints of the agenda”“The presentation will cover these topics”如何礼貌地发问"Sorry, just to clarify that…""Sorry I didn"t quite hear that, can you sayit again?""That"s an excellent perspective Peter,could you please talk about more details?"Can you repeat that please?""Can you run that by me one more time?""I don"t fully understand what you mean.Could you please explain it morespecifically?"Just to be clear, do you mean..?"Are there any more comments?"(适合会议主持人)礼貌拒绝别人的打断"Can we come back to that point later?Let me just finish what I was saying""Can l just finish making my point?"迟到道歉Excuse me for being late, as I was..”Sorry for not getting here on time, as Iwas…"礼貌早退Excuse me, unfortunately I have to leaveearly. I need to …”"I"ve got to shoot off, as I"ve gotoverlapping meetings""Sorry I"m going to have to leave now,coz…"协商谈判"I understand that we can"t do that, butcan we discuss some other alternatives?""I agree with what you are saying,however you consider (other ways)"How about this as an alternative,…."安排下次会议"I"d like to set up a meeting with you atyour earliest convenience. When are youfree?""I"d love to continue this conversation at asecond meeting, when are you next free?""We haven"t covered everything weneeded to, shall we set up anothermeeting?”总结会议内容"To summarize then, let me just runthrough what we"ve agreed here."“Before we end, let me just summarize themain points.….”“To sum up what I"ve presented..”"That brings me to the end of mypresentation, thank you for listening."
2023-08-17 21:59:471

ACCA高频考点解析:固定资产Revaluation surplus

在ACCA教材里,固定资产一直都是书本中重点章节内容,其中重估增值revaluation surplus一直都是ACCA考试中高频考点之一,今天深空网就跟大家讲解一下这个考点内容。内容导航ACCA高频考点ACCA报考条件ACCA报考费用ACCA考前复习  ACCA高频考点01、企业为什么要进行重估我们会计记录的都是历史成本,但是随着社会日新月异的进步,会计上记录的过去的金额不能反映真实公允的价值了,因此这个时候准则允许企业进行重估。例如我们的房价,2000年买在上海买的30平米的房子是记录在账面上的价值是30万元,但是2020的时候这个房子的价值就变成了300万,那么现在账面上记录的30万元就不能真实公允的体现这个房子的价值,所以需要重估。02、重估增值的初始计量首先说明一下,在FA里面我们研究的都是重估增值。● 在发生的重估的时候:Dr Non-current asset—cost XDr Accumulated depreciation XCr OCI/Revaluation surplus X● 下面我们把这个分录涉及的三个科目展开讲解一下? Non-current asset—cost:这里表示的是固定资产基于初始成本(cost)升值的部分;? Accumulated depreciation :发生重估的时候,重估日之前的累计折旧要全部清零;? Revaluation surplus:★ —Revaluation surplus = 重估当天资产的价值 —重估日当天的账面净值(NBV) —Revaluation surplus是资产负债表中的权益类科目(equity),这个科目是因为重估产生的一个新的科目—在初始计量重估增值的时候,需要在资产负债表中确认Revaluation surplus,同时也需要在利润及其他综合收益表中确认为Other comprehensive income.03、重估增值的后续计量● 重估后资产要按照重估后的金额和剩余的使用寿命重新计提折旧;● 关于重估增值Revaluation surplus的后续计量是FA里面难点,今天我们从原理上给大家讲解一下。Revaluation surplus是一种很特殊的收益,叫做未实现利润,它并不像企业日常的销售,带来的都是真金白银的收入,Revaluation surplus并没有给企业带来真实的收益,它体现的只是一种账面上的增值,所以我们称它为未实现的利润。? 那么Revaluation surplus什么时候可以被实现呢? 第一,当这个资产被出售disposal的时候,例如文章一开始我们举的例子2000年买在上海买的30平米的房子是记录在账面上的价值是30万元,但是2020的时候这个房子的价值就变成了300万,现在重估之后,重估增值是270万,如果企业现在把这个房子按照300万出售了,就能获得270元的收益,那么这个时候重估增值就被实现了;实现的利润我们都会记录在资产负债表里面的留存收益Retained earning里面,所以我们在会计上就会把Revaluation surplus转到Retained earning里面。会计分录是:Dr Revaluation surplus Cr Retained earning 但是在学习Non-current assets这一章的时候,我们就强调企业的资产是拿来使用的,而不是用于出售的,因此出售固定资产在企业中不是一个经常性的行为,例如一个企业的这个办公的大楼,即便升值了,企业也不会把这栋楼出售了,出售了员工就没有办公的地方。因此准则允许企业选择将重估增值Revaluation surplus随着资产每年的使用结转至留存收益Retained earning。那么资产的使用就体现在资产的折旧上,所以在这种情况下,每年结转(annual transfer)的金额是资产重估后的折旧费用与资产重估前的折旧费用之间的差额(称为“超额折旧/ excess depreciation”)。 会计分录是:Dr Revaluation surplus Cr Retained earning 另外需要同学们注意,从Revaluation surplus转到Retained earning里面并不会影响企业的Profit,这只是一种重分类,因此不会影响当期的利润。这一点同学们了解即可。 ACCA报考条件(一)报考ACCA需要什么条件?国际注册会计师这么高大上的名称是不是门槛也是特别高呢?是不是要本科或者硕士博士学历才可以报考呢?申请参加ACCA考试,必须先注册成为ACCA会员,而注册需要符合以下条件之一:1、凡具有教育部承认的大专及以上学历,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;2、教育部认可的高等院校在校生,顺利完成大一所有课程考试,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;3、未符合1,2项报名资格的申请者,可以先申请参加FIA资格考试,通过FFA,FMA,FAB三门课程后,可以申请转入ACCA并且豁免F1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入ACCA技能课程阶段的考试。所以并不是一定要本科硕士才可以考ACCA,学历是大专就可以了。(二)报考需要准备哪些资料呢?上面有说到,申请参加考试之前,必须先注册成为ACCA的会员,注册时所需证件:1、身份证原件、复印件、翻译件。2、学历/学位证明(高校在校生需提交学校出具的在校证明函及第一年所有课程考试合格的成绩单)原件、复印件、翻译件。3、如果是管理、计算机、法律专业或MBA请提交成绩单(加盖学校公章)原件、复印件、翻译件。4、英语水平证明(CET-6、托福550,GMAT 550或ITES 6.5以上)原件、复印件,翻译件。5、一张近期两寸照片。6、72英镑注册报名费的银行汇票, 抬头开“The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants”或者ACCA。请检查银行开的汇票抬头的拼写。若拼写错,则汇票无效。7、将填好的注册申请表和完整证件材料交给北京办事处或者上海办事处进行复核和审理。如果是在职考生,下列文件您无需提交原件,但需提交加盖公章的复印件,此复印件上还必须有您所在公司总经理或人事部经理的签名和签注意见:模板:“Certified true copy by *name *job title”。 (*注:填入此经理的名字和职位) ACCA报考费用(一)ACCA的报考费用高不高?整个ACCA全部科目考下来大概需要多少费用?下面就从年费,教材费,培训费,考试费,根据汇率浮动的费用等来全面地分析整个ACCA全部科目考下来大概需要多少费用。1、必须支付的费用在线支付给ACCA官方:注册费:£79,一次性。年费:£105,每年。每年5月8号前注册缴纳,5月8号之后注册次年1月1号缴纳。建议5月8号以后注册。考试费:(注:所有考试费用都以早期缴费标准。)(二)通过率高不高?ACCA全球每年通过率大概在30%-40%左右,中国一般比全球通过率高10%。(三)难度大不大?ACCA 考试的难度是以英国大学学位考试的难度为标准, 具体而言, 第一、第二部分的难度分别相当于学士学位高年级课程的考试难度, 第三部分的考试相当于硕士学位最后阶段的考试。第一部分 的每门考试只是测试本门课程所包含的知识, 着重于为后两个部分中实务性的课程所要运用的理论和技能打下基础。第二部分 的考试除了本门课程的内容之外, 还会考到第一部分的一些知识, 着重培养学员的分析能力。第三部分 的考试要求学员综合运用学到的知识、技能和决断力。不仅会考到以前的课程内容, 还会考到邻近科目的内容。(四)含金量高不高?虽然目前中国法律不承认 ACCA 会员资格,即ACCA 会员不能替代中注协会员签署中国企业的审计报告。但ACCA 会员资格在国际上得到广泛认可,尤其是得到欧盟立法以及许多国家公司法的承认。ACCA 的会员可以在工商企业财务部门,审计/ 会计师事务所、金融机构和财政、税务部门从事财务和财务管理工作,许多会员在世界各地大公司担任高级职位(财务经理、财务总监CFO 甚至总裁CEO ),中国大陆的不少ACCA 会员也已担任许多大公司的重要职位。 ACCA考前复习第一步:扎实筑基,一次通过扎实的基础是考过ACCA的必要条件,ACCA考试多主观题,主要考察考生自己的对问题的看法,处理问题和解决问题的能力,没有一定的标准答案,所以很多考生对考试的内容把握的不够精准,往往导致考试的失利。想要快速通过ACCA考试,名师的指引是分不开的,高顿网校就有这样一批老师,在他们的引导下,你可以迅速理解ACCA的知识,培养商业思维,同时你也可以利用高顿提供的高顿题库系统,熟悉机考的环境和题型,一次通过F1-F4的考试。第二步:提早实习,获取经验考生可以报名网课进行提早实习,在F5-F9的学习过程中,你可以尽可能的利用周末和寒暑假的时间去实习,这些实习经历能够帮助你了解500强企业财务岗位的运营模式,积累一些自己的实际的工作经验,同时能够让你更好的理解高阶理论知识,一举两得。在这期间,你还可以申请英国牛津布鲁克斯大学的海外远程学历深造项目。第三步:完成考试,成就自我ACCA的最后考试阶段,拥有丰富实务经验的考生更容易理解专业知识,高顿在考前给大家准备了考前冲刺直播、押题宝典、考纲解析白皮书等等一系列备考工具,课程学习同时,还提供习题线上训练,让你在考前查漏补缺,一次通过考试。
2023-08-17 22:00:431


发件人 aka 需求日期 2006-04-27 11:15 需求信息价格为轻碰小瓶上面联系信息:公司名称 aka 国家/地区 香港地址:6 kingslee lane hampton va,23669 美国邮编 美邮政,23666 联系人:cj lupico 职称 零售电话号码 757-224-3877 传真 757-713-3877 电子邮件 企业资质:进口商
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Oracle 日期格式就是这样的
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请问 独爱 用 英文 怎么说

the only love
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address speech lecture 三者的意思和区别

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由于反作用力矩作用,空中机身将与浆叶反方向转动,这样飞机就无法控制,所以看到实际的单层浆叶的直升飞机,尾巴上都有一个垂直安装的浆叶,用来平衡对机身这个扭力;另一种方法就是使用一对旋转方向相反的浆叶,如实际的大型直升飞机,在两端各有一副转向相反的旋翼,以保持机身的平稳; 玩具直升飞机也就是如此,不过是将两旋翼安装在同一位置上,相互转向相反,对机身产生的扭距也就相抵消,机身才可以保持一定方向,尾翼用来控制前后飞行; 真实的直升飞机也有这样双层旋翼的。
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I only love liyuxin
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浮球水泵控制电路图(现有220V继电器1个 24V继电器 按钮一个,开关电源板一个 (输出24伏)水塔浮球一个

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