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white white是什么意思

2023-05-19 20:20:49

在词典中,形容词adj. 白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的; 名词n. 白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料; 动词vt. (书写,印刷等) 留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白。词组,White&white 可以翻译为美白。


white是白色的意思,white white你可以理解为白白,就是拜拜。







在词典中,形容词adj. 白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的; 名词n. 白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料; 动词vt. (书写,印刷等) 留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白。词组,White&white 可以翻译为美白。



white是英文单词,可作为形容词,名词,副词,动词,意思是:“白种人的,雪白的苍白的纯洁的,清白的,银制的,白衣的;白色,洁白,乳白,白皙,雪白白种人。 有不少的英文服装购物网站上,在衣服颜色栏目的标注上,经常会出现white这个英文单词,究竟这个white是什么意思呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak. 积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。 Because it was warm, David wore only a white cotton shirt 因为天气暖和,戴维只穿了一件白色的棉衬衣。 02 He"s always dreamt of me having a white wedding. 他总梦想着我有个纯洁的婚礼。 However, according to research, those little white lies could be more harmful than you think. 但是最新的研究显示,即便是那些无害纯洁的小谎言也会带来意想不到的危害。 03 The man in white, your answer is same from McDonald"s salesman. 穿白衣的那位,你的答案和一位麦当劳推销员的相同。 That land of eternal life, on the moment you have to wear white. 那永生的国度,就在你穿上白衣的一瞬间。 04 The old G7 was essentially the white, western world, plus Japan. 原先的G7本质上是西方白种人的天下,外加上一个日本。 Some white boys often bullied the coloured boys. 一些白种人的孩子经常欺侮有色人种的孩子。 05 You& white people, When you were born, you were pink. 你&白种人,当你出生时,你是粉红色的。 Ankle edema happens more frequently in white and black people. 踝关节水肿在白种人和黑色人种中发生得更为频繁。
2023-01-09 16:00:391


white是一个英文单词,可以作为形容词、名词,副词,动词等使用,意思是:“白种人的,白人的白(色)的 ,雪白的、苍白的、纯洁的,清白的,银制的,白衣的。 很多同学学习到white这个英文单词时,觉得不好把握white这个英文单词的多种用法,究竟white这个英文单词应该怎么正确使用呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 详细内容 01 单词音标: 英【waɪt/】【 美/waɪt】。 02 white house:白宫; black and white:白纸黑字;单色;黑白片; white wine:白葡萄酒。 03 Mr White likes chatting up the girls. 怀特先生喜欢跟姑娘们搭讪。 04 This gave Mr White an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. 这就给怀特先生一个使思想集中起来的机会。 The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak. 积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。 05 The colours of this flower run from white to dark grey. 这种花的颜色从白到深灰,色色俱全。 The walls are green, while the ceiling is white. 墙是绿色的,而天花板是白色的。
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2023-01-09 16:02:322


white读音:英 [waɪt],美 [waɪt]    adj. 白色的;纯洁的;白种的;加牛奶的n. 白色;白种人比较级: whiter 最高级: whitest 名词: whiteness 过去式: whited 过去分词: whited 现在分词: whiting 第三人称单数: whiteswhite直接源自古英语的hwit,意为明亮的。例句1、This parapet is white.这个栏杆是白色的。2、He was white with fury.他气得脸色发白。3、Borax is a kind of white powder.硼砂是一种白色粉末。4、She is white and he is coloured.她是白种人而他是黑人。5、I think white would be too stark for the bedroom. 我觉得卧室里用白色未免太素了。
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  White作为名词时,是指白色、白人、雪白、乳白、白种人、白葡萄酒。white作为形容词时,是指白色的、白的、白人的、白种人的、脸色苍白的。white作为动词时,使变白、漆成白色。white的复数是whites,white的第三人称单数是whites,white的现在分词是whiting。  White的例句:a set of perfect white teeth.一口洁白无瑕的牙齿His hair was as white as snow.他头发雪白。The horse was almost pure white in colour.那匹马几乎是纯白色。  She writes about her experiences as a black girl in a predominantly white city.她写的是自己身为一个黑人姑娘在以白人为主的城市里的经历。white with shock.震惊得脸色发白。  The pure white of the newly painted walls.新粉刷的墙壁的纯白色。She was dressed all in white.她穿着一身白色的衣服。Use the whites of two eggs.用两个鸡蛋的蛋清。
2023-01-09 16:03:171


如下:white,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词、形容词,作动词时译为“ <古>使变白,把……涂白”,作名词时译为“白色;洁白;白种人;外国人姓氏”,作形容词时译为“白色的;白种的;纯洁的”。单词用法:COLOR Something that is white is the colour of snow or milk. 白色ADJ A white person has a pale skin and belongs to a race of European origin. 白色人种的N-COUNT Whites are white people. 白种人ADJ White wine is pale yellow in colour. 白葡萄酒ADJ White blood cells are the cells in your blood your body uses to fight infection. 白 (细胞) [ADJ n]N-VAR The white of an egg is the transparent liquid that surrounds the yellow part called the yolk. 蛋清N-COUNT The white of someone"s eye is the white part that surrounds the coloured part called the iris. 眼白 (指眼球中的白色部分)N-UNCOUNT Miss White.怀特小姐
2023-01-09 16:03:231


white 英[waɪt] 美[hwaɪt, waɪt] adj. 白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的; n. 白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料; vt. (书写,印刷等) 留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白; [例句]He had nice square white teeth他的牙齿洁白而整齐,十分好看。[其他] 比较级:whiter 最高级:whitest 第三人称单数:whites 复数:whites现在分词:whiting 过去式:whited 过去分词:whited
2023-01-09 16:03:311


white:adj.  白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的;n.  白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料;vt.  (书写,印刷等)留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白;变形 过去分词: whited 复数: whites 过去式: whited 现在分词: whiting 第三人称单数: whites双语例句:1. She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair.  她走上前拥抱他并轻抚他凌乱的白发。2. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.  同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。3. Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England.  玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。4. The waiter offered him red wine or white wine with his meal.  侍者为他端上佐餐的红葡萄酒或者白葡萄酒。5. His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities.  他一家人试图融入白人和西班牙裔社区。6. Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved.  玛丽亚穿一袭白色节裙,一动裙子就窸窣作响。7. The white sails billow with the breezes they catch.  一张张白帆随着微风舞动。
2023-01-09 16:03:441


white英 [waɪt] 美 [hwaɪt, waɪt] adj.白色的,纯洁的;无色的,透明的;白衣的;白种人的n.白色;白种人;空白;白色颜料vt.(书写,印刷等)留出空白处;使变白色,刷白;漂白第三人称单数: whites 复数: whites 现在分词: whiting 过去式: whited 过去分词: whited 比较级: whiter 最高级: whitest
2023-01-09 16:04:031


white,作动词时译为“ <古>使变白,把……涂白”,作名词时译为“白色;洁白;白种人;外国人姓氏”,作形容词时译为“白色的;白种的;纯洁的”。词组短语:white house n. 白宫(美国政府的行政机关,美国总统官邸)black and white 白纸黑字;单色;黑白片white wine 白葡萄酒snow white n. 白雪公主white paper 白皮书;白纸white noise 白噪声(用以掩盖令人心烦的杂音)egg white 蛋白pure white 纯白;纯白色;纯洁白white light [物]白光white hair 白头发white cast iron 白口铸铁white man 白种人;忠实可靠的人white powder 白色粉末;白粉;干蛋白white horse n. 白马;怀特霍斯(加拿大育空地区首府);白马像(新石器时代、青铜时代或铁器时代雕刻在英国伯克郡等白垩山冈上)white pollution 白色污染white people 白种人white collar 白领阶层;白领工人white shirt 白衬衣,白衬衫white sugar n. 白糖;精制糖white matter [解]白质(脑及脊髓的)
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主要是白色的意思,还有下面意思a. 1. 白色的 2. 苍白的 She turned white with rage. 她气得脸色发白。 3. 白种人的[Z] 4. 白人的;为白人的[Z] Crime rate in the white areas here is on the decline. 此间白人居住区的犯罪率正在下降。 5. (咖啡)加牛奶或奶精的[Z] n. 1. 白色 2. 白种人[C] That restaurant used to serve whites only. 那家餐厅过去只接待白人。 3. 眼白[C][(+of)] 4. 蛋白[C][(+of)] Beat the egg whites till stiff. 把鸡蛋清打稠。 5. 白色颜料[C]
2023-01-09 16:04:476

white 中文是什么意思

2023-01-09 16:05:097


你这里具体问英语单词我white的意思,这个词它可以表示姓怀特,可以是白色的,还可以表示善意的比如说white lie显善意的谎言,你看你表示没有用处的比如说white elephant
2023-01-09 16:05:346

white小白 是什么意思

white英 [waɪt] 美 [hwaɪt, waɪt] 比较级:whiter最高级:whitest第三人称单数:whites第三人称复数:whites现在分词:whiting过去分词:whited过去式:whitedwhite 基本解释形容词白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的名词白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料及物动词(书写,印刷等)留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白
2023-01-09 16:05:561


2023-01-09 16:06:025


白色的;白种人的,白肤色的;苍白的;(咖啡,茶)加牛奶(或奶油)的;(葡萄酒)白的,淡黄色的;(面粉)精白的,由去皮小麦制成的;<美>空白的;(植物)开白花的,有白色果实的;(树木)树皮淡色的;(玻璃)透明的,无色的作名词的意思是:白色,白颜料;白种人,白人;白葡萄酒;眼白短语SNOW WHITE 白雪公主 ; 白雪姫 ; 白雪white noise [电子] 白噪声 ; [电子] 白噪音White House 白宫 ; 美国白宫 ; 白家 ; 白房子示例:He had nice square white teeth.他有整齐洁白的漂亮牙齿。近义词:palepale读法英 [peɪl]  美 [peɪl]adj. (脸色)苍白的;(颜色)浅的,淡的;(光线)暗淡的,微弱的;较差的,逊色的短语:pale blue 淡蓝 ; 淡蓝色 ; 像青鸭蛋壳的颜色 ; 浅蓝色Pale brown 浅褐色 ; 浅棕色 ; 棕黄色 ; 淡棕色pale lilac 浅莲灰 ; 粉紫色 ; 鸽子灰示例:Migrating birds filled the pale sky.迁徙的鸟布满了灰白的天空。
2023-01-09 16:06:271


很多同学学习到white这个英文单词时,觉得不好把握white这个英文单词的多种用法,究竟white这个英文单词应该怎么正确使用呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 white是一个英文单词,可以作为形容词、名词,副词,动词等使用,意思是:“白种人的,白人的白(色)的 ,雪白的、苍白的、纯洁的,清白的,银制的,白衣的。 详细内容 单词音标: 英【waɪt/】【 美/waɪt】。 white house:白宫; black and white:白纸黑字;单色;黑白片; white wine:白葡萄酒。 Mr White likes chatting up the girls. 怀特先生喜欢跟姑娘们搭讪。 This gave Mr White an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. 这就给怀特先生一个使思想集中起来的机会。 The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak. 积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。 The colours of this flower run from white to dark grey. 这种花的颜色从白到深灰,色色俱全。 The walls are green, while the ceiling is white. 墙是绿色的,而天花板是白色的。
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2023-01-09 16:09:013


white[英][waɪt][美][hwaɪt, waɪt]adj.白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的; n.白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料; vt.(书写,印刷等)留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白; 第三人称单数:whites复数:whites现在分词:whiting过去式:whited过去分词:whited比较级:whiter最高级:whitest形近词:White1The creamy white flowers are attractive in the spring.在春天,这种乳白色的花朵分外迷人。
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2023-01-09 16:09:328

off white是什么意思

2023-01-09 16:10:032

white 中文是什么意思?

2023-01-09 16:10:129


2023-01-09 16:10:424

White lie是什么意思?

2023-01-09 16:10:574

"white elephant"是什么意思? 如果有多种,就把每一种意思都打出来.

White elephant 在印度、里兰卡(从前称为锡兰)、泰国、缅甸等国白象(white elephant)被视为神圣不可侵犯的动物,人们从不会让它们劳作.据说要饲养一头“white elephant”花费惊人.所以从前中亚的国王对看不顺眼的大臣就赐给白象,使他为饲养御赐的白象而倾家荡产.源自此一典故“white elephant”一词后来演变而指比其价值或效用所需费用庞大而不成比例者,或虽然不需要但难于处理之物品了. The foreign aid to the country was believed to be nothing but a white elephant. (那个国家得到的外援不但无益而且成了沉重的负担.) When he planned to sell his house,his expensive furniture became white elephants. (他想要卖房子的时候,他的昂贵的家具成了累赘.) 由于“white elephant”有上述的意思,因而出现了“a white elephant sale”(白象义卖).不过这种以慈善为目的的义卖,所卖的不是白象,而是有心人士所捐出的家里不再需要之物品.
2023-01-09 16:11:441


white的意思是:1、adj. 白色的;白种的;纯洁的2、n. 白色;洁白;白种人【读音】英 [waɪt]  美 [waɪt] 【词源】直接源自古英语的hwit,意为明亮的。【短语】1、white house n. 白宫(美国政府的行政机关,美国总统官邸)2、black and white 白纸黑字;单色;黑白片3、white wine 白葡萄酒4、snow white n. 白雪公主扩展资料white的近义词pure【读音】英 [pjʊə(r)]  美 [pjʊr] 【意思】1、adj. 纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的;清白的;纯理论的2、n. (Pure)人名;(俄)普雷【短语】1、pure water 纯水,净水;纯净水2、pure white 纯白;纯白色;纯洁白3、pure gold 纯金,足赤4、pure love 纯真的爱情
2023-01-09 16:11:501


white 英[waɪt] 美[hwaɪt, waɪt] adj. 白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的; n. 白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料; vt. (书写,印刷等) 留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白; [例句]He had nice square white teeth他的牙齿洁白而整齐,十分好看。
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2023-01-09 16:12:061

white 什么意思

白色;白种人;纯洁 白色的;纯洁的 很高兴为你解答! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!
2023-01-09 16:12:121


adj.白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的n.白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料vt.(书写,印刷等)留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白例句:The overhead light was covered now with a white globe. 现在,顶灯已装上了一个白色球状罩子。She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair. 她走上前拥抱他并轻抚他凌乱的白发。The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review. 白宫很快宣布该项政策正在审核中。
2023-01-09 16:12:232


“miss white”的意思:怀特老师; 怀特小姐。读音:[mɪs waɪt] ,例句如下:Who"s the pretty girl in this photo, miss white? 怀特小姐,这个照片里的漂亮女孩是谁?Miss White: Are you interested in music? 怀特小姐:你对音乐感兴趣吗?Mr Black, this is Miss White. 布莱克先生这位是怀特小姐。1、miss 英[mɪs] ;美[mɪs]   n.(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐; 女士; 失误。v.漏掉; 错过(机会); 思念; 没遇到。She looked at Miss Melville, snugly ensconced among her new friends. 她看了看梅尔维尔小姐,她正舒适地安坐在新朋友中间。It would be just his luck to miss the last boat. 他就这运气,误了最后一班船也毫不出奇。2、white 英 [waɪt];美 [hwaɪt, waɪt] adj.白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的。n.白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料。vt.(书写,印刷等)留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白。The overhead light was covered now with a white globe. 现在,顶灯已装上了一个白色球状罩子。Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。
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misswhite的意思如下:n. 白小姐,怀特小姐例句如下:And it could have been Miss White herself who transferred the injured Gafoor"s blood to her clothing, including her left sock. BBC: Lynette White case: Murderer blood evidence questionedShe described how DNA profiles had been found at various points which matched or partially matched that of Gafoor and Miss White. BBC: Lynette White case: Murderer blood evidence questionedShe agreed that the fatal wound had been to Miss White"s throat. BBC: Lynette White case: Murderer blood evidence questionedMr Coker asked if it was possible that during the first struggle Miss White had not been injured but Gafoor had, which could explain why traces of what appeared to have been his blood had been found at exit points to the flat. BBC: Lynette White case: Murderer blood evidence questionedMr Hyatt drove Mr White to get Miss Manning but she never arrived. BBC: Barri White arriving at Luton Crown CourtMr White and Mr Hyatt went on trial for Miss Manning"s murder in 2002, with Mr White convicted of murder and jailed for life. BBC: Rachel ManningMiss Manning"s boyfriend Mr White was cleared of her murder after his case was highlighted by the BBC"s Rough Justice programme. BBC: Jury fails to reach verdict in Rachel Manning murder trialAt the northwest end of the platform is the impossible-to-miss, black-and-white, sumptuous Palacio de la Cultura Rafael Uribe Uribe (Palace of Culture), famous for hosting concerts, art expositions and other events. BBC: The cheapest sightseeing tour in the worldHollywood is terrified that if it drops or loses the case, it could end up with a family of mutated films--either porno versions of Snow White or a Driving Miss Daisy with license plate frames from Crazy Bill"s Used Car Lot. FORBES: Monster in a BoxMr Gumpert said the case was "complicated" because Miss Manning"s boyfriend, Barri White, was convicted of her murder in 2002. BBC: Rachel Manning "strangled and dumped at golf course"For those who miss this opportunity, the black and white editions will be available in stores in January 2013 at regular price. ENGADGET: Braven"s budget-friendly Bluetooth speaker to debut on QVC for $100President Clinton testified at his deposition that he had no specific recollection of being alone with Miss Lewinsky in any room at the White House. CNN: Transcript: Schippers, Lowell briefings before Judiciary panel, part 2After working later that day at JJB Sports in Milton Keynes, Mr White said he tried to phone Miss Manning"s flat. BBC: Barri White arriving at Luton Crown CourtAt 6:50, Mr. Jordan telephones the White House and tells the president that Miss Lewinsky signed the affidavit. CNNBy training radiologists to identify white nodules, are they more likely to miss other life-threatening anomalies?
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white英 [waɪt] 美 [hwaɪt, waɪt] adj. 白色的,纯洁的;无色的,透明的;白衣的;白种人的n. 白色;白种人;空白;白色颜料vt. (书写,印刷等)留出空白处;使变白色,刷白;漂白第三人称单数: whites 复数: whites 现在分词: whiting 过去式: whited 过去分词: whited 比较级: whiter 最高级: whitest
2023-01-09 16:12:551


white [英]waɪt [美]hwaɪt, waɪt adj. 白色的,纯洁的;无色的,透明的;白衣的;白种人的 n. 白色;白种人;空白;白色颜料 vt. (书写,印刷等)留出空白处;使变白色,刷白;漂白 [例句]He saw the ceiling , white and full of stars ."他看着天花板,白色的天花板上布满星星。
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adj. 白色的;白种的;纯洁的n. 白色;洁白;白种人He had nice square white teeth.他有整齐洁白的漂亮牙齿。Issa"s white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights.伊萨的白色沙滩帽在刺目的灯光下闪闪发光。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
2023-01-09 16:13:222

white 是什么意思?

2023-01-09 16:13:306


white[英][waɪt][美][hwaɪt, waɪt]adj.白色的,纯洁的; 无色的,透明的; 白衣的; 白种人的; n.白色; 白种人; 空白; 白色颜料; vt.(书写,印刷等)留出空白处; 使变白色,刷白; 漂白; 第三人称单数:whites过去分词:whited复数:whites最高级:whitest现在进行时:whiting比较级:whiter过去式:whited例句:1.The man in white. 穿白色的那个人。
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支持票,反对票black ball
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