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2023-08-24 08:37:08



(1)tricky question偏题;棘手的问题

(2)tricky problem棘手的问题

(3)tricky situation棘手的情况;棘手的局面

(4)tricky issue棘手的问题

(5)tricky subject棘手的问题



(1)A novel which handles its tricky subject with a light touch.


(2)Some things are very tricky to explain.



(3)Don"t act in unlawful and tricky ways.


(4)This guy is much too slippery/tricky/crafty.






2023-08-17 02:39:412


tricky的意思是棘手的;狡猾的;巧妙的。英语中有些动词的用法十分微妙,或者迷惑性比较大,我们称之为微妙动词(tricky verbs)。这类动词的微妙之处表现在两个方面:一是词义不易解释清楚,难于用适当或确切的汉语释义加以阐明;二是由于搭配关系容易引起误解或造成使用上的困难。在tricky verbs这一类词后面跟上动词不定式这种用法比较容易掌握,但在英语中这些词直接与名词连用的作法也十分普遍,这时候的汉语释义就无法直接表达了。tricky双语例句1、This is going to be really tricky.事情越来越棘手了。2、She showed great tact in dealing with a tricky situation.她处理棘手的局面表现得十分老练。3、The tricky robbers escaped again.狡猾的劫匪还是跑掉了。
2023-08-17 02:40:261

tricky tricksy区别

2023-08-17 02:40:511


tricky英[ˈtrɪki]美[ˈtrɪki]adj.狡猾的; 微妙的; (形势、工作等)复杂的; 机警的网络微妙; 巧妙; 狡猾比较级:trickier最高级:trickiest
2023-08-17 02:40:591

Tricky的《Tricky Kid》 歌词

歌曲名:Tricky Kid歌手:Tricky专辑:Pre Millennium TensionTricky词.曲.编曲/ Veraqueen(香菇)眼皮跳动著像在预示著什麼咖啡杯上残留著记忆里嘴唇的温热还有那咖啡的微涩叨絮的荡漾著依然是老套的剧情胶卷上的显影无法编织的透彻转动著失焦与脱格不过是渴望一种平静和无所谓的勇气没有夸张的情绪清晰看见自己的倒影怎麼相信镜子里的自己是无比纯粹且诚实的告诉你那些背後诡谲的诡计不过是反射你内心的妖敌怎麼相信镜子里的自己是无比纯粹且诚实的告诉你
2023-08-17 02:41:211

i think its very vital什么歌

i think its very vital是歌曲《It"s Tricky》。歌曲:《It"s Tricky》歌手:Run-D.M.C歌词:This beat is my recital I think it"s very vital我接下来要说的就是我们要表演的 我觉得将会非常有活力To rock a rhyme that"s right on time做好的说唱 在恰到好处的时机It"s tricky tricky yo here we go这首歌的题目是It"s Tricky 唱起来It"s tricky to rock a rhyme说唱可不容易To rock a rhyme that"s right on time在恰到好处的时机 是不容易的It"s tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易It"s tricky to rock a rhyme说唱可不容易To rock a rhyme that"s right on time在恰到好处的时机 是不容易的It"s tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易I met this little girlie her hair was kinda curly我遇到了一个姑娘 她的头发有点卷Went to her house to bust her out I had to leave her early我去她家约她出来玩 很早就出发了歌曲资料:《It"s Tricky》是Run-D.M.C.演唱的歌曲,收录于《Playlist: The Very Best Of RUN-DMC (Explicit)》专辑中。Run-DMC是美国著名黑人说唱乐队,是首支打进Billboard流行专辑榜前10名的说唱乐团,由Joseph Simmons,Darryl McDaniels和Jason Mizell于1981年创立。被公认为嘻哈文化史上最具影响力的乐队之一,也是20世纪80年代最着名的嘻哈乐队之一。
2023-08-17 02:41:321

Tricky的《For Real》 歌词

歌曲名:For Real歌手:Tricky专辑:A Ruff Guide ToIf I show youGet to know youIf I hold you just for todayI"m not gonna wanna let goI"m not gonna wanna go homeTell me you feel the same"Cause I"m for real, are you for real?I can"t help myself it"s the way I feelWhen you look me in the eyes like you did last nightI can"t stand to hear you say goodbyeBut it feels so right "cause it feels so rightJust to have you standin" by my sideSo don"t let me go "cause you have my soulAnd I just wanted you to knowI don"t wanna look back"Cause I know that we haveSomething the past could never changeAnd I"m stuck in the momentAnd my heart is openTell me that you feel the same, oh"Cause I"m for real, are you for real?I can"t help myself it"s the way I feelWhen you look me in the eyes like you did last nightI can"t stand to hear you say goodbyeWell it feels so right "cause it feels so rightJust to have you standin" by my sideSo don"t let me go "cause you have my soulAnd I just wanted you to knowHold (hold) me down (me down)Hold (hold) me nowI"m safe (I"m safe)I"m sound (sound)When you"re.. aroundHold (hold) me down (me down)Hold (hold) me nowI"m safe (I"m safe)I"m sound (sound)When you"re.. around"Cause I"m for real, are you for real?I can"t help myself it"s the way I feelWhen you look me in the eyes like you did last nightI can"t stand to hear you say goodbyeWell it feels so right "cause it feels so rightJust to have you standin" by my sideSo don"t let me go "cause you have my soulAnd I just wanted you to know (I"m for real)"Cause I"m for real, are you for real?I can"t help myself it"s the way I feelWhen you look me in the eyes like you did last nightI can"t stand to hear you say goodbyeBut it feels so right "cause it feels so rightJust to have you standin" by my sideSo don"t let me go "cause you have my soulAnd I just wanted you to know
2023-08-17 02:42:001

eventual;tricky;detriment 这英语怎么读??

2023-08-17 02:42:071

Tricky的《Call Me》 歌词

歌名:Call Me歌手:Sarah ConnorTell me what should I doJust seems I"m falling so deep into youWhy did it take me so long to findSomeone so perfect someone so rightbaby i love youI have imagined this moment for lifeI have spent many days and so many nightsHolding my pillow as I close my eyesBaby just call me if you need me babyYou can reach me babyBaby just call me if you need me I"m thereAnytime I"ll me there trough it all babyI have known so much painNow that you"ve come and cleared all of my rainYou are my sunshine all trough the rainEverything you do just seems so rightI"m not afraid to go on moreYou"ve picked me off the floorCause of you that I liveBaby, just call me if you need me babyYou can reach me babyOh baby just call me if you need me I"m thereAnytime I"ll be there trough it all babyI have spent so many nights dreaming aboutFinding that someone that fits my lifeSo full of passion so full of lifejust call me
2023-08-17 02:42:171

get tricky

trick 的通常意思是“诀窍”,但在这里 tricky 是俚语式的用法,大概意思是“棘手”. this is where it can get tricky 是说 在这方面,问题可能有点棘手(或巧妙),需要用点心机.
2023-08-17 02:42:241


2023-08-17 02:42:442


tricky situation 棘手的情况tricky 英[u02c8tru026aki]美[u02c8tru026aki]adj. 狡猾的; 微妙的; (形势、工作等) 复杂的; 机警的;[例句]It"s a very tricky problem, but I think there are a number of things you can do.那是个非常棘手的问题,但我想有几样事你是可以做到的。[其他] 比较级:trickier 最高级:trickiest
2023-08-17 02:43:121


2023-08-17 02:43:201

帮我翻译一首来自Tricky的 she makes me wanna die 谢谢

2023-08-17 02:43:281


问题一:诡谲是什么意思? 读音:guǐjué 1.[strange and changeful;treacherous]∶奇异,奇怪。 相关文献: 《文选u30fb王褒<洞箫赋>》:“趣从容其勿述兮,骛合以诡谲。” 李善 注:“诡谲,犹奇怪也。” 李周翰 注:“诡谲,奇异。” 唐 李白 《上云乐》诗:“碧玉炅炅双目瞳,黄金拳拳两鬓红。华盖垂下睫, 嵩岳 临上唇。不诡谲貌,岂知造化神。” 宋 范成大 《嘲峡石》诗:“云何清淑气,孕此诡谲迹。” 明 唐顺之 《前后入蜀稿序》:“山泽好奇之士,往往以极幽遐诡谲之观,博搜山川草木鸟兽变化之情状为快。” 2.[eccentric and wild]∶怪诞;虚妄。 相关文献: 《晋书u30fb王坦之传》:“若夫 庄生 者……其言诡谲,其义恢诞。” 宋 邵雍 《戒子文》:“凶者言语诡谲。” 《资治通鉴u30fb唐德宗贞元十年》:“ 延龄 每奏对,恣为诡谲,皆众所不敢言。” 3.变化多端。 相关文献:《艺文类聚》卷六三引 晋 张协 《玄武馆赋》:“於是崇墉四匝,丰厦诡谲,烂若丹霞,皎如素雪。” 4.[sly;crafty;cunning;tricky]∶狡诈;狡黠。 相关文献: 《北史u30fb隋纪下u30fb炀帝》:“性多诡谲,所幸之处,不欲人知,每幸之所,辄数道置顿。” 《醒世恒言u30fb灌园叟晚逢仙女》:“为人奸狡诡谲,残忍刻薄。” 王西彦 《夜宴》六:“ 金其骏 先生诡谲地笑了起来,顺手把条子掷给 毛立章 先生。” 5.阴谋诡计。 相关文献: 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记u30fb印度总述》:“惧冥运之罪,轻生事之业,诡谲不行,盟誓为信,政教尚质,风俗犹和。” 宋 苏舜钦 《上范希文书》:“某反虑将佐不知此事,锐而少思,狃毫发之胜,中其诡谲而所丧必大。” 茅盾 《幻灭》四:“他觉得他的对手简直是一个鬼,不分日夜地跟踪自己,侦察着,知道他的一切秘密,一切诡谲。” 相关词语: 诡越 诡毳殊章 诡诓 诡猾 诡诞不经 诡黠 诡异 诡落 诡辞 诡秘莫测 诡崛 诡籍 问题二:诡谲莫辨是什么意思 诡谲:1.形容奇异而富于变化 2.形容怪诞离奇 3.形容狡诈 狡黠 诡谲莫辨 应该是 有变化多供奇怪的神情不能看明白 问题三:图景诡谲是什么意思啊?是成语吗? 图景诡谲不是成语 诡谲_词语解释 【拼音】:guǐ jué 【解释】:1.奇异,奇怪。2.怪诞;虚妄。3.变化多端。4.狡诈;狡黠。5.阴谋诡计。 问题四:奸诈诡谲什么意思 奸诈狡猾的意思 问题五:意思是诡诈,狡诈的成语 阴险狡诈,诡计多端,老奸巨猾, 问题六:诡计是狡诈的计策,狡诈是什么意思,和诡诈意思相同吗 狡诈:阴险狡猾,诡计多端 唬诈:用似是而非的、欺骗的话取信于人,使自己得利,就叫诡诈。 两者不一样。。 问题七:波涛诡谲的意思是什么 诡谲 guǐjué,基本释义有以下几种: (1).奇异,奇怪。《文选u30fb王褒<洞箫赋>》:“趣从容其勿述兮,骛合以诡谲。” (2).怪诞;虚妄。《晋书u30fb王坦之传》:“若夫 庄生 者……其言诡谲,其义恢诞。” (3).变化多端。《艺文类聚》卷六三引 晋 张协 《玄武馆赋》:“於是崇墉四匝,丰厦诡谲,烂若丹霞,皎如素雪。” (4).狡诈;狡黠。《北史u30fb隋纪下u30fb炀帝》:“性多诡谲,所幸之处,不欲人知,每幸之所,辄数道置顿。” (5).阴谋诡计。 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记u30fb印度总述》:“惧冥运之罪,轻生事之业,诡谲不行,盟誓为信,政教尚质,风俗犹和。” “波涛诡谲”应取其第3种释义,则“波涛诡谲”的意思就可以解释为:江河湖海中的波浪翻滚,变化多端。
2023-08-17 02:43:351

trickyoldteacher 是什么意思

狡猾的老教师 tricky是狡猾的,机警的意思
2023-08-17 02:43:441


2023-08-17 02:43:525


tricky的意思是:adj.需细心和技巧的;难对付的;诡计多端的;欺骗的;灵巧的;熟练的1、短语搭配(1)tricky question偏题;棘手的问题(2)tricky problem棘手的问题(3)tricky situation棘手的情况;棘手的局面(4)tricky issue棘手的问题(5)tricky subject棘手的问题2、双语例句(1)A novel which handles its tricky subject with a light touch.一部将棘手的主题处理得十分巧妙的小说。(2)Some things are very tricky to explain.有些事情很难解释。(3)Don"t act in unlawful and tricky ways.不要搞左道旁门。(4)This guy is much too slippery/tricky/crafty.这人太油了。3、近义词designing诡诈的;knowing会意的;subtle微妙的
2023-08-17 02:44:221


2023-08-17 02:46:101

求Tricky演唱的My Head歌词

歌曲:My Head歌手:Tricky所属专辑:Maryland MansionsI got in the carAnd turned the volume to tenI tried to scream alongThe words to something bigBut my lungs couldn"t handle itMy chest was strainedAnd my face was redBut the albums make it sound so easyPut your mouth to microphoneAnd the pressure gets releasedBut it never sounds the sameWhen you"re the one who"s screamingBetween the world and my brainThis voice supports everything I think on its backAnd its little spine is bendingI"ve listened all my life and you haven"t told me anythingWhere"s the embarrassment?Where"s the banality?I wanna hold the moments that you flush from your memoryOne day I"ll make songsSongs"ll make it permenantIn four-minute formsThe whole world might learn from thisAnd then all the hours of paralysis, imprisonmentIt might be worth it, might be worth it, might be...My head is spinningBut very, very slowlyAnd I hope one day my singingMight contain or control itThere"s a temporary sanityIn this anorexic vanity businessSatisfaction can"t existI love work, I love success
2023-08-17 02:47:221

Tricky的《Bad Dreams》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Dreams歌手:Tricky专辑:Pre Millennium TensionKe$ha - Bad DreamMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceI feel like I"ve been watchingThe stars and Earth collideThe past, it haunts meYeah it kills me every single timeAnd now my mind is racingMy heart pounds in my chestI know I have to let you goCause I just can"t forgetI"m so in love but I found your liesTell me I"m having just a bad dream tonightTell me love, that it"s all alrightTell me I"m having just a bad dream tonightCome wake me up (5x)I wish I never knew whatI somehow figured outLie and tell me you don"t knowWhat I"m talking aboutHow do I recoverFrom these pictures in my head?You were the love of my lifeI sure hope she was worth itI"m so in love but I found your liesTell me I"m having just a bad dream tonightTell me love, that it"s all alrightTell me I"m having just a bad dream tonightCome wake me upWake me, hurryYou"re just watching me fall to blacknessHaunting me every nightTake this bad dreamI can"t wake upI"m so in love but I found your liesTell me I"m having just a bad dream tonightTell me love, that it"s all alrightTell me I"m having just a bad dream tonightCome wake me up (2X)MaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source
2023-08-17 02:47:311


天空下 - 范玮琪词:黄婷曲:鸦片丹每当飞机云划过了晴朗天一直那麽蓝 心一直很烫你的肩膀 紧贴我的肩膀幸福就牵引在 同个 磁场.每当雨洒过萌芽的土壤时光像棉花糖 温暖里融化我的天堂 都画在你手掌默契是无声的情话.一起晒月光 一起煮热汤一辈子你就是我的梦想落日的余晖 爬满了阳台有你在的平凡 是最美的姿态.喜欢你 留在我的天空下一起看生命的深刻 柔和 静静流过多幸运 在有你的天空下一起用回忆的诚恳 泪痕串起未来无限大.每当你傻里傻气的开朗为我挡全世界 纷扰和沮丧分合聚散 让他人去迷惘真心会给我们胆量.一起晒月光 一起煮热汤一辈子你就是我的梦想落日的余晖 爬满了阳台有你在的平凡 是最美的姿态.喜欢你 留在我的天空下一起看生命的深刻 柔和 静静流过多幸运 在有你的天空下一起用回忆的诚恳 泪痕串起未来无限大.喜欢你 留在我的天空下一起看生命的深刻 柔和 静静流过多幸运 在有你的天空下一起用回忆的诚恳 泪痕串起未来无限大.多幸运 在有你的天空下一起用回忆的诚恳 泪痕串起未来无限大.天空下 天空下 天空下 天空下
2023-08-17 02:47:381

Tricky的《Feed Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Feed Me歌手:Tricky专辑:MaxinquayeCryoShell - FeedRide my fingersLove that lingersLick my lips andSmash the sinnersFills my palm andFilled with charm IEat with harm andOverwrite the healingHow can I wash the dirt off?Can I remove the stone?I could drawn myself to clean these bonesPanicking in my daydreamI wanna feed my soulSlip it and stuff it under my skinOne more time it ridesMy senses of joy, so I won"t let goOne more time I riseBelieving that everything is coming trueIf you drag me from this holeI think I know that I can promise youNow you can feed my soulExpelling the pain, and I can let it goBlue and beat myFeet and knees haveCrawled too deep toSatisfy a cravingWon"t fall underBut this hungerFeeds my soul andI"m gonna let itWhy do I feel like waste isBuilding up inside me?I slip it in and stuff it under my skin (under my skin)One more time it ridesMy senses of joy, so I won"t let goOne more time I riseBelieving that everything is coming trueIf you drag me from this holeI think I know thatI can promise youNow you can feed my soulExpelling the pain, and I can let it goHow can I wash the dirt off?Can I remove the stone?I eat with harm and feed my soulHow can I wash the dirt off?Can I remove the stone?I eat with harm and feed my soulHow can I wash the dirt off?If you drag me from this holeI think I know that I can promise youNow you can feed my soulExpelling the pain, and I can let it goIt hurtsIt hurts
2023-08-17 02:47:451

what a tricky job的意思 重点解释tricky

真是个难搞定的工作 tricky 难以对付的或者难以应付的
2023-08-17 02:48:061


如果表示“够呛”或者“很难搞定”可以用tough或者tricky表示,比如“He"s a tough guy(他不好对付)”或者“That"s a tricky question(这问题很难答得上)”。如果纯粹想抱怨某件事很烂,或某次经历糟透了。可以说“It sucks/sucked.”或者“It blows/blew.”
2023-08-17 02:48:171

welcom to detroit city 歌词

Welcome To Detroit City -Trick ft. Eminem[00:01.00]Edit by Monique.K[00:06.19]Yeah, yeah[00:08.17]Tricky, let"s show "em some love[00:12.91]Welcome to Detroit![00:14.58][00:14.79]Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs?[00:16.77]Throw them hands up and show some love[00:19.40]And I Welcome you to Detroit City[00:22.18]I said welcome to Detroit City[00:24.77]Every place everywhere we go[00:27.25]Man we deep everywhere we roll[00:29.79]Ask around and they all know Tricky[00:32.61]That"s whats good man they all say Tricky[00:35.50][00:35.60]Click click boom, just as soon as we hit the room[00:38.01]You can hear "em holla Goon Squad in this bitch[00:40.63]Let me hear you holla Good Squad in this bitch[00:43.11]Let me hear you holla Runyon Ave. in this bitch[00:45.65]So who am I gonna call on when I ain"t got them boys with me[00:48.88]And the situation gets a little sticky[00:50.56]I"ma dial 911 like a mufuckin" punk, fuck that, bla bla[00:54.50]I"ma call that rude boy from Detroit Trick Trick[00:57.71]Quick come pick me up, bring them guns[01:00.37]Come to the club, meet me out front[01:02.00]There"s some chump up in this bitch[01:03.72]Poppin" some junk cuz he"s drunk[01:05.27]And we may have to fuck his ass up[01:07.28]Cuz uh somethin" smells a lil fishy[01:09.30]And I don"t like the way his boys keep lookin" at me[01:11.85]So homie come get me, Shut up boys what up though I see you[01:15.10]Rock Bottom, yea I see you, all my Detroit people[01:17.86]Where you at man, let me see them hands in the sky[01:20.31]Detroit mufucka"s till we die[01:22.62][01:22.95]Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs?[01:25.22]Throw them hands up and show some love[01:27.78]And I Welcome you to Detroit City[01:30.44]I said welcome to Detroit City[01:33.10]Every place everywhere we go[01:35.67]Man we deep everywhere we roll[01:38.31]Ask around and they all know Tricky[01:41.02]That"s whats good man they all say Tricky[01:43.57][01:43.80]Homie its been a long time comin" and I"m straight with that[01:46.42]Marshall call me 50 ?? and laced the track[01:48.93]This the beat you hear it bangin", he produced it himself[01:51.76]My bad almost forgot to introduce myself[01:54.41]My name is Trick Trick, head of the Goon Squad[01:57.26]And gangsta, been bangin" the underground since 95 we"re bangin[01:59.79]Elected to be the villain, and certified a menace[02:03.37]Holdin" it down since I paroled, up outta prison[02:05.52]You heard about me, you just didn"t know it was me[02:07.75]All the treacherous, evil deeds of the D you ever see[02:10.52]Pickin" that kid up in the game, I just wasn"t chasin" the fame[02:12.99]I been chasin" the paper product and givin" lames the pain[02:15.58]Accusations of violence you know you done heard of that[02:18.27]A quarter of a million dollars for beatin" a murder rap[02:20.86]And my boy holdin" me up, Shady done put it out[02:23.56]Trick Trick and Eminem, Detroit back in the house[02:26.13][02:26.31]Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs?[02:28.41]Throw them hands up and show some love[02:31.08]And I Welcome you to Detroit City[02:33.69]I said welcome to Detroit City[02:36.34]Every place everywhere we go[02:38.92]Man we deep everywhere we roll[02:41.54]Ask around and they all know Tricky[02:44.27]That"s whats good man they all say Tricky[02:46.76][02:46.96]Ayo Em, you ever need one of these weapons come get it[02:49.76]From now on every beef that you get in homie I"m in it[02:52.24]I been ridin" for this city, whether wrong or right[02:54.98]I been whippin" on mothafuckas for the longest time[02:57.61]So its evident, its time for Trick to get it fast[03:00.30]The public, see they appreciate my criminal past[03:02.93]Authorities tried to stop me but they couldn"t keep up[03:05.67]Got a fanbase thats bigger than an average star[03:08.25]I"m satisfied with it bein" my time to shine[03:10.82]And I freak from the precinct for violent crimes[03:13.50]I ain"t sayin" the shit that I"m sayin" so girls can feel me[03:16.13]Only speakin" on what I know so the world can hear me[03:18.44]So peace to Jimmy and Dre for signin" my nigga[03:21.34]He reached back to Detroit and grabbed a winner[03:24.03]So the gangstas and thugs, we embrace the love[03:26.69]And beat the hell outta anyone that fucks with us[03:29.36][03:29.55]Where"s my gangstas and all my thugs?[03:31.76]Throw them hands up and show some love[03:34.23]And I Welcome u to Detroit City[03:36.87]I said welcome to Detroit City[03:39.60]Every place everywhere we go[03:42.14]Man we deep everywhere we roll[03:44.74]Ask around and they all know Tricky[03:47.50]That"s whats good man they all say Tricky[03:53.28][03:53.54]Yeah. Trick Trick[03:56.24]Eminem, Wonder boy, Shady[04:02.78]It"s goin down baby[04:05.95]Ayo Em I got your back my nigga[04:11.11]Damn right I said my nigga[04:13.75]That"s my nigga[04:14.36]Tricky
2023-08-17 02:48:541


I Got That Boom Boom It"s Tricky
2023-08-17 02:49:044

巧妙的单词 巧妙的单词是什么

巧妙的单词有:manipulate,ingeniously,expertly,manipulative,masterly。 巧妙的单词有:expertly,aptly,ingeniously,masterly,tricky。 拼音是:qiǎo miào。 结构是:巧(左右结构)妙(左右结构)。 注音是:ㄑ一ㄠˇㄇ一ㄠ_。 词性是:形容词。巧妙的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】巧妙qiǎomiào。(1)精巧美妙;灵巧高妙。二、引证解释⒈精巧美妙;灵巧高妙。引《三国志·魏志·管辂传》“正始九年举秀才”裴松之注引《管辂别传》:“何尚书神明精微,言皆巧妙。”唐陈鸿《华清汤池记》:“安禄山於范阳以白玉石为鱼龙_雁,仍以石梁及石莲花以献,雕_巧妙,殆非人工。”柔石《二月》二十:“回答的话真巧妙,使人坠在五里雾中。”三、国语词典灵巧美妙。词语翻译英语ingenious,clever,ingenuity,artifice德语geschickt,clever,raffiniert法语ingénieux四、网络解释巧妙巧妙是汉语词汇,拼音:qiǎomiào,释义:指精巧美妙;灵巧高妙。出自《三国志·魏志·管辂传》。关于巧妙的近义词绝妙奥妙灵巧高明精巧奇妙奇异美妙精妙关于巧妙的反义词愚笨拙劣笨拙愚蠢蠢笨关于巧妙的诗词《西江月·梅村作物幻八诗颇极巧妙予谓其近于词为小调足之》关于巧妙的诗句巧妙神明出巧妙出天机谁云巧妙工关于巧妙的成语巧立名色巧作名目雕虫小巧豪夺巧取巧捷万端巧夺天工巧语花言巧上加巧关于巧妙的词语巧捷万端巧夺天工巧妙绝伦心灵手巧巧立名色巧语花言雕虫小巧巧作名目豪夺巧取穷妙极巧关于巧妙的造句1、他这个一箭双雕的办法真是巧妙!2、这篇小说构思巧妙,读起来很吸引人。3、诸葛亮神机妙算,巧妙地借来了东风。4、这篇文章构思巧妙,结构精致,确实是良工心苦,值得细细品味。5、这幅化作构思巧妙,用笔精巧,获得了评委的好评。点此查看更多关于巧妙的详细信息
2023-08-17 02:49:231

tricky business是什么意思

tricky business棘手的业务双语例句1In the third debate Mr Romney steered clear of the whole tricky business.在此次辩论中,罗姆尼却避而不谈这件棘手的事。No, i"m just saying that it"s a very tricky business.我只是说那种行业不好经营。Understanding how an OODBMS like db4o stores associated objects held throughreferences is a tricky business.理解像db4o这样的OODBMS是如何通过引用存储相关对象,是比较复杂的事情。The bad news is that forecasting asteroid impacts remains a tricky business.坏消息是预测小行星撞击不是件容易事。Actually trying to measure economic complexity is a tricky business, but it is notimpossible.真要衡量经济地复杂性,有关条码机的相关介绍,会是件棘手地事,但并非不可能办到。
2023-08-17 02:49:301

tricky words什么意思

tricky words 捣蛋字;不能按发音规则拼读的单词;捣蛋单词例句筛选1.After then, some doubted that guy was a liar. All he said was just tricky words to sellhis products. So, was a really a liar?事后,有同学怀疑那人是个骗子,他所说的花言巧语都只是促销的手段,那么,他真的是个骗子么?2.The question of when grunts and yelps turned into words and phrases is a tricky one.什么时候哼哼唧唧的声音变成了单词和短语是个恼人的问题。
2023-08-17 02:49:391

难死塔tricky towers在线联机和本地联机,如何联机?

在线对战目前只有正版玩家可用,可以在Steam上购买游戏并体验在线联机。本地多人挑战是可以的。Local Battle是本地对战,Online Battle是在线对战,Single Player是单人战役。2.本地多人对战的只要选择Local Battle即可,之后选择加入游戏的人数并选择角色,然后选择游戏模式,最后开始游戏。
2023-08-17 02:49:492

求翻译.Time is tricky.

您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:Time is tricky. 翻译:时间是很棘手的. 或者:时间真是不好对付的 Time is tricky.It is difficult to control and easy to waste. 时间真是不好对付的,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉. 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.
2023-08-17 02:49:571


是Peak Season Charge 的缩写,是旺季附加费的意思。
2023-08-17 02:45:172


我是用这个插件 qTranslate 每次发布文章的时候 上传多个语言发布
2023-08-17 02:45:207


压电陶瓷的原理是:一种陶瓷材料有压电效应,即受到外界施加的压力后材料自身就会产生电荷的累积,即由压力产生电荷的现象就叫压电效应。从而可以通过电荷的变化来感应压力的变化,最普遍的应用为B超,声纳等。另外压电陶瓷还有逆压电效应,即在有外加电场的作用下,自身材料会产生微小形变,因此通过这个特性也将压电陶瓷做成微位移制动器,实现微小位移的精确控制。国内在哈尔滨工业大学有一家公司专门生产压电陶瓷和配套驱动电源的,好像叫:博实精密测控,我们实验室就在用,效果很明显。Good Luck!
2023-08-17 02:45:322


2023-08-17 02:45:3211


2023-08-17 02:45:434


PSS是励磁系统的一种功能,抑制有功振荡的,励磁正常工作是以机端电压为反馈量~PSS是在这个基础上加入了有功的反馈,也就是在有功发生振荡时为系统增加一个阻尼,使振荡尽快平稳。单独一个电厂投入PSS是没有效果的,只有大部分电源点都投入PSS,电网的抗振荡能力才能提高。现在电网要求电厂投入PSS和一次调频这些都是为了电网的稳定。发电机自动电压调节器中的一种附加励磁控制装置,它的主要作用是给电压调节器提供一个附加控制信号,产生正的附加阻尼转矩。扩展资料:由美国电力技术公司自70年代推向市场后,经不断修改、完善的电力系统仿真软件。它可以进行潮流计算、事故分析、网络等值和动态仿真。其中又以潮流计算为核心,将稳定、短路电流分析等功能集成在一个软件包内,是一个集成化的交互式软件。PSS/E采用高效建模技术,PSS/E30版本处理的电力网络的最大规模 5万条母线、10万条线路、10万个负荷以及12000台发电机。
2023-08-17 02:45:441


snail[英][sneu026al][美][snel]n.蜗牛; 慢性子; 复数:snails例句:1.Power generation is where the electric snail comes in. 能量发动系统是电动蜗牛的一个重要特点。2.However westernized chinese cities may now appear, the snail crawl of traffic and the ever-more frequent breakdown of transport systems nationwide have brought these lofty goals hurtling back to earth. 虽然这些西方化的中国城市正初现雏形,但蔓延全国的蜗速交通和频频瘫痪的运输系统正让这个理想化的目标渐行渐远。3.There once was a snail that wanted to buy a nissan z car. 有一个蜗牛想买一辆“尼桑z”型号的车。4.The snail was the blue-haired fairy"s pet. 这只蜗牛是蓝发仙女的宠物。5.A snail with implanted biocatalytic electrodes connected with crocodile clips to the external circuitry. 一只植入了生化电极的蜗牛通过鳄鱼夹与外部电路连接。
2023-08-17 02:45:471


问题一:蜗牛的英文是什么 snail [sneil] n. 蜗牛, 迟钝的人 v. 捉蜗牛, 缓慢移动 snail snail AHD:[sn??l] D.J.[sneil] K.K.[snel] n.(名词) Any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial mollusks of the class Gastropoda, typically having a spirally coiled shell, broad retractile foot, and distinct head. 蜗牛:腹足科众多水生或陆栖软体动物中的一种,通常带有一螺旋似的厚壳,足宽且向内旋,脑袋清晰 A slow-moving, lazy, or sluggish person. 慢性子:行动缓慢、懒惰或无所事事的人 Middle English 中古英语 from Old English sn??gl 源自 古英语 sn??gl snail 中古英语snaile 问题二:“蜗牛的英语单词怎么写 蜗牛 snail 英 [sne?l] 美 [snel] 火车这会儿走得跟蜗牛一样慢。 The train was moving now at a snail"s pace 问题三:蜗牛的英语怎么说? Snail 问题四:努力的蜗牛英文该怎么说 根据 修女也疯狂 Sister Act 也可以 Snail Act
2023-08-17 02:45:551


PSS分子式: (C8H7NaO3S)x,主要用于水处理领域,石油采油领域,造纸领域等。
2023-08-17 02:46:001


2023-08-17 02:45:091


到地球村网申请个号,填写完善公司资料,选择自己行业的相关或是自己喜欢的模板,只要会上传图片,会打字,20几分钟自己公司网站,就做好了,当天做好,基本上第二天,就能在百度谷歌搜到自己的公司名,公司产品了。 安全稳定简单易用 最关键的是完全免费 mmopwot158
2023-08-17 02:45:093


2023-08-17 02:45:013


2023-08-17 02:45:004


snail的读法是:英 [sneu026al];美 [sneu026al]一、基础释义:n.蜗牛二、短语搭配(1)at a snails pace非常缓慢(2)snail mail蜗牛式邮政;邮递邮政;邮递信件(3)edible snail食用蜗牛(4)sea snail狮子鱼。三、双语例句(1)He drove at a snail"s pace.他慢吞吞地开车。(2)He moved at a snail"s pace while we were waiting on tenterhooks.我们焦急不安地等待着,而他却蜗行牛步。(3)A snail has two tentacles/feelers on its head.蜗牛头上长着一对触角。
2023-08-17 02:44:541


轿车不导电吗 你试试
2023-08-17 02:44:503


生活中静电屏蔽的应用:1、通讯电缆外面包的铅皮2、电子仪器设备外面的金属罩3、高压带电作业(500千伏带电作业用的屏蔽服)4、很多电子仪器,比如示波器的接线都是这样的屏蔽线5、汽车外的天线6、有线电视信号线,外面就有一层金属丝,就为了静电屏蔽,使信号不受干扰 7、手机不想扰,,又不能关机,找个金属盒子装进去,就变成了"您拨打的用户不在服务区”。概念:1、屏蔽就是对两个空间区域之间进行金属的隔离,以控制电场、磁场和电磁波由一个区域对另一个区域的感应和辐射。2、具体讲,就是用屏蔽体将元部件、电路、组合件、电缆或整个系统的干扰源包围起来,防止干扰电磁场向外扩散;用屏蔽体将接收电路、设备或系统包围起来,防止它们受到外界电磁场的影响。
2023-08-17 02:44:411


网站是传统企业打开新世界的窗户,但一定要小心忽悠!英文网站建设公司给前后打工的4个企业找过做网站的,血的教训提示你要注意几点。1.定制公司类做网站定制的公司多如牛毛,从专业设计公司到游击队一应具全,报价差很多,质量也不一定是贵的好,很难辨别。优点:大公司品质高,可以定做专用功能 。缺点:设计时间较长,修改沟通麻烦,垃圾公司太多想找的最好百度搜索‘自己当地的名称+网站定制",别搜网络建站公司,都是小公司广告,注意和他们多沟通,看成功案例。英文网站建设公司2.成品建客类自选行业标准化的精美模板,界面优秀,制作速度很快,10分钟就能先体验网站大概面貌,方便选择优点:速度快,价格便宜,界面优秀,开放网站源代码和空间管理权,方便转移网站。缺点:界面按行业标准设计的,个性化相对不足想找的百度搜索‘成品建客",不过要注意别与成品建站搞混了,两者之间差得远了。英文网站建设公司3.自助建站类自助建站没有表面标价那么便宜,空间费等配套费贵的要死,而且太多人用做的又难看,管理麻烦,自己拿不到网站的源代码和空间管理权!等于说离了他们啥都干不了!优点:快,相对便宜。缺点:质量普遍较低,改不了,无数人共用一套模板,而且大部分比较丑,拿不到网站源码和空间管理权。想找的百度搜索‘自助建站",一搜一堆,服务都差不多,强烈不推荐英文网站建设公司
2023-08-17 02:44:401


2023-08-17 02:44:321