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2023-08-24 00:55:06



作词:萩原ゆう、作曲:traditional、编曲:戸越まごめ、主唱:Lia 。

Ana 歌词:

The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds.

Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places.

The place is so far away, be far apart.

people"s hand does not merely has (the) worship.

The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on.

We will lose the lofty which changes.

Not all were desired. However, we"re never sad.

still, there is still the place.far away. far away.

(The wind) blows through the place. an endless, with all.

Like the ripple float on the water. It blows at as it goes.

the place is No make at all. Nothing is shown.

Like the sand clasped by hand. It falls vainly.

The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light.

But we will find it in the place.The hut at which it stands still.

if not cencerned with all, It will maintain that No dye.

therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly, solitary.

no halt at the soars to the sky.

Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise, It grows up as reborn.

The hut has held new one.that"s different from all.

like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind.

The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm.

still,We will know a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody.

soon, the wind wears the snow cloud. will be dyed to snow-white.

Summer grass will incline,No sunlight,feebly shade.

The place buried in deep the collapsing castle.

like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away.

The hut buried in deep snow.It sinks in to the flood.

and the "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one.

Even if all are healed, be gonna no return.

there is still the place.far way. far away.

The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds.

Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places.

The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on.

still,there is still the place. far away. far away.

这片土地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云

像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息

这片土地是如此遥远 遥远

人们无法触及 因此没有崇敬之情

这片土地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受

我们将失去这个地方 它是如此高不可攀

虽然不尽如人意 但我们并不忧伤

这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及


宛如水面上的波纹 多少涟漪在荡漾

此地浑然天成 看不见任何事物

仿佛手里紧握的沙子 转眼便从指间滑过

这片土地是如此幽深 被一道虚幻的微光所围

但我们一定要找到 那间伫立于此的小屋

倘若漠不关心 它将依然没有色彩

有这样一间小屋 孤独的立在那里

顺风而行 在空中飘扬

就像绿芽沐浴在阳光中 茁壮成长

小屋来了新客人 有些与众不同

就像孩子的沙堡 但心中可以明白

他是一坐虚无的雕像 沉没无语

我们知道洪潮即将来临 无人能挡

很快 风披上了雪的外衣 被染成了银白

这片土地被深埋在积雪中 像那坍塌的城堡

像那阴影的一角 形象尽不抛弃

小屋被厚厚的雪覆盖 深陷其中

全身被染上色彩 等待对手的到来

纵使万物恢复原貌 也是一去不复反

这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及

此地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云

像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息

此地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受

这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及



loftier词形变化:形容词比较级:loftier,loftiest;副词:loftily;名词:loftiness。英音 [ "lu0254fti ] ; 美音 [ "lu0254:fti ] 副词 1.(建筑物、山等)高耸的,巍峨的2.(思想,目标等)崇高的,高尚的3.傲慢的,高傲的词形变化:形容词比较级:loftier,loftiest;副词:loftily;名词:loftiness。同义词:eminent,soaring,towering;exalted,grand,high-flown,high-minded,idealistic,noble-minded,rarefied,rarified,sublime;gallant,majestic,proud。单词分析:这些形容词均有“高的”之意。high:普通用词,指本身高出地面之上,与low相对,不用于人。也可指程度、地位、声音等的高,还可作引申用。tall:仅指人或物的高度,指物的“高”时,可与high换用。 lofty:书面用词,指外观宏伟壮丽的高耸物;用于指思想或目的时,表示崇高。贬义指 态高傲。
2023-08-16 20:04:271


adj.高的;高大的;(用以表示或询问高度)有…高,身高比较级:taller最高级:tallest派生词:tallnessn.highadj.高的可用于具体或抽象的事物,指山、建筑物等本身高出地面之上的,但不用于人;也可指程度、地位、声音等高的。On the top of the hill there is a pagoda about seven stories high. 山顶上有一座约7层楼高的宝塔。High hills surround the valley. 高山环绕峡谷。He has a high position in the government. 他在政府身居高位。loftyadj.〈文〉巍峨的,高耸的指外观宏伟壮丽的,通常用于形容山、建筑物等,也常引申表示“高尚的”(含褒义)或“高傲的”(含贬义)。The lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain. 巍巍宝塔如巨人般屹立在山巅。He has lofty ideals about life. 他对人生抱有崇高的理想。People dislike her because of her lofty airs. 她傲慢的样子让人厌恶。talladj.高的,高大的形容由底到顶的长度,可用于人或无生命的东西。He is a handsome tall young man. 他是个英俊而高大的男青年。A tall poplar tree once stood there. 该处曾有一棵高大的白杨树。This tall building towers above all the others.
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2023-08-16 20:05:035


她又高又瘦英语是she is tall and thin。一、tall:1、读音:英 [tu0254u02d0l],美 [tu0254u02d0l]    2、意思:adj. 高的3、例句:The boy is 150 centimetres tall。这个男孩身高150厘米。二、thin:1、读音:英 [θu026an],美 [θu026an]    2、意思:adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀的3、例句:His face is thin and very tanned。他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。词义辨析:tall,high,lofty:这三个词都可表示“高的”,指高度上超过一般。其区别是:high既可修饰具体的东西,也可修饰抽象的事物,tall既可修饰人,也可修饰无生命的物,而lofty是文语,可引申指态度、样子、神情等“高傲”“傲慢”。high多指离开地面的高度或距离,tall多指由顶到底的长度,常用于比较狭窄的东西,如人、树等, lofty有时也指思想、感情、情操等是“高尚的”“崇高的”。
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2023-08-16 20:06:103


崇,是什么意思 部首:山 释义:1.高:~山峻岭。~高。~论闳议(指高出一般人的讨论。亦作“崇论宏议”)。2.尊重,推重:~敬。~拜。~尚。推~。尊~。3.古同“终”,终了。4.充,充满:~酒于觞。5.增长:“今将~诸侯之奸”... 五笔:MPFI 笔画:11 崇字在古语里的意思 崇 chóng 【形】 (形声。从山,宗声。本义:山大而高) 同本义〖lofty〗 崇,嵬高也。――《说文》。按,字亦作嵩、作崧。 融降于崇山。――《国语u30fb周语》。注:“崇,崇高山也。夏居阳城,崇高所近。” 又如:崇亘(高峻绵延);崇崖(高峻的山崖);崇阿(高大的山丘);崇山(高山);崇崇(高耸的样子) 高;高大〖high;tallandbig〗 崇,高也。――《尔雅》 与黄比崇。――张衡《西京赋》 崇崇圜邶。――扬雄《甘泉赋》 广与崇方。――《考工记u30fb梓人》 大侯之崇,见鹄于参。――《仪礼u30fb大射仪》 于是封之,崇四尺。――《礼记u30fb檀弓》 明道德之广崇。――《史记u30fb屈原贾生列传》 又如:崇墉(高大的城墙);崇榘(高峻的城墙) 高贵〖noble;high〗 天子曰崇城,言崇高也。――《白虎通》 又如:崇阀(高贵显赫之家);崇阶(高位,高官);崇卑(高低,高下) 兴盛〖prosperous〗 建明德而崇业。――张衡《东京赋》。注:“犹兴也。” 又如:崇业(兴业);崇盛(隆盛,极其荣宠) 崇 chóng 【动】 尊崇,推崇〖revere;advocate〗 崇事宗庙社稷。――《礼记u30fb祭统》 莽遂崇鬼神淫祀。――《汉书u30fb郊祀志》 又如:崇正黜邪(推崇正气,摒弃邪恶);崇实(注重实际);崇德(崇尚道德。也指崇尚有德者);崇儒(尊崇儒学) 通“充”。充满〖fill〗 主人坐奠爵于西楹南介右,再拜崇酒。――《仪礼u30fb乡饮酒礼》 六成复缀以崇。――《礼记u30fb乐记》 泛崇兰些。――《楚辞u30fb招魂》 又如:崇奸(聚集许多恶人) 终,尽。通“终”〖end〗 谁谓宋远,曾不崇朝。――《诗u30fb卫风u30fb河广》 周流四海,曾不崇日。――《荀子u30fb赋》 存亡之效,不崇朝而决。――《三国志u30fb凉茂传》 又如:崇替(灭亡。即终替);崇朝(一个早上。比喻时间的短暂);崇日(终日,一日) 崇字的部首是什么意思 部 首: 山 详细释义: 1.高:~山峻岭。~高。~论闳议(指高出一般人的讨论。亦作“崇论宏议”)。 2.尊重,推重:~敬。~拜。~尚。推~。尊~。 3.古同“终”,终了。 4.充,充满:~酒于觞。 5.增长:“今将~诸侯之奸”。 6.姓。 崇 的什么意思 读音:[chóng] 部首:山 释义:汉字之一,常用以表示高、终了等含义。也做地名,传为夏禹之父鲧所封之地。崇也是我国姓氏之一。 崇光的崇字什么意思 付崇光,付崇彦,付崇铭,付崇弈 名字叫“崇知”的含义 用字的意义: 崇:就崇的字形而言,从山,宗声,山表示意义,宗表示声音,意思是指山高,引申指一般意义的高,成语有崇山峻岭。由此引申指高尚的人,被推崇的人。崇的另外一层常见的意思是重视、尊敬、推崇。 《说文解字》释云:嵬高也。从山宗声。 知:知字的含义较多,主要有知道、了解、知识、见解、交好、相契、优遇、知邀、表现、执掌等。另外,读作zhi时,又与“智”宇相同,表示智力、省江等。人名用知字,主要是取用其知识、见解、表现等意义。 《说文解字》释云:词也。从口从矢。 该名字可以趣解为:“高大 ? 学识”。成语崇论A议 识礼知书扩展了名字的意境。 崇是多音字吗?怎么组词呢? 崇字不是多音字,拼音是“chong”,而且是二声调。 崇字的组词有:崇拜、推崇、尊崇、崇尚、崇敬等。 另外,崇字的意思是: 1、基本义:山高而大。如:崇山峻岭。 2、重视,尊敬的意思,如:崇拜。 崇高中的“崇”是什么意思 崇   [本字]崇 [简体笔画]11 [部首]山   [繁体]崇 [繁体笔画]11 [五行]金   崇   esteem; high;   崇   chóng   (1)   (形声。从山,宗声。本义:山大而高)   (2)   同本义 [lofty]   崇,嵬高也。DD《说文》。按,字亦作嵩、作崧。   融降于崇山。DD《国语u30fb周语》。注:“崇,崇高山也。夏居阳城,崇高所近。”   (3)   又如:崇亘(高峻绵延);崇崖(高峻的山崖);崇阿(高大的山丘);崇山(高山); 崇崇(高耸的样子)   (4)   高;高大 [high;tall and big]   崇,高也。DD《尔雅》   与黄比崇。DD张衡《西京赋》   崇崇圜邶。DD扬雄《甘泉赋》   广与崇方。DD《考工记u30fb梓人》   大侯之崇,见鹄于参。DD《仪礼u30fb大射仪》   于是封之,崇四尺。DD《礼记u30fb檀弓》   明道德之广崇。DD《史记u30fb屈原贾生列传》   (5)   又如:崇墉(高大的城墙);崇榘(高峻的城墙)   (6)   高贵 [noble;high]   天子曰崇城,言崇高也。DD《白虎通》   (7)   又如:崇阀(高贵显赫之家);崇阶(高位,高官);崇卑(高低,高下)   (8)   兴盛 [prosperous]   建明德而崇业。DD张衡《东京赋》。注:“犹兴也。”   (9)   又如:崇业(兴业);崇盛(隆盛,极其荣宠)   崇   chóng   (1)   尊崇,推崇 [revere;advocate]   崇事宗庙社稷。DD《礼记u30fb祭统》   莽遂崇鬼神淫祀。DD《汉书u30fb郊祀志》   (2)   又如:崇正黜邪(推崇正气,摒弃邪恶);崇实(注重实际);崇德(崇尚道德。也指崇尚有德者);崇儒(尊崇儒学)   (3)   通“充”。充满 [fill]   主人坐奠爵于西楹南介右,再拜崇酒。DD《仪礼u30fb乡饮酒礼》   六成复缀以崇。DD《礼记u30fb乐记》   泛崇兰些。DD《楚辞u30fb招魂》   (4)   又如:崇奸(聚集许多恶人)   (5)   终,尽。通“终” [end]   谁谓宋远,曾不崇朝。DD《诗u30fb卫风u30fb河广》   周流四海,曾不崇日。DD《荀子u30fb 赋》   存亡之效,不崇朝而决。DD《三国志u30fb凉茂传》   (6)   又如:崇替(灭亡。即终替);崇朝(一个早上。比喻时间的短暂);崇日(终日,一日)   崇拜   chóngbài   [adore;divine;worship] 尊敬佩服   崇拜英雄   崇拜上帝   崇奉   chóngfèng   [believe in (a religion)] 尊敬祀奉   崇奉礼教   崇高   chónggāo   [lofty;sublime;high] 高尚;至高。在精神、智力或道德上卓越杰出的崇高的牺牲精神   崇敬   chóngjìng   [adore] 推崇敬仰   崇敬   chóngjìng   [veneration;intelligent view] 崇尚恭敬的礼节;尊敬   以最深切的崇敬心情看待他们的老师和学校   崇论闳论   chónglùnhónglùn   高超的见解   崇山峻岭   chóngshān-jùnlǐng   [lofty and precipitous peaks] 高大陡峭的山岭   此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹。DD王羲之《兰亭集序》   崇尚   chóngshàng   [advocate;uphold] 尊崇;提倡 ......>>
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2023-08-16 20:07:371


那是个印象歌名叫Ana  游戏和TV动画中都是由Lia演唱。TV动画中作为第一季第九话插入曲和OVA智代篇的片尾曲。  作词:萩原ゆう、作曲:traditional、编曲:戸越まごめ、主唱:Lia。  Ana歌词:  Theplacechangesandgoes.Likeawind,likeclouds.  Likethetracesoftheheart,nohaltattheplaces.  Theplaceissofaraway,befarapart.  people"shanddoesnotreach.somerelyhas(the)worship.  Theplaceisaloftylord.can"tmeetnobodyputon.  Wewilllosetheplace.soloftywhichchanges.  Notallweredesired.However,we"reneversad.  still,thereisstilltheplace.faraway.faraway.  (Thewind)blowsthroughtheplace.anendless,withall.  Liketheripplefloatonthewater.Itblowsatasitgoes.  theplaceisNomakeatall.Nothingisshown.  Likethesandclaspedbyhand.Itfallsvainly.  Theplaceis(a)profoundlord,andwearthevainfaintlight.  Butwewillfinditintheplace.Thehutatwhichitstandsstill.  ifnotcencernedwithall,ItwillmaintainthatNodye.  thereforethereisstillthehut.It"slonly,solitary.  nohaltatthewind.itsoarstothesky.  Liketheverdure(which)meetswithsunrise,Itgrowsupasreborn.  Thehuthasheldnewone.that"sdifferentfromall.  likethesandcastleofthechildren,butrealizedwiththemind.  Thepersonisavainstatue.weartaciturnitycalm.  still,Wewillknowahugeflow.Itisstoppedbynobody.  soon,thewindwearsthesnowcloud.willbedyedtosnow-white.  Summergrasswillincline,Nosunlight,feeblyshade.  Theplaceburiedindeepsnow.likethecollapsingcastle.  liketheheadoftheshade,figurewillbethrownaway.  Thehutburiedindeepsnow.Itsinksintotheflood.  andthe"notdyeing"isdyedout,andwaitsforaopposeone.  Evenifallarehealed,begonnanoreturn.  thereisstilltheplace.farway.faraway.  Theplacechangesandgoes.Likeawind,likeclouds.  Likethetracesoftheheart,nohaltattheplaces.  Theplaceisaloftylord.can"tmeetnobodyputon.  still,thereisstilltheplace.faraway.faraway.  这片土地瞬息万变像清风像白云  像心之轨迹没有一刻停息  这片土地是如此遥远遥远  人们无法触及因此没有崇敬之情  这片土地仿佛是心头重负无人能够承受  我们将失去这个地方它是如此高不可攀  虽然不尽如人意但我们并不忧伤  这片土地依旧存在遥不可及  风儿路过此地撒下万种风情  宛如水面上的波纹多少涟漪在荡漾  此地浑然天成看不见任何事物  仿佛手里紧握的沙子转眼便从指间滑过  这片土地是如此幽深被一道虚幻的微光所围  但我们一定要找到那间伫立于此的小屋  倘若漠不关心它将依然没有色彩  有这样一间小屋孤独的立在那里  顺风而行在空中飘扬  就像绿芽沐浴在阳光中茁壮成长  小屋来了新客人有些与众不同  就像孩子的沙堡但心中可以明白  他是一坐虚无的雕像沉没无语  我们知道洪潮即将来临无人能挡  很快风披上了雪的外衣被染成了银白  这片土地被深埋在积雪中像那坍塌的城堡  像那阴影的一角形象尽不抛弃  小屋被厚厚的雪覆盖深陷其中  全身被染上色彩等待对手的到来  纵使万物恢复原貌也是一去不复反  这片土地依旧存在遥不可及  此地瞬息万变像清风像白云  像心之轨迹没有一刻停息  此地仿佛是心头重负无人能够承受  这片土地依旧存在遥不可及
2023-08-16 20:07:461


法语 俗人
2023-08-16 20:07:544

c语言的一个计算树木高度的代码问题 要仔细研究哦!

问题一:程序没有错误,你说的那句话也确实显示了。只是因为getchar这句没有“真正”的起效。因为在你输入最后一个数字以后,是不是按回车?getchar自动把回车给吞掉了,于是跳回了主界面,你来不及看到。你可以按下Alt+F5(如果你使用Turbo C)看看是不是显示了这句话。解决办法:想办法让getchar不处理回车。问题二:很简单。将一个高级单位化为低级单位使用乘法。好比说一米等于一百厘米,你总不会用一百去除一得到一百吧!feet*inches_per_foot是将英尺化为英寸,再加上inches得到总英寸数(其实就是一个复名数化单名数的过程)
2023-08-16 20:08:411

求央视版的《巴布工程师》主题曲英文歌词 下面是大体歌词翻译

Bob The Builder:Bob the Builder!Can we fix it?Bob the Builder!Yes we can!Scoop, Muck and Dizzy,And Roley too.Lofty and WendyJoin the crew.Bob and the gangHave so much fun.Working togetherThey get the job done.Bob the Builder!Can we fix it?Bob the Builder!Yes we can! (I think so!)Pilchard and Bird,Travis and Spud.Playing togetherLike good friends should.Bob the Builder!Can we fix it?Bob the Builder!Yes we can! (Yea!)
2023-08-16 20:09:022


2023-08-16 20:09:164

zhēng róng是哪个词?

2023-08-16 20:09:254


嵬 wei 二声
2023-08-16 20:09:3710


2023-08-16 20:10:031

lofty 和superior 的区别

lofty 的意思是seeming to think you are better than other people - used to show disapproval 例句:She has such a lofty manner.superior的意思是thinking that you are better than other people - used to show disapproval例句:She had that superior tone of voice.两者都有“傲慢”的意思,差别更多在于搭配的对象和语法功能。lofty 一般作前置修饰语,例如lofty manner, lofty attitude 等等。superior则可以作表语表达“傲慢”的含义,例如feel superior to others等等。
2023-08-16 20:10:501


她又高又瘦英语是she is tall and thin。一、tall:1、读音:英 [tu0254u02d0l],美 [tu0254u02d0l]    2、意思:adj. 高的3、例句:The boy is 150 centimetres tall。这个男孩身高150厘米。二、thin:1、读音:英 [θu026an],美 [θu026an]    2、意思:adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀的3、例句:His face is thin and very tanned。他的面孔瘦削,晒得黑黑的。词义辨析:tall,high,lofty:这三个词都可表示“高的”,指高度上超过一般。其区别是:high既可修饰具体的东西,也可修饰抽象的事物,tall既可修饰人,也可修饰无生命的物,而lofty是文语,可引申指态度、样子、神情等“高傲”“傲慢”。high多指离开地面的高度或距离,tall多指由顶到底的长度,常用于比较狭窄的东西,如人、树等, lofty有时也指思想、感情、情操等是“高尚的”“崇高的”。
2023-08-16 20:10:571


崇 chóng 高:崇山峻岭。崇高。崇论闳议(指高出一般人的讨论。亦作“崇论宏议”)。 尊重,推重:崇敬。崇拜。崇尚。推崇。尊崇。 古同“终”,终了。 充,充满:崇酒于觞。 增长:“今将崇诸侯之奸”。 姓。 笔画数:11; 部首:山; 笔顺编号:25244511234 详细解释: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------崇 chóng 【形】 (形声。从山,宗声。本义:山大而高) 同本义〖lofty〗 崇,嵬高也。——《说文》。按,字亦作嵩、作崧。 融降于崇山。——《国语·周语》。注:“崇,崇高山也。夏居阳城,崇高所近。” 又如:崇亘(高峻绵延);崇崖(高峻的山崖);崇阿(高大的山丘);崇山(高山);崇崇(高耸的样子) 高;高大〖high;tallandbig〗 崇,高也。——《尔雅》 与黄比崇。——张衡《西京赋》 崇崇圜邶。——扬雄《甘泉赋》 广与崇方。——《考工记·梓人》 大侯之崇,见鹄于参。——《仪礼·大射仪》 于是封之,崇四尺。——《礼记·檀弓》 明道德之广崇。——《史记·屈原贾生列传》 又如:崇墉(高大的城墙);崇榘(高峻的城墙) 高贵〖noble;high〗 天子曰崇城,言崇高也。——《白虎通》 又如:崇阀(高贵显赫之家);崇阶(高位,高官);崇卑(高低,高下) 兴盛〖prosperous〗 建明德而崇业。——张衡《东京赋》。注:“犹兴也。” 又如:崇业(兴业);崇盛(隆盛,极其荣宠) 崇 chóng 【动】 尊崇,推崇〖revere;advocate〗 崇事宗庙社稷。——《礼记·祭统》 莽遂崇鬼神淫祀。——《汉书·郊祀志》 又如:崇正黜邪(推崇正气,摒弃邪恶);崇实(注重实际);崇德(崇尚道德。也指崇尚有德者);崇儒(尊崇儒学) 通“充”。充满〖fill〗 主人坐奠爵于西楹南介右,再拜崇酒。——《仪礼·乡饮酒礼》 六成复缀以崇。——《礼记·乐记》 泛崇兰些。——《楚辞·招魂》 又如:崇奸(聚集许多恶人) 终,尽。通“终”〖end〗 谁谓宋远,曾不崇朝。——《诗·卫风·河广》 周流四海,曾不崇日。——《荀子·赋》 存亡之效,不崇朝而决。——《三国志·凉茂传》 又如:崇替(灭亡。即终替);崇朝(一个早上。比喻时间的短暂);崇日(终日,一日) 崇拜 chóngbài 〖adore;divine;worship〗尊敬佩服 崇拜英雄 崇拜上帝 崇奉 chóngfèng 〖believein(areligion)〗尊敬祀奉 崇奉礼教 崇高 chónggāo 〖lofty;sublime;high〗高尚;至高。在精神、智力或道德上卓越杰出的崇高的牺牲精神 崇敬 chóngjìng 〖adore〗推崇敬仰 崇敬 chóngjìng 〖veneration;intelligentview〗崇尚恭敬的礼节;尊敬 以最深切的崇敬心情看待他们的老师和学校 崇论闳论 chónglùnhónglùn 高超的见解 崇山峻岭 chóngshān-jùnlǐng 〖loftyandprecipitouspeaks〗高大陡峭的山岭 此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹。——王羲之《兰亭集序》 崇尚 chóngshàng 〖advocate;uphold〗尊崇;提倡 崇尚正义 崇信 chóngxìn 〖believein(areligion)〗崇尚信义;崇奉 崇信教义 崇洋媚外 chóngyáng-mèiwài 〖worshipandhaveblindfaithinforeignthings〗一味崇尚洋人洋货,对外国人献媚讨好 那时清王朝以及当权的洋务派崇洋媚外,出卖国家主权。——茅盾《向鲁迅学习》 崇仰 chóngyǎng 〖worship〗推崇敬仰 崇仰革命者
2023-08-16 20:11:161

lofty mountains是什么意思

lofty mountains词典山岳网络巍峨的群山双语例句 1The lofty mountains were crowned with snow.高山顶上积满了雪。2Weihai Liugongdao,“ end of heaven ”, Bible Hill, iron lofty mountains, Chishan France and China Institute.威海刘公岛、“天尽头”,圣经山,铁嵯山,赤山法华院。
2023-08-16 20:11:241


奡【拼音】:[ào] [áo] 【字义】:[ào] 1.古同“傲”,傲慢。2.上古人名,相传力大,并能陆地行舟。详细字义〈形〉1. (形声。本义:傲慢)2. 同本义 [arrogant;haughty]奡,嫚也。…《虞书曰:“若丹朱奡。”——《说文》帝曰:“无若丹朱奡。——《书·益稷》3. 又如:奡兀(傲慢)4. 突兀 [lofty]——常用以形容文字超脱不凡5. 矫健有力——常用以评述文章风格 [strong and active]。如:排奡(文笔矫健)奡 áo详细字义〈名〉
2023-08-16 20:11:472


lofty ambition远大抱负(志向)
2023-08-16 20:12:582


2023-08-16 20:13:061


2023-08-16 20:13:224


[sōng]。部首:山。笔画:11。五笔:MSWC。解释:“嵩”的异体字。英语翻译:high mountain; lofty, eminent。仓颉:UDCI。崧康熙字典【广韵】息弓切【集韵】【韵会】思融切【正韵】息中切,_音松。【尔雅·释山】山大而高,崧。【疏】崧,竦也。亦高称也。【诗·大雅】崧高维岳。【传】岳,四岳也。【疏】尧时止有四岳而已,不主中岳。崧岳,出自先秦《崧高》崧高维岳,骏极于天。崧(sōng)又作“嵩”,山高而大。“岳”在诗中是指特别高大的山。字面理解就是巍峨的高山。引申为英雄气概,古人有云以“高山景行”比喻崇高的德行。寓意着男宝宝的行为正大光明,崇高的品行,值得效仿的崇高德行。
2023-08-16 20:13:301


百度搜索 贝爷,站在食物链顶端的男人。
2023-08-16 20:14:235

clannad as 19话里那首插曲的歌词 中英都要 谢谢啦~

是ANA么?09话(风子),智代篇,杏篇出现过N多次的。。Ana 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place.The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still,We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away. 有8分钟版的。也有5分钟版的。差不多其实。
2023-08-16 20:16:362


The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place.The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still,We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away. 这片土地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云 像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息 这片土地是如此遥远 遥远 人们无法触及 因此没有崇敬之情 这片土地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受 我们将失去这个地方 它是如此高不可攀 虽然不尽如人意 但我们并不忧伤 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及 风儿路过此地撒下万种风情 宛如水面上的波纹 多少涟漪在荡漾 此地浑然天成 看不见任何事物 仿佛手里紧握的沙子 转眼便从指间滑过 这片土地是如此幽深 被一道虚幻的微光所围 但我们一定要找到 那间伫立于此的小屋 倘若漠不关心 它将依然没有色彩 有这样一间小屋 孤独的立在那里 顺风而行 在空中飘扬 就像绿芽沐浴在阳光中 茁壮成长 小屋来了新客人 有些与众不同 就像孩子的沙堡 但心中可以明白 他是一坐虚无的雕像 沉没无语 我们知道洪潮即将来临 无人能挡 很快 风披上了雪的外衣 被染成了银白 这片土地被深埋在积雪中 像那坍塌的城堡 像那阴影的一角 形象尽不抛弃 小屋被厚厚的雪覆盖 深陷其中 全身被染上色彩 等待对手的到来 纵使万物恢复原貌 也是一去不复反 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及 此地瞬息万变 像清风 像白云 像心之轨迹 没有一刻停息 此地仿佛是心头重负 无人能够承受 这片土地依旧存在 遥不可及
2023-08-16 20:16:461

CLANNAD中Ana的中英文歌词,园子大家族,时を刻む呗,以及另首歌 サクラ色的中文歌词。。。

【Ana】 歌:Lia 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ [06:58.43][00:11.43]The place changes and goes【这片土地 沧桑变幻】 [07:03.42][00:16.56]Like a wind, like clouds【如风舞动 似云流转】 [07:09.02][00:22.31]Like the traces of the heart【恍若心之轨迹】 [07:14.55][00:27.76]no halt at the places【没有一刻停息】 [07:21.01][00:34.42] [00:36.87]The place is so far away, be far apart【这片土地 是如此遥远】 [00:47.27]people"s hand does not reach【人们伸手难及】 [00:53.32]so merely has the worship【心中仅存对未知的景仰】 [00:59.66] [01:02.20]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】 [01:07.43]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】 [01:13.35]We will lose the place【我们将失去它】 [01:18.23]so lofty which changes【任它高傲地俯视一切】 [01:25.22] [01:26.60]Not all were desired【即使万事不尽人意】 [01:32.29]However,we"re never sad【我们也不会悲伤哀叹】 [01:38.67]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】 [01:44.07]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】 [01:50.60] [01:52.74]The wind blows through the place【清风徐来】 [01:58.38] an endless,with all【永无止息】 [02:04.05]Like the ripple float on the water【似水波荡漾】 [02:09.80]It blows as it goes【任其流动飘扬】 [02:17.49] [02:18.76]The place is no make at all【无人能使它改变】 [02:25.22]Nothing is shown【万物踪迹俱灭】 [02:29.47]Like the sand clasped by hand【若手心紧握的银沙】 [02:35.10]It falls vainly【悄然滑落逝去】 [02:42.85] [02:43.94]The place is a profound lord【这片土地 神秘幽远】 [02:49.14]and wear the vain faint light【为晨曦之光紧紧环绕】 [02:54.40]But we will find it in the place【我们定将细寻】 [02:59.41]The hut at which it stands still【其中的某处恬静小居】 [03:06.86] [03:08.43]if not concerned with all【如果缺少爱】 [03:14.76]It will maintain that no dye【万物皆会失去耀眼光芒】 [03:20.31]therefore there is still the hut【山间小屋 依旧直立】 [03:26.01]It"s lonly,solitary【孤独无依】 [03:32.35] [03:34.77]no halt at the wind【伴随着无尽的风】 [03:40.09]it soars to the sky【它飞向广阔苍穹】 [03:45.79]Like the verdure which meets with sunrise【宛若阳光哺育的幼苗】 [03:51.48]It grows up as reborn【它茁壮成长 如获新生】 [03:57.74] [04:00.24]The hut has held new one【小屋中迎来新客】 [04:05.57]that"s different from all【他与众不同】 [04:11.20]like the sand castle of the children【像童年记忆中的沙堡】 [04:16.78]but realized with the mind【源远流长 永被铭记】 [04:23.07] [04:25.66]The person is a vain statue【宛若雕塑 沉默寡言之人】 [04:31.67]wear taciturnity calm【若即若离 似将逝去】 [04:36.53]still,We will know a huge flow【但巨大的洋流将让一切消失】 [04:42.13]It is stopped by nobody【无人可挡】 [04:46.46] [04:47.22]Soon,the wind wears the snow cloud【不久那寒风将到来】 [04:53.25]will be dyed to snow-white【为一切换上银装】 [04:58.93]Summer grass will incline【夏草在风中挣扎】 [05:04.79]No sunlight,feebly shade【阳光不再 乱姿影残】 [05:11.19] [05:13.80]作词:萩原ゆう Yuu Hagiwara [05:16.64]作曲:traditional [05:19.72]编曲:戸越まごめ Magome Togoshi [05:22.90]歌:Lia [05:25.32] [05:28.06]---------------------------------Music--------------------------------------- [05:39.76] [05:41.93]The place buried in deep snow【这片土地为白雪所没】 [05:47.15]like the collapsing castle【如消逝着的城堡】 [05:52.77]like the head of the shade【似阴影之首】 [05:58.43]figure will be thrown away【即将被永远抛弃】 [06:06.18] [06:07.31]The hut buried in deep【那小屋被深深掩埋】 [06:13.65]It sinks in to the flood【沉没于浩荡大流中】 [06:18.20]and The "not dyeing" is dyed out【灰暗的过往也被染上五彩】 [06:23.93]and waits for a oppose one【等待着 新的一切】 [06:31.62] [06:32.21]Even if all are healed【即使所有的伤痛都愈合】 [06:37.87]be gonna no return【即使曾经的存在都化为乌有】 [06:43.62]there is still the place【这片土地仍将存在】 [06:49.13]far away .far away【仍然遥不可及】 [06:55.51] [07:23.47]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】 [07:28.95]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】 [07:34.47]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】 [07:39.28]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】
2023-08-16 20:16:542


Ana_(short_ver.) 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia 歌词:The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place. The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still, We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away.Ana_(short_ver.) 参看麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-08-16 20:17:011


2023-08-16 20:17:125


Ana_(short_ver.) 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia 歌词:The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place. The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still, We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away.Ana_(short_ver.)
2023-08-16 20:17:421

clannad 智代篇的结尾歌是什么歌???

Lia - Ana作词:萩原ゆう Yuu Hagiwara作曲:traditional
2023-08-16 20:17:502


One can"t show high ideals without simple living;veduchina 非淡泊无以明志,One can"t have lofty aspirations without a peaceful state of mind.非宁静无以致远No non-indifferent to Ming,not to non-peaceful...
2023-08-16 20:17:581


您好! 以下资料供您参考,祝您开心每一天!-----------------------------------------------------------------dot
2023-08-16 20:18:092


2023-08-16 20:18:495

“那里不断变换 如风 又似云”这首歌叫什么名子??

这是clannad第九话里出现的插曲《Ana》The place changes and goes.Like a wind,like clouds.Like the traces of the heart,no halt at the places.The place is so far away,be far apart.People"s hand does not reach,so merely has the worship.The place is a lofty lord,can"t meet nobody put on.We will lose the place,so lofty which changes.Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad.Still,there is still the place.Far away.Far away.The place buride in deep snow.Like the collapsing castle.Like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away.The place is a lofty lord,can"t meet nobody put on.Still,there is still the place.Far away.Far away.那里不断变换 如风 又似云好似心底的涟漪 不会停留一处那里如此遥远 远离我们远在伸手难及之处 只有虔诚信奉那里就如崇高的神名 难以企及终将失去 变得遥不可及的那里这一切并非所愿 但我们从不悲伤只因那里依然存在 虽然遥不可及那里好似城堡的废墟 埋藏在雪底更像是死灵的首级 身体早已消逝那里就如崇高的神名 难以企及但它仍在那里 远远 远远的
2023-08-16 20:19:071


问题一:豪什么壮什么的成语 豪情壮志:豪迈的情感,远大的志向。 豪言壮语:豪迈雄壮的言语。形容充满英雄气概的话。 问题二:豪什么壮什么的成语 豪情壮志 豪迈的情感,远大的志向。 豪言壮语 豪迈雄壮的言语。形容充满英雄气概的话。 很高兴为你解答问题,如有疑问请追问,如果满意,请点击右上角的采纳,谢谢! 问题三:豪什么什么的成语 豪情壮志 háo qíng zhuàng zhì 释义: 豪迈的情感,远大的志向。 出处: 茅盾《温故以知新》:“他们大多数两鬓添霜,然而豪情壮志,现见坚强。” 问题四:成语什么壮什么 表壮不如里壮】外表好看,不如里面结实。比喻妻子能够治家,就是丈夫的好帮手。 贵壮贱老】看重年轻力壮者而轻视年老体弱者。 气壮山河】气:气概;壮:使壮丽;山河:高山和大河。形容气概豪迈,使祖国山河因而更加壮丽。 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲】年轻力壮的时候不奋发图强,到了老年,悲伤也没用了。 表壮不如理壮】外表好看,不如里面结实。比喻妻子能够治家,就是丈夫的好帮手。 胆壮气粗】形容胆大气盛,无所畏惧。 胆壮心雄】形容胆子大,有雄心,做事无所畏惧。 贵壮贱弱】看重年轻力壮者而轻视年老体弱者。同“贵壮贱老”。 马壮人强】犹言人强马壮。形容军队的战斗力很强或军容很盛。 年壮气锐】指年纪轻,气势旺盛。亦作“年少气盛”、“年盛气强”。 气壮胆粗】气势壮、胆量大。形容无所畏惧。 气壮河山】形容气概豪迈,使祖国山河因而更加壮丽。同“气壮山河”。 气壮理直】指理由充分,说话有气势。 气壮如牛】气很盛,但使人觉得笨拙。 茁壮成长】健康地成长。 波澜壮阔】比喻声势雄壮或规模巨大。 豪情壮志】豪迈的情感,远大的志向。 豪言壮语】豪迈雄壮的言语。形容充满英雄气概的话。 雄心壮志】伟大的理想,宏伟的志愿。 幼学壮行】幼时勤于学习,壮年施展报负。 波路壮阔】波路:波涛。比喻规模宏伟,声势浩大。同“波澜壮阔”。 顶门壮户】指支撑门户,光耀门第。 雄伟壮观】气势伟大美丽。 问题五:带壮的成语有哪些 人强马壮、宏伟壮观、直壮曲老、壮心不已、 龙神马壮、气壮河山、贵壮贱老、胆壮气粗、 根壮叶茂、茁壮成长、心粗胆壮、气壮山河、 雄心壮志、顶门壮户、贵壮贱弱、身强力壮、 豪情壮志、气壮理直、艺高胆壮、壮气凌云、 兵强马壮、马壮人强、沉雄悲壮、师直为壮、 波路壮阔、血气方壮、以壮观瞻、膘肥体壮、 凌云壮志、年壮气盛、壮志凌云、年壮气锐、 幼学壮行、理直气壮、壮志未酬、雄伟壮观、 年轻力壮、壮士解腕、壮志难酬、胆壮心雄、 遒文壮节、胆粗气壮、豪言壮语、气粗胆壮、 神龙马壮、气壮胆粗、壮士断腕、气高胆壮、 马肥人壮、气壮如牛、波澜壮阔、衰当益壮、 问题六:壮什么为什么 成语 你好 壮x为成语 : 师直为壮、 蔚为壮观 问题七:豪可以组什么成语 豪情壮志、 英雄豪杰、 女中豪杰、 巧取豪夺、 豪放不羁、 哀丝豪竹、 豪气干云、 绿林豪杰、 一代文豪、 权豪势要、 哀吹豪竹、 元龙豪气、 磊落豪横、 资藉豪富、 哀丝豪肉、 豪门巨室、 五陵豪气、 摧折豪强、 豪迈不群、 豪干暴取、 豪门贵胄、 豪牦不伐,将用斧柯、 豪奢放逸、 豪厘不伐,将用斧柯、 豪取智笼、 巾帼豪杰、 问题八:壮什么豪什么成语 词目:豪情壮志 拼音:háo qíng zhuàng zhì 注音:ㄏㄠ@ ㄑㄧㄥ@ ㄓㄨㄤA ㄓㄧA 解释:豪迈的情怀,远大的志向。 近义词:慷慨激昂、雄心壮志、宏图大志 反义词:碌碌无为、万念俱灰 常用程度:常用成语 感 *** 彩:褒义成语 用法:联合式;作主语、宾语;含褒义 结构:联合式成语 年代:当代成语 同韵词:傲睨一世、挑毛拣刺、少纵即逝、轻财重士、敛发谨饬、拉三扯四、移天徙日、语无伦次、操戈同室、休明盛世 英语翻译:lofty sentiments and aspirations 日语翻译:莞扭未螭いこと,雄々しい志 法语翻译:débordant d"enthousia *** e et plein d"ambition 问题九:豪迈雄壮的话 用成语是什么言什么语 豪迈雄壮的话, 用成语是什么言什么语: 豪言壮语: 【拼音】:háo yán zhuàng yǔ 【释义】:豪迈雄壮的言语。形容充满英雄气概的话。 【出处】:明u30fb焦f《玉堂丛语u30fb一u30fb文学u30fb丘F》:“(丘F)即席联句,动辄数百言。豪言警语,如壮涛激浪,飞雪走雷,去触山而迸发。” 【例句】:即使他的作品有革命乐观主义的豪言壮语,那么必有大气磅礴,感人极深,指出方向……的革命浪漫主义。 茅盾《老兵的希望》
2023-08-16 20:19:181


Ana_(short_ver.) 作词:萩原ゆう 作曲:traditional 编曲:戸越まごめ Vocal:Lia 歌词:The place changes and goes. Like a wind,like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is so far away. be far apart. people"s hand does not reach,so merely has (the) worship The place is a lofty lord.can"t meet nobody put on. We will lose the lofty which changes. Not all were desired.However,we"re never sad. still, there is still the place.far away. far away (The wind) blows through the place. an endless,with all. Like the ripple float on the water. It blows as it goes. The place is No make at all.Nothing is shown. Like the sand clasped by hand,It falls vainly. The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light. But we will find it in the place. The hut at which it stands still. if not concerned with all,It will maintain that No dye. therefore there is still the hut.It"s lonly,solitary. no halt at the soars to the sky. Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise,It grows up as reborn. The hut has held new one.that"s different from all. like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind. The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm. still, We will konw a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody. soon,the wind wears the snow cloud.will be dyed to snow-white. Summer grass will incline.No sunlight,feebly shade. The place buried in deep the collapsing castle. like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away. The hut buried in deep.It sinks in to the flood. and The "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one. Even if all are healed, be gonna no return. there is still the place.far away .far away. The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds. Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places. The place is a lofty lord. can"t meet nobody put on. still,there is still the place.far away .far away.Ana_(short_ver.) 参看采纳哦
2023-08-16 20:19:261


[ti:Ana][ar:Lia[中英对照]][al:Clannad][by:Esperando] [00:01.15]「Ana」[00:02.59]TV动画『Clannad』第9话IN[00:04.71]《动感新势力Anime New Power》2008年2月歌曲精选辑「令节」File.9[00:10.30][06:58.43][00:11.43]The place changes and goes【这片土地 沧桑变幻】[07:03.42][00:16.56]Like a wind, like clouds【如风舞动 似云流转】[07:09.02][00:22.31]Like the traces of the heart【恍若心之轨迹】[07:14.55][00:27.76]no halt at the places【没有一刻停息】[07:21.01][00:34.42][00:36.87]The place is so far away, be far apart【这片土地 是如此遥远】[00:47.27]people"s hand does not reach【人们伸手难及】[00:53.32]so merely has the worship【心中仅存对未知的景仰】[00:59.66][01:02.20]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】[01:07.43]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】[01:13.35]We will lose the place【我们将失去它】[01:18.23]so lofty which changes【任它高傲地俯视一切】[01:25.22][01:26.60]Not all were desired【即使万事不尽人意】[01:32.29]However,we"re never sad【我们也不会悲伤哀叹】[01:38.67]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】[01:44.07]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】[01:50.60][01:52.74]The wind blows through the place【清风徐来】[01:58.38] an endless,with all【永无止息】 [02:04.05]Like the ripple float on the water【似水波荡漾】[02:09.80]It blows as it goes【任其流动飘扬】[02:17.49][02:18.76]The place is no make at all【无人能使它改变】[02:25.22]Nothing is shown【万物踪迹俱灭】[02:29.47]Like the sand clasped by hand【若手心紧握的银沙】[02:35.10]It falls vainly【悄然滑落逝去】[02:42.85][02:43.94]The place is a profound lord【这片土地 神秘幽远】[02:49.14]and wear the vain faint light【为晨曦之光紧紧环绕】[02:54.40]But we will find it in the place【我们定将细寻】[02:59.41]The hut at which it stands still【其中的某处恬静小居】[03:06.86][03:08.43]if not concerned with all【如果缺少爱】[03:14.76]It will maintain that no dye【万物皆会失去耀眼光芒】[03:20.31]therefore there is still the hut【山间小屋 依旧直立】[03:26.01]It"s lonly,solitary【孤独无依】[03:32.35][03:34.77]no halt at the wind【伴随着无尽的风】[03:40.09]it soars to the sky【它飞向广阔苍穹】[03:45.79]Like the verdure which meets with sunrise【宛若阳光哺育的幼苗】[03:51.48]It grows up as reborn【它茁壮成长 如获新生】[03:57.74][04:00.24]The hut has held new one【小屋中迎来新客】[04:05.57]that"s different from all【他与众不同】[04:11.20]like the sand castle of the children【像童年记忆中的沙堡】[04:16.78]but realized with the mind【源远流长 永被铭记】[04:23.07][04:25.66]The person is a vain statue【宛若雕塑 沉默寡言之人】[04:31.67]wear taciturnity calm【若即若离 似将逝去】[04:36.53]still,We will know a huge flow【但巨大的洋流将让一切消失】[04:42.13]It is stopped by nobody【无人可挡】[04:46.46][04:47.22]Soon,the wind wears the snow cloud【不久那寒风将到来】[04:53.25]will be dyed to snow-white【为一切换上银装】[04:58.93]Summer grass will incline【夏草在风中挣扎】[05:04.79]No sunlight,feebly shade【阳光不再 乱姿影残】[05:11.19][05:13.80]作词:萩原ゆう Yuu Hagiwara[05:16.64]作曲:traditional[05:19.72]编曲:戸越まごめ Magome Togoshi[05:22.90]歌:Lia [05:25.32][05:28.06]---------------------------------Music---------------------------------------[05:39.76][05:41.93]The place buried in deep snow【这片土地为白雪所没】[05:47.15]like the collapsing castle【如消逝着的城堡】[05:52.77]like the head of the shade【似阴影之首】[05:58.43]figure will be thrown away【即将被永远抛弃】[06:06.18][06:07.31]The hut buried in deep【那小屋被深深掩埋】[06:13.65]It sinks in to the flood【沉没于浩荡大流中】[06:18.20]and The "not dyeing" is dyed out【灰暗的过往也被染上五彩】[06:23.93]and waits for a oppose one【等待着 新的一切】[06:31.62][06:32.21]Even if all are healed【即使所有的伤痛都愈合】[06:37.87]be gonna no return【即使曾经的存在都化为乌有】[06:43.62]there is still the place【这片土地仍将存在】[06:49.13]far away .far away【仍然遥不可及】[06:55.51][07:23.47]The place is a lofty lord【这片土地 正如崇高的神祉】[07:28.95]can"t meet nobody put on【负载于所有生命之上】[07:34.47]Still, there is still the place【这片土地一切如旧】[07:39.28]far away, far away【仍然遥不可及】[07:46.42][07:49.26]---------------------------------Ending--------------------------------------[08:04.88][08:06.26]歌词翻译:Esperando[08:08.44]QQ:188309791[08:11.10][08:11.89]---------------------------------End------------------------------------------
2023-08-16 20:19:412


In 1902, Henan high school in the capital of Kaifeng was born, ten years later in 1912, a group of Henan Patriots to emulate the Tsinghua students prep school in Europe and America, established Henan abroad preparatory school. In the inland Central Plains, Henan abroad preparatory school vision lofty, grand vision, advanced teaching, cultivate the Zhao Jiuzhang (Chinese satellite father), Yang Tingbao (architect), Yan Zhenxing (water authority), Zhang Bosheng (earth science giant) et al., it can be said, the Henan University is a light dim the modern history of Henan. In 1902, Henan high school in the capital of Kaifeng was born, ten years later in 1912, a group of Henan Patriots to emulate the Tsinghua students prep school in Europe and America, established Henan abroad preparatory school. In the inland Central Plains, Henan abroad preparatory school vision lofty, grand vision, advanced teaching, cultivate the Zhao Jiuzhang (Chinese satellite father), Yang Tingbao (architect), Yan Zhenxing (water authority), Zhang Bosheng (earth science giant) et al., it can be said, the Henan University is a light dim the modern history of Henan. In 1902, Henan high school in the capital of Kaifeng was born, ten years later in 1912, a group of Henan Patriots to emulate the Tsinghua students prep school in Europe and America, established Henan abroad preparatory school. In the inland Central Plains, Henan abroad preparatory school vision lofty, grand vision, advanced teaching, cultivate the Zhao Jiuzhang (Chinese satellite father), Yang Tingbao (architect), Yan Zhenxing (water authority), Zhang Bosheng (earth science giant) et al., it can be said, the Henan University is a light dim the modern history of Henan.1902年河南大学堂在省会开封诞生,十年后的1912年,一批河南志士仿效清华留学欧美预备学校,建立了河南留学欧美预备学校。在内陆中原,河南留学欧美预备学校眼界高远、气魄宏大、教学先进,培养出了赵九章(中国卫星之父)、杨廷宝(建筑大师)、阎振兴(水利泰斗)、张伯声(地学巨子)等人,可以说,河南大学是黯淡的近代河南历史上的一道亮光。1902年河南大学堂在省会开封诞生,十年后的1912年,一批河南志士仿效清华留学欧美预备学校,建立了河南留学欧美预备学校。在内陆中原,河南留学欧美预备学校眼界高远、气魄宏大、教学先进,培养出了赵九章(中国卫星之父)、杨廷宝(建筑大师)、阎振兴(水利泰斗)、张伯声(地学巨子)等人,可以说,河南大学是黯淡的近代河南历史上的一道亮光。1902年河南大学堂在省会开封诞生,十年后的1912年,一批河南志士仿效清华留学欧美预备学校,建立了河南留学欧美预备学校。在内陆中原,河南留学欧美预备学校眼界高远、气魄宏大、教学先进,培养出了赵九章(中国卫星之父)、杨廷宝(建筑大师)、阎振兴(水利泰斗)、张伯声(地学巨子)等人,可以说,河南大学是黯淡的近代河南历史上的一道亮光。
2023-08-16 20:19:511


2023-08-16 20:20:141


1. [lofty mountains]∶山岳   2. [imperial tomb;royal mausoleum]∶旧指皇帝陵墓  3. [emperor or queen]∶比喻帝王或王后 在这里应该是山岳 比喻多山的地方
2023-08-16 20:20:482

用英文seasos in China写一遍五年级英语作文

Our country is China. It is where we live.Look! This is a map of China . The U.S is east of China.The U.K. is west and a little north of China,and Australia is south and east of China. China has many people. It has thirteen hundred million people. The capital city of China is Beijing.Beijing is very great and famous. It has Tian"anmen Square,the Palace Museum,the Great Wall and Summer Palace.They are all very famous. The flag of China is red. There are five yellow stars in it.What a great country!
2023-08-16 20:19:342

高中化学,铁原子半径为a cm,NA表示阿伏加德罗常数,摩尔质量为Mg/mol.则该晶体的密度可表示为

设质量为m g则物质的量n=m/M mol那么铁原子的个数就是n*NA=mNA/M体积就是V=4/3πa^3 * mNA/M(就是上述这么多个铁原子合起来的体积 题目这样说 就这能这样估算 实际上原子间还会有间隙 这里就不考虑了)已知体积 已知质量所以密度p=m/(4/3πa^3 * mNA/M)=3M/(4πa^3 * mNA/M)这里的单位是g/cm^3 希望对你有帮助 不懂欢迎追问
2023-08-16 20:19:351

Avishai Cohen的《Seven Seas》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Seas歌手:Avishai Cohen专辑:Seven SeasBabyface--Seven SeasBackground Vocals:Marc Nelson,Melvin Edmonds,"Face"Sitting by the windowAll day thinking of youWatching the days go byI started to cryBut they weren"t tears of sadnessThey only meant I love youAnd I wanna tell you girl that I, oh II"ll travel round the seven seas for youIt"s written in the melody I adore youI wrote my love a symphonyTo show you there"s nothing I won"t doBaby I"ll walk around the China Wall for youIf there"s a way I"ll do it all for youAnything you want me toYou know I would doPeople think I"m crazyThey say I"m just a nothingLetting my life pass me byBelieving you"re with meWell I can"t speak for no oneBut in my heart I know you love meAnd that"s why I"ll always tell you IOh I, oh I, oh IDo do do do do doDo do do do do do do doDo do do do do do...
2023-08-16 20:19:411


吊装移动气焊用气瓶应该采用尼龙吊带,气瓶是一种承压设备,具有爆炸危险,且其承装介质一般具有易燃、易爆、有毒、强腐蚀等性质,使用环境又因其移动、重复充装、操作使用人员不固定和使用环境变化的特点,比其他压力容器更为复杂、恶劣。气瓶一旦发生爆炸或泄漏,往往发生火灾或中毒,甚至引起灾难性事故,带来严重的财产损失、人员伤亡和环境污染。气焊丝气焊时,焊丝不断地送入熔池内,并与熔化的基本金属熔合形成焊缝。焊缝的质量在很大程度上与气焊丝的化学成分和质量有关。常用气焊丝的型号和用途如下:1、结构钢焊丝:一般低碳钢焊件采用的焊丝有H08A;重要的低碳钢焊件用H08Mn和H08MnA;中强度焊件用H15A;强度较高的焊件用H15Mn 。焊接强度等级为300~350MPa的普通碳素钢时,采用H08A、H08Mn和H08MnA等焊丝。焊接优质碳素钢和低合金结构钢时,可采用碳素结构钢焊丝或合金结构钢焊丝,如H08Mn、H08MnA、H10Mn2以及H10Mn2MoA等。2、铸铁用焊丝:铸铁焊丝分为灰铸铁焊丝和合金铸铁焊丝,其型号、化学成分可参见相关国家标准。
2023-08-16 20:19:431


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2023-08-16 20:19:291

化学十字交叉法原理是什么 化学十字交叉法原理是怎样的

1、十字交叉法的原理:A×a%+B×b%=(A+B)×c% 整理变形得: A/B=(c-b)/(a-c ) ① 如果我们以100g溶液所含的溶质为基准,上式表示溶液混合时它们的质量比与有关质量分数比的关系。 可得如下十字交叉形式 a c-b c b a-c ② 对比①、②两式可以看出:十字交叉关系中(c-b)/(a-c)为组分A和组分B混合时的质量比,推广到二组分混合体系中,当以一定质量的混合体系为基准所得十字交叉关系,其比值为质量比(例如质量分数是以质量为基准);若有c-b比a-c的化学意义由平均值c决定,则比值就表示组分A中c-b和组分B中a-c所表示的量的比值。如c为质量或质量分数,则(c-b)/(a-c)表示组分A和组分B溶液的质量之比;若c为密度,则(c-b)/(a-c)就表示组分A和组分B的溶液体积之比;若c为摩尔质量,则(c-b)/(a-c) 就表示组分A和组分B的物质的量比。此时可用十字交叉法求混合物中各组分的含量。 2、十字交叉法可用于溶液浓度的计算,例如溶液的稀释、浓缩或混合等计算题。使用此法,使解题过程简便、快速、正确。下面通过例题介绍十字交叉法的原理。
2023-08-16 20:19:221