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我不介意 英文怎么说

2023-08-23 18:36:17
TAG: 英文

I don"t care.(我不在意或不关心之意)

It dosen"t matter(别人道歉,你说别介意)


I do not care.


I donu2018t care


never mind



  不介意是生活中我们经常会说的口语,那你知道不介意的英文怎么说吗?下面是我为你整理的不介意的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不介意的英文   don"t mind   not mind;   not care;   be careless about   don"t mind的例句   1. "Which one of these do you want?" — "I don"t mind."   “你想要这里面的哪一个?”——“都可以。”   2. I don"t mind telling you I was absolutely terrified.   说真的,我当时吓坏了。   3. You don"t mind if I take my shoes off, do you?   你不介意我把鞋子脱了吧?   4. You don"t mind if they take a look round, do you?   您不介意他们四处看看吧?   5. If you don"t mind, we won"t talk about it any more.   如果可以的话,我们就不要再谈论这件事情了。   6. "I guess you guys don"t mind if I smoke?" he drawled.   “伙计们,我想你们不介意我抽烟吧?”他拉长音调说。   7. I hope you don"t mind me coming to see you.   希望你不介意我来见你。   8. If you don"t mind, I think I"d like to go home.   如果你不介意的话,我想我要回家了。   9. I"d sooner not, if you don"t mind.   要是你不介意的话,我宁可不这样做。   10. She looked at him earnestly. "You don"t mind?"   她认真地看着他说:“你不介意吗?”   not care的用法   1. She had met both sons and did not care for either.   两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。   2. He did not care a snap to talk loudly in class.   他毫不在乎地在课堂上大声讲话.   3. He does not care in the least what will happen in the future.   他对以后发生什么事一点也不在乎.   4. You may not care for this kind of decoration at first, but as you get used to it , you   开始,你也许不喜欢这种服饰, 可是当你见惯了就会觉得越来越喜欢它了.   5. They would not care. Hanson particularly would be glad when she went.   他们不会在意她的, 尤其汉生对她的离开会感到高兴.   6. She did not care about anything.   她什么也不管了.   7. A selfish person does not care about other people"s problem.   自私的人是不关心别人的困难的.   8. I do not care a fig for his opinion.   我毫不在乎他的意见.   9. Lydgate did not care about commercial politics or cards.   利德盖特即不关心生意上的勾心斗角,也不打牌.   10. I do not care for the things women care for.   女人们讲究的东西,我不讲究.
2023-08-16 11:43:081


  不介意指不把事情放在心上,那么你知道不介意用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来不介意的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   不介意的英语说法1:   not mind   不介意的英语说法2:   not care   不介意的英语说法3:   Never mind   不介意相关英语表达:   希望你不介意 I hope you don"t mind   他们也不介意 They don"t care   如果您不介意 If you don"t mind   不介意的英语例句:   1. You don"t mind if I take my shoes off, do you?   你不介意我把鞋子脱了吧?   2. You don"t mind if they take a look round, do you?   您不介意他们四处看看吧?   3. "I guess you guys don"t mind if I smoke?" he drawled.   “伙计们,我想你们不介意我抽烟吧?”他拉长音调说。   4. I hope you don"t mind me coming to see you.   希望你不介意我来见你。   5. If you don"t mind, I think I"d like to go home.   如果你不介意的话,我想我要回家了。   6. Do you mind if I ask you one more thing?   您不介意我再问您一个问题吧?   7. People do not mind paying a bit extra for the personal touch.   冲着个性化设计人们不介意多花点儿钱。   8. Would you mind awfully waiting a bit, I"ll be back right away.   不介意稍微等一会儿吧,我马上就回来。   9. If they don"t want to speak to me, fine. No problem.   如果他们不想和我讲话,好的。我不介意。   10. I"d sooner not, if you don"t mind.   要是你不介意的话,我宁可不这样做。   11. She looked at him earnestly. "You don"t mind?"   她认真地看着他说:“你不介意吗?”   12. Would you excuse us for a minute, Cassandra?   卡桑德拉,我们出去一会儿你不介意吧?   13. "If you don"t mind," Mrs. Dambar said genially.   “如果你不介意的话,”丹巴尔夫人和蔼地说道。   14. Let"s have no more melodramatics, if you don"t mind.   如果你不介意的话,咱们就别再夸张了。   15. I would rather go out tonight, if you don"t mind.   如果你不介意的话,我宁愿今晚出去.
2023-08-16 11:43:181


no harm done
2023-08-16 11:43:347


never mind
2023-08-16 11:43:525


never mindIt does not matter
2023-08-16 11:44:073

英语Don’t mind anybody怎么翻译?

Don"t mind anybody别介意任何人
2023-08-16 11:45:0015


minddont mind
2023-08-16 11:45:275


当我说英语说得不好请不要介意英文:Please don"t mind when I can"t speak English well
2023-08-16 11:46:061

做你喜欢的事,不要介意别人怎么说,英文 - 百度

翻译为:You do what you love to do, please don"t care what anybody tells you
2023-08-16 11:46:151


This is I and the host yesterday in Beijing television program photo, I would very much like to share with you, I hope you don"t mind.
2023-08-16 11:46:221


Please don"t mind my addressing you as that.
2023-08-16 11:46:524


Forget it,Ok?
2023-08-16 11:47:037

英文 别人说i have to go怎么回答?不要介意我 英文怎么说

I have to go我需要离开了,别人可能有什么事需要离开那你可以回答sure, go ahead 就是没问题,你去吧不要介意我- just ignore me/don"t bother about me
2023-08-16 11:47:311


WTF是世界跆拳道联合会的英文缩写,同时还是DOTA模式中的一种。最后,凯迪拉克还设计了一款英文缩写为WTF的燃料概念车。 俚语中WTF是一句脏话,常用于网络环境。WTF 等于 what the fuck! (什么玩意!他妈的!)的缩写,常见于网络中。公共场合小心使用。
2023-08-16 11:47:414

希望你不会介意 的英文怎么说?

I hope you wouldn"t mind.
2023-08-16 11:47:525

寻找一句英文的翻译 我原谅你,不要太介意,开玩笑而已!我们永远是最好的朋友!

I forgive you .Don"t care about too much,It was just a kidding,we will be the best friend forever.
2023-08-16 11:48:081


2023-08-16 11:48:176

我的英语不太好 要是出现了语法错误或单词拼写错误 请不要介意。你在中国吗? 麻烦把这话翻译成英文 谢谢

i"m not very good at English. So forgive me if i make some grammatical and spelling mistakes.
2023-08-16 11:48:324


2023-08-16 11:48:4111

帮助翻译成英文 :我很遗憾刚才没有能够亲口和你说一句生日快乐。现在补说,希望您不要介意。

I regret not just now it can say with you a happy birthday fill now said, I hope you don"t mind
2023-08-16 11:49:063

谁能帮我把这几句用英文翻译一下: 已经处理好了。谢谢你的喜欢。 我英文不好,有奇怪的地方不要介意哟

it has already been done.I"m glad that you like it.i"m not so good at English,if there is anything you feel strange,please don"t mind it.
2023-08-16 11:49:176

谁是英语高手进 请翻译下:没关系,我想我们还是可以通过英文交流的,但你不要介意我的英文不是很好啊

It doesn"t matter,I think we can communicate in English,but please don"t mind my poor English.
2023-08-16 11:49:441


1 Now too has been late, the bar all closed a door 2 Really is a rousing matter 3 I only am crack a joke, you do not mind 4 In that family store has more things to choose for you
2023-08-16 11:49:556

你介不介意小声说话 用英文怎么说

Do you mind wispering?
2023-08-16 11:50:147


Primary school English is the need of social development in the new century, is the inevitable requirement of the era of knowledge economy in order to better development and international development. Rural primary school students native, influenced by the surrounding environment and family education, compared with the city kids, often appears to be more timid cautious, poor speech, lack of confidence, and afraid of missay criticized by the teacher, means of rural primary school teaching method, is also behind the city primary school, also exist in English using traditional teaching methods in the rural primary school in the situation, and this "full penetration, English-Chinese translation" teaching method, not only makes the dull atmosphere in the classroom, students in the state of passive acceptance, but did not meet the students the physical, psychological characteristics and age characteristics. Primary school English teaching has its own unique characteristics, is to stimulate students" interest in learning as the premise, through listening, say, read, play, sing, play mode, focusing on the development of student learning initiative, enthusiasm and intellectual learning, to acquire language knowledge and skills, the formation of primary language, voice, tone, cultivate their ability of simple English language communication.[keyword] provided background; rural primary school; English teaching; principle.
2023-08-16 11:51:281

get married 这个词组里用到的英语语法是什么?

get married 这个词组里用到的英语语法是什么? 动词被动语态。 英语语法。all our lives 这个片语在句中作什么成分?这个all的词性是什么?谢~ 时间状语 all 形容词 英语语法是什么? 英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,英语语法系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。英语语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。 语法是语言学的一个分支,研究按确定用法来运用的"词类"、"词"的屈折变化或表示相互关系的其他手段以及词在句中的功能和关系。包含词的构词、构形的规则和组词成句的规则。语法有两个含义,一指语法结构规律本身,即语法事实;一指语法学,是探索并描写语法结构的科学,是语法学者对客观存在的语法体系的认识和说明。 就是在这项规则下才能组成完整正确的句子。 能听的英语语法和片语 你可以上网寻找《闭着眼睛飘英语》《躺着就能学语法》这个挺好的,上网一搜就有 求 as for 这个片语的用法(语法) 关于,至于 eg: 1. as for *** ./sth. As for English,I think it"s not difficult to learn. As for me, I "ll go to the cinema. 2. as for doing sth. As for watching TV ,I usually do it on weekends. 英语语法. 请问片语:in defence of 是什么词性的片语?能否直接做动词用?应 in defence of 是一个介词短语, 不是动词短语,因此不能当动词使用去作句子谓语 介词短语只能作表语,定语,状语,等等 系动词+ 介词短语(作表语) 动词+介词短语(作状语) in defense of 英 [in diu02c8fens u0254v] 美 [u026an du026au02c8fu025bns u028cv] 为。。。辩护, 为保证。。。 1.She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs. 她为她的政见力辩. 2. Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲. 3. They responded at once and rose as one man in defense of their motherland. 他们立即响应,团结得象一个人,起来保卫祖国. 4. He gave his life in defense of his country. 他在保卫祖国的时候付出了生命. 5. Thousands worldwide stepped forward in defense of truth, honesty, and integrity. 世界各地数千人挺身而出,捍卫真理, 诚实, 和正直. 英语语法问题请问bee这个词是否有被动 没有 因为成为就是成为,没有"被成为" 这一点上中文和英文是一样的. as if 这个片语有什么语法啊? AS IF 语法 as if(though)是连词片语,意为“就像……似的,仿佛……似的”。引导状语从句和表语从句。表示猜测、假定、方式等。在平时的学习中,我们应注意以下四点: 一、引导状语从句 as if引导状语从句时,常用虚拟语气。它与表示命令(order)、要求(ask,require,insist, demand)、建议(advise,suggest)等后的宾语从句中的虚拟语气不一样,不能用“should +动词原形”。从句常用过去式(be动词用were/ was都可以)表示现在的情况不真实,而是主观想象或夸大的比喻。还可用过去完成时表示过去,过去进行时表示现在进行时;过去将来时表示将来时。 例如: 1)She opened her lips as if she would say something. 她张开嘴唇像是要说什么似的。 2)He acted as if he were *** oking. 他的动作就好像在抽菸似的。 3)Crusoe heard a noise,as if someone was breathing. 克鲁索听到了嘈杂声,好像有人在呼吸。 4)I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 我记得整个事情就好像发生在昨天一样。 5)It is as if she had known me for years. 她好像认识我许多年了。 注:如果as if从句中的动词是表示状态的be,exist,have,belong to等时,动词一般用过去式。如: He took the dictionary away as if it belonged to him.他拿走了词典,好像词典是他的似的。 二、引导表语从句 as if引导表语从句时,常与系动词be,look,seem,feel,taste, *** ell等连用,其常用句型为“It+系动词+asif...”。其中it本身无词义,as if后既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气。这主要取决于从句表示的情况是真实的还是虚拟的。 例如: 1)It looks as if it is going to rain. 天看起来要下雨了。 2)He looks as if he is ill. 他看起来像是生病了。 3)Itlooks as if the sky would fall soon. 天看上去好像要塌下来似的。 4)When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,itlooks as if iere broken. 当一枝铅笔部分在水里的时候,它看起来好像断了。 5)Jack seems as if he has lost his wallet. 杰克看上去好像是丢了钱包。 三、不用虚拟语气的情况 1、当主句的谓语动词是seem,look,feel, *** ell,taste等系动词时,从句中的情况发生的可能性又很大,从句要用陈述语气。例如: 1)The milk *** ells as if it is sour. 牛奶闻起来好像是酸的。 2)It seems as if you are the first one here. 你好像是第一个来这里的。 3)The meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 肉尝起来好像已经坏了。 4)It looks as though we shall have to do the work ourselves. 看起来我们得自己做这项工作了。 2、如果所描述的行为本身是一种事实时,通常用陈述语气。 例如: 1)We"ve missed the last bus.It looks as if we"llhave to walk home. 我们错过了最后一班公交车。看来我们得走回家。 2)The astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor. 宇航员们感到自己似乎被紧压着贴在飞船地板上。 四、as if从句省略 当从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致时,从句的主谓结构可以部分省略或全部省略,使句子更加简练。 例如: 1)He stared at the girl as if(he were/was) seeing her for the first time. 他盯着那姑娘看好像是第一次看到她似的。 2)He fell down as though(he were/was) shot. 他倒下了,好像是中弹了似的。 3)She hurriedly left the room as if(she were /was)angry. 她好像很生气,匆匆走出房间。 4)He was talking all the while excitedly,as if(he were /was talking)to himself. 他好像一直对自己兴奋地说个不停。 我用我宝贵的时间在网上找的,希望对你有帮助,希望我是最佳答案,另外给我加分吧。 人教版初中英语语法和片语 是语法 和片语! 谢谢! 单词好多,放不下先语法吧1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、 look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump 2 (比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样 3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易) 4 agree with *** 赞成某人 5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样 6 all over the world = the whole world 整个 世界 7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : I will go along with you我将和你一起去 the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树 8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样 9 as you can see 你是知道的 10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book 11 ask *** for sth 向某人什么 12 ask *** to do sth 询问某人某事 ask *** not to do 叫某人不要做某事 13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen 14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始 15 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day 16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候 17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句 感觉/对什么有信心,自信 eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test 18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时 2 将来时 19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing 20 be able to do sth 能够干什么 eg :she is able to sing 21 be afraid to do (of sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg : I"m afraed to go out at night I"m afraid of dog 22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么 eg: I"m allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视 I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视 23 be angry with *** 生某人的气 eg : Don"t be angry with me 24 be angry with(at) *** for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气 25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样 eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高 26 be ashamed to 27 be away from 远离 28 be away from 从……离开 29 be bad for 对什么有害 eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好 30 be born 出生于 31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事 be busy with sth 忙于…… 32 be careful 当心;小心 33 be different from…… 和什么不一样 34 be famous for 以……著名 35 be friendly to *** 对某人友好 36 be from = e from 来自 eg :He is from Bejing He es from Bejing Is he from Bejing ? Does he e from Bejing ? 37 be full of 装满……的 be filled with 充满 eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water 38 be glad+to+do/从句 39 be going to + v(原) 将来时 40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于…… 41 be good for 对什么有好处 eg : Reading aloud is good for your English 42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事 43 be helpful to *** 对某人有好处 eg : Reading aloud is helpful to you 大声朗读对你有好处 Exercising is helpful to your bady 锻炼对你的身体有好处 44 be in good health 身体健康 45 be in trouble 处于困难中 eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble 46 be interested in 对某方面感兴趣 47 be late for = e late to 迟到 eg: Be late for class 上课迟到 48 be like 像…… eg : I"m like my mother 49 be mad at 生某人的气 50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料) 51 be made of 由……制成(制成以后还看得见原材料) 52 be not sure 表不确定 53 be on a visit to 参观 54 be popular with *** 受某人欢迎 55 be quiet 安静 56 be short for 表**的缩写 eg: 陶 is short for 陶俊杰 57 be sick in bed 生病在床 58 be sorry to do sth be sorry for *** eg : I am sorry for you 59 be sorry to hear that 60 be sorry to trouble *** eg : I am sorry to trouble you 61 be strict in doing sth 严于做某事 eg : He"s strict in obeying noles 62 be strict with *** 对某人要求严格 eg: Some students are not strict with them selves 这些学生对自己不严格 63 be strict with *** in sth 某方面对某人严格 64 be supposed to do 被要求干什么 65 be sure 表确定 66 be sure of doing sth 对做某事有信心 eg: He is sure of winning I am sure of learning English well 67 be sure of sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I"m sure of my head (my teacher 我相信我的大脑(老师) 68 be sure that sth 对做某事有信心 eg: I"m suer that he can pass the test 我相信他能通过考试 69 be sure to do sth一定会做某事eg: We are sure to pass the test 我们一定会通过这次考试 We are sure to learn English well 我们一定能学好英语 70 be terrified of + 名/动doing 害怕…… 71 be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事 72 be the same as … 和什么一样 73 be used to doing sth 习惯做某事 eg: My father is used to getting up early 我爸爸习惯早He is used to sleeping in class 他习惯上课睡觉 74 be worth doing 值得做什么 75 be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of sth 害怕某物 be afraid that 丛句 76 because+句子 because of +短语 eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache 77 begin to do = start to do 开始做某事 start…with…=begin…with… 以什么开始什么 eg : Let"s begin the game with the song I begin to go home 78 beeen…and… 两者之间 79 borrow sth from *** 向……借…… lend sth to *** ( lend *** sth 借给……什么东西 eg : I borrowed a pen from him he lent a pen to me ( he lent me a pen 80 both = the same(as) = not different(from) 表相同 81 bother 打扰 bother *** to do sth eg : I"m sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station 我十分道歉打扰你,但是你能告诉我怎么去车站 the problem has been bothering me for weeks 这个问题困扰了我几个周了 He"s bothering me to lend him money 82 by the end of 到……为止 83 call *** sth eg : We call him old wang 84 care 关心 eg : Don"t you care about this country"s future ?你为什么不关心国家的未来 85 catch up with *** 赶上某人 86 chat with *** 和某人闲谈 take *** to + 地点 带某人去某地 87 e in 进88 e over to 过来 89 e up with 提出 eg: Can you e up with a good idea 你能想出一个好办法吗? 90 municate with *** 和某人交流 91 consider + doing 考虑做什么 eg : Why not consider going to lu zhou 为什么不考虑去泸州? 92 dance to 随着……跳舞 eg : She likes dancing to the music 她喜欢随着音乐跳舞 93 decide to do sth 决定做某事 94 do a survey of 做某方面的调查 95 do better in 在……方面做得更好 96 do wrong 做错 97 Don"t fet to do sth 不要忘了做某事 98 Don"t mind +doing /从句 /名词 不要介意…… 99 each +名(单)每一个…eg : Each student has many books 每一个学生都有一些书 100 end up +doing 101 enjoy +doing喜欢 102 escape from 从……逃跑eg: The prisoners have escaped from the prison犯人从监狱里逃跑出来 103 expect to do sth 期待做某事 104 fall down 摔下来 fall off 从哪摔下来 105 fall in love with *** /sth 爱上什么 106 far from 离某地远 eg : The school is far from my home 107 find +it +adj +to do 发现做某事怎么样 108 find *** /sth +adj 发现什么怎么样 eg : I find the book interesting 109 finish 完成+doing(名词) 110 fit to *** = be fit for *** 适合某人 111 fet to do 没有做而忘了 fet doing 做了而又忘了 eg: Don"t fet to go home I fet closing door 112 from…to… 从某某到某某 eg: From me for her 113 get /have sth down 做完,被(别人)做…eg: I have my hair cut 我理了发(头发被剪了) Tom got his bad tooth pulled out 汤母把他的坏牙拔掉了(被牙医拔掉了) 114 get a part-time job= find a part-time job 115 get along well with *** = get on well with *** 与某人相处得好 116 get along with *** = get on with *** 与某人相处 117 get ready for = be ready for为什么而准备eg : I get ready for math I am ready for math 118 get *** in to trouble 给某人麻119 get *** to do sth 120 get…from… 从某处得到某物 121 give a talk 做报告 eg: He is give a tall 122 give sth to *** give *** sth 给某人某物 123 go fish 钓鱼 go swimming 游泳 124 go on to do 去做下一件事 go on doing 继续做这件事 125 go out away from go out of 126 go to school 上学(用于专业的)go to the school 去学校(不一定是上学) 127 good way to 好方法 128 hate to do 讨厌没做过的事 hate doing 讨厌做过的事 129 have a party for *** 举办谁的晚会 130 have a talk 听报告 谈一谈 131 have been doing 现在完成进行时 eg : You have been talking You have been sleeping since 132 have been to …( 地方)……去过某过地方 have gone to …(地方) 去了某地还没回来 133 have fun +doing 玩得高兴 134 have sth to do 有什么事要做 eg: I have a lot of homework to do 我有很多家庭作业要做 I have nothing to do 我没什么事情做 135 have to do sth 必须做某事 136 have trouble (problem) (in) doing sth 做什么事情有麻烦 137 have…time +doing 138 have…(时间)…off 放……假 eg: I have month off 我请一个月得假 139 hear *** +do/doing 听见某人做某事/正在做某事 140 help a lot 很大用处 141 help *** with sth one"s sth 帮助某人某事(某方面) help *** (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 142 hope to do sth 希望做某事 143 How about(+doing) = What about(+doing) 144 how do you like = what do you think of 你对什么的看法 145 if : 是否=wether eg: I don"t know if (wether) I should go to the party 我不知道我是否应该去参加晚会 He don"t know if (wether) we will arrive on time tomorrow morning 他不知道我们明天早上是否能准时到达 146 if :如果,假如(全部接一般时态)+条件语态从句 eg: I"ll go to LuZhou if it does"t rain 假如明天不下雨,我就去泸州 If they change the plan they will let me know 假如他们要改变计划,他们会让我知道的 I"ll go to England ,if I have enough money next year 如果我明年由足够的钱,我就要去英国 147 in one"s opinion = *** think 某人认为 148 in some ways 在某些方面 149 in the end = finally(adv) 最后 150 in the north of… 什么在什么的北方 (north 北 sowth 南 west 西 east 东 )________________________ 完美的分割线新生命语言团倾情为您解答~~~
2023-08-16 11:51:351


不介意的英文有don"t mindnot mind;not care;be careless about例句1. "Which one of these do you want?" — "I don"t mind."“你想要这里面的哪一个?”——“都可以。”2. I don"t mind telling you I was absolutely terrified.说真的,我当时吓坏了。3. You don"t mind if I take my shoes off, do you?你不介意我把鞋子脱了吧?4. You don"t mind if they take a look round, do you?您不介意他们四处看看吧?5. If you don"t mind, we won"t talk about it any more.如果可以的话,我们就不要再谈论这件事情了。6. "I guess you guys don"t mind if I smoke?" he drawled.“伙计们,我想你们不介意我抽烟吧?”他拉长音调说。7. I hope you don"t mind me coming to see you.希望你不介意我来见你。8. If you don"t mind, I think I"d like to go home.如果你不介意的话,我想我要回家了。9. I"d sooner not, if you don"t mind.要是你不介意的话,我宁可不这样做。
2023-08-16 11:52:041


你好,翻译结果:“请不要介意”"Please don"t mind"
2023-08-16 11:52:331


I"m willing to share with you.I hope you don"t mindwilling to do愿意做某事hope you don"t mind希望你不介意
2023-08-16 11:52:541


I hope you do not mind
2023-08-16 11:53:041


问题一:关心,在乎,在意用英语怎么说 care for 伐are about mind regard take notice of be concerned with be interested in show solicitude for 问题二:对……在意的英文单词组怎么说 对……在意 care about be concerned about 问题三:别在意用英语怎么说 don"t care 问题四:介意或不介意用英语怎么说 mind I don,t mind. 问题五:你不必太在意用英语怎么说 You don"t have to pay too much attention 问题六:我真的很在乎你 用英语怎么说 I really care you.I really care about you.I really care for you.I care you really.I care about you really.I care for you really.I do care for you .注意:这里不能用trully。因为:real表示“真的……”“真实的”“名符其实的”,指的是事实上存在,不是想象的或虚构的.eg.I"m learning to skate on real ice .我在真正的冰上学滑冰.true“真正的,真的”,表示的是和事实及事实情况相符的,而不是编造的.eg.He told me a true story .他给我讲了一个真实的故事.really是real的副词,truly是true的副词,区别同上。relly的位置可以在实义动词前,也可以在句尾。例句:1.I don"t see the point in it really. It"s just stupid. 我真的不理解这到底有什么意义,简直是愚蠢透顶。2.I really don"t see any reason for changing it. 我真的不明白为什么要改变它。真的这个意思在这里也可以用do,起强调的作用。例句:I do hope you"ll forgive me but I"ve got to leave. 我真的非常抱歉,我得走了。在乎的说法:care,care about, care for。例句:1.Ask yourself some questions: Do you really care her? 自己问自己几个问题: 你真的在乎她吗 ?2.Ruby: Yes, and I really care about you, too. 茹比: 嗯, 而我真的也很在乎你.3.Do you really care for me enough, then to banish those chill fancies? 那么,你真是那么关心我,足以驱除那些吓人的幻景吗 ? 问题七:介意用英语怎么说 mind Never min功 about that. 别介意 Do you care if I open the window? 你介意我开窗户么? care about 关心、在乎也做介意用 问题八:不要在意它的英文怎么说? forget it
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2023-08-16 11:53:281


sorry.l am just kidding .please don"t mind.i"m here to apologize
2023-08-16 11:53:551

不要介意我的字丑 的英文

你说的这句中国话,不太容易翻译。换个说法的话:比如:不要介意我的丑字Don"t mind my ugly words.再比如:不要介意我写的字丑Don"t mind my words written by ugly
2023-08-16 11:54:051

哪位英文高手帮下忙````翻译下 超级男孩的《Just Don't Tell Me That》要准确的哦`!

我这里有急事,暂时没法写的太详细 抱歉。。可以给我发消息,我详细告诉你详细讲的就是:女孩很风流,出现在每个party里,并且用love的名义花男孩信用卡里的钱,总是欺骗男孩,这首歌主题就是告诉女孩,要和她分手,和bye bye bye大意差不多。。给我发消息。。我明天详细告诉你。。
2023-08-16 11:54:122


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2023-08-16 11:54:337

这就是爱情希望你不要介意背景音乐 英文歌歌词

2023-08-16 11:54:542


  严重的英文不止一个,其中我们最熟悉的就是serious,可是你知道不严重的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不严重的英文,希望大家喜欢!   不严重的英文   1.not serious   2.nothing serious   not serious造句   1. Happily, his neck injuries were not serious.   很幸运,他脖子上的伤并不严重。   2. We were greatly relieved to learn that his condition was not serious.   听说他的病情并不严重,我们的心就宽多了.   3. Never mind him, he is not serious.   不要介意, 他是说着玩的.   4. A superficial injury is not serious.   表面的伤不太严重.   5. Leaks above the glass level are usually not serious.   玻璃液面以上的渗漏一般并不严重.   6. He made light of his injury, ie said it was not serious.   他对自己的伤不以为意.   7. Happily, the accident was not serious.   幸好这一事故不严重.   8. Although a cold itself is not serious many of its complications are.   尽管感冒本身并不严峻,但许多并发症却是严峻的.   9. Because I"m generally an optimist, let"s assume the injury is not serious.   因为我通常是个乐天派, 让我们假设他的伤势并不严重.   10. After mosquito has been bitten, itch still drip water, severe not serious?   蚊子咬过后痒还淌水, 严不严重 啊 ?   nothing serious例句   1. I know it"s nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it.   我知道那根本没什么大不了的,所以有些无动于衷。   2. It"s only a slight wound, nothing serious.   不过是轻伤, 没什么要紧的.   3. It"s just a slight cold, nothing serious.   受了点凉, 不碍事.   4. Nothing serious. Just a graze.   没关系, 就破了一点皮.   5. There was just a little bleeding. Nothing serious.   流了一点血, 不要紧.   6. Just a slight cold, nothing serious.   有点伤风, 不要紧.   7. What"s the matter with you? -- Just a bit of a headache ; nothing serious.   你怎么了? -- 没啥, 有点头疼.   8. We"ve had one or two problems—nothing serious,though.   我们遇到了一两个问题,但都不严重。   9. What is it all about? Nothing serious , just a storm in a teacup.   究竟是什么事 呢 ?没有什么, 大惊小怪.   10. Well, there"s nothing serious about the matter with you, but you are rather run down.
2023-08-16 11:55:031


2023-08-16 11:55:333


1、爱情这东西如人饮水,冷暖自知。 Love this thing such as drinking water, lengnuanzizhi. 2、记忆的拼图,拼凑一个完美的你。 Memory of the puzzle, put together a perfect you. 3、别替我遮风挡雨我怕突然没有你。 Don"t I Zhefengdangyu suddenly I am afraid without you. 4、真真正正的爱情,不需要任何保证。 True love, do not need any guarantee. 5、偶尔有点小情绪,为了引起你注意。 Occasionally a little bit of emotion, in order to attract your attention. 6、左手,右手。不知伸手,还是放手。 Left hand, right hand. I do not know, or let go. 7、既然开始了,那就不要轻易说结束。 Since the beginning, it is not easy to say that the end. 8、已散了场的电影,不再有回顾的意义。 Has scattered the movie, no longer have the significance of the review. 9、是不是我消失了,你才知道我的存在。 Did I disappear, you know my existence. 10、两人若在长久时,吵嘴拌架也是美事。 If two people in long, quarrel mix frame is also good. 11、她是左撇子,我们吃饭都可以手牵手! She is left-handed, we can eat hand in hand! 12、如果说时间有终结、我的爱才有终结。 If the time has ended, my love is the end. 13、年华逝,青春难驻,天涯何处是归路! Years passed, the youth is difficult in, where is the way! 14、我就是太念旧,习惯的东西不舍得丢。 I was so NianJiu, accustomed to things not willing to lose. 15、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收敛。 You can have a personality, but at some point, please. 16、你还是没有发现,还是没有发现这里吧。 You still haven"t found it, or you haven"t found it here. 17、环境不会改变,解决之道在于改变自己。 The environment will not change, the solution is to change their own. 18、主动久了突然感觉好累,请允许我离开。 The initiative for a long time suddenly felt tired, please allow me to leave. 19、你一直如此痴迷的人,如今他也迷路了。 You have been so obsessed with the people, and now he is also lost. 20、我要向潇看齐。有的是情人,不是情人。 I want to clear up. Some are lovers, not lovers. 21、想一个人多美好,就算只剩记忆可参考。 Want a person more beautiful, even if only memory can refer to. 22、女人?青春,犹如流星般,美丽而短暂。 The young woman, like a meteor, beautiful and short. 23、若爱已逝去。那我还有什么借口留下来。 If love is gone. Then I have any excuse to stay. 24、曾经的泪水,只是为了让我们学会辨别。 Once the tears, just to let us learn to distinguish. 25、你给了我所有希望。却又遮住了我的阳光。 You gave me all hope. And covered my sunshine again. 26、陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。 The stranger is pided into two kinds, do not know and Ptended not to know. 27、有些记忆就算是忘不掉,也要假装记不起。 Some memory even forget not to drop, also want to Ptend not to remember. 28、如果一个女人狠下心来,没什么不敢做的。 If a woman is hard to come by, it"s nothing to do. 29、我的心,你的世界。不过是车水马龙的瞬间。 My heart, your world. But the moment of heavy traffic. 30、生活不是单行线,一条路不通,你可以转弯。 Life is not a one-way street, a road is blocked, you can turn. 31、我好想你能把我深拥,好想能在你怀里老去。 I really want you to hold me in your arms, I want to be in your arms. 32、如果我是个瘦子,伤心时我还可以数数排骨。 If I were a man, I can count chops when sad. 33、孤单的人总说无所谓,其实心里一直在下雪! Lonely people always say that it does not matter, in fact, has been in the heart of snow! 34、你现在连曾经百分之一的柔情,都没给予我。 You don"t even give me one percent of the tender feelings. 35、我的事世界你不懂,只是单纯的喜欢你而已。 My things in the world you do not understand, just like you. 36、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。 Backer mountain would pour, water will flow, never fall on their own. 37、我们从没有忘记真相,只是我们越来越会说谎。 We never forget the truth, but we are more and more likely to tell lies. 38、最好能了解,孤独是最不会背叛人的朋友之一。 It"s better to know that loneliness is one of the best friends who can"t betray one of the people. 39、活在色彩斑斓的世界,只是想证明我不是色盲。 Live in the colorful world, just want to prove that I am not blind. 40、明知道结果渺茫;一味的坚持,只是不想错过。 Know the outcome is uncertain; blindly insist, just don"t want to miss. 41、如果我爱上你的笑容,要怎么收藏要怎么拥有。 If I fall in love with your smile, how to collect how to have. 42、没人疼的小孩,唏嘘一下,自己疼自己好不好。 No one hurt children, sigh, love yourself ok. 43、渐渐的学会看开了,不会再那么傻傻的伤心了。 Gradually learn to cheer up, will not be so silly sad. 44、烟花雨港,谁的风筝断了线,谁的真心受了伤。 Fireworks rain in Hong Kong, who broke the kite line, who really hurt. 45、至少有十年我不曾流泪,至少有十首歌给我安慰。 At least ten years I never shed tears, at least ten songs for me to comfort. 46、走在你身后,看着你高大背影,那也是一种安心。 Walk behind you, looking at you tall figure, that is also a kind of peace of mind. 47、总是说要忘记要忘记,其实是等自己不要去在意。 Always say to forget to forget, in fact, is not to care about their own. 48、我一直跟着你跑,可是,你跑快了,我却迷路了。 I"ve been running after you, but you"re running fast, I"m lost. 49、有一天你会发现,所有的幸福不是你原本想的那样。 One day you will find that all happiness is not what you think you are. 50、幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱,有事做,有所期待。 Happiness is actually very simple: there is someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to. 51、假如温柔放手,你是否懂得,走错了,可以再回头。 If you let go, you know, go wrong, you can turn back. 52、别人至少还有回忆去回忆,而我连回忆都不曾有过。 Other people at least have memories, and I even have not had memories of. 53、仰夜空,苦等星辰空守月;盼伊人,走过春夏度严冬。 Yang sky, waiting for the stars to keep air through the spring and summer months; for you, the degree of winter. 54、只有离别时,才看清故事里的错误,与错误中的真实。 Only when we leave, we can see the mistakes in the story, and the truth of the error. 55、我不是找不到更好的,只是有了你,再好的我都不要。 I am not can not find a better, but with you, no good I do not. 56、谁暖过我心窝,谁心疼我哭过,不善言辞的我都记得。 Who warmed my heart, who love dearly I cried, ineloquent I remember. 57、承受了太多,就算我懦弱,只要个结果,就算没结果。 Bear too much, even if I am weak, as long as a result, even if no results. 58、愿得一人心,白首不相离。结发为夫妻,恩爱两不疑。 Catch one"s heart, never be apart.。 Loving husband and wife, conjugal love two suspected. 59、我不是小孩,不是一颗糖就能把烂掉的心再变回完整。 I"m not a kid, not a sugar can make the rotten heart full back again. 60、人道海水深,不抵相思半。海水尚有涯,相思渺无畔。 Human sea water is deep, does not arrive at the half. The sea has long, Acacia boundless river. 61、时间很短,一分钟都不要留给那些你不在乎的人和事。 Time is very short, do not leave a minute to those who do not care about the people and things. 62、我们停留在时光的原处,其实早已被洪流无声地卷走。 We stay in time place, actually has long been silent flood swept away. 63、我要结婚了,希望你会来,这往往都是等待最后的结果。 I"m going to get married, I hope you will come, this is often the result of waiting for the final. 64、谁的笑藏尽泪光、谁的妖娆舞遍江山、谁的伤痕在歌唱。 Who"s laughing tears, who hide all enchanting dance around, who singing scars in jiangshan. 65、心里埋藏了很多,不知道要怎么说,不知道该说些什么。 My heart buried a lot, do not know how to say, do not know what to say. 66、没有你的人生就像断了笔芯的铅笔,失去了存在的意义。 Life without you is like a broken pencil, lost the meaning of existence. 67、心也从来没有给我一个真实的答案,吻自己是不是爱你。 The heart never gave me a real answer, whether I love you or not. 68、或许,我们终究会有那么一天,牵着别人的手,遗忘对方。 Perhaps, we will eventually have a day, holding someone"s hand, forget each other. 69、假如时光可以倒流,俄还是会选择?,还是会狠狠狠爱?。 If time could go back, I will choose you, or will be hard to love you. 70、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,原来舍弃更难。 Once thought, it is not easy to have, and later learned that the original is more difficult to abandon. 71、我宁可我们不曾相濡以沫,我但愿我们从来就相忘于江湖。 I would rather we have not done, I hope we never forget. 72、如果我变成回忆,退出了这场生命,是否你还会错愕哭泣? If I recall, from the life, whether you will be stunned to cry? 73、因为爱过,所以不会成为敌人,因为伤过,所以不会做朋友。 Because of love, so will not be the enemy, because of injury, so will not be friends. 74、你总是装的楚楚可怜,把我显得咄咄逼人你真是我的好朋友。 You always put delicate and touching, I seem overbearing you are my good friend. 75、即使已经知道,你早已不爱我。却还是依然想你留在我身边。 Even if already know, you already do not love me. I still want you to stay by my side. 76、我和你不再联系,希望你不要介意,要怪就怪当初没在一起。 I will not contact you, I hope you do not mind, to blame on the original not together. 77、扔硬笔,正面就去上网,反面就是睡觉,立起来就去写作业。 Throw a hard pen, the front of the Internet, the opposite is to sleep, stand up and go to work. 78、不是我不再爱你,只是你的世界本来就没有我可以站的地方。 I don"t love you no more, but you have no place in the world where I can stand. 79、明明说好要忘记他,结果呢?自己永远在等,而他永远不知道。 Obviously say good to forget him, the result? He"s always waiting, and he"ll never know. 80、平时疯疯癫癫的和人笑和人闹,不过就是不想一个人孤单而已。 Usually crazy and make people laugh and people, but just don"t want to be alone. 81、世上只有一件东西,能始终经受住生活的冲击:一颗宁静的心。 There is only one thing in the world that can withstand the impact of life: a peaceful heart.
2023-08-16 11:55:421

跪求迈克尔杰克逊的bilian jean 的中英文歌词

Billy Jeans[ar:Michael Jackson][al:Thriller][by:Ma Jiali][00:05]Billie Jean[00:18]Michael Jackson[00:30]She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene(她就像银幕上的绝代佳人)[00:34]I said don"t mind, but what do you mean I am the one(我说“好吧,但为什么偏偏选中我)[00:39]Who will dance on the floor in the round(与你共舞?)[00:44]She said I am the one will dance on the floor in the round(她却只说,要我伴她共舞)[00:54]She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a scene(她说她叫比莉?琼 美丽得)[00:58]Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one(令每个男人侧目 梦想自己)[01:04]Who will dance on the floor in the round(能与之共舞)[01:10]People always told me be careful of what you do(人们总是告诫我 小心你的所为)[01:14]And don"t go around breaking young girls" hearts(不要到处花心 损害姑娘们的感情)[01:18]And mother always told me be careful of who you love(妈妈总是告诫我 小心你的所爱)[01:22]And be careful of what you do "cause the lie becomes the truth(小心你的所为 因为谎言也可成真)[01:27]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[01:31]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[01:36]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[01:41]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系 但我真不是那孩子的父亲)[01:52]For forty days and forty nights(四十个日日夜夜)[01:54]The law was on her side(法律与她同在)[01:56]But who can stand when she"s in demand(她的美丽 谁人能够抗拒)[01:59]Her schemes and plans(却只因一曲共舞)[02:01]"Cause we danced on the floor in the round(我就落入了她的陷阱)[02:06]So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice(好好接受我的劝告,永远记得三思而行)[02:13](Do think twice)((定要三思而行))[02:16]She told my baby we"d danced till three, then she looked at me(第三次与她共舞时她说我们有一个孩子,她望着我)[02:20]Then showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were like mine (oh, no!)(还出示了一张PP 我的孩子在哭 他的眼睛看起来像我)[02:25]"Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby(只因我曾和她共舞)[02:32]People always told me be careful of what you do(人们总是告诫我 小心你的所为)[02:36]And don"t go around breaking young girls" hearts(不要到处花心 损害姑娘们的感情)[02:40]She came and stood right by me(她满身香气)[02:42]Then the smell of sweet perfume(来到我跟前)[02:44]This happened much too soon(一切发生得太突然)[02:46]She called me to her room(她唤我入她的房间)[02:49]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[02:53]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[02:58]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:05]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[03:09]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[03:14]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:19]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:44]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[03:54]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[03:58]She"s just a girl who claims that I am the one(她却坚称我 脱不了关系)[04:03]But the kid is not my son(可我真不是孩子的父亲)[04:09]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[04:16]She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son(她说我脱不了关系,可我真不是孩子的父亲)[04:21]She says I am the one(她说我脱不了关系)[04:27]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:31]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:35]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:39]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)[04:43]Billie Jean is not my lover(比莉?琼不是我的爱人)
2023-08-16 11:55:521

红磨坊 Your Song 中英文对照歌词

Elton John的歌啊 译了整首歌的歌词,你要的红磨坊的那部分是括号【】里的 Your song: It"s a little bit funny, this feeling inside 内心觉得这有点好笑 I"m not one of those who can easily hide 我不是能轻易隐藏情绪的人 I don"t have much money. But boy if I did 我没有很多的钱,但是如果我有 I"d buy a big house where we both could live 我买一栋我们两人住的大房子 If I was a sculptor, but then again no 如果我是雕刻家 Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show 或是个巡回表演的魔术师 然而我都不是 I know it"s not much but it"s the best I can do 我知道这样不够 但我已尽力了 【my gift is my song and this one is for you 我的礼物就是我的歌 这一首歌是献给你的 you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌 it may be quite simple but now that it"s done 也许歌词,旋律很简单 但是我已将它写完了 i hope you don"t mind 我希望你不要介意 i hope you don"t mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来 how wonderful life is while you"re in the world 世上有了你 生活多么美好 I sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss 我坐在屋顶,脚踢着青苔 Well a few of the verses well 脑海中浮现出一些韵律 they"ve got me quite cross 令我不太高兴 But the sun"s been kind 但是阳光和熙 while I wrote this song 在我写下这首歌的时候 It"s some people like you that keep it turn to 只有像你这样的人才能令这首歌动听So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do 原谅我的遗忘 但是我现在要做的事情 You see I"ve forgotten if they"re green or they"re blue 你看 我已忘记了你的眼睛是绿色还是蓝色的了 Anyway the thing is what I really mean 不管怎样 我的意思是 Yours are the sweetest eyes I"ve ever seen 你的眼睛是我见过的最美的眼睛 and you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌 it may be quite simple but now that it"s done 也许很简单 但是我已将它写完了 I hope you don"t mind 我希望你不要介意 I hope you don"t mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来 how wonderful life is while you"re in the world 世上有了你 生活多么美好】 I hope you don"t mind 我希望你不要介意 I hope you don"t mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来 how wonderful life is while you"re in the world 世上有了你 生活多么美好
2023-08-16 11:56:051


我不好,用英文怎么说 40分 我不好 I"m no good 我的英语不好用英语如何表达 千万不能说poor,外国人最忌讳听这句话,你是想谦虚的表达,可是听的人会很不舒服。 你可以说My English is not very well.其户没必要这样谦虚的,外国人根本不会嘲笑你英语好不好,你会说他已经很高兴了,就像外国人说中国话我们一样不会嘲笑他们一样,所以大胆些吧,我以前也是害怕的,其实和他们多交流就没事了。 "我的英语不好"用英语怎么说? 在翻译这个句子的时候不能用poor这个词,通常在英语国家的文化里面,当你说出poor这个词的时候,别人的第一反应是你需要施舍或是不愿意和别人聊了所以就以此来打法别人。这是新东方的权威老师说的话,我也查过很多相关资料证实了一下。这句话应该说成:my english is not very good , but i am working on it贰.既表达了你的水平,也表明你愿意提高的态度,别人很欣赏这种积极的学习和生活态度。 我的英语不好用英语怎么说 My English is poor. My English is bad/not good. I am bad at English. I am not good at English. ""我感觉不好""用英语怎么说? 定 am not feeling well I dont feel so good I don"t feel better I didn"t have too good of a feeling The way I"m feeling, yeah it just doesn"t feel right I am feeling down 都是可以的 “我英语很差”用英语怎么说? I"m poor at English. 我的英语不好用英语怎么说 我的英语不好 My English is not good. 重点词汇释义 英语English 对不起 我的英语不好 英语怎么写 对不起 我的英语不好 所以沟通起来会比较困难 希望你能理解 不要介意啊 我们可以成为朋友吗? Sorry, I"m not good at English, so it"s difficult for me. I hope you can understand. If you don"t mind, can we be friends? 我的英文不好英语怎么说 这样说 I am not good in English. I don"t speak English well.
2023-08-16 11:56:241


友谊的谚语英文:A proverb of friendship。一、基本解释友谊是一种来自双向(或交互)关系的情感,即双方共同凝结的情感,必须共同维系,任何单方面的示好或背离,不能称为友谊。友谊以亲密为核心成分,亲密性也就成为衡量友谊程度的一个重要指标。友谊是幸福的源泉,社会学家指出,收入和社会地位不同的人之所以能有各自的幸福感,在很大程度上是因为友情因素的存在。不需过多给朋友打电话或发电子邮件。沟通可以很简短,聊五分钟电话或一封简短的电子邮件。了解你朋友的作息时间,不要太早或太晚打电话给朋友。若有危急的情况,你就要马上通知朋友,不需介意妨碍他们休息,知道别人如何看待你。二、有关友谊的谚语1、所谓友情,是平等的人们之间离开了利益关系的交易。—— 哥尔斯2、友情是天堂,没有它就像地狱;友情是生命,没有它就意味着死亡。 ——威莫里斯3、友情在过去的生活里,就象一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂,使我的生存有了一点点光彩。—— 巴金
2023-08-16 11:57:101


1.Here"s where you are viewing interesting?2: every time I come to do two things like that to monkey mountain feeding monkeys, there are many monkeys, and harmony with them. At noon I went to the mountain temple, I like to eat lunch where food simplicity and tasty. Would you like to go?3: I heard there, a very beautiful place!4: actually, I visited the place, but many times each to have fresh, because I like photography, I shoot scenes from different angles. Do you like photography?5: I want to talk to you and more to improve my spoken English, please don"t mind speak wrong6: how do I call you?7: wishing you a pleasant journey!
2023-08-16 11:57:373

求英文歌曲,有歌词,好像是个男的唱的 我只有50分,第一次求助,也是帮朋友的,希望大家不要介意分少

I can"t escape
2023-08-16 11:57:443


2023-08-16 11:57:541


每天要狂读英语 赶紧培养语感 语感来了什么都容易上手一点
2023-08-16 11:58:0614