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2023-08-23 17:20:22
TAG: 英语


For my breakfast,I eat some bread and drink milk, I also like eat noodles with two eggs.There are my best choice for my breakfast.早餐吃牛奶和面包,也喜欢吃鸡蛋面。

For my lunch, I like eating rice, meat and some fresh vegetables.午餐主要是以米饭为主,还有一些肉食和新鲜的蔬菜。

Dinner, I just eat two apples and drink a glass of milk to lose weight.晚餐为了减肥,只吃两个苹果,然后再喝一杯牛奶。


I have a lots of healthy food every day . For breakfast,I like eggs and apples.For lunch,I like some vegetables and hamburgers.For dinner ,I like some broccoli and bananas..(我考试的时候就是写这个,满分)


For breakfast ,I like to eat some fruit,such as apples , bananas, pears.Of course,I also eat some milk,because milk is good for my health.I like eating some vegetables ,tomatoes and litte rice at noon.I like rice.I usually eat rice ,fish,potatoes and chick for dinner. Ithink chicken is delicious.I Sometimes eat noodles at nine past thirty,if I am hungry.



2023-08-16 07:15:591


2023-08-16 07:16:103


全面归纳英语一日三餐单词前的冠词   导语:英语中的一日三餐常用冠词来表达,下面是我收集整理的全面归纳英语一日三餐单词前的冠词,欢迎参考!   一、不用冠词的场合   在通常情况下,表示一日三餐的 breakfast, lunch, supper前不用冠词。如:   Breakfast is served until 9 am. 早餐一直供应到上午9点。   Can you manage lunch on Tuesday? 你星期二能来吃午饭吗?   Have you finished supper already? Itu2019s only 5 ou2019clock! 你已经吃过晚饭了? 现在才5点钟啊!   A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper. 在午餐和晚餐之间,下午吃些点心补充一下。   Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the table. 母亲说午饭做好了, 大家一下子都向饭桌奔去。   注:不连用冠词的用法尤其注意以下搭配:have breakfast (lunch, supper), after breakfast (lunch, supper), at breakfast (lunch, supper), before breakfast (lunch, supper), during breakfast (lunch, supper), for breakfast (lunch, supper), over breakfast (lunch, supper), since breakfast (lunch, supper), without breakfast (lunch, supper)。如:   They were having breakfast when I arrived. 我到达时,他们正在用早餐。   We got off immediately after breakfast. 我们吃完早餐就动身了。   Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好。   It happened at [during] lunch. 此事发生在吃午饭的时候。   I nearly always go home for lunch. 我差不多总是回家吃午饭。   Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? 你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?   She scanned the newspaper over breakfast. 她吃着早饭把报纸大略看了一遍。   I havenu2019t eaten since breakfast. 我吃了早饭后到现在还什么都没吃呢。   I had to go without breakfast this morning as I was in a hurry. 我今早很匆忙, 只好不吃早饭了。   二、用定冠词的场合   虽然在通常情况下,“三餐饭”前不用冠词,但是若要特指某一顿早餐、中餐或晚餐,则可在其前加定冠词。如:   The supper is well cooked. 晚饭做得很好。   Thank you for the breakfast. 谢谢你的这顿早餐。   注:表特指时,除可用定冠词修饰外,有时可用指示代词或物主代词等的修饰。如:   After that breakfast, I never saw her again. 吃了那顿早餐后,我就再没有看到过她。   Why donu2019t you go for a walk? Itu2019ll give you an appetite for your lunch. 你怎么不出去散散步? 散散步午饭时就有食欲了。   三、用不定冠词的场合   若breakfast, lunch, supper受到描绘性定语的修饰,则其前通常要用不定冠词。如:   We had a working lunch. 我们吃了一顿工作午餐。   We had a very late lunch. 我们很晚才吃午饭。   That was quite a decent lunch. 那顿午餐相当不错。   He takes a packed lunch to work. 他带(盒装)午饭上班。   After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station. 匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。   Iu2019ve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast. 我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯。   We had a quick lunch and finished up with a cup of coffee. 我们匆忙吃了午饭,最后又喝了一杯咖啡。   【知识拓展】   1. 有时可以有自己的修饰语:此时通常是指所吃的东西。如:   She doesnu2019t eat much breakfast. 她早点吃得不多。   She always eats very little supper. 她晚饭总是吃得很少。   Take her some breakfast on a tray. 用托盘给她送些早点。   注:有时也可不直接用 much, little 等修饰,而换用其他表达。如:   She never eats much for breakfast. 她早点从不多吃。   2. 有时可以用复数形式:此时通常是指不同种类或不同人所用的早餐、中餐或晚餐。如:   We serve hot and cold lunches. 我处供应冷热午餐。   Does this pub provide lunches? 这家酒馆供应午餐吗? ;
2023-08-16 07:16:201


Three meals are very important for our health so I have every meal each day.For breakfast I often have some porridge and eggs.Sometimes I drink some milk.For lunch I usually have beef,chicken,vegetables tofu and rice.For supper I often have tomatoes,potatoes and rice.Sometimes I have dumplings for supper .I think we should have a balanced diet so every day we should eat different food ,including meat and vegetables.Only in this way can we keep fit .
2023-08-16 07:16:491


2023-08-16 07:16:587


我曾经一个半月除了低脂牛奶,无糖可乐和橙子 ,提子,木瓜,火龙果之外,什么都没有吃.大概中间喝过三次清淡的鱼片汤.瘦了十斤.至今没反弹.现在也恢复了正常饮食.你可以坚持的话,就试试.但不一定适合你减肥要成功,自制力很重要.单独吃饭,不要跟别人一起吃,会受诱惑的.而且饿了就喝牛奶.
2023-08-16 07:17:152


2023-08-16 07:17:255


一顿早餐 中餐 晚餐
2023-08-16 07:19:354


  仁爱英语七年级下册作文范文  1.请根据下面日程表的活动内容,以”My School Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。  时间活动内容  早 晨6:00起床  6:40读半小时英语  7:10早餐  上午上四节课  中餐  下午上三节课  (4:30-5:30)体育活动  晚餐  晚上看报或散步  (7:30-9:00)做功课  (9:30)睡觉  .参考范文:  My School Day  I get up at six o"clock. I read English for half an hour. At seven ten I have breakfast. After that I go to school on foot. We have four lessons in the morning. After the four classes, I have lunch. In the afternoon, we often have three lessons and we usually have sports from four thirty to five thirty. After supper, I read newspapers or go out for a walk, then I do my homework for about one and a half hours. At half past nine, I go to bed.  2.今天是星期天,布朗一家(the Browns)都在家。根据下面插图,写一篇50-60个词的短文。  要求:语句通顺,条理清楚。  参考词汇:garden(花园)  Mrs. Brown Mr. Brown  Jim and his friend, Mike Sue and her friend, Ann  参考范文:  The Browns are at home. Mrs. Brown is making cakes. Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and reading a book. Jim and his friend, Mike, are in the garden. They are playing soccer. Sue and her friend, Ann, are in Sue"s bedroom. They are watching TV. All of them are very happy.  3.假设你是Mary, 根据下面中文提示写一篇不少于60个词的短文,介绍自己的学校、班级和学习情况。  内容包括:  在仁和(Renhe)中学学习,两幢教学楼(classroom building),两个大操场,教室很大;  班上有二十一个男生和二十个女生;  所学科目,最喜欢的课程及原因;  喜欢参加的体育活动及个人爱好。  参考范文:  My name is Mary. I"m a student in Renhe Middle School. There are two classroom buildings and two big playgrounds in my school. Our classroom is very big.We have twenty-one boys and twenty girls in our class. I have many subjects, such as Chinese, math, English, music, art and so on. I like English very much, because it"s very easy and interesting. I often do sports with my classmates after class. My favorite sport is football. I think it"s good for my health.  刘明星期二在学校操场丢失了他的书包:蓝色,里面有几本书和一个铅笔盒。拾到者请拨电话010-65002883。对此表示感谢。根据以上内容写一份寻物启事。  参考范文:  Lost  Liu Ming lost his bag on the playground on Tuesday. It"s blue. There are some books and a pencil-box in it. Please call 010-65002883. Thanks a lot.  5.假如你是王海,请以My School Life为题写一篇60个词左右的短文。  提示词语:interesting, morning classes, subject, math, ball games, outdoor activities  要求:内容贴切,句意通顺,单词拼写正确,书写工整。  参考范文:  My School Life  My name is Wang Hai. I"m a happy boy. Let me tell you something about my school life. My morning classes begin at 8:00. We have many subjects, such as math, English, Chinese, biology and so on. Of all the subjects, I like math best. I think it"s very easy and interesting. After school we often do outdoor activities. I like playing ball games. And I can also do some other things, like drawing and swimming. My school life is very interesting. I like it very much.  6.在教育局组织的“手拉手”活动中,来自乡村小学校的Li Tianpeng对于他所看到的城市学校很有感触,于是他写了一篇作文向他的同班同学做了介绍。假设你就是Li Tianpeng,根据下面的提示,以Their School为题,写一篇作文。以there be句式为主,60词左右。  提示 :?学校很大很漂亮,有许多树和花,像花园一样;  ?图书馆、电脑房、实验室等;  ?学生能够学到很多知识。  参考范文:  Their School  Their school is big and beautiful. It"s like a big garden. There are five teaching buildings in the school. In front of the teaching buildings, there are lots of trees and flowers. On the second floor there is a big reading room, two computer rooms and three science labs. The students love playing computers. The reading room opens from Monday to Friday. Many students read books in it. They learn a lot from those books. They all like their school very much.  有人喜欢住在城里,有些人喜欢住在乡下,你喜欢住在哪里呢?请写一篇70词左右的短文,说说你喜欢住在那里的理由。  参考范文:  Some people like living in the cities. Some people enjoy living in the countryside. I like living in the cities. There are different kinds of shops in the cities. You can buy many things. When you go out, you can take a bus, a subway or a taxi. The schools in the cities are better than those in the countryside. Although(虽然) the cities are often noisy and the living cost is high, I like living in the cities.  8.你的远方朋友Kathy想从北京到你所在的海滨城市玩几天。根据示意图给她写一封信,告诉她怎样到你家。60词左右。  提示词:Number 9 bus, not far from, sea(大海)  参考范文:  Dear Kathy,  Welcome to my hometown. Now I am happy to tell you the way to my house. After you get off(下车)the train at the station, you can take the Number 9 bus to Yingbin Road. My home is near the bus stop. Or you can take a taxi. By the way, it"s not very far from my home to the sea. So we can walk there every day. The sea is very beautiful. I hope you will have a great time here.  Yours,  Sue  9.根据右边的图片,写一篇短文。注意用上there be句型,不少于5个句子。  参考范文:  Look at the picture. There is a river in the picture. Four boys are boating in the river. There are three trees near the river. A girl is flying a kite. Three boys are playing football. They are having a good time.  10.根据提示写一篇短文,词数60个单词左右。  1.林涛和王军是邻居,他们住在同一座居民楼的二楼,他俩是好朋友;  2.今天是星期天,他们不去上学,他们去动物园;  3.从他们住的居民楼到动物园有10公里,所以他们坐公共汽车去;  4.动物园里动物真多,他们玩得很高兴。  参考范文:  Lin Tao and Wang Jun are neighbors. They live in the same building, and they are on the same floor-the second floor. They"re good friends. Today is Sunday. They don"t go to school. They go to the zoo. It"s about ten kilometers from their building to the zoo, so they go to the zoo by bus. They"re very happy to see so many animals. They have a good time today!  11.根据图示,编写一个有关问路的对话。  提示词语:Children"s Hospital, all the same, policewoman, go across, turn right  要求:1.对话人数为3人;  2.所给的提示词语应全部使用;  3.不少于60词。  参考范文:  M:Excuse me, is there a Children"s Hospital near here?  W:Sorry, I don"t know. You need to ask the policewoman there.  M:Thank you all the same.  …  M:Excuse me, how can I get to the Children"s Hospital?  P:Go along this road. Turn right at the third turning. Go across the bridge and walk on. Turn right at the second traffic lights. You can see a bookstore. The hospital is next to the bookstore. You can"t miss it.  M:Thank you very much.  P:You"re welcome.  12.根据以下提示,写一篇不少于50个词的短文。  10月15日是第十三届国际盲人日(the International Blind"s Day),也是我的邻居王叔叔的生日,他也是一个盲人。那天,CCTV热情地欢迎了他。他们为他举办了生日聚会,并送给他五个福娃。饭后,他们去了奥运村。他度过了快乐的一天。  提示词语:  盲人:blind man 奥运村:Olympic Village 热情欢迎某人:give sb. a warm welcome  参考范文:  It is the thirteenth International Blind"s Day on October 15th. It"s my neighbor Uncle Wang"s birthday, too. He is a blind man. On the day, CCTV gives him a warm welcome. They have a party for him and give him five “Fu Wa” as his birthday present. After a big dinner, they go to the Olympic Village. He has a happy day! 
2023-08-16 07:20:041


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2023-08-16 07:20:441

英语四级翻译 所以中餐既美味又健康,为什么翻译成thus making Chinese food

2023-08-16 07:21:124


I eat Chinese food at school. 我在学校吃中餐。 例句: I eat Chinese food at school, Because school meals are delicious and cheap. 我在学校吃中餐,因为学校的饭菜好吃又便宜。 扩展资料   英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。   英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;这是该语言受到法语影响的时期。早期现代英语始于15世纪后期引进的的印刷机到伦敦,在印刷国王詹姆斯圣经和开始元音大推移。   自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的`语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。   英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟以及许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。
2023-08-16 07:21:191


Breakfast, lunch as emperor as civilians, dinner like a beggar!希望对你有用
2023-08-16 07:21:322


英语常用的询问语句总结   我们在生话中少不了要询问别人一些问题。用中文问对于我们来说自然是非常容易的,那,你知道用英文应该怎么问吗?下面是我收集整理的英语常用的询问语句,希望对你有帮助!   I 询问姓名、年龄:name,How old   1. ----What"s your name? ----你叫什么名字?   ----My name is ________. ----我叫……。   2. ----What"s his name? ----他的名字是什么?   ----His name is Mike. ----他的名字是麦克。   3. ----What"s her name? ----她的名字是什么?   ----Her name is Chen Jie.----她的名字是陈婕。   4. ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?   ----I"m 12. ----我十二岁。   5. ----How old is he/she? ----他/她几岁了?   ----He/She is 23. ----他/她23岁。   II 询问颜色:colour   1. ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的?   ----It"s yellow and white. ----黄白相间。   2. ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的?   ----They"re green. ----绿色的。   III 询问时间或日期:When   1. ----What time is it now? ----现在几点钟?   ----It"s nine o"clock.. It"s time for English class. ----九点。该上英语课了。   (----It"s eight o"clock. It"s time to go to bed.) (----八点。该上床睡觉了。)   2. ----What day is it today? ----今天星期几?   ----It"s Monday. ----星期一。   ----What do we have on Mondays? ----我们星期一上哪些课?   ----We have Chinese, English, math … ----语文、英语、数学……   3. ----When is your birthday? ----你的生日是什么时候?   ----It"s October 1st, our National Day. ----十月一日.国庆节。   4. ----When do you do morning exercises? ----你们什么时候做早锻炼?   ----I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. ----我们通常8:30做早锻炼。   IV 询问方位或地方:Where   1. ----Where is my toy car? ----我的玩具汽车在哪儿?   ----It"s here, under the chair. ----在这儿.在椅子下面。   2. ----Where is the canteen? ----餐厅在哪儿?   ----It"s on the first floor. ----在一楼。   3. ----Where are the keys? ----钥匙在哪儿?   ----They"re in the door. ----在门上。   4. ----Excuse me. Where is the library, please? ----对不起.请问图书馆在哪儿?   ----It"s near the post office. ----在邮局附近。   5. ----Where are you from? ----你从哪儿来?   ----I"m from China. ----我从中国来。   6. ----Where does the rain come from? ----雨是从哪儿来的?   ----It comes from the clouds. ----它是从云层里来的。   V 询问数量或价钱:How many , How much   1. ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?   ----I can see 12. ----我可以看见十二只风筝。   2. ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔?   ----I have 16. ----我有十六支。   3. ----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人?   ----Three. ----三人。   4. ----How much is this dress? ----这条连衣裙多少钱?   ----It"s ninety-nine yuan. ----九十九元。   5. ----How much are these apples? ----这些苹果多少钱?   ----They"re thirty-five yuan. ----三十五元。   VI “How”问句:How tall, How heavy, How long   1. ----How tall are you? ----你有多高?   ----I"m 160 cm tall. I"m taller than you. ----我有160公分。我比你高。   2. ----How heavy are you? ----你有多重?   ----I"m 48 kg. You"re heavier than me. ----我有48公斤。你比我重。   3. ----How do you go to school? ----你怎么上学?   ----Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. ---我通常步行上学。有时候骑自行车。   4. ----How can I get to Zhongshan Park? ----我怎么到中山公园去?   ----You can go by the No. 15 bus. ----你可以乘坐15路公汽。   (----Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left. It"s on the left.) ----直走五分钟。然后左转。公园就在左边。   5. How long 有多长?   VII询问身体状况或情绪:feel, matter   1. ----How do you feel? ----你感觉如何?   ----I feel sick. ----我觉得不舒服。   ----How does Chen Jie feel? ----陈洁感觉如何?   ----She"s tired. ----她很疲倦。   2. ----What"s the matter? ----怎么了?   ----My throat is sore. / I have a sore throat.   ----我的喉咙疼。   3. ----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. ----你好吗.莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。   ----I failed the math test. ----我的数学考试没有通过。   V I I 询问想吃的东西:would like   1. ----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? ----你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么?   ----I"d like some bread and milk / rice and soup. ----我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。   2. ----What"s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? ----早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?   ----Hamburgers and orange juice. ----汉堡包和橙汁。   VII I 询问天气状况:weather   1. ----What"s the weather like in Beijing? ----北京的天气如何?   ----It"s rainy today. How about New York? ----今天是雨天。纽约呢?   ----It"s sunny and hot. ----今天是晴天.天气很热。   X 询问职业、身份或人物:Who , What   1. ----What"s your father / mother? ----你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?   ----He"s a doctor. / She"s a teacher. ----他是一名医生。/ 她是一名教师。   2. ----What does you mother / father do? ----你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?   ----She"s a TV reporter. / He"s a teacher. He teaches English.   ----她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。   3. ----Who"s that man / woman? ----那位男士 / 女士是谁?   ----He"s my father. / She"s my mother. ----他是我父亲。 / 她是我母亲。   4, ----Who"s this boy / girl? ----那个男孩儿 / 女孩儿是谁?   ----He"s my brother. / She"s my sister. ----他是我兄弟。 / 她是我姐妹。   5. ----Who"s your art teacher? ----你们的美术老师是谁?   ----Miss Wang. ----王老师。   ----What"s she like? ----她长什么样儿?   ----She"s young and thin. ----她很年轻、苗条。   X I 询问兴趣、喜好:favourite   1. ----What"s your favourite food / drink? ----你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什么?   ----Fish / orange juice. ----鱼。 / 橙汁。   2. ----What"s your favourite season? ----你最喜欢的季节是什么?   ----Winter. ----冬天。   (----Which season do you like best? (----你最喜欢哪个季节?   ----Winter.) ----冬天。)   ----Why do you like winter? ----你为什么喜欢冬天?   ----Because I can make a snowman. ----因为可以堆雪人。   3. ----What"s your hobby? ----你的爱好是什么?   ----I like collecting stamps. ----我喜欢集邮。   ----What"s his hobby? ----他的爱好是什么?   ----He likes riding a bike. ----他喜欢骑自行车。   4. ----Do you like peaches? ----你喜欢吃桃子吗?   ----Yes, I do. / No, I don"t. ----喜欢。/ 不喜欢。   【拓展阅读】   英语常用的打招呼语句   打招呼,除Greetings 之外九句最常用的招呼语 。   1、只要是朋友都能用的:   How"s everything? 一切都好?   What"s up? 近况如何?   What"s new? 有什么新鲜事?   What"s happening? 在忙什么?   2、任何时后都可以用,但比较见外:   How are you? 你好吗?   3、适用于第一次见面:   Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。   4、适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人:   Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你。   5、适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友:   How have you been? 你过得怎么样?   6、适用于很久没见的朋友:   Long time no see. 好久不见。   英语常用的道谢语句:   说谢谢 除了Thank you。之外…… 九句最常用的道谢语   1、一般的说法:   Thanks. 谢谢。   I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。   2、比较热情的说法:   You"re one in a million. 你真是大好人。   You"re the greatest. 你最棒了。   3、要归功于对方的时候:   Thanks to you (we made it on time。) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。   I couldn"t have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。   4、比较正式的说法:   I"m truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。   Your help was greatly appreciated. 你的"帮助备受感激。   I"d like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我的谢忱。   英语常用的道别语句:   说再见 除了说Goodbye之外…… 九句最常用的道别语   1、一般的用法:   Take care. 保重。   Later. 回头见。   So long. 再见。   Until we meet again (next time。) 下次见。   2、俏皮的说法:   See you later, (alligator。) 回头见,(鳄鱼。)(英文的部份押韵)   3、约定下次见面时间的用法:   See you tomorrow (next week, on Monday, etc。)   明天(下星期、下星期一……)见。   4、非常隆重的说法(或是开玩笑的说法):   Farewell. 再会。   5、异国风味的说法:   Adios (西班牙文的“上帝祝福你。”)   Hasta la vista! 西班牙文的“下次再见。”) ;
2023-08-16 07:21:431


关于小学英语语法总结,我可以根据我孩子学习的小学英语语法总结给你简单交流一下。语法是英语中语言的结构规律。包括词法和句法。和中文的语句语法是一样的。也要掌握主谓宾语,孩子学习一定要知道单词的词义。我孩子学习语法是在能动英语学校学会的,他们主要是给孩子的学习中找方法。他们主要是用表音密码方法学习。首先要增加英语的词汇量,单词掌握的多了,就容易听懂。你可以先学习如何快速记单词。表音密码主要是破解百万英语单词的发音规律,只要记住发音规律 就可以达到见到单词就能读,读出来就能拼写的目的 。后期语法学习起来是非常轻松的。北京市东城区国瑞北路72号(崇文少年宫对面) 你可以过去看看 还有免费试听,希望能帮到你孩子的学习1.上小学跟着老师思路走就行了1, ----What"s your name? ----你叫什么名字?----My name is ________. ----我叫……。2, ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?----I"m 12. ----我十二岁。II 询问颜色。1, ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的?----It"s yellow and white. ----黄白相间。2, ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的?----They"re green. ----绿色的。III 询问数量或价钱。1, ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?----I can see 12. ----我可以看见十二只风筝。2, ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔?----I have 16. ----我有十六支。3, ----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人?----Three. ----三口人。4, ----How much is this dress? ----这条连衣裙多少钱?----It"s ninety-nine yuan. ----九十九元。5, ----How much are these apples? ----这些苹果多少钱?----They"re thirty-five yuan. ----三十五元。IV 询问时间或日期。1, ----What time is it now? ----现在几点钟?----It"s nine o"clock.. It"s time for English class. ----九点。该上英语课了。(----It"s eight o"clock. It"s time to go to bed.) (----八点。该上床睡觉了。)2, ----What day is it today? ----今天星期几?----It"s Monday. ----星期一。(----What do we have on Mondays? (----我们星期一上哪些课?----We have Chinese, English, math …) ----语文、英语、数学……)3, ----When is your birthday? ----你的生日是什么时候?----It"s October 1st, our National Day. ----十月一日,国庆节。4, ----When do you do morning exercises? ----你们什么时候做早锻炼?----I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. ----我们通常8:30做早锻炼。V 询问方位或地方。1, ----Where is my toy car? ----我的玩具汽车在哪儿?----It"s here, under the chair. ----在这儿,在椅子下面。2, ----Where is the canteen? ----餐厅在哪儿?----It"s on the first floor. ----在一楼。3, ----Where are the keys? ----钥匙在哪儿?----They"re in the door. ----在门上。4, ----Excuse me. Where is the library, please? ----对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿?----It"s near the post office. ----在邮局附近。5, ----Where are you from? ----你从哪儿来?----I"m from China. ----我从中国来。6, ----Where does the rain come from? ----雨是从哪儿来的?----It comes from the clouds. ----它是从云层里来的。VI 询问想吃的东西。1, ----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? ----你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么?----I"d like some bread and milk / rice and soup. ----我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。2, ----What"s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? ----早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?----Hamburgers and orange juice. ----汉堡包和橙汁。VII 询问天气状况。1, ----What"s the weather like in Beijing? ----北京的天气如何?----It"s rainy today. How about New York? ----今天是雨天。纽约呢?----It"s sunny and hot. ----今天是晴天,天气很热。VIII 询问身体状况或情绪。1, ----How do you feel? ----你感觉如何?----I feel sick. ----我觉得不舒服。2, ----What"s the matter? ----怎么了?----My throat is sore. / I have a sore throat. ----我的喉咙疼。3, ----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. ----你好吗,莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。----I failed the math test. ----我的数学考试没有通过。IX 询问职业、身份或人物。1, ----What"s your father / mother? ----你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?----He"s a doctor. / She"s a teacher. ----他是一名医生。/ 她是一名教师。2, ----What does you mother / father do? ----你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?----She"s a TV reporter. / He"s a teacher. He teaches English.----她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。3, ----Who"s that man / woman? ----那位男士 / 女士是谁?----He"s my father. / She"s my mother. ----他是我父亲。 / 她是我母亲。4, ----Who"s this boy / girl? ----那个男孩儿 / 女孩儿是谁?----He"s my brother. / She"s my sister. ----他是我兄弟。 / 她是我姐妹。5, ----Who"s your art teacher? ----你们的美术老师是谁?----Miss Wang. ----王老师。----What"s she like? ----她长什么样儿?----She"s young and thin. ----她很年轻、苗条。X 询问兴趣、喜好。1, ----What"s your favourite food / drink? ----你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什么?----Fish / orange juice. ----鱼。 / 橙汁。2, ----What"s your favourite season? ----你最喜欢的季节是什么?----Winter. ----冬天。(----Which season do you like best? (----你最喜欢哪个季节? ----Winter.) ----冬天。)----Why do you like winter? ----你为什么喜欢冬天?----Because I can make a snowman. ----因为可以堆雪人。3, ----What"s your hobby? ----你的爱好是什么?----I like collecting stamps. ----我喜欢集邮。----What"s his hobby? ----他的爱好是什么?----He likes riding a bike. ----他喜欢骑自行车。4, ----Do you like peaches? ----你喜欢吃桃子吗?----Yes, I do. / No, I don"t. ----喜欢。/ 不喜欢。XI 询问平时一般或通常做的事情。1, ----What do you do on Saturdays / on the weekends? ----你星期六 / 周末一般做什么?----I usually do my homework. Sometimes I play football. ----我通常做作业,有时候踢足球。XII 询问正在做的事情。1, ----What are you doing? ----你在做什么?----I"m doing the dishes. ----我在洗盘子。2, ----What"s your father doing? ----你父亲正在做什么?----He"s writing an e-mail. ----他正在写电子邮件。3, ----What"s Mike doing? ----迈克正在干什么?----He"s watching insects. ----他正在观察昆虫。4, ----What"s the tiger doing? ----那只老虎在干什么?----It"s running. ----它在奔跑。5, ----What are the elephants doing? ----那些大象在干什么?----They"re drinking. ----它们正在喝水。XIII 询问将要做的事情。1, ----What are you going to do? ----你准备做什么?----I"m going to the cinema. ----我准备去看电影。----When are you going to do? ----你准备什么时候去?----This afternoon. ----今天下午。2, ----Where are you going this afternoon? ----今天下午你准备到哪儿去?----I"m going to the bookstore. ----我准备到书店去。----What are you going to buy? ----你打算买点儿什么?----I"m going to buy a comic book. ----我准备买本漫画书。
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2023-08-16 07:22:401


早餐=break fast 午餐=lunch 晚餐=dinner,supper 用法:I ate *** for (这里加早中晚餐) 举例: I ate an apple for breakfast 我早饭吃的苹果 I ate chinese food for lunch 我午饭吃的中餐 I ate steak for dinner (或者supper) 我晚饭吃的牛排.
2023-08-16 07:22:501

早/中/晚餐吃。。。。 用英语怎么说

2023-08-16 07:23:003


  一、不用冠词的场合   在通常情况下,表示一日三餐的 breakfast, lunch, supper前不用冠词。如:   Breakfast is served until 9 am. 早餐一直供应到上午9点。   Can you manage lunch on Tuesday? 你星期二能来吃午饭吗?   Have you finished supper already? Itu2019s only 5 ou2019clock! 你已经吃过晚饭了? 现在才5点钟啊!   A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper. 在午餐和晚餐之间,下午吃些点心补充一下。   Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the table. 母亲说午饭做好了, 大家一下子都向饭桌奔去。   注:不连用冠词的用法尤其注意以下搭配:have breakfast (lunch, supper), after breakfast (lunch, supper), at breakfast (lunch, supper), before breakfast (lunch, supper), during breakfast (lunch, supper), for breakfast (lunch, supper), over breakfast (lunch, supper), since breakfast (lunch, supper), without breakfast (lunch, supper)。如:   They were having breakfast when I arrived. 我到达时,他们正在用早餐。   We got off immediately after breakfast. 我们吃完早餐就动身了。   Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好。   It happened at [during] lunch. 此事发生在吃午饭的时候。   I nearly always go home for lunch. 我差不多总是回家吃午饭。   Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? 你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?   She scanned the newspaper over breakfast. 她吃着早饭把报纸大略看了一遍。   I havenu2019t eaten since breakfast. 我吃了早饭后到现在还什么都没吃呢。   I had to go without breakfast this morning as I was in a hurry. 我今早很匆忙, 只好不吃早饭了。   二、用定冠词的`场合   虽然在通常情况下,“三餐饭”前不用冠词,但是若要特指某一顿早餐、中餐或晚餐,则可在其前加定冠词。如:   The supper is well cooked. 晚饭做得很好。   Thank you for the breakfast. 谢谢你的这顿早餐。   注:表特指时,除可用定冠词修饰外,有时可用指示代词或物主代词等的修饰。如:   After that breakfast, I never saw her again. 吃了那顿早餐后,我就再没有看到过她。   Why donu2019t you go for a walk? Itu2019ll give you an appetite for your lunch. 你怎么不出去散散步? 散散步午饭时就有食欲了。   三、用不定冠词的场合   若breakfast, lunch, supper受到描绘性定语的修饰,则其前通常要用不定冠词。如:   We had a working lunch. 我们吃了一顿工作午餐。   We had a very late lunch. 我们很晚才吃午饭。   That was quite a decent lunch. 那顿午餐相当不错。   He takes a packed lunch to work. 他带(盒装)午饭上班。   After a quick breakfast, he hurried to the station. 匆匆忙忙吃完早餐,他就赶到车站去了。   Iu2019ve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast. 我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯。   We had a quick lunch and finished up with a cup of coffee. 我们匆忙吃了午饭,最后又喝了一杯咖啡。   【知识拓展】   1. 有时可以有自己的修饰语:此时通常是指所吃的东西。如:   She doesnu2019t eat much breakfast. 她早点吃得不多。   She always eats very little supper. 她晚饭总是吃得很少。   Take her some breakfast on a tray. 用托盘给她送些早点。   注:有时也可不直接用 much, little 等修饰,而换用其他表达。如:   She never eats much for breakfast. 她早点从不多吃。   2. 有时可以用复数形式:此时通常是指不同种类或不同人所用的早餐、中餐或晚餐。如:   We serve hot and cold lunches. 我处供应冷热午餐。   Does this pub provide lunches? 这家酒馆供应午餐吗?
2023-08-16 07:23:101

英语饭的可数与否。 如 breakfast ,lunch,supper 。 我做到一道题是 a good supper

breakfast, lunch和supper这三个词既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词。一般说来,指抽象概念时,在固定词组中为不可数。如:have breakfast/lunch/supper(吃早餐/中餐/晚餐);指某次具体的饭时,为可数。如:have a quick breakfast(吃一顿简便的早餐),a light lunch(一顿清淡的中餐)等。早、中、晚饭三餐前面不加冠词。Meal指一顿饭,可以加冠词。如:We have three meals a day. 我们一天吃三顿饭。They have their evening meal at about seven o"clock. 他们大约七点吃晚饭。
2023-08-16 07:23:191


因为你没说你的情况,所以我是根据我自己的情况写的, For my breakfast,I eat some bread and drink milk,I also like eat noodles with two eggs.There are my best choice for my breakfast.早餐吃牛奶和面包,也喜欢吃鸡蛋面. For my lunch,I like eating rice,meat and some fresh vegetables.午餐主要是以米饭为主,还有一些肉食和新鲜的蔬菜. Dinner,I just eat two apples and drink a glass of milk to lose weight.晚餐为了减肥,只吃两个苹果,然后再喝一杯牛奶.
2023-08-16 07:23:301


六十句吗? 我的技艺恐怕还没有那么高超哎Hello,dear name is XXX. I eat lots of healthy food every day.For breakfast,I often eat ............For lunch, I have ............ For dinner,I like ..............And for dessert ..........我现在是初一 只学了这些 SORRY!!!
2023-08-16 07:24:192

英语短文 《早餐还是中餐》 是一篇短文,开头是It was sunday······

Breakfast or lunch? It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It"s raining again." Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. "I"ve just arrived by train," she said. "I"m coming to see you." "But I"m still having breakfast," I said. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I"m having breakfast," I repeated. "Dear me," she said. "Do you always get up so late? It"s one o"clock!"
2023-08-16 07:24:261


Three meals are very important for our health so I have every meal each day. For breakfast I often have some porridge and eggs. Sometimes I drink some milk. For lunch I usually have beef, chicken,vegetables tofu and rice. For supper I often have tomatoes, potatoes and rice. Sometimes I have dumplings for supper . I think we should have a balanced diet so every day we should eat different food ,including meat and vegetables. Only in this way can we keep fit .
2023-08-16 07:24:361


早餐BB:Bed &Breakfast(住宿和早晨),指住宿含早餐;半餐HB:Half Board(半餐), 早餐+中餐或晚餐,大多数人选择早晚餐。全餐FB:Full Board(全餐),早餐+中餐+晚餐三餐。全包AI:All Inclusive(全包),早餐+中餐+晚餐+饮料。扩展资料:在酒店住宿时可以选择不同的餐饮服务。早餐BB:是Bed &Breakfast的缩写,指住宿含早餐;半餐HB:Half Board的缩写, 早餐加上中餐或者晚餐,大多数人选择早餐加上晚餐。全餐FB:Full Board,包括早餐、中餐、晚餐三餐。全包AI:All Inclusive,包括早餐、中餐、晚餐,以及饮料。
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For my breakfast,I eat some bread and drink milk,I also like eat noodles with two eggs.There are my best choice for my breakfast.早餐吃牛奶和面包,也喜欢吃鸡蛋面.For my lunch,I like eating rice,meat and some fresh vegetables.午餐主要是以米饭为主,还有一些肉食和新鲜的蔬菜.Dinner,I just eat two apples and drink a glass of milk to lose weight.晚餐为了减肥,只吃两个苹果,然后再喝一杯牛奶.
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早餐BB:Bed &Breakfast(住宿和早晨),指住宿含早餐;半餐HB:Half Board(半餐), 早餐+中餐或晚餐,大多数人选择早晚餐。全餐FB:Full Board(全餐),早餐+中餐+晚餐三餐。全包AI:All Inclusive(全包),早餐+中餐+晚餐+饮料。扩展资料:在酒店住宿时可以选择不同的餐饮服务。早餐BB:是Bed &Breakfast的缩写,指住宿含早餐;半餐HB:Half Board的缩写, 早餐加上中餐或者晚餐,大多数人选择早餐加上晚餐。全餐FB:Full Board,包括早餐、中餐、晚餐三餐。全包AI:All Inclusive,包括早餐、中餐、晚餐,以及饮料。
2023-08-16 07:26:441


常见中国菜的英文名:一、家常菜:1.北京烤鸭 roast Peking duck2.辣子鸡丁 saute diced chicken with hot peppers3.宫保鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts4.红烧鲤鱼 braised common carp5.茄汁虾仁 saute fish slices with bamboo shoots6.涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton7.糖醋里脊 pork fillets with sweet&sour sauce8. 麻婆豆腐 stewed beancurd with minced pork in pepper sauce二、面食与糕点1.担担面 noodles with sesame paste&pea sprouts2.杂酱面 soy beans in minced meat&noodles3.豆沙包 bean paste dumpling4.叉烧包 stuffed bread with roast pork5.花卷 twisted roll三、中式早点1.烧饼 Clay oven rolls2.油条 Fried bread stick3.韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings4.蒸饺 Steamed dumplings5.馒头 Steamed buns
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2023-08-16 07:28:034


小学英语句子大全 小学英语句子大全,语言的力量是无穷尽的,我们的生活早已离不开句子,这样完全可以撩到他的心,通过说说我们也可以去了解一个人的性格。下面是我我分享小学英语句子大全心情会更好。 小学英语句子1 一、询问姓名、年龄 1. ----What"syour name? ----你叫什么名字? 2. ----How old are you? ----你几岁了? 二、询问颜色 1. ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的.? 2. ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的? 三、询问数量或价钱 1. ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝? 2. ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔? 3.-----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人? 4.-----How much is this dress? ----这条连衣裙多少钱? 5.-----How much are these apples? ----这些苹果多少钱? 四、询问时间或日期 1. --What time is it now? ----现在几点钟? 2.--What day is it today? ----今天星期几? 3.----When is your birthday? ----你的生日是什么时候? 4.----When do you do morning exercises? ---你们什么时候做早锻炼? 五、询问方位或地方 1. ----Where is my toy car? ----我的玩具汽车在哪儿? 2.----Where is the canteen? ----餐厅在哪儿? 3. ---Where are the keys? ----钥匙在哪儿? 4.--Excuse me. Where is the library, please?对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿? 5. ---Where are you from? ----你从哪儿来? 6. ---Where does the rain come from? ----雨是从哪儿来的? 小学英语句子2 一、询问想吃的东西 1.----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? 你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么? 我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。 2.----What"sfor breakfast / lunch / dinner?---早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么? 二、询问天气状况 1.----What"sthe weather like in Beijing? ----北京的天气如何? 三、询问身体状况或情绪 1. ----How do you feel? ----你感觉如何? 2. ----What"sthe matter? ----怎么了? 3. ----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. ---你好吗,莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。 四、询问职业、身份或人物 1.----What"syour father / mother? ---你的父亲/母亲是做什么的? 2.----What does your mother / father do? ---你的母亲/父亲是做什么的? 她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。 3.----Who"sthat man / woman? ----那位男士/女士是谁? 4.----Who"sthis boy / girl? ----那个男孩儿/女孩儿是谁? 5.----Who"syour art teacher? ----你们的美术老师是谁? 五、询问兴趣、喜好 1.----What"syour favourite food / drink?你最喜欢的食物/饮料是什么? 2.----What"syour favourite season? ----你最喜欢的季节是什么? 3. ----What"syour hobby? ----你的爱好是什么? 4. ----Do you like peaches? ----你喜欢吃桃子吗?
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1.上小学跟着老师思路走就行了1, ----What"s your name? ----你叫什么名字?----My name is ________. ----我叫……。2, ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?----I"m 12. ----我十二岁。II 询问颜色。1, ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的?----It"s yellow and white. ----黄白相间。2, ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的?----They"re green. ----绿色的。III 询问数量或价钱。1, ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?----I can see 12. ----我可以看见十二只风筝。2, ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔?----I have 16. ----我有十六支。3, ----How many people are there in your family? ----你家有几口人?----Three. ----三口人。4, ----How much is this dress? ----这条连衣裙多少钱?----It"s ninety-nine yuan. ----九十九元。5, ----How much are these apples? ----这些苹果多少钱?----They"re thirty-five yuan. ----三十五元。IV 询问时间或日期。1, ----What time is it now? ----现在几点钟?----It"s nine o"clock.. It"s time for English class. ----九点。该上英语课了。(----It"s eight o"clock. It"s time to go to bed.) (----八点。该上床睡觉了。)2, ----What day is it today? ----今天星期几?----It"s Monday. ----星期一。(----What do we have on Mondays? (----我们星期一上哪些课?----We have Chinese, English, math …) ----语文、英语、数学……)3, ----When is your birthday? ----你的生日是什么时候?----It"s October 1st, our National Day. ----十月一日,国庆节。4, ----When do you do morning exercises? ----你们什么时候做早锻炼?----I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. ----我们通常8:30做早锻炼。V 询问方位或地方。1, ----Where is my toy car? ----我的玩具汽车在哪儿?----It"s here, under the chair. ----在这儿,在椅子下面。2, ----Where is the canteen? ----餐厅在哪儿?----It"s on the first floor. ----在一楼。3, ----Where are the keys? ----钥匙在哪儿?----They"re in the door. ----在门上。4, ----Excuse me. Where is the library, please? ----对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿?----It"s near the post office. ----在邮局附近。5, ----Where are you from? ----你从哪儿来?----I"m from China. ----我从中国来。6, ----Where does the rain come from? ----雨是从哪儿来的?----It comes from the clouds. ----它是从云层里来的。VI 询问想吃的东西。1, ----What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? ----你早餐/中餐/晚餐想吃点什么?----I"d like some bread and milk / rice and soup. ----我想吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。2, ----What"s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? ----早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?----Hamburgers and orange juice. ----汉堡包和橙汁。VII 询问天气状况。1, ----What"s the weather like in Beijing? ----北京的天气如何?----It"s rainy today. How about New York? ----今天是雨天。纽约呢?----It"s sunny and hot. ----今天是晴天,天气很热。VIII 询问身体状况或情绪。1, ----How do you feel? ----你感觉如何?----I feel sick. ----我觉得不舒服。2, ----What"s the matter? ----怎么了?----My throat is sore. / I have a sore throat. ----我的喉咙疼。3, ----How are you, Sarah? You look so happy. ----你好吗,莎拉?你看起来这么伤心。----I failed the math test. ----我的数学考试没有通过。IX 询问职业、身份或人物。1, ----What"s your father / mother? ----你的父亲 / 母亲是做什么的?----He"s a doctor. / She"s a teacher. ----他是一名医生。/ 她是一名教师。2, ----What does you mother / father do? ----你的母亲 / 父亲是做什么的?----She"s a TV reporter. / He"s a teacher. He teaches English.----她是一名电视台记者。/他是一名教师。他教英语。3, ----Who"s that man / woman? ----那位男士 / 女士是谁?----He"s my father. / She"s my mother. ----他是我父亲。 / 她是我母亲。4, ----Who"s this boy / girl? ----那个男孩儿 / 女孩儿是谁?----He"s my brother. / She"s my sister. ----他是我兄弟。 / 她是我姐妹。5, ----Who"s your art teacher? ----你们的美术老师是谁?----Miss Wang. ----王老师。----What"s she like? ----她长什么样儿?----She"s young and thin. ----她很年轻、苗条。X 询问兴趣、喜好。1, ----What"s your favourite food / drink? ----你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什么?----Fish / orange juice. ----鱼。 / 橙汁。2, ----What"s your favourite season? ----你最喜欢的季节是什么?----Winter. ----冬天。(----Which season do you like best? (----你最喜欢哪个季节? ----Winter.) ----冬天。)----Why do you like winter? ----你为什么喜欢冬天?----Because I can make a snowman. ----因为可以堆雪人。3, ----What"s your hobby? ----你的爱好是什么?----I like collecting stamps. ----我喜欢集邮。----What"s his hobby? ----他的爱好是什么?----He likes riding a bike. ----他喜欢骑自行车。4, ----Do you like peaches? ----你喜欢吃桃子吗?----Yes, I do. / No, I don"t. ----喜欢。/ 不喜欢。XI 询问平时一般或通常做的事情。1, ----What do you do on Saturdays / on the weekends? ----你星期六 / 周末一般做什么?----I usually do my homework. Sometimes I play football. ----我通常做作业,有时候踢足球。XII 询问正在做的事情。1, ----What are you doing? ----你在做什么?----I"m doing the dishes. ----我在洗盘子。2, ----What"s your father doing? ----你父亲正在做什么?----He"s writing an e-mail. ----他正在写电子邮件。3, ----What"s Mike doing? ----迈克正在干什么?----He"s watching insects. ----他正在观察昆虫。4, ----What"s the tiger doing? ----那只老虎在干什么?----It"s running. ----它在奔跑。5, ----What are the elephants doing? ----那些大象在干什么?----They"re drinking. ----它们正在喝水。XIII 询问将要做的事情。1, ----What are you going to do? ----你准备做什么?----I"m going to the cinema. ----我准备去看电影。----When are you going to do? ----你准备什么时候去?----This afternoon. ----今天下午。2, ----Where are you going this afternoon? ----今天下午你准备到哪儿去?----I"m going to the bookstore. ----我准备到书店去。----What are you going to buy? ----你打算买点儿什么?----I"m going to buy a comic book. ----我准备买本漫画书。
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自我介绍所用到的10个句子:Hello. It"s nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。 My name is...我的名字是...I"m from...我来自...I live in...我住在...I"m a...我是... (工作)I"m ... years old. 我...岁。I enjoy...我喜欢...One of my hobbies is...我其中一个爱好是...I"ve been learning English for... 我学了...(多长时间)英语I"m learning English at ...我在...学英语。了解更多可加老师VX:82356870
2023-08-16 07:28:593


2023-08-16 07:29:061


西餐礼仪的知识: 用 刀 叉 吃 有 骨 头 的 肉 吃 有 骨 头 的 肉 时 , 可 以 用 手 拿 着 吃 。 若 想 吃 得 更 优 雅 , 还 是 用 刀 较 好 。用 叉 子 将 整 片 肉 固 定 (可 将 叉 子 朝 上 , 用 叉 子 背 部 压 住 肉) , 再 用 刀 沿 骨 头 插 人 , 把 肉 切 开 。 最 好 是 边 切 边 吃 。 必 须 用 手 吃 时 , 会 附 上 洗 手 水 。 当 洗 手 水 和 带 骨 头 的 肉 一 起 端 上 来 时 , 意 味 着 “ 请 用 手 吃 ” 。 用 手 指 拿 东 西 吃 后 ,将 手 指 放 在 装 洗 手 水 的 碗 里 洗 净 。 吃 一 般 的 菜 时 , 如果 把 手 指 弄 脏 , 也 可 请 侍 者 端 洗 手 水 来 , 注 意 洗 手 时 要 轻 轻 地 洗 。 吃 面 包 可 蘸 调 味 汁 吃 到 连 调 味 汁 都 不 剩 , 是 对 厨 师 的 礼 貌 。 注 意 不 要 把 面 包 盘 子 “ 舔 ” 得 很 干 净 , 而 要 用 叉 子 叉 住 已 撕 成 小 片 的 面 包 , 再 蘸 一 点 调 味 汁 来 吃 , 是 雅 观 的 作 法 。 用 餐 巾 内 侧 擦 拭 弄 脏 嘴 巴 时 , 一 定 要 用 餐 巾 擦 拭 , 避 免 用 自 己 的 手 帕 。 用 餐 巾 反 摺 的 内 侧 来 擦 ,而 不 是 弄 脏 其 正 面 , 是 应 有 的 礼 貌 。 手 指 洗 过 后 也 是 用 餐 巾 擦 的 。 若 餐 巾 脏 得 厉 害 , 请 侍 者 重 新 更 换 一 条 。 凡 事 由 侍 者 代 劳 在 一 流 餐 厅 里 , 客 人 除 了 吃 以 外 , 诸 如 倒 酒 、 整 理 餐 具 、捡 起 掉 在 地 上 的 刀 叉 等 事 , 都 应 让 侍 者 去 做 。 在 国 外 , 进 餐 时 侍 者 会 来 问 : “How is everything?” 如 果 没 有 问 题 , 可 用 “Good” 来 表 达 满 意 。 聊 天 切 忌 大 声 喧 哗 在 餐 厅 吃 饭 时 就 要 享 受 美 食 和 社 交 的 乐 趣 , 沉 默 地 各 吃 各 的 会 很 奇 怪 。 但 旁 若 无 人 地 大 声 喧 哗 , 也 是 极 失 礼 的 行 为 。 音 量 要 小 心 保 持 对 方 能 听 见 的 程 度 , 别 影 响 到 邻 桌 。 中 途 离 席 时 将 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上 万 不 得 已 要 中 途 离 席 时 , 最 好 在 上 菜 的 空 档 , 向 同 桌 的 人 打 声 招 呼 , 把 餐 巾 放 在 椅 子 上 再 走 , 别 打 乱 了 整 个 吃 饭 的 程 序 和 气 氛 。 吃 完 饭 后 , 只 要 将 餐 巾 随 意 放 在 餐 桌 即 可 , 不 必 特 意 叠 整 齐。 任 意 选 择 乳 酪 高 级 餐 厅 上 甜 点 之 前 , 会 送 上 一 个 大 托 盘 , 摆 满 数 种 乳 酪 、 饼 干 和 水 果 , 挑 多 少 种 都 可 以 , 但 以 吃 得 下 的 范 围 为 准 。 用 叉 子 和 汤 匙 吃 甜 点 上 甜 点 时 大 都 会 附 上 汤 匙 和 叉 子 。 冰 淇 淋 之 类 的 甜 点 容 易 滑 动 , 可 用 叉 子 固 定 并 集 中 , 再 放 到 汤 匙 里 吃 。 大 块 的 水 果 可 以 切 成 一 口 的 大 小 , 再 用 叉 子 叉 来 吃 。 如 何 招 呼 侍 者 侍 者 会 经 常 注 意 客 人 的 需 要 。 若 需 要 服 务 , 可 用 眼 神 向 他 示 意 或 微 微 把 手 抬 高 , 侍 者 会 马 上 过 来 。 如 果 对 服 务 满 意 , 想 付 小 费 时 , 可 用 签 帐 卡 支 付 , 即 在 帐 单 上 写 下 含 小 费 在 内 的 总 额 再 签 名 。 最 后 别 忘 记 口 头 致 谢 。 餐具的使用 1.西餐的餐具 广义的西餐餐具包括刀、叉、匙、盘、杯、餐巾等。其中盘又有菜盘、布丁盘、奶盘、白脱盘等;酒杯更是讲究,正式宴会几乎每上一种酒,都要换上专用的玻璃酒杯。 狭义的餐具则专指刀、叉、匙三大件。刀分为食用刀、鱼刀、肉刀(刀口有锯齿,用以切牛排、猪排等)、黄油刀和水果刀。叉分为食用叉、鱼叉、肉叉和虾叉。匙则有汤匙、甜食匙、茶匙。公用刀、叉、匙的规格明显大于餐用刀叉。 餐具的摆法:垫盘放在餐席的正中心,盘上放折叠整齐的餐巾或餐纸(也有把餐巾或餐纸拆成花蕊状放在玻璃杯内的)。两侧的刀、叉、匙排成整齐的平行线,如有席位卡,则放在垫盘的前方。所有的餐刀放在垫盘的右侧,刀刃朝向垫盘。各种匙类放在餐刀右边,匙心朝上。餐叉则放在垫盘的左边,叉齿朝上。一个座席一般只摆放三副刀叉。面包碟放在客人的左手边,上置面包刀(即黄油刀,供抹奶油、果酱用,而不是用来切面包)一把,各类酒杯和水杯则放在右前方。如有面食,吃面食的匙、叉则横放在前方。 2.餐具的用法 刀叉持法。用刀时,应将刀柄的尾端置于手掌之中,以拇指抵住刀柄的一侧,食指按在刀柄上,但需注意食指决不能触及刀背,其余三指则顺势弯曲,握住刀柄。叉如果不是与刀并用,叉齿应该向上。持叉应尽可能持住叉柄的末端,叉柄倚在中指上,中间则以无名指和小指为支撑,叉可以单独用于叉餐或取食,也可以用于取食某些头道菜和馅饼,还可以用取食那种无需切割的主菜。 刀叉的使用。右手持刀,左手持叉,先用叉子把食物按住,然后用刀切成小块,再用叉送入嘴内。欧洲人使用时不换手,即从切割到送食物入口均以左手持叉。美国人则切割后,将刀放下换右手持叉送食入口。 刀叉并用时,持叉姿势与持刀相似,但叉齿应该向下。通常刀叉并用是在取食主菜的时候,但若无需要刀切割时,则可用叉切割,这两种方法都是正确的。 匙的用法。持匙用右手,持法同持叉,但手指务必持在匙柄之端,除喝汤外,不用匙取食其他食物。 餐巾用法。进餐时,大餐巾可折起(一般对折)折口向外平铺在腿上,小餐巾可伸开直接铺在腿上。注意不可将餐巾挂在胸前(但在空间不大的地方,如飞机上可以如此)。拭嘴时需用餐巾的上端,并用其内侧来擦嘴。绝不可用来擦脸部或擦刀叉、碗碟等。 西餐进餐礼仪 因为西餐主要是在餐具、菜肴、酒水等方面有别于中餐,因此,参加西餐宴会,除了应遵循前述中餐宴会的基本礼仪之外,还应分别掌握以下几个方面的礼仪知识。 1.餐具使用的礼仪 吃西餐,必须注意餐桌上餐具的排列和置放位置,不可随意乱取乱拿。正规宴会上,每一道食物、菜肴即配一套相应的餐具(刀、叉、匙),并以上菜的先后顺序由外向内排列。进餐时,应先取左右两侧最外边的一套刀叉。每吃完一道菜,将刀叉合拢并排置于碟中,表示此道菜已用完,服务员便会主动上前撤去这套餐具。如尚未用完或暂时停顿,应将刀叉呈八字型左右分架或交叉摆在餐碟上,刀刃向内,意思是告诉服务员,我还没吃完,请不要把餐具拿走。 使用刀叉时,尽量不使其碰撞,以免发出大的声音,更不可挥动刀叉与别人讲话。 2.进餐礼仪 西餐种类繁多,风味各异,因此其上菜的顺序,因不同的菜系、不同的规格而有所差异,但其基本顺序大体相同。 一餐内容齐全的西菜一般有七八道,主要由这样几部分构成: 第一,饮料(果汁)、水果或冷盆,又称开胃菜,目的是增进食欲。 第二,汤类(也即头菜)。需用汤匙,此时一般上有黄油、面包。 第三,蔬菜、冷菜或鱼(也称副菜)。可使用垫盘两侧相应的刀叉。 第四,主菜(肉食或熟菜)。肉食主菜一般配有熟蔬菜,此时要用刀叉分切后放餐盘内取食。如有色拉,需要色拉匙、色拉叉等餐具。 第五,餐后食物。一般为甜品(点心)、水果、冰淇淋等。最后为咖啡,喝咖啡应使用咖啡匙、长柄匙。 进餐时,除用刀、叉、匙取送食物外,有时还可用手取。如吃鸡、龙虾时,经主人示意,可以用手撕着吃。吃饼干、薯片或小粒水果,可以用手取食。面包则一律手取,注意取自己左手前面的,不可取错。取面包时,左手拿取,右手撕开,再把奶油涂上去,一小块一小块撕着吃。不可用面包蘸汤吃,也不可一整块咬着吃。 喝汤时,切不可以汤盘就口,必须用汤匙舀着喝。姿势是:用左手扶着盘沿,右手用匙舀,不可端盘喝汤,不要发出吱吱的声响,也不可频率太快。如果汤太烫时,应待其自然降温后再喝。 吃肉或鱼的时候,要特别小心。用叉按好后,慢慢用刀切,切好后用叉子进食,千万不可用叉子将其整个叉起来,送到嘴里去咬。这类菜盘里一般有些生菜,往往是用于点缀和增加食欲的,吃不吃由你,不要为了面子强吃下去。 餐桌上的佐料,通常已经备好,放在桌上。如果距离太远,可以请别人麻烦一下,不能自己站起来伸手去拿,这是很难看的。 吃西餐时相互交谈是很正常的现象,但切不可大声喧哗,放声大笑,也不可抽烟,尤其在吃东西时应细嚼慢咽,嘴里不要发出很大的声响,更不能把叉刀伸进嘴里。至于拿着刀叉作手势在别人面前挥舞,更是失礼和缺乏修养的行为。 吃西餐还应注意坐姿。坐姿要正,身体要直,脊背不可紧靠椅背,一般坐于座椅的四分之三即可。不可伸腿,不能翘起二郎腿,也不要将胳臂肘放到桌面上。 饮酒时,不要把酒杯斟得太满,也不要和别人劝酒(这些都不同于中餐)。如刚吃完油腻食物,最好先擦一下嘴再去喝酒,免得让嘴上的油渍将杯子弄的油乎乎的。干杯时,即使不喝,也应将酒杯在嘴唇边碰一下,以示礼貌。 有人曾将一次礼貌的饮酒程序做了总结:首先,举起酒杯,双目平视,欣赏色彩;其次,稍微端近,轻闻酒香;然后,小啜一口;第四,慢慢品尝;最后,赞美酒好、酒香。 总之,西餐既重礼仪,又讲规矩,只有认真掌握好,才能在就餐时表现得温文尔雅,颇具风度。 Eating in American(I) 中国菜着重色、香、味,西餐讲究实惠。初到美国餐馆用餐,应该注意如下事项:1)选择合适的餐馆(如:家庭式餐馆、特色餐馆以及自助式餐馆等);2)餐馆营业时间(上午11:30开门营业,直到夜晚);3)一般都应事先预订餐位:4)到达餐馆后,不能径直地到餐桌旁入桌,除非餐厅有“随意就坐”的告示;5)付款时,别忘了留给服务员一定比例的小费(一般为实际总额的10%~15%)。 Eating out is one of the joy of being in the USA.The food is usually good and often excellent;the prices are reasonable ;and the service is mostly fine. Choosing a Restaurant 选择餐馆Some restaurants are open for breakfast;others are open twenty-four hours a day.A number of restaurants call themselves "family restaurants".Many of these serve no alcohol and have fairly restricted menus which include steaks,hamburgers,omelettes(炒蛋)and sandwiches,and all are at very reasonable prices.They may also serve smaller and cheaper children"s portios(份餐).Note that many American restaurants are "speciatly"restaurants .They may serve only,or mainly ,steaks ,seafood,etc. When to Eat 供餐时间Many restaurants,especially the more expensive ones,open at about 11:30a.m.(midday,rather than 1p.m.,is the most normal time for lunch in the USA),and some remain open until the evening,so it is possible to order a meal throughout the afternoon. In many areas it is usual for people to leave work and go out for an evening meal at 5p.m.or 6p.m.,than waiting until later. Reserving a Table 预订餐位Eating out is rather popular in the USA.And it is often necessary to make a reservation.You will sometimes see short queues of people waiting for tables at restaurants-it"s more pleasant to wait in the bar ,of course,if there is one-but there queues more quickly. Arriving at Restaurant 到达餐馆When you arrive at most restaurant,you should not just go in and sit down-unless you see a sign saying "Please seat yourself".Usually you will have to wait for a "hostess"or "captain"(领班)to escort(陪同)you to a table .Often there will be a sign that reads "Please wait to be seated". Do not expect to share a table with other parties,even if the restaurant is crowed .It just isn"t done. Many restaurant have a no-smoking section,in some place by lows. One excellent American custom is that after you have sat down your waiter or waitress will often bring you a glass or water(with ice naturally)and will keep on refilling it throughout the meal.(Most American are incapable of eating a meal without drinking something at the same time.)When your waiter or waitress takes your order,it is not very normal for one person to order for the whole table.Each person orders separately ,except in the most expensive restaurants. Summoning a waiter 召唤侍者You may find your waiter unusually friendly.He may ask you how you are (You"re supposed just to say "Fine"),inquire whether you have a good day and ,later on say that he hopes you will enjoy your meal. To summon a waiter in a American restaurant you may call "Bill",or "Mary",or "Claude",or whatever.Waiters and waitresses often actually introduce themselves when they first come to your table or wear name tags,you are permitted to use their first names. Paying the Bill 付款The bill (often called the "check")comes usually with tax added but no service chare-though some restaurant do now add a service charge.The etiquette(规矩)books say that you should leave a ten per cent tip(小费)for lunch,fifteen per cent for dinner.The tip should be calculated on the basis of the total before the addition of tax. At many restaurant you can ask the waiter to bring the bill and than pay at a cash desk on the way out. Eating in American(II) 美国人吃饭用刀叉,而且他们的用餐方式是很有讲究的。因此,在应邀与美国朋友一起吃饭时,应特别注意他们的用餐习惯。一般情况下,餐桌上摆放有一幅餐刀和两幅餐叉,外边的餐叉供你吃色拉,里边的餐叉用于吃主食和其它点心食品,餐刀用来切肉食。如果你两手并用,应左手握叉,右手握刀,而且一次握刀时间不能太长。美国人的早餐有:炒或煮鸡蛋、香肠、油炸土豆片、薄煎饼、果子冻、烤面包、松饼、桔子汁以及咖啡等。 Eating Custom and Practice 用餐习惯 American eating is funny.They eat almost everything with a fork,and it appears that holding a knife in one"s right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners. The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife,people take the fork in their left hand,and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner.Then they put the knife down,transfer the fork to their right hand,and only then do they transport the food to their mouth.This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑),but it is considered good manners. There are several results of this system.First,if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife,Americans don"t use one,because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化)things,and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes,fish and even bacon(熏猪肉)with a fork.Second,towards the end of a course,since only one implement(器具)is being used,food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork —and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place,although one is not supposed to do this. Third,tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks,the outside fork being for the salad.There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork,but if you do use your knife,remerber to save it for the meat course.Even desserts(甜食)(except ice cream)are eaten with a fork if at all possible,and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).
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(1)吃早餐:日语:朝(あさ)ご饭(はん)を食(た)べる罗马音:a sa go han wo ta be ru音译:啊撒国汗哦他贝鲁(2)吃中餐:日语:昼(ひる)ご饭(はん)を食(た)べる罗马音:hi ru go han wo ta be ru音译:西路国汗哦他贝鲁(3)吃晚餐:日语:晩(ばん)ご饭(はん)を食(た)べる罗马音:ban go han wo ta be ru音译:班国汗哦他贝鲁
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2023-08-16 07:30:193

美国中餐馆常用的英文句子 我已经订过单了

I have made my order via the telephone.I come here to take my order, which is...It is the price after discount. The original price is...绝对标准
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i like milk and bread for brsekfast.I like chicken drum and rice for lunch.I like greengrocery and apple for dinner. 中文意思:早餐我喜欢喝牛奶吃面包午餐我喜欢鸡腿和米饭,晚餐我喜欢青菜和水果~谈谈你的朋友早餐,中餐,和晚餐分别喜欢吃什么。60-70字左右。(注意人称和动词的用法) Tom is my friend. He eats a lot of healthy food. For breakfast, he likes eggs, bread and milk. For lunch, he likes fish, meat, vegetables and rice.And for dinner, he has chicken, tomatoes and noodles. He likes French fries very much, but he doesn"t like ice cream or dessert at all.
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