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2023-08-23 16:36:02























Before the age of eighteen, I don"t know what people want, then I every day at the Zhejiang art school with the students sing, dance. Occasionally, the director came to me to make a movie, I will be very excited to take, no matter how small role.

If there is no teacher with my conversation, then perhaps until today, still no one knows who Xun Zhou is.

It was 1993 May one day, the teacher Zhao taught me courses of my conversation suddenly find: "Xun Zhou, can you tell me, for your future plans?"

I froze. I don"t understand what the teacher asked me such a serious problem, but do not know how to answer.

The teacher asked me: "life now are you satisfied?" I shook my head.

The teacher smiled: "if not satisfied that you have saved. You think about it now, ten years later you will be what kind of?"

The teacher"s voice is very light, but the fall has become in my heart very heavy. My mind suddenly began to be raging like a storm. Silence for a long time, I watched the teacher"s eyes, suddenly very firmly said: "I hope that after ten years he became the best actress, and can release an album of their own."

The teacher asked me: "are you sure?"

Slowly I bite her lips replied: "Yes", and pulled a long tone.

The teacher then said: "well, since you made sure, we"ll keep this goal is back. Ten years later, you are 28, then you are a famous star, also released an album."

"When you were 27 years old, in addition to making all kinds of directors play, we must have a complete musical works, can take to the companies,, right?"

"When I was 25 years old, in the entertainment business you need to keep learning and thinking. Another great must be in the music work and begin recording."

"23 years old must accept all kinds of training and training, including music and body."

"At the age of 20 began to compose the music, lyrics. Making a bigger role will be in acting."

The teacher"s words very easily, but I feel a twinge of fear. This pushed down, I should immediately begin to prepare for their ideals, but now I have nothing, nothing to think, is still the little girl little dancer like role pleased with oneself. I felt a strong pressure suddenly toward his hit.

The teacher smiled and said quietly: "Xun Zhou, you are a good young plant, but you lack of planning for life, scattered and confused. I hope you can spend their free time, think of yourself ten years from now, exactly want what kind of life, what to achieve what goal. If you set a goal, then I hope you start to do from now."

A year later, I graduated from the school, the teacher"s words have been engraved in my heart from that day: think about yourself in ten years. Yes, when I realize that this is a question of when, I found I the whole people are awakening.

After graduating from school, I was busy making a variety of film and television drama. I always remember, I want to be the most successful star after ten years, so the role I began to seriously screening. Then I took a "knot", take the "palace of desire", I gradually accepted, slowly taste the joy of success.

In 2003 April, just the teacher talk to me after ten years, I do not know if this is accidental is inevitable, I actually had the first album of their own -- "summer".

In fact, you and I like. If you can ask a sentence: "after ten years, what will happen to me?" you"ll find out, your life will change imperceptibly. Always think about yourself in ten years, will you towards your dreams closer.

(text / Xun Zhou)


In ten years, I will be a reporter. I will work for a newspaper company. I think. I think I will meet lot of interesting people and amazing things. I will live in beijing with my parents. we will have a home robort like a dag kids will not go to school, they will studay at home in compuetrs. I will visit shanghai , might even I will visit The USA . In my free time, I wlii read , swim ,and so on .


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使某人愿望成真(实现某人的愿望) 使某人愿望破灭 英语

使某人愿望成真 make someone"s dream come true实现某人的愿望 make someone"s dream come true某人愿望破灭 destroy someone"s dreamterminate someone"s dreamend someone"s dream
2023-08-16 05:17:423


2023-08-16 05:17:521

努力实现愿望 用英文怎么说

to realize aspiration hardlt
2023-08-16 05:18:156


Youth desire
2023-08-16 05:18:303

英语怎么说 祝你的愿望实现

i wish your dream come true
2023-08-16 05:18:404

英语 我的愿望实现了。 My wishes have been ----.(realize)

2023-08-16 05:18:484


Please realize my wish, thank you!Please help me to realize my wish, thank you!
2023-08-16 05:18:561


His dream came true
2023-08-16 05:19:074


I make up my mind to achieve my dream. .
2023-08-16 05:19:352


All the good wishes will come true
2023-08-16 05:19:484


This wish will come true.
2023-08-16 05:20:154


I will try my best to study and achieve my wills.
2023-08-16 05:20:252


To achieve all you desire
2023-08-16 05:21:0710


Our desire to achieve it
2023-08-16 05:21:303

“我希望大家通过努力都可以实现自己的愿望 ”翻译成英文

I hope everybody can realize his dream through his effort.希望采纳~
2023-08-16 05:21:371


One day,I met Aladdin,he agreed to meet me three wishes. My first wish is that I be able to enter university,the university has the freedom to study space and time,I am longing for. Secondly,I want to be able to look up into space to see if the earth look like a long,look at the spacecraft. Finally,I would like world peace,because there are a lot of people like me want to have a full,warm home. 内容不多 你可以再改改
2023-08-16 05:21:441


Hope my wishes come true as soon as possible.
2023-08-16 05:21:522


去 起查一下 我家电脑好卡I hope that all the wishes I have made will come true
2023-08-16 05:22:038


I believe my wish will come true one day.
2023-08-16 05:22:226


生日快乐愿你的愿望都能实现Happy birthday to you wish all of you can achieve生日快乐愿你的愿望都能实现Happy birthday to you wish all of you can achieve
2023-08-16 05:22:382


I got it
2023-08-16 05:22:597


I hope i can achieve my dream.
2023-08-16 05:23:591

我希望你许的愿望可以实现 英语怎么说?

I hope your wishes will come true.应该是
2023-08-16 05:24:193


I hope my wish can come to
2023-08-16 05:24:272


May your dreams come true, and your endeavors be fulfilled.
2023-08-16 05:24:376


If I had three wishes,first wish I want no war in the world,second wishes I want to let the poor to live a happy life,third wishes,I want no disasters in the world,let people live a happy,happy life.
2023-08-16 05:25:232

英语作文我最想实现的一个愿望 100

  I have a dream that one day I can do anything what I want to do . But what is I want to do? It is simple too . I just want to open a flower shop , my own flower shop , a warm and beautiful shop . It is because I like flowers very much and I"m a girl going after romantic . I hope that in my shop , there are all kinds of different beautiful flowers such as rose , lily , tulip , violet , carnation , narcissus , lilac , orchid and so on . If I have such a flower shop , my life will be happy and perfect . You see , I can wander in the beautiful flowers , I will smile , sing and dance . Each morning the first thing that I do is watering the flowers . Every day I preserve a quite and happy mind . When I"m tired , I will stop to have a cup of coffee or thin wine , or I can turn the music on and listen some light music , or do some quite reading . Every night I will have a long , sweet and tranquil sleep .This is an simple , sparkling and easygoing life . Perhaps it is not so great , but I like it . And the most important is , it is the very life that I looking forward to .
2023-08-16 05:25:341


我希望我的梦想能够实现英文:I hope my dream can come true.1、hopehope表示的“想”和“希望”是可以实现的,后面通常接不定式、从句和“for+名词”结构。例如:I hope that she likesthe flowers.我希望她喜欢这些花。We hope that he will be well again soon.我们希望他会很快康复。注意:hope的句型有hope for sth,hope to do sth,hope+that从句(从句用陈述语气),不存在hope do sth.的形式,如:He hopes for a new bike.他渴望得到一辆新自行车。2、dream作为名词时,意思是睡梦;梦想,愿望;恍惚;极美好的人(或事物);幻想;梦境般的事。作为动词时,做梦,梦见;梦想;虚度光阴;想到;开小差;想象。作为形容词时,理想的,完美的。dream的过去式是dreamt、dreamed,过去分词dreamt、dreamed,现在分词dreaming,第三人称单数dreams,复数dreams。
2023-08-16 05:25:411


I have a dream that one day I can do anything what I want to do . But what is I want to do? It is simple too . I just want to open a flower shop , my own flower shop , a warm and beautiful shop . It is because I like flowers very much and I"m a girl going after romantic . I hope that in my shop , there are all kinds of different beautiful flowers such as rose , lily , tulip , violet , carnation , narcissus , lilac , orchid and so on . If I have such a flower shop , my life will be happy and perfect . You see , I can wander in the beautiful flowers , I will smile , sing and dance . Each morning the first thing that I do is watering the flowers . Every day I preserve a quite and happy mind . When I"m tired , I will stop to have a cup of coffee or thin wine , or I can turn the music on and listen some light music , or do some quite reading . Every night I will have a long , sweet and tranquil sleep .This is an simple , sparkling and easygoing life . Perhaps it is not so great , but I like it . And the most important is , it is the very life that I looking forward to .
2023-08-16 05:26:101


I hope this dream come true soon .
2023-08-16 05:26:199

英文翻译 “如果我有一个愿望可以实现的话,我希望能和你永远在一起,厮守一辈子。”

如果我有一个愿望可以实现的话,我希望能和你永远在一起,厮守一辈子:If I have a wish can come true, I hope with you together forever, endure forever 此世不渝:The world will 英语中没有成语 大都是根据汉语意思翻译成的成语
2023-08-16 05:26:471


Wish everyone"s desire to be satisfied.
2023-08-16 05:27:091


2023-08-16 05:27:195


I hope their dream comes true
2023-08-16 05:28:011


Red is the symbol of luck,It can make people"sdream come true.
2023-08-16 05:28:253


A dream which can not come true.
2023-08-16 05:28:541


A desire can not be realised
2023-08-16 05:29:033

VBA listbox控件横向滚动条的问题!

2023-08-16 05:28:422


2023-08-16 05:28:421


2023-08-16 05:28:4314


答案没有,我有一个一年的序列号,不过自己在用 要的话可以给你
2023-08-16 05:28:502


2023-08-16 05:28:521


2008年市区小学升初中电脑派位工作于7月22日在开封教育电视台演播大厅举行。5984名小学毕业生通过电脑派位的形式升入初中。 今年我市初中招生工作总体原则仍然是免试、划片、就近入学,与以往相比,突出变化有两点:一是市政府认真贯彻落实上级有关要求,清理规范义务教育阶段改制学校工作,市十四中等五所改制学校一律转为公办学校,执行公办学校招生政策,承担市区的义务教育;二是十四中西迁,今年秋季开始在新校招收新生,以缓解西区入学压力。今年,市区共有小学毕业生7150名,市中招办根据中招委员会的要求,对小学毕业生进行分阶段录取。第一阶段,对特长生进行单独提前录取。这一阶段,体育传统项目学校和市教育局批准招收特长生的学校,共招收了258名体育、艺术和科技类特长生。第二阶段,第一志愿报名人数未超过本校招生计划的初中,对报名学生已全部录取,共录取908人。第三阶段,通过电脑派位进行录取。根据《2008年开封市小学升初中入学工作意见》精神,对报超的初中学校,采取电脑派位的办法进行录取,今年有5984人参加电脑派位,约占小学毕业生总数的84%。第四阶段,在电脑派位后,对一、二志愿均未被录取的小学毕业生进行手工分配,7月底将完成初中录取工作。根据报名情况统计,今天参加第一志愿派位的学校有7中、27中面向南片班、27中面向市区班、河大附中面向北片班、河大附中面向市区班、13中、33中、金明中学面向西片班、金明中学面向市区班、14中面向西片班、14中面向市区班、求实中学、兴华中学等13所学校。根据生源分布情况,经市中招委研究确定,面对全市招生的学校、东片和南片学校按每班45人派位,西片和北片按每班50人派位。在电脑派位现场记者看到,整个电脑派位公开透明,市领导张家顺、候玉梅、崔兰婷,市教育局、监察局部分领导,市区部分中小学负责人,家长代表观看、监督了电脑派位全过程。 (开封教育网编发) 开封市小学升初中电脑派位结果查询
2023-08-16 05:28:563


2023-08-16 05:29:014


最准确的起卦方法,回答如下:起卦方法繁多,常见的有四种:金钱法、掣签法、梅花法、揲蓍法。1. 金钱法金钱法也叫“摇钱法”,起源于西汉的易学大师京房,是对于先秦揲蓍法的一个简化,二者可以等同。金钱法操作简单,具体是选用三枚铜钱。铜钱其实没有什么要求,只要铸币工艺比较好,大小厚薄均匀即可。汉魏时期用五铢钱,唐以后用开元通宝,清代民国用康熙或乾隆通宝,这些都可以。我们现在的铸币工艺之高超,是历史上无法比拟的,硬币也容易获得,所以占筮的时候用现在市面上流通的硬币即可。或曰还是应该用古钱币,会比较准确。我不赞同,占筮最重要的是态度的虔敬,与用的是今币还是古币没有关系。对周易理解深入了,用塑料币、游戏币都可以。2、掣签法即抽签法,这个操作比金钱法更为简单。具体分以下几种:(1)将八个基本卦写在竹签上,放入竹筒中,默念所问之事,从中抽出一支,得下卦;再把这一支放入竹筒中摇匀,默念所问之事,从中抽出一支,得上卦,上下卦合起来即得本卦,用六面骰子来决定哪一爻变,即得出变卦。(2)把六十四卦的卦名分别写在六十四支竹签上,默念所问之事,从中抽出一支,即得本卦。然后再默念所问之事,用六面骰子来决定哪一爻变。(3)直接把六十四卦的三百八十四爻写在三百八十四根竹签上,默念所问之事,从中抽出一支,这一爻所在的卦就是本卦,这一爻变后所得的卦即是变卦。3、梅花法即梅花易数起卦法,这个方法创立自北宋的大儒邵雍。梅花法随物取象,比掣签法更其迅捷,而亦因此对于占筮者的要求就更高了。很多人学梅花易数,但都算不准,这不是方法的问题,而是修为的问题。周易没有方便法门,是需要扎扎实实的学习和修行的。梅花易数的原理,即是把世间万物皆纳入八卦体系,抽象成八卦,基础就是我们在第一讲中所讨论的卦象的问题。4、揲蓍法所谓揲蓍,就是用手握着蓍草茎来反复的分合。先秦的揲蓍法其实已经失传了,现在通行的做法是来自于朱熹。朱先生根据易传中的一段话:“大衍之数五十,其用四十有九,分而为二以象两,挂一以象三,揲之以四以象四时,归奇于扐以象闰,五岁再闰,故再扐而后挂。”还原了先秦的揲蓍法。朱熹在旧时是配享孔庙的大儒,其还原的揲蓍法亦有易传文字为根据,所以后人皆从之。
2023-08-16 05:28:371


2023-08-16 05:28:341


2023-08-16 05:28:341


2023-08-16 05:28:323

仰小实大,俯大实小 的意思是

2023-08-16 05:28:272


24V电源线,有些特殊。可直接从端子箱连接,也可分支在端子箱盒内。例如;电源线可一根线连接N个摄像机,但信号线、视频线(或网线)不行,必须一对一。端子箱哪里能有电,它只是过度箱而已。24v是从主机出来的直流电压,为了防止路线过长造成压降,输出直流一般在27v。然后分支到很多端子箱,再细分到各自的产品中,现在的消防产品需要24v的比较少了,如强启强切类输入输出模块,其他诸如声光,层显等,根据品牌的不同,现在正在逐渐尝试舍弃24v电源。其实你可以想象成消防主机电源直接到产品,只是中间多了几个接线盒而已。24V电源线从消防端子箱引出来,到各个消防模块箱,线管是串联连接计算长度,不是端子箱到每个模块箱分别计算长度。UC3846控制芯片工作原理控制图 逆变焊机原理与用途数字万用表电阻档测试二极管正反向没有阻值(使用万用表测量二极管的正向电阻,为什么各档)学单片机需要学数电模电吗(学单片机要先学数电模电吗)电工怎么选择适合自己用的万用表(电工初学者买什么样的万用表好)单片机需要同时运行多个任务怎么办(单片机怎么同时执行多个任务)电机保护的方案取决于负载的机械特性绝缘电阻表正负搭接不复零位是怎么回事短路怎么用万用表查。
2023-08-16 05:28:251