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2023-08-23 16:22:34
TAG: 英文 qq


The most distressed is not you don"t love me, but I don"t know how to love you.


Woman, when in love, just like, isolated.


Why bother to love a person who does not love you, forcing others to embarrass yourself.


What is happiness? Is to hide his sadness, smile for everyone.


I miss the evaporation into the cloud, and then under the rain wet your grudge.


Once the care, once can not put down, slowly and with this man disappeared.


Let me love you can, but please give me a reason to love you.


I love you forever! Until the end of time! Love to the Yellow River flooding!


In fact, boredom is a part of life.


Until the age of seventeen to understand, it is not love.


After all is how, let you change the love for all of me.


There are a lot of people who are good to you, but only a few of you are good.


If love needs begging, I"d rather be alone.


I am the key you are the lock, no I unlock, you can never walk away.


Every day, every night thinking of you, always read you.


In fact, I live a very real at least on my own is so good morning.


Don"t want to be your trap, lonely always try habit cheer up.


I have a wonderful smile, just because I thought of you.


I"m not blind, but my sky is grey.


My world will be destroyed, maybe the decadent is another kind of beauty.


Efforts to go forward, only to catch up with your footsteps.


Every now and then is our memories.


Know that my heart is only a long time in my heart, I know you can hurt you invisible.


Some things, Pordained, I was stubborn.


In my life, the most let three words is your name my heart.


If we go back to the past, is not slightly embarrassed?


When I need it, I can not give a point of view of care.


Blind worship of others, as proud of the apPciation of their own.


This year who are not who who, who are not worth who shed tears!


The choice to spend a lifetime is not necessarily the most love, the most love may not be able to spend a lifetime.


Some things, not do not care, but care about and how.


Some words and don"t say is hurt. Some people leave and will not leave.


Have been accustomed to your hands, holding my kind of gentle.


To you has become a habit, but a self righteous habit!


You will always be my frame, and I just your traveler.


Perhaps never fall in love with him, but love the fairy tale.


The highest realm of men do not you go because of who, but let the girl to pick you up.


Promise more, can not do, it is just a lie.


Waiting for the embrace of the most loved, is the most happy thing in this life.


You are my white time the most simple miss.


Waiting for your life to the old love, but in exchange for you a break up bar.


Where you go, where I go, for a lifetime.


The flowers just opened, but she needs to nourish and she needs to be watered.


Often things change people, but people can not change things.


Finally, you Yongming guardian.


If you fall in love with someone else please don"t tell me, I didn"t you imagine so brave.


No what empathy, needle don"t tie your body you will never hurt.


Looking forward to the future, waiting for you to meet.


Sad voice, you can not hear, I am still waiting for what?


Sometimes I really want to forget you, forget you, had appeared in Russia in the world.


The lacrimal gland and heart is the most love, because every time it is crying it hurts.


Will you marry me? I do。


Loneliness is probably like this, no one laughs with you, but you no sorrow.


He always thought I didn"t care, but he didn"t see me for his tears.


Who win who lose is no longer important, can be a good time to pain.


I do not know from what time to start, I become even their own feel strange.


If there is an afterlife, I must be nervous, because I walk you idiotic.


Maybe this is love, the first red face, and then red eye.


Your situation has nothing to do with me, but let me go back to a good slow.


Actually I have been very cute, at least with certainty enduring as the universe.


I was so NianJiu, accustomed to things not willing to lose.


Leaves leave, is because the pursuit of the wind, or because the tree does not retain.


He let you red eyes, but you still smile to forgive.


I do not know when, your heart has been occupied by others.


Say goodbye, no longer meet, say forget, all memory is dense.


Love, only suitable for two people together, can not be perfect, but always let people look forward to.


We have grown up, have too much heartache and tears.


I can"t give you what you want so I don"t blame you for me!


Life troubles on the 12 words: do not put, can not see, can not see through, forget.


I have a cough, are you thinking of me?


He will pay more and more, we will be moved, how many people are greedy animals?


Position can increase the person"s power, but not the authority.


You have a personal obsession, entanglement, in situ wallow painful love.


Rational love you, whether you have fallen.


Love leave scars, but also teach people to forget pain.


Can fire assay, a woman may try to use gold, men may try to use a woman.


The world is really small, like a turn around, do not know who will meet.


Accustomed to your indifference, sudden concern will let me know what to do!


I hope you are sick, only I take care of you, I hope you will not be sick.


We have a patient attitude, free, lonely.



它推崇个性,擅长以非主流的手法表现艺术家的内心独白或者折射社会现实。下面我为大家带来非主流的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习! 非主流的英语拼写 Non-mainstream 非主流的相关英语例句 君主主义者是一个内部争吵激烈的非主流的小团体。 2. I"d like to get some alternative music for my niece? 我想买一些非主流的音乐给我侄女. 3. Coca - Cola already has 8 percent of the alternative beverage market. 可口可乐 公司已经占领了非主流饮料市场8%的份额. 4. Pseudo - non - mainstream ~ stop so I do not know called line. 伪 非 主流~别再这么不知所谓行么.实在是没法再看下去. 5. Think non - mainstream loaded dressed as cute and it is not the States. 试想半老徐娘装扮成非主流装可爱,实在不美. 6. You should be seeing the between the alternative news and mainstream. 你应该认识到非主流与主流媒体的差异. 7. Whether now QQ space, blog, forums, where are the so - called - mainstream. 现在不管是QQ空间, 部落格, 论坛, 到哪都是 所谓 的非主流. 8. I hate non - mainstream! So, please some friends themselves! 我讨厌 非 主流! 所以, 某些朋友自重! 9. Meanwhile, we create high non - mainstream sense and street culture and bravely lead new stream of consciousness. 同时开辟高阶的 非 主流意识和街头文化,大胆开创和引领漫都新意识流. 10. Hale and hearty atmosphere, aesthetic fashion, non - mainstream clothing, different customers have different requirements we photographic planning. 硬朗大气 、 唯美时尚 、 非 主流服装, 不同的客户要求我们有不同的摄影策划. 11. Back then Hippies were regarded as a counter - culture that threatened to disrupt normal society. 那个时候,嬉皮文化被看作是一个对常人社会有破坏性威胁的非主流文化. 12. I would like to ask those who play non - mainstream friends do you know? 请问那些玩 非 主流的朋友你知道 吗 ? 13. Young *** s, typically not a big audience for animated films, also played an important role. 年轻的成年人, 典型的动画电影的非主流, 仍然在票房收入中扮演了重要角色. 14. Though once considered outside the mainstream of scientific inquiry, astrobiology has a formalized field of study. 虽然一度被视为非主流的科学问题, 但天体生物学已成为正式的研究领域. 15. The tribunals were established for the well-integrated members of society and not for marginal individuals. 特别法庭是为主流社会成员、而非个体设立的。 非主流的英文例句 1. 非主流文化群体则以这样或那样的方式遵循着主流文化。 Nondominant groups are supposed to follow that pattern in one way or another. 2. 他们不去看问题的本质方面,主流方面,而是强调那些非本质方面、非主流方面的东西。 They do not look at the essential or main aspects but emphasize the non-essential or minor ones. 3. 乍听之下,他们似乎在说,过去是"主流"的新闻,现在应该成为"非主流"的新闻。 "On the face of it, they seem to be saying that what used to be "mainstream news"should now bee "non-mainstream"news." 4. 易富贤勇敢的非主流观点渐渐获得了大陆主流媒体的承认,掀起了第一波讨论 *** 。 Yi"s brave unorthodoxy has slowly broken into mainstream mainland publications, creating the first stirrings of national debate. 5. 他秉持“邪魔”的巨大能量,保持一种永远的批判立场,对身处其间又游离其外的台湾社会发出孤独而不祥的声音:一方面批判民主时代的不公不义、政治台湾的纷扰不安,一方面嘲讽“多元文化”的虚与委蛇、主流与非主流在大众化时代的合谋演出。 Standing on the edge of the society, with the voice of a "demon", Wuhe unceasingly issues his ridicule and critici *** to the unjustness in the world. 6. 文章最后指出,非主流意识形态想要在主流文化产业中表现自己的价值观,仍然是困难重重。 It finally concludes that there is still a long way for the people outside the dominant ideological structure to get their value reflected in the dominant cultural industry. 7. 在民族基础教育课程知识观上,存在着主流文化与非主流文化课程知识观的矛盾冲突。 In nationality elementary education curriculum knowledge view, the mainstream culture and the non-mainstream culture curriculum knowledge view contradictory conflict. 8. 而史铁生《我的遥远的清平湾》,则是主流知青文学与非主流知青文学亦即知青文学另类书写合流的结合点。 Shi Tiesheng"s My Remote Qingpingwan is the end of the convergence of the mainstream literature of intellectual youth and the non-mainstream literature of intellectual youth with distinctive style. 9. 一些非主流研究领域,比如星象学、卜术和意念及超自然探索,在社会中起到了很重要的作用,因为他们满足了人们无法从主流科学获得的需求。 Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science. 10. 研究界的一些非主流领域,比如星象学、占卜术和意念及超自然探索,在社会中起到了很重要的作用,因为它们满足了人们无法从主流科学获得的需求。 Such non-mainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science. 非主流的双语例句 此外对于使用者而言,也应当有方法来让他们访问到非主流的活动,但是UI不应当为此而进行优化。 There should be a way for the user to access non-mainstream activities, but the UI should notbe optimized for its use. 另外,虽然很少但也发生的一种情况是,有一股非主流的嘻哈厂牌正在尝试使用这种音乐巨大的影响力来为政治目的服务。 What less frequently, if ever, hits the airwaves though, is an alternative brand of hip hop whichseeks to use the genre"s immense appeal for a political cause. 全球化也许会催生出完全同质化的消费者市场,但非主流文化依然前途光明——这是《连线》主编安德森的言之凿凿。 Globalisation may have created a fairly homogenous consumer market, but alternative culturestill has a future – or so argued Anderson, the editor-in-chief of Wired. 专业人士将其统称为“施受虐狂症”,他们往往将这种非主流的性生活方式倾向使用“奴役—支配—虐待—受虐”这一术语,或简称为“BDSM”。 Known collectively as "sadomasochi *** " to professionals, those who practice this alternativesexual lifestyle tend to use the term bondage-domination-sadi *** -masochi *** , or BDSM. 复杂标准集的这个有限测试意味着,如果您尝试一些非主流问题,可能会经常遇到问题。 This limited testing for a plex set of standards means you"ll often encounter problems if youtry anything that"s not in the mainstream. 他们要“监督”本地媒体,是要促使媒体多报道“非主流”意见。 They intend to be a media “watchdog” and get the media to focus more on “non-mainstreamopinions”. 另外,要理解这种非主流的理论,必须首先领会基础理论,然后才能研究这些理论将给我们的研究带来怎样的变数。 Moreover, we understand these alternative theories by understanding thebasic theory first, and then seeing what changes these theories lead to. 但无信仰者并非社会的非主流这个研究结果让无信仰者也很满意。 But the non-believers might also fort themselves that they are no longer outside themainstream. 当时我既非主流社会的美国姑娘,也不再是地道的多明尼加女孩。 I was not a mainsteam American girl and I wasn"t a totally Dominican girl anymore. 没有资金投入这种非主流的研究。 It is not well-funded. It is not mainstream research. 看过非主流的英语相关知识人还:
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非主流 non-mainstream 或alternative 例句 1.I"d like to get some alternative music for my niece? 我想买一些非主流的音乐给我侄女. 2.Commercial real estate and tourism are no longer non-mainstream products. 商业和旅游房地产不再是非主流产品. 3.The selection is enormous and includes mainstream and alternative pastimes. 学生的选择相当多,主流与非主流的兴趣都有.
2023-08-16 04:44:081


2023-08-16 04:44:176


非主流 Non-mainstream.
2023-08-16 04:44:324

非主流 用英语怎么写?

2023-08-16 04:44:405


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2023-08-16 04:45:091


非主流基本翻译alternative网络释义非主流:Non-mainstream|FZL|Unusual You非主流报价市场:Unsolicited Quote大连非主流:DLFZL
2023-08-16 04:45:191


↘▁GrΕΕ∏ mοr∑゛
2023-08-16 04:45:404


主流 的英译 mainstream 有几个不同意思, 因此 mainstream 的反义词,除了 non-mainstream 之外, 有这些其他单词:On the edge, exterior, heterodox, outside, periphery, unconventional, uncommon, uncontemporary
2023-08-16 04:45:481

非主流 用英文怎么写?

2023-08-16 04:45:566


non- mainstream.. 外国非主流叫PUNK.事实上欧美的punk 就是真正的 非主流 . 从词面理解,非主流是个性的宣言.非主流就是张扬个性、另类、非大众化,不盲从当今大众的潮流,讲究符合自己心性的服装 、衣着、言行。 非主流原意本身是一个很小资和小众的圈子代表词,但在中国被严重恶俗化了。我国的国产非主流,彻底将原本的非主流盗了版,成为垃圾和冒牌的代名词。 说到此,不得不谈到我国的国产非主流们的专用字体,火星文. “中国的非主流”跟“非主流”有什么不一样! 非主流指的是一种不是主流的文化,外国的非主流一般指:朋克,歌特之类的。 中国的都是P图,玩颓废?非主流难道都是搞这些的。 发型都是80年代日韩类型的,说实话很俗气,一点也不另类,最多别人说你哈韩。 非主流的服饰国外有很多,但好象都很贵的,中国反正好象没什么非主流的衣服牌子。所以中国玩非的大多穿的乱七八糟,把冒牌的hiphop服饰也拿来当非主流的, 还有他们的音乐,照片,经常是把VR的东西拿来当自己的,后日韩的hiphop音乐当非主流音乐。 中国的非主流给人的印象 就是 :瞪眼睛,撅嘴巴,内8字。这3个明显的是学日本风格,如果觉得不是的话,可以去看下日本的动漫或游戏,里面女的都是内8子。 还有非主流的都喜欢叫自己爷啊娘啊,才多大点,还寄生在父母的襁褓里。 中国部分的非主流一点也没什么个性,全是日韩80年代的文化和一些中国的一些自以为是的。 麻烦中国的非主流你们别学日韩的造型,可能在5年前,哈日哈韩还是种时尚,现在土的掉渣.... 最后还说下,别说些什么鸟语,最烦的就是这种,你是想装港澳同胞还是老外?繁体字可以,你想让别人看不懂就学点外语把,英语,法语都可以,别一天拿个汉字转换器打些自造的鸟语。玷污中国汉字。 所谓的非主流,在国外叫做“庞克”,到了国内摇身一变成了“非主流”。国外的庞克虽然早期也是一种堕落的地下文化,但本意是宣扬反压迫和对现实的不满,以至于想改变这种现状。到现在则渐渐发展成为一种年轻的,有想象力,创造力,有活力,不被传统所拘束的的文化,甚至是对生活的美好向往,虽然有些部分仍偏向于暴力和灰色,但这种暴力说的是年轻的敢玩敢做,而不是国内的打打杀杀,死去活来什么的。为什么到国内是摇身一变呢?因为国内文化水平和国外不是那么接轨,仍有好多差距。而年轻人又刻意追逐国外文化,这种“庞克”文化就有意无意的被国内思想尚未成熟的年轻人所扭曲掉,变成了带有堕落等负面影响的非正常文化,尽管国外也经历种个阶段。所以与其说目前国内的是“非主流”,倒不如是说“非正常”来的更直接些。而且真正的“非主流”不是网上一些PS过的图片这种简单的玩意,而是一种相当专业的了,不信请去问下那些真正玩“非主流”的人去吧! 中国,有一群非主流的生活者,但是,他们现在不耻于"非主流"这个曾经让他们骄傲的词语. 穿着劣质而又奇怪的衣服. 顶着一头早上起来可以不用打理,像草一样的头发. 追求着怎样能够多吸引一些目光. 真正的非主流,是态度.而不是形式. 真正的非主流 是一种精神 灵魂 而不是华丽也好 恶心也好的外表
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ABBYABBIE是ABIGAIL的简写。人们认为ABBY是娇小可爱的女人,文静,令人喜爱,个性甜美。ADA(老式英语)"高贵"的意思。为ADELAIDE的简写。ADA给人的印象是年长保守,辛勤的工作者。ADELINEAdelaide的英文写法。Adeline被描绘为守旧,坏脾气的女孩,过份有礼但目中无人。AILSA古德语,快乐的姑娘的意思。AIMEE来自法语,意为可爱的人。ALICE(希腊)"真理";(老式德语)"贵族"。大部份的人都把Alice看做是"爱丽丝梦游仙境"的那位爱丽丝-一个年轻的梦想者喜欢热闹有着不受束缚的灵魂。有些人则认为她是自傲的老女人。ALINA爱丽娜,古德语,『高贵』的意思。ALLISON盖尔语,微小,真实的;古德语,名闻众神。令人联想到美丽无瑕的女子,聪明,体贴。ANGELIA(希腊)"天使,传送讯息者。"Angelia被描绘为美丽,娇小的女子若不是有着甜美温柔的个性,即是活泼莽撞的女孩。。AMANDA(拉丁名)其词根表示爱的意思。AMANDA表示可爱的人。人们认为她保守美丽又纤细,甜美富有。ANNE善良、优雅、喜欢帮助人的女孩.皇室的皇后、公主很多都是这个名字或者ANNIE,许多平民也都很喜欢这个名字。ANN(希伯来)"优雅",HANNAH的英文形式。 ANN这个名字让人想到平凡,中等阶级的女子,善良,踏实,勤勉,且憨厚。AMY拉丁文意思是"被深爱的"。AMY给人的印象是个玲珑,纤细的女孩,并有着安静,沉着,有文化素养及宛雅的特质。AMBER古法语,琥珀。令人联想到高恌,气质优雅的红发女孩,聪敏,性感,坚强又傲慢。ANASTASIA认得吗?就是福斯新片真假公主的英文原名。来自希腊字复活,因此这个名字很适用于出生在复活节前后的日子。早期的基徒往往用它给那些刚刚洗礼的女孩子取名,表示获得了新生命的意思。由于这个名字含有较多的宗教性,所以,在爱尔兰和美国得到了较为广泛的传播。腻称为STACEY。ANDREA(拉丁语)"有女人味的"。ANDREA被描绘为成熟健康的女人可能是聪明也有可能是笨拙的,轻声细语也有可能严肃的令人难受,大体来说,ANDREA是令人敬佩的。ANGELA(希腊)意谓天使,传递消息的人。ANGELA被形容为美丽,纤细的女人,温柔可人或是有活力但莽撞的女孩。ANNIE同ANN,如同孤女安妮一般,ANNIE被形容为可爱的小女孩,言行或许可笑却很聪明,个性和善却很固执。ANITAAnita是Ann的西班牙写法。人们认为Anita这个名字非常适合娇小、美丽,性格讨喜的中层阶级女性,伶俐,讨人喜欢,而且充满乐趣。ARIEL(希伯来),上帝的母狮子。母狮子,才不呢?ARIEL有着更柔美的形象,纤细,美丽,公主般的女孩,聪明而羞涩。APRIL(拉丁),开始的意思。当人们听到APRIL时,他们想象的是优美的少女,甜美,活力奔放。ASHLEY来自梣树林的人,ASHLEY被形容为美丽的专职妇女,害羞,友善有着正确的价值观与品味,喜欢有猫咪小狗的陪伴,还有穿著长礼服弹琴。AVIVA(希伯来)同Avivahc和Avivi. 有"美好的春天"的意思。BEATA(拉丁名)最快乐幸福的人。BONNIE(苏格兰)意思是美丽,BONNIE这个名字让人联想到美丽,有这红色头发的苏格兰乡村女孩,充满活力,和善而且甜美。BECKYREBECCA的简写。BECKY被形容是可爱的顽皮姑娘,注重世俗之物,文静又快乐。BEATRICE同BEATRIX,(拉丁)带来欢笑之人。人们认为BEATRICE是高大,强壮的单身女人,有着非凡的厨艺。BETTYBRENDA(古式英语)煽动者,BRANDON,及BRENDAN的女性形式。BRENDA不是被描绘成美丽年轻的金发女孩就是有着恬静个性的黑人南方女人,或是穿著套装精明干练的女商人。为Elizabeth的简写。Betty这个名字让人在脑中浮现一个金发女孩的影像,傻的可爱,又风趣。BLANCHE(法语)白色,纯洁之意。人们心目中的BLANCHE若不是美丽善于运动的就是平淡乏味的女孩。最新英文非主流网名CANDICE(希腊语),闪烁耀眼的。CANDICE令人想到身材高挑,美丽无瑕的女子,外向,直率,独立,而甜美。CARMEN(拉丁)歌曲;(西班牙)来自卡曼山的。CARMEN给人的第一印象来自歌剧。CARMEN被形容作美丽,麦芽肤色,棕眼的西班牙女孩,坚强非常有吸引力。
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1、我也相信爱可以排除万难;只是,万难之后,又有万难。这是我更相信的。 I also believe that love can overe all difficulties; but after all difficulties, there are all difficulties. This is what I believe more. 2、习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一直没有习惯看不到你。 Habits are unfortable, habits miss, habits wait for you, but has never been used to not see you. 3、世上本没有对与错,是因为说对与错的人多了,便有了对与错。 There is no right or wrong in the world, because there are many people who say right or wrong, so there are right or wrong. 4、到不了的都叫做远方,回不去的都叫做过去,不回头的都叫做别离。 Those who can"t get there are called distant places, those who can"t go back are called the past, and those who can"t go back are called parting. 5、迩能伤害到的人,只能是这个世界上最爱迩的人因为别人根本不会在意迩。 You can only hurt the most loving person in the world because no one else cares about you at all. 6、你走了,我留下的是一辈子的伤心,这个时候我的心一直在痛! You left, I left a lifetime of sadness, at this time my heart has been painful! 7、能做红颜知己的必是女人中的精品!能有红颜知己的必是男人中的智者! To be a confidant is the best of women! He who can have a confidant is a wise man among men. 8、我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 I really love you, close my eyes, think I can fet, but shed tears, but did not deceive myself. 9、哪里有人会喜欢孤独,只不过是不喜欢失望罢了。 Where will someone like loneliness, just do not like disappointment. 10、翻开日记,满满记载的都是你的一点一滴,却在末页留下我已干的泪痕。 Open the diary, full of records are your bit by bit, but left in the end of my dry tears. 11、等有人让你不孤单的时候,放下手中的烟,忘记曾经伤与痛! When someone makes you not lonely, put down the *** oke in your hand and fet the hurt and pain! 12、你的虚伪,我从头看到尾,我的追随,谁看到了属于我的美。 Your hypocrisy, I see the end from the beginning, my followers, who see the beauty that belongs to me. 13、多希望死亡只是身上的一个按钮,一按即去,不痛不痒。 I hope that death is just a button on my body. It"s not painful or itchy to press it. 14、你说过要努力,可是要怎么努力呢,一个人的心可以坚持多久呢。 You said to work hard, but how to work hard, how long can a person"s heart persist? 15、把爱情当作信仰!可是生活已经是,另一番模样。我希望永远学不会坚强。 Take love as faith! But life has been another story. I hope I will never learn to be strong. 16、我喜欢冬天,因为白昼短暂而黑夜漫长,这样会有更多的时间来逃避。 I like winter because the days are short and the nights are long, so there will be more time to escape. 17、课本必须考过就丢,考过了还提起绝对是书呆子。 Textbooks must be lost if they have passed the exam, and it is mentioned that they are absolutely nerds. 18、甚么事情都会成为过去,我们是这样活过来的。 Everything will be in the past, and we live like this. 19、就算全世界将我遗忘,我只要你记得我的存在。 Even if the world fot me, I just want you to remember my existence. 20、晨雾散尽了最后的迷茫,我再也找不到你的去向。 The morning mist has dissipated the last confusion, I can"t find you anymore. 21、承诺本来就是男人与女人的一场角力,有时皆大欢喜,大部份的情况却两败俱伤。 Commitment is a struggle beeen men and women. Sometimes they are happy, but in most cases they are both defeated and injured. 22、钱从什么地方来,不用我管,老爸老妈都还年轻呢!这就是我们这一代的优势。 Where does the money e from? Don"t let me take care of it. My parents are still young. This is the advantage of our generation. 23、悲伤,你给的,绝望,你给的,离开,我们要的。 Sadness, you give, despair, you give, leave, we want. 24、淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。 Through the rainy air, tired and sad, the fairy tales in my memory have slowly melted. 25、你简直就是个,除了还是,减去还是,真是上加,去掉还有个,而且是的倍! You"re just one, besides, subtract or, it"s really a plus, take out another one, and it"s ice as much! 26、任何时候都不敢让自己有期待,因为好怕也会有失望! Never dare to let oneself have expectations, because fear will also have disappointment! 27、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 One is a magnificent and short dream, the other is a cruel and long reality. 28、爱情之酒,两人喝是甘露!三人喝是酸醋!随便喝要中毒! The wine of love, o people drink is manna! Three people drink sour vinegar! Poisoning if you drink at will! 29、大多数改签名的人,都只是想写一句符合自己心情的话,给某个人看。 Most of the people who change their signatures just want to write a sentence that suits their mood and show it to someone. 30、我喜欢花,什么花都喜欢,最喜欢的是红的像血的玫瑰,白的像雪的百合! I like flowers. I like all kinds of flowers. My favorite flowers are red roses like blood and white lilies like snow. 31、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 Those who used to say that they would never be separated have long been scattered in the horizon. 32、牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。 Holding your hand, wherever I am, I feel like running towards heaven. 33、在这社会里,爱情是因为伤痛绝望而美丽,像罗蜜欧梁山泊。 In this society, love is beautiful because of pain and despair, like Romeo O Liang Shanbo. 34、我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。 I count your laughter every day, but you are lonely even when you laugh. 35、如果能给我一个真诚的绝对,无所谓我什么都无所谓。 If you can give me a sincere absolute, it doesn"t matter what I do. 36、戴上面具我就失去了自己,可是摘下面具我便失去了世界。 I lost myself when I put on the mask, but I lost the world when I took off the mask. 37、爱与床是可以分开的。上床了只是因为在床上,前提多了上床动机就不单纯了。 Love and bed can be separated. Bed only because in bed, the premise of more motivation to go to bed is not simple. 38、为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候,就让回忆来陪我。 Why is happiness always passing by? When I think of you occasionally, let memories acpany me. 39、祈求天地放过一双恋人,怕发生的永远别发生。 Pray for heaven and earth to let go of a pair of lovers, for fear of never happening. 40、每一个嘴上说不想谈恋爱的人,心里都装着一个不可能的人。 Everyone who says he doesn"t want to fall in love has an impossible person in his heart. 41、一个女人为什么多愁善感,因为背后一个无知的男人。 Why is a woman sentimental, because behind it is an ignorant man. 42、才发现,打不通你电话时,和我说“对不起”的总是移动。 Only then found that when you can not get through to the phone, and I said "sorry" is always mobile. 43、女人,总是因为男人而不停的改变,流泪,折磨自己。 Women, always because of men and constantly change, tears, torture themselves.
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We are NB...
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  如果您是一个喜欢音乐、喜欢英文,一定要听听这些好听的英文歌曲。下面我给大家分享了关于好听非主流英文歌曲,希望你喜欢。  好听非主流英文歌曲10首   1) 蓝精灵片尾曲蓝精灵   2) The Diva DanceEric Serra   3) SurvivalSkyline乐队   4) HushEliza Doolit   5) CopycatEmma Longard   6) 环太平洋片尾曲环太平洋   7) ApologiseNikki Stewar   8) WildfireThe Saturday   9) 欧洲杯主题曲 欧洲杯   10) Moves Like Jagger 丁少华   好听非主流英文歌曲   1) Team PlayerEliza Doolit   2) What About UsThe Saturday   3) You Don"t Have the RightThe Saturday   4) Back PackingEliza Doolit   5) Nothing Here But LoveLenka   6) White Christmas欢乐圣诞   7) Waste of TimeEliza Doolit   8) You Hear A SongCassadee Pop   9) The Top Of Memory LaneLenka   10) Two HeartbeatsLenka   11) A Dialogue Between Me & My Ghost何欣穗   12) Alcohol Kills何欣穗   13) single ladies 碧昂丝   14) No Distance Jason Chen   15) Just For A Moment Jason Chen   16) Big When I Was LittleEliza Doolit   17) In Your HandsEliza Doolit   18) Don"t Call It LoveEliza Doolit   19) Not Giving UpThe Saturday   20) Bad Romance吴莫愁   21) Just Let You Get Away韩博   22) UnbelievableSoler   23) 苹果 广告 歌曲广告歌曲   24) Let It RainEliza Doolit   25) Make Up SexEliza Doolit   26) No Man CanEliza Doolit   27) Walking On WaterEliza Doolit   28) As It SeemsLily Kershaw   29) Ashes Like SnowLily Kershaw   30) Bathed in BlueLily Kershaw   31) Easier To LieCassadee Pop   32) Everybody SingsCassadee Pop   33) Good TimesCassadee Pop   34) I Wish I Could Break Your HeartCassadee Pop   35) One Song AwayCassadee Pop   36) Proved You WrongCassadee Pop   37) This CarCassadee Pop   38) Wasting All These TearsCassadee Pop   39) Good GirlLily Kershaw   40) Like The SunLily Kershaw看了“好听非主流英文歌曲” 文章 的人还看了: 1. 非主流英文歌曲大全 2. 非主流英文歌曲 3. 超级好听的经典英文歌曲 4. 2016好听英文歌曲推荐 5. 60首最好听的英文歌曲
2023-08-16 04:48:181


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非主流个性英文签名短句   引言:爱情,是青春迷乱岁月里的一轮杏黄月,美好而朦胧。接下来我给各位读者分享一些非主流个性英文签名短句,欢迎大家阅读。   1、Time waits for no one.   时间不等人。   2、Put it dissolve into zero, whether not become poison.   把它溶解成零度,是否不在变成毒。   3、Let you taste my poise, you leave me want to celebrate.   就让你见识我的风度,你离开我要不要庆祝。   4、Knowing you are poison, but can"t help kiss on your lips.   明知道你是毒药,却情不自禁的吻上你的唇。   5、I love the men flower heart also due, so I be more affectionate more ruthless.   我爱的男人花心也揪心,所以我越多情就越无情。   6、My spirit and soul, keep waiting in your heart the door.   我的灵和魂魄,不停守候在你心门口。   7、I think I fall in love with you.   我好像喜欢上你了。   8、Stars can not shine without darkness.   如果没有黑暗,星星就无法闪耀。   9、Each step, could not follow you, see the farther the distance more walk but.   每一步,都跟不上你,看距离越走却越远。   10、gone not around any longer.   因为从有到无。   11、Turn is winter, sunshine getting thinner and pale.   转眼便是冬日,阳光变得稀薄而苍白。   12、Quiet exists, the quiet, to let others feel my existence.   安静的存在着,安静到让别人感觉不到我的存在。   13、Those who loved, heart, and how it slowly fade.   那些爱过的人,心是怎样慢慢凋谢。   14、Since you left crushing the dream with, then I choose in perishing in addition.   既然你用离开粉碎这场梦,那么我选择在沉沦中腐生。   15、Every boring hour in life is unique.   在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版。   16、The story to finally, don"t remember who first obscure eyes.   故事到最后 不记得是谁先朦胧了眼眸。   17、When you think highly of me, you think I will look at you?   等你看得起我的时候,你觉得我还会正眼看你吗?   18、Please don"t play my feelings, also do not ignore my feelings.   请你别玩弄我的感情,也不要忽视我感情。   19、I love you you are my Juliet, I would like to become your liang shan bo.   我爱你你是我的朱丽叶,我愿意变成你的梁山伯。   20、Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry.   有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事。   21、Your own taste, let my heart closely rely on.   你的专属的味道,让我的心紧紧依靠。   22、My grave is not short of you to burn incense.   我的坟墓还不需要你来上香。   23、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.   谢谢你的微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。   24、The moon high up the night I hope my love to you can follow you to faraway places.   明月高挂的夜里 ,我希望我对你的爱能追随你到天涯海角。   25、There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime.   有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子。   26、We alone is the best penalty we originally fault how difficult.   我们孤单是最好的惩罚 ,我们原来过错有多么难。   27、Deep love person hide the heart does not hang mouth.   深爱的人藏心不挂嘴。   28、In may, June, finalizing, each rush thing.   五月,曲终人散,六月,各奔东西。   29、False roll for me.   虚情假意的给我滚。   30、In the sentimental days, I take time, messy floating.   在那些感伤的日子里,我拿流年,乱了浮生。   31、You are not me, you don"t know my loneliness, itas after.   你不是我,你不用懂得我的寂寞,就当作是经过。   32、Do not ask me well, I do not even know yourself!   别问我过得好不好,我连自己都不知道!   33、Love is like sentence spell always let people willingly addictions.   爱情像句咒语, 总让人甘心沉迷。   34、If i stop, would you come?   如果我止步,你会走进我吗?   35、We are all busy XiZi, not commit, cannot be resolved.   我们都是忙忙碌碌的戏子,不全心投入,便无法落幕。   36、Sketch pale write, when you leave me after the story.   素描淡写,当年你丢下我之后的故事。   37、Every time I think about you, just you also reminds me, your heart will quivering slightly a little.   每当我想起你时,恰好你也想起了我,你的心能微微颤抖一下就好了。   38、Do not tell a lot of heart hidden, but the loss of hidden in the depths of bai bury memory can"t remember.   心里藏着好多不可诉说的逝去,但又藏在记忆深处呗埋葬记不起。   39、Before you give up ,think of the reason why you held on so long.   放弃之前,想想自己为何坚持了这么久。   40、I never back.   我永远不会回来。   41、My sky is bright because of you.   我的星空因你而明亮。   42、Once many times of decision, finally were bested by your prayer.   曾经好多次的决定,最后都败在了你的祈求下。   43、Destiny is a deck of CARDS, licensing is god, play CARDS is myself.   命运是一副牌,发牌的是上帝,玩牌的是自己。   44、At the end of the movie play who is the sadness, the eyes of you sing is who uneasiness.   电影的结尾演的是谁的悲,你的眼眸唱的是谁的不安。   45、Once this dial the disorderly my heartbeat, now how could I forget you.   曾今拨乱我心跳的人,如今我怎么可能忘记你。   46、love at the first sight.   一见钟情。   47、Love the evolution of such failure, leaving only that deep helpless.   爱情演变的如此失败,只留下那深深的无奈。   48、Love me love my dog!   爱吾及屋。   49、I am about to lose my mind,You have been gone for so long.   我快要疯了你离开了太久。   50、Supporting also have the chance to you but eliminated belongs to me and mesmerizing.   配角也有出场的.机会,你却抹杀掉了属于我的戏码。   51、Give up is completely lost, persistence will have at least a glimmer of hope.   放弃了就彻底的输了,执着最少还会有一丝希望。   52、Passing is fleeting moment, miss is eternal.   路过是一瞬,错过是永恒。   53、Habit with you, with you in, so happy. Also fear of losing you.   习惯有你,有你在,很开心。同时也害怕会失去你。   54、To look back, and saw one no longer young, never make public does not rise.   再回首,看见自己不再韶华,再也张扬不起来。   55、I will give you all my love.   我将给你全部的爱。   56、I never need you, don"t need you then insincere words.   我从来都不需要你,不需要你那假惺惺的话语。   57、Return to mou that past once, but it"s only a game.   回眸那过往的曾经,原来只是一场游戏。   58、If one day, you make me forget, Beg you never think of me.   如果某一天,你把我忘记了,祈求你永远都不要想起我。   59、Itself is a lonely, but also make you feel lonely antidote.   本身是一种寂寞,却还要做你寂寞的解药。   60、we put in the darkness of the heart is called the moon dancing.   我们把在黑暗中跳舞的心脏叫做月亮。   61、This street so empty your shadow was in every corner.   这街道那么空, 你的影子却在每个角落。   62、Tears are cruel.   眼泪是残忍的。   63、Thoughts of you Be like kite segment the line.   对你的思念就像风筝段了线。   64、Overflowing of I, walk in the overflowing looking for love road.   漫无目地的我,走在漫无目地寻找爱人的路上。   65、So close, you so far.   那么近又那么远。   66、Miss forever looking at you even if you never found me.   好想永远这样的看着你, 即使你从来没有发现过我。   67、I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream.   听说海也哽咽着昨天的梦。   68、You again how b,oethius observed all still could not return to the origin.   你再怎么强颜欢笑 一切都还是回不到原点。   69、My heart shall put on cotton-padded jacket, it can resist without your winter.   我的心要穿上棉袄,才能抵御没有你的冬天。   70、For a long time with is how long? Buried in the side enough.   久伴是多久?葬在身边够不够。   71、I would like a strains have no feet of plants, in-situ waiting, and put you in my heart deeply.   我会像一株没有脚的植物,原地等候,也把你深深种在我的心间。   72、You say me is you a lifetime of devotion, don"t belong to love.   你说我是你一辈子的挚爱,可不属于爱情。   73、The warm smile,if the quality.   微笑向暖,安之若素。   74、I wish you loved me.   但愿你爱过我。   75、Pain makes people change.   痛了,人就变了。   76、I use memories under an end to end the iron between us the story.   我用回忆烫下一个句号来结束我们之间的故事。   77、Pack out really is worse than promiscuous.   装出来的真心比滥情更可怕。   78、I see it all, I see it now.   一切都已了然。   79、I absolutely don"t say I love you, this is between us the tacit understanding.   我绝对不说我爱你,这是我们之间的默契。   80、All eyes are on the longing of his body.   所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。   81、Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.   情人眼里出西施。   82、Let go hand in a noisy streets, find the pupil picture.   放开手在喧闹的大街,找不到瞳孔中的画面。   83、They have a loving person, password and my password only my own.   他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。   84、Reluctant to lose residual temperature, forgetting the scar is still in pain.   舍不得丢掉残留的温度,却忘了伤疤还在痛。   85、Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain.   此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然写出了多少暗恋的痛。   86、Is not life if it is only as first, but life what not to meet.   不是人生若只如初见,而是人生何如不相逢。   87、Want to pick pure heart, still believe and you hear my anniversary of faith.   想要重新拾起单纯的心,任然庆信还有你听我的信仰。   88、The hustle and bustle of the city.   城市的喧嚣。   89、Each other just have the tacit understanding, but you let go chose abandoned.   彼此刚刚拥有的默契,你却放手选择了抛弃。 ;
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你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。  Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.  在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。  In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.  一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。  For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much. .想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。  It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can"t be expressed with any choice of words不同的时间,不同的地点,不同的人群,相同的只有你和我;时间在变,空间在变,不变的只有对你无限的思念!  You and I remains the same in different time, at different places,among different people; time is changing, space is changing and everything is changing except my miss to you!  没有杯子……咖啡是寂寞的……没有你……我是孤独的……  Coffee is lonely without cups. I am lonely without you.
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2023-08-16 04:50:003


问题一:非主流的英文怎么说? 这个词汇是外国才说的,起源就是杀马特,你觉得英文的说法会准吗,拿到外国别人也听不懂,只能当作中文式英文, non-mainstream,乡村非主流所谓异端。 非主流是另类到让大众无法接受的意思,打扮方面有很多人不知道什么才算非主流的,包括网络素材也很多都错误命名,杀马特那种是非主流的代表和鼻祖,甚至在国内你可以划等号。 请采纳或追问 问题二:非主流的用英语怎么说? 我估计楼主说的是cult films 倍受小众推崇的一类电影 问题三:非主流英语怎么翻译 非主流 non-mainstream 或alternative 例句 1.I"d like to get some alternative music for my niece? 我想买一些非主流的音乐给我侄女。 2.mercial real estate and touri *** are no longer non-mainstream products. 商业和旅游房地产不再是非主流产品。 3.The selection is enormous and includes mainstream and alternative pastimes. 学生的选择相当多,主流与非主流的兴趣都有。 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_弧)O ... 问题四:"非主流"英语怎么说?谢谢! non-mainstream 问题五:非主流英语怎么说? Non-mainstream 我们英语老师讲的。。O(∩_∩)O~
2023-08-16 04:50:081


"非主流" Non- mainstream 或 nonmainstream 这两种写法都可以。 Not- essential not style 关键要看楼主用在什么地方了 非主流来源的国家:那些崇尚个性张扬的人们,有个性固然好,但是对一种并不了解的事物很盲目的就崇拜、效仿,那是不是有点不够理智或者夸张点说思想还停留在幼稚期呢! 非主流的起源,相信有很多人听说过TOKYO HOT,即翻译过来是东京热。东京热是日本最大的一家IV电影电视台我们现在看到的世界上60%的AV电影来自这个电视台,它位于东京的涉谷地区也就是非主流的发源地,被自称为非主流一族最向往的地方。在日本卖淫是合法化的交易,最早非主流就是涉谷的YUAN交女(即我们说的卖YIN女)为了招揽主顾所自称的一群人,换句很不中听的话就是说自认为很非主流的人其实你模仿的或者你喜欢的风格就是在模仿坐台小姐你喜欢的就是在街头或者坐在包厢里等待客人的感觉。 日本视觉系的分支
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  Black is the darkest betrayal, forgiveness Who Loved the pain.最黑的黑的是背叛,最疼的疼的原谅。你还知道哪些吗?下面是我特地为大家整理的一些,赶快来围观一下吧!   【优美篇】   1、Looking at less than the height of happiness.   仰望不到幸福旳高度。   2、Our love never e back, how sad it is a word.   我们的爱再也回不来,这是一句多么悲伤的话。   3、Avec tout le courage de mettre en place le plus brillant sourire.   用所有的勇气,撑起最灿烂的笑容。   4、You just take me as a ferry, by the time I spent lonely desolate.   你只是把我当作渡口,借我度过寂寞荒凉的时光。   5、Let you taste my poise, you leave me want to celebrate.   就让你见识我的风度,你离开我要不要庆祝。   6、I don"t want to be in tears, but I am still in grief.   我不想流泪,并非我不哀伤。   7、Sometimes goodbye is the only way.   有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。   8、Tears apart from cowardly should not representative of anything outside.   眼泪除了懦弱之外什么都不能代表。   9、How much growth is needed to cover the sadness out of a mirage.   成长是需要多少悲伤来覆盖出来的海市蜃楼。   10、I cannot waited your forever,but you be others sun.   等不到的地老天荒,你却成了别人的阳光。   11、Tears are mailed to me the gift green, address is not how happiness.   眼泪是迩邮寄给莪旳礼物,地址是不怎么幸福。   12、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.   爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。   13、I have passed your heart.not I don"t want to stay.but you would not shelter.   我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。   14、Don"t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.   属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留作回忆。   15、Looking back, standing on the already dim lights are not you.   蓦然回首,站在灯火阑珊处的早已不是你 。   【精选篇】   1、我爱的遍体鳞伤,你玩的孜孜不倦。   I love you play diligently covered all over with cuts and bruises.   2、这世上什么都是假的,对自己好点。   What is false in the world, to their own good point.   3、我只有一刻会温柔,但是被狗吃了。   I only have a moment to be gentle, but I was eaten by a dog.   4、是不是只要麻醉自己,就可以不清醒。   Is not as long as the anesthetic, you can not sober.   5、心灵这种地方,既然有锁就会有钥匙。   The heart of this place, since there is a lock will have the key.   6、爱本是泡沫怪我没有看破才如此难过。   Aimoto is to blame me for not only through the bubble so sad.   7、有时候,我也不想去计较内些东西了。   Sometimes, I don"t want to care about something.   8、疼都是别人给的,但伤都是自己好的。   The pain is others give, but the injury is their own good.   9、什么罪都可以定,所谓情罪如何偿还?   What crime can be fixed, the so-called love crime how to repay?   10、大海谢谢你替我收藏不能和情人说的话。   The sea, thank you for my collection can not be said to my lover.   【热门篇】   1、任回忆萦绕,凭思念灼烧。   Any memories haunted by thoughts of burning.   2、深到骨子里的爱,那是离不开。   Deep into the bones of love, that is cannot do without.   3、有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。   Sometimes, there is no way to say goodbye.   4、只怪自己太年轻,是人是狗没分清。   Blame yourself too young, is the dog did not distinguish.   5、余音终究是余音,能回圈不能重来。   It is sound and sound, can be re circulation.   6、谁能给我一个肩膀,让我狠狠的哭。   Who can give me a shoulder, let me cry.   7、她说,我是一朵为爱情开花的仙人掌。   She said, I am a flower for the flowering of the cactus.   8、我再多的解释,也只是你眼中的掩饰。   I have more explanation, it"s just a cover up in your eyes.   9、莪对迩思念的力量,足以让花儿开了。   I miss you on the strength, enough to make the flowers.   10、我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。   I just like you, I like to be afraid of.   11、尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!   Not even left, I have you yearn day and night!   12、眸那过往的曾经,原来只是一场游戏。   Eyes that past once, it is just a game.   13、离别,拉长了身影,身影,拉开了距离。   Departure, elongated figure, figure, opened the distance.   14、很相信能成就大爱,很相信能炫耀自己。   I am sure that I can achieve great love, I am sure to show off myself.   15、最珍贵的感情,从来不用被捧在手心里。   The most precious feelings, never be held in the palm of the hand.
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1、Even next second we didnt meet, on one second we will meet.即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。 2、以后不要在我面前说英文,OK? 3、We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, thats when we find out just how strong we really are. 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。 4、Wise men learn by others" harm, fools by their own. 5、A cheerful wife is the joy of life.快乐的妻子是生活的乐事。 6、Let the time tell the truth. 任由时间说真话。 7、Life is a candle . If burned out , there will not chance for you to start again . Lets value life.生命像一根蜡烛,烧完了就没有机会了,从头开始。所以让我们珍惜生命吧! 8、The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。 Fuller 富勒 9、Friendship isnt about whom youve known the longest,its about who came, and never left your side. 朋友不是那个你认识得最久的人,而是那个来到你身边后便不再离开的人。 10、Whats the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 11、Three things in life when gone never come back: time, opportunity, and words. 人生有三样东西不可挽回:时间,机遇,以及说出去的话。 12、Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love. 谁拒爱于门外,也必将被爱拒诸门外。 13、While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭。 14、When the words I love you were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.第一次听到你对我说我爱你,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。 15、Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔 16、love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 17、Every day without you is like a book without pages. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 18、Dream is like underwear.Although you have it,you can not show it to everyone you meet.理想就像内裤,虽然你有,但是你不能逢人就证明你有。 19、You cant have a better tomorrow if you dont stop thinking about yesterday.如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 20、Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing. 记忆是痛苦的根源,忘记也是一种福气 21、No matter how difficult life, don"t lose the hope of tomorrow.无论生活多么艰难,不要失去对明天的希望。 22、my love,you are like a flower,so sweet and pure and fair.我的爱人,你就像一朵鲜花,那么甜蜜、纯洁而秀雅。 23、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。 24、Every day is a beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.每一天都是一个开始。深呼吸,从头再来。 25、Transformation at the moon, the earth rotating, so that the most timeless to see each other 26、Is there a moment, feel is redundant. 有没有那么一瞬间,觉得自己是多余. 27、I have searched a thousand years,And I have cried a thousand tears.I found everything I need,You are everything to me. Barry Fitzpatrick.我寻觅了千万年,我哭泣了千万次。我已经找到了需要的一切,你就是我的一切。 28、Smile to cover up the sad and silent all the way.微笑掩盖悲伤,沉默诠释一切。 29、Things do not change,we change. 世界没变,是我们变了。 30、The best life is not blind to think, do more, need less, understand the content.最好的生活就是不瞎想,做得多,要得少,懂知足。 31、A cat may look at a king.猫也有权晋见国王。 32、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 33、no man or woman is worth your tears, and one who is wont make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 34、Later you mature but also do not love to laugh.后来你成熟了 可是也不爱笑了。 35、Do or do not. There is no try.要么做,要么滚! 36、Each piece of the young will be old 每段年少都会苍老。 37、The purpose of life is to enjoy every moment.生活的目的在于享受每个当下。 38、Love is unequal, so don"t count how much one contributes, and which is more active.爱情本就是个不等式,因此,不要计较谁付出的多与少,哪一方更加主动。
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peerless it"s ok Ein Kleines Lie
2023-08-16 04:51:1315


1、凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。 Fading is true while flowering is past. 2、逗你笑的最爱你,惹你哭的你最爱。 Make you laugh the most love you, make you cry you most love. 3、即使说抱歉,也换不回我们的曾经。 Even if I"m sorry, I can"t change the time. 4、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。 Happiness, is looking for a warm person for a lifetime. 5、我只想问你,若我回头,你还在不在? I just want to ask you, if I look back, you are still not in? 6、不主动就会失去,但主动多了真的好累。 Don"t lose, but more active really tired. 7、想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。 When I think you have some happiness, happiness is a little sad. 8、习惯用那虚伪的笑。去掩盖内心的悲伤。 The habit of using the false smile. To hide the sadness of the heart. 9、可能是我还活在有你的世界,无法自拔! May be I still live in your world, unable to extricate themselves! 10、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Hold my hand, close your eyes, you won"t get lost. 11、难受也好,痛苦也罢,至少是一种感觉! Uncomfortable or painful worth mentioning, at least it is a feeling! 12、谁捧起花的脸庞,让岁月美的黯然神伤。 Who holds the flower face, let the years the United States fell dejected. 13、我相信你仅仅是出自内心所谓的一种在乎。 I believe that you are just a kind of care from the heart. 14、那些风景还来不及看清,就已经消失不见了。 The scenery is too late to see, it has disappeared. 15、擦去脸上的泪水,却带不走心中痛楚的感觉。 Wipe away the tears on the face, but do not take away the feeling of pain in the heart. 16、你说时间会冲淡一切,距离会让我们好过些。 You said that time will dilute all, the distance will make us feel better. 17、其实我早就不爱你了、只是遗憾拉住我不放手。 In fact, I do not love you as long as I am sorry to hold me not to let go. 18、不是不关心,只是不敢问,害怕知道你的一切。 Don"t care, just don"t dare to ask, afraid to know everything about you. 19、你的世界,我只是过客:我的世界,你却是主角。 Your world, I just traveler: my world, you are the protagonist. 20、预见你,欲见你,遇见你,然后,我们就此别离。 Anticipate you, want to see you, meet you, and then we will depart. 21、爱情就像两个拉皮筋的人,受伤总是不愿放手的。 Love is like two elastic pull people, injured is always reluctant to let go. 22、爱情除了刚开始的一见钟情,其他的都一文不值。 In addition to the beginning of love at first sight, the others are not worth a hair. 23、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。 You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans. 24、我难过的时候你在哪里?一句抱歉就能把空白代替? Where were you when I was sad? Sorry to be able to replace the blank? 25、心痛…静静的坐着、只能感受自己内心的那份苦涩。 Heartache... Sitting quietly, only to feel the bitterness of their own heart. 26、我们就像一根火柴棒,一燃而尽,曙光还没看到尽头。 We are like a match stick, a burning and do, the dawn has not seen the end. 27、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了。 A person from that The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, others have long been forgotten. 28、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry。 29、相遇是一种美丽,相识是一种欢心,而相知是一种幸福。 The encounter is a beautiful, met a favor, and knowing each other is a kind of happiness. 30、无所谓,该放就放别让自己那么累,让梦纯粹静候循环。 No, the put does not make yourself so tired, let the dream purely wait cycle. 31、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。 The day you left, I decided not to tears, against the wind and not to blink of an eye. 32、有一天你能到我的心理去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。 One day you can go into my heart, you will see where all of you sad. 33、他都不难受,他只要自由,退到无路可走,不如就放开手。 He is not bad, as long as he is free, no way to go back, just let go. 34、别害怕,我一直站在你的身后,总在你呼唤时守在你左右。 Don"t be afraid, I always stand behind you, and keep on your side when you call. 35、我不知道一个人的一生可以有多少个十年可以给另一个人。 I do not know a person"s life can be how many ten years can give another person. 36、你总是不说话不理我。让我身在其中。方知其痛。痛不欲生。 You always don"t talk to me. Let me in it. Fang knows its pain. hardly wished to live。 37、牵着你的手,无论是在哪儿,我都觉患上像是执政天堂奔驰。 Hold your hand, no matter where you are, I feel like a paradise on the run. 38、不要走,请逗留,不要再让我心痛,难道你认为伤我还不够? Don"t go, please stay, don"t let me heartache, don"t you think I"m not enough? 39、现在得爱情有了金钱得奠基,才会是爱。没钱就什么都不是。 Now have to love the foundation of love, will be the love. Nothing is nothing without money. 40、我想你了,却不能对你说,怕只怕,说了,对你也是一种折磨。 I miss you, but can"t say to you, if, say, for you is a kind of torture. 41、就算是醉生梦死,也是记忆的一种,因为你始终不能忘记什么。 Even here, but also a kind of memory, because you always can not forget what. 42、人在悲伤的时候,不管听多么欢快的曲子,都会止不住的流泪。 People in sad time, no matter how happy to listen to music, will stop the tears. 43、只是一天离开了你,你就狼狈得像是一个只需要我安慰的孩子。 Only one day left you, you embarrassed me like an only child comfort. 44、快乐的时候,你听的是音乐。难过的时候,你开始懂得了歌词。 When you are happy, you are listening to music. Sad when you begin to understand the lyrics. 45、鱼上钩了,那是由于鱼爱上了渔夫,它愿用生命来博渔夫一笑。 Fish bait, it is because the fish fell in love with the fisherman, it is willing to use life to Bo fisherman smile. 46、每天只是想听听你的声音,就算你没有表达什么,就是这么爱你。 Every day just want to hear your voice, even if you do not exPss what, is so love you. 47、有的时候,会很想很想你,我以前的最爱,我只能在这里告诉你。 Sometimes, I would like to think of you, I love the most, I can only tell you here. 48、偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。 Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching. 49、如果,我消失了。是否会有人为我流泪?你是否听见爱情在哭泣? If I disappear. Whether there will be someone to shed tears for me? Do you hear the cry of love? 50、莪们德爱情永远都想迷宫一样,永远都走不出去,永远都逃不出。 We always think of the maze of love, will never go out, never can not escape. 51、因为我知道路的尽头总有笑容灿烂的顾小北在等我,这让我勇敢。 Because I know the end of the road there is always a bright smile Gu Xiaobei waiting for me, which makes me brave. 52、我以为我们会走到最后,可那只是我以为罢了。没有实现的以为。 I thought we"d come to the end, but that"s just what I thought. Did not realize that. 53、你的寂寞让我留恋,不小心回头看了你一眼,只有孤单的人会寂寞。 Your loneliness makes me reluctant to part with you. I don"t care to look back at you. Only the lonely person will be lonely. 54、爱一个人不是要拥有他,只要在远方默默地注视他,也就心满意足。 Love a person is not to have him, as long as the distance silently watching him, also satisfied. 55、我很好,不吵不闹不炫耀,不要委屈不要嘲笑,也不需要别人知道。 I am very good, do not quarrel not to show off, do not wronged, do not laugh, do not need others to know. 56、沉默是害怕的借口,傻笑是委屈的理由,用力的微笑,扯痛了嘴角。 Silence is afraid of excuses, giggling all reason, forced smile, pain at the mouth. 57、我生命中那个曾被我深恋过的天使扑扇着自己残损的翅膀飞进了夜幕。 In my life that was my deep love angel flapping their wings to fly into the night damaged. 58、黑夜里不敢点灯,是谁让我越陷越深,让我深爱过的人,越来越陌生。 The night is not light, who let me deeper, let me love, more and more strange. 59、我喜欢冬天,因为白昼短暂而黑夜漫长,这样会有更多的时间来逃避。 I like winter because the days are short and the nights are long, so there will be more time to escape. 60、那天的天很蓝,那天的云很白,可是,那天的风,却吹的我泪流满面。 The day is very blue, the day of the cloud is very white, but, the day of the wind, but I burst into tears. 61、听着你对别人说你对我只是玩玩,躲在角落旁的我,心一下子死掉了。 Listen to what you say you are just playing for me, hiding in the corner of my heart, suddenly died. 62、断了联络,断了思念,最后的希望已灰飞湮灭,心已疲倦,痛吗?不懂。 Cut off contact off the miss, the last hope have huifeiyanmie, heart is tired, hurt? Do not understand. 63、思念一个人的滋味,就象是喝了一杯冰冷的水,然后一滴一滴凝成热泪。 Miss a person"s taste, as it is to drink a cup of cold water, then drop into tears. 64、我们用双手紧紧地握别,让感觉在手中轻轻撩过,共享一份难忘的温馨。 We shake hands firmly with both hands, let the feeling in the hands gently brushed, sharing an unforgettable warmth. 65、说自己是现实主义者的人,往往是因为理想已经深化成现实一般的模样。 Said he is a realist, often because the ideal has been deepened into a realistic general appearance. 66、如今的你又在谁的身旁,家乡月光,深深烙在我心上,却流不出当年泪光。 Now you"re in the side who, hometown moonlight, deep in my heart, but can not shed tears. 67、如果是以前我会很生气,很生气,如今我只觉得寒心,连怪你的心都没有了。 If I will be very angry, very angry, I only feel the chill today, even blame you do not mind. 68、到了今年,没有什么是一定要的。如果说有什么一定要的,那就是对自己好。 To this year, there is nothing to be sure. If there is any need, it is good for yourself. 69、一个人想事好想找个人来陪。一个人失去了自己。不知还有没有要在追的可望。 A person to want to find someone to accompany. A man loses himself. I do not know there is no need to follow the expected. 70、如果,不幸福,如果,不快乐,那就放手吧;如果,舍不得、放不下,那就痛苦吧。 If, not happy, if, not happy, then let go; if, do not give up, do not let go, then the pain. 71、过往,过去的往事。回忆,回不去的记忆。时光带走了一切一切,留我在原地独自哀伤。 Past, past events. Memories, memories can not go back. Time took away everything, leaving me alone in sorrow. 72、爱情从希望开始,也由绝望结束。死心了,便是不再存在着任何我曾经对你有过的希望。 Love begins with hope, and ends with despair. Give up, is no longer any hope I once you have. 73、做一个更好的人,确信在遇见一个新的人之前知道自己是谁,也希望那个人知道你是谁。 Be a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are. 74、有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。 Some of the encounters between people is like a meteor, sudden spark of envy, but is being in love with you. 75、当我流着泪向你说再见,你只是冷漠的向我告别,不感看你的冷漠的眼,心已碎成千片。 When I say goodbye to you with tears in my eyes, you are just indifferent to me, not to see your cold eyes, the heart has broken thousands of pieces. 76、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。与寂寞有染,和幸福无缘。月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。 My end is no regrets, pining away to. And loneliness affair, and happiness without edge. On the willow, after dark. 77、每个人的青春,终逃不过一场爱情。在这里,有爱,有情,有喜,有乐,却单单没有永恒。 Everyone"s youth, the end of a love. Here, there is love, love, joy, happiness, but alone is not eternal. 78、只有和自己同一世界里的人在一起才是最安全的,爱若捕风,何必要捕捉必定要离散的风呢? Only with people in the same world together is the most secure, love if vanity and vexation of spirit, why to capture is bound to discrete the wind? 79、自己爱的人同时也爱着自己,这简直是一种奇迹,神明为这种奇迹取了一个名字,叫作恋爱。 The one you love also loves you. This is a miracle. And the God names this as falling in love with each other. 80、也许、只有当一个人消失、她的美、她的好、才会一天比一天精心动魄、让人死心裂肺的想念。 Perhaps, only when a man disappeared, her beauty, her good, will one day than a day fine heart soul, let a person forget Miss crack lung.
2023-08-16 04:51:471


你这个很难让人理解你说的,不过我推荐一下吧:Eversleeping--xandria 超好听的英文 Ein kleines lied(失色天空)--Candee 可爱的声音BybBye--玛利亚凯利 很舒服 Burning-玛丽亚·亚瑞唐多 Trouble Is A Friend --Lenka 挺有意思的歌 甩葱歌--初音未来 相信你一定听过 Because of you--Kelly 歌手优秀,歌曲好听 Faraway--gala ; you--Brown eyedgirls ; love is color--Bling 超好听; I Saw You Walking In The Rain--samira 感觉还行,据说后街有唱过; Tell Me Why--Declan Galbraith 有名的童声 ; 法国非主流女生慢摇--歌手不清楚,个人最喜欢的非主流歌曲 暂时只能想到这么多,都是听的不错的,推荐了一些不完全算非主流的歌曲,希望你能喜欢!
2023-08-16 04:51:542


2023-08-16 04:53:011


Befour - How Do You DoHow do you doYou like me and I like youCome and take me by the handCuz I wanna be your friendHow do you doYou like me and I like youSay how do you do you doHow do you do you doWhen I"m going on a sunny holidayAnd my plane leaves to a place so far awayI"m so happy cuz its time to celebrateOh I feel like I could danceDifferent people all around the globe don"t knowWhat to say when there"s a stranger I will showThat there is a way you can communicateEverybody understandsHow do you doYou like me and I like youCome and take me by the handCuz I wanna be your friendHow do you doYou like me and I like youSay how do you do you doHow do you do you doHow do you doYou like me and I like youCome and take me by the handCuz I wanna be your friendHow do you doYou like me and I like youSay how do you do you doHow do you do you doHow do you doIt"s so easy when you want to make a friendWhen the sun is shining in a distant landThere"s a certain feeling that surrounds your mindAnd you feel like you can danceWhen you"re going to the south of AfricaTo America or to AustraliaYou"ll see people of all colors and all kindsEverybody understandsHow do you doYou like me and I like youCome and take me by the handCuz I wanna be your friendHow do you doYou like me and I like youSay how do you do you doHow do you do you doHow do you doYou like me and I like youCome and take me by the handCuz I wanna be your friendHow do you doYou like me and I like youSay how do you do you doHow do you do you doHow do you do
2023-08-16 04:53:101


2023-08-16 04:53:195


狼王——Ulrica(优利卡) 杀手——Quella(瑰拉) 朦胧——Cecilia(赛茜莉雅) 柔——Claudia(克洛迪雅) 辛——Desdemona(荻思梦娜) 帝释天——Indira(英帝拉) 无子——Izefia(义哲法) 武圣——Louise(露易斯) 黛妮——Danae,含义既然是黄金像下雨一样从天上掉下来。这个名字实在太灵了!!大家认为呢? 春华——Chloe(克洛哀) 幸——Felicia(菲莉茜雅) 安——An 白雪——Snow(丝诺) 冰——Ice(爱丝) 月亮——Celina(赛莉娜) 月之子——Amaris(爱玛黎丝) 朦胧——Sicily(茜丝莉) 朦胧——Cecile(赛西尔) 天使——Angelina(安洁莉娜) 炽天使——Sera(赛拉) 炽天使——Serafina(撒拉佛娜) 樱——Sakura(莎珂拉) 洁——Karida(卡丽妲) 洁——Elina(艾莉娜) 羽翼——Aletta(爱莱塔) 真白——Blanche(白蓝雪) 真白——Fiona(斐奥娜) 雪兰——Elodie(伊洛蒂) 玫瑰泪——Dolores(多洛莉丝) 哀——Delores(德洛莉丝) 柔——Claudia(可洛迪雅) 莫愁——Deirdre(迪德黎) 辛——Desdemona(荻丝梦娜) 雨夜——Amaya(哀弥夜) 孤挺花——Amaryllis(爱玛莉莉丝) 秋牡丹——Anemone(爱妮梦) 美神——Cytheria(茜赛莉雅) 天后——Gina(姬娜) 花仙子——Laraine(莱蕾) 圣女帝——Dione(帝傲霓) 米迦列天使——Michelle(蜜雪儿) 米迦列天使——Michaela(米迦列拉) 六月天使——Muriel(穆利尔) 夜妖——Lilith(莉丽丝) 春娘——Ishtar(伊旭塔) 春娘——Easter(伊丝塔) 河妖——Lorelei(洛勒莱) 妖姬——Delilah(迪丽拉) 暗之花——Melantha(魅兰莎) 公主——Sade(萨德) (注:为莎拉的昵称。1740~1814,法国有一位男作家也叫萨德。其作品充满了性变态。因此之后从他的名字引申出施虐狂(sadist)一词。而sade一词似乎也有施虐狂的意思。) 紫水晶——Amethyst(瑷玫夕丝) 光明——Kira(姬拉):语源—拉丁语
2023-08-16 04:53:351


2023-08-16 04:53:474


2023-08-16 04:53:553


Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Ё А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я ё‐
2023-08-16 04:54:051


2023-08-16 04:54:142


Firefly -A Teensthe show -Lenkatrouble is a friend -Lenkalove is color blind -Sarah Connerwe will not grow old -Lenkaalways getting over you -Angela ammonspeerless -Darinsitting down here -Lene Marlinlubov -rosstallanma(俄罗斯)bloated -strandpoker face -ladyjust dance -ladytelephone -ladyce frumasa e iubirea -giuliamirror mirror -m2mpretty boy -m2mthe day you went away -m2meverything you do -m2mwhatever you like -ti(注意要刚开始就有女声唱“Stacks on deck ”这个版本的,其他很难听)i could be the one -donna
2023-08-16 04:54:422

求非主流英文网名,不要纯单词,不好看,比如_ г!ɡμτ

2023-08-16 04:54:515


Bizarre Love Triangle歌手:frentela oreja de van gogh歌手:rosasA Todo Color歌手:Las EscarlatinaWhen There Was Me歌手:vanessa hudgensTangled Up 歌手:CranesStay Together歌手:珍妮弗 洛佩兹Unfaithful歌手:RihannaTell Me歌手:SandyEverytime We Touch歌手:CascadaBrining Down The Moon歌手:Joana ZimmerЗнаешьлиты 歌手:МаксимPeroMeAcuerdoDoTi 歌手:克里斯蒂娜The Loneliness 歌手:babyfaceBlack & White歌手:Carried AwayJe Ferme Les Yeux 歌手:Najoua BelyzelDes Maux Mal Soignés 歌手:Najoua BelyzelPaulina Rubio Ni Una Sola Pal 歌手:Paulina RubioQuand revient l"été 歌手:Najoua Belyzelencore une fois 歌手:helene segaraSay It Right 歌手:Nelly FurtadoFar from the city 歌手:cranesjulie zenatti lorie comme toi 歌手:Tina Arena上面的歌曲比较少噢,都是很好听的,有点不容易找到喔,嘎嘎。。Too Little Too Late 歌手:JoJoTen Feet High 歌手:Andrea Corrstraight from the heart歌手:S Club 7Far from the city 歌手:cranesSka vi g hem till dig 歌手:MiioStay The Same 歌手:Joey McIntyreGhetto Child 歌手:JoeSorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 歌手:Bluecrush 歌手:joey moedaybreak 歌手:Janet Jacksonfearless 歌手:floortjeCry 歌手:RihannaHeartbreak away 歌手:Sharon KipsDry Your Eyes 歌手:3rd StoreeClose to You 歌手:Jay DelanoIt"s Not Goodbye 歌手:laura pausinIf I Ever Fall In Love 歌手:Michelle HunzikerShould It Matter 歌手:sisselSee a Little Light 歌手: BelindaA thousand words 歌手:Savage GardenShe"s No You 歌手:JesseMcCartneystronger 歌手:SugababesBetter Than That 歌手: Maria Arredondoon and on 歌手:Maria ArredondoA Thousand Nights 歌手:Maria ArredondoJust a Little Heartache 歌手:Maria ArredondoThat Day 歌手:Maria Arredondo日韩歌曲:裴涩琪的最新歌曲《爱情是什么样子的 》不错的,视听: beige的《影子》Stephanie的《Because of you》韩国电视剧《狗与狼的时间》的插曲《被遮住的天空》还有《愚蠢的心》Jey&Kai的《哀愿》李秀英的《短發》Dearyou01的《To my friend》郑在旭的《给我回去 》Vocal - MtoM的《奇迹(Miracle)》...非主流音乐:mr.lonelypeerless darinQUESTIONnot gonna get ustime to rockla isla bonitaDing Dong SongMy Oh AQUA AQUAB what u wanna b moonlightshadow floorfillerpeerless darin My Oh AQUA AQUADing Dong Song
2023-08-16 04:55:141


  听歌是初中生情感寄托与发泄的重要途径,尤其是进入青春期以后,听歌,变成一件特别 有范儿 的事情,既时尚又文艺,其中格调最高的还是听英文歌曲。下面我给大家分享了关于非主流空间英文歌曲,希望你喜欢。  非主流空间英文歌曲10首   1) paloma blanca   2) Five Days   3) I Just Want You to Love Me   4) Listen   5) Take Me Home Country Roads   6) Last Of The Wilds   7) Gloomy Sunday   8) whatever you like   9) 天使消逝的地方   10) Dance To The Death   非主流空间英文歌曲大全   1) Moonlight Shadow(月光阴影)   2) Long Lost Penpal   3) We Just Laugh About It   4) Whenever, Wherever   5) Dream   6) Never Saying Goodbye   7) Burning 激情燃烧   8) I Cry   9) With You   10) Proud Of You   11) Apologize   12) Home   13) on the radio   14) Hey Juliet   15) the magic key   16) Power Of Love   17) Sunrise   18) Beautiful Girl   19) Never Grow Old   20) One World One Dream   21) I Have A Dream   22) Fireflies   23) Wait For You   24) Teenage Life   25) an angel   26) Tim McGraw   27) Satisfied   28) If Everyone Cared   29) Believe me   30) Still I m Sad   31) You Belong To Me   32) Tonight I Wanna Cry   33) Because of You (Live At Rollingstone.C   35) Call You Tonight   36) Uptown girl   37) Thats Why You go away   38) Flightless Bird American Mouth看了“非主流空间英文歌曲” 文章 的人还看了: 1. 非主流英文歌曲 2. 100首经典英文歌曲 3. 非主流空间个性说说 4. 非主流个性空间说说 5. 2016非主流空间说说
2023-08-16 04:55:231


2023-08-16 04:55:336


好听 英文开头的网名 10分 妞。ぃCrazyぃ Miss莉奥奈 情伤、难愈 Love injury, refractory 浮华尽失。 Vanity lost. ㄝ坚强点 ㄝ Ra strong point 情、放卜下 Yi love, put under Bu ξ . ξ. duo 专属,便利贴 Dedicated to facilitate the paste Allure Love (英文网名注释:倾城恋) Mo Maek (英文名翻译成中文:莫陌) Tenderness (网名翻译:温存) Flowers (英文网名注释:繁花) Poison丶biting (非主流英文网名翻译中文:毒丶刺骨 ) Desperate struggle (伤感英文名字:拼命的挣扎) Koreyoshi (意境英文网名:惟美) Adam阿当*Eve夏娃(阿当-夏娃) Adolph阿当夫*Ado川pha阿当芙亚(伟大的野狼) Alan阿伦*Alana阿伦娜(快乐的调和者-闪亮的公平者) Alexander阿力山大*Alexandra阿力山娜(同为超人的意思) Ashley阿瑟妮*Ashley阿瑟妮(居住在木地人的人爱大自然) Azarias阿沙勒斯*Azaria阿沙妮亚(得到上帝的祝福和帮助) B Baslilon巴沙里奥*Basilia马沙妮亚(国皇-皇后) Beverley拜佛力*Beverley拜佛力(海星般矜贵) Bing兵*Binga冰加(铁能成空洞发声音,多嘴的人) Blake碧*Blake碧(有正义气质) Brand宾*Brandy宾妮(上帝的孙儿如酒般清醇) Brian拜仁*Bryna拜女那(品德高尚) C Clare基亚*Clara加拉(有艳光的) Carol嘉卢*Carol嘉露(权力者,永不言败) Castor嘉斯祖*Casta嘉斯泰(勇敢而勤力) Cecil西斯*Cecilla西西莉亚(隐身不见的音乐圣者) Chritian杰逊*Christine基丝(信主的) Clive基夫*Cleva基花(悬崖居住者) D Dale德尔*dale黛尔(居住村庄的纯朴者) Daniel丹妮*Danielle丹妮尔(上帝是审裁者) Darcy德斯*Darcie戴斯(由森林而来) Darius戴维斯*Daria戴维亚(有钱人) Donald当奴*Donalda当奴达(世界的统治者) Dominic都文历*Dominica多文历卡(属于主 零距离 Zero Distance じve梦飞 adorable丶BErnie òìуìòvě ┊佐岸|佑转┊ ┭°cLouRfuLミ鱼 PUMA倍。 DáN`t cǐч 嗳烟ぷ Ice~ 稚|琦 κiξs^*^ ESTHER (波斯)星子的意思。ESTHER这个名字给人两种印象:一个是于家中握权的女人,倔强,古板,另一个则是美丽的女子,甜美又文静。 STELLA (拉丁)星星之意;ESTELLE的简写。...>> R开头的英文网名,要告诉我是什么意思,越多越好 Remembe 回忆 remnant 遗迹,残馀 remote 遥远,隐蔽的 renaissance 复兴,复活 renounce 放弃,否认 renowned 著名的 replica 复制品,复制 reprobate 拒绝 resplendent 华丽,辉煌的 revolt 反叛 粉红魔术棒;Pink magic wand 梦幻城堡;Dream castle 木之本樱;The wood blossoms推荐答案 Rae 瑞伊 希伯来 母羊 Rebecca 丽蓓卡 西班牙 圈套,迷人的美,陷阱 Regina 蕾佳娜 拉丁 女王,皇后;纯洁的人 Renata 蕾娜塔 希伯来 再生的;更新,恢复 Renee 蕾妮 法国 再生的 Rita 莉达 义大利 珍珠;勇敢的;诚实的 Riva 莉娃 法国 在河堤或河边的人 Roberta 萝勃塔 条顿 辉煌的名声;灿烂 Rosalind 罗莎琳德 拉丁 盛开的玫瑰 Rose 罗丝 拉丁 玫瑰花,盛开;马 Rosemary 露丝玛丽 拉丁 大海中的小水珠;艾菊 Roxanne 洛葛仙妮 波斯 显赫的人,有才气的人 Ruby 露比 法国 红宝石 Ruth 露丝 希伯来 友谊;同情 池水莲花;Lotus pond 绿色眼泪;Green eyes 七彩阳光;Colorful sunshine 智慧精灵;Wise elves Love on my mine(爱因为在心中) 需要以B开头的英文网名 Barbara笆笆拉 Beata贝亚特 Beatrice比阿特丽斯 (同Beatrix) Becky贝基 (Rebecca的昵称) Betty贝蒂 (Elizabeth的昵称) Blanche布兰奇 Bonnie邦厂 Brenda布伦达 (Brandon及Brendan的女性形式) u的开头英文名字 英文名 中文 性别 音标 来源 流行度 Udi  男性 ["u:di] 以色列语  Ulysses 尤利塞斯 男性 [ju(:)"lisi:z] 拉丁语  Umbria  女性 ["?mbri?] 奥里吉纳尔  Una 尤纳 女性 ["ju:n?] 盖尔语  Upton 阿普顿 男性 ["?pt?n] 古代英语  Ura  女性  印度  Urania 乌拉尼亚 女性 [ju?"reini?] 希腊语  Uriel 尤利尔 男性 ["ju?ri?l] 以色列语  Ursa 俄萨 女性 ["?:s?] 拉丁语  Ursula 尤苏拉 女性 ["?:sjul?] 德国  Ursuline  女性 ["?:sjulain,-lin,-s?-] 奥里吉纳尔  Ursus  男性  拉丁语  Uta 尤塔 女性  德国  Ute  女性 ["ju:t, "ju:ti] 德国 英文名字ki开头的有哪些? 英文名字ki开头的有 Kio:基鸥 Kip:基波 Kirk:柯克 Kirt:柯特 King:金 Kiddo:基多 Kimmo:基默 Kieron:基伦 Kian:凯安 Kiril:柯瑞尔 Kirter:柯特尔 Kingsley:金斯利 Kimoni:基莫尼 Kirsanoff:柯萨诺夫 Kittisak:科狄萨克 Kittrick:柯特瑞克 Kiel:基尔 Kitrick:科特里克 G开头 英文网名~~ 既然是网名嘛 就要有创意 普通G开头的名字一点创意也没有 G Shifting Gngun G-curve GuessIanGses Gerg 以x开头的英文名字 Xander Alexander的简称 男性 希腊Xanthus黄色 男性 希腊 Xanto 金色的 男性 意大利语 Xavier 明亮的;新房子 男性 *** Xenophon 奇怪的声音 男性 希腊 Xenos 陌生人 男性 希腊 Xerxes 王子 男性 波斯 Xhaiden 造出来的人名 男性 Ximen 听话的 男性 西班牙 Ximenes 专心致志地听 男性 西班牙 Xylon 森林 男性 希腊 Xanthe (希腊)黄色的;金色的头发 女 Xaviera 塞维亚拉来源:西班牙涵意:拥有新居,并善于保护新居的人。 女 Xena (希腊)好客的;饥生人;Xenia的别称 女 Xenia (希腊)好客的;陌生人 女
2023-08-16 04:56:291


someone like you
2023-08-16 04:56:382