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do you have any laundries你有衣服要洗吗 是这样说吗 laundry 是复数吗

2023-08-23 16:10:41

这样说对,laundry 复数是laundries



There"s a lot of laundry in the basket.




Do you have any laundry?


He"d put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket.


Please put those laundries in the paper bag and bring them down here.


We will supply offices, interpreters, technical assistants, laundries and rooms with air conditioner.











laundry译为“洗衣店,洗衣房,要洗的衣服,洗熨,洗好的衣服”。读音:英 [u02c8lu0254u02d0ndri],美 [u02c8lu0254u02d0ndri]。复数:laundries。记忆技巧:launder 洗涤 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 洗衣房。示例:We would do laundry together. 我们会一起做洗衣的杂事。短语搭配:laundry detergent 洗衣粉laundry service 洗衣服务laundry bag 洗衣袋laundry room 洗衣房laundry list 细目清单dirty laundry 脏衣服laundry basket 洗衣篮
2023-08-16 04:09:501


laundry的深层意思是洗衣店,洗衣房,要洗的衣服,洗熨,洗好的衣服。laundry,英文单词,名词,译为“洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服”。短语搭配laundry detergent洗衣粉;洗衣精。laundry service洗衣服务;爱情洗礼。laundry bag洗衣袋。laundry room洗衣房;洗衣间;洗衣室。laundry list细目清单。dirty laundry脏衣服。do the laundry洗衣服;做洗衣服的活。laundry basket洗衣篮。laundry soap洗涤皂。双语例句We would do laundry together.我们会一起做洗衣的杂事。Do you have laundry service?你们有洗衣服务吗?I have some shirts to send to the laundry.我将我的一些衬衫送到了洗衣房。
2023-08-16 04:10:051


暗约偷期发音 àn yuē tōu qī释义 约:约定;期:约会。暗中私自相互约定。指男女私定终身出处 元·无名氏《符金锭》第一折:“又不是月下星前,暗约偷期。”近义词 暗约私期
2023-08-16 04:11:122


laundry洗衣房,如果表示衣服的意思,一般指在洗衣房洗完的衣服,或者熨好的衣服.是特指. clothes就是泛指的衣服
2023-08-16 04:11:221


2023-08-16 04:12:001


laundry [laun·dry || "lu0254u02d0ndru026a]n. 洗衣店, 洗衣, 要洗的衣服
2023-08-16 04:12:243


2023-08-16 04:12:462


2023-08-16 04:12:562


1、laundry一般是干洗店,或指去干洗店洗衣,以及指要洗的衣物。当然,看到美国大片中有个公用洗衣房,很多洗衣机的那种,也叫laundry的。例子: I need to do some laundry. 我要洗些衣服了。注意,laundry不可数的。2、washing如果当名词就是指具体的洗涤了,地点不分洗的对象不分。do some washing也是洗一下的意思(一般指衣物)3、总结来说,如果要强调是去洗衣店或洗衣房,一般用 laundry.两个词都不可数,不知molikuang是不是搞错了
2023-08-16 04:13:051


2023-08-16 04:13:131

Laundry的《Laundry》 歌词

歌曲名:Laundry歌手:Laundry专辑:MotivatorRain is falling day to dayLaundry"s taking so long to dryNothing"s wrong, I won"t complain at all but IJust feel like crying today何もかも洗い流せば涙になって空へのぼる人はこうして忘れてくのそして変わるの止められないのRound and round, grey socks they runIn a circle, no ending, no startAs they go, my tears would dryAnd I can forget all about youあなたのことも忘れるわ今日で世界が止まったなら明日には新しい世界始まりだすの始まるはずよLaundry作词:Rie fu & YUI(RYTHEM) 作曲:Rie fu歌:Rie fu & YUI(RYTHEM), 中嶋晃子あなたも私を忘れるでしょう今日で世界が止まったなら明日にはそれぞれの世界始まりだすのどこにもいないの美しくて哀しい 3分のお话美しくて哀しい 爱のお话収録:「at Rie sessions」 発売日:2010/03/31~おわり~
2023-08-16 04:13:231

laundry 和 launderette 的区别 不要翻译,要详细解释。

2023-08-16 04:13:324


2023-08-16 04:13:425


laundry[英]["lu0254:ndru026a][美][u02c8lu0254ndri,u02c8lɑn-]n.洗衣店,洗衣房; 洗好的衣服; 待洗的衣服; 洗熨; 复数:laundries
2023-08-16 04:14:411


laundry 是是不可数名词,没有复数。
2023-08-16 04:15:012

laundry是什么意思 怎么读?音标是什么?

2023-08-16 04:15:121


这个区域是给囚犯提供新衣服的,这样可以显著缓解囚犯的衣物需求和卫生需求,两个需求还是比较重要的,解锁清洁后划定该区域,雇佣清洁人员可以给囚犯换洗衣服——当然,这件事囚犯自己也可以解决。 洗衣房(laundry) 洗衣房可以让犯人狱中劳役,每4格增加一个工位——80格达到最大劳役人数20人。放置的物品数量可以进行以下最低要求估算,犯人数:洗衣篮个数:洗衣机个数:烫衣板个数=80:4:1:1,且最少为1。
2023-08-16 04:15:251


laundry英-["lu0254u02d0ndru026a]美-["lu0254ndri]释义n. 洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服laundry的意思如上,至于你说的付洗衣物,可能是我孤陋寡闻了,没有见过,所以如果可以的话,请附上此意思的出处,或者上下文语境,长长见识。
2023-08-16 04:16:081

dirty laundry是什么意思?

就是丑闻的意思。等同于dirty linen。希望有帮到你。
2023-08-16 04:16:162

do the laundry什么意思

我认为do the laundry是洗衣服
2023-08-16 04:16:261

dry-cleaning /laundry的区别?

laundry 尤指洗衣店一类
2023-08-16 04:16:342


2023-08-16 04:16:442

老外指的Laundry bag是可以放洗衣机里洗的吗

2023-08-16 04:17:075

Everyone has a little dirty laundry的中文意思

2023-08-16 04:17:465

laundry day 是什么意思?

laundry day 洗衣日,1,在美国,加拿大会有洗衣日的说法,并非一个节日,而是在一月或一周定下来打扫卫生的那天,那一天大家都要干活,送洗脏衣服,把家里打扫干净等等,类似于我们的大扫除日。美剧里会经常会听到这个词。加拿大还拍过一部电影叫做《laundry day》,说的就是打扫卫生这一天发生在一个家庭的故事。2,节日名,在比利时安特卫普。“洗衣日”(Laundry Day) 是安特卫普一个音乐舞蹈节的名称。这个节日开始于1998年安特卫普的Kammenstraat大街。
2023-08-16 04:18:055

老外指的Laundry bag是可以放洗衣机里洗的吗

Laundry bag是可以放洗衣机里洗的。Laundry bag翻译过来就是:洗衣袋。洗衣袋用透气有微孔的材质制成的,把怕变形的内衣、毛衣或其他物品放进去,拉上拉链,投入洗衣机洗涤即可。用涤纶网布或网眼尼龙(有点像是蚊帐的材料)做成的袋子,有晾毛衣的,洗内衣的,使用来分隔衣服怕衣服染色和损坏。洗衣袋有2种,一种是套在衣服上,然后再将衣物放入洗衣机洗涤的,这类是防止衣服互相缠绕,发生变形。另一种是洗好以后套在衣物外面的,是为了防止灰尘的。装在洗衣袋里,为了保证衣物烘干时不至于压皱,衣物以少为宜。扩展资料洗衣袋主要作用:为了防止衣服和洗衣桶的摩擦使得衣服出现损坏。用来保护衣服,防止在洗衣机里拉扯变形用的。避免和其他衣服发生摩擦。1、洗衣袋分为细网与粗网。细网网眼密如纱布,粗网网眼如普通吸管般大小。较脆弱的衣服如针织衫,应使用细网洗衣袋;较粗的材质如窗帘布,则应使用粗网。细网与粗网的不同,在于水流对衣服拉扯力高低。粗网的水流拉扯力道强,洗净力也较细网高,但如果衣服没有太脏,选择细网比较保护衣服、还可减少沾黏其他衣服摩擦所产生的棉屑,不易起毛球。2、洗衣袋又可分为单层、双层和三层,让洗衣袋区隔每件衣服,减少纤维摩擦。不同纤维的衣服如果放在同一个洗衣袋,材质粗的衣服不但磨损质地较细者,长久下来粗质地衣服也同样受损。至于各式洗衣袋形状则是根据衣服尺寸量身打造。丸形洗衣袋适合洗内裤、三角立体洗衣袋适合洗袜子、筒形洗衣袋适合洗质料厚的毛衣、方形适合洗衬衫。张惠琪说,如果将一件小衣服丢进一个大洗衣袋,那么洗衣袋有等于没有,衣服依然受到洗衣机的强力拉扯。
2023-08-16 04:18:211

onsite laundry什么意思

2023-08-16 04:18:382

top laundry 和front laundry是什么意思

2023-08-16 04:18:453


laundry译为“洗衣店,洗衣房,要洗的衣服,洗熨,洗好的衣服”。读音:英 [u02c8lu0254u02d0ndri],美 [u02c8lu0254u02d0ndri]。复数:laundries。记忆技巧:launder 洗涤 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 洗衣房。示例:We would do laundry together. 我们会一起做洗衣的杂事。短语搭配:laundry detergent 洗衣粉laundry service 洗衣服务laundry bag 洗衣袋laundry room 洗衣房laundry list 细目清单dirty laundry 脏衣服laundry basket 洗衣篮
2023-08-16 04:19:041


laundry n.要(或正在)洗的衣物;刚洗好的衣物;洗衣物;洗衣物的活;洗衣店;洗衣房. 扩展资料   He"d put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket.   他会把自己的脏衣服扔进洗衣篮里。   Before entering the bathroom, he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper   进浴室前,他把脏衣服全都放进洗衣筐里。   We shouldn"t wash our dirty laundry in public and if I was in his position, I"d say nothing at all.   家丑不宜外扬,如果我是他的话,我就什么也不说。   I sorted the laundry.   我把要洗的衣服分了类。
2023-08-16 04:19:581


2023-08-16 04:20:095

laundry 这个英语单词 怎么发音

laundry英 /"lu0254u02d0ndru026a/谐音“浪追”n.洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服Ihave some shirts tosendto the laundry.我将我的一些衬衫送到了洗衣房。
2023-08-16 04:21:111


为您解答wash clothesdo the laundry都可以
2023-08-16 04:21:211


洗衣服的英文单词:Do the laundry扩展:laundry的读音:英 [u02c8lu0254:ndri];美 [u02c8lu0254ndri, u02c8lɑn-]释义:n.洗衣店,洗衣房;洗好的衣服;待洗的衣服;洗熨(复数:laundries)短语:laundry detergent洗衣粉;laundry service洗衣服务;laundry bag洗衣袋laundry room洗衣房;laundry list细目清单;dirty laundry脏衣服do the laundry洗衣服;laundry basket洗衣篮;laundry soap[化]洗涤皂例句:1.Send these clothed over to the laundry.把这些衣服送到洗衣店去洗。2.This laundry makes deliveries on Thursday.这个洗衣店星期四送衣服。3.I"d like to have laundry service.我需要洗衣服务。
2023-08-16 04:21:471

Laundry的《Day》 歌词

2023-08-16 04:22:061

Laundry的《One》 歌词

歌曲名:One歌手:Laundry专辑:MotivatorKeithian - OneI"ve been the counting the years of love in my lifeTime is still ticking, no sacrificeAdding subtracting, chasing the timeNever would come up with beauty so wideI see you I, I breathe you, I feel you insideWanting that something, wanting to fightFor my love, and your love, damn it"s so niceMy question remains, your day and your nights soIf love is supposed to be like one, two, threeThen all I really want is you and meGirl your the rest I want to seeIf your the odd one for meAre you the one?Are you the one? Are you the one for me?I want you to be the one for meYou got to be the one for meSo are you the one? Are you the one?Are you the one?Are you the one? Are you the one for me?I want you to be the one for meYou got to be the one for meSo are you the one? Are you the one?I want to add you to my dreamsSo avoid the priceNegative memories lets make a lifeOf solving and building a love thats survivesCut all the fighting and make you my wifeSo let"s make a news beam, numbers like rhymesYour heart and my heart beating on timeLover and lover, one of a kindI need an answer froms yours to mineSo if love is supposed to be one, two, threeThen all I"ll be counting on is you and meGirl your the rest all I want to seeAre you the one?Are you the one? Are you the one for me?I want you to be the one for meYou got to be the one for meSo are you the one? Are you the one for meAre you the one?Are you the one? Are you the one for me?I want you to be the one for meYou got to be the one for meSo are you the one? Are you the one for me?Love so damn hard to findBut I just wanna take a tryI don"t wanna live a lieA love and passionI can"t wait to pull this townI wanna get us off the groundAnd I need you all around everytime I breatheAre you the one? Are you the one for me?I want you to be the one for meYou got to be the one for meSo are you the one ? Are you the one for me?Are you the one?Are you the one? Are you the one for me?I want you to be the one for meYou got to be the one for meSo are you the one? Are you the one for me?So are you the one? Are you the one for me?I want you to be the one for meYou got to be the one for meSo are you the one? Are you the one for me?
2023-08-16 04:22:141

do laundry是什么意思啊

do the laundry[意思]洗衣服;[网络]洗衣; 洗熨;[例句]My mom doesn"t do the laundry, either.我妈妈也没有洗衣服。laundry,英文单词,名词,译为“洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服”。短语搭配laundry detergent洗衣粉;洗衣精。laundry service洗衣服务;爱情洗礼。laundry bag洗衣袋。laundry room洗衣房;洗衣间;洗衣室。laundry list细目清单。dirty laundry脏衣服。do the laundry洗衣服;做洗衣服的活。laundry basket洗衣篮。laundry soap洗涤皂。双语例句We would do laundry together.我们会一起做洗衣的杂事。Do you have laundry service?你们有洗衣服务吗?I have some shirts to send to the laundry.我将我的一些衬衫送到了洗衣房。
2023-08-16 04:22:211

chinese laundry是什么牌子?chinese laundry是什么档次?

chinese laundry是一个很火的鞋子品牌,这个牌子的鞋子设计的非常有特色,尤其的高跟鞋都特别好看。下面我给大家讲讲chinese laundry是什么牌子?chinese laundry是什么档次? chinese laundry品牌 chinese laundry这个牌子的鞋子很多女明星都非常喜欢,我们在机场穿搭上也经常能看到这个牌子,是一款既时尚又舒服的鞋子品牌。 chinese laundry的靴子基本上是好莱坞女星人脚一双了,好莱坞瞬息万变,Chinese Laundry变成了新宠。看到这个牌子,第一个想到的就是:“难道是中国的牌子?还外销到国外去了?这是纯正美国公司出品。它的靴子一部分是由麂皮制成,另外一部分是动物皮。手工和品质都属上乘,而且非常的舒适。更难能可贵的是他们的价格比其他的大牌子更平易近人。我曾经多次参加美国最大服装展会,Chinese Laundry的展厅那是非常非常的令人震惊的。绝对有一线品牌的范儿。chinese laundry档次 美国品牌Chinese laundry,绝对是国外街拍经常出现的平价鞋履品牌,他们家的鞋子品质很好,而且特别舒服,价格更是招人喜欢,在6PM海淘两三百就能入手!chinese laundry怎么样 Chinese Laundry经典中空平底鞋,很多好莱坞女明星都有穿过噢!买了双黑色,不仅修饰腿型,还特别显脚白,走路也很舒服,在国内的mm可以试试海淘。Zappos真是个好地方,平价鞋子包包都可以买到,我是它家VIP。 Chinese Laundry粉色丝绒刺绣高跟鞋,半年前在Nasty Gal上看到这双鞋就走不动了,一见钟情啊,但是14cm的后跟,实用性实在是低的可怜,就放弃了。直到上个月在lulu"s看见,发现自己依然爱着它们,就买下了。丝绒高跟鞋很常见,但刺绣的实在不多。虽然非常难走但是摆在家里看着也开心哈哈哈哈哈。海淘的Chinese laundry鞋子,拼色的,真的便宜,在正大试过尺寸后来买的,6号36.5正好适合怀孕9个月的我。而且本来以为穿的不跟脚,其实完全不会,设计很合理。这系列颜色很多,准备看到打折再入红色蓝色经典款。 今年很多牌子都出了这款隔断鞋,Chinese Laundry家属于性价比非常高的,我买的是宝蓝色嗒,表面是有一丢丢绒皮的,不过有点容易粘灰尘,其他都很满意,实物颜色超正,脚感也不错,绝对会考虑收其他颜色嗒。 物流挺快的,外包装又是“尚品网”,发现很多外国品牌旗舰店的外包装都是“尚品网”,无法鉴别真伪。好看还是要承认的!鞋底很软,整体轻便,头几天磨脚后跟,不到一周就好啦,反正便宜,就穿着玩,别的不用太纠结。 真的很漂亮的高跟鞋鞋,同事们都说好看,穿的也很舒服不磨脚,大家放心购买吧。
2023-08-16 04:22:341

看电影或电视剧中,美国人总是说do some laundry~为什么他们不自己买洗衣机呢?而是拿大包小包衣服去洗?

2023-08-16 04:22:525

A laundry worker wanted to be a writer 人工翻译

A laundry worker wanted to be a writer 洗衣工想要成为作家。laundry 英[u02c8lu0254:ndri] 美[u02c8lu0254ndri, u02c8lɑn-] n. 洗衣店,洗衣房; 洗好的衣服; 待洗的衣服; 洗熨; [例句]We had to have the washing done at the laundry.我们得把衣服拿到洗衣店去洗。[其他] 复数:laundries
2023-08-16 04:23:081


wash the dishes,wash his clothes,mop the floor,washing dishes,cooking
2023-08-16 04:23:503

laundry liquid什么意思

2023-08-16 04:24:265

laundry detergent是什么意思

laundry detergent洗衣粉双语对照词典结果:laundry detergent[英][u02c8lu0254:ndri diu02c8tu0259:du0292u0259nt][美][u02c8lu0254ndri du026au02c8tu025adu0292u0259nt]洗衣精; 例句:1.Gone are the days when big multinationals in china could easily dominate every consumer segment from toothpaste to laundry detergent. 大型跨国企业主导中国从牙膏到洗衣粉等各个消费品市场的日子已经一去不复返了
2023-08-16 04:24:401

laundry service是什么意思

2023-08-16 04:24:493

谁能帮我翻译一下老鹰乐队Don Henley的歌曲Dirty Laundry

I make my living off the Evening NewsJust give me something-something I can usePeople love it when you lose,They love dirty laundryWell, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up hereI just have to look good, I don"t have to be clearCome and whisper in my earGive us dirty laundryKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em all aroundWe got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who comes on at fiveShe can tell you "bout the plane crash with a gleamin her eyeIt"s interesting when people die-Give us dirty laundryCan we film the operation?Is the heir dead yet?You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running betGet the widow on the set!We need dirty laundryKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re upKick "em when they"re downKick "em when they"re stiffKick "em all aroundDirty little secretsDirty little liesWe got our dirty little fingers in everybody"s pieWe love to cut you down to sizeWe love dirty laundryWe can do "The Innuendo"We can dance and singWhen it"s said and done we haven"t told you a thingWe all know that Crap is KingGive us dirty laundry!我靠晚间新闻为生。只要给我一些我能用的东西人们喜欢你输了,他们喜欢脏衣服。嗯,我应该是一个演员,但我结束这里我只是要看起来很好,我不清楚来在我耳边低语给我们脏衣服他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们把他们踢得到处都是我们有个泡泡糖的金发女郎,她五点来她可以告诉你什么是飞机失事与微光她的眼睛人们死的时候很有趣—给我们脏衣服我们可以拍手术吗?遗产继承人死了吗?你知道,在编辑部的男孩有一个运行的赌注把寡妇放在电视机上!我们需要脏衣服。他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来他们起床的时候踢他们踢他们当他们下来当他们僵硬的时候踢他们把他们踢得到处都是肮脏的小秘密肮脏的小谎言我们每个人的馅饼,肮脏的小手指我们喜欢把你切成大小。我们喜欢脏衣服。我们可以做“含沙射影”我们会跳舞唱歌当它所说的和所做的事,我们没有告诉你我们都知道废话是金给我们脏衣服!
2023-08-16 04:24:571


我只是在洗衣服的英文是I"m just doing laundry。相关短语:1、肮脏洗衣服dirty laundry.2、洗衣服务laundry service.3、洗衣服务处laundry service.4、自己洗衣服do my own laundry;wash my own clothes.5、去洗衣房洗衣服placing an order with a launderer.6、自己(用洗衣机)洗衣服do my own laundry.7、出了汗洗衣服sweaty laundry.8、浸洗衣服制剂laundry soaking preparations.9、他给我洗衣服he washed the clothes for me.10、做洗衣服的活do the laundry.11、把衣服送进洗衣店taking clothes to the cleaners.12、从洗衣店取回衣服collect a suit from the cleaners.13、放待洗衣服的口袋a laundry bag.14、洗衣店,洗衣房laundry.15、洗衣所;洗衣房washhouse.例句:1、By the way,do you do your own laundry?对了,你是不是自己洗衣服?2、Doing the laundry every week is a terrible bother.每星期洗衣服麻烦死了。3、When does the wash come back from the laundry?送洗衣服什么时候从洗衣店回来?4、"the boots and clothes are extra,"said dick.“擦鞋洗衣服在外,”狄克说道。5、Magda washed,scrubbed,scoured,dusted.玛格达洗衣服,擦地板,刷锅子,掸灰尘。6、My task was to wash and cook.我的任务是洗衣服与煮饭。7、She supplements her pension by taking in washing.她在家里替人洗衣服以贴补养老金之不足。8、She rolled her sleeves up high leaving her arms bare,ready to do the washing.露着光溜溜的两只胳膊,准备洗衣服。9、In washing my clothes my mother found the gummy weds and scolded me to break me of the habit.妈妈给我洗衣服时,发现了粘在一起的一些小块块,就把我给训了,要我改掉这个恶习。10、I never known an injun gal do wash like her.我从不知道印第安小妞像她那么洗衣服。
2023-08-16 04:25:041

laundry service是什么意思

laundry service 洗衣服务;爱情洗礼(专辑名称)双语例句 1.You can call the housekeeper to give you laundry service. 如果你需要洗衣服务,可以打电话给客房服务员。2.All the used bedspreads and pillowcases will be sent to their community"s Expo laundry service for washing. 所有用过的床单和枕套将会由社区世博会洗衣服务处负责洗涤。
2023-08-16 04:26:382

laundry in unit是什么意思

laundry in unit洗衣房单位laundry in unit洗衣房单位
2023-08-16 04:26:461

do some washing的近义词是do the laundry还是do the cleaning还是其他

do the cleaning
2023-08-16 04:26:564


两条裤子 : two pairs of trousers
2023-08-16 04:27:054