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beside oneself 请问这个是什麼词性?

2023-05-19 20:16:25

我意思是说 在整句话里面的词性
They were beside themselves in joy.

TAG: on beside one be bes

beside oneself 极度兴奋;发狂


So, not necessary to how does a time bomb go up beside oneself.


Oppressor lets Huo Jia sit beside oneself, say gently to his ear: "Is you married still celibate?"


A reader related a story that produces beside oneself in the incoming letter: Two campus lover lived together near one year.



be beside oneself 极度兴奋,对自己的感情失去控制; 忘乎所以; 极度兴奋,对自己的情感失去控制; 极度兴奋,对自己的感情失去控制;










2023-01-09 14:16:452


2023-01-09 14:17:235


还有一个MissMr./Mrs./Ms./ Miss四个常见称呼用词的详解和区别:总论:Mr.先生;Mrs.太太;Ms.女士(不知婚否);Miss小姐(未婚)Mr. +姓 = 姓+先生,Mr. 先生, 男士, 是对男人的称呼Mrs. +姓 = 姓+夫人,Mrs. 女的,是对已经出嫁的女人的称呼。太太,已婚女姓后加丈夫姓; 如丈夫姓黄,则称其妻Mrs.Huang中国人比较敬自己的祖先,所以只加自己的姓;欧洲人对自己的老公比较尊敬,所以才加丈夫的姓。Miss. +姓 = 姓+小姐,Miss 女的, 未婚女姓,小姐. 是对未出嫁的女人的正式称呼和对未知婚姻状况的女人的称呼。Ms=英文Miss常用缩写,Ms 女士, 婚否无所谓, 通常不知其是否已婚或不知其丈夫的姓氏, 是对未出嫁的女人的不正式称呼。Madam.对领导,长者或者女士的尊称。称呼地位较高、年龄较长的女士注意:Mr.(Mr) Mrs. Miss Ms后面不跟姓的说法,是完全没有问题的。(1)Mr.= MrMr.[英] [mst] [美] [mst] n. 先生(对于没有头衔的男人的称呼或与某种官职、头衔等连用的称呼。Mr.是 “Mister先生”的缩写。美国英语使用 Mr.通常地Mr是“Mister 先生;Master 少爷;Mother 母亲”等词的缩写形式。有时加于“总统”、“主席”等职衔前,作为称谓。 Mr President总统先生,Mr Grant格兰特先生。(2)Mrs= Mrs. 指明被称呼人是已婚妇女了。Mrs[英] [msz] [美] [ msz] n. 太太; 夫人; 置于地方、运动、职业等名称之前,用来称呼公认是这事物的代表的已婚妇女。Mrs. [英] [msz] [美] [msz] n. 夫人,太太(对无特殊头衔的已婚妇女的称呼。(3)Ms= Ms. 不指明被称呼人的婚姻状况Ms[英] [mz] [美] [mz] n. 女士(代替Miss或Mrs的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况);Ms.[英] [mz] [美] [mz] n. 女士(对不愿被称为“太太”或“小姐”的女子的称呼)(4)Miss [mis] n. 小姐(用于女孩或未婚女子的姓名前面);小姐(一些学校里孩子对女教师的称呼);女士,小姐(有时用于称呼年轻女子);小姐,皇后(用于地名或地区前,表示某地选美比赛中的冠军);小女学生; 小妞; 小姑娘。附注(联想对比):Chick n.小鸡,小鸟,少妇。(口语)小姐。adj.胆小的,雅致的。Chicken adj.胆怯的;幼小的;胆小的 vi. 以畏缩的方式去做,失去勇气; 在最后一刻因胆怯而退出了 n. 鸡; 鸡肉; 胆小鬼; 懦夫(chicken 鸡肉,the chicken 鸡 , a chicken胆小鬼。)顺便列举出几个与婚姻状况相关的单词一并学习了解。unattached["n"ttt] adj.无关系的, 非附属的,未订婚的,未结婚的unmarried[n"mrid] adj.未婚的, 独身的 n.未婚者celibate["selibit] adj.独身的, 禁欲的 n.独身者, 无性生活的人engaged[in"geidd] adj.忙碌的, 使用中的, 订婚了的married["mrid] adj. 已婚的, 婚姻的, 密切结合的n. 已婚者single["sigl]adj.单一的, 单个的, 特指某人或某物, 单身的, 单人的, 单程的 n.单程票, 单曲, 单人房间, 单身者, <美>一元纸币, (网球)单打比赛,(板球)一分打,(棒球)一垒打 v.挑选(一个)
2023-01-09 14:17:461

不婚族 英语怎么说,,,嘿嘿

Never-Marry Group
2023-01-09 14:18:003


单身者(Single Persons) 找伴侣(Finding a Mate)神在圣经中明明告诉我们,人长大了结婚是常规。神放亚当在乐园里,并没有让他独居的打算。神造了亚当之后,说:「那人独居不好。」所以,单身的人渴望结婚,一点也没有错,那原是神所设立的。每人从神所受的恩赐不同,或结婚或独身不一定。人若有了独身的恩赐而偏要结婚,或不满自己的景况,他就犯了罪,正如应该结婚的人却放弃他的权利一样。每人应从神那里得知自己的恩赐,按着去生活。神给恩赐不是飘忽不定的,也不是既赐了给人,就随人怎样应用的。一旦发现了神的恩赐,就要充份发挥其功能,去服事神、荣耀神。神分派恩赐,有他最美的目标,也是为了人的益处。属神的必须承认神有至高的权柄去分派这些恩赐,虽然未必能看出其好处来。「万事﹙包括结婚或独身﹚互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处」﹙罗八 28﹚。单身的信徒往往会不甘于自己的情况,想要结婚,对自己独身(celibate condition)觉得可悲。这种常见的现象有何解决办法﹖有几方面。第一,教会应该首先承认在这方面的疏忽,没有为未婚的青年人预备够广阔而又有意义的接触机会。教会若在这事上悔改,就当行事「与悔改的心相称」,着手为未婚者多花点心。有许多可以做的,就如举行退修会、联合性聚会,甚至给他们介绍朋友等等,许多创新的活动,让青年未婚者得着合适的伴侣。父母也应当负起协助的责任,家庭之间可以安排各种活动,使儿女们可以彼此认识。﹙注意林前七 36父亲的重任﹚。时至今日,再也不能袖手旁观了。至于单身者﹙多半是女子﹚本身又如何呢﹖说清楚一点,未婚的基督徒女子该怎样﹖这是个很现实的问题,必须直截了当地阐明的。首先,她必须发掘自己的恩赐。按着林前七章的指示细心研究。那段经文是在逼迫时期劝人独身的﹙26,29节﹚。她可以查一查自己的恩赐,例如先从「情愿方面」开始思想﹙第2,8,9节﹚。结婚在非紧急情势下,既是正常的需求,那么女子应该会有结婚的恩赐,这样,她就该发挥并运用它。下面会再详述一点。假如她有独身的恩赐,她就该顺服,预备自己,在主的葡萄园里找到主为她安排的岗位。不必为将来担忧,虽然要时时提高警觉,却必须相信主呼召人,必然供应一切所需要,以能成全他的旨意,而且人行神旨意时,叫他满有喜乐。可是,那些如今廿六七岁,渴望结婚,又未遇见适合的弟兄时,怎办?如果她直到目前为止,仍觉得自己确有结婚的恩赐,那么她至少应做下列三件事:为这件事祷告。你会抗议说:「我当然有祷告啦!难道你不知道我一直以来祷告些甚么?」我知道你有祷告,但是否就停于此?青年女信徒往往对祷告有一个不合圣经的态度,她们以为只可以靠祷告,别的甚么也不问,任何自己的行动,都是不属灵的。你每天为日用饮食祷告,是否抱手坐在树下,等天上用降落伞把食物掉下来给你?你说:「当然不会。」好,那么,你祷告了,就去上班工作,你就得着日用的饮食,是神应允你的祷告。神一般都借着你的工作来成就祷告所求的﹙不是撇开工作的﹚。你的祷告其实就是说:「主给我工作的机会,给我健康可以做工,又祝福我的工作。」因此,祷告必须加上用功。「若有人不作工,就不可吃饭」﹙帖后三 10﹚。同样,人若祷告说:「今日的饮食,求父赐给我们!」而不去做工,也是一样。单身女子寻夫,也是一理。她要祷告,也要用心去找他,这就带出其余两个因素。预备自己。只要你相当深信神给你有结婚的恩赐,就该好好培养这些恩赐。这至少包括三件事:一、在家事上充份发挥自己的才能。学烹饪、缝纫、与小孩子相处等等。二、试尽量使自己外表漂亮可爱。如果需要节食,就好好节食,如果不懂甚么衣服才配你自己,甚么发型才好看,就要去学。可是却不要在外貌的修饰上着了迷。虽然你应使自己外表可爱﹙正如新妇要为新郎妆饰整齐,启廿一 2;十九 7-8,新妇为新郎预备自己﹚,却不可集力投资在外表美貌上。小心读一下箴言三十一章卅节和彼前三章三至五节。于是就引入最重要的第三点,要发展你信徒的美德。你必须灵力充沛,因为一个有生命活力的信徒,有内心涌流的美丽,会比外表美而里面空洞的女子,更吸引一个正派信主的男子﹙唯有这类男子是你所要的﹚。既懂家事,又可爱,属灵生命坚定的女子,是难以抗拒的。向目标进发:你会说:「甚么?要我采取行动去找男子﹖」让我问你:「你日用所需要不要用行动去获取?」一个秘书不但为工作祷告,要预备自己做一个好秘书,然后她还得去找一份工作!你要去找一个丈夫!怎样找﹖这是个大问题。首先,我警告你,切勿加入独身女子诉苦的集团,她们只会怨天尤人,而不动一个指头。这种申诉只带来苦涩、失望与沮丧。你无暇于此,工夫正多着呢。你若已加入了,快快撤退!要去信主的男孩子去的地方,找一份工作可以接触到男信徒的,即或薪水较现有的少也未尝不可。多参加退修会,让自己有更多机会接触信主的男子。当然,你不当以这个为你参加聚会的唯一目的﹙甚至主要目的﹚。但参加团契和这种学习的场合,其中一个目的是为了这个,也并无不可。也许你可以入一间基督教大学。「甚么话!入大学去找丈夫?未免动机卑下一点吧﹖」女子入基督教大学的动机,这一点理由应该放得相当高的地位。又可以问你的牧师,请他帮助你发掘男信徒去向,也许他正知道有男的在找信主的女子为对象呢。教会中的家庭也应该留意,可以请合适的男女到家中相聚。你可以请教可敬佩的已婚姊妹,尤其是较迟结婚的,请教她们如何应付这问题,她们也许会给你很有用的意见。无论如何,设法改进你现今的景况。只要弄清楚这样做会荣耀神,合乎他的教训。神如果真给你有结婚的恩赐,你又努力学习家事,尽量使自己可爱、活泼、可亲,而这一切都用祷告的心去做,这样,你有十分理由相信神必在合适的时间里,把合适的人给你。做了这一切之后,你可以安心信靠,等候神作工。可能他仍要在某方面预备你,你自己不明白的,有时在期望中也会有失望。不过,若你自问已尽力而为,又已用祷告把自己完全交托神全智的手里,就要深信结果必然荣耀他,也叫你蒙福。总结一句:发掘自己的恩赐,发挥它,表露它。相配之谜(The Myth of Compatibility)「相配」(Compatibility)是一个危险的字眼。圣经没有这种用法,且一般流行的文辞中,用这字的观念也很易令人误解,且是不合圣经的。一般所谓「相配」的观念,不论信徒与非信徒,都会带来不幸的结局。「相配」到底是甚么意思﹖通常用语中,就是说两个人在个性、兴趣和背景上,都很相称,因此婚姻多半会成功,过于那些样样相反的人。在圣经里,这一点找不出根据来。假如他们两人社会经济阶层相同,又喜爱网球,或双方父亲都穿灰绒工作衣,这些共同点能叫两青年人结合美满,这观念半点圣经根据也没有。相配不相配的观念,必须在圣经亮光下重整。圣经指出的事实,没有两个人是相配的,不管他们背景同或不同。我们本性都是罪人,也就是说,在本性上根本就无法相配。两个人若要真真正正相配,就必先成为基督徒,然后藉神的恩典,竭力向「相配」的目标努力。没有人是生来相配的,只有圣灵在人生命中作成成圣的工夫,然后才有相配可言。这样,怎样选配偶才对呢﹖只有两个必须条件:﹙1﹚对方必须是基督徒;﹙2﹚你们二人不但乐于遵照神的话,依从神的方法,去一同面对各样问题,能彼此磋商,谋求解决,而且更应不断在这方面有进步。虽然社会经济背景、种族、年岁等因素,也可以成为选择的次要条件,却绝非必须条件。这些其实是蛋糕上的奶油,除了救恩以外,唯一真正必须的因素,是能够依照圣经同心解决问题。有了这个,就是背景相差悬殊的人也可从对方身上得着深厚的影响,生命得以更丰盛。差异﹙或相似﹚,只是喜好的问题,并非必须的。可是,若没有依照神的话有解决困难的心志与力量,就是背景一模一样,也不会叫两个带罪性的人相配起来。因此,在未许身心之前,先拿这利害的测验试一试自己:我们能否依照信徒的样式,同心解决当前的问题?这是最重要不过的了。以后的年日里,你们会不断面临困难,那时最要紧的不是双方父亲是否都喜欢某一种汽车,而是:「我们能否依神的方法解决问题?」如果对方时常避开问题,不求解决,或把困难轻忽置之,或不能和你一同用圣经原则寻求荣耀神的解决办法,那么,不论对方有多少适合婚嫁的条件,奉劝你疏远他。除非双方清楚表现能以圣经方法来解决问题,现在已经有这因素,而且有继续发展和长进的展望,否则,关系还是且慢。假如这因素一点也不存在,又没有改进的迹象,嫁娶的事就该止住。要向对方解明你止步的原因,如果到了这地步,对方仍不见得能以圣经原则面对当前这一个问题的话,你还是另觅去处好了。若心志是有,愿依圣经解决问题,只是无法实行出来。那么,下面两个解释也许可以说明真相:﹙1﹚对方要不是没有真的心志去依神的方法处事,就是有心而缺乏够强的推动力,去彻底改进事态。再说,在这情形下,也不要急于许终身,必须等到他有真正的改变,且在解决问题的态度上明显地有改进的表现。﹙2﹚对方可能不知如何去改,这时就需要善意的辅导,大家同心努力,至终必能达到目的。在这情形之下,要存耐心,竭力面对问题以求解决,尽量找合适的指导。可是,仍然不可许终身,直至对方真有改变,而且有明显的长进表现。记住,神每逢作工,不但给人心志,而且赐力量去完成﹙腓二 13;林后八 10﹚。当然,这一切都应用在你自己身上。除非你在人生的各种关系上,乐意并知道如何用圣经原则去解决,并且努力求进步,否则,你还未适宜结婚。
2023-01-09 14:18:221

一辈子不结婚 英文怎么说

I never marry in my life. 不错吧
2023-01-09 14:18:274


Jason Mraz的The Dynamo Of Volition。歌词:I"ve got the dynamo of volitionWith po-pole positionAutomatic transmission with lo-ow emissionsI"m a brand new addition to the old editionWith the love unconditional.I"m a drama abolitionistDamn no opposition to my propositionHalf of a man, half magicianHalf a politician holding the micLike ammunitionAnd my vision is as simple as light.Ain"t no reason we should be in a fightNo demolitionGet to vote, get to say what you likeProcreationCompositions already written by themselvesHeck is for the people not believin" in goshGood JobGet "em up way highGimme gimme that high fiveGood timeGet "em way down lowGimme gimme that low doughGood GodBring "em back againGimme gimme that high tenYou"re the best definition of good intentions.I do not answer the call ifI do not know who is callingI guess the whole point of it all isThat we never know reallyI"m tryin" to keep with the JonesesWhile waiting for guns and the rosesTo finish what we all suppose isThat shit"s so sillyOh, fist like pumping and wrist lockTwisting up a rizlaKid Icarus on the transistorNintendo been givin" me the blisterI bend over take it in the kisserMy best friends are hittin" on my sister.Try to tell them that they still wish-aCause she already got herself a misterAnd besides that"s gross to want to dis herDidn"t I say, Didn"t I sayGood JobGet "em up way highGimme gimme that high fiveGood timeGet "em way down lowGimme gimme that low doughGood GodBring "em back againGimme gimme that high tenYou"re the best definition of good versus evilI do not keep up with statisticsI do not sleep without a mistressI do not eat unless it"s fixed withSome kind of sweet like a licoriceMy home is deep inside the mysticsI"m known to keep diggin on existenceI"m holdin" in the heat like a fishstick
2023-01-09 14:18:502


2023-01-09 14:19:095


cate ate bate date fate hate late mate ……
2023-01-09 14:20:152


还有一个MissMr./Mrs./Ms./ Miss四个常见称呼用词的详解和区别:总论:Mr.先生;Mrs.太太;Ms.女士(不知婚否);Miss小姐(未婚)Mr. +姓 = 姓+先生,Mr. 先生, 男士, 是对男人的称呼Mrs. +姓 = 姓+夫人,Mrs. 女的,是对已经出嫁的女人的称呼。太太,已婚女姓后加丈夫姓; 如丈夫姓黄,则称其妻Mrs.Huang中国人比较敬自己的祖先,所以只加自己的姓;欧洲人对自己的老公比较尊敬,所以才加丈夫的姓。Miss. +姓 = 姓+小姐,Miss 女的, 未婚女姓,小姐. 是对未出嫁的女人的正式称呼和对未知婚姻状况的女人的称呼。Ms=英文Miss常用缩写,Ms 女士, 婚否无所谓, 通常不知其是否已婚或不知其丈夫的姓氏, 是对未出嫁的女人的不正式称呼。Madam.对领导,长者或者女士的尊称。称呼地位较高、年龄较长的女士注意:Mr.(Mr) Mrs. Miss Ms后面不跟姓的说法,是完全没有问题的。(1)Mr.= MrMr.[英] [mst] [美] [mst] n. 先生(对于没有头衔的男人的称呼或与某种官职、头衔等连用的称呼。Mr.是 “Mister先生”的缩写。美国英语使用 Mr.通常地Mr是“Mister 先生;Master 少爷;Mother 母亲”等词的缩写形式。有时加于“总统”、“主席”等职衔前,作为称谓。 Mr President总统先生,Mr Grant格兰特先生。(2)Mrs= Mrs. 指明被称呼人是已婚妇女了。Mrs[英] [msz] [美] [ msz] n. 太太; 夫人; 置于地方、运动、职业等名称之前,用来称呼公认是这事物的代表的已婚妇女。Mrs. [英] [msz] [美] [msz] n. 夫人,太太(对无特殊头衔的已婚妇女的称呼。(3)Ms= Ms. 不指明被称呼人的婚姻状况Ms[英] [mz] [美] [mz] n. 女士(代替Miss或Mrs的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况);Ms.[英] [mz] [美] [mz] n. 女士(对不愿被称为“太太”或“小姐”的女子的称呼)(4)Miss [mis] n. 小姐(用于女孩或未婚女子的姓名前面);小姐(一些学校里孩子对女教师的称呼);女士,小姐(有时用于称呼年轻女子);小姐,皇后(用于地名或地区前,表示某地选美比赛中的冠军);小女学生; 小妞; 小姑娘。附注(联想对比):Chick n.小鸡,小鸟,少妇。(口语)小姐。adj.胆小的,雅致的。Chicken adj.胆怯的;幼小的;胆小的 vi. 以畏缩的方式去做,失去勇气; 在最后一刻因胆怯而退出了 n. 鸡; 鸡肉; 胆小鬼; 懦夫(chicken 鸡肉,the chicken 鸡 , a chicken胆小鬼。)顺便列举出几个与婚姻状况相关的单词一并学习了解。unattached["n"ttt] adj.无关系的, 非附属的,未订婚的,未结婚的unmarried[n"mrid] adj.未婚的, 独身的 n.未婚者celibate["selibit] adj.独身的, 禁欲的 n.独身者, 无性生活的人engaged[in"geidd] adj.忙碌的, 使用中的, 订婚了的married["mrid] adj. 已婚的, 婚姻的, 密切结合的n. 已婚者single["sigl]adj.单一的, 单个的, 特指某人或某物, 单身的, 单人的, 单程的 n.单程票, 单曲, 单人房间, 单身者, <美>一元纸币, (网球)单打比赛,(板球)一分打,(棒球)一垒打 v.挑选(一个)
2023-01-09 14:20:251


Rack City-TygaRack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Ten Ten Ten Twenties On Yo Titties Bitch十,十,十,二十多最后五十多你们这群坏女人Hunded D V I P No Guest List一百个贵宾,没有来宾名单T Raw You Don t Know Who You You Fuckin Wit你不知道你在跟谁打交道Got Ma Other Bitch Fuckin Wit Ma Other Bitch有另一个坏女人和她们打交道Fuckin All Night Nigga We Ain t Celibate整夜的亲热,伙计我们不会庆祝的Nigga Said Im Too Dope I Ain t Selling It伙计说我太笨了,我不买账Bar Fresher Then A Ma Fuckin Peppermint酒吧的宠儿而不是一个该死的贵族Gold Letterman s Last King Killin Shit金牌运动员最后也不行Young Money Young Money Yeah We Gettin Rich有钱了,有钱了,我们要有钱了Get Cha Grandma On My Dick让你的奶奶对我臣服Girl You Know What It Is女孩,你知道这是什么Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Ten Ten Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch十,十,十,二十多最后五十多你们这群坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Ten Ten Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch十,十,十,二十多最后五十多你们这群坏女人Imma Ma Fuckin Star我是一个感情高手Look At The Paint On The Car看看车上的油漆Too Much Rim Make The Ride Too Hard太多的轮圈让这个车很强悍Tell That Bitch Hop Out Walk The Boulevard叫那个坏女人出来,走过林荫大道I Need My Money Pronto我需要我的钱Get It In The Morning Like Alonzo Rondo像Alonzo和Rondo一样在早上得到Green Got Cheese Like A Nacho绿色奶酪就像玉米片If You Aint Got No Ass Bitch Wear A Poncho如果你身材不好,就穿个披风Head Honcho Got My Seat Back老板,拿回我的位子Niggas Starin At Me Dont Get Bapped伙计在看着我,别被吓着Got My Shirt Off The Club Too Packed脱掉我的衣服,酒吧太挤了Its Too Turnt Going Up Like Gas太急切了,像汽油一样点着了Goddamn Pull Out My Rags该死,撤出来Mike Mike Jackson Nigga Im BackMike,Mike Jackson,伙计我回来了Ra-Ta-Ta-Tat Tatted Up On My Back在我背后忐忑All The Hoes Love Me You Know What It Is所有的坏女人都喜欢我,你知道的Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Ten Ten Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch十,十,十,二十多最后五十多你们这群坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Ten Ten Ten Twenties And Them Fifties Bitch十,十,十,二十多最后五十多你们这群坏女人Throwin Hundreds Hundreds Hundreds Hundreds扔,上百的,上百的,上百的,上百的Throwin Hundreds Hundreds扔,上百的,上百的Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人Hundreds Hundreds Throwin Hundreds Hundreds扔,上百的,上百的,上百的,上百的Hundreds Hundreds扔,上百的,上百的Rack City Bitch Rack Rack City Bitch破碎的城市,坏女人,破碎的城市,坏女人
2023-01-09 14:20:311


Thumb:According to Roman literature, will wear the ring that will help you achieve this aspiration, towards success.Index finger:The direction of the fingers, put a ring on this means the individual will become bright and independent, the most suitable for the free trade wore.Middle finger:Secondary to the most suitable wear wedding ring ring finger, the ring in its most able to create a free candid atmosphere, make your design ideas, become more attractive, there Yixing Yuan.Ring finger:Has been used from Roman times to wear their wedding ring, the legend, this means connected to the heart, the most sacred oath for publication. Important acupuncture points on the ring finger, the ring on which you can press the appropriate muscles, a stable emotional effect.Little finger:Trapped inside the little finger to convey a sexy message, the ring will be in its unexpected happens, especially recommended to the intuitive, in fashion-related workers.Wearing a ring is the language of love. Ring usually worn on the left hand (wearing the right hand is not easy to do things)In accordance with our custom, the engagement ring worn on the left middle finger normally, wedding ring worn on the left hand ring finger; if unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right hand middle finger or ring finger, otherwise, that will discourage a lot of suitors.Overseas, do not wear rings also said, "and flowers also no master, you can catch me." According to Western traditions, the left hand on the display give you the luck of God, which is associated with the heart, therefore, about the ring in the left hand is meaningful. Dai internationally popular method is:Food that - want to get married, that unmarried;The means - in love;Ring finger - that has engaged or married;Small means - that single.As for the right hand, has traditionally also had a finger wearing a ring when it makes sense: that is, ring finger. Dai is said here that has nuns nature.Generally do not wear thumb rings, such as wearing that said it is looking for an object; worn on the index finger that would like to marry him; worn on the middle finger that has engaged or there are objects; worn on the ring finger that has engaged or married; wearing the little finger said celibate or are divorced. Some people use the simpler "chase, seek, set, wedding, from the" five words were the instructions to wear the ring finger in five and implied meaning.If the unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right hand middle finger or ring finger, otherwise, that will discourage a lot of suitors. Overseas, do not wear rings also said, "and flowers also no master, you can catch me." The modern man has not rigidly adhere to this rule, as long as he likes to wear in which finger does not matter.Finger and ring - a ring on different fingers, and can reflect the psychological meaning and character. Fond of wearing those in the index finger, more extreme stubborn personality. Fond of wearing those in the right middle finger, advocating moderate outlook on life. Fond of wearing those in the left middle finger, there is a sense of responsibility and focus on family. Fond of wearing those in the small finger, there is inferiority complex. Fond of wearing the ring finger, those with no ambition, easy-going, no matter gains and losses.Embedded gem ring has different meaning. Diamond symbol of eternity, in Europe and the United States, every wedding anniversary, the husband usually have donated to his wife, diamond rings and precious metals, to show love of loyalty. Jade said Love, that noble pearl, amethyst, said healthy, mentally alert, and lucky. 大拇指: 据古罗马文献记载,将戒指戴在此指可助你达成心愿,迈向成功之路。 食指: 指示方向的手指,把戒指戴在此指个性会变得开朗而独立,最适合从事自由业的人戴。 中指: 次于无名指最适合戴婚戒的手指,戒指戴在其上最能营造自由爽朗的气氛,能让你灵感涌现,变得更有魅力、有异性缘。 无名指: 从古罗马时代以来习惯将婚戒戴在其上,相传此指与心脏相连,最适合发表神圣的誓言。而无名指上有重要穴道,戒指戴其上可以适度按压肌肉,有安定情绪之效。 小指: 小指传达的是一种媚惑性感的讯息,戒指戴在其上将会有意想不到的事发生,特别推荐给直觉敏锐、从事流行时尚相关工作者。 戴戒指是爱的语言。戒指一般戴在左手(戴右手做事不太方便) 按照我国的习惯,订婚戒一般戴在左手的中指,结婚戒指戴在左手的无名指;若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。 在国外,不戴戒指也表示“名花还无主,你可以追我”。 按西方的传统习惯来说,左手上显示的是上帝赐给你的运气,它是与心相关联的,因此,讲戒指戴在左手上是有意义的。国际上比较流行的戴法是: 食 指--想结婚,表示未婚; 中 指--已在恋爱中; 无名指--表示已经订婚或结婚; 小 指--表示独身。 至于右手,在传统上也有一个手指戴戒指时是有意义的:那就是无名指。据说戴在这里,表示具有修女的心性。 大拇指上一般不戴戒指,如戴即表示正在寻觅对象;戴在食指上表示想求婚;戴在中指上表示已订婚或已有对象;戴在无名指上表示已订婚或已结婚;戴在小指上表示独身主义或已离婚。有人用更简单的“追、求、订、婚、离”五个字说明将戒指分别戴在5个手指上的含义和暗示 。 若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。在国外,不戴戒指也表示“名花还无主,你可以追我”。而现代人已经不太拘泥于这套规矩,只要自己喜欢,戴在哪个手指都无所谓。 手指与戒指——戒指戴在不同的手指上,能体现与性格有关的心理含义。喜戴在食指者,性格较偏激倔强。喜戴在右中指者,崇尚中庸的人生观念。喜戴在左中指者,有责任感,重视家庭。喜戴在小手指者,有自卑感。喜戴在无名指者,无野心,随和,不计较得失. 嵌宝石的戒指又有不同的意义。钻石象征永恒,在欧洲和美国,每逢结婚周年纪念日,做丈夫的一般都要向自己的妻子赠送钻石戒指和贵重金属,以示爱情的忠贞。翡翠表示爱情,珍珠表示高贵,紫晶表示健康,机敏和幸运。
2023-01-09 14:20:511


Thumb:According to Roman literature, will wear the ring that will help you achieve this aspiration, towards success.Index finger:The direction of the fingers, put a ring on this means the individual will become bright and independent, the most suitable for the free trade wore.Middle finger:Secondary to the most suitable wear wedding ring ring finger, the ring in its most able to create a free candid atmosphere, make your design ideas, become more attractive, there Yixing Yuan.Ring finger:Has been used from Roman times to wear their wedding ring, the legend, this means connected to the heart, the most sacred oath for publication. Important acupuncture points on the ring finger, the ring on which you can press the appropriate muscles, a stable emotional effect.Little finger:Trapped inside the little finger to convey a sexy message, the ring will be in its unexpected happens, especially recommended to the intuitive, in fashion-related workers.Wearing a ring is the language of love. Ring usually worn on the left hand (wearing the right hand is not easy to do things)In accordance with our custom, the engagement ring worn on the left middle finger normally, wedding ring worn on the left hand ring finger; if unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right hand middle finger or ring finger, otherwise, that will discourage a lot of suitors.Overseas, do not wear rings also said, "and flowers also no master, you can catch me." According to Western traditions, the left hand on the display give you the luck of God, which is associated with the heart, therefore, about the ring in the left hand is meaningful. Dai internationally popular method is:Food that - want to get married, that unmarried;The means - in love;Ring finger - that has engaged or married;Small means - that single.As for the right hand, has traditionally also had a finger wearing a ring when it makes sense: that is, ring finger. Dai is said here that has nuns nature.Generally do not wear thumb rings, such as wearing that said it is looking for an object; worn on the index finger that would like to marry him; worn on the middle finger that has engaged or there are objects; worn on the ring finger that has engaged or married; wearing the little finger said celibate or are divorced. Some people use the simpler "chase, seek, set, wedding, from the" five words were the instructions to wear the ring finger in five and implied meaning.If the unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right hand middle finger or ring finger, otherwise, that will discourage a lot of suitors. Overseas, do not wear rings also said, "and flowers also no master, you can catch me." The modern man has not rigidly adhere to this rule, as long as he likes to wear in which finger does not matter.Finger and ring - a ring on different fingers, and can reflect the psychological meaning and character. Fond of wearing those in the index finger, more extreme stubborn personality. Fond of wearing those in the right middle finger, advocating moderate outlook on life. Fond of wearing those in the left middle finger, there is a sense of responsibility and focus on family. Fond of wearing those in the small finger, there is inferiority complex. Fond of wearing the ring finger, those with no ambition, easy-going, no matter gains and losses.Embedded gem ring has different meaning. Diamond symbol of eternity, in Europe and the United States, every wedding anniversary, the husband usually have donated to his wife, diamond rings and precious metals, to show love of loyalty. Jade said Love, that noble pearl, amethyst, said healthy, mentally alert, and lucky. 大拇指: 据古罗马文献记载,将戒指戴在此指可助你达成心愿,迈向成功之路。 食指: 指示方向的手指,把戒指戴在此指个性会变得开朗而独立,最适合从事自由业的人戴。 中指: 次于无名指最适合戴婚戒的手指,戒指戴在其上最能营造自由爽朗的气氛,能让你灵感涌现,变得更有魅力、有异性缘。 无名指: 从古罗马时代以来习惯将婚戒戴在其上,相传此指与心脏相连,最适合发表神圣的誓言。而无名指上有重要穴道,戒指戴其上可以适度按压肌肉,有安定情绪之效。 小指: 小指传达的是一种媚惑性感的讯息,戒指戴在其上将会有意想不到的事发生,特别推荐给直觉敏锐、从事流行时尚相关工作者。 戴戒指是爱的语言。戒指一般戴在左手(戴右手做事不太方便) 按照我国的习惯,订婚戒一般戴在左手的中指,结婚戒指戴在左手的无名指;若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。 在国外,不戴戒指也表示“名花还无主,你可以追我”。 按西方的传统习惯来说,左手上显示的是上帝赐给你的运气,它是与心相关联的,因此,讲戒指戴在左手上是有意义的。国际上比较流行的戴法是: 食 指--想结婚,表示未婚; 中 指--已在恋爱中; 无名指--表示已经订婚或结婚; 小 指--表示独身。 至于右手,在传统上也有一个手指戴戒指时是有意义的:那就是无名指。据说戴在这里,表示具有修女的心性。 大拇指上一般不戴戒指,如戴即表示正在寻觅对象;戴在食指上表示想求婚;戴在中指上表示已订婚或已有对象;戴在无名指上表示已订婚或已结婚;戴在小指上表示独身主义或已离婚。有人用更简单的“追、求、订、婚、离”五个字说明将戒指分别戴在5个手指上的含义和暗示 。 若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。在国外,不戴戒指也表示“名花还无主,你可以追我”。而现代人已经不太拘泥于这套规矩,只要自己喜欢,戴在哪个手指都无所谓。 手指与戒指——戒指戴在不同的手指上,能体现与性格有关的心理含义。喜戴在食指者,性格较偏激倔强。喜戴在右中指者,崇尚中庸的人生观念。喜戴在左中指者,有责任感,重视家庭。喜戴在小手指者,有自卑感。喜戴在无名指者,无野心,随和,不计较得失. 嵌宝石的戒指又有不同的意义。钻石象征永恒,在欧洲和美国,每逢结婚周年纪念日,做丈夫的一般都要向自己的妻子赠送钻石戒指和贵重金属,以示爱情的忠贞。翡翠表示爱情,珍珠表示高贵,紫晶表示健康,机敏和幸运。
2023-01-09 14:20:572

谁能告诉我一些欧美歌手和乐队名字的英汉对照? 如skid row-穷街

  0~9  2 unlimited 二人无极  4Lyn 林家一口  5NY 纽约客合唱团  13th Floor Elevators 电梯13楼  10,000Maniacs 10,000狂人  O&;Connor 奥康纳  A  ABBA 阿巴/艾巴  AC/DC 交流/直流  Ace of Base 底牌  Adagio 柔板  AeroSmith 空中铁匠/斯密斯飞船  Alanis Morissette 阿兰妮斯·莫里塞特  Alice Cooper 艾利斯·库柏  Alice in Chain 爱丽丝囚徒  Air 空气乐队  Air Supply 空气补给站乐队  Angra 火神  Anathema 诅咒  Amon Amarth 厄运之山  Amorpphis 无定型物  Angel Dust 天使之尘  Annihilator 歼灭者  Anthrax 炭疽乐队  Anathema 诅咒  Animals 动物  Apocalyptica 金属启示录  Aphex Twin 爱飞克斯双胞胎  Aqua 水鬼/水叮当  Arcana 奥秘/神秘  Arch Enemy 大敌  Atomic Kitten 原子少女猫  Asguard 天界  As I Lay Dying 我弥留之际  At the Gates 地狱之门  Avril Lavigne 艾薇儿  Avantasia 金属歌剧  Ataraxia 静心  Autumn Tears 永恒之秋  After Forever 永恒之后  Autopsy 剖尸  Audioslave 声音奴隶  B  Badfinger 坏手指  Bauhaus 包豪斯  Beck 贝克  Bee Gees 比吉斯  Berlin 柏林乐队  Beatles 披头士  Barry Manilow 巴瑞·马尼洛  Bee Gees 比吉斯  Beseech 乞求  Bjork 比约克  Bill Haley 比尔·哈利  Biohazard 生化危机  Blind Guardian 盲人守护神  Blood Duster 血尘暴  Bon Jovi 邦.乔维  Beach Boys 海滩男孩/沙滩小子  Blur 模糊/污点  Black Sabbath 黑色安息日  Blink 182 闪烁 182  Bauhaus 包豪斯  Beastie Boys 兔崽子  Black Flag 黑棋  Bob Dylan 鲍勃.迪伦  Bob Marley 鲍勃.马累  Bobby Vinton 鲍比.文顿  Bikini Kill 比基尼杀戮  Breeze 轻柔/微风  Burden of Grief 悲伤重负  C  Cash 现金  CandleBox 蜡烛乐队  Catamenia 月夜潮汐/月经  Clash 冲撞  Captain Beefheart 牛心上尉  Cannibal Corpse 食人尸  Cars 汽车  Carpenters 卡朋特乐队  Callenish Circle 卡兰尼轨道  Celibate Rifles 独身步枪  作者: 苍月凌霄 2006-11-22 21:40 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  2 国外乐队中文名对照  Chic 时髦  Chicago 芝加哥  Chuck Berry 查克·贝里  Chimaira 怪兽奇美拉  Christian Death 基督之死  Circle Jerks,The 怪人帮  Cinderella 灰姑娘  Collective Soul 集体灵魂  Compos Mentis 精神错乱  Carcass 尸体  Carpenters 卡彭特/木匠合唱团  Cocteau Twins 双生鸟/极地双子  Collective Soul 集体灵魂  Coldplay 酷玩  Coal Chamber 煤库  Christian Death 基督之死  Children Of Bodom 博多(死神)之子  Crematory 火葬场  Crandle Of Filth 污秽的摇篮  Cryptopsy 地宫石魔  D  D.O.A  Dark Moor 黑暗沼泽  Dark Funeral 黑暗葬礼  Dark Tranpuility 黑暗宁静  Dark Fortress 阴暗城堡  Daft Punk 愚蠢朋克  Dark Lunacy 暗夜惊讶  Darkseed 黑暗种子  David Bowie 戴维·鲍伊  DOORS 大门  d*amned,The 妈的  Danzig 丹泽  dB&;s,The 分贝  Death 死亡  Devourment 吞噬  Deep Purple 深紫  Deep Forest 黑森林  Decapitated 斩首  Dire Straits 恐怖海峡/险境  Dissection 弑神  Dimmu Borgir 黑暗城堡  Deep Forest 深林/大森林  Def Leppard 戴夫.莱帕德  Destruction 毁灭  Duran Duran 杜兰 杜兰  Dinosaur Jr. 恐龙二世  Dismember 肢解  Dissection 解剖  Depeche Mode 赶时髦  Dead Can Dance 死亡之舞/死亡会跳舞  Diablo 恐惧  Dreamaker 梦精灵  Dream Evil 梦魇  Dream Theater 梦剧院  Dreamscape 梦境  Dreamtale 梦境传说  Drowning Pool 溺水池  Dragonland 龙之国度  Dragonforce 龙的力量  Dying Fetus 死胎  E  Eagle 老鹰/雄鹰乐队  Edguy 刀锋边缘  Elis 伊利斯  Eldritch 爱尔德里奇  Empyrium 天堂  Emperor 帝王  Eminem 阿姆  EMBRACE 包围  Entwine 盘绕  Enigma 英格玛/迷乐团  Extreme 极端乐队  Elvis Presley 埃尔维斯·普莱斯利/猫王  Estatic fear 黑暗之舞  Eternal Tears of Sorrow 永恒悲泪  Evanescence 伊凡塞斯  Eddie Van Halen 艾迪.范海伦  Europe 欧洲  Evergrey 永恒灰暗  ERA 创世纪  F  Fatboy slim 流线型胖子  Fats Dimino 胖子多米诺  Faith No More 信仰破灭  作者: 苍月凌霄 2006-11-22 21:40 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  3 国外乐队中文名对照  Falconer 养鹰者  Fear Factory 恐惧工厂  Firewind 焚风  Finntroll 芬兰颂歌  Flametal 弗拉门科金属  Foreigner 外国佬  Forest of Shadows 阴影之林  Forest Stream 森林溪  Frank Zappa 弗兰克·扎帕  Front Line Assembly 前线集结  G  Gun n&; Roses 枪与玫瑰/枪花  Gang of Four 四人帮  Garbage 废料  Genesis 创世纪  Grateful Dead 感恩而死  Graveworm 墓穴蠕虫  Great White 大白鲨  Grave Digger 掘墓人  Godhead 神性  Godflesh 上帝之躯  God Forbid 上帝禁区  Godgory 血淋淋的上帝  Green Day 绿日  H  Hammerfall 雷神之槌  Haggard 亡灵守护神/狂野之鹰  Heart 心  Helmet 头盔  Him 他阴间的主宰  H.I.M(His Infernal Majesty) 恶魔殿下  Hole 穴  Herman&;s Hermits 赫尔曼的隐士们  Helloween 万圣节  Hypocrisy 伪善  Hammer Fall 天锤降临  I  Iced Earth 冰封大地  Iggy Pop 伊基·波普  Immortal 永生  Immolation 神祭乐队  Incubus 重击乐队  Ill Nino 病婴  INXS 因克斯  Into Eternity 深入永恒  In Extremp 极端方式  In Flames 烈焰中  Incubus 梦魇  Iron Butterfly 铁蝴蝶  Iron Maiden 铁处女/铁娘子  Iggy Pop 伊吉.波普  J  Joni Mitchell 琼尼·米歇尔  John Lennon 约翰.列侬  Jamiroquai 杰米罗奎  Jefferson Airplane 杰弗逊飞机  Jesus Lizard,The 耶稣蜥蜴  Joan Jett 琼·杰特  Jesus Jones 耶稣.琼斯  Jimi Hendrix 吉米.亨德里克斯  Joy Division 快乐分享  Jesus & Mary Chain 耶稣与玛利亚锁链  Janis Joplin 詹尼斯·乔普林  Joan Baez 琼·贝兹  Jerry Lee Lewis 杰瑞·李·刘易斯  Judas Priest 犹大圣徒  K  Kalmah 沼泽之王  Kamelot 亚瑟王宫殿/幸运星  Kinks,The 奇想  Kiss 吻  Kid rock 摇滚小子  Killing Heidi 自杀机器  Korn 科恩  Kraftwerk 发电站  Krestor 缔造者  King Diamond 钻石国王  L  L.A. Guns 洛杉矶之枪  Lake Of Tears 泪湖  Labyrinth 迷宫乐队  Lacuna Coil 空白缠绕  Lacrimas Profundere 悲泪挽歌  Lemonheads,The 柠檬头  作者: 苍月凌霄 2006-11-22 21:40 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  4 国外乐队中文名对照  Limp Bizkit 林兹饼干/软饼干  Little Richard 小理查德  Live 现场演出  Living Colour 活泼色彩  Love Battery 爱情电池  Led Zepplin 齐柏林飞艇  Leaves Eyes 叶之眼  Linkin Park 林肯公园/联合公园  Lou Reed 娄.里德  Laibach 卢布尔雅那  Linda Ronstadt 琳达·龙斯塔特  Lacrimosa 以泪洗面  London After Midnight 午夜后伦敦  Love Like Blood 爱嗜血  Lush 醉人  M  Marilyn Manson 玛丽莲.曼森  Mamas & the Papas 妈妈爸爸  Masterplan 经典计划  Maxwell 麦斯韦尔  Mayhem 残害  Machine Head 机器迷  Macbeth 麦克白  Mazzy Star 迷星  Meat Puppets 肉偶  Metalium 金属纪元  Megadeth 麦格戴斯/大屠杀  Metallica 金属乐队  Massive Attack 大举进攻  Mr.Big 大先生/大人物  Ministry 内阁  Mistress 情妇  Manowar 战神  Matthew Lien 玛修连恩  Murderdolls 谋害娃娃/谋杀玩偶  Muse 缪斯  Morbid Angel 病态天使  Motley Crue 摩特利-克鲁  Motorhead 摩托头  Moonsorrow 月伤  My Dying Bride 我垂死的新娘  My Bloody Valentine 我的流血情人  Mercyful Fate 仁慈命运  Mercenary 佣兵  N  Napalm Death 死亡汽油弹  Neil Young 尼尔·扬  New York Dolls,The 纽约妞  Negative 消极乐队  Nevermore 永不超生  Nine Inch Nails 九寸钉  Nile 尼罗河  Null 无效  Nirvana 涅磐/超脱  New Order 新秩序  Nightwish 夜愿  Night In Gales 暴风之夜  No Doubt 无疑  Norther 酷寒北风  Noumena本体  作者: 苍月凌霄 2006-11-22 21:40 回复此发言  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  5 回复:国外乐队中文名对照  O  Oasis 绿洲  Obscenity 猥亵  Obituary 生死簿  Offspring 子孙  Old Man&;Child 上帝之子  Onmyouza 阴阳座  Orb 球体  Orbital 轨道  Orphaned Land 罪之孤岛  Opeth 月之城  Overkill 赶尽杀绝  Ozzy Oshourne 欧滋-奥滋伯恩  P  Patti Smith 佩蒂.史密斯  Pain of Salvation 救赎之痛  Papa Roach 蟑螂老爹  Pearl Jam 珍珠酱  Penumbra 半影  Persuader 武力胁迫  Pet shop boys 宠物店男孩  Phish 鱼  Pink Floyd 平克·弗洛依德  Pixies 小精灵  Poison 毒药  Pretenders,The 伪装者  Primus 煤油炉  Primal Fear 原始恐惧  Pantera 潘多拉  Peter Paul & Mary 耶稣,保罗和玛丽  PIL 公众形象  Prodigy 神童  Psychotic Waltz 神经质圆舞曲  P·J·Harvey P·J 哈维  Q  Queen 皇后  Queensryche 皇后杀手  Queens Of The Stone Age 石器皇后  Quicksilver Messenger Service 水银信使  R  Radiohead 无线电迷/收音头/广播迷  Ramones 莱蒙斯  Rage Against the Machine 愤怒机器  Raise Hell 地狱呼唤  Red Hot Chili Peppers 红辣椒  Red House Painters 红屋画家/红房画匠  Rammstein 战车/德国战车  Rhapsody 狂想曲  Rush 冲击  Roxette 洛克塞特  Rob zombie 罗柏-僵尸  Rolling Stone 滚石  S  Santana 桑塔那  Samael 萨美尔  Savatage 野蛮  Scorpions 蝎子乐队/天蝎合唱团  Secret Garden 神秘园  Sentenced 判决  Sex Pistols 性手枪  Skinny Puppy 瘦狗  Smashing Pumpkins 碎南瓜  Smiths,The 史密斯  Sublime 卓越  Sugar Ray 微甜  SEPULTURA 埋葬  Simon & Garfunkel 西蒙和加芬克尔  Suicide 自杀者  System of a Down 堕落体制  Symphony X 交响乐 X  Soul Asylum 灵魂庇护所  Sodom 索多玛  Savage Garden 野人花园  Soundgarden 音响公园  Sonic Youth 音速青年  Soulfly 飞灵魂  Skid.Row 穷街  
2023-01-09 14:21:061


Born: 2 October 1869 Birthplace: Porbandar, India Died: 30 January 1948 (assassination) Best Known As: Non-violent leader of Indian independence Revered in India as the "Father of the Nation," Mohandas K. Gandhi is also a worldwide icon of non-violent political resistance. Gandhi was born in India and studied law in England, then spent 20 years defending the rights of immigrants in South Africa. He returned to India in 1914, eventually becoming the leader of the Indian National Congress. At the time, India was part of the British Empire, and Gandhi urged non-violence and civil disobedience as a means to independence. His public acts of defiance landed him in jail many times as the struggle continued through World War II. In 1947 he participated in the postwar negotiations with Britain that led to Indian independence. He was shot to death by a Hindu fanatic the next year. An advocate of simple living, Gandhi ate a vegetarian diet and made his own clothes; the spinning wheel became a symbol of his uncluttered lifestyle. His autobiography, The Story of My Experiments With Truth, was published in 1927. His birthday, October 2nd, is a national holiday in India.Gandhi is often called Mahatma -- the Hindu term for "great soul"... His middle name was Karamchand... Gandhi wed Kasturba Makhanji in 1883, in an arranged marriage; he was 13 at the time. They had five children and remained married for nearly 61 years, until her death in 1944... Among his many famous quotes is the saying, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"... Gandhi was played by Ben Kingsley in the 1982 film Gandhi. The film won eight Academy Awards, including best film and best actor for Kingsley.Gandhi is often called Mahatma -- the Hindu term for "great soul"... His middle name was Karamchand... Gandhi wed Kasturba Makhanji in 1883, in an arranged marriage; he was 13 at the time. They had five children and remained married for nearly 61 years, until her death in 1944... Among his many famous quotes is the saying, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"... Gandhi was played by Ben Kingsley in the 1982 film Gandhi. The film won eight Academy Awards, including best film and best actor for Kingsley.(b. Porbandar, 2 Oct. 1869; d. Delhi 30 Jan. 1948) Indian; leader of Indian National Congress, religious leader Son of a Prime Minister of a princely state, Gandhi was educated in Gujarat and England, where he qualified as a barrister. On return to India he was unable to secure employment in the legal profession and then left for South Africa in 1883. In South Africa Gandhi was employed by a firm of Muslim lawyers in Pretoria and became involved in number of struggles against the authorities. During these agitations Gandhi perfected the technique of non-violent protest that he was to use later in India.Gandhi returned to India in 1915. Immediately he joined in the task of building the Indian National Congress (Congress) as a mass movement. His simple style of a white loin-cloth, white shawl, and sandals appealed to rural masses who soon gave him the title "Mahatma" (great saint).Gandhi"s political philosophy revolved around three key concepts: satyagraha (non-violence), sawaraj (home rule), and sarvodaya (welfare of all). Whereas satyagraha was essentially a tactic of achieving political ends by non-violent means, sawaraj and sarvodaya sought to encourage — through social work, spinning of cotton, rural uplift, and social welfare — ideas of individual and collective improvement and regeneration. Such regeneration, Gandhi insisted, was necessary if India was to rediscover her enduring historical and religious self and throw off British rule.In 1919 Gandhi persuaded the Congress to launch a Non-Cooperation Movement (1919 – 22) that soon attracted the support of the Muslim community. This movement snowballed into a country-wide agitation which took a violent turn with the Chauri Chaura incident (1922). Following this incident he suspended the movement and was sentenced to six years" imprisonment. He was released in February 1924.During the next five years Gandhi devoted himself to the "constructive programme" — social work aimed at uplift of the poor and building Muslim-Hindu unity. Following the Simon Commission (1927 – 30) and the Nehru Report (1928), he launched the Civil Disobedience Movement (1930 – 3) which began with the famous Dandi Marcha and the Salt satyagraha. This movement was suspended for a while as Gandhi participated in the Round Table Conference (1931) in London. During his visit to London he stayed with the poor in the East End. But as the conference failed to produce an outcome satisfactory to Congress, the agitation was resumed upon return to India. The failure of the Round Table Conference led to the announcement of the Communal Award (1932) by the British government which gave communal representation, including untouchable Hindus, in provincial legislatures. This award led Gandhi to undertake a fast that led to the Poona Pact (1932) by which untouchable leaders renounced separate representation for remaining within the Hindu fold.Gandhi severed formal links with the Congress in 1934 but remained its guiding light. He moved to his ashram in Wardha and concentrated on the "constructive programme" until 1940 when he briefly resumed leadership of the Congress at a time when India had been declared to be at war. This declaration, made in 1939, was opposed by the Congress, which offered to support the war effort provided it was given a firm guarantee of independence. The rejection of such promise by the colonial government led the Congress to launch a Quit India Movement (1942). This national movement was ruthlessly suppressed and Gandhi was kept in detention at the Aga Khan Palace until 1944.Between 1944 and 1945 Gandhi engaged in prolonged dialogue with M. A. Jinnha, leader of the Muslim League, for a political settlement that could accommodate both the Congress and the League. These discussions proved fruitless and, as the end of British rule loomed, Gandhi became increasingly sidelined in the discussions about the post-independence shape of India.Gandhi"s last major act as a national political leader was to fast for peace amidst growing sectarian conflict between Hindus and Muslims. Twice he fasted in Calcutta (1946 and 1947) to protest against the religious killing that was taking place. After partition in August 1947, Gandhi returned to Delhi to help restore harmony among Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi"s activities had aroused much hostility among Hindu extremists. On 30 January 1948, Nathuram Godse, who was the editor of Hindu Mahasabah extremist weekly, shot Gandhi at point blank range while he was on his way to the evening prayer meeting. He died instantly.Gandhi is revered in India as "the father of the nation". Since his death he has become the source of inspiration for non-violent political movements such as the civil rights movement in the USA and Northern Ireland. Gandhi"s insistence that means were more important than the ends distinguished him from other great political leaders of the twentieth century, like Lenin and Mao, with whom he is often compared.Critics of Gandhi have argued that his tactics unnecessarily delayed the departure of the British, precipitated the partition of India, and led to the Hinduization of Congress because of his over-emphasis on religion. His defence of caste especially annoyed the untouchable (outcastes) who were denied political independence due to astute political manœuvres. Few of Gandhi"s ideas were put into practice by independent India.Mohandas Gandhi was born on Oct. 2, 1869, in Porbandar, a seacoast town in the Kathiawar Peninsula north of Bombay. His wealthy family was of a Modh Bania subcaste of the Vaisya, or merchant, caste. He was the fourth child of Karamchand Gandhi, prime minister to the raja of three small city-states. Gandhi described his mother as a deeply religious woman who attended temple service daily. Mohandas was a small, quiet boy who disliked sports and was only an average student. At the age of 13 he was married without foreknowledge of the event to a girl of his own age, Kasturbai. The childhood ambition of Mohandas was to study medicine, but as this was considered defiling to his caste, his father prevailed on him to study law instead.Gandhi went to England to study in September 1888. Before leaving India, he promised his mother he would abstain from eating meat, and he became a more zealous vegetarian abroad than he had been at home. In England he studied law but never became completely adjusted to the English way of life. He was called to the bar on June 10, 1891, and sailed for Bombay. He attempted unsuccessfully to practice law in Rajkot and Bombay, then for a brief period served as lawyer for the prince of Porbandar.Gandhi began to do menial chores for unpaid boarders of the exterior castes and to encourage his wife to do the same. He decided to buy a farm in Natal and return to a simpler way of life. He began to fast. In 1906 he became celibate after having fathered four sons, and he extolled Brahmacharya (vow of celibacy) as a means of birth control and spiritual purity. He also began to live a life of voluntary poverty.During this period Gandhi developed the concept of Satyagraha, or soul force. Gandhi wrote: "Satyagraha is not predominantly civil disobedience, but a quiet and irresistible pursuit of truth." Truth was throughout his life Gandhi"s chief concern, as reflected in the subtitle of his Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Truth for Gandhi was not an abstract absolute but a principle which had to be discovered experimentally in each situation. Gandhi also developed a basic concern for the means used to achieve a goal, for he felt the means necessarily shaped the ends.In 1907 Gandhi urged all Indians in South Africa to defy a law requiring registration and fingerprinting of all Indians. For this activity Gandhi was imprisoned for 2 months but released when he agreed to voluntary registration. During Gandhi"s second stay in jail he read Thoreau"s essay "Civil Disobedience," which left a deep impression on him. He was influenced also by his correspondence with Leo Tolstoy in 1909-1910 and by John Ruskin"s Unto This Last.Gandhi decided to create a cooperative commonwealth for civil resisters. He called it the Tolstoy Farm. By this time Gandhi had abandoned Western dress for Indian garb. Two of his final legal achievements in Africa were a law declaring Indian marriages (rather than only Christian) valid, and abolition of a tax on former indentured Indian labor. Gandhi regarded his work in South Africa as completed.By the time Gandhi returned to India, in January 1915, he had become known as "Mahatmaji," or Mahatma. Some believe this title, often translated as "great soul," was given him by the poet Rabindranath Tagore. Others believe the prominent Indian activist Nautamlal Bhagvanji Mehta first gave him this honorific title. Gandhi knew how to reach the masses and insisted on their resistance and spiritual regeneration. He spoke of a new, free Indian individual. He told Indians that India"s shackles were self-made. In 1914 Gandhi raised an ambulance corps of Indian students to help the British army, as he had done during the Boer War.The repressive Rowlatt Acts of 1919 caused Gandhi to call a general hartal, or strike, throughout the country, but he called it off when violence occurred against Englishmen. Following the Amritsar Massacre of some 400 Indians, Gandhi responded with noncooperation with British courts, stores, and schools. The government followed with the announcement of the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms.Another issue for Gandhi was man versus machine. This was the principle behind the Khadi movement, behind Gandhi"s urging that Indians spin their own clothing rather than buy British goods. Spinning would create employment during the many annual idle months for millions of Indian peasants. He cherished the ideal of economic independence for the village. He identified industrialization with materialism and felt it was a dehumanizing menace to man"s growth. The individual, not economic productivity, was the central concern. Gandhi never lost his faith in the inherent goodness of human nature.In 1921 the Congress party, a coalition of various nationalist groups, again voted for a nonviolent disobedience campaign. Gandhi had come "reluctantly to the conclusion that the British connection had made India more helpless than she ever was before, politically and economically." But freedom for India was not simply a political matter, for "the instant India is purified India becomes free, and not a moment earlier." In 1922 Gandhi was tried and sentenced to 6 years in prison, but he was released 2 years later for an emergency appendectomy. This was the last time the British government tried Gandhi.
2023-01-09 14:21:152


教育成果分为5种,每种分4级,正常情况只能拥有一个密谋型:业余阴谋家amateurish_plotter 密谋+1 财政-1浮夸的谋士flamboyant_schemer 密谋+3 财政-1暗中策划者intricate_webweaver 密谋+6 军事+1 外交+1 财政-1难以捉摸的影子elusive_shadow 密谋+9 军事+2 外交+2 财政-1外交型:天真的外交家naive_appeaser 外交+1 军事-1狡猾的无赖underhanded_rogue 外交+3 军事-1 生育+5%魅力非凡的说客charismatic_negotiator 外交+6 密谋+1 学习+1 军事-1 生育+5%幕后操控人grey_eminence 外交+9 密谋+2 学习+2 军事-1 生育+10%财政型:放荡的浪子indulgent_wastrel 财政+1 外交-1节俭的职员thrifty_clerk 财政+3 外交-1 生育+5%财富创造者fortune_builder 财政+6 军事+1 学习+1 外交-1 生育+10%点石成金者midas_touched 财政+9 军事+2 学习+2 外交-1 生育+15%军事型:鲁莽的战士misguided_warrior 军事+1 学习-1 健康+0.5坚强的战士tough_soldier 军事+3 学习-1 健康+0.5优秀战术家skilled_tactician 军事+6 密谋+1 财政+1 学习-1 健康+0.5天才战略家brilliant_strategist 军事+9 密谋+2 财政+2 学习-1 健康+0.5学习型:清高的牧师detached_priest 学习+1 密谋-1尽职的教士martial_cleric 学习+3 密谋-1渊博的神学者scholarly_theologian 学习+6 外交+1 财政+1 密谋-1 生育-5%神学的大师mastermind_theologian 学习+9 外交+2 财政+2 密谋-1 生育-5% 健康特质几乎都是不好的紧张不安stressed 密谋-1 财政-1 健康-1 生育-10%沮丧消沉depressed 外交-1 财政-1 军事-1 密谋-1 健康-1 生育-5%精神错乱lunatic 高概率发生恶性事件,AI关系-50恶魔附身possessed 高概率发生恶性事件身患疾病ill 军事-1 健康-2 生育-10%肺炎pneumonic 外交-2 财政-2 军事-2 密谋-2 学习-2 健康-4 生育-5%梅毒syphilitic 性倾向-30 健康-1 财政-1 军事-1 密谋-1 学习-1 健康-2 生育-20%麻风leper 外交-2 健康-2 生育-20%受伤wounded 军事-1 健康-1残废maimed 军事-2 健康-2年老体衰infirm 外交-3 密谋-3 财政-3 军事-3 学习-3 健康-1 生育-30%无能incapable 外交-6 密谋-6 财政-6 军事-6 学习-6 健康-3 生育-30%天生弱智 外交-5 密谋-5 财政-5 军事-5 学习-5 健康-1.5 生育-30%痴呆外交-8 密谋-8 财政-8 军事-8 学习-8酒鬼drunkard 财政-2罹患结核has_tuberculosis 健康-2罹患斑疹has_typhoid_fever 健康-3罹患伤寒has_typhus 健康-3罹患鼠疫has_bubonic_plague 健康-7罹患麻疹has_measles 健康-2罹患天花has_small_pox 健康-3软编码状态十字军crusader 军事+2硬编码状态私生子bastard 外交-1双胞胎twin合法私生子legit_bastard 外交-1怀孕pregnant开除教籍excommunicated 外交-5弑亲禽兽kinslayer 外交-3同性恋homosexual 生育-0.15 跛脚clubfooted 军事-1兔唇harelip 军事-1驼背hunchback 军事-1口齿不清lisp 外交-1口吃stutter 外交-1美丽fair 外交+1丑陋ugly 外交-1侏儒dwarf 军事-1天才genius 外交+5 密谋+5 财政+5 军事+5 学习+5机敏quick 外交+3 密谋+3 财政+3 军事+3 学习+3 AI关系+15迟钝slow 外交-3 密谋-3 财政-3 军事-3 学习-3 AI关系-15弱智imbecile 外交-2 密谋-2 财政-2 军事-2 学习-2 Ai关系-50近亲生育inbred 生育-30% 健康-1.5 外交-3 密谋-3 财政-3 军事-3 学习-3 AI关系-20强壮strong 外交+1 军事+2 健康+2 生育+10%虚弱weak 外交-1 生育-5% 军事-1 独身主义celibate 生育-10 月度虔诚+1享乐主义hedonist 生育+0.2 月度虔诚-0.5好学scholar 学习+2园丁gardener 内政+2神秘mystic 密谋+1嗜血impaler 密谋+1AI尊敬-15决斗duelist 外交+1打猎hunter 军事+1诗人poet 外交+1猎鹰falconer 外交+1 奇数行和偶数行对立,前14个就是七宗善和七宗罪①淫荡lustful 生育+20% 月度虔诚-0.25 容易引发情妇事件①忠贞chaste 生育-15% 月度虔诚+0.5②暴食gluttonous 财政-2 易出“胖子”称号②节制temperate 财政+2③贪婪greedy 税收修正+10% 外交-1 Ai尊敬-10 AI野心+15 AI金钱需求+100③慷慨charitable 外交+3 AI尊敬+10 AI野心-15 AI金钱需求-100④懒惰slothful 外交-1 密谋-1 财政-1 军事-1 学习-1 AI野心-10④勤奋diligent 外交+1 密谋+1 财政+1 军事+1 学习+1⑤易怒wroth 外交-1 密谋-1 军事+3 Ai尊敬-5⑤耐心patient 外交+1 密谋+1 内政+1 学习+1 AI关系+10⑥嫉妒envious 密谋+2 外交-1 AI尊敬-10⑥和蔼kind 密谋-2 外交+2 AI尊敬+10⑦骄傲proud 月度声望+0.5 AI野心+10⑦谦卑humble 月度虔诚+1Ai 野心-10说慌deceitful 密谋+3 外交-2 AI尊敬-25诚实honest 密谋-2 外交+3 AI尊敬+25懦弱craven 军事-2勇敢brave 军事+2害羞shy 外交-2合群gregarious 外交+2野心勃勃ambitious 密谋+2 财政+2 外交+2 军事+2 学习+2 AI野心+40安于现状content 密谋-1 月度虔诚+0.5 AI野心-40专断arbitrary 财政-2 学习-1 AI关系-20 AI尊敬-10公平just 财政+2 学习+1 AI关系+20 AI尊敬+10愤怒cynical 密谋+2 月度虔诚-0.2 AI关系+10热心zealous 军事+2 月度虔诚+1 AI关系-10猜疑paranoid 密谋+2 外交-1信赖trusting 密谋-2 外交+1残忍cruel 密谋+1 外交-1
2023-01-09 14:21:241

音乐中有哪几种曲风啊 具体介绍一下

Acid Jazz( 酸性爵士 ) Acid Rock( 酸性摇滚 ) Acid Techno( 酸性数码 ) Adult Alternative( 成人另类 ) Adult Alternative Pop/Rock( 成人另类流行/摇滚 ) Adult Contemporary( 成人时代 ) Album Rock( 专辑摇滚 ) Alternative Country-Rock( 另类乡村摇滚 ) Alternative Dance( 另类舞曲 ) Alternative Metal( 另类金属 ) Alternative Pop/Rock( 另类流行/摇滚 ) Alternative Rap( 另类说唱 ) Ambient( 氛围音乐 ) Ambient Pop( 氛围流行 ) Ambient Techno( 氛围数码 ) American Punk( 美国朋克 ) American Trad Rock( 美国传统摇滚 ) American Underground( 美国地下 ) Anarchist Punk( 无政府主义朋克 ) Arena Rock( 舞台摇滚 ) Aussie Rock( 澳洲摇滚 ) Baroque Pop( 巴洛克流行 ) Big Beat( 重打击乐 ) Blue-Eyed Soul( 灵魂乐 ) Blues-Rock( 蓝调摇滚 ) British Blues( 英国蓝调 ) British Folk( 英国民谣 ) British Invasion( 英国入侵 ) British Metal( 英国金属 ) British Psychedelia( 英国迷幻 ) British Punk( 英国朋克 ) British Rap( 英国说唱 ) British Trad Rock( 英国传统摇滚 ) Britpop( 英伦摇滚 ) Celtic( 凯尔特音乐 ) Celtic Fusion( Celtic Fusion ) Celtic New Age( 凯尔特新浪潮 ) Celtic Pop( 凯尔特流行 ) Celtic Rock( 凯尔特摇滚 ) Chamber Pop( 会所流行 ) Christmas( 圣诞音乐 ) Club/Dance( 舞曲 ) College Rock( 学院摇滚 ) Comedy Rock( 喜剧摇滚 ) Computer Music( 计算机音乐 ) Contemporary Celtic( 当代凯尔特 ) Contemporary Instrumental( 工业时代 ) Country( 乡村音乐 ) Country-Rock( 乡村摇滚 ) Dark Ambient( 黑暗氛围 ) Death Metal/Black Metal( 死亡/黑色金属 ) Detroit Rock( 底特率摇滚 ) Disco( Disco ) Doom Metal( 厄运金属 ) Dream Pop( 梦幻流行 ) East Coast Rap( 西海岸说唱 ) Electronica( 电子 ) Ethnic Fusion( Ethnic Fusion ) Euro-Pop( 欧洲流行 ) Experimental( 试验音乐 ) Experimental Jungle( 试验舞曲 ) Experimental Rock( 试验摇滚 ) Experimental Techno( 数码试验 ) Folk-Jazz( 民谣爵士 ) Folk-Rock( 民谣摇滚 ) Funk Metal( 疯克金属 ) Funky Breaks( 骤停打击乐 ) Fusion( Fusion ) Garage Punk( 车库朋克 ) Garage Rock Revival( 复兴车库摇滚 ) Glam Rock( 迷惑摇滚 ) Glitch( 电子脉冲 ) Goth Metal( 哥特金属 ) Goth Rock( 哥特 ) Grindcore( 碾核 ) Grunge( 垃圾摇滚 ) Guitar Virtuoso( 吉他鉴赏家 ) Hair Metal( 微金属 ) Hard Rock( 硬摇滚 ) Hardcore Punk( 硬核朋克 ) Hardcore Rap( 硬核说唱 ) Hardcore Techno( 硬核数码 ) Heavy Metal( 重金属 ) House( 歌剧 ) IDM( IDM ) Indie Pop( 独立流行 ) Indie Rock( 独立摇滚 ) Industrial( 工业 ) Industrial Dance( 工业舞曲 ) Industrial Metal( 工业金属 ) Instrumental Rock( 器乐摇滚 ) Jazz-Rap( 爵士说唱 ) Jazz-Rock( 爵士摇滚 ) Jungle/Drum "N Bass( 舞曲/鼓与贝斯 ) Kraut Rock( 德国摇滚 ) L.A. Punk( 洛杉朋克 ) Latin Rock( 拉丁摇滚 ) Lo-Fi( 低保真 ) Madchester( 曼切斯特音乐 ) Merseybeat( 默西之声 ) Neo-Glam( Neo-Glam ) Neo-Prog( Neo-Prog ) Neo-Psychedelia( Neo-Psychedelia ) New Romantic( 新浪漫 ) New Wave( 新浪潮 ) New Wave of British Heavy Metal( 英国重金属新浪潮 ) New York Punk( 纽约朋克 ) No Wave( 无浪潮 ) Noise Pop( 噪音流行 ) Political Folk( 政治民谣 ) Political Reggae( 政治雷吉 ) Pop( 流行 ) Pop Underground( 地下流行 ) Pop/Rock( 流行/摇滚 ) Pop-Metal( 流行金属 ) Post-Grunge( 后垃圾 ) Post-Punk( 后朋克 ) Post-Rock/Experimental( 后摇滚/试验 ) Power Metal( 能量金属 ) Progressive House( 前卫歌剧 ) Progressive Metal( 前卫金属 ) Prog-Rock/Art Rock( 前卫/艺术摇滚 ) Proto-Punk( 原型朋克 ) Psychedelic( 迷幻音乐 ) Psychedelic Pop( 迷幻流行 ) Pub Rock( 酒吧摇滚 ) Punk( 朋克 ) Punk Metal( 朋克金属 ) Punk Revival( 复兴朋克 ) Punk-Pop( 流行朋克 ) Queercore( 同性恋核 ) Rap-Metal( 说唱金属 ) Rap-Rock( 说唱摇滚 ) Rave( 锐舞 ) Riot Grrrl( Riot Grrrl ) Rock & Roll( 摇滚 ) Rockabilly( 山区乡村摇滚 ) Roots Reggae( 根源雷吉 ) Scandinavian Metal( 斯堪的纳维亚金属 ) Shoegazing( Shoegazing ) Singer/Songwriter( 演唱者/歌曲作者 ) Slowcore( 慢核 ) Soft Rock( 慢摇滚 ) Space Rock( 太空摇滚 ) Speed Metal( 速度金属 ) Stoner Metal( 石人金属 ) Sunshine Pop( 阳光流行 ) Surf( 海浪音乐 ) Swedish Pop/Rock( 瑞典流行/摇滚 ) Symphonic Black Metal( 黑色交响 ) Synth Pop( 合成器流行乐 ) Techno( 数码 ) Thrash( 鞭挞金属 ) Trance( Trance ) Trip-Hop( Trip-Hop ) Twee Pop( 矫饰流行 ) Vocal Jazz( 人声爵士 ) World( 世界音乐 ) World Fusion( World Fusion ) 1.Acid Jazz(酸性爵士) 这类音乐是成长在爵士、funk、hip-hop之间的音乐。酸性爵士有三个基本元素:它作为一个极富力度的撞击而存在,起初的风格类似于爵士和非洲古巴舞曲,但是它又固执的游离在funk,hip-hop和舞曲音乐之间。1998年,最初它出现在作为美国唱片的说明性短语和重新发行的70年代的英语歌收录辑系列的标题中,被Brits称作在80年代中期再现的特别的夹缝音乐。在80年代中期和90年代初,一些酸性爵士的艺术家们显露出来:出现了一些乐队,如Stereo MCs,Jame Taylor Quartet,the Brand New Heavies,Groove Collective,Galliano和Jamiroquai,以及一些室内音乐设计,象Palm Skin,Productions,Mondo Grosso,Outside和United Future Organization等等。2.Acid Rock(酸性摇滚) 酸性摇滚是幻觉摇滚的一种激烈、大声的变奏。它吸取了盛期已过的Cream和Jimi Hendrix即席演奏的精华。酸性乐队依赖变奏的吉它、柔美的歌声和长时间的即兴表演。酸性摇滚存在的时间并不长——在幻觉剂的生命期限里,它不断的发展并形成一个中心——最后没有解散的乐队演变成了重金属乐队。3.Acid Techno(酸性数码) 当80年代中期酸性室内音乐缄默的时候,却成了年青一代沉进去加深印象的时期,他们变得十分容易受声音的影响。在90年代初,他们中的一些人开始做音乐,并人让声音去适应技术而不是象古典芝加哥室内音乐那样是一种柔美和暖调的风格,和早期的德国Trance十分相似。酸性数码包括许多早期的唱片,如Aphex Twin,Plastikman,和Dave Clarke等等。4.Adult Alternative(成人另类) 成人另类音乐的听众很多,那些乐于接受与主流音乐有所不同,但差距又不是很远的人往往是它的追随者。很难说清楚是否是新成人时代的电波模式造就了成人另类还是本身成人另类就是为了电波而存在。成人另类的风格是:无论是原声的,电子的,还是电子与原声的合成,都深受流行,摇滚和爵士的混合成分的影响。(虽然成人另类的主要表现方式是乐器,但不少专辑却以一些柔美的声音来表达)。当他们要让听众很容易接受他们的音乐时,顶级的艺术家们对旋律的感悟和乐器使用方式的不同,以及韵律的持久性总有特别的天分。不过它也有不足之处,成人另类有时候听起来就象没有歌词的过了时的流行音乐。——Linda KohanovAlbum Rock(专辑摇滚) 70年代,FM调频电台逐渐忽视那些对转播早期的调频电台的随心所欲的革新之后的电台传媒 。就理论上,新的电台做着前人们也做过的事——以专辑播放而非单曲——但他们很快依赖与 一组为他们演奏的音乐家,让所有专辑摇滚乐家聚在一起,一件很累的事就是他们通过媒介介 绍他们在专辑中的贡献,加上以他们的音乐展示他们是专辑摇滚的奠基者。这意味着专辑摇滚 有重金属/南部布鲁斯摇滚。前卫摇滚由那些摇滚乐队中的演唱者与词曲作家组成。它有很多 不同种类,但是他们都有艺术之美与放纵的特征,加上它不断的在调频电台中的播放,使这些 专辑摇滚也几乎垄断了70年代的调频电台的电波。它们一直持续到80年代,但当专辑摇滚电台 逐渐发展成古典摇滚的风格,专辑摇滚就越来越少的出现在电波中。到了90年代,专辑摇滚乐 队依然在推出新专辑,但它们过去那些老歌依然还能在电波中听到——并且经常在音乐会上演 奏。Alternative Dance(另类舞曲) 另类舞曲结合了拥有电子音乐结构,合成器采样和后DISCO舞曲的方式的地下旋律性音乐结构 的另类,独立摇滚风格。这些年当许多流行另类艺术家用舞曲或者电子音乐来试验时,另类舞 曲得到了很大的发展并成为酒吧文化中不可缺少的音乐成分。尽管另类舞曲音乐看上去代替不 了俱乐部的舞曲,凭借它的流行可亲性以及和其它音乐的易结合性,它还是成为这种文化外围 一种重要的形式。这种特性使更多的人参与到另类舞曲之中,以此抗拒那种标准的固定样式的 舞曲。结果是,表演者对其它的具有特定样式结构,特殊音乐元素的音乐更加接近。很多另类 舞曲艺术家来自英国,成为地下音乐文化中非常显著的英国酒吧和锐舞,他们创造了有助于进 行更过音乐艺术试验的氛围。New Order第一个另类舞曲组合,在他们1982-83年的录音中出 现了这种冰冷阴沉的后朋克和Kraftwerk的电子流行相结合的风格。相对于另类音乐,另类舞 曲是受电子流行,酸性车房音乐和trip-hop影响最大的风格类型,这些形式都产生了相应的另 类舞曲艺术家,并在英国80年代后期的曼切斯特产生影响,直到90年代的根源于独立和trip- hop的艺术家。Alternative Metal(另类金属) 在其初始期,另类金属以相对于那些可直接分类音乐的不同寻常的敏感形成了自己的风格。 重金属是这种音乐的核心,但是这些乐队太不规则了,应且他们的影响力对于适合地下的鞭挞 金属来说太折衷了,所以他们主要的乐迷都是些喜欢重型吉他摇滚的人。然而,在车库音乐帮 助另类金属更丰富从而获得了大量听众,特别是当更多的有闯劲的乐队逐渐考究他们的音色后 ,另类金属开始成为90年代重金属中最流行的风格。当它表现出几乎最少重金属分类类型的时 候,它的形式和80年代早期的另类金属就很不大相同了。同时,大部分幸存下来的硬核朋克乐 队都已转入到了金属领域的潮流,推动了地下重吉他摇滚乐队在别处找寻灵感。最早的带有重 金属风格的另类金属分为前卫摇滚(Janes Addiction, Primus),车库朋克(Soundgarden, Corrosion of Conformity),噪音摇滚(the Jesus Lizard, Helmet),疯克(Faith No More, Living Colour),说唱(Faith No More, Biohazard),工业(Ministry, Nine Inch Nails),迷幻音乐(Soundgarden, Monster Magnet),甚至是世界音乐(later Sepultura)。这一切的演变并没有在一个特定的场景下发生,只是不断增长的想去尝试已经形成的那种越来越依靠乐器的纯演奏形式。一些这样的乐队终于在大众中获得了很大的影响力,特别是通过巡回演出,并且他们还为在1993-94年逐渐显露的另类摇滚奠定了基础,形成了以Rage Against the Machine 和Korn为代表的说唱金属,以Tool为代表的不协调音乐,以White Zombie为代表的重。。。。和以Nine Inch Nails为代表的流行突破。这些乐队将成为在剩余的90年代期间连同Pantera那种有别于任何鞭挞金属乐队的粗厚,溶解的即兴重复风格在声音的制作和另类金属类型的风格上最具影响的力量。像很多另类金属乐队,Pantera是严肃的,阴冷的和内在的,但是他们示范了关于此如何具有男子的气概。在90年的中后期,大部分新的另类金属乐队开始玩起了把单一鞭挞,说唱,工业,硬核朋克和车库混在一起的风格。这种新的声音更多的包括了比hooks或memorable riffs更多的碾核特征和剧烈进攻,因此更多地依靠工作室录制完成它所展现的力量;然而,它俘获青少年那种隐藏的主流金属所代表的男子气概,从而成为一种商业崇拜。Korn, Marilyn Manson, 和Limp Bizkit这些有时配以aggro-matal, nu-metal, 或者(incorrectly) hardcore内容的乐队是这场新运动中最大的明星,并且在这十年的末期,无数新的乐队开始表演那种类似80年代后期微金属分支的带有成年性质暴力行为(ironic, given alternative metals vehement rejection of hair metals attitude)的风格。Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) 另类流行/摇滚在本质上来源于80年代中期到90年代中期的后朋克乐队,虽然另类摇滚之中有 很多种音乐形式,但是他们被放到了一起因为他们都有别于主流的音乐形式。在另一方面来说 ,以Nirvana在1991年的成功可以划分为两大类另类流行/摇滚。在80年代,许多另类乐队都是 独立的,因为他们的音乐形式使他们无法得到更多的来自主流的支持,这在80年代包括流行舞 曲,后硬核朋克,疯克金属,流行朋克以及试验摇滚的所有形式;另一方面,自Nirvana在90 年代变得流行以后,另类泛指所有的非主流亚风格类型,但是区分并不一定很明显因为有些变 成了主流音乐商业市场的一部分。硬核和复兴朋克音乐变得比导致了80年代后期的另类流行/ 摇滚的流行乐更能赢得商业市场,因此90年代的另类音乐失去了一些原本另类音乐的本质特征 。许多试验乐队的风格转变成独立摇滚。Alternative Rap(另类说唱) 另类说唱主要指那些hip-hop组合中拒绝附和传统老套的说唱风格的一种音乐,比如gangsta 、疯克、贝斯、硬核和聚会说唱。然而,另类说唱时一种极为模糊的音乐类型,它吸取funk、 流行/摇滚、爵士、灵歌、reggae,甚至是民谣。尽管Arrested Development和Fugees力图成为 主流音乐,但另类说唱的组合主要还是被另类摇滚的歌迷簇拥着,而不是hip-hop或者流行音 乐的歌迷们。Ambient Pop(氛围流行) 氛围流行结合了宁静和欢快两种不同的音乐风格。氛围流行拥有来自普通传统流行乐的风格 ,它是电子音乐结构和背景气氛折射出外界的寂静,和一种沉思的氛围。氛围流行是典型的没 有刺耳音符的代表音乐,使德国摇滚令人陶醉的韵律受氛围流行的影响很大,甚至有点催眠的 作用。本质上来说,它是梦幻流行音乐在shoegazer运动中觉醒后的延伸。尽管大多数仍旧使 用原来的乐器,通过吸收电子音乐的方式,包括样本作品等,再对音乐给予了诠释。Ambient Techno(氛围数码) 氛围数码是一种考究而特别的氛围室内音乐,它通常被很多音乐家采用,如B12、早期的Aph es Twin、the Black Dog、Higher Intelligence Agency和Biosphere等。它是音乐家们通过808和909型打击乐器来划分数码和电子中曲调和韵律的合成的的依据;效果好的、声音尖细的是电子的效果;另外曲调和合成录音——和着高声的、分层的、带着潮湿的气息,却没有打击乐和实践性的氛围。大多数被命名为Apllo、GPR、Warp和Beyond,在Warp重新定义它的"人造 智能"系列后,氛围数码在学术上又称作"智能数码"(尽管音乐风格在大范围内依然没有改变)。American Punk(美国朋克) 美国朋克根源于60年代的车库摇滚,在音质柔和和现代爱情中有极简洁派艺术风格特征,它 的几支乐队——傀儡,the MC5,纽约娃娃——在美国朋克的基础上发展成真正意义上的朋克摇 滚的种类。但对美国朋克真正开始于大约1975-76年的Ramones。在纽约,美国朋克得以繁荣和涌现,类似的音乐在美国路易斯蓬勃发展,并且向硬核朋克方向积极发展,在Cleverland,它 得到了带有实践性的几乎不可思议的发展。一部分原因是由于缺乏媒体的注意;在波士顿,它 比真正的朋克更接近于车库音乐。纽约仍旧是美国朋克的中心阵地,然而,它却以大批著名的 有影响力的艺术家为特色:如Television,Richard Hell,POatt Smith,Blondic,Talking Heads,转移到Cleverland的Dead Boys等,在80年代,美国朋克开始枯萎并发展成一种新的形式:硬核摇滚,新啦浪潮和另类摇滚。美国朋克没有象英国朋克那样满足后继的流行音乐革命的需要,但是它继续滋养着美国地下摇滚近10年的时间,并且在90年代加利福尼亚洲中心依赖Ramones,又将使其成为盛行的音乐。American Underground(美国地下) 在20世纪80年代初,当第一支朋克乐队开始露面并且当另类金属通过英国前朋克开始日益占 据乐坛优势的时候,一些美国的乐队开始制作新的音乐用以对那些发展起反作用。当朋克日趋 成熟的时候,美国地下乐队逐渐倾向于喜好宽广的音乐风格(重型摇滚,迷幻音乐,传统摇滚 ,民谣摇滚和乡村摇滚,他们的影响是最普遍的),虽然他们通过无需特意宣张的电吉他和抒 情诗般的风格继续占据统治的地位。这些乐队也倾向于喜爱独立的组合和低预算的巡回演唱, 自从他们全部都几乎不被主要分类音乐理睬,这从而强迫他们去寻找其他的方法来维持他们的 音乐。当他们成为硬核朋克的先驱时, Blackk Flag因其通过长达数年的艰苦练习有效的创造了独立的巡回演唱网所以仍然是美国地下音乐的主要开拓者;这个乐队的标签和超音速演奏风格也同样是至关紧要的影响,通过像Minutemen, the Meat Puppets, Husker Du, Dinosaur Jr.,和其他在推动不知名的朋克乐队进入新的,刺激的方向中起主要作用的乐队来大批量发行唱片。Midwest吸收了Minneapolis疯狂但是真诚,the Replacements和Chicago残暴的高声喊叫,Big Black和Naked Raygun赢取了相当大数量的崇拜者的实力被证实为美国地下有效的滋生地,当Sonic Youth和the Swans成为当时东海岸上不谐和音的统治者和德克萨斯迷幻噪音的代表,the Butthole Surfers 在美国留下了恐怖的轨迹,并且Boston Mission of Burma在它们短暂的生涯中同时推动了巨大的影响力和预见力。在80年代中期,最初商业突破的R.E.M,立刻给美国地下一个新的视角。在90年代早期,对于一些重要的美国地下乐队的艰难工作和相对意义上的成功最终被证明成为了这场运动的解散;许多这场运动的主要行为被其带有成年的标志给驱散了(它们失败在没获得大量的观众,尽管他们在欧洲赢得了一定的进步),而且通过Nirvana在1991年底的风格突破,地下乐开始慢慢分裂,极大程度上分裂为另类摇滚(因为他们有更好的商业利用价值)和独立摇滚(因为他们很少去模仿他人,有自己的风格)。 Arena Rock(舞台摇滚) 舞台摇滚发起于70年代中期,当重型摇滚和重金属乐队开始赢取了声望。这种音乐因其引以 为傲漂亮的旋律和赞美诗般的合唱形式逐渐成为商业导向和广播电台的宠儿,当然还有他们把 重型摇滚和普遍的认知的民谣结合起来。大部分这些乐队是通过他们大量的把唱片发送给FM电 台和持续的巡回演唱会争得了他们大量的乐迷。如Journey,REO Speedwagon,Boston,Foreigner和Styx就是通过此来成为70年代中后期最流行的乐队。Aussie Rock(澳洲摇滚) 澳洲摇滚并不是指所有来自澳大利亚的摇滚乐队。反而,澳洲摇滚是那些在酒吧演奏乡村音 乐的乐队在传奇性的激烈竞争中形成的一种强硬的硬核音乐。在本质上,在神圣音乐里的不同 ,依然有它艺术的美,像the Celibate Rafles,AC/DC和子夜石油乐队等。Big Beat(重打击乐) 把电子音乐从下滑的实验边缘营救起来,重打击乐以下一波的重纯音乐出现在90年代中期。 在1994世界各地的区域性的钱财已经着重于较少内涵的跳舞音乐方面,用以对同时期那些迷恋 于鼓,贝斯和实验形式的chin-stroking intellectuals做出反击。重打击乐通过其明晰的乐章最终在1995-96年左右结合了两大英国标志----Brightons Skint和Londons Wall of Sound.前者---以Fatboy Slim, Bentley Rhythm Ace和Lo-Fidelity Allstars创在出的释放的家园---获得了越来越多的名誉在其创新和音乐质量上,尽管Wallof Sound在较早时被发现并且通过Propellerheads, Wiseguys和Les Rythmes Digitales大量发行单曲。重打击乐很快被证实它在美国同样很流行,并且乐手依靠City of Angels Records和英国的风格获得了更高的名声。除了Fatboy Slim,其他重打击乐的巨星便是the Chemical Brothers 和Prodigy这两个创造了此风格和帮助它产生的乐队。The Chemical Brothers和Prodigy这两个乐队从不去死板的适应对方,给予作品那些常能反映出更多trip-pop优点的智慧,并且很少用真正打击乐那种愚笨的舞台风格。重打击乐的声响效果,是在旧学校派对上更无拘束适当放松的尝试,是和旧学校说唱一样在80年代后期怀旧的音乐形式,并且它倾向于愚蠢的形式和无法压抑的破裂。尽管设计和大量的生产超越了他们的前辈,但是重打击乐在90年代后期仍然被指责为破坏了纯电子音乐。甚至当Chemical Brothers, Prodigy和Fatboy Slim的唱片冲击了美国并且赢得了正面的肯定---得到了摇滚评论家的认可---然而在世界范围内,许多舞曲的乐迷坚决抵制那些太多依靠巧妙的演奏技巧的风格。重打击乐持续了相当长的惊人的时间,被定以一种风格,这种风格是建立在听众听同样的破裂声许多次所表现的耐性上的,就像DJ们在地方简陋的小商店里寻找感兴趣旧的经典的唱片一样所表现得耐心。Blues-Rock(蓝调摇滚) 很多早期的摇滚是基于蓝调的,但是直到60年代后期,蓝调摇滚仍没有完全发展为一种被认 可的流派。蓝调摇滚着重于两种明确的特征---传统的三和弦蓝调歌曲和乐器的即席创作。结 合了小型爵士乐队和摇滚不断扩大的喧闹特点,传统的蓝调摇滚---像Cream那样由Alexis Ko rner 和John Mayall的传统的英国蓝调风格而来的乐队,又如美国the Paul Butterfield Blues Band和 Canned Heat—也尝试着演奏在爵士唱片和蓝调演唱会中司空见惯的长的即席创作。这种混血儿很快就流行起来,与此同时很多乐队立刻开始模仿他们,甚至比他们更喧吵和更多的重复段。在70年代早期,蓝调摇滚和硬核的界限越来越不清晰了,像以爵士乐为基础的ZZ Top就吸取了专辑摇滚作品的表演手法用以模糊他们的蓝调根源。不论如何,蓝调摇滚逐渐远离了硬核,并且有一部分的乐队仍继续演奏,重写和创作歌曲按照蓝调的标准。在80年代和90年代,蓝调摇滚比6,70年代更为坚定,即使当如Fabulous Thunderbirds 和Stevie Ray Vaughan这样的乐手玩弄起了摇滚演奏者身份。在80年代,蓝调摇滚已经成为像蓝调一样被认可的传统。
2023-01-09 14:21:391

kindle voyage字体放大有问题 字体放大后阅读时发现时不时的中间会跳掉几行。

2023-01-09 14:21:451


2023-01-09 14:21:502


以下是对导师内在素养的有关描述:hierophantInternal Changer of Hierophant is the Most Important Part of Supervising Mechanism of Undergraduate Student导师的内在改变是本科生导师制工作的重中之重Internal changer of hierophant is the most important part of supervising mechanism in the various factors that influence the effect of supervising mechanism.在影响导师制工作成效的诸因素中,导师的内在改变是重中之重。In a word,internal changer of hierophant is the hierophant "s adaptable renovation in the aspects of idea and action.概括而言,导师的内在改变主要指导师在观念和行为等方面的适应性更新。Thus,teachers can be elicited the wisdom of curriculum leadership in the process of meeting the enlightenment of heart hierophant through some sort of creative practice,such as exploring the way of teaching corresponding to self distinctive nature,making the curriculum lively by one"s heart,attracting students to the surround of the curriculum,and so on.从而在际遇心灵导师启迪的过程中,在探索与自己的独特本性契合的教学方式、用心灵活化课程魅力、引领学生凝聚于课程魅力周围等创造实践中,引出课程领导智慧。In order to constitute consummate Hierophant System of Undergrad- uate, should not only hackle the relation and definite the rights and obligations between the university and teachers, but also definite the duty of hierophant and obligations of students.要建立起完善的本科生导师制,除了必须理顺学校与教师的关系,落实“导师”与学校之间的权利义务之外,更需规范教师与学生关系层面上导师的职责和学生的遵从义务。So, by the design of duty of hierophant to tutor students" psychology and school work, make the hierophant system of undergraduate with more maneuverability and more perfect, then the actualization of the system will have more material effect.因此,通过对导师“导心”、“导学”的职责和学生遵从义务的具体设计,以期实现本科生导师制更具可操作性和更趋完善,使该项制度的施行更具实质性成效。Chief priest of the Eleusinian Mysteries in ancient Greece. His main task was to display the sacred objects during the celebration of the mysteries and explain their secret meaning to initiates. The priest was usually an old, celibate man with a forceful voice, chosen from the Eumolpids, one of the original clans of Eleusis. Upon election, he cast aside his former name and was called only hierophantes.The role of the hierophant in religion is to bring the congregants into the presence of that which is deemed holy. The word comes from Ancient Greece, where it was constructed from the combination of ta hiera, the holy, and phainein, to show. In Attica it was the title of the chief priest at the Eleusinian Mysteries. A hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles.
2023-01-09 14:22:361


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2023-01-09 14:22:542

too good for you是什么意思

too good for you对你太好拼音双语对照双语例句1Nothing will be too good for you when i"m roy"s wife.我成了罗依的妻子,对你也最好不过了。2-he"s far too good for you.-i"m going to be celibate-他对你来说太完美了.-我要做独身主义者
2023-01-09 14:23:161

lil wayne 的i"m me歌词

The hottest... under the sunAin"t nobody fucking with me, manAnd you already know that, pimpinCash Money Records, where dreams come trueFuck up my dreams, somebody gon die tonightAnd you already know that, pimpinHey it"s Cash Money Records manThe law in this gameUn-fuckin believable, Little Wayne"s the presidentFuck em, fuck em, fuck emEven if they celibateI know the game is crazyIt"s more crazy than it"s ever beenI"m married to that crazy bitchCall me Kevin FederlineIt"s obvious that he"ll be Cash Money til the death of himThe ground shall break when they bury himBury him, I know one day they gotta bury himBut I lock my casket tight baby so I don"t let the devil inNigga, it"s just me and my guitarYea, xxxxx I"m heavy metal-ingYou can get to xxxxxx Led ZeppelinNiggas is bitches, bitches, I think they full of estrogenAnd we hold court, take your life for the settlementYes, I"m the best. and no I ain"t positive, I"m definateI know the game like I"m reffing itThis is Tha Carter, Tha Carter 3, the new testamentAnd I"m the god, and this is what I bless them withBitch, I"m me, I"m me, I"m me, I"m meBaby, I"m me, So who you, You"re not me, You"re not meAnd I know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireI know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireJuniorIt"s cash money over everythingIt"s in my blood I feel it runnning in every veinI"m from the mud I am a missle like the studWhat"s really good, I"m about to ruckus like fudAnd I stay on my flow and Cash Money like a rugTied to the fuckin" birmman like a logAnd dear Mr. Ronald WilliamsTo you I shall forever give thanks like a billionCash Money million, hier to the throneGoing at the head is like hair and a combSittin by the window, I just stare at the stoneKnowin" I might get through it like hair and a combKnow money over bitches, my niggas trust my sistersAnd I will take or trash it with the lord as my witnessAnd you all have witnessed, but I am not finishedSo keep your mouth closed and let your eyes listenThat I"m me I"m me, I"m me, I"m me, I"m meBaby, I"m me, So who you, You"re not me, You"re not meAnd I know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireI know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m still a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireLast year they had the grammys and left me in MiamiSleeping on a nigga like I"m rapping in my jammiesI"m rapping when you sleep, I was rapping when you were in jammiesMel Gibson flew lethal weapon book em" dannyI"m a monster I tell you monster wayneI have just swallowed the key to the house of painNow I"m stuck here to deal with the house"s painFuck with me, I will peel like the house"s painLet"s go, niggas don"t see me cause I"m better than bothThe only time I will depend is when I"m seventy years oldThat"s when I can"t hold my xxxx within so I xxxx on myselfCause I"m so sick and tired of shitting on everybody elseI"m tryna tell you like I saying somethingI"m from the dirty like the bottom of my pants cuffAnd there ain"t nothin gonna stop meSo just envy it, hey, I"ll accept a friendly quit.(ha) yeaI"m me, I"m me. Bitch, I"m meBaby, I"m me, So who you, You"re not me, You"re not meAnd I know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireI know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI am a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireThe hottest... under the sunAin"t nobody fucking with me, manAnd you already know that, pimpinCash Money Records, where dreams come trueSomebody gon die tonightAnd you already know that, pimpinHey it"s Cash Money Records manThe law in this game
2023-01-09 14:23:271

法语翻译Pour nous perrnettre de suivre regulierement le paiement de votre rente ,nous vous demandon

为了允许我们能够定期检查您的租金支付情况,请您在下面合适的选择前画叉(法国是在要选的那一项前画差,而不是像我们画钩哈!)死亡证明应该是état-civil吧,户口本未下再婚证明结婚证书18以上孩子的在读证明您女儿的独身或已婚证明du défunt, 由住所处的APC出具的明确指出您在死者(居民身份号:N27)死亡前就已负担过重的“家庭责任证明”(不知道术语是什么)抚养未成年 (法国指未满21岁的,好像)孩子的证明(死亡证明或离婚证明)由死者前雇主出具并签字的死者薪资证明(打印附件)生存证明(与死亡证明相反的那个,不知道术语,汗...)出生证明身份证复印件未工作证明没写对吧最后一句(不过反正是格式化的客套话,不用管的)(不懂术语,反正大意是这样咯)
2023-01-09 14:23:322


2023-01-09 14:23:417

找lil Wayne-I"m single的歌词,有的话多加分!

The hottest... under the sunAin"t nobody fucking with me, manAnd you already know that, pimpinCash Money Records, where dreams come trueFuck up my dreams, somebody gon die tonightAnd you already know that, pimpinHey it"s Cash Money Records manThe law in this gameUn-fuckin believable, Little Wayne"s the presidentFuck em, fuck em, fuck emEven if they celibateI know the game is crazyIt"s more crazy than it"s ever beenI"m married to that crazy bitchCall me Kevin FederlineIt"s obvious that he"ll be Cash Money til the death of himThe ground shall break when they bury himBury him, I know one day they gotta bury himBut I lock my casket tight baby so I don"t let the devil inNigga, it"s just me and my guitarYea, xxxxx I"m heavy metal-ingYou can get to xxxxxx Led ZeppelinNiggas is bitches, bitches, I think they full of estrogenAnd we hold court, take your life for the settlementYes, I"m the best. and no I ain"t positive, I"m definateI know the game like I"m reffing itThis is Tha Carter, Tha Carter 3, the new testamentAnd I"m the god, and this is what I bless them withBitch, I"m me, I"m me, I"m me, I"m meBaby, I"m me, So who you, You"re not me, You"re not meAnd I know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireI know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireJuniorIt"s cash money over everythingIt"s in my blood I feel it runnning in every veinI"m from the mud I am a missle like the studWhat"s really good, I"m about to ruckus like fudAnd I stay on my flow and Cash Money like a rugTied to the fuckin" birmman like a logAnd dear Mr. Ronald WilliamsTo you I shall forever give thanks like a billionCash Money million, hier to the throneGoing at the head is like hair and a combSittin by the window, I just stare at the stoneKnowin" I might get through it like hair and a combKnow money over bitches, my niggas trust my sistersAnd I will take or trash it with the lord as my witnessAnd you all have witnessed, but I am not finishedSo keep your mouth closed and let your eyes listenThat I"m me I"m me, I"m me, I"m me, I"m meBaby, I"m me, So who you, You"re not me, You"re not meAnd I know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireI know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m still a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireLast year they had the grammys and left me in MiamiSleeping on a nigga like I"m rapping in my jammiesI"m rapping when you sleep, I was rapping when you were in jammiesMel Gibson flew lethal weapon book em" dannyI"m a monster I tell you monster wayneI have just swallowed the key to the house of painNow I"m stuck here to deal with the house"s painFuck with me, I will peel like the house"s painLet"s go, niggas don"t see me cause I"m better than bothThe only time I will depend is when I"m seventy years oldThat"s when I can"t hold my xxxx within so I xxxx on myselfCause I"m so sick and tired of shitting on everybody elseI"m tryna tell you like I saying somethingI"m from the dirty like the bottom of my pants cuffAnd there ain"t nothin gonna stop meSo just envy it, hey, I"ll accept a friendly quit.(ha) yeaI"m me, I"m me. Bitch, I"m meBaby, I"m me, So who you, You"re not me, You"re not meAnd I know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI"m a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireI know that ain"t fair, but I don"t careI am a motha xxxxxx Cash Money millionaireThe hottest... under the sunAin"t nobody fucking with me, manAnd you already know that, pimpinCash Money Records, where dreams come trueSomebody gon die tonightAnd you already know that, pimpinHey it"s Cash Money Records manThe law in this game
2023-01-09 14:24:372


2023-01-09 14:24:452


n.(名词)统计学 a kind of subject,which related to math,economy,life,and so on. 统计资料 统计 统计数字 统计法 统计表 统计量 统计数据 英文单词,词源解说,近义词,双语例句,Lyfe Jennings 演唱歌曲, 英文单词 词源解说 n. (名词) statistics作“统计资料,统计数字”解用作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。作“统计学”解用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 近义词 census 人口普查 data 数据 Numbers [圣经] 民数记... information 信息 双语例句 He is a professor of statistics. 他教授统计学。 There is a compulsory course instatistics. 有一门统计学的必修课。 Get me a printout of thestatistics. 给我一份列印出的统计资料。 He is taking statistics. 他正在进行统计。 I happen to have the official statistics with me. 我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。 Statistics should be treated with caution. 对待统计数字要小心。 Lyfe Jennings 演唱歌曲 歌词:Lyfe Jennings - Statistics Alright alright alright yall settle down settle down settle down. If you don"t know where you are this is STATISTICS 101 and I"m your teacher LYFE JENNINGS in the flesh baby. Books out. Let"s go! 25% of all men are unstable 25% of all men can"t be faithful 30% of them don"t mean what they say and 10% of them in maybe 20 is gay That leaves you a 10% chance of ever finding your man That means you never paid attention to these words that I said I"m gonna teach you how expose the 90% and show you what to do to keep the other 10. Don"t be a booty call If he don"t respect you girl he gon"t forget you girl If he"s in a relationship If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you Tell him that you"re celibate And if he wants some of your goodies he gon"t have to work for it Be the person you wanna find Don"t be a nickel out here lookin" for a dime STATISTICS! 15% of all men got a complex 15% of all men don"t practice safe sex 20% of them come from homes without a father and there"s a 50/50 chance that you"ll marry a coward Something to think about when you"re taking a shower Something to swallow when you"re drinking bottled water I"m gonna teach you how to expose the 90% and show you what to do to keep the other 10 Don"t be a booty call If he don"t respect you girl he gon"t forget you girl If he"s in a relationship If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you Tell him that you"re celibate and if he wants some of your goodies he gon"t have to work for it. Be the person you wanna find Don"t be a nickel out here lookin" for a dime. STATISTICS! Be patient! He"s waiting! You don"t gotta settle for that Leave what is past alone! Get you a backbone! S being a silent phone yourself! Have you no checklist? It"s gonna take patience Time is still wastin" Don"t be a booty call If he don"t respect you girl he gon"t forget you girl If he"s in a relationship If he will cheat on her that means he will cheat on you Tell him that you"re celibate and if he wants some of your goodies he gon"t have to work for it. Be the person you wanna find Don"t be a nickel out here lookin" for a dime. STATISTICS! STATISTICS! STATISTICS!
2023-01-09 14:25:491


institution的读音是:[ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn],翻译成中文的意思是:机构, 制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗,例句如下:This educational institution is non-profit.这是一家非盈利的教育机构。He had defended the institutionof a celibate priesthood.他捍卫了独身牧师制度。Consensus politics places a high value on existing political instituti...代表多数人意见政纲强调现存政治机构重要性。Giving presents on Christmas is an institution . 圣诞节送礼是一种风俗。Since it"s a government operated institution, things don"t move very fast.由于它是政府运营的机构,所以事情进展的速度不会太快。
2023-01-09 14:26:061


2023-01-09 14:26:2315

How to Become Pope 如何成为教皇 中英字幕

给你英文的‘script":Script:Let"s say you want to become pope, head of the Catholic Church and shepherd to over 1 billion faithful.What requirements must you have for this lofty position:1) Be a catholic and2) Be a man.Which seems a little thin… and, while it"s technically possible for a regular Sunday Catholic to become pope, the last time this happened was essentially never because becoming pope isn"t like becoming president, you can"t just run for office. Selecting the pope is an inside job and the men who do it are the cardinals, and while in theory they can select any catholic man to become pope, in practice they prefer to elevate one of their own.The last time a non-cardinal become pope was more than 600 years ago. So, while it isn"t an official requirement, it"s an unofficial, official requirement.Thus in order to be pope you"ll first need to be a cardinal and to do that you"ll need to start climbing the catholic corporate ladder.*Step 1: Become A Priest.Unlike some churches where you can fill out a form online and -- poof -- ordained. The Catholic Church treats becoming a priest as a real, you-need-training profession. So you"re going to require a lot of education: usually a college degree in Catholic Philosophy and then a masters in divinity.In addition to your educational qualifications, you must also be:A manUnmarried,Willing to remain celibate forever.�6�9If you meet these requirements, and have been working with the church, then you can be officially ordained as a priest. Which basically means you get to run a Catholic Church, or work with another priest who does.But, you want onward and to do that you need to take the job of the man who just made you a priest.Step 2: Become A BishopBishops are a much more select group: while there are about 400,000 catholic priests world wide, there are only about 5,000 bishops.While priests get churches, bishops get cathedrals, from which they oversee a number of local churches.To advance your career you must wait for a bishop in your area to be forced into retirement at age 75 or die sooner than that -- freeing up space for you.But you can"t just apply, because there"s already a secret list of potential bishops that"s updated every three years based on who the current bishops in your area think would make a good replacement for one of their own.To be on that list, in addition to the obvious requirement of being a pious person, you should also:Be least 35 years oldHave been priest for at least five yearsHave a doctorate in theology (or equivalent)Assuming you"re all these things, your name may, or may not be on the secret list. The local bishops then give that list to the pope"s ambassador for your country, known as the Apostolic Nuncio.The Nuncio picks three priests from the list, does in-depth research on them, conducts interviews and selects the one he thinks is best.But it"s not over, because the Nuncio sends his report to Vatican City and the congress of bishops who work there reviewing potential appointments from around the world.If the congress of bishops doesn"t like any of the three candidates, they can tell the Nuncio to start over: returning to the list, picking another three candidates -- doing more research, more interviews and sending off the results.When the congress of bishops is happy with one of the Nuncio"s candidates that name is given to the pope, who can reject the candidate and start the whole process over.It shouldn"t be a surprise that from a vacancy to a bishop"s replacement can take months and, on occasion, years.But assuming that a bishop in your area retired (or died) at the right time and you were on the secret list of good priestsand the Nuncio picked you and you made it through his interview and the congress of bishops approved you and the pope didn"t veto you -- poof now you"re now a bishop.But you"re still not on top. The penultimate promotion is...Step 3: Become A Cardinal.Despite the fancy name and snazzy red outfits to match cardinals are not the bosses of bishops, they are bishops, just with an additional title and additional responsibilities -- the most notable of which is electing the new pope.�6�0The only way to become a cardinal is to get to current pope to appoint you as one -- and of the 5,000 bishops, only about 200 are ever cardinals.But let"s say your ambition doesn"t go unnoticed by the pope and he makes you a cardinal -- now it"s time to play the waiting game for his death or retirement -- and with popes death is vastly more likely.When either happens the cardinals under the age of 80 are brought to Vatican City where they are isolated from the outside world -- presumably by taking away their cell phones and tablets and carrier pigeons. Once sequestered, the election of a new pope can begin.These elections are never exactly the same because the ex-pope leaves instructions on how he wants his replacement to be picked, but in general it works like this: four times a day the cardinals go to the Sistine Chapel to vote -- to become pope one of them must get a 2/3rds majority.There"s a big dose of mustn"t-be-too-hasty here as the cardinals don"t just raise their hands, or use a modern preferential voting system, but instead write down one name on a piece of paper stand before the alter and say a long latin phrase, before officially casting the ballot.Once all the cardinals have done this, the votes are counted and then burned.This why TV news stations covering the election of the pope use super-modern-hd-livestreaming cameras to look at a chimney. If the smoke is black, no new pope.The high victory threshold, and tediously slow voting process, is why it takes so long to elect a new pope. It"s usually at least two weeks of voting four times a day six days a week (with one day a week for prayer) but the record length is three years.Assuming you, eventually, win the support of your fellow cardinals, you have one final thing to do before becoming pope: pick yourself a new name.There is no formal rule, you can name yourself anything you like but it"s tradition to take the name of a previous pope.Upon your acceptance of the job, the final ballots are burned clean to make the smoke white and announce to the world that a new pope has been selected.So that"s the career path: be born into the right half of the population, become one of a billion catholics, then one of 400,000 priests, then one of 5,000 bishops, then one of 200 cardinals, wait for the current pope to die or retire, and convince 2/3rds of your fellow cardinals to select you as the one, the only pope.
2023-01-09 14:27:191


2023-01-09 14:27:264


2023-01-09 14:27:398

关于prevent from 的用法

可以啊,实际上是一种用法,from作为介词后面跟宾语,一般为名词或代词,dropping是动名词,insolation 是名词 第一个你是把dropping变回了动词drop第二个也要变回动词啊it insolates 就是这意思啊,你怎么理解?有时间可以在hi上交流。
2023-01-09 14:24:591


海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光。 湖是硬的,像一块无瑕的翡翠闪烁着美丽的光泽。 湖是静的,宛如明镜一般,清晰地映出蓝的天,白的云,红的花,绿的树。 湖上泛着一片青烟似的薄雾,远望微山,只隐约辨出灰色的山影。 浪花是海上的奇景,可她更像一位舞蹈家,她能使人抛开烦恼,尽情地欣赏。 湖是活的,层层鳞浪随风而起,伴着跳跃的阳光,伴着我的心,在追逐,再嬉戏。 湖水在枯草丛里微微低语,远处不时传来一两只小鸭的扑翅声,使月夜的湖面更显得孤寂和冷清。 海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹。 阳光照在波光细细的湖面上,像给水面铺上了一层闪闪发光的碎银,又像被揉皱了的绿缎。 数叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。 描写湖海的优秀句段 好 词 潮汛海涛 海啸 海浪 巨浪 恶浪 碧绿 海峡 海湾 海滨海岛 海滩 沙滩 海潮白浪如山 白浪滔滔 白浪滔天 百川归海 奔腾不息奔腾呼啸 奔腾 咆哮 碧波荡漾 碧波万顷 一望无垠碧海青天 碧江盈盈 碧蓝如茵 苍茫大海 汪洋大海海天相接 海水连天 海天一色 波浪滔天 好 句 湖是活的,层层鳞浪随风而起,伴着跳跃的阳光,伴着我的心,在追逐,再嬉戏。 湖水在枯草丛里微微低语,远处不时传来一两只小鸭的扑翅声,使月夜的湖面更显得孤寂和冷清。 数叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。 海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光。 湖是硬的,像一块无瑕的翡翠闪烁着美丽的光泽。 湖是静的,宛如明镜一般,清晰地映出蓝的天,白的云,红的花,绿的树。 湖上泛着一片青烟似的薄雾,远望微山,只隐约辨出灰色的山影。 浪花是海上的奇景,可她更像一位舞蹈家,她能使人抛开烦恼,尽情地欣赏。 海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹。 阳光照在波光细细的湖面上,像给水面铺上了一层闪闪发光的碎银,又像被揉皱了的绿缎。 描写山河湖海的优美语句 描写山河湖海的优美语句 1.空和大海相爱了,但他们的手无法相牵,爱也无法继续,天空哭了,海的双眼也湿了。因此她说:有一种界限永远无法跨越! 2.大海是生命的母体;海水是生命的洗礼玉液;而面向大海,沐浴海风,感受滚滚红尘间千种风情乃人生一大乐事。 3.大海啊大海,天使也不知道,我为何对你如此迷恋,未来的未来,我还要为你献上我对海的祝福。 4.海,能容纳百川,它胸怀的博大;海,有潮起潮落,它沸腾的理想;海,有波峰涛谷,它引傲的作品;海,有惊涛骇浪,它对生命极限的考验。 5.我神往着大海的冷峻与和顺;神往着大海的辽阔与深奥;神往着大海的一帆风顺与波涛汹涌!大海以他独有的神韵吸引着我,召唤着我,使我的新身不由己的飞向他,朝拜它 6.海,是平凡的,是普通的,但海又是那么富有气魄,有着一种神韵而又有着与世无争的感觉。 7.海,神秘,美丽,神乎其神,海,爱你的纯洁的清流,海,爱你的神秘的魅力;海,爱你的善良,高尚,海,也爱你的深藏若虚 8.我爱峰峦雄伟的华山,我爱水平如镜的西湖;我还爱秀丽无比的万窟山。但我更爱那变幻莫测的大海。 9.海,爱你的纯洁的清流,海,爱你的神秘的魅力;海,爱你的善良,高尚,海,也爱你的深藏若虚10.大海我希望永远不会有这么一天,你我分道扬镳,各奔东西;我希望,当我们独自在漫长的人生路上行走,突然想起对方时,不会找不到彼此的身影.当忧伤像大海一般淹没了我.当思念的潮水凶猛地裹挟着我,只要能够找寻到你的影子,我便是幸福的 10.原先风平浪静的海面,荡漾着,海的愁容荡漾着,那泛散开来的波纹,传播开海的哭泣。哦,大海,原来你也这么多情,却又如此沧桑。 11.海,清凉的温情里有着幸福的悠荡,汹涌的波浪里也有爱的光华;梦,在深海的激流里开花,唱出的歌谣带着真情的童话。 12.海与天的交接间流淌着期待,那里的希望在唱歌,就如海底深处的美人鱼的甜美的呼唤。碧波粼粼辉映出爱的等待,混合蓝色的风在生命里流浪 13.海水是温柔的。站在海滩上,海水像母亲的手,抚摸着你,让你感受到深沉的母爱。海水又是像一只温顺的小狗,安安静静,倚在你的身旁。但有时又有“东临碣石,以观沧海”的叱咤风云。 14.海是蓝色的,说不上秀丽与迷人,却使人感到亲切与舒服。它不像漓江之水清可见底,却有着南海有风时的波澜壮阔和无风时的和蔼可亲。 15.我看见过静清绿的漓江,玩赏过水平如镜的西湖,却从没看见过大海的壮阔。大海的水真蓝啊,蓝得仿佛是一块毫无瑕疵的蓝宝石;大海的水真清啊,清得仿佛可以看到海底的童话世界;大海真辽阔啊,从海的这一边看不到海的那一边。 16.你听,海不就是在唱歌吗?时而雄壮,时而舒缓,浪花也时不时的拍岸响应,我闭上眼睛,和着海风滑过耳际的声音,恍惚间,如入无蓬莱之境,安若天堂。 17.海是那样美,那样静,可是,总能让人发现“她”不一样的美,让我们共同感受大自然的美!将来,海会更加蓝,草会更加绿,我们将生活在美的世界。 18.海,不是风平浪静的池塘,不是流水叮咚的河溪。海就是海!有一条永不停息的脉搏,有一腔奔流不滞的热血。你惟有颠簸于其中,浸没于其中,才能感觉到海有一种强大的活力。 19.江河湖海,日夜奔腾,那是祖国汩汩的血液。 20.江水汹涌奔泻而来,如箭离弦,如马脱缰,如猛虎出山。 21.拂弦轻唱,不唱悲歌,红尘中悲伤事,已太多。信手填词,难填笑语,人世间欢乐趣,谁人知?而我犹如风霜中的野花,不知道将为谁而开。犹如荒原孤独的野草,不知道将为谁而绿。 22.或许,真如人所说.她.经不起束缚,既灿烂如花.却也是悲情女子……她要的.或许已不是叱诧江湖,只想当繁华似水流去之后,能清灯古佛旁,祈祷来世的淡然。似君为王者,生为名利所动。从此携一悲情女子,遍踏江湖。当她想奋起直追和他啸傲江湖的时候.他,亦成了曾几何时.那女子般沉默…… 23.龙首岩拔地千尺,危峰兀立,怪石磷峋,一块巨崖直立,另一块横断其上,直插天池山腰,势如苍龙昂首,气势非凡。 24.路两边群山起伏,林海莽莽,在绿色的林海中间还点缀着一簇簇小黄花。 25.那天,那地,那人,那情,那那漫天花雨下的丝雨如愁 26.群山都落在脚下,显得空旷高远,高得可以同月牙儿拉手,同太阳亲脸。 27.孰不知,岁月苍老了红颜。所谓女为悦己者容,所谓知己红颜,只能在刀光剑影中灰飞烟灭。誓为知己者死,只问这漫漫剑侠路,到底有多少知己……“此生此世,生死与共,祸福同行”? 28.所有一切众生之类:若卵生、若胎生、若湿生、若化生;若有色、若无色;若有想、若无想、若非有想非无想,我皆令入无余涅盘而灭度之。如是灭度无量无数无边众生,实无众生得灭度者。何以故?须菩提!若菩萨有我相、人相、众生相、寿者相,即非菩萨。 29.泰山拔地而起,直冲云霄,恰如一个巨人,矗立在万山之中,正深情地俯视着大地。 30.天地无极,乾坤借法。 31.万物负阴而抱阳。 32.勿记得.江湖之事。切在忘情.切在路过.生生死死.只不过耽搁了一个惘回。 33.嘘为云雨,嘻为雷霆,通天彻地,出幽入明,千变万化,何者非我! 34.银装素裹的群山,登高远望,就像是大海被狂风卷起的雪浪,蜿蜒起伏,一望无际。 35.曾以为置身江湖,一曲笑傲,为富不仁者头颅落地。亦不明,一生繁华,一身潇洒,总逃不过寂寞的挣扎。一曲风铃,一片雁鸣,红尘飞舞终会有时尽。于是茫茫俗世,自叹拂如。人“仁”者为侠.侠非侠。本以为浮华过后,能有一场真实平静的爱恋。 36.孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。 37.黄山的景真奇!有的像仙人背篓,有的像猴子观海,有的像猪八戒吃西瓜。还有的像武松打虎---奇峰罗列,形态万千。黄山的峰真险!上“天都”的路几乎全是直上直下,与地面成90度角,“鲫鱼背”是在两个山顶间架起的一座天桥,它高达1800多米,两面悬空,底下是万丈深渊,低头一望,不禁叫人心惊胆战。 38.黄山可真险啊!我平生以来还从没有看见过这样陡峭的山峰,一座座危峰兀立,怪石嶙峋,崖壁陡似斧削,山石如断,几乎是九十度垂直的石梯,隔老远也让人心惊肉跳,似乎一失脚即刻就会从崖上跌下去,摔得粉身碎骨。 39.极目远眺:近处,座座险峰,山势起伏雄伟,好像四蹄腾空的骏马。嫩绿、鹅黄、青黛的秀色,错综变幻,交织一片,酷似一幅不嵌边框的石涛山水画。山腰,一面鲜艳的团旗徐徐飘行,颇有“万绿深处一点红”的情趣。山头,烟气缭绕,似群龙吞云吐雾,阳光掠过,群峰展颜,蔚为壮观。 40.江河湖海,日夜奔腾,那是祖国汩汩的血液。 41.江水穿山破壁,气势汹汹奔腾而下;奔腾叫嚣的江水,如瀑悬空,砰然万里。 42.江水汹涌奔泻而来,如箭离弦,如马脱缰,如猛虎出山。 43.岷江就像母亲一样养育着这片生机勃勃的土地,浇灌着庄稼,哺育着人们。 44.秋水共长天一色、落霞与孤鹜齐飞。 45.山。好似让众人拥戴的伟人,仁厚是他的本色,静立,献出了唐古拉山的皑皑白雪,献出了黄山的温泉、云海、迎客松;山,相信沉默是金,他无语、无怨、无悔、无去、无从。然而冥冥之中,却永不停息地为世人演绎着动人的神话,最美的风景。 46.山和水并行着,让灵魂在岁月的风沙中磨练、轮回、遭遇。“你为何要一直流动呢?”山问,“难道万顷良田不值得你孕育?难道万千挫折不值得你面对?难道万种痛苦不值得你化解?”‘水没有回答,只是依然把痛苦放大,卷起千层浪,淹没村庄,狰狞得张扬。 47.熟睡的松花江还在做着甜蜜的梦,发出的鼾声像打雷一样响亮。 48.谁道人生无再少?门前流水尚能西,休将白发唱黄鸡。 49.万里长城,绵延不绝,那是祖国伟大与强盛的见证 50.微风吹来,鸭绿江面上便泛起朵朵浪花,发出有节奏的哗哗声,好像一支乐曲,悦耳动听。 51.五岳山川,巍巍耸立,那是祖国不屈的脊梁。 52.汹涌澎湃的金沙江,像一条摇摆飞腾的金龙。 53.雄伟故宫,端庄磅礴,那是祖国文化与历史的永恒。 54.远处安详的骆驼山静卧在绿树烟雨间;南面深沉的象鼻山在雨中岿然不动,仍在畅饮漓江水;西面的老人峰须眉毕现,头巾在舞弄雨丝;而近处的伏波山,正玉立于碧水萦回的漓江之滨,仿佛一位轻纱拂面的仙女,是那样的神奇、秀美和迷人。啊!桂林的每一座山都是一幅清新的画,一首朦胧的诗,一支悠扬的歌! 关于湖海的佳句 关于湖海的佳句精选 1、湖是硬的,像一块无瑕的翡翠闪烁着美丽的光泽。 2、湖是静的,宛如明镜一般,清晰地映出蓝的天,白的云,红的花,绿的树。 3、湖上泛着一片青烟似的薄雾,远望微山,只隐约辨出灰色的山影。 4、海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光。 5、浪花是海上的奇景,可她更像一位舞蹈家,她能使人抛开烦恼,尽情地欣赏。 6、湖是活的,层层鳞浪随风而起,伴着跳跃的阳光,伴着我的心,在追逐,在嬉戏。 7、海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹。 8、阳光照在波光细细的湖面上,像给水面铺上了一层闪闪发光的碎银,又像被揉皱了的绿缎。 9、湖水在枯草丛里微微低语,远处不时传来一两只小鸭的扑翅声,使月夜的湖面更显得孤寂和冷清。 10、数叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。
2023-01-09 14:24:591


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2023-01-09 14:25:051


抖的笔顺、笔画 :“抖” 字共有 7 画,笔画顺序为: 横、竖钩、提、点、点、横、竖
2023-01-09 14:25:061

prevent sb 的词组?求速给答,急用

2023-01-09 14:25:103


2023-01-09 14:25:126


描写秋天丰收的四字成语有:1、麦穗两歧:一根麦长两个穗。比喻年成好,粮食丰收。2、时和年丰:和:和平;年:年成;丰:盛,多。风调雨顺,五谷丰登。3、穰穰满家:穰穰:丰盛。形容获得丰收,粮食满仓。4、果实累累:果实累累,此处读léi。累累:连续成串。5、仓箱可期:仓箱:盛粮食的工具。粮仓有望装满。比喻丰收大有希望。6、丰收在望:丰收的景象看得见丰收:大多指农产品丰收。7、一丛金黄:描写秋天果稻谷成熟了。8、五谷丰熟:指年成好,粮食丰收。同“五谷丰登”。9、硕果累累:累累:连续成串。秋天果实成熟了,一串一串的。10、丰收季节:秋天粮食等都成熟了,因此陈秋天是丰收的季节。11、硕果累累:硕果,大的果实。累累,形容积累很多。指结的大的果实特别多。也比喻取得的优异成绩相当多。果实累累造句:(1) 果园里花蕾满枝,预示着秋天果实累累。(2) 秋天到了,果园里果实累累,惹人喜爱。(3) 我爱山花烂漫的春天,也爱果实累累的金秋。(4) 三年前栽的果树,现在已经果实累累了。(5) 百花盛开的春天是美丽的,果实累累的金秋更加迷人。(6) 秋天到了,果树上果实累累,一派丰收的景象。(7) 秋天,果实累累农民伯伯们满载而归,喜气洋洋。
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2023-01-09 14:24:561

preyented阻止某人做某事 必须用到keep.stop.prevent

keep from doing sthstop doing sthprevent sb from doing sth 三个都是阻止某人做某事
2023-01-09 14:24:502


2023-01-09 14:24:484

求:preserve ,defend ,protect ,prevent的区别和各自用法。详

2023-01-09 14:24:451


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男生agoni网名的含义是痛苦的意思,也有“爱过你”的意思。Agoni是一个不存在的单词,它的发音跟中文的“爱过你”非常的相似,原单词应是意大利语agoni(竞赛)/阿尔巴尼亚语agoni(痛苦),另在法语里有agonie(痛苦),意大利语agonia(痛苦),英语agony(痛苦)。法语agonie [n.f.]痛苦极致 (希腊发音:ἀγωνία -Agonia“折磨”,“奋斗”)。原本指长期临死时的一系列现象,是逐渐死亡时的神经活动。现在,它是不科学的、不精确的术语。意大利语agonia [s.f.]1、临终,濒死(状态)。2、{转}极端痛苦,苦恼,焦急。由于网络是一个虚拟的世界,为了避免使用真实姓名带来的麻烦所以发明了网名。网名一般是指网友在网络世界里的一个虚拟名称。包含:论坛网名、qq网名、MSN网名、游戏网名等。qq网名则是网名中的一种。而大家最熟悉的就是腾讯qq的网名,聊天软件上对应的虚拟名称。它具有随意性,不稳定性和不真实性。
2023-01-09 14:24:401


1. 描写秋天丰收的诗句有哪些 1. 稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。——南宋 辛弃疾《破阵子》 2. 喜看稻菽千重浪,遍地英雄下夕烟。——毛泽东《七律·到韶山》 3. 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。——汉·刘彻《秋风辞》 4. 秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜。——三国魏·曹丕《燕歌行》 5. 长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。——唐·李白《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》 6. 袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。——战国楚·屈原《九歌·湘夫人》 描写秋天丰收的词语: 1. 秋风送爽:秋风送来凉爽的感觉。 2. 一丛金黄:描写秋天果稻谷成熟了。 3. 秋雨绵绵:秋天的雨水,绵延不断。 4. 果实累累:果实累累,累累:连续成串。 5. 秋风习习:秋天的风一阵一阵的吹过来。 6. 一叶知秋:凭借树叶凋落,了解秋天到来。 7. 春种秋收:春天种下种子,秋天得到收获。 8. 稻谷飘香:秋天稻谷成熟了,飘着阵阵香味。 9. 五谷丰登:登:成熟。指年成好,粮食丰收。 10. 年丰时稔:稔:庄稼成熟。年成好,庄稼大丰收。 参考资料 搜狗搜索:/web/searchList.jsp?uID=4-bXDDBWxwYV-YYg&v=5&dp=1&w=1278&t=1511599716841&s_t=1511599727253&s_from=result_up&htprequery=%E6%8F%8F%E5%86%99%E7%A7%8B%E5%A4%A9%E4%B8%B0%E6%94%B6%E7%9A%84%E6%99%AF%E8%B1%A1&keyword=%E7%A7%8B%E5%A4%A9%E4%B8%B0%E6%94%B6%E7%9A%84%E8%AF%97%E5%8F%A5&pg=webSearchList&s=&suguuid=d878b96a-345c-452e-ae33-11e53ac3d3f2&sugsuv=AAGKgPqoHAAAAAqUJSJmIAgAagM%3D&sugtime=1511599727258 2. 描写秋天丰收的诗句古诗有哪些 描写秋天丰收的诗句古诗有: 1、春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。唐 李绅 《悯农》 释义:春天只要播下一粒种子,秋天就可收获很多粮食。 2、稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。 宋代 辛弃疾《西江月·夜行黄沙道中》 释义:在稻花的香气里,人们谈论着丰收的年景,耳边传来一阵阵青蛙的叫声,好像在说着丰收年。 3、待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀。 释义:等到秋天九月重阳节来临的时候,菊花盛开以后别的花就凋零了。 4、夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。唐代 白居易《观刈麦》 释义:夜里吹来暖暖南风,地里小麦盖垄熟黄。 5、湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。 释义:秋夜明月清辉,遍洒澄净湖面,湖面平静无风,犹如铁磨铜镜。 释义: 3. 关于秋天丰收的诗句 1、稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。——南宋 辛弃疾《破阵子》 释义:在稻花的香气里,人们谈论着丰收的年景,耳边传来一阵阵青蛙的叫声,好像在说着丰收年。 2、喜看稻菽千重浪,遍地英雄下夕烟。——毛泽东《七律·到韶山》 释义:再喜看大片庄稼如浪涛滚滚,尽是农民英雄们在暮色中收工归来。 3、秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。——汉·刘彻《秋风辞》 释义: 秋风刮起,白云飞。草木枯黄雁南归。秀美的是兰花呀,芳香的是菊花。 4、秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜。——三国魏·曹丕《燕歌行》 释义:秋风萧瑟,天气清冷,草木凋落,白露凝霜。燕群辞归,天鹅南飞。思念出外远游的良人啊,我肝肠寸断。 5、长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。——唐·李白《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》 释义: 万里长风吹送南归的鸿雁,面对此景,正可以登上高楼开怀畅饮。 6、八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅。——唐·杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》 释义:八月里秋深,狂风怒号,狂风卷走了我屋顶上好几层茅草。 7、袅袅兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。——战国楚·屈原《九歌·湘夫人》 释义:凉爽的秋风不断吹来,洞庭湖中水波泛起,岸上树叶飘落。融情入景,以景染情;秋水的绝唱 被誉为“千古言秋之祖”。 8、悲哉秋之为气也!萧瑟兮草木摇落而变衰,憭栗兮若在远行,登山临水兮送将归。——战国楚·宋玉《九辩》 释义:悲凉啊, 秋天带来的气息 ,萧瑟啊草啊木啊摇啊摇啊掉下来衰败啦, 哀怆孤寂啊,好象在远行之中 ,爬上爬下啊 一年又要过去啦。 9、榈庭多落叶,慨然知已秋。——晋·陶渊明《酬刘柴桑》 释义:庭院里眨眼间多了许多落叶才觉醒原来秋天已经来了。 10、迢迢新秋夕,亭亭月将圆。——晋·陶渊明《戊申岁六月中遇火》 释义:初秋傍晚景远阔,高高明月又将圆。 4. 秋天收割稻谷的诗 山居秋暝 王维 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 明月松间照,清泉石上流。 竹喧归婉女,莲动下渔舟。 随意春芳歇,王孙自可留。 秋晚 白居易 烟景淡蒙蒙,池边微有风。 觉寒蛩近壁,知暝鹤归笼。 长貌随年改,衰情与物同。 夜来霜厚薄,梨叶半低红。 终南秋雪 刘禹锡 南岭见秋雪,千门生早寒。 闲时驻马望,高处卷帘看。 雾散琼枝出,日斜铅粉残。 偏宜曲江上,倒影入清澜。 题扬州禅智寺 杜牧 雨过一蝉噪,飘萧松桂秋。青苔满阶砌,白鸟故迟留。 有美堂暴雨 苏轼 游人脚底一声雷,满座顽云拨不开。 天外黑风吹海立,浙东飞雨过江来。 十分潋滟金尊凸,千杖敲铿羯鼓催。 唤起谪仙泉洒面,倒倾鲛室泻琼瑰。 秋窗风雨夕 曹雪芹 秋花惨淡秋草黄 耿耿秋灯秋夜长 已觉秋窗秋不尽 哪堪风雨助凄凉 助秋风雨来何速 惊破秋窗秋梦绿 抱得秋情不忍眠 自向秋屏移泪烛 泪烛摇摇爇短檠 牵愁照恨动离情 谁家秋院无风入 何处秋窗无雨声 罗衾不奈秋风力 残漏声催秋雨急 连宵脉脉复飕飕 灯前似伴离人泣 寒烟小院转萧条 疏竹虚窗时滴沥 不知风雨几时休 已教泪洒窗纱湿 5. 描写秋天丰收的句子 1、稻子熟了,大地沸腾了。农人拿着镰刀,开着机车在田梗间来回穿梭。轰隆隆的声音响彻耳际,田地里到处是人们忙碌的身影,就连小孩儿,也都跟在大人的身后,帮着捡稻穗,干点力所能及的活儿。百花争春,春光明媚,这是人们对春天的赞美。其实,秋天更美丽,秋天的色彩灿烂绚丽。 2、秋天,稻田里的禾苗成熟了,田野遍地一片金黄;树上的叶子,不断地改变着颜色,逐渐变成深红色、粉红色、淡红色、金黄色、浅黄色、淡黄色、橙色……呈现出五颜六色。秋天的景色美如童话,美如梦境。秋天来临,天气一天比一天凉爽,仿佛在告诉人们夏天已经过去,秋天开始。阵阵秋风的到来,树木为适应环境的变化,叶子的颜色也在不断变化,渐渐地变成黄色、红色,然后,开始落叶。田野一片金黄,好一派丰收的喜人景象,给人一种“春华秋实”的感受。到了秋天,菊花盛开,各种各样的菊花都不甘示弱,千姿百态,尽情绽放,菊花的颜色异彩纷呈:有的洁白如雪,有的黑紫如墨玉,有的金黄如金……显得雍容华贵,令人赏心悦目。享受一夏的阳光和雨水,秋天里,稻子熟了,奉献给精心照顾她们的农民朋友金光灿烂笑容!初秋的北大荒,到处翻滚着无垠的金浪,流淌着沁人肺腑的稻菽豆香。一台台水稻收获机在一片片金黄的稻田中忙碌着。 3、当秋风吹拂着你的双颊,稻田里,那一株株饱满的稻穗充满着成熟的喜悦,弯着腰,躬着背,低着头,它好像是成功者谦虚的楷模,当秋天来临时,硕果累累,秋高气爽,一股成熟的气息扑面而来,这一切都是那神奇的画布——大自然,精心用粗细不一的线条,五彩缤纷的颜料,勾画出一幅又一幅美得动人,色彩斑斓的图画, 让人心旷神怡。 我爱秋天,爱秋的宁静,爱秋的朴素,爱秋的高洁。 4、当秋风吹过田野,吹黄了稻子,金灿灿的稻谷,笑弯了腰.人们这才感受到劳动的甘甜、丰收的喜悦,地里的农民,被太阳晒得发黑的脸上印出了笑容,不知淌了多少汗,如今丰收在望,能不叫人开心吗? 5、秋天悄无声息地来了,迈着轻盈的步子,带着收获的希望和喜悦。稻子成熟了。金灿灿的稻田,那一串串饱满充实的稻穗,承载着的,是农人一年的寄托和梦想。 6. 关于“秋天丰收”的诗句有哪些 稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。 辛弃疾《破阵子》 喜看稻菽千重浪,遍地英雄下夕烟。 毛泽东《七律·到韶山》 秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归 。 汉·刘彻《秋风辞》 秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜 。 三国魏·曹丕《燕歌行》 长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。 唐·李白《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》 八月秋高风怒号,卷我屋上三重茅 。 唐·杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》 《秋天》 何其芳 震落了清晨满披着的露珠, 伐木声丁丁地飘出幽谷. 放下饱食过稻香的镰刀, 用背篓来装竹篱间肥硕的瓜果. 秋天栖息在农家里. 向江面的冷雾撒下圆圆的网, 收起青鳊鱼似的乌桕叶的影子. 芦蓬上满载着白霜, 轻轻摇着归泊的小桨. 秋天游戏在渔船上. 草野在蟋蟀声中更寥阔了. 溪水因枯涸见石更清冽了. 牛背上的笛声何处去了, 那满流着夏夜的香与热的笛孔? 秋天梦寐在牧羊女的眼里。
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