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2023-08-23 14:38:16

I believe falling in love at first sight,and I also believe falling in love with sticking


I believe in love at first sight, I also believe that day long to living feeling.

希望能帮上忙 O(∩_∩)O





一见钟情的英文fall in love at first sight。love,中文解释为爱情,喜爱。爱是一种发乎人内心的情感,在中文里有着很多解释,由某种事物给予人少许满足(如我爱进食这些食物)至为了爱某些东西而死(如爱国心、对偶结合)。例句1、But it was an immediate attraction and it was just a life-changing experience tohave met him.那真是一见钟情,而且遇见他改写了我一生的命运。2、I met him in a party and I"ve taken a fancy to him by the first sight.我在聚会上见到他第一面就对他一见钟情了3、Do not believe what love at first sight, because you can not see at a glance howmuch money the other side.不要相信什么一见钟情,,因为你不能一眼看出对方挣多少钱。4、your mom has always been a free spirit, that"s one of the reasons i fell for her inthe first place.你妈妈也常常喜欢自由自在,这是我对她一见钟情的原因之一。5、He fell in love with her at once. He followed behind her at a distance, putting hisfeet in the very places where she had stepped.他一见钟情,于是就远远地踏着她的足迹一步一步地跟随在她身后。
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love at first sight
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fall in love at first sight
2023-08-16 00:12:559

英语Love at first sight怎么翻译?

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我对你是一见钟情 英文怎么说?

Love at First Sight
2023-08-16 00:16:1610


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1、Together:译为一起,在一起,同时也是有浪漫的过程“To get her”2、Coisini:爱尔兰语的怦然心动,是因为他的出现。3、Shmily:看我是多么的爱你。4、dexter:我非常爱你,只是不再喜欢你了。5、Echo:念念不忘,必有回响。6、Elipped:只是听到就怦然心动了。7、Miraitowa:永远期待明亮的未来。8、Serendipity:不期而遇的美好。9、peach:桃子极可爱的非常迷人的人或事物。10、Crush:短暂地,热恋地。但又羞涩的爱恋。11、Trouvaille:因生活中偶然发现的美好而产生的满足。12、Solitude:平静愉悦的独处,独居。13、Redamancy:你爱着某人时,某人也在爱着你。14、Sinsoledad:发现幸福掌握在你自己手中。15、Dreamboat:理想的爱人理想的目标。16、Flechazo:一见钟情。17、Famiglistimo:爱的人都在你的身边。18、Augenstern:喜欢的人眼中的星星。19、Fruhlingserwachen:春天来临之前的日子。20、Habseligkeit:生活中微小的确定的幸福。
2023-08-16 00:16:571


英文一见钟情叫"love at first sight",这可以作为题目 当然fall in love at first sight绝对没有错,但若作为题目,则以最简为原则,love at first sight会好得多 谈谈你的句子:meet作为名词用时,是指: *** 所以,你的句子与你的原意有出入, fallen in love at the first meet是指:在第一次 *** 里,就已经爱上 当然,句子并不完整,因没有交待爱上甚么,还有没有主词与助动词 希望帮到你! 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! 首先 at the first sight 比at the first meet 好。 作为一个题目 Fall in love at THE first sight 已经完整了。 但说到英文文法,应该用 Perfect Persent Tense 现在完成式比较好,即是 I have fallen in love at the first sight. 参考: myself What about Love at first sight? It is old fashioned I know but at least it"s to the point. 这句子不完整,即使用作口语,听众也不会明白。例如谁跟谁 fall in love?此外,如把 meet 用作名词,则并非指见面,而是竞技大赛如运动会之类。
2023-08-16 00:17:141


问题一:一见钟情的同义词是什么? 一见钟情 ( yī jiàn zhōng qíng ) 英文解释:Love at First Sight 解 释: 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。男女之间一见面就 相关漫画产生了爱情。还指一见面就喜欢上它了 近义词: 一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合 反义词: 无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人 问题二:一见钟情 同义词 一见钟情的近义词:一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即和 一见钟情【拼音】:[yī jiàn zhōng qíng] 【释义】:钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 问题三:一见钟情的同义词 一见钟情词义:①指男女之间一见面即产生爱情。②借指对人或事物一看见就发生了很深的感情。 词性:动词。 褒贬:中性词。 结构:联动式。 用法:作谓语、定语、宾语。 出处:清u30fb墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情,故贱妾有感于心。” 近义词: 一见倾心:初次见面就十分爱幕。 相见恨晚:只恨相见得太晚。形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 相逢恨晚:形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 一面如旧:初次见面就象老相识一样投缘。 一见如故:初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 一接如旧:犹言一见如故。初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 问题四:有没有一个词语代表一见钟情的意思? 一见钟情的同义词是:一见倾心。表示:初次见面就十分爱慕 问题五:与一见钟情意思相近的成语 一见倾心_成语解释 【拼音】:yī jiàn qīng xīn 【释义】:倾心:爱慕。初次见面就十分爱幕。 【出处】:《资治通鉴u30fb晋孝武帝太元九年》:“主上与将军风殊类别,一见倾心,亲如宗戚。” 问题六:一见钟情是什么意思 一见钟情就是你第一次遇到他(她)都不敢看他的眼睛,可是一边却偷偷地自以为他不会发现地看他, 就是好想他会和你随便说点什么,也好想和他聊点什么,可是又怕自己太主动会被周围人怀疑噢 就是好想和他单独在郸起,可是又害怕和他在一起, 一见钟情就是第一次见面之后会老想他啦,总之还有好多啦,如果你有一见钟情就知道了。 问题七:一见倾心同义词 一见倾心的近义词 : 一见钟情、一点钟情、一顾倾城 问题八:一见钟情的近义词 一见钟情近义词: 一见倾心,望而生畏 一见钟情_百度汉语 [拼音] [yī jiàn zhōng qíng] [释义] 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 [出处] 清u30fb墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情;故贱妾有感于心。” 问题九:一见钟情的反义词 成语“一见钟情”解释: 拼音:yī jiàn zhōng qíng 用法:连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;用于男女之间相爱 解释:钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注.旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情. 成语出处:清u30fb墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情,故贱妾有感于心.” 示例:徐迟《三峡记u30fb远游》:“祁连山俘虏了我的心,青海湖我~.” 近义词:一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合 反义词:无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人 问题十:听说过有个词叫一见钟情吗 我想 我会是他的主人 什么意思 多么喜欢你成为她家的主人~一家之主,就是老公!
2023-08-16 00:17:301

世界第一初恋第八集的名字是looks breed love,底下的翻译是一见钟情,可是我在网上抖索完全没有这个词啊

不是小日本们造的英语单词,是造的句子...就比如拿第三话"In love there is both dotage and discretion."来说,这句话本身在英语里就没有这个俗语或者谚语的说...要是直译的话不就是外表孕育爱情所以说,跟一见钟情没什么不同...一见钟情是指男女之间一见面就产生了爱情对吧?在某种程度上外表还是占了大多数对吧?(在面前站个恐龙神马的,也不会一见钟情吧?)
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2023-08-16 00:18:115


“对你何止一见钟情”的英文:Far more than you love at first sight重点词解释:一、何止:far more than许多,多得多的;何啻;何止not only不但,不仅,不只;非但;不独例句:1.例子何止这些。There are far more instances than we have just enumerated;2.煤的用途何止那一些。The uses of coal are by no means limited to those.3.这故事中,所纠缠的,有何止是我们所理解的爱情。This is the story, the entanglement, there are far more than what we understand.4.我何止是不喜欢他,而是恨透了他。I don"t dislike him. I hate his guts.5.何止喜欢?它们代表了你最佳的作品。Like them? They represent your best work.6.何止见过,你曾经是我最好的朋友,但是现在已经不是啦。More than that, you have been my best friend, but not any more now.7.这一事件何止是对首相的攻击。The affair was more than an attack on the Prime Minister.8.何止喜欢,我是狂热的爵士乐迷!You: Like it? I"m crazy about jazz!9.在这种黑暗深渊的何止是我。I know now I was not alone in the horror of this darkness.10.与你们离别时,想说的话何止万千。Parting with you, want to say far more than kilowatts.二、一见钟情:fall in love with sb. the first time one sets one"s eyes on sb.例句:1.汤姆在一次聚会上遇到玛丽,两人一见钟情。Tom met Mary at a party, and they fell in love at first sight.2.在我看来你对里士满小姐完全是一见钟情。Seems to me you"ve taken quite a shine to Miss Richmond.3.我们一见钟情,他6周后就向我求婚了。It was love at first sight, and he proposed to me six weeks late.4.这对年轻人一见钟情。The young couple fell in love at first sight.5.他对每一位漂亮的姑娘都一见钟情。He falls for every pretty girl at first sight.6.我听说你对我一见钟情。I hear you have a crush on me.7.但是我知道,在我内心深处,我对她是一见钟情了。But somewhere in me, I knew that it was love at first sight.8.当我看到你时,我就对你一见钟情。When I saw you, it was love at first sight.9.一见钟情,太美妙了!I think it"s wonderful! Love at first sight.10.看起来他对我是一见钟情!Looks like love at first sight.参考资料百度翻译:
2023-08-16 00:18:271

你相信一见钟情吗 英文翻译

Do you believe in first sight love?
2023-08-16 00:18:386


t Dame Rumor mounts by the wron
2023-08-16 00:18:542


Love at First Sight——by Wislawa SzymborskaTHEY"RE BOTH CONVINCEDthat a sudden passion joined them.Such certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful stillSince they"d never met before, they"re surethat there"d been nothing between them.But what"s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways—perhaps they"ve passed each other a million times?I want to ask themif they don"t remember—a moment face to facein some revolving door?perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd?a curt "wrong number" caught in the receiver?but I know the answer.No, they don"t rememberThey"d be amazed to hearthat Chance has been toying with themnow for years.Not quite ready yetto become their Destiny,it pushed them close, drove them apart,it barred their path,stifling a laugh,and then leaped aside.There were signs and signals,even if they couldn"t read them yet.Perhaps three years agoor just last Tuesdaya certain leaf flutteredfrom one shoulder to another?Something was dropped and then picked up.Who knows, maybe the ball that vanishedinto childhood"s thicket?There were doorknobs and doorbellswhere one touch had covered anotherbeforehand.Suitcases checked and standing side by side.One night, perhaps, the same dream,grown hazy by morning.Every beginningis only a sequel, after all,and the book of eventsis always open halfway through引用:其实无须我在这里胡评乱弹,一部由几米漫画改编的电影《向左走,向右走》,杜琪峰导演已将这首诗歌解读的淋漓尽致,而这首诗被大陆读者所熟知也正是因为这部电影,建议喜欢这首诗或想再次深入体味这首诗歌的朋友,(再次)去欣赏这部电影。诗的题目为“一见钟情”,其实无论诗歌也罢,还是电影也罢,都不是在说我们所理解的“一见钟情”,而是在讲一种命运的必然与偶然,你认为是“一见钟情”的对象,其实是在你的性格、出身、相貌、家境等因素的决定下,你所必然要选择的对象。如同电影中,落破的小提琴演奏家金城武,其实只能和同样不怎么成功的女翻译梁咏琪产生共鸣,至于他们何时相遇,以怎样的方式见面,则不由他们左右——这是由所谓的缘分(Chance)偶然来决定的。参考:
2023-08-16 00:19:021

一见钟情,似曾相识 运用了什么美学理论?

一见钟情 ( yī jiàn zhōng qíng )  英文解释:Love at First Sight  解 释: 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。男女之间一见面就产生了爱情。还指一见面就喜欢上它了。  出 处: 清·墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情,故贱妾有感于心。”  用 法: 连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;用于男女之间相爱  示 例: 徐迟《三峡记·远游》:“祁连山俘虏了我的心,青海湖我~。”  近义词: 一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合  反义词: 无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人  歇后语: 白素贞借伞  灯 谜: 吕布遇貂蝉 
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不了相信一见钟情,因为有时候知人知面不知心。英文:you may know a person"s face but not his mind。
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我对你一见钟情”的英文翻译:I fell in love with you at the first sight.关于爱的其他表达:1.I heel over head fall in love with you.翻译:我为你神魂颠倒.2.Let"s hitch it.翻译:让我们拴在一起吧.3.You are my only one.翻译:你是我今生的唯一.4.You are a woman of my dream.翻译:你是我的梦中情人.5.You are my dearest love.翻译:你是我的至爱.6.You look more beautiful every time I see you.翻译:每次见到你,你都更漂亮。7. I love you with all my heart.翻译:我全心全意爱你。8. I love you for you.翻译:我真心爱你!9. For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.翻译:我也喜欢你啊,就想你喜欢我一样。10.My love for you is as deep as the sea.翻译:对你的爱,似海深。11.I"ll love you as long as I live.翻译:爱你一辈子(爱你千万年)。
2023-08-16 00:21:151

Love at Fist (一见钟情)的英文歌词?

仅供参考Blue - Love At First Sight Yeah See if you can relate to this one Hope I"m not disturbing you Because you look in thought right now I don"t mean to be rude Cause this is normally not my style Can I take you out I feel if I don"t ask chance will pass And I"ll never see your face again I"ll never see your face again You may be thinking I am strange Not every single day Beauty comes my way, so Do you believe in love at first sight, Tell me does that book that you are reading Tell the story of your life Do you believe in love at first sight Should I walk on by, Turn a blind eye, to love Love at first sight I could be the man for you I can make all your dreams come true Maybe I"m a fool For saying I"m in love with you You may be thinking I am strange Not every single day Beauty comes my way Do you believe in love at first sight, Tell me does that book that you are reading Tell the story of your life Do you believe in love at first sight Should I walk on by, Turn a blind eye, to love Love at first sight You say fare well I say so long You say goodbye I"ll say you"re wrong Cause here in my arms you belong Do you believe in love at first sight, Tell me does that book that you are reading Tell the story of your life Do you believe in love at first sight Should I walk on by, Turn a blind eye, to love Love at first sight Do you believe in love at first sight, Tell me does that book that you are reading Tell the story of your life Do you believe in love at first sight Should I walk on by, Turn a blind eye, to love Love at first sight To love, love at first sight….
2023-08-16 00:21:233


“NCON”是“Norcon”的英文缩写,意思是“诺康”。英语缩略词“NCON”经常作为“Norcon”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“诺康”。双语例句:I love spending time with my family and friends. 我喜欢和家人朋友们一起度过时光。She has a deep love for animals and volunteers at a local shelter. 她非常热爱动物,并在当地的收容所做志愿者工作。Love is a powerful emotion that can bring people together. 爱是一种强大的情感,可以将人们聚集在一起。They fell in love at first sight. 他们一见钟情。Love knows no boundaries. 爱情没有界限。The mother"s love for her child is unconditional. 母亲对孩子的爱是无条件的。I love the feeling of being in nature. 我喜欢身处大自然的感觉。Love is what makes life meaningful. 爱是人生有意义的源泉。Love can conquer all obstacles. 爱可以战胜一切困难。He expressed his love for her through a heartfelt letter. 他通过一封由衷的信表达了对她的爱。
2023-08-16 00:21:591


Yes.Be fond of somebody;Adore somebody; Be devoted to somebody;Care for somebody; Dote on somebody; It all me to have feelings of love or affection for somebody; Be fond of somebody especially you have known as boy and girl for a long time and emotionally; He cares for her more than she realizes called "poppy love."Or love at first sight !" One of the examples: -. I never believe in love at first sight. Of course you can afford to indulge in such a thought only in fictions or movies. It is most likely you e across a beautiful girl or a handsome boy whose charm and good look pletely captivate you. You have a crush on him or her. It is not love but infatuation. Does the first glance mean so much to you and worth your consideration of a long term mitted relationship without knowing that person at all? You may run the risk of meeting a womanizer or a gold-digger. It takes time to know and appreciate someone let alone to fall in love. After some time good or bad you pluck up your courage and say “He/She is beautiful to remember but too painful to fet”. I guess that is love. ~ 139 words 纯个人意见 可能成见 Infatuation (迷恋) = a strong feeling of love that seems silly especially because you do not know the other person very well Crush (迷恋) = a feeling of love and admiration for someone often someone you know you cannot have a relationship with. Womanizer = 玩弄女性的男人 Gold digger = 以美色骗取男人钱财的女人 Captivate (v) = 着迷 参考: Yahoo Dictionary 相不相信一见钟情==Do you believe that click(v.i. slang;not U.S.A.; be lucky (of o persons of opposite sex) strike up an acquaintance bee friends at once. 参考: According to ”The Advanced Learner"s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Trlation” published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975
2023-08-16 00:22:201


我遇见了一个女孩,我对她一见钟情 I met a girl, I fall in love to her 我遇见了一个女孩,我喜欢上了她I met a girl, I liked her
2023-08-16 00:22:281


一见钟情的同义词是什么? 一见钟情 ( yī jiàn zhōng qíng ) 英文解释:Love at First Sight 解 释: 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。男女之间一见面就 相关漫画产生了爱情。还指一见面就喜欢上它了 近义词: 一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合反义词: 无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人 一见钟情的近义词 一见钟情近义词: 一见倾心,望而生畏 一见钟情_百度汉语 [拼音] [yī jiàn zhōng qíng] [释义] 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 [出处] 清·墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情;故贱妾有感于心。” 一见钟情的同义词 一见钟情词义:①指男女之间一见面即产生爱情。②借指对人或事物一看见就发生了很深的感情。 词性:动词。 褒贬:中性词。 结构:联动式。 用法:作谓语、定语、宾语。 出处:清·墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情,故贱妾有感于心。” 近义词: 一见倾心:初次见面就十分爱幕。 相见恨晚:只恨相见得太晚。形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 相逢恨晚:形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 一面如旧:初次见面就象老相识一样投缘。 一见如故:初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 一接如旧:犹言一见如故。初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 一见钟情 同义词 一见钟情的近义词:一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即和 一见钟情【拼音】:[yī jiàn zhōng qíng] 【释义】:钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 与一见钟情意思相近的成语 一见倾心_成语解释 【拼音】:yī jiàn qīng xīn 【释义】:倾心:爱慕。初次见面就十分爱幕。 【出处】:《资治通鉴·晋孝武帝太元九年》:“主上与将军风殊类别,一见倾心,亲如宗戚。” 一见钟情反义词 无动于衷、 行同陌路、 视同路人 供参考 一见钟情的反义词是啥 其实我感觉望而生畏比较像反义词 一见钟情 反义词 一见钟情 一见成仇
2023-08-16 00:22:381


一见钟情的同义词是什么? 一见钟情 ( yī jiàn zhōng qíng ) 英文解释:Love at First Sight 解 释: 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。男女之间一见面就 相关漫画产生了爱情。还指一见面就喜欢上它了 近义词: 一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合反义词: 无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人 一见钟情的近义词 一见钟情近义词: 一见倾心,望而生畏 一见钟情_百度汉语 [拼音] [yī jiàn zhōng qíng] [释义] 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 [出处] 清·墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情;故贱妾有感于心。” 一见钟情的同义词 一见钟情词义:①指男女之间一见面即产生爱情。②借指对人或事物一看见就发生了很深的感情。 词性:动词。 褒贬:中性词。 结构:联动式。 用法:作谓语、定语、宾语。 出处:清·墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情,故贱妾有感于心。” 近义词: 一见倾心:初次见面就十分爱幕。 相见恨晚:只恨相见得太晚。形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 相逢恨晚:形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 一面如旧:初次见面就象老相识一样投缘。 一见如故:初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 一接如旧:犹言一见如故。初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 一见钟情相类似的成语 青梅竹马,心心相印,含情默默,两情相悦,谈情说爱,男欢女爱, 比翼双飞,长相厮守,白头相守,情比金坚,浓情蜜意,相濡以沫,海枯石烂,日转星移``` 一见钟情的反义词 成语“一见钟情”解释: 拼音:yī jiàn zhōng qíng 用法:连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;用于男女之间相爱 解释:钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注.旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情. 成语出处:清·墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情,故贱妾有感于心.” 示例:徐迟《三峡记·远游》:“祁连山俘虏了我的心,青海湖我~.” 近义词:一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合 反义词:无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人 一见钟情 同义词 一见钟情的近义词:一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即和 一见钟情【拼音】:[yī jiàn zhōng qíng] 【释义】:钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 一见倾心同义词 一见倾心的近义词 : 一见钟情、一点钟情、一顾倾城 类似一见钟情的成语 一见钟情 发音yī jiàn zhōng qíng 释义钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。 近义词一见倾心 一见如故 反义词无动于衷 视同路人
2023-08-16 00:23:021


2023-08-16 00:23:091


问题一:心动的瞬间翻译成英文 你好! 心动的瞬间 Enchanted moment 问题二:心动的英文怎么说。 flipped,怦然心动的 问题三:“有那么一瞬间的感动”用英语怎么说 There is one moment of touched. 问题四:(瞬间)的英语单词是什么? moment instant minute inthetwinklingofaneyewink 都可以 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】 问题五:温馨的寝室,感动的瞬间用英语怎样翻译 the bedroom of Sweet , it is touching moment 问题六:“让我感动的瞬间”用英文怎么说? The moment of my movement . 或者the moment of being deeply touched . 问题七:心动的瞬间,或是怎样心动的 女生刚好展现了男生喜欢的那个点,一般来说一个托腮思考的深思状,可能会让一个男生瞬间被攻陷;也可能是因为一个抚摸秀发的动作,吸引到一个喜欢长发的男生;亦或是一个温暖的笑容,瞬间融化男生的内心,都是一瞬间的,也叫做是一见钟情,不知道为什么就喜欢上她 问题八:“真爱源自于被感动的一瞬间” 英语怎么说? The true love is roused at the intensely moving moment. 那个五级经理用的是什么翻译器啊,实在恶心到我了
2023-08-16 00:24:001

求辛波斯卡的一见钟情 的全诗,要中英文

Love at First Sightby Wislawa SzymborskaThey both thoughtthat a sudden feeling had united themThis certainty is beautiful,Even more beautiful than uncertainty.They thought they didn"t know each other,nothing had ever happened between them,These streets, these stairs, this corridors,Where they could have met so long ago?I would like to ask them,if they can remember -perhaps in a revolving doorface to face one day?A "sorry" in the crowd?"Wrong number" on the "phone?- but I know the answer.No, they don"t remember.How surprised they would beFor such a long time alreadyFate has been playing with them.Not quite yet readyto change into destiny,which brings them nearer and yet further,cutting their pathand stifling a laugh,escaping ever further;There were sings, indications,undecipherable, what does in matter.Three years ago, perhapsor even last Tuesday,this leaf flyingfrom one shoulder to another?Something lost and gathered.Who knows, perhaps a ball alreadyin the bushes, in childhood?There were handles, door bells,where, on the trace of a hand,another hand was placed;suitcases next to one another in theleft luggage.And maybe one night the same dreamforgotten on walking;But every beginningis only a continuationand the book of fate isalways open in the middle.Translation from Polish by Roman GrenTranslation from French by Sarah Hardenberg他们彼此深信是瞬间迸发的热情使他们相遇这样的确定是美丽的但变幻无常更为美丽他们素未谋面,所以他们确定彼此并无瓜葛。但是自街道、楼梯、大堂传来的话语... ...他们也许擦肩而过一百万次了吧。我想问他们是否记得... ...在旋转门面对面那一刹或是在人群中喃喃道出的“对不起”,或是在电话的另一端道出的“打错了”。但是我早知道答案。是的,他们并不记得。他们会很惊讶,原来缘分已经戏弄他们多年。时机尚未成熟变成他们的命运,缘分将他们拉近,驱离。阻挡着他们的去路忍着笑声然后闪到一旁... ...有一些迹象和信号存在,即使他们尚无法解读。也许在三年前或者就在上个星期二,有某片叶子飘舞于肩与肩之间?有东西掉了又捡了起来?天晓得,也许是那个消失于童年灌木丛中的球?还有事前已被触摸层层覆盖的门把和门铃。检查完毕后并排放置的手提箱。有一晚,也许同样的梦,到了早晨变得模糊。每个开始毕竟都只是续篇,而充满情节的书本总是从一半开始看起。
2023-08-16 00:24:281


问题一:钟情的近义词是什么? 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 偏爱 喜爱 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。 问题二:钟情的近义词是情意吗? 钟情的近义词: 钟爱、痴情、衷情、喜爱、热爱、挚爱、青睐、垂青、寄望、留意、属意、专注、倾心、爱慕 问题三:一见钟情的同义词是什么? 一见钟情 ( yī jiàn zhōng qíng ) 英文解释:Love at First Sight 解 释: 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。男女之间一见面就 相关漫画产生了爱情。还指一见面就喜欢上它了 近义词: 一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合 反义词: 无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人 问题四:一见钟情的同义词 一见钟情词义:①指男女之间一见面即产生爱情。②借指对人或事物一看见就发生了很深的感情。 词性:动词。 褒贬:中性词。 结构:联动式。 用法:作谓语、定语、宾语。 出处:清u30fb墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情,故贱妾有感于心。” 近义词: 一见倾心:初次见面就十分爱幕。 相见恨晚:只恨相见得太晚。形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 相逢恨晚:形容一见如故,意气极其相投。 一面如旧:初次见面就象老相识一样投缘。 一见如故:初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 一接如旧:犹言一见如故。初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 问题五:一见钟情 同义词 一见钟情的近义词:一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即和 一见钟情【拼音】:[yī jiàn zhōng qíng] 【释义】:钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 问题六:青睐,的近义词是什么 钟情 [zhōng qíng] 生词本 基本释义 详细释义 感情专注,常指爱情 近反义词 近义词 属意 留意 百科释义 钟情,是指感情专注,常指爱情。语出唐孟ぁ缎颉罚骸爸於t书,虽盈厨溢阁,其间触事兴咏,尤所钟情。”一见钟情。用情至深,一往情深。钟情指对人用情很深,感情专注。语出 南朝 宋刘义庆《世说新语u30fb伤逝》:王戎丧儿 万子 ,山简往省之, 王 悲不自胜。简曰:"孩抱中物,何至於此?" 王 曰:"圣人忘情,最下不及情;情之所钟,正在我辈。" 唐孟ぁ缎颉:著於t书,虽盈厨溢阁,其间触事兴咏,尤所钟情。 宋陆游《暮春》诗:啼莺妒梦频催晓,飞絮钟情独殿春, 特指爱情专注。清朱彝尊《高阳台》词:钟情怕到相思路,盼长堤草尽,红心动愁吟。有钟姓女子,名为钟情 问题七:一见倾心同义词 一见倾心的近义词 : 一见钟情、一点钟情、一顾倾城
2023-08-16 00:24:361

当我第一次见你的时候,就爱上你了 的英文

U are my love at first sight.一见钟情更简洁~~!!!
2023-08-16 00:24:4513


2023-08-16 00:25:573


I Still Love You
2023-08-16 00:26:054


钟情的近义词是什么? 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 偏爱 喜爱 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。钟情的近义词是情意吗? 钟情的近义词: 钟爱、痴情、衷情、喜爱、热爱、挚爱、青睐、垂青、寄望、留意、属意、专注、倾心、爱慕 青睐,的近义词是什么 钟情 [zhōng qíng] 生词本 基本释义 详细释义 感情专注,常指爱情 近反义词 近义词 属意 留意 百科释义 钟情,是指感情专注,常指爱情。语出唐孟棨《序》:“著于群书,虽盈厨溢阁,其间触事兴咏,尤所钟情。”一见钟情。用情至深,一往情深。钟情指对人用情很深,感情专注。语出 南朝 宋刘义庆《世说新语·伤逝》:"王戎丧儿 万子 ,山简往省之, 王 悲不自胜。简曰:"孩抱中物,何至于此?" 王 曰:"圣人忘情,最下不及情;情之所钟,正在我辈。"" 唐孟棨《序》:"著于群书,虽盈厨溢阁,其间触事兴咏,尤所钟情。" 宋陆游《暮春》诗:"啼莺妒梦频催晓,飞絮钟情独殿春, 特指爱情专注。清朱彝尊《高阳台》词:"钟情怕到相思路,盼长堤草尽,红心动愁吟。"有钟姓女子,名为钟情 表示钟情的词语 忠贞不二 [zhōng zhēn bú èr ] 生词本 基本释义 近反义词 近义词 忠贞不渝 反义词 喜新厌旧 百科释义 意志或操守坚定不移。忠诚坚定,永不改变。也指下属对上层十分忠心 一见钟情的近义词 一见钟情近义词: 一见倾心,望而生畏 一见钟情_百度汉语 [拼音] [yī jiàn zhōng qíng] [释义] 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。旧指男女之间一见面就产生爱情。也指对事物一见就产生了感情。 [出处] 清·墨浪子《西湖佳话》:“乃蒙郎君一见钟情;故贱妾有感于心。” 长期憋尿会前列腺炎吗? 不会,但会的尿毒症 一见钟情的同义词是什么? 一见钟情 ( yī jiàn zhōng qíng ) 英文解释:Love at First Sight 解 释: 钟:集中;钟情:爱情专注。男女之间一见面就 相关漫画产生了爱情。还指一见面就喜欢上它了 近义词: 一见倾心、一见如故、一拍即合 反义词: 无动于衷、行同陌路、视同路人
2023-08-16 00:26:131


准备了一些唯美英文句子带翻译送给大家欣赏。 1、Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe.跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。 2、How many loved your moments of glad grace.多少人爱过你青春的片影。 3、Donu2019t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 4、He that canu2019t endure the bad, will not live to see the good.忍不了痛苦,就见不到幸福。 5、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love.有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是“爱情”。 6、With you to the old, and you have a good.伴你到老,和你共度美好。 7、our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 8、Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。 9、When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.当生活给你100个伤心的原因,你就还它1000个微笑的理由。 10、In love folly is always sweet. 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。 11、They say absense makes the heart grow fonder 。 But I likeit between when you"re here 。他们说距离产生美,但我还是更喜欢你在我身边。 12、My favorite place in the entire world is right next to you.整个世界,我最爱的地方就是你的左右。 13、Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age.爱情把小时变成月,把天变成年,把每一次不见面变成一生。 14、Everything will be ok in the end, if it"s not ok, it"s not the end. 所有的事情到最后都会好起来的,如果不够好,说明还没到最后。 15、I am not without feelings, just not so perceptual.我不是没有感情,只是不那么感性。 16、Stars are love letters from the Milky way to the Moon,you are a gift from the world to me.星星是银河递给月亮的情书,你是世间赠于我的恩赐. 17、In the summer of love,there is you.在爱情漫过的夏天,有你就足够。 18、Time such as water, always silent. If you are well, it is sunny. 时光如水,总是无言。若你安好,便是晴天。 19、If you are ever in trouble, don"t try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。 20、Love has one thousand moving strings and different notes.爱情有一千个动人的心弦而又各不相同的音符。 21、You make me want to be a better man.是你让我想成为更好的人。 22、Happiness is always knocking on your door and you just gotta let it in.幸福总会敲响你门,你只需要开门让它进来。 23、You ever far is my fixed lattice.你永远是我的定格。 24、Seeing your adorable smile is the absolute best part of my day.看见你可爱的笑容绝对是我一天中最美好的事。 25、You are the sun, I am warm light, we are indispensable.你是太阳、我是暖光、我们缺一不可。 26、To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 27、A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.内心只要有爱在燃烧,就不难有快乐。 28、I have everything what I want except you.除了你我什么都不缺。 29、You came into my mind that a maze with no exit.你走进了我心里那个没有出口的迷宫。 30、May spring breeze, the afterlife can do stray and freedom.愿来生能做春风,流浪又自由。 31、Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.请记住,幸福不是目的地,而是行进中的漫漫旅程。 32、Love is a foreign guest who is full of joy, a foreign self.爱情是兴致勃勃的外来客,是外来的自我。 33、Your smile like sunshine, you smell like wind, your warmth like hot Latte.你的微笑像阳光,你闻起来就像风,你的温暖像热拿铁。 34、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 35、I fall in love when i see you!我对你一见钟情! 是不是很喜欢这些唯美英文句子呢?喜欢就赶紧收藏吧!
2023-08-16 00:26:231


2023-08-16 00:26:312

有一首歌是一个男的第一次见到一个女的对她一见钟情的,还有一句貌似是love is open the door 男女合唱的

歌名是【Love Is an Open Door】Love Is an Open Door - Kristen Bell&Santino FontanaOkay, can I just, say something crazy?I love crazy!All my life has been a series of doors in my faceAnd then suddenly I bump into youI was thinking the same thing! cuz likeI"ve been searching my whole life to find my own placeAnd maybe it"s the party talking or the chocolate fondueBut with you (but with you)I"ve got my place (I see your face)And it"s nothing like I"ve ever known beforeLove is an open doorLove is an open doorLove is an open doorWith you (with you)With you (with you)Love is an open doorI mean it"s crazy (what?!)We finish each other"s (sandwiches)That"s what I was gonna say!I never met someoneWho thinks so much like me (Jinx! Jinx again!)Our mental synchronizationCan have but one explanationYou and I were just meant to beSay goodbye (say goodbye) to the pain of the pastWe don"t have to feel it any moreLove is an open doorLove is an open doorLife can be so much moreWith you (with you)With you (with you)Love is an open doorCan I say something crazy? Will you marry me?Can I say something even crazier? Yes!
2023-08-16 00:27:281

英语作文。。题目《你相信一见钟情吗?》Do you believe in love at the first sight?

Love and attraction are two different things. I do believe in attraction at first sight. You can definitely see someone from across the room, like the way they look and want to meet them. After you meet, you could start dating which could eventually lead to falling in love, but I feel as if you can"t truly love someone unless you know him or herDo You Believe in Love at First Sight?
2023-08-16 00:27:362


in different aways
2023-08-16 00:27:464


James Blunt - You Are Beautiful life is brilliant. My life is brilliant. (我前程似锦) My love is pure. (我的爱很纯洁无瑕) I saw an angel.Of that I"m sure. (我非常确信看到一个天使) She smiled at me on the subway. (在地铁上,她对著我微笑) She was with another man. (她跟别的男人在一起) But I won"t lose no sleep on that, (可是我并不会就这样僵愣著) "Cause I"ve got a plan. (因为我有个计画) You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful, it"s true. (你是这样美丽,是真的!) I saw your face in a crowded place, (在拥挤的地方,我看见你的脸) And I don"t know what to do, (而我不知道该怎麼做) Cause I"ll never be with you. (因为我永远无法跟你在一起) Yeah, she caught my eye,As we walked on by. (走动之间,她掳获了我的目光) She could see from my face that I was, (从我脸上可看到我专注於她的样子) Fucking high,(真爽) And I don"t think that I"ll see her again, (我不认为还能再次见到她) But we shared a moment that will last till the end. (但我们分享了那时刻,直到结束) You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful, it"s true. (你是这样美丽,是真的!) I saw your face in a crowded place, (在拥挤的地方,我看见你的脸) And I don"t know what to do, (而我不知道该怎麼做) "Cause I"ll never be with you. (因为我永远无法跟你在一起) La la la la, la la la la, la la la la laaaaaa (啦……………) You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful. You"re beautiful, it"s true. (你是这样美丽,是真的!) There must be an angel with a smile on her face, (在她脸上一定有个微笑的天使) When she thought up that I should be with you. (当她思索著…我应该跟你在一起) But it"s time to face the truth, (然而是该面对事实的时候) I will never be with you. (我还是永远无法与你在一起)
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2023-08-16 00:28:075


I don"t believe in love at first sight. I think love at first sight is a bell face. Beauty of the heart of all people, so people are always full of love for the good things, Yan high value of course people will make more and more people. The first meeting, out of politeness, so people tend to behave very gentleman or lady, but may be completely private another look. So the so-called love at first sight is only a temporary favor of each other, and can not say that one fell in love with each other.望采纳
2023-08-16 00:28:381