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2023-05-19 20:16:17



prevent sb from doing sth





Prevent,阻止、阻碍、阻挠。prevent doing sth,阻止做某事。prevent sb from doing sth,阻止某人做某事。prevent通常会接所有格形容词+动名词或接受词+from+动名词。当主词没有必要列出时,prevent可以直接接动名词,也可以接名词。 扩展资料   Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days.   大雪使得与外界的通信联系中断了三天。   Nothing would prevent him/ his speaking out against injustice.   什么也阻挡不了他为不平之事鸣冤叫屈。   We are taking steps to prevent pollution.   我们正在采取措施防止污染。
2023-01-09 14:16:591


prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事prevent to阻止去做某事,表示动作还未发生 prevent from 从某事中阻止,表示动作已经或正在发生prevent doing sth=prevent from doing sth
2023-01-09 14:17:091


prevent 及物动词,可是直接带宾语,表示阻止,禁止做某事;还有就是prevent (...)from doing sth也是阻止,妨碍做某事,这个用法和stop类似,可是划等号prevent from doing something.阻止某人做某事
2023-01-09 14:17:166


2023-01-09 14:17:412

prevent sb from doing sth 其中sb用宾格还是主格?

2023-01-09 14:17:543

Prevent 的用法

Prevent from doing
2023-01-09 14:18:071


prevent somebody (from)可加可不加doing sth
2023-01-09 14:18:154

prevent from,protect from和stop from的用法和区别。

2023-01-09 14:18:321

prevent的用法 比如说固定用法,to do,doing ,还是from doing.

prevent 及物动词,可是直接带宾语,表示阻止,禁止做某事; 还有就是prevent (...)from doing sth也是阻止,妨碍做某事,这个用法和stop类似,可是划等号 prevent from doing something. 阻止某人做某事
2023-01-09 14:18:391

prevent 用法

可以 将第一个sth改为sb也可以
2023-01-09 14:18:471

prevent sb do sth 可以用吗

2023-01-09 14:18:591

英语可以用prevent sb to do sth吗

防止某人做某事,prevent sb from doing sth
2023-01-09 14:19:064


是prevent…from 句型We must prevent pollution ____ live B.from D.on living此题应选A。容易误选B。主要是受prevent…from 的影响。关于prevent sb from doing sth(阻止某人做某事)这一句型,考生要注意:其中的sb 与其后的doing sth 通常有逻辑上的主谓关系:The heavy rain prevented us from going.大雨使我们不能去。(us 与going 有主谓关系)Nothing will prevent me from marrying her.谁也阻止不了我娶她为妻。(me 与marrying her 有主谓关系)上面一题假若选B(from living),那么句中的pollution 应与其后的living happily 有逻辑上的主谓关系,这显然是荒唐的。上题选A,其中的to live happily 为目的状语,全句意为:为了生活愉快,我们必须阻止污染。做以下试题(注意从语境考虑,避开固定句式的影响):1.Use an umbrella to ____ you from the rain.A.stop B.preventC.keep D.protect2.The letter I looked forward to ____ yesterday.A.come B.cameC.coming D.comes3.He was in great need of money,so he ____ $800 for his car.A.paid B.tookC.cost D.spent答案:1.D 2.B 3.B
2023-01-09 14:19:221


2023-01-09 14:19:282


2023-01-09 14:19:391

prevent是非谓语动词吗 那为什么没有用过去式或者todo的形式

非谓语动词不定式的省略help (to) do sth
2023-01-09 14:19:463


差别大了,查一下词典就行:slow- vt, If something slows or if you slow it, it starts to move or happen more slowly. slow 作动词只是“减速”的意思prevent - vt, To prevent something means to ensure that it does not happen.                                      To prevent someone from doing something means to make  it impossible for them to do it.prevent 是“防止什么什么事情发生”的意思,和介词 from搭配
2023-01-09 14:19:581

prevent; instrumental ; fraudulent 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-01-09 14:20:052

用prevent from造句

2023-01-09 14:20:142


1.尽管动词“prevent”可以带介词“from”,它也可以不用介词。规则如下:“prevent” + something“prevent”+某事The soldiers prevented the evacuation.例句:士兵们阻止撤离。“prevent” somebody from + -ing“prevent”某人做某事The soldiers prevented the refugees from evacuating.例句:士兵们阻止难民们撤离。2.单词“prohibit”的用法和“prevent”基本一致:“prohibit” + something“prohibit”+某事The school rules prohibit smoking.例句:学校规定禁止吸烟。“prohibit” somebody from + -ing“prohibit”某人做某事There are no specific provisions in the law that would prohibit an employer from summarily dismissing an employee due to his/her misconduct.例句:法律中没有特定的条文禁止雇主在暑假期间因为员工的表现不佳而将其解雇。3.动词“ban”也是类似的用法:The government banned advertising of tobacco products in 2002.例句:2002年,政府禁止烟草制品打广告。The court banned him from attending football matches.法庭禁止他参加足球比赛。
2023-01-09 14:20:303

prevent from怎么用?

prevent··· from =stop ···from =keep···from (from为介词,后加ing) 阻止,预防某人干某事 比如:l prevent him from going out.我阻止他出去.
2023-01-09 14:21:121

prevent from怎么用

prevent sth. from...保护......不受伤害
2023-01-09 14:21:383

prevent from用法 ed + for

The data can be prevented "from" getting lost. 数据可以防止免被丢失。 The preposition "from" here me: used after words such as "protect" "prevent" or "keep" to introduce the situation or action that is stopped avoided or prevented 免于〔表示阻止﹑避免﹑防止〕 The data can be prevented "the" getting lost. 为甚么用 the 不行? "the" is an article and must be followed by a noun or noun phrase. "getting lost" is a gerund phrase and not a noun phrase. 我之前已经回答了这个问题的第二部分。
2023-01-09 14:21:501


2023-01-09 14:21:571

有没有这个搭配 prevent sb.from sth.?还是只能用prevent sb from doing sth ?

2023-01-09 14:22:052

prevent from,protect from和stop from的用法和区别。

2023-01-09 14:22:141


2023-01-09 14:22:221

关于prevent from 的用法

2023-01-09 14:22:281

prevent 和 prohibit在用法上有什么不同啊?请举例说明,

prevent 和prohibit 结构上一样的,不同的是意思上有细微的差别; 结构:prevent sth/sb from doing sth 意为:阻止做某事、阻止某人做某事; prohibit sth/sb from doing sth 意为:禁止做某事、禁止某...
2023-01-09 14:22:381


阻止某人干某事 用 prevent sb. (from) doing sth. stop sb. (from) doing sth. 和 keep sb from doing sth. 其中用了括号里的 from 可以省略。而keep sb from doing sth. 中的from不能省略。I keep/stop/prevent him from cutting trees. 我阻止他砍树
2023-01-09 14:22:431


2023-01-09 14:22:491

为什么没有 “prevent sb from sth”这一种用法,但却可以有“keep sb from sth”这种用法呢?

2023-01-09 14:22:568

prevent from,protect from和stop from的用法和区别。

2023-01-09 14:23:341

用prevent from 造句并翻译?

I was prevented from going by urgent business. 我因急事不能去。 2. You should prevent from the thieves. 你当然应该防备小偷. 3. These rules can prevent from accident. 这些规则可以预防发生意外。 4. These regulations can prevent from the accidents. 这些规则可以预防发生意外。 5. Use soap wash hand is a way to prevent from sick. 用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方式
2023-01-09 14:23:401


预防有1.defend 2.guard against 3.prevent1.defend 防御, 防守, 保卫(国家等)以行动, 语言或文字替...辩护或答辩defend the motherland 保卫祖国The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 被告有一律师为他辩护。习惯用语defend against 保卫; 抵抗defend from 保护, 保卫(使不受伤害)参考词汇defend guard protect shield preserve 都含“保护”、“使安全”的意思。defend指“保卫”、“防御”, 应用范围很广, 对象可以是具体的, 也可以是抽象的, 如:defend oneself against enemy 防御敌人。guard 指“注意观察、戒备, 以免受可能的攻击或伤害”, 如:guard a coastline 守卫海岸线。protect 指“保护...以免遭受危险或伤害等”, 如:protect the children from harm 保护儿童免受伤害。shield 指“保护、保卫...免受惩罚或伤害等”, 如:shield one"s eyes against the glare of the sun 保护眼睛不受强烈的阳光伤害。preserve 指“防护、保存...免被分解或腐烂”, 如:Salt preserves food from decay. 盐能防止食物腐烂。2.guard against 提防, 预防3.preventvt.防止, 预防阻止[挡], 制止; 妨碍(from)[古]领先; 先做; 预先应付(问题)【宗】引领prevent diseases 预防疾病What [Who] prevented him from going [prevented his going, prevented him going]? 什么事[谁]阻止了他去?习惯用语prevent...from 使...不做某事, 阻止...做某事参考词汇prevent forestall preclude 都含“阻止”的意思。prevent 指“采取预先行动或用障碍物使不发生或停止”, 如:prevent diseases 预防疾病。forestall 指“先采取行动以阻止别人做某事”、“先发制人”, 如:Try to forestall their questions. 尽量不让他们问问题(作到先发制人)。preclude 指“阻止某人做某事”、“使不可能发生某事”, 如:The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting. 恶劣的天气使我不能出席会议
2023-01-09 14:23:4911

prevent sb from doing sth 其中sb用宾格还是主格?

2023-01-09 14:24:343

求:preserve ,defend ,protect ,prevent的区别和各自用法。详

2023-01-09 14:24:451

preyented阻止某人做某事 必须用到keep.stop.prevent

keep from doing sthstop doing sthprevent sb from doing sth 三个都是阻止某人做某事
2023-01-09 14:24:502

关于prevent from 的用法

可以啊,实际上是一种用法,from作为介词后面跟宾语,一般为名词或代词,dropping是动名词,insolation 是名词 第一个你是把dropping变回了动词drop第二个也要变回动词啊it insolates 就是这意思啊,你怎么理解?有时间可以在hi上交流。
2023-01-09 14:24:591


2023-01-09 14:25:051

prevent sb 的词组?求速给答,急用

2023-01-09 14:25:103

keep,stop,prevent 哪个不用加from,有没有什么好记的方法啊

2023-01-09 14:25:224

我们应该排队上车,这样做可以防止我们摔倒 翻译 防止用prevent 主要是后半句

,which can prevent us from falling down
2023-01-09 14:25:392

用prevent from造句,安全方面

We should prevent the children from approaching the fire如果帮到您的话,可以好评吗?谢谢了!!!(右上角采纳)
2023-01-09 14:26:061

如何用keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth 来表示“他阻止她砍树"

prevent··· from=stop ···from=keep···from (from为介词,后加ing)阻止,预防某人干某事
2023-01-09 14:26:124

prevent from doing protect from doing 相同用法和区别

2023-01-09 14:26:291

prevent from,protect from和stop from的用法和区别. 如题,求教各位达人.

prevent sb from doing sth与stop sb from doing sth用法相同,在主动语态中from可以省略,被动语态中不行. keep sb from doing sth中的from无论在主动语态中还是在被动语态中都不能省略. protect...from...表示“保护……不受……侵袭,挡住,防御”.from后接能带来伤害或损害之物.
2023-01-09 14:26:341

prevent; instrumental ; fraudulent 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-01-09 14:26:393


  俗不可耐,俗:庸俗;耐:忍受得住。庸俗得使人受不了。下面请欣赏我给大家带来的俗不可耐相关内容。  俗不可耐的 成语 接龙   俗不可耐 → 耐人咀嚼 → 嚼铁咀金 → 金玉良言 → 言行不一 → 一步登天 → 天外有天 → 天伦之乐 → 乐不可支 → 支支吾吾 → 吾膝如铁 → 铁证如山 → 山穷水尽 → 尽善尽美 → 美中不足 → 足智多谋 → 谋事在人 →人定胜天 → 天壤之别 → 别有洞天 → 天翻地覆→ 覆地翻天 → 天外有天 → 天伦之乐 → 乐不可支 → 支支吾吾 → 吾膝如铁 → 铁证如山 → 山穷水尽 → 尽善尽美 → 美中不足 → 足智多谋 → 谋事在人 → 人定胜天 → 天壤之别 → 别有洞天 → 天经地义 →义薄云天 → 天涯海角 → 角立杰出 → 出生入死   俗不可耐末端成语接龙   耐人寻味 耐人咀嚼   用俗不可耐来 造句   1) 那种俗不可耐的 广告 ,竟然出现在热闹非凡的十字街头。   2) 名声是无味的向日葵,戴着一顶华丽而俗不可耐的金冠;友谊则是鲜润的玫瑰花,褶褶瓣瓣散发着沁人的芳香。奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯   3) 这种俗不可耐的广告,竟然出现在热闹非凡的十字街头,不可思议!   4) 朋友间还说什么感谢的话,简直是俗不可耐。   5) 要避免争论,争论总是俗不可耐,而且常常令人信服。   6) 她这一身打扮,俗不可耐。   7) 现在的人有点钱就宝马香车的,看起来俗不可耐,叫人嗤之以鼻。   8) 她的一身打扮,俗不可耐。   9) 造瓷技术在乾隆朝达到高峰,同时,各种俗不可耐也应运而生。   10) 我愿意保留我的俗不可耐的名字,向我自己作为一种警告,设法除去一般知书识字的人咬文嚼字的积习,从柴米油盐,肥皂,水与太阳中去找寻实际的人生。   11) 作那个谱子的,是一个顶俗不可耐的人!   12) 一个国家喜欢看极刺激的或俗不可耐的“热闹”的人若远远多于欣赏文艺的人,这国家的文明是堪忧的,进步也将是迟缓的。梁晓声   13) 史玉柱对产品的命名,可谓俗不可耐,不是白金就是黄金.   14) “凡病皆可医,惟俗不可医;凡事皆可耐,惟俗不可耐。   15) 对这些主持人嗜痂成癖、俗不可耐的现象,舆论一向来也已颇有微辞。   16) 他一和他们混在一起,他们就变成了梅尔维尔的一伙,俗不可耐、利欲熏心、虚伪.   17) 俗有俗不可耐,雅有雅不可攀。   18) 不堪入耳,狗嘴里吐不出象牙,惹草拈花,俗不可耐,淫辞秽语。   19) 有些刊物为了赚钱,却忽视了社会效益,不惜去迎合一些人的低级趣味,内容俗不可耐。   20) 如果一个男人对一个女人呕吐,那她不是长的太丑就是有狐臭。俗不可耐的女人,只要有点姿色都还可以忍受的。女人看不惯的倒非外貌不佳的男人,而是连一家小饭铺都没有就自比饮食界的李嘉诚之流。   21) 有人说爱情是上辈子欠下的情债这辈子来还,我上辈子一定俗不可耐,所以今生无债可还。   22) 他恭维人的方式,肤浅的人看来似乎很迷人;精细的人却觉得是一种冒犯,因为这种俗不可耐的、过火的阿谀奉承,一听就能猜出他肚里的盘算。巴尔扎克   23) 单从举止外貌来说,那种庄严神气,就使那群高视阔步的武夫们即使没有显得怪模怪样,也是俗不可耐了。   24) 九份从繁华落尽,返璞归真后,再度浓妆艳抹,一日比一日俗不可耐。   25) 正当几个人都在为光球的主人担心时,却发现光球已经随着那阵白光不见了,眼前所见的是侯爵那间别有匠心的起居室,一如既往地俗不可耐。   26) 如同狼一般叫好的色友们,竞相举拍,放眼看去,丑态横生,不堪入目,有达官、商人、挥霍父辈钱财的富家子弟,大都俗不可耐,一脸淫贱之相。   27) 看了看那个发出尖叫的女孩的打扮,年纪虽然不是太大,可是那浓浓的艳妆就跟那些坐台小姐一样,实在是俗不可耐,梁永河便无奈的说道。   28) 席间爆出许多笑声,侍御史尹大人更是脸色铁青,这尹晴儿平日骄纵,胸无点墨,如今出了这么个俗不可耐的 对子 真是贻笑大方。   29) 正庭处高洋御驾亲临文襄帝府为高孝琬成人礼祝福,本来喧闹的正庭由于皇帝的到来一下子变得死气沉沉,各种官场客套话俗不可耐。  看了俗不可耐成语接龙的人还看: 1. 俗不可耐的成语接龙 2. 目迷五色的成语接龙 3. 五花八门成语接龙 4. 兵贵神速开头的成语接龙100个
2023-01-09 14:20:581


Thumb:According to Roman literature, will wear the ring that will help you achieve this aspiration, towards success.Index finger:The direction of the fingers, put a ring on this means the individual will become bright and independent, the most suitable for the free trade wore.Middle finger:Secondary to the most suitable wear wedding ring ring finger, the ring in its most able to create a free candid atmosphere, make your design ideas, become more attractive, there Yixing Yuan.Ring finger:Has been used from Roman times to wear their wedding ring, the legend, this means connected to the heart, the most sacred oath for publication. Important acupuncture points on the ring finger, the ring on which you can press the appropriate muscles, a stable emotional effect.Little finger:Trapped inside the little finger to convey a sexy message, the ring will be in its unexpected happens, especially recommended to the intuitive, in fashion-related workers.Wearing a ring is the language of love. Ring usually worn on the left hand (wearing the right hand is not easy to do things)In accordance with our custom, the engagement ring worn on the left middle finger normally, wedding ring worn on the left hand ring finger; if unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right hand middle finger or ring finger, otherwise, that will discourage a lot of suitors.Overseas, do not wear rings also said, "and flowers also no master, you can catch me." According to Western traditions, the left hand on the display give you the luck of God, which is associated with the heart, therefore, about the ring in the left hand is meaningful. Dai internationally popular method is:Food that - want to get married, that unmarried;The means - in love;Ring finger - that has engaged or married;Small means - that single.As for the right hand, has traditionally also had a finger wearing a ring when it makes sense: that is, ring finger. Dai is said here that has nuns nature.Generally do not wear thumb rings, such as wearing that said it is looking for an object; worn on the index finger that would like to marry him; worn on the middle finger that has engaged or there are objects; worn on the ring finger that has engaged or married; wearing the little finger said celibate or are divorced. Some people use the simpler "chase, seek, set, wedding, from the" five words were the instructions to wear the ring finger in five and implied meaning.If the unmarried girl. Should be worn on the right hand middle finger or ring finger, otherwise, that will discourage a lot of suitors. Overseas, do not wear rings also said, "and flowers also no master, you can catch me." The modern man has not rigidly adhere to this rule, as long as he likes to wear in which finger does not matter.Finger and ring - a ring on different fingers, and can reflect the psychological meaning and character. Fond of wearing those in the index finger, more extreme stubborn personality. Fond of wearing those in the right middle finger, advocating moderate outlook on life. Fond of wearing those in the left middle finger, there is a sense of responsibility and focus on family. Fond of wearing those in the small finger, there is inferiority complex. Fond of wearing the ring finger, those with no ambition, easy-going, no matter gains and losses.Embedded gem ring has different meaning. Diamond symbol of eternity, in Europe and the United States, every wedding anniversary, the husband usually have donated to his wife, diamond rings and precious metals, to show love of loyalty. Jade said Love, that noble pearl, amethyst, said healthy, mentally alert, and lucky. 大拇指: 据古罗马文献记载,将戒指戴在此指可助你达成心愿,迈向成功之路。 食指: 指示方向的手指,把戒指戴在此指个性会变得开朗而独立,最适合从事自由业的人戴。 中指: 次于无名指最适合戴婚戒的手指,戒指戴在其上最能营造自由爽朗的气氛,能让你灵感涌现,变得更有魅力、有异性缘。 无名指: 从古罗马时代以来习惯将婚戒戴在其上,相传此指与心脏相连,最适合发表神圣的誓言。而无名指上有重要穴道,戒指戴其上可以适度按压肌肉,有安定情绪之效。 小指: 小指传达的是一种媚惑性感的讯息,戒指戴在其上将会有意想不到的事发生,特别推荐给直觉敏锐、从事流行时尚相关工作者。 戴戒指是爱的语言。戒指一般戴在左手(戴右手做事不太方便) 按照我国的习惯,订婚戒一般戴在左手的中指,结婚戒指戴在左手的无名指;若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。 在国外,不戴戒指也表示“名花还无主,你可以追我”。 按西方的传统习惯来说,左手上显示的是上帝赐给你的运气,它是与心相关联的,因此,讲戒指戴在左手上是有意义的。国际上比较流行的戴法是: 食 指--想结婚,表示未婚; 中 指--已在恋爱中; 无名指--表示已经订婚或结婚; 小 指--表示独身。 至于右手,在传统上也有一个手指戴戒指时是有意义的:那就是无名指。据说戴在这里,表示具有修女的心性。 大拇指上一般不戴戒指,如戴即表示正在寻觅对象;戴在食指上表示想求婚;戴在中指上表示已订婚或已有对象;戴在无名指上表示已订婚或已结婚;戴在小指上表示独身主义或已离婚。有人用更简单的“追、求、订、婚、离”五个字说明将戒指分别戴在5个手指上的含义和暗示 。 若是未婚姑娘。应戴在右手的中指或无名指,否则,就会令许多追求者望而却步了。在国外,不戴戒指也表示“名花还无主,你可以追我”。而现代人已经不太拘泥于这套规矩,只要自己喜欢,戴在哪个手指都无所谓。 手指与戒指——戒指戴在不同的手指上,能体现与性格有关的心理含义。喜戴在食指者,性格较偏激倔强。喜戴在右中指者,崇尚中庸的人生观念。喜戴在左中指者,有责任感,重视家庭。喜戴在小手指者,有自卑感。喜戴在无名指者,无野心,随和,不计较得失. 嵌宝石的戒指又有不同的意义。钻石象征永恒,在欧洲和美国,每逢结婚周年纪念日,做丈夫的一般都要向自己的妻子赠送钻石戒指和贵重金属,以示爱情的忠贞。翡翠表示爱情,珍珠表示高贵,紫晶表示健康,机敏和幸运。
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