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Tori Amos的《Crucify》 歌词

2023-08-23 13:51:53
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歌手:Tori Amos
专辑:Legs And Boots: Milwaukee, Wi - November 3, 2007

Crucify Tori Amos
Every finger in the room was pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces
Then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now
I"ve been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I"ve been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in
Just what God needs
One more victim
Why do we crucify ourselves
Every day
I crucify myself
Nothing I do is good enough for you
I crucify myself
Every day
I crucify myself
And my heart is sick of being in
I said my heart is sick of being in
Got a kick for a dog beggin" for love
I gotta have my suffering so that I can have my cross
I know a cat named Easter
You"re just an empty cage girl
He says will you ever learn
If you kill the bird
I"ve been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I"ve been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in
Got enough guilt to start my own religion
Why do we crucify ourselves
Every day
I crucify myself
Nothing I do is good enough for you
I crucify myself
Every day
I crucify myself
And my heart is sick of being in
I said my heart is sick of being in
Please save me I cry
Looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I"ve been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in
Where"re those angels when you need them?
Why do we crucify ourselves
Every day
I crucify myself
Nothing I do is good enough for you
I Crucify myself
Every day
I Crucify myself
And my heart is sick of being in
I said my heart is sick of being in




2023-08-15 22:12:502


2023-08-15 22:12:583

我想知道有关tori amos的有关资料,最近听她的音乐,感觉很忧郁这是她的百度贴吧,喜欢她就去看看,你会大有收获的
2023-08-15 22:13:084


Tori Vega女主角,既风趣幽默又有好的嗓音。因为帮助代替姐姐参加表演而被校长录取入好莱坞艺术学院,并在这个学院开始结交朋友,上各种稀奇古怪的课。她的生活也随之改变。是一个很讲义气的人,但有点八卦。Trina Vega女主角的姐姐。也在好莱坞艺术学院就读。自认天赋异禀是一块明星料,但其实只有她自己这么认为。她的耍大牌程度和大牌一样,可是实际的才艺水平却差得很。Andrew HarrisTori在好莱坞艺术学院结交的第一个好友。黑人,是一位极其出色的音乐家,有着作词作曲演奏演唱等多方面才能,很受大家的欢迎。是Tori的好搭档和好友,经常帮Tori写歌。他有一位精神‘特殊"的奶奶,令他十分头疼,但也不得不说是他灵感的源泉。Jade West一个刻薄野蛮、有些恐怖的女孩,嗓音好得与Tori不相上下,同时创作才能也不错。喜欢随身携带剪刀,喜欢耍些小‘诡计"。Tori一开始和这个女孩闹了别扭,但后面因为与Jade男友Beck的一些事让这两个人之间的关系开始微妙起来。Cat Valentine一个大脑时常脱线的红发可爱女生,单纯善良没有心计,喜欢网购。是Tori的朋友。嗓音非常优美,高音可以唱到很高,唱功深厚。说话十分无厘头,让人不知道她在想什么,有一个奇怪的特殊哥哥,十分诡异。Robbie Shapiro一个极度害羞的人,腹语术高手。由于害羞于是培养了出了第二人格,手上一直拿着一个玩偶充当第二人格。两个人格形成了鲜明对比。Beck OliverJade的男友。加拿大人,帅气阳光又有趣,也是一名出色的演员。当Jade准备刁难Tori时,他总会出来打圆场,帮Tori的忙。
2023-08-15 22:13:211


Toriblack 黑白配:没有色彩的美一位名叫 Toriblack 的女生,她的名字就像她的影片一样历久弥新,有着极高的知名度和影响力。在她的影片中,最为经典的就是黑白配。这种配色方式曾被认为是传统和平庸的表现形式,但是 Toriblack 的黑白片却很好地展示了其无限魅力。那么,究竟是什么让 Toriblack 黑白片如此经典呢?黑白配在电影和摄影中常被用来表达艺术家的创造性和个性。但是如果使用不当,这种方式很容易变得沉闷和平庸。然而,Toriblack 却很好地驾驭了这种配色方式,将其发挥到了极致。其一,黑白配的色彩之美。或许有人觉得黑白是非常遥远且不真实的,但是所谓色彩之美并不一定要依靠那些鲜艳的颜色来创造,从不同角度和角色的表演上,黑白片也可以很好地展示出人物和场景的不同面貌。其二,黑白配的表现能力。黑白片可以强调画面的对比度,突出画面中的关键元素,同时把多余的杂物留在画面之外,简化了观众对画面的理解和表达。对于情感的表达,黑白片也比彩色片更有表现力,因为它脱离了人们对于颜色的印象,让观众更多地注意到人物的情感表达。其三,黑白配的历史积淀。 自从有了电影,黑白片就是影片领域的开创者。黑白影片以其特有的叙事方式和艺术表现形式赢得许多影迷的心。即便如今的影片技术越来越先进,但是影迷们对于黑白影片和黑白配的热爱依旧不衰。虽然 Toriblack 的影片中的黑白配并不是完美的,但在她的影片中,黑白配帮助表现出了美的本质——一种没有色彩的美。可能对于很多观众来说,这种美不是那么容易理解的,但这正是艺术,在你不停地探索之后,才能够让你更好的欣赏并学习它。总的来说, Toriblack 的黑白配在电影里显得非常独特、迷人,这种配色方式在现代电影中已不是那么常见了。如果你有机会欣赏到 Toriblack 的电影,千万不要错过她的黑白配。这是一种没有色彩的美,一种可以让你发现和探索新的感受和情感的表达方式。
2023-08-15 22:13:541


2023-08-15 22:14:011


Chaos is coming to Tori Vega"s life. The 16 year old is starting at a new high school; but not just anyschool. This is Hollywood Arts, a performing arts school where crazy talented students learn how to become real artists.. Until now, Tori didn"t think she had much talent of her own, and was content to live in the shadow of her older sister, Trina. Now, that"s all about to change... if Tori can see herself in a new light, even a spotlight! But Hollywood Arts is still a high school, and Tori is still the new kid. She"ll have to find new friends, do homework, and just try to fit in. Will Tori grab a starring role in her new life?Victorious是尼克儿童频道新推出的一部青春喜剧。讲述了出色的歌手Tori Vega(Victoria Justice饰)误打误撞地进入了她姐姐的学校——好莱坞艺术学院之后的生活。在学院的生活充满着各种稀奇古怪的事,周围有相当多有才的人。Tori一步步地显示出自己出众的演艺才华,也跟自己的姐姐和学校的伙伴们闹出一个又一个搞笑的故事。
2023-08-15 22:14:241


专集有13张 演唱会还有各类周遍不计其数
2023-08-15 22:15:024

如何评价Tori Kelly

tori Kelly作为歌手我觉得她是合格的,唱功好会写歌,现场也一流,也许比伯经纪人看到她的才华和闪光点才会给她这么多机会,但是红真的是可遇不可求,如果Kelly真心想红,炒作炒作绯闻,或者在颁奖礼上出位一下,有了话题自然有曝光度,可是她没有,就拿着吉他安静的唱歌,也不知道吧里有些人黑什么,只能说这个社会就是这么现实,有名气就是一切,也难怪某些明星演技没有作品没有但天天蹭红毯上头条了
2023-08-15 22:15:121

请问tori amous在成名后究竟发生了什么事情。

  她被强奸这种说法是错误的。她被rape,但rape在这里不能翻译成强奸,因为RAPE不光只有强奸这个意思。而且强奸根本就从来没有发生过。下面是TORI AMOS的自述。  "I"ll never talk about it at this level again but let me ask you. Why have I survived that kind of night, when other women didn"t", she says.  "How am I alive to tell you this tale when he was ready to slice me up? In the song I say it was "Me and a Gun" but it wasn"t a gun. It was a knife he had.And the idea was to take me to his friends and cut me up, and he kept telling me that, for hours. And if he hadn"t needed more drugs I would have been just one more news report, where you see the parents grieving for their daughter".  "And I was singing hymns, as I say in the song, because he told me to. I sang to stay alive. Yet I survived that torture, which left me urinating all over myself and left me paralysed for years. That"s what that night was all about, mutilation, more than violation through sex".  "I really do feel as though I was psychologically mutilated that night and that now I"m trying to put the pieces back together again. Through love, not hatred. And through my music. My strength has been to open again, to life, and my victory is the fact that, despite it all, I kept alive my vulnerability".
2023-08-15 22:15:232

似乎p站有一个画师叫做TORI?最近才看了他刀剑乱舞的同人 求科普和他的

可能吧。。 ID:37108887
2023-08-15 22:15:373


2023-08-15 22:15:571

Tori Spelling的《Enter You》 歌词

歌曲名:Enter You歌手:Tori Spelling专辑:Trick (Music From The Motion Picture)Over YouWeather man said it"s gonna snowBy now I should be used to the coldMid-February shouldn"t be so scaryIt was only DecemberI still remember the presents" the tree" you and meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youLiving alone here in this placeI think of you" and I"m not afraidYour favorite records make me feel betterCause you sing alongWith every songI know you didn"t mean to give them to meBut you went awayHow dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over youIt"s really sinks in when I see it in stoneCause you went away" how dare you?I miss youThey say I"ll be okBut I"m not going to ever get over you
2023-08-15 22:16:051

Tori Amos的《Taxi Ride》 歌词

歌曲名:Taxi Ride歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Melbourne, Fl - November 18, 2007Tori Amos - Taxi RideLily is dancingOn the tableWe"ve all been PushedToo farI guess on days like thisYou know who your friends areJust another Dead FagTo you that"s allJust another Light missingOn a long taxi rideTaxi rideAnd I"m down toYour last cigarette andThis "We are one" crapAs you"re invadingThis thing you call LoveShe smiles way too much butI"m glad you"reOn my side, sureI"m glad you"re onMy side stillYou think you deserve a trust fundJust because you Want oneSure you talk the talkWhen you need toI fear the whole world isStarting toBelieve youJust another Dead FagTo you that"s allJust another Light missingIn a long taxi lineTaxi lineLily is dancingOn the tableWe"ve all been pushedToo far todayEven a glamorousBitch can be in needThis is where you knowThe Honey from the Killer BeesAnd I"m glad you"re on my sideSureI"m glad you"re on my sideSureI"m glad you"re on my sideStillGot a long taxi rideGot a long taxi ride
2023-08-15 22:16:251

Tori Amos的《Taxi Ride》 歌词

歌曲名:Taxi Ride歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Scarlet"S WalkTori Amos - Taxi RideLily is dancingOn the tableWe"ve all been PushedToo farI guess on days like thisYou know who your friends areJust another Dead FagTo you that"s allJust another Light missingOn a long taxi rideTaxi rideAnd I"m down toYour last cigarette andThis "We are one" crapAs you"re invadingThis thing you call LoveShe smiles way too much butI"m glad you"reOn my side, sureI"m glad you"re onMy side stillYou think you deserve a trust fundJust because you Want oneSure you talk the talkWhen you need toI fear the whole world isStarting toBelieve youJust another Dead FagTo you that"s allJust another Light missingIn a long taxi lineTaxi lineLily is dancingOn the tableWe"ve all been pushedToo far todayEven a glamorousBitch can be in needThis is where you knowThe Honey from the Killer BeesAnd I"m glad you"re on my sideSureI"m glad you"re on my sideSureI"m glad you"re on my sideStillGot a long taxi rideGot a long taxi ride
2023-08-15 22:16:341

梁静茹 个人简历

英文名:JASMINE 生日:1978.6.16 出生地:KUALA PILAH 血型:O型 星座:双子座 身高:156 CM 体重:45 KG 嗜好:听歌、看书
2023-08-15 22:17:018

Tori Amos的《Pancake》 歌词

歌曲名:Pancake歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Fort Myers, Fl - November 17, 2007Tori Amos - PancakeI"m not sure who"s fooling who hereAs I"m watching your decayWe both know you could deflateA 7 hurricaneSeems like you and your tribeDecided you"d rewrite the lawSegregate the mindFrom Body and from soulYou give me yoursI"ll give you mineCause I can look your GodRight in the eyeYou give me yoursI"ll give you mineYou used to look my GodRight in the eyeI believe in defendingIn what we onceStood forIt seems in vogueTo be a closetMisogynist homophobeA change of course inOur directionA dash of truthSpread thinlyLike a flagOn a popstarOn a BenzodiazapeneOh Zion pleaseRemove your gloveAnd dispel every traceOf His spoken wordThat has lodgedIn my vortexI"m not sure who"s fooling who hereAs I"m watching your decayWe both know you could deflateA 7 hurricaneYou could have sparedHer - oh but noMessiahs needPeople dying in their NameYou say "I ordered you a pancake"You say "I ordered you a pancake"
2023-08-15 22:17:181


2023-08-15 22:17:282

求ToriAmos《Strange little girl》的歌词(中英文)

有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正看着你有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正郁郁寡欢有一天 她跑到了城里离开了她的家和她的村庄要小心当你在那里的时候陌生的小女孩她不知道怎样在一个艰难的城市里生活在她明白自己已经受够了之前 没有花太多时间回到她封闭世界的家中她存活了 但是她觉得变老了因为她发现一切都很冰冷陌生的小女孩 你要去哪里陌生的小女孩你真的应该你真的应该离开我明白你真的应该离开有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正看着你有一天你看到 一个陌生的小女孩正郁郁寡欢回到她封闭世界的家中她存活了 但是她觉得变老了因为她发现一切都很冰冷陌生的小女孩 你要去哪里陌生的小女孩你真的应该你真的应该离开我明白你真的应该离开One day you see a strange little girl look at youOne day you see a strange little girl feeling blueShe"d run to the town one dayLeaving home and her country fairJust bewareWhen you"re thereStrange little girlShe didn"t know how to live in a town that was roughIt didn"t take long before she knew she"d had enoughWalking home in her wrapped up worldShe survived but she"s feeling oldCause she found all things coldStrange little girl where are you goingStrange little girlYou really shouldYou really should be goingI know you really shouldBe goingOne day you see a strange little girl look at youOne day you see a strange little girl feeling blueWalking home in her wrapped up worldShe survived but she"s feeling oldCause she found all things coldStrange little girl where are you goingStrange little girlYou really shouldYou really should be goingI know you really shouldBe going
2023-08-15 22:17:361

求tori amos—《Horses》的歌词翻译

Horses 马作词:Tori Amos 作曲:Tori Amos So, I got me some Horses, 于是,我给自己弄了些马to ride on, 来骑to ride on. 来骑They say that your demons, 他们说你的魔鬼can"t go there. 到不了那儿So, I got me some horses, 于是,我给自己弄了些马to ride on, 来骑to ride on, 来骑as long as your army 只要你的军队keeps perfectly still. 一动不动Any maybe, I"ll find me a sailor 也许,我会给自己找个海员a tailor 或者一个裁缝and maybe, together, 然后,也许we"ll make mother well. 我们能一起安顿好妈妈So, I got me some horses, 于是,我给自己弄了些马to ride on, 来骑to ride on, 来骑as long as your army 只要你的军队keeps perfectly still. 一动不动You showed me the meadow 你带我来看牧场and Milkwood 还有牛棚and Silkwood. 还有乔木And you would if I would 你说如果我愿意,你也愿意but you never would, 但你从不会愿意so I cansed down your posies. 因此我放下你送的花束(cansed?)your pansies in my hosies 把你的三色堇握在手中(hosies?猜的)then opened my hands 然后打开手掌and they were empty then. 什么都没有了Off with Superfly, 远远逃离sniffing a Sharpie pen, 嗅到一支狡猾的钢笔(?)honey, it"s Bill and Ben. 亲爱的,那是比尔和本(莫非来源于电影《两颗绝望的心》其它译名:远离赌城)Off with Superfly, 远远逃离counting your bees. 数着你的蜜蜂(意义不明)Oh, me, honey, life 哦,我,亲爱的,生活one two three. 一二三The camera is rolling. 镜头在转动It"s easy like 简单的就像one 一two 二three. 三And if there is a way to find you, 如果有一个方法能找到你I will find you. 我会找到你but will you find me if Neil 但你会找到我吗?如果尼尔(不清楚尼尔的出处,神话?)makes me a tree, an afro, a pharaoh. 把我变成一棵树、一个爆炸头、一个法老I can"t go. 我不能走You said so. 你说过and threads that are golden 完美的思路don"t break easily. 不会轻易改变So, I got me some Horses, 于是,我给自己弄了些马to ride on, 来骑to ride on. 来骑They say that your demons, 他们说你的魔鬼can"t go there. 到不了那儿So, I got me some horses, 于是,我给自己弄了些马to ride on, 来骑to ride on, 来骑as long as your army 只要你的军队keeps perfectly still. 一动不动keeps perfectly still. 一动不动keeps perfectly still. 一动不动这歌词也太晦涩了,只好连猜带蒙了,汗
2023-08-15 22:17:441

Tori Amos的《Space Dog》 歌词

歌曲名:Space Dog歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: West Palm Beach, Fl - November 21, 2007Way to go Mr. Microphoneshow us all what you don"t knowcenturies secret societieshe"s out commander stillspace dogso sure we were on somethingyour feet are finally on the ground he saidso sure we were on somethingyour feet are just on the ground girlrain and snowour engines have been receiving your eager callthere"s Colonel Dirtyfishydishclothhe"ll distract her gooddon"t worry soand to the one you thought was on your sideshe can"t understandshe truly believes the liesLemon Piehe"s coming throughour commander still Space doglines secure Space dogDeck the hallsI"m young againI"m you againracing turtlesthe grapefruit is winningseems i keep getting this story twistedso where"s Neil when you need himdeck the hallsit"s you againit"s you againsomewhere someone must know the endingis she still pissing in the river nowheard she"s gonemoved into a trailer parkso sure we were on somethingyour feet finally on the ground he saidso sure we were on somethingyou feet just on the ground girlso sure we were on somethingyour feet finally on the ground he saidso sure we were on somethingyour feet are just on the ground
2023-08-15 22:17:521

Tori Amos的《Space Dog》 歌词

歌曲名:Space Dog歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Phoenix, Az - December 11, 2007Way to go Mr. Microphoneshow us all what you don"t knowcenturies secret societieshe"s out commander stillspace dogso sure we were on somethingyour feet are finally on the ground he saidso sure we were on somethingyour feet are just on the ground girlrain and snowour engines have been receiving your eager callthere"s Colonel Dirtyfishydishclothhe"ll distract her gooddon"t worry soand to the one you thought was on your sideshe can"t understandshe truly believes the liesLemon Piehe"s coming throughour commander still Space doglines secure Space dogDeck the hallsI"m young againI"m you againracing turtlesthe grapefruit is winningseems i keep getting this story twistedso where"s Neil when you need himdeck the hallsit"s you againit"s you againsomewhere someone must know the endingis she still pissing in the river nowheard she"s gonemoved into a trailer parkso sure we were on somethingyour feet finally on the ground he saidso sure we were on somethingyou feet just on the ground girlso sure we were on somethingyour feet finally on the ground he saidso sure we were on somethingyour feet are just on the ground
2023-08-15 22:18:101

Tori Amos的《Bliss》 歌词

歌曲名:Bliss歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: San Diego, Ca - December 12, 2007Blisstori amosFather I killed my monkeyI let it outto taste the sweet of springwonder if I will wander outtest my tether tosee if I"m still freefrom yousteady as it comesright downto youI"ve said it allso maybe we"re a Blissof another kindBliss of another kindlately, I"m in to circuitrywhat it means to bemade of you but not enough of youand I wonder ifyou can bilocate is that what I tasteyour supernova juiceyou know it"s true I"m a part of yousteady as it comesright down to youI"ve said it allso maybe we"re a Bliss of another kindsteady as it comesright down to youI"ve said it allso maybe you"re a 4 horse enginewith a power drivea hot kachina who want into minetake with your terracidesteady as it comesright down to youI"ve said it allso maybe we"re a Bliss of another kind
2023-08-15 22:18:341

求旋转地球圆舞曲日/本 本田菊演唱的那首日语歌词和罗马音谢谢~

まわるまわる 手を取りmawaru mawaru te wo toriまわる地球ロンドmawaru chikyuu RONDO拙い足取りですがtsutanai ashi tori desuga一绪に踊りませんか ?isshou ni odori masenka ?桜がひらひら 日本酒で乾杯sakura hira hira nihonnshu de kanbaiめぐるめぐる季节にmeguru meguru kisetsu niこんにちは 日本ですkonnichiwa nihon desu呜呼 戴きたいa~a itadaki tai细めの白滝の肉じゃがをhosome no shirataki no nikujaga wo呜呼 天晴ですa~a apare desu白米と味噌汁でhakumai to misoshiru deまわるまわる 手を取りmawaru mawaru te wo tori轮になってロンドwa ni natte RONDO花や鸟や风や月とhana ya tori ya kaze ya tsuki to歌いましょうutai mashou回しましょう地球mawashi mashou chikyuu私たちのヘタリアwatashitachi no HETARIAまわるまわる 手を取りmawaru mawaru te wo toriまわる地球ロンドmawaru chikyuu RONDO花の都 京都でhana no miyako kyoto de一绪に踊りませんか ?isshou ni odori masenka ?花火がドンドン !hanabi ga DONDON好きです お祭りsuki desu omatsuriめぐるめぐる季节にmeguru meguru kisetsu niこんにちは 日本ですkonnichiwa nihon desu呜呼 伺いますa~a ukagai masuお茶菓子 ふるまい 文化交流ocha kashi furumai bunka konryuu呜呼 届けましょうa~a todoke mashou世界中の皆様にsekaichuu no minnasama niまわるまわる 手を取りmawaru mawaru te wo tori轮になってロンドwa ni natte RONDO富士を越えて 海も越えてfuji wo koete umi mo koete歌いましょうutai mashou回しましょう地球mawashi mashou chikyuu私たちのヘタリアwatashitachi no HETARIAさぁ 参りましょうsaa mairi mashou武士の魂を懐にbushi no tamashi wo futokoro ni新しき世界へのatarashiki sekai e no门を叩きましょうmon wo tadaki mashouまわるまわる 手を取りmawaru mawaru te wo toriまわる地球ロンドmawaru chikyuu RONDO落ちゆく白い雪とochiyuku shiroi yuki to一绪に踊りましょうisshou ni odori mashou幸せの魔法shiawase no mahouあなたへの ウ…ウイン…ク…anata e no U...WIN...KUめぐるめぐる季节にmeguru meguru kisetsu niこんにちは 日本ですkonnichiwa nihon desuそーれ 楽しいですso~re tanoshii desu煌びやかな世界へkirabiyaka na sekai eようこそおいで下さいましたyoukoso oide kudasai mashitaさぁ 心からsaa kokoro karaおもてなし致しますomote nashi itashi masuまわるまわる 手を取りmawaru mawaru te wo tori轮になってロンドwa ni natte RONDO皆様と一绪にminnasama to isshou ni歌いましょうutai mashou回しましょう 地球mawashi mashou chikyuu私たちのヘタリアwatashitachi no HETARIA
2023-08-15 22:18:411

说说Tori Amos

2023-08-15 22:18:502


2023-08-15 22:18:592

谁能帮我找找彩虹乐队的瞳に映るもの 歌词,万分感谢了

抱抱亲~~虹饭捏~~~瞳に映るものwords:hyde music:kenこの私の瞳の中秋の色に染められた鸟と空とあなたがいる红い枯叶とあなたが…せつないあの顷のときめきは もう薄れて缓やかな安らぎに変わるあなたの好きなこの広场に吐息白く寄り添う枯れ叶はやがて雪に変わりゆくけどいつの日もここへ来て そのままでいて瞳の中に曈に映るもの(映在眼中的事物)words:hyde music:ken在我的眼眸中一切都染上了秋天的颜色有鸟,有天空,也有你还有红色的枯叶和你……痛苦……当时心中悸动早已平淡而转为和缓安详叹着气走近你喜欢的广场虽然枯叶不久后将变成雪有一天你也来这里吧! 就这样不要改变就在我的眼中曈に映るもの(hitomi ni utsuru mono)words:hyde music:kenkono watashi no hitomi no nakaaki no ira ni someraretatori to sora to anata ga iruakai kareha to anata ga...setsunai ano koro notokimeki wa moousurete yuruyakana yasurage ni kawaruanata no suki na kono hiroba nitoiki shiroku yori sookareha wa yagate yuki ni kawari yuku kedoitsu no hi mo koko e kite sono mama de itehitomi no naka ni瞳に映るもの(ひとみにうつるもの)words:hyde music:kenこの私(わたし)の瞳(ひとみ)の中(なか)秋(あき)の色(いろ)に染(そ)められた鸟(とり)と空(そら)とあなたがいる红(あか)い枯叶(かれは)とあなたが…せつないあの顷(ころ)のときめきは もう薄(うす)れて缓(ゆる)やかな安(やす)らぎに変(か)わるあなたの好(す)きなこの広场(ひろば)に吐息(といき)白(しろ)く寄(よ)り添(そ)う枯(か)れ叶(は)はやがて雪(ゆき)に変(か)わりゆくけどいつの日(ひ)もここへ来(き)て そのままでいて瞳(ひとみ)の中(なか)に
2023-08-15 22:19:061

关于Tori Amos

Tori Amos(原名 myra ellen amos)是运用 70 年代的音乐手法于富有文学性的另类摇滚之中的为数不多的几个女性歌手兼作曲家之一。她的音乐具有 kate bush 的编曲风格和 joni mitchell 的诗意,她在摇滚音乐中采用钢琴作为主要乐器的做法恢复了 70 年代的音乐传统。 一头红发的音乐精灵Tori Amos自91年冬季推出首张个人大碟"Little Earthquake"以来,便立即在另类音乐领域占据了独树一帜的位置。Tori早期的作品,由于自身所经历过的一连串惨痛经历,而呈现出一种难以触摸的气质,多首单曲以存在于女性之间的暴力事情进行探讨,触及两性的情感困惑,宗教社会的瓦解等等。 尽管Tori并不是那种惯于使用商业操纵手法进行炒作的流行歌手,但她每张专辑之中,必须会一些作品会不知不觉地流行起来。而从最早期那首被王菲翻唱成《冷战》的"Silent All These Years",还有后来的"Winter"等歌曲开始,她一直喜欢采用钢琴作为主要的伴奏乐器,这是她多年来始终没有作出太大转变的音乐风格,而这种风格,一直延续到她的全新专辑"The beekeeper"。而Tori解释说,专辑"The beekeeper"在音乐上启发了她,因为钢琴使其意识到自己有一付本然嗓音。当右手放在喉咙上,左手在琴键上,她感觉自己被改变了,被Bosendorfer钢琴和 B3 Hammond 嗓子之间的和谐美妙关系改变了。" Amos 作为歌手兼作曲的第 1 张唱片《little earthquakes》发行于 1991 年底,无可争议地成为 amos 的经典作品。其中的优秀歌曲《silent all these years》、《crucify》和《winter》使专辑在英美均获得很好的销量。再加上同名录像带的宣传,amos 奠定了自己 90 年代才华横溢的音乐家的地位。 一头红发的音乐精灵Tori Amos自91年冬季推出首张个人大碟"Little Earthquake"以来,便立即在另类音乐领域占据了独树一帜的位置。Tori早期的作品,由于自身所经历过的一连串惨痛经历,而呈现出一种难以触摸的气质,多首单曲以存在于女性之间的暴力事情进行探讨,触及两性的情感困惑,宗教社会的瓦解等等。 尽管Tori并不是那种惯于使用商业操纵手法进行炒作的流行歌手,但她每张专辑之中,必须会一些作品会不知不觉地流行起来。而从最早期那首被王菲翻唱成《冷战》的"Silent All These Years",还有后来的"Winter"等歌曲开始,她一直喜欢采用钢琴作为主要的伴奏乐器,这是她多年来始终没有作出太大转变的音乐风格,而这种风格,一直延续到她的全新专辑"The beekeeper"。而Tori解释说,专辑"The beekeeper"在音乐上启发了她,因为钢琴使其意识到自己有一付本然嗓音。当右手放在喉咙上,左手在琴键上,她感觉自己被改变了,被Bosendorfer钢琴和 B3 Hammond 嗓子之间的和谐美妙关系改变了。" "The beekeeper"是Tori Amos继02年的加盟全新东家新力唱片推出的 "Scarlet"s Walk"之后,又一张充满旅行意味的专辑,这张专辑在Tori于英国的Martian Engineering工作室里后期制作完成。 02年开始的索尼环球巡演带着Tori到达了50个国家,而在这个歌迷反响热烈的环球巡演中,亦使得她的另一张具有纯熟理念的专集逐渐形具了雏形。这张专辑由十九首新歌组成,外加一首附加小样。从某种程度上就像是"爱立斯梦游仙境"的又一次叙述,是另一版本的 "A Little Shop of Horrors"。这张专辑加入了她相当具有自传性质的历程,它带着乐迷穿越Tori在经历了人生诸多事件变故,所形成的情感的纷繁复杂的潜意识迷宫。除此之外,过去十年在Cornwall的生活当然给tori带来了很多影响,她甚至从Daphne Du Maurier的经典小说"jamaica inn"里受到了启发,并写下了一首同名的作品,在这首作品、乃至另外的几首作品"sleeps with butterflies"、"sweet the sting"中,她加入了诸如古巴鼓、Gospel choirs等具有神秘意味的乐器来烘托歌词的意境,而在像"Hoochie Woman"、"Goodbye Pisces"这样的歌曲中,她的声音较之于从前的演绎显得更加有力。而这样具有回归倾向的专辑,甫一推出,即被美国与英国两地的乐评人评为Tori目前为止最好的一张专辑。认为在这张专辑具有更强的故事线索和更加坚定的,而Tori的声音显得更加细腻微妙。 另外,值得广大乐迷关注的是,在发行这张专辑的同时,tori推出了一本名为"Piece by Piece"的自传,多角度展现她无法定义的一面。
2023-08-15 22:19:272

tori kelly-silent歌词及翻译

tori kelly-slient Wake up in a new day, but it don"t feel that new,一觉醒来又是新的一天,但我感觉好似毫无新鲜感same faces around me with the same point of view周遭的都是那些老面孔和陈腐的想法everything is perfect, and everything"s okay, just每件事似乎都那么完美,一切似乎都顺从我意swallow the lies and let your emotions fade, but只要我们隐匿情绪忍受欺骗一切就会都好my heart won"t be quiet, I feel a change但我的心绝不会沉默不语,我感受到了一种变化no more black and white, this life"s too colorful,beautiful, 这世界并不是黑白单调的,生命是多彩的,绚丽的don"t know know what lies ahead, but虽然不知前路是否荆棘满途I"m ready now it"s time, gotta go, gotta get out of this town,但我已准备好离开这庇护所,去闯出一片天leave my fear behind, nothing left for me here can"t stick around, 把恐惧扔在背后,再也没什么能将我留住my dreams are loud and my hearts wide awake我的梦想如此高昂,而我的心已全然觉醒and all i know is, I"m not meant to be silent现在我只知道,我并非注定默默无闻wake up to a new voice telling me where to go,此刻醒来,一个新的声音告诉我去向何方sounds like I got no choice, but to keep on this road听起来除了坚持下去,我别无选择Got my own opinion, my own words to say,坚持我的主张,说出我的心声got my own vision so I know I can"t stay, 为了亲眼见证一切,我知道我不应停步there"s no looking back now, I feel a change此刻已无路可退,是时候改变了I"m ready now it"s time, gotta go, gotta get out of this town,但我已准备好离开这庇护所,去闯出一片天leave my fear behind, nothing left for me here can"t stick around, 把恐惧扔在背后,再也没什么能将我留住my dreams are loud and my hearts wide awake我的梦想如此高昂,而我的心已全然觉醒and all i know is, I"m not meant to be silent现在我只知道,我并非注定默默无闻no more black and white, this life"s too colorful,beautiful, 这世界并不是黑白单调的,生命是多彩的,绚丽的don"t know know what lies ahead, but虽然不知前路是否荆棘满途I"m ready now it"s time, gotta go, gotta get out of this town,但我已准备好离开这庇护所,去闯出一片天leave my fear behind, nothing left for me here can"t stick around, 把恐惧扔在背后,再也没什么能将我留住my dreams are loud and my hearts wide awake我的梦想如此高昂,而我的心已全然觉醒以下重复间奏(I"m ready know it"s time, yeah)gotta go, gotta get out of this town(and leave my fear behind me)nothing left for me hear can"t stick around(I"m ready know it"s time, yeah)(I"m ready know it"s time, yeah)gotta go, gotta get out of this town(and leave my fear behind me)nothing left for me hear can"t stick around(I"m ready know it"s time, yeah)my dreams are loud and my hearts wide awakeand all i know is, I"m not meant to be silent歌词出处:MetroLyrics翻译提供:xion516渣翻译,求轻喷
2023-08-15 22:19:361

Tori Amos的《Siren》 歌词

歌曲名:Siren歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Detroit, Mi - October 27, 2007「SIREN」作词∶尾崎雄贵作曲∶尾崎雄贵歌∶Galileo Galilei昨日の晩から君は月を见てる朝日が升っても月は见えるの?声をかけても闻こえていないそんなところが仆は嫌いで好きだったカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝はいつだっけ寝ているうちに雨が降って止んでテレビからインチキ女の声がする「毛布の中で活きる革命家は死ねよ」そんな感じのこと话してた同じような日々をぐるぐる周り三周くらいして人は死んでゆく分かりきったこと言っているだけそれでもここから抜け出そうぜ决まったやり方で仆らは幸せになるかなれないサイレンが鸣って耳をつんざいたやっと君は月を见るのをやめた急いで散らばった欠片を集めて君の気付かないうちに隠した仆は毛布の中へ优しいだけの言叶が仆の口からシャワーのように吹き出して虹を作る七色に光る绮丽な虹を「汚い色ね」って君は笑って泣くまた降りだした雨の中かき消した虹の色は忘れて反射しあうガラスの欠片みたいに仆らは擦れ合ったサイレンが鸣いて耳をつんざいた触れ合った指はもうすぐ离れてく毛布の中からそっと片足を出して冷え切った部屋から早く出ていこうカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝いつだっけ ねぇいつだっけ外で月を见ようよ仆はそれを见ているよもうそれだけでいい本当にそれだけでいいいつもと同じ 君は月を见てるこれからどうしようかなんて考えてないバックミラー越し 君と目が合うサイレンの音から远ざかっていく【 おわり 】
2023-08-15 22:19:471

Tori Amos的《Pancake》 歌词

歌曲名:Pancake歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Philadelphia, Pa - October 15, 2007Tori Amos - PancakeI"m not sure who"s fooling who hereAs I"m watching your decayWe both know you could deflateA 7 hurricaneSeems like you and your tribeDecided you"d rewrite the lawSegregate the mindFrom Body and from soulYou give me yoursI"ll give you mineCause I can look your GodRight in the eyeYou give me yoursI"ll give you mineYou used to look my GodRight in the eyeI believe in defendingIn what we onceStood forIt seems in vogueTo be a closetMisogynist homophobeA change of course inOur directionA dash of truthSpread thinlyLike a flagOn a popstarOn a BenzodiazapeneOh Zion pleaseRemove your gloveAnd dispel every traceOf His spoken wordThat has lodgedIn my vortexI"m not sure who"s fooling who hereAs I"m watching your decayWe both know you could deflateA 7 hurricaneYou could have sparedHer - oh but noMessiahs needPeople dying in their NameYou say "I ordered you a pancake"You say "I ordered you a pancake"
2023-08-15 22:19:551


Yokubou wa Kobamarete Are kuruu netsu wo motsu Suzusge ni Soko ni ita kimi wa Konya cgau PAFUUMU Honpouna to dakara Hoka ni otoko ga iru sa Youji ga aru to ta DOA totsu nagutta Dare ni dakareteru no [Motto ckaku ni] tori de neteru sa [Kokoro ga] Nomi komareteku Etai no srenai Yami e to Soto wa Rain Rain Rain Kimi ga hoskute Crazy Rain Kimi wa inakute Shoudou wo aoru ametsubu ga Mado ni TSUME wo tateru tori Pain Pain Pain Mune ga itakute Deeply Pain Koroge mawaru yo Nakus sou na ai hodo to wo kowaseru kurai ni utsukusi Zetsubou wa tata to Yukkuri to yatte kuru Itsukara ka USO to wakaru USO Kimi wa jyouzu ni natta Stto to iu BAKEMONO wo Mune ni kai nara steru Karada jyanakute Tamasi de Motomete mite yo Naniga sou sa seta no [Motto sunao ni] Hanaste hosi yo [Kanasi] DASAi YATSU dato Minna warau kedo HOREteru Itsumo Rain Rain Rain Kimi ga hoskute Crazy Rain DOJYA furi no My Heart Snken ni Dare mo aisenai Sore wa kimi no yowasa Ai wa Pain Pain Pain Icbyou to ni Deeply Pain Fukaku naru kara Warui UWASA kurai jya Tada no sabisi otoko ni mo neranai Soto wa Rain Rain Rain Kimi ga hoskute Crazy Rain Kimi wa inakute Shoudou wo aoru ametsubu ga Mado ni TSUME wo tateru tori Pain Pain Pain Mune ga itakute Deeply Pain Korogemawaru yo Nakus sou na ai hodo to wo kowaseru kurai ni utsukusi Itsumo Rain Rain Rain Kimi ga hoskute Crazy Rain DOJYA furi no My Heart Snken ni Dare mo aisenai Sore wa kimi no yowasa Ai wa Pain Pain Pain Icbyou to ni Deeply Pain Fukaku naru kara Warui UWASA kurai jya Tada no sabisi otoko ni mo narenai
2023-08-15 22:20:161

Tori Amos的《Pancake》 歌词

歌曲名:Pancake歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Scarlet"S WalkTori Amos - PancakeI"m not sure who"s fooling who hereAs I"m watching your decayWe both know you could deflateA 7 hurricaneSeems like you and your tribeDecided you"d rewrite the lawSegregate the mindFrom Body and from soulYou give me yoursI"ll give you mineCause I can look your GodRight in the eyeYou give me yoursI"ll give you mineYou used to look my GodRight in the eyeI believe in defendingIn what we onceStood forIt seems in vogueTo be a closetMisogynist homophobeA change of course inOur directionA dash of truthSpread thinlyLike a flagOn a popstarOn a BenzodiazapeneOh Zion pleaseRemove your gloveAnd dispel every traceOf His spoken wordThat has lodgedIn my vortexI"m not sure who"s fooling who hereAs I"m watching your decayWe both know you could deflateA 7 hurricaneYou could have sparedHer - oh but noMessiahs needPeople dying in their NameYou say "I ordered you a pancake"You say "I ordered you a pancake"
2023-08-15 22:20:231

求初音miku dark的Rusty罗马音&歌词

rusty (日文+罗马音)作词:えいちお 作曲:kk2 编曲:kk2 呗:初音ミクAppend 罪の中に沈む 鸟笼には孤独 tsumi no nakani shizumu tori kago niha kodoku 青く染まる羽根は 空に舞って溶けた aoku soma ru hane ha sora ni matte toke ta 伤だらけの心 気付けなくてそっと kizu darakeno kokoro kiduke nakutesotto 离れていく君が 远く见えた记忆 hanare teiku kun ga tooku mie ta kioku 抱えた自我と 慈しむ腕の dae ta jiga to itsukushi mu ude no 锖び付いた矛盾 ついに朽ちて散った sabi tsui ta mujun tsuini kuchi te chitta 过去はいつか梦に 深く溺れもがけば kako haitsuka yume ni fukaku obore mogakeba 爱し声を闻き漏らして 泡沫(うたかた)へと消えた itoshi koe wo kiki mora shite houmatsu ( utakata ) heto kie ta 鸟はいつも胸に 休む场所を探した tori haitsumo mune ni yasumu basho wo sagashi ta 强さだけを振りかざして 守る者を舍てた tsuyosa dakewo furi kazashite mamoru mono wo sute ta 自ら科し歪む 罚を受ける理由 mizukara kashi hizumu batsu wo ukeru riyuu 赤く染まる仆は 落ちる空に似てた akaku soma ru bokuha ochiru sora ni nite ta 剥がせなくて痛い 虚しさだけずっと haga senakute itai munashi sadakezutto 幸せには君が 必要だと知った shiawase niha kun ga hitsuyou dato shitta かりそめの海 漂ったままの karisomeno umi tadayotta mamano 锖び付いた想い 不意に重み増した sabi tsui ta omoi fui ni omomi mashi ta 囲われてた槛の 意味はとうに无くした kakowa reteta ran no imi hatouni naku shita 爱し声を押し杀して 夺い去った愿い itoshi koe wo oshi koroshi te ubai satta negai 鸟はいつも共に 休む场所を探した tori haitsumo tomoni yasumu basho wo sagashi ta 寄り添えたら叶えられた 未来さえも舍てた yori soe tara kanae rareta mirai saemo sute ta 「あなただけが 全てでした」 ( anatadakega subete deshita ) 「あなただけを 见つめました」 ( anatadakewo mitsu memashita ) 「あなただけに 隠しました」 ( anatadakeni kakushi mashita ) 「あなただけで 良かったのにuff65uff65uff65」 ( anatadakede yoka ttanoni ... )
2023-08-15 22:20:311

Tori Amos的《Siren》 歌词

歌曲名:Siren歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Vancouver, Bc - December 3, 2007「SIREN」作词∶尾崎雄贵作曲∶尾崎雄贵歌∶Galileo Galilei昨日の晩から君は月を见てる朝日が升っても月は见えるの?声をかけても闻こえていないそんなところが仆は嫌いで好きだったカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝はいつだっけ寝ているうちに雨が降って止んでテレビからインチキ女の声がする「毛布の中で活きる革命家は死ねよ」そんな感じのこと话してた同じような日々をぐるぐる周り三周くらいして人は死んでゆく分かりきったこと言っているだけそれでもここから抜け出そうぜ决まったやり方で仆らは幸せになるかなれないサイレンが鸣って耳をつんざいたやっと君は月を见るのをやめた急いで散らばった欠片を集めて君の気付かないうちに隠した仆は毛布の中へ优しいだけの言叶が仆の口からシャワーのように吹き出して虹を作る七色に光る绮丽な虹を「汚い色ね」って君は笑って泣くまた降りだした雨の中かき消した虹の色は忘れて反射しあうガラスの欠片みたいに仆らは擦れ合ったサイレンが鸣いて耳をつんざいた触れ合った指はもうすぐ离れてく毛布の中からそっと片足を出して冷え切った部屋から早く出ていこうカレンダーを破る音で目覚めた冷たい朝いつだっけ ねぇいつだっけ外で月を见ようよ仆はそれを见ているよもうそれだけでいい本当にそれだけでいいいつもと同じ 君は月を见てるこれからどうしようかなんて考えてないバックミラー越し 君と目が合うサイレンの音から远ざかっていく【 おわり 】
2023-08-15 22:20:381

tangritag tori

ughurqa kino tori aslida intayin kop man siz ga bir ang yahxi sini tawsiya kilay yar di mi yigip kala bu yar da ang yi gi kinolar bar siz ki rip ko rup bak si giz bo lidu
2023-08-15 22:20:451

Tori amos 其人简介谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

风格: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock(成人另类流行/摇滚) Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) Singer/Songwriter(演唱者/歌曲作者) TORI AMOS是近几年活跃于另类摇滚乐坛著名的女歌手之一。与PJ HARVEY、LIZ PHAIR、ALANIS MORISSETTE、JILIANA HATFIELD、BJORK、DOLORES O"RIORDAN相比,TORI AMOS的音乐显得更为成熟和自然,同时也不失其桀骜的个性与深刻的内涵。 TORI AMOS原名ELLEN AMOS,1964年出生在美国北卡罗来纳州,后移居马里兰。小AMOS有一个墨守成规的父亲和一个善于持家的母亲,他们在AMOS2岁半的时候就发现了她的音乐天赋,开始培养她练习钢琴。到了4岁那年,小AMOS就已经能够熟练地弹奏莫扎特等人的名曲了。 AMOS的父亲坚持要让她接受正规的传统音乐教育。6岁那年,AMOS的父母就把她带到巴尔的摩著名的JOHNS HOPKINS大学学习古典音乐,但AMOS在这座音乐象牙塔内的生活过得并不开心。“并不是说我在那儿什么也没学到”她说,“而是学得不够。我还想学作曲,并渴望接触更贴近生活的流行音乐。”AMOS被勒令退学,原因是她一直醉心于创作流行音乐。AMOS的音乐教师PARICIA SPRINGER曾这样评价过她:“她是个个性倔强的小姑娘,会用自己的一套理论去诠释音乐,这真令人吃惊。从一开始我便知道这个学校是想留也留不住她的。” 辍学后的AMOS在一家钢琴酒吧中找到一份工作。两年后,她的父亲EDISON终于同意她接触流行乐。他把AMOS带到乔治城,并在那儿为她找了份工作,同时她可以在当地俱乐部中进行表演。“我曾很为她担心,”EDISON说,“对一个只有十几岁的小姑娘来说,一个人在外地讨生活可不容易。” 就这样,从13岁到21岁,AMOS在酒吧中弹了8年钢琴。8年后,她把自己的名字改为TORI AMOS,并来到大地市洛杉矾追寻自己的理想--“成为一个摇滚歌手”,她父亲这样说,“她从11岁起就一直嚷着要成为一个摇滚歌手。” 就在这时,发生了一件很不幸的事--AMOS被她多年以来一直很信任的好友强奸了。这事不仅在AMOS的心灵上留下了重创,也影响了她以后的音乐创作。 在洛杉矾时,AMOS曾组过一支名为Y KANT TORI READ的乐队,GUNS N"ROSES乐队鼓手MATT SORUM曾是这个乐队的成员。AMOS把全部精力都倾注到乐队的音乐创作之上。不久,乐队即与ATLANTIC唱片公司签约。1988年,乐队推出了一张专辑,但只售出约7000张。这个数字让AMOS感到很窘迫。“他们可以嘲笑我,但我不会放弃。总有一天我会证实自己音乐的价值。”她说。 AMOS回到家中,一连几个月闭门不出,不停地写歌。不久,《LITTLE EARTHQUAKES》(小地震)便完成了。这是AMOS在音乐上的一次突破,也是她一次极具冒险性的尝试。这张专辑中的一曲“ME AND A GUN”细致地描写了女性对于暴力犯罪的厌恶与仇恨,歌词与旋律都颇为感人。此曲一推出便赢得了众多女歌迷的心。鉴于此歌引起的社会反响很大,美国一个反性犯罪组织授于AMOS一枚荣誉勋章。 ATLANTIC唱片公司副总裁DOUN MORRIS对《LITTLE EARTHQUAKES》倍加推崇,他把AMOS请到伦敦,使她能有更广阔的施展才能的天地。一开始AMOS对在英国的生活方式很不习惯,但她最终克服了来自各方面的困难和压力。几个月后,《LITTLE EARTHQUAKES》就在英国成为金唱片;一年后,又在美国成为金唱片,AMOS不懈的努力终于得到了回报。 1994年,AMOS再接再厉,推出第2张专辑《UNDER THE PINK》,获得了巨大成功,使之开始在世界范围内走红。这次AMOS在歌的内涵上又下了一番功夫,如专辑中有对男性权威的质疑「GOD」,有对女性之间产生矛盾的心理探源「CORNFLAKE GRIL」,还有对青少年犯罪动机的探讨「THE WAITRESS」。据说这张专辑推出后,AMOS每天都会收到大量的来信,来信者多是些被凌辱或强暴过的年轻姑娘。她们把AMOS作为一个可以信赖的朋友和亲切的姐姐,向她诉说烦恼。AMOS总是尽其可能给她们以帮助,从此聪明、热情和平易近人的AMOS更是在歌迷中深得人心。 1996年年初,TORI AMOS的第3张专辑《BOYS FOR PELE》在ATLANTIC旗下推出,歌词依然象诗一般优美,AMOS的钢琴演奏技巧又有了提高,配器亦比过去更为丰富。“HORSES”一曲中AMOS哀怨有呢喃配上时隐时现、跌宕起伏的钢琴声使你宛如被置身于一场深秋的葬礼之中;“BLOOD ROSES”结束时的铃声仿佛预示世界末日的来临。另外,“LITTLE AMSTERDAM”中的电子噪间效果、“WAY DOWN”结尾处的和声处理、“MR.ZEBRA”中铜管乐器的应用都是点睛之笔。 1998年,她推出了《FROM THE CHOIRGRIL HOTEL》,这张专辑被著名的摇滚音乐杂志《ROLLINGSTONE》评为四星,在《ROLLINGSTONE》的读者投票中被评为四星,可见她的实力又进一步。1999年她又推出了全新专辑《TO VENUS AND BACK》 AMOS曾说过这样一句话:“被人爱对我而言并非是最重要的,被人尊重才是我的追求。”音乐使AMOS找到了一个自由的空间表达她想表达的一切。通过音乐,AMOS实现了她的梦想,同时也获得了爱与尊重。
2023-08-15 22:20:541

Tori Amos的《Horses》 歌词

歌曲名:Horses歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Manchester Apollo, Manchester, U.K. 6/5/05i got me some horsesto ride onto ride onthey say that your demonscan"t go thereso i got me some horsesto ride onto ride onas longs as your armykeeps perfectly stilland maybe i"ll find me a sailora tailorand maybe togetherwe"ll make mother wellso i got me some horsesto ride onto ride onas long as your armykeeps perfectly stillyou showed me the meadowand milkwoodand silkwoodand you would if i wouldbut you never wouldso i chased down your posiesyour pansies in my hosiesthen opened my handsand they were empty thenoff with superflysniffing a sharpie penhoney it"s bill and benoff with superflycounting your beesoh me honey likeone two threethe camera is rollingit"s easy likeonetwothreeand if there is a way to find youi will find youbut will you find me if neilmakes me a treean afro a pharoahi can"t goyou said soand threads that are golden don"t break easily
2023-08-15 22:21:011

Tori Amos-china歌词的翻译``

all the way to New York 中国通往纽约的路 i can feel the distance 我能感觉得到距离 getting close 慢慢接近 you"re right next to me 你就在我的身旁 but i needed an airplane 但我仍需一架飞机 i can feel the distance 当你呼吸时 as you breathe 我能感觉得到距离 sometimes 有时候 i think you want me to touch you 我觉得你想让我抚摸你 how can i 可是当你建造环绕着你的长城时 when you built the Great Wall around you 我又如何能做到 in your eyes 在你的眼中 i saw a future together 我看到了未来 you just look away 而你只是转过脸 in the distance 望向远处 China 瓷器 decorates a table 装饰着桌面 funny how the cracks don"t 有意思的是 seem to show 看不见那丝丝裂痕 pour the wine dear 亲爱的,泼点酒 you say you take a holiday 你说你想去度假 but we can never agree on 但前往的地点 where to go 我们却从未能达成共识 sometimes 有的时候 i think you want me to touch you 我觉得你想让我抚摸你 how can i 但是当你建造起环绕着自己的长城时 when you built the Great Wall around you 我又如何做得到 in your eyes 在你的眼中 i saw a future together 我看到了团圆的未来 you just look away 而你只是转过脸 in the distance 望向远处 China all the way to New York 中国通往纽约的路 maybe you got lost in 你可能迷失在 Mexico 墨西哥 you"re right next to me 你就在我的身旁 i think you can hear me 我觉得你能听见我 funny how the distance 但有趣的是这距离 learns to grow 学会了增长 sometimes 有时 you want me to touch you 你想让我抚摸你 how can i 但当你建造起环绕自己的长城时 when you built the Great Wall around you 我又如何能做到 i can feel the dist 我能感觉得到距离
2023-08-15 22:21:091

Tori Amos的《Hotel》 歌词

歌曲名:Hotel歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Chicago, Il - November 5, 2007Ladies and gentlemen, you are listening to the sounds of swiss beats.We got cassidy in here. Kels! We in our throwbacks.This is for the ladies, we got room keys.Girl you wanna come to my hotel, baby I will leave you my room key.I"m feelin" te way you carry yourslf gir.And I wanna get with you "cuz you"s a cutie.So if you wanna come to my hotel, all you gotta do is holler at me."Cuz we"re havingan after party, checkin" ut 6 in the mornin"I"m staying in the hotel, not the motel or the holi-day inn.If that girl don"t participate, well then I"ma take her friend.Well if, mami is with it then, mami can give it then, mami a rider, I"ma, slide up beside her.I got a suite, you can creep on through, I know you tryin" to get your freak on too,I"ll do it all for that, yeah I ball for that, hit the mall for that,keep it fly for them, keep my eye on them, hot tub for them, pop bub" for them, I got love for ma, yeeah!Girl you wanna come to my hotel, baby I will leave you my room key.I"m feelin" the way you carry yourself girl.And I wanna get with you "cuz you"s a cutie.So if you wanna come to my hotel, all you gotta do is holler at me."Cuz we"re having an after party, checkin" out 6 in the mornin"We"re the new Car-tel, R.Kel with the kid Cass-idy.Girl if you man start actin" up, ask for him or ask for me."Cuz see, we could go get it crackin, but you know what"ll happen,we be under the covers, makin" love to each other.I got a double bed, one"s to sleep on, other one"s to get my freak on, it"s all for them.Yeah I ball for that, hit the mall for that, keepit fly for them, keep my eye on them, hot tub for them, pop bub" for them, I got love for ma, yeeeah!Girl you wanna come to my hotel, baby I will leave you my room key.I"m feelin" the way you carry yourself girl.And I wanna get with you "cuz you"s a cutie.So if you wanna come to my hotel, all you gotta do is holler at me."Cuz we"re having an after party, checkin" out 6 in the mornin"We goin" Chi-town steppin" out, to the club lettin" out, and we goin" sex it out,"til we all checkin" out. I got my chicksI"ma bring to the tele, we "bout to do the damn thing, sing to "em Kelly.It"s alright(it"s alright) If you wanna come with me, and fulfill your fantasy, baby in my hotel suite.And it"s ok, if you wanna party night "til day, I will do anything you say.Just come to my hotel.Girl you wanna come to my hotel, baby I will leave you my room key.I"m feelin" the way you carry yourself girl.And I wanna get with you "cuz you"s a cutie.So if you wanna come to my hotel, all you gotta do is holler at me."Cuz we"re having an after party, checkin" out 6 in the mornin"You"ve just heard, a classic, featuring the one and only, Kels, Cassidy, Swiss beats the monster (yes i am)This one"s for the ladies y"all. The baby, believe it! Get your hands up!It"s over.
2023-08-15 22:22:051

Tori Amos的《Sugar》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: West Palm Beach, Fl - November 21, 2007Flo Rida - Sugar (Ft. Wynter)Da double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diDa double dee double diI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diSugarHey, I"ve got a mouth full of cavitiesSweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to meSo my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear toneShawty gotta kiss, it"s an emergencySpit sprung for the taste, addicted to her glossWon"t smile this way, baby I rub it offPut my tongue in your faceA little mistletoe, sippin" Gram I AI"m a fan all dayDo me that favor, cuz I like your flavorMy manage behavior; I"m into your majorSweeter so flavor, that"s good for this playerMy hood, now and later, throw back like a pagerPretty much, you"re givin" me a sugar rushLil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blushLips feel soft as a feather when we touch,Shawty that"s what"s upMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diDa double dee double diI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diSugarHey, Sh Shawty would you mind, cuz I want me someNow and later, I don"t wanna have to wait, you the oneYep! Yep! Your vision. So, so deliciousCan"t help my interest, candy addictionWanna peace, to a piece gotta get a pieceI don"t know a piece, Give me all your sweetsBottom and top lip, bout to have a sugar feastLevel with our trip, I"m a lip bitin" beastMan for them things, all 42 teethSqueeze the sugar cane on your mouth, must beatAin"t your mama slirp, stickin", usin" my treeLike taffy but classy, get at meI"m flyly Let you know I wanna kissBut your lips, they"ll do me fineNow baby don"t trip with the juicy kindGet, get on the grip, Girl you ain"t lyin"My lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diSugarYou like my sugar, my sugarYou so sweet, so sweetLike my candy, my candyYou so sweet, so sweetI got a good appetite with you on me, on meI"ll wrap you out of them clothesYou my treat, my treatGirl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me someGirl you my sugar, I call you CandyAnd tonight I"m gonna get me some, get me some sugarMy lips like sugarMy lips like sugarThis candy got you sprungThis candy got you sprungSo call me your sugarSo call me your sugarYou love you someYou love you someI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diDa double dee double diDa double dee double diI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diDa double dee double diI"m sweet likeDa double dee double diSugar
2023-08-15 22:22:141

求Tori Black作品合集

2023-08-15 22:22:211

求《鸟之诗》歌词 中文谐音。。

《鸟之诗》中文谐音歌词2011-08-29 9:30KI一叶路一多地摸 摸谷他几瓦米摸谷得 马阿木西顾得意他 一组那得哟瓦古德 啊诺一嘎那 怕瓦那竹 一组妈呢摩他瓦那着呢 以已呀的那卡打呢多 股古呀西古得哟得哦~ 怕那~~竹 阿诺多利瓦马达 不嘛不多BE那一 个罗 一组嘎哇他着我KI得西路 多罗嘎那一大修 嘎嘛嘎多我古力 阿鲁 呢嘎一大个的么得弥足 么得鲁~~ 多~多摸达奇瓜 那足摸涩摸 阿露古 古古打子逆 舒吧西瓦撒那西得~ 多古里瓦 多撒嘛嘎那打 已已摸 哟得逆哇 多比打足已喔喔喔 KI一叶路一多地摸 我已打比得我一卡卡得 过我摸我嘎我过一他 啊诺一给那嘎哇拉组 一组嘛得诺 吧舒一已 摸谷他几瓦啊一哟已 妈阿大足逆摸哟大 组哟撒啊嘛多呢哟 一已多~~~
2023-08-15 22:22:315

Tori Amos的《Winter》 歌词

歌曲名:Winter歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Chicago, Il - November 6, 2007snow can waiti forgot my wittenswipe my noseget my new boots oni get a little warm in my heart when i think of winteri put my hands in my father"s clothi run off where the drifts get deepersleeping beauty trips me with a frowni hear a voice you must learn to stand upfor yourself cause i can"t always be aroundhe says when you gonna make up your mindhe says when you gonna love you as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changedso fastall the white horsed are still in bedi tell you that i"ll alwayswant you near you say that things changemy dearboys has discovered winter as meltsflowers competing for the sunyears go by and i"m still here waitingwithering where some snowman wasmiror miror when is the christ still proud of usbut i only can see my sonskatting around the treebut i know dadlet"s skattingwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindcause things has changed so fastall the white horses are still in bedi tell you that i"m alwayswant you nearcause things has changedmy dearhair is grey and the fires are burningso many dreamson the shelfi say i wanted you to be proud of mei always wanted that myselfwhen you gonna make up your mindwhen you gonna love as much as i dowhen you gonna make up your mindthings has gonna changed so fast
2023-08-15 22:22:481

Tori Amos的《Juarez》 歌词

歌曲名:Juarez歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Boston, Ma - October 19, 2007Juarez - We Are AugustinesThe old man turned and scratched his chinHe said "Son I wouldn"t know where to begin, but your daddy"s gone,he"s gone down south.. It was all he would talk about"We never blamed it on the soilOr the sunburned earthor the prices of the oilThis border town is my homeI got rattlesnake gutsin a desert full of bonesTell my sister I"ve gone and to find someonecause I won"t come backNo more moreLord I see red and it"s storming in my headI got cathedrals in my ears and I think my Daddy"s deadLord I see red and I"m prayin on my bedI got a drunk for a motherGot a saint for a brotherNow the sun is shinin on my hoodThe statue on the dashboardof Maria looks beautiful,And I"m headin down southI got tequila in my veinsand the devil in my mouth,Tell my sister i"ve goneand to find someoneCause I won"t comeback no more...No more..Lord I see red and it"s storming in my headI got cathedrals in my ears and I think my Daddy"s deadLord I see red and I"m prayin on my bedI got a drunk for a mothergot a saint for a brotherBut hey it"s alrightI got jukebox tears and stones for eyesHey it"s alrightI got jukebox tearsunder turquoise skies...Hey.So now I got hell on my trailIt took some demons to get evenNo my demons are countin" rosariesWe never blamed it on the soilOr the sun scorched earthWhere the desert meets the skyTell my sister Ive gone and to find someoneCause I won"t come back no more...No more.Lord I see red and it"s storming in my headI got cathedrals in my ears and I think my Daddy"s deadLord I see red and I"m prayin" on my bedI got a drunk for a mothergot a saint for a brotherLord I see red and it"s storming in my headI got cathedrals in my ears and I think my Daddy"s deadLord I see red and I"m prayin on my bedI got a drunk for a motherGot a saint for a brotherI got a drunk for a motherGot a saint for a brotherI got a drunk for a motherGot a saint for a brother.I got a drunk for a motherGot a saint for a brother.-End-
2023-08-15 22:23:081

Tori Amos的《Your Cloud》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Cloud歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: West Palm Beach, Fl - November 21, 2007Tori AmosYour CloudWhere the river crosscrosses the lakeWhere the wordsJump off my penand into your pagesDo you thinkjust like thatYou can divideThisYou as yoursMe as mineto before we wereUsIf the rainHasto separatefrom Itselfdoes it say"pick out your cloud?"pick out your cloudIf there is a Horizontal Linethat runs from the MAPoff your bodystraight through the Landshooting upright through my heartWill this Horizontal Linewhen askedknow how to findWhere you endwhere I begin"pick out your cloud"How Light can playand form a Ringof Rain that can changebows into arrowsWho we wereisn"t lostBeforewe were UsIndigoin his ownBlue always knew thisif the rainHasto separatefrom Itselfdoes it say"pick out your cloud?"pick out your cloudIf there is a Horizontal Linethat runs from the MAPoff your bodystraight through the Landshooting upright through my heartWill this Horizontal Linewhen askedknow how to findWhere you endwhere I beginif the rainHasto separatefrom Itselfdoes it saypick out your cloud
2023-08-15 22:23:161

Tori Amos的《Bliss》 歌词

歌曲名:Bliss歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Boise, Id - November 30, 2007Blisstori amosFather I killed my monkeyI let it outto taste the sweet of springwonder if I will wander outtest my tether tosee if I"m still freefrom yousteady as it comesright downto youI"ve said it allso maybe we"re a Blissof another kindBliss of another kindlately, I"m in to circuitrywhat it means to bemade of you but not enough of youand I wonder ifyou can bilocate is that what I tasteyour supernova juiceyou know it"s true I"m a part of yousteady as it comesright down to youI"ve said it allso maybe we"re a Bliss of another kindsteady as it comesright down to youI"ve said it allso maybe you"re a 4 horse enginewith a power drivea hot kachina who want into minetake with your terracidesteady as it comesright down to youI"ve said it allso maybe we"re a Bliss of another kind
2023-08-15 22:23:231

tori kelly为什么就是火不起来

《欢乐好声音》电影原声音乐专辑曲目01 Faith Ariana Grande;Stevie Wonder 02 Gimme Some Lovin" The Spencer Davis Group 03 The Way I Feel Inside Taron Egerton 04 Let"s Face The Music And Dance Seth MacFarlane05 I Don"t Wanna Beck Bennett;Scarlett Johansson 06 Venus Reese Witherspoon;Nick Kroll 07 Auditions Sing Cast 08 Around The World Sentilde;or Coconut 09 Bamboleo Gipsy Kings 10 The Wind Cat Stevens11 Hallelujah Tori Kelly 12 Under Pressure David Bowie;Queen 13 Shake It Off Reese Witherspoon;Nick Kroll 14 I"m Still Standing Taron Egerton 15 Set It All Free Scarlett Johansson 16 My Way Seth MacFarlane 17 Don"t You Worry "Bout A Thing Tori Kelly 18 Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight Jennifer Hudson 19 Out To Lunch (End Titles) Joby Talbot 20 Listen To The Music Tiki Pasillas 21 Hallelujah (Duet Version) Tori Kelly;Jennifer Hudson 22 Don"t You Worry "Bout A Thing (Acoustic Version) Tori Kelly 23 OH.MY.GOSH The Bunnies
2023-08-15 22:23:341

Tori Amos的《Leather》 歌词

歌曲名:Leather歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Cleveland, Oh - November 1, 2007LeatherTori Amos ( Little Earthquakes )Look I"m standing naked before youDon"t you want more than my sexI can scream as loud as your last oneBut I can"t claim innocenceOh god, could it be the weatherOh god, why am I hereIf love isn"t foreverAnd it"s not the weatherHand me my leatherI could just pretend that you love meThe night would lose all sense of fearBut why do I need you to love meWhen you can"t hold what I hold dearOh god, could it be the weatherOh god, why am I hereIf love isn"t foreverAnd it"s not the weatherHand me my leatherI almost ran over an angelHe had a nice big fat cigar"In a sense," he said, "you"re all alone hereSo if you jump, you best jump far"Oh god, could it be the weatherOh god, why am I hereIf love isn"t foreverAnd it"s not the weatherOh god, could it be the weatherOh god, it"s all very clearIf love isn"t foreverAnd it"s not the weatherHand me my leather (whispered)Yah la dye, yah la dye, Yah la dye dye dye dye, yah dye...
2023-08-15 22:23:411


ジレンマecosystem作曲︰Megumi Tsubosaka作词︰Megumi Tsubosaka歌词期待の裏には、予想どおりの虚しさkitai no ura niha , yosou doorino munashi saあまりにも 强すぎて 受け入れ作业に时间をくってamarinimo tsuyosu gite ukeire sagyou ni jikan wokutte不具合でひどい头痛 空回る日々fuguai dehidoi zutsuu karamawaru hibi一つも灰なんて 残しちゃイケない、、、hitotsu mo hai nante nokoshi cha ike nai ,,,目眩がする程、眩しいあの世界me gen gasuru hodo , mabushi iano sekai锐く胸に突き刺さるよsurudoku mune ni tsuki sasa ruyo取り乱して 今夜眠れない 胸がざわついてtori midashi te konya nemure nai mune gazawatsuite半信半疑 泳いでみるのも、hanshinhangi oyoi demirunomo ,悪くないよ 嘘ばかりの中waruku naiyo uso bakarino nakaどんな场所でも 自分は変わりゃしないのにdonna basho demo jibun ha kawari yashinainoni普通の幸せ、普通の暮らし、普通って何?futsuu no shiawase , futsuu no kurashi , futsuu tte nani ?目眩がする程、着せられたあの世界me gen gasuru hodo , kise raretaano sekai骗し合い 仇になって それでいいの?damashi ai ada ninatte soredeiino ?取り乱して 今夜 抜け出したtori midashi te konya nukedashi ta弱音全部吐き出してyowane zenbu hakidashi te泣きたいのに、泣けない理由は、naki tainoni , nake nai riyuu ha ,まだ终わらない 仆の梦の中mada owa ranai boku no yume no naka目眩がする程、広がるあの世界me gen gasuru hodo , hiroga ruano sekai必ず、掴む为 ここに立ってるよkanarazu , tsukamu tame kokoni tatte ruyo取り乱して 今夜 駈けだしたtori midashi te konya kake dashita素直さは饰らないでsunao saha kazara naideそして 趣いたまま、 生きなさいsoshite omomuki itamama , iki nasai最终的に求めるのは 君の腕の中がいいsaishuuteki ni motome runoha kun no ude no naka gaii歪んでる声よ、灰になってhizun deru koe yo , hai ninatte
2023-08-15 22:23:491