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氯乙烯 英文

2023-08-23 11:27:05
TAG: 英文

氯乙烯 英文:vinyl chloride




















OOS: out of specification 超标OOT:out of trend 超趋
2023-08-15 16:03:391


This winter, the air quality over the north China plain has been record breaking - but not in a good way. From Jan 10 to16, the air quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was so bad it was actually off the scale used to monitor air quality.今冬的华北平原空气质量破了纪录 — 只可惜并非是好的纪录。从一月10日至十六日间,北京-天津-河北区的空气质量甚差,实际上差到超出了空气质量监测器指标的最高额 (爆表)。
2023-08-15 16:04:292


2023-08-15 16:05:021


RoHS是《电气、电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令》 RoHS是Restriction of hazardous substances “有害物质限制”的英文缩写 ROHS 主要检测6项有害物质(Cd)镉 100PPM(Pb)铅 1000PPM(Hg)汞) 1000PPM(Cr6+)六价铬 1000PPMPBBs 多溴联苯 1000PPMPBDEs 多溴联苯醚 1000PPM新增加的4种是 DEHP DBP BBP HBCDD(没有强制性执行)
2023-08-15 16:05:185


2023-08-15 16:05:486


2023-08-15 16:06:052


1-602 Jiangling Gdn Huaihai Rd.
2023-08-15 16:06:283


你要问的是tvoc超标对人体造成伤害如何索赔吧?《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》第十一条:“消费者因购买、使用商品或者接受服务受到人身、财产损害的,享有依法获得赔偿的权利。”第三十五条规定:“消费者或者其他受害人因商品缺陷造成人身、财产损害的,可以向销售者要求赔偿,也可以向生产者要求赔偿。属于生产者责任的,销售者赔偿后,有权向生产者追偿。属于销售者责任的,生产者赔偿后,有权向销售者追偿。 ”TVOC超标会引起机体免疫水平失调,影响中枢神经系统功能,出现头晕、头痛、嗜睡、无力、胸闷等自觉症状;还可能影响消化系统,出现食欲不振、恶心等,严重时可损伤肝脏和造血系统。 tvoc是“Total Volatile Organic Compounds”的英文缩写,意思是总挥发性有 机化合物,室内空气品质的研究人员通常把他们采样分析的所有室内有机气态物质称为tvoc,它是Volatile Organic Compound三个词和字母的缩写,各种被测量的VOC被总称为总挥发性有机物tvoc(Total Volatile Organic Compounds)。
2023-08-15 16:06:491


2023-08-15 16:07:001


Ask you to notice own words and actions.Take a picture even the faces all dare not to peep out the comer, have what qualifications to say me.You see yourself, in addition to your super object weight, have where can the kind match in excellence with me?Bother you, chase you by yourself of result made to pass to comment on again the other people.!
2023-08-15 16:07:123


空气与人类的生存是息息相关的,它直接参与人体的气体代谢、物质代谢和体温调节等过程。一个人每天呼吸的空气约为1万多升,折合质量约为12.9 kg,约为每天所需食物和饮水量的10倍。随着现代工业和交通的迅猛发展,烟尘和汽车尾气等的排放,超越了大气的自净界限,接踵而至的却是一个十分严峻的问题——大气污染。对大气污染影响较大的污染物有:硫氧化物、氮氧化物、碳氢化合物、碳氧化合物、粉尘等。硫氧化物是酸性物质,来自含硫燃料(石油、煤)的燃烧,主要是指二氧化硫和三氧化硫。它们在一定条件下能形成对人类极为有害的气溶胶和酸雨。硫的氧化物不仅污染环境,而且严重地危害人的健康,能刺激人呼吸道,使内径变窄,阻力增大,造成对细菌感染的抵抗能力下降,损伤骨髓、脾等造血器官,破坏体内新陈代谢。
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2023-08-15 16:08:295


2023-08-15 16:08:543


食宿英语:accommodation补充资料: 1、学生宿舍是学校后勤服务保障体系的重要组成部分,是学生日常生活与学习的重要场所。各学校要从全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神和践行党的群众路线教育实践活动要求出发,坚持管理育人、服务育人、环境育人的宗旨。2、把学生宿舍的规范化建设和完善宿舍管理作为加强改进学校后勤工作的一项重要任务,列入重要工作议事日程,积极探索,大胆实践,努力完善管理机制,不断提高学生宿舍规范化建设和管理工作水平。3、学校要建立以校长为第一责任人。其主要职责是:实施学生宿舍的建设和物业管理,负责学生宿舍基本设施的配置、管理和维护,为寄宿学生创造良好的生活学习条件;搞好寄宿学生日常生活的管理和服务,维护学生宿舍正常的生活学习秩序;抓好学生宿舍的治安和消防安全工作,预防和杜绝各类安全事故的发生;加强学生宿舍的精神文明建设,强化学生日常行为规范,丰富学生的课余文化生活。4、资金保障和管理。学生宿舍的建设和维修资金由政府负责投入,切实保证学生宿舍生活管理工作所必须的经费。其项目建设和主要设施、各种设备的购置和安装等,学校必须报市局审批和检查验收。5、学校对符合上级有关规定可收取住宿费和相关费用的,应按市教育、物价部门核准的收费标准收取,严禁超标准和另立项目收费。学校应从上级下拨经费或收取的住宿费中提取一定比例的费用作为物业管理费,保证学生宿舍管理的正常开支和为学生提供优质的服务。
2023-08-15 16:09:011


2023-08-15 16:09:493


机械故障的英文怎么说 mechanical malfunction这个最好 mechanical failure mechanical impediment 他们的设备经常出故障。英语怎么说?Their equipment often broke down.对吗? 应该是breaks downbr伐ke down是过去时,如果用过去时句意就会变成“他们的设备以前经常出故障” 用一般现在时表示经常性发生的动作 英文求助~设备出现关机重启的故障,用英语怎么写?谢谢! Equipment shutdown restart problems 望楼主采纳 故障报警英文 故障报警 fault alarm [计] malfunction alert [计] 机器发生故障,请求帮助!英文翻译 Something"s wrong with the machine. Help, please! "设备故障率超标"怎么翻成英文? 5分 the failure rate of the equipment is out of the standard
2023-08-15 16:09:571


2023-08-15 16:10:051


2023-08-15 16:10:361


这么大一段 多点分吧
2023-08-15 16:10:594


你好,这位朋友,很高兴为你解答。肝功能指标:谷丙转氨酶(ALT) 0~40 U/L谷草转氨酶(AST) 0~37 U/L谷草/谷丙(AST/ALT) 0.80~1.5谷氨酰转移酶(GGT) 7~32 U/L(你父亲这一项数值478,高出很多)碱性磷酸酶(ALP) 53~128 U/L总胆红素(TBILI) 5.1~19.0 umol/L直接胆红素(DBILI) 0.0~5.1间接胆红素(IBILI) 5.0~12.0总蛋白(TP) 60~80 g/L白蛋白(ALB) 35~55球蛋白(GLB) 15.0~35.0白球比(ALB/GLB) 1.20~2.00葡萄糖(GLU) 3.89~6.11 mmol/L尿素氮(BUN) 1.7~8.3 mmol/L肌酐(CRE) 53~108 umol/L乳酸脱氢酶(LDH-L) 109~245肌酸激酶(CK) 24.0~195.0总胆固醇(CHOL) 3.35~6.45甘油三酯(TRIG) 0.48~1.17尿酸(UA) 202~416 umol/L指导建议:谷氨酰转肽酶增高往往与胆道系统的疾病有关,但是在彩超检查正常的情况下,单纯的谷氨酰转肽酶增高并没有多大的临床意义。个人建议不用处理,观察即可。每年化验个肝功、做个彩超看看,没有其他的问题就不用管它。
2023-08-15 16:11:382


比如:我们熟悉的单词”through”,往往首先想到它的介词词性,在考试中出现过的“through”却表示“直达”的形容词性。如何熟练掌握大纲词汇,我们做真题的同时需要重视词义的选择和引申:   (一)词义的选择   英文中一词多义的现象非常普遍。例如:英语story一词在不同的上下文中可以有不同的词义:   例:It is quite another story now.   现在情况完全不同了。   例:The officials concerned refused to confirm the story in the Post. 有关官员拒绝证实《邮报》的这条消息。   例:The white-haired girl"s story is one of the saddest.   白毛女的遭遇可算是最悲惨的。   例:A young man came to police station with a story.   一个年轻人来到警察局报案。   遇到英语多义词时必须结合上下文反复推敲,切忌望词生义,不求甚解。尤其遇到多义常用词时,不要想当然地把自己懂得的词义放到文章中去。   例:Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, arrived at this theory through mathematics.   误: 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦发展了相对论,他是通过数学方法得出这一理论的。(此处develop应译为“创立”)   再以consequence一词为例,考研真题中该词曾出现过三次:Consequence在三句中的分别译为:“推论”“结果”“影响”。   例: consequence   Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating. (1996:71)   其他原因则是由于科学在一定程度上自我加速而取得特定发展的必然结果。   Research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future. (1996: 73)   这些研究与直接目标没有关系,但是在未来却有可能产生影响。   Cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics…(1998:75)   宇宙膨胀论是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上得出的似乎可信的推论。   多义词词义的辨析选择和确定,是一项艰苦的思维过程,选择时一般可以从三个方面着手:   1. 据词类定词义。   有些词在作为不同词类时有不同的意思,如:back做副词意思是“回来”,做动词是“支持”,做形容词是“过期的”(如:a back issue, 过期的期刊),做名词是“背面,背部”等。因此,选择词义,首先要判明词类。   例:work   In general, the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be   measured can be most precisely defined…(1995:74)   一般来说,当所要测定的特征能够精确界定时,测试效果。   这一句中判断work为谓语动词,tests做主语,由于主语非人,因此译为“有效,有指定的效果to have a given effect or outcome,” 类似的用法如:Our friendship works best when we speak our minds.   (直言无讳,友情才最真挚”)。   Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world…(2001:73)   皮尔森汇集了世界各地数百位研究人员的成果…   该句中work一词前有定冠词the修饰,故为名词。考虑到与piece together搭配,而“工作”是无法汇集的,因此确定为“工作成果”。当然work一词还有很多其它词义,而确定其在上下文中意思的第一步就是确定词性。   再如1994年72题,expanded the reach of science,首先判定reach为名词,排除动词“到达,达到”之意,进一步确定其意为“范围,区域”,该短语因而意为“拓展了科学的影响范围。”   2. 据专业定词义。   一个名词有多种意义时,往往是分别适用于不同的学科和专业,这是各行各业都尽量利用常用词汇去表达各自的专业概念造成的。例如:body一词,在以下领域分别为:   天文学 the sun is the central body of the solar system   太阳是太阳系的中心天体。   航空 the speed of a plane is associated with the shape of its body and wings.   飞机的速度与机身及机翼的形状有关。   航天the body needs special exercise in a spaceship to suit the weightless conditions.   人体需要在宇宙飞船中进行专门训练才能适应失重状态。   因此,要注意辨认多义词的一般意义和专业意义,以及在各种不同学科中的不同译法, 使译文语言更为符合汉语表达习惯。比如:evidence 一词,普通意义为“证据、根据”,但在99年真题74题中interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study,根据文章讨论历史学研究的专业背景,译为“史料”。   同样,以下词义都根据具体专业学科做了适当变化:   computers with in-built personalities (2001:72)   安装有内置个性芯片的计算机 (而非“性格”)   home appliances will also become so smart that …(2001:74)   家用电器也会变得如此智能化….(而非“聪明”)   far-reaching changes in social patterns   社会模式的深刻变革 (而非“变化”)   Governments are often force to introduce still further innovations (2000:74)   各国政府常常不得不出台进一步的革新措施…(而非“介绍”)   3. 据搭配确定词义   一般说来一个孤立的词其词义是游移不定的,但当词处于特定的搭配关系中时,它的词义受到周围词的制约就会明朗化了,所以我们说“word has no meaning till it is in a context (词在上下文中方有意义)。”比如hot词义很多,但在特定的搭配关系中词义就很明确了:   hot bath热水浴 Pepper is hot. 胡椒是辣的。   a hot temper 暴躁的脾气 hot on pop music.热衷于流行音乐。   Hot music节奏强的音乐 Hot news最新消息   Hot material强放射性物质 hot dispute激烈争论   科普文章作为考研的主要文体,有较强的科学性、逻辑性, 词与词之间相互制约依存,因此特别应当多结合上下文、搭配关系推敲词义,决不能孤立、片面、静止地理解一个词的词义,僵化地套用。   如:evolution一词在真题中的翻译   The role of natural selection in evolution (2002:63)   自然选择在进化中所发挥的作用   the real hero of the story was the long evolution in the improvement of machinery for making eyeglasses (1994)   这个故事中真正的英雄是改进透镜制造设备的漫长过程。   再如:practice   they are essential to practices in which …(2002:64)   它们对于那种…的做法是必不可少的   modern practice most closely conforms to one /that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past. (1999:71)   当代史学研究实践最为切合其中一种定义, 认为历史学就是试图对过去重大历史事件加以再现和解释。   上句话中的另两词也颇值得玩味,history一词直接译为“历史”是否妥当呢?不妥。根据as后给出的定义判断,此处的history一词指“对过去重大事件的解释再现”,而 “历史” 本身就是过去重大事件, 怎么可能再去再现别人呢?根据上下文进行逻辑推理,就可以排除这一想当然的曲解,避免一处重大的误译。同样recreate可以译为“再创造”么?也不行。因为根据搭配,recreate后接的是“过去重大事件”, 也就等于“历史”,而历史只能“再现”不可“再造”。   根据上下文搭配确定词义是最为有效的选择词义的方法,在考研翻译确定词义时,广为适用。请看更多例证:   例:a leader of the new school (1994)   新学派的一位领袖人物(而非“新学校的一位领导”,因为上文提到new school of scientists)   例:they… thus do not tell … (1995)   因此无法表明(而非“告知”,因为根据上文,主语为standardized tests)   (二)词义的引申   所谓词的“引申”,指的是在一个词所具有的基本词义的基础上,进一步加以引申,选择比较恰当的汉语词来表达,使原文的思想表现得更加准确,译文更加流畅,如:heavy的基本词义是“重”,heavy crop引申为“大丰收”,heavy current引申为“强电流”,heavy traffic引申为“交通拥挤”等。词义引申主要使用词义转译、词义具体化的方法实现。   1.词义转译:有些词照搬辞典义翻译会使译文晦涩,含混,甚至造成误解。这时就应根据上下文逻辑关系引申转译。   例:cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics…(1998)   宇宙膨胀论是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上得出的似乎可信的推论。(不译“受人尊重的”)   例:elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with…(1996)   完美的理论体系(不译“优雅的体系”)   例:Optics technology is one of the most sensational developments in recent years.   光学技术是近年来轰动一时的科学成就之一。(不译“发展”)   例:The beauty of lasers is that   激光的妙处在于…(不译“美丽”)   2.词义具体化:即把原文中意义较笼统、抽象的词,根据汉语表达习惯,引申为意义较明确、具体的词。例如在下列真题句子的翻译中,笼统的词义具体化后,汉语表达清晰、流畅,成为可接受译文。   例:The specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail. (1996)   一般来说,一国政府对其科研机构提出的具体要求是无法详细预测的。(不译“建立”)   例:monitors that will disable them when they offend (1996:72)   如果汽车排污超标,监控器就会使其停止行使。   例:Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the points where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more "unnatural food." (1991:74)   除非人类终于意识到要把人口减少到这样的程度:使地球能为所有人提供足够的饮食,否则人们将不得不接受更多的“人造食品”
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今天是世界防治肥胖日的英文翻译是Today is World Obesity Prevention and Control Day。世界防治肥胖日于每年5月22日举行,旨在提高公众对肥胖问题的认识和关注程度,促进全球肥胖预防和控制工作的开展。肥胖,是指体内脂肪过多、体重明显超标的身体状况,是一种慢性病,与心血管疾病、糖尿病等多种疾病密切相关。近年来,全球肥胖率逐年升高,成为不容忽视的全球性健康问题。据世界卫生组织最新统计数据显示,全球18岁及以上成人中超过13亿人处于超重或肥胖状态,其中超过340万的死亡病例与肥胖有直接关联。随着科技的快速发展和社会的进步,世界范围内生活方式、饮食结构的变化以及缺乏运动等因素,成为导致肥胖的主要原因之一。以我国为例,由于饮食文化、工作压力等多方面原因,肥胖问题尤为突出。据中国疾病预防控制中心发布的数据,我国肥胖人群已达3.6亿,年增长率高达7.3%,成为我国人口健康管理的主要难题之一。同时,肥胖也给我们带来了诸多健康问题,如:心血管疾病、糖尿病、高血压、脂肪肝等疾病的发病率不断攀升。针对肥胖问题的防治,除了个体运动监测、营养调整等方法以外,政府和社会各界亦需全力投入,多方面采取措施,共同防治肥胖。政府应建立科学、完善的政策措施,在教育、公共卫生、医疗等方面进行综合干预。同时,大力宣传健康饮食、积极推广健身文化,培养公众的健康生活方式是防治肥胖问题的关键。社会各界亦可一起发动,通过各种形式的宣传、文化创意设计等手段,强化肥胖防治的理性认知、引导和教育。综上所述,全球范围内的肥胖问题是一个需要重视和合力应对的全球性难题。借助世界防治肥胖日这一重要节点,我们需要共同意识到:预防和控制肥胖问题要从个人健康、饮食运动及社会治理各方面综合考虑,多方联动,共同攻克。
2023-08-15 16:12:491


是对的I ne ed a translator for a explanation of harmonic control. Please help translate..1 main field test, load and 5,7,11 harmonics, because if the harmonic current harmonic currents of five times 278A, 4.5 times more than five times, the standard of gb, beyond 170A harmonic voltage distortion rate 1.7 times. For 7.5% above gb, 5%.2 as microcomputer control equipment of PLC harm is too big, in the four months, three B&O appears motherboard, control panel, 8, 9 fault # # # # # # # 21, 22 and other multi-goubian PTM frequency converter.Three other hazards, such as fever, vibration, no test data, the energy consumption is bad, but these should also monitoring.
2023-08-15 16:13:161


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The factory must strictly regulates the treatment of "Three Wastes" and environment protection, and it has to be up to the scratch .Inside the factory, dangerous goods must be stored, managed or destroyed etc in accordance to the regulations of dangerous goods management. It must not causes any polution to the production areas and its surrounding environment. If there is any environmental pollution exceed the permitted limit because of the factory, the contractor will have to pay the compensation to the government under the agreement for 8 million Yuans every ton that exceed the limit. The agreement take effect from the date of signing until the retirment of every employees of Yanhua factory. Eleventh, The agreement has two copies, each parties hold one copy, and it takes effect the date it was signed. Twelfth, the signing venue is Shanghai Yuanchuang Techonology Development Ltd.
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氯乙烯 英文:vinyl chloride氯乙烯,又名乙烯基氯,化学式是C2H3Cl,是一种有机化合物,是高分子化工的重要的单体。2017年10月27日,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构公布的致癌物清单初步整理参考,氯乙烯在1类致癌物清单中。用途:主要用以制造聚氯乙烯的均聚物和共聚物。也可与乙酸乙烯酯、丁二烯等共聚,用作多种聚合物的共聚单体,塑料工业的重要原料,也可用作冷冻剂等。还可用作染料及香料的萃取剂。急救措施:皮肤接触:立即脱去被污染的衣着,用肥皂水和清水彻底冲洗皮肤。就医。眼睛接触:提起眼睑,用流动清水或生理盐水冲洗。就医。吸入:迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。保持呼吸道通畅。如呼吸困难,给予输氧。如呼吸停止,立即进行人工呼吸。防护措施:工程控制:生产过程密闭,全面通风。呼吸系统防护:空气中浓度超标时,佩戴过滤式防毒面具(半面罩)。紧急事态抢救或撤离时,建议佩戴空气呼吸器。眼睛防护:戴化学安全防护眼镜。身体防护:穿防静电工作服。手防护:戴防化学品手套。其他防护:工作现场严禁吸烟。实行就业前和定期的体检。进入罐、限制性空间或其它高浓度区作业,须有人监护
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问题一:表转折的英文单词 最常见的: 1.表示补充说明的: moreover, in addition, furthermore. Example: She took a shower last night. Moreover/In addition/Furthermore, she had a nice dinner with a few friends. 这些词一般后面要跟与前文观点不冲突的语句,比如不是相反的意思. 2.表示结果:therefore, as a result, thus, hence. Example: She did not take a shower last night. As a result, she felt tired this morning while working. 3.表示比较对照:on the contrary, in contrast, however, nevertheless, instead. Example: She did not take a shower last night. On the contrary, she went to the gym and spent two hours there. 这些词是连接与前文不一样的观点,而且往往强调词后观点。 问题二:有没有什么表转折的英语表达,不求多,只求精 nevertheless howevernonetheless 这三个都可以代替but,表示转折,“尽管如此,但是,然而” 问题三:英语中,有哪些是表转折的词组 表示转折的有: but,however,unfortually,while,after all,although,in contract,yet,whereas,on the other hand,despite,... 同时有些表示递进的: what"s more,moreover,furthermore,nevetheless... 问题四:板材中含有什么元素 10分 如果问题中的“板材”是指钢板,可以这样回答。 “板材”是一种钢材,除了外形之外,板材含有的化学元素,和其它钢材没有区别。不同的钢号,具有不同的化学成份,这是钢的最重要的指标。 钢材分为碳素结构钢,低合金结构钢,弹簧钢、碳素工具钢、合金工具钢、不锈钢和一些特种用途的钢号。 板材有碳素结构钢、低合金结构钢、弹簧钢、不锈钢,一般不会使用碳素工具钢、合金工具钢的板材。 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢中,除了铁元素是所有的钢铁的基本组成外,碳含量是主要的指标,这是钢号的基础。 硫、磷是钢中的有害元素,在钢的生产中是严格控制的,在钢的化学成份中,控制上限不得超标。 硅、锰对钢材的性能有影响,不同钢号的标准不一,有的钢号是刻意控制,有的钢号是有意添加。 低合金结构钢和碳素结构钢的化学成份基本是同一系列,除了几种低碳的碳素结构钢,低合金结构钢就是碳素结构钢的基本成份,再提高一些锰含量或添加少量的合金成份。 弹簧钢的硅含量更高一些。 不锈钢中,能够使钢材不生锈的主要元素是铬、镍、钛,这些都是比较贵重的金属材料。 钢号是一个复杂的系统,有专门的国家标准,也汇编成册,可以自行参考。 综上所述,板材(也包括其它的钢材)除铁之外,含有的元素有: 碳、硫、磷、硅、锰。 不同钢材还有: 镍、铬、钛、钒等 以上解释很不完全,钢材用途广泛,钢种甚多,成份各异,一般接触的就是这些。 问题五:英语语法中的 转折 怎么用英语说 一般是用but,但如果想加分的话就用however。注意:however后必须跟着一个逗号,而且一般置于句首。 例如:1.Take the plane is the most exspensive but is fortable. 2.Take the plane is very exspensive.However,is the most fortable.
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汽车销售术语F——function :功能 指汽车所固有的功能 例如:ABS。 A——advantage :优势 指此款车型区别于其它车型的优势功能 例如:同价位里,此款车型的轮胎抓地力特别强。 B——benefit :利益 指此款手机的功能及优势功能能够给消费者带来的好处、使用价值、利益... 例如:有了这个功能,您的车子也有了越野的性能了。 E——evidence:
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1。在民用和政治的权利,在经济,社会并且文化的权利上的国际的契约,并且国际的劳动习惯上的国际的契约的预备同样适用了于商行Kong"sregional立法。2.在这个例子,词选择和关于那些词个人们保持的假设影响他们的推理。3.在背后上为这些在NCHS的研究员不正在轻拍美国人减少,然而。 在中年和更旧的成人之中,在可能是过重的股票落下联系到自然的联系老化在瘦身体团块减少。
2023-08-15 16:19:463


Three-phase short-circuit current calculation of power system planning, design, operation must be carried out in the calculation of analytical work. At present, the three-phase short-circuit current has become troubled over many of the key issues of power system operation. However, during the three-phase short-circuit current calculation, the design, operation and research departments of the different calculation methods, which may cause short-circuit current calculation of the conclusions of the differences and short-circuit current to determine the difference between standard and short-circuit current restrictions different. If short-circuit current calculations are somewhat conservative, it may result in unnecessary waste of the investment; if biased optimism, the system will be safe and stable operation of the catastrophic dangers buried. Thus, in-depth study of the standard short-circuit current calculation based on comparing the different conditions of short-circuit current calculation of short-circuit current calculation of the impact of the conclusions, as well as for grid computing and short-circuit current limit to provide a more realistic approach and thinking. 1 short-circuit current calculation method Classic method of calculating short-circuit current: The variable ratio of 1.0, does not consider the line charging capacitance and parallel compensation, regardless of load current and the effects of load, the node voltage from 1.0, no-load generator. Short-circuit current calculation of the standard IEC main standards and ANSI standards, China is the IEC standards used. GB provides short-circuit current calculation method, calculation conditions. GB recommended three-phase short-circuit current calculation method is the equivalent voltage source method, the calculation conditions are as follows: u2460 not consider non-rotating load data and run the way of excitation; u2461 neglect and non-revolving line load capacitance of the parallel admittance; u2462 with the transformer tap, the switch position will be deemed to be the main tap location; u2463 excluding arc resistance; u2464 35 kV and above the maximum system short-circuit current calculation, the equivalent voltage source taking a nominal voltage of 1.1 ( Calculation of rated voltage 1.05 pu), but not exceeding the maximum operating voltage equipment. For network planning, operation department, the largest three-phase short-circuit current calculation is the calculation of the main content. Calculation, the power grid, power grids of the different departments may use different calculation conditions. Differences mainly concentrated in the transformer ratio, the selection of the node voltage. Variable transformer check than 1.0, the change from the ratio of the actual operation; node voltage may take 1.0, 1.05 may also be taken. Both are used in different combinations, it is clear that this will affect the outcome of short-circuit current calculation. Root of the problem is often calculated based on the inherent computational procedures set up to calculate, and calculation procedures due to lack of sufficient flexibility. In fact, if I understand the requirements of short-circuit current calculation, calculation of staff is calculated on the results obtained from the appropriate processing. Some commercial software also provides a flexible conditions for short-circuit current calculation capabilities. 2 the impact of short-circuit current calculation factors United States PTI"s PSS / E to provide a trend based on the short-circuit current calculation and the use of classical methods, ANSI standards or IEC standards, the choice of short-circuit current calculation. The use of IEC standards, allows the user to arbitrarily set the initial value calculation of short-circuit current conditions. The options can be set include: u2460 variable than the choice: 1.0 or normal ratio; u2461 consider whether or not charging capacitor; u2462 or, taking into account the parallel compensation; u2463 voltage node; u2464 generator power factor. To this end, the use of PSS / E program of its own examples of the different initial conditions on the results of short-circuit current calculation of the impact analysis.
2023-08-15 16:19:541


LS的机器翻译,下面这个我自己翻译的 Honey,where are you now? I don"t know where are you,what is your name,whether you are overweight or not.But I know you must wait me somewhere always. I don"t need a wealthy man,just want a life that we can hold together to sleep everty night.
2023-08-15 16:20:031


2023-08-15 16:20:142


按照雅思评分标准而言 可能在—5.5之间 但是无法得知你写作的质量问题,所以也不好判断
2023-08-15 16:20:574


就是一个老师精心准备一堂课,然后其他老师来评价这堂课的好坏,我猜你是个学生?给你的建议是这是老师的表现机会 ,相当于他要向别人展示他的作品和能力的时候,老实听课,完成他预先交代给你的任务就好(如果有的话。) 附带一点搜来的套话 方便你理解达标课几点建议 一、要关注教学环节,正确处理环节与目标的关系 教师要做到居高临下、步步为营,从而实现“纵向一条链,横向一大片”的教学目标。 二、要关注教学形式,正确处理形式与内容的关系 教师首先应根据教学目标确定好各个环节的教学内容,再参照学生的年龄特点选择恰当的教学形式,防止本末倒置和形式化倾向,使教学内容落到实处。 三、要关注教学行为,正确处理自主与指导的关系 1.扶之有序。教师要根据学生的年龄实际,拟订计划,顺序渐进培养学生的学习能力。 2.扶之有度 。教师在培养学生合作学习等学习能力时要遵循“扶——半扶——放”原则,讲究“扶”“放”策略。教师在进行知识技能指导时要准确把握“课标”精神,扶之有度,既不“超标”,也不“降标”。 3.扶之有法。 传统教学的教师引导方式是简单的教师讲解,新课程的教师引导方式应体现针对性、灵活性、多样性与合理性,常用的方式有:①学生与教师对话。②学生与学生对话。③学生与文本对话。④学生与自己对话。 四、要关注教学效益,正确处理时间与效率的关系 1.纵向,合理安排每个环节时间。 2.横向,合理协调学与导的时间。 3.深度,有效利用教学时间。
2023-08-15 16:21:081


Three-phase short-circuit meter.with is power system planning, design and operation of the calculation and analysis to work. At present, three-phase current short road condition has become a troubled many domestic electrical key problems. However, in the three-phase short-circuit current calculation, the design, operation and the calculation method of the research department adopts each are not identical, this may cause short-circuit current calculation results and the difference of the judgment of short-circuit current exceeds differences, and short-circuit current restrictions.If the short-circuit current calculation results rather conservative, may cause unnecessary waste of investment, If you tend to be optimistic, the safe and stable operation of the system of catastrophic. Buried Therefore, in the research of short-circuit current calculation standard based on the different condition of short-circuit current calculation of short-circuit current calculation results for grid, and the influence of short-circuit current calculation and limit to provide more practical methods and ideas.1 short-circuit current calculation methodClassic short-circuit current calculation method for: change than 1.0, do not consider lines and parallel compensation capacitor recharge, don"t consider the impact load and load current node voltages, take the 1.0, generator racing. The standard of short-circuit current calculation are mainly IEC standard and the ANSI standard, China USES is the IEC standard. Owing to the short-circuit current calculation method and calculation conditions. The standard recommends three-phase short-circuit current calculation method is equivalent voltage source, its calculation method for: 1) does not consider the rotating load operation data and generator excitation way, 2 lines and ignore the rotating electrical load of parallel admittance, 3 the transformer has tap-changer and its position as the position in the Lord, Regardless of the arc resistance; (4) 5 35 kV short-circuit current calculation system, the maximum equivalent voltage source, the nominal voltage from 1 (1) in the calculation of the rated voltage of the contributions of pu), but shall not exceed the maximum operating voltage devices.For power grid planning and operation department, three-phase short-circuit meter.with the biggest is main content of calculation. The grid computing, and electricity network in different departments may use different calculation conditions. Differences are mainly concentrated in transformer, node voltage selection. Transformer has taken 1.0, have taken more than the actual operation change, Node voltage may take 1.0, also may take contributions. These two different combinations are adopted, obviously, this will affect short-circuit current calculation results. The root of the problem is calculated according to calculation program to staff the natural Settings to calculate and calculation program and lack of flexibility. Actually, if you know a short circuit calculation and the requirement of personnel is calculated from the calculation results can be appropriately. Some commercial software also provides flexible short-circuit current calculation conditions setting function. enterprise2 influence factors of short-circuit current calculation resultsAmerican PTI company PSS/E program provides short-circuit current calculation based on the trend of the classical method, and the ANSI standard or IEC standard of short-circuit current calculation. IEC standard, allows users to set arbitrary short-circuit current calculation of the initial value. Set of options include: (1) change than choice: 1.0 or normal variable ratio, 2 consider whether charging capacitance, 3 and parallel compensation or not, 4 node voltage, 5 generator power factor. Therefore, using PSS/E procedures for its own example with different initial conditions of short-circuit current calculation results of analysis
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