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Erma Bombeck的《Education》 歌词

2023-08-23 10:23:55
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歌手:Erma Bombeck
专辑:The Family That Plays Together... [Gets On Each Other"S Nerves]

call it education
it was somewhere in between
you gave me some sound advice
but i wasn"t listening
after we had capsized
i could tell you how you thought
well, i"m not sure
but laid to rest on the city on the wall
not quite conversation
it was somewhere in between
you said everything is taught
and i listened patiently
all this talking pony
still monkies the whole time
we could not help from flinging shit
in our modern suits and ties
our instincts, they were cringing
about how we lived our lives
it didn"t seem we"d lived enough
to even get to dieall these diss distractions
so beautifully complex
well, i loved life"s surprises so much
i don"t want to know what"s happened
stubborn shouting, said
"i don"t do what you do"
i don"t know
could it really hear highly if you highly care?
and you don"t
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
i"ve been awayhardly education
it was somewhere in between
oh, i hit the roof but i had
aimed for the ceiling
hardly education
all them books i didn"t read
they just sat there on my shelf
looking much smarter than me
good old nostradamus
he knew the whole damn time
that always being east from west
someone is there fighting
stubborn shouting, said
"i don"t do what you do"
i don"t know
could it really hear highly if you highly care?
and you don"t
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
i"ve been away
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
i don"t know anyway
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
i don"t know
could it really hear highly if you highly care?
and you don"t
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
uh.. i fell away
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
oh, very well, then
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
oh, very well, then
stubborn beauty, stubborn beauty
oh, very well, then
oh, very well, then




stubborn 英[u02c8stu028cbu0259n] 美[u02c8stu028cbu0259rn] adj. 顽固的,固执的; 顽强的或有决心的; 坚持的; 棘手的; [例句]He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way他性格固执,惯于一意孤行。[其他] 比较级:stubborner 最高级:stubbornest
2023-08-15 13:32:222


stubborn的意思是:adj. 固执的; 执拗的; 顽固的; 倔强的; 难以去除(或对付)的;音标:英[u02c8stu028cbu0259n]美[u02c8stu028cbu0259rn][例句]He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way他性格固执,惯于一意孤行。1.倔强的,顽固的;不听话的He is as stubborn as a mule.他像骡子一般执拗。2.顽强的,不屈不挠的The defenders put up a stubborn resistance.防守将士进行了顽强的抵抗。3.难处理的,难对付的This lock"s rather stubborn; it needs oiling.这把锁很难开;得给它加点油了。4.(病)难治好的I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night.我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽。5.(污渍)难去掉的This detergent can remove stubborn stains.这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍。
2023-08-15 13:32:291


stubborn 倔强的
2023-08-15 13:32:591


问题一:顽固的笨蛋英文怎么说 Stubborn idiot stubborn 英 [?st?b?n] 美 [?st?b?rn] adj. 顽固的,固执的;顽强的或有决心的;坚持的;棘手的 比较级: stubborner 最高级: stubbornest 问题二:地道的英语怎么说 英语口语学习方法技巧 SOURCE:21stcentury 如何才能说流利的英语? 说外语时,我们主要应做到四件事: 理解 --回答 --提问 --口头表达 你只要自我训练这四项基本技能(或找一位可以训练你的老师),就会说一口流利的英语。 我们该如何对待说英语时所犯的错误? 你应该区别讲求准确性的口头训练与讲 求被理解的口头交流之间的区别。如果你为交流而说英语,那么你犯的错误大都可以忽视。重要的是信心十足地去交流(那可不是容易的!)。如果你确实是在交流,那么即使你犯错误也没有 关系,只要这些错误不干扰你的交流。你只要纠正在你口头 表达或写作时会妨碍别人理解你的错误就可以了。 我的听力进步缓慢。我该如何提高呢? 练习语言听力的方法是要采取积极主动而非被动的方式。如果老师在介绍一篇课文时稍加一个短评,并且提出一 个问题,学生们就会积极主动地聆听。例如,老师说:今 天我准备给你们读一则讲述一个意外事件的故事。读完之 后,我要问你们这件事是如何发生的。这会鼓励学生们积 极认真地听,以求找到问题的答案。如果老师只是说:请 听这个故事,学生们则没有聆听的重点。他们的双眼可能 是睁着的,但头脑确是封闭的。 在练习听力过程中,我却抓不到全文的大意,这是为什么呢? 这是因为你把精力放在听单词上,而不是理解意思上。不要听单个的单词,然后就试图把它们译成汉语,应该听懂全文的意思。听英语时,要排除汉语干扰。这正是优秀 译员所要具备的:他们先要弄懂一段语言的意思,然后把它译成另一种语言,以便听者可以听懂说话的大意。 如何练习连贯表达的回话技巧? 我想你所提的时断时续(说英语)可能是指突然迸 发式的说话方式。首先,你必须明白,大多数口头表达是与 他人交往的产物。我们很少发表长篇大论,这就是说我们必须培养我们自己理解别人讲话的能力,然后根据我们所听到 的内容作出回答。会话的性质不同,要求的技巧也自然不同。例如:u30fb交流信息。这是我们每天最常见的交流形式。你的朋友 告诉你他/她在业余时间所喜欢做的事。你仔细听,然后 告诉他/她你在业余时间所想做的事。你就如此这般回 答。在这种交流中,你一般会大量使用一般现在时。u30fb叙述。你的朋友用过去时告诉你一段经历(他/她如何误车,然后上班迟到,老板说些什么,等等)。你仔细听,然后讲述你自己的经历。在这种交流中,你一般会使用一般过去时或过去进行时。按时间顺序讲述一个故事较为容 易:某事开始于……,然后叙述正文,最后结束讲述。u30fb交流看法和观点。你的朋友告诉你他/她对某事的看法, 他/她先描述一段场景,然后发表他/她的意见,并给出 理由。你仔细听,然后以同样的方式作出回答。你有可 能陈述事实(你从报纸上读到的东西),给出一个或几个例子,然后说明你的看法。你很可能用些诸如 In my opinion…, I think…, I agree with what you say, but…和 Im afraid I disngree.I think…等短语。 不错,平时多练习以提高你的英语口语,但不要指望遇 见外国人(我想你所指的是来自说英语的国家的人)这个办法。如果这样的话,你练习说英语的机会就少多了。首先,经常遇见外国人是不容易的;其次,他们可能不愿被你用来 练英语;再者,如果你与一位外国人交谈,你可能会对自己 的英语水平不甚清楚,无法表达自己的 思想(就像你所提的 事例一样)。那么,你该怎么......>> 问题三:"顽固不化的人"英语怎么说 顽固不化的人_有道翻译 翻译结果: Stubborn people 顽固不化 be set in one"s way;incorrigibly obstinate;(This obstinate man) is unteachable.;obstinate and unchangeable更多释义>> [网络短语] 顽固不化 as stubborn as a mule;Unrepentant;inveteracy 顽固不化的 inveterate 比喻顽固不化的人 stubborn bastion stubborn stronghold 问题四:老顽固的英文翻译是什么? 老顽固 old fogey 问题五:有顽固的生命力英文名 Tenacious vitality 问题六:固执用英语怎么说 stubborn adj. 顽固的,固执的; 顽强的或有决心的; 坚持的; 棘手的; 例句:He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way 他性格固执,惯于一意孤行。 比较级:stubborner 最高级:stubbornest
2023-08-15 13:33:071

倔强 英文翻译

The man was very stubborn. The obstinate woman refused to believe my explanation.We had reached a dead end in the debate.
2023-08-15 13:33:174

stubborn 用法

stubborn作为形容词stubborn用作定语~+ n.The stubborn man refused to apologize.那个倔强的人拒绝道歉。Stubborn stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent.只需使用一点清洁剂就能将顽垢除去。He succeeded because of his stubborn efforts.由于他的努力不懈,他成功了。stubborn用作表语S+be+~I don"t know who"s more stubborn, you or your grandmother—neither of you will compromise.我不知道谁比较固执,你还是你奶奶——你们两个都不愿妥协。S+be+stubborn+ prep .-phraseHe was stubborn of temper and said nothing.他脾气倔,什么也没说。
2023-08-15 13:33:281


是不是stubborn? 固执的意思
2023-08-15 13:33:484


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2023-08-15 13:34:251


If you choose to be stubborn, you need to be strong too.有本事任性也要有本事坚强
2023-08-15 13:35:012

犟牛 英语怎样写?

Stubborn cattle
2023-08-15 13:35:096

五月天歌曲英文译名 《如烟》《温柔》《倔强》《人生海海》

ruyan wenrou juejiang renshenghaihai
2023-08-15 13:35:263


2023-08-15 13:35:376


is要放在副词前面,变成可以翻译为turn ... into。这句话可以这样翻译:PP (polypropylene) is originally an extremely stubborn raw material, to turn it into fiber originally is an unlikely thing
2023-08-15 13:35:542


Bertrand Russell曾经说过一句非常有名的话,好像是I am firm, you are stubborn, and he is pigheaded.所以固执不能简单翻译的。祝进步。
2023-08-15 13:36:034

i still,as always,the slightest bit of the stubborn did not lose to the time是什么意思

2023-08-15 13:36:2311


We should make good use of this weekend. This is one of the best movies that I have ever watched.Jim is very stubborn and he never gives in to difficulties I often turn to my uncle for help when I am in trouble
2023-08-15 13:36:487

小学英语作文:固执的爸爸 My Stubborn Father

  【篇一】固执的爸爸 My Stubborn Father My father is a nice person, everybody speaks highly of him, but he is very stubborn sometimes. One day, my father find a wallet on the ground, then he asks someone who has lost it. The man answers to my father and he is so thankful to my father. So he wants to give some money to return my father, but my father insists not to accept it. At last, the man has to give up. 我的父亲是一个好人,每个人都给予他很高的评价,但他有时很固执。有一天,我爸爸发现地上有一个钱包,然后他问谁弄丢了。然后有个人回应了我的父亲,他非常感谢我的父亲。所以他想给一些钱来报答,但父亲坚持不接受。最后,那个人不得不放弃。  【篇二】选择 The ChoiceA lot of parents like to make choice for their kids, because they believe their children are young and have no idea how to make the best choice. While my parents won"t do it for me, they will leave me the options and then let me make my own decision. I feel being respected and so thankful to them. I have my idea and can take the responsibility. 很多父母喜欢为孩子做出选择,因为他们认为他们的孩子还小,不知道如何做的选择。然而我的父母不会为我做抉择, 他们会给我留下一些选择,然后让我自己做决定。我感到受到尊重,很感谢他们。我有我的想法,可以负起责任。  【篇三】新发型 The New HairstyleI always want to change my hairstyle, because I want to look as my idol"s image, but i don"s have the courage to do it. At last, my friend gives me the courage, she tells me that I should try and not to have regret at the young age. I agree, I am so happy about my new hairstyle, it brings me the new mood. Trying the new things is good. 我总是想改变我的发型,因为我想要看起来像我偶像的形象,但是我没有勇气去做。最后,我的朋友给了我勇气,她告诉我,我应该试着去做,不要在年轻的时候留下遗憾。我同意她的说法,我很满意我的新发型,它给我带来了新的心情。尝试新事物是好的。
2023-08-15 13:37:081

she can be really stubborn中的be动词为什么不是is?

can是情态动词,后加动词原形she is really stubborn.用can后,第三人称单数形式is就变为原形be,变成she can be...
2023-08-15 13:37:163


2023-08-15 13:37:269


顽的汉语拼音是:wán。顽基本解释:愚钝:愚~。冥~不灵(愚昧顽钝不灵活)。不容易变化或动摇:~固。~强。~敌。~症。刁~。负隅~抗。淘气,胡闹:~皮。~童。顽的常用词组如下:顽磁 wán cí:[remanence;magnetie retentivity] 指当外加磁化场已变为零时,留在磁化过的物质中的磁感应强度。顽敌 wán dí:[enemy;inveterate foe;stubborn enemy] 顽固的敌人。顽钝 wán dùn:[stupid;thickheaded] 愚笨;愚昧。质性顽钝。顽梗 wán gěng:[obstinate;perverse] 非常固执。顽梗不化。顽固 wán gù:[headstrong;obstinate;stubborn]∶思想愚昧保守,不接受新事物。他所遇到的顽固的抵抗,表明人们的脾气不是那么容易制服的。顽固堡垒 wán gù bǎo lěi:[stubborn bastion;stubborn stronghold] 比喻顽固不化的人。和他商量没有用处,他是个顽固堡垒。顽疾 wán jí:[chronic and stubborn disease] 指难治或久治不愈的疾病。顽健 wán jiàn:[strong]∶健壮。顽抗 wán kàng:[stubbornly resist] 顽固抵抗。负隅顽抗。顽廉懦立 wán lián nuò lì:使贪婪的人能够廉洁,使怯弱的人能够自立。旧时形容感化力量之大。顽劣 wán liè:[stubborn and disobedient] 顽钝而不服管教。秉性顽劣。顽皮 wán pí:[mischievous;naughty]∶贪玩爱闹,不听劝导。顽皮的小孩。顽强 wán qiáng:[tenacious;determined]∶非常坚强。具有顽强的生命力。顽石 wán shí:[monolith;hard rock;insensate stone] 类似磐石般的事物,常指无知觉的人。
2023-08-15 13:38:061

2023-08-15 13:39:141

执拗的英语翻译 执拗用英语怎么说

2023-08-15 13:39:242


2023-08-15 13:39:343


2023-08-15 13:39:432


stubborn 英[u02c8stu028cbu0259n] 美[u02c8stu028cbu0259rn] adj. 顽固的,固执的; 顽强的或有决心的; 坚持的; 棘手的; [例句]He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way他性格固执,惯于一意孤行。[其他] 比较级:stubborner 最高级:stubbornest
2023-08-15 13:40:001

形容猫的英语单词(坏的方面) 例如:noisy/stubborn/lazy/mean/ugly?

sally stupid,5,谢谢, *** elly,1,形容猫的英语单词(坏的方面) 例如:noisy/stubborn/lazy/mean/ugly 形容猫的英语单词(坏的方面) 例如:noisy/stubborn/lazy/mean/ugly
2023-08-15 13:40:201


当你 - 林俊杰词:林俊杰曲:张思尔如果有一天我回到从前回到最原始的我你是否会觉得我不错如果有一天我离你遥远不能再和你相约你是否会发觉我已经说再见当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好当你说今天的烦恼当你说夜深你睡不着我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道如果有一天梦想都实现回忆都成了永远你是否还会记得今天如果有一天我们都发觉原来什么都可以无论是否还会停留在这里当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好当你说今天的烦恼当你说夜深你睡不着我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道也许空虚让我想得太多也许该回到被窝梦里和相遇就毫不犹豫大声的说我要说当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好当你说今天的烦恼当你说夜深你睡不着我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道当你的眼睛眯着笑当你喝可乐当你吵我想对你好你从来不知道想你想你也能成为嗜好啦 啦我想对你说却害怕都说错好喜欢你知不知道
2023-08-15 13:40:281


2023-08-15 13:40:371

stubborn attitude

(1)some blaming for (2)was so concentrated on(考察so...that...句型)
2023-08-15 13:41:001

英语谚语:Facts are stubborn things 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Facts are stubborn things 中文意思: 事实是不容改变的东西。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Rivers need a spring 大河要有源头。 Roll my log and I"ll roll yours 互相吹嘘。 Rome was not built in a (or one) day 罗马不是一日建成的。 Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) with the hounds 两面讨好。 Take a hair of the dog that bit you 以毒攻毒。 Take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can 智者皆能视苦为乐。 Take away my good name and take away my life 夺了我的名誉等于夺了我的生命。 Take care of *** all sums and the large will take care of themselves 省小钱才能积大财。 Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves 积少成多。 Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves 注意你的理智,声调自会小心。 英语谚语: Facts are stubborn things 中文意思: 事实是不容改变的东西。
2023-08-15 13:41:341

Warrior King的《Education》 歌词

歌曲名:Education歌手:Warrior King专辑:Hold The Faithcall it educationit was somewhere in betweenyou gave me some sound advicebut i wasn"t listeningafter we had capsizedi could tell you how you thoughtwell, i"m not surebut laid to rest on the city on the wallnot quite conversationit was somewhere in betweenyou said everything is taughtand i listened patientlyall this talking ponystill monkies the whole timewe could not help from flinging shitin our modern suits and tiesour instincts, they were cringingabout how we lived our livesit didn"t seem we"d lived enoughto even get to dieall these diss distractionsso beautifully complexwell, i loved life"s surprises so muchi don"t want to know what"s happenedstubborn shouting, said"i don"t do what you do"i don"t knowcould it really hear highly if you highly care?and you don"tstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi"ve been awayhardly educationit was somewhere in betweenoh, i hit the roof but i hadaimed for the ceilinghardly educationall them books i didn"t readthey just sat there on my shelflooking much smarter than megood old nostradamushe knew the whole damn timethat always being east from westsomeone is there fightingstubborn shouting, said"i don"t do what you do"i don"t knowcould it really hear highly if you highly care?and you don"tstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi"ve been awaystubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi don"t know anywaystubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi don"t knowcould it really hear highly if you highly care?and you don"tstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyuh.. i fell awaystubborn beauty, stubborn beautyoh, very well, thenstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyoh, very well, thenstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyoh, very well, thenoh, very well, then
2023-08-15 13:41:491

英语翻译:1我宁愿工作也不愿坐着什么都不干。(prefer;rather than)2他这么固执,没人能说服他来参加这个

1. I prefer to work rather than sitting and doing nothing2. He is so stubborn that no one can persuade him to join it.
2023-08-15 13:42:133


2023-08-15 13:42:211


犟念jiang四声 组词:倔犟
2023-08-15 13:42:441

英语翻译, 挺长的.

2023-08-15 13:42:5511


What happened yesterday should be my responsibility and not hisYou should have just done on an apology to the presence ofI find it difficult to consistently stubborn with those others who
2023-08-15 13:43:335


2023-08-15 13:43:529

Pearl Jam的《Education》 歌词

歌曲名:Education歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Lost Dogscall it educationit was somewhere in betweenyou gave me some sound advicebut i wasn"t listeningafter we had capsizedi could tell you how you thoughtwell, i"m not surebut laid to rest on the city on the wallnot quite conversationit was somewhere in betweenyou said everything is taughtand i listened patientlyall this talking ponystill monkies the whole timewe could not help from flinging shitin our modern suits and tiesour instincts, they were cringingabout how we lived our livesit didn"t seem we"d lived enoughto even get to dieall these diss distractionsso beautifully complexwell, i loved life"s surprises so muchi don"t want to know what"s happenedstubborn shouting, said"i don"t do what you do"i don"t knowcould it really hear highly if you highly care?and you don"tstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi"ve been awayhardly educationit was somewhere in betweenoh, i hit the roof but i hadaimed for the ceilinghardly educationall them books i didn"t readthey just sat there on my shelflooking much smarter than megood old nostradamushe knew the whole damn timethat always being east from westsomeone is there fightingstubborn shouting, said"i don"t do what you do"i don"t knowcould it really hear highly if you highly care?and you don"tstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi"ve been awaystubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi don"t know anywaystubborn beauty, stubborn beautyi don"t knowcould it really hear highly if you highly care?and you don"tstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyuh.. i fell awaystubborn beauty, stubborn beautyoh, very well, thenstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyoh, very well, thenstubborn beauty, stubborn beautyoh, very well, thenoh, very well, then
2023-08-15 13:44:281

This stubborn problem led to his regretting being a framer. 分析下这个句子

是动名词his regretting是宾语,being a farmer是宾补
2023-08-15 13:44:362


1, the two boys he is the highest. 2, his stubborn than I am. 3, his fastest in our class. 4, you are lost, do not lose weight. 5, either to keep its promises, or contrary to him, this is your own business. 6, who often with adults than children. 7, no child can not be home to a child.
2023-08-15 13:45:315


1. 迂字开头的四字成语 1、迂阔之论 yū kuò zhī lùn 【解释】远而不切实际的谈论 【出处】东汉·班固《答宾戏》:“彼岂乐为迂阔哉。” 2、迂腐腾腾 yū fǔ téng téng 【解释】迂腐:思想、言谈或举止拘泥于陈规旧章,不切实际;腾腾:兴起的样子。指迁腐之气很重 【出处】清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第98回:“依晚生看去,莫某人还不至于如此,不过头巾气太重,有点迂腐腾腾的罢了。” 3、迂怪不经 yū guài bù jīng 【解释】经:常规、规则。迂曲怪诞不合常理 【出处】《隋书·王劭传》:“劭在著作,将二十年,专典国史,撰《隋书》八十卷。多录口勒,又采迂怪不经之语及委巷之言。” 4、迂谈阔论 yū tán kuò lùn 【解释】犹言高谈阔论。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第八十九回:“驺衍等迂谈阔论,虚而无实。” 5、迂回曲折 yū huí qū zhé 【解释】迂回:回旋,环绕。弯弯曲曲,绕来绕去。常比喻事物发展的曲折性。 2. 迂字组词 迂夫子 yūfūzǐ [pedant old fogey] 迂腐的书呆子;迂儒 迂腐 yūfǔ [stubborn adherence to ouorn rules and idea;pedantic] 守旧固执、不能顺应时代潮流接受新思想 言、行拘泥于陈腐的准则,不切合实际 迂腐之谈 迂缓 yūhuǎn [dilatory;be slow in movement] 行动迟缓;不直截了当 语调迂缓 迂回 yūhuí [outflank] 进攻的军队绕向敌人深远侧后作战 迂回 yūhuí [circularity] 指在思想或表达方式上绕圈子的性质或状态 迂回 yūhuí [tortuous;circuit;indirect;roundabout] 曲折回旋的;环绕的 迂回曲折 迂见 yūjiàn [absurd view] 迂腐而不切实际。不合事理的见解 迂拘 yūjū [conventional] 迂阔而保守,不知顺应潮流;拘守陈规,迂腐而不知变通 这位老爷天生的是天性重,人欲轻,再加一生蹭蹬,半世迂拘,他不是容易教养成那等个好儿子。——《儿女英雄传》 迂阔 yūkuò [be high-sounding and impracticale] 思想行为不切实际事理 迂阔之论 迂论 yūlùn [impracticable argumert] 阔于事理、不切实际的言论 迂磨 yūmó [dawdle] [方]∶言行拖拉,不痛快 他办事迂磨,得时常催他 迂讷 yūnè [overcautious and do not shine in conversation] 拘谨而又不善于说话。讷,语言迟顿,不善讲话 邑有成右者…为人迂讷。——《聊斋志异》 迂气 yūqì [pedantic style] 迂腐的脾气秉性 迂曲 yūqū [tortuous] 迂回曲折的 迂儒 yūrú [readers who know nothing about the society] 迂腐不通事理、不切实际;腐儒 此迂儒之论也!——《三国演义》 迂远 yūyuǎn [impractical] 见解迂阔而不切实际 迂执 yūzhí [impractical and stubborn] 迂腐固执 为人迂执 迂滞 yūzhì [be high-sounding and impractical and stubborn] 迂阔固执 迂滞不达政体。——清·张廷玉《明史》 迂拙 yūzhuō [be impractical and foolish] 蠢笨;拘泥守旧 3. 请问大家知道迂回的迂字还有什么组词么 迂 yū 〈形〉 (形声。 从辵(chuò),于声。本义:曲折,绕远) 同本义 [circuitous;winding;roundabout] 迂,僻也。 ——《说文》。按,僻远也。 迂乃心。——《书·盘庚》。 传:“僻也。” 子之迂也。 ——《论语》。皇疏:“远也。” 彼岂乐为迂阔哉。——班固《答宾戏》 寡人以为迂言也。” ——《吕氏春秋·先已》 却霍见其语迂。——《国语·周语》。 注:“迂回加诬于人。” 迂,曲也。 ——《后汉书·蔡邕传》注 惩山北之塞,出入之迂也。——《列子·汤问》 又如:迂直(虽迂曲却是最直接有利的);迂折(迂回曲折);迂弘(深远宏大);迂邈(遥远);迂路(绕路);迂深(深远);迂言(迂阔的言辞);迂僻(偏僻);迂狂(迂阔狂放);迂谈(迂阔的谈论);迂傲(迂阔而高傲) 迂腐,不合事理 [stubborn adherence to ouorn rules and ideas;pedantry] 迂儒之议。 ——宋·苏轼《教战守》 厌其为迂。——明·宗臣《报刘一丈书》 如:迂妄(荒诞,不合情理);迂小(腐迂渺小);迂板(迂腐古板);迂癖(迂诞古怪);迂僻(迂诞怪僻,不合情理);迂呆(迂拙愚笨);迂谬(迂腐荒谬);迂薄(迂腐浅薄) 邪避,不正 [evil;heretical] 不度而迂求。 ——《国语·晋语》。注:“邪也。” 又如:迂邪(邪避) 缓慢 [slow]。如:迂徐(迂缓;缓慢);迂退(性情迂缓而谦退) 迂夫子 yūfūzǐ [pedant old fogey] 迂腐的书呆子;迂儒 迂腐 yūfǔ [stubborn adherence to ouorn rules and idea;pedantic] 守旧固执、不能顺应时代潮流接受新思想 言、行拘泥于陈腐的准则,不切合实际 迂腐之谈 迂缓 yūhuǎn [dilatory;be slow in movement] 行动迟缓;不直截了当 语调迂缓 迂回 yūhuí [outflank] 进攻的军队绕向敌人深远侧后作战 迂回 yūhuí [circularity] 指在思想或表达方式上绕圈子的性质或状态 迂回 yūhuí [tortuous;circuit;indirect;roundabout] 曲折回旋的;环绕的 迂回曲折 迂见 yūjiàn [absurd view] 迂腐而不切实际。 不合事理的见解 迂拘 yūjū [conventional] 迂阔而保守,不知顺应潮流;拘守陈规,迂腐而不知变通 这位老爷天生的是天性重,人欲轻,再加一生蹭蹬,半世迂拘,他不是容易教养成那等个好儿子。——《儿女英雄传》 迂阔 yūkuò [be high-sounding and impracticale] 思想行为不切实际事理 迂阔之论 迂论 yūlùn [impracticable argumert] 阔于事理、不切实际的言论 迂磨 yūmó [dawdle] [方]∶言行拖拉,不痛快 他办事迂磨,得时常催他 迂讷 yūnè [overcautious and do not shine in conversation] 拘谨而又不善于说话。 讷,语言迟顿,不善讲话 邑有成右者…为人迂讷。——《聊斋志异》 迂气 yūqì [pedantic style] 迂腐的脾气秉性 迂曲 yūqū [tortuous] 迂回曲折的 迂儒 yūrú [readers who know nothing about the society] 迂腐不通事理、不切实际;腐儒 此迂儒之论也!——《三国演义》 迂远 yūyuǎn [impractical] 见解迂阔而不切实际 迂执 yūzhí [impractical and stubborn] 迂腐固执 为人迂执 迂滞 yūzhì [be high-sounding and impractical and stubborn] 迂阔固执 迂滞不达政体。 ——清·张廷玉《明史》 迂拙 yūzhuō [be impractical and foolish] 蠢笨;拘泥守旧 迂 yū ㄩˉ 曲折,绕远:~回。~缓(行动迟缓)。 言行或见解陈旧不合时宜:~论。~气。 ~儒。~阔(不切合实际)。 ~腐(说话、行事拘泥于陈旧的准则,不适应新时代)。~夫子(迂腐的读书人)。 郑码:WAD,U:8FC2,GBK:D3D8 笔画数:6,部首:辶,笔顺编号:112454。 4. ahcc的四字词语 abcc词语 : 天网恢恢、 大名鼎鼎、 小心翼翼、 议论纷纷、 白发苍苍、 生机勃勃、 怒气冲冲、 想入非非、 白雪皑皑、 得意洋洋、 风尘仆仆、 文质彬彬、 气喘吁吁、 人才济济、 言之凿凿、 波光粼粼、 目光炯炯、 饥肠辘辘、 含情脉脉、 热气腾腾、 兴致勃勃、 行色匆匆、 忧心忡忡、 来势汹汹、 仪表堂堂、 野心勃勃、 衣冠楚楚、 神采奕奕、 虎视眈眈、 书声琅琅
2023-08-15 13:45:501


18世纪60年代人类开始了第一次工业革命,并创造了巨大的生产力。100多年后人类社会生产力发展又有一次重大飞跃。我们今天所使用的电灯照明,电话都是在这次变革中被发明出来的,我们把这次变革叫做“第二次工业革命”。 电灯是将电能转化为光能,以提供照明的设备,其工作原理是:电流通过灯丝(钨丝,熔点达3000℃以上)时产生热量,螺旋状的灯丝不断将热量聚集,使得灯丝的温度达2000℃以上,灯丝在处于白炽状态时,就象烧红了的铁能发光一样而发出光来。灯丝的温度越高,发出的光就越亮。故称之为白炽灯。   从能量的转换角度看,电灯发光时,大量的电能将转化为热能,只有极少一部分可以转化为有用的光能。   电灯发出的光是全色光,但各种色光的成份比例是由发光物质(钨)以及温度决定的。比例不平衡就导致了光的颜色的偏色,所以在白炽灯下物体的颜色不够真实。(即显色性不高)
2023-08-15 13:42:081


演员表:都暻秀 饰 陈正李世熙 饰 申雅拉河俊 饰 吴道焕朱宝英 饰 白恩地金相浩 饰 朴在京李施彦 饰 高钟道金太祐 饰 金泰浩延俊锡 饰 李哲基金赫拉 饰 太室长李孝娜 饰 朴艺英崔光一 饰 李章元剧集详情:韩文名:uc9c4uac80uc2b9ubd80。英文名:Bad Prosecutor。导演:金成浩。编剧:林英彬。首播时间:2022年10月5日。集数:12集。每集长度:约70分钟。
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是叫许同恩.姓名: 许同恩小名: 同N英文名: Rebecca出生地: 台北市身高: 162CM体重: 48KG生日: 1984/9/10星座: 处女座血型: B嗜好: 网球篮球电视和狗玩专长: 大提琴 钢琴 吉他休闲: 睡觉最爱吃的: 重口味最爱喝的: 水最爱颜色: 绿 黑最爱动物: 猫最爱乐团: Linkin park最爱女歌手: 椎名林檎 最爱男演员: 布莱德彼得最爱女演员: 安吉莉娜裘莉最爱电影: 花样年华最爱音乐类型: 摇滚最爱异性典型: 幽默最希望去的国家: 希腊 埃及最害怕的东西: 细菌最讨厌的事物: 失眠 演出: 2003年11月 赖声川 [乱民全讲]舞台剧 饰神秘少女2004年12月大囍门首张专辑「1:30AM」男女对唱女声部分
2023-08-15 13:42:113


操作系统 Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7处理器 Intel E6600/ AMD Phenom X3 8750或更高显卡 支持SM3.0,具备256MB板载显存的NVIDIA 8600GT或以上级别N卡;ATI Radeon X1950或以上级别A卡系统内存 2GB磁盘剩余空间 16GB
2023-08-15 13:42:1213


可以的 你去 阿里 上面搜鸿风硅胶 有视频教学
2023-08-15 13:42:022

谁能给我详细解释下白炽灯泡的原理 从电流开始 电流通过什么 ?到最后 给钨丝加热不好意思再说什么了。
2023-08-15 13:41:594


car is a kind of vehicles which make our lives more convenient.
2023-08-15 13:41:586