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2023-08-23 10:14:39


  Cultural differences is an objective existence, personnel from the tour guide English translation must find a sensible point in foreign culture and native culture, through appropriate techniques enable with exotic things in the target language to be reproduced.


  (1) to learn the source countries and their historical and cultural text, etc.


  China is a country with a history of five thousand years of civilization, the dynasty stretches, Jiangshan left wins. In the great rivers and mountains of the motherland throughout history traces, such as the Great Wall, the terracotta warriors, the Ming Tombs, the Yueyang Tower, Chibi..., these have become to attract tourists humanities landscape. And these places, a mountain of stone, grass and trees are interpreted over fascinating historical stories, are like a ancient mirror reflects a historical vicissitudes of life, often become the important content of tourism information. Therefore, it should be as an English tour guide, we must work learning nation and national history and culture, enrich their cultural reserve, translation practice in leisurely, come in handy.


  Such as Zhejiang Lanxi Jigong Memorial in such a word:


  Any rich, poor people deeply loved.

  翻译为: Jigong, Robin Hood in China , robbed the rich and helped the poor.

  Robin, Hood in China robbed, the rich and helped the poor. Jigong


  In any known Robinhood is compared to Westerners, so that foreign tourists feel warm and familiar


  Clearly, it is not difficult to understand why people Chinese love and affection of any.

  再比如周恩来总理有一次在接待外宾的时候, 说到梁山伯和祝英台的故事, 他便直接告诉翻译, 让他把这个故事说成西方的罗米欧和朱丽叶 (Chinese Romeo and Juliet), 这样客人在听到罗米欧和朱丽叶时, 思想便有了一个定位, 就能很好地理解中国的这个动人的爱情故事。

  Another example of Premier Zhou Enlai is a in the reception of foreign guests, said the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, he directly told translation, let him put the story said into the Western Romeo and Juliet (Chinese Romeo and Juliet), so that the guests when they heard the Romeo and Juliet idea would have a location, you can well understand the touching love story.



2023-08-15 13:05:471


问题一:"它讲述的是。。。。。"用英语怎么说 it said that…… 问题二:这个电影讲述的是………… 用英语怎么说。谢谢。 This film is talking about 问题三:对……讲 用英语怎么说 你好:为你提供精确解答 翻译为:speak to …… 谢谢,不懂可追问 学习宝典团队为你解答 问题四:故事讲述了 用英语怎么说 The story tells us... 问题五:这篇文章讲述的是。。。。用英语怎么说 This article is about.... 问题六:讲述用英语怎么说 state 问题七:我也会讲英语,用英语怎么说 I can speak English 问题八:我要讲的故事是……用英语怎么说 The story I"m going to tell is I want to tell a story about
2023-08-15 13:05:541


这类问题直接百度翻译就好 tell
2023-08-15 13:06:034


2023-08-15 13:06:321


为您解答mainly talks aboutIs mainly about都可以
2023-08-15 13:07:181


译文:Tell a story重点词汇:story英['stu0254:ri]释义:n.故事;小说;描述;新闻报道;来历;假话;层;一种测量单位(1 story等于3、3米)vt.用历史故事画装饰vi.说谎n.(Story)斯托里(人名)[复数:stories;第三人称单数:stories;现在分词:storying;过去式:storied;过去分词:storied]短语:Toy Story玩具总动员;皮球总带动;玩具总发动扩展资料:词语使用变化:tellv.(动词)1、tell的基本意思是用语言或文字“告知”“告诉”“讲述”某事,强调思想的表达,而不强调表达的方式。引申可表示“吩咐”“嘱托”“命令”“确定”“区分,辨别”“泄露秘密”“猜测”“产生效果”等。2、tell可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可以是名词或代词,也可以是带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。
2023-08-15 13:07:271


西游记讲述了唐僧师徒4人历经 九九八十一难去西天取经的故事,途中孙悟空施展七十二般变
2023-08-15 13:07:551

用英语表达一部电影"它讲述了…",除了It tells the story of…,还可以用什么词

翻译如下:英语表达一部电影"它讲述了…",除了It tells..还可以直接用It"s about....例句:它讲述了友谊,展现了和所爱的事物分离是何种艰难。It"s about friendship, and how difficult today is to be separated from those you love.
2023-08-15 13:08:091

故事讲述了 用英语怎么说

the story tells
2023-08-15 13:08:395


2023-08-15 13:08:561


This book talked about……
2023-08-15 13:09:206


我给大家讲述一个人 I tell you about a person.注:person 英 [u02c8pu025c:sn] 美 [u02c8pu025c:rsn] n. 人; (语法) 人称; 身体; 容貌; [例句]At least one person died and several others were injured.
2023-08-15 13:09:381


Today I want to talk a story uff0citu2019s name u2026u2026
2023-08-15 13:09:481


it is said that ...
2023-08-15 13:10:164


Read the word memorizing words every day for 1 hour. Read the text. Listen carefully¢n class. Watch some English movies. Listening to English songs and words.每天读单词,背单词1小时390读课文上课认真听讲j看一些英文电影517听英文歌xb列单词表
2023-08-15 13:10:262


2023-08-15 13:10:351


2023-08-15 13:10:453


Dear Mr. Li,I"m glad to tell you that I have already made great progress in my English study since I became a middle school student. When I started junior English in the beginning, I found it much more diffcult than what we learned in primary school and I almost lost heart. Later, I realized the importance of English, soI got up early every morning, recited English words, listened to English tapes and did a lot of exercises. I also asked my teachers and classmates for better ways of learning English. Now, I"m improving my English greatly. And I"m getting more and more interested inlearning it. Thank you so much for your great help in your class.Wish you all the best. Yours,
2023-08-15 13:10:551


你好,以下是我写的关于搬家的!希望你喜欢!Today is the day I move, I am very excited, the weather good in this cold winter, rarely have such good weather, over the next year, today is, and in the new year, I like my work well, rise higher and higher , I hope my new home, give me a good luck, I hope the whole world is moving today, the person good luck! Tired, sweat and non-stop to stay, but the mood is joyful, the same as the same as all moved in the evening need to tidy up, take a shower, a good rest, Oh, really good happy ! Today, you have to move it? You are looking for moving company? Friends, avoid, move they need themselves, and not with others because it is a kind of happiness!
2023-08-15 13:11:051


Now let me tell about my day.
2023-08-15 13:11:462


eat the spring dumpling with the sauce
2023-08-15 13:11:572


这是一个讲述亲情,成长,友情的故事 用英文定语从句怎么说?It is a story which tells the family and friends while growing up。
2023-08-15 13:12:041


Danish troubled, vigil guards saw wang haunter, told prince Hamlet. And his uncle Claude mourning, which took the brother of succession to the throne. The prince and skip that dialogue, father of truth, the uncle of evil prince fool on occasion for truth, director of a confirmed by poison skits, please pharaoh king of new new after viewing spot color, uncle, prince thought mother was crazy, dare anyone"s missing from the pain of suicide and hermione, who at the heart, and hate Claude king collusion than the sword YuJianFeng poisonous wine when besmear, poison, within the prince, but GeChu by evil queen swallowed, ray, Obama for his sword, and died prince told the truth, the prince and his father also heroic sacrifice. 丹麦王驾崩,守夜卫兵看见老王幽魂出现,告知哈姆雷特王子。而叔父克劳迪服丧未满,即娶其兄嫂继承王位。王子与幽魂对话,获知叔父谋害父王之真相,王子装疯卖傻为证实真相,导演一出老王被毒杀短剧,请新王与新后观赏,叔父当场色变,母后以为王子疯了,奥菲莉亚遭情人失踪及丧父之痛投河自杀,引起雷奥提斯心头之恨,与克劳迪王共谋比剑时涂剧毒于剑锋,酒内下毒,加害王子,不料被葛楚皇后误饮,雷奥提斯自己亦为毒剑所伤,临死告知王子真相,王子报了父仇,自己亦壮烈牺牲。
2023-08-15 13:12:141

面试用 用英文讲述自己大学里最难忘的一件事情。

Once, a group of students in our class went hiking together and stayed overnight in tents. From the experience, I have become stronger and our class became more cohesive. The two hour long hike gave me plenty to think about. Life, is like mountain hiking. You"ll need friends at every step, to help each other, give each other strength. Not only that, but I have also learnt to rely on myself.
2023-08-15 13:12:221


2023-08-15 13:12:482


讲诉 tell叙述 narrate诉说 tell/ pour out
2023-08-15 13:13:292

表示“说”这个意思的4个英文单词 另外要说一下它们4个的区别

tell,speak,say 与 talk 1.tell 意为“告诉、讲述”,指某人把某一件事、一条信息传送给别人或讲述一件事.如: He tells me that he wants to be a teacher. 他告诉我说他想成为一位教师. Father always tells interesting stories to us. 爸爸总是给我们讲有趣的故事. tell sb sth 意为“告知某人某事”.如: He told me something about his past. 他告诉我一些他的往事. tell sb to do sth 意为“告诉某人去做某事”.如: David told his son to do the homework. 大卫要他的儿子去做作业. 2.speak 意为“说话、讲话”,后面主要接语言.如: He can speak English and a little Chinese. 他能讲英语和一点汉语. speak to 意为“和.讲话、谈话”.如: Can I speak to Mr Zhang? 我能和张先生讲话吗? speak of 意为“提到、说起”.如: The book speaks of my hometown. 那本书提到我的家乡. 意为“谈话、讲话”,如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用 talk to;如果双方或多方交谈,多用 with.如: Please talk to him right now.请立即同他谈话. He is talking with his friend.他在和朋友交谈. talk about 意为“谈论.”.如: They are talking about the movie.他们在谈论那部电影. have a talk with 意为“与.交谈”.如: Can I have a talk with you?我可以和你交谈吗? 4.say 意为“说”.如: Can you say it in English once more?你能用英语再说一遍吗? say to 意为“对.说”.如: He said to his students that they would have a test. 他对他的学生说他们将有一个测试. It is said that...意为“据说”.如: It is said that he could stay under the water for a long time. 据说他能呆在水里很长时间.
2023-08-15 13:13:371


say talk tell chat speak murmur
2023-08-15 13:14:355


问题一:"它讲述的是。。。。。"用英语怎么说 it said that…… 问题二:这个电影讲述的是………… 用英语怎么说。谢谢。 This film is talking about 问题三:这部电影讲述的是用英文怎么说 This film said that 问题四:我要讲的故事是……用英语怎么说 The story I"m going to tell is I want to tell a story about 问题五:这篇文章讲述的是。。。。用英语怎么说 This article is about.... 问题六:“讲英语的学生”用英语怎么说? 你好,翻译是: English-peaking student(说"讲英语的学生) student who speaks English(说/讲英语的学生) 希望对您有用,祝您学习进步 望采纳谢谢 问题七:是的英文怎么写 Yes Yup am is are 鼎be been being 问题八:用英语说这是什么英语怎么写 用英语说这是什么 What is this in English ? 希望对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢
2023-08-15 13:15:011


2023-08-15 13:15:303


2023-08-15 13:15:384


2023-08-15 13:15:483


In 202 BC, China first unified feudal dynasty Qin Dynasty was born. The remains of today"sworld cultural heritage - the Chinese Qin Shihuang of Shaanxi Terracotta Army is the dynasty.Another world cultural heritage - the Great Wall, is beginning to take shape in the Qin dynasty.Since the Qin Dynasty rulers crave for greatness and success, especially Qin Shihuang to build his luxurious palaces and tombs, the court costs, so the people of exploitation is very cruel,constantly arouse people"s uprising. The results, in 15 years, the Qin Dynasty was overthrown.Qin Dynasty, there are two forces vying for new national sovereignty, a team led by Xiang Yu, a team was led by Liu Bang.Xiang Yu was a general in the army from Chu, strong character, proud, brave. Liu Bang in the Qin Dynasty is destroyed before a low-level bureaucrat, character some cunning, but good with people. In opposition to the Qin Dynasty in the war, two people had married brother, solidarity.The Qin Dynasty perish, two people will not.Initially he accounted for the absolute superiority. He proclaimed himself "king of Western Chu",equivalent to the emperor, dubbed Liu Bang "HW", only the equivalent of the feudal lords. Liu Bang in order to save their own strength, acknowledges Xiang Yu"s dominance of the surface, or to attract talent, the development of the army. Gradually, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu be well-matched in strength.Xiang Yu and Liu Bang"s war for several years, historically known as the "Chu Han contention".Once Xiang Yu Liu Bang played and defeated and captured Liu Bang"s father and wife. Xiang Yu Liu father hostage, asking Liu Bang to surrender, threatening Liu Bangruo"s surrender, his father killed soup. But Liu Bang had said to Xiang Yu: "we are brothers in the anti Qin, my father is your father, if you take "our father" soup to drink, don"t forget to give me a cup of." Xiang Yuhelpless, had to Liu Bang father and his wife back.Liu Bang and Xiang Yu"s battle to the death occurred in a place called Gaixia (in present-day Anhui). After a fierce battle, Liu Bang"s forces surrounded Xiang Yu and his army. Xiang Yu has been at a disadvantage, but there are one hundred thousand forces, Liu Bang and not todestroy Xiang Yu.One night, surrounded by Xiang Yu and his soldiers heard around the familiar voice rang out.Listen carefully, it is his hometown of Chu folk songs. The song is coming from the Liu Bang camp. Xiang Yu and his men were very surprised, thought that Liu Bang had taken them home,caught many hometown relatives captives, and this familiar song, also caused the soldiers homesickness. A general army morale of chaos, the soldiers have fled by night color, one hundred thousand people had left hundreds of people.Originally, this is Liu Bang"s use of the strategy. He organized his army soldiers sing the sentimental ballads of Chu state, it is in order to disrupt the stability of the Xiang army.The battle of Gaixia is the final Liu Bang win, Xiang Yu was forced to commit suicide. Later, Liu Bang established the Han dynasty. The Han Dynasty is one of the most prosperous period of Chinese history, in the economic and cultural aspects for the attention of the world.
2023-08-15 13:15:592


I went to Australia for a holiday.We went there by plane.As soon as we got off the plane,we went to the beach to see the beautiful sand and swam there.At noon we felt hungry so we had lunch at a seafood restaurant near the beach.We ate seafood like shrimps and craps,and drank some abalone soup.We also went to the flower markets and bought lots of flowers.Besides we climbed the mountain and took lots of beautful pictures.
2023-08-15 13:16:091


Why do you like France?
2023-08-15 13:16:192


He told me about their habits of life.
2023-08-15 13:16:261


2023-08-15 13:16:462


2023-08-15 13:16:566


1.“追赶风筝的孩子”是指2.“几个过路人见到这番情景”这句话中“这番情景”是指什么?3、短文说“科学的幻想经过人们的勤奋努力,终于变成了现实”,莱特兄弟俩的科学幻想是4、莱特兄弟的幻想变成了怎样的现实?5、在科学幻想变成现实的过程中,他们是如何努力的?6、读了这篇短文,你有什么想法呢?1.2 个 孩子
2023-08-15 13:17:473


In the mountains, I have also heard that after the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Chu Yuan is the original doctor, was a loyal, but he was a traitor of the frame and can not defend their own country. In order to show their loyalty, in order to arouse the patriotism of the people of Chu, Qu Yuan jumped into the river on to kill themselves in protest. Afraid of the people of Chu-ri Quyuan big fish on the package a lot of big rice dumplings, a big fish want to eat the big fish"s mouth stick, so that it can not eat Qu Yuan had. Later, it had scheduled for this day for the Dragon Boat Festival, to take the form of dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan.
2023-08-15 13:18:111


Insist on reading, writing,listening and watching. Reading English paper or news, wriiting diaries, listening English songs, watching English movies.
2023-08-15 13:18:192


Simpliest: Story of Lei FEng Tower.
2023-08-15 13:18:364


I want to visit the west side of the United States. It has a lot of historical values. There"s the "Gateway Arch" which symbolize the western expansion of the United States. It also have very unique geographies. There"s mountains, terrains, great rivers, deserts, and many more other features. I am excited to just even think about it.
2023-08-15 13:18:571


原版:It was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the old year, and the snow was falling fast. In the cold and darkness, a poor little girl with bare head and naked feet, roamed thru the streets. It is true she had on a pair of slippers when she left home, but they were not of much use. They were very large, so large, indeed, for they had belonged to her Mother and the poor little girl had lost them in running across the street to avoid two carriages that were rolling at a terrible rate.One of the slippers she could not find, and a boy seized the other and ran away with it saying he could use it as a cradle when he had children of his own. So the little girl went on with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the cold. In an old apron she carried a number of matches, and had a bundle of them in her hands. No one had bought anything of her the whole day, nor had anyone given her even a penny. Shivering with cold and hunger, she crept along, looking like the picture of misery. The snowflakes fell on her fair hair, which hung in curls on her shoulders, but she regarded them not.Lights were shining from every window, and there was a savory smell of roast goose, for it was New-year"s eve yes, she remembered that. In a corner, between two houses one of which projected beyond the other, she sank down and huddled herself together. She had drawn her little feet under her, but could not keep off the cold. And she dared not go home, for she had sold no matches.Her father would certainly beat her; besides, it was almost as cold at home as here, for they had only the roof to cover them. Her little hands were almost frozen with the cold. Ah! perhaps a burning match might be some good, if she could draw it from the bundle and strike it against the wall, just to warm her fingers. She drew one out- "scratch!" how it sputtered as it burnt. It gave a warm, bright light, like a little candle, as she held her hand over it. It was really a wonderful light. It seemed as though she was sitting by a large iron stove. How the fire burned! And seemed so beautifully warm that the child stretched out her feet as if to warm them, when, lo! the flame of the match went out!The stove vanished, and she had only the remains of the half-burnt match in her hand.She rubbed another match on the wall. It burst into a flame, and where its light fell upon the wall it became as transparent as a veil, and she could see into the room. The table was covered with a snowy white table cloth on which stood a splendid dinner service and a steaming roast goose stuffed with apples and dried plums. And what was still more wonderful, the goose jumped down from the dish and waddled across the floor, with a knife and fork in it"s to the little girl. Then the match went out, and there remained nothing but the thick, damp, cold wall before her.She lighted another match, and then she found herself sitting under a beautiful Christmas tree. It was larger and more beautifully decorated than the one she had seen thru the rich merchant"s glass door. Thousands of tapers were burning upon the green branches, and colored pictures, like those she had seen in the show-windows, looked down upon it all. The little one stretched out her hand towards them, and the match went out.The Christmas lights rose higher and higher till they looked to her like the stars in the sky. Then she saw a star fall, leaving behind it it a bright streak of fire. "Some one is dying," thought the little girl, for her old grandmother, the only one who had ever loved her, and who was now in Heaven had told her that when a star falls, a soul was going up to God.She again rubbed a match on the wall, and the light shone round her; in the brightness stood her old grandmother, clear and shining, yet mild and loving in her appearance."Grandmother," cried the little one, "O take me with you; I know you will go away when the match burns out; you will vanish like the warm stove, the roast goose, and the large glorious Christmas-tree." And she made haste to light the whole bundle of matches, for she wished to keep her grandmother there. And the matches glowed with a light that was brighter than the noon-day. and her grandmother had never appeared so large or so beautiful. She took the little girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards in brightness and joy far above the earth, where there was neither cold nor hunger nor pain, for they were with God.In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall. She had been frozen on the last evening of the year; and the New-year"s sun rose and shone upon a little child. The child still sat, holding the matches in her hand, one bundle of which was burnt."She tried to warm herself," said some. No one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, nor into what glory she had entered with her grandmother, on New-year"s day. 望采纳~谢谢o(∩_∩)o ~
2023-08-15 13:19:061

找一篇英文故事 故事讲述蝴蝶与生命都掌握在你的手中

IN YOUR HANDS There was once a widower who had two bright, young daughters who were so curious about everything that they kept asking questions. Questions, questions, questions. And thought their father was able to answer some of their questions, there were many that he just couldn"t answer. And he began to feel that they needed someone who could. So he decided to send them to live with the wise old man who lived on the hill. Which was what you did in those days. So off went the two girls to live with the wise old man who lived on the hill. And they continued to ask questions. Questions, questions, questions. But unlike their father, the wise old man always had an answer every single question they asked. At first this was delightful. But as time went by, the girls began to find it a little irritating that, no matter what they asked, the old man always had an answer. And as time went by some more, they began to find it very irritating. So they began to search for ways to catch him out. One day, one sister ran up to the other with a beautiful, bright blue butterfly in her hands. ‘I"ve got this idea," she said. ‘I"ve just found this butterfly, and I thought I"d hide it in my hands and go and ask the old man whether it"s alive or dead. If he says it"s dead, I"ll open my hands and let it fly out. If he says it"s alive, I"ll give a quick, hard squeeze and open my hands and say “Wrong, it"s dead!” So whatever he says, he can"t win." ‘Brilliant!" said her sister, and off they went to find the wise old man. Eventually they found him, sitting on a rock under a eucalyptus tree. The girls rushed up. ‘Oh wise old man," said the sister with the butterfly, ‘I"ve got this butterfly in my hands, and I want you to tell me if it"s alive or dead." The wise old man looked at the two sisters for a moment and thought. Then he smiled. ‘My dear," ‘the butterfly is……………………..
2023-08-15 13:19:131

一个有三兄妹主演的英文电影 讲述他们的双亲去世后

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1、《美国历史与文化》 是2007年1月浙江大学出版社出版图书,译者是王加丰、周旭东。 主要内容提要:高等学校人才培养模式改革涉及的核心课题之一,是构建符合现代社会理念并能体现科技进步水平的教学知识体系。 理想的大学教学知识体系应具有时代性、先进性、学术性和适切性,并且具体体现在能够展现上述先进理念与特征的教材体系与课程内容之中。 全书分为三篇,主要内容包括独立战争与南北战争,环境保护和环境保护运动,清教精神与实用主义,发明创造和科学探索精神,乔治·华盛顿等。2、《美国简史》 是2013年1月1日安徽人民出版社出版的图书,作者是王毅。 该书是一部涉及政治、经济、法律、宗教、文化等诸多领域的美国史书。 《美国简史》是一部通俗、生动的美国史书,由北京新东方教师编著。 作者以其渊博的知识,讲述了从哥伦布发现新大陆至第二次世界大战前的美国历史,对这个时期的历史事件、西方文明、科技发明以及美国的政治生活进行了深刻而独到的描述。 还特别介绍了殖民地、独立战争、南北战争以及美国发展时期的一些重要历史人物。 为了使读者能够了解每章内容概况,本书还附加200多幅彩色照片,这是与其他版本不同的地方。 3、《美国人:建国的经历》 作者:(美)丹尼尔·J·布尔斯廷。 原版名称《The Americans:The National Experience》。 内容介绍:1944年,作者在芝加哥大学任教期间,他曾经有一个独特的学术观点,认为美国人实用主义和注重现实的民族性格,并非来自某种教条或信仰,而是在定居北美大陆的过程中,在环境的磨炼下自然形成了。 这个观点可能构成了他后来写作《美国人》三部曲的主要动机。 这三部曲以150万字的篇幅,全景式的展现了美国从殖民地一直到当代的400年间的历史发展,引起了轰动。 作者也因此确定了美国史专家的学术地位。 这套三部曲获得很多奖项,最后一本《民主历程》还夺得了1973年普利策最佳历史学着作。 4、《美国种族简史》 是2011年11月9日中信出版社出版的图书,作者是托马斯·索威尔。 《美国种族简史》作者在《美国种族简史》一书中,用大量的史实、数字,深入浅出地讲述了各个种族在美国的奋斗史、文化史,包括爱尔兰人、德国人、意大利人、日本人、犹太人、华人、墨西哥人、黑人、波多黎各人等。众所周知,美国是世界文化的大熔炉。 各个种族无论在基因上,还是在文化上都有其本国固有的特质。 和其他种族比起来,这些固有的性质也使其在众多种族共存的环境中凸显出来。 5、《剑桥美国史》 一书由[英] 苏珊-玛丽·格兰特所著,新星出版社出版发行。 作者在《美国种族简史》一书中,用大量的史实、数字,深入浅出地讲述了各个种族在美国的奋斗史、文化史,包括爱尔兰人、德国人、意大利人、日本人、犹太人、华人、墨西哥人、黑人、波多黎各人等。 众所周知,美国是世界文化的大熔炉。 各个种族无论在基因上,还是在文化上都有其本国固有的特质。 和其他种族比起来,这些有的性质也使其在众多种族共存的环境中凸显出来。 肯远离祖籍国来到美国的人们,和他们周围的人相比,更具有进取心,在面对困境时更主动,因此凸现出来的种族特点就更加明显。 虽然个性或者思考方式很大程度上取决于人们所处的阶级,但是依然呈现出很多通用的成功必备的品质,比如重视教育、勤奋、积极、重视经验的传递,这适用于所有的行业。 在美国,种族成功的唯一出路是将自身传统优势发挥到极致,并坚持不懈地适应和改进。 今天美国最富有的犹太人和日本人,无一不是这个经验的充分实践者。 本书1981年在美国出版,至今已30年。 美国种族史具有超出种族本身的内涵,书中详实的数据资料、对种族特点的分析和观点直到现在仍不过时,并且对于经济和文化越来越多元化的中国具有十分重要的意义。
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2023-08-15 13:20:382

一首英文歌 是讲述她闺蜜的 是一个女生唱的 MV里有许多女生

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