barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-23 09:48:51
TAG: 英文 家庭

Family Observance

1 Parents are supposed to come back home in time after work, except for necessary social intercourses.

2 Mom should prepare meals for the family while in, otherwise the responsibility falls on Dad.

3 Dad should take enough time to tutor his kid.

4 Mom is supposed to have her own entertainment no more than 3 hours each weekend.

5 Dad is supposed to do the housework including sweeping floor, cleaning windows, doors and furniture at least once a week.

6 The kid should come back home in time after school, except for some necessary activities organized by the school.

7 The kid must observe at school and be polite at home.

8 The kid must finish homework in time and goes to bed no later than 10 at night.

The above articles must be observed by all family members, any violation may cause corresponding punishment which will be shouldered by the family member responsible.

Detailed punishment should be decided by other members based on consultation.


规章制度用 英文怎么说

2023-08-15 12:06:453

我们必须遵守学校的规章制度 用英语怎么说?

We must abide by the rules of the school.
2023-08-15 12:07:149


We ought to remember school"s rules and regulations.
2023-08-15 12:07:335


1.Can"t be late. 2.No littering. 3.No fighting. 4.No smoking. 5.You can"t run in the hallway. 6.Be on time for class. 7.You can"t waste water.
2023-08-15 12:08:152

急需英文翻译 1.所有员工必须遵守考勤规章制度,上下班按时

2023-08-15 12:08:281


2023-08-15 12:08:382


2023-08-15 12:08:461


Everyone abide by the rules and regulations of the school
2023-08-15 12:09:061


违反规章制度violate rules and regulations
2023-08-15 12:09:162


2023-08-15 12:09:274


Hand in your homework on time
2023-08-15 12:09:371


Don"t speak loud to avoid frightening the animals.Don"t use flash light when taking photos.
2023-08-15 12:09:472


The school system I want is quiet easy. First, we don"t have to wear school uniform everyday. Wearing our own clothes will show our own style. Actually, chose different clothes will also help us improve our imagination. Second, students can order food from restaurant out of school. Food in the school canteen is not always good, and it is always the same things around a week. Last, laster to go to school and earlier to go back home. I am sure that these system will make students more clever and healthier.
2023-08-15 12:09:551


2023-08-15 12:10:041


  Library is of great use for students and some students reflect that library management is a little confusing. In order to keep our library in a good order, we make some rules of borrowing books and library use.   图书馆对学生有很大作用,有的学生反映图书馆的管理有点疑惑。为了保持图书馆的良好秩序,我们制定了一些借书以及图书馆使用的.规章制度。   (1) The library opens from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M..   (2) Everyone must use his own card to borrow books.   (3) Everyone can only borrow three books from the library once.   (4) Each book can be kept for a month. If it has to be kept longer, it"srequired to renew it.   (5) If the books lost, the borrower must pay for them.   (6) Some important books are not allowed to be taken out of the library. If they are needed, they can be borrowedread in the library.   (1)图书馆开放时间为3P.M.到5P.m.   (2)每个人必须使用自己的借书卡借书   (3)每人每次只能才能够图书馆借三本书   (4)每本书可以借一个月。如果需要借阅更长时间,需再借。   (5)如果书本丢失了,借阅者需赔偿。   (6)一些重要的书本不允许带出图书馆。如果确实需要,可以在图书馆阅读。   We hope that all students can obey these rules strictly.   我们希望所有的学生能够严格遵守以上规则。
2023-08-15 12:10:111


Worker insist that the old regulations should be cancelled and new ones be made. 祝你成功又快乐!
2023-08-15 12:10:333


1. Must be on time to the school, not late, do not leave early, not absenteeism 2. Zhiri Sheng to the school as early as 7:00 in the Morning Reading a good pre-cleaning the classroom hygiene and sanitation. 3. Bell rang, the teachers into the classroom, squad leader shouted to stand until all the students to sit down after the teacher a present in return. After the bell rings, the teacher announced that after class, squad leader shouted to stand, salute the teachers after the students left the classroom and then out of the classroom (such as the emergency is not out of the classroom teacher, students can go first). 4. Do not make much noise inside the classroom and stairs, chase, games, playing poker and sports activities
2023-08-15 12:10:431


Every school has their own(自己的) rules.Every new student can remember(记住) these. And these rules(规则) include(包括):First,we are not late for school.Secondwe can keep the classroon clean and quiet.Third,when I meet a teacher,I should say "Good morning"or"Good afternoon".Fourth we can not eat in classroon.Fifth,we can not listen the music and play in class.Sixth, we can not pick flowers and trees So we can be a good student
2023-08-15 12:10:511


  班规,主要指中学生管理班级中采取的规章制度,简称班规。那么关于班规的英语作文有哪些呢?下面是我推荐给大家关于班规的英语作文,供大家参考。   关于班规的英语作文篇一   Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We canu2019t have breakfast in the classroom.   Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class.   If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.   关于班规的英语作文篇二   Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school.   It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple.   I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30.   My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching.   So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully.   Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time.   The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too.   We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor.   Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.   关于班规的英语作文篇三   Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. Everyone should be in class on time.   Every class we should listen to the teachers carefully and quickly get to work on the activity.   And we should do our homework carefully.   Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time.   The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work.   Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible.   We should remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor.   Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs.   In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.写班规的英语作文相关推荐: 1. 关于班规的英语作文 2. 关于班规英语作文 3. 班规的英语作文 4. 初一班规英语作文
2023-08-15 12:11:021

英语作文 为了保证学校阅览室的阅读秩序,学校制定了一些规章制度共同学们遵守。请根据一下提示,用英语

2023-08-15 12:11:124


  班规,主要指中学生管理班级中采取的 规章制度 ,简称班规。每个班的班规都不一样,主要涉及学习、记录、出勤、卫生等诸多方面,是中学生自我管理的重要制度之一。下面是我整理的关于班规 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。   关于班规英语作文1:   Important Classroom Rules   Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school. It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple.   I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching. So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.   ( If everyone is careful to obey these important rules, we will have learn more and have a better time at school. )   关于班规英语作文2:   Class Rules and Consequences   You must do homework by yourself and hand it in before due date. If you fail to do so, you will have to pay a two-yuan fine.   To maintain a good learning environment, you are responsible for cleaning up the classroom when you are on duty. If you fail to fulfil your obligation, you will have to pay one-yuan fine. Don"t toss trash around, or you will be fined two yuan.   As a member of the class, you must show respect to yourself, other students and the teachers. No jeans and sandals allowed in school. You need to make sure that you have your Student ID on you while in school. Inappropriate behaviours in class will result in a two-yuan fine.   All fines will be collected as a reward for good behaviours.   关于班规英语作文3:   Our class rule   There are some rules in our class. Teacher sets the rules so that we can behave well in the class. First, we must not talking when teacher is teaching. Second, we must hand in our homework in time. Then, we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time. Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school.   关于班规英语作文4:   Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. Everyone should be in class on time. Every class we should listen to the teachers carefully and quickly get to work on the activity. And we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We should remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.   关于班规英语作文5:   Classroom rules tell us how things must be done or what is allowed at school. It is important for each of us to obey rules and make our classroom a nice place for learning. My rules are very clear and simple.   I think that the best learning time is the beginning of the day. Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. My first rule is that everyone is to be in class on time. Second, everything we learn is mainly from class teaching. So in every class we should listen to the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. Third, if we want to learn better, we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.
2023-08-15 12:11:261


Rules are like rulers they tell us what we should do.We use signs to talk about rules.There are four kinds of signs.They are warning signs,information signs,direction signs,instruction signs.We can find a ‘No smoking"in the library.It means we must"t smoke.We can find a ‘Have a barbecue" sign in the suburbs.It tells us we can have a barbecue.A direction sign tells us where to go.An instruction sign tells us how to do something.Signs are very important for us.They tell us what we must or must"t do.We should obey the signs.If there are no signs,accidents will happen everywhere.
2023-08-15 12:11:571


1.You should have a membership card. 2.No smoking and drinking here. 3..Don"t eat in the library. 4.Don"t read aloud. 5.You mustn"t lend the books to others. 6.Don"t write or draw on the pages of the books. 7.You can only borrow two books for one time. 8.You can only keep the books for a month. 9.If you want to keep the books longer,please renew them. 10.You should keep the books clean and tiday
2023-08-15 12:12:061


Don"t shout in the class 不准在课堂上大叫 Don"t talk in the class 不准在课堂上讲话 No running in the corridor 不准在走廊里跑 No eating in the class 不准在课上吃东西 Don"t listen to the music in the class 不准在课上听音乐还有一些供参考:校园规章制度: 1.The student must apply to the rules of the school in order to fit for the scool management system. 2. The student must care about the group and pay respect to all the teachers. 3. The students must obey to the rules when they come into the school. They must accept the rulers"inspection. 4. Don"t speak aloud in the school. It"s bidden for fighting and drinking. 5. Please save the water in the toilet and save the electric in the class. 6. The students must clean the class every morning and after the class. 7. please come to school on time and it"s not allowed the students come home eraly without allowence. 8. It"s not allowed the students wear slippers and blouses.
2023-08-15 12:12:161


我无法用那种强硬的口气,如禁止干什么,所以一下用pleasePlease be quite or please not to speak loudly.请勿大声说话Please bring your book back on time.请及时归还你的图书Please put your book back in its place when you leave.当你离开时,请将你的书放回原处其他的制度我也想不出来了。
2023-08-15 12:12:272


Computer Lab Rules Clean hands before entering room.Take turns and enter quietly .Sit down and ready for directions
2023-08-15 12:12:372


原文:学生必须遵守规章制度。译文:Students must obey the rules.
2023-08-15 12:12:441


include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>int jc(int m){if(m!=1) return m*jc(m-1);else return 1;} int c(int m,int n){if(m>=n) return jc(m)/(jc(n)*jc(m-n));} int main(void){int m,n;scanf("%d%d",&m,&n);printf("%d ",c(m,n));return 0;}
2023-08-15 12:13:431


1 Don"t arrive late for class.不能上课迟到.2 Don" run in the hallways.不能在走廊跑.3 Don"t fight with someone.不能打架.4 Don"t listen to the music in the classroom.不能在教室里听音乐.5 Don"t wear a hat in the classroom.不能在教室里戴帽子.6 Don"t push 不要推搡.7 Don"t litter 不乱扔垃圾8 Don"t eat in the classroom.不能在教室里吃东西9 Don"t smoke.不能吸烟10 Don"t play the football in the class.不能在课上踢足球
2023-08-15 12:13:513


2023-08-15 12:14:081

一篇英语作文,规章制度(Rules and regulations)要按下面问题写

Rules are like rulers they tell us what we should do.We use signs to talk about rules.There are four kinds of signs.They are warning signs,information signs,direction signs,instruction signs.We can find a u2018No smokingu2019in the library.It means we mustu2019t smoke.We can find a u2018Have a barbecueu2019 sign in the suburbs.It tells us we can have a barbecue.A direction sign tells us where to go.An instruction sign tells us how to do something.Signs are very important for us.They tell us what we must or mustu2019t do.We should obey the signs.If there are no signs,accidents will happen everywhere.
2023-08-15 12:14:192


We have many rules in our school. we can"t arrive late for class. We must be on timeWe can"t eat in class We can"t run in the hallway. We have to clean the classroon every day. We have to weat the uniforms at school. We can"t fight. .祝你学习进步
2023-08-15 12:14:292


Dear Tina,Every school has its own rules.Here are some of our school rules.First of all, you can"t be late for school.Second, you must be quiet in class.Third, when you meet the teachers in school, you must say "hello" to them.Then, don"t eat food in the class.Next,don"t listen to the music or play games in class.You must listen to the teachers carefully.Last,please love the environment.And don"t pick up the flowers or climb the trees.I"m sure you can do these well.Yours,Classmate
2023-08-15 12:14:403


Don"t arrive late for class.You must be on time.
2023-08-15 12:14:552


Don"t shout in the class不准在课堂上大叫Don"t talk in the class不准在课堂上讲话No running in the corridor不准在走廊里跑No eating in the class不准在课上吃东西Don"t listen to the music in the class不准在课上听音乐
2023-08-15 12:15:241


看在你的面子上我就给你写几条,多简单啊1 Students must be quiet when the teachers are giving a class2 Students must dress neatly and tidily 3 Students mustn"t late for school4 Students must be polite to others 5 Students must finish the homework on time6 Students do some revision(s) after class7 Students shuold pick up the litter on the ground 8 Students ought to be kind to other students9 Students oughtn"t to copy homeworks10 Students shouldn"t play after school11 Students should do some exercise every day12 students oughtn"t against the school rules13 Students shouldn"t ague to others够不啊看来你还需要锻炼哦加油吧..............
2023-08-15 12:15:321


班规的英文是class regulations; regulation n.章程;规章制度;规则;法规;(运用规则条例的)管理,控制; adj.规定的;必须穿戴的;必须使用的; 复数: regulations 扩展资料   Infringement of the regulation is punishable by a fine.   违反规则应处以罚款。   The new regulation will directly affect us.   新规则将直接影响到我们。   The economic market is a self-correcting mechanism, that does not need regulation by government.   经济市场是一种自动调节的机制,不需要政府调控。
2023-08-15 12:15:391


您好:Being a member of our class. We should do something good for our class. Here is our classroom rules: 1: First , we should get to school on time, so please don"t ge late for school.2. Second, we must keep our classroom clean and tidy. when it is your turn to clean the classroom. do it well.3. We must listen to the teacher carefully and take notes, try to take an active part in the activities in class.4. We must finish doing our homework carefully and hand it in on time.5. We shouldn"t bring fireworks, cigarettes, wine scissors or dangerous weapons to school. 6. All injuries should be reported to our head teacher.If everyone obey our classroom rules. we"ll be a better class.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步
2023-08-15 12:15:502


Family Observance1 Parents are supposed to come back home in time after work, except for necessary social intercourses.2 Mom should prepare meals for the family while in, otherwise the responsibility falls on Dad.3 Dad should take enough time to tutor his kid.4 Mom is supposed to have her own entertainment no more than 3 hours each weekend.5 Dad is supposed to do the housework including sweeping floor, cleaning windows, doors and furniture at least once a week.6 The kid should come back home in time after school, except for some necessary activities organized by the school.7 The kid must observe at school and be polite at home.8 The kid must finish homework in time and goes to bed no later than 10 at night.The above articles must be observed by all family members, any violation may cause corresponding punishment which will be shouldered by the family member responsible.Detailed punishment should be decided by other members based on consultation.
2023-08-15 12:15:591

关于学校的规章制度的英语小短文 谢

At school, we have many rules. We have to wear school uniforms and we can"t arrive school late. We can"t run or play ball games in the classroom. We can"t fight. We have to do our homework by ourselves and we can"t copy others.
2023-08-15 12:16:061


all the regulations of the company
2023-08-15 12:16:162


Room use regulations1, strict implementation of school teaching management practices and relevant rules and regulations. 2, to keep the engine room clean, quiet, non-smoking in the engine room, eating food; non-flammable, explosive, pollution and carrying magnetic items into the room. 3, students are forbidden to carry on board a floppy disk, optical disk, removable disk, so as to prevent the "virus" infection. If there is such unauthorized carriers, in the absence of consequences, and the confiscation of their disc into; if the consequences, as the case is responsible for the losses caused by the perpetrators. 4. The experimental teaching schedule to the specified machine room, non bumban time machine, room management teacher without permission are not allowed to enter the room without permission. 5, students must be in strict accordance with the rules for proper operation, not privately modify software and hardware configuration. For illegal operators, room management teacher should be discouraged, refers to the cross, not to insist on change, the abolition of the class when the second (machine) qualifications; the circumstances are serious, otherwise punished. Where illegal operation or device malfunction causing serious damage to the machine, should identify responsibilities in accordance with relevant provisions of compensation. 6, when students can not publish online, download, spread with anti-communism, pornography and all other inappropriate content. 7, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of class time experiment experiment content is strictly prohibited play games, chat online is strictly prohibited, and do other things unrelated to class; class must shut down the computer before leaving the room. 8, the class, the students (machine), you should obey the teacher"s arrangements comply with regulations room, Keep quiet, can not make much noise, can not chase, slapstick, in order to maintain the normal order of computer teaching and experiments. 9, not secretly open the case, plug the network cable, mouse cable, keyboard lines, prohibit indiscriminate motives room a variety of plugs, sockets and other equipment. Any breach of the relevant regulations, the abolition of the class when the second (machine) qualifications; the circumstances are serious, otherwise punished.
2023-08-15 12:16:241


2023-08-15 12:16:461


Family Observance1 Parents are supposed to come back home in time after work, except for necessary social intercourses.2 Mom should prepare meals for the family while in, otherwise the responsibility falls on Dad.3 Dad should take enough time to tutor his kid.4 Mom is supposed to have her own entertainment no more than 3 hours each weekend.5 Dad is supposed to do the housework including sweeping floor, cleaning windows, doors and furniture at least once a week.6 The kid should come back home in time after school, except for some necessary activities organized by the school.7 The kid must observe at school and be polite at home.8 The kid must finish homework in time and goes to bed no later than 10 at night.The above articles must be observed by all family members, any violation may cause corresponding punishment which will be shouldered by the family member responsible.Detailed punishment should be decided by other members based on consultation.
2023-08-15 12:17:061

!英语作文为学校图书馆制定一些规章制度写五条1take care of 2.return 3.on time

school libary ruies you mn
2023-08-15 12:17:163


I have too many rules in my school.So I am very tired. I can"t eat food in class,and I must listen to the teacher carefully. Because I have to learn many things from the teacher.I can"t listen to music in class,and I have to keep every rule.I have to be quiet in classes. u3000 u3000In Chinese classes,I can"t drink water and in English classes I have to do some reading.Oh,I can"t stand these rules,but nobody can broken them. u3000 u3000After class,I can"t fight with my classmate,and I can"t run in the hallways.Oh,no!I can"t talk loudly in the dining hall ,either. u3000 u3000I can"t take the wet umbrellas to the school library.I can"t be late for school.I must wear a school uniform.I have to clean the classroom after school...... u3000 u3000What can I do? u3000 u3000Oh,I can"t stand these rules.I don"t like them at all!
2023-08-15 12:17:261


学校的规章制度I have too many rules in my school.So I am very tired. I can"t eat food in class,and I must listen to the teacher carefully. Because I have to learn many things from the teacher.I can"t listen to music in class,and I have to keep every rule.I have to be quiet in classes.    In Chinese classes,I can"t drink water and in English classes I have to do some reading.Oh,I can"t stand these rules,but nobody can broken them.    After class,I can"t fight with my classmate,and I can"t run in the hallways.Oh,no!I can"t talk loudly in the dining hall ,either.    I can"t take the wet umbrellas to the school library.I can"t be late for school.I must wear a school uniform.I have to clean the classroom after school......    What can I do?    Oh,I can"t stand these rules.I don"t like them at all!
2023-08-15 12:17:331


1.Keep quiet,please! 请保持安静! should return the book on time. 你应该按时把借的图书还给图书馆. 3.You should put the book back on the right shelf when you finish it. 当你看完的时候,你应该放回正确的书架上. 4.Take care of the book. 要爱护书籍. 5.Don"t draw or write anything on the page. 不要在书上乱涂乱画.
2023-08-15 12:17:422

英语作文 学校的规章制度 80词左右

I have too many rules in my school.So I am very tired. I can"t eat food in class,and I must listen to the teacher carefully. Because I have to learn many things from the teacher.I can"t listen to music in class,and I have to keep every rule.I have to be quiet in classes. u3000 u3000In Chinese classes,I can"t drink water and in English classes I have to do some reading.Oh,I can"t stand these rules,but nobody can broken them. u3000 u3000After class,I can"t fight with my classmate,and I can"t run in the hallways.Oh,no!I can"t talk loudly in the dining hall ,either. u3000 u3000I can"t take the wet umbrellas to the school library.I can"t be late for school.I must wear a school uniform.I have to clean the classroom after school...... u3000 u3000What can I do? u3000 u3000Oh,I can"t stand these rules.I don"t like them at all!
2023-08-15 12:17:501


Around The World 世界各地 On vacation 度假 Take photos 拍照 On the beach 在海边 a group of people 一群人 play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球 be surprised 惊讶的 be surprised at sth./sb.对某人或某人感到惊讶 in this heat 在酷暑中 be relaxed 放松 have a good time 玩得很痛快 in different kind of weather 在不同的天气里 Thank sb for(doing)sth由于(做)某事而感谢某人 How"s it going? 近况如何 Some…others…一些…另一些… Look like..看起来像。。。 二、句型/日常交际用语 (1)-How"s the weather(+地点)? –It"s raining? (2)-What"s the weather like?—It"s sunny./It"s cold and snowing. (3)-How"s it going? –Great./Not bad. (4)Thanks you for joining CCTV"s Around The World show? (5)-Is Aunt Wang there? –Yes,she is/No,she isn"t Unit 7 What dose he look like? 一、词组 look like 看起来像.... curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发 medium height/build 中等高度/身体 a little bit 一点儿… a pop singer 一位流行歌手 play的用法。 wear glasses 戴眼镜 have a new look 呈现新面貌 go shopping 去购物 the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长 Nobody knows me 没有人认识我 would like 想要 a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗 what size 什么尺寸 orange juice 桔汁 green tea 绿茶 phone number 电话号码 as well as 而且 what kind of 表示….的种类 a kind of 一种… some kind of 许多种… a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 a bottle fo orange juice 一瓶桔子汁 three oranges 三个桔子(可数) a bottle fo orange j 一瓶桔子汁(不可数) some chicken 一些鸡肉(不可数) three chickens 三只小鸡(可数) do one"s homework 做某人的家庭作业 如:do my homework 做我的家庭作业 play +运动或棋类 如:play soccer 踢足球 play chess 下棋 play +乐器 如:play the guitar 弹吉他 go to the movies 去看电影 do some reading 阅读 study for the (math) test 准备(数学)考试 stay at home 呆家里 go to summer camp 去夏令营 go to the mountains 去爬山 visit sb 拜访某人 go shopping 去购物 last month 上个月 three days ago 三天前 yesterday 昨天 look for 寻找 go for a walk 散步 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 It was time to do sth 该。。。的时候了 ptetty good 相当好;不错 in the conner 在角落 kind of boring 有点无聊 be lost 迷路 feel happy 感到高兴 be fun 很有趣 on vacation 在度假 Central Park 中央公园 the Great Wall 长城 the Palace Museum 故宫 Tian"an Men Square 天安门广场 talk show 谈话节目 soap opera 肥皂剧 sports show 体育节目 game show 比赛节目 think of 认为 how about… …怎么样?=what about… in fact 事实上 a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩= The boy is thirteen years old talk to(with)… 跟 …谈话 thanks for… 为…感谢 each student 每个学生 key ring 钥匙链 baseball cap 棒球帽 the school magazine 校刊 can"t stand 不能忍受 don"t mind 不介意/无所谓/不在乎 school rules 学校规章制度 break the rules 违反规章制度 in the hallways 在过道 listen to music 听音乐 in the music room 在音乐教室里 in the dining hall 在餐厅 sports shoes 运动鞋 gym class 体育课 after school 放学后 have to do 不得不做 too many 太多 get up 起床 by ten o"clock 十点之前 make dinner 做饭 the children"s palace 少年宫
2023-08-15 12:18:151