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用英语说同学聚会欢迎词 ,发自内心即可

2023-08-23 03:18:15
TAG: 英语

I thank you all to attend a class reunion, I"m glad I can represent you for the welcome, I hope the next day we can be very happy, very happy!



Dear friends,I would like to extend warm welcome to you .I am glad to see all the friends come together,hope we have a great fun.


welcome from 同学会! thanx



  用英语来写一篇欢迎词的演讲稿,为自己的演讲加分。下面是我给大家整理了英文欢迎词写作范文,供大家参阅!   英文欢迎词范文1   Ladies and gentlemen,   First of all , please allow me to express a warm wele to you on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture of hainan university. We have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time.It is a very nice day today.   Located on the Island of Hainan, Hainan University is the only prehensive university in this province. Located in the capital city of Haikou in Hainan Province, Hainan University is bounded by Qiongzhou Strait to the north and Nandu Jiang River to the south. The campus is characterized by its tropical marine shoreline with coconut-scented breeze and undulating expanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the sunshine. Hainan University covers 150 hectares of land, offering an ideal surrounding for learning and growing in a domain of wisdom. Our School is relatively *** all between all school of our university. But it is one of the most popular profession.   Since we are already here, let"s make ourselves at home. Thank you very much.   Ladies and Gentlemen,   The time has e for BULANG professor to leave. It"s a pity that you can not stay in Hainan university any longer. Allow me, on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.   First of all, I wish to thank you all for the speech you have given us in the past days. You have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier . Also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of Academic research. I"d like to add that you are the best friends we"ve ever been with.   Once again, thank you for your speech and guide.   Enjoy your voyage!   英文欢迎词范文2   Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen !   First let me introduce myself.My name is Mina ,a student from Nanjing Audit University .I"m honored to have this opportunity to wele dear guests from Skema Business School .   An old chinese saying may express our hospitality:“Here e friends afar, exceedingly how happy we are!” Your visit makes our campus full of fragrance and passion despite of the extremely cold weather. This also marks the friendship between Skema Business School and Nanjing Audit University is just like a ship which is advancing through the huge waves and winds. The munication will promote the Internationalization process between the two schools. Therefore, please allow me to express the sincere greetings and warm wele to our honorable guests on behalf of all the teachers and students of our school. To all of you who just arrive at our school , I know there are a lot of things new to you. You may be excited, may be amazed by the differences and even a bit confused.It is totally understandable and expected. But there is one thing we want you to know that you are all weled here with warm arms and hearts! There is no doubt we are totally two different cultures and there are a lots of differences. However, the fact that you are sitting here today tells us that you are willing to take   initiatives to learn more about our schools, our country and our culture. As we all know, culture is not what runs in your blood, but how you participate.   Since you have lived in Suzhou for a long time ,I suppose that you are familiar with Nanjing to some degree.Located in the eastern part of China, Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province which is developed in economy and an important central city on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Nowadays, Nanjing has developed into a multiple-producing industrial base in eastern China, an important hub of transportation and munication center.   Nanjing is very rich in natural and artificial landscapes. It is one of the first 24 well-known historic and cultural cities announced by the state. Dr.Sun Yat-Sen"s Mausoleum, the Ming Tomb, the ancient city wall of Nanjing, the stone carvings of Southern Tang Dynasty,the Rain Flower Terrace and other places are the main scenic spots and historic sites. The Eastern Suburbs Scenic Area, the Qixia Mountain, the Xuanwu Lake, the Mochou Lake, the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt and other scenic areas are well-known far and near. Among them, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen"s Mausoleum and the Qinhuai River Scenic Belt are among 40 best tourist scenic spots in China.   Today, we build a new cooperation platform, and we will make a new contribution to the friendship and munication between the two countries.   May the friendship between Skema and NAU live forever. May the two schools make great progress together.   We sincerely hope our noble French guests will have a good trip in Nanjing.Thank you very much!   英文欢迎词范文3   Dear friends:   Good evening,   Thanks to experts present, with you attending the symposium, the whether of Shanghai has became cool and fortable from the day you came to Shanghai. Before this, Days of shanghai continuous high temperature above 38 degrees break the historic record, it let me really feel that environment without borders. The solution of regional issues and global environmental problems should depend on Cross-border actions and international cooperation Research. In this regard, Kyushu University, as a world-renowned university has set us a good example. I also believe the contribution of the multi-layers cooperation between Kyushu University and Tongji University is positive and profound.   At the time when Shanghai World Expo held, Kyushu University in Japan and domestic scholars in other universities take the time to e to Shanghai. On behalf of Tongji University, I extend a hearty wele to you all.   Yesterday, we visited beautiful chongming island, Today, we pleted a total of 30 presentations, and 2 keynote lectures, There are many reports on the East Asian environment problems, besides, some of the Sino-Japanese cooperation are very consistent with the theme of EAEP. Tomorrow afternoon, we have a visit to shanghai word Expo, I wish you have a good time in expo park and in shanghai,.   How happy we are, To meet friends from far away! Among of you, many are our old friends, we have a good relationship. Besides, I found some are new face, I am so happy, because of you, the symposium can be more successful. I suggest,We must drink to our cooperation and friendship. Cheers   亲爱的朋友,大家晚上好:   托各位老师的福,从大家来到上海的那一天开始,上海突然变得很凉爽舒适。在此之前上海38度以上的高温持续时间创了历史记录。这也更加使我们感到环境无国界,区域环境问题与全球环境问题的解决十分有赖于跨国界的行动和国际间的合作研究。日本九州大学作为国际知名大学在这方面为我们做出了榜样。我也相信九州大学和同济大学之间的合作有着积极深远的意义   正值上海世博会召开之际,我们迎来了来自日本九州大学和国内其他高校的学者。在这里, 我代表同济大学,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎。   昨天我们参观了美丽的崇明岛,今天我们共完成了30个报告 ,其中有2个主题报告. 有许多报告都是共同围绕东亚环境问题,中日双方开展的一些合作,非常符合我们东亚环境问题EAEPprogram 的主题。明天下午,我们还会去参观世博,希望到时候你们能玩的愉快。   有朋自远方来不亦说乎,在座的各位,有很多事我们的老朋友了,我们有着良好的合作关系,还有一些新面孔,很高兴你们的出席,因为你们,会议才能更成功。最后,我建议,为了我们的合作和友谊,干杯。 看过英文欢迎词写作范文的人还:
2023-08-15 04:52:401


Hello.Hi.Nice to meet you.Welcome.够简单了吧。。。小朋友~大概听不懂深奥的 别看别人是外国人 中国小朋友小的时候你跟他说深奥的中文他也不懂
2023-08-15 04:52:511


我谨代表……,欢迎大家来到…… On behal of...,I am delighted to welcome all of you to... 我十分荣幸地欢迎大家来到…… I"m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you to ... 我非常高兴地欢迎各位出席…… It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to... It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to... 我谨代表……,对各位的到来表示热烈欢迎 It is my pleasant duty to extend to you a cordial welcome on behalf of... 我们非常荣幸地欢迎大家出席…… It is a real honor and privilege for us to welcome you to ... 我代表……,非常荣幸地欢迎大家的到来,尤其是来自……的贵宾们 It is with a profound feeling of pleasure and privilege that,on behalf of...,I extend a heaty welcome to you all,especially to the distinguished guests from... 作为本届研讨会的主席,我十分高兴和荣幸地欢迎各位出席今天的大会。 As the chairperson of this symposium,I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you to this international meeting. 欢迎各位参加…… May I welcome all o you to... 我代表……,对前来参加……的各位朋友表示热烈的欢迎 On behalf of...,I bid a warm welcome to you all gathered here to participatr... 首先,我对各位朋友的到来表示欢迎 May I begin by welcoming you to...Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to ______!May I begin by welcoming you to...It is with a pround feeling of pleasure and privilege that,on behalf of...,I extend a heaty welcome to you all,especially to the distinguished guests from...
2023-08-15 04:53:011


2023-08-15 04:53:112


) 欢迎辞It is my special pleasure to welcome our new staff member, Mr. John Water, whohas come here from the United States.2) 欢迎辞It is really a great honor and pleasure for me to attend and speak at theopening ceremony of 1995 Summer Chinese Program for the Canadians. On behalf of AnhuiUniversity, I extend my warm welcome to all Canadian friends who ...3) 欢迎辞On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 1975 Beijing InternationalSwimming Meet, I extend my warm welcome to all of you to this opening ceremony.自己套一个.楼上的不但有语法错误,中式英语也十分严重.
2023-08-15 04:53:192


welcome to the Parents meeting
2023-08-15 04:53:524


2023-08-15 04:54:005


Ladies and gentlemen,   Welcome to our class and welcome to our evening party. First of all, let me say a few words about our class. There are 50 students in our class-26 of us are boys and 24 are girls. Most of us are from Beijing. We are mostly at the same age-about 17. Some go in for sports, and some are interested in reading,. We have 6 subjects in all, including English, Chinese and mathematics. All of us like to study English, and we usually spend a lot of time on it.  In our program tonight, there will be a short play, group singing and so on. I hope you will enjoy them and haove a good time. Thank you.
2023-08-15 04:54:141

英语欢迎词 短

写一篇farewell speech. 内容为:你代表海南大学园艺园林/土木建筑工程学院全体研究生,欢送来自美国哈佛大学的布朗教授,对他在海大期间所作的学术演讲和给予学术研究上的指导表示感谢,并表达你的祝愿。  ladies and gentlemen,  the time has come for bulang professor to leave. it"s a pity that you can not stay in hainan university any longer. allow me, on behalf of our school of civil engineering & architecture, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.  first of all, i wish to thank you all for the speech you have given us in the past days. you have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier . also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of academic research. i"d like to add that you are the best friends we"ve ever been with.  once again, thank you for your speech and guide.  enjoy your voyage!  ladies and gentlemen,  简短英语欢迎词范文2  写一篇welcome speech. 内容为:你代表海南大学园艺园林/土木建筑工程学院,欢迎新一届研究生新生的到来,并对海南大学和学院进行简介,最后表达你的祝愿。   first of all , please allow me to express a warm welcome to you on behal
2023-08-15 04:54:211


welcome to our school.
2023-08-15 04:54:313


我好像在口译书里背过一篇机场迎宾词I"m very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown. This is indeed a first-class international airport,as everybody say so. You"re welcome. We"re very happy that you made it in spite of the tiring trip. We"re very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and come to XX(地名)to ....(对方来的目的)
2023-08-15 04:54:401


Hello my friends, today I see you all here, I naturally remebered the same time when I was where you are listening to an elder guy discribing a life which I had never experienced but have dreamed of for a long time. Well, tell you what life here is not all about good. Sure, you have the freedom to do whatever you like, but make it certain that you can do it. Last term, two ner fellows tried to plant some peach trees in their dorm, they hope they could have peach of their own to welcom you, his younger schoolmates. But the trees attracted too many insects and never fruited.Here you stand now, don"t be nervous, in the following four years, you"ll be able to carry out the experiment of your life, you can transform yourself. It"s totally new environment and totally new beginning. So whether your trees will fruit this year doesn"t matter, it"s the tree of your zest of youth, its biggest fruit won"t come out here, it"ll come out when you are out in the society alone, that day you"ll be able to see what exactly is college, what exactly you have got from your education in the college. But before that, enjoy each day.May you have four nice years
2023-08-15 04:54:511


HEllo, everyone! Welcome to our school.My name is xxx. I am very happy to meet you. Becase this is my first time to talk with foreigners. So I have a little nervous and exciting. Ok, let"s talk about the schedule for the trip.(具体安排大概讲讲)So if you have any problems, please contact to me directly. And I will try my best to help you for everything. At last, I really hope you will have a great memory in our country.关于开头那里everyone 可以改为 respected doctor xxx and xxx and every students.下附一个接待外国人人参观的例子接待国外友人参观北京景点的英语作文假设由你接待一组加拿大中学生代表团。该团经广州、成都等地在北京只逗留两天。团长向你征求意见在北京先参观何处,请按以下提示提出你的口头建议:1.首先建议去长城。长城是世界是最长的墙,是世界八大奇观之一,有20个世纪的悠久历史,全部由手工建成,令人惊叹不已。2.其次是故宫,它建于1406年,曾有24位皇帝在那儿居住过。皇帝在那儿发号施令。参观它,可以更多地了解中国历史。3.对其逗留时间短暂深感遗憾,否则,可以参观许多具有历史意义的地方和景区,如颐和园、北海公园等。请参考作文地带提供范文:Well, the first place I suggest that you visit is the Great Wall, the longest wall in the world, which is said to be one of the wonders in the world. It has a history of more than twenty centuries. It is amazing to see such a huge wall was made entirely by hand.The other place worth visiting is the Palace Museum, which was built in 1406. Twenty-four emperors once lived there. from there the ruling emperors issued orders. You can learn a lot about Chinese history by visiting this Palace.What a pity that you can"t stay longer, otherwise, you could visit many other historic places and beautiful scenes such as Summer Palace, Bei Hai park.. and so on.
2023-08-15 04:55:101

欢迎辞 英文 典型范文

2023-08-15 04:55:192


Welome to China!Glad to meet you!you are so cool,let"s be friends,all right?
2023-08-15 04:55:295


重庆英文导游欢迎词   重庆,简称巴和渝,别称巴渝、山城、渝都、桥都、雾都,是中华人民共和国中央直辖市、超大城市、国家中心城市,长江上游地区经济中心、金融中心和创新中心,政治、文化、科技、教育、艺术等中心,是国务院定位的.国际大都市,国家重要的水、陆、空型综合交通枢纽,西南地区最大的工商业中心城市,国家实施西部大开发和长江经济带西部地区的核心增长极。下面是我为大家收集的关于重庆英文导游欢迎词,欢迎大家参考借鉴。   重庆英文导游欢迎词   Evening Scenes of Chongqing   The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of the mountain city of Chongqing. At night the entire city is inundated in an ocean of lights, which form a colorful three-dimensional painting, with waves of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers glistening against the moonlit, star spangled sky.   Sites of the Provisional Capital   Chongqing figured importantly in modem Chinese history. During the War of Resistance against Japan, it was the "provisional capital" of China under the Kuomintang rule from November 1937 to October 1945. Vestiges of that period are still there in and around the city. These include the Red Crag Village and 50 Zengjiayan, as well as Chiang Kai-shek"s mansion, Guiyuan Garden, Linyuan Garden, and the mansion of C.C. Kong, the embassies of various countries to China, as well as former residences of important politicians, generals and cultural figures.   Martyrs" Mausoleum at Mount Gele   The former headquarters, radio station and prison of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Council (a colossal secret service of the Kuomintang) at the foot of the Gele Mountain in Shapingba District have become the mausoleum for those who died a martyr"s death there in China"s dark days. In the dying years of World War 11, it was the site of the "Sino0US Institute for Cooperation in Special Technology".   Dazu Grottoes   The Dazu Grottoes in the county of the same name is best known for the stone carvings on the Baodingshan and Beishan mountains, which are fine example of grotto sculpture in the late years of Chinese feudalism. The sculptures, done in fastidious chisel work and gracious imagery, are marked by a new sculptural language that eschews religious taboos and espouses true life.   Yangtze River"s Three Gorges   Sailong down the Yangtze from Chongqing to Yichang allows visitors to see the spectacular scenery of the Three Gorges along with its splendid cultural heritage and fabled local folklore. The cruise, which combines sightseeing with scientific, artistic and folklore exploration, is a national-caliber tourist program. The 193-km-long Three Gorges, consisting of the majestic Qutangxia, statuesque Wuxia and ferocious Xilingxia gorges, is one of and ferocious Xilongxia gorges, is one of the world"s major canyons. Along the way there are such scenic attractions as the Fengdu Mountain. Baidi city, Shibao village, Zhang Fel"s Temple, Qu Yuan"s Temple, and the Three Gorges Dam.   Lesser Three Gorges   The Daning River is the largest Yangtze tributary, which rises in the southern side of the Daba Mountain and flows for 250km before emptying itself into the Yangtze at the western entrance to the Wuxia Gorge. The Lesser Three Gorges on the Daning River, a 50km-long affair covering the Longmenxia, Bawuxia and Dicuixia gorges in the lower reaches of the river, is billed as one of China"s 40 best scenic resorts thanks to its gorgeous mountains, elegant peaks, turbulent rapids, limpid water, exotic rock imagery and serene scenery.   Diaoyu City, Hechuan   Established in 1242, or the 2nd year of the Chunyou reign of the Southern Song, Diaoyu City covers 2.5 square km up the Diaoyu Mountain on the southern shore of the Jialing River in Hechuan City"s Heyang Town. In 1258, the Mongols launched a three-way attack on the Song, and in February the next year Diaoyu City found itself besieged. The Song army mounted a valiant counterattack that last3ed for 36 years, and made world war history by rebuffing a strong enemy with a weak force. This prompted some European historians to laud Diaoyu City as the "Mecca of the East" and "Where God broke his whip". The ruins of the ancient battlefield of Diaoyu City are well kept there.   Jinyun Mountain   Nicknamed "Less Mount Emei", Jinyun Mountain is a national scenic resort 55km from downtown Chongqing.   Furong Cave, Wulung   The Furong (Hibiscus) Cave is located by the Furong River in Wulung County. The main part of the cave is 2,700 metres in length and 3.7 square metres in area. The Splendid Cave is the most impressive. Housed in it are nearly 30 varieties of stalactites chiseled into every manner of exotic imagery by the cunning labor of nature. Major attractions are Gold Throne Hall, Leifeng Pagoda and Sky-reaching Jade Pillar. ;
2023-08-15 04:56:041


   1.写作要点    ⑴基本特点   欢迎词和欢送词都属于讲话稿。欢迎辞的开头要向对方表示欢迎,然后对相关事宜做简单说明和介绍,最后表达愿望或再次表示欢迎。欢送词一般要回顾与对方相聚的美好时光,然后致以良好的祝愿并希望再次相见。    ⑵注意事项   根据场合不同,欢迎词和欢送词分为正式和非正式两类。正式的语言规范,而非正式的语言则比较轻松、随意。    2.常用词汇和句型    ⑴常用词汇   extend a warm welcome to... 表示热烈的欢迎   on behalf of... 谨代表   honor 荣幸   friendship 友情   deep impression 深刻印象   parting 分别    ⑵常用句型   It is with pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to...!   我怀着极其愉快的心情对……表示热烈的"欢迎!   I have the honor to welcome...on behalf of...   我很荣幸代表……欢迎……   Allow me,first of all ,to extend my warm welcome and greetings to...   首先,请允许我对……表示热烈的欢迎和问候。   外教一对一 we all feel sorry at this moment of parting.在这临别之际我们感到非常遗憾。   We feel deep regret at parting with our guest.就要分别了,我们深感不舍。   It is unforgettable experience that...……是一次难忘的经历。   We enjoyed every minute that we worked with you.我们共事的分分秒秒,我们都非常愉快。   We have established close relationship with...我们与……建立了密切关系。   ...has left a deep impression us.   ……给我们留下了深刻的印象。   May our friendship last forever.   原我们的友谊长存。   Wish you a pleasant jouney and good health.祝你们旅途愉快、身体健康。
2023-08-15 04:56:231


Welcome to ...欢迎来到......
2023-08-15 04:56:344


2023-08-15 04:57:042


Welcome to the United States in 14,15 years old students.
2023-08-15 04:57:157


Brief Introduction of Yangzhou,具体请参看:
2023-08-15 04:57:333


Welcome to Ningxia. I hope you will all enjoy your staying here. If you have any questions, please come to me!
2023-08-15 04:58:301


ladies and gantlemen,welcome to China.There are a lot of places of interest,Do you want to go there.Now we will visite BingJing.l think you will play well.Now,letu2018t go.
2023-08-15 04:58:403


英语欢迎词如下:1、Welcome---your presence!2、Thank you for your guidance!3、Welcome leader slogan.4、Welcome to check the work slogan.5、Welcome:welcome to my unit inspection and guidance work.6、Welcome:welcome to our unit inspection and guidance work again.7、Warmly welcome(unit name)leader to visit.8、Welcome:welcome to visit our unit inspection and guidance work.9、Warmly welcome all the leaders and experts to come to our school to check and guide our work.10、Welcome to visit the guidance of the provincial leadership.
2023-08-15 04:59:001


英文欢迎词范文一 Ladies and gentlemen,Wele to China! Wele to our pany!   You must have had a happy travel after covering such a long distance. We are very appreciating that you e cross so long distance from India to China. We have arranged a nice guest house already for you to give you a good rest which will make you feel at home while studying here. We"ll study and train together during your stay here.   Of course there are so many things need us to study, especially the safety knowledge. Let"s work together to have a happy and satisfactory training and study here, and wish you enjoy each of minute!   Yours sincerely 英文欢迎词范文二 Ladies and gentlemen,   A big wele to China and a warm wele to our pany!You must be tired after covering such a distance.Hard for you to e here and we already arrange a good place for you.You will soon be able to take a good rest in your own rooms.It is our hope that you"ll feel at home while you are studying in our pany.During your stay here we"ll study together and train together.Of course there are too many things we are gonna to study,especially the Safety knowledge.let"s work together to make this training and sutdy end in a satisfactory way!
2023-08-15 04:59:441


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 【称呼语】Welcome to Panyu. 【表示欢迎】Please sit down and relax. Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don"t haveto worry about it. 【稳定游客情绪】Let me introduce my team first. Mr. Zhang is our driver. He has 25 years of driving. My name is Gao Xiaoming, your tour guide, you may just call me Miss Gao, which is my surname. We"re from the China International Travel Service(CITS), Panyu Branch. On behalf of CITS Panyu and my colleagues, I"d like to welcome to you all.【略作介绍,再表欢迎】During your stay in our city, we"ll do everything possible to make your visit a happy experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don"t hesitate to let me know. 【提出建议】You"re going to stay at Panyu Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel. The hotel is in downtown, it is easy access to many places of interests in Panyu. And you"ll be staying our city for two and a half days. 【提醒入住地点和时间】There is one thing I must warn you against. You must remember the number of our bus. The number is 84645555. let me repeat: 84645555. 【提醒游巴电话】
2023-08-15 04:59:591


Welcome welcome,welcome welcome。
2023-08-15 05:00:263


Welcome SpeechLadies and gentleman good morning !Welcome to …… please sit back and relax.your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you don"t have to worry about that,first on behalf of nanhuo international travel service and myself welcome everyone come to …… province ,I"m very pleased to be your guide during your stay in …… province,if you have just come to here I can show you around. now please allow me introduce myself my name is li ** Or call me **, which is my English name,sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year"s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one,We will always be using the same bus while we are here in …… so I recommend that you write down the number on our license plate .
2023-08-15 05:01:091


Ladies and gentlemen:Welcome to ______!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you This is Mr ____ from (China International Travel Service).He will travel with you throughout the trip in China.This is Mr ____,our driver.His bus number is ***.My name is ______.I am from CITS.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in ______.If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and s/he will let us know.We`ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.
2023-08-15 05:01:451

介绍西安景点欢迎词 英文

翻译结果介绍西安景点欢迎词 英文Introduction of xi "an attractions welcome speech English
2023-08-15 05:02:141


你好!公司为外国客人的欢迎会The company reception for foreign guests
2023-08-15 05:02:231


国内航班(全程)广播词 ⑴欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX_____前往_____(中途降落_____)。有_____至____的飞行距离是_______,预计空中飞行时间是________小时_______分。飞行高度______米,飞行速度平均每小时_______公里。 为了保障飞机导航几通讯系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提式电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具,电子游戏机,激光唱机和电音频接收机等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在有客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠悲和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李价内或座椅下发。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。) 本次航班的乘务长讲协同机上_______名乘务员竭诚为为您提供及时周到的服务。 谢谢! Welcome Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptio computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing. We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board.) The (chief) purser _________with all your crewmembers will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you! ⑵起飞后广播 女士们,先生们: 我们的飞机已经离开_____前往_____,沿这条航线,我们飞经的省份有_______,经过的主要城市有_______,我们还将飞越_____。 在这段旅途中,我们为你准备了XX餐。供餐时我们将广播通知您。 下面将向你介绍客舱设备的使用方法: 今天您乘坐的是XX型飞机。 您的座椅靠背可以调节,调节时请按座椅扶手上的按钮.在您前方座椅靠背的口袋里有清洁袋,功您扔置杂物时使用。 在您座椅的上方备有阅读灯开关和呼叫按钮。如果你有需要乘务员的帮助,请按呼唤铃。 在您座位上方还有空气调节设备,你如果需要新鲜空气,请转动通风口。 洗手间在飞机的前部和后部.在洗手间内请不要吸烟。 Ladies and Gentlemen: We have left_____for_____. Along this route,we will be flying over the provinces of ___, passing the cities of _____, and crossing over the ______ Breakfast(lunch,supper) has been prepared for you. We will inform you before we serve it. Now we are going to introduce you the use of the cabin installations. This is a XX aircraft. The back of your seat can be adjusted bu pressomg the button on the arm of your chair. The call button and reading light are above your head.Press the call button to summon a flight attendant. The ventilator is also above your head.By adjusting the airflow knob,fresh air will flow in or be cut off. Lavatiories are located in the front of the cabin and in the rear.Please do not smoke in the lavatories. ⑶餐前广播 女士们,先生们: 我们将为您提供餐食(点心餐),茶水,咖啡和饮料。欢迎您选用。需要用餐的旅客,请您将小桌板放下。 为了方便其他旅客,在供餐期间,请您讲座椅靠背调整到正常位置。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be serving you meal with tea, coffee and other soft drinks. Welcome to make your choice. Please put down the table in front of you.For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during the meal service. Thank you! ⑷意见卡 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班,为了帮助我们不断提高服务质量,敬请留下宝贵意见,谢谢你的关心和支持! Good morning (afternon,evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard XX Airlines, comments form you will be highly valued in order to improve our service, thanks for your concern and support ⑸预定到达时间广播: 女士们,先生们: 本架飞机预定在_____分钟后到达______.地面温度是_________,谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be landing at _____airport in about ________minutes.The ground temperature is ___degrees celsius. Thank you! ⑹下降时安全检查广播 女士们,先生们: 飞机正在下降。请您回原位坐好,系好安全带, 收起小着板,将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。所有个人电脑及电子设备必须处于关闭状态。请你确认您的手提物品是否已妥善安放。稍后,我们将调暗客舱灯光。 谢谢! Good morning (afternon,evening),Ladies and Gentlemen: Our plane is descending now.Please be seated and fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position. All personal computers and electronic devices should be turned off. And please make sure that your carry-on items are securely stowed. We will be dimming the cabin lights for landing. Thank you! ⑺达到终点站 女士们,先生们: 飞机已经降落在______机场,外面温度______摄氏度,飞机正在滑行,为了您和他人的安全,请先不要站起或打开行李架。等飞机完全停稳后,请你再解开安全,,整理好手提物品准备下飞机。从行李架里取物品时,请注意安全。您交运的行李请到行李提取处领取。需要在本站转乘飞机到其他地方的旅客请到候机室中转柜办理. 感谢您选择XX航空公司班机!下次路途再会! Ladies and Gentlemen: Our plane has landed at_____airport. The local time is_____. The temperature outside is ____degrees Celsius, (______degress Fahrenheit.) The plane is taxiing. For your safety, please stay in your seat for the time being. When the aircraft stops completely and the Fasten Seat Belt sign is turned off, Please detach the seat belt, take all your carry-on items and disembark(please detach the seat belt and take all your carry-on items and passport to complete the entry formalities in the termainal). Please use caution when retrieving items from the overhead compartment. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area. The transit passengers please go to the connection flight counter in the waiting hall to complete the procedures. Welcome to ____(city), Thank you for selecting XX airline for your travel today and we look forward to serving you again. Wish you a pleasant day. Thank you! ⑻旅客下飞机广播 女士们,先生们: 本架飞机已经完全停稳(由于停靠廊桥),请您从前(中,后)登机门下飞机。谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen: The plane has stopped completely, please disembark from the front (middle,rear) entry door. Thank you! 航空商务英语对话:1、THE ADVANTAGES OF AIR TRANSPORT DIALOGUE 1WHICH MODE OF TRANSPORT IS BETTER? (1)P: Hello! C: Hello! P: This is Zhang Hong speaking, I"m getting married next month.C: Oh, really! Congratulations! What can I do for you? P: You see, I"ve just got a week for our wedding leave. It is tooshort for us to finish our plan by train. We"d like to visit Shanghai and Hangzhou. C: Both Shanghai and Hangzhou are good places for you to visit. Do you mean to stay in the two cities as long aspossible and to spend time on your way as short as possible? P: Yes, quite right. I think if we travel by train it would take us4 or 5 days, and we wouldn"t have enough time to spend inthe cities. So I want to know your suggestions. C: Oh, good, I think you are right to get suggestions from anairline clerk. You see, air transport is much faster than anyother modes of transport.P: That"s why I give you a telephone call.C: My suggestion is that you fly to Hangzhou first, and then you may take a ship from Hangzhou to Shanghai, and finally fly back to Beijing from Shanghai.P: That"s just what I want.C: In this way, you may save a lot of time spent on transport.P: OK! I"ll follow your suggestion. Thank you for your help.C: You"re welcome. And I wish you a happy trip.P: Thanks a lot! Bye-bye!C: Bye-bye!(P: Passenger--旅客)(C: Clerk--职业)NOTES1.This is Zhang Hong speaking.——我是张宏。在接电话时一般不说:“I"m Zhang Hong.”而应说:“This is…speakirig.”2.I"m getting married next month.——我下个月就要结婚了。句中be getting不表示进行时,而表示将来时。此外married一词为表语。 long as possible——尽可能长此处,两个as之间可换成任何形容词或副词,表示“尽可能…”。如:as short as possible——尽可能短,as soon as possible——尽可能快,等等。 train——乘火车by常可引出方式状语,表示用何种办法做某事。如:by air——乘飞机,by sea——乘船.by bus——乘公共汽车,等。5.enough一词为形窖诃或副词,基本意思是“足够(的)”作形容词时,如用来修饰名词,则置于该词之首,如:enough time——足够的时间、enough money——足够的钱。作副词时,如用来修饰形容词或另一个副词,则需置于该词之后。如:fast enough——够快。high enough——够高,等等。6.much faster than——比……快得多形容词或副词的比较级后加than表示前者比后者如何如何。如果只用faster than则只表示“比……快”;如果在比较缓前加上相应的词或短语,则可以更明确地表明其程度上的差别。如:taller than一一比……高.a little bit taller than一一比……稍高一点几,better than一一比……好.much better than一一比……好多了,等等。7.That"s just what 1 want.——这正合我意。句中what 1 want为表语从句。8.a lot of time spent on transport一一路上所花时间其中spent为spend的过去分词,作定语修饰time一词:此外,transport一词原意为运输,此处可译作路途等。9.Thank you for your help.一一谢谢缘的帮助。一般常把介词for所引导出的短语看柞原因状语。
2023-08-15 05:02:331

跪求一篇英文欢迎词 内容关於一间公司和我司是合作关系,现到访我司 要求字数300字

Ladies and Gentlemen�Good evening!� At the beginning, I would like to extend to all of you my sincere gratitude for your presence. I wish you all a happy new year and greater success and achievements in your career and family life. We have cooperated for so many years and get on very well with each other. The year of 2005 was an extraordinary one for ABC Company. In this year, all departments in our company kept good momentum in their development. An annual growth rate of 3.5% of revenue was achieved, which was more than doubled the estimates, and laid a good foundation for the growth in the New Year.Now, I would like to ask all of you to raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the coming New Year.Cheers�可以就其不同内容加以更改,希望本例能有所帮助。
2023-08-15 05:02:541

公司欢迎辞英文贺卡 公司欢迎贺卡

欢迎公司领导贺卡欢迎公司的贺卡公司员工定制 入职欢迎周年纪念感恩感谢祝福贺卡 答谢小礼品贺卡公司员工生日贺卡 贺卡创意 圣诞节新年贺卡 入职周年纪念卡公司员工生日贺卡 贺卡创意 圣诞节新年贺卡 入职周年纪念卡新员工入职欢迎词欢迎贺卡公司员工生日贺卡 贺卡创意 圣诞节新年贺卡 入职周年纪念卡给外国公司写贺卡 给外国公司贺卡公司贺卡图片生日贺卡定制印刷企业员工公司商务邀请函印刷圣诞节贺卡免费设计上海知名贺卡印刷公司给领导写欢迎贺卡 给领导写贺卡上海巴斯夫染料化工有限公司负责人签名的公司专制圣诞新年贺卡联合利华中国有限公司负责人签名的公司专制圣诞新年贺卡御尚生日贺卡定制员工入职纪念欢迎公司贺卡感恩感谢卡片谢师宴欢迎回公司的贺卡欢迎公司的贺卡英语节系列活动之英文贺卡高档欢迎入职周年纪念卡商务公司企业创意新员工入职祝福贺卡英语节系列活动之英文贺卡
2023-08-15 05:03:021


hello moto
2023-08-15 05:03:102


Welcome to English Club! It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills.  You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions and watching Oscar-winning movies. These extra-curricular activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.  You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via The deadline for entries is Sept. 25th. Come on, join us now!
2023-08-15 05:03:171


欢迎朱老师,她是一位英语老师,她很外向也很有经验她会在我们学校工作三个=> let"s welcome Mr"s Zhu, she is an English teacher, she is very outgoing and she is very experienced. she will work in our school for three...
2023-08-15 05:03:241


Welcome to our school. We are so happy to see you here. I hope you enjoy yourselves in our school.
2023-08-15 05:03:342

英语作文 写mr brown的到来致欢迎辞

Ladies and gentlemen,   Welcome to our class and welcome to our evening party. First of all, let me say a few words about our class. There are 50 students in our class-26 of us are boys and 24 are girls. Most of us are from Beijing. We are mostly at the same age-about 17. Some go in for sports, and some are interested in reading,. We have 6 subjects in all, including English, Chinese and mathematics. All of us like to study English, and we usually spend a lot of time on it.  In our program ton ight, there will be a short play, group singing and so on. I hope you will enjoy them and haove a good time. Thank you.
2023-08-15 05:03:441


Wellcome to Liao Ning Shen Yang. 最简单的Wellcome to Liao Ning Province Shen Yang City. 复杂点的
2023-08-15 05:03:511


XX chief , the mail thanking welcoming that you grant me, I am honoured to be able to contribute self strength as one of company very much , my relevance business that can know a company very well as soon as possible content pushes forward a job moreover with high efficiency although just taking over a job is able to have much not familiar local. You are mentioned working weekly reporting growing up that I believe in to me also is able to have helping very greatly. My meeting gives you in gradually getting rich weekly. The work summary being my this circle underneath asks you to look over so as to check with planing next week reporting.
2023-08-15 05:04:133


Dear students, To enrich the spare -time life of students.The student union of our university has a proposition of holding English Campaign Week(ECW).We welcome every student to take part in ECW!The details as follows: First of all, ECW is decided to be held in the first week of July in which time we would like all of you,whether as audience or as participants, could get to the hall of our university to share the joy of English. Absolutely,ECW will take various forms to make sure the interest of activities.There will be singing pop english songs,putting on short plays and holding english speechs at that point.So everyone can show his/her speciality to the audience. At last,and most important,anyone who wants to join ECW should send up your application by June 20, and can only choose two activities at most. Come to the great fun!
2023-08-15 05:04:211

求 大连市副市长在“城市节约用水国际讨论会”上的欢迎词 的英文翻译

Every representative, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends:Firstly, on behalf of dalian municipal government and dalian peoples of "urban water saving international symposium held in dalian, to express our heartfelt congratulations to attend workshops welcome friends at home and abroad.Dalian is China"s serious water-shortage cities. Since 1954, dalian is carried out within urban plan to save water, to assure city work made a contribution of safe water, twice by the national award "to save water advanced city" the glorious titles. But, with the domestic and international advanced compared to the city, our work has a certain disparity. This conference, offers us an excellent opportunity to, we should learn overseas advanced experience, carefully controlled experience find gap and promote our work. Dalian municipal people"s government has to solve the problem of urban water as urban development outline one of important content, and take effective measures. Try to build urban water resources project at the same time, further deepening city water-saving work. Municipal government proposed must always adhere to the "open source and throttling equal emphasis on" the policy, should be in urban water supply situation ease cases hasn"t relax water-saving work as soon as possible, build dalian into the water-saving-type city and struggle.This international symposium, and to promote the plan to save water work has the very vital significance. Hope organization of the conference departments and units concerned, warm and thoughtful and fulfill service work, make this meeting achieve desired results.Finally I wish "urban water saving international forum a complete success.
2023-08-15 05:04:311


Thank you very much for the parents to come to the parents meeting很感谢父母来这次家长会。They evacuated from busy to understand what we"re learning他们从繁忙中抽空来了解我们的学习情况。Let us welcome the parents for coming here today让我们欢迎家长今天的到来吧。
2023-08-15 05:04:401


-中文过去常常听到人们讲“东北虎,西北狼”。 这句民间彦语道出了不同地域的人的性格特点。东北人生长在长白山下,松辽平原之上,独特的自然和社会环境,使东北人逐渐养成了威猛豪爽的性格.今天,大家来到俺们这“疙瘩”,我们一定会尽到地主之谊,让您的旅游生活愉快顺利。来到这里,自然要先给您介绍吉林省的概况。吉林省简称“吉”,位于中国东北的中部,处于北半球中纬度地带,欧亚大陆的东部,是显著的温带大陆性季风气候,四季更替明显.主要表现为春季干燥多大风,夏季炎热多雨,秋季晴冷温差大,冬季寒冷漫长。历史上最高气温出现在1965年的白城市为40.6摄氏度,最低气温出现在1970年的桦甸市为零下45摄氏度。全省全境总面积18.74万平方公里,约占全国总面积的百分之二,居全国第14位,是东三省中面积最小的一个省份。吉林省版图呈现为东宽西窄的三角形,地势东高西低,山地、平原各踞东西。山地约占全省面积的五分之三,平原约占全省面积的五分之二。自东向西依次是:长白山地、丘陵地带、山前台地、松辽平原。东部与俄罗斯接壤,东南部以图们江、鸭绿江为界,与朝鲜隔江相望,边境线总长1438.7公里。东部珲春市处于东北亚地理位置的几何中心点,距日本海15公里。边境最近处距俄罗斯的波谢特湾仅4公里。驻足珲春防川,可“一眼望三国”。所以说,我们吉林省是名副其实的边疆近海省。 吉林省辖1个副省级城市和7个地市级城市,以及1个少数民族自治洲,一句话概括“两白加两原,长吉通四边”。分别是白城市、白山市、辽源市、松原市,长春、吉林、通化、四平以及延边朝鲜族自治洲。英文shch as dear ladies and gentlemen! i feel greatly honored to be here with you from all over the world! now allow me on behalf of my organization to extend our warm welcome and sincere greetings to our distinguished guests who has come from so far away to take part in the competition! you come from almost all over the world, so it"s a great honor to have you practise here. i hope you"ll improve a lot during these training days. i hope you will enjoy yourselves! have a good time! get a good result in the shooting competetion! wishes everyone an enjoying time! thank you。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2023-08-15 05:04:481


其实严格的来说(不好意思哦,在学问面前,我不免要指出),你问的问题是不怎么严密的,市场营销是没有谈判的,有专门的商务谈判,即商务谈判的专业知识,那你问的是“市场营销谈判”,我就结合二者来回答你。一:什么是市场营销谈判:市场营销是指商品、货物和服务通过人力或其他物流而进行的销售的过程。市场营销的谈判就是其“物流”的一个过程,为什么这么说,谈判是交易的一个前提(但不是必须的)。二:关系怎么样? 市场营销和谈判之间的关系没有明确的定义,在营销的过程中,有必要用到谈判的话,就用,没用,就没必要(比如你交易的对象是你的朋友或是很熟的人,你们之间没有正式的谈判必要,则就不用)了。三:谈判的作用和意义: 作用我们都知道,这么比喻吧(你可能会理解清楚一点),交易(在第一次或数次)在进行前,它就是一条河,而谈判就是要不要修桥的问题,修好了,交易的条件就形成了(可以进行下步交易),修坏了,交易就没完成,所以,书面化的讲:谈判的作用是用于交易前的讨价还价和“经济人”为达到自己预期目标而努力进行商议和计划的过程,具有重大意义。意义:谈判工作的成功与否关系到整个的交易过程,是我们现代商务交易中比较必须和重要的“武器”。呵呵,整个问题就是这样,具体的说你问的问题要是像你下面那样分三步,基本上就是好问题了。嗯~希望我的回答能帮助你解决问题!
2023-08-15 05:04:561

Welcome to Chengdu是什么意思

Welcome to Chengdu是什么意思成都欢迎你欢迎来成都
2023-08-15 05:05:182


  圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,耶稣诞辰,译名为“基督弥撒”,西方传统节日,在每年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节,因为把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“耶诞节”。我为你整理了圣诞晚会英语主持稿,希望对你有所参考帮助。   合:Good afternoon, boys and girls! Welcome to our Christmas party!   (大家下午好,欢迎大家来参加我们的圣诞聚会)   Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky.   (伴随着从空中徐徐飘落的雪花,)   Mandy: With the Christmas carols resounding in our ears.   (伴随着耳边响起的圣诞颂歌)   Jack: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves.   (伴随着在我们身边传递的圣诞礼物)   Mandy: with the kindest Santa Clausin red walking towards us .   (伴随着和蔼的圣诞老人向我们走来)   合: Let"s shout, "Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!"   (让我们大声的说出:圣诞来了,圣诞快乐!)   Jack:Hello,I"m jack. I"m honored to have the chance to be your host today. I"d like to extend our a warm welcome to youon behalf of the QiXiang Education. I wish everyone a very happy Christmas .   (大家好,我是今天的主持人,杰克,非常荣幸能有这样一个机会主持今天的聚会.我谨代表启翔教育机构的所有老师,祝大家度过一个愉快的圣诞节。)   Mandy:Before we go , I"d like you to know that we plan various interesting programs and games for today"s party . We hope you would join them and have some fun .   (在聚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今天的聚会准备了很多丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与进来,玩的.开心。)   Jack: First of all, Let"s welcome our principal Mr. Liu to give us a welcome speech .   (首先请我们刘校长致欢迎词。)   Mandy: Thank you, Mr. Liu .   (感谢刘校长)   Jack: Now, the first program, all the students should learn the PPT about the Christmas.   (现在,我们的第一个节目是所有学生一起学习与圣诞节有关的PPT)   Mandy: Now , I will ask some question about Christmas . Who can answer the question. Who can get gift !   (现在,我将提出有关圣诞节的问题,谁知道答案,谁将得到礼物!)   1、每年的几月几日是耶稣诞生的日子呢?(12月25日)   2、平安夜是哪一天?(12月24日)   3、耶稣是在哪里出生的?(马槽上)   4、圣诞节和我们中国的什么节日相似(春节)   5、 小朋友们知道圣诞色有哪几种颜色吗?(红绿白)   6、圣诞老人都耳熟能详吧,他是骑什么来的呢?(驯鹿雪橇)   7.圣诞老人是把圣诞礼物是装在哪里送给小朋友的呢? (袜子)   8、"圣诞快乐"用英文怎么说?(Merry Christmas)   9、"圣诞老人"用英文怎么说?(Santa Claus or Father Christmas )   all the students should sing the song《we wish you merry Christmas》   (现在,让我们大家一起唱这首歌《we wish you merry Christmas》
2023-08-15 05:05:391


  有句古话说到了“有鹏自远方来,不亦乐呼”,我正是怀着这样的心情向大家介绍我们即将开始的行程…下面是我为大家整理的关于 导游词 欢迎词 范文 精选5篇,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习!   导游词欢迎词1   各位团友,大家好啊!   很高兴见到各位,首先我代表我们公司深圳国旅新境界对大家参加这次的旅游活动表示热烈的欢迎,本人托大家的鸿福,很幸运能够成为大家的导游。在这里要跟大家说声谢谢哦:“谢谢大家”。先 自我介绍 吧,我呢是青岛__行社的经理(停顿一下)派来的导游,我姓黄,单名一个锋字,大家可以直接喊我的名字:黄锋。这个名字挺简单,对吗?又好记,呵呵,希望大家喜欢。   在我身边这一位呢是我们这次旅途中最为劳苦功高的一位,我们的_ 陈师傅,开足两天车的时间,非常幸苦。   在此,我们于以热烈的掌声多谢我们的陈师傅。   (略停)谢谢大家!那么,在这两天里面呢,就将由我和陈师傅以及一会我们的地陪这三位工作人员为大家服务,务求使到大家在我们旅途中的:食住行游购娱“都能够得到满意的服务。   大家有什么需要帮忙的地方尽不妨尽管说,我们尽所可能地去满足大家的要求。   所以,我们也希望在座的每一位团友都能够配合我们导游司机的工作,爱护车厢里的清洁卫生。   最后,请大家再次以热烈的掌声来预祝我们将会度过一个轻松愉快的旅程!    导游词欢迎词2   各位远道而来的朋友们,大家好!你们一路辛苦了!我是你们这次__的导游员周峥,大家可以叫我小周,我代表_ 旅行社欢迎你们的到来。在接下来的几天中我很荣幸能够陪伴大家一起度过,在旅游途中大家有任何问题可以及时告诉我,我会尽我所能帮助大家解决的,如若我有做的不足的地方也请大家及时指出,我会及时的改正。(如果是在旅游车上的话还要介绍下司机)为我们开车的是_ 旅游公司_傅,请大家记住车牌号码,我和_傅会尽力为大家做好服务的。祝愿大家能在这次旅游中玩的开心!   迎着清晨这一屡灿烂的阳光,沐浴着这清凉春风,我们今天的旅行就要在这明媚的春光中拉开序幕。各位来宾,大家早上好。欢迎大家参加__ 旅行社__ 之旅。我代表公司及我个人对大家的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。我是您此行的导游,我叫__ ,大家叫我__ 就可以了。(指着司机)这位是司机_师傅。在接下来的行程里,将由我们两位为大家竭诚服务,由我为您提供导游讲解服务。我们会将您的行程安排好,使您此行游的开心、玩的尽兴。   中国有句俗话说的好:有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。今天,我们由不同的地方走到同一个目的地,乘坐在同一辆车里,大家由不相识到相见相知,这真是一种很奇妙而又美好的缘分,那么就让我们将这个美好的缘分进行到底,让我们开心而行,满意而归。   在这次旅行中,如果您有什么事需要我们为您服务,请您一定要告诉我们,让我知道,我们会为您服务,让您满意。因为您的满意就是我们的追求,您的快乐也就是我们最大的快乐。   最后,预祝大家此行游的开心、玩的尽兴!谢谢!    导游词欢迎词3   各位团友:   从现在开始,车上的各位就是我们的朋友了,你们在四川遇到什么样的困难,或者有什么样的麻烦,可以告诉我们,我们回尽全力帮助大家解决的,同时也希望各位多多配合我们的工作。今天是200_年_月_日,这是一个值得大家记住的日子,因为从这个时候开始,各位就踏上了四川之旅的行程。四川简称蜀,三国时,属国被司马昭灭掉以后,后主刘婵被安置在了魏国的首都洛阳,过着豪华而奢侈的生活,有一天,司马昭问刘婵,还想不想蜀国。刘婵回答到:“此乐间,不思蜀也”。乐不思蜀这句 典故 后来泛指在新的环境中得到了乐趣,而不想回到就的环境中去了。各位来至__ 省,__ 省简称_,在四川这_天的时间里,我希望各位能发出“乐不思_”的感叹,当然这并不是贬义,只是希望各位能在四川玩的愉快,乘兴而来,满意而归嘛。   有句古话说到了“有鹏自远方来,不亦乐呼”,我正是怀着这样的心情向大家介绍我们即将开始的行程…   我们的车再走10多分钟就要到市区了。下面我问大家一个问题,又没有人知道中国的“四大城市”呢?这“四大城市”就是北京、上海、广州和我们现在到达的成都。和北京、上海、广州一样,成都的发展也一样凝聚了历史沉淀的势能和当前西部大开发的动力,其经济总量站了全川的30以上,人均年收入已经达到了__ 万元人民币。众所周知,成都是四川的省会,总面积在10000平方公里以上,人口已经达到了1000多万人,从这个数字上大家可以看出,成都面积不大,但是人口密度是相当高的。在中国乃至全世界,属成都人过的最另类,在北京,时间就是机遇;在上海,时间就是时尚;在广州,时间就是金钱;然而到了成都,时间就是生活。在全国各大城市中,成都人活的最潇洒,最没有压力感。有人曾经作过这样一个统计,在街上,属成都人步行最慢;早上,属成都人起床最晚;而在成都,茶馆的营业时间又是最长……那么对在座的各位来说,这个中国第四城真的有如此大的魅力吗?   李白来了,他说:“九天开出一成都,千户万户入画图”。像画一般的美丽;杜甫来了,他说:“晓看红湿处,花重锦官城”。这是一座花的城市;陆游来了,他说:“二十里路香不断,青羊宫到浣花溪”。花香四溢,二十里不断。怎么样?这就是答案。   成都是一座历史悠久的文明古城。据史料记载,古属国开明王朝是以陴县定都,到了九世时才牵制成都。那么这“成都”一名是怎样来得呢?北宋初年,乐史编撰了一部《太平寰宇记》对这个问题作出了解释,按照乐史的说法,成都的得名是根据西周定都的经过,也就是“以周太王从梁山止歧下,一年成邑,二年成集,三年成都,故之名曰成都”。成都一名沿用至今,2000多年都没有变更过,这在中国地名史上是很少见的。   非常欢迎在座的个位到哈尔滨观光旅游,我是__ 旅行社的导游员我的名字是。   为了方便起见大家可以叫我小_.坐在我们车前方的是司机。。师傅。。。师傅有多年的驾驶 经验 ,驾驶技术高超。所以大家在行车过程中可以完全放心。我们都说到了吉林是吉(急)开,到了蒙古是蒙(猛)开,到了上海是沪(胡)开,那到了哈尔滨就是黑白两道都能开。因为在夏天我们的马路是黑色的,到了冬天我们的马路是白色的,所以我们的师傅是黑白两道混得都熟的,大家尽可以放心。那大家在哈尔滨的这几天将由我和。。师傅陪同大家一同渡过。哈尔滨是寒冷的,但哈尔滨人是热情的,大家有什么问题尽管和我说,我会尽我最大的努力让大家满意。现在我们的车窗外是寒冷的,希望大家把过去的一年中不快乐的事和工作上的压力都抛在窗外,让我们的寒冷把它暂时冰冻起来,随着春天的来临悄悄地融化,流入我们的松花江,那留下的只有开心和一年的好运气。那小。。先在这里预祝大家哈尔滨之行愉快,希望大家带着对哈尔滨市的期待和憧憬而来带着对哈尔滨的满意和流连而归!    导游词欢迎词4   各位老师大家好!首先我代表我们__ 旅行社的全体人员对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,同时也感谢大家对我们旅行社的支持和信任。我叫 雕刻 时光,是四通旅行社的导游员,大家叫我小刘好了。坐在前方驾驶位置上的是我们的随队司机张师傅。张师傅的驾驶经验非常丰富,相信大家在乘车的途中一定会感到既舒适又安全的。今天能担任本团的导游工作,认识这么多的教师朋友,我觉感到很荣幸,如果大家在旅途中有什么困难和要求,请您及时地提出,我将竭尽全力地为您服务。也希望大家能积极地支持和配合我的工作。在这里我预祝大家旅途愉快,能够高兴而来,满意而归。   我们今天要游览的景点是古 文化 街,古文化街是以天后宫为中心,具有天津地方特色的一条街,位于南开区宫南宫北大街,1985年经市政府整理恢复其传统风貌,命名为“古文化街”。古文化街有别于一般的商业街,在这里集中了天津乃至全国四面八方的各种工艺品、文化用品,其中以响誉国内外,具有浓厚天津地方特色的杨柳青 年画 ,泥人张彩塑和风筝魏的风筝最有名气,整条街充满了浓郁的中国味、天津味、古味和文化味。那么古文化街到底怎样呢?还是大家亲自游览后再作评价吧。    导游词欢迎词5   各位游客朋友大家:   有一句话这样形容四季“春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪”,那长春就是一个这样四季分明的城市,欢迎您来到长春旅游,我是大家这次长春之旅的导游员小磊。那初次和大家见面,大家对我不是和了解,那我自我介绍一下,我叫杨晓磊,大家叫我小杨,或是小磊都可以。那很巧的今年正好是我国的农历羊年,希望小杨会把羊年里所有的快乐与幸运都带给大家。那我们今天的司机师傅他叫“顺利”大家直呼他的名字就可以了。“顺利”师傅的开车技术大家就不用担心了,因为他的车技是一流的棒哦!   那我们这次长春游程三日。第一天我带领大家去长春电影制片厂去参观,第二天去参观向海,然后晚上会在那里度过一晚。第三天我们乘车去两代皇后的家乡在去感受一下满族的风土人情。那我们这次的长春的游程就是这样的为大家安排的。那我们今天所要到的是长春电影制片厂,那现在游客朋友请大家自己检查一下要带的东西是不是带全了,有晕车的朋友请上我这里来令晕车要和塑料袋。那好了游客朋友们,我们现在距离我们我们的目的地还有一段距离,在这段时间我为大家简单的介绍一下长影…… 导游词欢迎词范文精选5篇相关 文章 : 1. 8篇导游词欢迎词范文 2. 导游欢迎词优秀范文5篇 3. 优秀的导游词欢迎词5篇 4. 优秀的导游词欢迎词范文 5. 福建英文导游词 6. 导游致欢迎词精彩范文3篇 7. 南旅游导游欢迎词范文5篇 8. 优秀导游欢迎词范文3篇 9. 导游词欢迎词大全
2023-08-15 05:05:481


全陪欢送词各位朋友! 我们的旅程马上要结束了,王导也要跟大家说再见了。临别之际没什么送大家的,就送大家四个字吧。首先第一个字是缘,缘分的缘,俗话说“百年休的同船度,千年修的共枕眠”那么和大家7天的共处,算算也有千年的缘分了!接下来这个字是原谅的原,在这几天中,王导有做的不好的地方,希望大家多多包涵,在这里说声对不起了!再一个自就是圆满的圆,此次行程圆满的结束多亏了大家对我工作的支持和配合,小王说声谢谢了!最后一个字还是源字,财源的源,祝大家的财源犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,也祝大家工作好,身体好,今天好,明天好,现在好,将来好,不好也好,好上加好,给点掌声好不好!优秀的导游欢迎词和欢送词 信息来源: 辽沈汽车消费地图论坛 阅读次数:7690 发布时间:2005-10-15 10:00:23 “欢迎词”———行的开始,第一印象艺术性地致好“欢迎词”太重要了,它好比一场戏的“序幕”,一篇乐章的“序曲”,一部作品的“序言”。 中外游人都讲究“第一印象”,而致欢迎词是给客人留下“第一印象”的极佳机会,我们应当努力展示自己的艺术风采,使“良好开端”成为“成功的一半”。 任何艺术、技巧,都有一定的“规范”和“要素”,那么,“欢迎词”的“规范”和“要素”是什么呢?规范化的“欢迎词”应包括五大要素。 (1)表示欢迎,即代表接待社、组团社向客人表达欢迎之意。 (2)介绍人员,即介绍自己,介绍参加接待的领导、司机和所有人员。 (3)预告节目,即介绍一下城市的概况和在当地将游览的节目。 (4)表示态度,即愿意为大家热情服务、努力工作,确保大家满意。 (5)预祝成功,即希望得到游客支持与合作,努力使游览获得成功,祝大家愉快、健康欢迎词切忌死板,切忌沉闷,如能风趣、自然,会缩短与游客的距离,使大家很快成为朋友,熟悉起来。 另外,欢迎词注意汲取一些谚语、名言,充满文采,会收到很好效果,下面一些言语,可参考使用:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”;“千年修得同船渡”;“千里有缘来相会”;“世界像部书,如果您没出外旅行,您可只读了书中之一页,现在您在我们这里旅行,让我们共同读好这中国的一页”。 除了注重欢迎词的文采之外,有些导游创造的言语,越琢磨越感艺术性强,值得我们学习。埃及一位63岁的老导游,在为中国旅游代表团担任导游致欢迎词时有这样一句:“在今后的导游中,如果有什么地方我讲得不清楚,欢迎先生们提出来,我将努力讲清楚……”大家感觉一下,他这句话令人听后是愉快的。 其实,大家都知道,有时并不是导游讲得不清楚,而是游客精神不集中而没听清楚,但他将责任归为自己了,把愉快也留给了游客,听者如何不高兴呢?这比我们一些导游说的“如果你有问题,我可以给你讲明白”不是高明多了吗?文采固然好,含蓄也令人回味,但有时平平淡淡,也令人感到平淡中出艺术,显技巧。 现在让我们听听香港一位十佳导游开场的欢迎词:“各位早晨好,欢迎大家光临香港。我是王××,今天非常高兴有机会与各位一起游览九龙和新界。这个观光节目全程70英里,需时五个钟头。 各位如果有什么问题,请随便提出,我将尽我所知为各位解答。祝大家今天旅程愉快并喜欢我们导游介绍!”大家的欢迎词,若注意以上这些,并切实做好,我们认为这样就会令游客有个美好的“第一印象”,也使“行”有了良好的开端。 三、“欢送词”———行的小结,终生难忘送别是导游接待工作的尾声。这时导游与游客已熟悉,还有的成了朋友。如果说“欢迎 词”给游客留下美好的第一印象是重要的,那么我们认为,在送别时致好“欢送词”,给游 客留下的最后的印象将是深刻的、持久的、终生难忘的!经过几十年的总结归纳,我们中国导游认为,有水平、符合规范的“欢送词”,应有五个要素,共20个字,这就是:表示惜别,感谢合作,小结旅游,征求意见,期盼重逢。 所谓“表示惜别”,是指欢送词中应含有对分别表示惋惜之情、留恋之意,讲此内容时,面部表情应深沉,不可嬉皮笑脸,要给客人留下“人走茶更热”之感。 “感谢合作”,是指感谢在旅游中游客给予的支持、合作、帮助、谅解,没有这一切,就难保证旅游的成功。 “小结旅游”,是指与游客一起回忆一下这段时间所游览的项目、参加的活动,给游客一种归纳、总结之感,将许多感官的认识上升到理性的认识,帮助游客提高。 “征求意见”,是告诉游客,我们知有不足,经大家帮助,下一次接待会更好!“期盼重逢”,是指要表达对游客的情谊和自己的热情,希望游客成为回头客。“欢送词”除文采之外,更要讲“情深”、“意切”,让游客终生难忘。 我国的一位从事近40年导游的英文导游,在同游客告别时,为体现“期盼重逢”,他说:“中国有句古语,叫做‘两山不能相遇,两人总能相逢",我期盼着不久的将来,我们还会在中国,也可能在贵国相会,我期盼着,再见,各位!”也许这位老导游的话和他的热诚太感人了,时至今日,每年圣诞节、新年,贺年卡从世界各地向他飞来,有不少贺年卡,甚至是他一二十年前接待的客人的贺年卡,上面工工整整地用英文手写着“Greetngs From Another Mountain”(来自另一座山的问候)。 由此可见,一篇讲艺术的欢送词,几句情深、意切,又有文采的话,会给游客留下多么深远的印象!另外,还有一点要特别注意:有经验的导游在话别游客之后,他们都会等“飞机上天,轮船离岸,火车出站,挥手告别”,才离现场,“仓促挥手,扭头就走”,会给游客留下“是职业导游,不是有感情的导游”,是“人一走,茶就凉”的导游。我们千万莫当此样的导游
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