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2023-08-23 01:55:39
TAG: 英语









  等级制度 hierarchy

  等级相关 Rank correlation

  电压等级 voltage class

  网页等级 PageRank

  工资等级 salary grade


  1. Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal life-style.


  2. The principle of hierarchy does not equate to totalitarian terror.


  3. She rose up the Tory hierarchy by the local government route.

  她通过地方政府的 渠道 在保守党的等级制度中一步步地晋升。

  4. the concept of social class


  5. They upgraded the land by improving it with new buildings.


  6. There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country.


  7. We grade the students according to their reading ability.


  8. The milk is sold in grades.


  9. There are several different grinds of coffee.


  10. Milk is sold in grades.


  11. Feudal society was rigidly stratified.


  12. Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties.


  13. At the other end of the social scale was the grocer, the village"s only merchant.


  14. His image is redolent of the smell of old leather, old money and class.

  他的形象使人联想起旧皮革的气味 、 旧钞票和等级.

  15. But the problems of perpetuating a hierarchical society go deeper than this.




考纲释义vt.提高; 使升级; 改善真题例句:The current international tax system needs upgrading.当前的国际税收制度需要升级。Highlight the necessity of upgrading major U. S. airports.强调升级美国主要机场的必要性。Have to be upgraded when new technologies come.当新技术出现时,必须升级。
2023-08-15 01:28:571


单词拼写有误。应为:upgrade英 [u028cp"greu026ad] 美 [,u028cp"ɡred] vt. 使升级;提升;改良品种n. 升级;上升;上坡adv. 往上adj. 向上的[ 过去式 upgraded 过去分词 upgraded 现在分词 upgrading ]
2023-08-15 01:29:172


upgard bay
2023-08-15 01:29:262


upgrade[英][u02ccu028cpu02c8greu026ad][美][u02c8u028cpu02ccɡred]n.向上的斜坡; vt.提升; 使(机器、计算机系统等)升级; 提高(设施、服务等的)档次; 提高(飞机乘客、旅馆住客等)的待遇; 第三人称单数:upgrades现在进行时:upgrading过去式:upgraded过去分词:upgraded双语例句Maybe you get to upgrade.也许你的罩杯增大了.
2023-08-15 01:29:351


1. With the development of information society, the competition between the company and the company rose to the organized inter-enterprise information - intelligence competition.2. In this way, a general promotion of negotiations between the state and national trade disputes.
2023-08-15 01:29:463


2023-08-15 01:30:061


2023-08-15 01:30:161


不能直译,你可以直接说在华师大读本科study in East China Normal University for bachelor degree
2023-08-15 01:30:435


“developed”是“发达的,发达国家的”的意思。“developed”是英语中的一个形容词,通常用来形容某个地区或国家在经济、社会、文化等方面已经达到了比较高的发展水平。“developed”主要用于指代欧美、日本、澳大利亚、加拿大等一些高度发达的经济体。除了指代国家或地区之外,“developed”还可以用来形容某个技能或能力已经得到了很好的发展。还可以用作动词,意味着开发或者创造某个新产品、新技术、新工艺等。“developed”的近义词下面是"developed"近义词及其各自的含义:1、Advanced(先进的):表示在技术、科学或文化方面有很高水平的发展,并且在该领域中处于领先地位。2、Evolved(进化的):表示事物经过漫长的发展过程,逐渐变得更强大、更高级、更发达。3、Mature(成熟的):表示经过一段时间之后,事物已经到达了一个相对完善的状态。4、Improved(改进的):表示对事物进行了一些调整和改进,使其更好,更有效或者更完美。5、Upgraded(升级的):表示原本的事物经过更新或者升级后,性能和功能得到了大幅提升。“developed”造句1、She is a talented artist who has developed her skills through years of practice.她是一位有才华的艺术家,通过多年不断练习,她的技能得到了发展。2、The company has developed a new software product that will revolutionize the market.这家公司开发了一款新软件产品,将会彻底颠覆市场。3、The city has been transformed by the developed public transportation system.该市的公共交通系统经过完善和发展,城市面貌得到了改观。4、The new generation of smartphones is even more developed than their predecessors.新一代智能手机比其前身更加发达和先进。5、The medical industry has developed many novel treatments for various illnesses in recent years.最近几年医疗行业开发出了许多新型治疗方案,适用于各种疾病。
2023-08-15 01:31:431


2023-08-15 01:32:226


2023-08-15 01:32:405


2023-08-15 01:32:551


1、请问可以帮我把房间升级吗? Would you please upgrade my room?2、客房可以免费升级吗? Can the room be upgraded for free?Can the room be upgraded free of charge?3、为了感谢你的入住,我们酒店帮你把客房升级了Thank you for checking in our hotel, and we have upgraded your room.
2023-08-15 01:33:111

ubuntu 安装软件出错

Ubuntu 13.04 中文桌面版这个可以试试
2023-08-15 01:33:213

Selective Kernel Networks(Upgraded version of SENet)

SENet是对特征图的通道注意力机制的研究,之前的CBAM提到了对特征图空间注意力机制的研究。这里SKNet针对卷积核的注意力机制研究。 不同大小的感受视野(卷积核)对于不同尺度(远近、大小)的目标会有不同的效果。尽管比如Inception这样的增加了多个卷积核来适应不同尺度图像,但是一旦训练完成后,参数就固定了,这样多尺度信息就会被全部使用了(每个卷积核的权重相同)。 SKNet提出了一种机制,即卷积核的重要性,即不同的图像能够得到具有不同重要性的卷积核。 SKNet对不同图像使用的卷积核权重不同,即一种针对不同尺度的图像动态生成卷积核 。整体结构如下图所示: 网络主要由 Split、Fuse、Select 三部分组成。 u2022 Split部分 是对原特征图经过不同大小的卷积核部分进行卷积的过程,这里可以有多个分支。 对输入X使用不同大小卷积核分别进行卷积操作(图中的卷积核size分别为3x3和5x5两个分支,但是可以有多个分支)。操作包括卷积、efficient grouped/depthwise convolutions、BN。 u2022 Fuse部分 是计算每个卷积核权重的部分。 将两部分的特征图按元素求和 Fgp为全局平均池化操作 U通过全局平均池化(GAP)生成通道统计信息。得到的Sc维度为C * 1 经过全连接生成紧凑的特征z(维度为d * 1), δ是RELU激活函数,B表示批标准化(BN),z的维度为卷积核的个数,W维度为d×C, d代表全连接后的特征维度,L在文中的值为32,r为压缩因子。 Ffc为先降维再升维的两层,需要注意的是输出的两个矩阵a和b ,其中矩阵b为冗余矩阵,在如图两个分支的情况下b=1-a。 u2022 Select部分 是根据不同权重卷积核计算后得到的新的特征图的过程。 进行softmax计算每个卷积核的权重 ,计算方式如下图所示。如果是两个卷积核,则 ac + bc = 1。z的维度为(d * 1)A的维度为(C * d),B的维度为(C * d),则a = A x z的维度为1 * C。 Ac、Bc为A、B的第c行数据(1 * d)。ac为a的第c个元素,这样分别得到了每个卷积核的权重。 将权重应用到特征图上。其中V = [V1,V2,...,VC], Vc 维度为(H x W) 如果select中softmax部分可参考下图(3个卷积核)
2023-08-15 01:34:071


ls cod5中有沙鹰么?!!!
2023-08-15 01:34:176


底盘系统制造厂商:精英类型:台式机可被锁定:无版本: 1.0 序号: 00000000 资产标签: 0123abc 记忆体模组( ) 记忆体模组1 : 00000023 256MB的8倍速( 16mx16 )的DDR - SDRAM pc2100u - 2533 - 750 ( cl2.5上升至133 MHz ) (含氯高达100MHz时) 环境监测一日型号:信息技术设备it8705/12伊萨主板具体支持:无电压传感器( ) CPU电压: 1.66v 辅助电压: 2.50v +3.3伏电压: 3.22v +5伏电压: 4.92v +12 V电压: 11.98v - 12V的电压: 11.95v - 5V的电压: 3.54v 待机电压: 4.95v 电池电压: 3.34v PCI总线(安老服务)的枢纽一日版本: 2.10 一些桥梁: 1 PCI总线0 :个PCI ( 33 MHz的) 乘数: 1/3x LPC的枢纽控制器一日型号:威盛科技公司vt8233的PCI到ISA桥符合ACPI电源管理,使:是乘数: 1/4x 速度: 8 MHz DMA的乘数: 1/2x DMA的速度: 4 MHz USB控制器一日型号:威盛科技公司vt82xxxxx uhci的USB 1.1控制器(所有途经芯片组) 版本: 1.10 接口: uhci 频道: 2 速度: 48mhz 支持高速(号) :低( 1.5 )全部(的12 Mbps ) 遗产仿真,使:无系统的SMBus控制器一日型号:途经vt823x的SMBus 先进的TCO模式,使:无奴隶装置,使:无佩奇支持:无速度: 16khz 扩充插槽( ) pci1 ( 1小时) :个PCI 32位+3.3伏共享PME结合的完整长度可(威盛科技公司vt8633阿波罗亲266的CPU转AGP控制器) pci2 ( 2小时) :个PCI 32位+3.3伏共享PME结合的完整长度可pci3 ( # ) :个PCI 32位+3.3伏共享PME结合的完整长度的使用pci4 ( 4小时) :个PCI 32位+3.3伏共享PME结合的完整长度可pci5 ( 5小时) :个PCI 32位+3.3伏共享PME结合的完整长度连接埠的USB -高清:公共福利金的S CSI-迷你ce ntronics/分贝-2 5针男业绩提示公告224 : smbios /相似的信息可能不准确。 提示: 2511 :有些记忆体插槽都是免费的,这样的记忆,可以很容易地进行升级。 警告100 :大容量记忆体的大小,应取得注册/缓冲记忆体。 提示致电2546 :大记忆体模组应ECC的/均等。 秘诀2 :双击提示或按下Enter ,而秘诀就是选定提供更多有关的小窍门
2023-08-15 01:34:311


河南专升本英语是Henan College Upgraded。例句:1、河南专升本是高职高专学生进入本科学习选拔考试的简称。Henan college entrance examination is the abbreviation for higher vocational college students to enter the undergraduate learning selection examination.2、河南专升本有两大类型,统招专升本和社会类成人教育专升本。There are two types of College Upgraded courses in Henan, namely, unified enrollment and social adult education.3、河南专升本学习形式有函授和夜大。The learning forms of Henan College upgrading include correspondence and night University.4、专升本考试为选拔优秀专科生进入本科阶段学习。The purpose of this examination is to select excellent junior college students to enter the undergraduate stage.5、河南专升本毕业证盖主考大学章和省自考委的章,国家承认,文凭硬度相对还比较高。The graduation certificate of Henan college entrance examination covers the University seal and the seal of the provincial self examination commission. The state recognizes that the hardness of the diploma is relatively high.
2023-08-15 01:34:391


Warning:nuclear silo detected. 警告:侦测到核弹发射井。 Nuclear missle launched. 核弹攻击接近中。 Warning:Weather control device detected. 警告:侦测到天气控制器。 Lightning storm created. 闪电风暴接近中。mission accomplished 任务完成 mission"s fialed 任务失败 building(建造车船飞机和建筑)training(训练军队和狗狗) tech building catptured 占领科技建筑tech building catched lost失去科技建筑 battle control online 战斗指挥连线 battle control terminated 战斗指挥结束 new construction options 新的单位和建筑选项 contruction complete 建筑造好了 unit promoted 战斗单位升级 unit lost 损失战斗单位 unit complete 战斗单位制造完毕 structure garecend 占领建筑 structure sold 卖掉建筑 structure abandoned 放弃占领的建筑(把楼里的兵点出来或者楼被打坏了) unable to comply ,loading in prograss 建筑过程中,不能接受这个指令(同一页面造某个建筑的时候其他的点了就说这个) can not deploy here 此处不能部署 our allie is under attack 我们的盟军正被袭击 base is under attack 基地正被袭击 ore miner is under attack 矿车和矿厂正被袭击 reinforcements ready空军准备完毕 nuclear ready...lightning storm ready....iron certain ready.... chronospher ready... warning nuclear detected... 翻译不对 应为 增援准备完毕 Our base is under attack(我们的基地正在遭受攻击)" 矿车被打"War-Miner under attack" 盟友被打"Our ally is under attack(我们的 盟军正遭受攻击)" 单位损失"Unit Lost" 单位升级"unit Promoted" 有的任务开始会听到的话"Battle COntrol Online(战斗装置已连接)" 点建造中的图标"Unable to comply, building in progress"(建造中,无法执行) 伞兵就绪"Reinforcements ready(援军就绪)" 设置伞兵降落点"Select Target(选择位置)" 退出游戏时"Battle Control Terminated"(战斗控制终止) Can not deploy here-无法在此处部署 Unit ready. Unit repaired. New rally point established.(新集结地点建立)Warning,iron curtain activated.(警告,铁幕激活) Warning,cronusphere activated.(警告,超时空转换激活) Building infall treated,cash stolen(建筑被潜入,现金被窃) Building infall treated,new technology aquired(建筑被潜入,新技术到手) Building infall treated,radar sabre-rattled.(建筑被潜入,雷达受扰) Low power.(电力不足) Building infall treated,enemy base power down.(建筑被潜入,敌方电力不足)Unit armer upgraded.(单位武器升级) Unit speed upgraded.(单位速度加快) Unit fire power upgraded.(单位火力增强) 这些很不好找的,因为大多数人玩久了就都懂游戏内情报员说的什么了 所以几乎没人翻译这个还有 单位的语音 这有 太多了 发不上来 自己看吧
2023-08-15 01:34:521


The most straight-forward and monly used term for 升班 is PROMOTION. promoted to form X 参考: 自己 to go up one grade=升班 to go up one grade 参考: me class promotion =+" to upgrade to grade up to promote to advance to the higher class up level update 本人只系识呢几个 参考: 个人知识 ihave upgraded 参考: 自己 class promotion 参考: myself i got move up to a higher level.
2023-08-15 01:35:231

Medical facilities are being upgraded.

2023-08-15 01:35:321

虚拟机bt5 not upgraded怎么解决

Parallels Desktop是一款运行在 Mac 电脑上的极为优秀的虚拟机软件。用户可以在 Mac OS X 下非常方便运行 Windows、Linux 等操作系统及应用。用户不必繁琐重复地重启电脑即可在 Win 与 Mac 之间切换甚至同时使用它们。 链接
2023-08-15 01:36:491

ubuntu 安装软件出错

Ubuntu 13.04 中文桌面版这个可以试试
2023-08-15 01:37:003


统招专升本考试的英文是Upgraded from unified recruitment,普通专升本选拔考试属于省级统一招生标准选拔性考试,由各省教育厅领导,各省教育考试院统一组织管理,各设区市招考机构具体组织实施,考试选拔对象为全日制普通高校的高职高专(专科)应届毕业生。实质是大学专科阶段教育与本科阶段的专业教育的衔接,实行的是3+2模式,即:在普通专科全日制学习三年,再考入普通本科全日制学习二年的模式(临床医学为三年)。统招专升本第一学历为本科。扩展资料考试形式:普通专升本考试主要以笔试为主。大部分省份为省教育考试院组织的统一考试,小部分为省教育厅高教处。分文科,理科。部分省份考基础课程和专业课程两大部分,各省市的出题方式不同,以当年各省教育考试院或教育厅公布的政策为主。招生对象:仅限于应届优秀普通全日制高职高专毕业生,某些省份应往届毕业生均可报名。各省市和学校规定不同。某些省市和学校要求如上海为大学英语四级成绩过425分、无不及格记录;某些省市和学校无此要求,具体情况请参照当年各省的政策。
2023-08-15 01:37:221


dpkg卸载软件步骤:1、查看dpkg的帮助。选择 dpkg -l来查看软件的状态。选择 dpkg -P来卸载软件。因为dpkg --remove只是删除安装的文件,但不删除配置文件。而dpkg --purge则安装文件和配置文件都删除。2、先列举出libreoffice相关的软件,看哪些是已经安装的。命令为: dpkg -l libreoffice*3、其中,un, ii, rc等是Desired和StatusDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/HoldStatus=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pendii就是已经安装的软件, rc则表示已经被删除,但配置文件还存在。4、选择libreoffice-base-core包来演示卸载5、使用命令dpkg -P libreoffice-base-core进行卸载
2023-08-15 01:37:443


  不论是到公司还是到酒店,我们第一接触的大多是前台,那你知道它的英语表达吗?以下是我给大家带来前台的英语说法,以供参阅。   前台的英语说法   1.reception   2.the stage   前台的相关 短语   前台服务 Front Office Service; Reception Service   前台经理 Front Desk Manager ; Front Office Manager ; Reception Manager   前台督导 Front Desk Supervisor ; Front Steering ; foreground Steering   前台区 foreground region ; foreground partition   前台的英语例句   1. He had gone to the reception desk, presumably to check out.   他已经去前台了,可能是要办理退房手续。   2. He was last seen striding maniacally to the hotel reception.   最后一次看见他的时候,他正发疯般地大跨步走向饭店的前台。   3. Have him bring a car round to the reception.   让他把车开到前台来。   4. The girl is a receptionist of the Beijing Hotel.   这个女孩是北京饭店的前台接待员.   5. Enemies behind the scene are more dangerous than those on the stage.   幕后的敌人比前台的更危险.   6. The kitchen maintains a twenty-four hour service and can be contacted via Reception.   厨房提供24小时餐饮服务,可通过前台进行联系。   7. A map and a bird-watchers" field checklist are available at the front desk.   前台有地图和观鸟地点一览表可供拿取。   8. Front Desk. Can I help you?   前台, 需要我为您服务 吗 ?   9. The principal dancer tripped forward to the front of the stage and made a deep courtsey.   领舞的舞蹈演员轻移脚步来到前台,深施了一礼.   10. Just a moment , please. I"ll give you the front desk.   请稍等, 我帮你转到前台.   11. The front desk clerk was helpful, wasn"t he?   旅馆前台的服务员对我们帮助很大, 是不是?   12. Maybe the front desk can break it for me.   也许前台能给我破开.   13. Here"s your key, sir. Bellman, front!   先生,这是你的钥匙. 服务员, 到前台来!   14. Have O"Malley deliver a message to the desk under Andrea Smith.   让奥马力稍个信到安德鲁史密斯的前台.   15. Sorry. Yunbo, please ask the clerk about good steak restaurants near the hotel.   对不起. 云波, 请你问问前台服务员附近有没有好的牛排餐馆.   前台的双语例句   1. Provide a good grade service of reception, and do VIP reception well.   提供优质前台服务, 做好VIP的 接待工作.   2. The front desk person is very friendly, upgraded us to the suite at no extra charge.   前台服务不错, 订的豪华大床间被自动改成了套间.   3. A man is in a hotel lobby and wants to ask the desk clerk a question.   一位男士在旅馆大厅,想向前台服务人员咨询一个问题.   4. Residential District residents with 12 service centres to provide accommodation desk and related information.   居住区设有12个居民服务中心,提供住宿前台服务和相关信息等.   5. The kitchen maintains a twenty-four hour service and can be contacted via Reception.   厨房提供24小时餐饮服务,可通过前台进行联系。   6. Front Desk. Can I help you?   前台, 需要我为您服务 吗 ?   7. The front desk service checking in is just rude, and off hand.   前台招待的服务态度很恶劣.   8. If I were you, I"d request the wake - up call from desk.   我要是你, 我就要前台安排电话叫醒服务.   9. Organize the admin . Service work, such reception, and office stationery etc.   组织开展行政服务工作, 包括前台接待 、 办公用品.   10. Receptionist: Good morning, sir . This is Room Service. May I help you?   前台: 早上好! 先生. 订房服务,能为您效劳 吗 ?   11. We offer 24 - hour service at the front desk.   我们前台提供24小时服务.   12. Room service can be at the front desk.   在前台有客房服务.   13. Provide service for all employee in reception and administration to well keep the office"s daily operation.   从事前台接待的工作,为所有的员工提供服务.   14. All hotels have travel agency service. Please go to the hotel desk to ask for help.
2023-08-15 01:37:531


2023-08-15 01:38:3213

“这个系统的版本已经是2.0了”,想翻译成英文。 不用直译,能表达这个意思即可。非常感谢。

This system is 2.0 version has been希望采纳。
2023-08-15 01:39:124


wilson@ubuntu:~$ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - [sudo] password for wilson: OK wilson@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done apt-transport-https is already the newest version (1.4.6~17.04.1). apt-transport-https set to manually installed. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded. wilson@ubuntu:~$ echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list deb apt/stable/ wilson@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update wilson@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install sublime-text Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following packages will be REMOVED: sublime-text-installer The following NEW packages will be installed: sublime-text 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 1 to remove and 11 not upgraded. Need to get 8,190 kB of archives. After this operation, 23.0 MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
2023-08-15 01:39:311


2023-08-15 01:39:573


河南专升本英语是:Henan College Upgraded。重点词汇:College英['ku0252lu026adu0292]释义:n.大学,专科学校;学院,分院;公学;学会,社团;学院的全体师生。[复数:colleges]短语:College Board美国大学理事会;美国大学委员会;大学委员会。词语使用变化:n.(名词)。1、college一般指综合大学中的学院或高等专科学校,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、在英式英语中,college可指规模较大的中学,也可指学院的建筑物或学院的全体师生。3、college常可用在名词前作定语。
2023-08-15 01:40:071


sudo apt-get install [你想安装的软件包名]
2023-08-15 01:40:262


对本市社区需求的回应: Silver City理事会注意到了市民的特定需求,为了更好的迎合群众的需求,我们在2004年已经对城市建设做了相应调整,以下数据显示了我们为了给大家更好的生活而做出的努力。 交通运输: 西部铁路增设了3个郊线站点 一月份,为南部公交线路购买了20量新车 对城市50%的公交车站进行了改造更新 开往东郊的公交车每隔15分钟发车一趟 公交医院的一些设备已经更新换代 教育: 2004年起,小学书本费全免 降低私立学校的租金 教师倡导的“带帽子才能出去玩”的制度顺利通过 通信 城市地区都可开通宽带 计算机网络连接服务开通,所有新的政府办公大楼都将“智能化” 保护和安全 增加警力对旅游区域进行巡逻 7月份毕业的50名警务人员已经加入到保护城市的职责中 医疗设施 具备顶间技术的“南丁格尔医院”已于六月开业 为了解决多佛医院专业医务人员紧缺的问题,已从海外聘请了10名医生 娱乐/休闲 约翰街道篮球广场被重新铺设 新的中心社区大楼已于5月开放 为Silver City图书馆购买了5000册新小说
2023-08-15 01:40:354


论文答辩需要长时间上网和请假thesis debate requires a lot of time online and vacation总机房空间小, 电脑多, 希望常换植物the main engineering room is small, and has many computers, hope to change the plants frequently没有自己的制服don"t have my own uniform英语需要培训english needs to be trained (upgraded)与部门相处很融洽gets along with the department自己做事, 在错误中学习, 觉得自己的工作很有意思working by myself, learning from mistakes, thinks my job is meaningful部门缺少男员工the department lacks male employees开始时会害怕客人, 现在可以控制, 有所成长would be afraid of clients in the beginning, now it can be ontrolled, there is growth (improvement)接触到很多人, 学到很多东西, 去了各个部门体验工作meets lots of people, learns a lot of things, gets lots of experiences from different departments早上5:30上班没有班车there are no buses to go to work at 5:30 am in the morning宿舍柜子不够, 分配不均, 而且也没锁, 不安全there are not enough cabinets/shelves/closets, the distribution is not even, and there are no locks, not safe部门人手不够not enough people in the department希望招正式工, 小时工不专业hope to hire regular employees, part-time by the hour employees are not professional东西放在更衣室不安全it"s not safe to put things in the changing room在人力资源部学到怎麼与人交流, sap系统很考验耐心learned how to interact with people in the human resource department, the sap system really tests one"s patience索非特角会有两台电脑, 请假方面会与部门沟通索非特角(名字我没有译)will have two computers, will communicate with the department regarding vacation人力资源部会与花房沟通the human resource department will communicate with the greenhouse人力资源部会发放酒店常用英语手册the human resource department will distribute a commonly used english handbook人力资源部会帮助解决the human resource department will help resolve this人力资源部会与部门协调the human resource department will assist in collaborating
2023-08-15 01:41:111

ubuntu下已经安装JDK,为什么java -version命令还是提示安装

2023-08-15 01:41:264


2023-08-15 01:41:331


把他设置成快捷键,比如bind O "give minigun_zm"就可以拿到死亡机器!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻!很好用的,无限子弹,很给力!!!
2023-08-15 01:41:542

ubuntu apache 安装出错该怎么解决呢

上次安装没有正确退出貌似试试sudo dpkg --configure -a 进行重置试试~~ 然后再重装 Apache2
2023-08-15 01:42:131


这我初三时常用的 一些是书上的 一些是我补课老师给我的 够你套的了 下面是我初三的时候常用的 整理了一下 希望可以对你有用先是一些短语,很多作文都适用,反正那么多,慢慢用连接词:First,Second,After that,Later on,Last,As we all know...递进:What"s more?In addition承接:in fact,as a matter of fact结果:as a result找原因:results from the fact that...;the cause/reasons are...;because,because of 列举:For example,for instance,take...for example,such as...对比:on the other hand,in other words,in comparison,in contrast,be similar to ,similarly,compared with...反应: to one"s joy/surprise...想法:In my opinion强调:anyway,needless to say,in fact,surely,certainly,no doubt,without any doubt总结:generally speaking,to put it briefly,to sum up,in conclusion,in a word,in short...结论:in a word,on the whole表条件关系:as long as"on condition that,if,unless 下面是一些句子 书上看来的 因为是科普英语的作文书 很多都是针对科普类作文的 我自己总结了下 有这么几句话是比较大众化的 很多文章适用开头:一 直击问题 表述观点1 Nowadays,xxxx plays an important role in people"s daily life.2 Many countries have been faced with the problem of...3 Recently,...has become a heated topic.4 In this article,I shall draw your attention to the problem of...二 引经据典 权威论证1 A proverb says...2 As everyone knows...3 No one can deny that...补充几句英语谚语吧A lazy youth,a lazy age(少壮不努力 老大徒伤悲)Everything must have a beginning.凡事都有起源Quality matters more than quantity 质量比数量重要Zeal without knowledge is fire without light 有热情而物质时犹如有火焰而无光芒.Curiosity killed a cat好奇害死猫能用上的话也不错啊...三 故事 问题 引人入胜1 Last night,it"s raining hard.Suddenly,a scene caught my eyes...2 It is an unbelievable story ever happend in his life.3 以问句形式开头 如Why do you catch a cold?...结尾首尾呼应:1 From what has been mentioned above,we can draw the conclusion that...2 In conclusion,it is necessary that...3 Thus/therefore,we can find that...因为这些都是科普类文章的 所以可能适用范围比较少我个人认为结尾的话 就点名一下主旨 通常么就把文章第一句话换一种形式表达一下... 如果是用来应试的话 应该可以了 看到回答的问友 无论觉得好不好 尊重我的劳动成果 不要擅自引用 谢谢
2023-08-15 01:42:201

数据库连接不上:cannot be upgraded because its non-release...

2023-08-15 01:42:352

如何使用Ubuntu U盘启动盘修复更新后无法启动系统的问题

首先,当然是准备一个1G以上容量的U盘,用来制作可启动U盘;其次,到官网上下载Ubuntu desktop镜像文件。Ubuntu Desktop镜像一般700多兆,从而可以把它写到1G大的U盘上,可以从Ubuntu官网下载10.4的镜像文件。用UltraISO将其写入U盘,制作成可启动的U盘。自作完成后重启电脑,选择从U盘启动。由于你写入U盘的实际上是个像光盘一样的Ubuntu安装盘,所以进入U盘Ubuntu后,你可以选择不安装而直接试用体验Ubuntu,这也是本方法的关键所在,利用LiveCD,我们可以暂时进入系统,借以修复原有系统!进入Ubuntu系统后,启动命令终端,输入如下指令,在线安装lilo和mbr:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install liloReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree Reading state information... DoneThe following extra packages will be installed: mbrSuggested packages: lilo-docThe following NEW packages will be installed: lilo mbr0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 408 not upgraded.Need to get 413kB of archives.After this operation, 1,315kB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue [Y/n]? yFetched 413kB in 3s (124kB/s)Preconfiguring packages ...Selecting previously deselected package mbr.(Reading database ... 129801 files and directories currently installed.)Unpacking mbr (from .../archives/mbr_1.1.10-2_i386.deb) ...Selecting previously deselected package lilo.Unpacking lilo (from .../lilo_1%3a22.8-8ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...Processing triggers for man-db ...Setting up mbr (1.1.10-2) ...Setting up lilo (1:22.8-8ubuntu1) ...WARNING: kernel & initrd not found in the root directory (/vmlinuz & /initrd.img)WARNING: Do NOT reboot or LILO may fail to boot if your kernel+initrd is large.WARNING: Please read /usr/share/doc/lilo/README.Debianubuntu@ubuntu:~$安装过程中,会得到如下lilo的配置提示,按OK就行了: Package configuration ┌───────────────────────────┤ Configuring lilo ├────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ LILO configuration │ │ │ │ It seems to be your first LILO installation. It is absolutely necessary │ │ to run liloconfig(8) when you complete this process and execute │ │ /sbin/lilo after this. │ │ │ │ LILO won"t work if you don"t do this. │ │ │ │ <Ok> │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 然后使用lilo修复系统:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo lilo -M /dev/sda mbrBackup copy of /dev/sda in /boot/boot.0800The Master Boot Record of /dev/sda has been updated.ubuntu@ubuntu:~$修复完成,重启系统:ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo -s -Hroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# rebootOK了,相信重启后选择进入系统的画面就出现了,是不是很简单?
2023-08-15 01:42:451

英语much faster怎么翻译?

much faster英文翻译如下快得多例句It"s much faster to travel by air after all.还是坐飞机快。Downward movement is much faster than upward one.向下移动比向上移动快得多。
2023-08-15 01:42:5612

Katy perry 的 Peacock的中文歌词

ti:hot n cold][ar:katy perry][al:one of the boys][by:lk歌词组tonychang][00:-2.00]katy perry - hot n cold 凯蒂·派瑞—忽冷忽热[00:-1.00]spike dai 译(欢迎访问spikedai的优酷视频空间)you change your mind 你,改变了主意like a girl changes clothes 像个女孩不停地更换新衣yeah you, pms 对,你,经前综合症like a bitch, i would know 就像个娘们儿,这我早该知道and you over think 你想得太多always speak crypticly 说话老是含含糊糊i should know 我早该知道that you"re no good for me 你根本就配不上我cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩you"re wrong when it"s right 你是非不分it"s black and it"s white 颠倒黑白we fight, we break up 我们吵架,我们分手we kiss, we make up 我们热吻,我们合好(you)you don"t really want to stay, no (其实)其实你根本不想留下来,噢(but you)but you don"t really want to go-o (可你)可你又不想真的离开,噢you"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in and you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up and you"re down 你畏畏缩缩we used to be 我们以前总是just like twins so in sync 像一对双胞胎步调一致the same energy 曾同样充满活力now"s a dead battery 现在却像是没电的电池used to laugh about nothing 曾为了无聊小事开怀大笑now your plain boring 而现在的你无聊透顶i should know 我早该知道that you"re not gonna change 你就是死性不改cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩you"re wrong when it"s right 你是非不分it"s black and it"s white 颠倒黑白we fight, we break up 我们吵架,我们分手we kiss, we make up 我们热吻,我们合好(you)you don"t really want to stay, no (其实)其实你根本不想留下来,噢(but you)but you don"t really want to go-o (可你)可你又不想真的离开,噢you"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in and you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up and you"re down 你畏畏缩缩someone call the doctor 谁快去找个医生来got a case of a love bi-polar 我得了爱情分裂症stuck on a roller coaster 卡在了云霄飞车上can"t get off this ride 怎么停也停不下来you change your mind 你,改变了主意like a girl changes clothes 像个女孩不停地更换新衣cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩you"re wrong when it"s right 你是非不分it"s black and it"s white 颠倒黑白we fight, we break up 我们吵架,我们分手we kiss, we make up 我们热吻,我们合好you"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热you"re yes then you"re no 你举棋不定you"re in then you"re out 你犹豫不决you"re up then you"re down 你畏畏缩缩y
2023-08-15 01:34:031


1、己所不欲勿施于人的英文解释。 2、己所不欲勿施于人的英文翻译。 3、已所不欲勿施于人的英语。 4、己所不欲勿施于人英语解读。1.己所不欲勿施于人donotimposeonotherswhatyouyourselfdonotdesire例句除此之外,我们特别设计的“凡事不埋怨”,“己所不欲勿施于人”等品德课程帮助孩子塑造全球所有家长期待在孩子身上看到的优良品德。 2.Moreover,lessonssuchas“Doeverythingwithoutcomplaining”and“Dotootherswhatyouwouldwantthemtodotoyou”assistestablishingandbuildingcharacterdesiredbyparentsaroundtheworld.己所不欲,勿施于人。 3.这就是获得和睦的人际关系的关键。 4.Wishfortheotherwhatyouwishforyourself.Thisisthekeytoharmonioushumanrelations.“己所不欲,勿施于人”是据我所知的取信于人的最可靠的办法。
2023-08-15 01:34:041


2023-08-15 01:34:042


2023-08-15 01:34:054


2023-08-15 01:33:584


2023-08-15 01:33:573

己所不欲勿施于人用英语怎么说?do not do to others what you would not like to do 这样子讲对吗?

2023-08-15 01:33:574


There are many kinds of peacocks. Among them, the white peacock is the most rare, the blue peacock appears frequently in India, and the Green Peacock is in groups in China. The white peacock is a snow-white villous, like the winter snow, as well as the bright white crystal. When it spread, the tail is like velvet snow screen fan nobles in the hands of women. The blue peacock has deep blue feathers, like the blue sky, and as if the blue and white porcelain is generally elegant. When it launches the tail screen, it is as charming and intoxicated as the flower of the iris. Green Peacock has a China charm of the green dress, when the tail screen out of blue and green, like a magnificent picture of the original ecology in Yunnan, as in a dream, beautiful dream. The peacock is a little proud, it was layered shiny long Lingzi, looked reserved, and pride. One of the colorful butterflies fluttering, the peacock sprang up, no flapping, shaking tail call, also envy others" beauty! I saw the peacock walked disposedly, it saw people dressed in brightly coloured clothes, couldn"t resist, his tail shaking rattle, color fan. That beautiful fairy tail like hands spread slowly; like the bright pearl spread on it, very beautiful. The tail of a peacock, dazzlingly beautiful, dazzling resplendent with variegated coloration. Those patterns like peach blossom patterns are gray on the outside, the second circles are light blue, the last circles are sapphire blue, and they are also dark red. They are beautiful. It was very angry, holding his head, holding his chest, and turning around. The peacock was particularly fond of all kinds of bright colors such as red, yellow, green and blue. When I went to the Hangzhou Peacock Garden this winter, I was wearing a red jacket, when I approached a peacock, it suddenly opened the screen to me, I was very surprised, because the peacock is not spread it to It is without rhyme or reason., and my red jacket than beauty then, the peacock feather is so bright, like a figure like eyes, the tail light place to count every feather I know, these feathers are o useful, the first is to show the beauty of it, the second is to protect themselves, whenever the enemy attack it it will, quickly open the feathers, temporarily do not react to the enemy, to see so many eyes will be away. Show off your beauty. To the number of the most beautiful peacock, the peacock in the sun ajog, like wearing a beautiful dress, the color of green sometimes like a lotus leaf, sometimes like a sapphire crystal and rounded. I took a piece of food, and the peacock ran over, stretched his neck and waited for me to feed. As soon as I reached out, a peacock took the food in my hand with a sharp mouth, and many peacocks followed the peacock. I reached for the Fed, a sharp eyed peacock while other peacocks do not pay attention to, is off, it does not care to food by mouth clip into o halves, the food was robbed, peacock mad wah. The peacocks that didn"t get the food were behind the peacock that I first fed.
2023-08-15 01:33:551